Wednesday, 2014-12-10

naohirotNobodyCam: and also Operator or deployer have to operate 2 set of Horizon Web GUI, one for virtual host such as KVM hypervisor, the other is for Ironic?00:00
NobodyCamnaohirot: as of right there is no support for virtual and physical deploys00:00
devanandanaohirot: it's possible to use different nova hypervisors in the same cloud by using host-aggregates, or cells00:02
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devanandahowever, I am not aware of any existing guides explaining how to do this with Ironic and libvirt00:02
NobodyCamlol I was just looking to see if there was any thing I could link on it00:02
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devanandaIt is also possible to run multiple hypervisors in a single deployment using host aggregates or cells. However, an individual compute node can run only a single hypervisor at a time.00:02
naohirotNobodyCam: In order for deployer to manage virtual and psychical, do they need to prepare 2 sets of OpenStack right now?00:03
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NobodyCamthey need to have setup cells or host aggregates00:04
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NobodyCamI have not gone thru and setup a cells install00:04
NobodyCamwould be a great doc to have thou, I'd wager00:05
naohirotdevananda: NobodyCam: I see, I'll take a look a the cells and host aggregation.00:05
NobodyCamnaohirot: please let us know how it goes...00:06
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naohirotNobodyCam: devananda: one thing I need to know is that Horizon Web GUI, is the Web GUI able to manage both virtual and physical if we use the cells and host aggregation?00:12
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devanandanaohirot: sorry, I do not know. you should ask the horizon developers that00:12
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devanandanaohirot: that's not a great answer... and I'm happy to introduce you to them, but we haven't done much yet with horizon integration specifically for Ironic00:13
devanandanaohirot: there is a Tuskar-UI plugin which has some integration between Horizon and Ironic. the developers of that hang out in #tripleo roomt00:14
NobodyCamI recall some very basic wire frame reviews but I am not at all sure if they actually landed00:14
naohirotdevananda: I see00:15
naohirotNobodyCam: devananda: anyway I'll take a look at the cell and host aggregation first. thanks!00:15
NobodyCam:) happy to help00:15
devanandanaohirot: actually, what I mean is, I don't believe there is currently support in Horizon for managing Ironic directly00:16
devanandanaohirot: whethers Horizon may (or may not) support a multi-hypervisor Nova deployment, I can not say00:16
naohirotdevananda: If horizen cannnot manage multiple hyper-visors, I can easily imaging the case of hypervisors and ironic. This is very helpful information.00:19
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naohirotdevananda: NobodyCam: Anyway I understood that currently VM deploy and baremetal deploy haven't been integrated yet, we are on the way to the seamless integration, right?00:21
devanandanaohirot: I do not understand what you mean. can you phrase the question differently?00:22
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naohirotdevananda: Okay, I'm thinking a use case, how can deployer to deploy a compute node where Ironic deploy a physical OS.00:23
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naohirotdevananda: Is it possible right now?00:24
naohirots/to deploy/deploy/00:24
NobodyCamnaohirot: with cells yes00:24
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NobodyCambut I'm not sure that horizon has full support for that.00:24
devanandanaohirot: basically, you want Ironic to install OpenStack Nova on a server?00:24
devanandanaohirot: or did I misunderstand?00:25
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NobodyCamI was thinking naohirot was looking to do something like offer both vm and phy nodes to his customers00:25
NobodyCambibw *00:26
devanandaNobodyCam: that's what I thought, too. not sure though00:26
JayFThat definately works ... using cells :)00:26
devanandaJayF: right. but then the question was, does Horizon support that, which I don't know00:27
NobodyCamJayF: do you know if horizon supports that setup atm00:27
naohirotdevananda: I just wanted to know a concrete setup example of OpenStack, so any configuration is fine, I just wanted to know it's possible or not.00:27
* NobodyCam point to JayF 00:28
JayFGiven right now Ironic has no code in Horizon supporting it at all00:28
JayFI can answer that with a definitive no00:28
NobodyCamnaohirot: 00:26 | JayF > That definately works ... using cells :)00:28
JayFCombining Ironic + VMs in the same cloud :)00:28
JayFnot using Horizon to manage them00:28
* NobodyCam thinks he has never user it :(00:29
* NobodyCam steps away00:29
naohirotJayF: devananda: Yes, that's what I'd like to know00:30
JayFI think I've seen horizon running exactly once00:30
naohirotdevananda: NobodyCam: JayF: I'll check the cell and the aggregation, thanks!!00:31
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HaomengI run into this error "Node 65fe14d5-df35-4895-90ab-377a79c64375 is locked by host localhost.localdomain, please retry after the current operation is completed. (HTTP 409)", can we cancel the reservation by commands?00:42
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NobodyCami think there is still a ope bug for that00:51
NobodyCamand morning Haomeng00:51
HaomengNobodyCam: morning00:51
HaomengNobodyCam: ok, let me check log and maybe we have gap for some logic for such state00:51
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HaomengNobodyCam: yes, same error behavior00:52
HaomengNobodyCam: :)00:53
jrollso uh00:53
jrollnaohirot: devananda, NobodyCam, why wouldn't horizon work with combined virt/metal using cells?00:53
jrollpresumably those just show up as flavors00:54
jrolland the user clicks "boot an instance of virt||metal flavor00:54
NobodyCamjroll: have you used Horizon... I assume it would support.. But I can not say 100% it does00:54
jrollI haven't used it00:55
jrollbut like00:55
jrollisn't it just a gui around novaclient?00:55
jrollfor the purpose of booting instances?00:55
naohirotjroll: good evening00:56
jrollhi there00:56
naohirotjroll: everybody said that the cells and the host aggregation provide the way to handle both VM and bare metal.00:58
jrollright. they do.00:58
naohirotjroll: so I have to lean those first, :-)00:58
jrollwe use cells in production, it totally works :)00:59
jrollHaomeng: by the way, that happens when a lock gets stuck, like if you restart a conductor while a node is locked00:59
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naohirotjroll: that's great, I thought that it would be severely inconvenient for deployer if we couldn't handle both.01:02
jrollnaohirot: yep, we have it set up where ironic has its own cell, it's bee good to us for the most part01:03
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naohirotjroll: okay, I'll ask further question after learning what the cells and the host aggregation offer. Thanks!01:05
