Wednesday, 2018-03-14

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ianwclarkb: so what's the general gist with openstack-infra/gerrit ... upstream imported on upstream/stable-* and then branched to openstack/x.y.z ?00:11
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ianwi'm just wondering how to move the jobs to native.  i guess put them on the openstack/ branch00:12
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clarkbyup and ya I'd  put them on the openstack branch00:20
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: mqtt: add basic reporter
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove gerrit legacy jobs
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fungiclarkb: ianw: looks like neutron-grenade jobs failed on the test change, something about...01:46
fungi/opt/stack/new/devstack/inc/python: line 561: /opt/stack/new/requirements/.venv/bin/edit-constraints: No such file or directory01:47
fungihappens while upgrading keystone01:47
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fungidoesn't look related to new pip, though i see signs in the grenade log that there are going to be additional places we need to add the escape hatch option01:50
fungianyway, i take this as a sign of success and will press forward initiating a pr against pip tomorrow01:50
ianwfungi: ok ... i guess just pushing the warning out isn't going to fly this time01:51
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ianwif a new flag is what it takes ... at least that's an auditable point01:51
fungii think a --sorry-yes-i-know option is likely to be the most agreeable solution01:52
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove gerrit legacy jobs
fungibut all bets are off until they start to review my python terribleness01:53
ianwcool, thanks will be watching01:53
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ianwpabelanger: hmm, an emjoi release name ... that's going to be up there with when Fedora chose "Schrödinger" for one of the releases01:54
fungiyou didn't know whether or not it was a live release until you opened the box?01:56
ianwmore that you're the cat -- you don't know if you're unicode safe until it either explodes or not :)01:58
Jeffrey4linfra-root, could anyone empty the files in and leave a file with the content like this
ianwJeffrey4l: sure ... do you want them archived somewhere, or just gone?02:02
Jeffrey4lianw, just remove them. we moved all the kolla image to now. the tar files are out of update and useless.02:03
Jeffrey4lit is updated. thanks ianw02:05
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP: Handle ZK session loss during node launch
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities
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openstackgerritKazunori Shinohara proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add jobs of xstatic-** for heat-dashboard
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP: Handle ZK session loss during node launch
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor run_handler to be generic
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor NodeLauncher to be generic
openstackgerritKazunori Shinohara proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add jobs of xstatic-** for heat-dashboard
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul-tox-remote to gate pipeline
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul_json callback plugin problem with loops
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add nodepool-linaro dashboard to grafana.o.o
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use re2 for change_matcher
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add irrelevant-branches negative matcher
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Jeffrey4linfra-root, how i can check whether post-timeout=3600 parameter works here?
Jeffrey4lfrom the logs info, seems it doesn't work
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add tox risk check for jenkins-job-builder
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ssbarneacorvus: hi! i am back now. if you could give me some hints on tox risk gate it would highly appreciate, here was my first attempt:
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AJaegerssbarnea: please add this directly to jjb in-tree, no need to add such a specific job to project-config09:39
AJaegerssbarnea: and that is completely wrong syntax, will fail to run.09:40
ssbarneaAJaeger: i observed that but I am not sure what you mean by it, i am *very* new to zuul, this being the first job change mainly.09:40
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ssbarneai plan to setup my own test instance to play with it during weekend.09:41
evrardjphey folks, we got 2 roles in openstack-ansible that we can probably share with you: systemd-mount and systemd-service stuff09:43
evrardjpshould I import them as ansible-role-systemd_mount and ansible-role-systemd_service ?09:44
evrardjpclarkb: ^09:44
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openstackgerritSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Change names of new voting Neutron jobs
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: added location images endpoints
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: added location images endpoints
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: fix on images upload/update
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: fix on images upload/update
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import systemd_mount and systemd_service to OSA
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import systemd_mount and systemd_service to OSA
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add systemd roles base jobs
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: fixed error on room floor update
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: fixed error on room floor update
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persiaCould someone who has permissions (on the list at please enable different architectures at ?10:42
persiaThis is required to build ianw's upload of OpenAFS for ARM64 (which seems to be the root cause of wheel build testing failures)10:43
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persiaI think we need arm64 and don't need i386, unless I misunderstand the current architectures for OpenStack CI.10:43
persiappc64el may also be interesting, to avoid needing to do this again if a cloud of that architecture becomes available.10:44
fricklerinfra-root: seems that list is mostly a list of infra-root members, could I get added to it, please?
fricklerpersia: I'd like to, but ^^10:45
persiaOther PPAs at may benefit from the same adjustment10:45
persiafrickler: Thanks, and totally understood :)10:45
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persiaOr maybe it is that needs adjustment (or maybe these should be consolidated, or something else which probably needs to wait for AU day to discuss properly).10:53
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tobiashJeffrey4l: post-timeout is probably just not injected as a variable (it technically doesn't need to be a var inside ansible)11:09
tobiashJeffrey4l: to test that you could just add a post playbook with a sleep longer than the timeout11:09
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tmorinhi AJaeger11:18
tmorinI'm seeing this error:
tmorinI am guessing this may be related to work about
tmorin(the neutron/horizon tox_install things)11:19
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tmorinI also have questions on
tmorinI have to go now, but will get back to you later today...11:20
JII have a question about Zuul v3 - Jenkins integration.11:22
JIDoes anyone know what's the current state of this feature?11:22
JIDoes it work already? Or is it something that is really going to happen soon?11:23
tobiashJI: mordred is the person to ask about this but he's afk this week11:24
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JItobiash: Thanks.11:25
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AJaegertmorin: I don't get that one - let'S hope mordred can help with it.11:27
AJaegertmorin: indeed, there's a relation, 550387 will solve it.11:28
tobiashJI: I think electrofelix and hughsaunders are also involved in this topic11:28
AJaegertmorin: mordred is travelling this week, you might need others to help - or wait ;(11:28
toskyAJaeger: is that 550387 a PoC which will be extended to the other users of (in my case, sahara-dashboard)?11:29
electrofelixJI I did some initial looking at a dedicated zuul-trigger plugin and worked out that for zuulv3 integration with jenkins, you really need to use nodepool with jenkins, v3 can manage static slaves as well11:29
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electrofelixJI: hughsaunders has some initial work done on a nodepool plugin, going to get the link11:31
electrofelixJI: might be worth joining the #zuul channel as that's where any chat on this occurs11:32
JI@electrofelix: I will. Thank you. As I understand, "hughsaunders has some initial work done" actually means that it is far from being merged. Is that correct?11:33
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electrofelixJI: is the work done so far, hoping to start contributing sometime over the next 3 weeks myself (just need to find some time in upcoming sprint)11:36
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JIelectrofelix: I'll have a look. Thanks for help.11:39
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openstackgerritXing Zhang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Retire puppet-apps_site
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Decode gearman function into utf
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evrardjptonyb: could you ping me when you're available?12:02
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Decode gearman function into utf
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Decode gearman function into utf
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul Web: Add 'projects' endpoint
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AJaegertosky: Yes!12:37
AJaegertosky: so, not a POC - it's working ;)12:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Change names of new voting Neutron jobs
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toskyAJaeger: oh, thanks13:09
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fungi#status log added frickler to and set as administrator to enable ppa management13:22
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging13:22
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rosmaitalooks like things are kind of calm ... could someone other than AJaeger take a look at ? thanks!13:24
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slaweqare there some guides/docs how to migrate job templates which uses "legacy-dsvm-base" as parent, like: to use "devstack-tempest"?13:37
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AJaegerslaweq: best talk with andreaf on #openstack-qa13:40
slaweqAJaeger: ok, thx13:40
slaweqI will ask him13:40
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AJaegertosky: is your change and ready for review (no urgency on that one - just because you asked ;)13:46
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toskyAJaeger: seen that, thanks, and you also migrated to the new PTI (almost)13:48
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zhipenghi , anyone knows hot to reboot the meetbot ?13:56
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mnaserzhipeng: what issues are you having with meetbot?13:57
AJaegertosky: what did I miss?13:58
zhipengi cannot end the meeting13:58
zhipengmeetbot seems non-responsive13:58
mnaserzhipeng: were you the one who started it?13:58
AJaegertosky: feel free to comment if I should add anything..13:58
mnaseri think only after an hour, anyone can end it13:58
zhipengi also tried with my matrix irc nick13:58
zhipengno response13:59
zhipengi started like, last week...13:59
mnaserwhich channel is this zhipeng ?13:59
toskyAJaeger: shouldn't "python build_sphinx" be changed too?13:59
mnaserit may have died mid-meeting and so now its stuck but not really in a meeting13:59
zhipengyep my guess as well13:59
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AJaegertosky: le me  remove the docs environment completly - you have no docs ;)14:00
AJaegertosky: updated14:01
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toskyAJaeger: oh, right - probably copied from other repositories :(14:04
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AJaegertosky: everybody starts with "I want good docs" ;)14:09
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fungidocumentation-driven development process ;)14:16
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corvusJeffrey4l: i think the post-timeout just isn't supplied as an ansible variable, so won't show up in the inventory.  do you have another reason to suspect it isn't working?14:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul_json tests
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clarkbslaweq: AJaeger the docs for migrating those jobs should be in the devstack docs now14:46
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slaweqclarkb: yes, frickler already gave me the link
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clarkbzhipeng: mnaser after an hour anyone can end a meeting but if the bot was restarted then that implicitly ends the meeting14:53
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clarkbsomeone with channel logs may have to provide that info though as meetbot is also our channel logger14:54
zhipengthx clarkb :)14:54
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for review-dev01.o.o to site.pp
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fungiclarkb: ianw: as predicted, getting pushback on any attempt to work around pip 10 breaking...
