Wednesday, 2015-02-11

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Rename --configdrive to --config-drive
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jrolldevananda: ^^ merged00:15
devanandajroll: ack00:16
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jlvillal_sfoHi all.  I made it to Oakland :)01:24
jlvillal_sfoLooking forward to meeting people at the sprint tomorrow!01:24
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JayFBTW: we have breakfast catered all three days01:31
JayFand coffee01:31
JayFbut left everyone to their own devices for lunch01:31
JayFwho wants to go to SF and eat crappy catered lunch every day, right?01:31
jlvillal_sfoJayF: Great :)01:31
jlvillal_sfoJayF: We are starting at 10am tomorrow.  Correct?01:31
jlvillal_sfoWhat time should I show up for breakfast ;)01:32
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JoshNangrussell_h: ^ Any idea when breakfast starts?01:35
russell_hactually no, I should check up on that01:36
* jlvillal_sfo wanders off to find dinner near his hotel....01:37
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed stackforge/proliantutils: Add hpssa module to proliantutils
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mrdaoh, breakfast?  cool!02:00
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Update ilo-cleaning-support spec
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/ironic: Update Ilo drivers to use REST API interface to iLO
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openstackgerritMichael Davies proposed openstack/ironic: Add logical name support to Ironic
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openstackgerritchenglch proposed openstack/ironic: Raise exception when destroy node if console is enabled
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openstackgerritMichael Davies proposed openstack/ironic: Add logical name support to Ironic
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed stackforge/proliantutils: Add cleaning operations
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed stackforge/proliantutils: Add cleaning operations
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openstackgerritchenglch proposed openstack/ironic: Raise exception when destroy node if console is enabled
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dtantsurMorning Ironic07:59
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chenglchdtantsur: hi , there is some tempest test error in the console enabled fix,  it also affect the tempest?08:36
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dtantsurchenglch, actually it's an error caused by your change, please consider it carefully08:37
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dtantsuryou might need to change tempest tests first08:37
dtantsuror maybe your code is wrong :)08:37
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chenglchdtantsur: ok , I will check the tempest test case to find the cause08:39
dtantsuryes please08:39
sirushtidtantsur, Hi, I've resolved your comments and some more nits along the way. Could you please take a look at again?08:45
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dtantsuron my radar for today (but not right now - sorry)08:46
sirushtisure, thanks.08:46
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vdrokmorning ironic09:15
dtantsurvdrok, morning09:15
vdrokmorning dtantsur09:16
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed stackforge/proliantutils: Fix broken backward compatibility
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Nishadtantsur, hi09:35
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Add states required for node-inspection
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Add InspectInterface for node-introspection
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Add InspectInterface for node-introspection
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/proliantutils: Fix broken backward compatibility
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Hardware Inspection
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Generic changes for Node Inspection.
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Code changes for secure boot implementation for ILO drivers
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Support for non-Glance image references
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dtantsurlucasagomes, am I right assuming that node-validate does not check actual IPMI credentials validity?13:47
lucasagomesdtantsur, yes, right now it doesn't go and poke the BMC when we do validate13:48
lucasagomesI tihnk we did before, but was removed because we didn't want to poke the BMC in a sync way13:48
* lucasagomes tries to remember13:48
dtantsurlucasagomes, aha thanks. I'm figuring out the correct workflow for discoverd after it's set IPMI credentials. So it's a stupid idea to use validate for this task...13:48
dtantsurlucasagomes, any ideas how I could check it except for try to power off and see if it succeeds?13:49
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lucasagomesdtantsur, power off takes too long13:51
