Tuesday, 2019-08-06

clarkbI need to go sort out what dinner will be now. But will check on the vos release periodically and if it ends before I fall asleep I will unlock the lock file00:01
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AJaegerinfra-root, I just got lots of post_Failures - is our logserver down again?04:06
ianwAJaeger: hrm, can log in at least04:09
AJaegerall red again on zuul.opendev.org ;(04:09
ianw[Tue Aug  6 02:02:38 2019] EXT4-fs (dm-2): Remounting filesystem read-only04:09
AJaegeryeah ;(04:10
ianwTue Aug  6 04:10:03 UTC 201904:10
ianwi guess i do the usual of moving it and fscking it ... on it04:10
AJaegerthanks, ianw04:10
AJaegerwant to send an alert or something?04:11
ianwhopefully should be just a minute while i symlink it locally04:11
ianwfor reference : the log -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/755550/04:11
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ianwok, /srv/static/logs symlinked to /opt/tmp_srv_static_logs04:13
ianwlogs should be caching there, i'll start a fsck in a screen04:13
ianw#status logs.openstack.org log volume offline; /srv/static/logs symlinked to /opt/tmp_srv_static_logs and fsck running in a screen04:15
openstackstatusianw: unknown command04:15
ianw#status log  logs.openstack.org log volume offline; /srv/static/logs symlinked to /opt/tmp_srv_static_logs and fsck running in a screen04:15
openstackstatusianw: finished logging04:15
ianwwill just let that go.  with all the excitement around swift logs right now, i think we just bumble through with this until ti's replaced04:16
AJaegeryeah ;(04:17
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ianwi have to go afk for about a hour, it's at 40 something % ... will check in then04:41
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.opendev.org/67473006:09
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.opendev.org/67473006:41
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gmannianw: AJaeger : is log up ?06:58
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AJaegergmann: ianw fixed it, so safe to recheck...07:06
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AJaegerto be accurate: Fix is on going but he has a temporary stop-gap in place, see above in backscroll07:08
ianwyes new logs should be ok07:08
ianwit's 90% finished fscking, so it says07:09
ianwi got eye drops at the optometrist that make close up things a bit blurry ... not great timing :)07:09
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ianwsee what finishes first, the fsck or my vision returning :)07:09
AJaegerianw: can we wait until fungi is up?07:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.opendev.org/67473007:27
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ianwok, final stats if anyone is interested http://paste.openstack.org/show/755553/08:04
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ianwalright, /srv/static/logs now back to being mounted, all old logs should be back08:05
ianwi'll sync the logs from the intermediate few hours now08:05
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AJaegerthanks, ianw !08:12
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AJaegerianw: something for the next days: CAn we delete content of http://logs.openstack.org/lost+found/ ? Or what should be done there?08:13
AJaegerand please delete http://logs.openstack.org/help/ - that is completely bogus08:13
ianwoh, i'm sure we can ... nothing worth recovering i'd say08:13
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AJaegerinfra-root, any idea why we keep log files from 2018? Like http://logs.openstack.org/93/539993/2/check/08:16
AJaegerlooks like empty directory - but still...08:16
AJaegerso, log directories, not dirs...08:17
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ianwhrm, dunno, maybe i've managed to copy back in something old?08:18
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AJaegeror we had an error in the delete script so that files were deleted but not parent directories?08:21
AJaegernothing urgent to fix...08:21
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ianwAJaeger: i'm running the removal script on just /9308:27
ianwit's definitely clearing stuff out08:27
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AJaegerwhy is that not done as part of the cronjob?08:30
AJaegerstill seeing 2018 directories at top level at http://logs.openstack.org/93/?C=M;O=A08:32
AJaegerI guess the script is not done yet...08:32
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ianwyeah, it's going.  it definitely should be part of the cron job; maybe there was just old stuff in /srv/tmp_static_logs?  but i thought i checked it was clear08:38
ianwmaybe i didn't, i couldn't be certain.  and then i've copied it back?08:38
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openstackgerritFelix Schmidt proposed zuul/zuul master: Provide buildset.uuid in /builds API result  https://review.opendev.org/67475908:58
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ianwit's finished and not cleared out those directories, i wonder why08:59
ianwlrwxrwxrwx 1 jenkins jenkins 9 Feb  5  2018 539993/3/gate/openstack-ansible-functional-centos-7/68dfd3d/logs/etc/host/network-scripts/ifup-isdn -> ifup-ippp09:02
ianwi think the script doesn't clear out symlinks09:02
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AJaegermmh, http://logs.openstack.org/93/539993/3/gate/openstack-ansible-functional-centos-7/68dfd3d/logs/etc/host/network-scripts/ does not show any content09:12
AJaegerSo, no links displayed either?09:13
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix uneven distribution of jobs  https://review.opendev.org/67476209:14
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-openstackci master: Log archive maintenance; also clear out symlinks  https://review.opendev.org/67476409:16
ianwAJaeger: yeah, that's what makes it a bit confusing; ^ i'm running that on /93 directory and stuff is disappearing09:16
ianwi guess we just never looked and noticed before09:16
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AJaegerThanks, ianw !09:25
openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Free up unused BGPVPN meeting slot  https://review.opendev.org/67430809:26