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul_json callback plugin problem with loops
fungithe main objection seems to be, "but if we add a way for users to make it not break, then they'll do that"15:04
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clarkbimagine that users prefer not breaking :/15:06
fricklerfungi: you used my old account, somehow couldn't change that. correct lp account is "j-harbott"15:07
fungifrickler: oh, sorry about that. fixing now15:08
fungifrickler: okay, should be all set now15:11
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fricklerfungi: yep, thx15:12
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fungimy pleasure!15:13
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: yah, reading again, it does seem a revert is still on the table. Especially if needs to be written not to break end-users15:15
clarkbfungi: any idea if distros have it on their radar to update packaging?15:15
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fungiclarkb: absolutely no clue. it's likely something that has to be fixed on a package-by-package basis which, for a lot of distros, means communicating with lots of different package maintainers to get them to update their packaging scripts15:17
fungipabelanger: all a revert buys us is that we get to go through this _again_ for pip 1115:17
pabelangerfungi: agree15:17
fungiunfortunately, it seems like they wouldn't want to support an escape hatch cli option indefinitely either15:17
fungiso we likely get to go through it again at pip 11 (or pip 12, or...) either way15:18
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clarkbwe (openstack) should probably start communicating this to the dostros we care about since it doesnt appear upstream is doing that15:19
clarkbzigo and jamespage and dirk and dmsimard can probably get us at least moving in the right direction?15:20
fungithough even if we find problem packages in, e.g., ubuntu 18.04 now it'll be another two years before we even have the option of switching to another lts release that includes the fixed packaging15:20
dmsimardI haven't caught up with backscroll yet15:20
fungisame for rhel/centos 815:20
persiaVery likely, but in some cases "lots" might be hundreds, and may include comittees, so it is unlikely to happen quickly.15:20
pabelangerclarkb: or we (openstack) could ask upstream pip to start doing it? I mean, it doesn't seem unreasonable to ask that15:21
clarkbfungi: yup but we have to get distros fixed starting somewhere15:21
pabelangerespecially since they are expect people to change / reach to breaking changes in pip1015:21
clarkbpabelanger: they explicitly seem to say in that bug that it is their users duty to do this15:21
fricklerpersia: so does seem to have arm packages built. is that what you need or do you (also) need the older version in AMD64 HWE? anyway if it's not very urgent, I'd indeed like to defer that to ianw15:21
* persia thinks that "now" is always the best time to fix distros, as the other choice is usually "a couple years ago", which is harder to arrange.15:21
fungisure, i expect they're (slowly) fixing this themselves but as i said, lots of packages with different mostly-autonomous maintainers15:21
clarkbbut I agree they should be communicating it15:21
clarkbpersia: let me know if you solve that arrangement it would be quite useful15:22
persiafrickler: As it turns out, the baseline code depends on , and there is a special case for aarch64 to use which I missed in my first look (as I keep failng to properly distinguish "arm64" and "amd64")15:22
persiafrickler: I still think it might be ideal to just have the OpenStack CI PPAs all support all target architectures, rather than having arch-specific workarounds in arch-specific PPAs, but that is probably a wider discussion.15:23
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persiaclarkb: I have only ever managed to do it by accident in the past, so no particular hints to share.  I shall let you know if I encounter any.15:24
fungiwatching python library package uploads in debian, i see some slow churn of maintainers redoing old ` install` packaging to use dh_python and such, but there's a long tail of packages which aren't getting frequent (where frequency is on the order of several years or longer) upstream releases so tend to just not get rebuilt15:24
fungii'm hoping the pressure to stamp out python 2.x packages will accelerate a lot of that15:24
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clarkbdmsimard: the tl;dr is that distro packaging for python packages must stop using distutils (eg install) to make python packages to continue to be compatibile with future pip15:25
dmsimardcan someone tl;dr the changes ?15:25
dmsimardclarkb: wow, thanks15:25
fungidmsimard: the recommendation is for newer packaging to use pip or something else which will generate equivalent egg-info metadata so that pip knows where to find the package's files15:26
dmsimardI'll get in touch with our packaging senpai15:26
clarkbdmsimard: pip appears to be taking the stance that they are willing to just break people that interact with distro packages in an effort to get distros to move towards fixing this15:26
clarkbbut I'm not even sure all the distros are even aware that this is a thing15:26
dmsimardoh actually there's the RDO meeting going on right now so great opportunity to ask about it.15:27
* dmsimard does that15:27
fungidmsimard: basically, `sudo pip install --upgrade foo` will start breaking with pip 10 if you have a distro-installed python-foo built with distutils mechanisms15:27
clarkbdmsimard: should capture the issue reasonably well on the pip side if people want more details15:28
* persia remembers a time when distros were excitingly all switching to distutils15:28
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: looping back to the discussion about virtualenvs for devstack, would that help avoid the breakage in pip10?15:28
clarkbpabelanger: yes15:28
clarkbpabelanger: that would solve the problem for devstack in particular15:28
clarkbon the infra side of things we'll likely have to go through each bit of config mgmt and switch to using venvs too15:29
persiaAt least for Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, there are mechanisms in place for folk to trigger binary rebuilds without a source change (I don't know about SuSE), which can help for the case where the package depends on some distro build tooling that has been updated.  Using these often doesn't require interaction with each package maintainer.15:29
fungiunder pip 9 it issued a deprecation warning like "Uninstalling a distutils installed project ({0}) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. This is due to the fact that uninstalling a distutils project will only partially uninstall the project." but means that anywhere you see that under pip 9.x will start unconditionally breaking under15:29
clarkbthough I think it less likely to affect us broadly15:29
fungipip 10 (real soon now)15:29
pabelangerclarkb: okay, I did talk with andreaf (I think) at PTG about that devstack change, and didn't get a no :)15:29
clarkbpabelanger: in the past major issues with needing to allow system packages in the virtualenvs to get libvirt to work sort of made using virtualenvs in devstack a waste of time. This is no longer a problem (hasn't been for a couple years)15:30
clarkbI'm not sure if pip10 would also break in ^ if we still had to allow system packages15:31
clarkbbut I don't know of any cases where we do so should be fine15:31
* jamespage reads backscroll15:31
clarkbjamespage: I think fungi and ianw have this paged in the best but there is also a pip bug above with the details. Let us know if we can help sort this out in any way.15:33
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Jeffrey4lcorvus, re post-timeout, some jobs in stable branch failed. i can not sure whether i increase works before it is merged. i will try tobiash's solution. thanks all guys.15:33
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corvusJeffrey4l: it takes effect before it merges.  can you point me at an error?  and what was tobiash's solution?15:34
fungia lot of the backpressure on the distro side has been a general distaste for enabling language ecosystem package managers, as well as the fact that they're generally going to recommend if you do want to use one you should use the version of it that they explicitly package in the distro15:34
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Jeffrey4lcorvus, here is the error
fungipatient: "it hurts when i do this"15:35
Jeffrey4ltobiash told me to add a "sleep" task to check.15:35
fungidoctor: "then stop doing it"15:35
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corvusJeffrey4l: oh, that's a periodic job.  the change won't take effect for that before it merges.  it will affect the check results though.15:35
persiafungi: Except in this case, both parties have hurt and are asked to stop.15:35
Jeffrey4lyep corvus15:36
