Friday, 2017-10-20

pabelangerI wouldn't expect that to be on executor, are you sure that isn't on the remote node?00:00
jeblairSamYaple: if pabelanger is correct, and /home/zuul/.ansible is not writable, then that's very strange00:00
pabelangerthat's why i think it wouldn't be executor00:01
jeblairSamYaple: yeah, i think that file is on the remote host00:01
SamYaplehmmm i suppose being on the remote host would make sense here00:01
pabelangerbut hard to tell, I think your the first using async00:01
jeblairit is async, after all, so it needs to store its ..right00:01
SamYapleill run a quick test00:01
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jeblairclarkb: responded; let me know if that clears it up00:03
clarkboh I see it awsn't using any of that data before00:04
clarkbjeblair: ok I've approved the change00:05
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ianwpabelanger: did you figure out the finger ze05 thing?00:07
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pabelangerianw: no, I haven't done much work today to look.00:08
pabelangerianw: did we add it to zuulv3-issues etherpad?00:08
jeblairi'm going to restart the scheduler now00:09
pabelangerianw: ya, ze06, still down it seem00:09
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated legacy-octavia-dashboard-*
pabelangeradding it to zuul3-issues now00:09
pabelangerianw: okay, added.00:12
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove migrated legacy-octavia-dashboard-*
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated legacy-octavia-dashboard-*
ianwpabelanger: cool ... see also my notes above on the rename, you still ok to drive it?00:13
jeblairscheduler is up and re-enqueuing00:13
jeblairif you hard-refresh, you can see the management event counts now00:13
pabelangerianw: I haven't looked yes, I thought fungi was driving, I should be able to assist, but could be delayed due to flight tomorrow00:14
pabelangerianw: 20:00 UTC, right?00:15
pabelangerianw: Yah, I should be home well before that00:15
ianwi plan to be asleep before that :)00:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop storing dependent items on buildsets
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SamYaplejeblair: pabelanger
SamYaplethanks both fo you00:41
SamYapleasync logs are on the remote host00:41
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jeblairSamYaple: \o/00:46
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jeblairSamYaple: we should probably swing back around to that later though -- i'm sure there's a way to get that into the native ansible reporting without poking at those files directly.  maybe some specific way to register the async task or something.00:48
SamYapleor just test if the folder exists maybe?00:49
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dmsimardBack home from Ottawa \o/01:11
SamYaplesilly canada01:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add project-templates to docs
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dmsimardSamYaple: dude there was poutine at the OpenStack days Canada, it was awesome :D01:24
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jeblairtonyb: implemented your suggestion
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tonybjeblair: Thanks.  I'll go over that series again now01:29
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs for heat
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from heat
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pabelangerSamYaple: good to hear01:50
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy job for python-heatclient
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs for python-heatclient
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openstackgerritAnup Navare proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: [Test] DNM Checking if tinyIPA builds with py3
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Routes Mapping Bug
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Routes Mapping Bug
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy job for heat-templates
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy job for heat-templates
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Marketplace API
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add stretch mirror for ceph
mnaserhi frienz02:38
mnaserhow are release jobs coping if someone has any ideas02:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Don't cleanup TripleO CI Tempest resources
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove networking-ovn legacy jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Rename ironic jobs for nova/neutron/devstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove dib legacy playbooks
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: networking-odl: Removing legacy jobs definitions
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: make openstack-tox-pypy run tox pypy
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add configure-swap role
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes job for VPNaaS
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clarkbmnaser: aiui very close to working just have to sort out the announce jobs03:29
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ianwok, something weird with a devstack job03:35
ianwi just watched the console, this comes out03:35
ianwthe job finishes ... now it's back in "queued" status?03:35
dmsimardproject-config-core, mordred: should fix the publish api thing03:39
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* dmsimard sleep03:40
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ianwok, it's my syntax error, but there wasn't a clear message04:00
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openstackgerritNguyen Van Trung proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Change http to https link
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes job for VPNaaS
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes job for VPNaaS
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AJaegerianw, project-config-cores: care to review  and to fix translatoins and specs publishing, please?04:58
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Jeffrey4lwhen the same nodeset is defined in bother master and pike branch, zuul will complain that the nodeset is already defined. is this a bug?05:44
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dirkAJaeger: and pretty please..06:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Discover Distribution through the class hierarchy
AJaegermorning, dirk - will do...06:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Remove unnecessary 'if True'
AJaegerdirk: LGTM06:11
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Requirements propose_updates runs master only
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Run gitdm periodic job only on master
dirkAJaeger: good morning, thanks!06:23
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fricklerwasn't someone fixing jobs recently that ran on dedicated nodes earlier and are lacking python-yaml now? this is another one
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: fix specs publishing
fricklerAJaeger: I'd say lets verify ianw's suggestion on before changing it everywhere07:24
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fricklerah, no the yaml issue is still on the etherpad07:25
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Vitrage
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run bindep for translation jobs
AJaegerfrickler: updated ^07:28
AJaegerfrickler: haven't found anything to quickly copy for python-yaml - patches welcome ;)07:28
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fricklerAJaeger: playbooks/proposal/pre is already included in pre-run for the parent in your translation jobs, isn't that cumulative? i.e. wouldn't just adding playbooks/translation/pre be enough?07:35
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openstackgerritNguyen Van Trung proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Move to Zuulv3 link to check status
openstackgerritNguyen Van Trung proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Move to Zuulv3 link to check status
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evrardjpmay I have an expert eye on this review: to give me an insight on why my new in-tree jobs don't appear in the tests? Did I do something wrong with my definition?
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated legacy-octavia-dashboard-*
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Change http to https link
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Karbor
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes job for VPNaaS
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add required-projects for the release-openstack-python jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix contributor guide post run job location
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-image-elements: remove the migrated jobs
evrardjpoh never mind.08:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add the correct branch overrides to the networking-cisco jobs
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Install PyYAML for proposal jobs
fricklerAJaeger: ^^ not very creative, but I think it should work08:17
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hwoaranggood morning. I have an issue with a proposal and zuulv308:31
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openstackgerritTetsuro Nakamura proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Follow up change for networking-spp creation
hwoarangi am looking at this log and it seems that BRANCH ends up being empty because "git branch -a | grep -q "^  remotes/origin/$ZUUL_REFNAME$" returns empty string08:31
hwoarangand as such nothing happens in the script08:32
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs from networking-onos
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from networking-onos
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AJaegerfrickler: thanks, commented08:44
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evrardjphwoarang: oh maybe the $ZUUL_REFNAME was fixed by AJaeger08:44
evrardjpand this job has run before the fix merged08:44
evrardjpoh maybe not08:46
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evrardjpI just remembered refname ...08:46
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove ironic legacy jobs
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AJaegerhwoarang: do you have a more recent log file? Let's look at that one instead, please09:03
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toskyAJaeger: hi, do you know if will be still considered the main URL for zuul or should we use
toskyasking because I received this:
toskyand I'm not sure that it makes change to replace the URL09:06
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fricklertosky: yes, zuulv3.o.o is only temporary. I think it should get moved back next week when zuul v2 is thrown out completely09:15
toskyfrickler: so I guess that all changes can be blocked:
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fricklertosky: I think yes, but maybe wait for independent confirmation09:22
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove networking-ovn legacy jobs
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toskyfrickler: I asked to hold the patches for now09:22
frickler says " will likely be updated to feed from the new Zuul v3 data in the near future." so except the "likely" which makes it a bit vague, it is documented there09:23
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fricklerAJaeger: hwoarang: assuming that I located the correct version of the script, we seem to need to drop the "remote/" here
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hwoarangfrickler: yeah that's the script09:34
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hwoarangfrickler: i presume this prevents all propose jobs to work properly and not just ours right?09:35
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AJaegertosky: interesting - that document mentions Jenkins which is really wrong and should be changed...09:36
fricklerhwoarang: I'd guess so, yes09:36
hwoarangAJaeger: sorry i have no recent log file right now09:37
hwoarangfrickler: ok thank you09:37
AJaegerhwoarang: we work on other proposal jobs right now, so, let's wait for next run...09:37
AJaegerfrickler: yes, that's the fix...09:37
toskyAJaeger: right, but apart from that, the question was more about the change of the zuul URL09:38
AJaegertosky: frickler answered that - I agree09:38
toskyyep :)09:39
hwoarangAJaeger: OK then09:39
AJaegerhwoarang: please keep an eye on it - we know the proposal jobs are broken and fix them step by step...09:41
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix branch check for proposal script
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mordredAJaeger: morning! I'm around for a minute or two - anything I should prioritize reviewing?10:02
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mordredandreaf: I've got an interesting failure on my attempt to add new-style devstack jobs to shade ...10:05
andreafmordred: oh... link?10:06
mordredandreaf: - I'm getting a sudo failure when it's trying to do the systemd log collection (otherwise the job seems to have run fine)10:06
mordredandreaf: but I don't see anywhere that revoke-sudo has been run or anything lke that10:06
mordreda little easier to see there ...10:07
dtantsurfolks, could you please clarify should the job definitions themselves be backported or not?10:07
vdrokmorning all! yeah, we have the following in master
dtantsurI don't quite get how "The Zuul config on stable branches doesn’t need everything on the master branch – the jobs defined in the master branch will be available in any branch." plays with "If you have playbooks or roles included on the master branch, backport these as well."10:08
andreafmordred: that's strange ... revoke sudo we do for user stack only I believe, and the journal export is done as zuul10:08
mordredandreaf: we do revoke sudo for the stack user?10:09
fricklerandreaf: mordred: I do see "revoke sudo for zuul" in the last pre step10:09
mordredfrickler: OH!10:09
mordredfrickler: well that would explain why sudo is being revoked10:09
andreaffrickler: yeah that must be it10:09
hwoarangI have a question about the upload-logs role. We store all logs in $root/logs but it seems the upload-logs role doesn't upload any of these files to the log server. The 'base' job suggests that logs should be copied by 'us' in logs/ and the post job will upload them. Is that true?10:09
fricklerseems to be within shade's devstack/pre.yaml10:09
mordredfrickler: yup. there it is10:10
mordredwow. thank you10:10
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add devstack jobs for zuul v3
mordredfrickler, andreaf: I expect that to be green now ^^10:10
mordredfrickler: I spent almost an hour trying to figure out where the revoke sudo was happening :)10:11
fricklermordred: yw ;)10:11
* mordred does a little dance - hopes the jobs go green so he can switch to new-style devstack jobs10:12
andreafmordred: regarding user stack I believe we do not yet have the revoke sudo for stack in the new style job10:12
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AJaegermordred: and
AJaegermordred: otherwise: the javascript PTI jobs wait for you but that needs more than a minute or two...10:18
AJaegerdtantsur: you don't need to backport the job template.10:19
AJaegerdtantsur: just try it ;)10:19
AJaegerdtantsur: happy to review a change and comment10:19
dtantsurvdrok: ^^^10:19
dtantsurthanks AJaeger!10:19
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AJaegerdtantsur, vdrok : Changes for the manual are always welcome to make it easier for the next one...10:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix branch check for proposal script
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hwoarangdoes anyone know if there is already a proper way to export  zuul.executor.*  infomration as variables? We need to use the zuul.executor.work_root in a shell script10:28
smcginnisfrickler: I think we went with bindep for pyyaml installation because requirements.txt was not processed for the failing jobs, but not sure if there was another, possibly more relevant, reason for doing a package installation.10:28
hwoarangotherwise we can export that in our in-project playbooks i suppose. but if there is a role or something that does that it's better to re-use it10:28
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AJaegerhwoarang: your playbook can define an environment variable and use that...10:32
fricklersmcginnis: I looked at the bindep for project-config and that contains things that seem overkill for this particular set of tools being run, so I didn't want to use that variant. waiting for feedback from infra-root whether they prefer pkg vs. pip10:32
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AJaegerhwoarang: or pass it in as does10:33
smcginnisfrickler: I'm curious now too if there is a better approach.10:33
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pabelangerfrickler: smcginnis: adding pyyaml to bindep should be fine for now, until we refactor the proposal job into native ansible playbook. You'd need to update the job to then use the bindep-role for proposal pre playbook10:43
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smcginnispabelanger: Long term, is it better to get it working with pip?10:43
smcginnise.g. this approach:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: neutron-lbaas-dashboard jobs require horizon
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pabelangersmcginnis: well, I'd rather use something like requirements.txt or test-requirements.txt for installing pip things, we already do a good job with other tooling to support that. Having playbooks that just pip install something from a random location, would get confusing over time, at least for me10:45
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pabelangersmcginnis: then either use tox or virtualenv to install them, since we don't really need to be root10:46
smcginnisThat may have been the reason we went went with bindep for the requirements tools, since normal requirements.txt processing doesn't happen in some cases.10:46
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AJaegerpabelanger, could you review and , please?10:49
AJaegerpabelanger, frickler, should we merge 513650 and the pyyaml change? So, do it in pre.rule? I can rework 513650...10:50
AJaegerI meant I can merge 513650 anf 513497 - let me do that now...10:51
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run bindep for proposal jobs
AJaegerfrickler, smcginnis, pabelanger ^10:54
hwoarangAJaeger: ok thank you10:54
vdrokAJaeger: could you take a look at zuul still complains about playbooks10:59
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you check as well, please?11:00
AJaegervdrok: will do11:00
vdrokthank you!11:00
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AJaegervdrok: yes, you need to backport any playbooks.11:02
AJaegerJust not the job definitions itself. So, zuul.yaml is fine (just can be done better, see my comment)11:02
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vdrokAJaeger: aha, so no need for legacy-ironic-jobs.yaml, but everything else should be present. gotcha, thank you11:03
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AJaegervdrok: yes11:04
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pabelangerAJaeger: yah, lets get mordred to review that one, since he original wrote it11:05
AJaegermordred: could you review , please?11:06
