Thursday, 2018-08-02

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eanderssonAm I missing something obvious here00:36
eandersson> No HardwareManager found to handle method: Could not find method: erase_block_device00:36
eanderssonI saw that the same question was asked a few months ago, but I don't see a reply00:37
openstackgerritKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Stop introspection if set boot device failed
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eanderssonTheJulia, it looks like the above ^ is the same, or similar issue towhat MrBerns2 had a month or two ago01:47
eandersson> The running kernel lacks CONFIG_IDE_TASK_IOCTL support for this device.\nSECURITY_UNLOCK: Invalid argument\n01:48
eanderssonWas there a solution for this?01:48
TheJuliaDisable ata secure erase and just rely upon shred01:49
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TheJuliaI don't remeber when we delineated that, but we also wrote a new patch to aid in that and i think mrburns2 backported or just disabled cleaning entirely until it could be sorted.01:51
eanderssonI see01:52
eanderssonWe have a completely different setup01:53
eanderssonDifferent vendor etc01:53
eanderssonWe will dig deeper into it tomorrow, and read through the patches01:54
TheJuliaYeah, i suspect a custom backport or something will be needed :(  i can look as well tomorrow01:55
eanderssonGonna be fun, as we are running Mitaka lol01:55
TheJuliaYou know... I think i wrote fallback code...that could help possibly01:56
TheJuliaDont remember when though.  Anyway, something for tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!01:57
eanderssonSame here! Thanks a lot for the help01:59
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: release mappings: first object version must be latest
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eanderssonHow do you set a flag in driver_internal_info? just set driver-info?02:14
eanderssonor rather how do you set agent_continue_if_ata_erase_failed to true?02:16
eanderssonNot a lot of info there02:17
eanderssonNvm looks like it's just not in mitaka02:20
eandersson(but it is in the mitaka agent)02:20
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openstackgerritDao Cong Tien proposed openstack/ironic master: Node gets stuck in ING state when conductor goes down
openstackgerrityuan liang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Parallel erase disk devices
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openstackgerritKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Stop introspection if set boot device failed
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/ironic master: Add automated_clean field to the node object and API
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openstackgerritTuan Do Anh proposed openstack/ironic master: Improve the "Ironic behind mod wsgi" documentation
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/bifrost master: WIP: Test the use of openstack clients
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dtantsurmorning ironic10:32
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jrollmorning folks11:27
dtantsurmorning jroll11:27
sambetts|afko/ jroll11:28
jroll\o sambetts|afk dtantsur11:28
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TheJuliagood morning12:00
etingofgood morning TheJulia jroll sambetts|afk12:03
jroll\o etingof TheJulia12:04
rpioso|afkGood morning12:06
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TheJuliaWhere is the coffee IV?12:09
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* etingof can't heat up his coffee machine when it's 93F in the room12:14
sambetts|afketingof: time for cold brew12:16
etingofgood point for tomorrow's coffee ;)12:18
jrollcold brew takes like 12 hours, best start it soon :)12:18
etingofexactly! ;)12:20
jrollTheJulia: I have a crazy thought on ... what if we just talked to conductors over http instead of rmq? we don't really do any async rmq calls anyway12:27
patchbotpatch 560152 - ironic-specs - Proposing the federation of ironic12:27
* TheJulia has caffinated blood now12:28
sambetts|afkjroll: I have had similar thoughts when I learned that ironic can't work with zmq as its rpc backend12:29
TheJuliajroll: so directly to a webserver thread running as part of the remote conductor?12:29
TheJuliaI feel like whatever surface is offered to the federated system should be the same as users, and the master ironic really just becomes a proxy in a sense12:29
jrollTheJulia: well, I guess I'm saying you can do this with our current architecture. the only bad part is cross-dc rmq12:30
jrolloh you want to still be able to talk directly to the "child" ironic apis?12:30
TheJuliayeah, via http12:30
TheJuliasince each individual pool may be their own deployment with their own user base12:30
TheJuliawe should ideally consider quota support....12:30
TheJulia"Hey, why are they folding proteins on _all_ of our PI counting machines"12:31
TheJuliaThink of that idea as stupidly long term too, but it would be easy to get started and things like quota would make more sense12:32
