Friday, 2022-03-11

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: Add infra deployment overview
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Introduce a logline iteartor to process the build file in constant memory
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Introduce a chunk iterator
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: DNM Add unit tests for logsender
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Add more unit tests for logsender
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: DNM Add Opensearch configuration information
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add unversioned openstack-python3-jobs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add unversioned openstack-python3-jobs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: trivial: Re-order jobs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Update 'openstack-python3-charm-jobs' to latest Python
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add tooling to keep openstack-python3-jobs up-to-date
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Improve fields in logsender
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Add tags field for logsender
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Deploy service using logscraper and logsender
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: DNM Add Opensearch configuration information; change README file
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Deploy service using logscraper and logsender
tinwoodHey there; are there any problems with gerrit at the moment? (e.g.  I'm have issues trying to submit a review.  Have IP addresses changed, etc.?14:47
fungitinwood: it's been at least a year since the last time we changed its ip address. when was it last working for you?14:48
fungiare you able to ping the server? are you connecting over ipv4 or ipv6?14:49
tinwoodfungi, yesterday it was fine.  Now I'm getting timeouts.  ipv414:49
fungiping timeouts too?14:49
tinwoodNo, ping seems fine.14:49
tinwooddig gives me:14:49
tinwood;; ANSWER SECTION:14:49     474     IN      CNAME   475     IN      A
fungiyeah, that's correct14:50
fungiif you `ssh -p 29418` do you get back a "Welcome to Gerrit Code Review" banner?14:50
tinwoodYup.  I'll retry it a few times to see if it's consistent.  One sec.14:51
tinwoodOkay, that's working ... I'll try the review again.14:52
tinwoodSo `git review -ll` hangs *most* of the time and times out; occasionally it succeeds.14:54
tinwoodProject is openstack/charm-ceph-mon14:54
fungiwhat's the -ll for? i don't remember that option. i'll have to look it up14:57
fungioh, listing reviews14:57
tinwoodIt's like -l but you get more details.  I tend to use it to see which branch things are being reviewed on to.14:57
fungiso sounds like it could be a query timeout14:57
tinwoodfungi, but I also can't submit reviews either (which is what I was trying to)14:58
tinwoodsingle -l hangs too.14:58
fungiinteresting, sounds similar to a report we had earlier in the week which seemed like a possuble pmtud blackhole somewhere on the internet14:59
tinwoodIt's like 1 server is responding out of a cluster?14:59
fungiand yeah, i can `git review -ll` in that repo just fine, 100% of the time, returns in under a second14:59
fungiwell, we only have one gerrit server, there's no load balancing or clustering involved14:59
tinwoodOk, scratch that idea! :)14:59
fungibut you can see that with flow balancing through internet providers, if some of your connections get routed through broken relays15:00
tinwoodI'll restart my end of things and see if that helps.15:00
fungii expect it's something out on the internet between backbone providers, but yeah checking your end can't hurt15:00
tinwoodfungi, still getting timeouts sadly.  I've got an alternative VPN network route that works, so I'll use that.  Sorry to trouble you.  Hopefully the routes will clear up.15:40
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fungitinwood: no worries, sorry about that! glad to hear your vpn is working around wherever the disruption is16:06
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cloudnullqq - was there a change in our base images to lock down sudo access? RE: -- msg: Missing sudo password -- local tests with c8-stream vms isn't having that issue, but we can recreate it if we revoke sudo for the user. 19:53
fungicloudnull: not an intentional change at least, we expect jobs may need root privs and leave it up to them to revoke sudo access at job runtime19:58
cloudnull++ 19:59
cloudnullit an odd failure that started popping up fairly recently. 20:00
* cloudnull continues to dig 20:00
cloudnullthanks fungi20:00
fungicloudnull: note that job seems to use the tox playbook, which includes the revoke-sudo role early in its run phase20:00
fungirevoke-sudo tasks are the first ones run there20:01
cloudnullORLY 20:01
cloudnullis that new-ish?20:02
fungino, it's been that way since any of this existed20:02
cloudnullmaybe it just started working on c8?20:03
fungii think there's a var you can set to skip that, maybe something about it changed or wasn't being set20:03
cloudnull++ will look into that 20:03
fungicloudnull: here's where the role is being included as part of the parent job's playbook20:05
fungithat was last touched 4 years ago20:06
cloudnullweird -- well I will try and work-around it 20:07
cloudnullI appreciate the pointers. 20:07
fungicloudnull: this is the role, and it hasn't been modified in a year (and not significantly for about 4 years)20:09
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cloudnull++ yeah I was looking that , though I don't see an option to disable the revoke role 20:09
fungii don't see any switches to skip it, but there's probably a different job with sudo access which should be the parent20:09
cloudnull++ 20:09
fungicloudnull: maybe try switching to this parent:
cloudnullI'll give that a spin 20:12
fungior make something similar if that's still not quite what you need20:12
fungiit does apply openstack's upper-constraints which the normal tox parent from zuul-jobs doesn't20:12
cloudnulli'm giving that a spin now , and will adjust as needed. 20:23
cloudnullima see if we can make it go without having to change much of anything 20:24
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fungiof course20:49
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project
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opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project
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