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smcginnisdhellmann, fungi: Looks like this is the change in behavior:
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odyssey4meis there a variable available to job playbooks which tells us that the job succeeded or failed? I want to use it when determining which logs to collect in the post stage11:13
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pabelangerodyssey4me: zuul_success
odyssey4meah, nice thanks pabelanger11:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Run bindep for proposal jobs
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mordredpabelanger, AJaeger: looking11:19
mordredAJaeger: oh - that looks great! +311:19
mordreddmsimard: ^^ good job11:19
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Default clone_repo to master if branch not found
AJaegermordred: thanks for reviewing...11:23
AJaegersmcginnis: that was always the default with zuul-cloner11:24
AJaegersmcginnis: ah, you see it does not anymore - argh ;(11:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Refactor fact configuration for service_type_data
smcginnisAJaeger: Yeah, looks like that's why this is failing now:
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mordredsmcginnis: I think that's still going to fail11:28
smcginnismordred: Oops, what'd I miss?11:28
mordredsmcginnis: hang on - re-reading ...11:29
mordredsmcginnis: k. nevermind. I'm wrong11:30
smcginnisK, I don't doubt I'm possibly missing something, so please do let me know if you see any issue.11:31
odyssey4meis there an example of a cross-repo job available somewhere for me to look at?11:32
odyssey4meI'm thinking something along the lines of a job which is initated by one repo, but uses the tests from another11:32
mordredyup. one sec11:33
andreas_sHi, the build-openstack-sphinx-docs job in our project is failing: Log says I should add neutron to the required projects list. What would be the right approach to fix this? cause the job is a generic openstack job...11:33
andreas_san example:
mordredodyssey4me: is a job definition for a job that runs zuul's tox py35 tests - and we trigger it on patches to openstack-infra/zuul-jobs11:34
pabelangerandreas_s: you likely want to switch to the publish-openstack-sphinx-docs-neutron project-template, that will setup neutron properly11:35
andreas_spabelanger: do you suggest to fix things in project-config first, or should I start moving all job definitions to our repo first?11:36
mordredodyssey4me: the main things to know are that on the job the 'required-projects' tells zuul which projects to clone/prepare when the job is triggered11:36
odyssey4memordred yep, got that11:36
pabelangerandreas_s: you cand first fix it in project config, it will actually be openstack-python-jobs-neutron, then once working, migrate into your repo11:37
AJaegerandreas_s: you should keep that job in project-config, only convert legacy jobs over but not the standard PTI required ones11:37
mordredcool. so then many of the job types (like in this case the tox job) take an argument of "zuul_work_dir" which tells it which directory to operate in - that variable tends to default to 'zuul.project.src_dir' - which is the src dir of the project that triggered the job11:37
andreas_sAJaeger: understood, thx11:38
mordredodyssey4me: ^^ so if you want to trigger by one project but run tests from another project, overriding zuul_work_dir is likely the main thing you need to do11:38
andreas_spabelanger: ok, thx. let me have a look at the job you proposed...11:38
mordredodyssey4me: alternately, if the job content isn't using one of the existing base jobs but is custom for your projects - you can just refernece {{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/ as a location to do things11:39
odyssey4memordred ok, I'm doing this right now, but it feels a bit clunky: &
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: increase timeout for ec2-api rally job
odyssey4memordred so that's basically your second suggestion11:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Default clone_repo to master if branch not found
mordredodyssey4me: that looks correct ... and I can't immediatley come up with a suggestion for a better structure11:43
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odyssey4memordred alright, thanks for looking into it11:44
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odyssey4meI'm sure that in time we'll get a bit smarter - but for now we're just slowly evolving.11:44
mordredodyssey4me: for having a base job in one repo, tests in another repo and triggering that on a third repo is probably always going to be partially mind-bending :)11:44
odyssey4mehaha, yeah11:44
mordredodyssey4me: but I think what you're doing there is cool and stuff11:44
mordredodyssey4me: and yah - it's definitely an iterative learning process for all of us11:45
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odyssey4memordred to improve my understanding - what does the 'required-projects' do which is better than us just git cloning in a task?11:47
odyssey4mein this case I'm referring to a situation where there is no need for zuul to work out dependent patches and refs11:47
odyssey4meI literally just need a repo on a disk in it's current committed state11:47
mordredodyssey4me: yah - in that case required-projects does not do anything for you11:48
odyssey4mewell, I was wondering whether it uses something like synchronise or something other than git?11:48
mordredodyssey4me: required-projects is better when you need zuul to be able to work out dependent patches and refs11:48
odyssey4mewe get quite a few failure when using a normal git clone to get repositories which zuul hasn't put there for us already - this is why I'm asking11:49
mordredodyssey4me: WELL - yah - it does the cloning on the executor (using caches there) and then it uses synchronize to rsync the repos to the build nodes11:49
odyssey4meah, yes - so that would be more reliable11:49
mordredodyssey4me: at the moment that also involves making use of the cached versions of the repos on the build node too11:49
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odyssey4meok, so now I wonder if I can use a filter to extract the list of required projects from a file in the current repo11:50
mordredBUT ... there's definitely a trade-off in your case potentially if you have to do awkward job construction to get the required-projects and you're not making use of dependencies11:50
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odyssey4memay as well give it a go :)11:50
mordredodyssey4me: that is not possible - the required-projects is zuul config and happens before ansible11:50
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mordredodyssey4me: that said - you could probably write a script to generate required-projects from a file in a repo and just run that on all your projects and splat out a pile of generated yaml - then add a check somewhere to make sure if the file is updated that the required-projects list matches11:53
odyssey4memordred yeah, that sucks a bit - but it's an option11:54
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odyssey4mebasically the options are - specify all repositories as required projects for all our jobs... or implement all the git cloning necessary in the pre stage so that it retries a few times11:55
mordredodyssey4me: there's also an idea that has come up of allowing setting required-projects on project instead of a job11:55
odyssey4methe second is arguably not very nice to the git servers, so less good citizen11:55
mordredbut that might not help you in this case11:55
mordredodyssey4me: yah - I think tripleo and puppet-openstack each just have a giant list of repos in the required-projects list of their base job11:56
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* odyssey4me considers adding something strong to his coffee11:56
mordredodyssey4me: ooh, I could do with some of that11:57
odyssey4meI imagine that required-projects can't take wildcards or regex right?11:57
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chandankumarclarkb: review issue got fixed11:58
chandankumarclarkb: please update this review group,members11:59
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odyssey4mejeblair it would seem that zuul is behaving far better today than the previous few days - was something done to improve memory usage?12:03
odyssey4meI ask because we're still pushing ~5 job changes - then waiting for them to fully process, and it's quite painful.12:04
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tobiashodyssey4me: yes:
tobiashmemory usage also looks far better now:
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odyssey4metobiash oh nice - thanks, it's made a *massive* difference12:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Support upper-constraints in tox-siblings
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Support upper-constraints in tox-siblings
mordredfrickler, AJaeger, fungi: ^^ I think that's in-line with the review comments now12:14
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openstackgerritAdrian Czarnecki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy job for monasca-api
odyssey4mehmm, how do I do the equivalent of the devstack log collection now?12:37
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odyssey4meour log collection appears to not be happening as it used to with our new jobs, so I'm obviously missing something12:38
odyssey4mewe used to be able to collect logs from ${WORKDING_DIR}/logs12:38
openstackgerritAdrian Czarnecki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy job for monasca-api
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fungiinfra-root: project-config-core: anyone else... the power company just rang my doorbell to let me know they're replacing the power pole at the street feeding my house, and project that i'll be without electricity for the next ~3 hours12:42
fungiso, er, don't expect me for a while12:42
smcginnisfungi: Wow, that's all the notice you got?12:45
fungii think they assume nobody lives in these houses during the off-season12:47
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fungigranted, we've seen them working up the street doing the other poles, so it was mostly inevitable12:47
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smcginnisfungi: Not sure what pulls from where, but my clone_repo changed merged in project-config, but there is another one in requirements. Do we need that requirements one landed before we can try releasing again?12:51
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix Puppet integration jobs to run on master only
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use playbook from tripleo-quickstart-extras for OVB
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mnaseranyone ever seen this type of behaviour before.. tempest test failing..13:00
mnaserDetails: {u'message': u'Unable to associate floating IP to fixed IP for instance 40a2d904-1c2e-460e-8084-8e7ac3344a4d. Error: Request to timed out', u'code': 400}13:00
mnaserasking here first, then maybe ill try -qa .. we had to go non-voting for puppet jobs on xenial (this seems to be a xenial only issue)13:00
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dmsimardAJaeger: how's publish-api-ref looking now ?13:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: sahara-image-elements: remove the migrated jobs
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create new repo cinder tempest plugin
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: make openstack-tox-cover inherit from tox-cover
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pabelangerfungi: ack13:33
pabelangerI have a couple regional fights myself today, just at airport now13:34
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dmsimardWow Zuul RAM looks great today13:46
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AJaegerdmsimard: haven't seen a run since then yet, will monitor for next one and tell...13:57
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dmsimardAJaeger: I'll consider writing an integration role for that job13:58
AJaegerwrite one for translation jobs, please - those still have some way to go I fear...13:58
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AJaegerdmsimard: but please go for it, the better tests we have...13:59
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dmsimardAJaeger: yeah, writing the jobs aren't too hard. It seems like it's merging them that is challenging :)14:00
* dmsimard been rebasing some of them forever now14:00
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AJaegerdmsimard: is there any I should review?14:01
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dmsimardAJaeger: you already +2'd them so it's ok14:04
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_milan_folks, anyone seeing
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AJaegerdmsimard: let's ask pabelanger or frickler then for review of and
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AJaeger_milan_: that error - that's harmless, ignore it. pip cannot find the git remote to output it.14:08
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_milan_AJaeger, ack, thx, /me rechecks14:09
dhellmannsmcginnis : yeah, I think we need to make not fail if the branch doesn't exist *or* we need to change to handle the fallback itself gracefully14:09
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dmsimardbtw I'd vote for something shorter than project-config-core.. like config-core ? just.. quality of life change :)14:09
AJaeger_milan_: so, search further for the real bug. That message you always get, so no reason for recheck14:09
smcginnisdhellmann: Which would you prefer?14:10
_milan_AJaeger, alright, search I shall14:10
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dhellmannsmcginnis : I wonder how many other places we rely on the fallback behavior.14:11
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_milan_AJaeger, how about this ansible parse error
smcginnisdhellmann: Yeah, has potential to pop up in multiple places.14:11
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smcginnisdhellmann: project-config change merged:
smcginnisdhellmann: Releases one is still out there though:
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AJaegersorry, need to run some errands, hope somebody else can help you further, _milan_ .14:12
_milan_AJaeger, no worries, thanks anyway!14:12
fricklerdmsimard: I'm wondering whether we need that distinction at all. I'm hilighting on infra-root even though I'm not one, and IMO that is a good enough trigger. or are there infra-roots that do not want to be highlighted for project-config reviews?14:12
dmsimardfrickler: I think it's the latter.14:12
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dmsimardI am also highlighted on infra-root fwiw14:12
dhellmannsmcginnis: approved; doing it there makes sense for consistency. I'm likely to forget that the clone script *doesn't* behave that way :-)14:13
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smcginnisdhellmann: Then we'll just need fungi to get power back or find someone else that can requeue that job.14:13
smcginnisdhellmann: Or are there any other errors you've noticed. I thought there were more, but couldn't find anything else when reviewing this morning.14:14
dhellmannsmcginnis : I think any of the infra-core folks can do that?14:14
dhellmannthere is a problem with the update constraints job14:14
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dhellmannoh, wait, that's what this fixes14:15
pabelangerfrickler: possible, I would continue to use project-config-core, as we have been doing so for some time.14:15
smcginnisdhellmann: I think (thought?) that was another checkout_branch issue.14:15
dhellmannso no, I'm not aware of any other issues14:15
dhellmannyeah, I forgot what the issue was but remembered the job14:15
dmsimardpabelanger: I was suggesting just shortening it to 'config-core' just because project- is a whole 8 keystrokes :)14:15
dhellmannsmcginnis : I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I'm going to have to drop off. I'll be back by our release team meeting. Maybe pabelanger or dmsimard can re-enqueue that job?14:16
smcginnisdhellmann: ack14:16
fricklerI must admit I have never seen that used until a couple of days ago. maybe because the only person I knew to belong to one and not the other was AJaeger ;)14:16
dmsimardfrickler: it was volounteered as a tag in order to ping new cores and filter down things that might not require root access14:17
dmsimardIt wasn't used until this week afaik14:17
pabelangerdmsimard: well, might propose it at next meeting, see what others say. As it will require client side changes14:17
dmsimardsure, I'll add it.14:18
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pabelangerfrickler: yah, now that we have more project-config-core members, I'll be using it over direct pings to AJaeger14:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config master: Added nat_source flag for networks.
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dmsimardis the list of retired repositories available somewhere ? or, perhaps a list of repositories without the retired ones ?14:31
dmsimardlike that doesn't include deb-*14:31
smcginnisAny infra-core that can re-enqueue a release-post job like fungi was doing yesterday to help test if we have the release process working again?14:32
dmsimardinfra-root ^14:32
dmsimardsmcginnis: sorry don't have access to do that14:33
dmsimardhopefully someone around can :)14:33
smcginnisdmsimard: Thanks, wasn't sure on the right bat signal. :)14:33
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dmsimardanswering my own question about retired repos, it seems the closest I've got would be to load the gerrit project yaml and look for "/home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/retired.config"14:40
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dmsimardfrickler: please look at and if you can, I've been rebasing those for a long while14:42
tikitaviHi, I have a question about Zuul.3 jobs, we have rally job in our project which fails because of timeout. Can I just add timeout parameter to zuul.d/projects.yaml / project / job (as it is done in vmware-nsx)?14:44
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tikitaviOr how can I raise timeout?14:46
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dmsimardtikitavi: there is a default timeout, yes, and you can change it accordingly. What is the current timeout you're seeing ?14:46
tikitaviI suppose14:46
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dmsimardtikitavi: most jobs inherit from a default timeout of 1800 (seconds) from the base job which is 30 minutes:
dmsimardtikitavi: you can specify a timeout of your choice directly in your job definition to override the default one.14:48
tikitaviok, thank you! I'll try14:48
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Migrate legacy jobs for feature/zuulv3 branch
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smcginnisLooks like some sort of zuul job error here:
Shrewsumm, ok, i don't know how this happened, but i seem to have 2 changes with the same Change ID: and
Shrewsinfra-root: ^^^15:00
jeblairShrews: different branches15:01
dmsimardShrews: different branches15:01
dmsimarddamn, jeblair is quick on the trigger15:01
Shrewsis change id not unique across branches?15:01
dmsimardShrews: you can have same change-ids for different changes, it's used typically to keep changes grouped together (i.e, cherry picking backports to stable branches)15:01
jeblairShrews: nope.  intentionally so -- often you need to apply the same "change" to multiple branches.  ie, bcakports.15:02
