Wednesday, 2017-09-20

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kfox1111how do I determine the log dir for while its still running?00:01
kfox1111you use to be able to link off of a currently failed job in the zuul page. it now shows the telnet url even for finished jobs now.00:01
kfox1111I want to look at the failed jobs before the other jobs are done to help me debug faster.00:02
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jeblairkfox1111: i see logs.o.o urls for all the jobs that are finished00:05
jeblairi see telnet only for the centos-binary-3-ceph-multi job which is still running00:05
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ianwtonyb: yeah, i think the question was first or EOL branches first.  i think if we remove the branches, then the regexes disappear and everyone's happy00:16
ianw pabelanger: you aware of issues with gate-dsvm-nodepool-ubuntu-src ?00:16
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* fungi guesses, based on e-mail thread about preinstalling packages, that dmsimard was not yet around back when we have devstack-specific node images00:19
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tonybianw: except some projects really want to keep a mitaka branch.  I don't think they have periodic jobs though00:20
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tonybianw: Oh wait I mis read what that was doing.00:21
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* tonyb doesn't really know what the right way forward is :(00:24
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ianwtonyb: i feel like we'd be best to remove EOL branches, then remove the regexes, to minimise possibility of breakage00:27
ianwi think the issue is that if we can clear this out it's easier for zuulv3 deployment00:28
tonybianw: But what about the 2 projects that really want a stable/mitaka branch?00:28
tonybwont removing the regexes break them?00:28
tonybnot that they have much in the way of CI anyway00:28
ianwyeah, and easier to just special-case two things than worry about generic solutions00:29
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tonybianw: okay  Fine by me00:29
tonybianw: Shall I update the list and send it to y'all?00:29
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jeblairclarkb, dmsimard: that works now, so i think we can promote the logstash stuff from base-test to base00:31
ianwtonyb: yeah, i think so, i've done a couple of EOL's and can work up a plan00:32
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tonybianw: jhesketh has a nice script in openstack-infra/relaese-tools, I generate a script to call that script00:33
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ianwyep, cool, i think the only magic required is adding yourself to the right group temporarily00:34
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Promote logstash jobs from base-test to base
jeblairdmsimard, clarkb, mordred: ^ i think that's gtg00:41
* jhesketh reads scrollback00:41
jheskethianw, tonyb: I'm happy to help with EOL'ing again if needed00:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add netaddr requirements for running ipv4|ipv6 filters
ianwjhesketh: all the better :)  if we can clear this it's one less thing for zuulv3 to worry about00:43
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jheskethianw, tonyb: so none of those projects need liberty or mitaka branches any more? Or as ianw mentioned are they going to be special cased in v3, in which case I'm not sure we can simply eol the branch00:47
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tonybjhesketh: as I understand it we're going to EOL all the branches older than mitaka00:48
tonybjhesketh: and EOL the mitaka branches for everything except 2 projects00:48
ianwjhesketh: i think we want to avoid the regexes in being applied by the migration script unnecessarily00:49
tonybjhesketh: and thos 2 projects will get the special case00:49
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tonybjhesketh: and then those regexes can be removed 'globaly'00:49
jheskethtonyb: so the 2 exceptions don't need those regexes?00:49
ianwwhat exactly are the two exceptions?  do they even match jobs in that regex?00:50
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tonybianw: Actually it's 5 repos from 2 projects (I had misremembered the thread)00:51
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tonyb                    project['name'] in ['openstaack/group-based-policy', 'openstaack/group-based-policy-automation', 'openstaack/group-based-policy-ui', 'openstaack/python-group-based-policy-client', 'openstaack/networking-bigswitch']:00:51
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tonybthat's the list I haven't verified that have jobs that match the regexes00:51
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tonybOnly without the 'aa' :(00:53
jheskeththey have python jobs so it's quite likely they're using the regex00:54
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fungior is it øpenståkk?00:56
ianwyeah, the have -trusty jobs00:56
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ianwit seems we really only need two special cases then00:57
funginote that we've said as soon as infra no longer runs trusty jobs we're axing those images00:57
ianwwith (group-based-policy-.*) and networking-bigswitch00:57
jheskethso assuming we have to keep their branches and their trusty/34 jobs, perhaps the migration should be hard coded to skip over those regexes so zuul2.5 still knows about them and then we can manually special case them in v300:57
ianwjhesketh: i was thinking add two matches per ^^, EOL everything else, remove global regex ... profit?00:58
jheskethoh, I see... special case them in v25 too00:59
jheskethyeah that's probably a good idea00:59
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /tenants route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/status route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/jobs route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/builds route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: make console-stream tenant scoped
ianwok, i'll see if i can come up with something in a little bit01:02
jheskethcool :-)01:03
jheskethtonyb: if you want to send through an eol list I can process it01:03
tonybjhesketh: it is in transit01:03
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Updated from global requirements
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tonybjhesketh: if the format isn't useful I can present it another way just tell me how you'd like it01:06
jheskethtonyb: ah cool, I must have missed that in my email sort :-(01:06
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jheskethtonyb: nah that format is heaps easier to use than your previous one, thanks!01:07
pabelangerianw: I am not, however I haven't looked at it in a while01:07
tonybjhesketh: I'll update my other tool to use this format01:07
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jheskethtonyb: did you need/want to wait for feedback about eol'ing any of those repos (it's likely you already have but I've not been paying very close attention :-s)01:08
jheskethI have to leave for an errand, but will look at it this afternoon01:08
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tonybjhesketh: Cool. Interested parties have had 2+weeks to complain (and hence the 5 excpetions) so I think you're good to go when you get back01:09
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dmsimardianw: o/ are you able to re-run a single post job that failed due to the ongoing gerrit shenanigans ?01:34
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mitaka/trusty filters for projects wanting that branch
ianwdmsimard: umm, yes i think01:34
ianwjhesketh / tonyb: ^^ as discussed01:35
dmsimard -- seems like only ara-tarball-signing failed01:35
dmsimardhuh, wait, that was actually an error on missing zuul cloner, wth ?01:35
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ianwdmsimard: istr something about that in scrollback ...01:37
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dmsimardjeblair: re: logstash, the errors in the linters job from are weird ? It's complaining about missing roles all of a sudden01:38
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dmsimardlooks totally unrelated to the change itself and the logs are indeed in logstash, just confusing01:38
ianwdmsimard: ^ so the conclusion seems to be it happened in the middle of a puppet run, maybe01:40
dmsimardianw: oh, I must have missed that ping01:40
ianwi think i can re-trigger it01:40
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-midonet: Add an experimental multinode job
dmsimardianw: I'll rebase the multinode stack take the opportunity to squash the rdo repository fix in it, since I'm fixing the ip6tables thing01:43
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up firewalls
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up connectivity with default OVS bridge
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Streamline multi-node-known-hosts
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Append /sbin and /usr/sbin to $PATH for 'ip' commands
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up hosts file
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up firewalls
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up connectivity with default OVS bridge
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Streamline multi-node-known-hosts
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Append /sbin and /usr/sbin to $PATH for 'ip' commands
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dmsimardjeblair: yeah.. there's definitely something going on, tox-linters is failing on totally unrelated patches with missing roles01:53
dmsimardwait, hang on, this is a warning from Ansible 2.4 ??01:54
dmsimard2017-09-20 01:51:45.771927 | ubuntu-xenial | [DEPRECATION WARNING]: 'include' for playbook includes. You should use01:54
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dmsimard2017-09-20 01:51:45.772055 | ubuntu-xenial | 'import_playbook' instead. This feature will be removed in version 2.8.01:54
dmsimardinfra-root: ^ did we unknowingly upgrade ansible on the zuul node s?01:54
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dmsimard was meant to prevent that and I just tested it locally, ansible gets installed with that01:56
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openstackgerritzhangyangyang proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Remove py26 support
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ianwdmsimard: wait, is it 0.14.3 or 0.14.3rc1 ?02:01
