Wednesday, 2021-07-14

opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Add support for verify steps
opendevreviewBob Fournier proposed openstack/ironic master: Add a section to redfish doc for BIOS registry fields
iurygregorygood morning Ironic06:42
arne_wiebalckGood morning iurygregory and Ironic!06:43
iurygregorymorning arne_wiebalck o/06:43
jandersgood morning iurygregory arne_wiebalck and Ironic o/06:56
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/06:56
iurygregorygood afternoon janders o/ 06:56
*** pmannidi is now known as pmannidi|brb07:09
* MahnoorAsghar Hey! 07:41
* MahnoorAsghar Can someone tell me how lazy consensus on an RFE works?07:42
iurygregoryMahnoorAsghar, this will probably explain to you =)07:45
* MahnoorAsghar thank you!07:46
dtantsurgood morning07:54
*** pmannidi|brb is now known as pmannidi07:59
iurygregorymorning dtantsur 08:04
* MahnoorAsghar Do people normally add the needs-spec tag on the RFE themselves?08:29
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: normally it happens after a review on the weekly meeting08:30
MahnoorAsgharI see, I see08:31
MahnoorAsgharI will wait till the next meeting, then. 08:32
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: before that I suggest you clean up your proposal to have only one option. I think we more or less ruled out options 1 and 2 by this time, the option #3 looks interesting though.08:34
dtantsur"We would like to understand the values different vendors give in" is something that also needs to happen before the RFE is approved08:35
dtantsuralso you're talking about different drivers. your proposal only applies to Redfish, so let's keep it Redfish specific08:35
MahnoorAsgharthe mailing list is more appropriate for that discussion, I will remove that 08:35
dtantsuron the other hand, I'm not sure it needs a spec08:35
dtantsurI suggest you reframe the RFE so that it's talking about the Redfish RAID interface accepting an additional name schema08:36
MahnoorAsgharthat sounds better08:36
dtantsurthe other drivers may choose to implement something similar, but it may not be based on PhysLocation>PartLocation>ServiceLabel if they don't have them08:36
MahnoorAsgharyes, Dell and HP dont have those values08:37
dtantsurmmm, on what hardware you have you tested your approach then?08:37
MahnoorAsgharI have not developed/tested it yet. Just extracted the Redfish values on Dell hardware, and found data for HP hardware. 08:38
dtantsurcould you clarify your comment "Dell and HP don't have those values"08:39
dtantsurdo they or do they not?08:39
* MahnoorAsghar They have empty strings in place of PhysicalLocation.PartLocation.ServiceLabel08:39
dtantsurhave you found a hardware model that does have any information there?08:40
* MahnoorAsghar No, just have Dell R740 servers to test on08:40
dtantsurand it does not have the information you need?08:41
dtantsurI'm a bit worried about implementing a feature while we're not sure if any hardware supports it08:41
* MahnoorAsghar It does not have this property. In that case, the proposed fallback concatenates "Drive"and "Id" 08:42
MahnoorAsgharDrive is the (fixed) resource name and Id is given by the vendor. In that case, I was thinking the disk name translation approach for each vendor driver is better. But should atleast 1 working demo to make a convincing case?08:43
MahnoorAsgharI remember the concern was that it is not possible to implement such a translation08:44
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: Id is what the driver uses now, no?08:44
dtantsuryeah, I'd prefer your approach to be proved working before we commit to it08:44
MahnoorAsgharthere is no other glaring concern for this approach, right?08:45
dtantsurno, it's reasonable. please update the RFE and conduct some research on whether it's possible08:45
MahnoorAsgharokay. Sounds good!08:46
dtantsurbtw we have some hardware in internal labs. if you tells us what to check (e.g. provide a python script), we can check on some hardware.08:46
dtantsurping iurygregory or myself for that08:46
* MahnoorAsghar That would be very helpful, thank you! I may send a python script08:47
iurygregoryyup =)08:47
