Tuesday, 2015-03-17

devanandak k00:00
raminenijroll: right, updated, will check now again :)00:00
* NobodyCam notes that it is 5 pm and thus time to start the yard work!00:00
devanandaNobodyCam: mmm yard work!00:00
raminenijroll: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157715/, review ?00:00
BadCub*groans* yard work = shoveling and sifting mounds of sand00:01
jrollramineni: I'll try to get to it tonight, maybe tomorrow morning00:01
NobodyCamagain everyone Great day.. thank you reviewers and devs alike!00:01
BadCubdevananda: new category added/root device hints moved00:02
raminenijroll: sure, thanks00:02
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jrollnp :)00:02
devanandaanyone else get bumped from the pad just now?00:02
JoshNangramineni: testing with creating the cleaning port with mac addrs00:03
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ramineniJoshNang: :), m doing the same00:04
* BadCub goes heads off to yard work purgatory as punishment for his sins00:04
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BadCub_Awaybe back for meeting tonight :-p00:04
jrolldevananda: I did00:05
devanandaproxy error. seems to be working now00:05
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mrdadevananda: that's review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/ (New field 'name' not supported in port REST API)00:13
devanandamrda: cheers. added t omy review queue and targeted to RC100:14
mrdathanks devananda00:15
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Hide resources missing from server responses - POC - DO NOT MERGE  https://review.openstack.org/16283400:22
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add uefi support in image extension  https://review.openstack.org/16373900:25
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stendulkerNobodyCam: Hi00:28
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rameshg87good morning ironic :)00:28
stendulkerrameshg87: good morning :)00:28
rameshg87stendulker: morning00:28
mrdahi stendulker and rameshg8700:29
rameshg87hello mrda00:29
stendulkermrda : Hi00:29
stendulkerIs tests broken on git master ?00:29
stendulkerUpon refreshing to latest I get tox failures00:30
stendulkerRelated to import errors00:30
JayFI kinda have a negative review for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163857 but it already landed00:31
JayFwe're using "root_device=" as the command line argument to the kernel00:31
JayFwhich is a pretty ... generic name to put in such a crowded namespace00:31
JayFand doesn't match up with the existing IPA config options (ipa-config-option vs ipa_config_option or config_option)00:31
JayFIDK if that's something preexisting, but I strongly suspect we're going to /really/ break an unsuspecting init one day00:32
stendulkerthese failure slooks looks like post merge of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/16250100:32
JoshNangstendulker: either rebuild your tox venv with tox -r, or source the venv and do 'pip install -U -r requirements.txt'00:33
JoshNangi'd recommend the latter :) basically, a new package was added that your venv doesn't have00:33
stendulkerJoshNang: Thanks, will try that00:34
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rameshg87mrda: hi00:46
rameshg87mrda: i was just trying out your changes.00:46
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rameshg87mrda: http://paste.openstack.org/show/192764/00:46
* mrda looks00:47
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rameshg87mrda: it still looks like for an older micro api version, we will throw different error codes for different inputs00:47
rameshg87mrda: now i haven't worked much on api, but i think we expect it to be the same00:47
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rameshg87mrda: in case 1 (with input 1234), it gets caught in L93 of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/4/ironic/api/controllers/v1/utils.py00:48
mrdarameshg87: What's '%1234' meant to represent?00:48
rameshg87just a bad logical name :)00:48
rameshg87mrda: in case 2 (with %1234), it gets caught in https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/api/controllers/v1/types.py#L6800:49
rameshg87mrda: i mean still for older versions00:49
rameshg87mrda: for hostname-like-names we throw 406, doesnt-look-like-hostname we throw 40000:49
rameshg87mrda: shouldn't that be consistent ?00:50
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* mrda looks00:51
mrdaSo the comments through the review were that if we tried to access via a name, and it wasn't supported because the microversion wasn't > 1.5, we should throw a NotAcceptable00:54
mrdaI guess what this comes back to what I said in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/3..4/ironic/api/controllers/v1/utils.py regarding the 4 different use cases.00:55
mrdaWhat is the expected behaviour?00:55
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mrdaIf this isn't where we want to throw a NotAcceptable, when would we ever throw that?  Was it wrong to throw a 406 NotAcceptable back in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141737/ ?00:57
rameshg87mrda: yeah we used to do the same thing then and it was approved00:58
rameshg87mrda: ah no00:58
rameshg87mrda: ah yes sorry00:58
rameshg87mrda: we did00:59
mrdaI don't mind changing the behaviour, but for consistency I think what I'm proposing now is better.00:59
rameshg87mrda: are different return codes for different input okay ?01:00
mrdaWell, one is always an error "%1234"01:00
rameshg87mrda: before we supported logical names, we always used to return 40001:01
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: ilo_iscsi driver do not validate boot_option  https://review.openstack.org/16441401:01
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Enable agent_ilo for uefi-bios switching  https://review.openstack.org/16204301:01
rameshg87mrda: may be i am confused .. :D01:01
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Ilo drivers sets capabilities:boot_mode in node  https://review.openstack.org/15573101:01
mrdaBut using a logical name, when it is not supported, is an intersting case.  Should we conform to existing behaviour?  Or should we identify the fact that they are trying to access an API that is not available at this microversion?01:01
mrdarameshg87: I'm happy to say that we're both confused :)01:02
rameshg87mrda: i think everyone on your first review agreed that we should "identify the fact that they are trying to access an API that is not available at this microversion"01:02
rameshg87mrda: i assume01:03
mrdaI will raise a comment on this code, and when devananda reviews it, he can join the debate01:03
rameshg87yeah ideal :)01:03
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rameshg87i think we should anyway get this code before feature freeze01:03
mrdaSo if you look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141737/29/ironic/api/controllers/v1/node.py#L973 NotAcceptable was added by someone while I was away over a weekend01:03
mrda...and approved.  So I have assumed this is the will of the team :)01:04
rameshg87oh okay ..01:05
rameshg87even this is my first project i am working with REST APIs, so i don't have prior experience to judge the behaviour :)01:05
rameshg87so let's check with devananda then when he is around01:06
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mrdarameshg87: microversions are new to us all01:06
stendulkerJoshNang: your suggestion worked. thanks again :)01:06
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481401:08
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mrdarameshg87: Just added a comment to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/ and will raise this at the meeting in a few hours01:09
rameshg87mrda: thanks .. that will be great :)01:09
rameshg87JoshNang: if you are around, can you please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162392/01:16
JoshNangrameshg87: sure, might be a little bit though...working on getting the agent cleaning bits working01:18
rameshg87JoshNang: sure .. thanks01:19
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/ironic: Migrate to using keystoneclient Sessions  https://review.openstack.org/15634401:22
jamielennoxadam_g: is there a way we can do this without using the keystone_authtoken user01:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Fixup log message for discoverd  https://review.openstack.org/16479202:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fix nit in test_get_agent_params_from_cache  https://review.openstack.org/16480502:13
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add retry logic for lsblk after running partx  https://review.openstack.org/16493102:47
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adam_gjamielennox, how do you mean?02:48
jamielennoxadam_g: essentially the user specified in keystone_authtoken should be considered off limits02:49
adam_gjamielennox, that patch is probably not 100% there yet but the goal is to move away from the authtoken config02:49
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jamielennoxadam_g: excellent02:49
jamielennoxi had a start on one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162037/02:49
jamielennoxbut neutronclient isn't that hard, swift and glance are02:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use labels for virtual media dev in agent ramdisk  https://review.openstack.org/16239202:50
adam_gjamielennox, your feedback is welcome on 162392, was going to ping you tomorrow about it actually. i think i have most of the clients converted, but whether or not they are using KSC correctly is another story. :)02:51
jamielennoxadam_g: i get caught up in the details when i don't know the project well02:51
jamielennoxfor example with swift, if it gets an unauthorized it would have tried to auth again, but with this it can't because it doens't have a user/pass02:52
jamielennoxand there's essentially nothing i can see that can be done about it02:52
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adam_gjamielennox, i was hoping to wrap all that logic up in ironic.common.keystone.KeystoneSerssion in the patch i pushed earlier02:53
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adam_gjamielennox, anyway, i gotta run. comments welcome, cya02:54
jamielennoxadam_g: no problem - cya02:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Metavar name should be hyphenated  https://review.openstack.org/16478103:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: IPA: Add support for root device hints  https://review.openstack.org/16385703:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Update unittests and use NamedTemporaryFile  https://review.openstack.org/16267203:14
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JoshNang\o/ got agent cleaning working, patch on the way :)03:59
jlvillalWoo hoo!!  It was finally merged ^^^^^ :D03:59
JoshNangjlvillal: wooo!03:59
JoshNangcelebration all around03:59
jlvillalJoshNang: Congrats to you also.  Though my arm hurts from patting myself on my back ;)04:00
JoshNanglol thanks04:00
jlvillalDarn meeting is still another hour away....04:01
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ramineniJoshNang: great :)04:01
ramineniJoshNang: what was the issue?04:02