dmsimardianw: 0.14.3rc1 passed, it's 0.14.3 that failed02:01
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dmsimardinfra-root: ok the ansible 2.4 is (sort of) a false alarm, it looks like ansible-lint is picking up 2.4 for us and therefore exploding the job. I'll send a patch.02:02
ianwoh, it would help if i typed 0.14.3 instead of 0.4.302:03
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-midonet: Add an experimental multinode job
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dmsimardianw: sorry, the next 1.0.0 version will be easier to type :p02:05
ianwdmsimard: ok, so it's signed now02:06
ianwfor my own future reference, the incantation for this was : sudo /opt/zuul/tools/ --url= --job ara-tarball-signing --project openstack/ara --pipeline release --newrev 89289c511c8c48c8409dd1fb997fc24e64d1dae6 --refname 0.14.3 --logpath /89/89289c511c8c48c8409dd1fb997fc24e64d1dae6/release/ara-tarball-signing/f812ce9/02:07
ianwthen spin three times, throw salt over your shoulder and sacrifice a chicken02:07
dmsimardquite the incantation inded02:08
dmsimardpart of the complexity was that you had to link it to the parent job I guess ?02:08
ianwdmsimard: no, it's just wgetting the file and signing it02:09
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ianwwhich was already there since the prior job passed02:09
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Pin ansible<2.4 in test-requirements for ansible-lint
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dmsimardinfra-root ^ fix for broken tox-linters gate job02:15
* jhesketh returns02:19
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dmsimardianw: gerrit still feels a little bit sluggish :(02:19
ianwdmsimard: nothing looks terribly out of spec on the memory/cpu front02:21
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dmsimardsubmitting an online GUI quick edit took a long time with the yellow "working" at the top, it never really finished and I eventually got the yellow notification at the bottom right to say I had done an update on the review02:21
clarkbya thats a known issue02:21
dmsimardseveral long seconds later there was the openstackgerrit notification on the channel02:21
clarkbaffects gertty in a weird way too02:21
clarkbfungi put it on etherpad iirc02:22
dmsimardclarkb: oh let me re-read through the pad, I'm surely out of date02:22
mordredlook it's a jhesketh !02:22
jheskethianw: I think we can EOL the branches before your patch (looking at the comment you left on mordred's)02:23
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jheskethianw, tonyb: in that ^ case, any objections to me processing the EOL list now?02:23
ianwjhesketh: actually, yeah, since the regex is still there, so ++ from me fwiw02:23
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jheskethianw: comment on your patch fyi02:26
jheskethI'll go ahead with the EOL now then02:27
jheskethfungi, clarkb: ^02:27
dmsimardmordred: is it safe to start testing deployment projects with the migration script as of ?02:27
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dmsimard(looks like the tip of that tree is failing)02:27
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jheskethtonyb: you've got some different eol tags, I can't see how that wouldn't be deliberate so I'm going to use those, but I'm curious why?02:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Pin ansible<2.4 in test-requirements for ansible-lint
dmsimardzuul-sphinx zuul.d fix has two +2's, looking for someone else to kick the can :)
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openstackgerritzhangbailin proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Update document url and fix a spelling error
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prometheanfirethings just slow?03:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Support zuul.d directories
clarkbprometheanfire: can you be more specific?03:15
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prometheanfireya, that wasn't that helpful, just seems like gate is backed up, I should probably just look at the status page...03:18
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clarkbthere was a backlog after the zuul restart to fix post jobs03:28
clarkbbut we should mostly be through that now03:28
prometheanfireya, I imagine :D03:28
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Only inject cloud-init in CentOS 7.3
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Skip bifrost tinyipa jobs on xenial newton
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mitaka/trusty filters for projects wanting that branch
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yolandaAJaeger, do your custom dashboard work for you after the gerrit upgrade?06:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add whereto to gerritbot for openstack-doc
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add devstack job for Cyborg
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AJaegeryolanda: check - sdague merged a few changes to fix dashboards. Mine is simply enough and didn't need changes06:57
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AJaegerjhesketh: thanks for EOLing those branches. Do you want to followup to tonyb 's mail with "DONE"?07:18
jheskethAJaeger: yep, I am still going at the moment though07:21
jheskethand need to collate any problems etc07:21
AJaegerjhesketh: I see...07:21
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (1/n)
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (2/n): pbr
AJaegerjhesketh, ianw, some additional branch cleanups ^07:33
AJaegerthere's more to do if anybody wants - will allow us to convert less jobs over...07:34
odyssey4me:( it appears that gerrit is dead?07:34
AJaegerodyssey4me: seems to work here07:35
odyssey4mehmm, let me try resetting my connection07:35
yolandamm AJaeger , i thought i was using same as you07:35
AJaegerAh, that one - I'm not really using that currently ;(07:36
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: WIP: Branch cleanup (3/n)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add openSUSE Tumbleweed support to the unbound element
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amoralejianw, we need for centos-7.4, could we get a new tagged release that includes it?08:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Switch chair for RPM packaging
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bogdandoo/ Can we merge ?08:32
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ianwamoralej: umm, sure, tomorrow my time though?09:01
amoralejianw, ok09:01
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ianwor if yolanda has time, that's cool too09:02
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amoralejare jobs in post pipelines working now?09:15
amoralejor still working on it?09:15
amoralejianw, yolanda ^09:16
yolandasorry, quite busy during the morning, let's see if i can have some time in the afternoon, or if not, i'll report to ianw to do it tomorrow09:17
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ianwamoralej: should be wokring09:26
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add check for failing tripleo post deploy validation (pingtest)
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gongyshis down?09:53
fricklergongysh: not for me. it seems there were some issues seen when using gertty, though09:57
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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andreafgmann: did you see my reply on your comment on what do you think?10:44
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Initial skeleton for devstack-tempest base job
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (3/n)
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fricklerhmm, openstackrecheck also seems to be lagging far behind, is this related to the email issue? like failed in gate at 03:09, but that was reported in #os-qa at 10:05, long after a new version had been merged10:54
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (3/n)
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AJaegerteam, mordred, regarding branch cleanup, please review ,
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: Fix options to allow --warn-exit in
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: Set up gerrit remote manually in
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: Check the gerrit remote is as expected, eol_branch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Skip bifrost tinyipa jobs on xenial newton
andreafjeblair, mordred, ianw, yolanda, AJaeger: I'm looking for a simple way to reproduce the environment setup by native zuul v3 nodes - either holding a node from CI or something like running a local zuulv3 with vagrant to provision the node11:12
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andreafI need to refine the pre/post bits of the devstack-tempest job (pulling the right logs, fixing subunit bits etc) and testing that via CI changes only is just to slow :)11:14
andreafI guess I could use vagrant + ansible and write a play that would invoke what zuul would but I'd rather not re-invent the wheel :)11:15
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AJaegerandreaf: sorry, can't help here myself. You always can build the nodepool images locally from project-config/tools/ - but I don't know about specific zuul v3 setup11:17
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andreafAJaeger: thanks - having the exact same image is certainly a plus, but basically I'm looking for  a way to run a job as defined in .zuul.yaml without having to re-invent what zuul already does11:19
andreafI'm looking at zuul code for inspiration :)11:19
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pandapabelanger: is the container proxy up and running ? can we use it, can you tell me the address ?12:55
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pabelangerpanda: you can source /etc/ci/ on the images, here is a list of variables you get:
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pandapabelanger: ok so I'll have to export http_proxy=NODEPOOL_LXC_IMAGE_PROXY before attempting any pulls. And it's ready to be used ?13:11
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (3/n)
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle first play in playbook matching no nodes
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pabelangerpanda: no, this is a reverse proxy cache not http proxy. You can see how the openstack-ansible team setup LXC image proxy13:35
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kazshAjaeger: could you kindly check my change again ?, I amended it based upon your comment.