lucasagomesyou can just query for the serial for example13:52
lucasagomeslemme find a command for u13:52
lucasagomesI remember that we used a very simple command before to check for the credentials13:52
lucasagomesdtantsur, "mc guid"13:52
dtantsurlucasagomes, I need something exposed via Ironic API :)13:53
lucasagomesoh darn...13:53
lucasagomestrue... hmmmmm13:54
dtantsurso, as I anyway have to power it off, I'll probably rely on it13:54
lucasagomessure yeah sounds fine for now13:54
lucasagomescause I don't think we have any lightweight operation exposed via the API13:54
jrollI think you can do GET /v1/nodes/states/power13:56
jrollI believe that hits the BMC13:56
lucasagomesoh yeah13:56
lucasagomesjroll, morning13:56
jrollor just set boot device or power on/off, if that doesn't work, see if it succeeds13:56
jrollmorning :)13:56
lucasagomesjroll, q for u13:56
lucasagomeslol starting early today13:56
dtantsurjroll, o/13:56
lucasagomesjroll, how can I ssh into the agent ramdisk? when it build does it pyut the key somewhere?13:57
jrollI am? :P13:57
jrollheya dtantsur :)13:57
lucasagomesor there's a specific user/password?13:57
lucasagomesjroll, I mean, I'm starting asking questions for you early today :)13:57
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, you have to put your ssh key in the build system, sec13:57
jrolllucasagomes: drop your ssh keys in this dir as authorized_keys
jrolland they'll get copied in13:58
jrollor actually...13:58
jrollput them at /usr/share/oem/authorized_keys and reboot, I think it will drop them in
lucasagomesjroll, gotcha13:58
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dtantsurso, we don't expose getting state in the client... but I can use get_boot_device! wdyt?13:59
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jrolldtantsur: it would work, I'd rather expose getting that state14:00
dtantsuryeah, it's a separate thing, I guess...14:00
lucasagomesjroll, should we somehow be able to pass the key to the imagebuild/coreos/ script?14:00
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Make sure we always notify user about an introspect call error
lucasagomesI'm using that to generate my images14:02
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jrolllucasagomes: hrm, maybe, I think realistically people will need to be building their own images14:02
jrollas they'll need an extra hardware manager or whatever14:02
dtantsur`ironic node-get-boot-device` returns error 500 on IPMI failure. nice.14:02
lucasagomesjroll, hmm right14:02
jrolllucasagomes: we've built tooling around the image build system to drop a bunch of keys in there, as well as other custom stuff14:03
lucasagomesI see, but it's internal?14:03
jrollidk what's best, it might be nice to add an ssh key argument to make things simple14:03
jrollyeah :/14:03
jrollit has our firmware tools etc14:03
lucasagomesjroll, another thing that, maybe a coreos thing... But I hate about the image building14:03
lucasagomesis having a docker container inside it14:03
lucasagomeswtf why we need it?14:03
jrollwell, 1) it isn't strictly docker, and 2) yes, coreos thing14:04
jrollcoreos doesn't have python14:04
jrollnor a way to install python14:04
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lucasagomesjroll, yeah I may add a parameter to that script to do that14:04
jrolltheir philosophy is everything runs in a container14:04
lucasagomessounds a bit like engineering for engineering14:04
lucasagomesbut fine14:04
jrollsystemd-nspawn actually changed capabilities=all to not allow kernel module loading and broke us being able to upgrade coreos14:05
jrollso now JayF has a systemd commit :P14:05
lucasagomesoh hah cool14:05
jrolllucasagomes: coreos makes it super easy to build a ramdisk, it's basically that or DIB14:05
jrolland I hate DIB14:05
jrollwill not use14:05
jrollthe container actually doesn't add that much weight, we've optimized it a ton14:06
lucasagomesit makes it easier to build, but looks a bit too complicated to actually deal with14:06
lucasagomesI mean, it's a ramdisk no reason to carry 2 OS filesystem into it14:06
lucasagomesit should be slim14:06
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lucasagomeshaving a OS with a container sounds a bit heavy for a ramdisk14:06
jrollit's actually fairly slim14:06
jrollthe DIB ramdisk was massive compared to this14:07
jrolljay did a *lot* of work to make it slim14:07
lucasagomesyeah not putting DIB on the game14:07
jrollcoreos is really lightweight, so is the container14:07
lucasagomescause, yeah the way the make ramdisks is also a bit broken (re replacing init)14:07
jrollhonestly python is probably the heaviest part of the whole thing14:07
lucasagomesjroll, sure, it's just a comment14:07
jrollI'm up for rewriting it in go14:08
lucasagomesto be honest, I feel like none, coreos or DIB makes a good job building ramdisks14:08
lucasagomes(if I have to point you to a nice tool, I would say dracut does it better than both)14:08
lucasagomesbut anyway14:08
lucasagomesjust a rant, I dunno much coreos to judge it completely too14:08
jrollcoreos ships a ramdisk, we just drop stuff in it14:08
