Monday, 2019-12-02

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kevinzping ianw01:46
ianwkevinz: hey :)01:46
ianwkevinz: is one we've had constant failures on01:47
ianwperhaps i should delete any current nodes, and start the job, and we can get the id's and watch what's happening with their boot?01:47
kevinzianw: np. there is no logs. Maybe the node is died I guess..01:48
kevinzThe Zuul will re-create 1 new instances?01:48
ianwyeah, in that case, nodepool never actually got the node started01:49
kevinzyou can re-triagger, I can check the node status in Linaro side01:49
ianwthis job is actually a two-node job01:50
ianwgive me a sec to pull up a console to see what nodepool thinks is happening too01:50
kevinzsure, are the nodes below "os-control" projects?01:51
ianwit will be under "os-jobs"01:53
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ianwso deb43673-030a-4c82-be93-fa80dfa1110c is active ATM01:54
kevinzsure, now 4 instances under os-jobs01:54
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ianwi'm running a recheck, let's see if one starts building01:54
ianwok, e9add7ec-167d-4ed5-aad2-40432962b869 has started to build01:55
kevinz1110c has a kernel hungs01:56
kevinz deb43673-030a-4c82-be93-fa80dfa1110c01:56
kevinzbut could ssh and console01:57
kevinzwhat is the bydefault user/password for the ubuntu bionic image?01:57
ianwhrm i didn't see anything in the conosle01:57
ianwthere's isn't one as such; we install various keys that are deployed via cloud-init01:58
kevinz1 second, I think I should disable my connection to the console01:58
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ianwso i can log in there, my key (and other admins) is in the default config02:01
ianwi think what we want to watch is the two building ones -- 198b3967-3dfa-4203-a239-30a58abc3ec6 & e9add7ec-167d-4ed5-aad2-40432962b86902:01
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ianwthe problem seems to be that nodes coming up are very unreliable -- clearly we do get nodes starting, but not reliably02:03
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ianwhrm, did we have a quota issue with 198b3967-3dfa-4203-a239-30a58abc3ec6 ?02:11
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ianw2019-12-02 02:05:31,305 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: [node: 0013157473] Quota exceeded, invalidating quota cache02:16
ianw2019-12-02 02:05:31,305 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: [node: 0013157473] Aborting node 0013157473 due to quota failure02:16
ianwkevinz: ^ that's what nodepool thinks happened to 198b ...02:17
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kevinzianw: can I increase the quota of os-jobs?02:17
ianwkevinz: well, we won't say no :)  let's just see why we might exceed it...02:20
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kevinzianw: it is weird. the quota for the os-jobs is 75000GB02:22
ianwwe're setup for 8 max servers02:22
ianwmaybe it's some other component?02:22
ianwopenstack.exceptions.ConflictException: ConflictException: 409: Client Error for url:, Quota exceeded for resources: ['floatingip'].02:22
ianwahh, it's right above it in the logs :)02:22
ianwso are we leaking floating ips?02:22
kevinzI can increase02:23
ianwis the quota 8?02:25
kevinzYes, I check it is 802:25
kevinzI increase to 10 now02:25
ianwi wonder why we exceeded it then?02:25
ianwmaybe slow to clean up02:27
kevinzlet me check the totally floating ip info02:28
kevinzthere are 7 floating ip assigned to this projects os-jobs02:30
kevinzby default it will re-create the floating-ip when create instance? or can leverage the unused ip that assigned to this projects?02:31
ianwso e9add... became active02:32
kevinzI should say that 7 floating ips, 3 of them are unused02:32
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ianwso the job is running, we got the nodes in this case ->
kevinzGood to hear02:37
kevinzshould I remove the floating ip manually?02:38
ianwkevinz: no, nodepool shoul dmanage them02:38
ianwkevinz: although weirdly, doesn't show up in the floating ip list, but it has one?02:39
kevinzlet me check02:39
ianwi wonder if that's how the quota is getting out of sync02:42
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kevinzsorry I don't find this instance now..02:44
kevinzjust 4 of use02:44
kevinzjust 4.02:44
ianwyeah, the job finished02:45
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kevinzI think the quota is getting out of sync when cleaning?02:48
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kevinzFrom Linaro cloud side, we also offer resources to OpenLab, also use Zuul, but don't meet the problem of quota issue02:49
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ianwhrm; let's try the job again, see if the nodes allocate02:50
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ianwwell, running again; that's good!03:06
ianwkevinz: i'll keep an eye, maybe it was just quota being slow to update03:06
kevinzubuntu-bionic-arm64-linaro-london-0013157624, that 1 is created03:06
kevinzyes I see03:06
