Saturday, 2022-04-02

*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out00:07
yuktithis is what happens when I open and it redirects me to UbuntuOne 11:35
fungiyukti: that often indicates a problem with ubuntuone11:43
yuktiokay, what kind of problem do you think it could be11:43
fungii'm seeing if it does the same to me11:43
fungiyukti: i'm able to log into the webui so it's not an ubuntuone outage at least. it could be something specific to your account (either in ubuntuone or in gerrit). is this a new account? or one which you haven't used for a while?11:45
yuktiits a new account11:48
fungii found the account record in gerrit (34702). it doesn't seem to conflict with any other e-mail addresses. it also doesn't have a username set on it yet11:57
fungino references in gerrit's error logs11:58
fungionce clarkb's around, he may have some ideas of what to check as well12:01
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky21:52

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