Wednesday, 2020-01-29

weshay|ruckhrm.. best guess right now would be we're sending logstash a gzipd file by accident atm, would that do it?  fix is here
clarkb"TypeError: $.plot is not a function"00:00
clarkbweshay|ruck: no we should handle gzip vs not gzip ok00:00
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weshay|ruckhrm k00:00
* weshay|ruck gets the code I suspect00:00
clarkbweshay|ruck: I think its treating the whole document as a multiline event because it can't parse the line prefixes properly00:00
weshay|ruckit's been there for a while though00:01
weshay|ruckI can disable it if it's blowing you guys up though00:01
clarkbweshay|ruck: its the INFO after the timestamp and before the |00:02
clarkbI think00:02
* weshay|ruck looks00:02
clarkbbecaus the rule there expects timestamp then |00:02
fungiokay, so graph rendering error stems from being invalid i guess?00:03
weshay|ruckoh i see00:03
clarkbfungi: ya, but reading the flot readme it seems that $.plot is the expected graphing function00:04
clarkbfungi: now I'm guessing its some issue with jquery00:04
clarkbfungi: oh expcet we may not be serving the flot files if I'm reading my debugger correctly00:05
openstackgerritMerged opendev/gerritlib master: Pass Gerrit not GerritConnection to GerritWatcher
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clarkbjquery.flot.min.js is a 40400:06
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clarkban issue with our minimization and copy I think00:07
clarkbI see jquery.flot.js in /opt/flot/source00:08
clarkbbut for some reason it didn't get minimized and copied00:08
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clarkbmanually running yui-compressor gives: Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name org.mozilla.javascript.resources.Messages, locale en_US00:10
fungido we really need to minimize these?00:11
clarkbprobably not00:11
clarkbconfirmed that running yui-compressor just on the jquery.flot.js file is what breaks00:13
fungiseems like just one more fragile toolchain component00:13
clarkbrunning it on other fiels that have been minimized succeeds00:13
clarkbmostly I just wanted to do what required minimal effort00:14
fungicompletely agree00:16
fungiwhich is why ripping out a misbehaving optional piece of the toolchain may be simpler than trying to figure out why it's choking on that file00:17
clarkbya, but then I have to figure out what to rewrite to change filepaths00:17
clarkband that is apparently really difficult00:17
clarkbits in e-r00:19
clarkbok give me a minute to set this up on the new server and if it works we can update puppet and e-r00:19
clarkbprogress, no more 404s but still not working I think we may need to load more js into the browser00:25
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clarkbfungi: ya so the problem now is we basically have to include all the js files I think00:32
clarkbin normal js dev I expect all of this gets compiled into a single minimized file00:32
fungioh, were they all being concatenated previously?00:32
clarkbfungi: I think flot had everything in a monolithic file before then split stuff up00:34
clarkbin any case try a hard refresh now00:34
clarkbI think I got it00:34
clarkbnow to update puppet and e-r00:34
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Copy unminimized flot files
clarkbfungi: ^ I think that will fix it00:41
fungiawesome, looking00:41
clarkboh wait I need to update gate.html too00:42
clarkbone sec00:42
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
clarkbthat should do it00:44
clarkb(and is in place on the new server)00:44
clarkbI feel like I just leveled up my web dev stat00:46
clarkbinfra-root I think once I've got status stable it would be good ofr us to get a handle on our gerrit tooling beyond just config management (jeepyb, gerritlib, etc). I'll try to pick up my testing work and make that more robust so we can think about maybe using the other gerrit python lib or rewrite bits of jeepyb safely00:48
clarkbthat should then feed into writing toolign to make opendev more consumable by others00:49
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fungii'd love to see us discard as much of jeepyb as we can safely get away with00:53
fungioptionally, break some of it out into smaller independent projects00:54
clarkbya I think what we should do is get the important bits tested so that if/when we replace those bits we ensure behavior does't change00:54
fungiit sort of turned into a dumping ground for anything gerrit-related00:54
fungigranted, it sort of also started out as a dumping ground for anything gerrit-related00:55
