Wednesday, 2018-09-05

ianwhahah something totally weird has gone on00:00
ianwroot@bridge:# rs*t*00:01
ianwI just typed "reset" to try and reset the terminal00:01
ianwsomehow half the letters seem to have been captured by some sort of zombie pinentry process00:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Set Ansible forks to 50
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ianwargh, so simple
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ianwok i've followed those 5 simple steps and can now open it just as before.  if this survives across multiple people doing su - etc etc is all still unknown00:15
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: prometheus: add options to start the server and process collector
ianwclarkb: ok, looks like nodepool ~/.config/config & bridge /etc/openstack rolled out ok, paths to pem files all lg00:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add logrotate role and rotate ansible log files
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ianwalright, paged in what 598329 is doing and approved00:39
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tonybI'd like to know the review that has triggered the ci run.  I think I can get that from vars zuul.ref (but that's probably the wrong syntax).  Is it available as a ZUUL_REF envvar?01:18
clarkbtonyb it is if you add a legacy compat role but not generally iirc01:19
tonybclarkb: Okay I don't want to enable legacy mode as that's just debt to pay down later ;P01:19
* tonyb will just play with getting it from the vars01:20
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add some details for various cloud config files
ianw(err): Could not evaluate: Could not find command '/var/lib/puppet/concat/bin/concatfragments.rb'01:31
ianwclarkb: ^ seem familiar?01:31
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fungitonyb: see\.ref for some examples of how to do it01:34
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clarkbianw not familiar sorry01:35
tonybfungi: Thanks.01:37
fungiianw: are we failing to install puppet concat?01:37
fungiianw: oh, noop mode maybe?01:38
fungican't use concat under noop by design, won't fix01:39
ianwfungi: yeah, but it worked in the check run, but not gate run ... trying to see what, if naything changed01:40
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ianwactually, maybe that's a red herring01:43
ianw has no details of what failed01:45
mriedem_afkfungi: can i depends-on 2 changes from the same repo as long as they don't merge conflict?01:47
clarkbmriedem_afk: yes01:48
mriedem_afkwell hot diggity dog01:48
ianwhrm ... "xargs -0 -P 8 -n 1 -I filearg ./tools/ filearg"01:49
ianw2018-09-04 22:58:44.782100 | centos-7 | TASK [puppet : copy puppet modules] ********************************************01:49
ianw2018-09-04 22:58:44.782374 | centos-7 | fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}01:50
ianwit looks like it couldn't log into itself copy the files.  with nothing helpful01:50
fungimriedem_afk: s/two/as many as you like/ (but beware of introducing dependency loops!)01:51
fungiit's all too easily lose track of complex change dependencies and end up with some combination which has a closed loop01:52
fungis/easily/easy to/01:52
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ianw... can only assume it's a transient error and possibly relating to running the tests in parallel01:56
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openstackgerritKaifeng Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add api-ref job to ironic-inspector
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Make oscc_file_contents optional
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Manage clouds.yaml files in ansible
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ianwok, logrotate files deployed on bridge, i think it will rotate tomorrow04:15
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add testinfra tests for bridge
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add project templates for openstack-tox-cover
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch unmodified readthedocs jobs to warning job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add project templates for openstack-tox-cover
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AJaegerianw: want to write an email now since 599270  is merged?05:03
ianwAJaeger: will do05:04
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AJaegerianw: could you review to finish cloudkitty python3-first migration, please?05:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: uncap sphinx
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add list of metrics provided to statsd
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove job settings for cloudkitty repositories
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix variable names in nodepool cloud config
ianwcorvus / clarkb : ^ check my work here ,but i think this is quite important.  i think we're saved from an invalid config by ansible not touching what's there05:57
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ianwwe can also rename the variables; but given variables and namespacing issues i think having more descriptive names is probably erring on the side of better06:00
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Update static nodes in Zookeeper on config change
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a role to upload logs to Amazon's S3 service
tonybmordred, pabelanger: Do we have a timeline for the T release name poll?06:36
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: prometheus: add options to start the server and process collector
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: prometheus: add existing metrics
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: prometheus: add decorators to measure scheduler latency
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMarkus Hosch proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add metric for image build result
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add testinfra tests for bridge
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gemaianw: we sent you some credentials for UK cloud07:11
gemaianw: I hope you got them :D07:11
ianwgema: yes, thanks, haven't actioned it yet but will do07:17
ianwgema: should this replace the cn cloud?07:17
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add ansible runtime script
gemaianw: no, it is on top of07:23
gemaianw: I am hoping we can get over the network hurdles whilst the other one is being investigated07:23
gemaand once it is fixed we'll be able to use it too07:23
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ianwok cool07:24
gemaianw: thanks, there's no rush, just making sure you had got it :D07:25
gemaianw: it runs rocky07:25
gemaianw: at some point we'll upgrade CN too07:25
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ttxAJaeger: re: odsreg I commented on -- TL;DR being we should probably keep it a bit longer.07:37
openstackgerritMarkus Hosch proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add metric for image build result
ttxalso replied to thread07:40
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kei-ichiHi Infra team.07:47
kei-ichiI have one question about release management about qinling-dashboard.07:47
kei-ichiThis repository does not have stable/rocky branch yet.07:47
kei-ichiI'd like to create this branch.07:47
kei-ichiCurrently qinling-dashboard repo only have qinling-dashboard-core group. (does not have qinling-dashboard-release group)07:47