Zaramtreinish: I've just rechecked the os-testr patch since it looked like the latest incarnation just had timeouts during tests.13:37
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mtreinishZara: hmm on py35 it looks like it timed out, but on py27 I'm still chasing down relative import paths:
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
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mnaseri'm doing some maint work and i just found an instance which was created 2 days ago for openstack ci13:46
mnaserdoes that make sense?13:47
mnaserthat it's been created for 2 days (so i assume its stuck or idle)13:47
pabelangermnaser: possible, we have some vms on nl01 / nl02 (zuulv3) that are hanging around. Once we land a new nodepool.yaml file we'll likely manually clean them up13:48
mnaserokay no worries!13:49
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AJaegerkazsh: will review at another time - right now we cannot merge any new project creation changes, we first need to fix a few things.13:52
AJaegerkazsh: I will also not +2 unless there's a +1 from the heat PTL13:52
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AJaegerpabelanger, regarding branch cleanup, could you review , , please?13:53
kazshAJaeger: Thanks for your response,  ok will ask him to review it for now :)13:53
fungimnaser: it's also possible to have a handful of representatives of infrequently-used node types hang around longer since nodepool pre-builds a few to have them on hand for when jobs request them13:54
pabelangerinfra-root: and our the changes needed to have per-hostname nodepool.yaml configuration for each nodepool-launcher. Thoughts?13:54
pabelangerAJaeger: looking13:54
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AJaegerthanks, pabelanger. jhesketh retired all the branches, so we can remove jobs and don't need to convert them ;)13:55
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Zaramtreinish: oh, sorry, I looked at the py27 logs but I must've searched the wrong thing (I normally search 'FAIL') since I saw a failure but no obvious reason for it. :/13:57
mnaserfungi its a trusty node so i think that might be why its not so frequently used13:57
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Zaraactually I have no idea what I did since now I see it13:58
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Zaramaybe I started searching from the bottom of the page :S13:59
mtreinishZara: heh, no worries. I'm curious about the py35 job too, so we'll see if that fails again14:01
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Zaracool, I hope it does something really interesting so I can feel better about making gerrit exercise14:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mitaka/trusty filters for projects wanting that branch
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Remove channel checking.
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: JJB meetings are being held in dedicated channel
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (1/n)
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: SUSE: Update openSUSE Tumbleweed references for lsb-release-3.X.X
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (2/n): pbr
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-testr master: Updated from global requirements
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jeblairfrickler: there are no gerrit issues specific to gertty.  the only issue seen in gertty is in editing patchsets, and that is also seen when using the web ui.14:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Deal with link-logs macro
tonybNow that 485117 has merged to allow projects to host meetings in $project channels what's the best way to ensure that meetbot permissions are correct14:24
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jeblairtonyb: change the accessbot config14:27
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove liberty/mitaka job regexes
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unmatched single quotes from jenkins jobs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Have publiccloud-wg gate on itself, not api-wg
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mordredAJaeger, pabelanger, jeblair: ^^ I pulled those three out of the larger stack and rebased on current master - they are the updates/changes to the existing jobs14:28
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mapping file setting to skip jobs from share queues
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make yaml2ical publication job
mordredand there's the other stack fixed up to not have the v2 fixes in it14:29
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jeblairtonyb: move meetbots to global and remove from the individual channels?14:29
tonybjeblair: 'cause I don't really grok how that works ... do you mean add the 2 lines @ to every channel listed there?14:29
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Updated from global requirements
tonybjeblair: okay let me try that14:30
AJaegermordred: thanks, I'll review those now - could you review , please? I'm cleaning up old jobs...14:31
jeblairmordred, AJaeger: wasn't there something about 5 repos still having mitaka branches/jobs?  does that affect 504964?14:31
pabelanger+2 on stack14:33
mordredjeblair: that has been taken care of ...14:33
tonybjeblair: Yeah there are 5 repos that still want mitaka branches14:33
AJaegerjeblair: we merged
mordredyah. that ^^14:33
AJaegerjeblair: that takes care of those 5 ^14:33
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* tonyb sees a bunch of stable/* branches going away and thanks jhesketh 14:34
jeblairoh gotcha, we have specifc filters now, so we can remove the high-level ones14:34
AJaegertonyb: did you hear from fuel guys on 7.0 and 8.0 branches? If we could remove those as well, we have even less special cases...14:34
mordredjeblair: yah - and for those projects, expanding the python-jobs project-template so that we can add the variants is, I believe, perfectly fair14:34
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tonybAJaeger: My first round only looked for branches that matched release series I didn't look at numeric ones14:34
tonybAJaeger: that's next week I guess14:34
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tonybAJaeger: I couldn't see the wood for the trees so picked the easy things first14:35
AJaegertonyb: ;)14:35
mordredjeblair, pabelanger, AJaeger: if you're still in the reviewing mood, the stack ending with would also be nice to land14:35
tonybAJaeger: once my mirror finishes I'll see what's left but I probably wont action it until next week14:36
AJaegertonyb: if we can EOL some larger blocks before the Zuul migration, we don't need to move those jobs over. But no worries...14:36
AJaegertonyb: ok14:36
tonybAJaeger: Oh rats I think we missed the boat there14:36
AJaegertonyb: so be it...14:37
pabelangermordred: I have to run an errand now, but will get back to 504968 when I return14:37
tonybAJaeger: even if I generated the list today I don't think that it's enough notice14:37
mordredpabelanger: woot thanks!14:37
clarkbjeblair: there is a response to your gerrit bug14:37
AJaegertonyb: today's branch removals have already a lot ;)14:37
clarkbseems you were likely on the right track?14:37
jeblairclarkb: yah, i guess we need to set our account cache to 32,000 entries?14:38
fungior clean up the account list somehow?14:38
mordredAJaeger, tonyb: it's ok - we can migrate them and then delete them :)14:38
clarkbseems silly but that is apparently the recommendation14:38
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [accessbot] Default to running a meetbot in all channels
fungii think we still have a ton of accounts "synced" from launchpad back in the old openstack-cla group days which never actually used gerrit for anything14:39
tonybjeblair: like that ^^ ?14:39
clarkbya I wonder if it ignores inactive accounts14:39
jeblairi mean, if we set it to the number of accounts, it's not so much a cache as an in-memory copy of the database.14:39
clarkbya thats the silly part, seems like they are saying that is how you have to run if you want email14:40
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-testr master: Updated from global requirements
jeblairtonyb: almost14:40
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* tonyb awaits pointers14:42
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/builds route
jeblairtonyb: left comment14:42
fungiignoring accounts marked inactive='Y' only cuts the total by 122 anyway14:43
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [accessbot] Default to running a meetbot in all channels
tonybjeblair: Thanks, fixed, sorry for the really obvious error14:44
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fungiif we marked all accounts lacking an openid in account_external_ids we might be able to shave off another couple hundred tops14:45
clarkbfungi: ya we'd have to go through and mark a bunch of them that way. the other stackalytics account, old third party ci, etc14:45
clarkbstill relatively small compared to 26k14:46
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fungiif only gerrit logged the date someone most recently authenticated14:46
fungimaybe it does and i just haven't found it14:46
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Bump minimum os-testr requirement to 1.0.0
mordredI honestly don't understand why gerrit needs an in-memory cache of that at all - like, what query are they doing to be able to send an email that takes more than 0.001 seconds?14:47
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: JJB meetings are being held in dedicated channel
mordredit's a 32k row table - it's not _large_14:47
jeblairmordred: nothing complicated, they're just doing it 100,000 times14:47
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Remove channel checking.