lucasagomesyeah it makes it easier to customize it14:09
lucasagomesjroll, cool... thanks for the key tip :D14:09
jrollyeah np :)14:09
lucasagomesright now I'm debbuing just by checking the console14:09
lucasagomessince we dump the journald logs there14:09
jrollyeah, ssh to ramdisk is awesome14:09
jrollwe do it all the time14:09
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Common changes for secure boot support
jrollexcept when ironic powers it off from under you :P14:10
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* lucasagomes disabled the force_sync_wathever there14:10
dtantsuroh dear god yes!14:12
* dtantsur has workarounds for this "option" in discoverd14:12
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jrollI got yelled at when I changed the default :|14:13
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Revamp support for setting IPMI credentials
dtantsurthat ^^^ gave me some gray hair14:39
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NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers15:24
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver
lucasagomesNobodyCam, morning15:26
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes15:26
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dtantsurNobodyCam, morning15:30
NobodyCamhey hey morning dtantsur :)15:30
rloomorning NobodyCam, hi dtantsur, lucasagomes15:31
dtantsurrloo, o/15:31
NobodyCammorning rloo :)15:32
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lucasagomesrloo, g'morning15:33
openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver
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stendulkerNobodyCam: Hi, Good Morning!15:40
stendulkerNobodyCam: Can you please have a look at spec related to secure boot management interfaces
stendulkerjroll: Good Morning!15:42
stendulkerjroll: Can you please have a look at spec related to secure boot management interfaces
NobodyCammorning stendulker15:51
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NobodyCamstendulker: ahh yes.. I beieve I did have a question for you. but with traveling yesterday I was not able to be on15:53
stendulkerNobodyCam: yes, what was the question?15:54
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NobodyCamI was I a little unclear about what setting must be set. does secure_boot need to be set on both the flavor and the node or will just setting the property on the flavor be enough15:56
NobodyCams/I was I a/I was a/15:57
NobodyCamThis is an optional3415:57
NobodyCamwas what made it a little unclear for me15:58
NobodyCambasiclly will operators need a pool of servers that have secure_boot enabled in the node properties, or will that setting be flipped as needed based on the flavor?15:59
NobodyCamjroll: hp's travel site lied to /me as it said I would be .5 miles from the office... googel has me at .9 miles away :-p16:02
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stendulkerNobodyCam: The property must be set on the node manually or should be present in the flavor for the node with secure boot to get selected16:03
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NobodyCamstendulker: so to provision a node with secure_boot I would need to add the option to the nova flavor and the node properties16:05
NobodyCamie If I added the option only to the flavor I would get a no valid host found type error from teh nova scheduler16:05
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NobodyCamstendulker: this is not a bad thing I am just making sure I have a full understanding16:06
stendulker_NobodyCam: Lost my internet connection16:06
NobodyCam:) was happening to me all morning yesterday while I was trying to get reafy16:07
NobodyCamready even16:07
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stendulker_NobodyCam: Line 34 was intended to just clarify that one needs to add secure_boot only if the user intends to use that node for secure boot16:08
stendulker_NobodyCam: secure_boot is required in Node properties for node to get selected based on secure_boot specified in the flavor extra-specs16:09
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NobodyCamok :)16:10
NobodyCamstendulker_: if I read correctly your also adding a clear_secure_boot_mode and reset_secure_boot_mode16:13
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stendulker_NobodyCam: No, they would be invoked as clean_step16:14
stendulker_NobodyCam: Not being proposed under Management interfaces16:14
NobodyCamahh If I have only read a few more mines16:15
NobodyCamlines even16:15
stendulker_NobodyCam: Only get_secure_boot and set_secure_boot are proposed for Management Interfaces16:15
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NobodyCamhow will an operator pre-load Nvram with a custom signature? will there be any tool type scripts to assist them or documantation on how to do it?16:17
lucasagomesjroll, rings a bell?16:17
stendulker_NobodyCam: it would differ from vendor to vendor16:17
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stendulker_NobodyCam: For proliant servers, one has to manually add it to iLO16:18