Jeffrey4li will try to push a patch with a sleep long, then check. if it works, we will merge it.15:36
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tobiashJeffrey4l: well I wouldn't call that 'solution' but just a DNM change exceeding the timeout to prove that this works, but I think that also should be tested already in the zuul tests itself ;)15:39
corvusJeffrey4l: we already have a unit test that does that, so i'm pretty sure it works :)15:39
pabelangerinfra-root: could I get a few reviews on adds review-dev01.o.o to site.pp15:40
pabelangerneeded to start work on bringing xenial server online15:40
Jeffrey4lcool. thanks a lot. we will try to merge the patch.15:40
corvuspabelanger: is that stanza any different than the one underneath it?15:42
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clarkbfungi: ya, I kind of get that (re patient doctor) but at the same time users use distros and if distros don't work with their tools I imagine there will be sadness. FOr us we can likely work with it as we understand the issue but many won't15:44
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clarkbpabelanger: there is a USE_VENV option in devstack today that we can try turning on on top of the use pip10 patch15:45
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pabelangercorvus: no, only the node changed. I was planing on doing a 2 step dance, but have no issues just updating our existing review-dev.o.o, just means puppet won't run on that server any more15:46
clarkbpabelanger: I think the potential problem we'll have is in the bootstrapping steps where we might chicken and egg installing things like virtualenv15:47
pabelangerclarkb: k, I'll look in a bit to see how that work15:47
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clarkbfixup_virtualenv is a function that will most definitely need to be rewritten if still used15:48
clarkbsince it installs virtualenv from distro then installs it with pip15:48
clarkbfungi: ^15:48
dmsimardfungi: great comments on that issue/pr btw15:48
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fricklerwoa, just received a release-announce-digest with 164 entries since Feb 28. was there something stuck that got resolved?15:48
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dmsimardclarkb, fungi: I'm caught up and I brought it up at the RDO meeting -- we don't really have a solution right now. Realistically (even if it'd be a lot of work), we can work something out for the packages /we/ are accountable for (RDO packages) but the base distro packages would be quite problematic since they use the same tooling.15:49
clarkbpabelanger: looks like we explicitly don't call fixup_virtualenv on our test nodes so that one might be hard to test in CI15:49
clarkbpabelanger: in any cases USE_VENV is probably somewhere to start15:50
dmsimardWe'll keep that in mind, but it seems like the best case scenario is probably to pin to pip9 for the time being15:50
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for review-dev01.o.o to site.pp
dmsimardThere's no public information about the rhel8 release but this might come far too late in the process to be taken into account -- i.e, I doubt given the current timelines that rhel8 would ship pip10 *and* "patched" packaging15:51
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corvuspabelanger: it's possible to write a regex that works for both.  but i expect we don't want to have the old one running anymore anyway.15:51
dmsimardand it's highly unlikely that rhel7/centos7 would rebuild all the python packages to take that into account15:51
clarkbdmsimard: ya I think at this point its mostly about communicating things so that progress can be made at some point15:51
clarkband not necessarily expecting any revamp of existing or soon to exist packaging15:52
dmsimardI can chime in the issue just to share our perspective but I don't have a solution for us or them15:52
clarkbfor us (openstack) we'll likely just end up using virtualenvs for everything15:52
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pabelangercorvus: yah, I think once we power down review-dev.o.o and detach volumes, puppet stops running anyways. So I'm okay with removing the old node from site.p.p16:01
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fungiclarkb: ultimately, i would consider switching to virtualenvs a win anyway. i get that there are a lot of people who feel that since pip used to at least pretend to work installing directly into the system context that should be supported forever, but i always felt that mixing different package managers in a single context is a recipe for disaster since they never share any common state information16:03
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clarkbfungi: ya I think the libvirt issue was the only real reason we had to not do it and that is no longer an issue16:04
toskyfungi: summarized as "never cross the streams"16:04
fungiit's only a matter of time before one package manager upgrades a package and blows away assumed state for the other16:04
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fungiand then, yes, total protonic reversal16:04
clarkbfungi: on debuntu that largely isn't an issue due to the use of /usr/local16:05
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import systemd_mount and systemd_service to OSA
clarkbas long as you don't break your paths everything largely works16:05
clarkbthe bigger issue thee is when multiple /usr/local/ python installs fight for the same names due to multiple versions of python16:06
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fungithough you still have the problem that newer packages in /usr/local/lib may not completely shadow modules from /usr/lib they're intended to replace16:07
fungiyou may end up importing modules from different versions of the package16:07
clarkbpabelanger: corvus to be clear this is the expectation on the review-dev change that regex will work on old and new hosts.16:08
clarkbpabelanger: is that the expectation?16:08
fungie.g., if a module in the package has been renamed in newer versions and your application does an import under try/expect to attempt to maintain backwards-compatibilty16:08
openstackgerritZhao Chao proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change Trove meeting time
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Import Zuul modules at top of files
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: enable systemd profile for Gentoo
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clarkbpabelanger: also looking at review-dev memory history on cacti we might consider using a much smaller flavor for the new host?16:10
clarkbmaybe 8GB?16:10
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add systemd roles base jobs
pabelangerclarkb: yah, we can do 8GB16:11
pabelangerclarkb: no, the regex now will only work with review-dev01.o.o hostnames. review-dev.o.o will stop getting puppet updates, but think that is fine as once review-dev01.o.o is online, we'll power off other and move volumes16:12
clarkbpabelanger: by using the * it should continue to work with review-dev.o.o too16:12
pabelangeroh, k. I didn't test16:12
clarkb* will match no \d as well as more than one \d16:12
clarkb+ is one or more16:13
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clarkbI remember the other issue with USE_VENV in devstack as is right now. It doesn't test coinstallability of openstack services16:13
evrardjpOur systemd roles for network management, systemd services, and mount points management, written by cloudnull, are up for sharing. Just saying.16:13
clarkbit also has the downside of being a per service check against USE_VENV to use a service specific VENV which means plugins will all have to implement it themselves too16:13
pabelangerclarkb: I'll be using to make notes for migrating review-dev.o.o to review-dev01.o.o16:14
clarkbfungi: pabelanger so I think we likely want a new devstack option called GLOBAL_VENV or similar that updates the pip install function and just installs everything to a common virtualenv16:14
pabelangerclarkb: yah, USE_VENV seem to setup per service virutalenvs16:14
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fungithat'll be a problem for python 3 testing while the services don't all support python 3. we'd still need separate python 3 and python 2 virtualenvs at a minimum, right?16:16
clarkbfungi: yup good point, but we could do one global venv for each python16:16
clarkband slowly over time that should converge to single for python3 hopefully16:16
fricklermight also be interesting to see how grenade can deal with that change16:16
clarkbfrickler is asking the hard questions16:19
clarkbfrickler: I think it should be functionally similar to having system global installs?16:19
fricklerclarkb: sorry, bad habit ;)16:19
clarkbso hopefully nothing really changes there other than to say use this virtualenv16:19
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pabelangerokay, grabbing some food16:21
