Saturday, 2020-03-07

timburkedonnyd, i'll be anxious to see how well the expirers keep up this time ;-)00:00
timburkesorry i couldn't help more when you ran into trouble last time00:01
donnydwell this time I am using ceph for object store - because I need it for a couple RBD volumes (like 50 )00:01
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clarkbceph has a different issue aiui00:02
donnydit was not your issue - the expiring was working - but the two servers I had doing the work would have been done some time in 203500:02
clarkbwith ceph it keep an index of objects that it updates on every write or something00:03
clarkbso writing lots of smaller files (like we do with logs) causes it problems?00:03
clarkbmnaser can probably explain it00:03
donnydyea I planned to ask him if is willing to share00:03
donnydceph may turn into a whole bag of worms on its own00:04
mnaserfeel free to ping me sometime next week and I can go in details, I’m in mobile now but yes the rgw index and omaps can blow up quickly00:04
donnydThanks mnaser - I will hit you up when you are settled down00:04
donnydif ceph turns into a thing - I plan to move back to swift - because the object store will be heavily used for its new use case00:06
donnydthis time with expirations on00:07
donnydcurious if anyone found the metrics useful from the last time around00:08
donnydi found them useful - but not sure if anyone else used them for anything00:08
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/ master: Add Open Edge CI mirror
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Set up inventory and cert for Open Edge mirror
fungiianw: clarkb: donnyd: ^00:12
donnydlooking now00:12
fungihopefully i got all that right00:13
fungithankfully a lot of it is tested00:14
* fungi needs to prep pizza dough for tomorrow00:14
donnydI double checked the v6 record - everything is right from what I can see00:15
donnydI am making the assumption because you put in the records that the mirror is build00:16
fungiand i can ssh into it00:17
fungito be clear, the server for the mirror is built and has base configuration in place00:18
donnydwell that is good news00:18
fungithat change will add it to our ansible inventory and apply all the bits which make it into a mirror00:18
donnydso the next puppet run the rest will be brought up right00:18
donnydor next hourly ansible run00:18
fungi~hourly (it's actually triggered every 15 minutes but has been taking 30-45 minutes to complete and skips if there's one already running)00:19
clarkbsorry trying to reset ssh connection :)00:20
clarkbthere is a bug in the dns change writing it up now00:20
fungiNO CARRIER00:21
fungithanks for catching my terribad friday night typing00:21
donnydi suck00:22
donnydlol - i read and reread that whole thing00:22
clarkbfungi: comment on too but not sure if that need a new ps00:22
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/ master: Add Open Edge CI mirror
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Set up inventory and cert for Open Edge mirror
* fungi starts weighing out ingredients while people review and tests run00:25
clarkbboth lgtm now00:25
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fungiand my doughball is now set up in the fridge to develop overnight00:48
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fungifatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to reload service apache2: Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status apache2.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}00:53
fungithat was from the system-config-run-static build on my system-config change above to add the mirror00:54
donnydIs it because it depends on something else to already be therr00:54
fungiSSLCertificateFile: file '/etc/letsencrypt-certs/' does not exist or is empty00:54
fungino, should be entirely unrelated in theory00:55
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fungiunless i somehow broke letsencrypt stuff00:55
fungithat's a totally different server00:55
fungilooking through the ara report for what ran from the mock bridge.o.o, i don't see a separate task to create the cert01:00
fungiianw: if you have a free moment, i could use an expert eyeball or two on that build result01:02
fungitrying to figure out if that job is wedged by something we've merged recently which didn't get tested against it, or whether my change is somehow touching something which is breaking it, or if the job is inherently unstable01:03
fungiit ran successfully in the gate pipeline for another change at 2020-03-06T21:19:1201:04
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fungiaha, maybe this is it:
fungiCURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR (35) A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. You really want the error buffer and read the message there as it pinpoints the problem slightly more. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others.01:08
donnydMaybe recheck?01:10
fungiyeah, comparing to a working build, that initial issue block normally does a bunch more01:10
fungiso i do think this must have just been a fluke01:10
fungi$something went sideways when called curl01:12
donnydWhere is that playbook executed? Test node?01:12
fungiit's a multi-node job with one node representing a mock version of our ansible bastion and other nodes representing some servers01:14
fungithat specific job is for testing the setup of our web content hosting platform, so a 2-node job with the bastion and a webserver01:15
donnydI C01:15
fungibut the framework we have lets us set up any variety of combinations of representations of our infrastructure01:15
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donnydYea just a fluke fungi01:41
fungiinfra-root: if anyone has a few minutes to review 711788 and its dependency, that should get us to the point where we can start bringing the fortnebula replacement back online02:13