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [wip] test arm64 mirror
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ianwwe're pretty consistenly getting nodes for ^ now, which is great!04:25
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ianwit even works!05:16
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: dnf - Don't error on missing packages
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kevinzianw: Thanks! looks Zuul +1 now. Great!08:18
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ianwkevinz: i'll start looking at the wheel builds too09:55
lucasagomeshi, anyone else having problem logging into gerrit ?09:56
lucasagomesI'm being redirected to an openId login page09:56
lucasagomes"Provider is not supported, or was incorrectly entered."09:56
ralonsohsame problem here: first time I see this10:00
lucasagomesI think it's launchpad, even is giving me: "OpenID Provider Is Unavailable at This Time"10:00
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ianwyeah, i just noticed it too :)  503 errors from login.ubuntu.com10:06
ianwthis seems like an upstream issue with launchpad login, i don't think there's much we can do; i'm sure they'll be on it10:06
lucasagomesianw, thanks yeah10:08
ianwthere we go, i can already log back in now :)10:08
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Import openstacksdk and dib into zuul tenant
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brtknrhi all, we cant use an etherpad we created last week:
brtknrsomeone said it was due to an emoji???10:54
brtknris this a known issue?10:54
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kevinzianw: Cool, thanks. Just let me know if problem. I can also grant more resources to you if needed11:01
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
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openstackgerritHervé Rousseau proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Break retry loop on success in dhcp-all-interfaces
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
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openstackgerritHervé Rousseau proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Break retry loop on success in dhcp-all-interfaces
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cookiecutter master: Remove py27 support for future projects
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: Test zuul-stream-functional with ara 1.3
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/nodepool master: Delete images by id
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mriedemi posted this a few days ago and have rechecked it but never get any results from zuul - i can't figure out if there is a problem with the change?15:59
mriedemthere are changes in the series after that one that have results, so it's not like something to do with checking out the entire series to run tests16:00
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fungii haven't looked yet, but could there be a circular dependency somewhere in there?16:01
mriedemdoesn't depends-on anything16:01
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mriedemi do'nt see anything in the openstack-tox-docs job that would filter it out and not run any jobs on it16:02
Shrewsmriedem: you're changing a file in the doc directory. Most of the nova jobs in .zuul.yaml seem to include that in the irrelevant-files section, so they won't run with that change. What job are you expecting to run that didn't?16:05
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ShrewsI don't see a nova job to test generating docs, which is surprising to me16:08
fungiusually there's a project-template which includes a tox docs job16:09
fricklerprobably unrelated to mriedem's issue, but there's also a bunch of execptions in the zuul log
mriedemShrews: publish-openstack-docs-pti is the template nova uses which should run the openstack-tox-docs job16:12
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fricklermriedem: is below your patch in the stack and disabled most jobs16:18
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mriedemoh gdi16:27
mriedemi knew it was going to be something dumb like that :/ sorry16:28
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed opendev/base-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337)
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya (bogdando) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM testing custom pypi mirrors (696337) #2
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Ensure correct re-enqueue on changing gate queue
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donnydinfraroot FN is experiencing an outage of the mirror.17:44
jrosseri have seen a few of these with the fortnebula repo
donnydFix should be in17:50
donnydMy apologies17:50
fungithanks donnyd!17:51
fungino worries17:51
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: openshift speculative containers
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corvusdonnyd, infra-root: i just saw another fn error:
