Friday, 2024-08-09

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jamespagehi hi - please could we get landed - I'd like to get the retirement process completed as its been kicking around a while07:44
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Improve systemd services start
jamespagefrickler: ok so give me a clue because I;m really not getting how to get myself out of groundhog day12:18
jamespageall of the repos are in the state where they have README, gitreview and zuul config (which is no-op) - I need to remove the zuul configuration to be compliant with the goverance check12:19
jamespageis official-openstack-repo-jobs sufficient todo that?12:20
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Prep sunbeam single charm repos for retirement
jamespageexample -
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Improve systemd services start
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ci-log-processing master: Improve systemd services start
clarkbsean-k-mooney: frickler: we have never supported specific point releases of centos because they are not supported once the new point releases come out. It would also lead to a massive proliferation of images and we're already struggling to claen up old images that are not well used but all over CI configs. Is there some reason we can't just use rocky 9 and then 10 and so on15:34
clarkbas we did back when centos existed?15:34
fungii'll note this is the same reason we only do ubuntu lts, it requires new images every 2 years rather than every 6 months15:39
clarkbjamespage: frickler: I left a comment on 917827. Hopefully that clarifies things for frickler ?15:41
clarkbbut I think that change lgtm now15:41
jamespageclarkb: I'm not sure15:42
jamespageclarkb: I put up as a test15:43
clarkboh looks like that isn't merging because of the lack of noop jobs15:43
clarkbI see what frickler was asking about now. So maybe 917827 should add noop jobs to the regex match and the charm-openstack-hypervisor project15:44
clarkbthen after things are updated and replicated we can unwind all of that15:44
jamespageyep that one15:46
jamespageclarkb: is that in addition to the openstack-official-jobs ?15:47
clarkbjamespage: yes the noop-job template will allow you to approve changes like 926056 and have them land without any true ci running (the noop stuff is a built in escape hatch in zuul). Then the official jobs template will run replication jobs to github. The pair of the two templates should allow you to both merge and replicate things to finalize the cleanup15:48
jamespagelet me refresh that review15:48
fungiright, only runs things in the post and pre-release/release pipelines, noop-jobs adds empty jobs to check and gate15:49
clarkbI think adding the noop jobs to the regex match may add extar noop jobs to other repos that match the regex but it shouldn't be a real issue other than adding a new job that does nothing to those projects temporarily15:50
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Prep sunbeam single charm repos for retirement
clarkbya that looks right. We land that, you update the repos to say they are all retired and cleaned up, let that replicate to github, then we can clean up further in project-config15:52
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: not specificlly i was bassically thinkg why not pin every slup or non slurp and use the ame for a year but following rocky 9 latest and rocky 10 latest would also be fine16:20
sean-k-mooneyit already will be more stable then stream so pining to the point release proably is not required16:21
sean-k-mooneyi was just suggestin gtratign the even number point releases as the "lts" version16:22
clarkbah my understanding is that isn't how enterprise linux releases work16:22
clarkbbut I may be mistaken. I was under the impression that you are expected to update as security fixes and the like do not go on older point releases16:22
sean-k-mooneywell rhel chooses an point releases to prove Extened update support EUS too meaning releses where the rhel team do backport16:23
sean-k-mooneyand for 8/9 it has effectivly been ever even relese i think but i have not checked in a while16:23
clarkb this says rocky linux does not support point releases (not sure ifthat site is authoritative)16:24
clarkbso ya we should not try to fix on any point releases even if we were able to make it work with all the extra images that implies16:24
sean-k-mooneyack well we shoudl actully follow the distos info not rhels anyway16:24
clarkbor rather they don't support older point releases. The current one is the supported one16:25
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: well it would not be a lot of extra images just 1 i think the current slupr and previous16:25
sean-k-mooneybut ya thats fine by me16:25
sean-k-mooneyideally we will move to rocky 10 next release and drop rocky 9 and centos 9 stream ectra in 2025.2 anyway16:26
clarkband you can use those images today16:26
fricklerjamespage: if you're still around I think you misplaced the added comment position in , I can also amend this myself otherwise16:26
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: is the public refernce for rhel lifecycle for what its worth16:27
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Prep sunbeam single charm repos for retirement
jamespagefrickler: still here - amended ^^ :)16:28
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: so to pivot the converstaion slightly i assuem we are ok to add rocky 10 when that becomes aviable for 2025.116:28
clarkbsean-k-mooney: yes16:29
sean-k-mooneywe will proably want to start with centos stream 10 since that already out but i would prefer to use rocky if it was aviablie in time16:30
sean-k-mooneyno idea what there actual plan is there16:30
sean-k-mooneyrocky 10 will likely be too late for 2025.116:31