mordredthey're making 100k queries to the db for each email?14:48
jeblairmordred: yep14:48
mordredjeblair: so you're saying that they don't know how to write software14:48
jeblairmordred: joins are 'foreign'14:48
jeblairi made a sql joke14:48
fungijoins in software ;)14:48
mordredwhy do I have the feeling this is likely something to do with h2 support or something14:49
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (4/n): Remove mitaka from regexes
clarkbit sounds like at least some devs think it is a bug at least14:49
mordredoh that's good14:49
fungilowest-common-denominator model preparing to put everything in a key-value store?14:49
clarkbso maybe we can treat edwins suggestion more like a worl around for now14:49
clarkbfungi: considering google is already in basically that that is probably the real cause14:50
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fungibut yeah, all things considered, with a 48gib heap, a 32k entry cache for accounts is... well... inconsequential?14:50
jeblairfungi: hopefully?  i don't think we know the size of the entries14:51
fungifair point. could be lots of columns with large-allocation data types14:51
fungi10 columns with an average 256-byte type would be something like 78mb cache at 32k entries14:52
fungiso not tiny, but still only ~0.1% of the heap14:53
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Bump gerrit account caches to 32768
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ <shrug>14:53
clarkbthere is  memory limit14:54
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jeblairclarkb: memoryLimit means number of entries for these caches14:55
jeblair(because they are fixed size)14:55
jeblair(this is the value we're changing)14:55
clarkbin any case we give it a go and have more data to report back to gerrit?14:56
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jeblairmay as well :)14:56
fungitrying to infer the difference between memorylimit and disklimit... does it split less-frequently-accessed entries into a disk cache?14:57
fungithe documentation there isn't entirely clear on that point14:57
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jeblairfungi: i want to say show-caches didn't have any entries in the disk column for these caches14:58
jeblair(checking now, but it's slow)14:58
fungiokay, so either we haven't enabled disk-backed caching for them or it wouldn't use it regardless14:58
jeblairfungi: ya.  even if it were applicable, i assume every email would still need to page in every cache entry14:59
jeblairso maybe faster than the network round-trip to the database?  but still redonculous14:59
jeblair(confirmed: there are no 'disk' entries for these caches in the show-caches table)15:00
clarkbre new project creation we just need gerritlib release now? I can work on that once actually awake15:01
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jeblairmordred: 504609 +2 with comment15:02
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: DNM: Test Ansible 2.4
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Be more descriptive when publishing service-types
mordredjeblair: how's about that ^^??15:05
jeblairmordred: in 504506 what's the afs secret used for?15:05
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Disable action and lookup plugins from 2.4
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Port in changes from ansible 2.4 command module
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle first play in playbook matching no nodes
mordredjeblair: nothing! good catch15:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add specs publication jobs
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mordredjeblair: fixed15:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove liberty/mitaka job regexes
kfox1111is pycrypto depricated now?15:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unmatched single quotes from jenkins jobs
clarkbkfox1111: yes I think cryptography is current focus of python crypto development15:19
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kfox1111ok. thanks. we had two ps's going. one that put pycrypto dep back, and one that removed it. so I'll focus on the one that works with it being removed.15:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Have publiccloud-wg gate on itself, not api-wg
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Make a publish-docs-draft base job
openstackgerritzhangyangyang proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: Cleanup test-requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Rework openstack doc publishing to not be overridable
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add tag-releases to the mapping
fungiinfra-root: heads up about
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fungii've confirmed files01 and static have apache2 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1804.1 installed as of today15:26
fungiwhich are the only places i can think of people might be able to exploit that via malicious .htaccess files15:26
fungibut keep an eye out15:26
jeblairfungi: thanks (and agreed)15:27
electrofelixanyone to review for requests-mock, I'd like to use this library but current behaviour is broken converting python-jenkins to requests
clarkbfungi: should be easy to patch at least once packages are available?15:27
fungiclarkb: that's what i meant by 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1804.115:28
fungithe patched version is installed on them15:28
dmsimardfungi: iirc it's only exploitable under certain conditions15:28
clarkbdo we need to restart apache as well?15:28
fungidmsimard: right, in particular unusual configuration which someone _could_ set in a .htaccess file15:28
fungiclarkb: dpkg took care of it when upgrading15:28
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dmsimardYup, not saying this isn't the case for us but just pointing out we're likely unaffected15:29
dmsimardUpdating all the time is important anyway :)15:29
clarkbelectrofelix: I think you want jamielennox for that who is possibly bavk on an au timezone?15:29
fungidmsimard: sure, however we let people upload .htaccess files to files01 and static15:29
fungidmsimard: which is why i mentioned those servers in particular15:30
dmsimardOh, makes sense15:30
electrofelixclarkb: he's in Oz, ok well guess I've been pinging him at the wrong time for the last few months so15:31
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fungipretty sure jamielennox never sleeps anyway15:32
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clarkbwe seem yo have a gerrit spike around 1400 today and yesterday though far more pronounced yesterday15:35
clarkbaccording to melody15:35
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AJaegerteam, could I get one review for and two for , please? Those are cleanups now that most <= mitaka branches are EOLed15:37
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clarkb thats a new one15:55
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clarkbjeblair: ^ related to your change. I figure recheck and see if consistent?15:55
clarkbAJaeger: ya I'll review shortly15:56
AJaegerthanks, clarkb15:56
jeblairclarkb: i wonder if something changed in the trusty puppet repos?15:56
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pabelangerand back15:59
anticwclarkb: thanks!15:59
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pabelangerjeblair: mordred: did we want to push forward with nodepool.yaml specific config per nodepool-launcher? 504500 and 50449516:02
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jeblairpabelanger: +2 thx16:04
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pabelangerjeblair: Shrews: do we have a proceedure to shutdown a nodepool-launcher? I stopped nl02.o.o last night, but I must not have done it properly, as we have a locked node currently. 000002898616:06
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jeblairpabelanger: normal init script shutdown should work16:07
pabelangerjeblair: okay cool, that's what I used16:07
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Shrewspabelanger: what state? zuul can lock nodes, too16:08
pabelangerShrews: ready16:09
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jeblairif zl02 is shut down, it's not possible for it to hold the lock on that node any more16:09
pabelangerokay, good to know16:10
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jeblairnl01 holds the lock on that node16:10
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pabelangerwe actually have 8 ready nodes in locked state right now16:10
pabelangerI am also wondering if we should also stop nl01.o.o, release nodes back to clouds then land new configuration for nodepool-launcher16:11
jeblairlauncher-debug.log.2017-09-18_21:2017-09-18 22:42:31,971 DEBUG nodepool.driver.openstack.OpenStackNodeRequestHandler: Locked existing node 0000028986 for request 100-000003636616:12
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Shrewspabelanger: those locked ready nodes all have the allocated_to field populated16:13
Shrewsso they are locked for a particular request16:13
jeblair100-0000036366 is in a retry loop16:13
Shrewspabelanger: allocation now shows up in 'nodepool list --detail' output16:13
jeblairi'm going to guess that those 2 requests are for 5 node sets16:14
pabelangerYup, some of the ready nodes that are locked are for 36366 loop16:14
