Monday, 2018-06-04

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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix deprecation warning of ansible-2.5
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EmilienMdo we have plans to move mirrors to gitlab?00:23
tristanCEmilienM: why would you do that?00:23
fungithe replication to github has been maintained mostly on the premise that if we didn't put an "official-looking" copy of our popular repositories on github then some unofficial repo would end up getting treated as the one all the github users fork from because so may people treat github as _the_ index for all source code. if we could find a way to not mirror to github or any other proprietary service,00:27
fungii'd be thrilled00:27
fungithere's really no point (currently at least) in mirroring to gitlab, bitbucket or any other third-party-operated service00:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Substitute site name for survey OpenID callback
fungi#status log is no longer in the emergency disable list now that has merged00:37
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging00:37
ianwthat this rumor (it still seem to technically be that) comes as infra is talking about how to bring more things under the umbrella is ... interesting00:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Update Zuul Status Page to correct URL
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anteayafungi: microsoft might have just provided you the answer to your prayers:
fungiyep, that's the article which had presumably spurred on the above discussion (dmsimard liked it at 20:59z)00:52
fungiwell, a similar article on bloomberg's site anyway00:53
ianwfungi: if you've got a second to sanity check it just allows mirror-update to send stats.  just fleshing out getting some afs monitoring00:54
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fungiyeah, that seems fine01:00
ianwfungi: thanks ... still doing some loopback testing before i send anything off, but it seems to be gathering the partition, some basic server and volume stats ok01:02
ianwnot the first people to monitor afs like this, but probably the first to want to do it in a python environment (rather than perl) and send things via statsd01:02
fungithat sounds crazy useful01:02
fungiand yeah, i guess there's not a net-snmp backend for it?01:03
fungithat's how i'd expect most people to monitor such things01:03
ianwi might have just extended some of the existing perl stuff, but i couldn't really figure out a virtualenv analogue01:03
ianw+ then having to automate that with some puppet etc01:04
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ianw is interesting, for SNIPS which i hadn't heard of01:06
fungiyeah, that's a new one on me01:06
ianwi've tried to just pull the info into python objects, so hopefully if somone were interested in throwing the output to something other than ascii / statsd, it would be fairly trivial01:07
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fungiyeah, the callout interface in net-snmpd is pretty straightforward. wouldn't be too hard if we decided later we wanted to use cacti to monitor it in a pull fashion instead01:10
dmsimardEmilienM: mordred has been meaning to give a serious look at gitea at some point01:10
dmsimardEmilienM: Gitlab is venture-backed and has an open core business model, it's not immune to acquisitions. It's actually very much an acquisition target :)01:11
dmsimardoh the irony, gitea is hosted on github01:13
anteayaah, beg pardon dmsimard01:14
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anteayaobviously I hadn't got far enough through the back scroll01:14
EmilienMat least gitlab code is open-source (not sure about EE though)01:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Allow mirror-update.o.o to produce stats
fungithe hosted version of gitlab is not open source01:15
EmilienMfungi made a good point of the repo discovery and the "official looking" aspect01:15
fungifollow debian-devel discussions for fun tidbits of features they want to use but can't because gitlab that particular gitlab enterprise feature isn't available in gitlab community01:16
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dmsimardmy first interaction with the ceo of gitlab was him trying to monetize the development of the ldap feature if we subscribed to the entreprise edition on a long term, it left a rather bad taste in my mouth01:17
anteayaif only there were a group of people who had the ability to host open source projects, open to working with people interesting in supporting their efforts01:17
EmilienMhow is bitbucket ?01:18
dmsimardThey highlighted in their new version of the open source project and congratulated themselves on open sourcing a feature that was previously only available in entreprise edition :01:18
fungianyway, we have plenty of mirroring to systems we control. the github mirroring is simply because people expect to find something on github, not because we need it. i'd rather we found some way to just stop actively mirroring to third parties at all01:19
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dmsimardfungi: I would like that as well but only if we have a viable alternative for users. I don't mind cgit/gitweb but in terms of UX there's better out there. Is it time to draft an official spec ?01:21
fungisure, i'll agree cgit is not great for viewing source code in a web browser01:22
fungithough it's better than gitweb, which is what we'd been using previously01:23
dmsimardFedora has been using Pagure to varying amounts of success
fungiyeah, i've seen it01:23
fungiunfortunately most of the fancier git browsing interfaces out there want to also be patch submission and code review and everything else too01:24
dmsimardYeah, they want integration and an ecosystem. I'll spin up a gitea instance to check it out.01:25
dmsimardoh hey it supports sqlite \o/01:27
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dmsimardwow, it's actually pretty good01:44
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dmsimardit also supports transparently mirroring repositories out of the box01:46
dmsimardI'm sold:
bkerofungi: I lamented about the same with clarkb a few days ago01:51
bkero was what I found when I complained01:52
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clarkbfwiw I'm not sure we have to change anything? github has always been non open/free and is only a mirror for us02:34
clarkbwe've long said we'd prefer to not use github02:34
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scasthere's a reason i've not seriously considered migrating openstack-chef off of openstack infra, even with so few involved. i like github being a mirror, not the lynchpin04:29
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move planet unittests in-tree
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstack-planet-unittest legacy job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add a zuul test to run on changes
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Test case for multiple targets with hidden
