Friday, 2022-02-04

*** akahat is now known as akahat|rover05:29
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:26
rpittaugood morning ironic! Happy Friday! o/08:07
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [DNM] Test tinycore13-based tinyipa
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|lunch08:30
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix prepare ramdisk for 'wait' states
*** akahat|lunch is now known as akahat|rover09:22
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix Redfish RAID for non-immediate controllers
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Fix resource_url in the remaining resources
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/xena: Fix resource_url in the remaining resources
jandersgood morning arne_wiebalck rpittau and Ironic o/10:36
rpittauhey janders :)10:36
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/10:36
* dtantsur finally remembers to open the IRC client10:43
rpittauwell I'm happy I can reproduce the issue with dipipa jobs in bifrost and I can confirm netifs do not get ip or are even woken up ->
dtantsurrpittau: is cloud-init even running there?11:31
dtantsurI somewhat suspect our network data format in bifrost is so ancient that it is no longer recognized11:31
rpittauI don't think it's running, but I doubt the problem is on bifrost11:32
dtantsurwell, maybe we need to add cloud-init OR simple-init explicitly to the image?11:34
dtantsuris glean running there?11:34
rpittauno, this uses dhcp-all-interfaces11:34
rpittauit stops working when we changed from buster to bullseye11:34
rpittauwhen the old naming scheme changed to the new predictable one for th netifs11:35
rpittauudev change the names at some point, maybe it confuses the script11:35
iurygregorygood morning Ironic o/11:36
rpittauhey iurygregory :)11:36
dtantsurheyhey iurygregory 11:36
rpittautime for carbonara and wine, I'll check later, alcohol will help11:38
dtantsurI should have put baileys in my coffee11:39
* dtantsur exercising brb11:42
jandersI feel we jumped the gun with a homemade lasagne and a glass of wine a couple hours back :) Gotta love Fridays :)12:30
jandersgood morning iurygregory o/12:31
iurygregoryhey janders o/12:32
iurygregoryhomemade lasagne yummy12:32
TheJuliatalk of alcohol so early....13:11
TheJuliaI'm worried13:11
iurygregorydepends on your reference for time...13:13
iurygregorymy reference is always Tokyo <3 so it's 10pm13:13
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: the inspector issue you ran into. Was the issue that the request was not known? are they using a central mysql db or are they just doing local db configuraiton?13:23
TheJuliaoh... I think I see what is going on  :\13:31
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: let me get you the exact error13:42
dtantsurseeking opinions: building our own (debian?) partition image for the CI13:51
* TheJulia shrugs13:51
dtantsurwe're in a CI deadlock now. we cannot test whole disk images with network boot on UEFI. we cannot test partition images with local boot at all.13:52
TheJuliaso we need a partition image with a bootloader13:53
TheJuliamakes sense13:53
rpittauI wonder if we will hit the same issue as with debian ipa ramdisk, but probably not as we'll have simple-init14:04
dtantsurrpittau: I think we'll even put cloud-init there14:05
rpittauoh well then no problem14:05
dtantsurbut I need to check how quickly the image can be built and how large it is14:05
rpittaubtw I'm getting closer to a solution, running dhcp-all-interfaces and ifup manually in the instance works, so it's probably a race condition14:06
* TheJulia wonders if is still a thing14:17
dtantsurTheJulia: we have batching, so it's hard to say14:20
TheJuliaI guess arne's test will tell us if we need to revisit that fix14:21
dtantsurokay, so 2.5 minutes, the image is 270M14:22
dtantsurit's probably acceptable for the CI14:22
TheJuliadtantsur: ++14:23
dtantsuron a positive side, we'll be able to remove several jobs14:37
TheJuliaI think I'm going to do my meeting in about 20 minutes and go have a real breakfast before digging into nova's code this morning14:40
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! o/15:23
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|dinner15:45
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: use a custom debian partition image instead of cirros
dtantsuran experiment ^^^15:54
opendevreviewBob Fournier proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Accept non-string types for BIOS settings
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: use a custom debian partition image instead of cirros
dtantsurhave a great weekend folks o/17:23
iurygregorybye dtantsur o/17:28
arne_wiebalckbye everyone, see you next week o/17:28
iurygregorybye arne_wiebalck o/17:32
NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic'ers17:58
NobodyCamand ofc 17:58
*** akahat|dinner is now known as akahat|rover17:59
iurygregorymorning NobodyCam o/ TGIF \o/18:03
NobodyCamhey hey iurygregory happy Friday18:10
TheJuliao/ NobodyCam 18:15
NobodyCamHappy Friday TheJulia 18:15
TheJuliarloo: zer0c00l: either of you around?19:27
rloohi TheJulia. I am (not zer0c001)19:28
rlooand getting rounder too ;)19:28
TheJuliaI shouldn't laugh19:28
TheJuliabut I am19:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/rocky: Cleanup stable/rocky legacy jobs
rlooha ha19:28
TheJuliaso I've got someone at rh trying to use the anaconda deploy interface19:29
TheJuliaand they ran into an issue19:29
rloooh oh. there is more than one issue.19:29
TheJuliaand I think I need to take away beer from the "due to zer0c00l" column19:29
TheJuliawell, okay19:29
rloothinking. can they wait til eg mid next week?19:29
rloodon't think i can do it today, but i can try to push up the fixes early next week. are they using master branch?19:29
TheJuliaI'll try tossing up a patch19:30
