Friday, 2015-04-03

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NobodyCamnights ya all00:14
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rloo_night NobodyCam00:23
rloo_me too, I'm calling it a night. I'll be back on Tuesday :-)00:24
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rloohi JayF, JoshNang, jroll: could one of you tell the other ones, maybe JayF, that the cleaning doc mentions clean_step
rlooJayF, JoshNang, jroll: but clean_step is not yet exposed in ironic and thus not available in the client. I think you can see something in driver_internal_info but not sure. also wondering if we should microversion the cleaning stuff. ciao.00:32
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic: Imported Translations from Transifex
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dtantsurMorning folks, TGIF :)07:03
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openstackgerritYuiko Takada proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Use my_ip as default URL instead of localhost
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Add missing test for DB migration 2fb93ffd2af1
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Fix formatting issue in install guide
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Remove DB tests workarounds
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TheJulia_NobodyCam: updated, but didn't have a chance to test it on physical hardware yesterday11:24
dtantsurTheJulia_, morning11:24
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Implement basic checks in functest/
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Fix help string for glance auth_strategy option
TheJulia_good morning dtantsur11:39
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Use my_ip as default URL instead of localhost
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: Document ports creating configuration for in-band inspection
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Fix help string for glance auth_strategy option
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: boot_mode is overwritten in node properties
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: iLO driver documentation for UEFI secure boot
TheJulia_it seems.... too quiet13:46
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jrollmorning TheJulia :)13:47
jrollsome people have today off, maybe?13:47
TheJuliaI'm sure some do, I know RedHat has today off13:48
TheJuliaAt least here in the states13:49
jlvillaldtantsur: I empathize with getting a Canadian visa.  We have applied for a Canadian tourist visa for my wife so she could come up to the summit with me.  What a pain!13:52
dtantsuroh yeah13:52
dtantsuralso morning jroll, jlvillal :)13:52
jlvillaldtantsur: We thought a US tourist visa was bad ;)13:53
lucas-hungryyeah it's quiet today :) I thought it was holiday there in US13:53
jlvillalGood morning dtantsur13:53
jlvillallucas-hungry: RedHat has a holiday today.  But most companies do not.13:53
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* lucasagomes is not sure if redhat in ireland is on holiday O.O13:54
jlvillallucas-hungry: Red Hat has "spring holiday" which mysteriously always occurs on Good Friday.  Strange coincidence :)13:54
dtantsurRed Hat Czech does not have holiday today, one on Mon13:54
lucasagomesyeah monday is holiday here too :-)13:55
jrollmorning dtantsur, jlvillal, lucasagomes :)13:55
lucasagomesjroll, yo morning13:55
jlvillaljrolll, lucasagomes, TheJulia and the rest of Ironic: Good mroning13:55
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add ability to save logs received from the ramdisk
dtantsurlucasagomes, can I use you for review of this patch chain ^^^ instead of Imre who is on PTO?13:58
NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers and OFC ..... TGIF13:58
lucasagomeswill take a look in a sec13:58
dtantsurNobodyCam, morning, really TGIF13:59
NobodyCammorning dtantsur, lucasagomes, jlvillal and TheJulia13:59
jlvillalNobodyCam: morning13:59
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic: Improve error handling when JSON is not returned by agent
jlvillaldtantsur: ^^^ addressed your comments.  Except for _LE14:05
dtantsuryeah, _LE was my inattentiveness :)14:05
jlvillaldtantsur: I cheated and read the docs yesterday while doing the patch :D14:06
BadCubmorning folks14:09
lucasagomesBadCub, morning14:09
jlvillalBadCub: morning14:09
dtantsurBadCub, morning14:09
NobodyCammorning BadCub14:09
lucasagomesdtantsur, the logs are just base64 encoded? Perhaps we should also gzip it to save some space?14:10
dtantsurlucasagomes, right, I plan on it, but I also want to save them gzipped. so it's up to the ramdisk essentially14:10
dtantsurmaybe it's a stupid idea, don't know..14:10