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JoshNangpart of it is the vif is cached on the ironic port object, and the dhcp update code uses that. the other part was getting some syntax correct04:05
ramineniJoshNang: ok04:05
JoshNangerr, right set of keys from the port objects, i suppose04:05
JoshNangi'll put up a patch before the meeting, but i'm gonna take a break now04:06
ramineniJoshNang: thanks, will update my patch accordingly :)04:06
JoshNangramineni: yay! and sorry this has taken forever :(04:06
ramineniJoshNang: np :)04:07
jlvillalAnybody bored and want to give me feedback on: https://review.openstack.org/164226  :)04:26
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openstackgerritSirushti Murugesan proposed openstack/ironic: Raise exception for Agent Deploy driver when using partition images  https://review.openstack.org/16444004:40
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jrollJoshNang: sick04:42
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jlvillalmeeting time :)05:00
jlvillaljroll: Are you still going to be up reviewing patches at 6am? ;)05:02
jlvillalI'm impressed with how early you are online!05:02
jrolljlvillal: we shall see :)05:03
jrollI'm an earlybird05:03
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jrollnaohirot: so, it's nothing against you05:16
jrollnaohirot: but being "graduated" is no mark of whether a project is good or production ready05:16
jrollnaohirot: not to mention the entire concept of graduation is going away05:16
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed stackforge/proliantutils: IPA_HW_MANAGER: Add support to get_clean_steps  https://review.openstack.org/16287005:25
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support  https://review.openstack.org/15397405:33
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic: Add uefi support for agent iscsi deploy  https://review.openstack.org/16438605:33
* mrda gets ready to bug people to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730 landed :)05:34
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jrollhttp://i.imgur.com/44YntFd.jpg hahaha05:43
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15480805:43
JoshNangnova cleaning patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161474/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164313/05:43
JoshNang(more eyes never hurt)05:43
mrdaI'll bug some cores that I'm close with05:44
mrdathanks JoshNang05:44
JoshNangand thanks for the help!05:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Force LANGUAGE=en_US in test runs  https://review.openstack.org/16422605:44
jrollaw, my picture got overrun by real work05:44
JoshNangjroll: :O pretty sure you lose points when you fail to idle05:45
jrollno, you're missing it :D05:45
jrollit's subtle05:45
JoshNangoh lol /dev/null?05:45
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481405:48
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481605:53
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naohirotdevananda: jroll: regarding the Ironic project status, If you got the same question as mine  many times, I think this is the one of main reasons06:01
jrollnaohirot: what is one of the main reasons?06:01
naohirotjroll: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic06:01
naohirotjroll: the status said "ronic is officially Integrated with OpenStack beginning with the "Kilo" release. "06:02
jrollright. that's true.06:02
jrollwhyw ould that make people ask?06:02
devanandaperhaps it's a language nuance?06:02
naohirotjroll: I think this is true from Ironic's developer's point of view06:02
devananda"beginning with" means, to us, at the start of the dev cycle06:02
jrollah, I see06:03
naohirotjroll: but from customer's point of view, beginning of Kilo means the end of Kilo development cycle06:03
jrollI just wish people didn't care, and instead evaluated proejcts on their own merits.06:03
devanandahow's this -- Ironic completed the project graduation review at the end of the "Juno" cycle, and began "Kilo" as an officially Integrated OpenStack project.06:04
jrollnaohirot: kilo is the first release where Ironic ships as part of the "OpenStack integrated release", as I understand it06:04
jrolldevananda: I think that could have the same implications, but may be better06:04
devanandajroll: ++ to just evaluating on merits. but also, soooo many operators want the TC to give them some guidance06:04
jrolldevananda: yeah. I think the answer to that is the operator community needs to be more tightly-knit, and talk more. give each other guidance06:05
devanandajroll: yah. well. I hope tagging gives them the tools to do that06:05
jrolldevananda: e.g. picking a web framework for a random project; I look at others' experiences, and the frameworks themselves, and evaluate that way06:05
naohirotdevananda: how's this > that's good to me :)06:06
* devananda updates wiki06:06
jrolldevananda: tagging may help but I think people may be hesitant to tag "production ready" etc which is what operators really want06:06
devanandajroll: heh. we wont use that tag06:06
jrolldevananda: exactly, but that's what people want guidance on.06:06
devanandabut everyone has different criteria for tht06:07
jrollI need to sleep06:07
jrollsee y'all tomorrow :)06:07
devanandanaohirot: also re: documentation, the openstack docs team has not committed to provide documentation for all projects06:08
devanandajroll: me too. g'night06:08
naohirotdevananda: I see, so is somebody writing openstack manual for Ironic except doc team?06:09
devanandadtantsur|afk: oh hey, you should list discoverd on the wiki - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic06:09
devanandanaohirot: not that i know of -- but someone should!06:09
devanandanaohirot: if i could hire a doc writer to do that, believe me, i would have done that six months ago ...06:09
naohirotdevananda: I see.06:10
naohirotdevananda: right now luck of document makes us understand Ironic difficult.06:11
naohirotdevananda: Still I couldn't figure out if one Ironic conductor can manage multiple of tenants or not06:11
devanandanaohirot: we have been doing as much as we can with the in-tree docs, including an installation guide, operations manual, etc. but yea there is a lot still missing06:12
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devanandanaohirot: it can not. for multiple tenants, or for managing project quotas, you need nova06:12
devanandanaohirot: that is to say, one ironic-conductor can service all the tenants, but ironic does not record the tenant information -- that is Nova's job06:12
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devanandathey work together06:12
devanandasee? we need docs ... i know ...06:13
naohirotdevananda: can Ironic conductor manage multiple of flat subnets?06:13
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naohirotjroll: good night06:15
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devanandanaohirot: with or without neutron?06:17
naohirotdevananda: with neutron06:17
devanandanaohirot: it is possible to isolate tenant physical networks with ironic + neutron, yes, but it is not trivial. so far I only know of two companies who are doing it06:18
devanandanaohirot: and both implementations depend on a neutron plugin for their specific switch hardware06:19
naohirotdevananda: okay, so is the Ironic default network assumed one big flat subnet right now?06:20
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naohirotdevananda: I got a feedback of Ironic/Openstack prospective customer, they said that if each baremetal's customer can snoop other baremetal's network communication, that is really a problem.06:33
naohirotdevananda: this is a background of my question.06:34
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed stackforge/proliantutils: IPA_HW_MANAGER: Add support to get_clean_steps  https://review.openstack.org/16287006:42
mrdadevananda: rameshg87 and I have put together https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-microversion-handling to discuss API microversion behaviour.  jroll, rloo, lintan, lucasgomes, jlvillal <-- This might be of interest to you since you've showed interest inthis previously06:49
* mrda runs away :-)06:49
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: ilo_iscsi driver do not validate boot_option  https://review.openstack.org/16441406:53
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Enable agent_ilo for uefi-bios switching  https://review.openstack.org/16204306:53
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Ilo drivers sets capabilities:boot_mode in node  https://review.openstack.org/15573106:54
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add retry logic for lsblk after running partx  https://review.openstack.org/16493107:07
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic: Implement cleaning/zapping for the agent driver  https://review.openstack.org/16145307:34
JoshNangramineni: ^07:35
JoshNangi got as far as get_clean_steps, because I wasn't using the agent patch that adds 'get_clean_steps' to the api. i'll rebase that patch and we can see if jenkins can figure out a 3 patch depends-on chain to test it :D07:36
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add cleaning/zapping support to IPA  https://review.openstack.org/16106607:36
* JoshNang finally sleeps07:37
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dtantsurdevananda, done08:14
dtantsurGheRivero, morning!08:14
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rameshg87dtantsur: GheRivero: o/08:35
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ramineniJoshNang: thanks :)08:38
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raminenidtantsur: hi, morning08:58
raminenidtantsur: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157715/, review please?08:58
dtantsurif I have time, can't make any promises08:59
raminenidtantsur: sure,thanks08:59
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openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use oslo_log lib  https://review.openstack.org/16279009:00
openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Sync from oslo.incubator  https://review.openstack.org/16279109:00
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dtantsurNisha, hey, do you plan on working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1432860 ? I was assigned by deva, but maybe you want to do it...09:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1432860 in Ironic "inspect_*_at fields present in responses to unversioned request" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Dmitry "Divius" Tantsur (divius)09:17
Nishadtantsur, hi09:21
Nishai can ...yesterday deva told that on irc09:22
Nishai wil take it up09:22
Nishadtantsur, request reviews on https://review.openstack.org/151596 https://review.openstack.org/155900 https://review.openstack.org/16357209:23
dtantsurok, so please assign for yourself09:23
dtantsurwill have a look today as time allows, sure09:23
NishaChris reviewed them and i have +2 from him on these09:23
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481609:29
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vdrokmorning ironic09:50
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15480810:46
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support  https://review.openstack.org/15397410:50