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ianwhaha, so 549393/1/check/build-tox-manuals-checkbuild/266d1cd/publish-docs/www/robots.txt doesn't get removed because it matches the robots.txt exclusion09:32
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ianwi'll leave that as an exercise for anyone interested in advanced find command line magic :)  but mostly all the 2018 stuff is cleared09:33
ianwi gotta stop staring at a bright screen ... ttfn09:34
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mordredianw: awesome. I betcha fungi has the find wizard nuggets12:12
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Free up unused Designate meeting slot  https://review.opendev.org/67430112:16
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix uneven distribution of jobs  https://review.opendev.org/67476212:27
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rm_workdtroyer: what channel is good for client discussion? :D13:23
rm_worknm got it13:24
dtroyerrm_work: #openstac-sdks as pretty much all of the client-type folks in it13:24
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AJaegerfungi, mordred, what do you think of https://review.opendev.org/674764 ?13:31
mordredAJaeger: lgtm - I definitely want an ack from fungi though13:32
fungiyeah, sorry, mostly trying to prep for an advisory going out in an hour or so but will try to look real quick13:33
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mordredfungi: I don't think there is a rush - I just mostly always want you to look at things related to the find command :)13:34
fungiyep, looks like it should be safe. good catch!13:36
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fghaasHello there, familiar faces. :) I've been looking to find documentation on rate limits that apply to accessing the OpenDev Git repos via HTTPS, but have been unsuccessful thus far. Could someone point me to such documentation, or else let me know if no such rate limiting exists?13:43
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AJaegerfghaas: what evil thinks do you want to do? ;)13:43
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mordredfghaas: we do not impose rate limits on accessing them via https13:45
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* mordred hasn't seen fghaas in quite some time13:46
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fghaasAJaeger: :) I have no evil in mind; I just heard from an openstack-ansible user that they ran into connection drops from opendev earlier this morning. Not being aware of any rate limits and never having run into similar issues, my hunch was that the problem is on their end. I guess you're supporting that hypothesis?13:46
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fghaas("this morning" being your morning and mine; i.e. CEST)13:47
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mordredyes. we are not doing things that would cause those to happen13:47
mordredat least, not purposely13:47
fghaasmordred: perfect, thanks!13:47
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* fghaas concurs; we should fix that — any plans to return to Stockholm in October mordred?13:48
mordredfghaas: why yes! I'll be doing a zuul workshop13:48
fghaaswell there we go! That's not far off then.13:48
mordredfghaas: I'll also be in the nordics from Aug 17 until then, so we'll at least be in a closer timezone13:49
fghaasoh, whereabouts exactly?13:49
mordredfghaas: starting in Goteborg for the Gerrit User Conference, then Sandy and I are going to drive up the Norwegian Coast to Tromso13:50
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mordredfghaas: map https://waterwanders.com/map/ and tour dates https://waterwanders.com/tour :)13:52
fghaasExcellent plan, that.13:53
clarkbwhile we may not rate limit the cloud might? rax definitely did based on flavor size not sure about vexxhost. Also we have been battling an OOM situation that seems caused by nova handling being worth ~1.1GB per request13:54
clarkbso details on what the problem is may aid debugging potential issues13:55
paladoxmordred ah your joining the Gerrit User Conference? :)13:55
mordredpaladox: yes indeed - I'll even be presenting and stuff13:55
openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-openstackci master: Log archive maintenance; also clear out symlinks  https://review.opendev.org/67476413:56
paladox:) (i'll be participating in the hackathon remotely)13:56
fghaasclarkb: thanks for weighing in; the info I have is rather sparse though I'm afraid. Basically it seems to manifest itself as intermittent "fatal: unable to access 'https://opendev.org/openstack/cinder/': Couldn't connect to server" errors when OSA tries to git clone for its venv build. Happens for other repos too when it happens, but not for all of them — which raised the possibility of the reason being something like a source13:59
fghaas IP based rate limit.13:59
fghaasLike I said, I really don't want anyone to chase a red herring, a rate limit or unreliable uplink on their end is still the best hypothesis that fits the available data, as far as I can see.14:00
clarkbif unable to connect at all I doubt that is the OOm issue unless we had a gitea crash14:00
fghaasclarkb: right.14:00
clarkbfghaas: if you have a timestamp we can compare against any possible OOMs/crashes (lastone I know of was last week)14:01
fghaasI don't, but I can ask and if I get any meaningful info I'd chuck a message onto the list; would that be OK?14:01
fghaasgotcha, will do. Thanks again!14:02
AJaegerinfra-root, is Linaro-london setup now fine? https://review.opendev.org/67144514:05
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435514:28
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dtroyerI think I need a bit of debugging help… I am trying to create our release branch in the StarlingX repos, using https://opendev.org/starlingx/tis-repo as the test.    'git push gerrit test-branch' is being rejected.  I am able to push a signed tag.   More details are in http://paste.openstack.org/show/755569/14:41
dtroyerI think this is the first time we've branched since the opendev transition, I can't think of how that changes anything other than the URLs involved… I am using freshly cloned repos.14:43