clarkbits largely up to whoever decides they are interested in pushing that along. NeilHanlon (is in the opendev channel but not here) has been helpful in getting rocky things working for us over time. But others may be interested too16:31
sean-k-mooneysince rhel 10 wont be out when we start 2025.116:31
fungimnasiadka has also expressed interest in rocky-related topics in the past, i think16:32
fricklerkolla does use rocky instead of centos for some time now, yes16:33
sean-k-mooneyya so if they plan to be binary compatiable with rhel 10 that wont lauch in time for 2025.1 but shoudl be there for 2026.116:34
sean-k-mooneycentos 10 is already aviable
fungii think the main topic for more immediate discussion is whether/when/how we add rocky package mirroring16:34
sean-k-mooneyya and if we only have the latest version that makes that simpler16:35
fungiwe probably have room for it in afs now, dropping xenial i guess will give us more breathing room though16:35
clarkbthe way support timelines work we don't really ever have the latest version16:35
clarkbfedora was the lone exception to that16:35
clarkbwe should anticipate that we'll end up with ~3 rocky releases over time rolling around16:35
sean-k-mooneywhy 316:35
clarkb(which is fine, I just don't want people to think you can stick to latest only it really doesnt' work out that way with how quicky people update jobs)16:35
sean-k-mooneywe already dont supprot rocky 816:36
clarkbsean-k-mooney: because openstack isn't the only opendev user16:36
fungiwe had centos 7/8/9 simultaneously at one point16:36
clarkband generally we keep the releases in place if they are still supported by upstream and people are using them16:36
sean-k-mooneyoh ok ya in the openev contedt 8 can make sense16:36
clarkband I think the release cadence overlap is such that 3 can be supported at the same time16:36
sean-k-mooneyfor open dev probably 16:36
sean-k-mooneyfor openstack we only have 18 monts of supprot so we will never need more then 216:37
fricklerthe definition of the PTI for 2025.1 is due rather soon, so with neither images for centos 10 in opendev nor devstack support, this doesn't sound viable to me16:37
fungigenerally we drop images when the versions go to end of free/public support16:37
clarkband to be clear openstack is the number one "offender" of this drag out support thing16:37
clarkbso I don't think you should anticipate openstack rotating support that quickly either16:37
clarkbsee also the massive tangle of xenial things in openstack16:37
clarkb(or things that were once openstack)16:38
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: so centos 10 support is deffintely somethign i want to see for 2025.1 as well as making ubuntu 24.04 required16:38
fungii think openstack is in the position of caring less now, with only 2 years of actual maintenance for releases and everything older "unmaintained" so any testing is best-effort16:38
sean-k-mooneyi proably should look at updating devstack/dib/project-config to enable that16:38
clarkbfungi: yes I think the issue is more that openstack doesn't do any of hte cleanup stuff16:38
sean-k-mooneyubuntu 24.04 is still my priority to have running in nova-next before the end of 2024.216:39
fungiright, and then when we go removing images, old branches end up in an error state16:39
clarkbI've been trying to psuh that as part of maintenance activity, but what generally happens is openstack says they don't care anymore and does minimal "cleanup" aka switch branch to unmaintained then I'm left holding the responsibility for cleaning things up a few years later16:39
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: well from my point of vew when a branch goes to unmainted it should go to a tag16:40
fungiso yeah, i'm with you there, we don't need openstack caring less about old branches, we need openstack cleaning up old branches16:40
sean-k-mooneyand only become a branch if the unmaintaiend team creates teh branch and fixes the ci as part of that16:40
sean-k-mooneywe will be moving 2023.1 to unmaintianed soon16:41
fungisean-k-mooney: that was one of the early proposals, but the model the tc settled on is that all stable/foo branches get one free cycle as unmaintained/foo before someone needs to confirm they intend to maintain them16:41
fungis/maintain/care for/16:41
sean-k-mooneyya i rememebr the disucssions16:42
sean-k-mooneythere are pros and cons16:42
sean-k-mooneywhen the rename happens someone has to fix the jobs 16:42
fungii still think it should have been doable to start the conversation when stable/foo enters its last 6 months of maintenance, agreed16:42
fungirather than waiting until after it gets renamed16:43
fungiwell, not really renamed, but replaced16:43
sean-k-mooneyya we abandon all the openchanges and remove the stable branch and recreate the branch with the new name from the eol tag right16:43
sean-k-mooneybut the mecahnicas are not that imporant form an external perspecitive its effectivly a rename16:44
sean-k-mooneyi actully caught the replay of yesterdays? tc call where part of this was dicussed16:44
fungiyeah, point being it's rather a bit of additional work which could be avoided if the conversation/decision to care for the branch in unmaintained could start 6 months earlier16:44
sean-k-mooneyi dont often watch the tc meeing recoding on youtube but i just happend to see it while cooking dinner16:46
fungiit's too late for 2023.1, but maybe when 2024.2 releases the tc can be convinced to immediately open invitations to care for unmaintained/2023.2 and then only create those branches where someone is opting into it in advance16:48
fungithat still gives prospective caretakers roughly 6 months to decide16:48
fungias things stand right now, we're looking at a massive unmaintained/zed deletion next month16:50
fungiwhich we could in theory have avoided since most of them didn't get caretaker volunteers16:50
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Prep sunbeam single charm repos for retirement
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