Thursday, 2020-12-10

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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-lib failed: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/metalsmith master: Add metalsmith_instances instance option config_drive
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arne_wiebalckGood morning, ironic!07:41
openstackgerritsonali bhausaheb borkar proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Add export system configuration
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openstackgerritsonali bhausaheb borkar proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Add export system configuration
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rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:17
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jandersgood morning arne_wiebalck and rpittau08:44
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arne_wiebalckhey janders o/08:46
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openstackgerritsonali bhausaheb borkar proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Add export system configuration
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rpittauhey janders :)09:22
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openstackgerritPranjali Srivastava proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Create 'redfish' driver Redfish Interop Profile
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janderstrying to address Steve's comment:!/story/2008038#comment-16763711:27
jandersbut when I try to pass the param in the new format ( lookup=['mac:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff', 'mac:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00']), it looks good up to but in I only get the11:28
jandersfirst value11:28
jandersI'd appreciate any pointers on what extra bits may be needed (or what am I doing wrong)11:29
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dtantsurgood.. whatever it is, ironic11:33
jandershey dtantsur11:35
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fmuyassarovHi dtantsur , Would you mind to review whenever possible. Thanks!12:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-lib master: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy master: Raise exception when async operation fails
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TheJuliagood morning13:28
dtantsurmorning TheJulia13:32
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rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)13:36
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TheJuliaiurygregory: When you have a minute, could you take a look at ? All of the failures *seem* to be unrealted :\13:37
dtantsurExecution of '/bin/dnf -d 0 -e 1 -y install python3-neutron-tests-tempest' returned 113:40
TheJuliaI didn't catch that one  :(13:41
dtantsurTheJulia: the patch looks solid to me, I suggest rechecking13:42
iurygregory TheJulia sure =)13:42
iurygregoryI already have coffee13:42
rpittauI added the issue with multinode job in the whiteboard, just wanted to know if there was any development on that13:42
TheJuliarpittau: br-ex not found?13:43
rpittaunope, the missing ca-bundle13:44
iurygregorywell it's broken \o/13:44
iurygregory[puppet] Broken CI because of missing powertools repo13:44
TheJuliawell, at least the ironic-lib fix should be the only thing *needed*13:44
iurygregorylitmus jobs hehe13:45
TheJuliare rsync, I wonder if devstack's getting an override environment variable for something it doesn't expect13:45
TheJuliasince it is trying to stat something zuul related...13:46
iurygregoryI gave +2 on takashi patch13:46
iurygregoryit will probably merge today13:46
* TheJulia goes and gets coffee13:46
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TheJuliaUgh, I need to start wearing glasses during the day13:54
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
TheJuliarpittau: doc8 addition so tox -epep8 passes14:04
rpittauTheJulia: ok, I missed it in another place, can we actually get that to 0.8.1 ? for python3.6 support14:05
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TheJuliafeel free to change, I just would like to get CI operational again14:06
TheJuliasounds like doc8 revs need to be changed across the board then which seems better as a separate series14:07
rpittauok, that's fine, we'll get to that, let's make the CI pass first14:08
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Option to enable bootloader config failure bypass
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Switch images to CentOS Stream 8
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openstackgerritsonali bhausaheb borkar proposed openstack/ironic master: DRAC : idrac-redfish inspect updates pxe port
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arne_wiebalckWhen a node is deleted from Ironic, will this also delete its inspection data ?14:57
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: eventually14:58
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: there is some GC?14:58
dtantsura periodic task in inspector14:58
arne_wiebalcknice, thanks!14:58
dtantsuroh, the TLS support poses an interesting challenge. If the clocks are not synchronized, it goes kaboom..14:58
dtantsurTheJulia: ^^14:58
TheJuliacommand line on boot?14:59
TheJuliaI believe if populated we try that before we even do lookup15:00
dtantsuryep, but it's not populated (we're only looking at this for openshift)15:00