clarkbdtroyer: due to the way gerrit acls work you have to have force push accesa to create a new branch via git push. Instead if you have the create ref acl you can click buttons in the web ui to create abranch or usethe api14:43
clarkb(and we really prefer avoiding force push perms as it implies a bunch of other stuff)14:43
dtroyerclarkb: hmm…ok. Is that a change from say the beginning of the year?   MY script from the last time doesn't force14:44
clarkbdtroyer: no I think it hasbeeen this way for a while. You dont have to git push -f, it is justhow gerrit acls work iirc14:44
clarkbcrwating and deleting branch refs in gerrit via git requires that permission aiui14:45
clarkbthe workaround is to use the ui or api with the create ref permission14:45
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dtroyerI'm wondering how this has worked in the past?14:46
sean-k-mooneydtroyer: you may have inherited mor permission on other repos?14:46
dtroyersean-k-mooney: it's the same set of repos and the same script14:47
sean-k-mooneyoh ok14:47
dtroyerI know it worked last Oct/Nov when we branched the first release, and at least around Feb for a couple of feature branches14:47
sean-k-mooneydtroyer: where you previously in a gerrit admin group14:47
clarkbthough rereading the docs they only suggest adding force perms if adding create14:47
dtroyerno that I know of14:47
dtroyerso it sounds like the correct way forward is to use the Gerrit API to do this?14:48
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sean-k-mooneydtroyer: are you trying to do a release the old way by locally signing and pushing a tag?14:50
dtroyerThe StarlingX release process is similar but much simpler than the OpenStack process.  I'm trying to create the release branches14:51
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dtroyera signed tag is included (and works) but can be ignored for this problem I think14:52
clarkbtags are a separate set of permissions14:52
sean-k-mooneydtroyer: i assume starlingx does not use the release repo or have its own to automate some of this14:53
sean-k-mooneythe workflow i used to use was use gerrit to create branch14:53
clarkbrereading thw docs I thinj I understand better14:53
clarkbto push new commits you need push perms14:53
sean-k-mooneyswitch to branch locally tag and sign then push tag14:53
clarkbto create a ref only you need create perms14:53
sean-k-mooneybut i havent really done it that way in quite a while14:53
clarkbif your git push contains refs unknown to geerrit the  you mist have both14:54
clarkbI think you only have create14:54
fungiclarkb: dtroyer there is also a gerrit api method for branch creation, so the webui is not *strictly* required for that14:54
sean-k-mooneysince that requires you to also manually build and sign a release on pypi14:54
clarkbfungi correct14:54
fungiahh, i see that came up later in discussion14:54
clarkbusing the apis you are forced to create thw ref using an existing commit14:54
sean-k-mooneyfungi: do we still allow ssh access so you can do that via the commandline14:54
clarkbI think that the newbranch must contain unknown commits14:55
sean-k-mooneyto make it scripable without curl14:55
fungisean-k-mooney: yes, ssh api is available as is rest api14:55
dtroyerclarkb: dang, yes it did.  ok, that's the problem, and I'm unsure of why that got created out of order (the .gitreview update)14:56
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sean-k-mooneydtroyer: ah ya that makes sense14:56
sean-k-mooneythe .gitreview update is usally the thing i tag too.14:57
dtroyerthanks for the help…  sean-k-mooney: I'm tagging the branch point so we can also easily get the delta on master since the branch.  I'm sure there is another way to do that too...14:58
clarkbvos release on fedora mirror did eventually compelte14:58
fungiyeah, you would push the tag for the commit on master then branch from that tag and then add the .gitreview change14:58
clarkbI don't know how long it took14:58
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sean-k-mooneywell you can just compare the branches with git log14:59
clarkbI am leaning towards unlocking the lockfile and letting the cron run and if it breaks again deal with it at thatpoint?14:59
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clarkbcorvus: ^ any concern with that? Now that I know its ~12 hours for the krb creds I'm less concerned14:59
fungiclarkb: you could try a second manual run to see how long it runs?14:59
clarkbfungi: ya the one I don't know how long it took was the second one14:59
clarkbthe first one took about 7 hours I think15:00
fungibtu yes, assuming it's fast i would just remove the lock and let it go15:00
clarkbno second one took about 4 hours before I gave up on it and went to sleep15:00
clarkbor rather stopped computing15:00
clarkbfungi: I think the sheer size of the volume means it is slow15:01
clarkbit is currently > 600GB15:01
corvusclarkb: 1sec15:01
clarkbwhich is about 200GB lighter than a few days ago15:01
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fungivos release on that volume with minimal/no changes would be much faster, i thought15:02
clarkbthe second run did update one aarch64 image for atomic15:02
clarkb(there is enough churn in there that with the previous slow vos releases things have updated15:02
corvusclarkb: sounds good; we might be able to determine the runtime, but since it's unlikely to be > 7 hours, i don't think it would change anything15:04
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Fix uneven distribution of jobs  https://review.opendev.org/67476215:23
pabelangerinfra-root: I have some time this week to help with https://review.opendev.org/673304/ which updates the zuul tenant to use ansible 2.8 for all jobs. Do you think we could setup a time to land it? I'm 99.98% sure nothing should break.15:25
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clarkbI'm ok with landing it whenever as long as people have a few cycles to help debug anything that pops up that day (even if the result is "here is how you pin to 2.7)15:26
clarkbI will be out tomorrow, but can help today and thursday/friday15:26