fungiit was harder for us to make new projects back then, ironically ;)00:55
fungiye olde bootstrapping problem00:55
clarkbits actually quite easy to set up a gerrit to test against now so I think we should just go ahead and do full itnegration testing of whatever gerrit-related chagnes we have :)00:56
fungiwe've been doing that for git-review since ages00:56
clarkbcorvus: ^ re that is the 'secret' passwd for admin built into gerrit?00:56
clarkbfungi: its quite a bit easier now using the zuul quickstart pattern. You don't have to manually edit the db from what I can see00:56
clarkb(which git-review does beacuse it predates simplified gerrit installation)00:56
fungibut even git-review's functional testing could benefit from being redone with our new gerrit container jobs, yeah00:56
fungigranted, git-review's can bootstrap from a tox invocation, not sure how to easily run those tests locally unless the answer is to rerun our job playbooks in a local ansible00:58
clarkbfungi: I think it would be run docker-compose then tox00:59
fungiso git-review could also benefit from some unit testing with mocks00:59
clarkbok I need to step out for evening thigns now. I'll try to swing back around and get that gitea OOM story written. If not tonight then tomorrow morning01:00
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ianwclarkb/fungi: thanks for looking in on publishing.  sorry son decided today would be a good day to jump of playground equipment and need a foot xray02:40
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fungihope it's just a bruise/sprain03:02
fungifoot fractures are no fun03:02
ianwyeah, looks like it, thankfully :)03:03
ianwi'll ping AJaeger a little later but i think those sites are good to go with a dns cutover03:04
fungigood. christine, my wife, had a compression fracture in one foot from over-training and was laid up in one of frankenstein's boots for over 6 months03:04
ianwreleases and tarballs i think will need more thought03:04
fungii hope that tarball/release publication turns out to be more straightforward than docs/site content03:05
fungithough it will need a seed copy03:05
ianw:( on the foot03:05
ianwyep, i guess step one is creating the volumes actually, which i haven't done03:05
fungiwe do already have afs publication for branch tarballs:
fungii think the idea was to expand that03:07
fungiand maybe redirect*) to$103:08
fungi is itself up and working03:08
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ianwyeah, so if content went to /afs/...tarballs/openstack/ ...03:10
fungiif by release you mean the site, that's probably very similar to governance and security sites03:11
ianwand then served the vhost from "/openstack" it should be transparent?03:11
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ianwi might formalise this in some tasks of!/story/200659803:12
fungiwe could either do that or permanent pattern redirect03:12
fungiboth seem legit, though the latter means we might be able to drop the old hostname eventually03:13
fungianyway, if we keep the old publication job and add the new one alongside it, we can copy the existing files into afs at out leisure and then cut over hosting when it's ready, similar to what you did with governance et cetera03:15
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ianwhrm, so it seems that www/tarballs/etc is all on one volume03:19
fungiahh, i guess moving tarballs to its own probably makes sense03:20
ianwwe could do this many ways; make an openstack tarballs volume and mount that under03:21
ianwor indeed, separate to a new volume03:21
ianwi think a little email is in order so covus can loop in asynchronously as i imagine he setup volumes03:22
fungiyeah, i'm inclined not to separate subpaths of the tarballs site into separate volumes if only to cut down on manual overhead for new namespaces who want to start publishing tarballs in opendev03:25
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mordredclarkb: ++ to getting a handle on gerrit tooling / dealing with jeepyb04:11
mordredthere's a bunch of things that, at this point, could be playbooks and/or zuul jobs04:11
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fungithat's basically what i was thinking with splitting stuff out04:25
funginot specifically the implementations, just the things that need doing04:26
fungiwe have simpler/cleaner ways to do a lot of it now04:26
fungicompared to 201204:26