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jrollcool, you're welcome :)01:05
naohirotjroll: :-)01:05
* devananda wanders afk for the evening01:08
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* mrda is trying to work out how to add a field to the Ironic db, and handle migrations too01:31
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mrdathanks Shrews01:34
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mrdaI was wondering how the revision id came about01:35
mrdaShrews: So at which point should I run ironic-dbsync?  Once I've updtaed the file, but before I try and start conductor?01:38
Shrewsmrda: if you want to use the autogenerate stuff, yeah01:38
mrda"if I want"?01:39
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Shrewschange, ironic-dbsync revision --autogenerate, ironic-dbsync upgrade (IIRC), then start conductor01:39
mrdaAre the revision ids "special"? Or can I generate my own? (so long as they don't clash and refer to the last revision?)01:39
Shrewsbeen a while since i did all that01:39
mrdaok, thanks Shrews01:39
mrdaI'll have a play01:40
Shrewsthe revision id is autogenerated01:40
Shrewswith the 'revision' command01:40
Shrewswhich then gives you a file you can use to 'upgrade' the db tables themselves01:40
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Shrewsi can't remember if 'revision' goes ahead and applies the changes. i don't think it does01:41
Shrewsi think it just creates the update file01:41
mrdaand it's the --message that gives the suffix for the migration script?  i.e. would be ironic-dbsync revision --message add_provision_updated_at or similar?01:41
Shrewsmrda: i think so01:42
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Haomengjroll: ok, if we restart conductor again, if it will be released?01:51
Haomenglet me have test01:51
Haomengjroll: after the conductor is restarted again, it still in reservation status, so should we catch the signal before conductor existing ?01:53
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Haomengjroll: and try to wait or handle the nodes which are locked01:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: New Ironic provisioner state machine.
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NobodyCamw00 h00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^02:29
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jrollHaomeng: you need to manually unlock in the database02:52
Haomengyes, I will:)02:52
Haomengjust concern for our user, how they can do02:53
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jrollsame thing :(02:53
* jroll runs ironic in production and that is a pain point02:53
Haomengjroll: :)02:53
jrollgood night Haomeng and everyone else :)02:54
Haomengjroll: good night:)02:54
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rameshg87Haomeng, hello04:21
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Haomengrameshg87: hi04:52
rameshg87Haomeng, i had a questionn on IBM xCAT CI04:52
rameshg87Haomeng, are you the contact for it ? :)04:52
Haomengrameshg87: sure, i can help to find the contact04:53
rameshg87Haomeng, i was checking the logs, but it seems to run a node with pxe_ssh driver04:53
rameshg87Haomeng, i was expecting it is testing on real hardware04:53
Haomengrameshg87: yes, it should be ipminative driver04:53
Haomengrameshg87: let me check with xcat team04:53
Haomengrameshg87: owned by xcat team04:54
Haomengrameshg87: and response you once get the feedback04:54
rameshg87Haomeng, okay04:54
Haomengrameshg87: :)04:54
rameshg87Haomeng, i just downloaded the log from it:
Haomengrameshg87: let me forward the log to xcat team04:55
rameshg87Haomeng, when i checked the conductor log, i see a node registered with pxe_ssh driver and then deployed04:55
rameshg87Haomeng, i couldn't see any node registered with pxe_ipmitool or pxe_ipminative driver04:56
rameshg87Haomeng, hence my question04:56
rameshg87Haomeng, may be you can just check the same point with xcat team04:56
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Haomengrameshg87: I get response from xcat, they are testing some cases with ssh_pxe driver temporary04:59
rameshg87Haomeng, okay, so it's not real hardware right now, am i correct ?05:00
Haomengrameshg87: and they will switch to pxe_ipminative driver in recently days05:00
Haomengrameshg87: thaks for your information:)05:00
rameshg87Haomeng, okay so they will switch to pxe_ipminative soon05:00
rameshg87Haomeng, we are planning to start CI for hp hardware and we wanted some info on how many bare metals are you dedicating for CI ?05:01
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rameshg87Haomeng, may be we will get that info later on05:01
Haomengrameshg87: let me forward these question to xcat05:03
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chenglchrameshg87:  hi, now we have four case test on the real machine , like  test__power_status  test_set_boot_device_pxe05:05
rameshg87chenglch, hi05:05
rameshg87chenglch, okay05:05
chenglchwe just change the nova boot to pxe_ssh temporary05:06
rameshg87chenglch, okay05:06
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rameshg87chenglch, just wanted to know how many machines you dedicate for xcat - so that we will have an fair idea how many bare metals are required for us too05:06
rameshg87chenglch, we plan to run the deploy of our deploy drivers - iscsi_ilo which will take approximately same time as pxe_ilo driver05:07
chenglchnow , we only have one baremetal machine05:07
rameshg87chenglch, okay05:07
rameshg87chenglch, i see xcat posts results in the same speed as that of other CI testing05:07
rameshg87chenglch, so i guess xcat CI is comfortably running with one bare metal, right ?05:08
rameshg87chenglch, i mean comfortably running deploy with one bare metal05:08
chenglchrameshg87: yes only one ,sometimes a little late response05:08
rameshg87chenglch, okay05:08
rameshg87chenglch, thanks a lot for the info05:08
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Haomengjiangfei: hi06:17
Haomengjiangfei: good afternoon06:17
jiangfeiHaomeng: good afternoon.06:17
jiangfeiHaomeng: today,  i want to add plugin-driver in conductor tablse, so it can  be checked by api, what about it06:18
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Haomengjiangfei: it is auto-added during conductor starting06:24
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Haomengjiangfei: if it is defined as python ext in entry_points06:25
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Haomengjiangfei: setup.cnf define these extensions06:25
Haomengjiangfei: setup.cfg entry_points sections06:25
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Haomengyjiangfei: you can add your new driver into ironic.drivers list06:26
Haomengjiangfei: and run install again or change the python egginfo file directly, then restart conductor06:26
Haomengjiangfei: monitor the log to see if your driver is loaded06:27
jiangfeiHaomeng: i kown, but  these drivers not in enable_dirviers, it doesn't work.06:27