stendulker_NobodyCam: It is also possible to use opensource  utility called mokutil16:18
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stendulker_NobodyCam: Secure Boot for Linux on HP ProLiant servers Link on
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NobodyCamstendulker_: I'm ok with the detail on the spec, I would need to have this: updated to iinclude the how to (or at least refferenced from there)16:22
NobodyCamI'll be looking for that in code reviews :-p16:23
stendulker_NobodyCam: Sure will add the above link into this doc16:23
stendulker_NobodyCam: Code review has been raised for this16:24
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stendulker_NobodyCam: Common changes for secure boot support
stendulker_NobodyCam: have split it into 4 patches16:25
stendulker_NobodyCam: Secure boot support for pxe_ilo driver
stendulker_NobodyCam: Secure boot support for iscsi_ilo driver
stendulker_NobodyCam: Secure boot support for agent_ilo driver
lucasagomesjroll, might be something I did wrong, checking...16:27
NobodyCamstendulker_: awesome I wont have time to look at those until later.16:27
NobodyCamhave to get ready to find the RS office16:27
stendulker_NobodyCam: ok :)16:28
NobodyCambut +2 on the spec. thank you for your time in answering my questions16:28
stendulker_NobodyCam: thank you for the review :)16:29
Shrewsthis new cross-project dependency support in zuul is uber-cool16:35
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dtantsurifarkas, could you review ? Tested it locally.16:37
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Generic changes for Node Inspection
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ifarkasdtantsur, sure16:43
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NobodyCamJ* I will be a couple of minutes late16:50
openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Adding root_device_hint plugin
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jrollNobodyCam: no worries16:58
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, likely throwing an exception that isn't a RestException or whatever16:59
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lucasagomesjroll, yeah :/17:00
* lucasagomes still debugging17:00
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jrolllucasagomes: wrap a big try / except RestError around the extension code?17:01
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lucasagomesjroll, yeah will do that17:08
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openstackgerritMichael Davies proposed openstack/ironic: Add logical name support to Ironic
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mrda-awayThis time for sure17:23
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Client and doc update for setting IPMI credentials
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jrolljust for reference,
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lucasagomesjroll, it was missing a package :/ I added tgt to Dockerfile17:47
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lucasagomesbut seems it didn't get installed in the container for some unkown reason17:47
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jrolllucasagomes: that's... strange17:51
lucasagomesjroll, yeah, so I installed it by hand and now it's failing somewhere else :D17:51
mrdahey lucasagomes, thanks for the review on logical names.  New patch up now :)17:52
lucasagomesmrda, awesome! I will take a look17:52
jrolllucasagomes: lol17:52
mrdalucasagomes: should be close. Hopefully :)17:52
lucasagomesjroll, gotta make available some scripts to customize the ramdisk17:52
lucasagomesmuch fast to edit it :D17:53
lucasagomesextract...modify...pack again17:53
jrolllucasagomes: ha, nice... the build scripts kind of do that17:53
lucasagomesyeah, well this ones is really just to edit the container inside the image17:54
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lucasagomesnot meant for production or anything17:54
lucasagomeswill polish it later17:54
* lucasagomes is now understand coreos structure a bit better17:54
jlvillal_ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDxPqnKITE8cQ1pABPLxTiY7Z0l8ld8+l0F3tjnWMg904gVmC1Bdysckqt5UDF+i8xomv7peiHikXwzVE7urqG+JyC9ExguM6Uy4k9R164oCT8y7DmbUGoi2P+pTBM+T/WA16OwWuL2mlr9/UtJoNIdviHxo6ptrxuftVyDCieGq6o0zSmahsdyc4hQajkaiUvkOPdmYX7umTY6et0UhzsAQUC0FpVH4FUSQv3p4qJuXWOA/ABha+Z1YWj/iD6Qu7+s8mpPE7GKnZtCkCK+DA5Cc1YhF3Pm6VzdNAj/eKn5KPCvnjPRqARufHuft3imrl0E5oSFdKTWcGpgWdB3Eh+r john@linuxjohn4.jf.17:55
jlvillal_JayF: ^^^^17:55
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JayFsomeone's getting an onmetal-memory1 box to run devstack on17:57
JayFsince good wifi is broken17:57
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lucasagomessudo ironic-rootwrap /etc/ironic/rootwrap.conf iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
lucasagomesclose :/18:00
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* lucasagomes strip the port of agent_url18:00
JayFalso you probably don't need rootwrap in the IPA/coreos box18:00
lucasagomesJayF, it's ironic conductor :)18:01