jeblairShrews: to different projects too15:02
jeblairShrews: when we make, say, tox.ini changes to all the projects, we usually give them the same change id15:02
Shrewsjeblair: but i created those changes independently. just wondering what determined they should share a change id15:03
Shrewsjeblair: i could have swore i had depends-on and needed-by on both of these at one point (each pointing to the other), but i'm not seeing that now15:04
jeblairShrews: oh wow, that's neat.  that's like a hash collision.15:04
jeblairShrews: buy a lottery ticket.15:04
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Shrewsjeblair: this is really weird b/c i don't feel like what i'm being shown in gerrit is the same patch i submitted. the feature/zuulv3 branch was only supposed to define the nodepool-zuul-functional job, but all of a sudden it had all the jobs from the master branch change too.15:06
Shrewsmaybe i'm losing my mind15:06
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jeblairShrews: maybe a local cherry-pick or rebase went wrong?  that might explain both the content and change-id discrepancy15:07
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Shrewsjeblair: possibly. i'm sure it's an pebkac error15:08
Shrewsgoing to abandon the one and resubmit15:09
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Migrate legacy jobs for feature/zuulv3 branch
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use playbook from tripleo-quickstart-extras for OVB
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Migrate legacy jobs
dmsimardShrews: I've had that happen to me once but it was like a bad "commit --amend" muscle memory and I didn't originally mean to submit a change-id I had used before15:14
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finucannotAJaeger: any chance you could provide some direction on ?15:19
finucannotI'm not even sure where to start. The 'jenkins/jobs/nova.yaml' file stil15:20
finucannot*still exists, but I guess the zuul variant is stored elsewhere now?15:20
dmsimardfinucannot: yes, everything under jenkins/ is frozen for eventual deletion:
dmsimardfinucannot: let me see where the v3 equivalent would be for you15:22
toskyfinucannot: I suggest checking too15:22
toskythe migration guide15:23
finucannottosky: Yup, reading that now but nothing's jumping out at me15:23
toskyfinucannot: "Moving Legacy Jobs to Projects" explains where the legacy jobs, automatically migrated from v2 jobs, have been created15:24
toskyand how to create native jobs in-tree15:24
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dmsimardfinucannot: I believe what you are looking for is here:
finucannotdmsimard: Oh, it's a totally different repo15:25
finucannottosky: Yeah, not creating a new job or migrating anything. Purely adding something to a job that should already have been migrated15:26
dmsimardfinucannot: things are a bit split up between three repositories right now.15:26
finucannotThere's no "fix up my already-migrated job" section :P15:26
toskybecause we are not supposed to extend them; at most fix them15:26
toskybut the migration section says where to migrate them from, so where to find them15:26
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove py27-based template for nodepool
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Migrate legacy jobs
dmsimardfinucannot: so that's an experimental job on devstack right ?15:27
Shrewsjeblair: so, similar situation we discussed the other day about skipping jobs defined in project-config. Don't want to run the tox-py27 job on the features branch, so submitted the above 2 changes (770 and 637).15:28
finucannotdmsimard: I _think_ so, but I'm really not sure. This wasn't my patch originally 🙈15:29
dmsimardIs that a... monkey emoji ? I'm half surprised my client rendered that correctly15:29
finucannotIndeed - the Unicode Consortium need to get paid somehow :)15:30
finucannotdmsimard, tosky: So is the expectation here that I migrate the legacy project to the nova repo before I modify it?15:31
dmsimardfinucannot: I added a comment in the review you linked. I think ideally we would try to keep modifications to "migrated" (legacy) jobs to a minimum and they should be moved in-tree as soon as possible. Otherwise projects would end up never moving their stuff in-tree. There's already been some work done towards native Zuul v3 jobs for devstack as you can see here:15:32
toskyfinucannot: I'm not a core on that repository; this is how I read that documentation, so I may be wrong15:32
finucannotThis is going to be fun :D15:32
* finucannot really hopes someone has already done this for me, heh15:32
jeblairShrews: yeah, we either do that, or we put the branch exclusion in project-config (i could see doing that as a way to at least have an inventory of where projects deviate from the pti)15:33
finucannotdmsimard, tosky: OK, cool. Thanks for the info and agreed that merging features into the legacy projects probably isn't the best idea15:34
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Clarify which jobs belong in the project block
finucannotI'll see if anything's been migrated and, if not, will do so15:34
jeblairsmcginnis, dhellmann, dmsimard: did anyone re-enqueue that ref?15:35
finucannotA recommended Gerrit topic would be a good addition to that doc, as would a huge admonition not to modify the legacy jobs15:35
finucannotI can do both if anyone has topic suggestions15:35
dmsimardjeblair: not that I know of.15:35
jeblairdmsimard: do you know what needs to be done?15:35
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dhellmannjeblair: the last failure we were looking at was from I think15:37
dmsimardjeblair: "re-enqueue a release-post job like fungi was doing yesterday", I don't have a specific ref -- but it might be that a post job would have already triggered from merging.15:37
dhellmannwe merged fixes for that into project-config and release-tools15:37
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dhellmannso if you could re-run at least the post jobs for that patch, that would tell us if the job failed again. I think we're using the same patch we were using yesterday to tag a release in the release-test repository15:37
smcginnisjeblair: Yeah, sorry. dhellmann do we need to work out that last issue now before we requeue anything?15:38
dhellmannthe *next* failure is in our publish job. that error has to do with the ssh key and I don't understand the error message:
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smcginnisMe neither.15:38
dhellmannmaybe we're missing some metadata for that job?15:38
dmsimarddhellmann: where are you picking up post/release job failures from ? by email ?15:38
dhellmannI don't know why that job needs an ssh key15:38
dhellmanndmsimard : email, obsessively watching the zuul status page, or using git os-job to find the url15:39
AJaegerdmsimard: required repos have the required ACL group in project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml15:39
odyssey4medhellmann I'm glad it's not just me ...15:39
AJaegerdmsimard: ah, you found it ;) I'm reading backscroll and catch up right now...15:40
odyssey4me(obsessively watching job progress)15:40
dmsimarddhellmann: oh, I meant to try out your new git os-job tool, guess this is a good opportunity15:40
jeblairdhellmann: looks like that job publishing something to static.o.o (which requires an ssh key)15:40
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smcginnisdmsimard, jeblair: You can see all the release-test retries we've done here:
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Switch openstack-tox-cover to parent tox-cover
dhellmanndmsimard : in a copy of the release-test repo if you run "git os-job -u 0.8.0" it should give you
smcginnisOh, actually that's missing most since we weren't getting emails for awhile.15:41
dhellmanndmsimard : that will show you the jobs for that tag15:41
dhellmannthe jobs for the release request in openstack/releases can be found with git os-job in that repo15:42
dhellmannjeblair : ok. which key should it be using, I can update the job15:42
dmsimarddhellmann, smcginnis: so merged and from looking it up with os-job I find which leads me to the error here:
dmsimardwhich I suppose is the ssh key problem you speak of15:43
smcginnisdmsimard: Yep, that's the latest one that I'm not sure about.15:43
jeblairdhellmann: it looks like it is already configured to use the 'static_ssh_key' secret15:43
dhellmannwell, I could update it if I could find it15:43
dhellmannwhere is that job defined?15:43
jeblairdhellmann: project-config15:44
jeblairdoes any static publishing work?15:44
dhellmannand where is it associated with the releases repo?15:44
dmsimardjeblair: that's what I'm wondering right now15:44
dhellmannI have not yet internalized the rules for finding this stuff, sorry.15:45
jeblairgovernace, tc, uc, security, etc...15:45
jeblairdhellmann: the association is in openstack/releases (.zuul.yaml)15:46
dhellmannok, I didn't think we'd moved anything over there yet15:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in static ssh key secret
jeblairdhellmann, dmsimard: ^ gimme a minute to futz with a yaml parser to see if that was the problem15:47
smcginnisOh, no way I would have been able to track that one down any time soon. :)15:47
dmsimardjeblair: I found the error15:48
dmsimardjeblair: a typo, sending a patch15:48
dhellmannI had just managed to find where the secret for the job was named.15:48
smcginnisjeblair: Isn't that secret used elsewhere though?15:48
dhellmanndmsimard : ^^15:48
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in static_ssh_key definition
dmsimardjeblair, dhellmann, smcginnis ^15:48
jeblairdhellmann: yes, for many things -- goverance, tc, uc, security publishing15:48
smcginnisJust surprised we haven't seen other errors.15:49
toskymordred: hi, I was rechecking the list of jobs to migrate for sahara, namely sahara-extras which generates tarballs, and I was wondering if there is some progress in the "Change publication interface to be directories on node" proposal15:49
dmsimardjeblair: I wonder how that typo didn't just crash everything15:49
smcginnisdmsimard: He beat you to it.15:49
dhellmanndmsimard : your patch is the same as jeblair's15:49
dmsimardoh damn15:49
jeblairit parses like this:15:49
jeblair{'foo': {'bar:': 'baz'}}15:49
fricklerfrom I'd think that the role add-fileserver in playbooks/publish/static.yaml needs to be given an argument, I do not see a default there15:50
jeblairso the dict had an entry for 'ssh_private_key:' rather than 'ssh_private_key'15:50
jeblairfrickler: it picks it up from the global ansible variables, which are set in the job15:50
dmsimardfrickler: those are expected to be supplied by secrets15:50
jeblair(which, yeah, is a secret in this case)15:50
dmsimarddhellmann: git os-job is awesome btw15:51
smcginnisOK, so once 513559 lands, can we get the release-test jobs rerun?15:52
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dhellmanndmsimard : cool, I'm glad you find it useful15:52
jeblairodyssey4me: if you want to try submitting a few more patches simultaneously, i think that'd be fine.  they still take some memory, so let's ease into it.  but they should not hold onto that memory for as long as before.15:52
dhellmannwhen this transition settles down I should import git-os-job into infra15:53
odyssey4mejeblair we noticed the better memory usage and upped the pace just a little more, we're still watching the memory usage like a hawk - but you've done a great job of improving it with that patch!15:53
jeblairodyssey4me: great!15:53
jeblairsmcginnis: 559 landed yesterday, did you mean 513777?15:53
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smcginnisjeblair: Oops, right, 777 I meant.15:54
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: make openstack-tox-cover inherit from tox-cover
jeblairsmcginnis: yeah, what should i run?  should i re-run the release-post jobs dhellmann linked?  ?15:55
dhellmannjeblair, smcginnis : I think we need 2, to test both fixes, don't we?15:56
dhellmann2d tests the secret change jeblair is making15:56
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Removes migrated legacy-octavia-*
dhellmann also failed15:56
smcginnisYeah, trying to find the release-test patch. There it is. ^ :)15:56
dhellmannand that's fixed by smcginnis' patch15:56
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jeblairokay, so enqueue 2d and dd15:56
dhellmannyes, please15:57
jeblairoh, and dd goes into release15:57
dhellmannyes, that was the tag event15:57
smcginnis777 is still queued in gate, but that shouldn't take too much longer.15:57
dhellmannoh, I wonder if update constraints is even going to re-run there15:57
dhellmannwell, it won't hurt15:57
dhellmannwe may need to test that job with a real library release to get it to do everything it has to do15:58
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smcginnisWe could queue up a new release-test patch too just to exercise part of it.15:58
dhellmannyeah, openstack-release-test doesn't appear in the global requirements list15:58
smcginnisOr just go for it with a lib release.15:58
dhellmannso the job won't actually try to propose a constraint update15:58
dhellmannit will determine that there's nothing to do15:58
jeblairzuul enqueue-ref --tenant openstack --trigger gerrit --pipeline release-post --project openstack/releases --ref refs/heads/master --newrev 2d2efc4f7360b194cd0249924ce37e4210b2fef9 --oldrev feb0fdabca16208a18c443f41104f0568beaa3dc15:59
jeblairzuul enqueue-ref --tenant openstack --trigger gerrit --pipeline release --project openstack/release-test --ref refs/tags/0.8.0 --newrev dd0bb2d44053e11d9d4a4775b3c71f2c0889dc2a15:59
jeblairthat's what i have staged16:00
smcginnisdhellmann: Are you saying we should just skipp dd0bb?16:01
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dhellmannsmcginnis : adds openstack-release-test to the requirements list for the future16:01
dhellmannsmcginnis : let's go ahead and run both, just knowing that dd0bb won't be a full test and we need to be careful interpreting success as such16:01
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dhellmannjeblair : ^^16:01
smcginnisProbably good for it to at least go through as far as it can.16:02
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Removes migrated legacy-octavia-*
dhellmannit won't hurt16:02
dhellmannand may tell us something16:02
frickleranother release related failure, cert verification failure:
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Removes migrated legacy-octavia-*
frickleradding to etherpad16:03
dhellmannadded to
dhellmannwhich etherpad are we using for tracking?16:03
frickleroh, was already there. dhellmann:
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smcginnisdhellmann: The one at the top of the release-job-failures is the real, common one.16:04
dhellmannah, missed that, thanks smcginnis16:04
smcginnisBut I started the release-job-failures to help us keep tabs on what's actually impacting the release activities.16:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in static ssh key secret
mnaser^ can i help with that?16:04
smcginnisSo that one probably doesn't hurt to have in both locations I guess.16:04
smcginnisjeblair: OK, looks like we are ready.16:05
jeblairsmcginnis: ok.  the first enqueue is the "1 management events" you see on the status page16:06
smcginnisWhere is that?16:06
jeblairsmcginnis: at the top; you may need to shift-reload (it's new)16:06
smcginnisOh, lookie there.16:07
jeblairit's currently rebuilding all the dynamic configurations in queues since we merged a config change to project-config, so it'll be a min16:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy-requirements-cross-* jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix Puppet integration jobs to run on master only
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: ansible-role-k8s-cookiecutter to zuul.d/projects
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
jeblairsmcginnis, dhellmann: enqueued16:09
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* dhellmann has been listening to a lot of tom petty lately16:12
smcginnisIt seems that song in particular.16:12
dhellmannit has been thematically appropriate this week16:12
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SamYapleive been on a Tom Petty free fall before.... but i didnt back down16:13
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AJaegerjeblair: publishing to works16:13
pabelangerAJaeger: yay16:13
jeblairAJaeger: has it been working?16:14
jeblairAJaeger: it seems to use the 'site_logs' secret16:14
jeblairwhich, erm, well, i'm not going to change that now.16:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb)
jeblairAJaeger: so if it has been working, that at least explains why it did but not the other static.o.o sites16:15
smcginnisHere we go.16:15
jeblairsmcginnis: and i'm just getting to the end of the tom petty song16:16
jeblairdhellmann: well timed16:16
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smcginnisGot past the fileserver ssh key at least. And done!16:18
smcginnisOne good one at least.16:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo: index /var/log/*.log.txt files
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Vitrage
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AJaegerjeblair: is just running - governance publishing16:22
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fricklerhmm, the other one seems to be using bindep from releases instead of p-c, so still no yaml I fear :(16:22
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dhellmannfrickler : which job is that?16:23
jeblairAJaeger: good, that should be fixed by the change i just made16:24
dmsimardjeblair: fyi lgtm but just wanted to get your ack16:24
fricklerdhellmann: release-openstack-python on the dd... change16:24
dhellmannok. I'm not sure that needs yaml. Did it fail because of that before?16:24
fricklerdhellmann: hmm, maybe I'm mixing things up now. I thought that this was the one that was supposed to fix. but maybe I'd better EOD now :-/16:25
AJaegerjeblair: how quick is a change to project-config or openstack-zuul-job used by the next job? Do we still have puppet run? Or is it immediately?16:26
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dhellmannpost failure on that one, so something is broken16:26
dhellmannfrickler : ^^16:26
jeblairAJaeger: near immediate (zuul does it itself, but there's a small delay while events propogate through queues)16:26
dhellmannwhere do we look for the log for that sort of failure?16:26
pabelanger2017-10-20 16:24:55.155717 | localhost | HTTPError: 400 Client Error: File already exists. for url:
pabelangerthat was on stream16:26
smcginnisJust saw that error.16:26
dhellmannwell, that's not a surprise16:26
dhellmannunfortunately it means we didn't get to test the announce job16:27
smcginnisSo we're probably OK with that one. Just would need a new patch to try the full path.16:27
dhellmannsmcginnis : I'll propose a new release16:27
smcginnisdhellmann: ++16:27
smcginnisNow interested in the publish-static on the other one.16:27
pabelangermaybe test to testpypi_secret for that job? that will publish to testpypi16:28
pabelanger    "bindep_file": "/usr/local/jenkins/common_data/bindep-fallback.txt"16:29
pabelangerthat was also from the job, so it didn't use in repo bindep.txt file16:30
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dhellmannsmcginnis :
dhellmannI set that to depend on the requirements update so we can test it all the way through16:30
smcginnisdhellmann: Good plan.16:30
dmsimardpabelanger: logs.o.o is trusty right ?16:30
smcginnisExcept when it runs out of space. :)16:31
* dhellmann slaps knee16:31