fricklerhmm, might actually be that easy, yes16:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Match github model of granting admins write
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Make sure we fail because of path checks
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tmorinAJaeger: I've had a look at tox-siblings...  and I have a question16:29
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tmorinAJaeger: solves the issue only for the dependency to neutron, but networking-bgpvpn has other dependencies... (to networking-odl and to networking-bagpipe for instance)16:30
tmorinAJaeger: will all these dependencies be added to global requirements ?16:31
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rm_workIs anyone else seeing stuff like suddenly?16:35
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clarkbrm_work: I think what is happening there is neutron is newly published to pypi and has been added to constraints16:37
clarkbrm_work: I believe the intent is to allow projects like yours to stop managing out of bandish neutron installs and just list it normally like any other dependency which should fix that issue16:37
odyssey4mepabelanger there may be an opportunity to have some of the ansible role you're working on (zuul, nodepool, etc) to make use of the roles we're importing in ?16:38
rm_workso we'll need to do something? because currently literally every one of our checks are breaking16:38
clarkbrm_work: yes, list neutron as a normal test-requirement16:38
clarkbrm_work: which will install it from using whatever version is in constraints16:39
clarkbthis wasn't an issue before because neutron wasn't in the constraints file so wasn't attempted to be constrained by pip (it essentially just ignored it)16:39
clarkbhrm the construction hasn't been so bad but they are digging a trench at the base of my driveway now and my monitor is shaking16:40
pabelangerodyssey4me: good to know, will keep an eye out16:40
clarkbif this gets any worse I may have to figure out relocating (which is made difficult by not having a driveway I can drive out of)16:41
odyssey4mepabelanger clarkb we're also working on a standard ansible role to construct a venv - perhaps that's of interest to use more broadly too?16:41
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odyssey4methe intent is to have it construct a venv at run time, then package it into a tarball - it can then re-use that venv and do the needed fixup when re-using it16:42
clarkbodyssey4me: be careful doing that, virtualenvs aren't really relocatable in practice16:42
clarkbthere are tools to make it less painful though16:43
pabelangerodyssey4me: for now, I've had good success using the virtualenv flags for the pip module, seems to be working well16:43
clarkbif your distro updates their python packages existing virtualenvs tend to have to be rebuilt16:43
odyssey4meclarkb yes, there are limits for its usage - the caveat is that the same c bindings as were used to construct it are available when re-using it16:43
odyssey4methe intent of the role is just to do it - how it's used is up to the consumer and if anything special needs to be in place then that can be done in the play16:44
rm_workIIRC there was some flag too during venv creation that was supposed to help with relocatability16:46
rm_workwe did our deploys that way for a little bit (tarball of a venv) but eventually switched to container images as they tend to be more reliable16:46
clarkbrm_work: ya the relocatable flag deals with paths changing under the venv iirc16:46
pabelangerodyssey4me: take a look giftwrap: I think that does something closely to what you are suggesting. But don't think it has anything related to ansible16:46
clarkbso you can move it from /foo/venv to /bar/venv?16:46
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rm_workhmm i guess `--no-site-packages` is default now too, cool16:47
rm_workit's been a while since i looked16:47
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rm_workthe `--relocatable` thing is apparently for running on an existing venv? which is news to me, lol16:48
clarkbrm_work: yup and openstack's reliable on site pckages for libvirt bindings was a big thing that made virtualenvs less useful for us in the past. But that hasn't been an issue for a while now so we can move past that and embrace the virtualenv16:48
rm_workwe may have just been wildly lucky stuff worked :P16:48
odyssey4mepabelanger yeah, giftwrap did some clever things and we have discussed some ideas learned from that which we may put into the roadmap16:48
rm_workyeah I've been virtualenv only for ... a long time16:48
rm_workdevstack still pains me with lack of venv16:48
rm_worki just spin it up in a VM and revert to a clean snapshot every single run <_<16:49
pabelangerodyssey4me: nice16:49
corvusi think it'd be okay for devstack to use *one* virtualenv16:49
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clarkbcorvus: ya in fact I think it is preferred in this case to make it easier on plugin writers and to help check coinstallability16:50
fungiwell, *one* virtualenv per major python interpreter version you're testing16:50
odyssey4mecorvus for now, perhaps - and only if you exclude things like tempest/rally/gnocchi which don't abide by the g-r process16:50
corvus(this is distinct from venv-per-service which is a choice that has everything to do with compatibility and nothing to do with installation mechanics)16:50
corvusodyssey4me: yeah, tempest already has its own venv for $legit_reasons16:50
tmorinrm_work: I've hit the same issue as yours16:50
tmorinrm_work, clarkb: I ended up proposing
clarkbtmorin: I feel like that is a step backward, we are at the beginning of the cycle we should just roll forward and add neutron to test requirements instead?16:52
rm_worktmorin: I think clarkb is right though, we just need to adjust our tox.ini to stop trying to do crazy weird installation methods for neutron that we used to do as a workaround for the lack of thing they just fixed :P16:52
tmorinrm_work, clarkb: AJaeger told me this should be handled with mordred, but that he was travelling16:52
clarkbrm_work: right16:52
rm_workso yeah, I would not recommend we move backwards16:52
rm_workthis is the time to break stuff16:52
clarkbat the very least push a change up that swaps it out for pypi neutron and see if it just works (tm)16:52
rm_workstart of cycle16:52
tmorinclarkb: I don't disagree with the principle, but the work goes beyond neutron16:53
rm_workyep that is our plan16:53
clarkbif it is that easy I would definitely fight for rolling forward16:53
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rm_worki'll report back16:53
tmorinclarkb: e.g. networking-bgpbpn has dependencies on neutron, but also networking-odl, and networking-bagpipe16:53
tmorinand adding these to global requirements will not be sufficient16:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Skip autohold if no autohold was requested
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add queue size to tenant overview
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't store references to secret objects from jobs
clarkbyou won't need to add those to requirements to fix the current issue16:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses
tmorinat least for networking-bgpvpn and networking-bagpipe: they are co-developped and networking-bgpvpn typically needs  networking-bagpipe master16:54
clarkbconstraints only applies to explicitly listed package names16:54
rm_workif they aren't in g-r this issue shouldn't affect them16:54
tmorinclarkb: true16:54
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tmorinclarkb: but the whole tox-siblings intent would mean putting all these projects in requirements, right ?16:54
rm_workwe're just removing the weird thing and putting it in our requirements16:55
fungialso, tox-siblings is the answer to the lockstep development issue. you list them as required projects in your jobs and they'll get equivalent branches installed from git instead of pypi16:55
tmorinclarkb: I wanted to bring this up, but I actually need to go right now ...16:55
rm_worktmorin: i would assume you could continue to install those using the old method, it'd just be `neutron` that would need to switch16:55
tmorinclarkb: will get back to the topic tomorrow16:55
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tmorinI'll think about all that in the meantime16:55
rm_workhere's the change we're trying out:
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: corvus: frickler: I've started iterating on USE_VENV in devstack at it's already exposed a few bugs.  While that is per service, should yield some good first results, then we can see how to do the global virtualenv for all services16:56
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rm_workpabelanger: ooh, i didn't realize that was in-progress or even semi-working, that's awesome16:56
pabelangerrm_work: yah, USE_VENV hasn't been part of devstack for a while, but I don't know the history of why it hasn't been used more. Figure enabling it will quickly learn what works / doesn't16:57