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add 'database' to the datasource schema
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: nodepool: Set min-ready to '1' for opensuse-150
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openstackgerritArtem Goncharov proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add support for specifying security_group in nodepool
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hwoarangianw:clarkb opensuse-150 now builds fine. thanks a lot for your help!07:54
hwoarangclarkb:  i have now submitted to add it to nodepool07:55
hwoarangclarkb: i will read the ntp + suse  backlog in a bit07:55
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove direct tagging/branching for yaql
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ianwhwoarang: is that to bring up a suse-based builder?09:54
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hwoarangianw: i believe that's what's needed for project tests to start using opensuse-15009:59
hwoarangi am not sure how to bring up a static suse builder for wheels yet09:59
ianwhwoarang: hmm, i may be missing something, but i'm not seeing the connection between puppet-ntp -> system-config -> bringing up control plane hosts (i.e. nodepool-builder) and project tests10:04
ianwi think we also don't need a static node for wheel builds?  pabelanger made it all zuul jobs iirc10:04
ianwmay also be wrong10:04
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hwoarangianw: it's irrelevant i think. two different problems :) the common thing between them is just the opensuse-150 dib images10:07
hwoarangif we dont need special config for wheels that's even better10:08
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eyalbHi I cannot see the zuul check in the gerrit review in the browser console I see this error: hideci.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)10:26
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eyalbfor this file /static/hideci.js?e=9096ec95ae8a6287d076931f52f98b20:110:27
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Update documentation
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ianweyalb ... hmm, we merged a change to that10:51
ianweyalb: try with a hard refresh now?  i touched the header and hoepfully gerrit picks it up10:53
eyalbyes works now thanks10:54
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andreafcorvus thanks!11:17
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Initial grafana AFS dashboard
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove trusty beaker job template
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Create ansible-role-openstacksdk role
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Run openstacksdk ansible jobs on ansible devel
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Make openstackci-beaker xenial jobs voting
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove getRepoPermission from FakeGithubConnection
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Status branch protection checking for github
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove getRepoPermission from FakeGithubConnection
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Status branch protection checking for github
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove getRepoPermission from FakeGithubConnection
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gouthamhi does Zuul have support for Nested Virtualization13:17
gouthamwe have jobs which need nested virtualization13:18
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mnasergoutham: is this for an openstack project?13:24
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mnaserso by zuul, you mean the openstack deployment of zuul rather than zuul itself as a software :)13:24
mnaseri think it depends on providers.. some have it and some don't, most code will gracefully fallback to qemu emulation13:24
mnasercan i ask what sort of use case you have?13:24
mnasergoutham: why does this need nested virt?13:25
gouthambasically in this what we do is deploy 3 vms and deploy a kubernetes cluster across all the 3 vms13:26
gouthamso we have support for KVM13:26
mnasergoutham: why don't you instead use zuuls multinode features and have it deploy 3 vms instead and depoy against them?13:26
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Status branch protection checking for github
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove getRepoPermission from FakeGithubConnection
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gouthamso u mean to say there we can use all the nodes instead of vms and then test ??13:27
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mnasergoutham: zuul can give you multiple nodes so you can run jobs against them13:28
gouthamhmm ok mnaser13:29
mnasergoutham: i think maybe you can look at a few projects like nova or devstack which do some sort of multinode13:29
gouthamare there any scripts or document of how to use??13:29
mark-burnettmnaser: indeed, the promenade gate doesn't require nested virt and should be able to work with normal multi-node13:29
mnaserlet me try and find a sample multinode job for you..13:29
mark-burnettwe do have one project that it would be good to use nested virt to test with (airship-drydock), but we haven't started working on building out that testing in zuul yet13:30
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mnaseri am not finding something right away.. but maybe if you try in an hour or two there might be more infra people who will be able to help out13:32
gouthamyes mnaser :) thanks13:32
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smcginnisI know there's a cinder multinode job. Let me see if I can find that.13:41
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smcginnisgoutham: I think part of the trick is this flag:
smcginnisgoutham: You can probably check out the rest of that job to see how it's all done.13:43
gouthamsure i will do it thanks smcginnis13:43
smcginnisGood luck. ;)13:44
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Status branch protection checking for github
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove getRepoPermission from FakeGithubConnection
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add supercedent pipeline manager
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix link in mqtt reno
corvusgoutham: you might start by just writing an ansible playbook to deploy k8s on 3 nodes, then making that the run playbook for a job that requests a nodeset with 3 nodes13:58
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corvusgoutham: (devstack is mostly concerned with deploying devstack, so probably won't be much use here)14:00
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pabelangerI'd recommend using kubespray, I did some work for single node at but would just need a new inventory file to use 3 nodes from zuul.14:06