jssfrI’m back at looking into adding IPMI MAC address detection to IPA. Looking at HardwareManager now. I want to add a `get_bmc_mac` method there. I think it might be sensible to let the default implementation return "00:00:00:00:00:00", the same value the real implementation in GenericHardwareManager would return if no LAN channel existed.10:38
jssfrThat would help existing subclass implementations of HardwareManager to continue to function and not fail with an exception instead.10:38
jssfrconsumers of the data need to be able to handle "00:00:00:00:00:00" if no LAN channel is present anyway.10:39
jssfrAlternatively, I could omit the field (by catching the IncompatibleHardwareMethodError exception in list_hardware_info) if the HardwareManager impl does not support getting the BMC MAC.10:39
dtantsurI'd rather omit this field10:54
dtantsurreturning for IPMI address is a legacy artefact IMO10:54
MahnoorAsghardtantsur: Could you check the disk names on your hardware please?11:24
MahnoorAsgharor iurygregory:11:24
dtantsurhow exactly?11:24
dtantsurI have one Dell and one HPE machine handy, janders may have SuperMicro around11:24
* MahnoorAsghar 'pip install redfish-utilities'11:24
* MahnoorAsghar Also, 'git clone'11:25
* MahnoorAsghar Now, in ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redfish_utilities/, after line 212, add 'print(f'{catalog["Label"]}')'11:27
iurygregoryany curl that we can use to not have to install things in the machine? :D11:28
* MahnoorAsghar And, in the directory in which you cloned the Redfish-Tacklebox repository, find the script: scripts/; and comment the line 3811:29
* MahnoorAsghar iurygregory: not uses modules installed in that package11:29
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: what Redfish resources are we looking at?11:30
MahnoorAsghariurygregory: Can a python virtualenv work?11:31
MahnoorAsghardtantsur: The Drive resource11:31
iurygregoryok so we can curl the Drive resource =)11:31
* MahnoorAsghar Perfect!11:31
dtantsuryep, on a Dell machine I'm looking at it's v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Drives/Disk.Direct.1-1:AHCI.Embedded.1-111:35
dtantsuryou can use a Sushy connection to make your life a bit easier11:36
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: Dell:
* MahnoorAsghar oops,sorry11:36
* MahnoorAsghar oh I thought I pasted that somehow xD11:37
* MahnoorAsghar It should have had 'Physical Location' > 'Part Location' > 'Service Label'11:38
* MahnoorAsghar But the entire Physical Location property is not available11:39
dtantsuron the HPE machine I don't see Storage resource at all11:39
* MahnoorAsghar theres got to be some disks in there?11:39
dtantsursure, but they're not necessarily exposed in Redfish11:40
dtantsurit's HPE gen 9, its redfish support is incomplete11:40
dtantsurlemme see if I have gen 10 anywhere11:40
* MahnoorAsghar I see11:40
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: I've found a gen10, and it doesn't have a Storage resource at all11:47
dtantsurI wonder how the drivers work...11:47
dtantsurstendulker_: if you're around ^^^11:47
dtantsuror rather: gen9 doesn't have a Storage resource, gen10 has it, but it has no members11:48
* MahnoorAsghar dtantsur: thats strange11:48
* MahnoorAsghar Can wew try something like: redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Drives/{DriveId}11:49
dtantsurdrives are part of the storage, not chassis, no?11:49
* MahnoorAsghar I think there are multiple ways of querying Drives11:51
* MahnoorAsghar (Pg 239 of
dtantsurchassis doesn't have drives11:52
dtantsur(on the machine I'm looking at)11:52
jandersmraineri I have a Redfish question related to virtual media. On some servers (particularly SuperMicro X11SPW-TF and SYS-210P-FRDN6T) we are observing issues where sushy library is treating Inserted property as read-write while the servers treat it as read-only. This is causing virtual media configuration failures. Which approach is correct as far as the standard is concerned?11:53
* MahnoorAsghar dtantsur: okay...11:53
iurygregoryDriveCollection points to many different ways to get the info =(11:54
iurygregorypage 7611:54