kei-ichiAccording to it says "For unofficial projects, a second “<projectname>-release” team should be created and populated with a small group of the primary maintainers with permission to push tags to trigger releases."07:47
kei-ichiIs qinling-dashboard is handled as unofficial? So I'd better to create -release group to add stable/rocky branch?07:47
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AJaegerkei-ichi: reach out to release team, they can do this for you - via the releases repo.08:01
AJaegerkei-ichi: #openstack-release is the irc channel08:02
kei-ichiAjaeger thanks! I'll contact them through that channel. o/08:02
AJaegerttx, so retiring puppet-odsreg is fine but we should wait with odsreg, correct?08:03
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ttxAJaeger: yes08:06
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ianwclarkb / corvus : see notes in about ansible runtimes ... not sure what's causing it08:13
ianwi suspect the forks=50 ... but it doesn't quite match up.  so at a loss for now08:13
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add tenant-scoped, JWT-protected actions
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Update the IRC room for TripleO
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire puppet-odsreg (step 2)
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire puppet-odsreg (step 4)
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Do not abort node launch if failed node cannot be deleted
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pabelangertonyb: mordred: I haven't heard anything officially, guess we should start looking into it11:57
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tmorinping infra-root: I've got an issue with zuul not triggering any job for the new PS's on and no error message either12:32
tmorininfra-root: any idea ?12:32
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fricklertmorin: that smells like a cyclic dependency12:34
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fricklertmorin: yes, => Ibd5389d333e46e3f30dd29022932d78c89c85410 = =>
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tmorinfrickler: ok12:37
tmorinfrickler: but this was working yesterday ...12:37
tmorinfrickler: also, is it expected/normal that no error message is provided ?12:38
tmorinfrickler: I mean, it somehow cyclic, and would prevent merging, but nothing that would prevent from launching tests, right ?12:39
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fricklertmorin: zuul cannot build a mergeset for a cyclic dependency, so it cannot run tests, iiuc. the error currently is only logged in the zuul log, not sure about plans to publish it12:41
tmorinfrickler: ok12:42
tmorinfrickler: it seems like perhaps zuul could solve at least some cycles: in this particular case drawing change 598677 for n8g-bagpipe along with 599321 for neutron satisfies both Depends-On12:43
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fricklertmorin: I'm no zuul expert, not sure what could be done there or not. I just can tell you that currently any dependency cycle means that zuul gives up on the patch immediately and (from a user pov) silently12:45
tmorinfrickler: yes, ok, understood -- thanks very much for your help!12:46
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Add a "start" redirect
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Do not abort node launch if failed node cannot be deleted
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AJaegerclarkb, fungi, ttx is not ready with removing odsreg - but we can continue with puppet-odsreg. Could you review and again, please?14:32
AJaegerconfig-core, next teams are ready with python3-first and we can now merge and - please review14:35
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Improve static provider to check non-ssh hosts
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix missing node state refresh in static driver
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix use of wrong label static test fixture
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Worker and interfaces for checking node liveness
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement liveness probe for static driver
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Cleanup of leaked resource for static driver
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openstackgerritMarkus Hosch proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Reload tenant in case of new project branches
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openstackgerritMarkus Hosch proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Reload tenant in case of new project branches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add private key storage migration
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clarkbtmorin: frickler there is an outstanding bug in zuul to report the cycle information back when not running jobs, just hasn't been done yet. Also I'm not sure zuul can safely break cycles for humans as it can't interpret intent from the parent specifications14:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Change project.private_key to private_secrets_key
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Create per-project ssh keys
fricklerclarkb: do you have a reference to that bug? I wasn't able to locate it in storyboard15:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Provide per-project ssh key to executor
clarkbfrickler: tmorin!/story/200142815:04
tmorinclarkb, frickler: ack15:05
* Shrews just notices sahara-related items in the zuulv3 storyboard worklist15:06
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tmorinclarkb: the particular case here was that change A in project X had a dependency on change B in project Y, and vice-versa, and it seems that in such a case, although you can see that as a cycle, these are compatible Depends-On15:06
clarkbShrews: that is based on tags, guessing they used a tag that overlaps with zuuls15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Serve project SSH keys and document
clarkbtmorin: but how would zuul know which one is the parent?15:07
tmorinI'd think that no guessing is required to conclude that running the jobs with X:A and Y:B is the intent15:07
clarkbtmorin: it could guess, but that likely isn't a good hueristic15:07
clarkbtmorin: oh, I see, that is incompatbile with how we use zuul. Zuul forces linear history15:07
clarkbso you cannot aggregate like that15:08
tmorinclarkb: yes, this is perhaps/probably what I don't grasp: zuul needs some parent, including across repos ?15:08
fungiin a shared change queue zuul linearizes a series of changes across projects and branches15:08
clarkbtmorin: basically two changes cannot merge at the same time because of how git works and our desire to support continuous deployment of downstreams15:08
clarkbtmorin: so we serialize merges meaning every commit merges on its own in some order15:09
tmorinclarkb, fungi: as I was saying earlier, I 100% get why such a Depends-On loop would prevent merging, but not why it would prevent the preparation of an environment with both of the changes15:09
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fungibecause of some of the changes are for the same project and branch...15:10
fungier, if some15:10
clarkbwell and we test what we can merge15:10
clarkbif something cannot merge it is an error15:10
fungibasically you're asking to optimize for scenarios where all changes involved are for independent projects/branches15:10
tmorinfungi: yes, that was my question15:11