TheJuliaI *think* I see what is going on19:30
TheJuliaxena, and it is the same in wallaby19:30
rloothere is more than one issue/fix...19:30
TheJuliatl;dr we're creating a directory19:30
TheJuliaas a directoryu19:30
rlooyeah, i think the squashfs was in the wrong place or something.19:31
rloook, give me an hour, and i'll dig through the changes. we haven't yet fixed why we can't ssh but that is possibly downstream stuff, and i didn't want to have to push more than one pr upstream so i've been waiting. but i don't want others to be blocked.19:32
rloo(or 2 hours, just have to finish something and remember how to do upstream work...)19:32
TheJuliaokay :)19:32
TheJuliasuper appreciated!19:32
* TheJulia provides provides tea and tasty bread19:33
TheJuliawell, virtual19:33
rloothx! that'll help speed me up ;)19:33
sdanniHi! I'm booting a baremetal node with ipxe and get the following error:19:46
sdanniinc: command not found19:46
sdannipxelinux.cfg/xxx. No such file or directory19:46
sdanniecho PXE boot failed! No configuration found for NIC <xxx>.19:46
sdanniecho Please update your iPXE ROM and retry.19:46
sdanniecho Press any key to reboot...19:46
sdanniis it because the ipxe rom is too old and I need to update it?19:46
JayFIs this an issue with a single node, or with all/most nodes in your deployment?19:50
JayFIf it's an issue with a single node, it's extremely likely there's a typo with the mac address of the host in question (I think it's on the Ironic port associated with the node)19:50
JayFIf it's an issue with many/all, it's probably a config issue and I'm not super equipped to help with that right now (but others are)19:50
JayFgood luck19:50
sdanniJayF: It's an issue with all nodes (3 nodes)19:52
TheJuliasdanni: mellenox nics?20:13
sdanniTheJulia: they are solarflare ethernet nics (10Gig)20:24
TheJuliathey *sound* like they have very old and broken ipxe firmware integrated20:24
TheJuliainc is a really good hint in this case20:25
TheJuliaand boot.ipxe is actually returning that message saying as such20:25
sdanniTheJulia: yeah, I saw the boot.ipxe file has an error about old rom boot failure. Is it possible to update the ipxe rom?20:26
TheJuliamost cards yes, but you likely want to engage the vendor20:27
JayFThere are also ways of making the DHCP config detect it's an outdated iPXE and send it an updated pxe rom anyway20:27
JayFI did that at a previous job, and don't remember exactly what I did? I think you can actually ask an ipxe rom about if it supports a modern feature using DHCP client options it sends20:28
JayFrloo: ^^ If you have the time, and wanna gist the relevant section of the dhcp config I modified to fix AIO back when we worked together, it might be helpful for sdanni 20:28
JayF this is getting at the idea -- but IDK what featueres are in the embedded ipxe vs the one Ironic sends, so you'd have to figure that part out20:29
rlooJayF: huh? that sounds vaguely familiar. not sure i'll have time to get to that, in the middle of trying to write a pr and can't multitask... will see... :)20:29
sdanniJayF: thanks!20:30
JayFrloo: yeah, I'm mainly annoyed that it's basically, tip-of-the-tongue the exact thing to do, and I can't remember it :-| 20:30
TheJuliawe do it in bifrost20:30
TheJuliaor at least did a long time ago20:30
JayF is a really good example, too20:31
TheJuliabut in that case, it was only when the firmware was doing something super visably bad20:31
JayFIn the case I was referencing, we used a qemu VM to test code, kinda like a local devstacky thing20:31
JayFand qemu on modern rhel changed to always use ipxe, which didn't work b/c we were using https, so we had to test for https feature, then if it didn't have it, send the custom ipxe rom over20:32
sdanniJayF: the two links you posted are both not examples to update ipxe with ironic?20:35
JayFsdanni: Hm. You'll have to find some way to modify the DHCP config that Ironic sets up. I don't remember how to do that :|20:40
JayFI also don't know if it's even possible with dnsmasq, but probably is since TheJulia said it was possible20:40
JayF(or attempted at least in bifrost)20:40
sdanniGot it. Thanks!20:42
JayFsdanni: Sorry to be so vague! I'm a bit of an... uh, emeritus contributor? So my knowledge is slowly fading  :-(20:42
TheJuliaits semi-possible with dnsmasq directly20:43
TheJuliabut not neutron integrated20:43
TheJuliathis is basically a case of you have a bunch of cards which walk/talk like ipxe, but can't grok 7 year old ipxe commands20:44
opendevreviewRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: More fixes for anaconda deploy interface
rlooTheJulia: ^^. It might be missing some unit tests and I didn't test on master branch. Also, there are some fixes related to configdrive, which I will do in a separate PR. (because configdrive is in xena, and we're using wallaby and i'd like that ^^ to be backported to wallaby).21:30
TheJuliarloo: absolutely21:30
TheJuliarloo: that looks pretty good, I'm basically happy to merge that if CI passes as is. It does appear to fix the observed issue but I've shared the patch with the downstream user21:36
rlooguess i better do the 2nd pr. not sure how useful it is w/o config drive...21:37
TheJuliaokay, I'll do a close review over the weekend. I've reached ENOSPOON a bit earlier than I had hoped today21:38
rloothx. your downstream user could maybe test it out for us ;)21:39
TheJuliarloo: they indicated they would try to give any patch a spin21:45
TheJuliabut likely on monday21:45
rloosounds good. thx! i might have time to do the configdrive one today too, so they could try both if they are using configdrives (and if the code gets that far!)21:46
opendevreviewRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Anaconda deploy handles configdrive correctly
rlooTheJulia: ^^ part 2. And that's it for me today. 22:19

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