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pabelangerplan was to create a base job for k8s deployment for projects to use, but never finished i14:06
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corvusgoutham: ^ that sounds very much like what you need?14:06
gouthamSure corvus i will do that thanks :)14:07
gouthamthanks pabelanger :)14:08
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mnaseroh its a thing now14:09
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove jobs from beaker-* projects
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scasthe news was already out last night, but, yep. i'm a bit disappointed by tech shrinking in that way14:14
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scasnothing against the players, just the game being played14:14
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scasit reminds me of the recent visual rendition of the self-fulfilling prophecy ready player one. developers are all part of the game, but not the players in this, just the friendly zombies getting danced with and on </soapbox>14:18
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add supercedent pipeline manager
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix link in mqtt reno
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zigoGuys, the VM on hold for puppet-nova can be released.14:46
zigo104.239.240.37 aka debian-stretch-rax-dfw-000421131014:46
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: CAlDav 409 error handling
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fungizigo: thanks for the update, i'll clear the autohold and delete the held node14:50
zigofungi: Grafana shows there's only a single node on hold, so that should be the only one.14:51
fungilooks like the autohold was already cleared, so i deleted the node14:51
zigofungi: I was able to fix puppet thanks to getting in, so thanks !14:51
fungiyup, ianw had left a comment on the hold, but also i was able to match it by ip address14:51
zigofungi: Now, I'm getting kind of close, I got only an iptables issue and the remaining 3 functional tests will pass.14:52
zigofungi: For some reason, there's an iptables FORWARD problem.14:52
zigoAs if the default ACCEPT was missing or something.14:52
zigoThis should be a neutron config problem, maybe ...14:52
fungimulti-node or single-node job?14:52
zigofungi: Single node.14:53
zigopuppet-openstack scenario00114:53
zigoI got the same problem on my virtualbox VM when I run the test script.14:53
fungii think our default iptables rules only block traffic into the real interfaces of the test node, but not the loopback or any virtual interfaces/bridges you create14:53
zigofungi: Oh, I don't doubt the issue is on me ...14:54
zigoJust trying to figure out what's wrong on my side of things.14:54
fungithough we also don't set up any forwarding chains by default, so yeah, sounds like a neutron configuration problem14:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: CAlDav 409 error handling
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zigoIf I do "iptables -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT", then everything just work ...14:54
zigoOf course, that's the an acceptable way to do things.14:54
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andreaftobiash ianw corvus the way we setup /etc/hosts in zuulv3 multinode jobs does not work for nova live migration
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andreafin d-g we associate the proper hostname with the private IP - nova uses the hostname for live migration14:59
andreaftoday instead we only associate the inventory name to the private IP14:59
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andreafI think we should extend that to associate the private IP to both inventory and hostname, however that would conflict with the hostname being associated with the public IP as it is today15:00
corvusandreaf: what's the proper hostname? "ubuntu-xenial-rax-iad-0004273356" ?15:00
andreafthat's ansible_hostname, and what you get if you run $(hostname) on the host15:00
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corvusdo we set that in the job, or is that glean?15:01
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add driver interface documentation
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corvusandreaf: here's where we do the private ip part:
corvusdid devstack-gate just rewrite the whole hosts file?15:02
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corvusno, it looks like it appended as well15:03
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andreafd-g appends to /etc/hosts
andreafcorvus yeah15:04
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corvusandreaf: adding the full hostname sounds fine to me, i'm just confused about why it's there already (and presumably isn't there when run under devstack-gate -- are we sure about that -- do you have a devstack-gate /etc/hosts file handy?)15:05
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andreafcorvus: I don't but I can make a tmp patch to create one15:06
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andreafunless we save it to logs15:06
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andreafno we don't15:07
andreafwe have resolv.conf15:08
corvusalso, we should ping clarkb for this conversation ^15:08
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: DNM Debug /etc/hosts on controller
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andreafcorvus clarkb ^^^15:14
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* clarkb catches up15:21
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clarkbthe thing that devstack-gate does is add the other hosts hostnames to /etc/hosts15:22
clarkbthe current host's hostname should already be in there but for live migration to work you need working "dns" for those names on all computes15:23
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whizzerI installed a 3 node devstack and assigned FLOATING_RANGE=, it created an interface with on the controller node and I set up some static routes and was off and running. After I rebooted the controller node though, it lost the ip address and I don't know where to re-configure it. There didn't seem to be a router associated with the ip when it worked or when it didn't work15:25
clarkbwhizzer: that might be a question for neutron?15:26
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clarkbwhizzer: in general though devstack isn't expected to survive reboots15:26
whizzerI see15:26
whizzereverything else seems to survive... I understand that point though15:26
whizzercertainly I could re-stack15:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add doc build job for Chef OpenStack
clarkbianw: hwoarang the connection wtih ntp and wheel builds after I thought they weren't connected is that the wheel builds use puppet-afs to setup the afs connectivity to the cluster and that uses puppet-ntp?15:43
clarkbits weird and may not need to be coupled like that15:44
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Move pbr-installation jobs in-tree