jeblairand we're in the same situation we were in the other day -- they can't be satisfied because those providers have a node sitting in ready or error16:15
jeblairyeah 366 and 377 are both for 5 node sets16:15
Shrews100-0000036366 is on vexxhost-ca-ymq-116:15
Shrewsmax-servers 516:16
Shrewsso, yeah16:16
pabelangeroh, interesting16:16
Shrewsthat pool already has 516:16
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jeblairthe 5th node is a ready opensuse node, it's unusable16:16
pabelangerso, if opensuse node was used and delete, it would launch the 5th for 36366?16:17
Shrewsthat's an interesting situation. something has to use that opensuse node before the other request can proceed16:17
Shrewspabelanger: yeah16:17
jeblairpabelanger: yep.  feel free to delete it now and you will unstick it16:17
pabelangerokay, good to know16:17
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pabelangerdeleting now to confirm that fixes it16:17
jeblairso anyway -- the only thing nodepool could do differently here is to delete that node itself.  what *we* could do differently is not have our request size and quota size be the same :)16:18
jeblairboth would probably be good fixes :)16:18
pabelangerYa, I think we could bump vexxhost up to 1016:18
jeblairShrews: i think maybe once the algorithm hits the provider-is-paused stage, it could go looking for ready nodes to kill?16:18
pabelangerthere we go16:19
pabelangerunlocked now16:19
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pabelangerwill do the same with citycloud-kna116:19
jeblairpabelanger: thx16:19
Shrewsjeblair: yeah. not sure how that would play out with static nodes, but in the current form, should be doable16:19
pabelangerthank you! Now I better understand what is happening :)16:20
Shrewspabelanger: np. the spec explains it all, but takes a while for it all to sink in16:20
Shrewsa bit complex16:20
jeblairalso, "nodepool request-list" is a new command and really handy :)16:20
Shrewsyou're welcome  :-P16:21
pabelangerOh right, I forgot about that16:21
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pabelangerShrews: hows your puppet? Care to review 504495 and 504500, that should be per-launcher nodepool.yaml files16:23
pabelangerwell, 1 in puppet, other is nodepool.yaml syntax16:23
Shrewsjeblair: that's probably an important fix to add to nodepool, now that I think about it. since a pool will be paused, it will never handle another request to get that unusable node out of the picture16:24
Shrewspabelanger: i don't really know puppet, except for the ones on Sesame Street16:24
smcginnisIs it a know issue that gerrit emails are substantially delayed?16:24
pabelangersmcginnis: ya, jeblair has a bug report upstream about it16:24
smcginnispabelanger: ack, thanks!16:24
* smcginnis will watch and keep patient16:26
clarkbjeblair: re puppet repos changing, maybe? we definitely haven't built new images in a while though so woul dhave to be upstream of our image builds I think16:26
pabelangerseems the current feedback is bump our account cache for gerrit16:27
jeblairclarkb: it hit the issue again16:27
clarkbpabelanger: I noticed that we have pinned paramiko <2.0.0 in gerritlib as well due to the compilation requirements. With cryptography providing wheels now I think those are no longer a concern. We might want to do a followup release to unpin that16:29
clarkbinfra-root I'm going to push a 0.7.0 tag for gerritlib nowish16:29
pabelangerclarkb: ya, seems like a good idea16:29
clarkbthis should fix create-project calls to gerrit and hopefully allow us to create new projects again16:29
fungiclarkb: thanks!16:30
jeblairclarkb, fungi: how does this response look?
jeblairfungi: also, it looks like your estimation of size seems correct.16:33
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clarkbtag pushed16:34
clarkbjeblair: ++16:35
clarkbif a tunable parameter defaults to unusable values and there is basically one valid value it should be as you say16:35
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clarkbok I guess the next thing to look at is why trusty jobs started failing?16:41
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jeblairclarkb: ya; i set an auto-hold for the job16:42
clarkbgerritlib has a release announce job?16:42
clarkbdid I do an end around around release management? I didn't realize any of our projects were release managed that way?16:42
jeblairclarkb: i think everything does now, but they noop if they aren't configured16:42
clarkbah ok16:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking master: Updated from global requirements
clarkb new release is there, puppet should apply to review.o.o on next run and then we can manually run manage-projects again16:43
pabelangerclarkb: when you have a moment, and nodepoolv3 changes needed for per-launcher configuration16:44
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clarkbpabelanger: ya, can you review for AJaeger? you reviewed the other one in his list16:49
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dhellmannclarkb : before I start approving releases, I want to double check that everything is ok with the jobs in those queues. I think I saw that we were all clear, but can you confirm?16:53
jeblairandreaf: another thing you might consider when working on post-playbooks is to temporarily turn the job into a no-op (or just a shell task that touches a log file or something).  that can speed things up a lot.16:53
clarkbpabelanger: I've approved the nl changes too16:53
clarkbdhellmann: yes as far as I know zuul is properly handling gerrit event stream data for all queues now. I even just made a gerritlib release and it seemed to work as expected16:54
fungijeblair: response lgtm, sorry for the delay. as for my size estimate, that was sheer luck trying to figure within a rough order of magnitude16:54
clarkbdhellmann: maybe start with a single one and double check first?16:54
dhellmannclarkb : good idea16:54
SamYapleclarkb: re: trigger dockerhub build via POST. That plan still works, *however* to setup the build in the first place i must be a member of the organization. So to make this work I would need to be a read-only member of or have another member create the builds16:54
SamYapleso im kind of stuck16:54
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clarkbSamYaple: ugh, that sounds like a dockerhub design flaw16:55
jeblairclarkb: had the hiera error; node should be held16:55
SamYaplewell its not a design flaw as much as a delibereate decission16:55
clarkbjeblair: thanks16:55
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SamYaplewhether i agree with it or not, its the way theyve decided to allow automated builds16:56
clarkbmordred: pabelanger you are probable interested in SamYaple's thing above and I think likely have better background on it than I do16:56
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jeblairclarkb: we don't have the puppetlabs repos on those nodes?16:57
clarkbjeblair: possibly not because we stopped using puppet in dib?16:58
SamYaplequick recap: I want automated builds on dockerhub. i need to either be a member of the github organization (openstack) or have a member of the organziation setup the auotmated builds (initially). I can trigger them from the POST job16:58
clarkbjeblair: I wonder if upstream ubuntu pulled hiera from their repo?16:59
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pabelangerclarkb: SamYaple: mordred: reading it does seem to indicate we need to have a tigher integration with github then we'd likely want.  Meaning, doesn't look like there is anonymous build support16:59
SamYaplepabelanger: we dont need to install the trigger, we can setup a trigger via a POST job17:00
pabelangerclarkb: SamYaple mordred: unless we want to think about creating adding openstack-zuul or another bot to the account17:00
SamYaplebut it wont let the automated build work without at least being a member of openstack org17:00
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clarkbmeaning the thing triggering the build must be a member of that org in github?17:00
SamYapleclarkb: actually just setting up the automated build initially17:00
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pabelangerya, this looks like opt-in to github things, then you can start builds17:01
SamYaplewell you dont even have to opt-in (i mean you can for full integration)17:01
clarkbbut the build runs on the dockerhub side? I'm confused as to what exactly needs to happen in github17:01
pabelangerTo use automated builds you must have an account on Docker Hub and on the hosted repository provider (GitHub or Bitbucket)17:01
SamYaplebut if i was a read-only member of openstack right now, this would all work17:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (3/n)
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pabelangerya, I don't think we want to add people to openstack project on github17:02
pabelangerall of our tools currently are using APIs17:02
clarkbjeblair: puppet-prepare-node jjb macro is what runs that17:02
clarkbjeblair: I think that is a hold over from when we were preinstalling puppet on the nodes17:03
pabelanger screenshot is also a little scary.  "Administer your repositories"17:03
clarkbjeblair: my hunch is that we can drop that purging entirely now17:03
SamYaplewithout having at least one read-only member of the openstack org on github, i don't see how this could ever work17:03
SamYaplepabelanger: no, thats not what im talking about. we dont need all that17:03
SamYaplefrom the github side at least17:03