NobodyCamahh lucasagomes I checked with mordred on the license he said you can add an apache license to a mit licensed pice of code.14:10
BadCubheya and happy Friday lucasagomes , jlvillal , dtantsur , NobodyCam :-)14:10
mordredNobodyCam: aroo?14:10
NobodyCamhehehe morning mordred14:11
lucasagomesNobodyCam, oh that tftp is MIT?14:11
BadCubmorning mordred14:11
mordredyes. nothing in the MIT license prevents adding an apache license14:11
mordredmorning NobodyCam BadCub14:11
lucasagomesoh right so it's missing the header14:11
lucasagomesmordred, we gotta put the MIT license on the LICENSE file too no?14:11
NobodyCamlucasagomes: the orginal code was found at:
mordredlucasagomes: no - I do not think we need to add it there14:12
lucasagomesNobodyCam, right, yeah I'm a bit skeptical actually to have a tftp client implementation in our tree14:12
lucasagomesNobodyCam, maybe we should just use a python library that already exist to do the tftp work?14:13
dtantsur++ or require 'tftp' utility14:13
NobodyCamlucasagomes: they are much larger14:14
mordredlucasagomes: well, it won't hurt to add it to the license file - I disagree with that advice taht it's necessary - but it won't hurt14:14
lucasagomesmordred, right14:14
NobodyCamthat adds a bedendicy for a "simple" check ... but I can go any which way14:14
NobodyCamdependicy even14:15
* NobodyCam goes back to coffee and reading14:15
dtantsurtyping English is hard :D14:15
NobodyCamesp before the first cup of coffee14:16
lucasagomeshah yeah14:16
TheJuliaNobodyCam: I thought using IRC before the first cup of coffee was considered a crime?14:16
BadCubTheJulia: It is in most civilized cultures!14:17
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: grub2 bootloader support for uefi boot mode
lucasagomesdtantsur, the discoverd ramdisk that is saving that logs, is that in the instack version only?14:23
dtantsurlucasagomes, it's not implemented yet14:23
lucasagomesdtantsur, right, ok so it's a dict, the key is the path of the log?14:24
dtantsurlucasagomes, just everything, e.g. 'dmesg'14:24
lucasagomeskike /var/log/message or something14:24
dtantsurmaybe path, though I don't account for / in names14:24
lucasagomesdtantsur, right, code looks good14:26
lucasagomesbut I wonder whether it would be better to just collect all logs into a tar.gz file14:27
lucasagomesbase64 that and give it back to the service14:27
dtantsurwhat's the profit?14:27
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lucasagomesdtantsur, just looks nicer implementation wiser, instead of interacting on each key and write a file for each element you could just dump a tar.gz file with all the logs14:31
lucasagomesbut not a big deal anyway14:31
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dtantsurlucasagomes, makes sense, will change to just dumping one file14:32
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lucasagomesplus being zipped actually save some space14:33
lucasagomesdtantsur, ok, lemme know and I will re-review14:33
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add ability to save logs received from the ramdisk
dtantsurlucasagomes, updated14:39
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Document ipmi_address in HTTP API
dtantsuralso folks, could you have a look at small documentation update?
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NobodyCamdtantsur: are there other supported options?14:53
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: looks like is also MIT lincensed too14:56
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yup but that's a lib14:56
NobodyCamlucasagomes: so that would need to be added to global requirements?14:58
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yeah, there's also dtantsur ideas to just use the tftp utility14:58
lucasagomesif installed Ironic will use it to check for the tftp14:59
jrollwhat exactly are we trying to check?15:00
NobodyCamya I don't think its installed by default in ubuntu land15:00
lucasagomesjroll, the patch is checking if the tftp is working15:00
lucasagomesNobodyCam, right it's fine, like ipmitool right?15:00
jrollwould 'tftp is listening' be good enough?15:00
NobodyCamjroll: was trying to come up with a way to check the tftp service15:00
jrollalthough... it's UDP, you won't get a return if you just send a packet15:01
jrollor I should say you can't just open a connection15:01
jrollbtw y'all, CONF.scheduler_use_baremetal_filters is broken right now in nova15:02
jrollno idea how long it's been broken :)15:03
jrollbut yeah15:03
lucasagomesso those are the exact{ram,cpu,disk} filters right?15:05
jrollyeah, one other one too I think15:07
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add ability to save logs received from the ramdisk