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Use upper-constraints in integration tests
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whizzerclarkb: all I needed to do was reassign the IP with ifconfig on the br-ex interface15:55
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Directly link providers and request handlers
clarkbwhizzer: I'm guessing that doesn't get written to the host's persistent network config16:02
clarkbandreaf: corvus I'm still a little confused about what 572129 is hoping to show us. Cna you expand on that a bit?16:02
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corvusclarkb: whether the "real hostname" (eg ubuntu-xenial-rax-iad-0004273356) appears in /etc/hosts with the public ip address16:13
clarkbcorvus: it should, but glean does that16:14
corvusclarkb: (it does under new-style multinode; andreaf wants that hostname to be attached to the private ip)16:14
clarkbno I don't think that is right16:14
corvusclarkb: that's what i thought.  after confirming that, i'm curious how we end up with that hostname mapped to the private ip (which andreaf says nova needs).16:15
clarkbat least from glean's perspective. Maybe we were undoing that with d-g16:15
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clarkbd-g updates /etc/hosts so that we don't have to have dns for the test environment and it adds all the nodes to each node's /etc/hosts but I don't recall if that is using the private ip or public16:15
clarkbhowever in this case it would be for the other nodes that matter not the current node (which adds a slight gotcha to the problem I guess)16:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul-migrate: run / post-run playbooks need .yaml extensions
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clarkbcorvus: I'm going to grab some breakfast but then am around to help with zuul restarts if we want to do that soon16:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Gracefully handle broken .gitmodule files
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix ConfigValue comparisons
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Make imagesAvailable() part of the driver API
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use ProviderConfig iface to validate labels
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Simplify driver API
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clarkbcorvus: quick skim of the git log for zuul makes me think we should restart all the zuul services16:58
clarkbquite a bit of updates to mergers, and the scheduler and web16:58
fungiclarkb: corvus: i'm around too if assistance is needed16:58
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corvusi think i'd like to restart zuul-web alone first.17:04
clarkbthat is fine with me17:05
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clarkbcorvus: zuul==3.0.4.dev70  # git sha 6c302e6 is the installed zuul on zuul01 according to pbr. That is the change that merged half an hour ago17:08
clarkbCherryPy==15.0.0 is installed too implying the installation picked up the new deps successfully17:08
corvusi'll restart it now17:09
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corvussorry, got sidetracked17:17
corvusrestarting now17:17
corvusoops, a bug on startup, i'll fix locally real quick17:18
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corvusi changed the config file to listen on "::"17:19
corvusit's running now17:19
clarkbcorvus: what was it listening on before? or was it implied before?17:20
corvusthe config file said "listen_address="17:20
corvusand the error said "don't use the empty string"17:20
clarkba hard refresh in my browser produces subway graphs17:20
corvusi'm sorting through whether we need to fix something in zuul, docs, or just local deployment17:20
corvusso it looks like we were using an undocumented feature where the empty string meant listen on all v4/v617:21
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clarkbthat seems like a reasonable default if no value is supplied, however is foo= implying empty string or default value17:21
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corvusseems like empty str17:22
corvusso perhaps we make no changes to zuul17:22
corvussince the cherrypy error is self-explanatory17:22
corvusand just update our local config17:23
clarkbya either set :: in our config or drop the setting of ''17:23
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corvusi'll drop the config line and restart17:23
corvusrestarted again17:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Status branch protection checking for github
clarkbcorvus: are you working on a patch to update the puppetry for that?17:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add multilabel support to ZooKeeper Node model
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add driver interface documentation
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add web listen arguments to zuul class
corvusclarkb, fungi: lemme know if that makes sense and you think it's the write fix ^17:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Directly link providers and request handlers
clarkbcorvus: wfm17:35
fungiyeah, that should do the trick nicely17:35
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corvusi'm going to afk for 30m or so17:36
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Outlook Cal Sync Token revocation error
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Outlook Cal Sync Token revocation error
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clarkbcorvus: andreaf d-g is writing the public IP addrs to etc/hosts however that is a cloud wtihout private ip addresses so not sure that really tells us anything17:43
clarkbcorvus: andreaf that job ran on rax whcih has private interfaces and it used private IPs there17:45
clarkbI guess that confirms andreaf's suspicions17:45
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update presentation model - Berlin CFP
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update presentation model - Berlin CFP
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clarkbcorvus: when you get back, thoughts on restarting the rest of the zuul services?18:03
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corvusclarkb, andreaf: so apparently it's okay to have the public and private ip associated with the hostname in /etc/hosts.  so i think that means just a simple change to the multinode etc hosts role to add the hostname (along with the inventory name) to /etc/hosts should be sufficient.18:09
clarkbya based on existing d-g behavior that should be fine18:10
corvusclarkb: restarting zuul wfm18:10
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clarkbok I'll ping the release team18:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add web listen arguments to zuul class
clarkbcorvus: process is stop scheduler, while waiting for it to actually stop stop the mergers and executors, start mergers, start scheduler, start executors ?18:15
clarkbshould restart fingergw too I guess18:17