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15480810:51
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481411:07
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481611:12
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openstackgerritGopi Krishna S proposed openstack/ironic: Add pxe_ucs driver to manage Cisco UCS servers  https://review.openstack.org/15973411:29
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic: Add uefi support for agent iscsi deploy  https://review.openstack.org/16438612:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Rename _continue_deploy() to pass_deploy_info()  https://review.openstack.org/16478312:50
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support  https://review.openstack.org/15397413:14
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Stop waiting for power off to happen after introspection  https://review.openstack.org/16506213:16
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15480813:32
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481413:42
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481613:43
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jrollmorning all :)14:02
jrollJoshNang: I fixed up your devstack patch14:02
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NobodyCamjroll: awesome!14:04
NobodyCamand good morning Ironicers14:04
jrollhey NobodyCam :)14:04
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rloogood morning early birds jroll, NobodyCam, and everyone else :)14:06
jrollmorning rloo :)14:06
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NobodyCammorning rloo :)14:06
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NobodyCamI fell asleep befor the meeting :(14:06
rloojroll: qq. It didn't look like the subteam status reports were looked at in last night's meeting. should i send email anyway?14:07
jrollrloo: oh, I guess they weren't, ha14:07
jrollare there updates there?14:07
jrollnot really, just asks for reviews14:08
rloojroll: there is stuff there, so yeah, I'm guessing they are updates, cuz I usually clear them all out.14:08
jrollI vote do what you feel best, I'm inclined to skip it :)14:08
jrollI mean, they're saying "this patch landed, this patch needs reviews"14:08
dtantsurjroll, rloo, NobodyCam, morning!14:08
rloojroll: ok. i'll send out email saying it wasn't discussed then.14:08
jrolland we already have places that say that.14:08
NobodyCammorning dtantsur :)14:08
rloohi dtantsur14:09
jrollhey dtantsur :)14:09
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NobodyCamI'm going to fix the pep8 error on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/15852014:10
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BadCubmorning everyone14:17
NobodyCammorning BadCub14:17
dtantsurBadCub, morning14:17
jrollheya BadCub :)14:18
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BadCubmorning jroll dtantsur and NobodyCam14:19
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Ilo drivers sets capabilities:boot_mode in node  https://review.openstack.org/15573114:19
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add support for logical names  https://review.openstack.org/15852014:28
NobodyCamok that should fix the pep8 errors14:29
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NobodyCam:( 159734 is over 1000 lines :(14:33
* NobodyCam re-freshes coffee before starting14:33
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jrollwe need to encourage smaller patches :/14:35
rloojroll: we can. just -1 it.14:38
jroll-1 tl;dr14:38
rlooseriously. if you think it should be done in smaller patches. i've had that done to me before.14:38
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rlooi am fine with 1000 line patches if they are well written. but if they aren't, there will be many revisions before it gets approved...14:39
NobodyCamI have to see what its doing... I agree sometimes you just have to do a massive amount of work to make things work right14:40
jrollyeah, they just take hours to review properly14:40
NobodyCambreaking it up can be tricky14:40
NobodyCambut I like 200 - 500 lines :-p14:41
rlooI like 10 lines ;)14:41
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rlooI'm looking at the IronicReviewDay etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicReviewDay14:43
rlooare the 'important features' the ones we want to land for k-3?14:43
NobodyCamyep just got bumped14:43
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rloocan we defer client changes to after k-3?14:44
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jroll(I believe so, anyway)14:45
rloojroll: of all these features, not clear what is higher priority. if any. eenie meenie miney mo...14:46
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jrollrloo: there's basically cleaning and uefi/secureboot left14:47
BadCubIlo Discovery is pretty high on the priority list14:47
jrolloh and discovery14:47
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jrolldiscovery stuff has +2s already, I'll be looking at those shortly14:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Enable agent_ilo for uefi-bios switching  https://review.openstack.org/16204314:47
rlooa discoverin' i will go...14:49
BadCubrloo: Thank ya kindly ma'am :-)14:49
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NobodyCamany IPA folk have a minute for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163739 ?15:14
JoshNangjroll: ahh good catch15:29
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: [WIP] Add DevStack plugin for ironic-discoverd  https://review.openstack.org/16478215:30
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JoshNangNobodyCam: let me grab coffee and i'll review it15:33
NobodyCamJoshNang: awesome thank you.. and Good Morning :)15:33
NobodyCamohh more coffee... sounds like a plan... brb too15:34
* jlvillal starts drinking his coffee :)15:34
jlvillalGood morning NobodyCam JoshNang BadCub rloo jroll and the rest of Ironic.15:34
jrollJoshNang: I'm looking at that too, going to -1 if you don't want to bother yet15:35
jrollmorning jlvillal and JoshNang :)15:36
NobodyCammorning jlvillal :)15:36
JoshNangjroll: works for me :P15:36
BadCubmorning jlvillal15:37
JoshNangjroll: so i have the ironic cleaning patch dependent on the devstack change, but its still failing that it can't find the network uuid. maybe cause i have the ipa patch depending on ironic, ironic depends on devstack?15:42
jrollJoshNang: did the recheck finish?15:43
JoshNangthe ironic one did, same fail15:43
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/ironic: Check temp dir is writable for ipmitool driver  https://review.openstack.org/16038315:43
* jroll looks15:43
JoshNangi'm pulling down your change to test locally anyway15:44
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rloomorning jlvillal15:52
jlvillalNobodyCam: Feel free to ignore my idea on a default value :)  Random thought that popped into my head.15:53
jlvillalNobodyCam: https://review.openstack.org/16038315:53
jlvillalJust an idea.15:53
jlvillalNobodyCam: fee-fi-fo-fum ;)15:55
NobodyCamlet me think :) what if we defaulted to conf.tempdir and if none then use tempfile.gettempdir15:55
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jlvillalNobodyCam: That should work...   And sorry if I'm keeping this patch set going and going and going....15:58
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jlvillalNobodyCam: I felt like that with the unittests I added related to this! :)15:58
NobodyCamjlvillal: not a issue at all.. :) just make'n better code :)15:58
jlvillalNobodyCam: During initialization is there a check that makes sure the CONF.tempdir is a valid directory if it has been set?  Initialization of Ironic that is.15:59
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jlvillalNobodyCam: Just curious how far into the program would it blow if if the user set an invalid directory.15:59
jlvillals/blow if/blow up if/16:00
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: [WIP] Add DevStack plugin for ironic-discoverd  https://review.openstack.org/16478216:02
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jrollJoshNang: this is strange16:03
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jrollJoshNang: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161453/16:12
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NobodyCamjlvillal: you can get all the way to stRTING A DEPLOY16:14
jlvillalNobodyCam: Oh....16:14
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: [WIP] Add DevStack plugin for ironic-discoverd  https://review.openstack.org/16478216:16
* BadCub needs food16:16
jlvillaldtantsur is doing it like Devo.   WIP it good! Waits for the groans...  :)16:16
jrollJoshNang: dude. I don't understand why this is breaking at all.16:18
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JoshNangjroll: me either.16:22
jrollJoshNang: might be worth adding some debug logging16:23
jrollbut idk what to log16:23
jrollthis looks correct http://logs.openstack.org/53/161453/9/check/check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ssh/ca17335/logs/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.txt.gz16:23
jrolland this clearly says we did something wrong http://logs.openstack.org/53/161453/9/check/check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ssh/ca17335/logs/screen-q-svc.txt.gz#_2015-03-17_15_02_25_35016:24
JoshNangyup, that's what i get locally too16:24
jrolldoes it break locally as well?16:24
JoshNangyeah it is. i'm really really confused16:24
JoshNanglike, this was working fine last night16:25
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JoshNangi'll just pepper logging all over..16:27
NobodyCamI have been known to add lots of print "line #" for some debugging :-p16:28
JoshNangheh i had a bunch last night16:28
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JoshNangjroll: unstacked and restacked and it works (past the cleaning uuid)16:32
jroll... weird16:33
rameshg87NobodyCam: jroll: just posted replies to your comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163739/7/ironic_python_agent/extensions/image.py16:33
* jroll rechecks16:33
NobodyCammorning rameshg87 :) looking16:33
jrollrameshg87: alright, I'll think on it, thanks16:33
rameshg87jroll: NobodyCam: morning  :)16:34
JayFrameshg87: the only reason the environment works in that case is that by passing a string to utils.execute, you make it work in shell mode16:35
JayFrameshg87: rather than passing in args and building a clean environment + command16:35
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rameshg87JayF: ah okay, shell=True, i didn't realise that :)16:36
JayFI'd suggest passing in a list and being explicit about the environment variables16:37
NobodyCammorning JayF :)16:37
JayFbut I'm not one to nack something that works :)16:37
rameshg87JayF: and that's why we give all arguments to command as string16:37
openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use oslo_log lib  https://review.openstack.org/16279016:38
openstackgerritGhe Rivero proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Sync from oslo.incubator  https://review.openstack.org/16279116:38
BadCubhey rameshg87 did you see my comment/question on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163739 ?16:39