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Haomengjiangfei: yes, add it into ironic.conf enabled_drivers06:29
jiangfeiHaomeng: so i want add plugin_drivers element in conductor tables,  like this: mysql> select * from conductors;06:33
jiangfei+---------------------+---------------------+----+------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------    +--------+06:33
jiangfei| created_at          | updated_at          | id | hostname   | drivers           | plugin_drivers                               | online |06:33
jiangfei+---------------------+---------------------+----+------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------    +--------+06:33
jiangfei| 2014-11-28 06:28:56 | 2014-12-10 03:58:11 |  1 | test-host  | ["fake_ipmitool"] | ["fake_ipmitool, pxe_ssh, pxe_ipmitool...."] |      0 |06:33
jiangfei| 2014-12-10 02:30:14 | 2014-12-10 03:58:11 |  2 | test-host1 | ["fake_ssh"]      | ["fake_ssh","pxe_Iboot", "pxe_ipminative"]   |      0 |06:33
jiangfei+---------------------+---------------------+----+------------+-------------------+-------------------                           +--------+06:33
Haomengjiangfei: you can paste it via to share06:33
Haomengjiangfei: it is not added by manually06:34
Haomengjiangfei: 1. make sure it is in setup.cfg entry_points sections06:34
Haomengjiangfei: 2 make sure it is enabled by ironic.conf enabled_drivers06:34
jiangfeiHaomeng: yes06:35
Haomengjiangfei: then restart conductor and monitor the log to see if/how it is loaded06:35
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jiangfeiHaomeng: yes, i want to inserted  these ironic.dirviers to database,not only ironic.conf enabled_drivers06:38
Haomengjiangfei: the new driver is auto-loaded, dont insert into tables by manually, dont think conductor will pick them up fine06:39
jiangfeiHaomeng: ii dont want to  insert into tables by manually.06:45
Haomengjiangfei: yes, confgurate new driver then it will be auto-loaded by conductor06:45
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rameshg87jiangfei, after adding your new driver to setup.cfg, you can run "python egg_info". this will change ironic.egg-info/entry_points.txt06:52
jiangfeirameshg87: thks06:53
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Add AMT-PXE-Driver to deploy cloud on PC
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dtantsurMorning Ironic07:55
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Haomengdtantsur: morning:)07:59
naohirotdtantsur: good morning :-)07:59
dtantsurHaomeng, naohirot o/08:01
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-specs: In-band hardware properites introspection via ironic-discoverd
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Refactoring: split into 2 modules
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Refactoring: cap complexity at 15 and coverage at 90
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Refactoring: split and rewrite tests for process
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openstackgerritArata Notsu proposed openstack/ironic: Correct vmware ssh power manager
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pensuHey all, what does dhcp_provider=none in ironic.conf does? I mean, if I am not giving any DHCP, how am I supposed to boot a node?09:49
openstackgerritmalini-k-bhandaru proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Bare Metal Trust Using Intel TXT
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Haomengpensu: the dhcp port is controled by neutron10:17
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Haomengpensu: so depends on the net created from neutron10:19
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pensuHaomeng: Okay, what I am confused about it, if I want to use an external DHCP server, should I put dhcp_provider=none? Coz as I understand if it doesn't find anything, it's going to fall back to neutron as default...10:20
Haomengpensu: yes, but I think we support neutron only10:23
Haomengpensu: if put dhcp_provider=none, then mean will not call neutron api10:23
rameshg87dtantsur, hi10:23
dtantsurrameshg87, o/10:23
rameshg87dtantsur, regarding comment on - "Maybe we need at least vendor?"10:23
rameshg87dtantsur, doesn't the disk type serve the use-case10:24
dtantsurrameshg87, how?10:24
rameshg87dtantsur, i don't know which disk is actually cheaper10:24
rameshg87dtantsur, but typeA disk might be cheaper than typeB disk10:24
rameshg87dtantsur, and operator might want to use those disks for a particular raid volume10:25
rameshg87dtantsur, will the operator be so choosy in providing disks from vendorX specifically ?10:25
dtantsurrameshg87, I don't think type is enough to distinguish between e.g. hi-end and mid-end disks10:25
dtantsurthat's the use case I was told about, I don't know the details myself :)10:26
pensuHaomeng: Then how would this work:
rameshg87dtantsur, i am just afraid the list keeps growing :(10:26
pensuHaomeng: I mean, either I can put neutron as DHCP provider or "none".....and as far as I can see only none can help me to use external DHCP...10:26
dtantsuryeah... I'm not sure how to solve it10:27
pensuHaomeng: would I still need neutron?10:27
rameshg87dtantsur, ultimately we might keep providing enough information until we feel providing physical disks is better :)10:27
Haomengpensu: the patch is for dhcp plugin framework10:28
Haomengpensu: by default, we use neutron as dhcp provider10:28
Haomengpensu: if we have more dhcp provider code, we can configure it as another provider10:29
Haomengpensu: or set to none to use  external dhcp which is out-of openstack I think10:29
rameshg87dtantsur, i don't know - but adding vendor name there seems too much like "pets" to me10:30
rameshg87dtantsur, i personally wouldn't like to have it there10:31
dtantsurrameshg87, then how to solve this use case?10:31
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pensuHaomeng: Hmmm.....that's what I am trying to figure out, how do I use an out-of openstack DHCP.....let me give it shot....thanks.....:)10:31
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rameshg87dtantsur, i would like to know more about this use-case: hi-end and mid-end, what does it mean10:33
dtantsurI can find out and clarify (or let Imre do it :)10:33
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rameshg87dtantsur, yeah some more information from you or Imre would be helpful10:34
Haomengpensu: run dnsmasq to serv the dhcp request and provide pxe file server and bootfile-name10:34
Haomengpensu: let me find some reference10:35
Haomengpensu: hope this can help you10:36
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Haomengpensu: and this one -
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pensuHaomeng: hey, thanks a lot for that! The thing is in my scenario, I am trying to get past the bootfile (i.e pxelinux.0) as I am already running a bootloader, I want kernel and ramdisk to be sent, I am planning to use external DHCP to do that.....not sure if external DHCP is the right way to do that!10:46
Haomengpensu: the kernel and ramdisk is defined in pxeconfig folders10:48