dtantsurI'm looking at proliantutils code, and it seems that RAID is implemented via an OEM extension11:54
jandersmraineri: do we need to get vendors to fix their firmware, or do we need to update sushy? Reference code: Thanks!11:55
* MahnoorAsghar dtantsur: so RAID is not implemented via the iLO driver?11:56
dtantsurMahnoorAsghar: it's implemented, but via an Oem extension rather than the standard Storage API11:58
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: Disk drives would be available under smartstorage in Gen1011:58
MahnoorAsghardtantsur: oh okay11:58
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker: thank you!11:59
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: You can see smaple data here
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker: thanks! you shared this link with me earlier too ^-^11:59
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: yes, had pasted in storyboard12:00
dtantsurstendulker_: thank you! so I guess iLO gen10 doesn't support the Redfish standard RAID, only via SmartStorage?12:00
stendulker_dtantsur: yes, it does not12:00
MahnoorAsgharstendulker: We're trying to verify whether we can get a value for 'Physical Location'.' Part 12:01
MahnoorAsghar Location'.' Service Label' on hp hardware12:01
dtantsurjanders: what would a sushy fix look like?12:02
dtantsur(re Inserted)12:02
stendulker_This is another place you can see the REST data for ilo5
jandersdtantsur: I'm not 100% sure, considering two approaches12:03
jandersdtantsur: naive: just patch sushy not to specify "Inserted" at all12:03
jandersdtantsur: looking at the RF schema it seems optional. I never specified Inserted in my curl/API level testing and haven't seen any problems with that12:03
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: It's in this format "PhysicalDrives": [12:04
stendulker_        {12:04
stendulker_            "LegacyBootPriority": "None",12:04
stendulker_            "Location": "P1I:3:1",12:04
stendulker_            "LocationFormat": "ControllerPort:Box:Bay"12:04
stendulker_        }12:04
stendulker_    ],12:04
jandersdtantsur: a minimum-change approach: keep doing what we're doing for non-SuperMicro and when we see a SuperMicro server, then change behavior (and don't provide Inserted in the vmedia mount request)12:04
MahnoorAsgharstendulker_: Yes. In that case, the primary logic wouldnt work on HP hardware12:05
dtantsurjanders: yeah, something like "if 'Inserted' in error: <repeat without Inserted>"12:05
dtantsurprobably the safest bet12:05
dtantsureven if hardware is fixed, it's going to take months or years, so we need to work around12:05
jandersdtantsur: I will also check if WriteProtected attribute would become the next problem if we removed Inserted12:06
jandersdtantsur: clever! less conditionals in the code this way12:07
jandersdtantsur: do we currently use read-write vMedia for anything (and if not are we planning to)?12:07
dtantsurdo we change WriteProtected?12:09
* dtantsur needs to check the code12:09
jandersyeah it is in the payload12:09
jandersI have a sneaking suspicion that if I rip out Inserted, SM BMC will fail on WriteProtected12:09
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: In case of storage is configured in HBA mode, disk drive data woudl be like:12:10
stendulker_  "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeSmartStorageDiskDrive.HpeSmartStorageDiskDrive",12:10
stendulker_  "@odata.etag": "W/"7AAC6B40"",12:10
stendulker_  "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SmartStorage/HostBusAdapters/0/DiskDrives/0/",12:10
stendulker_  "@odata.type": "#HpeSmartStorageDiskDrive.v2_1_0.HpeSmartStorageDiskDrive",12:10
stendulker_  "CapacityMiB": 228352,12:10
stendulker_  "Description": "HPE Smart Storage Disk Drive View",12:10
stendulker_  "DiskDriveUse": "Raw",  "FirmwareVersion":   {12:10
stendulker_    "Current":     {12:10
stendulker_      "VersionString": "HPGE    "12:10
stendulker_    }12:10
stendulker_  },12:10
stendulker_  "Id": "0",12:10
stendulker_  "Location": "Bay 3",12:10
stendulker_  "MediaType": "SSD",12:10
stendulker_  "Model": "MR000240GWFLU   ",12:10
stendulker_  "Name": "HpeSmartStorageDiskDrive",12:10
