Tuesday, 2021-11-02

opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Capture [pxe]loader_file_paths for distros  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81539200:11
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Capture [pxe]loader_file_paths for distros  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81539203:19
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add missing mode setting on pxe created directories  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/80929404:40
MikeCTZAmorning ironic05:36
opendevreviewMahnoor Asghar proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Made `baremetal <command> --help` display command specific help.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/81609806:20
iurygregorygood morning janders MikeCTZA and Ironic o/07:02
MikeCTZAhoping today to try get past my ironic issues ... but then again ... I've said that about 5 days in the past07:02
arne_wiebalckGood morning janders iurygregory MikeCTZA and Ironic!07:10
jandershey iurygregory MikeCTZA arne_wiebalck and Ironic o/07:10
iurygregorymorning arne_wiebalck o/07:10
MikeCTZAarne_wiebalck: happy workiversary07:10
iurygregoryyeah, congrats on 15 years :D07:11
iurygregorywrong window :D07:19
arne_wiebalckMikeCTZA: iurygregor: Thanks!07:20
dtantsurgood morning folks!07:55
jandershey dtantsur o/08:05
iurygregorymorning dtantsur 08:11
MikeCTZAarne_wiebalck: ideas where to start looking?  I run IPA from the ramdisk and it fails to perform inspection, on controller in inspector logs I see it cant match with  "Look up error: Could not find a node for attributes" (then the MACs)08:14
dtantsurMikeCTZA: you need to create a node with at least one MAC so that inspector can match the data with the node08:19
dtantsur(or with IPMI address, not sure it applies to you)08:20
MikeCTZAso the openstack baremetal port create is the MAC of the server NIC not the BMC correct?08:20
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:22
jandershey rpittau o/08:23
iurygregorymorning rpittau o/08:23
dtantsurMikeCTZA: correct08:23
rpittauhey janders iurygregory :)08:24
MikeCTZAhmmm dtantsur 08:27
MikeCTZAthis is what I'm seeing, not sure what I'm missing or dont have correctly setup, as I assume it would work, I've had to do a few other changes to get that to be the case too08:28
dtantsurMikeCTZA: IPMI addresses don't seem to match?08:28
dtantsuryou have a node with ipmi_address= MAC ec:f4:bb:d5:a6:1008:29
MikeCTZAyes I have to nodes sorry I pasted a bit mixed up08:29
dtantsuralso... why are you even running inspection at this point?08:30
MikeCTZAI also have with MAC: ec:f4:bb:d5:a6:3a08:30
dtantsur(sorry if I missed the previous context - just out of PTO)08:30
MikeCTZAI thought I needed to, maybe I dont08:31
dtantsuryou have nodes in available, do you even expect inspection to be run?08:31
dtantsurlet's take a step back: what are you trying to achieve now?08:31
MikeCTZAOK so ... I'm basically trying to get ironic working in anyway08:31
MikeCTZAwe use kolla ansible for deployment, Ive had to change a few things to suit our networtking but that seems to be OK for now08:32
MikeCTZAso if nodes are available then should I see resources with I do a hypervisor show on the BM node?08:32
MikeCTZAI was trying to deploy a node and get no host avail so maybe I'm looking in the wrong areas08:33
dtantsurokay, so inspection is not where you want to end up08:33
MikeCTZAah OK, so its me being a bit confused then08:34
dtantsurI'm not 100% familiar with how Kolla sets up inspector, but usually a so called "PXE filter" is used in ironic-inspector to prevent its DHCP from responding to normal nodes08:34
dtantsurhave you modified anything around this part?08:34
MikeCTZAthat was what I had to modify ... the inspector was bound to wrong IP which I sorted, and also had a filter of dnsmasq, if I have that I just get MAC,ignore in the "mac files" so I had to comment that out08:35
MikeCTZAthen I can get the BM boxes to PXE OK08:35
MikeCTZAI also had some DNS issues in the IPA RAMdisk but if I dont need inspection then that becomes a mute point I suspect08:36
dtantsurMikeCTZA: well, the disabled PXE filter is what prevents nodes to always doing inspection08:37
dtantsur(I wonder if you should just disable inspector completely for now, if Kolla allows it)08:38
dtantsurthe confusing point: there are 2 dnsmasqs: one from neutron, one from inspector08:38
dtantsurthe PXE filter is used to prevent the latter from conflicting with the former08:38
dtantsurbut if you have no use for inspection (you knows MAC addresses and don't want to collect anything advanced), you may just disable it?08:38
MikeCTZAI'm also not totally sure about my openstack network config when it comes to creating the baremetal node line08:39