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Haomengpensu: such as /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default10:48
pensuHaomeng: yeah, that I was able figureo out, I  just don't know how to go around pxelinux.0....the DHCP sends that first....and if I leave pxe_bootfile_name blank, it throws the error....10:49
Haomengpensu: pxelinux.0 is the bootloader which is defined in dhcp potions10:50
Haomengpensu: s/potions/options10:50
Haomengpensu: the dhcp options can be passed by feedfile - with the dnsmasq command line argument --dhcp-optsfile10:52
pensuHaomeng: yeah, I tried to remove that option from, and ironic.conf.....but it gave me error that the filed is empty...10:53
pensuHaomeng: oh, I haven't tried that.....will give it a shot....10:54
pensuHaomeng: so, I just leave that filed blank? Or do I have to provide something else instead of pxelinux.0?10:54
Haomengpensu: good luck, suggest to find a guide which try to configure the dnsmasq for pxe by manually10:54
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pensuHaomeng: Thanks...:)11:00
Haomengpensu: welcome11:00
Haomengpensu: in face, it is the same result with dnsmasq process which is controled by neutron dhcp port, and with our manualy steps11:01
Haomengpensu: to run dnsmasq with enough arguments to support pxe11:01
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dtantsursambetts, morning11:06
sambettsmorning dtantsur11:08
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Bare Metal Trust Using Intel TXT
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Require manual power on if ipmi_setup_credentials is set in Node.extra
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Add AMT-PXE-Driver to deploy cloud on PC
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ShrewsGood morning, Pixie Boots followers13:35
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Add AMT-PXE-Driver to deploy cloud on PC
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dtantsurShrews, o/ :)13:53
naohirotShrews: good morning13:55
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Shrewshi dtantsur, naohirot :)13:55
naohirotShrews: I have a question about python-ironicclient tox unit test13:56
naohirotShrews: In my environment, ironicclient.tests.test_shell.ShellTestNoMox.test_node_list never pass.13:57
naohirotShrews: I'm asking you this question because you kindly review my patch "py26" matter.13:58
Shrewsuh, hrm. what's the output?13:59
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naohirotjust moment13:59
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naohirotShrews: ConnectionRefused: Unable to establish connection to
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naohirotShrews: I'm wondering if I need to start keystone server?14:02
Shrewsnaohirot: no. it shouldn't be trying to actually connect14:02
naohirotShrews: but this is unit test. I believe that I don't have to.14:02
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Shrewsnaohirot: i *think* httpretty should be simulating the connection. i wonder if that's installed14:04
naohirotShrews: do you know why this unit test is named "ShellTestNoMox"?14:04
Shrewsnaohirot: no, i do not14:04
naohirotShrews: I'm wondering if "NoMox" means "NoMock"?14:05
Shrewsnaohirot: not sure what could be happening. try rebuilding the tox env:  tox -epy27 -r14:06
sorenWell, it's not using mox.14:08
sorenMaybe there used to be a set of tests that used mox and a set that didn't.14:08
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naohirotShrews: Actually this problem is persisting in my environment since I submitted "py26" tox patch, and I recreated my environment several times from clean installation.14:09
naohirotsoren: Hi14:09
sorenHas a bit of an answer.14:11
soren(And clearly there's some cut/paste going on here)14:11
naohirotShrews: is this tox unit test always executed at the Jenkins CI test?14:11
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* naohirot looking at the URL14:12
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Require manual power on if ipmi_setup_credentials is set in Node.extra
Shrewsnaohirot: something is broken in your local environment. that's difficult for me to debug  :)14:14
naohirotShrews: Okay, This case works at the gate, so it's my environment problem.14:15
naohirotsoren: thanks, I found the comment.14:16
naohirotShrews: soren: thanks, I'll check my environment thoroughly again.14:18
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NobodyCamgood morning Ironic14:30
* naohirot I see Mox is one of mock library,
dtantsurNobodyCam, morning14:30
NobodyCammrning dtantsur14:30
NobodyCam:) morning naohirot14:30
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naohirotNobodyCam: good morning :)14:31
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naohirotNobodyCam: we overlapped in morning and in evening :)14:32
NobodyCamhehehe yes we did :)14:32
naohirotNobodyCam: yeah, so it's time to go to bed :)14:33
NobodyCamnaohirot: I'll bet.. :)14:33
NobodyCamhave a good night14:33
naohirotNobodyCam: dtantsur: Shrews: sore: good night, see you!14:34
dtantsurnaohirot, g'night14:34
naohirotbye :)14:34
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dtantsurfolks, is it desired behavior that Ironic restarts a node that shut down itself? Oo14:40
dtantsurit was VERY surprising14:44
Shrewsdtantsur: probably the power sync thread, no?14:45
dtantsuryeah, it is14:45
dtantsurbut I'm not sure if it's what we want. do we expect the users to never shutdown the machine?14:46
Shrewsdtantsur: i'd expect they would shut it down via the API, not with a physical button press14:46
dtantsurShrews, that sounds quite limiting to me...14:47
dtantsurand I of course mean proper shutdown, not physical button14:47
Shrewswell, proper shutdown is via the API, no?14:47
dtantsurShrews, from which point of view? from pov of OS it's sudo halt14:47
dtantsurShrews, that causes problems with the ramdisks, like discoverd one14:48
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dtantsurbecause it should shut down once it's finished completely14:48
Shrewsdtantsur: ah, from that POV, I'm not sure what we'd expect then. good question14:48
dtantsurand now I have to create one more loop from ramdisk to discoverd just to do `sudo halt` :)14:49
dtantsurI would also expect some users to try halting their machine via CLI as well :)14:49
dtantsurdevananda, once you're online, could you comment on ^^^ ?14:50
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jrolldtantsur: reason number two that we run without force_power_state or whatever14:53
jrolldtantsur: that way ironic will leave it alone, and then nova eventually notices and puts it in a STOPPED state14:54
dtantsurjroll, sorry, what do you mean?14:54
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dtantsuroh damn, I'd expect behavior like force_power_state_during_sync=False14:55
dtantsurand the default is True...14:55
jrollI tried to make that default to false once14:55
jrollgot shot down14:56
dtantsurhmm... changing option downstream and making it a requirement for discoverd sounds the easiest way to me14:56
dtantsurjroll, what was the reason?14:57