stendulker_  "SerialNumber": "18211CA10641        ",  "Status":   {12:10
stendulker_    "Health": "OK",12:10
stendulker_    "State": "Enabled"12:10
stendulker_  }12:10
dtantsurstendulker_: please use a paste service :)12:10
* MahnoorAsghar just paste the Physical Location property12:10
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: You can also explore the demo here 12:10
dtantsurjanders: oh, this is a different story IMO. I'm not sure why we even send it by default.12:11
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: Its just  "Location": "Bay 3"12:11
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker_: ah, okay. 12:11
dtantsurjanders: unfortunately, there is no git history, so I don't remember12:11
dtantsurmy gut feeling is that we should change write_protected to default to None and not send it at all12:12
dtantsurbut maybe there is hardware that needs it? requires one more experiment (sigh)12:12
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker_: other than hba mode, what other mode is present for configuring storage?12:12
jandersdtantsur: I will try to quickly test this, just fighting Slack to show me history of group chats :/12:13
janders(I remember I need to poke in the same people that were in the group, just can't recall where to click :/)12:14
jandersok got it12:17
jandersclear as mud but whatever12:18
stendulker_MahnoorAsghar: Through Arraycontroller12:19
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker_: okay. anything different in terms of redfish compliance?12:20
stendulker_Storage is not redfish compliant as such12:22
* MahnoorAsghar stendulker_: okay12:26
janderssee you tomorrow Ironic o/12:43
mrainerijanders: The history behind some of the virtual media behavior is the original release of Redfish used those properties as read-write to insert/remove media; the side-effects observed with just PATCHing individual properties were odd13:15
mraineriSince then, we introduced actions to perform those operations; essentially if you see the "Actions" property in the VirtualMedia resource, then you should be using that; if not present, then fall back to performing PATCH operations to insert/remove media13:16
dtantsurmraineri: I think the question is more about whether Inserted is supposed to be changed during the old approach13:17
mraineriI would expect it to be writable with the old method13:21
dtantsurmraineri: janders discovered it's not always..13:21
mraineriIt's entirely possible implementations will automatically set it to true when you modify the Image property, but that's not an assumption we call out clients should make13:21
mraineriAt least with the "Action" method, we call out default behavior for Inserted if not specified13:22
dtantsurI see13:22
mraineriI take it SuperMicro does not support the Action method and does not allow Inserted to be PATCHed?13:29
mraineriAre there other vendors that fall into that issue?13:29
dtantsurmraineri: I assume so. Unfortunately janders and you don't seem to have a timezone overlap13:29
dtantsurwe haven't heard from anyone else13:29
mraineriI know Dell and HPE both support the Actions method for this13:38
mraineriAnd the Lenovo system I have access to uses the PATCH method13:39
mraineriBut I don't have things set up at the moment to verify if they allow PATCH on Inserted (I *think* it does from when I last tested this)13:39
viks__hi, how to resolve the below erro which i get when creating  baremetal instance:13:40
viks__```InternalServerError: Unable to attach VIF b6e72b71-a7d2-43a5-a437-6cf869aaaed6 because Ironic can not update Neutron port b6e72b71-a7d2-43a5-a437-6cf869aaaed6 MAC address to match physical MAC address```13:40
ajyaHi, what's happening with this patch - ? It looks stuck somewhere with W+1. Anything else missing?13:42
viks__ok... i think i got it... deleted the ports which was previously created due to some operation... now the above error is gone13:56
dtantsurajya: adding another W+1 in a hope to fix it13:57
dtantsurif it doesn't help, you can rebase, and I'll re-approve13:57
ajyadtantsur: thanks, looks like Zuul reacted13:57
dtantsurprobably it was offline at the moment when the patch was approved13:58
