Wednesday, 2021-10-27

opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic stable/train: Extend power sync timeout for Ericsson SDI
TheJuliacvstealth: So, it is really up to you. The intent is untagged to the physical machines, but how you handle that in your deployment doesn't really matter as long as neutron can offer dhcp addresses02:03
cvstealthTheJulia: What I was going to aim for was to have the provisioning/clean network on 1 interface then creating a port group of 2 separate interfaces for the network that the user would interact with. I just wanted to make sure that this config would work between Ironic/Neutron. 02:29
TheJuliacvstealth: yeah, you can definitely do that. Typically people have set those up as routed networks and just use firewalling to avoid having to try and actually manually attach the controllers to the network02:32
TheJuliaNothing in ironic predicates how you achieve getting the traffic to the conductors, the network configuration and parameters is used for which network to ask neutron to bind the interfaces to02:34
TheJuliaand, ultimately what dhcp configuration is used governed by the network in neutron.02:34
cvstealthTheJulia: Thanks for the confirmation, I have the routed networks currently working for the cleaning/provisioning network just fine. What raised the question was from the docs it said the clean/prov network shouldn't be exposed to non-admins. 02:36
TheJuliacvstealth: generally yeah, you don't want it, but firewall rules are likely advisable from a security point of view so untrusted infrastructure users can't reach the machines. As long as your using a more recent version, we have added extra logic into the agent to improve security and the risk if someone is able to access the endpoints.02:39
cvstealthTheJulia: much appreciate for the help, will certainly give it a try.02:41
TheJuliaThe controller/conductor side risk is TFTP/HTTP(s) endpoints for the boot bootloader/image asset download and generally if your running a split horizon sort of security posture possibly disable the IPA specific (heartbeat, lookup) endpoints02:41
TheJuliain ironic's api, that is02:42
TheJulia(There is also virtual media, but not universally possible with all vendors hardware.)02:42
cvstealthI was going to the virtual media route but the hardware that's being used only can be driven by ipmi. 02:43
TheJuliacvstealth: ugh :(02:43
cvstealthThe other question was how cloud-init would render the interface files in this setup when paired with a configdrive. Would it only write out the files associated with the service network or would it also try to write the artifacts for the provisoning network to. 02:45
TheJuliaAnyway, going to go see if there is some ice cream in the freezer and wind down for the evening.02:45
cvstealthHave a good rest of the evening and thanks. 02:45
TheJuliacvstealth: for provisioning it is all dhcp, which is default to be attempted with cloud-init on the first interface on some distributions, and others tend to try and dhcp on all interfaces02:45
TheJuliafor instances though, I honestly haven't looked at it in ages.02:46
cvstealthI was on the instance side that was the concern but I'll find out shortly02:47
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Capture [pxe]loader_file_paths for distros
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Write master grub config on startup
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: the default for ipxe uefi binary is now snponly.efi03:27
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: for this? that is what I've attempted03:50
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: for the capture pie loader file paths change you've got03:59
TheJuliayay autocorrect03:59
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: I've specified ipxe-snponly-x86_64.efi for ipxe.efi, which I assume is the same thing? suse has a /usr/share/ipxe/snp-x86_64.efi which I assume is the same thing04:02
stevebaker[m]same same thing thing04:03
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: I mean the file ironic expects/sends is snponly04:24
stevebaker[m]<TheJulia> "stevebaker: I mean the file..." <- Ah right yes. I'll update it tomorrow04:42
hemanth_nHi, I am looking for reviews for which is a clean backport from stable/victoria to stable/ussuri, appreciate any help, thank you!06:05
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: There is no aim, we do deploy/manage baremetal.