jrolldtantsur: I don't remember, trying to find the bug I filed14:57
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jrollsee lifeless' comment14:58
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dtantsuroh dear15:00
dtantsurthat's where cloud-only case contradicts others...15:00
jrollyeah, I'm sure there was irc discussion here too15:02
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jrolldtantsur: I think this came from us wanting long-running ramdisks, and so that's why people were averse to it15:05
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dtantsuroh hmm...15:06
dtantsurjroll, thanks for explanation. All this complicates my life seriously...15:06
jrolldtantsur: just... set that option to false?15:06
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dtantsurjroll, maybe. not sure if we can do it e.g. instack-wide, need to talk to guys...15:07
dtantsurunfortunately it won't affect only discoverd :)15:08
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NobodyCammorning jroll15:17
jrollmorning NobodyCam :)15:17
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jrollany mirantis folks around? is there a way to make fuel work with already provisioned servers?15:44
jrolllike if I wanted to skip the pxe-boot-and-provision step15:44
jrollromcheg: ^15:44
romchegjroll: one sec15:44
NobodyCamjroll: thats a odd use case15:44
romchegI will spawn someone, I'm still not that familiar with Fuel15:45
jrollNobodyCam: more curious than anything15:45
NobodyCamI have been asked just that question b4 .. btw15:45
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holserHi guys15:46
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jrollhiya holser15:46
jrollis there a way to make fuel work with already provisioned servers?15:46
jrolllike if I wanted to skip the pxe-boot-and-provision step15:46
NobodyCammorning romcheg and holser15:46
romchegMorning NobodyCam, and everyone else!15:47
holseractually, we have tiny software in provision image15:47
* holser that notifies when ready, when we know that provisioned server is ready, we can use it for deployments.15:48
jrollholser: what I'm thinking is, I have a bunch of servers running say, ubuntu. then I want to run mirantis cloud on them. without pxe booting15:48
jrollthat tiny software is fuel-agent, right?15:48
holserjroll, out of the box - no.15:49
holseryes, fuel-agent15:49
romchegit's nailgun-agent15:49
jrollcould I just run that on my machines and it would provision the rest of the openstack software?15:49
jrollah, ok15:49
romchegfuel-agent is a completely different story, related to image-based provisioning15:49
holserif you have agent and communication layer configured (mcollective) then all nodes will appear so you’ll be able to create environment and deploy it15:50
holserbut that functionality is not out of the box15:51
holserwell, we have image-based provisioning you may create image based on it15:51
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NobodyCamdtantsur: question: I'm looking at 135605 (discoverd spec)15:54
dtantsur1 moment, I'm on call15:55
jrollcool, thanks for the info holser :)15:55
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holserjroll, you are welcome15:55
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romchegjroll: if you have more questions you can always jump in #fuel-dev as well15:58
jrollromcheg: right on, thanks15:59
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dtantsurNobodyCam, I'm back16:03
NobodyCamI'll add as a comment on the review. but wanted to ask how you came up with port 505016:04
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dtantsurNobodyCam, out of random. does it conflicts with something?16:04
jrollyahoo messenger, msn messenger, unity game engine16:05
jrollI don't think there will be conflicts here ;)16:05
NobodyCam:) I run my chat clients in the cloud16:06
dtantsurNobodyCam, port 5000 is also occupied by some malware, I don't think keystone cares :D16:06
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rameshg87NobodyCam, hi16:07
rameshg87NobodyCam, just saw comments on
NobodyCamhi rameshg8716:07
* NobodyCam looks16:07
rameshg87NobodyCam, it should have been MANAGED right instead of ENROLL16:07
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NobodyCamoh you are correct16:07
rameshg87NobodyCam, as per
rameshg87NobodyCam, okay16:07
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rameshg87NobodyCam, Nisha is on vacation16:08
NobodyCam:( yep thats what I get for reviewing before coffee16:08
rameshg87NobodyCam, since all are nits, i will just address them quickly16:08
dtantsurNobodyCam, anyway, you can change the port, if you run MSN on your undercloud machine :)16:08
NobodyCamwant me to put up a comment to that effect rameshg8716:08
rameshg87NobodyCam, i will do, np16:08
NobodyCamdtantsur: :) I'm good with that option :)16:09
NobodyCamrameshg87: Thank you :)16:09
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties using new CLI node-inspect
rameshg87NobodyCam, dtantsur|brb, ^^16:17
NobodyCamThank you rameshg87 I will take a look in just a few minutes16:17
rameshg87NobodyCam, thanks16:17
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NobodyCamrameshg87: +2'd16:35
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NobodyCammorning dlaube :)16:40
rameshg87NobodyCam, thanks :)16:42
jrollheya dlaube :)16:42
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dlaubejroll: you ready for this big storm heading our way?16:46
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jrolldlaube: I grew up in michigan where winter storms were 2 feet of snow, this is nothing :)16:47
dlaubenice! I'm originally from upstate NY where we have seen the same16:48
zsmithnycdlaube: isn't jake in Michigan too?16:48
dlaubeI only worry about flooding out here16:48
dlaubezsmithnyc: minnesota I thought16:49
dlaubei could be wrong16:49
jrollI'm in the deep east bay, I don't think I'll have many problems16:49
jrollflooding wise16:49
dlaubejroll: good deal, east bay will probably be high and dry16:50
jrollnot quite dry :P16:50
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NobodyCambrb ... make'n mo coffee16:51
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zsmithnycjroll: heard you've been schooling mr dlaube a bit. thanks for the help ;-)17:08
jrollnot a problem :)17:09
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devanandamorning, all17:21
NobodyCamgood morning devananda17:21
Shrewsnow that's odd. why would ironic-dbsync not create tables at the most recent revision? hrm, a mystery....17:22
NobodyCamShrews: because it doesn't like you?17:23
ShrewsNobodyCam: that's likely true17:23
Shrewsperhaps it's because i haven't had lunch yet. i should remedy that right now17:23
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements
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NobodyCamgah why cann't I compaire patch versions to one another.. I could last night...17:43
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NobodyCamoh and just a side comment: Thanks to everyone for all the work and effort on the new state machine !!!!17:44