TheJuliaviks__: yeah, that can happen if you've got an orphaned port, typically people see that if they just start trying to rip out nodes from ironic and re-add them without properly tearing the node down15:07
TheJuliadtantsur: w/r/t addresses, I wonder if any of the vendors are setting the bmc address into smbios data yet15:08
* dtantsur no idea15:09
TheJuliaThere are two fields I think defined by one of the latest smbios data specs for it15:09
TheJuliabut I don't think Dell or HPE supported that quite yet15:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix Redfish RAID interface_type physical disk hint
opendevreviewArne Wiebalck proposed openstack/ironic master: Burn-in: Add documentation
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac stable/wallaby: Update .gitreview for stable/wallaby
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac stable/wallaby: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/wallaby
NobodyCamTop of the morning Ironic'ers16:42
arne_wiebalckGood morning NobodyCam o/17:09
arne_wiebalckI observe that the logic we have in the IPA to sync the local time with chronyd does not (always?) work. And when the time stays unchanged, this breaks TLS.17:12
arne_wiebalckI see this on a node which had a Windows instance which apparently sets the local time to the h/w clock.17:13
arne_wiebalckWhen the IPA comes along, it takes this as UTC ... and we move into the future ... but not the Delorian type ... more the cert is not yet valid type.17:14
arne_wiebalckI am not sure if there is some delay with chronyd, but what I have found to be working is to stop all chronyd and run sth like "chronyd -q 'server TIMESERVER iburst'"17:15
arne_wiebalckAny thoughts?17:15
NobodyCamGood Morning arne_wiebalck 17:20
NobodyCamI leave chrony running and run:17:22
NobodyCamchronyc -a 'burst 4/4'17:22
NobodyCamchronyc -a makestep17:22
NobodyCamGiving about 10 seconds in-between the two commands17:22
arne_wiebalckNobodyCam: Right, these are some of the commands I found.17:44
arne_wiebalckNobodyCam: I tried these while watching date/hwclock in another terminal and it seems the time is not (always) updated when these return ... which is bad for the cert we create.17:45
iurygregorymorning NobodyCam 18:03
arne_wiebalckI will do some more tests tomorrow. At least I understand the SSL errors ... and this time it *is* clock skew dtantsur :) And a Windows instance as mentioned in our docs which were helpful for this issue!18:12
arne_wiebalckGood night, everyone ... see you tomorrow o/18:12
iurygregorybye arne_wiebalck 18:18
TheJuliaarne_wiebalck: sounds good to me, at least the earlier idea19:39
TheJuliaI *think* when I patched ipa originaly it was all intended to be one time do it right now sort of stuff, so if it is not I think we shouldn't be trying to wait... but... maybe we need to?!19:40
NobodyCamGood Afternoon iurygregory 19:57
iurygregorynight for me already :D19:58
TheJuliagood afternoon NobodyCam 19:59
TheJuliaiurygregory: go to bed :)19:59
iurygregoryTheJulia, too early D:19:59
TheJuliaor at *least* spend time away from the computer19:59
NobodyCamhey hey TheJulia Good Afternoon how is your day progressing 20:00
iurygregoryI can't because the unit tests are causing problems and I'm trying to fix :D20:00
TheJuliaNobodyCam: it goes, feel like I'm writing a book today20:00
iurygregoryit's official that the tests for new controller hates me =(
TheJuliaiurygregory: is this a posted change yet?20:17
iurygregoryno but I can push the one I have20:17
TheJuliasure, I'm happy to take a look20:17
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic master: Event Subscription support
iurygregorydone =)20:24
iurygregorya few tests missing but I think I have the whole idea of the implementation20:24, line 17120:26
TheJuliawhy would self.node_ident be a thing?20:26
TheJuliaalso you have a node filter I guess?20:27
* iurygregory checks20:27
iurygregoryin the Controller right?20:28
TheJuliayour class doens't have a node_ident there20:29
iurygregoryoh right I think while looking at some code it make sense 20:30
TheJuliaYeah, but it doesn't really and you have no base object for it to find on the class which causes your test failure20:32