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tmorinfungi: but honestly its more out of curiosity, I currently couldn't describe a case where I need that15:11
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fungiand also zuul would need some deterministic rule to arbitrarily order those because even in independent pipelines like openstack's check pipeline, zuul creates a throwaway change queue to build up the series of dependencies15:12
tmorinfungi: in the case where I created a cycle, I finally did it differently (the intent was merely to test the effect of a change on another project, and vice-versa, and remove one of the Depends-On later)15:12
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clarkbchecking scrollback I don't see any spam yet (have I just jinxed it?) what do we think about removing +rf from openstack channels globally?15:19
clarkbinfra-root ^15:19
pabelangersure, happy to try15:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Display correct cursor when hovering over patchset header
Shrewsclarkb: i don't see any recent news about it in #freenode topic or the blog (beyond the Aug 6th posting)15:21
corvustmorin, fungi: at some point in the future i expect zuul to support co-dependent changes, however, i doubt we would enable that feature in openstack because we feel that having a strict sequential series of changes across projects is important for upgrading openstack in a CD environment.15:21
clarkbShrews: ya I removed +rf from this channel to see if we got spam here and its been about 18 hours with no spam that I see15:22
fungiclarkb: i haven't seen any irc spam in here yet either, though it may also be that it takes the spammers a while to discover spammable channels15:22
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Shrewsyeah, i'm not sure if they are attacking in waves or a steady stream15:23
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Shrewsmaybe give it another day15:25
tmorincorvus, clarkb, fungi: thanks for the details insight on zuul... I wasn't asking that much when naively asking my question :)15:26
anteayathe spammers might also be looking for critical mass15:32
anteayaone channel might not be worth their trouble15:32
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clarkbya we can always revert if we need to, its just been long enough I figured we'd check if still a problem and so far in this channel at least it has beenfine15:34
anteayathat is good15:35
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Add channel feedback on 'book' command
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add container spec
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AJaegerinfra-root, ianw has some changes up for variable naming policy on zuul-jobs. Anybody else wants to review, please?15:53
AJaegerinfra-root, change is
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AJaegerconfig-core, next teams are ready with python3-first and we can now merge and - please review16:06
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clarkbcatching up on the clouds.yaml stuff I see an all-clouds.yaml on bridge.o.o now16:20
clarkbAJaeger: I'll review those momentarily16:21
clarkbjust double checking the ansible changes from last night16:21
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cmurphyclarkb: should I still be pushing the puppet-4 things or are we going full throttle on rewriting in ansible?16:26
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-build-sshkey: Remove only the master key
cmurphyit's a lot of work to keep rebasing groups.yaml changes16:26
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clarkbcmurphy: we've been full steam on on getting ansibled so that we can boot new instances and hte like. We haven't done much ansible to replace config for other services16:29
clarkbcmurphy: I expect we'll continue with the puppet work in parallel once is configured properly (and I think it is very close at this point)16:30
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clarkbcmurphy: monty will return at the PTG, we can sync up there if you want to hold off on rebasing to avoid conflicts?16:31
cmurphyclarkb: sure16:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove job settings for adjutant repositories
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove job settings for Release Management repositories
clarkbfungi: reading the gpg doc, we are setting a passphrase on the signing key? we must pass that passphrase to the job along with the key itself?16:34
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fungiclarkb: we strip the passphrase from the signing key in the temporary keychain and then export it from there16:35
clarkbhaven't gotten that far yet16:36
fungiit's basically 1. generate new master key encrypted in persistent keychain, 2. create signing subkey for that master key, 3. export only the subkey and import into a temporary keychain, 4. unset the passphrase on the signing key in th etemporary keychain, 5. export the signing subkey from the temporary keychain, 6. encrypt the ascii-armored plaintext subkey blob for use by zuul as a secret16:37
fungi7. securely delete the temporary keychain and associated temporary files16:38
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fungithis ensures no keys/subkeys are ever stored unencrypted in the persistent keychain, and the only keys stored temporarily in plaintext are the signing subkeys16:39
clarkband the biggest change in the process had to do with setting the empty passphrase on the temp key for the secret16:40
clarkbotherwise it appears to largely be order of operations in the process of creating keys and key size16:40
fungiyeah, courtesy of the separated pinentry implementation in gpg216:40
AJaegerthanks, clarkb16:40
clarkbfungi: we are ready to approve the secret update too right? main rocky release is behind us16:40
fungithis is basically a transition from gnupg 1.x to 2.x16:41
AJaegerclarkb, one more review request, please: ttx is not ready with removing odsreg - but we can continue with puppet-odsreg. Could you review and again, please?16:41
fungiclarkb: yes, i got the go-ahead from the release team last friday16:41
clarkbya locally it spawns a xfce/gnome askpass for me I think16:41
fungiwas hoping it would have been merged before the weekend, but i only really need to update the date on the releases change16:41
fungiso if it merges today, i'll update the effective date to today16:42
clarkbAJaeger: is there an ozj change to remove puppet-odsreg like the fix we had to make yesterday for puppet-vinz and others?16:42
clarkbgit grep says it isn't in ozj16:43
AJaegerclarkb: already merged ;)16:43
AJaegerclarkb: change Ia98095ac039c0e28b7eaf448a6a484530999741316:44
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AJaegerthere are two more retirement changes in the queue - and - any config-core to review those?16:45
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AJaegerAnd please review - for python3616:46
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AJaegerthanks, clarkb16:49
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AJaegerconfig-core, these are also ready for merge :
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Replace the old Rocky cycle signing key with Stein
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire puppet-odsreg (step 2)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Update artifact signing key generation process
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg master: Retire puppet-odsreg
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire openstack-chef-repo (step 2)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Retiring project Anchor