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JayFdid it land?17:46
NobodyCamyes last night17:46
JayFty victor_lowther17:47
JayFamong many others17:47
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NobodyCamvictor_lowther: Thank you :)17:57
Shrewsok, so 'ironic-dbsync upgrade' on an empty schema does NOT create the latest table versions, but 'ironic-dbsync create_schema' does18:02
Shrewsso that's fun18:02
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Shrewsanyone know alembic really well?18:02
jrollShrews: what version does "upgrade" end up at?18:03
NobodyCamquick poll.. what are folks thoughs on Ironic creating images18:03
Shrewsjroll: 3cb628139ea418:03
NobodyCamI should have said deploy images18:04
JayFI think it's very reasonable to build ISOs out of existing, operator supplied kernel/ramdisk pairings18:04
JayFas the fact the transport mechanism for the image is an ISO vs PXE is a hardware abstraction that Ironic should hide18:04
jrolloh, yeah18:05
jrollI see that as packaging images18:05
jrollnot building18:05
jrollShrews: ... weird18:05
NobodyCamand we kinda do the floppy thing now for the ilo/drac's type stuff18:05
Shrewsjroll: and when the conductor tries to start, you end up getting the same error as this person was asking about:
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jrollShrews: I have a thought18:06
jrollmaybe not18:07
jrollShrews: btw, I think you can also get that error when a driver fails to load18:07
devanandaNobodyCam: deploy kernel/ramdisk? or the instance image?18:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: Set blueprint link for drivers capabilities spec
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: fix the filename for hardware-capabilities.rst
JayFd'oh ^ I didn't see that fix but ty to whoever fixed that18:14
JayFI knew better than to name it the wrong thing18:14
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NobodyCamdevananda: deploy image18:26
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NobodyCamoh JayF was just looking over your comments on 134022.. Re: glance and uplading of images see:
devanandaNobodyCam: what is "deploy image" ?18:27
devanandaNobodyCam: I think I'm missing some obvious context ...18:28
NobodyCamthe deploy ISO for vmedia based deploys18:28
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NobodyCamdevananda: question was from spec 13402218:28
* NobodyCam hands devananda some more coffee too18:28
dtantsurdevananda, thanks for reviewing the in-band introspection spec, I have some clarification questions inline.18:30
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Implement Cleaning States
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devanandadtantsur: lemme see. I've also just commented on Nisha's spec which yours depends on18:35
dtantsurcool, will have a look too18:36
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dtantsurNobodyCam, rloo, I do think that --dryrun for inspection worth a separate spec...18:44
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NobodyCamI was thinking it was just a skip the actual properties update type change18:46
dtantsurNobodyCam, even the question "where to store this dryrun information" looks complicated to me...18:46
NobodyCamyou see it as larger then that18:46
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dtantsursuggesting to start using 'extra' for temporary dropping this information?18:46
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devanandadtantsur: replied18:49
devanandaI don't like discover --dryrun18:49
devanandawe dont have provision --dryrun ...18:50
devanandaor set-power-state --dryrun18:50
devanandawhat makes this interface need that, when others didn't?18:50
NobodyCamother interfaces have a validate. like with power i can validate it will work.. with discover I have no way to "test" what its going to do18:51
NobodyCambut I do see the point your making here18:52
devanandaoh, i need to draft a spec for enroll->validate->managed18:52
devanandawhich is different from the validate() that each driver interface implements -- those don't actually touch the node18:53
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devanandathey only check whether the driver *believes* it has the information it needs. not whether the information is *correct*18:53
NobodyCamdoesn't power do a test poke... Imbw in that thought...18:53
devanandawe removed that a while back18:54
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NobodyCamso I do agree that this interface should not be different then the others18:56
devananda fix actually added that comment18:56
devananda is Wishlisted18:57
devanandathat'll be solved by imlementing enroll->validating->managed18:57
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devanandaNobodyCam: in the patch, is there a reason you added **watchers only to a few states?19:14
devanandaoh -- never mind. it's on the _states_, not _transitions_. ignore me :)19:15
devanandaNobodyCam: going to fix up a few more things in it, in response to rloo's comments19:18
devanandaI'm hoping to have some time today to implement the next step19:18
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devanandaare you working on it, by chance?19:18
openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Add a new driver for Fuel Agent
NobodyCamthe next step or the next review.. /me is not doing any coding for fsm atm19:25
devanandak k19:26
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Add module
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NobodyCamThank you for the new cli release devananda :)19:34
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Begin using the state machine for node deploy/teardown
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Begin using the state machine for node deploy/teardown
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Support updating IPMI credentials from within ramdisk
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dtantsurg'night folks19:40
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NobodyCamhave a good night dtantsur|afk19:40
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Add a new driver for Fuel Agent
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Refactor async helper methods in conductor/
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Implement Zapping States
mrdaMorning Ironic!19:58
NobodyCammorning mrda19:58
mrdahey NobodyCam19:58
devanandag'morning, mrda!19:59
mrdahi devananda19:59
jroll\o mrda20:00
mrdahiya jroll20:00
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NobodyCamdevananda: looking at the add patch... you see any reason to add something like:
devanandaNobodyCam: something like that, yes20:05
devanandathere aren't any unit tests in my patch series for, which is less than ideal20:05
devanandaso ya, class FSMTest would make sense to port20:06
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devanandaI can do that, unless someone else wants to20:06
NobodyCamI can attempt to do that20:07
devanandak k20:07
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Do not log configdrive contents at INFO.
