Friday, 2019-03-08

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Send readme parameter when creating projects
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corvusstill no change in the status as reported via openstackclient00:11
fungiclarkb: i didn't see anyone volunteer to add a `rm -rf /etc/exim4/paniclog` near the end of the launch script, no00:14
clarkbcorvus: did you do a hard reboot? that is with the --hard flag iirc00:15
clarkbits possible we might need to do that instead of the acpi version00:15
corvusclarkb: no00:15
corvusoh, the status changed back to active, let's see if it's better00:16
fungiyeah, i think the normal reboot just sends ctrl-alt-del to the console and hopes for the best00:16
corvusstill looks squirrely to me.  shall i do --hard?00:16
clarkbcorvus: ++00:16
corvusi have a shell now00:17
corvusi don't see any obvious problems in syslog00:20
clarkbcorvus: it is running the services I expect it to run too00:21
fungianybody happen to know whether our ubuntu-bionic images include python2.7 by default? (i know bionic itself has made it optional)00:22
clarkbfungi: pretty sure they do00:22
clarkbwe don't have special logic for python versioning the zuul cloner shim so python2 it across the baord iirc00:23
fungithanks, i'll only prepare a fix for that if upcoming testing proves it an invalid assumption00:23
clarkbonce centos8 happesn we can python300:23
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use ubuntu-xenial explicitly in py35 jobs
fungithere may be similar places in other repos i need to do the same00:24
clarkbfungi: the end of that diff has py35 and py36 listed won't that try to run all of them on the same host then tox will skip whichever python version isn't present?00:25
clarkbif that is the case, is that intentional?00:26
fungiclarkb: that's bindep profiles not tox envs00:26
fungithe lower-constraints job uses default python3 and the default nodeset00:26
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fungiso if the default nodeset switches to a platform where default python3 is 3.6 then including any available py36 bindep profile is warranted00:27
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add Python3 project templates for Train release
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add Python3 project templates for Train release
fungii guess to run a job with one nodeset on certain branches and a different nodeset on other branches i need two job variants one of which has the inverse of the other's branch matchers, right?00:29
fungi(for a job defined in a single-branch repository, that is)00:30
corvusw00t, zuul install on zuul01 has caught up with master00:30
fungii wonder if i need to care about branches older than stable/newton00:32
corvusi'm going to go ahead and restart all of zuul, mostly because i *think* this'll be the commit we release00:33
diablo_rojoclarkb, I finally went through and changed the topic for all the patches I was sure were from outreachy applicants to 'outreachy'00:33
fungithanks corvus! that sounds marvellous00:34
diablo_rojoIts like 7 patches or so? in both webclient and regular storyboard00:35
corvuswell, apparently i'm not because there is a bunch of release activity happening now.00:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Cleanup exim paniclog on newly launched hosts
clarkbfungi: ^ tthere we go00:35
fungithanks clarkb!00:36
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corvusi'll do the restart tomorrow morning00:39
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fungiclarkb: corvus: looking more closely at the errors we get and moreso the timestamps, i *think* they're coming at log rotation when the time between initial launch and addition to inventory spans one or more logrotate pulses00:42
fungiso it's possible deleting at the end of the launch is too early to help00:43
corvusi think that error should stop when our aliases file is in place00:43
fungi"User 0 set for local_delivery transport is on the never_users list"00:43
fungiyeah, do we not add the aliases until the server is in the inventory:?00:43
clarkbI would expect the base playbook to do that, but it is possible that puppet does it/00:44
corvusbase playbook does it00:44
clarkbif base playbook does it then we do apply that during launch00:44
corvusthen... "hrm" i say.00:45
fungia few of the examples i found had entries in them spanning the first several days the server was online00:47
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fungiokay, i think it logs an entry for that error each time the server needs to send e-mail00:49
fungithe server i've booted but not yet added to our static inventory most assuredly does *not* have our aliases added to /etc/aliases yet00:49
fungiits ip address (which is not in dns yet) is
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml jobs to Bionic
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fungigmann: ahh, cool, i was just about to start hacking on a similar change for the openstack-tox abstract job so i'll replicate your pattern from 63909601:06
gmannfungi: +1. moving towards projects side nodeset removal and few testing patches. then i will shoot those on ML.01:09
fungii've prepped copies of the base-test and base job changes about to push in a bit, and 641877 is what will keep the py35 jobs running on xenial indefinitely since those will assuredly break on bionic01:11
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Explicitly pin openstack-tox to xenial for <=rocky
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Test changing the default nodeset to ubuntu-bionic
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Switch default nodeset to ubuntu-bionic
fungigmann: there ^ are the other pieces01:33
fungithat last one will be wip until cutover01:34
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fungithe others should in theory be a complete no-op01:37
fungiuntil the last one merges01:37