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corvusclarkb: scheduler stops pretty quickly.  i say we try: stop sched, stop mergers, stop execs, stop finger, start sched, start finger, wait for mergers to stop, start mergers, wait for execs to stop, start execs.18:19
corvusclarkb: (i think the scheduler stops in < 15 seconds)18:20
clarkbwfm. release team is good for us to do that now18:21
clarkbI'm going to queue some of this up in a terminal on puppetmaster18:22
clarkbcorvus: fungi ready to do this now? I can drive and will ping if anything comes up18:22
clarkbI guess I should double check the git sha1 on all the other nodes first18:23
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corvusclarkb: ready when you are.  also ++ git sha check18:25
clarkbzuul==3.0.4.dev72  # git sha fcd468d appears to be the sha1 across the board which lgtm18:26
fungiyeah, i'm ready18:26
clarkbif that sha1 looks right to you all I'll go ahead with the process outlined above18:27
clarkboh we need to capture queues /me adds taht to process18:28
fungiconfirmed, fcd468d is what i have for origin/master as of seconds ago18:29
clarkbok capturing check and gate now then proceeding with the plan corvus wrote down18:29
clarkbscheduler taking longer than 15 seconds to stop18:31
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corvusoh, it looks like it's in the middle of a bunch of layout generations; bad luck.  it'll get there though.18:32
clarkbok should I go ahead and stop the other services or wait?18:32
clarkbI guess its safe to stop the other services since this won't be successful layout generation (rather not used)18:32
corvusshould be18:32
corvusif not, happy to learn that :)18:32
clarkbmergers and executors asked to stop now18:33
clarkbmergers are all stopped18:34
corvusi'm starting to be confused about why the scheduler hasn't stopped18:35
fungii hope we haven't exposed a signal handling race18:36
clarkb`service zuul-scheduler stop` is what I told it18:36
fungioh, right, it's an rpc these days18:36
corvusclarkb: i say kill it with fire; i'll look at logs18:36
corvus(i saw it get the stop signal)18:36
fungido we want a thread dump first?18:36
corvusfungi: good idea clarkb ^18:37
clarkbsigusr2 right?18:37
clarkbkill -USR2 3194 issued18:37
clarkbdid you see the dump in the lgos?18:38
clarkbI'm going to kill then kill -9 if I have to18:38
fungiyeah, i see threads mentioned in the debug log18:38
clarkbok that stopped it18:39
fungi2018-06-04 18:37:37,928 DEBUG zuul.stack_dump: Starting Yappi18:39
fungi2018-06-04 18:37:37,929 DEBUG zuul.stack_dump: End debug handler18:39
clarkbI'm stopping finger then starting sched and fingergw18:39
fungiso looks like it dumped it all18:40
clarkbI did not need kill -9 fwiw18:40
corvusThread-1 seems to be the scheduler going about its merry business18:40
clarkbsched is coming back18:40
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clarkbstarting finger and mergers18:40
clarkband executors were stopped so starting them too18:41
fungicool, so the initscript's stop mechanism didn't dtrt but regular old sigterm did?18:41
corvusfungi: the init script stop dtrt, but zuul did not18:42
clarkbfungi: well it did the socket stop command according to corvus' reading of the logs18:42
clarkbright that18:42
clarkbonce sched is done reconfiguring I will reenqueue things18:42
fungier, sure that ;)18:42
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fungii should have said asking it to stop with the initscript seems to have not done the right thing18:43
corvusi just want to be clear that it's not like systemd/init failed here18:43
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clarkbhrm does zuul-web need to be restarted too?18:44
fungii see we also have a /etc/init.d/zuul on zuul01... is that cruft?18:44
clarkbI think I can requeue but the web isn't showing me that18:44
corvusclarkb: give it a shot18:44
fungiyeah, zuul-web has needed restarting in the past if the scheduler is restarted18:44
corvus(i wasn't sure how it would be have since it's new)18:44
clarkbthat seems to have done it18:45
clarkbrequeuing now18:45
fungii guess the new zuul-web also needs it (for now)18:45
clarkbok two things learned here. zuul-scheduler stop needs debugging and we should try to make zuul-web resilient to scheduler restarts18:45
fungiis it possible that old zuul-web was making assumptions which were not true for newer zuul-scheduler?18:46
clarkbwell we restarted zuul-web independently prior to global restart so I don't think so18:47
clarkbmore likely it was hanging on gearman connection going down or similar18:47
fungiahh, so it was already on the new version18:47
fungii missed that in the sequence18:47
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clarkbfungi: corvus did it about an hour ago independent of this since the web server was massively rewritten18:47
clarkbgate is enqueued check is going in now18:48
fungiright, hence the puppet-zuul change i approved18:48
fungimy short-term memory is apparently terrible today18:48
clarkbit is one of those days18:48
corvusoh interesting; it got 2 stop signals18:49
clarkbShrews: can you push or recheck an ansible change that we third party ci? just to make sure its all still happy with latest zuul18:50
clarkbI only ran it the once18:50
corvusoh, sorry, i misread that18:50
corvusthe second was the internal _stop command18:51
corvusah, i have a theory18:52
corvusi think shutting down the executors put a whole bunch of events on the queues, and we were just working through those18:53
corvusso for the moment, i think clarkb's approach of wait until scheduler stops before stopping executors wins18:53
corvuswe might want to put in a short circuit for stopping in there :)18:53
clarkbmordred: see message above to shrews, can you trigger things that will be third party checked by us in ansible to double check it is still happy after the update?18:54
clarkbon the zuul-web front, if I had to guess the cherrypythreading pool model runs threads as non daemon threads and the threads asking gearman for data will hang18:55
mordredclarkb: yes - one sec18:56
clarkbthe gerrit stuff seems happy18:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Stop scheduler more quickly
fungiyeah, looks like stuff is queued18:57
fungiabout to start paying attention to the diversity wg meeting, but still around so ping me if you need anything18:58
clarkbfungi: I think we are in good shape. Will ping if that changes18:58
clarkbnow to review the fix above18:58
mordredclarkb, corvus: I left a recheck comment here: but I don't see anything queued18:59
clarkbmordred: I'm double checking the files list on the jobs19:00
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clarkbseens to match the current list19:01
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clarkbI suppose that implies something in tobiash's github refactor may be at fault19:02
corvusor zuul-web19:02
corvusi don't see 37170 in web-debug.log19:02
fungisince it has to receive the events from the hook, right?19:02