smcginnisThank you, I'll be here all day.16:31
AJaegerjeblair: cool!16:31
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dmsimardsmcginnis: ಠ_ಠ16:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects
dhellmannnow that I think of it, I'll bet this same problem is why the docs specs are out of date.16:35
pabelangerjeblair: Shrews: If you haven't seen, there is an issue on zuulv3-issues about ze06.o.o, no longer listening on port tcp/79, breaking log streaming from that executor.16:35
jeblairAJaeger: does it seem strange that governance job is still running?16:35
pabelangermaking sure you are aware, incase we schedule restarts today on executors16:35
jeblairpabelanger: thanks, i was not.  if you or Shrews have time to look into it, that'd be great16:35
AJaegerYEAH! We have for the time that I'm aware pushed content to the translatoin server!!!!!!!16:36
Shrewspabelanger: when did it start? do we still have logs for the time it started?16:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Add some aliases to congress meeting chairs
AJaegerjeblair: yes, it does - but I'm looking at translations and api-ref right now16:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Follow up change for networking-spp creation
pabelangerShrews: I want to stay I noticed it on Wednesday evening. Pretty sure we still have logs, and haven't restarted since it stopped listening16:37
dhellmannit is taking quite a while to upload the release site update to the server16:37
pabelangerShrews: but, due to traveling I haven't looked more into it16:38
Shrewspabelanger: ok. i'll see if i can find something in the logs16:38
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jeblairdhellmann: sounds like the governance job which is similarly slow16:38
dmsimarddhellmann: don't forget to give us the green light on the outstanding reviews that we put a hold on if the issues have been addressed.16:38
jeblairdhellmann: last output:  2017-10-20 16:24:29.189923 | TASK [Upload docs to static site]16:38
dhellmannjeblair : yeah, I was just peeking at those, too16:38
smcginnisDocs are updated, but just hanging there.16:38
dhellmannjeblair : last output for the release site job: 2017-10-20 16:34:22.246619 | TASK [Upload docs to static site]16:39
pabelangerShrews: I'm just boarding my last fight here in 15mins, expect to be back to work for 20:00UTC16:39
dhellmannso not as long, but it does appear hung?16:39
dhellmannis there some way to see whether it's actively copying content?16:39
jeblairdhellmann: i've logged into the executor for the governance site16:40
dhellmanndmsimard : which reviews did you have in mind?16:40
jeblairit's ... doing something16:40
openstackgerritAnastasia Kravets proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [ec2-api] Increase timeout for rally job
jeblairi'm seeing multiple ssh processes16:40
pabelangerdhellmann: which job are you looking at?16:40
dhellmannpabelanger :
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jeblairit seems to be repeatedly spawing short-lived ssh processes16:41
dmsimarddhellmann: let me find them, hang on16:41
dhellmannone per file maybe?16:41
jeblairdhellmann: oh maybe16:41
jeblairi haven't gotten a full commandline out of strace yet16:41
dhellmannthat would be terribly inefficient, but unsurprising16:42
dmsimarddhellmann: and
pabelangerare we using with_items?16:42
dhellmanndmsimard : 676 looks ok to go ahead with. I'd like to keep the job moves on hold until we have the q-1 milestone done. What do you think smcginnis ?16:43
pabelangerwe are using copy16:43
pabelangernot sync16:43
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix publish location for translations
jeblairthat seems to match the behavior16:43
AJaegerpabelanger: will that copy over the complete directory tree? ^16:43
jeblairthey are sftp processes16:43
pabelangerI wonder if rsync will be more efficient over copy16:43
AJaegerthat's the missing bits for translation push!16:43
pabelangerjeblair: yah16:44
dhellmannjeblair : the release publish job did finish and I see the release-test item mentioned on as expected16:44
jeblairpabelanger: i'll write a change16:44
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pabelangerand boarding, good luck :D16:45
dhellmannpabelanger : safe travels16:45
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jeblairdhellmann: i'd like to change this and test it again, if that's okay?16:45
dhellmannjeblair : yes, let's16:46
jeblair(this seems like too big of an inefficiency to leave as is)16:46
dhellmannI think we're still waiting for that requirements change to merge before we can go end-to-end again16:46
AJaegerdmsimard: publish-api-ref succeeded at - but I do not find the new pages, so wonder where we published to ;/16:46
dmsimardAJaeger: yay, progress ?16:46
jeblairhehe, check out the first note here:
AJaegerdmsimard: definitely progress!16:47
dhellmannjeblair : nice, at least it's called out16:47
AJaegerdmsimard: /afs/ is the target, so the conversion from ironic to baremtal worked16:49
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jeblairso i *think*, from comparing the docs, that we don't need to change any options.  by default, copy is doing a recursive copy, and follows the same trailing-slash behavior as synchronize.  the synchronize module uses rsync '-a' by default, and does not enable remote delete by default.16:49
clarkbok slwo start this morning has I got to fight openwrt wireless bridge mode. Turns out it just doesn't work and is likely the cause of my earlier packet loss \o/16:50
clarkbbut I think I have working networking again16:50
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use synchronize to upload to static site
dmsimardclarkb: it looks like your packets made it to the IRC server, yay16:51
jeblairdhellmann, smcginnis, dmsimard:
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dhellmannjeblair : I'm certainly in favor of testing that to see :-)16:52
jeblairheh, i think the governance site is probably taking so long because of all the badges.16:52
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AJaegerinfra-root, any idea why published to /afs/ but looking at I see still old content ?16:53
dhellmannthe next release test will exercise a couple of things, so I started a list in so we can verify them all16:53
dhellmannjeblair : yeah, there is a *lot* of dynamic content generation for that build16:53
jeblairgovernance is 76% badges16:53
AJaegeroh, we published to ;(16:54
AJaegerNow figuring out what went wrong - but we did publish!16:54
jeblairAJaeger: the job-output.json may be useful in finding exactly which path is wrong (it has all the input and output parameters)16:56
dmsimardAJaeger: let me know if you can't figure it out and I'll poke at it16:56
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AJaegerjeblair: yes, that helped me to figure out the /html/ - now trying to see what is wrong in our setting.16:56
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks for the offer, let me stare 5 mins at it first :)16:57
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AJaegermissing "/" I guess ;( patch coming...17:00
inc0hey guys, any chances we can get higher timeout than 5400? I fear that if we do simplest publisher - just build and publish to dockerhub in same job - we won't make it17:00
inc0either that or we'll need to figure out how to transfer artifact (built images) from one gate to another17:01
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix publish jobs
smcginnisdhellmann: Had stepped away and missed your earlier question. Yes, makes sense to hold on job moves for now.17:03
AJaegerproject-config-core, a couple of one char changes at 513810 for review, please17:03
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add log streaming logging and exception handling
jeblairinc0: oh sure, just increase the 'timeout:' setting for your job.  we'll probably have a max-timeout for the system, but i expect it to be 2 or 3 hours.17:04
jeblairAJaeger: those are the hardest17:04
inc0jeblair: 5400 - which means 1.5h17:04
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inc0might not be enough, especially in nodepool uplink scenario17:05
jeblairinc0: are you saying that there is currently a 5400s limit you can't change?  i'm confused.17:05
inc0jeblair: I'm saying that 5400 is maximum timeout zuul allows17:06
AJaegerjeblair:  "Last updated on Fri Oct 20 14:52:20 2017"17:06
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inc0and in scenario where we also want to push images up to dockerhub, that might not be enough17:07
AJaegerinfra-root, has retry-limits suddenly17:07
jeblairinc0: can you show me a change where zuul rejected an increase past 5400?17:07
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dmsimardAJaeger: I know where that is from17:08
dmsimardAJaeger: sending a revert pending we figure it out17:08
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AJaegerdmsimard: that comes from rsync not finding files - curious what your sending.17:08
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects"
inc0 - patchset 5417:09
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dmsimardinfra-root: We might need to do a force submit for, it unbreaks use-cached-repos17:09
dmsimardHow ironic that the integration tests for use-cached-repos *just* merged
inc0hold on, I might've failed at dividing numbers17:10
dmsimardoh, the job that includes the use-cached-repos integration tests does not apply on project-config17:11
inc0yeah, I did, it's 3hrs... math is hard:/17:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects"
inc03hrs should be enough with healthy margin of error17:11
AJaegerthanks, jeblair for force merging17:12
jeblairinc0: try to not set it too much higher than you think it should take, so that if there's a problem, the timeout is still useful.17:12
inc0sure, I know, 5400 was me doing this, but for some reason I thought it's limit17:13
fungiokay, i'm back online (needed to find a serial cable so i could manually fsck /var on my openbsd firewall when the power came back on)17:13
fungii have ~500lines of scrollback in here... should i skim first or just jump in with whatever's broken currently?17:13
smcginnisfungi: Welcome back to the electronic age.17:13
fungiyes, i got tired of bashing rocks together all morning17:14
fungijust about done booting the house back up again17:14
smcginnisOn the release front, we may be in good shape.17:14
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clarkbfungi: you were bashing rocks together too?17:14
smcginnisWe had a publish docs job that was hanging or just taking a really long time.17:14
fungiclarkb: i was back in the stone age, so that's what you do i guess17:14
clarkbfungi: I was bashing them together to generate 802.11ac waves to connect my office to my network "closet"17:15
AJaegerfungi: we're making progress! Pushing again to translatoin server, pushing to governance.o.o, pushing api-ref ... A few final fixes needed...17:15
smcginnisLooks like is the fix we needed there.17:15
inc0"use-cached-repos : Find locally cached git repos" - Failed - you've seen that?17:17
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fricklerinc0: yeah, broken patch just got reverted17:17
inc0thank you17:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Skip openstack-tox-py35 jobs on release deliverables
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer
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fungiso the summary is that this morning's omelets have needed far fewer eggs broken?17:18
smcginnisPretty much it, yeah.17:19
fungiokay, well i'm around for a bit to help iterate on whatever else is blocking milestone 1 (or general fixes otherwise) for a couple hours, but then unfortunately need to disappear again to run errands i couldn't do this morning while the power trucks had us blocked in17:20
mnaser^ i am (kinda) a bit familiar with whats going on release and i can help with that as well17:21
fungiat least this morning's outage provided an opportunity to catch up on my languishing yardwork17:21
clarkbchandankumar: you still around?17:24
clarkbchandankumar: is the problem that the user in taht group is your old use?17:24
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chandankumarclarkb: i think so17:24
jeblairfungi: okay, i'm going to take you up on that offer and afk for a bit now.  thanks!  :)17:25
chandankumarclarkb: i am not able to see +2 there or add button there17:25
fungijeblair: you bet! enjoy a nice friday break17:25
clarkbchandankumar: ok let me look at it really quickly to confirm17:25
smcginnisI have some lunch time obligations, but looks like a good time to step away anyway as we wait for a couple patches to work through.17:26
clarkbinfra-root can I get reviews on before that becomes a problem?17:26
fungion it17:26
dmsimardAJaeger: re-looking at I'm embarrassed at how obvious the mistake is :(17:26
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* mordred waves to the fine humans - is somewhat around17:27
fungimordred: somewhat around seems to be the theme of the day17:27
fungiat least you're in good company17:28
AJaegerdmsimard: that happens ;( No worries ;)17:28
clarkbchandankumar: ya its the old 8944 account17:30
* dmsimard sends somewhat of a hello in mordred's direction17:30
clarkbchandankumar: I'll replace it with the current account if I can remember what that was17:31
clarkboh I guess I can just use the email addr now since it should be unique17:31
clarkbchandankumar: updated17:31
chandankumarclarkb: let me check17:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix publish jobs
fricklermordred: infra-root: shade-functional-devstack-legacy is failing to get a node since 7h, is it just starved by the gate queue or may there be an issue with particular (trusty maybe?) nodes?
chandankumarclarkb: perfect working fine now17:34
chandankumarclarkb: Thank you :-)17:34
openstackgerritDaniel Speichert proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Support filtering servers in list_servers using arbitrary parameters
fungimemory utilization on the scheduler is looking GREAT today. i wonder if that's thanks to the dependent item tree fix from yesterday17:35
clarkbfungi: was it a power outage?17:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use synchronize to upload to static site
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mnaserthere was talks of passing artifacts between jobs in zuul v3 i remember17:39
mnaserdid that ever come out to something?17:39
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clarkbmnaser: I think that is on the list of things to work on post rollout17:40
mnaserah okay17:40
clarkbalong with the dashboard and multiple flavors/nodepool drivers etc17:40
mnaserjob dependencies made it from what i remember though i think17:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Run gitdm periodic job only on master
clarkbyes job dependencies as proper graph made it in17:41
mnaserbe awesome for projects to run linters first, run unit tests only if linters pass, run integration/func tests only if unit tests pass, etc17:41
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mnaserconsumes less resource and makes things faster17:41
clarkbmnaser: we actually did that in the long ago17:41
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clarkbthe problem we ran into was it just created more churn as you incrementally made things work. Better to teach devs to use tox -epep8 before pushing :)17:42
clarkbmnaser: basically if you get good feedback on patchset 1 across the jobs hopefully that means patchset 2 passes all jobs rather than having 3 4 5 just to get there17:42
mnaseroh i see what you mean17:42
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clarkbfungi: I think the management event merging may help that too because its fewer iterations of layouts?17:45
fungioh, i missed that patch17:46
fungineat idea17:46
fungiclarkb: and yes, extended power outage because the power company is replacing the poles and transformers for local distribution on our street. this morning is when they finally got to the one feeding our house (though all things considered, pretty amazing they can do that in a matter of a few hours)17:47
AJaegercould I get a second review on to fix final bit in translation upload, please?17:50
clarkbAJaeger: looking17:50
clarkbAJaeger: does it need to keep the *.pot suffix? or is everything in that dir a .pot?17:51
AJaegerclarkb: everyting in there is a .pot17:52
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clarkbwfm thanks17:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Logrotate track upstream logs
AJaegerthanks, clarkb17:53
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dhellmannsmcginnis, jeblair: wow, I forgot how long it can take to land a requirements update patch17:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add build-placement-api-ref
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove now unused legacy placement jobs
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix placement-api jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix publish location for translations
mnaserdoes anyone recall any recent changes to xenial images?18:14
mnaserpuppet integration jobs are failing with a weird timeout where i have no idea why/how they are18:15
mnaserand it happens from time to time as well :(18:15
mnaserdoesnt seem to be isolated to a specific cloud provider either18:15
dhineshwhen trying to upload images using "nodepool image-upload all dpc", the image shows as queued in the openstack controller, but it eventually fails with error "OpenStackCloudHTTPError: (500) Server Error for url: http://server:9292/v2/images/b751d36b-1acd-46f3-8cb4-c9a3cc2182b7/file Internal Server Error (Inner Exception: Extra data: line 1 column 5 - line 5 column 4 (char 4 - 114))"18:15
dhineshis this an issue with the server itself?18:16
fungimnaser: do you think the imtermittency stems from running in specific service providers, or does it appear completely nondeterministic?18:17
clarkbdhinesh: yes, you'll need to check the glance server logs18:18
mnaserfungi: i have two failures here for example, one on rax and one on ovh18:18
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mnaserwhich are pretty.. diverse in terms of config18:18
mnaser .. its always the same failure, nova timing out while contacting neutron to assign a floating ip18:19
fungimnaser: do they seem to pause in the same parts of their respective jobs/on the same actions?18:19
fungiahh, so it's timing out on an interaction between openstack services?18:19
mnaserand it only happens on xenial18:19
fungimulti-node or aio?18:19
clarkbcould you be swapping?18:19
mnaserhmm, that could be a theory, let me see18:20
mnaserbut only xenial is failing (consistently) so maybe it has something weird in it, one sec18:20
fungiokay, so this is all local communication too. at least that narrows it down a smidge18:20
mnaser <-- successful centos 7 job with 1.8gb of swap and its fine18:20
mnaser <-- 5mb swap used and it fails18:21
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mnaseri'm really at a loss, neutron doesnt show the request arriving (but then why would it, if its timing out)18:21
EmilienMare you aware of multinode issues with some providers?18:22
EmilienMI fail to know which provider is running a job now, in which log is it?18:22
clarkbEmilienM: it is in the inventory file now iirc18:22
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mnaserEmilienM: zuul-info folder, inventory.yaml18:22
EmilienMoh found it18:22
fungiyeah, you can see it in the inventory18:22
EmilienMI saw a bunch of jobs having issue with multinode setup on rax-ord18:22
AJaegerjeblair: could you review your updated change and +2A if it's fine, please?