TheJuliaiurygregory: am I making any sense?20:41
iurygregoryyeah =)20:42
iurygregoryI'm trying to fix20:42
iurygregoryI was trying to check the policy via the node (so it would go wrong also)20:43
* TheJulia looks again20:43
TheJuliaiurygregory: so there you can't20:44
TheJuliabecause your at an point in the API where your going "hi, give me all subscriptions"20:44
TheJuliaso the only thing that can be done is on the DB query, is join with nodes *and* match where only access matches up if not a system scoped token20:45
TheJuliaand that where acecss matches up is part of the DB query. We do similar on ports20:45
iurygregorywow the policy check for get_all in ports is crazy :D20:47
iurygregoryjesus =O20:47
* TheJulia takes this as a compliment20:47
* TheJulia notes tzumainn did the heavy lifting really20:47
* iurygregory wondering if it could be done like the one in allocations :D20:47
TheJuliasubscriptions are many to many20:48
TheJuliaallocations are one to one20:48
TheJuliaerr, i mean subscriptions are many to one20:48
iurygregoryhumm gotcha20:49
iurygregoryTheJulia, the check to list all subscriptions would be something like ?20:59
TheJulialine 18 is a little weird21:03
TheJuliarpc_node will always be None21:04
TheJuliaThat... looks right otherwise21:04
TheJuliaoh, conceal_linked_node doesn't seem like it would be a thing in that context21:05
TheJuliaoh wait, it uses rpc_node21:05
TheJuliaso part of that is because the ports controller can be executed 2 different ways21:05
iurygregorywell in the future I think we can have /v1/nodes/<node_id>/subscriptions also21:07
iurygregoryI will remove the conceal_linked21:07
iurygregorywell, now the error is because of owner :D hehe21:14
iurygregoryWOOT \o/21:22
iurygregorygreen \o/21:22
* iurygregory runs all unit tests to be sure that nothing is broken...21:22
TheJuliaerr \o/21:23
iurygregorynow time to write the rest of the tests :D21:23
TheJuliathe cross linked query is fine, as long as it is not by default21:23
jandersgood morning Ironic o/21:29
jandersmraineri: are you still around?21:29
jandersmraineri: with SuperMicro, newer machines (e.g. X11) use Actions ( )21:32
jandersmraineri: older machines (e.g 5039MS) use Actions ( )21:33
TheJuliajanders: I think he works US-Central so he is more than done or about to leave for the day21:33
jandersTheJulia: thanks. Very bad timezone alignment for the two of us (posted question just before 2300hrs, now posting follow up at 0730hrs :) )21:34
jandersthat's just life :)21:34
jandersmraineri: however the Actions are different between the old and the new. Old use *some* PATCHing but do not direcly write Inserted value (only Host and Image), Actions take care of that21:37
jandersmraineri: the main area of interest for us right now is fixing those newer SuperMicros which use Actions (no PATCHing at all) yet fail when we specify Inserted=true and WriteProtected=true (they expect only Image to be set). Do we need to convince the vendor to stop failing when those are specified, or would it be resonable to stop providing Inserted and WriteProtected properties when Actions are used?21:41
jandersdtantsur: WriteProtected will also cause the same issue (if we remove setting Inserted in sushy, it will fail on WriteProtected)21:45
iurygregorymorning janders o/21:46
jandersdtantsur: requests only succeed when only Image property is set in the POST request to /redfish/v1/Managers/1/VirtualMedia/CD1/Actions/VirtualMedia.InsertMedia21:46
jandershey iurygregory o/21:46
janderscoffee/bfast time, bbiab21:49
jandersthanks iurygregory :)21:51
iurygregorytests failing because of a typo in the parameter name -> time to sleep :D22:28
iurygregorygood night o/22:28
NobodyCamnight iurygregory 23:40
NobodyCamhum any happen to know off the top of there head what tables would need to updated to manually change a nodes conductor.. I have a node that believes its mapped to a dead conductor23:42
NobodyCamhum anyONE happen to know off the top of there head what tables would need to updated to manually change a nodes conductor.. I have a node that believes its mapped to a dead conductor23:47

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