corvusE: Failed to fetch  403  Forbidden [IP: 2001:470:e045:2:f816:3eff:fee6:691d 80]18:12
fungithat's still giving me a 403 as well18:13
corvusand not answering ssh for me18:13
donnydBut the machine is alive?18:13
fungii wonder if that ip address got mapped to something else?18:13
fungii can ssh into it now18:14
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Disable fortnebula
fungi2001:470:e0d6:0:96de:80ff:feec:f9e7 - - [2019-12-02 18:15:33.431] "GET /ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64/Packages HTTP/1.1" 403 199 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0"18:15
fungithe request is reaching it18:15
fungithat's weird18:16
corvusfungi: are you sshing via ipv4 or 6?18:16
corvusi'm on v4 and still failing18:17
fungilast change to that apache config was in september18:17
corvusfungi: afs isn't going to work well if ipv4 isn't working18:17
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corvusfungi: maybe see if you can browse the filesystem?18:17
fungiaha, yep18:17
corvuserrors there might show up as 403's18:17
fungils: cannot open directory '/afs/': Connection timed out18:18
fungithat's gotta be it18:18
corvus(if apache can't figure out if there's an .htaccess file, then it can't determine if the client is authorized)18:18
corvusdonnyd: ^ suspected ipv4 issue18:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Disable fortnebula
fungii bypassed gating on ^18:21
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donnydThanks fungi18:30
donnydI can take a deeper look today18:31
fungiappreciated, just let us know if you need any help!18:41
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fungican i get a second reviewer on 682425 for system-config? retiring some long-abandoned mailing lists18:57
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Retire the Women-of-OpenStack list
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Retire elections-committee, openstack-content MLs
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donnydok its working here again20:22
donnydso weird... did anyone restart anything on the mirror node???20:23
donnydThere was a power surge that blew up an ups on saturday but didn't effect any workloads until sunday... and things have been bonkers since20:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: openshift speculative containers
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fungiafs is working there again20:25
fungicorvus: your ssh is back to normal?20:25
fungidonnyd: looks like the server was rebooted 2h36m ago at 17:49z20:26
donnydThat was me turning it back on20:26
fungii'm the only one who has logged in since and i have done no restarts20:26
fungii'll chec older lastlog20:27
fungidonnyd: no logins at all recorded in /var/log/wtmp.120:27
donnydok well maybe it just took a while to get going...20:29
corvusfungi: yep, i can ssh in now20:29
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fungiso unless log rotation or unattended upgrades restarted something, i can't imagine what would have happened within the guest to alter things20:29
donnydI don't have any other answers because nothing was actually changed with the exception of turning the instance back on.20:29
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donnydI know why it went down initially, it was from the power surge... but it took a very very long time to come back up20:30
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fungisomething something dhcp something?20:30
donnydLOL. so do we want to turn FN back on?20:31
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fungii'm happy to push up a revert, and if you can +1 it i'll feel better about +2ing it myself20:32
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Disable fortnebula"
fungidonnyd: corvus: ^20:34
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed opendev/glean master: Add support for SLES
* cmurphy wonders if people still review glean ^20:35
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donnydfungi: just make sure you read my comments20:37
fungicmurphy: i think they do, when they find out there's work being done on it20:38
fungithanks donnyd!20:38
fungibest review comment evar20:38
donnydcmurphy: there were plenty when we were working out the  ipv6 stuff20:39
donnydi figured someone would get a kick out of it20:39
fungicmurphy: do you think bindep needs a similar patch, or is it already working?20:40
cmurphyfungi: not sure, i'm not using bindep atm20:41
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fungino worries, just didn't know if you had looked20:42
fungithanks for the glean fix!20:42
cmurphythanks for the review!20:42
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ianwcorvus: so i can duplicate the nodepool functional test in system-config to use containers built in system-config.  but that doesn't automatically test changes from nodepool, openstacksdk & diskimage-builder20:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Revert "Disable fortnebula"
ianwit doesn't seem zuul-ish to say "thanks for the change, can you just up a [dnm] change in system-config and depends-on this" so we can confirm it doesn't break container operation20:52