pabelangeryah, my thoughts were if a job failed under 2.8, is we could just roll that job back to use 2.7. But from what I see, everything is likely to work15:28
pabelangerbut want to make sure people know of the change and are able to help if something is broke15:29
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corvuspabelanger, clarkb: this is for the zuul tenant, there's like 12 jobs, we should just land it15:32
corvusjust announce that in #zuul and do it :)15:32
clarkboh if it is for zuul then ya I think we can just land it15:32
clarkbzuulians are more than capable of debugging those problems I expect15:33
pabelangerYah, just the zuul tenant. Doing openstack is a little more work then I can sign up for right now15:33
corvuspabelanger: that's okay; if no one signs up for doing more work, we'll just send an email and switch it15:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Default zuul tenant to use ansible 2.8 for jobs  https://review.opendev.org/67330415:47
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mattmceuenGM team - could I please be added to the two new airship project groups, so I can seed in the right team members?15:48
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Support Ansible 2.9  https://review.opendev.org/67485415:49
clarkbmattmceuen: done15:50
mattmceuenthanks clarkb!15:50
fungiwhat's a gm?15:51
pabelangergood morning?15:51
fungii was wondering for a sec who the gm team was ;)15:51
* fungi sighs15:52
fungimoar coffee15:52
pabelangeror maybe guten morgen :D15:52
mattmceuenyes! or evening, if you're lucky enough to be at that point of the workday ;-)15:52
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AJaegernearly 6 pm for "Guten Abend" ;)15:52
mattmceuenwow - versatile little abbreviation, that15:52
fungitime to head to the bier garten15:52
fungis/ //15:53
mattmceuenTo cut down on ambiguity, from now on I'll just use15:53
* mattmceuen you can fill in your TZ-appropriate second letter15:53
clarkbI'm releasing the fedora mirror lockfile now15:58
clarkbwill keep an eye on it today15:58
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435516:02
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Shrewsinfra-root: the dfw, iad, and ord regions of rax have been significantly cleaned of the leaked image objects. Some objects still show up in the object listing, yet don't appear to actually exist if I do a 'show' or 'delete' on them (e.g., any of the objects in IAD in the 'images' container). I'm going to assume that's some sort of swift bug and not worry about those16:27
clarkbShrews: swift is technically eventually consistent16:28
clarkbmaybe check it sometime in the future?16:28
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Shrewsmordred: fyi, i may be enlisting your assistance in tracking down the sdk bit that leaves these objects lying around16:29
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mordredShrews: neat!16:32
* Shrews detects hints of sarcasm with a mellow overtone of hatred :)16:34
mordredShrews: line 297 in openstack/image/v2/_proxy.py16:34
mordredShrews: _should_ be deleting the object when we're done with it16:34
Shrewsmordred: neat!16:35
Shrewswill try to debug that after lunch and meetings16:35
mordredShrews: cool. it's also possible there is too much spaghetti in there16:36
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rm_workreview.opendev.org feeling slow/unresponsive for others?16:42
rm_workbeen this way for like an hour or so16:42
rm_worknot sure if it's been reported / is being dealt with / is just me16:42
rm_work(I don't think it's just me)16:42
clarkbI've used it lightly this morning and it seemed fine. I'll check java meolody16:43
clarkbmemory use has increased over the course of the day and the garbage collector is being invoked more frequently16:44
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove support for ansible 2.5  https://review.opendev.org/65043116:44
clarkbdoes look like the old runaway state yet, but we should monitor it16:44
AJaegerrm_work: yes, looks kind of slow...16:44
rm_worktaking about 15s for me to load zuul data, sticks on "working..." at the top16:45
clarkb*does not look like the old runaway state yet I mean16:45
rm_workwhich makes the rest of the page unresponsive for a while16:45
clarkbrm_work: the gerrit js is likely blocking on a resposne from the api for your request16:45
rm_workalthough i feel like it was a little worse a bit ago, so might just be a usage spike16:46
clarkbrm_work: it is likely tied to when it is GCing16:46
rm_workyeah k16:46
clarkbwhich has started being measurable since about 15:45UTC16:46
clarkbso the last hour or so16:46
clarkbwe've seen gerrit recover from such states in the past and also seen it not recover from such states in the past16:47
clarkbthe active thread count is also way up16:47
* rm_work crosses fingers16:47
clarkb(does that imply a larger number of requests?)16:47
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rm_workkeeping a gerrit window open keeps a websocket connection open, right? for the auto-refresh stuff?16:48
clarkbhttp hits/ minute hasn't chnged too much I think that means thread count may be higher because we are taking longer to response16:48
clarkbrm_work: I'm not sure if that is a websocket or a poll. I don't think our web proxy handles websockets directly so it may be a poll?16:48
fungi`gerrit show-queue` is longish too16:48
rm_workhmm k16:48
rm_worki got hit up by the security team a couple days ago because they said my machine had "unusual ipv6 traffic" to review01.openstack.org16:49
clarkbrm_work: the sad thing about that is that ipv6 http traffic is apparently abnormal :(16:49
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clarkbthe GC time graph shows it falling off fwiw16:49
fungiit's only unusual because you're actually doing work and not reading social media all day ;)16:49
rm_work(I keep like 30 review tabs open at a time, guessing it was the autorefresh polling/socket)16:49
rm_workand i just leave it like that 24/7 heh16:50
clarkbcpu graph also shows it falling off in the short term16:50
fungiyeah, likely so. i think the version of ff i'm running suspends js for inactive tabs16:50