TheJuliaThat would explain amy's problem15:00
dtantsurwhat would you say about allowing some graceful period? 1 hour or anything, not sure15:00
TheJulia1 hour grace is likely okay15:01
* dtantsur opens vim15:01
TheJuliaonce managed, it should never again be a problem, in theory15:01
TheJuliaolder systems did skew horribly though15:01
* TheJulia doesn't have a fleet of baremetal without ntp access anymore15:01
TheJuliaspotz: your tls issues, could have been time related ^^^15:04
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Generate TLS certificates with validity time in the past
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arne_wiebalckdtantsur: about the inspector clean up, sorry: I was referring to the data sent to the store_data backend, e.g. swift, not the node cache. Is your statement about the periodic task still true?16:23
dtantsurmmm, a good question16:24
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: I think the data will stay in swift (but not in database). I guess it's something we missed.16:25
* TheJulia is trying to resist major improvements to the fallback logic on ipa commands16:25
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: ok, thanks16:30
* arne_wiebalck checked the code and could not find any clean up16:30
TheJuliaiurygregory: can you hear me?16:31
iurygregoryTheJulia, I can16:31
iurygregorycan you hear me?16:31
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TheJuliano, I cannot16:31
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iurygregorygoing to join again16:31
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Add TLS troubleshooting guide entry
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Replace retrying with tenacity
dtantsurTheJulia: ^^^16:52
dtantsurtyped some text, could you check the part about hardware clock for correctness?16:52
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Replace retrying with tenacity
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Add TLS troubleshooting guide entry
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TheJuliadtantsur: thanks17:05
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arne_wiebalckdtantsur: I created!/story/2008441 so we do not forget, shouldn't be too hard to add17:32
arne_wiebalckbye everyone o/17:33
TheJuliatzumainn: on the current call, can we chat for another minute or three afterwards?17:35
tzumainnTheJulia, definitely!17:35
tzumainnsdanni, ^17:35
TheJuliadtantsur: ^17:35
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spotzthejulia - also found out that the repos and containers are sort of a moving target:(17:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Make memoize behave better in concurrent environments
dtantsurwould anyone like to propose a sushy-tools release?17:45
TheJulialike as in "please do it?"17:46
iurygregoryI can push in a few17:46
iurygregoryneed to wash the dishes XD17:46
iurygregoryor my mother will kill me XD17:46
* TheJulia can then go back and looking at why the unit test no work17:46
dtantsuris gerrit opening for anyone?17:52
* TheJulia gets out a magic8 ball17:53
TheJuliaTimed out17:53
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TheJulialooks like they are hunting17:54
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Register all hardware_interfaces together
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
rpittaugood night! o/18:04
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TheJuliaever have a day where you feel like mock is just like doing some sort of drug and you can't figure out how in the world it is perceiving what it is which doesn't grok a bunch a print statements?!?18:05
dtantsuronce a months or so18:05
dtantsurusually mocking a wrong thing is the cause. double-mocking is rarer but more vicious18:06
TheJuliaits just freaky because I'm printing the parameter that I'm calling it with right before and it is what I expect18:07
* TheJulia takes a break... maybe makes some pizza sauce18:07
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dkingBefore I dig into this issue deeper, would anybody know what to check if Ironic Python Agent Builder is failing and complains about using an older version of pip (9.0.3), even though the current venv is using the latest (20.3.1)?18:30
dkingCould it be caused by me trying to run this command on CentOS 7?18:31
TheJuliadking: do you have ?18:34
TheJulia20.3 has a headache of a change in it18:34
dkingI was just using
TheJuliapull master branch down, we've not cut a release with that fix yet18:36
TheJuliait is that much of a headahce that I think we still have patches outstanding18:36
dkingYeah, that looks crazy. I notice that looking back in the error output a bit further, it's complaining because the "packaging" package doesn't contain a It looks like it was trying to run "python egg_info"18:37
dkingAh, okay. I'll do that. I was assuming that was the latest stable. I was using that because the one in pip didn't have the extra-hardware element included. It looked old.18:38
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dtantsur|afkdking: re packaging:
dtantsur|afkthey reverted the change but haven't issued a new release, I think18:41
* dtantsur|afk le sigh and see you tomorrow18:41
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* TheJulia finds out why the unit test hates her in the mock documentation19:17
* iurygregory is back19:26
iurygregorygoing to do the release19:26