Shrewsjroll: hey, google says that you have seen this error message before: "systemctl[292]: Failed to switch root: Specified init binary /sysroot/usr/lib/systemd/systemd does not exist."16:40
Shrewsjroll: do you remember what caused that? memory issue maybe?16:40
jrollShrews: memory, yeah16:41
Shrewsjroll: thx16:41
rameshg87BadCub: checkign16:41
BadCubrameshg87: awesomeness :-) Thank you!16:42
NobodyCamgood morning devananda16:42
BadCubdevananda: morning16:42
rameshg87BadCub: which "uefi" did you mean ?16:42
rameshg87BadCub: it's not related to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/uefi-secure-boot or https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/automate-uefi-bios-iso-creation actually ..16:42
rameshg87BadCub: we are actually making these changes because we are doing the work of making ipa as default ramdisk - which should support localboot with uefi just like dib ramdisk does16:43
rameshg87BadCub: that's why i tagged with both the blueprints :)16:43
* jroll bbiab16:43
rameshg87BadCub: does that answer your question ?16:44
BadCubrameshg87: okay. I was following up on the BP because there was a question posed on that16:44
BadCubThank you! :-)16:44
NobodyCamdevananda: have you seen https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730 this morning? ("New field 'name' not supported in port REST API")16:44
devanandaNobodyCam: yes, though i haven't reviewed it. came up in the meeting last night16:44
NobodyCamrameshg87: are you reworking the execute stuff on that?16:44
rameshg87NobodyCam: yeah i am working on that16:45
rameshg87NobodyCam: just changing to env_variables of processutils16:45
NobodyCamrameshg87: awesome TY16:45
rameshg87devananda: i can answer any questions that i know16:46
rameshg87devananda: but when i check the current patch in detail16:46
rameshg87devananda: i can see it changes the behaviour a little bit16:47
rameshg87devananda: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/4/ironic/api/controllers/v1/node.py16:47
rameshg87devananda: without this patch, we never raise 406 for GET calls16:47
rameshg87devananda: but with this patch, we will start giving 406 for GET calls16:47
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rameshg87devananda: by GET i mean GET /v1/nodes/<>16:47
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devanandarameshg87: I've reviewed the etherpad -- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-microversion-handling16:49
devanandaNobodyCam: have you seen ^ ?16:49
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rameshg87yuriyz: are you around ? have a minute to discuss on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151596/40/ironic/drivers/modules/ilo/inspect.py16:51
rameshg87Nisha: are you here ?16:51
yuriyzhello ramesh87 I'm on the meeting now16:52
Nisharameshg87, yes16:52
rameshg87yuriyz: okay, can you please ping me/Nisha when you are free ..16:52
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NobodyCamrameshg87: is Nisha around this morning?17:01
rameshg87NobodyCam: Nisha is here i guess17:01
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rameshg87NobodyCam: what do you think of line 54 of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151596/40/ironic/drivers/modules/ilo/inspect.py ?17:10
Nishayes NobodyCam17:10
rameshg87NobodyCam: should we raise an error there ? or just log a warning17:10
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NobodyCamrameshg87: looking17:11
rameshg87NobodyCam: my only concern in the previous patchset was what if the mac exists for some other node (by operator mistake most probably)17:11
rameshg87NobodyCam: if we just log a warning and leave it, the operator might never know that the port wasn't created (because we report inspection as success)17:12
NobodyCamrameshg87: humm ya I comented on that, the raise seems a bit much. But I also understand your points17:13
NobodyCamI would just log it an expect the operator to verify the node was created correctly before attempting to deploy to it17:14
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NobodyCambut I think yuriyz raised a good point17:14
rameshg87NobodyCam: my concern was just the operator not knowing at all that one port wasn't registered (unless they monitor conductor logs)17:15
jrollwell, the node will go to manageable17:15
jrollwhere they should presumably do node-show and port-list --node to verify things17:15
openstackgerritGopi Krishna S proposed openstack/ironic: Add pxe_ucs driver to manage Cisco UCS servers  https://review.openstack.org/15973417:16
NobodyCamjroll: that was my thought process17:16
jrollyou should see all the verification we do for new gear :P17:16
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rameshg87jroll: NobodyCam: so do you feel it's worth just logging there and not raise an error ?17:17
NobodyCamwhat if we changed line 272 to say somethign like "inspection done, created x ports for node y"17:17
jrollrameshg87: I haven't looked at the change, really17:17
jrollI mean17:17
jrollif you're re-discovering a node, chances are you will hit a duplicate mac, right?17:17
jrollbecause presumably you replaced a single NIC or a disk17:18
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support  https://review.openstack.org/15397417:18
NobodyCamjroll: this only worked with embedded nics17:18
NobodyCamnot add-ons17:18
rameshg87Nisha: do we create all ports on re-inspection ?17:18
NobodyCamso to replace a nic you'd have to replacea mother board17:18
jrollok, so you're probably replacing a disk17:19
rameshg87Nisha: or just ones which are not existing ?17:19
jrollin which case you *will* hit existing macs17:19
Nisharameshg87, we create ports for all the macs which are requested in inspect_ports17:19
rameshg87Nisha: on re-inspection ?17:19
rameshg87Nisha: we try to create all ports again ?17:19
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* rameshg87 checks the code17:19
jrollyeah, we can't blow up on duplicate MACs then17:19
Nishahow will inspection know whether it is being executed second time17:20
jrollidk, maybe that situation is fine17:20
jrollif you can't replace the MACs anyway17:20
jrollerr, if you can't replace the NICs anyway17:20
NishaEmbedded NICs cant be replaced in my opinion17:21
jrollI guess this might be fine either way17:21
rameshg87yeah, then logging should be fine .. even i am fine with it (i guess i was the only one who wanted to throw an error)17:21
rameshg87Nisha: i am fine with logging it ..17:22
NobodyCam:) rameshg87 thats why we have several reviewers required per patch :)17:22
Nishashould i go ahead and change?17:22
Nishajroll will just throw up inspection patch for review...it will be great if you could also review17:22
jrollNisha: I'm trying to get to all reviews17:23
NobodyCamWhat I am / was attempting to avoid is a situation where the dev is pulled between two reviewers ideas17:23
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NobodyCamesp when we are in crunch mode :)17:24
NishaNobodyCam, :)17:24
Nishajroll thanks17:25
Nishajroll, meanwhile could i request review for https://review.openstack.org/15590017:25
jrollNisha: I'm trying to get to all reviews17:25
NishaNobodyCam, has reviewed it...i havent received any one else review comments on to the latest patch17:25
devanandammmm. just finished the release meeting with ttx.17:26
jrollNisha: there are many reviews, I am trying to get to all of them17:26
jrolland also have things to do internally17:26
devanandaJoshNang: how's the cleaning patch going? do we indeed need to land a change in devstack?17:26
* jroll busy day17:26
NobodyCamjroll: i hear that!17:26
Nishajroll :)17:26
devananda... very busy week17:27
JoshNangdevananda: we do, it's up, and waiting on a recheck17:27
devanandaJoshNang: link?17:27
NobodyCambusy and i'll add productive !17:27
devanandarameshg87: on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163739 - why is this blocking the ipa-as-default-ramdisk BP?17:28
devanandarameshg87: I get that it's related to IPA -- LOTS of things are related -- but that BP is about making IPA able to be used by the pxe_* class of drivers, which it now is17:28
devanandaJoshNang: ty. adding to the review board17:28
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JoshNangthere's something funky going on with the depends-on agent cleaning patch. it can't find the config option added in in the devstack patch, but it works locally17:29
rameshg87devananda: ipa-as-default-ramdisk mentions only pxe* drivers, okay17:29
BadCubdevananda: we added at same time17:29
rameshg87devananda: then it isn't related, i can remove it17:29
BadCubremoved mine17:29
rameshg87devananda: i assumed it was applicable whereever we used dib ramdisk - we are replacing that to be able to work with ipa17:30
devanandarameshg87: ok. cool. so then ipa-as-default-ramdisk is done? <--- jroll ?17:30
NobodyCamNisha: I'm updateing our etherpad. you'll be pushing up new revs of 151596 & 163572?17:30
rameshg87devananda: that included the ilo driver as well17:30
devanandarameshg87: ooh17:30
rameshg87devananda: isn't it correct ? :)17:30
Nishai will push patches in few min17:31
NobodyCamNisha: Ty :)17:31
rameshg87pxe and ilo drivers were using dib ramdisk.17:31
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/ironic: Migrate to using keystoneclient Sessions  https://review.openstack.org/15634417:31
devanandarameshg87: so that functionality exists in iscsi_ilo when used with the DIB ramdisk, but not when the same driver is used with the agent ramdisk?17:31
NobodyCamrameshg87: a dib patch landed this morning17:31
NobodyCamI've losst the link atm17:32
rameshg87(may be i am confusing people)17:32
jrolldevananda: no idea, I guess so17:32
rameshg87devananda: ilo driver support for agent ramdisk has landed - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162449/17:32
devanandarameshg87: this is the one I have marked on the whiteboard as holding up ipa-as-default-ramdisk: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/16373917:33
rameshg87devananda: it isn't now in my opinion17:33
devanandathe commit message is "Add uefi support in image extension" -- and this is a change in IPA that is tagged to two blueprints (ipa-as-default-ramdisk and local-boot-support-with-partition-images)17:33
rameshg87devananda: it should only be local-boot-support-with-partition-images17:33
devanandaso I'm really confused as to what BP it should be related to17:33
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devanandasince we also have two BPs for UEFI support17:34
devanandaand neither of those are tagged on that commit17:34
rameshg87devananda: the two uefi blueprints are different - one is for automate boot iso (Nisha) and uefi secure boot (stendulker)17:34
rameshg87devananda: this is related solely to localboot for uefi17:35
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devanandarameshg87: gotcha17:35
rameshg87i will remove off the ipa-as-default-ramdisk17:35
rameshg87is that fine ?17:35
devanandayup. thanks much17:35
BadCubrameshg87: yes, please17:36
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add uefi support in image extension  https://review.openstack.org/16373917:36
BadCubdevananda: will mark IPA BP closed17:36
devanandaBadCub: cheers17:36
