Tuesday, 2014-04-08

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JoshNangShrews: are you still track that memory issue?00:17
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ShrewsJoshNang: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/130042000:40
ShrewsJoshNang: I see your 73121 review hit that bug. Please recheck with that bug number to help us track it00:42
JoshNangShrews: thanks! k i'll do that00:43
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Imported Translations from Transifex  https://review.openstack.org/8395606:07
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dtantsurmorning Ironic06:25
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romchegMorning dtantsur06:40
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GheRiveromorning all07:15
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GheRiveroromcheg: ping07:34
romchegGheRivero: pong07:34
yuriyzmorning GheRivero romcheg07:34
romchegAFAIR we have to decide who will be the responsible guy for updating the common code07:35
GheRiveroso, about the oslo liaison, what do you prefer? A duel, a mud fight?07:35
romchegGheRivero: Russian style — who drinks more vodka :D07:35
GheRiverono, please. Just thinking about it, give me hangover07:36
romchegI can only suggest a dice roll really07:37
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GheRiverosure. no problem. @all Any innocent hand around?07:38
romchegdtantsur: around?07:39
Mikhail_D_ltpMorning all! :)07:39
GheRiveroyuriyz: around?07:39
GheRiverowe have a volunteer!07:40
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romchegyuriyz: Can you please forget that we work in one team and throw a coin/dice?07:40
dtantsurromcheg, 5 minutes, please07:41
yuriyzromcheg ok07:41
romchegyuriyz: Then you tell us who's the winner: /me or GheRivero07:41
romchegWell, not the winner07:42
romchegThe chosen one :)07:42
yuriyzare you trust me for dice roll?07:43
romchegyuriyz: You promice do be fair?07:43
yuriyza man from another team needed I think :)07:45
romchegOK, let's ask dtantsur to be a referee then07:46
dtantsurI can throw a coin, ok :)07:47
dtantsurselect your sides07:47
romchegNo, you select, that would be more fair07:48
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dtantsurehhhh... I know next to nothing about you both :) do you want me to chose what nick I like more?07:49
romchegYou can just throw a coin :)07:49
GheRiveroI though this was going to be simple and quick :) Maybe the vodka is not such a bad idea07:51
dtantsurOk, here I got 50 Czech korunas; city is GheRivero, lion is romcheg :)07:51
dtantsurwinner is GheRivero07:52
dtantsuryou can have 2nd round with vodka of course :)07:52
romchegAfter the summit :-P07:52
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GheRiveroor during the summit. There are enough parties for a 3rd, 4th.... round07:53
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romchegI'm thinking about that bug with mkfs and unsupported filesystems07:55
romchegI will make a patch to oslo to support passing environment variables07:56
romchegThen it would be possible to rely on the output of the mkfs utility07:56
romchegIt would also be useful potentially for our ipmitool stuff, because we rely on the process output much.07:57
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dtantsurmakes sense08:00
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Added lvm partitioner  https://review.openstack.org/8567208:56
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openstackgerritSandhya Balakrishnan proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Ironic User Guide  https://review.openstack.org/8334309:24
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romcheglucasagomes: around?11:04
lucasagomesromcheg, hi there11:04
romchegI've seen your patch with the whitelist11:04
romchegIt won't pass the gates until devstack installation script is changed11:05
romchegI can do that for you, if you wish11:05
lucasagomesit doesn't use the pxe_ssh driver?11:06
lucasagomesdoes it uses fake driver?11:06
romchegYes, fake driver is used to test APIs11:07
romchegI clearly remember that because I implemented that11:07
lucasagomesI see11:07
romchegIt's not a problem actually, we can configure ironic in devstack11:08
romchegGive me a moment11:08
lucasagomesright thanks for pointing that out11:08
* lucasagomes thought it was using pxe_ssh driver11:08
lucasagomesheh at least we know it works :D11:08
romchegNo, that is for integration tests11:08
lucasagomeswhere I can fix that? we can leave the whitelist patch as WIP until it's fixed in the tempest tests11:10
romcheglucasagomes: I'm setting drivers_whitelist fake,pxe_ipminative,pxe_ipmitool,pxe_ssh11:10
lucasagomesromcheg, ack! thank you for that11:10
romchegWell, we might not want use pxe_ipminative and pxe_ipmitool in the gates11:11
lucasagomesyeah, if u want to be more fine grained you can enable only the fake driver11:11
romchegssh_pxe will be used for intergration testing11:12
romchegWe can also move that config to devstack-gate11:12
lucasagomesI could enable fake by default on the patch, but we have this default config should be production ready rule11:13
lucasagomes(I agree with that, but make things more difficult heh)11:14
romchegFor not let's leave ssh_pxe and fake by default in devstack11:15
romchegThat will be faster and will work for both functional and integration testing11:15
romchegAfter that I will update devstack-gate to support configuring those options11:16
lucasagomesromcheg, thanks for that!11:16
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romcheglucasagomes: Commented on the patch11:22
romcheglucasagomes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85996/11:22
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lucasagomesromcheg, ta much!!11:24
lucasagomesI marked it as WIP with a pending pointing to ur review11:24
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romchegI think we need to re-check the rest of the ironic's settings in devstack. I suspect some of them might be outdated or deprecated11:36
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NobodyCamgood morning Ironic12:51
linggaogood morning, NobodyCam.12:52
lucasagomesmorning NobodyCam linggao12:52
linggaogood morning lucasagomes.12:53
NobodyCammorning linggao lucasagomes12:54
linggaoNobodyCam, got your coffee yet?12:55
NobodyCammaken it now :)12:55
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linggaolucasagomes, NobodayCam, if you guys are on the doses of coffee, can you help me think about console support now?12:57
lucasagomeslinggao, hah sure :D12:58
NobodyCam:) I can try12:58
linggaoFirst question, who is the consumer of the console? admin or tenants?12:58
NobodyCamI would say both12:59
NobodyCamadmins for support and tentents as users12:59
linggaoIs it safe to give tenants write acess of console? Or should they just view the console?13:00
lucasagomesyeah, although in our api right now only admin can request it13:00
NobodyCamthou currently we (ironic) only supports admin level rights13:00
lucasagomeswe need to proxy it through nova maybe13:00
NobodyCamseems I need to do a quick walkies... brb13:01
linggaoare you saying that all ironic commands only supports admin level rights?13:01
romchegMorning NobodyCam, linggao13:02
lucasagomeslinggao, yeah right now our api is admin-only13:02
linggaomorning romcheg13:02
linggaolucasagomes, I feel better.13:02
lucasagomeslinggao, so about read-only, I'd say, would be good to have a mechanism doing some plumbing and being possible to start it as read-only or writable13:03
lucasagomesbut as right now we only have admins interacting with us13:03
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lucasagomeswe probably only will need writeable console13:03
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linggaonow the patch I inheritant from sjing, when the console is enabled, a shellinboxd will run for that node.13:04
linggaonode-get-console will return the url for the console, then the admin can place that url in a browser to to the console.13:06
linggaoyesterday when talking to devananda and NobodyCam, they also would like to see console from command line.13:06
lucasagomesit would be good13:07
lucasagomesbut it doesn't need to come all in one patch13:07
lucasagomesthe idea is to have a minimal console support now for ironic13:07
lucasagomesso we can have the pair functionality with nova13:07
lucasagomesso, I would do it in layers13:08
linggaoI am just thinking how to do that, can we use the shellinabox in command line?13:08
lucasagomesget the basic in, which is the simply case with shellinaboxd etc... and then we can start improving it later13:08
lucasagomeslinggao, :/ idk as well13:08
lucasagomesI don't think so tho13:08