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mordredfungi: case in point ... we have gerrit hook scripts that do $things which currently mean we have to install jeepyb into the gerrit container so that the hook scripts can run ... but those tasks might be better suited to be no-node zuul post jobs04:44
mordredthey might not04:44
mordredbut it's at least worth thinking about04:45
mordredsimilarly (and I might hack on this one sooner than later) - because puppet we currently do config management for gerrit and gitea in sequence with and tied to manage-projects ... but really manage-projects is about managing data in the service and the other is about managing the service - so maybe that wants to be two playbooks that get triggered by different things - and the gerrit project part of04:46
mordredjeepyb can just be some ansible like it is for gitea04:46
fungii suspect all the hook scripts could be zuul jobs now05:10
fungithey just call launchpad apis or leave comments on gerrit reviews05:11
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fungiand i agree wrt manage-projects, though we need to find ways to stop fiddling with the database (which presumably will be necessary when we upgrade to notedb anyway)05:12
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mordredfungi: do we still fiddle with the db?05:15
mordredfungi: I thought we were all API now05:15
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mordredgroup uuid05:16
clarkbmordred: I have a change up to change that in my testing stack05:17
mordredclarkb: cool05:17
clarkbseems to work against modern gwrrit (because its tested :) ))05:17
mordredclarkb: btw - I have a change up to add apache support to docker-gerrit ... but that made me want to go LE review-dev so that the apache config for the ssl certs could be done easily05:18
clarkbmordred: k also openid login doesnt work on review-dev becauseit redirects you to after logging in05:18
mordred(right now it should work  - we don't need to block on the LE - paths to certs can be passed in - but it would be nicer to not need to)05:18
mordredclarkb: neat05:18
clarkbdid not have time to look at that and just used ssh instead05:18
mordredclarkb: seems like maybe we should just go ahead and create a - would be a good way to verify that the ansible is taking care of everything it's supposed to05:19
clarkbmakes sense05:19
mordredI'll work on both and LE of as next steps there05:20
clarkbfwiw jeepyb and manage projects in particulwr encodes a lot of good stuff it justneeds a refactor to be maintainable05:21
mordredclarkb: gerrit.config:canonicalWebUrl =
mordredgerrit.config:gitHttpUrl =
clarkbpossible it gets refactored into ansible module but overall I dont think we can delete a lot of what it does05:22
mordredon review-dev ... that would do it :)05:22
mordredclarkb: ++05:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add Apache to Ansible for Gerrit
mordredclarkb: ^^ that should both add apache - and fix the openid redirect05:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add SSL Cipher list to gerrit apache vhost
mordredfungi: ^^ thanks - there's the cipher list05:34
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openstackgerritDaniel Lublin proposed opendev/git-review master: Allow choosing which field to use as author when naming branch
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AJaegerianw: just glancing over backscroll - how can I help exactly?07:17
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AJaegerfungi, ianw, transparency-policy repo is dead, no merges - but publishing is set up via We could remove that - let me propose that...07:44
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove publishing job for transparency-policy
AJaegerfungi, ianw, ^07:50
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ianwAJaeger: do you think you might have a chance to look at the service-types publishing?08:08
AJaegerianw: I thought mnaser signed up to do all the remaining jobs?08:08
ianwAJaeger: ok, mnaser ^ :)  i think it's next on the list and should be straight forward now08:09
AJaegerianw, mnaser : happy to review and help if questions arise08:10
ianwAJaeger: if you could override and with and confirm it seems ok, i'll be confident enough to cut over the dns tomorrow08:10
AJaegerianw: looks fine but not the subdirectories like
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AJaegerianw: not sure how to do this for security08:12
ianwAJaeger: did you put entires in /etc/hosts for security/
AJaegerah ;)08:13
AJaegerwill do08:13
AJaegerianw: /tc still does not work for me, security looks fine08:15
AJaegerianw: could you review this docs update, please?