jlvillalAny opinions on a patch, where functions used to have multiple arguments per line, but now has been converted so that function declaration now has one argument per line.  I wasn't sure if one way or another is preferred.  And  yes probably a nit...17:36
rameshg87BadCub: devananda: done from my part17:37
BadCubrameshg87: thank ya kindly! :-)17:37
devanandajlvillal: yes, that's a nit. sometimes it is necessary to wrap lines (eg, because all the params will be > 80 chars)17:38
jrolljlvillal: style is something that should be checked by computers, not humans.17:38
devanandaalso what jroll said17:38
devanandaif someone is merely doing a style change, I'd really wonder why that should take up any reviewer time17:38
devanandaif it's part of a larger code cleanup patch ... yeah, probably fine17:39
devanandaalso - I dont htink any of us are going to look at that sort of thing for a few weeks17:39
BadCubanyone available to throw some eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158520/ ?17:39
jlvillaldevananda: jroll: Okay.  Thanks.17:39
devanandabecause release17:39
devanandaNobodyCam: thx for the pep fix17:40
devanandaBadCub: it helps to put a small description what it is :) ^^ is the client side of logical-names17:40
NobodyCambrb... quick smoke break17:41
BadCubbrb too. smoke and more tissue in nose17:43
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15480817:43
* devananda afk's for a few minutes17:44
rloodevananda: does https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158520/ need to land for k-3? I was deferring all client patches til after k-3.17:45
NobodyCamrloo: thats logical name support for the client.17:49
jrollwe don't do k-3 release for the client17:50
rlooNobodyCam: I know. But the k-3 deadline is only for ironic, isn't it? We can update the client after k-3?17:50
rlooNobodyCam: I'm trying to prioritize ;)17:50
NobodyCamrloo: I believe you are correct ;)17:50
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kkoskicomstud: What exactly is the "test_create_node_doesnt_contain_id" testing for?17:53
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jrollkkoski: comstud usually isn't around much anymore :( can you point me to the code and maybe I can explain?17:54
kkoskiah, sure17:55
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481417:57
jrollkkoski: looks like it's to make sure 'id' doesn't get passed to create_node (and so id is generated)17:58
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jrollkkoski: check out the commit message https://github.com/openstack/ironic/commit/3f49758c82619b424f623f71df1ef051e50dda4c17:59
kkoskiah, good idea, thanks!17:59
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add uefi support in image extension  https://review.openstack.org/16373918:00
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add retry logic for lsblk after running partx  https://review.openstack.org/16493118:01
NobodyCamanyone know Anusha Ramineni's IRC nic?18:02
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jrollI believe it's ramineni or similar18:03
jrollyes, that's it18:03
NobodyCamack! thank you jroll :)18:03
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devanandarloo: you are correct - we can land the client after k3 and before rc118:14
devananda*land logical names in the client18:14
rloodevananda: good. I'll have something to review after k-3 :D18:14
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver  https://review.openstack.org/15481618:17
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BadCubis anyone available to review: agent_iscsi + UEFI https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164386/ ?18:21
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add uefi support in image extension  https://review.openstack.org/16373918:21
rameshg87rloo: ^^^ might need your +2 again :)18:22
rloorameshg87: looking...18:22
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JoshNangdevananda: looks like the devstack gate is broken :/18:23
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Support the equivalent of the Juno API  https://review.openstack.org/16436918:24
devanandaJoshNang: eh??18:24
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JoshNangall the patches are failing at check-devstack-dsvm-cells, looks like its being worked on18:24
NobodyCamrameshg87: just checking on 163739 did you attempt to test with out the shell=True?18:25
NobodyCamfyi: new path looks much better18:25
rameshg87NobodyCam: i think without shell=True, it might require to break down different arguments as different parameters18:26
rameshg87NobodyCam: now we pass in a single-string-command to utils.execute18:26
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NobodyCamoh, I see18:26
rlooJoshNang: thx for letting us know.18:27
JoshNang(just for patches to devstack, afaict)18:27
NobodyCammore coffee... brb18:28
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add retry logic for lsblk after running partx  https://review.openstack.org/16493118:30
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yuriyzrameshg87 now I see you agree with logging here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151596/40/ironic/drivers/modules/ilo/inspect.py18:33
rameshg87yuriyz: yeah i agreed, but still was afraid (earlier) if the mac was  registered for some other node18:34
rameshg87yuriyz: since we report inspection as successful, it might cause a problem (operator might not notice a missing port)18:34
rameshg87yuriyz: but we discussed and decided that operator should perhaps verify after putting into manage state18:35
devanandaJoshNang: any refs to the work being done on that cells failure?18:36
devanandaJoshNang: I just raised it in #openstack-qa -- also, to get reviews on that devstack patch proiritized18:36
* NobodyCam needs to remember IPA does not to i18n :-p18:36
stendulkerNobodyCam, Jroll, yuriy, jroll, devananda : Please review secure boot related 4 patches for ilo driver https://review.openstack.org/#/c/153974/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154808/  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154814/  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154816/18:36
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jrollagain: it's on the list18:37
devanandastendulker: these are already on the review day whiteboard ...18:37
jrollpinging people in irc isn't going to make things go faster18:37
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JoshNangdevananda: i might be wrong. i was looking at what elastic recheck said the bug was, but that seems incorrect https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/126505718:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1265057 in grenade "gate/check-grenade-dsvm: Horizon front page not functioning!" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:38
stendulkerdevananda, jroll: thank you. just little reminder from my side :)18:38
jrollJoshNang: no, that's the one18:39
devanandaJoshNang: looks like the cells failure is from horizon, and a fix has been pushed18:39
* JoshNang rechecks again18:40
devanandaJoshNang: that is correct. we can just recheck now18:40
devanandaya'll should get to know folks in #openstack-qa a bit :)18:40
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devanandaalso, i should get lunch18:40
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: ilo_iscsi driver do not validate boot_option  https://review.openstack.org/16441418:41
* jroll also lunches18:43
BadCubgot two +2s from non IPA folk on: Add UEFI Support in Image extension https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163739/ :😃18:44
NobodyCamrameshg87: any reason to add a udevsettle around line 73 of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164931/4/ironic_python_agent/extensions/image.py ?18:45
rameshg87NobodyCam: udevsettle ?18:46
* rameshg87 checks 18:46
rameshg87NobodyCam: can't find udevsettle18:47
NobodyCamjust saw all the looping logic18:47
rameshg87NobodyCam: oh okay18:47
rameshg87NobodyCam: oh hp hardware i tested, partx is not finishing re-reading the partition table18:47
rameshg87NobodyCam: so we have empty uuids returned in the first attempt18:48
rameshg87NobodyCam: i have posted paste link18:48
rameshg87NobodyCam: shows this behaviour - http://paste.openstack.org/show/192820/18:48
NobodyCamrameshg87: udevsettle may help with that too!18:49
* rameshg87 checks18:50
rameshg87NobodyCam: looks like might help18:51
rameshg87NobodyCam: i can try that out18:51
jrollBadCub: +A on 16373918:51
rameshg87NobodyCam: anyway it's a bug filed separately18:51
BadCubjroll awesomeness! Thanks ya kindly!18:51
rameshg87NobodyCam: i will check tomorrw about that then, may be you can leave a comment :)18:51
NobodyCamwill do18:51
rameshg87NobodyCam: thanks18:52
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* rameshg87 goes to sleep 18:54
rameshg87good night all18:54
NobodyCamnight rameshg8718:54
BadCubg'night rameshg8718:54
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Ilo drivers sets capabilities:boot_mode in node  https://review.openstack.org/15573119:03
* NobodyCam feels like this is a known error that he should know about, but doesn't19:04
NobodyCamFailed to prepare node bbcb5a8a-5363-4649-86eb-99a3cbcd3f93 for cleaning: Invalid input for network_id. Reason: 'None' is not a valid UUID.19:04
JoshNangNobodyCam: that's what the devstack patch is fixing19:05
NobodyCamahh :) Ty JoshNang19:05
Shrewsjroll: so... how much RAM does coreos need for an agent_ssh deploy?19:07
Shrewson the vm19:07
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NobodyCamShrews: I thought 1 Gb ... unless it was the dib built image which required 3 gb if I recall correctly19:10
ShrewsTheJulia: ^^^^19:10
ShrewsNobodyCam: yup, dib image19:10
NobodyCamyep :)19:11
TheJuliaso 3 gb it is :)19:11
NobodyCammornign TheJulia :)19:11
* Shrews gets stabby on DiB19:11
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BadCubTheJulia:  and Shrews : Hiya!19:12
Shrewshey BadCub19:12
TheJuliaNobodyCam: Good afternoon :)19:12
TheJuliaShrews: Do you want to re-spin and retry with 3GB?19:13
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ShrewsTheJulia: yup19:13
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NobodyCamthere is pre built image out there19:13
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NobodyCamsomewhere around http://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/19:14
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TheJuliaNobodyCam: we've got all the steps for our playbooks to build images with diskimage-builder, kind of nice actually :)19:15
NobodyCamTheJulia: w00t!!!19:15
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* Shrews needs this to work so he can catch up on reviewing stuff19:19
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* BadCub is back19:27
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: iLO implementation for hardware inspection  https://review.openstack.org/15159619:43
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NobodyCamoh JoshNang that recheck syntax works :)19:46
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NobodyCamthats kewl19:47
JoshNangoh heh :D19:47
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: iLO implementation for hardware inspection  https://review.openstack.org/15159619:51
