Thursday, 2023-03-30

*** dasm|off is now known as Guest935304:02
tkajinamhi. I'm wondering if we can keep centos 7 jobs and centos8 stream jobs after these reach EOL in a few months. Will infra host the "latest" available contents or will these be removed from mirror ?05:13
tkajinamCentOS 7 eol: June 30th  CentOS 8 Stream eol: May 31st
tkajinamsorry ignore these. these happen in 2024, not this year...05:14
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena07:18
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Placement projects
*** sean-k-mooney1 is now known as sean-k-mooney11:40
fungitkajinam: but to answer anyway, yes upstream eol for a distro version is a sign that we should start looking at dropping our images. it doesn't usually happen overnight though and we communicate it widely11:46
fungibut as you say, we can worry about it more next year11:46
*** Guest9353 is now known as dasm14:48
clarkbthis is the second person who has said centos 8 stream is EOLing soon or has EOLd14:56
clarkbI wonder if there is a typo on some document somewhere14:56
opendevreviewBartosz Bezak proposed openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Kayobe
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:35
opendevreviewThales Elero Cervi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add virtualization (virt) repo to StarlingX
opendevreviewThales Elero Cervi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add virtualization (virt) repo to StarlingX
opendevreviewThales Elero Cervi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add virtualization (virt) repo to StarlingX

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