lucasagomesIPA is just starting the iscsi target and passing it to the ironic conductor18:01
lucasagomesJayF, I'm trying to mimic what we have now18:01
lucasagomesbut with IPA18:01
JayFjlvillal_: not quite active yet though; it takes ~5m18:01
lucasagomesbefore going drastic changes18:02
jlvillal_JayF: Thanks18:02
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clif_h <-- ansible playbook to boot a devstack instance on a rackspace machine18:05
NobodyCamoh at RS office now. thank you jroll JayF JoshNang and all other Rackers for hosting us!18:07
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, get ur fist cup of coffee to unlock the first achievement :)18:10
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anderbubbleNobodyCam, I promised to get back to you about updating the Ironic install docs once I’d actually gotten Ironic working… :)18:18
anderbubbleSo, what’s the correct way to contribute to the documentation?18:19
lucasagomesanderbubble, just send a patch like any other patch18:23
lucasagomesour docs are under doc/source18:24
lucasagomes(unless you mean wiki page, in that case u can just go there and edit directly)18:24
anderbubblelucasagomes, I’m talking about
anderbubbleso looks like that gets built out of doc/, right?18:25
lucasagomesanderbubble, that's right18:26
anderbubbleok, thanks.18:26
lucasagomesanderbubble, if u want to test before submitting the patch you can give tox the -egendocs command as well to build it locally18:27
anderbubblelucasagomes, Yep; I see that at the bottom of :)18:27
lucasagomescool ;)18:27
lucasagomesok I will call it a day18:30
stendulker_jayF:  Hi, Please have a look at spec related to secure boot management interfaces, when you find time.
lucasagomeshave a good night everyone18:30
lucasagomesenjoy the mid-cycle18:30
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jrollnight lucas-dinner :)18:30
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martiniAnyone else online working on / interested in pyghmi?18:33
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lucas-dinnerjroll, JayF devananda w00t IPA+pxe!18:51
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lucas-dinner(the error was that I did remove the http schema from the iscsi address when discovery/mounting it)18:51
lucas-dinnernow I'm going out for dinner18:51
jrolllucas-dinner: sick, awesome work18:52
lucas-dinnerjroll, yeah almost 2 full days playing with all that18:52
lucas-dinnerok /me is happy now18:53
lucas-dinnergoing out :) see ya18:53
lucas-dinnerenjoy the mid-cycle18:53
lucas-dinners/did remove/didn't remove18:54
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NobodyCamhave a good night lucas-dinner18:55
NobodyCammrda: did you see the agent failure on 141737?18:56
JoshNang\o/ ipa+pxe!18:58
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mrdaNobodyCam: orly?19:02
NobodyCamjjohnson2: do you have a link to your concole utube video?19:02
NobodyCammrda: :( sorry19:02
jjohnson2I'm awake19:03
NobodyCamTy jjohnson2 :)19:03
jjohnson2NobodyCam, let me know what you think19:04
jjohnson2I'm ready and willing to do something like issue delegated tokens or whatever to allow something like ironic to give a client a temperary credential to a console19:04
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NobodyCamjjohnson2: I have watched it.. I liked it.. wanted to share it with someone19:05
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jjohnson2cool, share away19:07
jjohnson2I'm about to extend pyghmi to support it's first vendor-specific extension19:07
jjohnson2it'll identify the vendor and pull in vendor's library to extend certain things without asking 'what vendor is it anyway'?19:08
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NobodyCamjjohnson2: are you looking for more core mombers for pyghmi?19:21
NobodyCammembers even19:22
jjohnson2NobodyCam, if people are interested19:22
NobodyCamI may have someone looking19:22
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jjohnson2I know I got a good commit from someone doing some of the channel/user stuff19:22
jjohnson2I still need to do the FRU and eventlog19:23
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jjohnson2strangely it's harder to do that because I know those facilities like the back of my hand, and thus I get my attention drawn to stuff I've not done before...19:23
jjohnson2I have concerned someone who asked me a question about looking up the hex string for a particular command19:24
jjohnson2when I got to my desk, and I instead just rattled it off in the hallway...19:24
NobodyCamjjohnson2: I'd like to introduce you to martini19:25
NobodyCammartini: meet jjohnson2:19:25
martiniI'm one of those strange people that likes playing with the hex strings19:26
jjohnson2martini, awesome19:26
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/pyghmi: Raise IpmiException on an error setting/getting the boot device
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/pyghmi: Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing
jjohnson2and I already scared him off19:33
jjohnson2that's a new record19:33
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JayFhe's here at the mid-cycle19:33