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gmannyeah. *-py35 has ubuntu-xenial as explicitly mentioned as nodeset.01:41
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add legacy 3 nodes nodeset based on Ubuntu bionic
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move legacy-periodic-package-stackviz-element to stackviz repo
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review , please?05:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use ubuntu-xenial explicitly in py35 jobs
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openstackgerritRiju Khatri proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Make task ordering in Story view selectable
openstackgerritRiju Khatri proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Make task ordering in Story view selectable
openstackgerritRiju Khatri proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Make task ordering in Story view selectable
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: tests: remove debugging prints
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: switch jobs list to a tree view
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add jobs list filter
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: switch jobs list to a tree view
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add jobs list filter
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Add a subcontroller for Team projects
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Add UI for making security teams related to projects
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add a table mapping Teams to Projects
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add an endpoint for getting Projects related to a Team
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Allow Teams to be filtered by project_id
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kashyapAJaeger: Hi, wonder if you know how can I find the ".zuul.yaml in the base job"?  (Referring to:
AJaegerWhich part do you have problems with?12:37
AJaegerThe file you touch is run as part of a job, that job is defined in the file .zuul.yaml in the devstack repo12:38
AJaegerlet me give you a link...12:38
AJaegerkashyap, see
AJaegerthat's the job...12:39
kashyapAh, sorry, missed to check here (distraction)12:39
kashyapAJaeger: Ah, so instead of the main.yaml, I should add it to the .zuul.yaml12:40
kashyapOr _both_ places?12:40
kashyap(By "it", I mean the content of the patch)12:40
AJaegerkashyap: your patch as is is part 1 - part 2 is adding to zuul.yaml, see the list with files to copy12:41
AJaegerkashyap: line 227, zuul_copy_output is the variable12:41
* kashyap looks12:41
AJaegeryou need *both* changes12:41
* kashyap waits12:42
AJaegerI think you can add /var/log/audit/audit.log  directly to zuul_copy_output; that single line change might be all that's needed. Please try it - and if you have further questions, about devstack, the #openstack-qa channel is a better place12:43
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kashyapYeah, noted.12:46
kashyapAJaeger: So the current change main.yaml might not even be required, after all?12:47
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kashyapI'll first just put in audit.log to 'zuul_copy_output' variable12:47
kashyapSo I've added:12:49
kashyap+        '{{ stage_dir }}/audit.log': logs12:49
kashyapTo .zuul.yaml; /me posts the patch to see if it gets captured12:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add bionic nodeset for legacy job to switch to bionic
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AJaegerkashyap: yes, taht was my suggestion.13:18
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kashyapNoted, thanks13:20
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova evacuate --force bug 1819166
openstackbug 1819166 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova-live-migration evacuation tests fail with "error: unrecognized arguments: --force"" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to sean mooney (sean-k-mooney)14:00
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add legacy 3 nodes nodeset based on Ubuntu bionic
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AJaegerconfig-core, let's merge the change above as well for bionic move ^ - please review14:09
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mordredAJaeger: legacy-ubuntu-bionic-3-node is funny14:11
AJaegeryeah - legacy job for current OS ;(14:15
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fungi"funny" isn't the word i would have chosen14:27
fungidisappointing is closer to it14:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova evacuate --force bug 1819166
openstackbug 1819166 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova-live-migration evacuation tests fail with "error: unrecognized arguments: --force"" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to sean mooney (sean-k-mooney)14:28
openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [Configuration] Switch to stestr.
sean-k-mooneyfor what its worth i plan to port the os-vif legacy job soon14:35
sean-k-mooneyi recently added a non legacy tempest-base jobs so it should be fairly trivail to swap over os-vif-ovs14:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add legacy 3 nodes nodeset based on Ubuntu bionic
sean-k-mooneyone slightly disapoint thing i found was that devstack with linux bridge seamed to not work right on python3 but updating all of them and refining the test they run is on my too list for before the ptg14:38
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openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [Configuration] Switch to stestr.
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fungisean-k-mooney: any idea what about python 3 breaks devstack with linuxbridge?14:44
fungii wouldn't have expected any interaction there14:45
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openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [Configuration] Switch to stestr.