ianwAJaeger: hrm ... is working for me with the hosts override, let me check the logs08:16
AJaegertry: without trailing "/" ->
ianwahh, hrm08:17
AJaegerAh, without neither site works - so user error ;)08:17
AJaegerall is good ;)08:17
ianwheh, yeah just trying that :)  ok, at least everything is broken in the same way :)08:18
AJaegerall links seem to work - let's switch ;)08:19
ianwmnaser: i've added!/story/2006598 task  38503 for the service-types change08:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Fix description for promote-tox-docs-infra
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove static publishing for governance
AJaegerianw: once you swichted DNS, we cna merge ^08:28
ianwAJaeger: thanks, cleanup was my next thing :)08:29
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed zuul/zuul master: gear: remove support for custom MASS_DO packet
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AJaegerianw: what was the topic to use? I forgot about it ;(08:39
AJaegerianw: will use static-services ...08:40
ianwAJaeger: static-services is the one from the spec08:40
ianwi don't think i've been super careful about using it though08:40
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove static publishing for governance
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove promote-tox-docs-static
AJaegerianw: cleanups pushed and topic updated. fungi will need to approve the election change08:42
ianwthanks, i'm about to disappear so won't switch dns now and leave anyone with a mess :)08:42
AJaegerhave a good night, ianw ! Thanks08:43
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Move governance-uc jobs in-tree
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed opendev/gerritbot master: Avoid silent execution failures
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: Start ignoring certain Gerrit events
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Allow skipping child jobs from paused job again
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/project-config master: Don't require CLA for contributors of Ansible Openstack modules
mnaserAJaeger: i apologize for dropping the ball on the static hosting thing.  i've had a few things happen here personally that slowed me down overall.  i'd like to know where it's at roughly and what's needed to finish it up09:59
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AJaegermnaser: I didn't dig into that either in the last weeks, so from ianw I understood that he needs a job for service-types publishing. Have a look what we did for the other repos and ask if you have questions.10:34
AJaegermnaser: Is everything fine for you again and are you able to help - or do you need help?10:34
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ianwmnaser: yes please don't stress over it;!/story/2006598 task #37723 is the next thing10:36
ianwbut we are not blocked, there's work to do with tarballs and releases that i have in progress too10:37
AJaegermnaser: the stack at is the cleanup for the first jobs in case you want to review a bit10:43
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: JWT drivers: Deprecate RS256withJWKS, introduce OpenIDConnect
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: OIDCAuthenticator: add capabilities, scope option
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: admin REST API: zuul-web integration
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openstackgerritDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Stop configuring install_command in tox.
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Replace existing operator tasks with the new dhall function
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Generate TLS certificats for the gearman service
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Handle service restart when connections are changed
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add tenant reconfiguration when main.yaml changed
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add OpenShift SCC and functional test
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mnaserAJaeger, ianw: cool, i'm doing better now -- it sounds like most governance/tc related stuff is taken care of and the only static publishing left is specs/security/service-types from what i understand in that story, right?12:36
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Add Large Scale SIG meeting
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: Start ignoring certain Gerrit events
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove publishing job for transparency-policy
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Add Large Scale SIG meeting
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AJaegermnaser: yes, looks like it. ianw might know best13:07
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-output-openshift: initial role
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add OpenShift SCC and functional test
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fricklerinfra-root: FYI I'm going to be on PTO until next Wednesday15:40
clarkbfrickler: enjoy your holidays15:40
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update flot js file inclusion to match new flot
clarkbfungi: ^ I went ahead and approved that and will approve the config mgmt side now15:43