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:26
iurygregorygood morning arne_wiebalck and Ironic o/06:45
arne_wiebalckhey iurygregory o/06:45
arne_wiebalckQuite intriguing how reflects what I just put on a slide deck to for an Ironic update here at CERN: the evolution of Ironic from a provisioning driver in Nova to a a bare metal management platform in our data center. TheJulia 06:49
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rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:16
iurygregorymorning rpittau o/07:20
rpittauhey iurygregory :)07:20
jandersgood morning arne_wiebalck rpittau rpittau and Ironic o/07:30
rpittauhey janders :)07:30
iurygregoryjanders, o/07:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy master: Remove deprecated Task monitors and Volume methods
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/07:42
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opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/xena: Respect global parameters when downloading a configdrive
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy master: Prepare the ground to use enums instead of strings
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy master: Migrate common constants to enums
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy master: Migrate Protocol constants to enums
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy master: Add some VirtualMedia fields from 1.3.0 and 1.4.0
dtantsura mass rebase after the recent changes, please review09:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: Fix ipmitool timing argument calculation
iurygregorymorning dtantsur o/09:23
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/xena: Fix error messages in burnin code
jandersdtantsur further to yesterday's dramas caused by ipv6.disable=1 kernel params: having it enabled in the kernel but disabled using "sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" seems to make issues go away10:59
janders(now we'll see if I can actually deploy something without IPA failing out on DNS not working)10:59
jandersit seems like quite a few python libraries nowadays do not like having IPv6 completely disabled in-kernel11:01
janders is another example11:02
jandersI've seen quite a few googling around solutions to yesterday's problem11:02
janders(and consensus seemed to be not disabling IPv6 in-kernel)11:02
jandersit almost feels like ipv6.disable=1  should be no longer supported 11:02
janders(although it's not at fault, it just triggers a lot of faults in potentially poorly written software)11:03
janderswell, deploy running, let's see what happens11:03
dtantsurfwiw our JSON RPC defaults to ::11:06
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opendevreviewBernd Mueller proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: new element burn-in for package stress-ng, added fio
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/train: Extend power sync timeout for Ericsson SDI
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Trivial: do not stop None rpcserver
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.1: Assert EFI part UUID is not None before editing fstab
janderssee you tomorrow Ironic o/11:57
dtantsurI wonder why my desktop switches windows randomly..12:21
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Stop requiring mocking of utils.execute if ironic-lib execute is mocked
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Move manage_uefi from the image extension to a public location
* TheJulia awaits for the caffine carrier to cool13:06
* dtantsur TheJulia.coffee_carrier.add_callback("cooled", lambda: dtantsur.say("TheJulia: good morning!"))13:15
TheJuliaGood Morning!13:15
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)13:16
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: [WIP] Build tinyipa on ARM64
dtantsurrpittau: have you had success with rpi? :)13:24
rpittaudtantsur: ehm... no :P13:24
dtantsurI see :) I'm pondering getting an rpi for testing. The top model may even survive bifrost :)13:25
rpittauthe rpi4 is an ok testing machine, if you get the 8GB model13:27
rpittauworks as a charm for retro-gaming :)13:27
dtantsurokay, a potential birthday gift is planned :)13:28
TheJuliaNobodyCam: arne_wiebalck: eandersson: zer0c00l: And anyone who run a decently sided ironic deployment. Auto shutdown of idle machines. Thoughts? Feelings? Interest?14:04
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: how do you identify idle machines?14:05
TheJuliato be determined!14:05
arne_wiebalckTheJulia: non-instantiated?14:05
NobodyCamThat’s a tuff one.14:05
TheJuliaWe would likely need to have multiple possible qualifiers or disqualifiers14:05
NobodyCamAnd good morning14:05
TheJuliaAlso, Good morning NobodyCam!14:05
TheJuliaFor example, if I have an idle compute node, do I *really* need it up all the time?14:06
dtantsurIf you have an idle compute node, you don't have enough clients ;)14:06
TheJulia(conversely, as the software managing the metal, we may need to be smart enough to turn power back on14:06
NobodyCamI would hate to have someone lease. System, get half way thru setup, go to lunch, and come back to a powered down system14:07
arne_wiebalcknon-reachable nodes will drop off batch systems I would think14:07
arne_wiebalckso, if we switch off an idle compute node, the batch system will stop considering it14:07