sean-k-mooneyit looked like it installed all the deps in python3 and tried to execute the linux bridge agent with python214:47
sean-k-mooneylet me see if the logs are still there14:47
fungiahh, in that case it might be an easy fix in devstack14:49
sean-k-mooneyoh it was releated to privsep14:49
mordredfungi, AJaeger: is green again - if you have a sec for a quick review14:50
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sean-k-mooneyso the privsep helper defaults to python2 even when we install with python314:51
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fungiianw: ^ if you're still around, were you involved in the devstack python3 conversion?14:52
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sean-k-mooneythe privesep helpt is created by setup tools right14:52
sean-k-mooneylooks like it hardcodes the system python path14:54
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sean-k-mooney[stack@devstack2 nova]$ cat /usr/bin/privsep-helper14:54
fungiahh, yeah, if it's being installed globally and has an explicit shebang, that'll cause trouble14:55
sean-k-mooneywell that is still proably easy to fix with sed14:55
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sean-k-mooneyat least in devstack14:56
fungithat either needs to be /usr/bin/python3 or just invoke the helper under an interpreter like `python3 /usr/bin/privsep-helper` instead14:56
sean-k-mooneyya i think there is a config optin for the privsep deamon so we could jsut set it in the python3 jobs14:56
fungii'm doing a bit of searching to see where it gets called14:57
fungioh, yeah calling it under the interpreter isn't an option14:58
fungisince the idea is that the privsep-helper executable is whitelisted for running as root14:59
fungito call it under an interpreter as root you'd need to whitelist the interpreter, and then you could really run just about anything (or at least it becomes even harder to lock down)14:59
sean-k-mooneyright so either devstack need to change the path in the privsep-helper15:00
sean-k-mooneyor we could pass the interperter as an arg to it15:00
fungii'm surprised that the shebang references python(2) when installed for python315:00
funginormally our entrypoints arrangement should take care of setting the correct interpreter in the wrapper15:01
sean-k-mooneywell it reference system python15:01
fungias opposed to system python3, yes, but the entrypoints wrapper should set the correct one on installation15:01
sean-k-mooneyon ubunut that would be python3 right15:01
sean-k-mooneyno i taught ubuntu 18.04 was python 3 only by defualt15:02
fungi/usr/bin/python should *always* refer to python2. for python3 you have to call it explicitly15:02
sean-k-mooneyeven on distors that dont have python315:02
fungiubuntu 18.04 doesn't provide a python2 by default unless you install it, but they don't link python to python315:02
sean-k-mooneyoh ok15:02
fungithe only distro i'm aware of which has made that choice is arch linux, and it was against the recommendation of the entire python community15:03
sean-k-mooneyim just used to looking at it in tox where python links to the one you asked for15:03
fungianyway, i'm going to take a quick look at how devstack is installing privsep-helper, and then maybe dig into the packaging of privsep-helper to see what's causing that15:03
fungiyeah, inside a virtualenv which is created with one and only one python interpreter the bin/python is symlinked to whatever interpreter was used to create it even if that's python315:04
sean-k-mooneysorry to create more work but i guess its better then this biting use when we drop python 2 support15:04
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add flatten checkbox
fungiabsolutely, this is a great catch. thanks for raising it!15:04
sean-k-mooneyit was on my todo list to try and fix when i got around to optimising the os-vif jobs next week.15:05
fungiso /usr/local/bin/privsep-helper is what's ending up in the path, looks like, indicating it's probably coming from a pip install15:05
sean-k-mooneyit got deferend due to ff15:05
sean-k-mooneyyes it comes from privsep15:06
fungioslo.privsep==1.32.0 in
sean-k-mooneyso it generate by setup tools15:07
fungialso in
fungii suspect what's happening is it's getting installed twice and the second entrypoint wrapper (for python2) is overwriting the first (for python3)15:08
sean-k-mooney it might be related to swift15:08
sean-k-mooneyi didnt deisable it but dont they still run on python 215:08
sean-k-mooneyevent when devstack is python 315:08
sean-k-mooneyoh i have disabled swift already15:09
sean-k-mooneyoh its comming form the installatyion of os-vif form git15:12
sean-k-mooneyfrom this
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fungigreat catch, so need to make it install os-vif under python315:17
sean-k-mooneyfungi: ya but its been install via libs form git due to the require project15:17
sean-k-mooneyin the zuul job15:17
sean-k-mooneyalso just before that15:18
fungi"Installing os-vif again without Python 3 enabled"15:18
sean-k-mooney2019-02-27 16:42:32.854 | + inc/python:python3_enabled:600           :   [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]15:18
sean-k-mooney2019-02-27 16:42:32.857 | + inc/python:python3_enabled:601           :   return 015:18
fungisee comment block at
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fungithis should probably move to #openstack-qa, the pattern there means any packages installing entrypoint wrappers are going to end up running under python2 instead of python315:21
sean-k-mooney right... so  that is not logically correct due to the gloabl privsep-helper15:21
sean-k-mooneyya i can bring it up there or you can if you like. im also on another call at the moment15:22
fungibecause the libraries themselves can be installed for multiple python interpreters, but the executables they provide are not going to be globally unique names and so will overwrite each other15:22
fungisean-k-mooney: no worries, i'll bring it up (though i also have to disappear to run errands in about 5 minutes)15:23
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sean-k-mooneythe ovs job proably would have also exploed for the same reason but i i had other issue in the ovs job so it didint get that far15:24
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add a security flag to Stories
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add RESTful endpoints for Story permissions
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mriedemeverything in the gate that is co-gating with nova is probably getting kicked out right now, fyi16:37