EmilienMlet me show logs18:23
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AJaegerI have three changes to fix the placement-api-ref jobs, could I get reviews for and the referenced jobs, please?18:25
jeblairAJaeger, dmsimard: 513199 lgtm, but let's ask dhellmann, fungi, and smcginnis whether it's okay to merge that tox-siblings change now, or if we need to wait until after q-118:26
clarkbEmilienM: looking at ara I don't see it running the pre plays for setting up the overlay18:26
AJaegerjeblair: good point. Do you want to WIP?18:26
clarkboh its al egacy job18:26
* clarkb digs in more18:26
dhellmannjeblair, AJaeger , fungi : I'll let smcginnis make the call, but if it was up to me I'd wait.18:27
dhellmannunless there's something blocked on that related to q-118:27
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fungii guess the way in which we disabled tox-siblings by turning it into a no-op makes it harder to test out the fixed tox-siblings without reenabling it across all tox-based jobs18:28
jeblairfungi: nah, we can depends-on that change18:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Renaming collectd-ceilometer-plugin to collectd-openstack-plugins
fungioh! yes, i guess we can ;)18:30
clarkbEmilienM: that job doesn't appear to grab the log file for the vxlan setup18:31
EmilienMok let me look how we can get logs on this one18:32
clarkbEmilienM: we want /home/zuul/ according to that18:32
EmilienMah we have it18:33
EmilienMa sec18:33
EmilienMclarkb: this one?18:33
clarkbEmilienM: ya18:35
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AJaegerfungi, did we fix the readthedocs failure with SSL certification validation error to access to it?18:39
clarkbEmilienM: one thing I notice in that log is that the job is installing ovs from delorean18:42
clarkbEmilienM: could it be possible that ovs is just not working?18:42
AJaegerinfra-root, ianw: For the rename: openstack/collectd-ceilometer-plugin has a .zuul.yaml file. We need to update that one as well as part of the rename.18:43
EmilienMclarkb: it would fail everywhere in that case, let me check18:43
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jeblairAJaeger: ugh.  we want to drop the name requirement from in-repo project definitions, but no one has gotten around to that yet.18:44
fungiAJaeger: afaik the rtd cert verification problem was fixed early this week by exposing /etc/ssl/certs read-only into bubblewrap environments on the executors18:44
jeblairAJaeger: we're going to have to force-merge that change to the repo while it is out of the zuul config (or zuul is offline)18:44
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EmilienMclarkb: no change on OVS, and it works on some other providers, weird. Let me debug - I'll let you know18:44
clarkbEmilienM: reading the rest of that log it seems fine. the remote and local IPs look good and its using a high vxlan id to avoid conflicts with eg neutron18:45
EmilienMon ovh-gra1 as well18:45
clarkbEmilienM: mtus appear to be set as do the IPs18:45
EmilienMso it's not just one provider18:45
clarkbEmilienM: oh one thing to check is that the firewall is opened between the nodes18:45
* clarkb looks for that18:45
fungijeblair: i suppose the steps could be X. stop zuul, Y. submit change for merge in gerrit, Z. stop gerrit18:46
EmilienMopenvswitch-2.7.2-3.1fc27.el7.x86_64 on failing / working jobs18:46
fungirather than having to do a dance to disable the project in zuul, take everything down, do the rename work, bring everything back up, add the project anew, then add back the jobs18:46
clarkbEmilienM: ya firewall is opened up be the pre playbooks18:47
EmilienMI'm going to create a query18:47
AJaegerfungi: that did not work - see
AJaegerjeblair: or remove the file and readd?18:48
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AJaegerfungi, it's also on
jeblairdhellmann: are you waiting on any changes currently in gate?18:49
dhellmannjeblair :
dhellmannwhen that merges, we can approve the new release of release-test, which will trigger all new sets of jobs and test end-to-end, including submitting a patch to the requirements repo18:51
dhellmannjeblair : notes in
dhellmannline 3218:51
fungiAJaeger: i could'a sworn there was a patch for it. hunting now18:51
dhellmannoops 2118:51
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smcginnisBack from errands. Any new fires or victories?18:52
jeblairokay.  i need to start finding a time to perform a scheduler restart, but don't want to disrupt things.  maybe as soon as that lands (it just started some devstack jobs, so it's probably 1-1.5 hours out) i can do it.  before we do the next test release.18:52
jeblairdhellmann: ^18:53
clarkbfungi: AJaeger I bet that doesn't work because /etc/ssl/certs is just full of symlinks to elsewhere18:53
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clarkbso we also have to bind mount the destination of those links18:53
smcginnisjeblair: That's probably a good time for it.18:53
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jeblairsmcginnis: seems like we're waiting on that change.  also, i think we want you to make the call on whether we land now or wait until after q-1.18:53
fungijeblair: we're also 1 hour from the project rename maintenance, wherein we plan to stop/start zuul anyway, right? is that good timing?18:54
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jeblairsmcginnis: we disabled the tox-siblings role because of errors found in some release jobs; that should fix those errors, but we've also worked around them in the interim.  so that's entirely optional at this point.18:54
dhellmannjeblair, smcginnis: that sounds good. We'll probably get one more test of the release jobs in today with that plan, and we can pick up on monday if those fail.18:54
jeblairfungi: yeah, i guess that's the plan then.  :)18:54
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jeblairfungi: i do have my doubts as to whether 513784 will actually land before 20:00 though...18:55
smcginnisjeblair: I'd prefer if we could wait until we get the q-1 releases out of the way if it's not time critical.18:55
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fungijeblair: we could probably push out the maintenance a bit18:55
clarkbI think ianw had a thing later in the day but that is 2 hours after we start iirc18:55
jeblairsmcginnis: i think that's okay.  i'll wip it and ask mordred to let us know if waiting would cause a problem i don't anticipate.18:55
fungior if ianw prefers, we could reschedule the rename work for after milestone 1 too, and give ourselves a little more time to figure out the rename process18:56
smcginnisjeblair: Good plan.18:56
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fungiclarkb: yeah, by a little i meant like maybe 30 minutes or something18:56
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fungii know he's got a hard-stop at 22:00z18:56
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fungii'm mildly worried that we'll end up inflicting an unnecessarily lengthy outage while we fumble through our first project rename under zuul v3 and getting teh right changes in to true up zuul's config so it's not insta-broken when we bring it back online18:57
smcginnisAnyone look at the readthedocs failure?18:57
fungismcginnis: i though we had a fix merged for that, so i'm currently digging to find whether it actually merged18:58
jeblairi know we did not plan on still being in the release window when we scheduled the rename.  i think deferring it would be reasonable.18:58
jeblair(still need to do the zuul restart, but that's more predictably disruptive)18:59
clarkbfungi: re the fix did you see my comments about about the symlinks18:59
jeblairi'm going to grab lunch while that change lands18:59
clarkbfungi: I think the fix did merge, but was incomplete18:59
clarkbjeblair: ya19:00
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clarkbI'd be fine with delaying the rename as well.19:00
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fungiianw: as soon as you see this, it seems like we're leaning toward giving you back your saturday morning19:01
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clarkbfungi: I too am having a hard time finding where we specify the bind mounts for brwrap19:02
clarkbfungi: it is in place on ze01 at least19:03
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clarkbaha system-config/manifests/site.pp19:03
clarkbI think it likely that we need to add that second path to the trusted ro paths19:04
clarkband then restart the executors19:04
clarkbunless we already mount all of /usr/share anyawys?19:04
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fungiwouldn't we see that in the mount output?19:05
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clarkbfungi: on the root of the executor? I don't think so you'd need to look from within the bwrap namespace I think19:06
fungiyep, just confirmed it doesn't show them all19:07
fungior at all19:07
clarkbalso is a trusted_ro_path mounted 1:1 within the bwrap container?19:09
clarkbthat would probably be the other thing to determine19:09
tobiashclarkb: should be19:10
clarkbtobiash: thanks19:11
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Remove a couple of stale nova meetings
tobiashclarkb: but you'll have to define trusted_ro_path and untrusted_ro_path if you want it in trusted and untrusted jobs19:11
AJaegerfungi: change Ib662afbc0e3375a2d461ef7fc6e7e4f8741a700c19:13
AJaegerfungi, - but that merged 3 days ago and we have failures from yesterday19:13
EmilienMclarkb: sorry i'm on phone, back in 5m19:14
EmilienMbut it's pretty consistent19:14
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EmilienMweshay|ruck: ^ fyi19:14
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fungiAJaeger: yeah, found it, but as clarkb points out the contents of /etc/ssl/certs/* are symlinks into /usr/share/... and so we need to add that as well19:14
AJaegerfungi: yes, agreed.19:15
EmilienMclarkb: I was wondering if we have a new image pushed on providers lately19:16
tobiashclarkb: it is 1:1
clarkbEmilienM: should be daily, but I doubt that matters much if you are installing ovs from delorean19:17
EmilienMI'm digging19:17
dmsimardclarkb: what version of puppet is in use for logs.o.o ? 3.x ?19:18
clarkbdmsimard: yes19:18
clarkbEmilienM: if there is a job that hits it more than others we could put a hold on that (though currently also distracted by helping release things) but then we could log into the test nodse and poke at it directly19:18
EmilienMyeah it's the new image I think19:19
EmilienMI compared the rpms between a recent working job and a failing19:19
EmilienMok using the diff isn't helpful since we deployed an undercloud afterward19:20
clarkbEmilienM: thought the kernel and ovs don't change in that diff19:20
clarkber *though19:20
clarkbI would expect those two items to be the package related problems if any19:20
clarkbI've got to put dinner in the oven, back ina bit19:20
EmilienMiptables version changed19:20
EmilienMupgrade to  iptables-1.4.21-18.219:21
AJaegerhwoarang: - that looks fine, doesn't it?19:22
AJaegerhwoarang: but did not push any changes to other repos19:22
hwoarangAJaeger: yeah it didn't work19:22
hwoarang2017-10-20 19:20:48.883669 | ubuntu-xenial | + git branch19:22
hwoarang2017-10-20 19:20:48.884112 | ubuntu-xenial | + grep -q '^  refs/heads/master$'19:22
hwoarang2017-10-20 19:20:48.887280 | ubuntu-xenial | + '[' -n '' ']'19:22
hwoarangBRANCH is still empty so nothing happens19:23
hwoarangfor whatever reaon git branch | grep -q '^  refs/heads/master$' never matches anything19:23
hwoarangyeah no idea why19:24
hwoarangthis refs/heads/master looks suspicious19:25
EmilienMI don't get it, we shouldn't have this version of iptables, latest is
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weshay|ruckEmilienM, I have query if you want me to send it up19:27
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EmilienMok so we had an import yesterday:
EmilienMchangelog is here : (still digging)!iptables.git/4d0bb22ecdc68576e7a4a7afd966207c50b664d2/SPECS!iptables.spec#L27819:29
AJaegerhwoarang: could document on , please? Somebody needs to look into it...19:29
EmilienMweshay|ruck: send me query please19:29
EmilienMweshay|ruck: I want to know since when we have that19:29
EmilienMbut i'm pretty sure it's in the new image19:30
EmilienM(in centos I mean)19:30
hwoarangAJaeger: yeah I will19:30
AJaegerfungi, jeblair: the propose-updates job as post job has ZUUL_REFNAME=refs/heads/master - is that really correct? I think this is different to what v2 did...19:31
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EmilienMI would be curious to see if it's only tripleo jobs or if it's also other multinode jobs in OpenStack that fail19:32
EmilienM(probably only tripleo)19:32
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fungiAJaeger: should be able to tell by checking the vars list archived with the logs from a v2 run of the equivalent job19:33
hwoarangAJaeger: i documented it. last bullet point in the 'job problems' section19:33
EmilienMweshay|ruck: I created
openstackLaunchpad bug 1725451 in tripleo "CI: new centos7 image contains a regression that prevents multinode networking setup to work" [Critical,Triaged]19:35
AJaegerfungi: indeed, was "master" before.19:35
weshay|ruckEmilienM, k.. I'll push a query19:36
AJaegerjeblair: is that a bug - or should we handle refs/heads/master now as REFNAME ?19:36
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EmilienMweshay|ruck: I'm not sure about your query19:36
EmilienMweshay|ruck: we need to catch the ping error19:36
weshay|ruckEmilienM, I think we sould change how qs pings then19:36
weshay|ruckwant to create a log for it19:36
EmilienMweshay|ruck: try in and you won't have hits today19:37
EmilienMweshay|ruck: so query doesn't work19:37
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mordredAJaeger: I think we should fix that in the script ... one sec19:38
AJaegermordred: on it...19:38
mordredAJaeger: I think we can replace it with ZUUL_BRANCH19:38
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix propose_update REFNAME handling
mordredAJaeger: or what you did :)19:39
weshay|ruckEmilienM, it has errors from yesterday ( is the latest )
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AJaegermordred: I'm fine either way...19:39
AJaegerhwoarang: ^19:39
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mordredAJaeger: +2 from me - I prefer fix existing to not existing19:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config master: Fix doc typo
hwoarangAJaeger: thanks19:41
mordredShrews: there is a shade job in the check queue that has one job waiting on a node for 9 hours ... this makes me think there might be an actual problem and not just a lot of jobs/capacity19:41
mordredShrews: what's the best way to investigate such a thing?19:42
smcginnisAJaeger: 513835 will affect all requirements updates, right?19:42
hwoarangmordred: we struggle to upload custom logs from the openstack-ansible logs to I notice that the upload-jobs role expects custom logs to be in zuul.executor.log_root19:42
AJaegersmcginnis: it should enable them ;)19:42
hwoarangwe move all logs there in our run playbook, but the post-run one doesn't copy them to the log server19:42
hwoarangany clues on what we may be missing?19:42
mordredhwoarang: can you point me to a sample job?19:43
Shrews mordred: you have to prep zuul logs for the request id then use that to see what nodepool is doing with it19:44
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hwoarangmordred: that's the log and this is the job
hwoarangmordred: over here you can see that we rsync the logs to the appropriate location but still we can't see them published19:44
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* hwoarang is fairly sure he is missing something obvious19:45
mordredhwoarang: looking19:45
AJaegerproject-config-core, could you +2A - to fix propose-update jobs19:45
mordredShrews: 2017-10-20 10:11:08,546 DEBUG zuul.Pipeline.openstack.check: Adding node request <NodeRequest 200-0000539944 <NodeSet openstack-single-node OrderedDict([('controller', <Node None controller:ubuntu-xenial>)])OrderedDict([('tempest', <Group tempest ['controller']>)])>> for job shade-functional-devstack-legacy to item <QueueItem 0x7fbf98113e80 for <Change 0x7fbe78b3dc50 500365,31> in check>19:45
mordredShrews: 200-0000539944 is the one yeah?19:45
tobiashdmsimard: comment on 509436 regarding the failed gate tests19:45
dmsimardtobiash: you're correct19:46
Shrewsmordred: that is a request id, yes19:47
dmsimardtobiash: thank god for the integration tests I wrote :D19:47
mordredShrews: cool. thanks19:47
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
dmsimardtobiash: fixed ^19:47
dmsimardAJaeger: looking19:47
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gordchi, just curious, but is there a list of approved projects that you can put in "require-projects" somewhere?19:47
gordcasking because of
tobiashdmsimard: +219:48
clarkband back19:48
AJaegerthanks, dmsimard19:48
dmsimardgordc: openstack/gnocchi does not exist19:48
fungimordred: fixes in the job aside, having the format of the ZUUL_BRANCH legacy variable change in v3 seems not particularly good?19:49
fungier, ZUUL_REFNAME i mean19:49
AJaegerdmsimard: I could use your help - we upload translations now to instead of - see the double oslo.db19:49
gordcdmsimard: well it did :)19:49
dmsimardgordc: ultimately projects authorized there are
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mordredfungi: it's using ZUUL_REFNAME though - I'm pretty sure thatwas refs/heads/foo before ?19:49
dmsimardgordc: 'required-projects' makes zuul pre-clone/prepare that project inside the job workspace19:50
mordredfungi: maybe we mistakenly changed the scrit from branch to refname?19:50
AJaegerdmsimard: log file - do you have an idea where this gets duplicated?19:50
dmsimardAJaeger: looking19:50
fungimordred: logged "vars" list from a v2 job confirms ZUUL_REFNAME was just "master" and not "refs/heads/master"19:50
gordcdmsimard: kk, so there's a list. i guess i'll need to hack it another way to replace zuulv2 ocata job19:51
dmsimardgordc: you can do a manual git clone or something19:51
mordredhwoarang: SO - zuul.executor.work_root is a directory on the executor, which is the machine on which ansible is running - not the node on which the job is running19:51
mordredhwoarang: what we should do is add a post playbook to that job that does an synchronize: pull task19:52