linggaowe can do  ssh -t <host> ipmitool ..., but it will not go through the ironic-api.13:10
lucasagomesheh maybe using lynx ? :P13:10
lucasagomesbut I wouldn't worry about it much right now13:11
lucasagomesjust by having a way to access the console is a big step13:11
lucasagomesright now we basically have none13:11
linggaoright.  l'll check in the patch first.  I'll make changes to processutil.execute.13:12
linggaoor just use subprocess.Popen.13:12
linggaowhich one do you prefer?13:12
NobodyCammorning romcheg :)13:13
lucasagomeshmm, I don't know if I have a preference to be honest... If having background tasks fits into the processutil.execute model I would put it there13:13
lucasagomesbut if you feel it doesn't Popen sounds reasonable to me13:13
lucasagomescause idk, processutil.execute seems to be a wrapper to run a command and get all the info related to it, return code, stderr, stdout etc...13:14
lucasagomesidk if it will feel natural to use it for long running processes13:14
* lucasagomes haven't looked at the processutil.execute code much13:14
linggaoI am thinking adding a background=True/False mode for processutils.execute, it is true, then DEVNULL stderr and stdout13:16
lucasagomesNobodyCam, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85996/ by roman; https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84742/ (when u get a time)13:16
lucasagomeslinggao, stdin as well13:17
lucasagomessounds reasonable13:17
linggaothis should be a separate patch?13:18
lucasagomes:/ yeah, cause it's an oslo thing13:18
lucasagomesyou might even want to do it in parallel... execute() or Popen() will have the same effect on the console patch13:18
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lucasagomesso you might just want to use Popen for now, while trying to teaching processutils.execute() in another patch for oslo13:19
lucasagomesteach execute() to run background tasks*13:19
linggaook, souds like a plan.13:20
lucasagomesack :)13:20
linggaothanks :)13:20
NobodyCamlucasagomes: on 85996.. should we have a comment on how to enable ipmi? pxe_ipmi or leave that to our docs?13:20
lucasagomeslinggao, np, thank YOU for the work :)13:20
lucasagomesNobodyCam, hmm, I guess, probably people will look at the docs first instead of trying to find the comment in the code?13:21
NobodyCamlol /me is odd I dive in to code b4 manuals13:22
lucasagomesheh, we could have both as well13:22
lucasagomeswon't do any harm13:22
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NobodyCamit ok devstack is for test env's13:23
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NobodyCamhumm guess we'll need a tripleO patch to for whitelisting won't we ?13:24
lucasagomesNobodyCam, which driver you use there?13:25
lucasagomesI don't think so you are using pxe_ssh right?13:25
lucasagomesI left it as default13:25
lucasagomespxe_ssh, pxe_ipmitool and pxe_ipminative13:25
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NobodyCamahh :)13:27
lucasagomesromcheg, hey ping... do you have any updates on the migration script from nova?13:47
romcheglucasagomes: souldn't it wait for the summit?13:47
romchegI mean, the folks from Nova decided not to freeze their code13:48
rloohey, once ironic is integrated with openstack, the admin will still need to do some ironic commands, right? everything can't be done via nova?13:48
lucasagomesromcheg, ah right ok... I just wanted to check if it's still on the way, because I was looking at the requirements for graduation13:49
lucasagomesand the migration one of them13:49
lucasagomesis one*13:49
NobodyCamoh side quiestion. has any one thought about Tilera Support?13:49
romchegThere is a design track about replacing nova bm with Ironic13:49
romchegwe should discuss how to keep our migration path accurate13:50
jrollrloo: I think so, at least to add the nodes13:50
jrollgood morning ironic!13:50
romchegMorning jroll13:50
NobodyCamgood morning jroll13:51
rloojroll: thx. I thought so. (Just looking at an arch diagram and I think it needs user <-> ironic api.13:51
rloojroll: i was just pulling up your diagram and I see you have the user there :-)13:51
jrollrloo: heh :)13:52
jrolltheoretically, nova should be in there somewhere :P13:52
rloojroll: nah, Ironic is the center of the universe.13:53
jrolltoo much work to go through nova imo13:53
* jroll has the ironic nodes api nearly memorized by now13:54
lucasagomesromcheg, +1 :)13:55
rloojroll: impressive!13:56
* NobodyCam updates agenda for next meeting14:01
lucasagomesmorning rloo jrist14:01
lucasagomesjrist, sorry buddy!14:02
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jristI don't get the greeting?14:03
NobodyCammorning rloo and jrist :)14:03
lucasagomesjrist, morning!14:04
jristgood morning ironic14:04
rloomorning NobodyCam, jrist, jroll, and afternoon lucasagome!14:04
jristman, that feels good14:04
jristafternoon, lucasagomes !14:04
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rloosorry, lucasagomes ^^14:04
NobodyCamso the next stop on the list is Roswell New Mexico.. :)14:07
rlooNobodyCam, I forgot. You're on the road to Atlanta!14:08
NobodyCamyep.. :)14:09
* NobodyCam must get a starbucks coffee cup from Roswell :)14:09
romchegNobodyCam: You encourage me to unpack my bike after the winter and give it a ride14:10
NobodyCam:) heheheh14:11
NobodyCamromcheg: http://www.amazon.com/Kamp-Rite-Bushtrekka-Bicycle-Trailer-Oversize/dp/B002KKBT9Y14:12
romchegNobodyCam: Wow...14:12
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NobodyCammore people then I would have thought have things like that14:13
NobodyCamwe've quite a few on the road :)14:13
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romchegI usually chose forests and hills rather than roads so this thing won't survive :)14:14
NobodyCamnot ment for that :-p14:14
romchegRoads are good for motorcycles, but for bicycles they're too boring14:15
GheRiveromorning all14:19
NobodyCamoh wow somthing strange happened.. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85529 note the jenkins test results.. 3,4,3 ?? strange14:20
NobodyCammorning GheRivero :)14:20
rlooHi GheRivero.14:20
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rloolucasagomes; wrt man page: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52902/. Did you see my comment?14:20
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lucasagomesrloo, man page? lemme see14:21
lucasagomesnot really, I'm sorry14:21
lucasagomesrloo, oh nice, so it's common among other projects?14:21
rloolucasagomes: no worries. Just want to know what you think. I'd like to get back to coding soon so want to try to get docs out of the way ;)14:22
lucasagomesrloo, look, I would +1 it, because I like man pages14:22
rloolucasagomes: well, i wouldn't call them man pages, but that's what the others call them.14:22
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lucasagomesif u wanna take my patch and revive him feel free to do so14:22
rloolucasagomes: basically just mentions 'ironic', 'ironic help', but doesn't list the actual subcommands or describe them.14:22
lucasagomesif we think about man pages, we could break each command/session into a diff file14:23
rloolucasagomes: ok, i'll just start a new one cuz again, not really 'man'. I don't really understand why the other projects call it 'man', but anyway.14:23
lucasagomeslike the git man page14:23
lucasagomesthat would be it easier to update14:23
lucasagomesrloo, heh ack14:23
rloolucasagomes: there is another review that describes each command. i was thinking it would be nice, but that we should have a script that generates the docn. otherwise, i don't see how we can easily maintain it.14:24
lucasagomesfor ref:https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/14:24
lucasagomesrloo, +1 yeah if we can automate it would be great14:25
rloolucasagomes: this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84346/.14:25
lucasagomesoh this commit rings me a bell14:25
lucasagomesI have to review it14:25
rloolucasagomes: the git one is nice. maybe we can open a bug, as a wish-list? for that? is it a bug?14:26
lucasagomesrloo, as a wishlist it makes sense, I consider lack of docs a bug yes14:26
rlooahh, that git link. it says "git - the stupid content tracker". i didn't know that!14:26
lucasagomeslinus is the author so u can expect a couple of bad words in it :P14:27
rlooha ha14:27
lucasagomesbut yeah I like the architeture of it, one file per command14:28
lucasagomesso all the commands are super well described14:28
lucasagomeswith examples and all14:28
lucasagomesthat reminds me the april fools that someone suggested to migrate the svn code to git heh14:29
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rloolucasagomes: it would be nice to know how this is generated: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/keystoneclient_commands.html14:32