mriedemi don't know if we want to talk about bumping to the top?16:37
mriedemthe nova-live-migration job is 100% fail on master16:38
mriedemwithout that fix16:38
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Add support for Story permission endpoints
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: WIP: Automatically add security teams to security stories
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clarkbmriedem: ps2 on that change failed testing16:53
clarkbmriedem: do we want to see it pass on ps3 before pushing to the top of the gate?16:53
clarkb(not sure what our confidence is in that change on ps3)16:53
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mriedemclarkb: yeah ps2 failed because the --os-compute-api-version option has to come *before* the "evacuate" sub-command, which is what is fixed in PS316:56
mriedemso i'm 99.5% sure it'll be ok16:57
mriedemlike the usage here says
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clarkbmriedem: ok looks like there aer no nova changes ahead in the gate so as long as you haven't approved other changes I think we are set16:58
clarkbunless the neutron failures are related to this but I don't think they are16:58
mriedemtempest changes run the nova-live-migration job in the check queue..17:00
mriedemoh but non-voting :/17:00
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Only install puppet 4 if not already installed
clarkbcmorpheus: ^ fyi I think we want that due to the side effects of puppet4 install on the review-dev server17:07
mordredclarkb, corvus: is green - have a sec for a +3?17:08
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clarkbmordred: looking17:08
clarkbmordred: can you check my ansible in the change just above?17:08
cmorpheusclarkb: it's /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet17:08
clarkbcmorpheus: it seems like it is actually both17:09
clarkband /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet is al ink to the other poath17:09
clarkb(so I went with the actual file not the link but both would work)17:09
clarkblrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun 12  2018 /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet -> ../puppet/bin/puppet17:09
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mordredclarkb: looking17:13
mordredclarkb: do I want to know why installing puppet removes gerrit rc.d files?17:13
mordred+2 from me17:14
clarkbmordred: I didn't want to know myself :/ my hunch is that they call some deb helper function to install rc.d things and it helpfully clears out things it thinks are redundant17:15
clarkbmordred: we have a S04gerrit script from system sysv init compat and puppet installs a S90gerrit17:15
clarkbsomething sees S90gerrit as redundant in that process and removes it. We shoudl go back through and systemdify that module if we stick with it long enough but for not installing puppet 4 once seems like a good approach17:16
mordredclarkb: fun. I'm guessing no amount of digging further will improve happiness17:16
cmorpheusnot rerunning the install_puppet script is a good thing17:17
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clarkbfungi: corvus looking at the root never_users paniclog thing. aliases does have an entry for root pointing to us on health01 (one of the servers that complained). never_users is set to root ( and that is compiled in via an even stronger directive according to the comment above that). Reading our exim role we write the aliases file, then the exim conf, then set the exim restart handler17:27
clarkbmy two theories for what is happening are we write an empty root aliases entry on launch because our vars aren't properly available for some reason then the cron job fixes it (more likely given timestamps) or the restart handler runs long enough after exim is installed that for a time we are doing tasks that trigger root emails until that handler runs17:28
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clarkbmordred: ^ for the first theory I'm trying to understand how system-config/playbooks/group_vars makes it into our ansible runs. Is that purely due to the relative path relationship to our playbooks?17:31
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clarkbok os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '..', 'playbooks', playbook) is how we refer to the playbooks in launch node. I wonder if that .. or cwd confuses it17:32
clarkbbut if not, that should just work (tm)17:33
corvusclarkb: my experience is that ansible does things relative to the playbook path regardless of the CWD used when running ansible17:34
clarkbexim_sysadmins: "{{ ','.join(sysadmins|default([])) }}" is how that var is defined and sysadmins i defined in /etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars/all.yaml17:34
clarkbpossible it is the lookup of sysadmins that is failing17:35
clarkbmordred: we pass an entire config directory via the ansible-playbook -i argument with host and groups and so on. I wonder if that overrides the global settings?17:40
mordredclarkb: they merge17:41
mordredclarkb: so the host and group vars from the inventory sources are merged with the host and group vars adjacent to the playbooks17:41
clarkbok, the docs totally ignore that use case. And only talk about a single file17:41
clarkbmordred: ya but we have a third set of vars, the global ones in /etc/ansible17:42
clarkbby passing a dir to the -i flag are we replacing /etc/ansible?17:42
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clarkbOne way we could test this is to move the sysadmins var into system-config/playbooks/group_vars/all.yaml17:43
mordredI'm sorry - I've stopped being able to follow this - can we back up?17:43
clarkbmordred: sure17:43
mordredwhat are we passing via -i ?17:43
clarkbmordred: a tmpdir with a hosts file and a groups file (and maybe some other stuff)17:43
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mordredclarkb: where are we doing this?17:44
clarkbmordred: in system-config/launch/launch-node.py17:44
mordredthanks. one sec17:44
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mordredclarkb: yes - that is almost certainly overriding the existence of /etc/ansible17:45
clarkbmordred: if we switch it to -i $inventory_file we should get back the behavior we want I assume?17:45
clarkbrun with a different inventory against our global config17:45
mordredno - I don't believe so17:45
mordredwhat we need is a list of inventory sources17:46
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mordredclarkb: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg has:17:46