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clarkbpabelanger: the history of not using it in the gate is beacuse it doesn't check coinstallability16:58
clarkbat least that is what I seem to remember the big issue being16:58
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fungialso we've had an unfortunate history of some services importing modules from the codebase of other services (and as mentioned earlier some of the extension/plugin projects still rely on this to varying degrees) so they need to share an installation context to work at all17:02
rm_worki mean for extensions ... yes17:03
rm_workit makes sense, they're supposed to install on top of a primary project17:03
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rm_workthat's kinda the point :P17:04
corvusyes, coinstallability is a goal17:04
rm_workother things doing it though ... is a little sketchy17:04
corvusso regardless of other issues (plugins), we'd still want to have no more than a single venv for services17:04
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fungiin the interim, we'd need two if we're testing python 3 and integrating with non-py3k-supporting services17:22
fungiinstall most things into the python3 venv, and only what won't work there into the python2 venv instead17:22
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fungieven when we do that in the system context today we're not testing coinstallability between those two groups of services for py3k compat jobs, since they end up with separate sets of dependencies installed under the lib search path for each major interpreter version17:24
odyssey4meis there any tooling available to do bug trend reporting for launchpad/storyboard?17:24
clarkbfungi: yup17:24
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clarkbodyssey4me: elastic-recheck ?17:24
clarkbodyssey4me: openstack-health has support for it built in now too17:24
odyssey4meI'm thinking about something project drivers may use to monitor project health - things like monitoring bug throughput, incoming vs outgoing, etc17:24
fungidepends on what aspects of bugs you want to trend, i guess17:24
clarkboh purely on the bug data17:25
clarkbthere is bugday17:25
fungiyeah, for open/closed rate info, i think bugday did/does that?17:25
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fungithough almost certainly only for lp at the moment17:25
fungisb wouldn't be hard to do what with the straightforward rest api, but would need someone to write that17:26
evrardjpwe are still on LP so we are good on that side odyssey4me  :)17:26
clarkbI guess it only trends over a day? so may need to be updated to get longer term info17:27
odyssey4melooks like bugday is a bit dated17:28
odyssey4mewell, this page at least:
fungiit hails from near the beginning of openstack17:28
fungiand probably hasn't had any commits in years17:28
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clarkbits actually ~4 days?17:30
clarkber 317:31
odyssey4meyeah, I'm thinking more along the lines of something useful over the course of an entire cycle17:31
clarkbttx has/had tools for doing that not sure if they are hosted or just run locally17:31
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odyssey4memanaging a project has many factors... it looks like most of the tooling development has gone into managing getting new features in - bug management seems to be a bit of a second class citizen17:32
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odyssey4meeven feature pipeline management isn't great... the LP stuff is a bit weird, so I can understand why it's not always used by projects17:33
clarkbsdague has/had tooling too17:33
* odyssey4me makes a mental note to look back at storyboard again17:33
clarkbI think people end up writing their own and then they don't get hosted/published necessarily?17:33
odyssey4meja, and that gives me the sads17:33
odyssey4mewe all have our hacky scripty things which we're too embarrased to share because they're horrible :p17:34
clarkbI'd definitely catch up with ttx when he is awake tomorrow17:34
odyssey4methanks for the perspective :) I'll see if I can get hold of sdake and ttx to discuss what they've got - I like to think we could perhaps put together a discussion about it at the next PTG, and hopefully we can do something together to improve the situation17:35
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evrardjpodyssey4me: sdague not sdake :)17:38
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evrardjpodyssey4me: thanks for the work there17:39
odyssey4meoops, apologies to both :p17:39
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pabelangerfungi: corvus: mind a review on brings review-dev01.o.o online17:49
pabelangerin site.pp17:49
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clarkbcorvus: did you want to weigh in on the python-jenkins core reviewer updates email thread? as fungi pointed out its not an infra project proper and I think you were involved in ressurrecting it off of lp17:50
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fungiclarkb: "Stop embedding (outated) PTL contact info in docs" probably needs your input17:54
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jlvillalgerritbot review request:  Some cleanup/refactoring and adding unit tests. Thanks.18:15
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corvuspabelanger: to your question in #zuul -- project-config doesn't have any secrets affected by the bug18:29
corvuspabelanger: i don't plan to audit all of openstack's usage, though if someone wants to, be my guest :)18:30
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corvuspabelanger: i think just an email to openstack-dev to let folks know is sufficent18:30
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pabelangerI can't remember any place where we did a loop with a secret, but unsure of other projects18:34
tobiashwe craft a .netrc in a loop :/18:38
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fungiooh, .netrc and rexec... that takes me back18:51
beisnerhi all: do you know the guidelines for announcing releases on the openstack-announce ML?  ie. openstack-charms releases, etc?18:54
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fungibeisner: it's moderated, and there is also a separate ml for per-project release announcements18:56
beisnerfungi: is that release-announce?18:57
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fungibeisner: yes, is mostly posted to by our release automation (via announce-release ci jobs for projects), but you could probably also send directly to it if you're doing your own manual releasing18:58
fungibeisner: for sending a once-per-cycle release announcement along the lines of that might be okay, but i'd ask in #openstack-release for guidance18:59
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fungimight be okay to send to the openstack-announce ml i mean19:00
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fungiwe try to keep it very, very, very low-traffic though19:00
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Create review-dev for hieradata
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: corvus: ^follow up to review-dev01.o.o patch, moves our hieradata from fqdn to group entries19:03
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fungioh, right, probably also need to do that in the private hieradata on pmaster19:04
pabelangerYah, can make that change once we are ready19:04
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AJaegerclarkb, tmorin, rm_work , back online and reading backscroll...19:08
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rm_worki think it's fine for us AJaeger19:09
rm_workwe're merging fixes now that remove the old workaround stuff19:10
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AJaegerrm_work: great!19:12
AJaegerrm_work: anything you need my help with?19:12
AJaegerrm_work: I apologize for that breakage, we didn't expect that ;(19:12
rm_workah but you just commented and looks like we need to respin and wait ANOTHER hour+ T_T19:12
rm_workwe've not had working gates for over a week now19:12
rm_workbecause it's just been one thing after another19:13
AJaegerrm_work: what fun...19:13
rm_worklongest they've been working is about 2 hours between breakage19:13
AJaegerrm_work: merge what you have and let me do a followup - ok?19:13
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: Add /projects, /projects/{project} endpoints
AJaegerrm_work: which channel are you hanging out? I can join...19:13
rm_workwe can just do it right, i think -- just need to make sure we get ALL of it correct and don't wait again19:13
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clarkbfungi: I'll take a look. Just catching back up again after moving some tree rounds around and deciding that I should just have Chris Aedo do that for me >_>19:32
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amotokiis there any change in zuul?