clarkbah ya if the web server isn't getting it then tobiash's refactor won't have much to work off of19:03
corvuswe should log into github and check their transmission log19:03
corvussee if we told github we got the event19:03
tobiashclarkb: most of the github stuff was actually github tedt refactoring19:03
corvusi need to grab lunch; can pitch in on that when i return19:03
clarkbtobiash: ya as corvus points out it could be zuul-web19:03
clarkbI'm nto sure I know what to log in as? can I see that as a github admin on things?19:04
fungilack of mention in web-debug.log makes that sound more likely19:04
corvusclarkb: yeah, as an admin of the openstack-infra org which owns the openstack-zuul app, you can see the webhook calls in the openstack-zuul app's debug tag19:04
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clarkbcool I'll see if I can dig that up19:05
corvusgotta run, back asap19:05
mordredclarkb: if you go to
mordredyou can navigate to "github apps" then click on the app - which should be:19:06
mordredthen 'advanced' is the tab you want for webhook delivery things19:06
clarkb" Something went really wrong. " when asking for my password, nice19:06
mordredit looks like we have green deliveries19:06
clarkboh it wants my yubikey and apparently gives a nasty warning if its not there immediately19:07
mordredI don't see an event for the recheck comment at all19:08
clarkbmordred: ya I confirm that, based on timestamps and grepping for the PR number I don't see anything19:08
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tobiashThat's odd19:09
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tobiashIs the app still installed in the ansible repo/org?19:09
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mordredyah - we're getting other events19:09
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mordredlet me try again19:09
clarkbtobiash: ya there are other events for that repo19:09
mordredstill nothing19:10
tobiashMaybe github changed some permission settings?19:10
* fungi blames microsoft ;)19:10
tobiashYou may want to check the permissions page of the app19:10
mordredyah - checked that - it shows pull request comments19:11
clarkbwe had a bunch of timeouts while we restarted things, is it possible they've blacklisted us as a result? though that wouldn't explain why we have other events from the shippable comments19:11
mordredbut maybe something got unset on the installation in ansible/ansible ?19:11
clarkbalso there is a redeliver button implying they are happy to accomodate these types of outages19:11
mordredyah - they'll happily deliver to a broken endpoint for a long time19:12
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clarkbis it possible there is lag in getting those events out?19:16
clarkbgithub says all systems are running properly19:16
clarkbthere are comments from regular users being posted too according to the log19:18
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fungiare there backlogged timestamps on the events we are receiving?19:20
fungimaybe the pipes are clogged with everyone deleting their repos and accounts ;)19:20
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clarkbnot according to the events themselves19:21
clarkblooking at the PRs that we are getting eevnts for they don't appear to be backlogged19:21
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clarkbI double checked the perms requests on the main app setup. Can projects like ansible trim it down from that?19:26
clarkbI think is not working either. That may be due to updates in how we config the db?19:28
tobiashclarkb: not that I know (except the perms of the app itself have been changed)19:28
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clarkbpoking at the builds issue we don't appear to be logging the cherrypy tracebacks?19:38
clarkbat least they don't show up in web-debug.log when I curl directly against localhost to ensure I'm hitting cherrypyo19:39
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clarkbok I think I see why, we have a special logging config for zuul-web and it defaults root logging to warning or higher19:41
clarkbI'll work on updating that to aid in debuggin19:41
corvusshouldn't a traceback be at error?19:43
clarkbyou would think so19:44
clarkbbut its definitely not coming through19:44
corvusi've read backlog, but i don't fully understand -- does our zuul see any github events?19:45
clarkbcorvus: it sees the events that github is publishing.19:45
clarkbcorvus: github is not publishing the event for mordred's recheck comment19:46
corvusok, so we didn't see the ansible event because github didn't publish it.  neat19:46
clarkb(at least according to github's logs)19:46
corvusclarkb: so the only thing we currently suspect is wrong with zuul-web is the builds thing?19:46
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Configure cherrypy logging
clarkbcorvus: yes19:47
clarkbthat change isn't tested but is based on the docs linked to in the commit message19:48
corvusi'd like to hold off on that while i look into why we're not already seeing it19:48
clarkbcorvus: reading the docs they imply cherrypy.errors is the place errors are scoped at then they log them at INFO level19:49
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clarkbwhich is not going to match WARNING or higher. It is possible they just have their own ideas for how to manage log levels and errors19:49
corvusclarkb: i raised an exception and got 2018-06-04 12:48:14,934 cherrypy.error.140257947233920   ERROR    [04/Jun/2018:12:48:14] HTTP19:50
corvusTraceback (most recent call last):19:50
clarkbthat is error level so we should see that I guess19:50
clarkbfwiw I curl'd directly to the endpoint which gives me a cherrypy specific 500 error so I am fairly confident it isn't somewhere else that is failing19:51
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corvusclarkb: ah, i see.  the log config has the root logger only going to the console, not the files19:57
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corvusclarkb: how about we do 'cherrypy' at WARN instead of cherrypy.error at info?19:57
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add cherrypy to built-in logging config
corvus(that ^ will fix the default zuul log config, but we don't use that (yet) so we should still merge clarkb's change)19:59
clarkbcorvus: that should work want to update my change? I'm making lunch19:59
corvusclarkb: will do20:00
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clarkbdoes journalctl show the error we need?20:00
clarkbsystemd should put the console logging there20:01
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corvusnope, because of the way we background20:01
clarkboh right20:01
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Configure cherrypy logging
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corvusi'll go ahead and make that change manually on the server and restart20:02
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corvusException: Unable to find connection for tenant openstack20:03