clarkbfwiw I don't really want to move sysadmins into the system-cofngi repo as then we get emails from random people's servers set up with our tooling17:46
mordred-i is setting a new value of inventory17:46
mordredwe're doing this so that we can run on the new host before adding it to the global inventory - right?17:47
clarkbmordred: yes17:47
mordredhow about if we add ,/opt/system-config/inventory/openstack.yaml,/opt/system-config/inventory/groups.yaml,/etc/ansible/hosts/emergency.yaml to the -i17:47
corvusi'm going to restart zuul now17:47
mordredcorvus: ++17:47
mordredclarkb: I haven't tested that the command line will take comma separated list like the config file does - but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't17:48
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clarkbmordred: that seems like a reasonable thing at first glance. Any concerns with side effects? I think our use of the target var for the hosts entry and only running a small subset of things like base and a cleanup or two should make it safe17:48
clarkbmordred: I don't think base respects {{ target }} though17:48
clarkbwe might end up running base against everything and maybe we need to add a --limit?17:48
mordredyeah - I think we should add a limit17:49
mordredwhich we already have actually17:49
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clarkbthe -l ? ya17:49
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mordredoh - --help says comma separated will work17:50
clarkbcool feel good to get to the bottom of that :)17:50
clarkbmordred: do you want to push the change or should I?17:50
mordredclarkb: I can push one up17:51
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clarkbfungi: ^ fyi if you don't want to read all the scrollback the fix is to add more ansible environment stuff to our launch ansible runs17:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add global inventory to launch_node
clarkbfungi: we weren't setting the root alias as the sysadmins var isn't availalbe to our launch script. We then set if after regular ansible cron runs17:54
clarkbmordred: I'm thinking we may still want my change at to clear out any panic log that might happen during our setup? though I suppose it should be totally unnecesasry if we set alias before exim config and exim restart17:55
corvus#status log restarted all of zuul at commit 603ce6f474ef70439bfa3adcaa27d806c23511f717:57
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging17:57
mordredclarkb: yeah - I think maybe let's see if we're still getting paniclogs with the aliases set properly17:58
mordredclarkb: it seems like they're currently serving a purpose - indicating that there is an issue we should solve :)17:59
clarkbmordred: ++17:59
mordredclarkb: but - if we're still getting them and they're bogus, let's land that for sure17:59
clarkbya I think the case we'd want that is if there is a race between exim being installed and configuring it where we get a paniclog due to something triggering a root email18:00
clarkbthat case may not exist at all18:00
clarkbmordred: also we should get ansible to document this behavior18:00
clarkb"specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. –inventory-file is deprecated" is all the docs say18:01
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mordredlovely :)18:02
clarkbcorvus: we may want to enqueue to the gate since I think our restart kicked it out of check (and its broken all of nova). I don't think it needs to be promoted as there are no other nova changes gating.18:02
corvusclarkb: it's in check now18:04
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clarkbinfra-root can I get a second revoew on thats my last major todo out of putting puppet4 on our dev servers18:07
corvusclarkb: do you know what the test hole is for that nova change?18:08
clarkbcorvus: my guess is that the test there only runs on nova changes and not novaclient changes18:09
clarkbthen novaclient changed behavior and it broke18:09
clarkbbut I don't kow for sure18:09
clarkbmriedem_burgers: ^18:09
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corvus did not run nova-live-migration but it also merged 3 weeks ago18:12
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Zuul project-config repo
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Define a specific Zuul tenant for Zuul project
pabelangercorvus: toabctl: mordred: clarkb: ^my first attempt at creating zuul specific tenant in zuul18:13
clarkbcorvus: we just made releases yesterday18:13
clarkbcorvus: possible novaclient was in that big round of release activity you noticed yesterday?18:13
pabelangerI suspect we'll also want an untrusted 'openstack-zuul-jobs' repo there too, at some point18:13
jrollcorvus: clarkb python-novaclient was released recently, yeah18:13
jroll(per the comments)18:14
jrollthe test must use novaclient from pip, the release started using the new microversion and broke it18:14
corvusclarkb, jroll: that makes sense.  in which case, it might be good to put a nova-live-migration-src job on both repos, so we can catch those before release18:14
jrollmakes sense to me18:15
jrollmriedem_burgers: ^^18:15
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a soft dependency between gitea build and run
corvusclarkb, mordred, tobiash, pabelanger, dmsimard: ^18:20
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clarkbcorvus: fwiw I think that is the feature that tripleo was asking for (for completely different reasons)18:23
corvusclarkb: yeah, it's generally useful in situations where you may or may not build a binary artifact18:24
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mordredcorvus: that's super awesome18:25
clarkbin their case they want a soft dependency of their integration jobs on their non integration jobs so that they can optionally not run the not integration jobs aiui18:26
corvusi've rechecked 640903 and 905; if they are green, then i think we're ready for a release18:26
clarkbI don't know why you'd want to run integration jobs if not running unittests but whatever18:26
corvusthat is not something we should encourage or support18:27
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a soft dependency between gitea build and run
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corvusclarkb, pabelanger, tobiash, mordred: ^ revised -- there's a caveat there we'll want to keep in mind.18:30
clarkbya thats the difference with how tripleo wants to use the feature18:31
corvusi wonder if that's another thing we should consider adding to zuul -- an option to a dependency relationship which says, basically, "if job A runs, forget about the files matcher on job B, always run job B"18:31