clarkbamotoki: that is a change to openstack/requirements to add neutron and horizon to the globale requirements and upper constraints file19:35
clarkbfungi: do you think it likely that we would publish more contact info on the governance pages? I do worry that that may end up creating a communications barrier if we don't19:35
amotokiclarkb: I see. can we consume horizon latest commit?19:35
clarkbamotoki: if you use tox-siblings (which I think is default for all tox jobs) then yes19:35
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clarkbamotoki: you just have to list the project as a required-project in the job then list horizon or neutron as a normal dependency (in test-requirements probably?)19:36
amotokiclarkb: thanks for the info. perhaps all neutron related projects and horizon plugins needs to be updated.19:37
AJaegeramotoki: just writing an email about it19:37
amotokiAJaeger: that helps all of us.19:38
AJaegerclarkb: - and see
amotokihopefully it would be nicer before we have the change.19:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: configloader: check for unknown shadow projects
fungiclarkb: i think it's a good opportunity for pushing to have the project pages on the governance.o.o site to start displaying the e-mail addresses we already have in the structured data we're building them from19:40
AJaegeramotoki, clarkb
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Create review-dev for hieradata
clarkbAJaeger: thanks19:41
amotokiAJaeger: is it okay to have horizon/neutron queens release as g-r even if the code totally depends on Rocky one?19:41
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openstackgerritTobias Rydberg proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change of day and channel for bi-weekly meetings for Public Cloud WG.
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AJaegeramotoki: yes! We install those from git thanks to tox-siblings19:45
fungi(assuming they're included in required-projects for the job that is)19:46
amotokiAJaeger: but this change makes it difficult to test a patch which depends on the master locally19:46
amotokiAJaeger: is there any trick?19:46
clarkbthis is the big problem with tox-siblings, You essentially have to run tox the same way I think. Might be worth a rethink on that? The method is run tox to install the venv only, then do manual install of "sibling" to the venv then rerun tox to execute the tests19:47
AJaegeramotoki: you can always install in your environment. and mordred wanted to write a tool for that19:47
AJaegeramotoki: as clarkb said19:47
fungii think the solution projects who've already had to deal with this problem have been defaulting to is to provide a convenience script to local developers for cloning and checking out the right repositories and installing them into the virtualenv and editing them out of the constraints and requirements files19:47
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fungibut yeah, ideally we'll have some tool for locally running job playbooks19:48
fungiwhich is mostly blocked on being able to grab the right roles from other repos to assemble that19:48
fungiif memory serves19:48
AJaegerfungi: the change to tox-siblings removes the tools/ script that you mention as local tool19:48
fungiAJaeger: ahh, as opposed to simply not running tools/ in ci jobs19:49
clarkbpabelanger: corvus fungi dmsimard do you know off the top of your head if we run ansible on the zuul executors with python3 or with python2?19:49
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amotokiso, isn't it the right solution to drop now?  it seems better just calls pip install if it is called in CI.19:50
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pabelangerclarkb: python319:50
AJaegerwhy is mordred not around when we finally merge his requriements change ;)19:50
clarkbpabelanger: thanks19:50
pabelangerhowever on the nodepool side, it is using python219:50
AJaegerthat breakage wasn't expected ;(19:51
pabelangerwe hardcode that in ansible.cfg IIRC19:51
clarkbpabelanger: nodepool side? we don't run ansible from nodepool do we?19:51
pabelangerclarkb: no, but their is python that runs on VM side too, which we force python219:51
AJaegeramotoki: if you have some working code, please tell - and we can always readd19:51
pabelangerclarkb: I want to say because of python3 bugs / crashes19:51
clarkbpabelanger: oh gotcha, is this just in the image builds? or something that happens post boot?19:51
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clarkbwait so we run the ansible-playbook command on executor as python3 which spawns python2 ansible processes on the test nodes?19:53
pabelangerwe should see if that is still an issue on bionic nodes19:53
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pabelangerclarkb: yes19:53
clarkbthats a bit mind bending19:53
amotokiAJaeger: i just noticed it. do you mean some script by "working code"?19:53
AJaegeramotoki: I thought you talked about tox_install.sh19:53
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amotokiAJaeger: yes.19:53
AJaegeramotoki: sorry, trying to push out changes quickly...19:53
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amotokiAJaeger: previously checks zuul-cloner to determines whether CI env or local env. can we do similar thing?19:54
AJaegeramotoki: and I have one idea - remove neutron/horizon from constrainsts for now19:54
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AJaegeramotoki: maybe - didn't dig into that. mordred wanted to work on some other tool so didn't dig into that ;(19:54
amotokiAJaeger: the main reason I raise this is mox-removal effort in horizon plugins completely depends on horizon master. they cannot be mox free with horizon queens.19:55
corvusclarkb: think of ansible modules running in python as an implementation detail... (recall that they don't actually have to be implemented in python, they can even be bash)19:55
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix safe path check for directories containing symlinks
clarkbcorvus: right its like a remote fork()19:56
clarkbstill mind bending :)19:56
corvusclarkb: note that because of delegation, we can end up running modules on the executor under py3 and running the same modules under py2 on a remote node19:56
corvusso in general, ansible *itself* is py3 safe, modules are not19:57
pabelangeryah, this was one of the concerns about python3 only nodes for bionic, right now zuul would need to remove the hardcoded python319:57
tobiashhopefully that gets better with 2.419:57
AJaegeramotoki: and in CI it will work correctly.19:57
AJaegeramotoki: but I understand your concerns for local development19:57
clarkbpabelanger: bionic has python2 though19:58
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I think tonyb was asking about creating python3 only bionic, then allow jobs to install python2.19:59
pabelangerbut our DIB elements don't support that today, they do both20:00
clarkbpabelanger: if we end up pushing everything into venvs anyways that may be a better answer to the ignore certain python installs by default case20:00
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amotokiAJaeger: hopefully you can send some follow-up mail on local development.20:04
amotokior we can encourage to push code without running local tests :(20:05
AJaegeramotoki, I don't have an answer, hope mordred can give one20:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of secrets
pabelangerlooks like our fedora mirror might be out of sync20:16
pabelangerconnection limits with kernel.org20:16
mnaserpabelanger: ^ i might have someone to talk to about that, but i don't know if they'd be willing to adjust things20:21
mnaser(if you'd like)20:22
clarkbpabelanger: I was going to switch fedora when I switched centos for that reason but didn't bceause of the atomic image mirroring20:22
clarkbpabelanger: it seems that fewer places mirror the atomic images20:23
clarkband we couple the two things together20:23
clarkbused limestone networks mirror since we know logan- there now :) and the mirror site claimed they have more bandwidth than and its closer geographically to our mirror update node20:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix safe path check for directories containing symlinks
pabelangerclarkb: mnaser: I think I found a place for atomic rsync, testing now20:25
clarkbpabelanger: one idea I had at the time and have not had time to think about much since is decoupling atomic mirroring from fedora mirroring20:25
clarkbalso is anyone even using the atomic images?20:25
ianwspeaking of mirrors; re our discussion i've backported and built bionic-era afs 1.8 packages in  i've had it running a recursive md5 on the mirrors overnight on a host, only reading, but no issues or warnings20:26
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clarkbthat sounds promising20:27
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update fedora mirroring to
pabelangerclarkb: ianw: mnaser: testing ^ now20:30
mnaserclarkb: afaik at the time i got the atomic images for magnum to use20:31
* mnaser looks if they're still using them20:31
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mnaserclarkb: yes they are20:36
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corvusfungi: did we ever consider using shadow *projects* in the same gerrit?20:43
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corvuseg, ?20:43
