Friday, 2023-01-06

gmannit is working fine for stable branches but on master I am getting strange error
gmannI have not changed any template/job running on master03:33
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gmannseems master job error is not related to this as I can see the same error in other patches also
gmannnot sure of that is known issue?05:13
gmannit seems consistent issue. I think we are hitting I think we are hitting another issue from tox4
gmann 06:12
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Update tox.ini to work with tox 4
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Remove numpy dependencies
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Tie recursion calls to Dist object, not module
fungigmann: known issue, yes. we tracked it down in #openstack-oslo yesterday, seems to be related to using --skip-missing-interpreters=false with an envlist in tox.ini that includes at least one python interpreter version not present on the test node. pretty sure the main bug report tracking that is at
fungia workaround is to get rid of any specific interpreter versions in envlist and replace them with just "py3"13:14
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Update tox.ini to work with tox 4
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Tie recursion calls to Dist object, not module
sean-k-mooneyfungi: so this is impacting multiple projects13:33
sean-k-mooneyfor exampel nova but efoley is also lookign a telemetry projects13:33
sean-k-mooneyfungi: we likely need to remove --skip-missing-interpreters=false rahter then move the py313:35
sean-k-mooneymoveing to py3 in the env list is fine too13:35
sean-k-mooneybut that is not really goign to fix it if you ware trying to use a non default python verion in the vm13:36
sean-k-mooneyfor exampel testign python 3.11 or 3.9 on ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 respectivly13:36
efoleyfungi, sean-k-mooney, there are random interpreters being used each time the job is run. I saw py38, py39 and py311 being tried for openstack-tox-py31013:36
efoleyFYI: -- skip-missing-interpreters false doesn't work on tox 4. Perhaps we should pin tox<4 on master as well13:38
fricklercinder already requires tox>=4, so that won't work. also not a longterm solution13:41
efoleyNot long-term, no, but unblocks things for now.13:42
efoleyAnyway, it seems that the issues is solved in tox 4.2.413:42
sean-k-mooneylooks like stephin fixed part of it 13:43
sean-k-mooneywe proably need to bump the min tox version to 4.2.4 in requirements.txt13:48
sean-k-mooneyassuming that when that makes its way into the gate teh issue is resolved on master13:48
fungisean-k-mooney: well, --skip-missing-interpreters=false is there to keep us from successfully running zero tests when a unit test job targets the wrong platform14:08
fungiefoley: see scrollback from before you joined, that's the exact github issue we were discussing (but welcome to the party!)14:08
sean-k-mooneyfungi: yes well more to make sure we dont run with the wrong interperter and have the job fail if the depency is not met14:10
sean-k-mooneyeither via 0 tests or the wrong inteperter being usedif a project incorrectly set that to true in there tox.ini14:11
fungitox -epy37 on an ubuntu-jammy node will successfully run 0 tests if skip_missing_interpreters is true in tox.ini, it won't pick a different interpreter version14:13
fungiyou may be thinking of basepython + ignore_basepython_conflict14:13
fungithey were introduced in tox around the same time, and people tend to conflate them14:14
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fungithat's with skip_missing_interpreters=true in [tox]14:25
fungiif we could be sure projects had gotten rid of skip_missing_interpreters (i and others have repeatedly warned it's dangerous for that reason), then the --skip-missing-interpreters=false in the job wouldn't be so necessary14:26
fricklerwell we can be sure that with current tox it is breaking everything. so the decision to drop it seems easy for me14:32
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/pbr master: Remove numpy dependencies
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Pin tox<4 for stable branches (<=stable/zed) testing
fungigmann: frickler: sean-k-mooney: efoley: stephenfin's just merged, which addresses most of that i think16:05
clarkbyou just have to worry about what other new brokeness the new release brings :)16:38
fungitox roulette16:38
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opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/pbr master: Run PBR integration on Ubuntu Focal too
clarkbfungi: stephenfin ^ something like that maye17:36
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gmannack. thanks 18:01
clarkbstephenfin: fungi: if you grep for TestLTSSupport.test_lts_venv_default_versions in and that seems to show my change working. I'll rereview the rest of the stack shortly.19:02
clarkbit also shows that we didn't break old pbr with the fix19:02
fungiyep, lgtm19:02
fungii think we're good to merge the entire series if you're good with it19:02
clarkbyup I just +A'd the stack19:04
clarkbthough I think there may be one that forks off I need to go find too19:05
clarkbfungi: that one I already reviewd it if you have time to review it19:05
fungii'll take a look19:09
fungiapproved it19:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Update tox.ini to work with tox 4
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Remove numpy dependencies
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clarkbre the failure that prevented the other two pbr changes from merging: I wonder if we should drop the coverage job. Coverage makes things slower and we hit a timeout21:26
clarkbI'm not sure anyone is looking at those reports these days. Though I have found them useful for various reasons at various points in time21:26
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fungiprobably more of a discussion for #openstack-oslo since pbr is an oslo deliverable22:53

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