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: I guess in your case, each batch node goes and gets work, works on it, and posts results someplace, and those last two steps may take a while()14:08
dtantsurit sounds like we're talking about a higher-level orchestration service based on ironic14:08
dtantsurwhich is something I would be interested to have14:08
NobodyCamSome of our dev trouble shoot things like after being on for three days the systems becomes unstable14:08
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: ++14:08
TheJuliadtantsur: possibly, yes14:08
dtantsur(although it competes with Nova nad Metal3)14:08
dtantsurNova+Heat even14:08
dtantsuranyway, it may be cool to have14:08
dtantsurFYI my plans for metalsmith did include some sort of a "deployment plan API"14:09
dtantsur(I think it ended up being implemented in TripleO proper)14:09
TheJuliaWell, customers are becoming a bit more conscious of power being used by idle machines to support bursting14:10
dtantsura powered off machine will not support bursting14:11
dtantsurunless you have very slow bursts :)14:11
TheJuliaI've said it for a while, when somebody looks at the power bills, as the rates increase across the globe, people are going to freak14:11
TheJuliaor you know when you need to begin returning some machines to service, or you keep x amount of reserve14:11
dtantsurwell, fair14:12
TheJuliathere are maybe ?6? different major flows here14:12
TheJuliabut all around the same central theme I guess14:12
dtantsurI think writing down these flows somewhere could be a good start14:13
dtantsurand then trying to find operators with matching flows14:13
TheJuliaI should be writing specs today anyway14:14
NobodyCamI think as long as I could set or unset it per node.14:14
TheJuliaNobodyCam: I think that is super fair and one thing I was thinking as a prime thing to do14:14
TheJuliasome things, you'll never want to "idle down"14:14
TheJuliaother things you'll be okay with that in a heartbeat14:15
TheJulia... if only bmc reported CPU load was actually accurate. ;)14:15
NobodyCamOh a agent?14:15
NobodyCamA lot of our systems are pdu based14:16
TheJuliatrue, and that would make it super hard, but maybe if we account for a model *where* we could have a remote reporting agent....14:16
dtantsurA related thought: I'd like to support an optional agent that will poke Ironic when the instance *actually* boots14:17
dtantsurso that we can set the node to active on first boot (and handle things like "it never booted")14:17
TheJuliaThat could make a ton of sense, I think14:23
lmcgannHello, I am trying to set up a serial console to use with my node, but Im a bit confused. I set the 'ipmi_terminal_port' to a port I just create with netcat that prints to stdout. I can validate the node but then the 'console show' command tells me that console_enabled is False. What is the value of ipmi_terminal_port supposed to be exactly?14:39
iurygregorylmcgann, should be just the value of the port maybe can provide more info (not sure if you followed all steps)14:46
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: [WIP] Build tinyipa on ARM64
dtantsursee you tomorrow folks o/14:54
rpittaubye dtantsur :)14:54
lmcgannI think I figured out the answer. Twas a bit dumb14:58
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: [WIP] Build tinyipa on ARM64
rpittaubye everyone! o/16:07
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arne_wiebalckbye everyone o/16:32
TheJulialmcgann: it happens :)16:40
opendevreviewArun S A G proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix various issues in the anaconda deploy interface
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: WIP: Agent log retrieval
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: question to ponder, what if deleting an entry from UEFI firmware after the fact is a bad idea...19:51
* TheJulia goes to the eye doctor19:51
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: ponders19:52
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: pondering because of the reported case on lenovo gear.20:43
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: what do you mean "after the fact"? like an entry should never be deleted?20:48
* stevebaker[m] is reading shim c code20:52
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: easier to show you21:56
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Write master grub config on startup
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Capture [pxe]loader_file_paths for distros
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: it is the only realistic difference in that case and I guess it is causing uefi firmware to reset 22:00
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: yeah it might be more correct to detect an entry with the intended label, and if it exists do -b instead of -a22:03
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TheJuliastevebaker[m]: I suspect it is not going to entirely fix that issue22:21
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: this would be mitigating a bug in the firmware right? like this should work22:23
TheJuliawell, lenovo's advice is just set, not delete the loader22:24
TheJuliaso... umm.  uyeah22:24
TheJuliabut maybe delete does it22:24
TheJuliano way to test it22:24
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