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corvusso it couldn't find the appropriate sql connection20:04
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clarkbbecause we scope them niw? that needs a config update too I think20:05
corvusit should be automatic;20:06
corvusit tries to find the first sql connection that shows up in a tenant's pipelines20:07
corvus(basically, we're just assuming there's only going to be one per tenant for now.  which is better than what was there before -- it assumed one per installation)20:07
corvusthere is a unit test of this, so i'm a bit puzzled20:08
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corvusi think i see the problem20:10
corvuszuul-web is looking at the tenant's layout, but it's zuul-web, not the scheduler, so there is no layout loaded.20:10
corvus(the unit test probably works because we erroneously share connection objects between the scheduler and web)20:10
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corvusso zuul-web needs to ask the scheduler which sql connection it should use for a given tenant20:11
corvusthis is ... awkward20:11
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit master: [DNM] Test puppet 4 beaker jobs
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corvusi'm working on patches to untangle it20:19
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anteayaunder the category of news articles that mention zuul:
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add experimental puppet 4 beaker-rspec jobs
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul-web sql connections
corvusclarkb: ^ i think that should do the trick; want to give it a quick glance and i can manually install it on zuul01 to check?20:56
clarkbyup looking now20:57
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corvusalso, ftr, when i updated the tests to use separate connection registries, the unit test broke in the same way as prod, then with the rest of that change, it works again21:00
clarkbcorvus: left a couple of comments you should check before deploying it21:02
fungithat's a promising development21:02
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corvusclarkb: the break is inside the "for driver_class" loop, but the continue is outside of it, but inside of "for section_name"21:03
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corvusclarkb: so that should mean "if this driver isn't sql, go to the next one without initializing it", right?21:04
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clarkboh right it is skipping everything in the outer loop with that continue21:05
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corvusclarkb: replied on your second too.  i think that's good enough to install now, so i'll do that.21:06
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clarkbya I'm happy with it given those responses21:07
clarkbwe need to update both scheduler and web right?21:08
corvusoh, yep, since the scheduler has the new rpc method21:08
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corvusclarkb: i'll go ahead and restart the scheduler now21:09
corvusi just did zuul-web21:09
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v5)
clarkblooking at the github events list more closely I'm not sure we are getting any comments from users. There are reviews, CI status updates, PR state changes like closed, reopened, merged, but none are plain comments from users I think21:15
corvushey i have data21:15
clarkbmordred: ^ makes me wonder if the permissions are wrong21:15
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clarkbhowever my read of the perms was that we have everything necessary listed21:15
clarkbcorvus: me too21:15
corvusi will re-enqueue now21:15
clarkbcorvus: we have 404s on github events queue now though21:17
clarkb<p>The path '/api/connection/github/payload' was not found.</p>21:17
clarkbare we overaggressively filtering the connections?21:17
corvusyep we are21:17
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corvuswe do need the github connection21:18
corvusi'll patch that in real quick; we should clean up this api after this though21:20
corvusi'll run the github unit tests locally this time too21:23
corvus(they do indeed catch that error)21:24
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul-web sql connections
corvusclarkb: ^ there's a patch.  again, this is weird because the connections were shared in testing before.  zuul-web needs to shut down the sql connection in its tests, but doesn't need to shut down the github connection.  :|21:33
corvusso that's a quick fix21:34
corvusi'm going to try a complete local test run before i install it this time21:34
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)
clarkbcorvus: the gearman_worker attribute indicates that this is running outside of testing?21:36
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corvusclarkb: no it means that the connection was "started"  (the onLoad method called)21:37
clarkbgotcha so it is checking if you can stop the connection by checking if it has been started21:37
corvusthat only happens in the scheduler21:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Configure cherrypy logging
corvusokay, i'm going to restart the scheduler again21:44
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corvusclarkb: how's github lookin?21:49
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clarkblast event was after you said you are restarting and was  40421:50
clarkbwas before you said you were restarting21:51
clarkbI think we just need to wait for new events21:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Translate zuulStartStream into typescript
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Shift log streaming code into StreamComponent
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Stop falling back to job name for missing url
clarkbit has been 17 minutes without a github event :/21:59
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove dashboard workaround for missing log_url
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corvussomething is querying the build db for tripleo jobs every 20 seconds22:00
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mordredclarkb: the ansible repo is more active than that :(22:02
clarkbmordred: something weird seems to be going on and if our config is correct it must be in github itself22:02
clarkbcorvus: still seeing "<p>The path '/api/connection/github/payload' was not found.</p>"22:03
clarkbthere were events last minute22:03
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andreafclarkb corvus ok thanks, I'll propose a patch to zuul-jobs tomorrow - I think it should be fine to inject the inventory name there along with the hostname22:05
corvusclarkb: i'll patch zuul-web locally to do further debugging (won't need a scheduler restart)22:06
clarkbcorvus: ok22:06
clarkbI have double checked web-debug.log and the warning level isn't high enoguh to show us why that is unhappy22:07