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fungicorvus: interestingly, i don't think that was ever brought up as a possibility20:45
fungiit's certainly worth considering20:46
pabelangerokay, review-dev01.o.o failed to launch, I see some java exceptions. I'll dive into them after I get some food20:47
fungipabelanger: bootstrapping a new gerrit server may be not entirely possible from puppet too... i think we end up copying/moving in the static data and database20:48
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pabelangerfungi: yah, it would be helpful to see how we've done it in the past. Do you know of any etherpads with that info?20:50
fungii don't, but should just be /home/gerrit2 which needs to be copied over20:51
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fungiit'll end up wanting to connect to the existing trove db though, so you may need to turn down the gerrit service on old review-dev if bringing up one on review-dev0120:52
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pabelangerfungi: ianw: clarkb: mnaser: works as expected to mirror fedora / atomic via rsync. If you'd like to review / approve20:54
tonybevrardjp: I'm around for the next 30mins but I suspect that you're don for the day?20:54
tonybpabelanger: Yup that is indeed what I was asking for20:55
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evrardjptonyb: I am close to done indeed20:58
evrardjptonyb: was wondering what's the status of our EOLing20:58
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tonybevrardjp: SOrry I didn't get to it yesterday.  I'll do it now, if you're around for the next 10mins you can ack on the list and then I can try to finish it today.  DOes that work for you?20:59
evrardjpyeah sure20:59
* fungi disappears to find food, bbiaw21:01
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clarkblooks like I can get out of my driveway again21:18
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tonybevrardjp: So all my tools failed so I created the list manually, please check it carefully if you're still functional21:20
tonybevrardjp: the mail shoudl hit the list RSN21:20
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corvusokay, both zuul security fixes for today have landed21:22
corvusi'll start working on restarting the executors21:22
clarkbcorvus: thanks, let me know if I can help21:24
evrardjptonyb: will have a look21:24
corvusclarkb: thx, should be straightforward21:24
evrardjptonyb: I am expecting the fastest email delivery right now! I trust SMTP for getting my emails as soon as possible!21:25
evrardjpthat's a terrible joke, but I like it.21:25
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tonybevrardjp: Always as son as possible not always as soon as you'd like ;P21:26
evrardjptonyb: that's fairly true!21:27
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AJaegerclarkb, mordred, send patches for nearly all repos that we broke with tox-siblings. Exception: networking-cisco since it installs from old branch. Added to
* AJaeger is tired now ;(21:29
clarkbAJaeger: sambetts|afk was tlking about stuff like that in the ironic channel earlier today21:29
clarkbI think at the very least they are aware of what is going on so we likely don't have to solve that for them?21:29
AJaegerclarkb: I solved it for those issues that i was aware21:30
AJaegerclarkb: let me check ironic on eavesdrop...21:30
evrardjptonyb: some of those don't have the branch stable/newton, but if your code is resilient, it should be fine, right?21:30
evrardjplet me confirm by email21:31
clarkbAJaeger: also you should get some sleep if you are tired :)21:31
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tonybevrardjp: Yeah the EOL tool will handel that.  Sorry I had to do it my hand it seems quicker than debugging my tool :/21:31
* tonyb takes kids to school21:31
corvusstarting executors now21:32
AJaegerclarkb: will do...21:32
AJaegerclarkb: hope TheJulia will followup to my email with her concerns21:32
corvusup and running21:32
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TheJuliaAJaeger: Can now be nap time instead of email time?21:33
clarkbfor me its try to think with the loud construction outside21:33
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AJaegerTheJulia: we can followup tomorrow. Let me just assure you that the change does test exactly the same as it did before - it installs neutron from git without any changes.21:34
AJaegerTheJulia: - and yes tomorrow, please ;)21:34
TheJuliaAJaeger: I now understand that after clarkb stepped in, it is all the other things that doesn't have our internal magic that is concerning21:35
TheJuliaI'll try to put a chain of words together tomorrow that will hopefully make sense21:35
AJaegerSure - and sorry for breaking some stuff ;( There was an unexpected side effect :(21:36
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TheJuliaAJaeger: such is life :)21:36
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* AJaeger calls it a day now and waves good night21:36
evrardjpgood nigh AJaeger21:37
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clarkbOh! before I forget I did sign up infra for an onboarding session in vancouver. They are 40 minute sessions and dmsimard has volunteered to help out with it21:40
dmsimardclarkb: are the schedules due this week ?21:41
TheJuliadmsimard: I think they are just trying to figure out what teams want them right now21:41
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clarkbdmsimard: no they are due in a couple weeks iirc21:42
clarkbseems like one of the emails siad when we'd figure that all out but ya for right now they just want signups21:42
dmsimardclarkb: couple weeks ? Ouch. That doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare things if you get accepted talks21:43
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clarkbdmsimard: is the concern scheduling conflicts or knowing to prep for it?21:44
clarkbdmsimard: the onboarding sessions is basically confirmed at this point so we should be prepared for it21:44
clarkbas for avoiding conflicts I think that is why they ask for our names upfront21:45
dmsimardMostly knowing whether or not we need to prepare talks yeah21:45
clarkbtalks are separate21:45
clarkband notifications of acceptance go out this week aiui21:45
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dmsimardAhhh TIL.21:46
clarkbfungi: I've gone ahead and approved the docs update for PTL reference. Should we work to update the governance publications?21:48
clarkbdmsimard: one of the things they do at the summits is give projects update time slots and onboarding time slots. Those are assigned via a queue until they run out of room. This is separate of the cfp process21:49
dmsimardYeah I just didn't realize the project slots were done that way21:50
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of secrets
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ianwpabelanger: mind a poke at to add a no_timeout flag to the reprepo script?  i always end up copying the script and editing it22:03
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clarkbianw: are you planning to update afs client on mirror-update soon? or are you going to keep doing "burn in" first?22:03
ianwclarkb: first i was going to go through all the current errors, just sshing in now :)22:05
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ianwi'm pulling apart what's supposed to be happening with the mariadb mirrors; they're using the wrong volume name, at least for the vos release22:13
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pabelangerianw: +222:20
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ianwis there any standard puppet way of injecting some randomness into cron job timing?22:21
ianwwe've got two mariadb syncs for 10.x and 10.y ... it would be good if they ran offset from each other22:22
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pabelangerianw: sleep $((RANDOM\%600) && foo22:23
pabelangeris what we use in other cases in system-config22:23
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix mariadb sync
ianwpabelanger: ^ hmm, worth adding in there?22:24
ianwmaybe we should see if there is an actual problem before solving it :)22:25
clarkbhrm if using the same volume they could could fight each other22:26
ianwthe vos release should be atomic, though?22:28
clarkbianw: one vos release could happen while reprepro is updating and that will potentially release a halfway completed repo22:28
clarkbwhich could in theory lead to errors updating packages in jobs?22:28
ianwurgh, yeah.  maybe it would be easier to just make new volumes22:29
ianwwhere are these actually used?  we're not carrying them for no reason are we?22:30
pabelangeryah, new volumes is likely safest22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Stop embedding (outated) PTL contact info in docs
pabelangerand pretty cheap22:30
clarkbor combine them all into a single lock and update script22:30
clarkbsimilar to how fedora and atomic happen together22:30
ianwi'm not seeing any users of that...22:31
pabelangerianw: I want to say OSA is using it22:32
clarkbya I think it was OSA that we set it up for22:32
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clarkbcodesearch can't seem to find anything using it though22:33
clarkb is interesting though22:34
ianwhow about i send a openstack-dev mail about it, and in a few days i'll either fix it, or remove them?22:34
clarkbya and definitely ping osa to follow up22:35