rloodevananda: what's the priority of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164369/. Can that be landed after k-3? or is it a high for k-3?19:52
* devananda returns from lunch, prepares for TC meeting19:53
Nisharloo, ^^^19:53
Nishaadressed the comments and posted the patch19:53
devanandarloo: yes, I think we can reasonably call that a bug and land it eg. next week19:53
devanandarloo: along with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163730/19:53
* devananda moves to bottom of etherpad19:54
rloodevananda: good. thx19:54
BadCubrloo: thanks for the +2 on 164386 :-)19:54
rlooNisha: I'm waiting for jenkins, and I feel like I should give some attention to some other patches.19:54
Nisharloo, np19:55
rlooNisha: if I recall, I think your stuff is close ;)19:55
Nisharloo :)19:55
Nisharloo, just hope so ;)19:56
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BadCubdevananda: is the block on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163738/ going to impact us closing https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/local-boot-support-with-partition-images ? It doesn't appear to be the case to me, but wanted to be sure.19:58
devanandaBadCub: no. that is specific to the irmc driver19:59
BadCubawesome, that is what I thought19:59
devanandaBadCub: the dependent patch (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151958/13) is blocked. let me edit the commit message on the one you linke d....19:59
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Add localboot support for iscsi_irmc driver  https://review.openstack.org/16373819:59
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: iLO implementation for hardware inspection  https://review.openstack.org/15159620:08
BadCubwhen some IPA folks have time can I get a +A on agent_iscsi + UEFI https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164386/ ?20:09
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JayFah, it's not IPA20:14
JayFI don't have the hammer on that one, sorry20:14
JayFI will review it real quick though20:14
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BadCubJayF: thank ya kindly. :-)20:15
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NobodyCamahh prob because it had agent in the title20:16
* BadCub will happily accept any +a to close that BP :-) LOL20:17
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JayFI put a +1 on ^ that (164386) if that means someone feels more comfy +A'ing it20:19
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic: Implement cleaning/zapping for the agent driver  https://review.openstack.org/16145320:32
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TheJuliaSo I'm running into an issue where IPA is being told to deploy a node with a config drive, but it is seemingly only working every other deployment I push out to the same host/vm.  Has anyone seen this before?20:42
JayFwhat's the failure mode? Got some logs?20:42
JayFplus is this ipa-iscsi or ipa-local-imaging20:42
JayFI have no idea how we're going to talk about these things20:42
JayFipa_iscsi vs ipa_agent?  idk20:42
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TheJuliaJayF: no failure, just configdrive is missing upon reboot20:44
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JayFdoes the conductor/agent have in the logs that it attempted to write a configdrive?20:45
JayFthe code that actually writes it in the agent is dirt simple, actually a bash script20:45
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TheJuliaI don't see anything in the conductor log, but possibly I need to monkey with something to get additional logging from the agent?20:46
TheJuliaJayF: fyi, disk image deploys via the agent20:46
JayFTheJulia: you have any access to the image? like can you ssh into the image?20:47
TheJuliaJayF: Access to the deployed machine, without the configdrive being deployed, right now I have no access.  I likely need to just rebuild my image to include stackuser, but the fact I'm seeing the kernel boot output to console lacking the configdrive volume is what I'm going on right now.20:49
JayFOh, you're using a DIB image?20:50
JayFnot the CoreOS image?20:50
JayFthat greatly limits the amount of things I know about it then :)20:50
TheJuliaWhich almost makes me think I need to short circuit the agent deploy process and injet an ssh key into coreos so I can take a look.20:50
JayFYes, that's exactly what we do downstream20:50
JayFit's dirt simple, let me help20:50
* TheJulia goes and makes coffee first20:51
JayFTheJulia: https://coreos.com/docs/cluster-management/setup/cloudinit-cloud-config/ search for "ssh_authorized_keys"20:51
TheJuliaJayF: seems like it would just be easier to update the ipxe boot config to include my ssh key :)20:53
* NobodyCam waits for test results on 164369 :-p20:53
JayFTheJulia: howso? specifying your own cloud-config-url= ?20:54
JayFTheJulia: also if you have console access, passing "coreos.autologin" on the kernel command line logs in the console20:54
JayFthen just use the systemd journal to read the logs20:54
TheJuliaJayF: there is a feature of coreos that is like a tiny footnote how you can inject a key to allow one to login to coreos it's self.  The real key would be to just prevent ironic from rebooting the node once the image has been written out to disk20:57
JayFTheJulia: I'd ssh in as soon as the agent boots to start deploying, tail the logs so when it reboots you still have the logs20:57
JayFTheJulia: can you share that little bit of documentation? Would be super helpful for another project I have this week, actually :)20:57
TheJuliaJayF: will do as soon as I find it20:58
JayFyou can pass in20:58
JayFcloud-config-url= on the kernel commandline20:58
JayFand just embed the ssh key in another cloud-config.yml20:58
TheJuliaJayF: np, https://coreos.com/docs/running-coreos/bare-metal/booting-with-ipxe/ sshkey="ssh-rsa AAAA....."20:59
JayFI was looking for a way to get extra keys into the image we run downstream for giving folks temp access to our lab20:59
JayFthat will work perfectly21:00
TheJuliaJayF: I already have systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes set on the command line, but I don't get anything beyond the callback on the console :(21:00
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JayFTheJulia: run IPA with --debug as well21:00
JayFTheJulia: get some debug output, that'll help with testing more21:01
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TheJuliaJayF: Anyway to pass that in short of putting that in the coreos image that boots up?21:08
JayFnot afaik :(21:08
JayFJoshNang: ^ we don't have a Kernel CLI way of turning debug on, right?21:09
JayFTheJulia: JoshNang: ^ we should add one of those. Very much so.21:09
jrollI don't believe we do, and yes, we should.21:09
JoshNangfighting with cleaning in devstack has brought up a couple things i wanna fix21:10
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* TheJulia at least short circuits things for a few tests :)21:13
JayFTheJulia: I strongly reccomend, long-term, building your own agents21:15
JayFfor a number of reasons21:15
* TheJulia makes note to put that in doc21:15
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JayFPutting in ssh keys, putting in some utilities, etc can be helpful21:18
JayFI'm going to upstream some number of these things we do downstream to make things easier21:18
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JayFjust some aliases, like `ipashell` which gives you a bash shell in the agent container, `ipalogs` to print all IPA logs21:18
devanandaJayF: jroll: so I know you've been dying to see the standalone thing we keep talking about ... https://github.com/juliakreger/bifrost21:21
* TheJulia smiles21:22
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* BadCub needs to go away for a while21:23
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jrolldevananda: yes, finally, ty :)21:23
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: iLO driver updates node capabilities during inspection  https://review.openstack.org/16357221:31
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Nishadevananda, NobodyCam rloo jroll JayF ^^^^^21:33
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Nishaand even https://review.openstack.org/15159621:35
* NobodyCam love when distros add a securty setting and enable it before anyone has a chance to add support for it21:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add uefi support in image extension  https://review.openstack.org/16373921:35
devanandaNobodyCam: you approved https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164386/ ... but i dont see it in th gate ??21:38
BadCub_Awaydevananda: I noticed that too21:39
devanandathere we go21:40
* devananda kicked the gate21:40
devanandaBadCub_Away: I believe that's the last one for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/local-boot-support-with-partition-images21:40
BadCub_Awaydevananda: yep! I am just waiting to see 164386 merge before I close the BP21:41
NobodyCamdies Depends on tag require the dependent patch to full merge before starting ?21:41
NobodyCamdoes* not dies21:41
devanandathat might be a bug in the Depends-on ?21:41
NobodyCamI'll keep an eye out for that21:41
jrollit does require the dependent to merge, and it's worked for me in the past21:41
devanandaNobodyCam: so it looks like when you +A'd it, jenkins did not start the merge (you can see the lack of comment)21:42
devanandaNobodyCam: and it looks like when jenkins finished merging the dependent patch, it did not come back and start merging the former21:42
NobodyCamyea, must just not like me :(21:42
devananda*shrug* it's going now ...21:42
NobodyCamsweet :)21:42
* devananda afks a bit now that meetings are winding down21:44
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TheJuliaJayF: So I got in, toggled debug on and just tell the database that it needs to re-deploy.  Looks like the partition table veruses the kernel are just out of sync22:03
JayFjroll: ^ sound familiar22:03
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JayFTheJulia: let me suggest a patch to revert, 1s22:04
jrollJayF: oh god22:04
JayFTheJulia: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ironic-python-agent/commit/?id=877f66826cd1b50163c67e73c8ebb4590c0f7ec8 Can you try building an agent with this patch reverted?22:04
JayFTheJulia: and see if it fixes your issue?22:04
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JayFjroll: if reverting that fixes Julia's problem, I suggest we do /sbin/partprobe $DEVICE || true22:05
JayFwhich is not perfect, but better than something explicitly not working22:06
jrollyeah, do both?22:06
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mrdadevananda, JoshNang: Just FYI, I've spoken to people about those nova reviews (164313 and 161474), and they're not going to land in K.  It's just too late.  These changes are considered new features, and as such, the code reviews needed to be up earlier.  Only bug fixes are being accepted now, because tomorrow is Nova's deep freeze deadline.22:15
mrdaSorry to be the bearer of bad news...22:16
devanandamrda: thanks. that's what I had expected, honestly22:16
mrdaI tried22:16
devanandaso we need to decide now what that means for cleaning22:16
JoshNangsame unfortunately22:16