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clarkbpabelanger: can we make the change to use-cached-repos quieter? compared to with the old code16:59
dhellmannclarkb , AJaeger : it seems from the ML discussion that you don't want to move the zuul settings for infra repos. Is that right?16:59
clarkbI don't think it needs to be as quiet as the old code, but we have many jobs that clone many repos and that is really verbose for that logging wise16:59
clarkbdhellmann: at least not right now. I think we'll do it where we find benefit but for the most part the same people revieiwng hte central config also review the infra repos so its very similar overhead to us17:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add openstack-tox-functional-py36 job
dhellmannclarkb : yep, it makes sense, I just wanted to confirm before I drop infra from the tracking list17:00
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clarkbwe also have a lot of non python jobs so tying it to python3 is also less important for us17:01
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clarkbAJaeger: depends on is not merged yet, but I +2'd17:05
AJaegerclarkb: ok, thanks17:06
AJaegerinfra-root, zuul-jobs is broken - I'm fixing right now...17:06
clarkbfungi: is safe to change like this without human intervention right? it is only when the group name changes from one group to another that we need to update the db?17:07
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add missing README.rst for roles
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corvusAJaeger: we can't remove roles/ -- it's needed for stestr17:11
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fungiclarkb: yep, it'll add the kayobe group if it doesn't already exist and add those two projects as members of it17:11
fungirenaming project groups (and projects) currently requires manual intervention17:12
AJaegercorvus: argh ;( Then building fails with current zuul-sphinx ;(17:12
fungiclarkb: removing projects from groups may also require manual intervention, i've never tested that17:12
corvusAJaeger: 1 sec17:12
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Turn of missing docs warnings temporarily
corvusAJaeger: ^ i think that's a temp fix until we fix zuul-sphinx to be smarter17:14
AJaegercorvus: thanks - I'll update my change then so that we have the READMEs in at least...17:15
corvusAJaeger: ++17:15
AJaegerianw: see above for a fallout from the zuul-sphinx change to check for README.rst ^17:15
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add missing README.rst for roles
AJaegercorvus, updated ^17:16
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AJaegerconfig-core, one more change for review - removes a dead irc channel17:17
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add missing README.rst for roles
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to tempest-multinode-full job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove job settings for metalsmith
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Match older neutron dashboards to HEAD one, bump versions
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Ignore non-directory entries in roles/
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corvusAJaeger, ianw: ^ i think that will fix it17:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Turn of missing docs warnings temporarily"
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire puppet-odsreg (step 4)
AJaegercorvus, LGTM, thanks17:21
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update params on get promocodes (CVS)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update params on get promocodes (CVS)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add a group for kayobe projects
corvusclarkb: did you see ?   i know you checked on the current clouds.yaml status.... what's the situation?17:44
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clarkboh I had only looked at bridge which does use a different set of values17:45
clarkbbridge looked fine17:45
clarkbhow did that work in puppet? I copied the values over directly17:46
clarkbmanifests/site.pp:  $ovh_password                  = hiera('nodepool_ovh_password') there was a translation layer in puppet17:47
corvusya :)17:47
clarkbcorvus: ianw's change lgtm17:47
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corvusyeah, i think that's the best approach17:48
corvusclarkb: is nice too17:48
eernstmnaser: ping?17:48
eernstHey, heard graham was reaching out.  Any chance you know a good POC for who is managing elasticdb/kibana @ OSF?17:49
fungieernst: the community infra team here is managing an elasticsearch/kibana system. the osf doesn't really run anything like that17:51
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fungieernst: though if this is in regard to your recent efforts on getting your third-party ci job logs published somewhere, you don't need anything so complex as elasticsearch/logstash for that17:52
clarkbcorvus: 597728 should be ready too but waiting on new ci results now17:56
fungieernst: oh, wait, you're working on kata right? i was thinking of starlingx third-party ci efforts. anyway if you want to know more about how we deploy and run our elk stack for there's an overview at
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eernstokay, will take a look.  Yes, I'm on Kata Containers, and we're looking for a place to host different metrics/CI information over time.18:00
eernstWill look at the link for Elk Stack.......18:00
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fungieernst: just to be clear, the osf doesn't really run any infrastructure at all except some informational/marketing sites, foundation membership management and event schedule apps... the community infrastructure is run and managed by the community members who hang out in this channel18:02
fungi(some of us are osf staff, but the vast majority are not)18:03
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* mordred waves hello to people from an airplane18:04
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* fungi waves hello to mordred's airplane18:04
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persiamordred: Remember that every hour you spend with network access in an airplane is an hour you don't get to bask in disconnected separation.18:05
fungimordred: are you heading straight to denver or do you get a day at home first?18:05
mordredpersia: yes indeed! however, after a week and a half of disconnected bliss having something to do on this flight is winning out :)18:07
mordredfungi: I get a day at home!18:07
persiaHeh :)18:07
mordredpersia: in the world of long and short flights - ICN-ATL isn't on the shorter end of the spectrum18:08
clarkbatlanta is not dallas18:08
clarkbif you were wondering18:09
persiaWhen one starts from ICN, it may as well be :)18:09
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clarkbmordred: we've done all sorts of exciting new things with you'll be excited to find18:09
mordredyup to both18:09
corvusthe bbq is completely different18:09
* persia remembers boarding a NRT->JFK flight that terminated in ATL: it wasn't obvious to most fokl on the plane until the last hour or so before landing.18:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add ansible runtime script
mordredclarkb: neat! iI was just looking at a clouds.yaml related patch18:10
clarkbmordred: we spun up a new region in vexxhost and in the process discovered that clouds.yaml and cloud launcher needed doing on bridge.o.o18:10
clarkbianw and corvus added testing too18:10