fungiand then resumes it when i bring up the tab16:50
rm_worki'm on chrome, wonder if it does or not16:50
rm_workthe way FF does it seems smart ;)16:50
clarkbI am hopeful this will self correct looking at these graphs16:51
rm_workneed to use chrome for hangouts >_< but could use both16:51
fungirm_work: well, it's a tradeoff, definitely means more lag to get js autoupdating/notifications/et cetera when switching tabs16:51
fungibut saves a lot of cpu load16:51
rm_workalso chrome is using 8.2G of RAM on my 16G macbook, so16:52
clarkb/changes/?q=is:watched+is:merged&n=25&O=81&S=25 GET is a slwo query someone ran16:52
rm_workmy macbook is pretty much constantly at ~9G of active swap16:52
rm_workthis is my life16:52
rm_workthey won't get me one of the 32G ones :D16:52
clarkbwhat is O=81?16:52
mordredrm_work: why would you ever get a person in a technical role a computer with memory in it16:52
* rm_work shrugs16:53
clarkbn=25 is give me 25 results and S=25 is give me the results after the first 25 iirc16:53
mordredclarkb: offset?16:53
mordredoh. yeah - that's what s is I guess16:53
clarkbmordred: I thought that was S but I'm pulling up api docs now16:53
mordredI don't know what o is16:53
rm_workah 12G swap right now rofl16:53
rm_worknot even running vmware <_<16:53
AJaegerhow can https://review.opendev.org/#/c/645331 be in merge-conflict? Or is that a side-effect of gerrit's slowness? That change is on top of a change to another one that is on the current branch, so nothing to rebase...16:54
clarkbya not finding any info on the O parameter16:57
clarkbo is used to apply search options but they are named not numbers16:57
clarkbmaybe it is a paging thing16:57
fungiAJaeger: it could still be in merge conflict if other changes have merged to the branch since the parent and conflict with the change16:57
AJaegerfungi: nothing merged to that branch at all...16:57
clarkbAJaeger: both zuul and gerrit seem to think it is in conflict16:57
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Remove support for ansible 2.5  https://review.opendev.org/65043116:58
fungizuul just trusts gerrit to tell if if things are in merge conflict, right?16:58
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AJaegerit was not in conflict this morning - and I see nothing merged on that branch16:58
clarkbI agree that the parent of that change has a parent which is the stable/stein HEAD16:59
fungiyeah, possible this is a mistake in gerrit's merge conflict reporting16:59
clarkbso that should be fast forwardable16:59
clarkbfungi: odd that zuul would say that too though16:59
fungior something has corrupted its on-disk repository?16:59
AJaegerinteresting, now https://review.opendev.org/#/c/645331/ looks fine - no message about conflicts...16:59
AJaegerwait, there it is - takes a few seconds to come ;(17:00
fungiload average on gerrit is 10 right now17:00
AJaegerI need to wait for "Working..."17:00
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Support Ansible 2.9  https://review.opendev.org/67485417:00
clarkbit does cleanly merge locally as expected17:00
AJaegergerrit does not allow rebasing of that change - and neither of the parent...17:00
AJaegerso, another point that there's no conflict17:01
fungia load average of 10 is busy but probably not unusual as there are 16 vcpus17:01
fungiand java is multithreaded across them17:01
clarkbfungi: ya the issue is more the GCing I think17:01
clarkbsince that can do GIL type locking17:01
clarkbwe can try killing this query I pasted above17:02
funginothing strange (or even recent) in dmesg, so i doubt it's disk issues17:02
clarkbnot sure how safe that is via melody though17:02
fungibut yeah, possible the merge conflict is gerrit giving up waiting on whatever internal api call it makes to determine that17:02
clarkbthat query has used ~9000 seconds of cpu time17:03
clarkbthere are several others like it I see now after expanding that block of threds in melody17:04
fungibut that may be a symptom and not a cause17:04
clarkbpossible though they predate the occurence of garabage collection17:05
clarkband the next nearest request time is in the 100 second range17:05
clarkbso they are major outliers17:05
yoctozeptoah, I see you already notice gerrit got slow in the half an hour or so17:05
clarkbI also see requests with O=a17:06
clarkbcorvus: ^ do you know what O query parameter in gerrit api means? (maybe you have encountered it with gertty?)17:06
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clarkbBased on the cpu and gc graphs in melody I think this may be slowly getting better. I think our options are to 1) wait it out and see if it is actually getting better, 2) kill the ~5 long lived http requests via melody and see if that fixes it, or 3) restart gerrit17:12
rm_workat 9000s i doubt anyone is still actively waiting for the results? >_>17:12
clarkbrm_work: ya my concern isn't for the client but for how gerrit may handle threads being killed out from under it in its http server17:12
clarkb2) might result in 3)17:12
rm_workthat's past "go for lunch and see if it is done when you get back" time even17:12
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clarkbdigging around in theg errit source I'm not having any luck finding where it handles the O parameter either17:19
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clarkbused memory is starting to fall off now17:19
clarkbthe thread I noticed before is gone17:20
clarkbbut some of its firneds are still there17:20
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clarkbthe O might be noise. If I query is:watched is:merged for myself I get an O=81 parameter according to firefox dev tools17:22
pabelangerclarkb: zuul tenant is running ansible 2.8 now, however it seems we are using ansible 2.8.0, not ansible 2.8.3. How do we manage ansible in executors now?17:22
clarkb(also that query is fast for me)17:22
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clarkbpabelanger: I believe when we update zuul we are supposed to also update the venvs? I think tobiash wrote that tooling17:22
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clarkband now active threads are falling way off17:23
clarkbpretty sure it is recovering on its own17:23