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mrdaDoes this mean we bump those two bp's?22:17
TheJuliaJayF: Didn't directly try the revert, but manually tried running partprobe and came to realize the configdrive had been mounted by coreos.  I think the issue is that if the config drive already existed when coreos boots up, it mounts the drive, and locks the device <-> partition table data as a result.  When it comes time to write out the config drive, it sees the pre-existing device and writes it out.22:17
JoshNangi've got a patch ready to disable cleaning by default22:17
JayFTheJulia: I thought we had something to prevent that?22:17
jrollJayF: it was the other other thing22:17
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JayFTheJulia: let me look, if that's not upstream then that's 100% my fault22:17
devanandaAIUI, this means a node that enters CLEANING state and stays there for a while (because you know, it's doing something) is going to appear to have failed from Nova's POV22:17
jrollsorry TheJulia but that bug has also been hilarious to me22:18
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TheJuliajroll: no worries :)22:18
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JayFI know this is the wrong attitude to have, but I want nova to just be broken22:18
JayFthe development process is, why shouldn't the software match?22:18
devanandaJayF: there are many areas where it's broken today22:18
JayFTheJulia: https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent/blob/master/imagebuild/coreos/oem/cloud-config.yml#L5 should be preventing that22:18
JayFTheJulia: I thought I had that upstreamed, heh22:19
mrdajroll: doesn't this affect "Implement Cleaning Operations for iLO drivers" and "Implement Cleaning States"?22:19
devanandaJayF: does that mean we should ship a broken product?22:19
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devanandamrda: afaict, yes. this affects both of those22:19
JayFIt means that we have a dependency that's not holding up their end of the bargain22:19
devanandaJayF: to be specific, nova never agreed to it22:19
JayFWe shouldn't have to involve all of openstack on a feature that touches nothing but Ironic + Ironic's nova driver22:20
BadCubwhat are the impacts if we ship and break Nova? Is this something that we "Ironic" can consider a tolerate candidate?22:20
JayFI don't actually think we should ship a broken thing22:20
JayFbut I do think this is absolutely absurd22:20
jrollmrda: oh, right, I always forget that's two different blueprints22:20
mrdaJayF: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule has been published for some time.  Jan 22 was the published date for code reviews needing to be up.  We missed that be 6 weeks.22:20
devanandaBadCub: the impact is that someone who installs the kilo release of openstack and uses nova + ironic will see all their deletes fail22:20
* mrda not arguing whether the timeframe is sane, just that Nova has a very fixed published deadline22:21
JayFmrda: I think that deadline is absolutely absurd, to be clear22:21
JayFand the lack of flexibility only amplifies the absurdity22:21
mrdaJayF: not going to argue that22:21
jrolldevananda: didn't we already decide bump cleaning to false. maybe make a note in the help string that you need patches in nova to make it work.22:21
JayFI have to produce code and make a production environment work all the time22:21
jroll(or docs)22:21
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JoshNangfwiw, that spec merged jan 1622:21
JayFnot all the time minus 2 months out of every 622:21
mrdaOn the flipside, we should be able to get this to land early in "L"22:21
jrollgreat only months away22:21
JayFmrda: for a feature we've had downstreamed since I22:22
BadCub*puts on his CRB hat* devananda if that is the case, is there a documentation work-around, or a push to Nova to fix as a bug right after release?22:22
mrdaJayF: remember I'm the messenger here, I'm not Nova :)22:22
jrolls/downstreamed/in production/22:22
JayFmrda: I'm afraid to actually rant at Nova, then they might never merge anything again22:22
JayFI'm not even kidding22:22
JayFit takes 10x as much effort to get a patch 10% of the impact merged into Nova22:22
JayFvs Ironic22:23
devanandaJayF: i rant at them ALL THE TIME22:23
devanandaright now I'm actually being quite calm22:23
JayFMaybe that's why they won't merge our stuff /s22:23
devanandawhich should scare all of you22:23
jrollif you're following the rules, this patch not merging is totally reasonable22:23
mrdaand they have a lot more code, lots more legacy, and more users to worry about.  That's why I like Ironic :)22:23
jrollthe rules on the other hand22:23
JayFI'm just beyond pissed off that we're trying to solve, literally, the oldest Ironic bug, and it's not getting merged because some damn wiki page says not to22:23
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jrollmrda: it's completely localized22:23
mrdaI get that22:24
jrollJayF: it's a nova-baremetal bug originally :P :P :P22:24
devanandai will either be ranting by the summit, or continuing my plotting to get more projects *decoupled* from each other and releasing as-needed, rather than every 6mo22:24
JayFmrda: yes, it's local to our driver, if it wasn't I would be not/less upset22:24
mrdaBut they're under a crunch this week, just like us22:24
jrollmrda: it literally canoot break their users, only our users. just sayin.22:24
JayFdevananda: is it too late for me to change my summit talk from "operators should participate" to "Nova is hostile to contributors"22:24
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mrdaJayF: DO IT!22:24
devanandaJayF: you can say what ever you want when you get on the stage :)22:24
NobodyCamdevananda: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164369 looks good! nice patch Thank you:)22:25
mrdaI'm sorry guys, I tried, it's just too late22:25
devanandamrda: no worries. thanks for trying22:25
jrollmrda: know that this isn't directed at you at all :)22:25
JayFI'm 100% serious. Our code is merged. I wanna file a critical bug against nova showing deletes are broken in Ironic22:25
* devananda tries one thing...22:25
JayFand make them take the patch22:26
JayFor leave it broken as *their* choice22:26
devanandaJayF: well, our code is still pending JoshNang's patches22:26
jrollthe patch to enable it is merged, but that doesn't break things yet22:26
JayFYou mean we weren't merging Ironic support until Nova support went in?22:26
devanandaJayF: so if someone looks at the git history 9and they will) they'll see we landed the feature at the last minute, well over a month after nova's feature freeze22:26
devanandaJayF: no22:26
mrdaJayF: Report the bug, and say that it is solved by these two patches (+ ironic code that we're ready to land)22:26
JoshNangmrda: yeah, thanks for trying :)22:27
devanandaJayF: i mean someone on the nova team looking at the commit history of the bug you're going to raise is going to point out that it didn't exist until now22:27
jrollI mean, I don't think going the critical bug angle will actually work22:27
JayFI don't think it will actually work either22:27
devanandaJayF: so as much as I want them to take the changes to our driver, they're going to find (valid) reasons not to (like following their team's policy)22:27
JayFbut I want to have someone actually stand up and tell us that they're crapping on months of work b/c they don't want <100 lines of change in the *Ironic driver*22:27
devanandaJayF: yup.22:27
devanandathat's valid22:27
mrdaThay are taking important bug fixes (for some value of important)22:28
JayFI think the oldest Ironic/Nova-BM bug should count as important enough22:28
NobodyCamcould this not be a customer driver billing issue?22:28
devanandahuh. the changes aren't targeted to that bug?22:28
JayFI'm going to go do real work instead of ranting on IRC, this is absurd though and fear of shit like this happening is *exactly* why we didn't integrate with Openstack/Ironic when starting OnMetal originally.22:28
NobodyCamie I don't want to pay for hours of cleaning after I delete a instance22:28
devanandaJoshNang:  ?22:28
JayFJoshNang: ^ are all your cleaning patches for nova targeted at the nova-bm bug?22:29
JoshNangdevananda: yeah, i had forgotten that was a real bug in launchpad and added that it was part of oone of our specs22:29
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JoshNangno, the first bug is one that was introduced with more states and really has little to do with cleaning22:30
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devanandaJoshNang: so seriously that needs to target that bug22:30
* JoshNang does22:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1174153 in Ironic "data from previous tenants accessible with nova baremetal" [High,Triaged]22:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Add uefi support for agent iscsi deploy  https://review.openstack.org/16438622:31
devanandaBadCub: ^ merged :)22:32
BadCubalready changed BP LOL22:32
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devanandaJoshNang: there are two patches to nova, right?22:35
JoshNangdevananda: correct, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164313/ doesn't really affect cleaning though22:35
JoshNangit was suggested the cleaning patch should be based on it though22:35
JoshNangand it is kinda a big bug22:36
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devanandasee discussion in -nova22:36
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devanandaJoshNang: so we should close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1174153 in ironic as soon as the agent cleaning support passes tests and merges22:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1174153 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "data from previous tenants accessible with nova baremetal" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Josh Gachnang (joshnang)22:43
devanandaJoshNang: so you should also tag this bug on that patch22:44
JoshNangdevananda: nice work :)22:44
devanandaJoshNang: thanks ;)22:44
JoshNangalright. i'm waiting on the gate right now22:44
jrollJoshNang: did you figure out the devstack thing?22:44
JoshNangjroll: yeah, i was adding the config option after ironic had started. moved it back, should work22:45
JayFJoshNang: Have you done any thinking at all about what docs need to be written for cleaning? Maybe we can chat a little bit when you get a chance to scope out the work?22:45
devanandaalso, if you have a patch ready to disable cleaning by default, please post it22:45
devanandai'll -2 ... but I'd like to have the trigger ready if this turns into a gate blocker during RC window22:46
devananda(if you dont have that patch ready, please post it anyway)22:46
devanandaJayF: omgdocsyesplease22:46
JayFJoshNang: are any agent cleaning steps enabled by default today?22:47
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic: Disable cleaning by default  https://review.openstack.org/16524122:47
JoshNangJayF: oh yes, i've been thinking about docs a bunch22:47
JayFdevananda: I'm your friendly, local docs writer for purposes of cleaning22:47
JayFdevananda: I traded that work to JoshNang so he'd be able to work on migrating off our old downstream patch22:47
JoshNangJayF: erase disks is by default (or how would we close the bug!)22:47