clarkbAnd once this stabilizes I'll have to see if I can work e-r into the QA teams toolset. gmann do you have thoughts on that?15:44
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Copy unminimized flot files
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove static publishing for governance
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clarkbto summarize the airship call it was largely a logistics call. Explaining how we enroll resources into nodepool once accounts are ready16:23
clarkbsounds like we may have credentials by the end of the week16:24
clarkbre the flot stuff. I'll force puppet to rerun the flot file copies by moving the flot repo aside16:25
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/project-config master: Allow python-storyboardclient direct release
fungiyour local edits seem to have gotten the graphs showing up for me at least16:34
clarkbfungi: ya, I've now undone them to force updates16:34
clarkbthough I think I need to wait for N+1 puppet because N is about to run16:34
clarkbfungi: if you hard refresh they should be broken16:34
fungiyep, confirmed, on reload they're broken again16:34
clarkbthen once confirmed that it reconfigures properly I'll switch dns and look at deleting the old server tomorrow.16:35
fungiso once they start working once more, we can update dns i suppose16:35
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clarkbyup next run should have it so in about an hour it will be another round of browser refreshes16:38
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clarkbwith that out of the way, are we all caught up on static migration reviews? AJaeger fungi16:40
AJaegerclarkb: we're ready to switch dns anytime - ianw wnats to do it later today16:40
fungii believe i am. we need some help from the uc to approve changes there though16:40
fungibut those are just cleanup16:41
clarkbthis is excellent progress over the last few days, thank you everyone for helping16:41
AJaegerexactly, only cleanup left - and then next sites ;)16:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove promote-tox-docs-static
fungipretty sure security.o.o dns can be switched over too if it hasn't been already16:49
gmannclarkb: i am ok for e-r to QA, only worring about web part of it as i (or any QA) have very limited knowledge on js side.16:50
gmannbut you are here so should be ok :)16:50
clarkbgmann: same with us re web16:50
AJaegerfungi: both governance and security can - but ianw did not have time to monitor in case of problems16:50
AJaegerfungi: and only those two AFAIU16:50
clarkbgmann: I think in my mind to start its mostly just using the tool and keep queries up to date16:50
clarkbgmann: as it is a really powerful tool for QA work, but seems like the QA team may not use it much?16:51
fungiAJaeger: that's what i gathered from scrollback anyway. thanks for confirming16:51
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fungiclarkb: gmann: the irony is that the web stuff was developed by (then) regular contributors to the qa team along with some interns16:52
gmannclarkb: yeah. health-deashboard is another example where js things are setup and keep working.16:52
gmannfungi: clarkb true. i think they keep working and if anyone want to improve/enhance anyone is welcome. so overall lgtm. keep it upto date with queries etc is more close to QA.16:53
AJaegerspotz: could you put on your review queue, please? It's a small job cleanup16:53
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clarkbgmann: (this is pure brainstorming right now) to start maybe the QA team can try to add a new query each week? Could be group activity during office hours if no one shows up with other questions17:00
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clarkbgmann: then we'll improve our classificatiion rate and get some experience with the tool17:00
spotzAJaeger: looking now17:02
spotzI'll ask the group to review tomorrow morning in our meeting if will workflow after if that works for you17:03
fungispotz: it's just cleanup, so it's not blocking anything urgent, but reviews are appreciated nonetheless!17:05
spotzfungi okie17:05
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AJaegerspotz: there's no functional change, just moving the lines from one repo to another. It can wait until tomorrow. thanks17:20
spotzAJaeger: Just trying to get the UC more into the mindset of checking for reviews17:21
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AJaegerspotz: hope you're successful ;)17:26
spotzAJaeger: Thanks:)17:28
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clarkbstatus has had its N+1 puppet run and appears to have working e-r graphs again17:37
clarkbfungi: ^ can you double check when you have a moment?17:38
clarkbI've just noticed that I think there is a bug in the time axis labels17:38
clarkbbut I think we can sort that out as a followon17:38
clarkb(probably a unit conversion? I dunno)17:38
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clarkbif the time axis labels are the only issue we can find I'll go ahead and update dns17:42
fungiclarkb: yep, seems to be working again, graphs load more quickly than they used to as well, i think?17:43
fungiand yeah, the x axis values are indeed strange. i wonder what that's a count of... hours?17:44
clarkbit should be a 10 day range17:44
clarkbthat means there are 30 indexes there17:45