ianwwhich is why it seems to make more sense for a master job in zuul/nodepool to run the test; which requires using the system-config image build jobs in zuul/nodepool20:54
pabelangerianw: couldn't system-config be setup as 3pci job, then run builds and report back to gerrit change on zuul/zuul?20:55
corvusthe thing i'd like to avoid happening is repeating the situation where all testing of dib was in nodepool20:56
corvusdib and openstacksdk deserve to have robust standalone testing20:56
ianwi wish to use the same nodepool functional+containers job in all of them20:57
corvusi hope we're not worried about whether sdk works in a container or not, so just looking at dib, why not set up jobs on dib that run builds in containers?  that can be done without nodepool.20:57
ianwwell the thing i've found so useful is that we test what we run, not simulations of.  that's why i'd like to run the opendev containers as the test20:58
corvusi think it would be great for system-config to test what it runs, so it should totally run a real nodepool container image test.20:59
corvusbut i don't think that we need to entangle all of these projects to do it.  each project can test what it needs21:00
ianwtbh i feel like it's almost a regression not testing the master changes of nodepool, dib and openstacksdk against an opendev functional+containers job ... we have that basically now with the test pip installing, which is the same thing that happens in production21:04
corvusdib and sdk are installed from releases21:05
ianwbut each change has passed the nodepool functional tests before merge21:06
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corvusi feel like we're getting off the track here21:08
corvusi think it's important to maintain appropriate separation between the projects.21:10
corvushonestly, it's pretty hard to think about this since we're still waffling on whether nodepool should even be building images with dib21:11
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pabelangersorry, I think I missed some discussions. I am processing that as, there has been some talk to stop using dib altogether in nodepool-builder?21:14
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pabelangerokay, cool21:14
corvuspabelanger: some of the words in that statement can be read 2 ways, let me clarify21:14
corvuspabelanger: i meant to say: whether the container images that the zuul project creates for nodepool and publishes on dockerhub as zuul/nodepool-builder should contain dib21:15
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corvus(having said that, the project has always been open to other implementations of image builders; it's in the original spec.  but no one has suggested that we stop having a dib-based builder)21:16
ShrewsWell, on a personal level, I too prefer to keep dependencies unentangled (assuming that's a word)21:17
ianwi feel they should *not* include dib.  it's not the idea of containers to bundle the kitchen sink, we should compose an opendev image21:17
ianwtristanC wrote a virt-customize wrapper that obeys dib command-lines, for example21:17
pabelangeryes, that is how I understood it too (other builders)21:17
corvusianw: as there is currently no other way to use 'nodepool-builder' i think it should include dib.21:17
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corvusif/when there are other options, we should make more images21:18
pabelangerianw: I'm starting to POC a based builder for nodepool for reasons (not to distract on current topic)21:19
corvuspabelanger: feel free to upstream that -- i'd love to have a second option to make this less theoretical21:20
ianw is what i'm thinking of21:21
tristanCcorvus: nodepool-builder can be used without dib, in fact we could document the dib-cmd (nodepool attribute) cli interface and let user use custom tool21:22
corvustristanC: i'm not sure that the dib cli is meant to be a stable api?  perhaps it would be better to make new upstream nodepool builder drivers to support other tools first class?21:23
tristanCcorvus: it hasn't changed in recent years, but yes, it would be even better to have stable cli arguments21:24
ianwdib-cmd was mostly about making the fake-dib used during testing less of an inbuilt hack.  but yes once you give people a hook, they're going to hook into it :)21:24
Shrewshmm, making that a proper interface might actually be fun21:25
tristanCShrews: corvus: i would vote for a image-builder-playbook attribute that nodepool-builder would execute with -e "image_output_path=Path image_type=raw|qcow|vhd"21:25
corvusyeah, all the way back in we said that we would support multiple builder processes (see "Optional: create nodepool-builder that implements nodepool on-image builds").  but that hasn't happened yet.  we still could do that.  also, we could abstract a driver interface so that the bulk of the existing builder process can21:27
corvusbe reused and extended easily.  that would probably be best for most of the things under discussion here, which are basically just "different external processes that emit an image file"21:27
