Thursday, 2024-02-08

fricklerelodilles: asking here since there is no unmaintained channel yet: do you want to review changes where projects create *-unmaintained-core groups like
fricklerconfig-core: ^^ will wait for an answer to that but I wouldn't mind having a second review on the patch either15:16
mnasiadkathanks frickler for chasing, was just looking for a channel ;-)15:31
fricklermnasiadka: yeah, IMO it would be a good idea to create #openstack-unmaintained as a pendant to #openstack-stable and also channel all the gerritbot messages there15:32
fungiprobably worth getting anyone who's going to be in the central unmaintained-core group to weigh in on whether they'd use it. i'd rather not create yet another irc channel and set up configuration in bots if it's going to sit vacant and ignored15:41
fungibut if people say they will make use of it, then i don't object15:41
elodillesfrickler: added a question to the patch16:50
elodillesfungi: about the IRC channel, for me either using #openstack-stable or #openstack-unmaintained would be OK. the question is which is better for folks who wants to ask questions. (i'm there on #openstack-stable but tbh it's very rare that a question is raised there)16:55
elodillesmaybe #openstack-unmaintained would be good for posting (via gerritbot) all patches proposed against unmaintained/<series> branches (though that can be polled other ways as well)16:57
elodillesso... i've no hard opinions or preference in the subject.16:58
clarkbif it is rare for questions in -stable I think it will be even more rare for questions in -unmaintaned. And if no one is there to see gerritbot posts then I'm not sure it matters (if a tree falls in a forest...)16:58

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