lucasagomesthat's nice14:33
lucasagomesmaybe worth asking some q at #openstack-doc14:33
rlooI *hope* it isn't manually generated. Yeah, I'll ask #openstack-doc. thx.14:34
NobodyCamlucasagomes: I lov that jira ticket14:35
lucasagomesNobodyCam, lol me too! that was the best april-fool 2k14 for me14:35
NobodyCam:) ++++14:35
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lucasagomes_errr my connection is dropping >.< happened yesterday as well14:40
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* NobodyCam notes he is getting much lag. 14:41
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NobodyCamSo lucasagomes do you connect dirrectly to IRC15:02
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yes... but it's but internet connection that flicking :/15:03
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NobodyCamI spun up a tiny instance on Hp's cloud where I run irrsi and just ssh to it15:04
NobodyCami should be using tmux but I'm old school so I still using screen15:05
lucasagomesahn, that's a good idea15:05
* lucasagomes thinks about doing the same15:06
NobodyCam:) works great :)15:06
lucasagomesso I won't lose the logs hhe15:06
NobodyCamhehehe :)15:06
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NobodyCamok we're going to start pack up to hit the road.. google says it's 2 hours, so I expect it will take us 2 and a 1/2 or three hours to dock in Roswell15:08
NobodyCamI'll be back soon.. If I am needed for anything while in the road gtalk it always on my phone15:09
NobodyCams/gtalk it/gtalk is/15:10
openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Added lvm partitioner  https://review.openstack.org/8567215:10
romchegsfdisk/sgdisk or parted?15:10
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romchegAFAIR we didn't have time to discuss that yesterday15:14
lucasagomesromcheg, yeah15:17
lucasagomesromcheg, +1 for parted for me15:17
lucasagomesit just a more complete tool15:17
lucasagomesand the script mode works great15:17
romcheg+1 for parted as well15:17
lucasagomesother things like setting negative offsets in case we want to do things at the end of the disk is very useful as well15:18
romchegAlthough it's more complex, I think using one tool instead of two tools will be easier at the end15:18
lucasagomesalso that15:18
lucasagomesand idk hw much more complex is it15:18
lucasagomesif we only use for partitioning15:18
lucasagomesit does support fs operations, but we are not using it15:18
romchegI also have concerns about non-stantard cluster sizes15:19
romchegIFAIK parted supports that15:19
romchegnot sure about sgdisk/sfdisk15:20
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lucasagomesI think it's more related to the fs itself no?15:21
romchegI think it's about partitioning as well15:21
romchegIf you have, let's say, a WD Green (wchich is terrible for servers, btw) and the partitioning tool does not support non-standard cluster sizes, you have to calculate that yourself15:22
lucasagomesI see15:22
lucasagomesright, well if parted supports it great heh15:23
romchegOr you can end up with much higher disk io15:23
romchegwhen two partitions are on a single cluster15:24
romchegSo +1 for parted agan :)15:24
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add ManagementInterface  https://review.openstack.org/8606315:32
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JayFlinggao: lucasagomes: re: scrollback, I think there's a place for a writable, tenant-accessible console -- i.e. the 'rescue mode' type of scenario, where someone broke their OS and needs to fix it.16:00
lucasagomesJayF, right yeah, I think it's valid as well16:00
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lucasagomeswe need some work on our api tho to accept request from non-admin users on some URIs16:00
lucasagomesor it could be implement by proxying through nova16:01
JayFI think proxying through nova is a better way16:01
JayFnova supports console for vms, right?16:01
lucasagomesJayF, yeah it does16:01
JayFI know Rackspace does16:01
JayFyeah, okay, so I'd say we should hook into that16:01
JayFIronic nodes should look the same as virtual nodes for stuff like that16:01
lucasagomesyeah makes sense, it's good because we keep the look-feel the same when managing vms or baremetal16:02
JayFin a perfect world, imo, we can get to a point where bare metal vs vm looks very similar to the tenant16:03
lucasagomes+1, I'm not very familiar with the console part of nova, but doesn't seem much difficult to only pass the start/stop/get console from nova to ironic via the nova ironic driver16:04
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JayFYeah idk much about the plumbing there either, but it seems like from a UX perspective, that's what we'd want16:04
rloobut doesn't nova let 'normal' users get access to the console?16:05
JayFyes, and imo we should too16:06
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JayFhow is a tenant on baremetal any different than a tenant on a vm?16:06
rlooI haven't been keeping track so don't know where the authentication points are wrt the console.16:06
lucasagomesrloo, if we proxy through the nova ironic driver we can get admin_context in the driver16:06
lucasagomesand request the ironic api16:06
rlooi think the problem if there is, is that ironic has a policy.json, but i don't know how much it is hooked into ironic.16:06
lucasagomesrloo, just like we do for "nova boot"16:07
lucasagomesto be able to deploy a machine with ironic16:07
rloolucasagomes: ah, ok, then it'll work automagically :-)16:07
lucasagomesrloo, yup16:07
rlooI saw policy.json set to admin, but haven't played around with it to see if it'll let non-admins use ironic if I change the rules in policy.json.16:08
lucasagomesyeah, our api is admin-only right now16:08
rlooso policy.json isn't used?16:08
lucasagomesrloo, it is16:08
lucasagomesthat's where we set the admin-only rule16:08
rloolucasagomes. so by default, it is admin-only, but someone could change policy.json so that it isn't admin-only, right?16:09
rlooI'm only being picky cuz I had to try to document some of this ;)16:09
lucasagomesrloo, yeah, you don't even need to change the policy.json16:09
lucasagomesthere's a config option as well to set authentication to none16:09
lucasagomesinstead of keystone16:09
lucasagomesrloo, auth_strategy16:10
rloolucasagomes. that's different. ie, might want keystone authentication (eg valid user), but might want to allow access to users with a different role than 'admin'.16:10
lucasagomesrloo, ahh, right yeah16:10
lucasagomesso then we gotta change the policy.json16:11
rlooi recall in nova though (haven't looked recently) that there were placed in code where it was hardcoded to be admin and wasn't controlled by policy.json. Was wondering if that is the case in ironic too.16:11
rlooanyway, one day when I feel like playing around with policy.json, i'll take a look.16:11
lucasagomesic, not that I'm aware of anyway16:12
rloobtw lucasagomes. just looking at ironic CLI. We have 'ironic-url' and 'ironic-api-version'.16:13
rlooi notice glance has 'os-image-url', and cinder has 'os-volume-api-version'.16:14
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lucasagomesrloo, right, I think that commands came when I was coppying the base CLI files from ceilometer16:16
lucasagomesI thought at one point the cli was a bit standardized but not really heh16:17
rloolucasagomes: ok, well, as long as ironic is standardized with some other project. ha ha.16:18
lucasagomesI think they are oslofying the CLI stuff16:20
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rloothat'll make it easier in the future.16:22
mgagnelucasagomes: thanks god :D16:22
lucasagomesmgagne, lol +2!16:22
rloolucasagomes: that reminds me, I wanted to ask you something else about client.py16:22
rloolucasagomes: why can the api_version be 1 or 2?16:23
lucasagomesrloo, ouch well it can't, we only have v1!16:23
lucasagomesand it's not even done16:23
rloolucasagomes: ha ha. ok, I thought maybe you were planning for the future :-)16:24
lucasagomesmind filling a bug about it? or fixing that docstring?16:24
lucasagomesrloo, yeah hah well it's a good plumbing to have16:24
lucasagomesbut we only support v1 right now (we only have v1)16:24
lucasagomesrloo, many parts of the cli was just copy-cat from other projects16:25
rloolucasagomes: ok, i'll take care of it. ie, either file a bug or fix it, depends on how I feel ;)16:25
lucasagomesso it might have a bunch of not related docstrings there16:25
lucasagomesrloo, ta much!16:25
linggaoJayF, rloo, lucasagomes, sorry I was in the meeting and missed the discussion on the console.16:26
rloono worries linggao.16:26
lucasagomeslinggao, no bothers :)16:26
linggaoSo JayF, how does  a nova tenant get a console?16:27