clarkbI need to go do a bike ride now if I want to do that before the heat of the day and our meeting17:23
pabelangerclarkb: k, will check17:23
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Don't install centos repos on RHEL  https://review.opendev.org/67457217:28
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rm_workcool well thanks for looking into it :) sorry to waste your time17:28
rm_workglad it's recovering17:28
clarkbrm_work: no problem, It is good for us to make sure it isnt in a spiral of doom17:30
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AJaegerso, any ideas what to do with the merge-conflict change? Just wait and hope it self-heals?17:34
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AJaegerI rebased twice - now all fine ...17:44
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mordredcorvus, clarkb: gitea 1.9.0 has been released. should we take a stab at updating?17:57
mordredcorvus: I think we're still carrying a patch on your branch that's slated to go into 1.10 iirc17:57
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Remove support for ansible 2.5  https://review.opendev.org/65043118:01
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Support Ansible 2.9  https://review.opendev.org/67485418:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Update gitea to 1.9.0  https://review.opendev.org/67489918:08
mordredcorvus, clarkb: actually - looking at the files, we've been running from the ref of the docs patch I pushed up - which is included in 1.9.0 - so I think we're pretty solid on first glance at just being able to update18:09
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corvusmordred: sounds good18:09
mordredcorvus: also - hopefully our testing would show us if we're wrong or not :)18:09
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435518:15
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: render console in js with listview  https://review.opendev.org/67466318:19
corvusthis is fun -- http://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/build/e4ea8eae961a449fba40f8413ee0d19e/log/job-output.txt#70318:21
corvus"Something failed during the generation of the HTML report.  Please verify the execution of the role for details."18:22
corvusbut of course, the ara report generation failed, so we can't use it to examine the problem18:22
corvusand the console json omits that because it's in the last play (which is incomplete)18:22
corvusso we have no other debugging information than "Something failed"18:23
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mordredcorvus: oh that's joyous18:28
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corvusif anyone has time to figure that out, i'd appreciate it; i have to afk for a bit18:30
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clarkbI think the executor logs will have the ansible logs for ara task18:35
mordredcorvus, clarkb: I looked at the executor logs on ze0318:37
mordredI see the error message - but there is no additional information18:37
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Support Ansible 2.9  https://review.opendev.org/67485418:42
rm_worki assume when i make a job experimental, i don't need to add "voting: false" because that's assumed?18:44
clarkbrm_work: correct the experimental pipeline does not do voting, only reporting of results18:45
fungithe only pipelines where voting is relevant for us are check and gate18:45
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clarkbaccording to melody memory and cpu and active threads did fall out significantly. Then memory and cpu have started to creep back up again. Active threads is still relatively low and gc is less frequent18:50
clarkbthere are still 3 very long lived requests of the form I pasted above earlier18:50
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clarkbWe will have our team meeting in ~5 minutes over in #openstack-meeting.18:55
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pabelangerianw: have you look at fedora-30 DIB yet?19:00
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Switch swift logs test job to OVH  https://review.opendev.org/67491819:23
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/puppet-openstackci master: Handle robots.txt on logs.o.o  https://review.opendev.org/67492019:35
openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435519:36
AJaegerianw, fungi, https://review.opendev.org/674920 should handle the not yet deleted robots.txt on logs.o.o.19:37
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corvusclarkb: https://review.opendev.org/674918 next thing for swift logs19:49
clarkbcorvus: done19:49
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435520:00
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Switch swift logs test job to OVH  https://review.opendev.org/67491820:07
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Collect gitea sshd logs  https://review.opendev.org/67493020:43
clarkbI think ^ may be all that is required for sshd logs20:43
clarkbshould be self testing too20:43
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Render console in js  https://review.opendev.org/67436820:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Experiment: Don't auto-expand past play  https://review.opendev.org/67493120:55
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435520:56
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clarkbgerrit memory use has more than halved and there are no more of those super old long running http request threads21:08
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paladoxI think you had the replication problems when the config auto-reloaded, right?21:37
clarkbinfra-root https://review.opendev.org/#/c/674930/ passed the simple test I gave it if you want to review a fix for gitea sshd logs21:38
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clarkbpaladox: no we haev problems with replication when restarting gerrit (and would prefer to make that an option when restarting gerrit)21:38
clarkbsince if gerrit is off typically you arne't updated git repos21:38
clarkb(therefore replication is not necesary)21:38