pabelangertristanC: would be interested to see if you have looked at for ansible integration, that is currently something we are exploring over ansible nodepool-builder (but maybe that is better route)21:29
pabelangermore info in #zuul21:30
tristanCpabelanger: no we haven't looked at packer, we are pretty satisfied by virt-customize21:31
corvusanyway, it seems reasonable to me that zuul/nodepool-builder should include dib.  and as folks upstream other options (packer, virt-customize), we can build other images.21:31
corvusthe main thing is that i think it would be best if the images produced by nodepool were useful.21:32
pabelangertristanC: is there ansible integraiton in virt-customize? I didn't see that, but may have missed21:32
tristanCcorvus: i find this reasonable too21:32
tristanCpabelanger: i haven't look, we use ansible to fetch and maintain the cloud image cache, then we call virt-customize with the command module21:33
tristanCpabelanger: you can see the nodepool-builder log when using virt-customize here:
openstackgerritSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/project-config master: Add 'Review-Priority' for Neutron stadium repos
pabelangertristanC: ah, okay cool. Yah, was hoping to run playbooks against image, over CLI commands. But could be a first step21:35
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ianwcorvus: so you would like to see nodepool importing container build jobs from openstacksdk and then dib to build it's final nodepool-builder image?22:00
ianwcorvus: this is where we started.  the issue is that importing openstacksdk jobs into the zuul tenant absolutely explodes the dependency list, creating a ton of config errors22:01
corvusi would rather not share jobs22:01
corvusthe tenants are separate for a reason22:02
corvusand i'm sorry, i don't mean to be obtuse, i just don't see the big picture on this yet.  i don't know what we should do, but i think i know some things i don't think we should do.22:03
corvusianw: the last thing i remember on the subject was the suggestion that we just add dib to the nodepool-builder image22:05
corvuscould we start with that, then run that image in system-config and see what happens?22:06
ianwcorvus: so the method to do this, the way things are written, is to build zuul/nodepool-builder ontop of a openstack/diskimage-builder container22:07
corvusi thought i saw a change to just install dib in the nodepool-builder image22:07
corvuslike,  a change to nodepool's dockerfile22:07
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corvusoh here's the one for vhd util
corvusmaybe thet's what i'm thinking of22:09
ianwcorvus: what i would like, however, is for the test to be able to speculatively test dib changes22:10
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ianwto restrict this to just nodepool to simplify, the current functional test obeys Depends-On: for openstacksdk and dib22:12
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corvusianw: got it, that's a problem i can hold in my head.  the first practical issue is that speculative container dependencies won't work across tenants because zuul won't perform the lookup of previous builds across tenants.  so the only way for a job to test a container image with a change to both projects is to build that image from scratch within that job.22:14
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ianwcorvus: that is what i have implemented in
ianwit is clearer in ->
corvusthe second practical issue, is that, to my knowledge, there are no container build jobs that build more than just the project under test (ie, i don't think our python-builder image obeys siblings)22:19
ianwin 694177 the buildset registry starts, builds an openstacksdk image (openstacksdk-build-opendev-image) then a dib image that depends on that (dib-build-opendev-image) and then nodepool-builder images that depend on that22:20
corvusso why not put all of that in the dib repo?22:22
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ianwcorvus: python-builder does not, and really can-not; because docker runs from a context.  so you can not do "pip install /home/zuul/<project>/" to install a speculative checkout; docker has no access to /home22:22
ianwcorvus: when you say all of that, what do you mean?22:23
corvusianw: yep.  we could, if we wanted, standardize on a way of supporting that with siblings.  probably by doing something similar to what you've done.22:23
corvusianw: those jobs22:23
corvusianw: apply to the dib repo instead22:23
corvusor, something similar (without the reliance on system-config)22:24
ianwi'm not sure that would help?  even for just our simplified "we want a container test job for nodepool that obeys Depends-On: for diskimage-builder and openstacksdk" unless that job builds the containers, it won't obey speculative builds?22:26
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ianwthis is what led me to 696000.  in there, we keep the dockerfiles for each project, and copy it into the zuul checkout (e.g.