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corvusor we could look into doing artifact dependencies...18:32
mordredcorvus: yeah - that sounds useful/important18:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: docker: don't daemonize when starting images
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: tests: remove debugging prints
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corvushuzzah!  903 failed and 905 succeeded as expected!18:55
corvus is a fully working cross-repo-dependency speculative container execution18:56
corvusi'm going to take a break, and then start working on a release18:56
mordredcorvus: huzzah indeed! that's super exciting18:57
clarkbcorvus: neat.18:57
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clarkbalso I'm happy that my assertion about the command not existing causes a failure is true :)19:06
clarkbfungi: have a sec to review ? cleans up some puppet-4 stuff19:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: SQL: only create tables in scheduler
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openstackgerritAnkita Bansal proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Adds number of active stories beside repo list in the project_group/id page. A function storyCountActive is written in project_story_list_controller.js and called while fetching the projects list. A HTML tag added in project_search_item.html for the activ
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fungiokay, i'm back from extended friday lunch errands and almost caught up on irc scrollback (though not e-mail yet)19:18
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mriedemjroll: correct the job uses novaclient from pypi / devstack19:20
fungiclarkb: in regard to the exim paniclog and our /etc/aliases, have you yet looked at a newly-launched server that's not in the static inventory yet? i have one handy (the soon relpacement isn't in dns yet but is reachable at
fungiif you peek in the aliases file you'll see we don't actually write it during launch19:21
fungibut i'm still reading scrollback and it looks like you may have looked deeper into things19:22
clarkbfungi: yup should be the fix19:22
clarkbbasically we don't have our global ansible vars availalbe to launch currently so the sysadmins value isn't found19:22
fungiand now i see a fix has been suggested19:22
fungimakes sense based on what i've seen up to this point19:22
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fungiapproved 642096 and i agree in retrospect 641880 is likely entirely a no-op19:24
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fungiokay, all caught up in here19:31
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clarkbwe probably want to watch the next launch to be sure that we don't run base on all the things but the limit should address that19:35
mnaserfungi: do we wanna merge this now?19:36
clarkbmnaser: yes I think we do19:36
clarkbI can approve it now19:36
mnasercool, i think as well might be good19:37
clarkbthen jobs can reparent to base-test and check the results19:37
fungimnaser: clarkb: yes, the sooner the better19:37
fungiall of the topic:bionic-transition changes should be safe to merge except the one i marked wip19:37
clarkbfungi: all are approved now except that wip change19:38
fungithough 641895 could likely be expanded by puppet, ansible and other teams to add similar branch pins to some of their jobs19:38
fungii figure between the openstack-tox abstract job and the legacy-base job gmann is working on we should have most stuff covered (the new-style devstack jobs are already taken care of)19:39
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Test changing the default nodeset to ubuntu-bionic
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Explicitly pin openstack-tox to xenial for <=rocky
clarkb is a neat diagramming tool19:50
clarkbinfra-root ^ will probably aprpeciate that given our use of ascii art19:50
fungithe name makes me think of microsoft bob19:50
corvusmordred, clarkb, fungi: i just thought of a refactor for the buildset registry jobs that will make things simpler; i don't think it requires any changes to zuul, so i'll continue with zuul release prep after lunch, but then i'll work on that refactor.  i don't think it's going to be very complex, just rearranging some role rearranging19:51
fungiclarkb: but yes, that looks like an amazing tool19:51
clarkbI'm going to check my zuul logo ascii art in it19:51
corvusclarkb: that is awesome19:51
corvustobiash: ^ :)19:52
fungigranted some of their examples seem to take advantage of characters outside the 7-bit ascii set19:52
clarkbhrm it doesn't seem to do the inferring with the ascii lines19:52
clarkbso would have to convert to | and _ and so on19:53
fungii find the circuit diagramming example at the end very compelling19:54
corvusit's a lot faster if you clear out all the stuff from the example19:55
fungigranted the use of + and - for line art lends some confusion in that particular context19:55
corvus has a cli tool and written in rust19:57
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml jobs to Bionic
corvusfungi: apparently you're supposed to think "bob ross" not "microsoft bob"19:57
corvusthis might be interesting as a sphinx plugin19:58
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fungiso true20:00
clarkbI can't make anyting for zuul that looks better than what I've already got. But probably could if I spent more than 5 minutes on it20:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add global inventory to launch_node
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Only install puppet 4 if not already installed
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pabelangercorvus: clarkb: are we also considering a nodepool release?20:26
clarkbthere wad a full nodepool restart not long ago to check openstack sdk compatobility20:29
clarkband to support provider affinity20:29
clarkbI think it would be ok to release nodepool too20:29
clarkbIm off to lunch to get out of the house. back after to followup on puppet and python thingd20:30
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove prelude from AWS release note
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mordredcorvus: wow. we really can't manage to get the python-base patch landed can we?20:54
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mordredcorvus, clarkb: is looking like it's trying to actually run against the actual gitea hosts20:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Docker: use the buildset registry if defined"
