Monday, 2023-11-27

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Redirect irc notifications from os-(apply|collect|refresh)-config
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Move os-(apply|collect|refresh)-config to heat's queue
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Move os-(apply|collect|refresh)-config to heat
dansmithclarkb: fungi apologies if I missed something, but zuul log and build pages are showing me "something went wrong".. is that known?17:21
dansmith for example17:22
clarkbdansmith: yes, there was a js librarby update that got deployed during our weekly deploys which had an incompatibility17:22
fungidansmith: yes, should fix it, we need to restart the web frontends after that merges and new container images appear17:22
dansmithack, thanks17:22
fungidansmith: if you're in a hurry, a temporary workaround is to replace the /t/openstack/ in zuul urls with /api/tenant/openstack/ and then you can browse the json which has links to logs and artifacts17:25
*** haleyb|out is now known as haleyb17:32
dansmithfungi: ack, thanks17:32
fungidansmith: should be working again normally now18:29
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Zuul build urls should be working again (browser refresh may be required)18:31
dansmithfungi: indeed, which a shift-refresh18:35
dansmithfungi: is this related to the zuul restart in the middle or something?
setuidOver in #openstack: "NOTICE: Zuul build urls should be working again (browser refresh may be required"19:03
clarkbdansmith: no, we actually think that is due to long standing nova/neutron/something bugs where IPs get reused by multiple host19:28
clarkbdansmith: and then the fight over the arp table entry19:28
dansmithhmm okay, never seen that before in opendev infra19:41

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