dtantsurlucasagomes, ^^^ and parent patch too please15:07
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lucasagomesdtantsur, just to have a context since the commit message is not saying15:20
lucasagomeswhy was the error plugin disabled by default before?15:20
lucasagomesand we are now enabling it by default to improve debbuing discoverd in case of failures?15:21
dtantsurlucasagomes, 1. mostly because nobody wasn't using; 2. yes, I'll be putting more effort into it15:21
lucasagomesdtantsur, cool, ok15:22
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add append_processing_hooks options
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rameshg87good morning folks15:25
dtantsurrameshg87, morning15:26
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BadCubg'morning rameshg8715:27
rameshg87dtantsur: BadCub: o/15:27
rameshg87i assumed it was a holiday everywhere, but looks like most of the people are here15:28
rameshg87it's a holiday here for us in India :)15:28
NobodyCammornign rameshg8715:28
rameshg87NobodyCam: o/15:28
NobodyCamya not holiday here :(15:28
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Enable ramdisk_error plugin by default
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add ability to save logs received from the ramdisk
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lucasagomesrameshg87, hi there15:43
rameshg87lucasagomes: hello15:47
* NobodyCam gets another cup of coffee15:47
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dtantsurcalling it a week, see you!16:09
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NobodyCamhave a great weekend dtantsur|afk16:09
jlvillaldtantsur|afk: Ciao16:10
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jlvillalrameshg87: Good evening.  Isn't it late?16:36
rameshg87jlvillal: hello16:37
rameshg87jlvillal: yeah it is :)16:37
rameshg87jlvillal: it's 10PM here. i was just about to get off irc. wanted to address comments on on of my review :)16:37
jlvillalrameshg87: I added one more comment16:37
* rameshg87 checks16:37
jlvillalrameshg87: Basically saying, I said the same thing rloo did a few patches back :P16:38
jlvillalrameshg87: Not a comment that requires any change by you.16:39
rameshg87jlvillal: yeah just saw that. my opinion doesn't hold anymore. more people are for it :)16:40
jlvillalrameshg87: :D16:40
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rameshg87jlvillal: i don't know may be we cared too much about a vendor passthru that's going to be made only by another ramdisk16:41
rameshg87jlvillal: but that's fine, more the checks, the better. i agree with that.16:41
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic: Check status of bootloader installation for DIB ramdisk
jlvillalrameshg87: I prefer error messages that give you some data to help diagnose the problem.16:42
rameshg87jlvillal: ^^^^16:42
jlvillalrameshg87: Thanks!16:42
rameshg87jlvillal: yeah i agree, just added them. please have a look16:42
rameshg87good night ironic. see you on monday16:43
rameshg87have a great weekend everyone16:43
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lucasagomesI will also call it a day16:46
lucasagomeshave a good night everyone! Enjoy the weekend16:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Improve error handling when JSON is not returned by agent
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Check status of bootloader installation for DIB ramdisk
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: FIX Vm stuck when deploying with pxe_ssh + local boot
NobodyCamhave a great weekend lucasagomes16:52
lucasagomesnow going16:52
NobodyCamhave a pint for /me16:52
lucasagomesNobodyCam, you too!16:52
lucasagomesNobodyCam, no alcohol today in Ireland16:52
lucasagomesthey don't sell it16:52
lucasagomestomorrow I will have one16:52
NobodyCamoh man16:52
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yeah it's a catholic country16:52
* NobodyCam stock the fridge16:52
lucasagomesso all the pubs are closed today16:52
BadCubdry day16:52
lucasagomesheh they only do it twice in a year16:53
lucasagomesgood friday and xmas day16:53
lucasagomesso, it's alright :-)16:53
NobodyCamoh :)16:53
BadCubyeah :-)16:53
NobodyCamhave two tomorrow then16:53
lucasagomesNobodyCam, BadCub you guys can have a pint for me!16:54
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yup will do16:54
lucasagomeshave a great night and a great weekend!16:54
NobodyCamthat I will do (after 5 pm)16:54
BadCublucasagomes: I'll do an extra martini for ya!16:54
lucasagomesBadCub, +116:54
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BadCubhave an awesome weekend lucasagomes :-) make up for lost drinking time tomorrow!!! lol16:54
lucas-dinnerBadCub, hah will totally do it!!16:59