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Add query for test_novnc invalid token bug 1669468  https://review.opendev.org/67493621:39
openstackbug 1669468 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "tempest.api.compute.servers.test_novnc.NoVNCConsoleTestJSON.test_novnc fails intermittently in neutron multinode nv job" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166946821:39
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paladoxclarkb oh, we just experenced a bug in replication :( (it broke replicating to github so we had to restart gerrit)21:40
clarkboh I remember what you are thinking of21:41
clarkbpaladox: the issue was gerrit doesn't understand non rsa host keys21:41
clarkbso either ed21559 or ecdsa hostkeys broke replication. Once I acceped the rsa hostkey it was fine21:41
paladoxThat's supported now clarkb21:41
paladoxalso we use rsa keys :)21:41
* paladox added the ecdsa/ed21559 support to gerrit21:43
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Use description for playbook name  https://review.opendev.org/67493821:47
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Add query for test_novnc invalid token bug 1669468  https://review.opendev.org/67493622:04
openstackbug 1669468 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "tempest.api.compute.servers.test_novnc.NoVNCConsoleTestJSON.test_novnc fails intermittently in neutron multinode nv job" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166946822:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Stack listview in build console  https://review.opendev.org/67494222:14
openstackgerritMerged opendev/zone-opendev.org master: Add vexxhost backup server  https://review.opendev.org/67454922:15
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clarkbanyone know if the boot.iso for fedora atomic is necessary? http://mirror.dfw.rax.openstack.org/fedora/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-29-20181025.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/os/images/ codesearch says sushy might use a boot.iso, not sure if it is that image though22:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Combine all plays on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67494522:24
clarkbthere is also http://mirror.dfw.rax.openstack.org/fedora/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-29-20181025.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/iso/ which an exclude on *.iso files would clean up for us22:24
clarkbshould free up a bit more space on the fedora mirror22:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Enable all swift log targets for testing  https://review.opendev.org/67494722:30
corvusinfra-root: ^ i think we've seen cors work on all 6 swift targets22:30
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clarkbvos release for fedora did finally finish. Took almost 6 hours22:39
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Enable all swift log targets for testing  https://review.opendev.org/67494722:43
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Flatten host tasks into tasks on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67495122:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove 'Details' button from build console  https://review.opendev.org/67495322:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Move hostname to additionalInfo on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67495422:56
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't auto-expand past play on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67493122:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Use description for playbook name  https://review.opendev.org/67493822:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Stack listview in build console  https://review.opendev.org/67494222:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Combine all plays on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67494522:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Flatten host tasks into tasks on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67495122:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove 'Details' button from build console  https://review.opendev.org/67495322:59
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Move hostname to additionalInfo on build page  https://review.opendev.org/67495422:59
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corvusinfra-root: if anyone has time to figure out what's wrong with ara static html generation as seen in jobs that have reported on https://review.opendev.org/674359 that would be great; that's probably the only blocker for logs-in-swift now23:03
corvusactually, i think anyone can debug that, i don't think that's a root issue23:03
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clarkbcorvus: do we not get links to the job-output.txt file when that happens?23:08
clarkbI'm not seeing anything at http://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/build/855da8d8efc140299fac005da4e09f88 or http://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/build/4f82f3f585cc4fe1aec41f3df41b327123:08
corvusclarkb: that's an unrelated post failure from yesterday23:09
corvusit's the latest, successful builds that are the problem23:09
clarkboh the successful ones huh23:09
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corvusyeah, ara failures don't cause post-fails23:10
clarkbthinking out loud here, the logs.o.o ara reports are based on the wsgi app + database so do not do html generation statically23:12
clarkbis it possible that the ara version on the executors got updated and cannot generate the html static site anymore?23:12
corvusthat is plausible (but i think we pinned to <1.0 because 1.0 can't do static generation (yet))23:13
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clarkbya I thought we pinned too but maybe something snuck through the ansible 2.8 update or similar23:13
clarkbI'm working to check on this theory now23:13
corvusclarkb: i'm inclined to send an announcement tomorrow saying that we're switching to the build page on monday, followed shortly thereafter (time tbd) by storing logs in swift.  i don't think the second one needs advance notice.23:15
