Tuesday, 2025-03-18

bauzasis it me or I can't longer log into the openstack wiki ?08:39
bauzasonce I log into https://wiki.openstack.org/ it goes into Launchpad SSO and I'm able to connect, but when heading back to the source page, I'm no longer connected08:40
fricklerit did work for me, just pretty slow. likely some ddos crawlers at work again08:49
bauzasnope, still the same behaviour, slow but eventually logged in after SSO but when heading back to a wikipage, no longer logged in (even if I provide the right cookie)09:21
fricklerhmm, indeed, I only checked that the login itself worked earlier, but I can reproduce this. need to wait for some other infra-root to take a closer look then09:55
fungibauzas: frickler: i thing during or following periods of excessive load, something breaks logins (maybe db writes to record the new sessions are timing out?). the last few times it's happened, rebooting the server gets it back to a happy place again13:25
fungii can do that in a sec13:25
fungiconfirmed i also can't log in, i'll reboot it14:03
fungiit's been about 2 months since the last time i had to do that14:03
fungi#status log Rebooted wiki.openstack.org to get OpenId logins working again14:06
fungibauzas: frickler: ^14:07
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging14:07
fungiseems to be working again for me now14:07
fricklerstill (or again?) pretty slow for me, but login is working now, thx fungi14:15
bauzasfungi: thanks14:16
bauzasfwiw, we'll move the nova docs from wiki to our internal docs14:17
fungi#status log Merged the openstack/openstack-helm-infra content and history into the openstack/openstack-helm repository as discussed in https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/YRWSN6X2MTVGFPCULJ344RSDMCQDO7ZG/16:56
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging16:56
stephenfinfungi: How familiar are you with the RAX APIs? gtema notes that they still use the Cinder v1 API, but it looks like OSC support for Cinder v1 has been broken since Train17:26
stephenfinfungi: Context is https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/94486517:26
fungistephenfin: i'm familiar with it insofar as we've had to fiddle a lot with which versions of the client and libs we install for interacting with rackspace to do volume-related tasks17:32
fungistephenfin: our cloud.yaml looks like this: https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/playbooks/templates/clouds/bridge_all_clouds.yaml.j2#L37-L5417:34
fungiwe're setting volume_api_version: 2 there17:34
clarkbthe current version we have installed on bridge's launcher venv worked for me booting nb05 and nb06 and associated ovlume operations17:34
clarkbpython-openstackclient==7.4.0 openstacksdk==4.4.017:34
clarkbI want to say that v1 may be the only version in the catalog but if you force v2 most things work?17:35
fungiright, some stuff ends up not working correctly like referring to volumes by name instead of uuid when attaching them to servers17:40
stephenfinack. thanks. So the endpoint override is presumably there because service discovery returns the wrong version (or maybe it's not supported in RAX)?17:54
stephenfinclarkb: what version of python-cinderclient?17:54
clarkbstephenfin: python-cinderclient==7.4.117:56
clarkbstephenfin: ya the version override is there bceause catalog tries to use v1 and that doesn't work with osc at all iirc17:57
clarkbso we force v2 and then stuff mostly works17:57
stephenfinIndeed. v1 support was removed in python-cinderclient 5.0.0 and OSC is still using those calls17:57
stephenfinOkay, I'll note that workaround (using v2 and an endpoint override) in the release note17:59
stephenfinAnything more i.e. fixing this "properly" is going to necessitate writing a whole load of code in OSC and SDK that someone else will need to sign up for18:00
clarkbI think there is hope that the new rackspace flex cloud stuff might take over and we can leave the old stuff behind too18:00
clarkbbut I don't know any details other than they've given us access for test resources and we have 64 test node quota there and things seem to work18:00
clarkbbut it might be worth a conversation wit hthem if they think osc support for the old cloud is important they may be able to work on it?18:01
fungiyeah, fingers crossed opendev will be able to stop caring about rax classic, but there are probably osc users who will continue relying on it until rackspace sunsets that environment18:01
stephenfinGood point. Who can I talk to?18:09
fungistephenfin: you might remember cloudnull, he'd be good to sync up with on their overall direction18:14
fungi(kevin carter)18:15
clarkbjamesdenton: and cardoe have also been helpful18:21
cardoeuh oh. what'd I do?19:23
cardoeoh the cinder endpoint in rax? yeah... I've tried to change that for years.19:24
cardoeAt this point I'm hoping that flex can get going quick enough and we can move people over and just turn off the old stuff.19:25
fungicardoe: yeah, i think maybe it's a question of whether you and/or your colleagues have time to invest in helping keep osc working for rackspace classic, or whether it's not worth it to bother19:32
cardoeI mean I still use it for rackspace classic. The "profile: rackspace" bit with cloud config actually rewrites the catalog endpoint to v219:35
fungioh, so we could in theory drop our explicit api override for v2 then19:40
cardoewhere's that?20:06
clarkbhttps://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/playbooks/templates/clouds/bridge_all_clouds.yaml.j2#L37-L72 we set them here20:08
clarkbbut we also set the profile to rackspace. My guess is the profile update came after we set it20:08
cardoeYeah I bet you can drop that.23:23
cardoeI’ll help where I can but I’ve lost a lot of access to make changes there.23:23
clarkbno worries just wanted to call it out in case that was something ya'll wanted to drive on the client/sdk side and ensure stephenfin knows who to talk to in that scenario23:24

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