JayFyou aren't in the bay area, are you jjohnson2 ? if so you should drop by19:33
jjohnson2JayF, other coast ;)19:34
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NobodyCamjjohnson2: lol I bet he's having networking issues atm19:38
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martiniWiFi has been an adventure here19:40
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jjohnson2martini, so now how to proceed?19:45
martiniI'm actually just about to push up some minor tweaks to fakebmc to review - after I remember how git review works :-/.  Adding in a port arg, so I don't have to run it as root19:45
jjohnson2martini, ah, guess I forgot to do that19:47
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martiniAlso thinking of how to expand those sample bins with examples with callbacks.  I really like the idea of using pyghmi to improve parallel communication using IPMI (as both a driver and command line tools)19:50
jjohnson2yeah, I need to take another round of optimization, reading all sdr and sensor data on 300 nodes takes longer than I think it should19:51
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jjohnson2martini, fair warning, if I don't seem to be paying attention, put my name in because I generally have irc minimized and only when it blinks19:52
jjohnson2but I can give people a real live sensor value in less than 10 milliseconds19:52
jjohnson2which is not going to be in reach for more standalone approaches19:52
jjohnson2martini, yeah, but the example could use some fleshing out and documentation...19:53
martinijjohnson2 thanks; I don't normally use IRC, so appreciate pointers like that.  (Was that sufficient to alert?)19:53
jjohnson2martini, yep19:54
martiniExactly - that's what I'm working on :-)19:54
martinidropping off for a bit, again19:54
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Consistent names of args and metavars, and help strings
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openstackgerritPeter Martini proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Make fakebmc runnable
openstackgerritPeter Martini proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Add a 'port' argument to fakebmc
openstackgerritPeter Martini proposed stackforge/pyghmi: stylistic changes for tox
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Nishadevananda, NobodyCam JayF jroll  around?20:00
jrollNisha: hi20:00
Nishajroll, hi20:00
jlvllal_sfoNisha: They are around in the sprint20:00
Nishajlvllal_sfo, :)20:01
jlvllal_sfoJayF: Just went upstairs...20:01
martiniErr, oops, didn't mean to make three separate reviews20:01
Nishajroll this is regarding state model20:01
Nishahow do we move the node back to manageable state from Fail state20:02
Nishado we need to add a transition for that?20:02
openstackgerritPeter Martini proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Add a "--port" option to fakebmc
NobodyCamhi Nisha :)20:10
NobodyCamdevananda: prob on a plane atm20:10
NishaNobodyCam, Do you know the answer to above20:10
Nishai was testing and was not able to move the node to manage/inspect/available state unless manual editing the db20:11
NobodyCamset the provision state to manage[d] from the cli20:11
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Nishai did, but it do only from Available state as of now20:14
Nishaor from Inspected20:14
jlvllal_sfomrda: I think this is your patch.   Not so much about your patch but is it considered preferable to have each test per line.  I was wondering if there was a downside to doing two for loops.  One for AssertFalse and one for AssertTrue.20:14
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jlvllal_sfoI notice the rest of the file does each test one per line.  It doesn't use for loops.20:15
jlvllal_sfoJust trying to learn best practices20:15
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mrdajlvllal_sfo: I think you mean one test per test method? (rather than per line)20:16
jlvllal_sfomrda: Correct :)20:16
mrdaI think in the case of these methods, where we're testing a bunch of different cases, which we have is fine.20:17
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mrdaI have seen people use a dict to hold the tests and responses, but that wasn't used here.  I just followed the conventions in the file20:17
jlvllal_sfomrda: Okay.  I saw a bunch of ones for True and a bunch for False.  Like the other parts of the file.20:17
jlvllal_sfoI wasn't sure if it was okay to have a for loop for all the true ones.  And another for loop for all the false ones.20:18
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mrdaI might fix this, since the gate is broken for the agent, and I can't work out why :-/20:18
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openstackgerritVikas Jain proposed openstack/ironic: fixed typos from eligable to eligible and delition to deletion
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/pyghmi: Add a "--port" option to fakebmc
openstackgerritVikas Jain proposed openstack/ironic: fixed typo from analagous to analogous