JayFjroll: ^ fix that bug I just found20:14
jrollJayF: s/at INFO.// maybe?20:14
jrollmakes it sound like you're changing the log level20:15
jrollif you don't read the rest20:15
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Do not log configdrive contents ever.
jrollI was going to troll you for a bug number20:16
jrollturns out you had one, great work20:16
JayFof course I did20:16
JayFI'd enforce that on you :)20:16
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devanandaaweeks: looking into how to do callbacks from right now20:23
devanandaaweeks: it's not possible right now, because the callbacks need to happen in the worker pool -- not in the same thread20:24
lifelessdtantsur|afk: jroll: ironic powering off something running ironic managed code is different to that case IMO - no?20:28
jrolllifeless: at the risk of getting into a conversation that I don't want to have right now... different to which case?20:30
lifelessjroll: so the review I commented on was changing the default of force-power-state20:31
lifelessjroll: there are two broad cases AIUI - there's the case where you want Ironic to be like a generic IPMI proxy, e.g. its not managing power unless you say 'please change X', which folk with non-cloud environments may want.20:32
lifelessjroll: and there is the case where Ironic is managing the machines - doing deployments and so forth, so all the concerns I raised in that comment apply.20:33
JayFWhy does that use case belong in OpenStack? Caring about pets != cloudy20:33
lifelessJayF: I'd be delighted to remove it entirely20:33
lifelessjroll: discoverd, assuming I got the context right, is about doing hardware interrogation to figure out what is inside the box20:34
JayFlifeless: actually, that use case could fit in a machine in the new MANAGED state20:34
lifelessjroll: and thus thats either part of the Ironic state machine20:34
* JayF exits the conversation before the gravitational pull gets too strong20:35
lifelessjroll: or if its being down by something a layer up, they should put it in maintenance mode20:35
jrolllifeless: what we're talking about is what happens when something running on the machine calls 'halt'20:35
jrolllifeless: for example, a user that doesn't know they should call nova stop instead20:35
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lifelessjroll: ok. So if the tenant turns it off, it should stay off ?20:36
lifelessjroll: I'd be ok with that; false *on* is what is a big issue for me.20:36
jrollit's the tenant's machine20:36
lifelessjroll: you won't get pushback from me on this20:37
jrolllifeless: I can get behind that, though I tend to think that's a rare case :)20:37
lifelessjroll: the prior proposal's issues were all around false on.20:37
Shrewsjroll: trying to reproduce that ironic-dbsync problem in a non-dockerized environment... can't do it. more weirdness  :(20:37
jrolllifeless: because we get a little bit hacky over here20:37
jrollShrews: stale pyc files maybe somehow?20:37
Shrewsjroll: possible20:38
Shrewslikely, even20:38
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ShrewsJayF: lol @ bug 140124420:44
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Shrewsdhellmann: Any idea on when the next release of oslo.messaging will occur? Specifically looking for this fix:
Shrewsi suppose i could just install it from git to silence the warnings  :/20:54
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alexm__Hi guys, how can I make my ssh keypair be copied over my metal node that I provisioned with Ironic? It seems like cloud-init cannot do this, since there is no metadata service on 169.25420:54
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devanandaalexm__: either run the nova metadata service, so that that works ... or bake it into the image you are deploying20:55
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jrollor use configdrive! (disclaimer it doesn't quite work yet)20:57
alexm__devananda: the metadata service is running on the controller node with Ironic/nova, but the metal node cannot route to it. Must I add some extra properties to the neutron subnet?20:57
devanandaalexm__: quite possibly. it depends on your network environment20:58
jrollyou almost certainly need to do something on the networking side of things20:58
alexm__baking the service on the image, or baking the ssh pub keypair for that matter, would do the trick. However, it’s not really friendly to ask clients to do this all the time, what’s the strategy for this?20:59
devanandaalexm__: proper networking so that cloud-init can reach the metadata service :)20:59
alexm__devananda: must be a common issue, is everyone doing this by hand? Thought Ironic would take care of that ;)21:00
devanandaalexm__: ironic doesn't proscribe the network environment it is run in21:00
devanandaso, yes, everyone has to set up their networks21:00
devanandaand people choose different ways to do that21:01
alexm__alright I’ll see how we can deploy that, thanks!21:02
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JayFShrews: strange the things you see when tailing logs during a deployment :)21:03
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Update dev quick-start for devstack
JayFI just had a pep8 job fail in an interesting way; a traceback in pep8 itself.