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Match tag items against containing branches
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mordredfungi: those are reviewed and ready to go - wasn't sure if you wanted to be around to look14:47
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mordredfrickler: does look good to you?15:00
openstackgerritMerged opendev/ master: Add Open Edge CI mirror
fungimordred: sure, i'm around now and can test out the mirror once they're applied15:27
fungidns is working already, so i'm approving the inventory/cert addition15:33
fungiwill test it out once the mirror configuration has been applied to it15:34
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Update "Release and stable branches" for OpenDev
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Mark OpenStack specific steps in Project Retirement
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Fix Peer Review section formatting
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Remove section "Updating"
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Set up inventory and cert for Open Edge mirror
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Move Translation setup to i18n document
AJaegerclarkb: another round of infra-manual changes, I think that it is good enough. Still, we can make it nicer but I found no easy ways right now. Please review the etherpad and if you have specific changes, I'm happy to discuss (but probably not on the weekend ;) Just wanted to leave the message).16:16
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donnydfungi: any idea's when the mirror config will run?17:48
donnydthere is no rush to get it up - I am headed out the door anyways.  Thanks everyone for all the work17:49
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fungidonnyd: not sure, was just looking to see why it's not going yet17:58
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fungifrom /var/log/ [Sat Mar  7 17:20:51 UTC 2020] '-' is not a valid domain for parameter '-d'17:59
fungithat's not super helpful17:59
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fungiMar  7 17:20:51 mirror01 ansible-command: Invoked with chdir=/opt/ _raw_params=/opt/ issue "-d m -d i -d r -d r -d o -d r -d 0 -d 1 -d . -d u -d s -d - -d e -d a -d s -d t -d . -d o -d p -d e -d n -d e -d d -d g -d e -d . -d o -d p -d e -d n -d d -d e -d v -d . -d o -d r -d g -d   -d m -d i -d r -d r -d o -d r -d . -d u -d s -d - -d e -d a -d s -d t -d . -d o -d p -d e -d n18:05
fungi-d e -d d -d g -d e -d . -d o -d p -d e -d n -d d -d e -d v -d . -d o -d r -d g "#012 _uses_shell=True warn=True stdin_add_newline=True strip_empty_ends=True argv=None executable=None creates=None removes=None stdin=None18:05
fungii think i must have a string where it wants a list element18:05
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Fix formatting for Open Edge LE playbook
* fungi sighs18:08
fungiinfra-root: i'm self-approving that one18:08
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Fix formatting for Open Edge LE playbook
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mnaseris there an example of a project inside opendev which is publishing images right now?19:33
fungias in container images? virtual machine images? we have some of both19:37
fungialso when you say "inside opendev" you mean hosted by opendev?19:37
mnaserfungi: woops, sorry, i started writing the rest of my message and got carried away.  container images to be published inside the opendev dockerhub tenant (built inside opendev)19:39
mnaserfungi: in this case, lodgeit :)19:39
fungiahh, no i'm not aware of one yet19:41
mnaseri was sorta hoping to build the change to add that by somewhat leveraging existing jobs19:42
fungibeing able to redo our lodgeit deployment with containers would be cool though19:42
mnasermy team convinced me that lodgeit is the pastebin they want to use so i think now py3 support is in it and we just need containers and helm charts19:42
fungii assume we'd do something similar to what the zuul/nodepool images use in the zuul tenant19:42
fungibut that's really not my forte19:43
fungiso just sorta guessing19:43
fungiand yeah, lodgeit isn't terrible. most of our struggles with it have been the database backend, and to some extent making sure to prevent search engines from indexing it so that it's not a prime target for spammers19:44
fungialso occasionally the max paste size (which may just be limits to the size of the underlying field type in the db)19:45
fungimnaser: i think we were planning to publish our gerrit images to the opendev namespace on dockerhub, mordred probably knows more than anyone else how close we are there19:50
fungimnaser: oh! we're publishing gitea images there19:51
fungiand gerrit and storyboard and some other stuff19:52
fungibut those may all be built in the openstack zuul tenant19:52
fungiyeah, i think all the publication jobs for those are in the openstack zuul tenant19:54
clarkbthe base jobs are in the shared base-jobs repo20:11
clarkbyou should be able to copy what system-config does in the opendev tenant20:11
clarkb(secrets will have to be separately encrypted though)20:12
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Start minimally using Open Edge environment
fungiconfig-core: donnyd: ^20:48
fungialso i saw that same curl error number 35 hit the openedge mirror for real during an run, so it seems it's not just iffy in tests20:49
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donnydthat is a weird issue - of course how often do these plays get run? only when a new mirror is brought online?21:32
fungithe script? it gets run regularly for every site we have let's encrypt certs on21:34
donnydI am good with turning OE on21:34
donnydwhenever anyone else is around to give us a mighty +2 - my paltry +1 won't get us very far21:35
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