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jjohnson2martini, btw, did you see the video of confluent?20:46
jjohnson2martini, oh and if you ever read Dan Farmer's ipmi stuff, I'm the Jarrod Johnson in his credits, if that's helpful for context20:47
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martinijjohnson2 I saw the link and bookmarked it this morning, haven't watched yet tho21:07
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openstackgerritVictor Lowther proposed openstack/ironic: Add DRAC BIOS config vendor passthru API -- DO NOT MERGE
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: Generic changes for Node Inspection
mrda is the bug for adding microversion support to python-ironicclient21:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1417430 in python-ironicclient "API microversion" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Tan Lin (tan-lin-good)21:34
yjiang5mrda: thanks21:34
JayFmrda: is the bug to log wtf actaully broke in IPA :)21:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1420981 in Ironic "Agent does not provide enough information to troubleshoot failed image downloads" [Medium,New]21:34
* JayF starts patching that bug21:34
mrdaJayF: recheck no bug for the second time21:34
ShrewsFYI for others, ironicclient is (will be) capped for stable/juno:
Shrewsso jogo doesn't attempt to stab us21:36
jroll+1 for no stabbing21:36
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JayFwell this shouldn't take long, if that one fails we should land a fix to it before rechecking again21:37
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic: iLO implementation for hardware inspection
jlvllal_sform -rf /21:55
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JayFmrda: not that: image_info['id'], resp.status_code,22:02
JayF                                        resp.text22:02
JayFlol, bad copy22:02
JayF#swift_store_multiple_containers_seed = 022:02
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JayFkorekhov: for the tix?22:09
wanyenhi devananda,22:10
korekhovyes, JayF22:10
JayFcool, will email shortly, it'll come from ticketmaster22:11
wanyendevananda- we added FFE request for passing flavor in capabilities to this week's Nova IRC meeting22:11
JayFJoshNang: lmk when you get that tempest patch up. If I haven't emailed by then I'll add it.22:11
wanyendevananda, will u attned this weeks' nova irc meeting?22:12
mrdawanyen: devananda is offline right now.22:13
wanyenmrda, ty22:13
JoshNangJayF: i'm looking to see if its possible22:13
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Log required troubleshooting info on image dl fail
aweeksanyone at the meetup like chess?  if you're looking for a break at some point, you should fetch me.22:15
JayFIf someone could review that IPA ^ patch, we're hoping to get that logging to help troubleshoot agent_ssh job fails22:20
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anderbubbleNow that I have some actual hands-on experience with Ironic, I have some architectural comments/questions related to how we’d probably want to be able to use it, whether it’s a good idea, etc.22:50
anderbubbleWe’re HPC cluster admins, so we’re used to having hostnames and ip addresses statically defined across a fixed set of nodes. Often hostnames encode the name of the rack and position in the rack of the node in question.22:50
anderbubbleIt appears to me that, not only is this not the way Ironic is meant to work, but it quite possibly *can’t* work this way.22:51
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Log required troubleshooting info on image dl fail
JayFrloo: ^ fixed, ty for the review22:51
* rloo looks22:51
anderbubbleWe could define a unique resource to each node and provision a given instance to each of those unique names, maybe; but even then, the address that is assigned to the node would probably just be pulled from the pool, right?22:51
anderbubbleso are there any plans to support a static allocation map of instances to physical nodes, and a static allocation map of network addresses to instances?22:52
anderbubble(I know that’s not very cloud-y; but it might be considered a requirement on our side if we were to use OpenStack/Ironic in our environment)22:53
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anderbubble(If there’s no-one here who can have this conversation right now, is there someone I could talk with about this at a later time, possibly over email?)22:55
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openstackgerritPeter Martini proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Created a new binary, 'vboxbmc'
martinijjohnson2 - don't know if you're still there, but I figure you may like that one.  I created a new script as a sort of fork of fakebmc, except it delegates the various power methods to the virtualbox python module23:13
martiniThe upshot - I can power on / power off / power status a virtualbox machine (specified by name at startup time) with ipmitool23:14
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jlvllal_sfoWho wants a review, from someone with no authority ;)23:14
JoshNangjlvllal_sfo: how about some state machine additions?