clarkbeach is 8 hours?17:45
clarkbI'm going to update dns17:45
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clarkb#status log Updated to point at new Xenial server17:49
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging17:49
clarkbgmann: ^ please let us know if you see any problems with health17:50
clarkbI'll delete the old server in the next day or two if no problems show up17:50
gmannclarkb: sure.17:52
clarkbcool have a fix for the xaxis now17:56
clarkbchange in a minute17:56
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Fix flot xaxis labels
clarkbfungi: ^17:59
clarkbflot has really good docs which help a js noob like me figure things out18:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Don't require CLA for contributors of Ansible Openstack modules
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clarkbin debugging ^ I've realized that the json files we load have lots of unnecessary whitespace which may contribute to their size18:01
clarkbworking on a fix for that now too18:01
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Don't pretty print json files
clarkbI expect ^ will have a noticeable impact on file size which should impact page load times18:07
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clarkb1.7MB to 302KB18:11
clarkbwith the current all.json file18:11
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fungithat's a lot of whitespace18:18
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Shrewswow. quick math says 82% reduction? crazy18:26
openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Fix flot xaxis labels
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clarkbShrews: ya its a lot of deep nesting so a lot of 4 space indents18:27
Shrewsclarkb: great find18:29
openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Don't pretty print json files
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fungiwhat i like best is that it's just yet another thing we can *stop* doing, so simplifies the automation in the process18:37
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Update default OpenID provider to
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: puppet-lint: class included by absolute name
fungiinfra-puppet-core: can you take a look at ^ when you get a sec?18:53
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Sort extensions list for improved manageability
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Add the ConfirmEdit extension
fungithose too19:13
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clarkbfungi: yup I'll take a look shortly19:15
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fungithat last one is going to grow, i'm iterating through missing extensions now19:17
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Sort extensions list for improved manageability
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Add missing extensions
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fungi is loading for me with those applied19:28
funginext i need to focus on figuring out why the login button isn't showing up, and also why images are missing19:28
clarkbnice. sorry just finishing up one thing then will dig into that19:28
fungibut need to take a break to grab late lunch and run some pre-fosdem errands, should be back soonish19:29
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cloudnullqq - any idea why this is failing zuul checks - ?19:42
cloudnull"multiple repeat at position 37"?19:42
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Change default Gerrit HTTP auth method
clarkbcloudnull: line 40, **19:44
clarkbI'm guessing that is a regex parse error19:44
cloudnullah ha!19:44
clarkbline 61 too19:44
* cloudnull updating 19:45
cloudnullthanks cloudnull19:45
cloudnull** clarkb19:45
cloudnullstupid tab complete.19:45
clarkbyou're welcome19:46
clarkbfungi: I went ahead and approved all but The other chagne swere small in scope and applied to non production server. For you indicated the listm ight grow so left it as is for now19:48
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clarkbif that is the complete list feel free to approve19:48
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Simplify 1708704's query
clarkbfungi: ^ workaround for the e-r OOMing20:17
openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: puppet-lint: class included by absolute name
openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Update default OpenID provider to
* clarkb finds lunch20:19
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ianwok i'm going to switch the governance and static A/AAAA to the opendev server now20:27
ianwactually they're cname-ed20:29
ianw#status log and switched CNAMEs to new server20:30
openstackstatusianw: finished logging20:30
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix periodic image build jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Allow python-storyboardclient direct release
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Sort extensions list for improved manageability
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fungiclarkb: thanks, i indicated the list would grow, then i grew the list in another revision. it's probably complete for now so i'll approve21:16
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-output-openshift: initial role
openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Simplify 1708704's query