pabelangerSamYaple: is there another doc I can look at?17:03
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fungiSamYaple: i expect this becomes easier when we finish executing the plan to flatten namespaces and give replication control to others outside infra (presumably multiple teams with differing org needs?)17:04
SamYaplepabelanger: that doc has all the information, but we dont need to do all of the bits it says to17:04
clarkbjeblair: if mnaser is ok with it (because puppet-openstack uses it too) I think we should just rm both the yum and apt-get puppet/hiera purge lines17:04
pabelangerSamYaple: we also talked about publising pipeline at PTG with mordred, and think we might have something for zuulv3 in a short a mount of time (pending zuulv3 roll out). Then we might not need a hosted service for builds17:04
SamYaplepabelanger: specifically anything on github, we dont *need* to do17:04
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fungiSamYaple: in the interim, you could probably pilot something similar by setting up a daemon somewhere which pulls from gerrit and pushes into or whatever, and then set up dockerhub builds that way17:04
andreafjeblair: sure that's a good idea17:05
andreafjeblair: still I wouldn't mind having a local environment where to test things17:05
clarkbjeblair: let me go ahead and push that change so we have something conrete to look at17:05
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* mnaser reads buffer17:05
pabelangerfungi: ya, good idea17:05
SamYaplefungi: yea ive already got that going :( its just such a pain and not something i can give my other team members access to to manage and setup17:05
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andreafjeblair: isn't there a way to make a job defined for .zuul.yaml into something that plain ansible can run? then I could just use vagrant and pass the root play as a provisioning script17:06
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jeblairandreaf: well, the playbooks are plain ansible playbooks -- you should just be able to make an inventory file and run them (you can copy the generated inventory file from a job and change the host info)17:08
SamYapleif there is no chance of getting even a single read-only member in the openstack org (and nothing beyond that, so no triggers of any kind are needed), then there is nothing that I can do with dockerhub17:08
jeblairandreaf: just skip the base job playbooks (setting up git repos and copying log files)17:09
andreafjeblair: ok.. but what about running the pre jobs and the post jobs in reverse order? I thought that bit was something zuul would take care to build?17:09
mnaserclarkb just trying to understand, is there an issue with purging things?17:09
jeblairandreaf: yeah, it would be a series of ansible-playbook invocations you'd need to do17:09
fungiSamYaple: longer term, i expect we want to mostly empty or even completely retire in favor of lots of different orgs under control of various parties, so i'm hesitant to suggest any solution built on the assumption that we mirror our repos there17:10
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Only remove puppet in jobs if present
clarkbmnaser: ya see my change above is the proposal for working around this problem17:11
fungiSamYaple: but if _you_ mirror your repos to that service, then _you_ can make whatever guarantees you like about it17:11
andreafjeblair: right I though maybe there is some python API or so in zuul that builds that series of calls, and we could use it to create a root playbook from a job definition in .zuul.yaml17:11
jeblairSamYaple: it may be useful to revisit this in a week or two when mordred is less focused on the zuul v3 migration.17:11
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clarkbmnaser: there is a possibility that my change somehow breaks all the puppet jobs (in which case I guess we revert and try again)17:11
andreafjeblair: it would replace the current :)17:11
clarkbmnaser: monstly want you to be aware so you can provide input too17:11
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mnaserclarkb i wonder if that has to do with the fact trusty probably doesnt ship with hiera17:11
clarkbmnaser: the odd thing is that this job has been running for years I thought17:12
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mnaseri remember making a change17:12
mnaserwhere if that process failed17:12
mnaserit would pass anyways17:12
mnaserthats why17:12
jeblairandreaf: there are a number of complications with that.  we'd like to have tools like that, but they haven't been written yet and aren't trival (though they are [mostly] possible)17:13
SamYaplefungi: so there is going to be an and a etc?17:13
clarkbmnaser: ah ok, considering that change do you think my proposed change is a good way to address it?17:13
clarkbmnaser: basically check if puppet is there and only uninstall it then17:13
mnaserclarkb: sure, or maybe add a '|| true' to the purge line? i cant imagine an purge/remove operation failing for any other reason that the package missing17:14
andreafjeblair: I guess an alternative could be to run a local zuul - is it possible in zuul to have a node provider other than nodepool? or to configure nodepool to use a local VM as a fixed node?17:14
clarkbmnaser: I like the if because it makes the rm on ubuntu explicit too (though with -f I think file not existing returns 0)17:15
clarkbinfra-root can has review on in an effort to get gerrit cache size increase in?17:16
fungiSamYaple: the most attractive model i've seen for official openstack deliverables which make up part of the openstack "product" is to have openstack-apis and openstack-libs and openstack-tools and so on, and then teams which build things that aren't part of the "product" can mirror into team-specific orgs if they like17:16
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mnaserclarkb realistically speaking, if we can verify/check that the images will never have puppet in them, can we just drop that macro?17:16
mnaseror the purge part of it at least17:17
fungiSamYaple: and people hosting unofficial repos on our infrastructure can run some of the same mirroring tools somwhere if they like17:17
pabelangeranybody know why we pin pip <8 there^17:17
pabelangersame with virtualenv17:17
fungipabelanger: odds are that was a temporary workaround which never got undone. check git history for that line17:17
clarkbmnaser: our image builds will no longer put puppet in them and that should be constant for us at this point. The only reason I kept it around was for potential third party CIers still putting puppet in their images17:17
clarkbmnaser: the chances of that are slim but was being cautious17:17
pabelangerfungi: yup, doing so now17:17
pabelangeralso looks like clarkb is working on beaker trusty failures now17:18
clarkbya fails becaues hiera does not exist17:18
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clarkb505751 for the fix17:18
mnaseri mean afaik the only third party ci that i know of for puppet-openstack which is functioning is rdo17:18
SamYaplefungi: man that all sounds far more complicated (and would take alot longer) than adding a hidden read-only user to an existing org17:19
mnaserbut i don think they depend on project-config17:19
jeblairandreaf: no, and even if it were, it would be super-complicated; one of the main ideas of zuulv3 is that playbooks are just playbooks, so any tooling we do should be about making it easy to just run them using regular ansible.  that's pretty close -- you just need an inventory file, the git repos set up, and maybe an ansible config file to set role paths.17:19
SamYaplefungi: what you described sounds at least 2 cycles away17:19
pabelangerclarkb: +217:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (4/n): Remove mitaka from regexes
fungiSamYaple: yeah, point being many (most) of the infra team don't want responsibility for the official orgs on github and view them as marketing/social media outlets, but while we're still being held responsible for them it's hard to justify granting people special access for unrelated purposes and we certainly wouldn't want to give anyone the impression they'll stick around or stay up to date17:21
andreafjeblair: ok got it17:21
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clarkbis there a way to make github membership open to anyone for ready only membership? (I have no idea if that is sane)17:22
mnaserclarkb id really like to just drop the remove.. but i guess you're saying it is possible that there is third party CI17:22
mnaserafaik fuel ci reports failures all the time17:22
mnaserand rdo ci doesnt use this afaik17:22
clarkbmnaser: ya I'm not aware of anyone actually using it, if you prefer removing it entirely I can push a new patchset17:23
* clarkb does this17:23
fungiSamYaple: and quite likely the eventual solution you'll need (which sounds like what you're already doing) is to run a mirroring service yourself to a github org under your control17:23
mnaserclarkb yeah lets do that, it has to be done at some point anyways :>17:23
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SamYaplefungi: i get what you are saying, but surely there is a balance? read-only user with no triggers or anything related rather than having to run a daemon on my infrastructure to keep an unrelated thing up to date17:24
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't remove puppet in puppet prep macro.
