Friday, 2023-09-29

ykarelHi looking for node hold for job neutron-tempest-plugin-linuxbridge-1 patch
ykarelnot able to reproduce the issue locally, in CI is quite consistent07:46
ykarelfrickler, if you are around ^07:46
fricklerykarel: ack, setting it up now07:50
ykarelthx frickler 07:52
fricklerykarel: seems this was just in time, so we should still catch the current run if/when it fails. care to remind me of your ssh key once again? (I'm keeping a list now but you're not yet on it)07:54
ykarelfrickler, i have my keys already in, added those in pre-run07:55
fricklerykarel: ah, o.k., then you should be ready to go07:56
ykarelthx much07:57
tinwood_fungi, clarkb ah indeed; JayF 's script includes the tagging, so that's my plan.  I just need to check the ACLs in project config and maybe get them updated and then we will be all set.  thanks all for the information/pointers/help.08:51
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Replace 2023.2/Bobcat key with 2024.1/Caracal
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Temporarily remove release docs semaphores
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Temporarily remove release docs semaphores"
*** haleyb is now known as haleyb_out17:19

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