clarkbfungi: thank you for ^21:27
clarkblooks like refstack is the last host not being currently looked at for upgrades that needs an upgrade21:30
clarkbfungi: any idea who to talk to about possibly taking a downtime on that service (mostly awnt to coordinate any acitivty)21:30
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch more puppet testing to xenial
clarkbthis is a related cleanup change to the work we've done the last few days21:32
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-mediawiki master: Add missing extensions
fungiclarkb: i feel like this might be something diablo_rojo_phon can help with21:38
fungior diablo_rojo depending on time of day21:39
fungi(regarding refstack)21:39
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clarkbianw:!/story/2007237 story filed21:42
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clarkbianw: let me know if I can add more info21:42
clarkbfungi: good idea21:42
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-output-openshift: initial role
diablo_rojoclarkb, you need refstack reviews? or what?21:45
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clarkbdiablo_rojo: we need to upgrade the server refstack runs on and wonder how/who to coordinate any needed downtime/testing/etc21:46
diablo_rojoOhh okay. I can help? Though I am not sure exactly what that entails.21:47
clarkbdiablo_rojo: usually the way it works is we build a new server alongside the old one, test that it works and then cut dns over. In this case there is a db backend that we'll either need to share or migrate over too. I'll have to have a think on the best way to do that21:47
clarkbdiablo_rojo: I think what we would need is someone to help confirm that the new server is workign ebfore we make it the production server21:47
diablo_rojoAh, okay. I am not exactly sure how to do that having not touched it before, but I can poke egle and see what that entails.21:48
clarkbnote there is no new server yet. likely a next week acitivty21:48
diablo_rojoclarkb, no problem21:48
diablo_rojoclarkb, noted.21:50
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed opendev/puppet-openstackid master: Refactored Deployment Script Functions
smarcetfungi: could we review and approved theese changes and thx u :)21:55
clarkbsmarcet: fyi semicolon is still there at
smarcetclarkb: sorry will get rid of it21:58
clarkbno worth a -1, but figured I would point it out21:58
fungidiablo_rojo: i'm happy to work with you on that too, we can tag-team it if you like22:00
fungii'm also not that sure what i'm looking at, so it can be a learning experience all 'round22:00
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed opendev/puppet-openstackid master: Refactored Deployment Script Functions
smarcetfungi:clarkb: done :)22:03
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clarkbthe e-r graph pages are now backed by the smaller json files22:14
clarkbit seems like they load much quicker now22:14
openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-openstackid master: Fixed broken deployment
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fungithey already seemed quicker than the old server, so supra-fast now22:24
clarkbI'm going to look at logstash and es a bit closer now to see what may be making them unhappy22:25
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Add gcloud_service auth option for Gerrit driver
clarkbwe've essentially run out of disk :/22:32
clarkbI'm going to delete older indexes to free space for new data22:33
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clarkbthen we'll likely need to figure out why daily indexes are into the half terabyte size range22:33
fungi#status log filed pbl whitelisting request with spamhaus for ipv4 address22:35
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging22:35
clarkbI manually reduced ES retention to a week for the current dataset22:39
clarkbI expect the cluster will go green, then we can monitor and make adjustment should we overflow again22:39
ianwclarkb: thanks for story, LGTM as something we can track22:45
clarkbinfra-root passes testing and would be good to land to reflect our current ability to test things and what we've got in production22:46
clarkb(its a simple change to what platforms we run puppet tests for a few things on)22:46
ianwsince we seem ok with the tarball mail i sent, i'm going to get creating the afs volume and see about publishing jobs22:47
fungisounds great, thanks for taking care of that ianw!22:48
clarkbthe refstack installation process is interesting22:56
clarkbwe download the sdist from pypi, untar it, pip install that, then run npm things in it22:56
clarkbat this point I think the nodejs stuff may potentially cause us problems22:56
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-openstackid master: Refactored Deployment Script Functions
clarkbya we install nodejs-legacy which doesn't exist on newer distro releaes23:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Add gcloud_service auth option for Gerrit driver
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Switch more puppet testing to xenial
clarkbI think I'll need to spin up a test VM for refstack and spend a lot of time manually iterating on it23:28
clarkbthe node stuff is gonna need work for sure23:28
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