clarkbmnaser: pabelanger ^17:24
mnaseri just confirmed that facter/puppet are not included in the latest puppet jobs17:25
mnaser(yum not matching)17:25
fungiSamYaple: really, just don't rely on our github mirroring17:25
pabelangerclarkb: ya, that's sounds right +217:26
fungiif you want to rely on a github mirror, i suggest running one yourself17:26
mnaserclarkb lgtm.  i'll check p-o-i jobs are okay after17:26
mnaserand if they're not we'll fix them :D17:26
pabelangerclarkb: mnaser: infact, most of that logic can be bindep now. But zuulv3 will also change that too17:26
pabelangernot bindep, but the JJB logic17:27
mnaserwe'll see how bad it breaks p-o-i :D17:28
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clarkbanticw: sorry missed your ping earlier, I take it that means the functionality you wanted has returned in a useable way?17:32
anticwalmost yes thanks17:33
anticwthe gitweb defaults mean i don't get a single -u diff for some reason as we did before, i'm not sure if that's a local setting i can change17:34
clarkbanticw: I think that is because we switched from gitweb to cgit as the backend. This was an item we had intended on changing a long time ago and this situation finally pushed us to do it17:34
anticwyeah, arguably a lot of people prefer the current defaults and it's prettier.  of course they are 10% wrong but likely there are more of them than me :)17:35
clarkbanticw: in the top right should be a few drop downs one is called mode, you can change that to unified17:35
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clarkbI don't know if there is a good way to persist that, but it is an option17:36
anticwclarkb: yeah, i can and do ... more clicks ... i'm just extremely opinionated17:36
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mordredSamYaple: heya! sorry - I was afk - reading dockerhub scrollback now17:36
clarkbanticw: also gerrit has unified diffs built in but doens't have all diffs on a single page until we get to the next release17:37
jeblairdmsimard: reviewed the multinode stack; mostly cosmetic things.17:37
dmsimardjeblair: ok I'll take a look shortly. Thanks!17:38
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anticwclarkb: yeah, i know a lot of people really like the way gerrit does things, i'm almost certainly in a minority in thinking a single -u diff is most useful17:38
jeblairanticw: gertty does have both, in case you like terminals17:38
anticwi like it because i can scroll up/down and see things without having to touch mouse17:38
mordredSamYaple: ah - so what I _REALLY_ want to do once we roll out v3 is to provide the ability (in the form of some base jobs you can use without having to talk to us) for you to push images that have been built in infra to dockerhub, rather than having dockerhub build them for us17:38
anticwjeblair: what do you mean?17:38
clarkbbtw gerrit 2.14 does have single page with all the diffs if you use polygerrit ui, finally ~5 years after I rmembre we first asked for it17:39
mordredSamYaple: is there a specific benefit to having dockerhub build something I may not be aware of? I think today doing that would be mostly a functionof "there is no other/better way to accomplish publishing images from openstack repos to dockerhub" - but I may be missing something17:39
clarkbjeblair: can you review 505751?17:39
clarkbjeblair: should be fix for getting your cache update in17:39
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jeblairclarkb: +317:40
anticwjeblair: thanks, i'll take a look at some point17:40
clarkbok I don't think we pip install -U gerritlib on review.o.o17:40
clarkbpuppet has run since the package update was pushed and pip still shows 0.6.017:40
jeblairanticw: i'm pretty sure fungi uses it in the way you describe -- unified diff (and all in one page).  and you definitely don't have to use the mouse.  (but you can if you want)17:41
clarkbah we pip install -U jeepyb but jeepyb didn't update in this case17:41
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clarkbI need breakfast but then I will likely just upgrade gerritlib by hand (feel free to veto me on that, open to other ideas but running out of patience)17:42
jeblairclarkb: ++17:42
SamYaplemordred: images built in infra are not suitable for production in my opinion. this is primarily due to the fact that they would be built from package mirrors that are not signed17:42
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clarkbSamYaple: nothing prevents you from changing that17:42
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clarkbSamYaple: you have root (as evidenced by the ability to docker)17:43
mordredSamYaple: gotcha. so - thta's an excellent point - and yah, what clarkb said, we can totally set up publication jobs that don't use the mirrors17:43
fungijeblair: anticw: indeed i do use gertty in unified diff mode17:43
fungiand on a tiny terminal, too!17:43
clarkbthe images we boot do not use those mirrors either17:43
SamYapleok, i thought that was undesired17:43
clarkber the image builds we boot off of don't17:43
mordredSamYaple: so I'd love to work with you to see if we can get a thing going in v3 that directly meets your needs17:43
mordredSamYaple: well - it's only undesired because of internet reliability and the gate in general17:44
clarkbSamYaple: well the tradeoff is reliability17:44
SamYaplefair enough17:44
clarkbbut dockerhub likely to be similarly reliable assuming they use the same upstream mirrors17:44
mordredSamYaple: I have dockerhub related todo items for next week ... how about I ping you when I start working on them and we can tackle them together and solve all of your problems at once :)17:44
pabelangerwe also have unsigned mirrors because we've never been able to crack the mirror indexes issues on ubuntu. However, I think a few people have ideas how to fix that17:45
SamYaplepabelanger: what mirror index issue?17:45
mordredyah. I think we were also going to investigate whether our apache caching proxy would work for apt repos17:46
mordredSamYaple: we curently mirror apt repos by using reprepro on an AFS volume to fetch the packages - which results in us building our own indexes from scratch17:46
pabelangerSamYaple: we regenerate indexes because we don't want to delete existing packages right away, otherwise current nodes break if they apt-get again17:46
SamYaplemordred: im using apt-cacher-ng right now, but ive used apache before for this purpose. so it *can* work17:46
mordredSamYaple: the plus side to this is that reprepro allows us to track state and only update incrementally - as well as to verify that our repo is in a consistent state before we publish17:47
SamYapleah yea. i know that issue17:47
fungipabelanger: SamYaple: it's less mirroring the signed indices that's the problem, more adding tools to validate the indices don't refer to packages missing from our mirror due to ordering issues or broken upstream mirrors17:47
mordredyah. that17:47
pabelangerclarkb: didn't your brother also write something for apt mirroring?17:47
mordredwhich is also a TDL for yum/dnf17:47
pabelangerfungi: ya17:47
mordredin any case - there are two perfectly valid issues we should fix here ...17:48
fungipabelanger: SamYaple: if we generate the indices ourselves we can ignore the consistency issue, but then that means we don't have access to upstream signing17:48
fungiso it was a compromise until the validity checker got implemented17:48
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clarkbcalebb: ^17:48
pabelangerya, I think we could look at upstream signing issue again, when time is there. I know it is not the first time somebody has asked for gpg signed packaging on ubuntu17:49