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ianwwe then use zuul_work_dir to make sure we're in the directory for that project22:28
corvuslet's assume that nodepool does not depend on a diskimage-builder container image.  in that case, you can make a job that runs in the dib project that builds a nodepool container image.  after solving the sibling problem, you should be set.22:29
corvusif you solve the sibling problem by implementing it as a role in zuul-jobs, you can use the same role in jobs for any of the involved projects.22:30
corvusthen we don't really need to share jobs, because the jobs aren't special.  the only special thing is the role that builds a container image with siblings, and that's available to any job.22:32
ianwthe sibling problem does not so much seem to be a role problem as a python-builder problem22:33
corvusmaybe both?22:33
ianwyou're essentially saying python-builder should be installing multiple projects at a time22:33
corvusi'm handwaving.  i'm saying that no matter what approach we use, the sibling problem needs to be solved.22:34
ianwmy understanding was that the best way to solve that problem was to build projects into their own containers and then build them ontop of each other22:35
corvusi don't think that image dependencies are a solution to this -- they are one-dimensional.22:35
corvusso that only works for the first thing you want to install like this.  not the second.22:35
ianwi do agree, it's basically multiple inheritance that Dockerfiles don't do22:36
corvusbut if we say that the nodepool dockerfile is going to install dib (and whatever else we want), then both nodepool and dib projects can build that image.22:37
corvusalso, you save 30 minutes in build time :)22:37
corvusthese chains of images can get tediously slow22:38
corvusianw: i prefer the docker-image-with-siblings approach, mostly because, aside from everything else, i don't think that the nodepool container image should depend on a dib container image.  but, for exploration purposes, i had a thought about your stacked image approach i'd like to share:22:42
corvusianw: if you were to do something like 693464, you might consider rather than chaining 3 jobs together, you could write one job which ran the standard image build roles 3 times.  that would speed things up, and possibly reduce the need/desire to share jobs between tenants.22:44
corvus(they would still use the buildset registry as appropriate)22:44
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ianwcorvus: on the siblings approach, basically you are saying install nodepool+dib+openstacksdk together from the zuul checkouts in the one container22:47
corvusianw: yep22:47
ianwone issue see with that is that the Dockerfile is going to depend on external state of the other repositories being available22:48
ianwit will basically only run under zuul22:48
corvusi think it would somehow need to be optional22:48
corvusand yeah, it's not the first dockerfile-related disappointment we've encountered22:49
ianwin that case, i'd imagine you would keep it as a separate dockerfile (Dockerfile.zuul, say)22:49
corvusand just to level-set: i'm not sure this is a good idea, but it is an idea.  :)22:49
corvusi'm thinking maybe there's something the assemble script in python-base could do to handle this22:50
corvusso you could still have one dockerfile22:50
mordredyeah - what if we made a Dockerfile.zuul like ianw suggests - but also have a normal Dockerfile that installs depends not from source22:51
corvuser python-builder22:51
corvuswhy couldn't they be the same?22:51
ianwcorvus: right, that's what i'm thinking on too.  the problem is the build context; the Dockerfile (and, ergo, assemble script) has to have access to all the source repositories22:52
mordredwell - dockerfiles dont' really do conditionals particularly well - especially since one of the steps is going to nede to be a COPY22:52
corvusthat's where the role comes in22:52
ianwbut we are back to having a Dockerfile that, essentially, only runes under zuul (via role magic)22:53
mordredbut if the role does that - then the dockefile only works if you're using it via the zuul role, becuase you need extra external context - and in that case it would likely be nicer to just to scrap the dockerfile and write a script that used buildah commands or something22:53
corvusif you run docker build in a checkout, you get an image built in the normal way.  if you use a zuul role to build a siblings-image, it moves repos around so the context includes all the repos, and the assemble script knows what to do with it.22:53
mordredah - I think I get what you're getting at here22:53
mordredbasically - put the siblings into a subdir of the normal context22:54