clarkbcorvus: ok23:17
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clarkbI'm a bit confused over where we install the venvs23:19
clarkbon ze01 there is no ansible_root set in the executor config, but /var/lib/zuul/ansible-bin does not exist?23:19
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fungiclarkb: /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/23:22
clarkbfungi: that doesn't seem to be venvs though nor complete ansible installs. That is just the zuul ansible bits I think23:22
clarkb(but also we don't set the config to install there so how does it end up there if that is indeed the location?)23:23
fungiit's far too easy to read /usr/lib/zuul as /var/lib/zuul when you have it in your mind that zuul is modifying content there23:23
fungifor example /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/2.7/bin/ looks like the executables for a venv to me23:23
clarkboh indeed however state_dir defaults to /var/lib/zuul and ansible install dir appends ansible-bin to that23:24
clarkbany idea how we end up using ^ instead?23:24
fungifor sure ansible isn't providing /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/2.7/bin/python3 itself23:24
clarkbor maybe ansible_install_root is not what I think it is23:24
fungii think that's where it stages ansible source, but i never dug into the ansible-manage bits long enough to confirm23:25
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clarkbthe docs don't seem to document it iether (just mention running the manage command)23:26
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clarkbok https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul/src/branch/master/zuul/lib/ansible.py#L44-L49 sorts that out23:28
clarkbhowever https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul/src/branch/master/zuul/lib/ansible.py#L173-L175 should pass through the install_path from https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul/src/branch/master/zuul/executor/server.py#L2400-L2408 so now I am confused again23:30
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clarkbin any case the version of ara there appears to be 0.16.323:30
clarkbthe global install is 0.16.523:33
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clarkbI wonder if ara 0.16 stopped working with ansible 2.8?23:36
clarkblooks like it is only tested with 2.7 and older23:36
clarkbdmsimard: ^ you may know off the top of your head23:36
ianwi feel like i remember us having to upgrade, sometime around when i was looking at 1.0 release23:37
ianwI7ed75d253857f86b68f67023af6897af4e1b4f50 i think23:38
ianwso yeah, 0.16.4 for ansible 2.8 afaik23:38
corvusclarkb, fungi, ianw, jhesketh: how's this look?  https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/h3rBMQyfwJ23:39
corvus(maybe we can actually get that out today rather than tomorrow)23:39
clarkbcorvus: email looks good23:40
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clarkbI think I see the bug in ansible install management23:41
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clarkbif you use the command to install ansible venvs you get /usr/lib but if you use manage_ansible = true config option you get /var/lib/zuul/ansible-bin23:42
ianwcorvus: LGTM23:42
clarkbI feel like we should maybe unite those so that users can switch back and forth23:42
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ianwpersonally i found it hard to find the "logs" tab at first, i think it would be great as just a panel on the main page.  but that's just, like, my opinion23:43
corvusmaybe we need a line break after the tabs23:43
clarkbcorvus: I think our next step is to update ara to 0.16.5 in all the venvs given what ianw found?23:44
ianwcorvus: yes, delineation would probably help too and be minimally invasive23:44
corvusianw: i originally had it all in one page, but it sorta gets lost, especially if there are failed tasks23:45
corvus(eg http://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/75d1e8d4ffaf477db00520d7bfd77246)23:45
clarkbexcept now I'm not sure how ara gets into those venvs in the first place23:45
corvusclarkb: i think it might either be built in to the command or we put it in the env variable that says install extra pkgs23:46
clarkbhttps://opendev.org/opendev/puppet-zuul/src/branch/master/manifests/executor.pp#L45 is our extra packages var (just gear) I'll check the other possibility23:46
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clarkbfound it change incoming23:48
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jheskethcorvus: lgtm :-)23:49
jheskethalso great work to everybody who has been getting this through !23:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul master: Update ara to >=0.16.5 to support ansible 2.8  https://review.opendev.org/67495823:50
corvusit has taken the whole village :)23:50
ianwcorvus: yeah, i mean if you're taking suggestions, i think presenting the summary first is ok, but the "artifacts" as a separate thing below makes you think "oh my logs are artifacts" and then you click and don't see the logs.  so maybe that should be in a tab too.  and then the task status bits could probably use a header23:50
clarkbcorvus: ianw ^ I think when that change merges to zuul our puppetry will rerun the ansible manage command which should update our ara version in the venvs23:50
ianwi also understand shuffling UX is never ending :)23:51
clarkbI've also scribbled a note to myself to confirm (and fix if confirmed) my suspicious about different behavior around zuul's manage ansible command and the zuul config setting to manage ansible23:52
clarkbbut I won't get a chance to look at that until thursday23:52
corvusianw: yeah, also we're working on adding another tab, so that could change things too23:52
ianwcorvus: i'm sure once it becomes live, the one thing you will not be short of is opinions :)23:54
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corvusmaybe we should schedule this for the day i fly to sweden23:55
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corvusianw: maybe we can put it all in one page, with some nice navigation links at the top to jump down to the sections.23:58

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