jlvllal_sfoJoshNang: Sure.  Thanks23:15
JayFanderbubble: that kind of use case is treating your servers like 'snowflakes', you care about a specific server23:19
JayFanderbubble: as opposed to cloud23:19
jlvllal_sfoJoshNang: Confused on  Line 1568 and 1571.  Confused on why same command with same arguments23:19
JoshNangjlvllal_sfo: so, that moves the node CLEANING->CLEANED and CLEANED->AVAILABLE (CLEANED is there for future support of rechecking a cleaning, or something to that effect)23:21
anderbubbleJayF, there’s three primary concerns here: 1) we’d like our ipmi addresses to match our host addresses as offsets within each subnet; 2) we’d like to be able to easily track physical hosts when reading log output; and 3) our users actually do have to care about the network topology of the nodes they are running on, and the relation of the nodes to each other23:21
anderbubblefor (3), we could probably just change the naming scheme to be based on switches rather than racks, and encode the switch as a resource on the node23:22
anderbubblebut for the other two, I don’t know23:22
JayF2 is going to be made easy by mrda's incoming logical names patch23:23
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JayFYou can also encode metadata into the node.extra23:24
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anderbubbleJayF, logical names won’t necessarily mean that a given instance name would get matched up with a given node name23:25
anderbubbleAnd I know this isn’t a cloud workflow; but we’re taking baby steps here; we’ve got a lot of traditional cluster infrastructure and history here, and I think we would technically be able to provision it with Ironic (rather than, say, Cobbler or xcat) and would get a huge win in future flexibility23:26
anderbubbleI’m going offline to head home soon; but, JayF, would you be willing to talk about this more later / tomorrow? Really, just getting feedback and thoughts from anyone who’s already used to the normal OpenStack/Ironic way of doing things would be useful to me as I plan and propose whether we might be able to use OpenStack for our system next year or so.23:28
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JayFmrda: 2015-02-11 23:23:24.070 5111 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent [-] node 74c9f587-89bc-480a-8b36-28722c709025 command status errored: {u'message': u'Error downloading image.', u'code': 500, u'type': u'ImageDownloadError', u'details': u'Download of image id 08c71789-f292-49b3-a03e-6d0a57e96b63 failed: empty response received'}23:32
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JayFmrda: this makes me very expect something firewall changed in devstack23:33
JayFmrda: this means response = None in the agent code23:34
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martiniAh, Jenkins test failed, for a requirements issue: vboxbmc the command would require pyvbox, which is not in openstack/requirements.  I was about to do the same thing for virsh anyway, so if that's not trivially fixable, I'll punt to virshbmc23:56
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ShrewsJayF: particularly
JayFproxy-server: 11/Feb/2015/23/23/23 GET /v1/AUTH_21c991b1b7c94c4a98a0319583292027/glance/08c71789-f292-49b3-a03e-6d0a57e96b63%3Ftemp_url_sig%3Dc0131380db789ad4bcb437b455b033d7ee824745%26temp_url_expires%3D1423700420 HTTP/1.0 401 - python-requests/2.2.1%20CPython/2.7.6%20Linux/3.15.2%2B - - 35 - txcb99278e6c1d4b0d927af-0054dbe46b - 0.0321 - - 1423697003.78990006423:58
JayF1423697003.821978092 -23:59
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