Monday, 2023-09-04

opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Switch OpenStack's Zuul tenant to Ansible 8 by default
jangutterhi folks, I'm seeing a zuul buildset disappear completely from the check queue, with no notification:
janguttertyping "recheck" requeues it, but it seems to drop off before it actually starts running jobs.11:56
fungijangutter: it seems to be mixing direct git dependencies with depends-on commit message footers to the same changes in the same repository. i suspect that's causing false circular dependency relationships, but need to dig in the scheduler logs to confirm. do you remember why you did it that way?12:10
jangutterfungi: it should have direct git dependency + an indirect git dependency to openstack/kolla (not -ansible) ... BUT I think I might have added a Depends-On to the same thing twice. (because of rebase)12:13
jangutterLet me send up one without "Depends-On:" (since the parent commit already depends on that)12:14
jangutterfungi: nope - still getting kicked out. It now only has a direct git ancestor, and the parent of this change ran without a hitch.12:19
fungioh, i see it removes all check jobs except kolla-ansible-ubuntu-upgrade-cephadm so maybe that job has file conditions specified which prevent it from always running?12:21
fungiyou can turn on debugging for the check pipeline in that change to see what reasons it might have for not running the job on that change12:22
jangutterfungi: good catch! probably a file matcher!12:22
jangutterfungi: thank you! Turns out Zuul ran with 0 jobs :-p12:25
jangutterfungi: missed it because the changes that triggered the job became part of earlier patches in the series... early morning Monday facepalm.12:26
fungihappens to all of us at some point12:27
jangutteralso, TIL about
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Some Gerrit changes that update Zuul configuration may fail with no response from Zuul. A fix is in progress.20:05
*** mmalchuk_ is now known as mmalchuk20:13
*** jonher_ is now known as jonher20:13
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit changes with updates to Zuul's configuration should now be handled correctly. Recheck any changes to Zuul configuration which did not report results.22:37

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