opendevreview | Ghanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Add separate ACL for openstackdocstheme | 03:13 |
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh | 07:40 | |
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel | 13:27 | |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see | 16:08 | |
opendevreview | James E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Temporarily remove zuul-providers from zuul tenant | 17:55 |
opendevreview | James E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Temporarily remove zuul-providers from zuul tenant" | 17:55 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/project-config master: Temporarily remove zuul-providers from zuul tenant | 18:38 |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we upgrade for a new jeepyb feature and switch our database container image source repository | 18:51 | |
sean-k-mooney | fungi: very, interesting topics in deed, thanks for cross posting the thread i dont enven know if im on the foundation maining list. i think i was at intel but dont think i ever signed up with my redhat account | 19:40 |
fungi | subscribing is easy ;) | 19:42 |
sean-k-mooney | i dont know how i feel about it. ill need some time to refelct on it. i share many of gouthamr quiestions but i still need to read teh faq | 19:42 |
sean-k-mooney | Will the OpenInfra Foundation become part of the CNCF? "no" ah ok so that was one of my questoins answered | 19:44 |
JayF | I personally plan on going to one of the community meetings the have scheduled. I suspect the reasons for doing this are more straightforward than have been communicated publically, just because the amount of filtering that kind of statement would go through limits meaningful details which we tend to care about. | 19:46 |
sean-k-mooney | ya i might go to one or both | 19:47 |
JayF | My main concern kinda is perceptional; which was immediately reinforced by seeing a selective pull-quote from that post on socials basically immediately | 19:48 |
sean-k-mooney | there is one geopolitical uncertenty that may or may not impact contibution that im uncertain baout | 19:49 |
sean-k-mooney | alhtouh we do not have gpl code so its less of an issue | 19:49 |
fungi | if you're referring to i don't think that was anything to do with the gpl | 19:51 |
JayF | Either way, I'm trying to make a point to not say anything too extreme one way or another until I have a weekend to digest it, and time to validate if my perceptions around LF are valid. | 19:52 |
fungi | yeah, i' | 19:52 |
fungi | er | 19:52 |
sean-k-mooney | the legal precidnet that forced there had comdes fom us copyright law and a spcific case related to the gpl that i belive but that was just form one youtubue video i think for legal egal | 19:52 |
sean-k-mooney | fungi: but yes that is what i was one of the 2 execitive ordere lreated events | 19:53 |
fungi | i'll re-encourage everyone to provide feedback on the foundation ml or in one of the scheduled community calls if you feel comfortable doing so, but jbryce and i are also happy to take private feedback and get it to the board in a more anonymous fashion | 19:53 |
sean-k-mooney | well openinfra foundtaiton is also currentl regsitered in the US so its not really going to change anything with that regard | 19:54 |
fungi | and yeah there's no rush, the board won't vote on this until they hold a meeting | 19:54 |
JayF | I forgot to ask the most important question | 19:54 |
JayF | does this mean we go back to having parties at the summit with like, clowns and magicians and steak dinners? /s | 19:55 |
sean-k-mooney | well even beyond that it woudl require a change to the open infra charter /bylaws right | 19:55 |
sean-k-mooney | JayF: co location with a linux foundation event might be the only way i get to see all of ye in person again | 19:55 |
fungi | pretty sure there's no magicians in the bylaws, but i'll see about getting them added. i can satisfy the request for a clown | 19:56 |
JayF | I seriously still thinks back to that party in Paris at the carnival thing as one of the coolest things I've ever experienced | 19:57 |
fungi | yes, the carnival museum was definitely amazing | 19:57 |
sean-k-mooney | same but honestly i like the smaller event slike the train/denver one too | 19:57 |
JayF | then I think next year was at Vancouver, and HPE had the party where Apollo Robbins stole the glasses off my face without me noticing | 19:57 |
JayF | sean-k-mooney: oh, the smaller events are more /useful/ for sure ;) but we're talking about fun parties :D | 19:58 |
JayF | sean-k-mooney: realistically the most impactful/useful openstack-anything I've been to was probably the OpenInfra Days + BM SIG at CERN last year | 19:58 |
JayF | that was around 5 dozen folks give or take | 19:58 |
sean-k-mooney | i dindnt attened but i belive slvain and rene were there at that time | 20:01 |
JayF | Yeah; he was there for the second day (the days) but not the BM SIG | 20:09 |
clarkb | more generally I think one thing covid did was kill a lot of "team building" activities that we were able to do in the past | 20:11 |
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