MikeCTZAI'll stop the inspector container for now then, we know the MAC and nodes so its not like they are dynamic or we get often we have pretty static setup08:39
dtantsurMikeCTZA: don't forget to stop its dnsmasq as well08:40
MikeCTZAI had forgotten that one so stopped that as well now08:40
MikeCTZAso ... now ... when a BM node boots and PXEs, that should then load the IPA and do anything? or is there now no need for that part?08:41
dtantsuryeah, so, now the node should boot off the neutron's dnsmasq, boot IPA, write the image and reboot into it08:41
MikeCTZAeasier said that done ... I suspect - LOL, thats assuming I have all other things correct network wise08:42
MikeCTZAI'm still finding my feet and trying to understand ironic so sorry if it seems I'm a bit of a noob (cause I am with ironic)08:43
MikeCTZAOK so as I suspected could happen I didnt PXE boot at all now08:46
MikeCTZAI think I'm missing some openstack network bits in the mix now which I havent put back08:47
dtantsurcheck neutron logs for errors, maybe it fails to bind the port?08:49
dtantsuralso tcpdump is your friend :)08:49
MikeCTZAso dtantsur I have ironic-dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf:dhcp-range=, ... will that now not be applicable as I've stopped ironic-dnsmasq - how will I then PXE/get an IP? 08:58
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: [WIP] Build arm64 debian based ipa ramdisk  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81581508:58
MikeCTZAI'm guessing I get from neutron from what you said above as there are 2 dnsmasqs08:59
dtantsurMikeCTZA: if I understand Kolla right (you may check with them), it will not be applied. You need to set up your subnet in Neutron.08:59
MikeCTZAlike this https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NaFGVsIe/09:00
MikeCTZAlike that?09:00
dtantsurI assume you know what you're doing with VLANs?09:00
dtantsuralso I noticed that your previous paste had physnet1 for the ironic port, here it is physnet209:00
dtantsuris it intentional?09:00
MikeCTZAyeah was my iterations of testing on 2 boxes, physnet2 is the one in the ml2_conf.ini with network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:2007:2007,physnet209:01
MikeCTZAI'm all over trying stuff to get this going ... 09:02
dtantsurI guess we should summon mgoddard at this point, I'm not strong in advanced networking topics09:02
MikeCTZAI'm not our main networking guy in this but think I'm doing things correctly, but thats still the area I'm concerned about 09:03
MikeCTZAdtantsur: so if we use inspection (which we dont need to have), it will then use the inspector and  ironic_dnsmasq, if you aren't using it it will use neutron's dnsmasq to get the IP (which it will get from the openstack subnet I created earlier)?09:18
dtantsurthere is some history behind inspector. neutron cannot do what it needs, this is why inspector ships its own dnsmasq09:21
dtantsurit is used during inspection; then the PXE filter is used to disable it while deploying/cleaning09:22
MikeCTZAOK, so if a box is available in openstack baremetal list then you must have ,ignore set in the inspector so it doesnt try do anything with it and then its up to another role (neutron) to handle things09:23
rpittaudtantsur: I asked infra about building/publsihing debian on arm, they have different arm-based nodes supplied by linaro and osuosl, capacity and utilization is reported at https://grafana.opendev.org/d/S1zTp6EGz/nodepool-linaro and https://grafana.opendev.org/d/EoBNqFXMk/nodepool-osuosl10:14
rpittaushould be look for us, current usage doesn't seem high10:14
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build and publish arm64 debian based ipa ramdisk  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81581510:30
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build and publish arm64 debian based ipa ramdisk  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81581510:32
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build and publish arm64 debian based ipa ramdisk  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81581510:33
dtantsurrpittau: \o/11:10
dtantsurthis is amazing11:11
jandersmaster ARM is on!11:15
MikeCTZAam I correct in saying that inspection is a voluntary thing and you dont need to do that as long as the node gets marked as available in openstack you are good? 11:37
janderssee you tomorrow Ironic o/11:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: Fix various issues in the anaconda deploy interface  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81587011:52
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1 failed: Fix various issues in the anaconda deploy interface  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81587111:52