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corvusyeah, we got the whole testinfra thing going18:11
mordredwoot! that's super exciti18:12
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clarkbmordred: we also discovered that the whole python3 vs python2 thing is maybe complicated18:12
clarkbcurrently dealing with that by installing python2 on xenial nodes18:13
corvusyeah, that's a thing where it'll be worth looping back on, cause i don't think things are working like we expected them to18:13
mordredoh good18:13
mordredI think it would be neat to not need to install python2 - but having things work is probably neater18:14
clarkbmordred: what we ran into is that you cannot collect facts to switch ansible_python_interpreter without a working findable python already18:14
clarkband ansible won't try python3 if python/python2 does not exist18:15
clarkbapparently the next release may do this though18:15
mordredhuh. how did I get bridge bootstrapped I wonder18:15
clarkbmordred: you just set that in host_vars for bridge18:15
mordredah. yeah18:16
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clarkbwhich we could do for all our nodes by setting all.yaml to python3 and then trusty and centos7 to python218:16
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clarkbbut then we wouldn't be able to use mitogen on xenial. (though I don't think we'll be doing that in the immediate future anyway)18:16
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corvusbasically, without ansible supporting a fallback, we just have to pick a default and manually set it for each exceptional host, right?18:18
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clarkbcorvus: yup18:18
clarkbapparently we might be able to hack something with the raw module too but that seems fragile18:19
fungimordred: oh, also, the mitogen docs have an "importer wall of shame" where they totally dump on pbr. some confusing feedback but i think it's about the git fallback for missing metadata18:20
mordredheh. I'm SURE I'll enjoy that18:20
fungithey override version detection for pbr via the usual envvars to work around it18:20
pabelangerclarkb: not sure, I think that is zuul_console doing the extra verbose.  Will see what no_log looks like, or atleast a flag for it18:21
clarkbfungi: my understanding of it is that mitogen runs code on the remote by shipping all the content over in memory so nothing is on disk on the remote. The problem with pbr is it tries to read the version info off of disk directly18:21
clarkbmordred: ^18:21
mordredthey should only have issues if they're installing pbr-based projects from github generated tarballs18:21
fungimordred: apparently they also are unfond of any python module which attempts to import pkg_resources for similar reasons18:21
clarkbmordred: fungi the issue is not with git but with the pkg_resources bypass to read the package metdata file direclty off of disk18:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix variable names in nodepool cloud config
mordredclarkb: yah. makes sense18:21
fungiahh, yep18:22
clarkbbut then pkg_resources is also a problem for similar reasons. My read of the complaint was if pbr used pkg_resources then they could monkey patch a single fix instead of having one specific to pbr18:22
mordredanybody remember wy we avoid pkg_resources ?18:22
clarkbI do not18:23
clarkbmy guess is it is related to the major performance hit for doing so18:23
corvusso.... we are to feel "ashamed" because their *monkey patch* doesn't work?18:23
clarkbcorvus: oui18:23
corvusi'm... going to go back to not saying anything about this.18:23
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mordredyeah. I'm not going to spend much mental energy on solving that 'shame'18:23
clarkb is +1 from zuul now, reviews much appreciated (adds cloud launcher to bridge.o.o)18:24
clarkbhrm I guess I should add a testinfra test for the cron18:24
clarkbI'll work on that if people want to review what I do already have18:24
corvusclarkb: sounds good18:24
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unused noop-jobs from stx
AJaegerdtroyer: ^18:25
corvusclarkb: i left a comment on that change18:27
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clarkbcorvus: hrm ya, maybe it is better to use fully qualified paths in the cron entries as much as possible18:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add some details for various cloud config files
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run cloud launcher on bridge.o.o
clarkbthat is just a rebase to make reviewing easier (I need to rebase to get testinfra reorg changes)18:30
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Updated endpoints POST/PUT track by summit
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corvusclarkb: i wonder what the path is needed for anyway?18:34
corvusflock and bash i guess?18:34
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clarkbcorvus: ya, I'll add paths to them18:35
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mordredclarkb: the bash script might need path set to find the ansible-playbook command18:40
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run cloud launcher on bridge.o.o
clarkbthe ansible-cron path definition should be global I think18:42
clarkbbut ansible cron doesn't build in per entry path env vars like puppet does18:42
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run cloud launcher on bridge.o.o
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Updated endpoints POST/PUT track by summit
clarkbthat should be all PATH'd now and hav ea test. Assuming I got the stdout return type correct I expect that to work18:43
mordredclarkb: wow. that test infra test makes immediate sense to me18:48
clarkbmordred: ya the only weirdness we've run into is bytes vs strings because we python3 bridge.o.o18:49
clarkboh and I think we found the parallel execution wasn't working as expected18:50
clarkbbut that is fairly common18:50
corvusclarkb: parallel is incompatible with iptables18:51
clarkbcorvus: I should update the update_cron_interval var to run_cloud_launcher_interval maybe?18:51
clarkbto be in line with role prefixed values?18:51
* clarkb does this because it will irritate him otherwise18:51
corvusclarkb: or maybe start with "cloud_launcher" but yeah18:51
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run cloud launcher on bridge.o.o
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unused noop-jobs from stx
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clarkbzuul is very busy today19:11
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pabelangerclarkb: we are getting a high number of errors launching nodes in nodepool: so down in some capacity19:22
pabelangerlimestone is erroring again19:23
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pabelangerand packethost seems to still have quota issue19:23
clarkbpabelanger: I think we are still using the vast majority of our available quota though19:23
pabelangeryah, limestone is 50% and packethost seems to be 33%19:24
mgagneand inap-mtl01 still disabled =)19:25
pabelangeroh, right19:25
mgagnewe are also taking the opportunity to upgrade some compute nodes19:25
mgagnemore update19:25
clarkbno rush, the system is built to handle these sorts of things, just slows down overall throughput slightly19:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Ignore non-directory entries in roles/
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AJaegercorvus: want to make a new release of zuul-sphinx - or wait for ?19:30
clarkboh does that neeed a new release?19:30