gordcdmsimard: yeah, we do that for pike/master jobs (we do pip install).19:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix propose_update REFNAME handling
mordredhwoarang: one sec - lemme make you a quick patch19:52
gordcour ocata job used teh enable_plugin functionality though so was hoping to reuse it.19:52
EmilienMclarkb: I'm trying to see if other multinode centos jobs fail or if it's just tripleo19:52
hwoarangmordred: oh i thought job and ansible run on the same host19:52
gordcguess not possibel.19:52
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dmsimardAJaeger: I'm really restraining myself from writing a dirty "role and job finder" because I know it would probably be best to write it cleanly and expose it as a Zuul API or something19:52
AJaegerdmsimard: upstream-translation-update is in project-config19:52
dmsimardAJaeger: I have half the code written, I write a bit each time I have to look for something19:52
AJaegerdmsimard: fetch-translation-output is in zuul-jobs19:53
mordredhwoarang: nope - ansible is executed on one of the zuul executor hosts19:53
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AJaegerdmsimard: Looking forward to it19:53
ianwfungi: ok ... happy to wait on the rename19:53
mordredhwoarang: incidentally, I have a proposal written up and the first patches to change the interface to be more similar to whatyou are doing there ... a dir on the remote node for you to put logs in to19:53
jeblairmordred, fungi, AJaeger: the refname change is actually a gerrit change19:54
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fungiianw: thanks! i guess go enjoy your weekend!19:54
fungijeblair: ooh, so this changed when we upgraded to 2.13?19:54
hwoarangmordred: i see. ok thank you for the explanation19:54
EmilienMwhich dsvm job is running on centos7? it's not in the jobname anymore19:55
AJaegerjeblair: on the 13th we used 2.13 and there ZUUL_REFNAME was still "master"19:55
clarkbEmilienM: there should be an explicit centos7 dsvm job but its single node iirc19:55
EmilienMclarkb: ok so we might be the only ones then19:55
AJaegerjeblair: with v219:55
jeblairfungi: yes.  though at this point, zuul v3 has compatability code that pulls forward19:56
dmsimardAJaeger: looking at "The remote path. Content will be put into a directory below this path that matches ``zuul.project.short_name``." seems like a likely culprit19:56
fungijeblair: got it. so v2 worked around the gerrit behavior change and v3 dropped the workaround as far as generating legacy envvars is concerned?19:57
jeblairfungi: i don't know what v2 did; perhaps so, and that's what AJaeger is reporting19:58
clarkbEmilienM: also you run your own overlay stuff19:58
clarkbEmilienM: I'm not sure anyone else is running that script19:58
EmilienMweshay|ruck: why do we run our own overlay scripts in quickstart?19:58
EmilienMweshay|ruck: why don't we use what infra provides?19:58
AJaegerjeblair: understood19:58
jeblairfungi, AJaeger: but if you tell me we should add extra code to the legacy vars, i'll believe you.19:59
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weshay|ruckEmilienM, what does infra provide in this case, please point me at it19:59
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clarkbweshay|ruck: EmilienM there is the flag in devstack-gate for "legacy" jobs and there is the multi node network overlay role for zuulv3 native jobs20:00
EmilienMlet's just use that20:01
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EmilienMand stop using our own stuffs20:01
mordredhwoarang: [DNM]zuul.d: run.yml: Use new BUILD_DIR variable for log collection20:01
mordredhwoarang: updated it with a post playbook to copy the logs back20:01
AJaegerjeblair: depends in how many problems we ran20:01
dmsimardweshay|ruck, EmilienM: IIRC tripleo used devstack-gate' scripts to create the bridges and when we took it out, it broke and pabelanger copied it in-tree.20:01
EmilienMyeah I remember20:02
clarkbdmsimard: we didn't take it out so much as move it, it is still there20:02
dmsimardweshay|ruck, EmilienM: I don't know if tripleo needs any "custom" bridges, but there is a generic role to set things up now if you want20:02
dmsimardclarkb: we took it out of functions.sh20:02
mordredhwoarang: this job is actually set up very well for the new method - once that's in place, you'll just be able to drop the post playbook20:02
fungijeblair: i'll try to do some digging to figure out what gerrit value v2 was embedding in that variable and how it was transforming it (if at all), but for stuff running in post pipelines the refname used to just be the name of the branch rather than the full refs/heads/branch20:02
AJaegerdmsimard: I found it - the translation jobs use translation-source/$PROJECT - and the role adds proejct as well.20:02
mordredhwoarang: although since it's rsync it's obviously safe if we run it twice :)20:02
AJaegerLet me remove the $PROJECT from translation job...20:02
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks for your help20:03
tbarron should be ready to go now (the change to define the legacy jobs in manila itself merged)20:03
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dmsimardEmilienM, weshay|ruck: -- see and for examples20:04
hwoarangmordred: awesome thank you very much20:04
hwoarangmordred: could you let us know when the new method is in place? :) than kyou20:04
dmsimardAJaeger: bah you beat me to it20:04
dmsimardgood job :p20:04
mordredhwoarang: I shall (although I'll be trying to let *everyone* know)20:04
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove double $PROJECT from translation publishing
AJaegerdmsimard: ^20:05
AJaegermordred: do you have time to work on the javascript PTI jobs?20:05
EmilienMdmsimard: ok so tripleo multinode should just depeend on "multinode-integration" ?20:06
mordredAJaeger: yah - I'll put that on my list next20:06
AJaegerthanks, mordred20:06
dmsimardEmilienM: multinode-integration is a job that tests the various multinode roles20:06
EmilienMoh ok20:06
dmsimardEmilienM: you shouldn't depend on that -- I don't know what you need or what you're after, I'm missing a lot of context here20:07
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dmsimardEmilienM: what's the problem ?20:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1725451 in tripleo "CI: new centos7 image contains a regression that prevents multinode networking setup to work" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)20:07
mordredShrews: by "see what nodepool is doing with it" - does that mean zk_shell?20:07
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mordredShrews: (it seems I may not have debugged such a thing yet)20:07
mordredah - request-list seems promising20:07
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clarkbfungi: AJaeger is there a change for the certs path thing yet?20:08
fungiclarkb: oh, no but i'll push it up in a sec20:09
EmilienMweshay|ruck: also  selinux-policy was updated but I don't think we enforce anyway20:09
weshay|ruckEmilienM, ya.. we don't20:09
EmilienMI bet it's iptables20:09
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dmsimardEmilienM: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq already inherits from legacy-tripleo-ci-dsvm-multinode which runs
dmsimardEmilienM: that configures the firewall on each node part of a multinode job to accept all traffic on all ports from all nodes20:10
clarkbdhellmann: I think is going to majorly break us with pip 1020:10
mordredShrews, tobiash:
clarkbthe good news is I think that will majorly break everyone so maybe we can get pip to be a little less faily about it20:11
* AJaeger waves good night and wishes everybody a great weekend20:11
pabelangerdmsimard: do you mind using for your URL to git? We don't want want people assuming github is our source of truth20:11
tobiashmordred: is the nodepool webapp exposed on the openstack infra?20:11
dmsimardpabelanger: I have a significant preference towards github in terms of browsing UX versus cgit :(20:12
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EmilienMdmsimard: thx for confirming20:12
EmilienMclarkb: could we hold a node please?20:12
mordredtobiash: that's a great question ... I don't think so? Shrews?20:13
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clarkbEmilienM: yes we need to know what job to hold for20:13
EmilienMclarkb: I can tell you, a sec20:14
tobiashI fell in love with it as I don't have to login and run nodepool list etc when debugging :)20:14
pabelangerdmsimard: right, but github is a mirror, git.o.o is what we should be directing users towards20:14
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add /usr/share/ca-certificates to trusted_ro_paths
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fungiclarkb: AJaeger: smcginnis: pabelanger: ^20:14
clarkbfungi: +220:14
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clarkbfungi: and then we will have to restart the executors20:15
EmilienMthis one20:15
EmilienMclarkb: 512978,320:15
dmsimardpabelanger: I know that, but you're asking me to use a web interface I am less productive with and frankly missing features I use on a regular basis20:15
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fungidmsimard: just remember that gh is missing the biggest feature of all: it's not free software20:16
mordredtobiash: yah - we don't seem to have it enabled in our config20:16
dmsimardfungi: I know :(20:16
dhellmannclarkb : sigh.20:16
EmilienMfungi: heh it reminds me our little game in Ann Arbor ;-)20:16
EmilienMfungi: I still have the pictures20:16
clarkbEmilienM: the way we hold now is by telling zuul to keep a failure around for a project, job name pair20:16
EmilienMfolks we can migrate to github, we have a plan already :D20:17
clarkbEmilienM: I've got the job name from that but what is the project?20:17
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tobiashmordred: what problem are you tracking with this paste?20:17
mordredclarkb, dhellmann oh goodie20:17
EmilienMclarkb: openstack/tripleo-heat-templates20:17
dhellmannclarkb : could that be due to a system package version of pyyaml? or is something trying to do an upgrade in a virtualenv?20:17
clarkbEmilienM: thanks20:17
mordredtobiash: there is a patch in the check queue that has been waiting for a node for the last 9.5 hours20:17
clarkbdhellmann: its pip trying to upgrade pyyaml and blowing up because of the system package being distutils installed20:17
mordredtobiash: those are the last two lines related to it in the debug log20:17
pabelangerdmsimard: no, I'm asking you to share links for other users to git.o.o which is our infrastrucure, and like fungi mention, github is not free software. Keep in mind, we made an effort in all our documentation URLs for git repos, to also point to git.o.o. We should be consistant.20:17
dhellmannclarkb : it seems like having the virtualenv not mirror system site-packages would fix that?20:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove double $PROJECT from translation publishing
mordredtobiash: so I was thinking there might be an issue hiding there with quotas and locking20:18
dhellmannclarkb : or not installing the system package, but I guess that's needed for ansible?20:18
tobiashmordred: is citycloud-lon1-main full?20:18
dhellmannoh, wait, this is tempest. it's probably not in a virtualenv?20:19
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tobiashmordred: are there failed nodes in there blocking the max-servers?20:19
clarkbdhellmann: yse this is devstack20:19
mordredtobiash: lemme check20:19
clarkbdhellmann: so the problem is anyone that does global installs with pip is going to have a bad day with pip 1020:19
clarkbinfra, devstack, devstack-gate, anywone else20:19
dhellmannwe may have to solve those in different ways20:20
jeblairhow long do we have?20:20
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clarkbjeblair: the email dhellmann included said a couple months20:20
dhellmanneither allowing pyyaml from the system package or using a virtualenv for whatever we're installing20:20
fungi"a couple months" apparently20:20
clarkbbut also I think its worth pushing back on upstream about this20:20
clarkbthis is a major change in behavior that will break basically everyone20:20
dhellmannjeblair :
dhellmannsomeone who has a good grasp of the impact to us should reply to that thread and explain the upcoming issue20:21
dmsimardpabelanger, fungi: while gitlab is open core (and selling a product), there are alternatives like gogs which is fully open source: (example here: ). Anyway, I'll try and use cgit more, maybe it will grow on me or something.20:21
dhellmannmake sure to point out we're not using internals, but this is a different impact of the 10 release20:21
dhellmannmaybe there's a force upgrade option or something20:21
clarkbjeblair: once I haev a zuul hold in place how do I see if it has caught any nodes? is that a nodepool list | grep something?20:21
jeblairclarkb: yep. grep "hold"20:22
clarkbjeblair: thanks20:22
fungidmsimard: i don't consider cgit anywhere near perfect, and am certainly open to replacements if we find one which fits our needs20:22
jeblairclarkb: you can also zuul autohold-list and see if the counter has decremented or the request has disappeared (because it went to 0)20:22
clarkbdhellmann: on debuntu in theory pip can just ignore the system install (that is what it used to do iirc)20:22
mordredfungi, dmsimard: when we're less busy I've been meaning to suggest looking at notabug20:22
clarkbjeblair: if the counter is still 1 then it hasn't caught anything yet?20:22
jeblairclarkb: right20:22
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dhellmannclarkb : if the new pyyaml is being installed to overwrite the old one, I'm not sure it's safe to ignore the old one?20:23
dmsimardmordred: never heard of notabug before, looks like another convincing clone like gogs :)20:23
hwoarangmordred: can you explain to me how this syncrhonize thing works? i presume the host which runs ansible and the one who runs the job share the same /home/zuul directory ?20:23
clarkbdhellmann: on debuntu it is because old pyyaml is in /usr and new pyyaml si going into /usr/local and the python path is appropriately configured to make that work the way you want20:23
clarkbdhellmann: red hat/suse et al don't do that though (because apparently upstream python said it was wrong for al ong time?)20:24
dhellmanntbh, I thought "debuntu" was a typo or something, I didn't realize that was a distro20:24
clarkbdhellmann: oh debian + ubuntu20:24
fungiinfra-root: i need to disappear to run some errands, but will be back to help with executor restarts as soon as i can20:24
dhellmannyeah, I looked it up :-)20:24
mordredhwoarang: no - the /home/zuul directory is on the remote node. the host that runs ansible is one of the executors, and it's running ansible inside of a bubblewrap instance for isolation from the other invocations of ansible on that host for other jobs20:24
abishophey, is there a tl;dr for what's happening in the tripleo gate queue?20:25
mordredtobiash: interestingly enough - that log line says "citycloud-lon1" - but the nodepool request-list says:20:25
dmsimardmordred: nice! The feature I miss the most when using cgit is proper line *AND* block highlighting20:25
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clarkbEmilienM: is abishop's thing related to your multinode thing?20:25
hwoarangmordred: ok i see. btw your patch didn't work. the logs are still not available20:25
mordredtobiash: | 200-0000539944 | pending | zuulv3             | ubuntu-xenial     |       |,
hwoarangi need to investigate more20:25
clarkbdhellmann: anyways the thread you started is up to date with my findings, we should probably follwoup there20:25
EmilienMclarkb: most probably20:25
mordredhwoarang: darn.20:25
tobiashmordred: some sort of race?20:26
abishopmy job (511275) looks like it's been re-running, and I fear the one above me is red which smells like doom20:26
jeblairmordred: what's the implication of what you just said?20:26
dhellmannclarkb : ++20:26
tobiashmordred: citycloud-lon1 locked it and doesn't seem to do anything about it20:26
mordredjeblair: I do not yet know - trying to figure that out20:26
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jeblairmordred: okay, i'm just not sure what you found interesting20:27
mordredjeblair: the reason we're looking at it is that there is a job that has been waiting on a node for over nine hours and there doesn't seem to be a good reason for that20:27
jeblairmordred: yeah that i got20:27
jeblairi'm trying to follow this20:27
jeblairmordred: but you said you found something interesting, pasted 2 lines, but i don't know what's interesting20:27
jeblairit's been a long week and maybe i just need you to spell it out for me, sorry.20:28
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mordredjeblair: assume I'm flailing in the dark - what was interesting to me is that the log lines indicate lon was processing it with la1 and sto2 having already declined it - but the request-list seems to be telling me about the inverse of those hosts20:28
hwoarangmaybe it should be hosts: primary instead of 'all'20:29
mordredjeblair: and yes - also long week - I'm very likely missing something obvious and also not doing a good job of making words20:29
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tobiashmordred: whats the node list grepped by citycloud-lon1?20:29
mordredhwoarang: is that a multinode job?20:29
hwoaranghmm no20:30
mordredhwoarang: then all should be fine - that's what we use everywhere unless there is a need to limit it to be specific20:30
tobiashmordred: if that's only these two lines maybe also the provider deadlocked after locking the request20:30
hwoarangactually i doens't matter. i think the playbook wasn't taken into consideration at all20:30
* hwoarang digs deeper20:31
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mordredtobiash: yah - lon seems to be otherwise active and happy20:31
tobiashmordred: | 0000341123 | citycloud-lon1         | nova     | ubuntu-xenial    | 707f915c-32fb-4c9d-ad3f-ee21caea73e6 | building | 00:10:01:01 | locked20:31
clarkbEmilienM: I think I have caught a test env, can you point me at your public key?20:31
jeblairmordred: the request list says that la1 and sto2 declined it, which matches the log i believe.20:31
tobiashlooks like the boot timeout is a bit too high20:31
EmilienMclarkb: a sec20:31
EmilienMclarkb: second one:
mordredjeblair: ah - ok. my bad on that one then20:32
tobiashmordred: can you grep that again with --detail?20:32
mordredtobiash: oh derp - I was looking through nodepool list for the wrong identifier20:32