arne_wiebalckMikeCTZA: I think that is largely correct. As mentioned, inspection may do some things for you (like port creation) which you have to do yourself otherwise, but I think in general you do not have to inspect.13:00
MikeCTZAOK cool thank arne_wiebalck got a meeting tmrw with the others here (who you "met") for us to brainstorm what we think we need to do to get things working (or to try at least)as we are missing something or have some config issues with our setup13:02
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Bump pip for tinyipa to 21.3.1  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81489413:24
rpittauif anyone has a minute, the updates for pip in ipa-builder are kind of important as they fix a bunch of stuff, please have a look -> ttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/814894 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81594413:25
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1 failed: Fix various issues in the anaconda deploy interface  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81587113:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Associate pip version to python version in DIB based images  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81594414:44
arne_wiebalckIs there an API way to move nodes when they are stuck in "deploying" ?14:58
dtantsurno, we don't have a way to break lock14:58
dtantsuronly by restarting a conductor14:58
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: thanks, will restarting be enough?14:58
dtantsurshould be14:58
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: ty14:58
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: works, thanks again!15:01
dtantsurI guess I should add it to the troubleshooting faq15:01
dtantsurhmm, we do have it there https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/admin/troubleshooting.html#why-are-my-nodes-stuck-in-a-ing-state15:11
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Document commands to leave WAIT states  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81636515:15
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: for ^^, does undeploy really work by itself? Isn't it that you need to get the node into "deploy failed" first by restarting the conductor, and then undeploy?15:48
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: nope15:48
dtantsurfurthermore, restarting a conductor does not abort "wait" states15:48
dtantsur(maybe I should document this as well)15:49
*** sshnaidm_ is now known as sshnaidm15:49
arne_wiebalckoh, yeah ... so the text should probably not say "cleaning" then but "cleaning, i.e. state clean_wait" since there is also a state "cleaning"15:50
dtantsurThis is a part of the section on wait, but I'll clarify15:50
arne_wiebalckyes, you're are correct15:50
arne_wiebalckbut I was reading this out of context and others may do as well ("deploying can be aborted" sounds like "a node in state 'deploying' ..." 15:51
dtantsuryep, updating15:51
* dtantsur is waiting for `git review`15:52
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Document commands to leave WAIT states  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81636515:52
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build and publish arm64 debian based ipa ramdisk  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/81581515:54
NobodyCamGood morning Openstack Folks.. Happy not Monday17:12
rpittauhey NobodyCam, thanks :)17:17
rpittauand I guess I'm leaving17:17
rpittausee ya tomorrow! o/17:17
*** pmannidi is now known as pmannidi|AFK17:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Document commands to leave WAIT states  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81636517:45
NobodyCamnight rpittau 17:45
arne_wiebalckImage sizes: Do we have a size (range) where we know that a bios will have issues? Does this differ from bios to bios? Is there a theoretical maximum we know of? (I have seen issues with images as small as 420MB compressed, but I am not clear on whether this was due to a broken BIOS or just pretty close to a limit.)18:10
dtantsurI'm not aware of that, we have too few reports18:11
arne_wiebalckwe may not know the limit(s), but since we have looked into shrinking the image several times during the last years (e.g. by removing packages, adding new compression libs), this seems to be a recurring theme18:25
NobodyCamhey hey arne_wiebalck 19:51
NobodyCamwould you be willing to toss  +1 on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/81326319:51
NobodyCamif you agree with the patch logic of course!19:51
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Capture [pxe]loader_file_paths for distros  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/81539221:01

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