TheJuliaout of curiosity, has anyone actually tried setting logical names?17:00
NobodyCamdid we land the update to the name field?17:02
BadCubI think we did17:02
TheJuliaLooks like its there17:02
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TheJulialooks like it should be letting me based on the request that I'm sending to the api, digging more17:03
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NobodyCamBadCub: not sure your tracking but 169981 is not +a's17:05
NobodyCam+a'd even17:05
* BadCub looks17:06
BadCubnope, not tracking, but thanks for the heads up on it :-)17:07
* BadCub updates pad17:08
NobodyCamj* around today or out on holiday?17:10
BadCubJ* is out on company outing17:11
NobodyCamahh that right.17:11
NobodyCamdid we want to land the enable cleaning patch?17:11
BadCubI think the consensus yesterday was to go for it.17:12
jrollNobodyCam: I'm around today17:13
jrollTheJulia: maybe it's a version thing?17:13
NobodyCamhey hey jroll17:14
jrollmorning :)17:14
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jrollrandom question: what would make the power sync loop not run for a node that is not in maintenance mode?17:15
TheJuliajroll: thats exactly it17:15
TheJuliamicroversioning has never gone into ironicclient17:15
jrollyeah, I've given up on the client :/17:15
jrollI feel like master may have it17:15
NobodyCamI was thinking of addressing rloo's comment on 169981 (enable cleaning) but didn't want to lose her +217:15
* TheJulia goes and checks master17:16
* TheJulia sighs17:17
jrollNobodyCam: I've got a +2 for you, but let me look at the comment17:18
jrolloh, never mind, you +A's17:18
jroll+A'd even17:18
TheJuliajroll: and a versioned request is required to be able to do anything with a name in the api17:19
TheJuliaThis is rather... frustrating because I wanted to be able to set the name with the ansible module, and the only way I will really be able to do that is to begin forming direct rest requests. :(17:21
jrollTheJulia: is it not on master?17:22
TheJuliaat least not as far as I can tell at the moment17:22
jrollwe should do that.17:22
TheJuliaoh wait17:23
TheJuliait is17:23
TheJuliamerged 7 days ago, so yeah, I need master ironicclient17:24
TheJuliamuch better17:25
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic: Check status of bootloader installation for DIB ramdisk
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/ironic: Enable cleaning by default
NobodyCamjroll: ^^^17:26
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jrollNobodyCam: +217:27
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic: Check status of bootloader installation for DIB ramdisk
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devanandamorning, all18:02
NobodyCammorning devananda18:03
TheJuliagood afternoon :)18:03
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NobodyCamdevananda: even thou I posted a patch to the enable cleaning patch (165496) I'm going to +a it as my edit was only to the description string of the conf option, and jroll already has a +2 on it.18:24
jrollNobodyCam: that's fine18:24
jrolldevananda: is there any way to look at the hash ring or something?18:27
jrolldevananda: or otherwise debug why a node isn't getting a power sync loop run on it, even when it's not in maintenance?18:31
devanandajroll: huh. no, there isn't.18:32
devanandajroll: driver-list should show which conductor's have which drivers18:32
jrolldevananda: yeah, this is bizarre, this node just doesn't want to run18:32
devanandajroll: so if no conductor is running the right driver, that would explain it. short of that, yea, :(18:32
jrolldevananda: we run the same drivers on all conductors, this node is otherwise working (is deployed, node-update works, etc), it just doesn't get the loop run on it18:33
jrollwe do have a latent bug with rebalancing, where a conductor might be out of sync with the hash ring, right?18:34
jroll(this is pretty old ironic code, fwiw, it might be fixed since then)18:34
NobodyCamI thought that was fixed.. a couple months ago18:35
NobodyCamimbw thou18:35
jrolloh, maybe18:35
jrollI'm not terribly concerned until I get prod up to date18:35
jrollwe've been bad about rebasing this cycle >.>18:36
NobodyCam:-p *shame*shame* lol18:36
devanandajroll: yea, there was a bug about that18:36
devanandajroll: can you restart the conductors?18:36
jrolldevananda: just did a rolling restart, same deal18:37
devanandajroll: if after a simple rolling restart it doesn't get picked up, i'd be very surprised/concerned...18:37
jrollsame node even18:37
jrollyeah, tis strange18:37
jrollnothing in any logs for that node ID, at debug level18:37
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NobodyCamTheJulia: are you working on 168120, is it ready for review?18:43