openstackgerritBill Dodd proposed openstack/sushy master: Add OperationApplyTime support to Volume methods
iurygregoryTheJulia, fyi sushy-tools release
TheJuliamuch appreciated19:43
openstackgerritMerged x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
openstackgerritVerification of a change to x/sushy-oem-idrac failed: Update .gitreview for stable/victoria
openstackgerritVerification of a change to x/sushy-oem-idrac failed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/victoria
rpiosoGood morning, ironic!19:56
rpiosoTheJulia: Are fixes for the new pip resolver needed on stable branches?19:57
TheJuliaI unfortuantely do not know, but I've not tried to backport anything yet19:58
rpiosoTheJulia: The 2 verification failures in the immediately above scrollback were caused by openstack-tox-lower-constraints.20:00
rpiosoTheJulia: The log complains about hacking, pycodestyle, and flake8, so it seems like it applies there, too.20:04
rpiosoiurygregory: Familiar ^^^?20:05
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iurygregoryrpioso, move to tox.ini20:20
iurygregorysome patches we did move pep8 deps to tox.ini20:20
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rpiosoiurygregory: Thank you!20:21
iurygregoryrpioso, yw20:25
stevebakerjanders: you might need to post your current WIP to see what it is doing20:26
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/tenks master: WIP: Support libvirt pool host path
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost stable/victoria: Fix two CI issues
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Update lower-constraints from an up-to-date environment
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Enable node level control of ignoring boot loader failure
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Enable node level control of ignoring boot loader failure
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TheJuliabfournie: fyi,'s reno likely needs adjustment to frame it so we don't have to argue about stable policy21:52
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bfournieTheJulia: sure I can add a note to reno. Should I add an additional note under "features" or as a separate item?21:58
TheJuliaStart the feature note explaining why it is useful to operators, or refame it as a fix for environments that are using vlan enabled networks for with no default tagging22:00
zanebsay you deprovision a node and it ends up in the "clean failed" state, so you move it to manageable... it's not safe to say that anything has happened at all, right? the provisioned image may still be running?22:04
TheJuliazaneb: why did the node end up in clean failed? are the disks broken?  shouldn't someone investigate that?22:05
TheJuliathe provisioned image could be, if it never powered down to begin with22:06
TheJuliaor if it is rebooted out of the ramdisk it could be22:06
zanebspeaking purely hypothetically22:06
TheJuliacleaning typically fails due to a communications failure OR the hardware has a fault22:06
TheJuliacommunications wise, that is often something is physically wrong, the machine didn't boot to the network or something like that22:07
TheJuliaor miscabled, or whatever22:07
zanebthanks, that answers my question. we are Doing It Wrong22:07
* TheJulia looks at the go code and sighs22:07
zanebso if e.g. we can't contact the BMC, that code ^ could move us to maintenance mode without us actually having powered down the host22:08
zanebwhich is ok so far as it goes (we'll try to clean again next time we provision), but not consistent with the guarantees the metal3 API provides about the deprovisioning state22:10
TheJuliazaneb: I _think_ youd end up in delete failed22:10
TheJuliawhich the only option to is delete again22:10
zaneboh, that's a thing?22:11
TheJuliabut if the bmc loccked up or went away between delete and the boot of the ramdisk22:11
TheJuliayeah, it is22:11
zaneboh, it's called error?22:11
TheJuliayeah, error22:11
zanebnp, had a small moment of panic when I saw that wasn't handled at all :D22:11
zanebwe have handled error so badly (by trying to go back to manage) that we might as well not have handled it22:12
TheJuliastate machine diagram is your friend22:13
TheJuliaand perhaps a nice whiskey22:13
zanebyeah, I dunno why I didn't see that on there22:14
zanebok, so we think that if we fail to reboot into IPA we would end up in error, and clean failed will only happen if it actually fails in cleaning22:15
zanebthis is good news22:15
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TheJuliaor never checks in from the ramdisk while in clean wait22:20
zanebyeah. we can always fix that later by cleaning again. but we really need to know if there is a zombie deployment keeping on trucking out there :)22:21
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/victoria: Bring up VLAN interfaces and include in introspection report
bfournieTheJulia: I've updated the reno, let me know if that provides more clarity. This was needed for metal3 where we need to get the vlan IPs in order to do CSRs after introspection22:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix lower-constraints with the new pip resolver
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jandersstevebaker thanks, will upload the WIP patch. I'm taking 4hr RHAT exam today and then I'm off till 4th of Jan so I might do it then. When are you back from xmas holiday?23:45
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