linggaoI mean, what is the command do they use?16:27
linggaoI seem to remember there was console logging that a tenant can view from Horizon, but never tried to run a console from command line.16:29
rloolinggao: there is a 'nova get-vnc-console'16:29
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rloolinggao: also 'nova get-spice-console'16:29
rloolinggao: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/novaclient_commands.html.16:30
lucasagomesit might have a baremetal command somewhere to enable the console16:30
lucasagomessince nova bm supports console access16:30
* lucasagomes idk where, never used it16:31
linggaorloo, thanks for the link16:31
rloolinggao: yw, although it doesn't give much info, it is a start ;) The spice console is browser-based.16:32
linggaolucasagomes, the baremetal driver has functions on console,16:32
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linggaowe just need to hook it with Ironic.16:32
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lucasagomeslinggao, right, actually we need to implement those functions on the Nova Ironic Driver16:33
linggaolucasagomes, yes.16:33
lucasagomesbecause we don't use the baremetal driver when deploying with ironic16:33
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linggaoBut from security poin of view, is it dangerous to let the tenant have the write access to a console for baremetal node?16:34
linggaoThey could reconfigure the hardware, could they?16:36
lucasagomesI'm not very expert in security, but it sounds like we should put some thought on it yes16:38
lucasagomesI think that having a way to start the console as read-only and read-write would be a great plumbing16:39
lucasagomesthen we can set the specific use cases depending on the user requesting to start the console16:39
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linggaoWe also need to support console-log  command.16:41
linggaothis one should be open to the tenant for sure.16:42
rloolinggao, i think that if it is configurable read/write/whatever, that lets admins specify how much access they want to give tenants.16:45
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Added lvm partitioner  https://review.openstack.org/8567216:50
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linggaorloo, +116:51
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linggaolucasagomes, JayF, rloo, I read a little bit more, the nova get-vnc-console returns a vnc session url,  You can then copy and paste this URL into the browser.16:56
linggaoThis is the way Ironic is doing for the first console patch.16:56
lucasagomesnice! although we are not using vnc16:57
lucasagomesbut yeah, same workflow :D16:57
linggaoyes. phew, feel better now.16:57
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add ManagementInterface  https://review.openstack.org/8606317:05
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: IPMITool to use the new ManagementInterface  https://review.openstack.org/8609217:06
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add ManagementInterface  https://review.openstack.org/8606317:08
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: IPMITool to use the new ManagementInterface  https://review.openstack.org/8609217:08
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed a change to openstack/python-ironicclient: Fix docstring for client.get_client()  https://review.openstack.org/8609517:08
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lucasagomesaye, I'm done for the day17:13
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lucasagomeshave a g'night NobodyCam devananda  rloo, linggao everyone... :D17:13
devanandag'night lucasagomes!17:13
rloonight lucasagomes!17:13
linggaogood night, lucasagomes.17:14
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devanandaalso, g'morning everyone :)17:14
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rloomorning devananda :)17:15
devanandamorning, rloo17:16
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devanandarloo: if you have any questions on your new core powers, dont hesitate to ask.17:17
rloodevananda: oh, am I already a core? Oh oh. better get those reviews out of the way ;)17:17
matty_dubsCongrats, rloo! Use your powers for good, not evil.17:18
rloomatty_dubs. thx! good, evil, aren't they all the same thing? :-)17:18
harlowjarloo u da bomb!17:18
harlowja*a good bomb17:18
matty_dubsgood == +2'ing my patches; bad == -1 (or -2!)'ing my patches ;)17:18
rloomatty_dubs. ha ha.17:19
JayFhmm. http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/ironic-reviewers-30.txt the rest of the folks with Core Reviewer on IPA have the **, but I don't. Something broken?17:19
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devanandaJayF: what is your gerrit username?17:27
devanandaJayF: reviewstats/projects/ironic.json is the reference for the generation of those stats17:27
devananda "jayf",17:27
devanandais there17:27
JayFI can look into it and submit a merge request if needed17:27
JayFdo caps matter?17:27
JayFit's "JayF"17:27
JayFI'll look into it with the infra guys and figure it out17:28
devanandaJayF: clark says caps matter17:28
devananda(i'm sitting next to him today)17:28
JayFah, I'll get a fix in17:28
devanandaslight off topic, i realized it's a bit confusing now17:28
devanandaas the stats for both projects are comingled and it is not possible to see eg. how active jroll is in reviewing ironic itself17:28
devanandawhich is probably fine in the long term, as the projects converge17:29
jrollright, but makes it difficult for now17:29
devanandawell, slightly confusing, but not difficult17:29
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jrolldifficult to tell where the activity is, I mean17:30
jrollthere's always stackalytics, too17:30
JayFdevananda: http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/ironic/30 could be useful?17:30
JayFstackalytics appears to break it up by repo if you choose17:30
JayFvs http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/ironic-python-agent/3017:30
devanandajroll: ^17:30
* jroll needs to put his review hat on today17:31
JayFI always try to hit reviews every morning. Today I'm upgrading lots of OpenSSL.17:31
devanandajroll: I used you as the example there since you've been most active in ironic reviews of the IPA team. also, thanks for that :)17:31
jrollheh, no problem :)17:31
devanandaJayF: yay ....17:31
harlowjaseems like everyone upgrading SSL today :-P17:34
harlowjathe joy...17:34
russell_hneed more opinions on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84814/1/ironic/conductor/manager.py,unified17:44
russell_hthe first comment17:44
russell_hif that happens, you're going to get a fair number of scary log messages17:44
russell_hbut things are also very broken17:44
matty_dubsWould that not happen in normal operation? I don't know enough about how this part of the code works yet.17:51
notqmy company is setting up several of us for auth to work on openstack. i've been a sysadmin, and have written lots of scripts, but nothing oo. i can read it fine. any thoughts on how i can prepare to get up to speed so i can contribute to the project? my guess is start writing some oo python, watch some getting started with openstack development videos, and try to learn what i can from code reviews here, etc.17:56
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russell_hmatty_dubs: that should only happen if you have a node that uses driver "foo", but no conductors which support driver "foo"17:57
russell_hmatty_dubs: in that case, you'll basically get one log message per broken node per periodic task per conductor17:57
matty_dubsNo conductors in the pool, or just the one running the task?17:57
russell_hnone in the pool17:57
matty_dubsAh, so that is a pretty serious issue then.17:58
russell_hI mean, IMO its definitely worth logging _something_17:58
russell_hbut without getting too fancy, the main options are to log a ton or to log nothing17:58
rloonotq: welcome!17:59
notqrloo: thx!17:59
matty_dubsI guess I'd argue that logging something excessively is better than not logging it. But I don't have a strong opinion / too much expertise to draw on.17:59
matty_dubsnotq: Yes, welcome! Were you looking at Ironic in particular?17:59
rloonotq: you are new to openstack?17:59
notqi am relatively new to openstack, i've installed devstack with baremetal and got it to function. i've done some research, and have a basic understanding.18:00
notqmy company very specifically wants ironic, that's the core of what we do. so yes, that's the focus for them thus focus for me :)18:00
rloomatty_dubs: (i haven't been following just saw your last comment.) the problem with excessive logging is that it is similar to not logging cuz people will ignore them and worse, they may miss other lines that are important.18:01
