Sunday, 2021-01-24

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* tbachman is wondering if there’s anyone around over the weekend20:09
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fungitbachman: just us chickens20:13
fungineed something?20:13
tbachmanI’ve got a weird failure in the gate20:13
fungigot a link? i'll take a peek20:14
tbachmanmy guess is it’s because we’re running gate jobs that weren’t meant to be maintained this long20:14
tbachmanOne example:20:14
tbachmanWe’re running a devstack job20:14
tbachmanThe stable/ussuri branch passed20:14
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tbachman(and still passes)20:14
tbachmanbut from train down to queens, it fails20:14
tbachmanThe failing part is this:20:15
tbachmanand it looks like devstack gets tnis from some bootstrap URL?20:15
tbachmanYou can see the failure here:20:15
tbachmanwhat’s interesting is that this same patch passed this step recently (I say “this step”, b/c the patch was already failing due to a different reason, which has since been fixed)20:16
tbachmanHere’s the output from when it got passed that same point:20:16
tbachmanI looked in the devstack history, and nothing jumped out at me here20:16
fungitbachman: i wonder if it's trying to use python 2.7, as of today no longer supports 2.720:16
tbachmanI’m guessing we have a winner20:17
tbachmanbut interestingly, I did see other devstack-ish jobs in neutron train pass, as recently as this a.m.20:17 isn't part of devstack, just something it downloads, provided by the pip maintainers20:17
tbachmanbut maybe they’ve already changed their jobs to avoid this path20:17
tbachmanfungi: in any case, you’ve given me a strong lead20:18
fungii want to say train was where we cut over from 2.7 to 3.x, if you have an example of a passing build to compare against we should be able to tell20:18
tbachmanI’ll see what I can chase down from there20:18
tbachmanah, sure20:18
tbachmanjust a sec...20:18
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fungiyoctozepto sent something to the openstack-discuss ml today about pip releasing a new version that dropped 2.7 support and updating accordingly20:20
fungiso kudos to him, i wouldn't probably have noticed until tomorrow20:20
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tbachmansorry - I should have given you the specific link:
fungithat's change was a ussuri example btw, not train20:22
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fungibut does have a combination of passing and failing jobs at least20:22
tbachmanoh - sorfy20:22
tbachmanI misunderstood - I thought you were looking for an example of the same job on a branch that passes20:23
tbachman(despite branch differences)20:23
tbachmanLet me see if I can see that in a neutron job20:23
tbachman(on train)20:23
fungi"cp: target '/opt/stack/new/devstack/exercises/' is not a directory"20:24
fungimaybe that's a secondary error20:24
tbachmanthat may be old20:24
tbachmanwe did do some code changes to work around that one20:24
tbachmanmaybe some of our scripts still reference it20:24
fungiit sounded like you were saying your stable/train changes had some passing and failing devstack jobs, so i was trying to see what might differ20:25
fungii can probably just fiddle with the zuul builds tab to find examples for the same branch20:25
tbachmanThis neutron job for stable/train referenxces get-pip20:26
fungiyou're interested in jobs running for x/group-based-policy or openstack/neutron?20:27
tbachmanI think you’re just faster than I am here :)20:27
tbachmanI thought you were looking for an example of a devstack job on stable/train (independent of project) that was using get-pip20:28
tbachmanMy guess is that neutron is passing b/c it’s using python3 for its devstack20:28
tbachmanI think you gave me the main clue though20:28
tbachmanwe should look to use python3 for our devstack job20:28
tbachmanin train and older branches20:28
tbachmanmy guess is that will fix it20:28
tbachmanfungi: thanks!20:29
fungiyw, i'm around-ish if you have more questions20:29
tbachmanI have to drop for a bit. If I need something, it can wait until tomorrow20:30
tbachmanthanks for making yourself available over the weekend, and for the help120:30
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fungisure thing, happy to help20:30
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tbachmanfungi: it looks like other upstream jobs are hitting it21:46
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fungii wouldn't be surprised, i think devstack tries to install latest pip, so it's going to no longer work with python 2.722:11
fungitbachman: may be worth bringing up in #openstack-qa to see start brainstorming how they might want to handle continued python 2.7 support in stable branches22:12
tbachmanfungi: k. I’ll jump on there22:13
fungiany time. i'm in there too, so happy to continue discussing where the qa team can see what we're talking about more easily22:13
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