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mordredtobiash: | 0000341123 | citycloud-lon1         | nova     | ubuntu-xenial    | 707f915c-32fb-4c9d-ad3f-ee21caea73e6 | building | 00:10:03:23 | locked   | ubuntu-xenial-citycloud-lon1-0000341123            |  |       |                                        | 22       |         | 200-0000539944 | None20:33
jeblairmordred, tobiash: yeah, we've set shorter build timeouts on other providers... though i thought the default was like 1 hour...?20:33
mordredfwiw - the node is totally up and exists and I can ssh in to it20:33
clarkbEmilienM: root@ and
clarkbEmilienM: hrm20:35
clarkbEmilienM: I don't actually knwo if the overlay stuff ran on those nodes20:35
tobiashmordred, jeblair: just checked project-config: the timeouts look much shorter than 10h ;)20:35
tobiashmordred: ssh thread stuck?20:35
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clarkbjeblair: does a hold go into affect before the job is done? or only on failure?20:36
jeblairmordred, tobiash: how about i sigusr2 to try to find out what it's doing?20:36
jeblairclarkb: on failure20:36
tobiashmordred: a thread dump might or might not help20:36
mordredjeblair: ++20:36
jeblairk i'll do it20:36
mordredjeblair, tobiash: the last (only) launcher debug entry related to that server uuid is:20:36
mordred2017-10-20 10:29:02,113 DEBUG nodepool.NodeLauncher-0000341123: Waiting for server 707f915c-32fb-4c9d-ad3f-ee21caea73e6 for node id: 000034112320:36
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clarkbok so the job did run then, but not seeing any ovs stuff20:36
clarkbso maybe it failed for a different rason20:36
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jeblairmordred: there are a few more lines for the node id20:37
jeblairlauncher-debug.log.2017-10-20_04:2017-10-20 10:29:53,826 DEBUG nodepool.NodeLauncher-0000341123: Node 0000341123 is running [region: Lon1, az: nova, ip: ipv4:, ipv6: ]20:37
jeblairlauncher-debug.log.2017-10-20_04:2017-10-20 10:29:53,826 DEBUG nodepool.NodeLauncher-0000341123: Gathering host keys for node 000034112320:37
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jeblairmordred, tobiash ^20:37
jeblairwhich lends credence to tobiash's stuck ssh thread theory20:37
tobiashjeblair, mordred: that could indicate that ssh is stuck20:37
tobiashjeblair, mordred: we might want to set a timeout for the host key gathering20:38
EmilienMclarkb: right20:38
jeblairyes, though i thought it had one20:38
mordredwhat a fascinating place to be stuck20:38
jeblairmordred, tobiash:
hwoarangmordred: this is also interesting 2017-10-20 20:09:25.487148 | RUN END RESULT_NORMAL: [untrusted :]20:38
hwoarangit seem that the stable/newton run playbook is executed but we work on master20:39
EmilienMdmsimard: does it mean we need we can stop doing multinode-setup in quickstart?20:39
hwoarangin stable/newton branch there is no post-run job...20:39
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hwoarangno clue why newton/stable is referenced there20:39
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tobiashjeblair, mordred: so we have a timeout (which doesn't work)20:40
dmsimardEmilienM: does what mean that ?20:40
jeblairtobiash: start_client takes a timeout, but we don't pass it one20:40
jeblairi'll patch20:40
EmilienMdmsimard: you said we alraedy run playbooks that prepare multinode setup, or was it just firewall?20:40
EmilienMclarkb: can we hold
mordredjeblair: awesome. that seems like a simple fix :)20:40
clarkbEmilienM: we cannot hold specific jobs as far as I know20:41
EmilienMclarkb: it's tht again20:41
EmilienMoh ok20:41
clarkbEmilienM: I'm trying to get the logs from the job that ran on the nodes we do have held20:41
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clarkbbeacuse no ovs would explain why this didn't work too :)20:41
clarkbjust want to double check20:41
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dmsimardEmilienM: I know you run firewall setup for sure, I don't know about what else20:41
tobiashjeblair: ah, just looked at the handler (where we set a timeout)20:42
clarkboh the job was aborted20:42
EmilienMdmsimard: right20:42
clarkbjeblair: I think ^ is a bug in the hold logic20:42
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add timeout for ssh negotiation on keyscan
jeblairtobiash, mordred: ^ thanks!20:42
clarkbwe shouldn't hold aborted jobs beacuse well this situation. Jobs in gate being aborted due to failures and you want to catch the actual failures20:42
clarkbI'm going to poke at fixing that20:42
mordredhwoarang: and yes - I agree, the post-run does not seem to have fired ... looking further20:42
jeblairclarkb: ++20:42
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dmsimardEmilienM: your legacy jobs probably use the legacy code from devstack-gate to set up the multinode networking ? I mean, how have things been working until now ?20:43
dmsimardEmilienM: the multi-node-bridge is a "native" and generic zuul v3 implementation of what devstack-gate used to run20:43
dmsimardmulti-node-bridge role*20:43
hwoarangmordred: what's with the ara output? does it explain the stable/newton thing? i can't see it :/20:43
jeblairdhellmann, smcginnis: i believe the requirements change merged?20:43
dhellmannjeblair : yep, smcginnis has poked the next release patch and it's in the gate now20:44
mordredhwoarang: no - I'm still just looking for the post-run / logs stuff -where did you get that stable/newton line from?20:44
dhellmannjeblair :
jeblairdhellmann: oh, er, i wanted to restart the scheduler20:44
hwoarangmordred: from the console log20:44
dhellmannah, damn, forgot20:45
dhellmannsmcginnis : ^^20:45
smcginnisjeblair: Bah! It just started. Want me to pull approval?20:45
hwoarangright here
mordredhwoarang: thanks20:45
tobiashjeblair: have a comment/question there20:45
Shrewsmordred: sorry, back now and can help better20:45
Shrewsmordred: where do you stand with this request dealio?20:45
smcginnisjeblair: Removed workflow. Feel free to restart at will.20:45
mordredShrews: I believe we have found it (and by we, I mean jeblair and tobiash)20:46
jeblairi'm stopping the scheduler now20:46
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dmsimardEmilienM: your job runs this:
smcginnisjeblair: Sorry about that, guess I got too excited. ;)20:46
jeblairmordred: and you :)20:46
Shrewsmordred: then my timing is perfect20:46
dmsimardEmilienM: so it's using legacy devstack-gate things to set up the bridge afaict20:46
mordredjeblair: you have brainspace for another weird one?20:46
jeblairmordred: after i restart zuul20:46
mordredjeblair: awesome. tl;dr - there's a job that seems to indicate it's using something from a stable branch for reasons I cannot fathom20:47
EmilienMclarkb, dmsimard : I'm going to send a patch to test with the previous version of IPtables, I'm pretty sure it's that20:47
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
jeblairokay, i'm restarting the scheduler20:48
jeblairit's going to take me a few minutes to re-enqueue things20:49
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tobiashend of day now, cya20:50
mordredtobiash: thanks for the help!!!20:50
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Add LOCI meeting
clarkbjeblair: it does actually look like we may hold any completed job20:52
clarkb_doBuildCompletedEvent doesn't seem to distinguish20:52
mordreddmsimard: yay! that integration test wound up being useful didn't it?20:52
clarkbanyways I'll get a patch up and you can tell me where I misread it :)20:52
clarkbdmsimard: its only sort of using the legacy devsatck-gate stuff fwiw20:52
clarkbdmsimard: its using delorean and completely different network ranges and so on20:53
clarkbits possible those network ranges conflict with $cloud20:53
dmsimardmordred: yeah, I'm not able to keep up however.. roles are coming out faster than I can write tests for them20:53
clarkb(I don't know but the ranges we picked were somewhat carefully chosen not to do that)20:53
dmsimardmordred: there are different roles that are widely used that still don't have any tests20:53
mordreddmsimard: well - we should get better at writing tests when we write roles20:53
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mordreddmsimard: so that it's not you trying to keep up20:54
smcginnisjeblair: All clear for me to approve that release patch again?20:55
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jeblairsmcginnis: y20:55
EmilienMclarkb, dmsimard: right now, debugging and see if that's iptables20:55
smcginnisjeblair: Thanks20:55
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dmsimardmordred: my brain is a bit sluggish and I don't have any great ideas right now but we have to come up with a good design for keeping roles tested. It's challenging because playbooks and roles are split left and right between three repos.20:56
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dmsimardmordred: we broke the gate temporarily earlier by merging a regression for use-cached-repos20:56
smcginnisHmm, 0 events in queue, but the release patch isn't showing up in the gate queue.20:57
mordreddmsimard: yah. I also don't have a good suggestion for it either20:57
dmsimardbecause the playbook for it is in project-config so the jobs from o-z-j which test use-cached-repos do not run on project-config20:57
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mordreddmsimard: well, we could add ozj integration tests to project-config for that case20:58
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add timeout for ssh negotiation on keyscan
Shrewsjeblair: fixed the start_client() call for you ^^^20:58
dmsimardmordred: it wouldn't work due to project-config being a trusted project20:58
Shrewsmordred: +3 that if you wish20:58
dmsimardmordred: (I think)20:58
* dmsimard needs vacation20:58
mordreddmsimard: ah - but it would - because your integration tests are running ansible on a build node20:58
mordreddmsimard: so it would be testing a proposed patch - which would work - it just wouldn't be having the executor run with that content20:59
mordreddmsimard: I think.20:59
dmsimardmordred: so if the content isn't there, then it's not testing the patch so it's useless ?20:59
jeblairdmsimard: honestly, we only need to solve this for some roles which are used in project-config playbooks.  we don't need to solve it for everything (since most roles are self-testing).21:00
mordreddmsimard: no - I mean the content would be there - becaue we DO put the speculative project-config content onto the test nodes when we trigger jobs via patches to project-config21:00
jeblairre-enqueing changes now21:00
mordreddmsimard: so the way the integration tests are structured it'll totally work and do the right thing21:00
dmsimardjeblair: most roles are not self-testing because they are not gated against themselves running21:00
jeblairdmsimard: well that's just bonkers :)21:00
mordreddmsimard: they are if they are used anywhere other than playbooks in project-config21:00
dmsimardjeblair: we only test a fraction of the roles we use right now:
jeblairall the tox-related roles, for instance, are self testing21:01
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
clarkbjeblair: ^21:01
clarkbI don't have a test yet because I want to make sure I'm not completely misreading what is going on there21:01
jeblairdmsimard: right, that's the sort of thing you need to do for a role that's only used in project-config.  it's not something we need to do for, say, tox.21:02
dmsimardjeblair: hm, okay I guess we have indirect coverage of some roles21:02
smcginnisclarkb: Is there any instance where you would want to hold and inspect a non-failing job?21:02
mordredwell - it's pretty direct coverage -it's like how tox.ini files in projects are self-testing - if you break them - they break :)21:02
clarkbsmcginnis: possibly, but I can' think of a good way of representing that nad holding failed jobs in a way that allows you to debug failing jobs (which I think is the more important use case?)21:02
smcginnisclarkb: True, that definitely is more important.21:03
mordreddmsimard: in any case - I think what I'm trying to say is that the intregration test framework you put together is set up well to take care of the things we need - and it might not be as dire as it seems21:03
mordreddmsimard: so - yay!21:03
jeblairmordred, dmsimard ++21:03
dmsimardjeblair: but anyway there's a lot of roles we don't have coverage for still, I need to start a todo list or something. For example set-service-type-data-fact was outright broken and it was hard to tell because it only runs in post21:03
mordred(and thank you)21:03
jeblairdmsimard: i wouldn't worry about that21:03
jeblairdmsimard: well, maybe21:03
jeblairdmsimard: let me put it this way21:04
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clarkbEmilienM: what you can do wiht those held nodes is run the script that sets up an overlay21:04
jeblairdmsimard: i'd worry about that if people are worried about the corresponding post jobs :)21:04
mordredI think that's one where writing a test would have been a nicer way to iterate21:04
clarkbEmilienM: you might want to do that to seeif you can debug why it is failing21:04
jeblairmordred: true21:04
clarkbsmcginnis: jeblair I think we may want to continue to have an explicit hold in nodepool so that I can hold any node I want, then also have auto hold to catch failures in zuul21:04
clarkbthat should cover all the bases21:05
dmsimardIt's no longer possible to hold an explicit node in nodepool v3?21:05
clarkbdmsimard: I don't think so /me double checks21:05
jeblairclarkb: the locking algorithm does not facilitate that.21:05
jeblairit is not21:05
jeblairif you try, zuul will overwrite it as soon as it returns the node-21:05
EmilienMclarkb: I can do it, indeed21:05
jeblairzuul has the lock21:05
clarkbjeblair: then an explicit zuul hold?21:06
mordredyah - if we wanted to do that - we'd need to add a thing to zuul to ask it to set a hold on the nodes for a specific build I think21:06
clarkbanyways I think if we want to solve this for the case of I need to hold successful job for some reason that is the way to do it21:06
mordredzuul hold <build-id>21:06
clarkbthen let autohold be a catch failures when they happen thing21:06
clarkbmordred: ya21:06
jeblairzuul hold <build>;  zuul autohold <job>; zuul autohold --success <job>21:07
EmilienMI'm watching now with my debug patch21:07
jeblairmordred, clarkb: ^?21:07
EmilienMcan we hold this one?21:07
mordredjeblair, clarkb: ++21:07
jeblairthink that covers the bases21:07
clarkbjeblair: well with success you tend to want a specific one21:07
jeblairclarkb: today, but not always?21:07
clarkbjeblair: rather than a random one, but with failure usually its all broken and you just want one to debug21:07
dmsimardEmilienM: your bug is weird, you're downloading what is the latest version of iptables on the centos repo, I don't understand21:07
clarkbjeblair: well today I just want any failing job so my patch I pushed should handle that21:07
EmilienMdmsimard: latest version is -221:07
clarkbjeblair: but ya maybe it doesn't matter21:08
EmilienMdmsimard: I'm downloading -1 and downgrading, to see if it works like before21:08
clarkbI guess if you are debugging a specific patch then you want specific hold regardless of success or failure21:08
jeblairmordred: so popping a few things off the stack...21:08
mordredI think both --success and hold are good improvements21:08
mordredjeblair: SO MUCH STACKS21:08
clarkbso ya those three commands should cover the bases21:08
EmilienMI wish it would be "SO MUCH SNACKS"21:08
* EmilienM leaves21:08
mordredEmilienM: ++21:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Ignore duplicate project-template definitions
dmsimardEmilienM: oh ok I see the updated version in updates21:09
jeblairmordred: that may fix the problem you mentioned ^21:09
jeblairmordred: that is in production now21:09
EmilienMdmsimard: yeah, they pushed a tag yesterday21:09
EmilienMdmsimard: a new nodepool-centos7 image was built and push in the meantime21:09
EmilienMdmsimard: and now we're broken. I'm pretty sure it's that.21:09
EmilienMdmsimard: but not 100%21:09
dmsimardEmilienM: couple bugzillas come up with
mordredjeblair: cool. SO - the thing I'm seeing right now is - job defined in master, job also defined in stable/newton ... patch to master that changes master definition of job is running with stable/newton definition21:10
clarkbok I've got to step away beacuse I've managed to not eat lunch21:10
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EmilienMclarkb: I skipped breakfast21:10
EmilienMand now lunch21:11
jeblairmordred: since the restart?21:11
EmilienMthat's why when mordred wrote that I could read SNACKS lol21:11
mordredjeblair: nope. I'll recheck it21:11
mordredjeblair: just putting in the infos about this while they're paged in21:11
mordredjeblair: patch is is the log showing running the stable/newton version of the job/playbook21:12
mordredjeblair: I'm not sure if project-templates come in to play or not21:12
mordredin fact, no, they do not21:12
mordredno project-template involved21:12
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jeblairwell that's another puzzle :)21:17
mordredit seems to be a behavior we do not desire :)21:17
toskymordred: hi again, I was wondering if there was any news/WIP review for the proposed change to the publication interface21:18
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mordredtosky: there are some patches up - but I got eaten by conference this week so did not make huge progress is the topic21:19
toskymordred: oh, sure, no rush; thanks!21:19
smcginnisdhellmann, fungi, jeblair: Release job is in release-post now if your interested.21:20
mordredspekaing of jobs in queues ...21:20
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mordredjeblair: the shade job (that triggered the nodepool bug earlier) is in check and shold, if the last time is any indication - end up all green21:21
mordredjeblair: this is the 'use the new native devstack job' patch - so if it goes green, it means we can delete a chunkn of legacy devstack-gate jobs woot21:21
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smcginnistag-release passed.21:23
dhellmanngood, that's consistent :-)21:24
smcginnisAt least we haven't gone backwards. ;)21:24
smcginnisrelease-test patch is also now in the release queue.21:25
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dhellmannfor the stable publish job we're watching for that synchronize to run faster (and properly), right?21:27
dhellmannsorry, publish-static not "stable publish"21:27