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clarkbI mentioned in #zuul that we should be able to move forward on
AJaegerclarkb: we need as well19:31
AJaegerclarkb: we didn't merge at all19:31
clarkbah it never even merged the whole stack, well in any case the zuul-sphinx change is merged19:31
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AJaegerclarkb: I think we install zuul-sphinx from pypi19:32
clarkbyes I think that is correct. maybe we should just drop the undo and revert and make a zuul-sphinx release then merge the readme fixes?19:32
AJaegerSo, we could abandon 600132 and 600137 - and rebase 600128. But first need a release19:32
AJaegerOr merge 600132, then 600128, then 600137 - and don't need a release19:33
clarkbwe need a release before 600137 right?19:33
clarkbthe thing is what we need a fix for19:33
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clarkbin addition to adding the readme files19:33
AJaegeryes, a release before 600137 either way19:34
AJaegerI would prefer release, abandon 132 and 137 - and merge 12819:34
clarkbcorvus is going to make a release I think (based on #zuul)19:35
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add missing README.rst for roles
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AJaegerclarkb: thanks - I joined #zuul now19:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Add a route to redirect from a Task ID to the relevant Story
* clarkb finds lunch19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Support Task ID in the "Jump to..." box
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Fix the background colour of comments
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mordredyou know it's a long day when you're flying over alberta on your way to atlanta and it feels like you're "almost" back to dallas19:59
clarkbsame continent at least20:00
corvusmordred: wow. yeah, thinking about that is making me twitch20:00
mordredSGN-ICN-ATL-DFW is ... well, it's not a quick trip20:00
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corvusmordred, clarkb: the zuul per-project key stuff has landed... when should we restart zuul?20:00
corvusi'd say "now" but it seems busy...20:00
mordredcorvus: how about "now" for some value of "now" that's maybe later when it's less busy20:01
corvusohh... you mean $now20:01
mordredand now I'm over Saskatchewan20:02
mordredeven closer20:02
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clarkbcorvus: does system-config-run-base run the tests?20:09
corvusshould yes20:09
clarkblooks like it does but double checking20:09
corvusclarkb: way it works now is that all the 'run' jobs run all the testinfra tests, but each testinfra file selects which hosts it runs on20:10
clarkband it will noop if that host isn't present in the inventory right?20:10
corvusso you can just match hostnames at the top of each file to say 'these tests apply to this host'20:10
mordredcorvus, clarkb: we seem dangerously close with the zuul restart to being in a position to run ansible from zuul instead of cron aren't we?20:11
clarkbmordred: yes20:12
mordredtat's so exciting20:12
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corvusmordred: yeah, we might want to lift the add_host restriction too.  then we should be able to do it all in an untrusted project20:13
corvusi don't think there's a patch for that yet20:13
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AJaegerconfig-core, removes a couple of noop-jobs templates for stx - the repos are set up with in-repo .zuul.yaml files now. Could you review, please?20:29
clarkbtestinfra file contents are bytes but process stdout is string
clarkbthe more you know20:32
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Run cloud launcher on bridge.o.o
clarkbI hvae high hopes for ^ now20:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove restriction on add_host
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unused noop-jobs from stx
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openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Change neutron grafana dashboard to 2-column format
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop requiring users be registered on openstack channels
clarkbinfra-root ^ I think we should move ahead with that tomorrow if we continue to not get hit by spam20:53
ianwcorvus: oops, thanks ... i did some co-install testing but probably should have done that with zuul-jobs too20:53
corvusianw: np, no reason you should expect to have a in that dir :)20:53
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openstackgerritGuillaume Roy-Babin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Disable inap-mtl01 provider"
corvusmaybe we should direct-enqueue that?21:08
clarkbcorvus: ++21:08
clarkbmgagne: I've approved ^ we are good to go on it now right?21:08
clarkbI can enqueue it21:08
mgagneyep, +1 the changed21:09
corvusclarkb: i've got the cmd line standing by :)21:09
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mgagneGuillaume is a coworker at INAP21:09
clarkbcorvus: thanks21:09
ianwcorvus/clarkb: did you see the run results on  599943 ?  i can't quite determine what happened21:11
corvusianw: i saw your comment but hadn't looked into it.  think we should?21:12
corvusof course you do that's a dumb question21:12
corvusi think i really meant to ask if you wanted me to help dig into it :)21:12
clarkbianw: I had read it and think it was too early in the morning to parse what the data was trying to tell me21:13
ianwheh, well i got to the point of extracting the two runs21:13
clarkbfirst column is total time, second is end time, then lsat is commit it ran with right?21:14
ianw &
ianwclarkb: it *should* be what the HEAD of system-config was at the time it started; i hope.  that seems to be a harder thing in git to determine than you'd hope21:14
corvusianw: i wonder about the forks thing though -- you said that the first long run missed that change by a few mins, but that's determined by git commit timestamps -- that may not be accurate21:14
corvusyeah, it's not really possible.  you can determine it with the help of gerrit.21:15
corvusbut maybe we should have emit the commit sha21:15
corvusthen we'll be sure21:15
clarkbcorvus: ++21:15
corvus(the pathological case, btw, is a fast-forward commit that sits in review for a long time.  there's no way to determine in git when that merged)21:16
corvusonly merge commits come close21:16
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ianwone thing in -- if you search for "Delete old users" it doesn't appear in the little summary section21:16
corvusthat makes me wonder if the forks change failed21:16
ianwi wonder if that's an ansible bug21:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Disable inap-mtl01 provider"
ianwcoruvs: my thinking was if the timestamp on that was 00:01 then it couldn't have merged *before* the 00:00 run?21:17
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix ansible forks env variable
corvusianw, clarkb: almost like, i dunno, the setting didn't take effect at all? ^21:17
corvusZuul: Change has been successfully merged by Zuul (2018-09-05 00:01:51+0000)21:18
clarkboh right21:18
clarkbwon't be exposed to the child processes without that, good to know that there is a performance impact (even if in the wrong direction)21:19
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corvusyeah 5 -> 20 forks ~= 65 -> 45 mins21:19
ianwhrm, if that applied to the 2018-09-05 00:00:01 run i'm not sure how21:20
corvusyeah, i'm still puzzling that one out21:21
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corvuspabelanger: what does all this mean?
