Monday, 2023-10-16

opendevreviewJaromír Wysoglad proposed openstack/project-config master: Add infrawatch/sg-core to available repos
gouthamrhi folks; we've a change that's stuck on gerrit: 17:53
gouthamrit says it is "submittable", but zuul's not able to perform this.. 17:53
gouthamrwas wondering if you could help me get it merged.. 17:55
fricklergouthamr: the patch needs a rebase, it is stacked on top of an outdated patchset where a newer version was actually merged18:10
gouthamrah; ty frickler 18:11
gouthamrwill rebase and workflow it18:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Update the jeepyb gerrit build jobs to match current base image

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