* JayF won, I think22:47
JayFJoshNang: then that will likely fail in the gate ... unless VM disks are secure erasable22:47
* JoshNang grumble grumble22:47
JoshNanglikely not?22:48
JayFhas anyone checked to see if ATA security erase is supported in our VMs in the gate?22:48
BadCubdoes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/165241/ need to be associated with the Cleaning BP?22:48
JayFif not, we probably need to whip up a hardware manager that detects it's running in a VM and noops the erase_devices() step (and maybe any/all cleaning steps?)22:48
mrdaJay "The Cleaner" Faulkner22:48
jrollJoshNang: JayF: well... the ironic patch doesn't have the "add erase disks to agent steps" patch yet22:49
jrollso just the agent patch will fail22:49
JayFmrda: when you spew as much crap as I do, you get good at cleaning it up from time to time ;)22:49
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic: Disable cleaning by default  https://review.openstack.org/16524122:49
JoshNangBadCub: added22:49
BadCubJoshNang: Awesomeness, TY :-)22:49
devanandaJayF: adam_g might know off hand22:50
JayFJoshNang: do you have a devstack stack'd right now?22:50
BadCubadded it to the eterhpad as well22:50
mrdadevananda: good job in -nova btw22:50
devanandamrda: ty22:50
JoshNangJayF: i do22:50
JayFJoshNang: if so you can go into one of those VM instances and get the feature lines from the disk22:50
JoshNangJayF: i've been fighting to get the agent patch with cleaning steps to actually build and be used for deploys in devstack22:50
JayFJoshNang: if ata secure erase isn't supported, I can try to whip up something ... a DevstackHardwareManager22:50
JayFwhich noops the steps that don't make sense in a VM (like, you know, erasing disks)22:51
JayFor we can add a shred / dd-zeroes fallback22:51
JayFbut that will make the gate atake a /long freaking time/22:51
JoshNangyeah, let's not22:51
devanandaoh hey, i dont feel so bad about our progress towards k3 after looking at nova's page22:52
devananda(they have 10 open BP still)22:52
NobodyCamnice :)22:53
devanandaand by that i actually mean i felt good and now feel even better22:53
devanandaJayF: so actually erasing disks in the VM does make sense inasmuchas ironic won't delete the disk between provisionings22:54
devanandaJayF: but i totally agree that in the gate it should be no-op'd EXCEPT forwhen we want to actually test THAT feature22:54
JayFWe cannot test that feature in a VM.22:54
JayF(If that VM doesn't support ATA Security Erase)22:55
devanandaoh - that22:55
JayFwe don't support *any* disks upstream that don't support ATA Security Erase today22:55
JayFwe don't even fallback to writing zeros in that case, because we don't want it to be easy for someone to kill their disk unsuspecting22:55
jrollI mean, we could write a shred thing to test it, like you say22:55
JayF(kill their disk with write cycles)22:55
devanandajroll: ++22:55
JayFjroll: what are we testing at that point though? Something that would only, generally run in the gate22:55
JayFIMO that would not make an effective test22:56
jrolloh, true22:56
jrollyeah, no-op'ing it would be equally effective22:56
jrollalthough eventually someone is going to want a "write zeroes" step22:56
jrollwhether that's in IPA proper or not22:56
JayFIf we want to add an overall fallback to using shred, that could make sense and to me is more of a "business" decision (I guess those are project decisions in OpenStack? heh)22:56
JayFjroll: prolientutils implements secure erase as /only/ shred for 3 passes22:57
jrollI know :(22:57
JayFit's pretty awful, actaully. RIP those disks in proliant servers everywhere22:57
devanandafallback ++22:57
jrollsomeone should improve that22:57
devanandawhat's the alternative - skip it and operators think cleaning was a success?22:58
jrollbut I assume HP is primarily making this for business use22:58
jrollwhich is likely "install openstack'22:58
JayFdevananda: right now, we CLEANFAIL if we can't do it22:58
jrollnot much disk churn22:58
devanandaJayF: ugh22:58
JayFThe alternative being:22:58
jrollback up22:58
devanandaJayF: so the default is, fo rhardware without ATA secure erase, you can't delete an instance?!?!22:58
JayF1) Cleaning takes a linearly longer time based on disk size if we fallback to shred/write zeroes22:58
devanandaJayF: that is not an acceptable upstream default22:58
JayF2) An Operator thinks a device is clean and it's not22:58
jrollyou can delete an instance, but the ironic operator doesn't get that node back ;)22:59
jrollno, I agree this is bad22:59
devanandaIMO delete taking a long time is fine, when the operator has chosen to enable that clean step22:59
devanandaand doesn't have hardware that optimizes it22:59
jrolland operators can choose to disable this step afaik?22:59
JayFIf the consensus is to write a fallback, I can have that patch up before I leave.22:59
devanandaJoshNang: looking at 161453 I do *not* see an option to disable cleaning for the agent23:02
jrolldevananda: worst case we don't land the patch to the agent that enables this step23:03
jrolleverything is going to be ok23:03
NobodyCami was just looking at that. its also failing check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ssh23:03
jrollwe can fix this one way or the other23:03
JoshNangdevananda: so, i had been basing all of that off of using hardware managers to determine steps23:03
jrollNobodyCam: that's being worked on23:03
JoshNangadding a config option to disable agent steps is probably a good idea23:03
jrollto disabled built-in agent steps?23:04
jrollor all?23:04
devanandai just have to say, this whole feature feels really really rushed at this point :(23:04
JoshNangi was going to go with all23:04
jrolldevananda: wdyt about landing it without any default steps? we can iterate on the agent from there.23:05
JayFEverything feels rushed given we dedicated the first half of the release cycle to changing the state machine23:05
devanandait's important enough that I think we need to go forward with it23:05
devanandaJayF: right23:05
devanandaJoshNang: 157715 is more like what I am expecting for all drivers23:08
devanandawhere there is a list of different clean steps that the driver performs, and I can choose in the config what to enable23:09
JayFHmm. That's not really possible with the agent steps being determined remotely by which agent is booted, is it?23:09
JoshNangright, that's why in band has been a bit different23:09
devanandaJayF: perhaps there are categories of steps the agent can perform?23:09
devanandalike "erase the disks" "reset bios settings" ...23:09
JayFHmm. I could get along with that.23:09
JayFBlock device erasing , firmware/bios modification , verification23:10
JayFare like three basic categories almost all steps could fall into23:10
jrolland where do you see those being configured?23:10
JayFin Ironic.23:10
devanandaside bar -- we're going to start hitting deployments that are heterogeneous enough that such things will need to be determied per-node, not per-conductor, eventually23:10
JayFYou'd have to change the IPA interface to pass a category with the steps when fetching steps23:10
JoshNangthat's not too hard23:11
devanandaside bar pt 2 -- but i think we can address that in a few cycles, and certainly not today23:11
JoshNangi already had to do some filtering to accomdate the raid interface23:11
JoshNangso, categories. i think that's doable and probably a good way to go23:13
JoshNangmaking it more uniform and less likely any user needs to build a ramdisk is good in my eyes23:13
devanandai would be delighted if the majority of smaller users can just download the IPA build artifact and use it23:14
JoshNangso if that's the direction we want to go, i don't think the agent bits will make it for K23:16
jrollagent can release any time23:17
jrolllike the client23:17
JoshNang*agent driver23:17
jrollI'm not sure if we need to address that this cycle23:17
jrollbut we *should* address the no-secure-ata-erase-breaks-all-the-things case23:17
JoshNangi think the categories bit is a good idea23:17
JoshNangthat too23:17
jrollsince "erase devices" is the only thing IPA does upstream right now, categories might not make much sense23:18
devanandajroll: so the fix for no-secure-erase-breaks-the-world should be entirely in IPA, right?23:19
jrolldevananda: indeed, fall back to writing zeroes and/or have some flag/easy way to disable it23:19
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devanandaJoshNang: would it make sense / be feasible for the agent driver to have a conf option to signal the agent to skip the disk erase step, even if its there?23:20
JoshNangdevananda: certainly23:20
devanandabetween the extremes of "fall back to writing zeroes" and "disable all cleaning globally for all drivers"23:20
devanandai think we need something ....23:20
JoshNangheh yesh23:20
JayFI'm literally like 60% of the way through the fallback patch23:20
JoshNangyes even23:20
devanandaJayF: awesome23:20
JayFand I'm usually the one panicing over stuff while other people write the patch23:20
JayFdevananda: thanks for apache licensing the proliant hw manager23:21
* JayF stealing greedily23:21
* devananda shuts up and lets people write code23:21
devanandaJayF: LOL23:21
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JayFoh I'm an idiot23:25
JayFgit commit --amend for the first commit #ftl23:25
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add fallback secure erase using shred  https://review.openstack.org/16524723:26
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JayF^ gotta write/fix test cases, but that's the actual fix23:27
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jrollJayF: left a thing23:30
jrollalso NEEDS TESTS23:30
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JayFI renamed that function like four times23:31
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NobodyCamJayF: call it FWaN == Function Without a Name23:32
jrollmore like function with four names23:33
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NobodyCamwho having green beer tonight?23:45
jrollnot me, have to drive later :(23:47
jrollalso I prefer irish carbombs to green beer :)23:47
NobodyCamoh that would mess me up23:47
jrollJoshNang: don't tell me you're so upset about the nova situation that you're spamming the openstack channels :/23:48
JoshNangjroll: heh23:48
NobodyCami'd end up leaving my fone at some off the wall food estlisment23:48
JoshNangi'd pick something more creative than 'Cheeseburgah' as my nick23:48
JayFnow I have that SNL skit stuck in my head23:49
JoshNangjroll: plus those bugs are now targeted at k-3. there is no need to be upset23:49
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NobodyCamnot coke pepsi23:50
NobodyCamoh its no coke23:50
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* jroll suddenly confused23:52
JayFjroll: https://screen.yahoo.com/olympia-restaurant-000000640.html23:53
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devanandajroll: btw, unit tests added to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164369/ -- in case you feel like another review23:57
* jroll looks23:58
jrollI've been slacking on reviews today :/23:58
jrolldevananda: don't see the tests...23:59
NobodyCamare you following the etherpad?23:59

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