corvuslarge sections of the ansible logs are just timestamps with no context21:27
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Up profiled tasks limit
pabelangercorvus: I think that is the timestamps each host in the play ran the task but agree, it doesn't really express that well for some reason21:30
clarkbcorvus: aiui that is each task completing on different nodes. first column is time now, then data in parens is how long task took and last column is time since playbook start iirc21:30
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corvusianw: the update of system-config happened at 00:00:17; so i also don't have an explanation for how it would have been used in that run.  yet it seems the most likely explanation.21:30
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ianwcorvus/clarkb: ^^ so that explains i think why the profile sections aren't matching up.  personally i think i'd sort the output then cull to N, but it appears to trim to a rand() selection21:31
corvus:( makes the log super hard to read21:31
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corvusianw: it's not sorted?21:31
corvusianw: oh, you're saying it's culled, then sorted?21:32
pabelangerI have to step away for family time, but if we want to revert the callback plugins because confusing I am okay with that21:32
corvuspabelanger: i really like the summaries21:32
clarkbcorvus: the summaries are nice and come from the other plugin so I think we can just disable the one plugin21:33
ianwcorvus: i don't know how they do it, but it appears they don't sort, then cull.  in if you search for "Add users ---" ... "Delete old users" task doesn't appear in that list, and it's 20 entries long (the default)21:33
corvusoh i thought they were both one21:33
* clarkb sorts out which is which21:33
ianwit's "profile_tasks" and "timer"21:34
clarkbcorvus: I think profile_tasks is the one to remove, timer does the summaries21:34
ianwoh, that's what's doing the little summary sections, which i think are quite useful21:35
ianwhrm, maybe you can't have the summary without all the header stuff too21:35
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corvus"Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 14 seconds"  <-- is that timer?21:37
fungiokay, done eating, catching up again21:37
corvusand everything else is profile_tasks?21:37
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clarkboh that may be, that is unfortunate21:38
corvusif so, the timestamp spam is (for the moment at least) worth suffering through to get the profile info.21:38
corvus"Mashup of 2 excellent original works:,"21:38
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new endpoint get track tag group allowed tags per Summit
corvusmay i please have the non-mashed-up version? kthx21:38
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ianwi think a pull request for a flag "summary_only" is probably on the cards21:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new endpoint get track tag group allowed tags per Summit
corvus"Patches usually take 3 to 7 days to be reviewed" ... apparently enabling cloud resources is the exception to that; those patches may merge in less than 10 minutes.  :)21:42
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clarkb it works! and is tested now.21:44
clarkbianw: corvus any reason to not approve the forks fix?21:45
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ianwnope; can monitor runs and see what happens21:47
ianwif nothing else we've got a few more ideas for helping us keep track of it longer term21:48
clarkbok approved21:48
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corvusoh, run-nodepool didn't land yet.  i just approved.21:53
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corvusthis happened on ovh-bhs1:
corvus2018-09-05 21:43:26.376876 | secondary |   "msg": "No viable v4 or v6 route found to The build node is assumed to be invalid."21:55
clarkbcorvus: that is our long standing fedora issue I think21:56
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corvusclarkb: can you, uh, remind me of that?21:56
corvusit was on fedora yes21:56
clarkbcorvus: well we don't know much, pabelange rthought it was related to when we were restarting unbound to pick up the resolver config changes there so we changed our handler execution order for unbound21:57
clarkbI think pabelanger thought that had improved the problem but ^ implies otherwise21:57
clarkblet me see if I can find that change21:57
corvushrm.  we don't seem to actually record what the error is21:59
clarkbcorvus: I think ianw has a change to do that proposed21:59
clarkbwhich was where the split of inventory copying and host info came out of so we could test that more eaisly22:00
clarkbcorvus: is pabelangers change22:00
clarkbbase-test should test ^ now22:02
clarkbI think if we recheck we'll be able to test that it doesn't break anything?22:02
corvusclarkb: i think the depends-on caused it to already be tested?22:02
clarkbcorvus: it may not have because old validate-host was post merge updates only due to the inventory copy, looking at timestamps I'm not sure the tests that ran there ran in the newer case where validate-host can run regularly?22:04
clarkbhrm though its in zuul-jobs so it must have22:04
clarkbthis gets complicated with the relationship between the role and the job, but I think you are right it must've run properly there22:04
corvusclarkb: regardless of where we normally call validate host, the depends-on should have caused that test to run in the openstack-infra-base-integration-* jobs which ran on the change22:05
clarkbwe also have gate testing which will run it all through again22:06
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clarkbI've approved it22:06
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clarkb600255 failed a centos puppet check :/22:11
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corvuswhen did devstack branch rocky?22:12
ianwclarkb: i saw that yesterday ... was it 26/27 ?22:12
eernst(sorry I had stepped away for a while -- fungi thanks for the clarification.  words matter, and I understand OSF wasn't the right word to use there - thanks for your help and patience :))22:14
clarkbianw: failures copying puppet modules?22:14
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ianwclarkb: yeah, so i think that starts at where xargs runs the tests in parallel22:15
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ianwi suspect that it's a bit racy, or we've got a bit of a thundering heard that sometimes hits a failure22:17
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clarkboh ya you can see multiple hosts do it at the same time based on timestamps. "hosts"22:18
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clarkbI guess rsync isn't safe in parallel22:19
clarkb(seems like we ran into similar copying docs into afs in the post pipeline where rsync uses tmp files that conflict and one half will fail because the tmp file is gone when it goes to copy it)22:19
clarkbfungi: ^ do you remember if there was a workaround for that?22:19
ianwis it loopback?  it's not a multinode test is it?22:19
clarkbianw: correct, one system with many puppet applies against logical hosts22:20
clarkbbut reality is all one filesystem on one system22:20
ianwright, so running in parallel probably is of minimal benefit22:20
clarkbit actually does speed up the runs quite a bit since puppet is single threaded22:21
clarkbI wonder if we copy the puppet modules out of band first if that would make the subsequent rsyncs reliable as they should all hash and noop22:21
notmynamedoes zuul do special things if a job has a certain name pattern? (eg "name: foo-bar-test-base")22:21
clarkbnotmyname: no, behavior isn't based on name data22:21