TheJuliaafter implementation12:32
TheJuliajroll: the model was University A has spare machines during part of the day, as does University B. Organization C that partners with both could be able to spin up pure baremetal resources on both university pools, and they likely just have a special network tagged out that htey would have to request on each side that maps to organizaiton c's network(s)12:33
TheJuliaso magic()12:33
jrollyeah, I guess I'm struggling to understand the use case, but I didn't read too deeply12:33
jrollah that makes sense12:33
TheJuliabut both universities control their pools and can revoke org c's usage at any time.12:34
jrollside note: I'm happy to approve the owner thing if you want to get the quick follow-up... up12:34
TheJuliaor for that day12:34
TheJuliaI may have caffeine, but I'm still not entirely awake12:35
TheJuliain the world of crazy ideas, I'm thinking we should also break some of our grub bootloading logic out of the pxe interface12:37
TheJulia"grub-http" perhaps?12:37
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TheJuliajroll: are you talking about specs?12:38
TheJuliamjturek: o/12:38
mjturekhey ironic! Bug Day starts in 20 minutes -
mjturekhey TheJulia!12:39
jrollTheJulia: yeah, sorry this
patchbotpatch 560089 - ironic-specs - Add ownership information field12:41
* jroll does not grok "grub-http", also needs moar caffeine12:41
TheJuliajroll: I can publish a follow-up later today12:42
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: A vision
TheJuliajroll: fixed your nit12:43
* TheJulia goes and gets more coffee12:46
* mjturek runs for coffee as well12:49
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TheJuliaTime to get the bug day call started!13:02
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TheJuliamjturek: mmmm coffeee13:03
* jroll won't be there, sorry :(13:03
TheJuliac'est la vie13:03
dtantsurditto, too hot to talk :(13:06
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TheJuliadtantsur: can you take another glance at the author seems to be confused by your suggestion13:22
patchbotpatch 586993 - ironic - Node gets stuck in ING state when conductor goes down13:22
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dtantsurTheJulia: yep, on my list. do I remember it right that we put nodes in maintenance if they fail unrescue?13:27
TheJuliaI don't remember13:27
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Use max version of an object
TheJuliasweet, yay for connectivity issues13:52
dtantsurlife is not fun enough without them13:52
dtantsurfor example, the recent kernel update in F28 brought a regression to my wifi ^_^13:53
rlooGood morning ironic'ers, including dtantsur and TheJulia!13:53
dtantsurmorning rloo13:53
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rlooare we good with approving this, with a follow up? dtantsur, jroll?13:55
patchbotpatch 560089 - ironic-specs - Add ownership information field13:55
* dtantsur is fine13:56
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jrollrloo: yes, I was going to wait for the follow up to be posted, but I'm fine with landing now13:56
rloook, i trust julia to follow up :D13:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Stop introspection if set boot device failed
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Collect IPv6 address during introspection
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Add ownership information field
TheJuliamjturek: sorry about the connectivity problems :(14:08
mjtureknp at all TheJulia!14:08
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TheJuliaI'll follow-up on that spec after lunch14:14
TheJuliawhich I think is going to be an early lunch starting soon()14:14
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rpiosoTheJulia: Is there still time for to get merged before the Rocky release is cut?14:22
patchbotpatch 545184 - ironic - Fix iDRAC hardware type does not work with UEFI14:22
TheJuliarpioso: yes, it is a bug fix14:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Deploy steps documentation
TheJuliaother reviews on ^^^ would be appreciated14:23
rpiosoTheJulia: :-)14:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Improve doc of Node serial console
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rloodtantsur: remind me, that new 'reset_interfaces', how do you specify it in the API request? I don't see it documented in
dtantsurrloo: /v1/nodes/<>?reset_interfaces=true14:32
rlooah, thx. i'm updating your reno for that, saw some typos but then didn't understand the reno :)14:33
rloodtantsur: were you going to update the api-ref?14:33
dtantsurrloo: yep, if I don't forget14:33
rloodtantsur: thx. let me see if we still have that in the whiteboard, i'll add a note so you don't forget :D14:34
rloodtantsur: you're lucky, it isn't in the whiteboard :)14:34
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Update the reno for the reset_interfaces feature
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rloodtantsur: does this sound right?
