Saturday, 2021-08-07

* NobodyCam shakes fist at nova for `ironicclient.common.apiclient.exceptions.Conflict: Unable to attach VIF because VIF # is already attached to Ironic Port #17:57
NobodyCam* ~2000 nodes on three conductors17:58
NobodyCamand ofc Happy Saturday 18:01
TheJuliaNobodyCam: I guess a failed deploy getting rescheduled?18:31
TheJuliaor just a vif being re-used?18:32
NobodyCamLOL I wish... DC power outge18:32
TheJuliaI believe the cern folks asked if we could just kill the auto-vif attach on start with the ironic virt driver but I don't know what the outcome was18:33
NobodyCamI will happily add my +1 to the request18:35
TheJuliahopefully it is just log noise?18:36
NobodyCamthe tuff part for us is that nova-compute doesn't hart beat until all that and the scheduler update is complete18:37
NobodyCamso compute service is about 45 minutes per node18:37
NobodyCamwe have three18:37
NobodyCamand seems like the only way to do is start one by one18:38
TheJuliathat should be able to be nooped on the vif side of things, I think, but yeah :(18:38
TheJuliacern restarted their 20 conductors all at once and bad things happened18:38
TheJuliaand well, they pair conductors with nova-computes18:38
TheJuliasoooooo yeah18:39
NobodyCamjust started another compute18:39
NobodyCamwill post when it hart beats18:39
TheJuliaI've been hacking in support to have a mandatory number of days18:41
TheJuliafor the history entry stuffs18:41
TheJuliaI likely need to try and get the API done this next week if I want to make library freeze18:42
TheJulianot that it *really* matters with microversioned APIs18:42
NobodyCamoh sure give us a reason to upgrade (again)18:42
TheJuliaisen't that our job as a community? Fix issues and give you reasons to upgrade?18:42
NobodyCamheheh oh ya18:43
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Record node history and manage events in db
TheJuliaI'm asuming some actions at logical points but ^^^ is a solid start18:46
NobodyCamlooks like via check ended , send inventory18:54
NobodyCamhart beat received18:57
NobodyCam~20 minutes18:57
TheJulianot good19:05
NobodyCamthat's the fast one19:05
* NobodyCam :ducks:19:05
TheJuliaanyone with braincells for nova internals that can fix that^^^^19:08
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix upgrade logic to allow for bundled changes
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Implements node history: database
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Record node history and manage events in db

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