clarkbianw: does a hack like that seem reasonable to you?22:22
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notmynameclarkb: thanks. I'm trying to understand why doesn't cause a "swift-dsvm-functional-base" job to run22:22
notmynameoh wait! it's because of the list of gate and check jobs, isn't it?22:23
clarkbianw: hrm nevermind we already do a single puppet apply before the xargs invocation which should mean all the files are copied already22:23
notmynameso just defining a job doesn't do anything22:23
ianwclarkb: hrm, yes ... but let me find scrollback, i think the one yesterday was a failure to ssh in22:23
clarkbnotmyname: correct22:23
notmynameyou also have to reference it in a project queue22:23
notmynameclarkb: thanks22:23
tonybpabelanger: Okay22:24
ianwclarkb: no, is yesterdays.  closer inspection seems to be same issue22:25
tonybpabelanger, mordred: I'd rather not do it but it needs to be done and if there isn't another person on the hot seat I guess I'll do it if y'all can provide pointers/docs22:26
clarkbtonyb: I'm lacking context, but what needs doing?22:26
fungiclarkb: ianw: yeah by default the tempfiles are created alongside the actual files for some guarantee of atomicity, but that means if you have two rsync runs operating on the same tree and are using --delete or similar, you can end up removing tempfiles for another current run in progress22:27
tonybclarkb: Running the poll for the T release name.22:27
clarkbfungi: I expect that is what is happening here, but we should be rsyncing after a complete rsync meaning its a noop22:27
fungithere are rsync options to tell it to use a different location for tempfiles. also --delete-after might help22:27
tonybclarkb: we're pretty close to starting to need that thing and I can't keep using 'train' as a substitute ;P22:28
clarkbtonyb: gotcha22:28
fungithough i guess --delete-after still risks removing the tempfiles just not as much the directories containing them22:28
clarkbtonyb: honestly train is a good choice givne the location22:28
clarkbtonyb: we should make a motion to just vote on that :)22:28
tonybclarkb: we'll see what the polls say ;P22:29
tonybclarkb: I'm not sure if it's a TC thing or a board thing.22:29
clarkbI want to say the grizzly exception was a TC thing22:29
tonybI guess with the TC election comming up we probably won't make a decision until after22:30
fungitc exception22:30
fungibut also i think train is a foregone conclusion for denver22:30
tonybokay so I'll run up a motion ;P22:31
ianwfungi: it also appears to only have triggered on centos, so it may be something weird with the rsync there22:31
corvusfungi, tonyb: see the exception after item 4 at
corvusjust add it to the "sounds really cool" section of the etherpad for the tc to consider :)22:32
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Check how slow puppet apply testing is when run serially
clarkbianw: fungi ^ thats a sanity check that we actually do want to keep running it in parallel22:32
corvustonyb: and... if you're running the show, you're the one who's responsible for presenting the really cool names to the tc :)22:32
tonybcorvus: there is an etherpad?22:32
clarkbfungi: thing is denver ptg is only ~500 people I guessa fter two the number may go upt to ~700 unique individuals? but name voting is much broader22:33
corvustonyb: there will be as soon as the election official sets it up22:33
clarkbhowever only ~200 voted on stein irc22:33
corvustonyb: the process starts with a change to that file to add T to the table22:33
corvusyou can nominate yourself as the coordinator22:33
fungiyeah, for stein we limited voting to technical contributors or something22:33
fungipabelanger: would likely remember22:34
clarkbstein was open publicly22:34
clarkbso rather tha ngetting an explicit email saying go vote the url just went to hte mailing list22:34
fungithat's what it was22:34
tonybYeah that thing22:34
funginow i remember, yes22:34
tonybcorvus: Are there any docs on the process? I suspect there is a bunch of stuff that happens behind the scenes that I'm unaware of22:35
tonybbut I can nominate myself22:35
clarkbtonyb: I think the poll itself has flexibility as with pabelanger's for stein22:36
clarkbbut then we give the ordered list of nominations to the foundation who hand it to trademark checker lawyers22:36
clarkband highest pick that comes back clear wins iirc22:36
corvustonyb: the docs are all  -- the mechanics are basically that you propose a change to add a new row to the table at the bottom there, and then you set up the etherpad and poll22:36
tonybclarkb: I ewas thinking about colelcting names, durations communications with trhe OSF fro trademark vetting etc etc22:36
tonybcorvus: Oh okay.22:36
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corvusyeah, the coordinator basically does all the steps in
corvusi guess that should be amended if we want to only send the notification to openstack-dev.22:38
tonybI'll do the needful this week, and set it up so that the name collection phase matches the time I'm AFK and then pick it back up after that22:38
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corvustonyb: cool :)22:38
tonybI'll make sure that my AFKness is included in the self-nomination so if it's a problem it will be caught then22:38
corvuswhere's the post-berlin summit?22:39
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tonybcorvus: Denver22:44
tonybcorvus: hence train ;P22:44
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clarkb failing now because limestone_foo is not defined which is correct because now it is nodepool_limestone_foo22:49
clarkboh I see the bug ugh22:49
corvusyeah, really shoulda merged that change earlier :)22:50
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a run-nodepool job
clarkbthats a rebase for clarity22:51
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a run-nodepool job
clarkband fixed22:52
clarkbianw: ^ might want to quickly rereview that one so we can get it in22:53
clarkbcorvus: I think we are probably at the point of having enough example test infrastructure (for secrets and specific nodes, etc) that we should just start requiring tests in changes22:55
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ianwclarkb: i wasn't sure if we wanted to do more with that one before merging23:01
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clarkbah I think we can merge it now, it fixes what would be an ongoing issue with the config at this point too23:01
clarkbianw: your fix for the nodepool_ prefix missed an entry (then I missed that in review :( )23:02
ianwoh i see that's in there, LGTM23:03
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clarkbthe forks fix has entered the gate23:24
clarkbmgagne: fyi there are timeouts deleting instances in inap now23:31
clarkbmgagne: seems like something is unhappy after turning the cloud back on23:31
clarkbmgagne: looks like we have have failed to boot all those nodes which is why they are in a deleting state now23:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add missing README.rst for roles
pabelangertonyb: fungi: clarkb: yah, poll was open public, but results are a private URL. Which, person running has access too while running.  Then, at finish, I shared said private url for results23:36
tonybpabelanger: Thanks.23:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix ansible forks env variable
clarkbI've approved the run nodepool job change which will also fix nodepool clouds.yaml writing in ansible23:55
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clarkbfungi: I think you share a timezone with mgagne, maybe you can followup with mgagne on the inap failures tomorrow morning?23:59

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