matty_dubsnotq: Tangential to your main question, I was talking to some other developers (not specifically about Ironic), and we were lamenting that we had tons of developers but not tons of people with real-world admin experience. So you could be bringing some valuable experience/opinions!18:01
notqthe other members of the team gaining access have experience with this sort of development, however i'll be trying to get them familiar with working with an open source project, and any preparations for them i can.18:01
rloonotq: you might try installing devstack with ironic then.18:02
notqrloo: i have done this successfully.18:02
rloonotq: great. reviews are a good way to learn the code.18:02
rloonotq: and you can work on a 'small' bug.18:03
rloonotq: low hanging fruit bugs are a good way to start. not sure if there are any. let me see.18:03
notqrloo: i was thinking of a small bug, or documentation as i get up to speed to help.18:03
matty_dubsPlaying with it a bit, then poking at open reviews, can be a good way to get up to speed. Or tackling bugs -- see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/ for some ideas18:03
notqrloo: thanks18:03
rloonotq: did you say DOCUMENTATION? :-)18:03
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matty_dubsLOL, rloo and I have been looking at documentation recently: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicDocumentationTasks for some loose coordination18:04
notqthanks guys.18:04
* devananda updates session list on our etherpad18:05
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notqit feels intimidating, i think the only code i've ever released were nagios plugins. i'll take a look at the links provided. apperciate your thoughts greatly.18:06
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devanandarloo: re: documentation, have you talked with annegentle at all?18:07
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rloodevananda: no, I haven't. should I? I noticed that one of their tools was updated for ironic.18:08
devanandarloo: matty_dubs: and allow me to draw your attention to http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/204 and http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/10418:08
devanandarloo: yea. she's the PTL for openstack doc team18:08
devanandathose two sessions look quite relevant for us18:08
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matty_dubsdevananda: Ooh, yes they do.18:08
matty_dubsMaybe a n00b question, but do we vote on these?18:09
devanandamatty_dubs: nope18:09
rloodevananda: ahh.18:09
devanandamatty_dubs: users vote on talks. PTLs simply choose the design sessions18:09
devanandamatty_dubs: but you can leave comments :)18:09
matty_dubsAh, perfect. I will do that!18:10
devanandanotq: try not to be intimidated by the release process for opensatck projects. being intimidated by that is my job ;)18:10
notqdevananda: understood. :)18:11
devanandanotq: another great way to help is, while you're poking at ironic with devstack, file bugs for things that don't work18:11
rloodevananda: I was hoping I could start some docn and then get back to coding, but I'll reach out to annegentle, and make sure we (one of us at least) are in the docn design session(s).18:11
devanandanotq: are you testing with real hw, or just VMs, at this point?18:11
notqdevananda: vms at the moment, but real hardware and a lot of it will be coming soon.18:12
devanandarloo: i dont want you to get sucked into docn land either! just being a point of contact between the teams is a great help18:12
notqdevananda: i think i'll have several baremetal ivy bridge machines with as much ram as possible to deploy to.18:13
rloodevananda: ok!18:13
devanandanotq: testing tripleo then?18:13
devanandanotq: since ironic doesn't really care how much RAM is in the target node18:13
notqdevananda: so far i've gotten as far as the devstack vm. tripleo is on the agenda. the key is, just deploying 4tb+ systems to run our database on.18:14
* matty_dubs drools a little bit ;)18:15
notqdevananda: users won't end up ever having os access, so some of the security concerns from there aren't a worry. i haven't deployed tripleo yet.18:15
notqi think at the moment 6 of us are getting approval for openstack dev. how that comes in with their time, i don't know. but baremetal provisioning is the thing we want. that's the driver.18:17
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devanandanotq: ahh, gotcha!18:21
devanandanotq: then yes, you probably don't want tripleo18:21
devanandanotq: just use openstack w/ ironic to deploy your custom OS onto those beefy bare metal machines18:22
ironman_Hi Deva, I have a question regarding force_node https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/baremetal-force-node.  Is this feature ported to Ironic?18:22
devanandaironman_: hi! I dont know if anyone has tested that with the nova.virt.ironic driver, but I think it should still work18:23
devanandai don't think it needs any porting, actually18:23
devanandanova scheduler should be using the same host:node addressing with ironic, so the extension to force host:node should be the same ... or at least very, ,very similar18:24
ironman_<deva> That's good to know.18:24
ironman_<deva. Just in case it did not work, a bug report will be sufficient.  Right?18:25
devanandaironman_: yep18:33
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matty_dubsrloo: As I looked more at http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/204 I realized that it's all about the software they want to find/write to manage documentation, not about the actual process of writing and coordinating that documentation.18:43
matty_dubsDo you have the same opinion? This feels like the spec for writing a custom wiki app.18:43
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rloomatty_dubs: just looked. yeah, it is about the s/w. there might be some info about the kinds of content they want to make avail. not sure.18:45
rloomatty_dubs: the other session seemed more important.18:45
rloomatty_dubs: http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/10418:46
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NobodyCamhello from Roswell .. no UFO's soptted yet...18:53
ShrewsNobodyCam: you never see them until it's too late18:53
NobodyCamahhh :)18:53
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Shrewsdevananda, NobodyCam: fyi, it would be nice to see https://review.openstack.org/83105 merged soon-ish. I see a lot of reviews submitted after it that add to the old problem code, or conflict with my review.18:59
* devananda looks18:59
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russell_hlucas-dinner: left some feedback on the ManagementInterface thing, but managed to mangle the comment formatting. My bad19:07
NobodyCamShrews: are the imports ordered right in client_wrapper.py19:07
ShrewsNobodyCam: no pep8 error. there should be check specifically for that19:08
NobodyCamya.. hummmm19:10
Shrewsi remember hitting it when i added the _ import in the wrong location19:10
devanandaShrews: do you have another patch refactoring the new class?19:11
Shrewsdevananda: sorry?19:12
devanandaShrews: instances of IronicClientWrapper aren't holding any state19:12
devanandathere are no class- or object-level variables19:13
devanandaShrews: i agree with dtantsur's comment, and your reply -- just asking if there's a WIP for that19:13
Shrewsdevananda: oh, not yet. i see us adding that when we cache the result of _get_client()19:13
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed a change to openstack/python-ironicclient: Add documentation for ironic CLI  https://review.openstack.org/8612719:14
devanandaShrews: let's do that :)19:14
Shrewsdevananda: obviously. i prefer doing it in a separate patch. are you requesting it in this one?19:15
devanandaShrews: nope. separate patch is good.19:15
Shrewsgoal was to mimic the current behavior as much as possible, then enhance after19:15
devanandaShrews: some times having a WIP (or a complete patch) is helpful when reviewing partial features like this19:16
devanandato see how change A plays out when change B is layered on top19:16
devanandaas it is in my head, this is the right direction :)19:16
devanandaShrews: i assume you've tested doing deploys with this and such... i dont have time to do that today, but the change LGTM otherwise19:17
Shrewsdevananda: yes, tested a lot under devstack19:17
Shrewsdevananda:FYI,  i see the driver itself eventually having a single IronicClientWrapper object (rather than create a new one each time), and then that object would cache the _get_client() result and reconnect when needed19:18
Shrewsas a final goal19:18
NobodyCamShrews: + +19:18