jrollI feel like I've seen this before21:28
JayFthis was in the gate21:32
JayFfor my one line change from earlier21:32
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adam_gJayF, link to the logs?21:46
adam_gi feel like we saw that in the ironic tree when PYTHONHASHSEED=random, but maybe that was sphinx21:47
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JayFadam_g: it's for
JayFadam_g: ipa21:58
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adam_gJayF, heh its an H803 error22:05
adam_gJayF, see here
adam_gremoving the . from the commit message fixes it locally22:05
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Do not log configdrive contents ever
jrollthanks adam_g22:06
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adam_gdoes the agent ramdisk get its networking  from DHCP on boot or does it derive it from somewhere else? the pxe ramdisk is currently getting it from kernel parameters appended by syslinux22:09
jrollit DHCPs afaik22:09
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devanandaNobodyCam: I think 'wait call-back', on error, goes to 'deploy failed'22:15
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devanandathere's a path which isn't covered by unit tests ... just found ^22:16
devanandavia conductor.utils.cleanup_after_timeout22:16
devanandashould that go to deployfail or error?22:17
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NobodyCamI'm thinking deployfail22:25
NobodyCamas we're not sure ware the error is.. conductor,node, network22:26
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devanandacurrent code goes to DEPLOYFAIL22:27
devanandai'm probably missing something, but this seems like it should have failed unit tests22:28
devanandabecause there is no 'fail' transition from DEPLOYWAIT in
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NobodyCamyep we've got deleteing and deploying22:32
NobodyCamlet me add22:32
devanandasec. I have it in the patch I'm working on22:33
devanandaI'm experimenting with moving all the callback stuff into task_manager22:33
devanandaseems to work well for (event) -> STATING -> STATED -> NEWSTATE22:34
devanandanot as well for STATING -> (event) -> STATEFAIL22:34
devanandabecause if the callback from event hits NoFreeConductorWorker, it doesn't run, but the node is being left in STATEFAIL22:35
devanandawithout actually transitioning22:35
devananda** without the driver being called to perform the transition22:35
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NobodyCamdevananda: fyi -
NobodyCamneeds clean up...22:50
devanandaNobodyCam: needs significant refactoring. that's not threadsafe22:53
devanandausing module globals to track test progress is going to break when run in parallel22:53
devanandaharlowja: looks like taskflow isn't running testr with --parallel ?22:54
harlowjadevananda hmmm, not sure22:54
NobodyCamthat is the initial stab22:55
harlowjadevananda hmmm, could be22:55
harlowjathat might make it go quicker, ha22:55
harlowjais anyone running it in parallel?22:56
harlowjais ironic :-/22:57
devanandaharlowja: my bad. I thought the link NobodyCam sent me was from taskflow22:57
devanandaharlowja: i'm pretty sure we are... but it's not in our tox.ini either, so now I've just opened a can of worms :p22:57
harlowjamaybe by default parallel?22:57
harlowjanope, not that, ha22:59
harlowjawell thats weird, lol22:59
devanandait is in the gate env, tho22:59
harlowjaya, mysterious23:01
NobodyCamdevananda: oh no that was my initial port of the tests23:03
harlowjaNobodyCam u need to make a neater example FSM vs the jump up down one, lol23:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Do not log configdrive contents ever
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add command metrics to IPA API
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adam_gjroll, are you familiar with elilo_efi_pxe_config.template at all? you were listed as a co-author23:26
NobodyCamoh the testr option is --no-parallel23:26
jrolladam_g: not really, that's a uefi thing iirc23:26
jrolladam_g: I just cleaned up a bunch of stuff on that patch23:26
adam_gjroll, ah, ok23:26
adam_gjroll, do you know the original authors irc nick?23:27
jrolllink to the patch?23:27
jrollwhat are you trying to figure out?23:27
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adam_gtrying to figure out the '%H::on' is doing here, and why it might be needed. ip=%I:{{pxe_options.tftp_server}}:%G:%M:%H::on"23:29
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adam_gi'd like to try to remove the use of passing net info to ramdisks via ip=*23:29
adam_gpatch at
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Enable async callbacks from task.process_event()
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack/ironic: Convert check_deploy_timeout to use process_event
devanandaNobodyCam: ^23:42
devanandaaweeks: example of the callbacks in action, so far as I have yet gotten them to work, is above23:42
devanandaharlowja: probably not how you envisioned the on_event stuff working -- but a lot of our transitions happen in a different thread than the one which receives the event ... soooo ... ^23:43
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harlowjaya, thats starting to look like the reaction stuff sorta :-P23:45
devanandaharlowja: it's tightly coupled to the task_manager context though23:46
harlowjaya, i wonder if that can be de-coupled23:46
harlowjaif that matters23:46
harlowjadepends on how much u want to invert things23:46
devanandathis is mostly getting triggered via __exit__23:47
harlowjakk, spawn_after gets triggered there?23:48
harlowjaya, looks like it23:49
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harlowjathis though might be ok, its similar in concept to a reaction that i had, in that the reaction u have spawns a callback, sets up an error handler, does some other stuff...23:50
harlowjagets triggered whenever __exit__ happens23:50
harlowjathat then causes state machine to do something else, react to something new, and repeat23:51
jrolladam_g: ah, that person's nick is faizan, they are sometimes on irc23:51
adam_gjroll, thanks23:52
devanandaharlowja: very close, ya. except that handlers don't return a pointer to the next handler23:53
devanandaharlowja: or s/handler/reaction/23:53
harlowjawhich i think is ok, to much inverting/refactoring sometimes to do that23:53
devanandaharlowja: oh. another thing. I may want to instantiate the FSM within the API service, just to test the possibility of a state transition (maybe...)23:56
harlowjashould be doable ya?23:56
devanandaharlowja: for me to use reactions, I need to reference ironic.conductor.manager.$METHOD23:56
harlowjai think cinder wants something similar, actually there's is so that they can dump back the states to horizon23:56
devanandawhich isn't do-able within the API service23:56
harlowjasure, or u have to refactor it so that its not ironic.conductor.manager.$METHOD but is in some ironic.machine.conductor.reactions.$METHOD or something, which has all the default callbacks, the error handlers, the non node specific stufff (aka, the $METHODs are like functools.partial objects, not fully ready to be activated)23:58
devanandayup. possible23:58
harlowjathen u can make it in API, just don't use it (since u won't be able to fill in the partially made functions/methods with real 'node' objects)23:59

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