Thursday, 2023-12-21

elodillesfungi: hi, i'm planning to run the eol cleanup script if that's OK now. note that I haven't updated the script yet to do the deletions in a batch, but I hope it's not a big issue now as the gate looks less busy than usual14:00
fungielodilles: yep, nothing else going on, should be fine14:01
elodillesthanks, then I'll run the script now14:02
elodilleshmmm, this was a bit bigger cleanup than i expected. 344 EOL'd branches were deleted:
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/project-config master: Re-add py38 to requirements-constraints job
fungielodilles: wow!16:09
fungii wonder how much that's going to shrink the stable branch periodic failure reports16:10
elodillesfungi: a bit less than half of the mails should disappear16:50
elodillesstable/train of oslo projects generated quite many failures and they are now gone16:50
elodillesso we will see, but my guess is we'll have around ~10 mails from now on16:51
fungivery nice!17:00
fungithat's about an order of magnitude drop since the start of the year17:00
elodillesyepp. it's sad that it's because we don't test the failing branches and not because those were fixed :'( but it is what it is :) probably we can focus more on the rest of the failures and fix them \o/17:07
fungiwell, it hopefully gives some people more time to focus on the other branches that aren't quite so far gone yet17:09
tinwood_elodilles: hey there;  I noticed you've abandoned some reviews in the charm-* projects on stable/train; the charms deployment project are still maintaining queens until April 2028, and for various reasons, we actually drive that from the the charms derived from the stable/train branch.17:15
elodillesanyway, there will be definitely less "noise" so teams can identify the "real" failures more easily17:15
elodillestinwood_: hmmm, sorry. I was not aware of that. (i did not even know that there is a project that still maintains an already End of Life branch like Queens)17:17
elodillestinwood_: but yeah, charms project is not listed in OpenStack's deliverables that are managed by the Release Management teams, so I guess that's the reason17:18
elodillestinwood_: please let me know if you cannot reopen those patches and then I'll restore them17:19
tinwood_elodilles: no worries; I can restore them; I was just a bit worried that the branch might disappear :)  Thanks for the confirmation.17:44
elodillestimburke: np, and thanks for letting me know this, I'll be more cautious when abandoning patches on newer stable branches in the future o:)17:47
tinwood_elodilles: :)18:04
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5319:24
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_pto19:24
opendevreviewRuslan Aliev proposed openstack/project-config master: Add 2 new projects to the airship namespace (armada-go & operator)
opendevreviewRuslan Aliev proposed openstack/project-config master: Add 2 new projects to the airship namespace (armada-go & operator)
opendevreviewRuslan Aliev proposed openstack/project-config master: Add 2 new projects to the airship namespace (armada-go & operator)

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