clarkb(I assume 404s are logged at debug or info)22:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Test case for multiple targets with hidden
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Update documentation
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corvusclarkb: okay.  i installed it incorrectly last time.  should be actually installed and running now.22:12
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corvusclarkb: want to resend one of the github events?22:12
clarkbcorvus: ya I can resend the last failed event22:12
corvusthat did something in zuul-web22:13
clarkbwas a 20022:13
clarkbI think it is happy now22:13
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clarkbexcept for the events that don't ever fire in the first place22:13
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mordredyah. which we can't do a ton about right now22:14
mordredclarkb: want me to send a DNM PR to an openstack module in ansible to make sure that event is firing properly?22:14
clarkbya I can make a change to one of the whitelisted files and make a pull request. May take a few minutes to sort out my fork of ansible and get it updated and send PR22:16
mordredclarkb: I can do it quickly22:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add cherrypy to built-in logging config
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Stop scheduler more quickly
clarkbmordred: :P I actually set up my local clone properly to do updates against origin being the right thing22:17
clarkbthat worked22:17
mordredclarkb: I think most people would find my git config for my ansible/ansible clone to be confusing22:18
clarkbI know I don't use github repos the way you are supposed to22:18
clarkbI effectively have the non fork as origin, keep "master" in sync with that then push to my fork directly on new branches to do PRs22:19
clarkband never keep my repo fork up to date22:19
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mordredclarkb: that's basically what I do too22:21
mordredI just do it by setting pushurl to my fork22:21
kmallocmordred, clarkb: paste.o.o seems to have died?22:22
mordred(this is also how all of my gerrit clones are set up)22:22
kmallocisn't loading for a few of us.22:22
kmallocat all.22:22
mordredkmalloc: I agree - it's not loading now for me either22:22
kmallocyay! it's not just me22:22
kmallocwait... not yay22:22
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mordredthe server itself seems fine22:23
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clarkbit eventually loaded for me22:24
kmallochey it loaded22:24
kmalloceventually like 5m wait22:24
kmallocit's happy now22:25
kmallocloading fast22:25
kmallocDB backup?22:25
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add playbook to upgrade puppet
mordredmaybe so?22:25
clarkbwe do backups at 0000UTC iirc so that probably isn't the problem22:25
mordrednot sure why that would impact the 'make new paste' page22:25
kmallocmaybe some jerk was scranning pastes for E_EVIL reasons22:26
kmallocanyway, seems happy now22:26
* mordred shakes fists at world22:26
* kmalloc goes back to keystone WTFs... like the whole role_assignment api ... and cries22:26
clarkbwhere are the logs for this service...22:27
mordredclarkb: /var/log/apache222:27
mordredare the best ones I could find22:27
fungii have a feeling those paste.o.o delays have more to do with some sort of db connection timeout/problem22:28
clarkbbut its proxying to the python service22:28
mordredfungi: me too22:28
clarkblooks like it may be set up to syslog?22:29
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fungihow surprisingly... sane?22:32
clarkbwell except ther eisn't anything in there eiterh22:32
clarkbjust the GET requests which is good I guess22:33
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clarkbcorvus: are we good to give the release team the go ahead?22:42
corvusclarkb: yep, i think we're done touching zuul for the day22:44
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corvusi'm going to eod22:47
clarkbI've approved the fix for sql and github in zuul-web22:47
fungiyep, lgtm22:48
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fungiwas mostly waiting until it was running in production, which seems to have done the trick22:48
clarkbI guess we should look into why things are looking up tripleo constantly22:48
fungilikely their tripleo dashboard collecting job results22:48
clarkbit is a red hat ip22:49
fungisounds about right22:49
mordredclarkb: if you're in the mood to approve things: is working now22:50
mordredclarkb: (and I verified that it's installing the right version of things)22:50
clarkbactually before I do anything else thoughts on switching to  verified ssl with our github app now?22:50
clarkbI think we just go for it22:50
mordredclarkb: yah. I say let's just go for it22:51
mordredwe have ssl now - so nothing should break22:51
clarkbI did it22:52
clarkbmordred: why were those jobs failing before and needing shade?22:54
clarkbwas that just a tox thing?22:54
mordredwell - it was them actually not grabbing the right branch22:54
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mordredclarkb: so it was running the sdk tests against the version of ansible that needs still needs shade directly - and thus sadness ensued22:55
clarkbthere is at least one http 200 response from our zuul after telling github to verify ssl22:56
clarkbdo we care if red hat is asking for tripleo build updates every 20 seconds?22:58
clarkbit seems liek not a nice thing to do but zuul doesn't seem to be breaking as a result22:58
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mordredhonestly - I'd say if that *does* break zuul we should fix zuul22:59
mordredsince that query should not be super costly ... however, we might also want to suggest mqtt to them once that's available23:00
clarkbya but when you consider the jobs take 3 hours to run asking for newer status updates ever 20 seconds is silly23:00
clarkbmordred: we are running mqtt able code now. Just need to update config I think23:00
clarkbmemory looks good on zuul01 too so cherrypy hasn't drastically chagned that23:02
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clarkbfollowing up on zuul-web needing to be restarted after restarting zuul-scheduler, looks like we have a 5 minute timeout on the gearman rpc client calls from zuul-web to scheduler23:10
clarkbI expect that if we wait for 5 minutes it may recover on its own23:10
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clarkband by default there is no max limit for threads that cherrypy can run23:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Revert "Remove win32/nt checks for wrapper script gen"
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clarkbmordred: can you review probably a bit late to babysit that one today, but can get to it tomorrow if you think it is ready23:40
clarkbAJaeger: when you get back your thoughts on woudl be much appreciated23:40
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Handle multiple stats in assertReportedStats
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