pabelangermaybe on stable branches?22:36
clarkblooks like mariadb is available on trusty and xenial and bionic22:37
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to get/delete rsvp template by id
clarkbI guess it could be a version thing22:41
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of secrets
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of nodesets
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to get/delete rsvp template by id
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ianwclarkb / pabelanger: sound ok ->  ?22:46
clarkbdoing a quick scan of their repos (at least on master) they appear to install galera from percona/galera's repos?22:46
clarkbI don't think that needs a mariadb to boostrap22:46
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clarkbianw: lgtm22:46
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pabelangerianw: wfm22:51
ianwok, moving on ... all the rest seem to be stopped due to lockfiles, with unknown db consistency states, i'll just try them one-by-one22:51
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pabelangerclarkb: ianw: mind a +3 on
pabelangerfor bionic testing22:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Update fedora mirroring to
clarkbpabelanger: at ptg I thought it would be good to not gate on bionic. I sort of still feel that way.22:54
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clarkbAt least in this case it is infra itself which should address problems22:54
clarkbpabelanger: concern is blocking updates to zuul-jobs due to beta being broken out side of our control22:55
clarkbbut I guess even if check fails we won't gate so maybe that is moot22:55
clarkbianw: one thing I keep pondering and worrying about is these one off mirrors for things like mariadb and ceph and so on. We don't seem to do a great job keeping them up to date because each new software version requires new mirror configs22:57
clarkbianw: it would be nice to get away from mirroring them and instead focusing on the distro releases which are released on a fairly well known cadence that we have to prepare for anyways and should in most cases have this software also packaged up22:57
clarkband maybe we point at tumbleweed for people wanting latest and greatest testing (fedora too)22:58
pabelangerclarkb: yah, feel the same myself. However, if jobs are running against bionic, we likely want to ensure some of our playbooks are working.  Given how smooth testing of bionic has been so far, I think right now it is looking unlikely that something will break (famous last words) :)22:58
clarkbpabelanger: in this case we should probably be prepared to remove these jobs if they start failing due to a broken update22:58
clarkbthat is easy enough to do so I'm ok moving ahead, just wanted to call that out22:59
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pabelangersure, I think that is fair22:59
ianwclarkb: i agree; i think maybe jobs are setup and then removed and forgotten.  i guess if we get more requests, we should consider that carefully23:00
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diablo_rojoWould fungi, or some other wonderful infra friend be able to run the migration for sahara on friday? Assuming gets +W before then.23:04
persiaclarkb: pabelanger: Maybe non-voting jobs, which won't wedge anything, but will provide forward guidance?23:05
clarkbpersia: ya, at this point I think I'm happy to operate under the idea that they shouldn't change much at this point and things should just work (tm) and address it if they break23:06
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clarkbfor project outside the bootstrapping of infra I think being a little more conservative is still worthwhile because they don't want to debug random distro fails23:06
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persia suggests to me waiting until at least the 22nd, but maybe folk are more conservative than they once were.23:07
clarkbwe are past the debian import freeze23:09
clarkbso at this point it should be relatively minor changes?23:09
clarkbya that is feature freeze time too so probably we are ok23:09
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clarkband it would just be bugs breaking us at this point23:09
persiaclarkb: At least when I was an Ubuntu Developer, this just meant that we were supposed to think for a few minutes before pressing the LP button to sync "manually", key being not to introduce any known breaking changes at this point (new versions are fine).23:10
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persiaIt was UIFreeze that we started needing to file freeze exceptions for new upstream packages as a general rule (which discourages doing so)23:10
persiaHence me suggesting "wait one more week" :)23:10
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persia5 April is the hard freeze, after which it is stable, but I expect fewer folk to file all the paperwork necessary to sync random things after UIFreeze.23:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-jobs for ubuntu-bionic
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clarkbpersia: I guess we'll see how hard people think about merging changes :)23:13
clarkbit is straightforward to undo so not a major concern23:13
persiaFair :)23:14
pabelangeryah, we should be at beta1 for bionic now, if their release schedule is correct.23:15
persiaI thought betafreeze became opt-in at the last UDS, such that it only applied to a narrow subset of packages, but I've been away from that long enough that I defer to folk paying more attention.23:17
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix on multiresponse parser
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fix on multiresponse parser
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Allows null on file param on location image/map update method
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persiaianw: Are you sufficiently satisfied with to think it worth addressing before bionic closes?23:39
openstackLaunchpad bug 1364544 in openafs (Ubuntu) "Openafs Not Building on arm64" [Undecided,New]23:39
ianwpersia: yeah, everything seems to be ok, for read operations at least.  i think it's definitely worth getting in, the patches are minor really23:41
ianwwe have them built in a ppa; i can actually provide a patch on the existing package23:42
ianwi just built the bionic package into a ppa for xenail, which we're going to try on mirror-update.  that will stress the read & write paths, and should provide good feedback23:43
clarkbianw: thats x86 though right? or are you using the same set of patches for both?23:43
pabelangerHmm, I'm seeing some synchronize tasks failing for some reason23:45
ianwclarkb: that's x86 ... our arm64 packages are a little further on from them, as i just took them straight from git after the arm64 patches merged23:45
pabelangertrying to debug why23:45
pabelangerin zuul jobs23:45
ianwboo ... afs just died on mirror-update, during debian update23:47
clarkbpabelanger: that?23:47
ianwubuntu uca & debian-ceph-jewel i restored successfully23:47
pabelangerclarkb: no, working on getting logs23:47
ianwsince i'm geting into the big ones (debian/ubuntu) i think i'll take this point to update the afs client, and see what happens23:47
pabelangerhard to tell right now because I am using no_log: True with synchronize23:48
persiaianw: My thought for easiest-acceptance-path was just to add the patch from 11940 to 1.8.0~pre5-1, as straight-from-git requires me to do a more complicated dance.23:49
ianwoh wait ... mirror-update is trusty still?23:49
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ianwany reason why?23:50
pabelangerianw: no, we haven't updated it yet23:50
clarkbthe apache thing above appears to be proeprly broken ansible? its stating a file then trying to read the results as registered_result.results.stat23:50
pabelangerclarkb: okay, think there is a regression in recent zuul update23:50
pabelangerno longer works23:50
clarkbbut reading docs it should just be registered_result.stat23:50
ianwwell i guess i know what i'm doing for the next hour or so :)23:50
pabelanger2018-03-14 23:50:19.566129 | bastion |   "msg": "Syncing files from outside the working dir /var/lib/zuul/builds/4d1b0a0210b6427f8e07d6a0d0899140/work is prohibited",23:51
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clarkbI mean yes23:52
clarkbpabelanger: you have to do that in a trusted context don't you? which our normal repo syncing does?23:52
pabelangerclarkb: up until this afternoon, untrusted worked23:52
pabelangerso, does that mean because what it was doing was wrong?23:53
pabelangerbecause I'd expect {{ zuul.executor.src_root }} to be fine in an untrusted context, on executor23:53
clarkbdo you know what the actual path is for src_root?23:54
clarkb/var/lib/zuul/builds/4d1b0a0210b6427f8e07d6a0d0899140/src_root ?23:54
pabelanger        src_root: /var/lib/zuul/builds/4d1b0a0210b6427f8e07d6a0d0899140/work/src23:54
clarkbhrm that is in the work dir23:55
* clarkb needs to figure out what the homedir is23:56
pabelangerlet me look at recent zuul changes23:56
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clarkbenv_copy['HOME'] = self.jobdir.work_root23:56
clarkbthe intent is definitely to allow the homedir and the trusted/ dir23:56
clarkbfor reads at least23:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: WIP: test subscribers and permissions
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