mordredso when "copy ." happens - it includes all of the siblines22:54
mordredand then assemble detects it got a complex context not a simple one22:54
corvusyep.  that's the vague hand-wavey idea.22:54
mordredthat makes enough sense to me that I *think* I could write a wip python-builder patch22:55
corvusianw: you did a similar experiment, right?22:55
ianwso maybe assemble sees a ".zuul-siblings" directory, that contains hard-links to the siblings projects22:56
corvusianw: sounds plausible22:56
ianw(i do not think docker will follow symlinks outside its context)22:56
mordredyeah - it might have to be a copy even22:56
mordredbut yeah- .zuul-siblings dir sounds right no22:56
ianwand then loops over directories in there, building wheels and installing22:56
mordredyup. and getting the sum of the bindeps22:57
mordredso that install-from-bindep works22:57
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ianwhrm, does cat-ing bindep files together work?22:57
mordreddunno - but catting the output of bindep -b should be fine to do22:57
tristanCfwiw, you can also "podman build -v ~/src:/src" to have all the zuul projects available for RUN command without using copy22:58
mordred(because the builder image runs bindep and saves the output)22:58
mordredtristanC: oh - podman build supports volumes? that's so nice22:58
mordredplain docker doesn't - but I'd personally be fine saying "these dockerfiles only build under podman because it's better" - but we can discuss that as an optimization - for now copy is working ok22:59
tristanCmordred: oh yes, and you can do -v /var/cache/dnf:/var/cache/dnf:O that will create an overlay and discard any modification at the end of the build23:00
mordredcorvus: ^^ that seems like functionality we should expose in build-podman-image23:00
mordredseparate from whether we decide to use it for our images23:01
corvusi am in favor of build-podman-image getting better than build-docker-image.  lack-of-feature compatibility is not a goal :)23:01
mordredit sounds like suggesting people just use podman build regardless of whether they want to use podman for running is so much yes23:02
ianwmordred: it seems like we should explicitly tell the building role what sibling projects to map in, rather than just assuming everything in required-projects: is also to be installed as a sibling.  there might be ones you don't want installed in the container23:03
corvus(this is getting into #zuul territory, but anyway) i'm personally okay with making that a requirement (eventually).  i think we learned from the pbrx experiment that having a non-standard way to build images is not helpful (which is why i'd like our dockerfile to continue to work in a non-zuul context).  but i think growing into buildah extra features is reasonable.23:03
mordredianw: yeah - I think in this context that makes good sense23:04
ianwso, as step 0) make docker_images: have a "siblings:" entry, that lists projects that will be copied into (say) .zuul-siblings?  let me pastebin out a sample config maybe23:07
corvusyeah, and the podman role can maybe do the same without the copy23:08
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mordredianw: ++23:10
mordredianw: then the next step is to make assemble look in .zuul-siblings for things to iterate over23:11
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ianwmordred: for dib, say, the trick to building the image for functional testing will be to use the nodepool dockerfile i guess ...
ianwwell, in fact it will want to use the zuu/nodepool image build job.  that should be ok23:16
mordredianw: yes, I think that's right. I think we'll want to make a job where nodeopool is zuul_work_dir and the others are siblings23:16
ianwso dib (and openstacksdk) can 1) start buildset repo 2) build containers using zuul/nodepool jobs 3) run zuul/nodepool functional+containers test23:18
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fungiianw: mordred: yes, bindep is designed with the idea that you should be able to just merge the contents of a bunch of package lists and it should properly dedupe and reconcile the results. if it doesn't, that would be considered a bug23:47
fungibasically you shouldn't have to run bindep more than once23:48
funginow, if you mix in version constraints for packages (i still think they're a terrible idea but they were a half-implemented bit of the original design) then all bets are off23:49
funginot sure what will happen if you declare that you need conflicting versions of something23:49
ianwmordred/corvus: i still think we need to make sure the openstacksdk/dib sources are available to zuul/nodepool23:50
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] copy listed siblings to docker build
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