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dhellmannoh, wow, and it did run faster21:28
smcginnisYes, I believe it should work now.21:28
dhellmannand seems to have worked; I see 0.9.0 on the release site21:28
smcginnisNot too fast I hope.21:28
dhellmanntook about 1 second?21:29
smcginnisNot bad. Definitely better than before. :)21:29
dhellmannnext we're looking at the propose-update-constraints job?21:29
dhellmannin the release-test  queue21:29
smcginnisYep. Looks like the release-test jobs are picking up now.21:29
dmsimardI'm bikeshedding myself endlessly over the name of a variable, so I think it's time for me to sign off the weekend. Have yourself a nice one !21:30
smcginnisdmsimard: Have a good one!21:30
dhellmanndmsimard : thanks for your help this week!21:30
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jeblairmordred: i've inspected zuul's in-memory data structures related to those jobs and can't see a problem right now.  let's see what happens with that recheck.21:35
mordredjeblair: cool21:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add /usr/share/ca-certificates to trusted_ro_paths
dhellmannjeblair , fungi , smcginnis : it looks like the propose-update-constraints job is failing with an ssh configuration issue similar to what we dealt with for the tag job:
dhellmannI believe we needed some on-server debugging help to figure out exactly what was going on there, didn't we?21:53
dhellmannoh, I'll bet we're using the wrong ssh key there21:54
jeblairdhellmann: is it setting the wrong username there?21:54
jeblairdhellmann: or, well, username and ssh key don't match21:54
jeblairdhellmann: so, change one or the other, i reckon21:55
dhellmannwe configure the user as "release" but -- yeah21:55
dhellmanncan we change the key easily?21:55
smcginnisOpenStack Release Bot with - I believe that was right.21:55
jeblairwe don't want to use the 'proposal bot' user?21:55
dhellmannthe stuff to set up the user name is in a script. I could make it do some work to figure out which user to use, I guess. How can I tell what job I'm in from an arbitrary script?21:56
jeblairi guess before this just relied on running on different nodes?21:56
dhellmannI thought they key might be something I could just override on the job definition21:56
dhellmannand I guess the users were set up differently, but we just hard-coded the release user into that script yesterday21:57
jeblairdhellmann: yes, the key is something that can be overridden, i'm just wondering if that's what we want to do.  the release key is way more sensitive than the proposal key?21:57
dhellmannI guess I could change the way that hard-coding works, and move it up into the job21:57
dhellmannso in the release job before any scripts run I could just force the global settings we need; and then do something similar with different settings in the proposal job21:57
dhellmannwould that be icky?21:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add timeout for ssh negotiation on keyscan
jeblairdhellmann: i don't think so... i think doing that as a role might be nice actually...21:58
jeblairlike a 'configure-gitreview' role21:58
dhellmannok. that sounds like more than I want to take on at 6 on a friday. I'll look into how to do that monday21:59
dhellmannif no one beats me to it21:59
jeblairoh look:
dhellmannoh, fun21:59
smcginnisSo we could use that in each job to set the right config?21:59
jeblairso we can stick that into the pre playbook, and have it use job variables as necessary21:59
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dhellmannjeblair : into the pre playbook for each job? or into a new role?22:02
jeblairdhellmann: looking at the structure of the jobs involved, maybe just in the main playbook of each job22:03
dhellmannso into project-config/playbook/release/tag.yaml for example?22:04
dhellmannjeblair : ^^22:04
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jeblairdhellmann: yeah, we'd either just stick those git_config tasks in there, or make a new role and put the role in there.  i'm starting to get friday brain too and am not sure which.  maybe start with the tasks and see what it looks like.  :)22:06
smcginnisWe add the origin remote in playbooks/release/pre.yaml. Looks reasonable to put this in there too.22:07
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dhellmannwhat is the proposal bot's actual user name and email?22:09
jeblairsmcginnis: oh, i missed that the proposals had a pre playbook too.  so both release and proposal have pre playbooks, so it may make sense to do it there instead of the main playbooks.22:10
openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Include a new time for UC IRC meetings
jeblairespecially since that's where the ssh key gets added22:10
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dhellmannnow I just need to know what values to use for the proposal bot22:10
dhellmannis the user "proposal" or "proposal-bot"22:10
dhellmannand is the email associated with the key right? ""?22:11
jeblairlooking that up now22:11
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jeblairi am still here and still confused.22:15
dhellmannaccording to jenkins/scripts/ it is proposal-bot and openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org22:15
jeblairyes!  i just found that22:16
clarkbya I thought it was proposal-bot22:16
jeblairdoes that not get used by this job?22:16
dhellmannnot any more22:16
clarkb(when I lookd at making sure the key was correct)22:16
dhellmannthat was the wrong setting for the release job, so we changed the release script to not use that function22:16
jeblairoh, and this job uses that release script?22:16
dhellmannso the clone_repo function in jenkins/scripts/release-tools/functions does not invoke configure_git_review any more22:16
jeblairok.  coool.22:17
dhellmannyeah, it runs update_constraints_for_branch.sh22:17
jeblairif that involves check_already_approved, then we definitely want to keep the proposal key and continue doing what you're doing, since that function is hard-coded to use proposal-bot22:18
dhellmannthis job may need more work than this22:18
dhellmannit's calling update_upper_constraints in jenkins/scripts/functions22:18
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dhellmannoh, wait, I'm in the wrong place ignore me22:19
dhellmannhang on22:19
dhellmannwrong script; it uses update_constraints.sh22:20
dhellmannthat does not seem to use check_already_approved22:20
dhellmannit always proposes a new patch if there's a change22:21
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: move git configuration for release jobs to ansible tasks
dhellmannjeblair , smcginnis , clarkb : something like ^^ ought to be close22:23
smcginnisSorry, I know it's even later where you are, but I'm going to have to sign off for today.22:25
smcginnisI'll likely check in a few times over the weekend though.22:25
dhellmannsmcginnis : np, have a good weekend22:25
smcginnisdhellmann: You too.22:25
smcginnisThanks everyone for all the help this week.22:25
fungiokay, i'm back22:27
dhellmannfungi : is your power all fixed up?22:27
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Add support for installing ARA wsgi middleware for sqlite databases
fungidhellmann: oh, yeah they were done after a few hours. i just got back from a brief interruption involving some evening errands22:28
fungiinfra-root: looks like we're still in need of an executor restart. happy to do that, but catching up on the last hour or so of scrollback now22:28
mnaserdhellmann do you mind if i grab your change and abstract them the git configs into a simple role?22:29
mnasers/them the/the/22:29
mnaserit'll be a few minutes22:29
dhellmannmnaser : go for it. I started some notes in if you want to update that with a different patch (or just update my patch in place, that's fine, too)22:30
jeblairfungi: i think you're clear for executor restart22:30
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable and configure the ara middleware for logs-dev.o.o
mnaserdhellmann ill update yours, 2mins22:30
jeblairheh, i guess role is the right answer :)22:30
dhellmannmnaser: I'm going to sign off, too, while I can still enjoy a bit of daylight on the patio22:30
dhellmannI'll check back in Monday morning my time22:30
fungijeblair: and yes, the release account got used by any v2 jobs running on the signing label node, while the proposal-bot account got used by anything running on the proposal label node22:31
mnaseri can help debug/test releases with other folks if anyone has access to some sort of testing system i guess22:31
dhellmannmnaser : you can test by pushing tags to the release-test repo. I have lined up for a new release, too22:33
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dhellmannor I guess you could re-enqueue the post jobs for the failure from
dhellmannwhatever is easier :-)22:34
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mnaserdont know if i have access to do those :-p22:34
* dhellmann nods22:34
dhellmannthanks again for all the help today everyone; I'll check in Monday and see where things stand22:35
dhellmannhave a good weekend!22:35
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: move git configuration for release jobs to ansible tasks
mnaser^ updated into a role22:38
mordredmnaser: love it22:41
mnaserand now we can reuse it, woo22:42
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mnaserthough i think it would love nicely in zuul-jobs... maybe when we're not trying to fix releases :)22:42
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mordredmnaser: ++22:44
mordredI actually have a half-baked thought in the back of my head about a way to write a general proposal job that could live in zuul-jobs and safely be used by anyone if they felt like it (as long as they had a secret to pass to it with credentials)22:45
mordredbut that's a for-way-later kind of fun game22:45
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mnasermordred im thinking hack on zuul status page this weekend :p22:46
mnaseri've been thinking of trying to find a way to make it an iterative set of changes till its fully angular but i haven't been successful at thinking of a strategy of getting there22:47
mnasermixing angular with non angular is meh.  unless we use other more lightweight ui stuff like vue.js22:47
fungihrm... unit test failure on zuul change 51385322:48
fungianyway, i've finished reading scrollback, so i'll get the executor restarts underway now22:48
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fungilooks from the initscript like `sudo service zuul-executor restart` should do the trick22:51
fungii'm guessing that triggers a graceful restart since it's been a few minutes now and it's still running under the original pid with plenty of ansible child processes22:53
pabelangerI've been doing stop, check things stopped, then start lately22:54
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Add support for installing ARA wsgi middleware for sqlite databases
pabelangerI haven't tried a restart myself22:54
fungiwell, consider this a test of the restart process in that case ;)22:54
fungiif it doesn't go as planned on ze01 i'll fall back to that22:54
fungiand then use whatever worked to do the rest22:54
fungipabelanger: what has the shutdown timeframe for the executor daemon been for you in the recent past?22:56
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fungijust curious how long is long enough to start getting worried22:56
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pabelangerfungi: usually a few minutes, I've seen upwards to 20mins.  But I know jeblair and clarkb might have recently fixed that22:58
fungiokay, i'll refrain from getting anxious just yet, thanks22:58
clarkbya it as a long long time but there were fixes for that22:58
clarkbI imagine it could still take some time as it waits for the threads to shut down22:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DEBUG: downgrade iptables
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Save the ARA sqlite database in a specific folder
dmsimardinfra-root: I got a stack of patches to enable loading ARA sqlite databases dynamically:
* dmsimard weekend23:04
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DEBUG: downgrade iptables
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fungiclarkb: pabelanger: well, we're coming up on 20 minutes since i issued a service restart on ze01 and i still see the original daemon process23:07
clarkbfungi: oh did you tell it to restart?23:08
clarkbI think that may not be imlemented in the init script23:08
* clarkb looks23:08
fungiseems to be23:08
clarkboh it is23:08
clarkbfungi: what I've done to make sure it is progressing is tracked ps -elf | grep zuul | wc -l23:09
fungigood idea, thanks23:09
clarkbit may not go all the way to zero if ssh agents are leaked but it should get close and slowly decreease over time23:09
clarkbright now it seems to be floating between 460 and 50023:10
clarkbon 0123:10
fungiyeah, i watched it go up a moment ago23:10
pabelangerfungi: you should see socket event in log for stopped, if it worked23:10
pabelangerthen, jobs should be aborting23:10
fungithe actual word "stopped"?23:11
pabelangerzuul.CommandSocket: Received b'stop' from socket23:11
pabelangersomething like that23:11
clarkbseems to be between ~420 and 440 now23:12
clarkbso I think it may be falling off23:12
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fungipabelanger: not finding in the executor log23:12
clarkb2017-10-20 22:50:00,387 DEBUG zuul.CommandSocket: Received b'_stop' from socket23:12
pabelangerwe are aborting jobs on ze0123:12
pabelangerso, should be stopping23:12
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clarkbya ps count is now floating around 40023:12
clarkbso I think it is owrking just slowly23:12
fungiahh, in the debug log23:13
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fungiyeah, i see it now23:13
fungiseems more like an info level event, but okay23:13
clarkbya I think we can probably incrase the level on that one23:14
clarkbjeblair: did you see that failed test jobs?23:15
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fungii mentioned that a few minutes before the executor restart, haven't dug into the test failures yet though23:16
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clarkbI'm writing a test for my autohold change then will likely have to call it a day23:18
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: ze01 is in a bad state23:23
pabelangerwe have 3 zuul-executor and 1 defuncted23:23
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
pabelangerso, restart command is likely to blame23:23
pabelangerfor when fungi ran the command23:23
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clarkbjeblair: mordred tobiash now with tests23:24
pabelangerrunning builds shows the aborts at 22:50, but it didn't completely stop things before zuul-executor launched another process23:24
clarkbah so the init script isn't waiting properly23:24
pabelangeryah, IIRC, socket commands are non-blocking23:25
clarkbfungi: so it only half implemented restart :P23:25
clarkbin this case I think killing them is probably ok?23:25
clarkbor maybe issue a zuul-executor stop23:25
clarkb to stop the newer processes?23:25
pabelanger510155 is what I want to test for an ansible-playbook, but need to update23:26
pabelangermight look into that tomorrow and do a little test23:26
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, we should try to stop23:26
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fungiclarkb: pabelanger: so do you think i should kill off the newer executor and wait for the old one to terminate naturally? is it not okay for those to continue in parallel i guess?23:28
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clarkbfungi: I would run systemctl stop zuul-executor23:28
clarkband see if that makes the newer processes stop23:28
clarkbI guess it depends who has the socket open?23:29
clarkbbut at that point they should both stop assuming the nwer one is reading the socket?23:29
fungiokay, initiated stop23:29
clarkbbut ya I think that other preocess is defuct because it couldn't open the finger socket(s)?23:30
clarkbsince the old one still hsa those open?23:30
pabelangeryah, I think we'll have to killall -9 zuul-executor, once we get into multiple processes, it never seems to end well :)23:33
fungilikely. once it quiesces i'll do whatever we need to clean up the rest23:33
pabelangerk, newest processes stopped properly23:34
pabelangerbut original still running23:34
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pabelangerI wonder is we did23:34
pabelangersudo su zuul; zuul stop23:34
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clarkbunrelated but the pip 10 saga gets more interesting, the python2 job ran just fine23:34
pabelangerif it would accept the command over socket23:34
clarkband as far as I know it also installs pyyaml23:35
pabelangerlooks to still be open23:35
clarkbdoes that imply the python3-pyyaml and python2-pyyaml packages on debuntu are built differently?23:35
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clarkboh wow23:36
clarkbpython-yaml is 3.12 what we need to install, but python3-yaml is 3.1123:37
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fungithat does suggest they're built from different source packages at any rate23:39
clarkbI think python-yaml may come out of cloud archive23:40
clarkbso it is ahead of python3-yaml23:41
clarkbbut I didn't think we had that enabled early enough for d-g to pick it up23:41
clarkbits 3.11 on my local xenial fileserver which gives weight to the cloud archive theory. In any case I'm going to install from pip to fix the pip 10 problem then we can sort ouf the best way forward23:42
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Install PyYAML from pypi
clarkbok I've pushed up what I think are workarounds until the next system package becomes a problem23:48
pabelangerfungi: did you want to kill off the other zuul-executor and start on ze01?23:51
fungiit's still in the process of shutting down, looks like23:52
mnaserpabelanger congrats :)23:52
* fungi has a feeling he knows why you're being congratulated23:54
fungipabelanger: don't worry about it until after the weekend, trust me23:54
mnaserpabelanger :D23:55
fungiheh, that's a fun irc client screwup23:55
pabelangermnaser: wow, thanks for sharing23:56
mnasercongats to fungi as well but i dont want to highlight everyone else whos here on a friday night, aha23:59

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