Friday, 2025-03-14

*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles08:19
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh09:49
clarkbfungi: I wonder if it has to do with the nodejs version and the libs being installed. Looks like zuul is still using an old version of nodejs14:39
clarkbso maybe not ssl specific but just a nodejs vs code level of compatibility14:40
fungiyeah, could be that the dashboard deps are pinned to versions that won't work with newer nodejs14:41
fungianyway, after digging deeper on this i think maybe 1. newer nodejs, 2. sbom generator plugin for the (yarn or whatever) js compiler, 3. stick the resulting sbom somewhere and include it in the manifest until pep 770 is settled (at which point we can move it to a more standardized name and location)14:47
fungialso worth looking into embedding sboms in container images we're redistributing14:47
fungi makes it seem like upgrading to newer yarn is fairly straightforward, no need to manually recreate your config with different syntax since it can just convert for you14:53
fungias an aside, it looks like zuul's yarn.lock file lists 2129 dependencies14:57
fungithat seems like a lot? but maybe just because i am out of touch wrt the nodejs ecosystem14:57
clarkbI think the problem with newer yarn is bootstrapping it15:25
clarkbsince they've stopped using npm and its some self bootstrapping process that seems weidr. But may be it just works15:25
fungiwell, it's also installable as a distro package apparently, at least in new enough distros (that we're not running yet but may be within the timeframe this will require)15:27
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Update jeepyb gerrit image build deps
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Migrate OpenStack tox doc jobs to Ubuntu Noble (24.04)

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