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/base-jobs master: In docker build jobs, run the registry if not running
corvusmordred: cool, maybe we can continue to use it to test those changes ^ :)20:56
corvusmordred: i'll start digging into your link20:57
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corvusoh, sorry, one more patch to write, then i'll dig in20:57
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clarkbI'll review after lunch21:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Use the opendev docker build jobs
corvusthere it is ^21:00
corvusmordred: wow yeah, there should be no gitea07 in there.21:01
corvusmordred: ah i think i get it.  this runs after the base playbook, which probably re-bootstrapped fake-bridge enough to overwrite the config and use the real inventory21:03
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mordredcorvus: oh! right21:04
corvusmordred: didn't we land a fix to that though which was supposed to be self testing?21:04
mordredmaybe that fix didn't run test gitea?21:04
* mordred looking21:04
mordredcorvus: oh - no - the only thing we landed in this area was related to launch-node21:06
corvusmordred: oh, another hypothesis -- that it's not the base playbook run in run-base.yaml that resets the configuration, but rather, the cron job.  if this worked once and failed once, that might explain the difference -- whether the cron job ran21:06
mordredcorvus: yes. it does in fact make sense21:06
mordredand makes more sense than a patch we landed impacting it21:06
corvusmordred: no i mean -- haven't we seen the test gitea playbook run?21:06
corvusif it has ever worked correctly, then it must be the second hypothesis21:07
mordredcorvus: yeah - sorry - that's what I meant21:07
mordredcorvus: first hypothesis only makes sense if we landed a patch that changed behavior AND that had a files exclusion causing gitea job to not run21:08
mordredbut neither of those things happened - so I'm with 2nd hypothesis21:08
mordredis there a good way to disable cron?21:08
corvushere's a successful run:
corvusmordred: hrm.  normally it's only a minor nuisance; it shows up in output but doesn't affect results.  and it's kind of nice not to have to debug it.21:09
corvuswe're walking the walk on testing production here.21:10
corvuser, i mean it's kind of nice not to have to *disable* it21:10
corvusbut i guess we could21:10
corvusput in a hostvar to set whether or not to enable cron21:11
corvusthat's from the failing run, and cron did run21:12
corvusthe only other idea that springs to mind would be to make a cleaner environment for the test run21:12
corvusmordred: i think you've convinced me that just disabling cron is ok21:12
corvusmordred is a skilled rhetorician21:13
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corvusmordred: should we do that?  you want to patch or shall i?21:14
mordredcorvus: yeah - let's do that ... I think while testing real production is important ...21:15
mordredcorvus: we're testing a thing here which the cron is bonging21:15
mordredcorvus: if you have your eyes on where to put the flag already it would be great if you could - but if you're going to have to dig for it too I can21:16
corvusmordred: i don't, so if you can take it, i'd appreciate it21:16
mordredkk. on it21:16
corvusmordred: just that you'll probably want to put the setting for the gate in system-config/playbooks/zuul/templates/host_vars/
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add flag to disable cron for test jobs
mordredcorvus: maybe that'll fix it21:19
corvusmordred: lgtm21:21
corvusmordred: do you think we need to do similar for the cloud-launcher cron?21:21
mordredcorvus: I don't think so - it shouldn't be polluting the host21:21
corvusk.  couldn't remember if it did any 'pull project-config' or similar things21:22
mordredit might attempt to run some things against some clouds - but it won't have the creds for it to work21:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove prelude from AWS release note
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corvusmordred: would you mind reviewing ?21:26
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mordredcorvus: stack looks great to me21:28
corvusmordred: thanks!21:29
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul-preview master: Port in changes from the c++ version
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corvusfungi, clarkb: are you around to +3  ?21:59
clarkbcorvus: I just pulled up your topic:registry changes22:00
clarkblooks like zuul was unhappy with the third change there22:00
corvusclarkb: yeah, that's actually likely fixed by 64215722:00
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clarkbcool I've approved that one22:01
clarkbnow to review the other stack22:01
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corvusclarkb: so i think we should land 642157 and the first 2 registry changes, then recheck 642152, and my zuul-preview changes, and 63253222:01
clarkbcorvus: whihc zuul-preview changes? I know about the DNM changes22:01
corvusclarkb: those22:01
corvusjust to exercise the new jobs22:02
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clarkbok I think things are headed to the gate now and we just have to wait before we recheck22:03
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clarkbhrm something is uninstalling puppet4 in addition to installing it22:07
clarkbso my don't install puppet 4 all the time fix isn't working right22:07
fungicorvus: looking22:07
clarkbbecause puppet 4 has actually been removed22:07
corvusokay, i think docker wants me to buy a new hard drive22:07
fungiseems clarkb already beat me to it22:07
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fungicorvus: what's the provenance of (is it in a git repo somewhere i can copy history from, or should i just list you as co-author on a patch introducing it)?22:08
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mordredcorvus: running rust builds in a docker container via docker build DEFINITELY wants me to buy a new hard drive22:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Docker: use the buildset registry if defined"
corvusfungi: entirely me in emacs directly in afs, so co-author is the way to go22:10
fungiwill do, thanks!22:10
corvuswho makes the best internal ssd's these days?  it's been a while since i've bought one22:11
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fungigood question. my most recent purchase was a "mushkin pilot" (1tb pcie m.2 ssd)22:16
fungiobtained in october for ~us$24022:17