TheJuliareview away, I only marked it as WIP as I wanted to test it on real hardware first18:45
NobodyCamI think yuriyz asked the question I would also ask :-p18:58
* TheJulia goes and takes a look since she has been looking at other code all day19:00
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TheJuliaNobodyCam: and that is the frustrating part19:01
NobodyCamthe save and reraise question?19:02
TheJuliaand I also tried using self.config() which didn't work :(19:02
TheJuliaNobodyCam: yup19:02
TheJuliaNobodyCam: so save and reraise seems to be a popular vote thing, I'll do whatever19:03
TheJuliaI don't see that much of a difference in the end although save_and_reraise_exception does seem to be a bit more useful, and it drove me towards cleaner logic19:04
NobodyCamI think that is more consistent with other code19:04
TheJuliaI guess I'll add it back and change the tests later tonight or sometime tomorrow19:09
NobodyCamokay. :)19:10
NobodyCamTheJulia: any holiday weekend plans?19:10
TheJuliaWhen you have almost no family, it really is not a holiday.19:12
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NobodyCamslow day... I guess that makes it a "Good Friday" :{P19:58
krotscheckI'm going to make everyone here feel dirty: I have javascript talking to ironic-api.20:20
krotscheckmwa. ha. ha.20:20
krotscheckTime to rewrite everything in node!20:20
NobodyCamkrotscheck: thats kewl in a dirty kind of way. What is for? horzion?20:24
krotscheckNobodyCam: Eventually, yes. devananda asked me to see how feasible it is to build a webclient for ironic that is entirely independent, but whose guts can also be included in ironic.20:25
krotscheckcan also be included in horizon20:25
krotscheckMy brain. It likes to randomly reassign pointers inside of my grammar.20:26
NobodyCamkrotscheck: I have packet loss between brain and fingers so I feel your pain :-P20:27
TheJuliaSo this might sound like crazy question, but is there any wy to get the API to return the driver_info password entries, specifically wanting to compare if it needs to be updated.20:28
NobodyCamTheJulia: wouldn't getting node detail give you that?20:29
TheJuliaso I would have to list detail of the signle node, but not via get... joy20:34
NobodyCamTheJulia: would it be bad to use update it all the time?20:40
TheJuliaNobodyCam: There is value in being able to execute an ansible module and know nothing changed.20:45
NobodyCam++ ahh20:46
TheJuliajust means my change set gets longer for shade :)20:46
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TheJuliaNobodyCam: hmm... detail which appears to be an option for when you search up an instance uuid, at least in the client, still has it masked :(21:01
devanandaTheJulia: correct - we implemented masking, but did not implement a policy flag to allow some users to not have passwords masked21:04
devanandaTheJulia: and even then, if you're using ironic stand-alone, you couldn't turn it off selectively21:04
BadCubheya devananda21:05
TheJuliadevananda: That is what I was suspecting21:08
TheJuliadevananda: thanks for saving me an hour or so :)21:08
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jrollTheJulia: see policy.json, you can get the passwords21:09
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jrolloh lame, deva answered that21:09
jroller no, he didn't21:09
jrolldevananda: we have a policy flag21:09
jrollshould be able to set that to *21:10
* TheJulia adds that to the list of things to check21:15
jrollnot sure how it works in noauth mode21:16
jrollbut it might!21:16
TheJuliathat would be kind of bad() in a sense21:17
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openstackgerritClif Houck proposed openstack/ironic: Add support for image caching for the agent driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Enable cleaning by default
NobodyCamdevananda: jroll JayF JoshNang ^^^^^^^^^ bam!21:58
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devanandatime for me to tag a client release?22:04
TheJuliadevananda: a client release would be appreciated :)22:05
devanandaany pending super-important changes?22:05
TheJuliaafaik no22:07
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krotscheckUrm, what is the plural of chassis?22:11
krotscheckOh wait.22:11
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NobodyCamnice..  jroll 170299 look like its been approved!22:31
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* NobodyCam thinks he will sneak out a bit early this Good Friday23:04
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* devananda wonders if tagging a new release friday night, just before a long weekend ,is a good idea ...23:35
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