Tuesday, 2023-03-21

opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: gerrit/acl : check for function/s-r in normalize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/87599700:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: gerrit/acl : check for capital booleans in normalize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/87757100:09
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ade_leefungi, clarkb , coreycb - hey - I had sent you guys an email about issues with fips and ubuntu.17:17
clarkbya I'm not sure I hve any answers. The issues seem related to the build of the software itself17:18
ade_leecoreycb, I was hoping you might be able to help - or at least point me in the right direction.  its hard for me to believe that you guys didn't fix iscsid to work under fips17:18
clarkbI think there is a userspace iscsi implementation in libvirt17:19
ade_leeclarkb, yeah - I was hoping one of the canonical guys would chime in -- do we know of any others that I can sync with?17:19
clarkbthis was a workaround for running nova in containers or something a few years back? That might be a workaround17:19
ade_leeclarkb, yeah - I'd think iscsid is something thats pretty core to things - and they would have an update for it17:21
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ade_leeanyways I may join the weekly meeting at the end to see if anyone has suggestions or contacts17:22
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Replace old Antelope cycle key with 2023.2/Bobcat  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/87814417:44
fungiade_lee: maybe tinwood knows who to talk to, or jamespage17:45
jamespageade_lee: let me find out 17:51
jamespageade_lee: can you forward me on the email so I have the context - james.page@ubuntu.com17:58
jamespageade_lee: have the context understand the issue will endeavour to find an answer with tinwood 18:34
jamespagetl;dr the versions of both the kernel and open-iscsi at focal don't support anything better than MD518:35
jamespageso really need a jammy baseline for a FIPS compliant solution18:35
fungijamespage: the other half of the problem, sounds like, is that for whatever reason we can't use the ua token we got from tinwood on jammy18:47
fungiade_lee was getting an error trying to activate it if the job ran on a jammy node18:48
fungiso while the preference would be to run on jammy, focal seemed to be the only place the fips ua token worked18:49
funginot sure if that's a problem with how the account/subscription is set up, or some change in the commands needed to do that on jammy vs focal18:49
fungias best i can infer from his e-mail, `ua status` on jammy indicates "fips" and "fips-updates" are both entitled, but enabling "fips-updates" results in no ubuntu-fips package18:58
jamespagefungi, ade_lee: its not a problem with the token - FIPs certification of jammy is still inprogress so its just not actually a consumable option right now20:04
jamespagealthough I do agree that the UX experience is misleading - will feed that back20:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Temporarily remove release docs semaphores  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/87755220:15
fungithanks for clarifying jamespage!21:11
fungiso in summary, iscsi on focal isn't fips-compatible, jammy fips compliance is still a work in progress21:12

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