Shrewsbut i thought all of those changes at once would make for a more difficult review19:19
NobodyCamShrews: that end goal would be good to put in the commit message.19:19
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ShrewsNobodyCam: I can add that. Give me 1 sec...19:21
devanandaShrews: maybe... maybe not...19:22
devanandaShrews: right now, ironic requires an admin context, so taht could be cached on the nova side and used for all requests19:23
devanandaShrews: eventually we may need to pass the user's context through, which would mean not caching it -- or mutating the auth token for different requests. but taht's contingent upon other auth changes in ironic. just putting it out there to think about :)19:24
JayFagordeev++ That was a great comment on the LVM partitioner merge req for IPA, thanks.19:27
JayFagordeev: saw that earlier and was trying to think of a better way for parsing out LVM command output19:27
Shrewsdevananda: i'm not familiar with the potential auth changes you're referring to, so if you see an issue with this model based on those, let me know.19:28
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Encapsulate Ironic client retry logic  https://review.openstack.org/8310519:31
ShrewsNobodyCam: there ya go19:32
* NobodyCam looks again19:33
NobodyCam:) ahh not blank line :-p19:34
ShrewsNobodyCam: oh, missed your nit. that was just a commit msg change19:35
NobodyCamhehe not with a repost for that19:35
ShrewsNobodyCam: more changes are coming. i'll take care of that then19:35
devanandahmm, i'm late. /me runs to get food before TC meeting19:44
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Shrewshrm, check-tripleo-ironic-seed-precise is supposed to be considered as voting now? failed on 83105, but not finding the actual error19:57
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Added lvm partitioner  https://review.openstack.org/8567220:04
NobodyCamShrews: seed is working it undercloud that is broken20:04
NobodyCamShrews: that looks like networking error http://logs.openstack.org/05/83105/10/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-ironic-seed-precise/a75cca0/console.html#_2014-04-08_19_47_14_30620:05
jbjohnso_devananda, anyway, thoughts on the general capability of that console management thingy I posted?20:05
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ShrewsNobodyCam: yeah20:07
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding a reference driver for the agent  https://review.openstack.org/8479520:07
linggaomatty_dubs ping20:18
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Version node lookup payload  https://review.openstack.org/8614120:18
rlooNobodyCam: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84742/1. If I +2, that gives a check mark, right? but it would still need to be approved?20:19
NobodyCamrloo: yes.. +2 is check then you have approved 0/120:20
rlooso we need 2 +2, then an approve? or one +2 is enough, then an approve?20:20
rlooor is the system smart enough so if I don't know what I'm doing, it'll tell me?20:20
devanandarloo: 2 +220:20
NobodyCamtwo +220:20
JayFthe way I've been doing it in IPA is if it has a +2 already, and I'm the 2nd +2, I +2 and +A20:20
devanandaJayF: ++20:20
NobodyCamsecond +2'er can also +A20:21
devanandaalso as a rule, don't +2 or +A your own patches20:21
JayFIs there a reason why the second person to +2 wouldn't +A? To give someone else a chance to nack it?20:21
rlooJayF beat me to it.20:21
NobodyCamI only ever vote on my own patches if someone else pushed a patch up for me then I only +1 it20:21
rloono nacking allowed.20:21
devanandaJayF: or for example, if another core had  -1'd a previous pev20:21
devanandaJayF: to give taht core time to come back and confirm their concern was addressed20:22
JayFDo core -1 stick around with new patchsets? Only -2s do, right?20:22
devanandaJayF: correct. only -2's stick around20:22
JayFcool, that's what I thought20:22
russell_his there a document on all this somewhere?20:22
devanandaa -1 is an objection, ideally with feedback suggesting an improvement20:22
russell_hI feel like I've got it figured out now, but it'd be nice to have something to link people to20:22
devanandaa -2 is an immovable block20:22
devanandaother cores can not override your -220:23
NobodyCamI have overwritten -1 nits if they are called out as such20:23
devanandaalso a "0" doesn't count as a vote in the vote-counting systems20:23
rloodevananda: i think that's a bug in the vote-counting systems.20:23
JayFI wish there was a +0 or something independent of a 0, where you can indicate you read it and have no objections, but maybe don't have the confidence in that part of the code to give a +120:24
devanandarussell_h: there's some stuff here that Nova wrote up: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/CoreTeam20:24
NobodyCamalso https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReviewChecklist20:24
matty_dubslinggao: pong20:24
matty_dubs(sorry, was afk)20:24
devanandaJayF: then +1 with comment20:25
JayFOK, I'll start doing that then.20:25
devanandaJayF: i often post eg. "code LGTM< but i haven't tested it"20:25
devanandait's not perfect20:25
linggaomatty_dubs, np.  I have seen a strange problem when testing console code, it drives me crazy today, just wonder if you have seen the same problem or not.20:25
rlooheh, harder to put "code LGTM but I don't really know how that code works" :-)20:26
linggaomatty_dubs, when place the url on the broswer, it shows "File not found"20:26
matty_dubslinggao: No, that sounds odd. The shellinabox URL?20:26
openstackgerritRussell Haering proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Factor hash ring management out of the conductor  https://review.openstack.org/8481420:26
linggaomatty_dubs, yes20:27
JayFrloo: Yes, but loads better than a +1 without the indication you're at the edge of your knowledge20:27
linggaoIt only happens when I ironic created processes.20:27
devanandarloo: for "i dont realy now how it works" -- jsut don't vote20:27
matty_dubslinggao: I didn't hit that; weird. Is it actually loading shellinabox, and showing that inside? Or is it not getting to shellinaboxd?20:27
devanandarloo: or take teh time to investigate prior to voting ;)20:28
linggaomatty_dubs, if I run the same exact process manually, then it works.20:28
devanandaas the project grows, we all will have areas of the code that we know better than others20:28
linggaomatty_dubs, I cannot tell.20:28
rlooJayF: I know what you mean. For code that I don't understand, I look sometimes to see how something might be done, but I don't vote or comment on it. Doesn't mtter to me if my looking is "counted" or not ;)20:28
linggaomatty_dubs, I tried to use different ports.20:28
linggaomatty_dubs, the stange thing is that it worked yesterday.20:29
matty_dubsHuh, that's really odd.20:29
rloodevananda: yeah, time... :-)20:29
linggaomatty_dubs, I'll keep googling it.20:30
matty_dubslinggao: So is the process actually starting? Or does it not even get that far?20:30
JayFdevananda: re: the reviewstats stuff, I put up a merge req here : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86142/120:30
NobodyCamlinggao: what dose the use look like20:30
linggaomatty_dubs, the process got stared. I can see them using ps command.20:30
NobodyCamlinggao: you can check port with nc20:31
matty_dubslinggao: You didn't end up with multiple sessions running, did you?20:31
matty_dubsThat's the only thing I can think of.20:31
matty_dubsIf the old one didn't get cleaned up properly or something.20:31
linggaomatty_dubs, every time the shellinaboxd commnd is issued, it brings up 3 processes.20:32
matty_dubsIncluding when you start it yourself?20:33
NobodyCamlinggao: have you checked netstat to see what port it is on?20:33
linggaoNobodyCam, I will. Do you know what options to use from top of your head?20:34
NobodyCamnetstat -lnp is what I would use20:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-ironicclient: node-list to show the maintenance field  https://review.openstack.org/8474220:35
matty_dubssudo lsof -i :4000 works too, to show what's on port 400020:35
matty_dubsI think netstat is the more 'normal' way though20:35
NobodyCami use lsof to see who (what process) has a file open20:38
NobodyCamhaven't used it for port...20:39
linggaomatty_dubs, NobodyCam http://paste.openstack.org/show/75361/20:39
linggaomatty_dubs, NobodyCam, that's what ironic produced.20:40
matty_dubslinggao: On a whim, do the two files (background= and the .pw file in /tmp) exist on disk?20:41
NobodyCamlinggao: nc -z 420220:41
linggaomatty_dubs, NobodyCam, I placed http://<hostname>:4202 there, it shows "File not found".20:41
linggaoNobodyCam, nc -z 4202 returns nothing.20:42