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fungiapparently their hq is in austin, tx22:18
fungianyway, it's been performing well so far in a gaming rig which is also doing some virtualization. not sure how it would perform under more severe torture22:19
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fungigranted i don't have any real benchmarks to compare either22:19
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix puppet 4 installations
clarkbcmorpheus: mordred fungi ^ you reviewed the last change and that is the next fix. I expect this will actually fix it22:21
fungimy next-most-recent internal ssd purchase was in 2015, a 240gb "MyDigitalSSD" (msata ssd) for ~us$110 and it's still going strong in my primary workstation22:22
mordredclarkb: oh wow22:22
clarkbmordred: its good that we are working through this on a small number of hosts :)22:22
mordredclarkb: \o/22:22
clarkbmordred: I expect we'll be pretty confident in the process as soon as we get through that :)22:22
mordredclarkb: it's almost like we've learned our lesson on things in the past22:23
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clarkbcorvus: samsung is who I've been going with lately22:23
clarkbcorvus: decent prices for what I'm told is good quality. Both on their sata drives and nvme22:23
clarkbnext host upgrade is going nvme for the zoom zooms22:24
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fungii've been doing external usb3-powered ssds on my media server, with kernel mdraid mirroring22:25
mtreinishI think all but one of my machines has samsung ssds at this point, I've never had a failure so far22:26
* mtreinish just doomed himself22:26
corvusmtreinish: i assume you have enough drives to have statistically significant numbers :)22:26
fungifound a manufacturer named "vectotech" making 2tb external usb3 ssds, got a couple in 2018 for ~us$400@22:27
dmsimardthere were huge price drops on SSDs and NVMEs around xmas/black friday22:27
mtreinishfor SSDs it's not nearly as many. Only 12 between all my boxes22:27
dmsimardI have too many drives now but I've been doing stuff like swapping out 5400rpm spindles out of old laptops for relatives :p22:27
clarkbI think intel still has the longest warranty but they cost a lot more22:28
mtreinishcompared to the >50 spinning disks spread throughout my house22:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add flag to disable cron for test jobs
dmsimardcorvus: is a good place to look -- you see price trends at multiple vendors, $/GB, user reviews, etc22:30
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Set up legacy git redirect sites
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: In docker build jobs, run the registry if not running
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Use opendev logos
fungiooh! fancy23:28
corvus if you're curious23:28
fungii am!23:28
fungior at least i was...23:28
funginow i'm not though. thanks!23:28
corvusthe <h2> under there is too big, but we can fix that later23:29
corvusand still need to find where to put the favicon :)23:29
fungidon't ask a web designer23:30
fungiapparently there's all sorts of crazy things they do these days to create iphone-compliant app buttons or tiles or whatever they're called23:30
fungiand if you just stick browser-oriented icons in there, they make funny faces at you23:31
corvusoh yeah, i used an online tool to bundle all that up for zuul's website23:31
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fungiit's nuts, isn't it?23:31
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fungifor my personal sites i just do something like <link rel="shortcut icon" href="_static/logo.svg"/> and give up23:33
fungiand assume some day in the distant future, all devices will support svg23:34
fungiand at least in the interim, firefox seems to be fine with that23:34
clarkbIm trying to rememberif the emails I sent had the png/svg type assets in them23:36
fungii assume so since there's svg in that change23:36
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fungiand apparently also a ping23:36
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corvusclarkb: not that i found, but you sent a pdf, and i turned that into an svg23:37
corvusand then turned the svg into a png23:37
clarkbah we can probably get james to send the real things along if we want23:37
corvusclarkb: yeah.  we can replace them.  i suspect they'll be substantially similar, so we can probably land these and swap them out when we get 'em23:38
corvusthe pdf was vectorized, so there shouldn't have been any data loss.  but if it was an older revision or something, the image could be slightly different.23:38
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Disable ansible cron even more
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add flatten checkbox
corvusclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ one more fix needed for the ansible cron (the run gitea job failed again with the same error, i think that'll get it)23:45
corvusclarkb, fungi: also if one of you could add a +2 to that'd be great; i can continue rechecking it and pushing it through when ready.23:46
corvusi think it works at this point and only ran into the ansible cron issue23:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Use the opendev docker build jobs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a soft dependency between gitea build and run
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: DNM: test broken zuul-preview dockerfile
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: DNM: test fixed zuul-preview dockerfile
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Split python-base into its own Dockerfile
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run python with jemalloc in containers
corvusthat's all the changes rebased and serialized for maximum testing23:49
fungiguess i'll review the new patchest for that one. only got a few lines in23:49
corvusfungi: sorry, was only a rebase23:49
fungiyeah, looks the same. cool23:49
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Split python-base into its own Dockerfile
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run python with jemalloc in containers
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Set up legacy git redirect sites
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clarkbcorvus: fungi have a moment for other ansible things
fungiweird, i could swear i already reviewed half of that one earlier. i must have gotten distracted before i finished23:58
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