patchbotpatch 588300 - ironic - Update the reno for the reset_interfaces feature15:21
dtantsurrloo: I'll check it a bit later, in the middle of something right now15:22
rloodtantsur: no worries, not in a hurry15:23
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S4renHi guys, does anyone know if it is possible to print a list of a servers interfaces & their MAC addresses using ipmitool?15:29
S4renSo something like 'ipmitool lan print' but for all the interfaces except just the BMC15:29
dtantsurS4ren: I'm not aware of such way (if you figure out, please tell me)15:30
S4renOk I will keep looking, is there any recommended way of automating the deployment of several nodes in bifrost?15:30
S4renI currently have a script that does an nmap scan against all ipmi interfaces and populates a json file using the output for ipmitool, but that isnt gonna work becouse of the above problem15:32
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TheJuliaS4ren: write a playbook?15:36
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TheJuliaS4ren: if the bmcs can be identified, you can do node discovery and ironic-inspector will add the new nodes and ports... you still have to consolidate that togetheter I guess in ironic's node database so things can be powered on15:38
S4renTheJulia, I am fine with that, but from what I can see each node needs the json file to be enrolled, and each json file requires the MAC address of the PXE interface. Right now I dont see a way of getting/providing that information besides checking each node manually and typing in the mac address into each json file15:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Update the reno for the reset_interfaces feature
TheJuliaS4ren: so, you can kind of do it in reverse. have inspector enabled, power on the machines and let the inspection ramdisk boot. That will create a node in ironic.15:40
TheJuliaFrom there, you'll need to find the BMC ip address and credentials and update the node in ironic.15:40
S4renAh ok that makes sense15:40
S4renSo change the hostname and provide the IPMI credentials at the very least15:40
TheJuliaslightly manual, if you have the BMC address, and credentials, you can kind of do the same thing, but you will still end up with new nodes being created in ironic that you'll have to reconcile :(15:41
sambettsand you can have bifrost use ironic to populate a json for you once ironic is populates with that information15:41
TheJulia++ that too15:41
S4renOk cool that makes more sense, is there a proper way to do that (have ironic create json files) or will I just have to make a script to pull that information from 'node show' and dump it into a file?15:44
sambettsbifrost has a playbook for dumping it out to json15:46
sambettsin the right format15:46
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TheJuliaso my python2 libraries seem... so broken it is not even funny... so instead of fix it, I started changing it over to python3 to see if it was the same....15:53
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openstackgerritAija Jaunteva proposed openstack/sushy master: Add Message Registry File resource
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/bifrost master: WIP: Install openstack client, inspector in clouds.yml
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/virtualbmc master: Fix ZMQError class usage
bdoddGood morning, ironic16:10
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TheJuliagood morning bdodd, eandersson16:10
bdoddTheJulia: thanks to your help yesterday (and also rpioso) I got my redfish node up and running successfully! \o/16:11
rpiosobdodd: That's awesome! Congrats!16:11
mbeierlexcellent news :)16:11
rpiosoeandersson: o/16:12
bdoddAnd my apply_configuration code looks to have done the right things for updating the BIOS16:12
rpiosobdodd: Stop it ;-)16:12
rpiosoThat's wicked!16:13
eanderssonGonna backport this patch to Mitaka and see if I can shred some SSDs :D
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Add functionality for individual cleanup on nodes
TheJuliayeah, I remember now it didn't make the release boundry16:15
TheJuliabdodd: keep going! I'd gladly grant a FFE for a redfish bios interface for the cycle.... :)16:15
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TheJuliaeandersson: double check the newer patches to that code as well, hdparm changed at one point which is also what mrburns2 hit :\16:16
TheJuliaAnyway, I need to go get some lunch, my head is starting to hurt16:16
eanderssonYea - those patches look a lot better16:16
eanderssonbut just building a image for mitaka was a pain16:16
eanderssonas the diskbuilder only supports branches, not tags16:17
eandersson(mitaka-eol does not work, just e.g. stable/ocata)16:17
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TheJuliaeandersson: yeah, you'd have to convert a copy of the repos over to be branches again16:18
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dtantsur|afksee you tomorrow folks16:46
sambettso/ dtantsur|afk16:46
NobodyCamnight dtantsur|afk16:47
NobodyCamand good morning everyone else16:47
TheJuliagood morning NobodyCam16:50
NobodyCamGood Morning TheJulia :)16:51
NobodyCamI just luv 587576 !!!!16:51
rpiosoGood morning, NobodyCam16:55
NobodyCamGood Morning rloo :)16:55
TheJuliaNobodyCam: thanks!16:56
rlooMorning NobodyCam!16:56
NobodyCam:) \o/16:56
NobodyCammorning rpioso16:56
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/virtualbmc master: Enable debug logging in tests
etingofgood morning rpioso and NobodyCam and rloo o/17:14
rloohi etingof!17:14
rpiosoetingof: Good morning :)17:14
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/queens: Slightly extend queens mutlinode job timeout
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Prepare for Rocky release
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NobodyCamMorning etingof17:29
TheJuliastandalone uefi users would <3 reviews on
patchbotpatch 578959 - ironic - Change PXE logic to always link macs with UEFI17:29
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Cleanup specs for Rocky
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-lib stable/rocky: Update .gitreview for stable/rocky
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Follow-up to owner field specificaiton
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jrollhrm, why would "git+" not work in requirements.txt, using tox?19:04
jrollpip install with that url works fine19:04
jrollwith tox and requirements.txt I get   Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ironic (from oath-secureboot-deploy==0.0.1.dev3) (from versions: )19:04
TheJuliait should work...19:05
jrollexactly :)19:05
jrolloh you know what, it's probably constraints breaking me19:06
jroll(as .tox/py27/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt works fine)19:06
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Follow-up to owner field specificaiton
jrollhm, no, it's only when I try to install the root of the repo19:14
* jroll twiddles things19:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Cleanup specs for Rocky
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
* TheJulia sighs20:49
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: Begin change over to use python3
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic stable/queens: Deprecate xclarity hardware type
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