matty_dubslinggao: Yeah, I wonder if it's complaining because it can't find /tmp/f62a481d-7f9c-4693-9914-c6596190a991.pw or /usr/ling/statck/ironic/ironic/console/f62a481d-7f9c-4693-9914-c6596190a991.pid20:42
NobodyCamlinggao: http://paste.openstack.org/show/BHIAVu4WCuGTWwu1kmsV/20:43
linggaomatty_dubs, those files are there.20:43
NobodyCamlinggao: firewall20:43
matty_dubsHrm, there goes my theory!20:44
linggaoNobodyCam nc -z 22 returns nothing for me either.20:45
NobodyCamdo you have ssh running?20:45
NobodyCamsshd :-p20:45
linggaoIf I kill those 2 processes and run the same exact command manually, the console works.20:45
NobodyCamcould neutron be zapping the ports somehow?20:46
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NobodyCamif it works manually thats somehting else20:47
linggaoNobodyCam, there are no other OpenStack processes, only the ironic venv.20:47
linggaothere is a /usr/sbin/sshd -D running20:47
NobodyCamodd about nc not returning something... can you try nc -z 22;echo $?20:48
matty_dubsAre you running it as root normally?20:52
matty_dubsErr, rephrase: Are you running shellinaboxd as root?20:52
matty_dubsOr some other suer?20:52
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding a reference driver for the agent  https://review.openstack.org/8479520:52
NobodyCammatty_dubs: When started as root, the server drops most privileges at start up. Unless overridden by the --group option,20:55
NobodyCamfrom https://code.google.com/p/shellinabox/wiki/shellinaboxd_man20:55
matty_dubsYeah, I don't think you actually need root. It's probably dangerous, in fact20:55
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matty_dubsI was just trying to think of _something_ that would explain the behavior20:57
NobodyCamgood morning mrda20:57
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linggaoNobodyCam, nc -z 22;echo $?20:59
linggao returns 020:59
NobodyCamya.. the working fact that it works when manually run is whats getting me... Like maybe a timing issue? or something else it interrecating20:59
Guest52851Morning NobodyCam20:59
linggaomatty_dubs, yes, I ran it as root.20:59
NobodyCamlinggao:ahh so 22 is open20:59
NobodyCamlinggao: try 4202 like that21:00
matty_dubsWhat if you run as a non-root user by hand? Does that work?21:00
linggaoNobodyCam: same. 021:01
NobodyCamzero is good... means its open21:01
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NobodyCamlinggao: your using hostname... can you try the url with the ip21:02
linggaomatty_dubs, I am trying...21:03
linggaoNobodyCam, I am using the ip.21:03
NobodyCamok :)21:03
mrdahey NobodyCam, I was wondering if you (or any other core) would like to express an opinion on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84374/ There's 3 +1's (from cores) but a reluctance to +2 it :-)21:04
mrda...if you don't mind21:04
NobodyCamlol several of them where not core when they +121:05
* NobodyCam looking21:05
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linggaomatty_dubs, I ran as a non-root user manually, the browser got the following: Access denied! Session closed.21:06
matty_dubsA... different error. Weird.21:06
mrdaNobodyCam: this is true, but its good leverege for asking you :)21:06
linggaoI think that's from the bmc.21:06
matty_dubsOh, access denied to the tmp file or something, maybe?21:06
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matty_dubsErr, huh. That's weird.21:07
linggaomatty_dubs, maybe the .pw file21:07
linggaoI am just guessing.21:07
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matty_dubsMe too :)21:08
NobodyCamgood catch matty_dubs :)21:08
matty_dubsOh! Who owns the pid and pw files?21:09
matty_dubsAre they root-owned, and nobody can't read them?21:09
* matty_dubs concocts random theories until one work21:09
linggaomatty_dubs, the root owns them21:10
NobodyCamchmod 77721:10
matty_dubsWhat if you delete them, and let the Ironic process recreate theM?21:10
NobodyCamfix all21:10
matty_dubsWhich is how it should work.21:10
NobodyCammrda: I can see lucas-dinner point. but I also feel that validate needs to be sync and there for should not issue ipmi commands... but that is another can-o-worms21:12
mrdaNobodyCam: so how do you think I should proceed?21:14
linggaomatty_dubs, I chmod 777 to the files, and restarted shellinaboxd as a non-root user manually. and still got Acess denied.21:14
linggaomatty_dubs NobodyCam, I have to go. thanks a lot for your time and patience. I'll sleep on it tonight. Hope the problem will go away magically tomorrow. :-)21:16
NobodyCammrda: reviewing now21:16
mrdaNobodyCam: thanks, much appreciated21:16
matty_dubsNo problem!21:16
matty_dubslinggao: I think you just want to delete the two files. They should only last as long as the session anyway.21:17
NobodyCam:) linggao have a good night :) let us know tomorrow :)21:17
matty_dubsAnd then Ironic will create them as something not root-owned21:17
matty_dubsIn any case, good night! Catch you later.21:17
linggaomatty_dubs, I'll try it tomorrow.21:17
linggaothanks a lot!21:17
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Added disk partitioner  https://review.openstack.org/8616321:20
NobodyCammrda: reviewed21:21
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: see my comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8437421:21
NobodyCamneed to do quick walkies... brb21:22
mrdaThanks NobodyCam!21:23
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NobodyCammrda: :)21:35
NobodyCammrda: there still need to be a talk about what validate() should do.21:36
mrdaNobodyCam: and I'm happy to help out there21:37
mrdanow that patch is going to land (thanks devananda!) off to do some reviews and look at ther bugs :)21:38
devanandajust learned how openstack tracks back ports21:38
devanandato milestone proposed21:38
devanandait's not wha ti expected21:38
devanandait complciates the parted backport thing21:38
devanandaso i'm glad we haven't landed that yet21:38
NobodyCamlol :/21:38
adam_ganyone have thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1304673 ? might it be a good candidate for a juno blueprint?21:44
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NobodyCamadam_g: ya.. but I need to see how it wouldbe done.21:49
NobodyCamI wouldn't want a neutron.vender_passthru api :-p21:49
adam_gNobodyCam, right. totally up for discussion.  the approach nova took seems like reasonable base to work from21:50
adam_goh, cool. tempest ironic exercise finally +A'd https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81958/21:50
NobodyCamw00t \o/21:51
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add version 1 of agent payload  https://review.openstack.org/8617321:53
NobodyCamgah I alway forget to put a space between no and bug for rechecks :-p21:53
devanandaadam_g: grats!21:54
devanandaso, folks, for the sfdisk->parted change21:57
devanandawhich I think we should backport to icehouse21:57
devanandaat least a small fix of it21:57
devanandain looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84396/2/ironic/drivers/modules/deploy_utils.py again i have concerns21:57
devanandathat this isn't going to erase an existing partition table and will break in very unexpected ways21:57
devanandaif one exists21:57
NobodyCamdevananda: because offset always starts at one21:59
devanandaNobodyCam: no. because it *only* calls mkpart21:59
devanandait never checks if there are existing partitions21:59
NobodyCamya if there is already a ephemeral partision set then I can see it getting wacked22:00
devanandai'm not a parted (or sfdisk) expert22:00
devanandabut what if there's already a primary part?22:00
NobodyCamshould overwrite i believe22:01
devanandawill parted barf creating a second primary partition? (i think not, but this is stil lthe wrong behavior)22:01
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, will do22:02
lucas-dinnerrussell_h, thanks will take a look22:02
devanandalucas-dinner: hi! around for a minute?22:02
lucas-dinnerdevananda, yes22:02
lucas-dinnerdevananda, so the mklabel msdos command22:02
lucas-dinnerwill erease the previous partition table22:02
devanandalucas-dinner: i'm revisiting your parted fix for icehouse and just learned the process for actually doing a backport and tagging an RC222:03
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lucas-dinnerdevananda, ah nice22:03
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devanandalucas-dinner: ahhh, i see. that is run before mkpart, but it appears in the code after it22:03
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: what would happen if there is already a ephemeral partition and this is a redepoly?22:03
devanandaNobodyCam: same as before -- part table is recreated, but the data *should* line up, and if preserve-ephemeral, then that part is not recreated22:04
lucas-dinnerdevananda, http://paste.openstack.org/show/75370/22:05
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, yeah, we delete it and then create it on the same offset22:05
lucas-dinnerwe don't touch the filesystem, only the partition table22:05
devanandalucas-dinner: ok, so, process22:05
devanandaAIUI ... it is ...22:06
devanandawe need two bugs, one targeted to icehosue-rc2, the other to master22:06
devanandawe fix the bug in master22:06
devanandafix has to land22:06
devanandathat bug is marked FixCommitted22:06
devanandawe backport the fix (or some part thereof) to the milestone-proposed branch22:07
devanandawhen that lands, we mark that bug as FixReleased22:07
devanandaand ttx tags it at that point22:07
lucas-dinnerhmm I see, more complicated than I thought22:07
devanandai dont think the patch you have up follows that process... want me to do it?22:07
devanandayea, much mroe complex than i thought too22:07
devanandawhich is why it's good for us to learn22:08
devanandanow, while we're still in incubation :)22:08
lucas-dinnerheh +122:08
devanandalucas-dinner: so we can land your quick fix in master, then refactor it AND backport it22:08
lucas-dinnerdevananda, ack sounds like a plan22:09
lucas-dinnerwant me to remove the WIP?22:09
devanandayep, thanks22:09
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devanandalucas-semi-afk: want to rebase it on mp branch?22:09
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, ack22:10
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: just asking if you have tested data in a EP?22:10
lucas-semi-afkNobodyCam, I think I did tested this case yes22:10
lucas-semi-afkI can give it a go quickly here to see22:10
lucas-semi-afkI tried to cross test it22:10
NobodyCam you awesome :)22:10
lucas-semi-afkwith diff combinations22:10
devanandaNobodyCam: EP ?22:11
NobodyCamjust stick a file in the EP and make sure it is still valid22:11
lucas-semi-afkephemeral partition22:11
lucas-semi-afkNobodyCam, ack22:11
devanandalucas-semi-afk: i think what you do is: git checkout gerrit/milestone-proposed ;; make canges ;; git review22:12
devanandai think ...22:12
NobodyCamI have concerns about if the EP is lvm but that is something else22:12
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, lemme try22:13
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Replace sfdisk with parted  https://review.openstack.org/8439622:14
devanandalucas-semi-afk: ah, so you apparently also need to explicitly push to that branch in gerrit?? maybe?22:14
lucas-semi-afkerr master?!22:14
lucas-semi-afkI guess yea22:14
devanandalucas-semi-afk: git review milestone-proposed22:15
lucas-semi-afkoh wait maybe it was the Change-id since I did a "git am"22:15
devanandano -- jsut tell git the branch name22:15
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86179/22:19
lucas-semi-afkseems now it worked22:19
lucas-semi-afkthe problem was my Change-id22:19
devanandagreat, thanks!22:20
lucas-semi-afkI removed the old one with the ref to the master branch22:20
devanandalucas-semi-afk: so followign the process, we need to land the fix in master first22:21
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, ack gimme 10 min to test the ep thing22:21
lucas-semi-afkI think I tested that case22:21
lucas-semi-afkbut want to confirm22:21
devanandalucas-semi-afk: any objection to landing the same quick fix in both places, then basing all your DiskPartitioner work on that?22:21
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, no problem for me22:22
NobodyCamhumm anyone happen to know if check-tripleo-ironic-seed-precise is broken?22:24
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devanandaNobodyCam: ask in tripleo? I'm not sure22:25
NobodyCamjust checking22:25
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adam_grussell_h, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicCI updated with notes on everything that is currently in flight22:33
russell_hadam_g: awesome, thanks!22:34
russell_hdwalleck_: ^22:34
dwalleck_sweet! I'll have a look22:35
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lucas-semi-afkdevananda, oh wait with the parted patch, dmitry submitted a new review setting the offset to 122:39
lucas-semi-afkand I didn't have that change in my local branch22:39
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devanandalucas-semi-afk: ah. yea. please propose the same code (or as much as same as possible) to both master and milestone22:41
dwalleckadam_g: You need any help with fixing these testing without isolation issues? That's pretty much the only way I test in some environments, so I need it anyway22:41
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Replace sfdisk with parted  https://review.openstack.org/8439622:41
lucas-semi-afkdevananda, will do22:41
devanandaprocess wise, we need to land it on master first, even if you're proposing both at the same time22:41
adam_gdwalleck, so the patches i have up should address everything that is failing, at least in the ironic job (with that regex applied to omit irrelevant tests)22:42
devanandai'll need to step away soon for a meeting and dinner, but will try to look again later tonight22:42
adam_gdwalleck, there is a periodic jenkins job that runs tempest against neutron isolated creds disabled that is meant to catch these failures.  there are still a few others outside of the ironic case that fail22:43
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adam_gdwalleck, http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-qa/periodic-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-non-isolated-master/dbcb96b/logs/testr_results.html.gz22:43
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NobodyCamlol devananda percona 404'ing22:44
devanandanote to self and others - we need to create https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic/ReleaseNotes/Icehouse22:45
adam_gdwalleck, im hoping that once we have the ironic job passing for us, we can enable it in the tempest pipeline to get some pre-commit visibility there, since the periodic jobs dont seem to get much attention22:45
JoshNangwhen someone gets a chance, can I get some reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81391/? I'll need it for the agent driver.22:45
devanandaadam_g: yea. once it passes, we can move it from experimental to -nv on every commit22:45
devanandaadam_g: we jsut cant make our tempest tests voting on tempest until we graduate ...22:45
devanandabut that'll at least give us the ability to search in logstash for when something breaks :)22:46
devananda*to find the cause when ...22:46
adam_git might not cover non-isolated creds 100% for tempest, but would catch a lot of stuff that shouldn't have gotten thru the gate22:46
devanandaok, really need to go now ... bbl22:46
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Drivers may expose a top-level passthru API  https://review.openstack.org/8191922:46
jrolldevananda and other cores: can we please either get this merged or discuss a better way to accomplish it? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81919/22:47
jrollmailing list thread went nowhere22:47
dwalleckadam_g: Well, I've got time. I'm afraid of a lot of the flakiness is just really test bugs22:47
jrolland we have a bunch of stuff hanging on that22:47
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adam_gdwalleck, yeah22:48
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openstackgerritRussell Haering proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Version agent lookup payloads  https://review.openstack.org/8522822:58
lucas-semi-afkNobodyCam, ep part preserves the partition [confirmed]23:01
lucas-semi-afkNobodyCam, http://paste.openstack.org/show/75374/23:03
NobodyCam:) ty lucas-semi-afk your awesome23:03
lucas-semi-afkNobodyCam, np!23:04
openstackNobodyCam: Error: "!" is not a valid command.23:04
lucas-semi-afkaye! sleeping time for me23:04
NobodyCamnight lucas-semi-afk :)23:04
lucas-semi-afkhave a good night everyone! night NobodyCam devananda23:04
lucas-semi-afksee you tomorrow23:05
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* NobodyCam is waiting for gate jobs to come back.. fix just merged23:05
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Encapsulate Ironic client retry logic  https://review.openstack.org/8310523:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Version node lookup payload  https://review.openstack.org/8614123:45
Shrewsgrrr.... the addition of the new driver tests to our tox runs revealed my subsequent breakage of the tests23:45
NobodyCamthats not a bad thing23:46
* NobodyCam ducks23:46
ShrewsNobodyCam: so, the only difference in 83105 is the blank line you wanted, and fixing the tests23:46
NobodyCam:) will take a look see in a bitdinner just about here :)23:47
Shrewsno rush. eat23:47
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