mordredone is that I don't think any of us are particularly happy bout hte unsigned repos thing17:49
calebbpabelanger: yeah i did, runs
dmsimardjeblair: ok, I'll address your comments. Did you also have a look at the integration tests in openstack-zuul for multinode things ?17:49
mordredthe other one is that we want there to be a usable story for publishing docker images to docker hub (or s/docker images/things/ ; s/dockerhub/places/ )17:49
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jeblairdmsimard: no i'll do that now, thanks17:50
SamYaplefair enough. i started on a project to do mirroring directly into s3/swift a while ago. it was to address the package expiry issue with object expires-at. i should look at it again17:50
mordredSamYaple: but - I think we can solve your thing next week or week after at the lastest without solving the whole thing17:50
pabelangermordred: +1 unsigned repos17:50
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (5/n)
pabelangerya, once zuulv3 is out the door, I'm happy to piviot to docker things17:50
calebbpabelanger: is where it is17:51
pabelangercalebb: nice, thanks! I'll look at it shortly17:51
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SamYaplehere is the think i started on... . repo --> s3 with no local commit17:52
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dmsimardjeblair: btw I'll improve the comment but for reference, the 'JSON' issue is what we discovered last week about the static include_role tasks
dmsimardjeblair: It's fixed in ARA but I've been struggling to fix it in zuul ( ) without access to executor logs.17:53
dmsimardoh, that reminds me that the non-fatal 404's patch in ara was released yesterday.17:54
jeblairdmsimard: ah that17:54
dmsimardjeblair: yes, the fingers :D17:54
dmsimardtruncated jsons*17:54
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pabelangercalebb: looks like mirrors everything by default?17:54
dmsimardjeblair: I'd likely need to pair with an infra-root for a little while to see what's going on in the logs when we hit that bug.. bit of trial and error involved and for some reason I hadn't been able to reproduce locally with mordred's test-logs.sh17:55
calebbpabelanger: correct, i dont have a way currently to selectively mirror17:55
pabelangercalebb: k, good to know.17:56
calebbpabelanger: i believe i looked into it and found that with how the ubuntu mirrors are laid it outs very hard to do so17:56
clarkbI am updating gerritlib on review.o.o now17:57
pabelangerclarkb: ack17:57
jeblairdmsimard: ack, i can help with that after lunch if you haven't found a buddy by then17:58
clarkband now I'm going t ofigure out how to run manage-projects by hand too17:59
jeblairdmsimard: one thing on your first multinode integration patch; the rest looks good17:59
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fungiclarkb: sudo manage-projects17:59
calebbpabelanger: and fwiw our problems with referencing missing files on the mirrors since we put that in prod are mostly if not entirely gone17:59
fungiclarkb: optionally pass command-line arguments listing the specific repos you want processed if you don't want it to do all18:00
mordredmtreinish: is there a way to get stestr to not print test lines as it goes? if not, would you accept such a thing as a feature request? (I don't necessarily want it to be config in the repo itself - I just don't personally want to see thatoutput so would love to be able to set a $something somewhere to silence successful output18:00
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: can you push through please?18:00
clarkbfungi: thanks, I'm running the command that puppet runs and now lives18:01
clarkbI think new images build sshould work at this point18:01
pabelangercalebb: ya, it is also possible we'd just setup a reverse proxy cache for ubuntu mirrors now per mordred suggestion, but would need to run it past clarkb too. Then we don't need to mirror 1TB of data18:01
fungijeblair: on it now18:01
mordredpabelanger: WELL - actually, I forgot when I asked that that there is another issue our curent mirror design fixes18:02
clarkbmanage-projects is done, I will keep an eye on nodepool image builds now18:02
calebbpabelanger: yeah, that makes sense18:02
jeblairdmsimard, pabelanger: is there a fix for the tox-linters pulling in ansible 2.4 issue?18:02
dmsimardjeblair: I believe that merged yesterday18:02
fungijeblair: the example dnm change was a huge help, thanks!18:02
dmsimardI sent a fix18:02
jeblairdmsimard: cool thx18:02
pabelangerjeblair: I haven't looked sorry18:02
mordredpabelanger: which is that upsream mirrors purge old packages some times, which means that sometimes in the gate someone will have done an apt-get update and have a local cache of the index then tryto install something and it's nt there18:02
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unused infra-manual trusty job
mordredso we do the delayed purge on our side to prevent that from breaking people18:03
pabelangermordred: ya that, so I would think our proxy cache would still have the packages, assuming it was hit before the indexes refresh right?18:03
mordredpabelanger: yah- but if it wasn't it might not have them18:03
mordredpabelanger: in any case, it's a thing we'll need to carefully test18:03
clarkbAJaeger: infra-root I think we can remove the freeze on new projects now unless you'd like toget other gerrit related things sorted out first18:04
mordredpabelanger: it's possible that the thing you mention (packages still in cache) would be good enough18:04
fungiclarkb: seems fine to me now18:04
mordredclarkb: I'm fine with it18:04
mordredclarkb, fungi: ALTHOUGH ...18:04
mordredif you wanted to review those jeepyb patches real quick18:04
pabelangermordred: ya, hopefully. I don't know how often upstream ubuntu does new indexes18:04
calebbpabelanger: mordred my tool keeps things around for extra time, doesnt just delete them when they are deleted upstream18:04
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Switch from lib/neutron-legacy to lib/neutron
pabelangercalebb: ++18:04
mordredthen I could pay attention to th enext project adds and make sure manage-projects is still good after them18:04
mordredcalebb: ++18:05
pabelangerclarkb: I also got the [GitHub] Subscribed to 2 openstack repositories emails for the new projects18:05
fungias did i18:05
fungimordred: 467235 and the 3 others depending on that?18:06
clarkbI'm going to mark the gerrit memory use item on the new gerrit issues etherpad as "fixed". It needs more memory than older gerrit seemed to be it isn't growing indefinitely so meh18:07
clarkbjeblair: were you the person that added the ? behavior in new gerrit opens reverse search item to the etherpad?18:09
clarkbjeblair: I still get a help menu so that is weird18:09
jeblairclarkb: etherpad link?18:10
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Branch cleanup (6/n)
mordredfungi: yah18:10
AJaegerclarkb: shall I merge a new project creation change? We have one ready...18:10
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jeblairclarkb: not i.18:10
clarkbAJaeger: sounds like mordred has some jeepyb changes he wants in first18:10
clarkbAJaeger: why don't we review those then see18:11
mordredthey aren't URGENt - but we tend to forget about jeepyb until there's an event - so I figure taking care of them now while we're paying attention would be nice18:11
dmsimardjeblair: for devstack-gate's multi-node networking, do we really not want to inherit from multinode ? clarkb and I discussed that the new v3 devstack job could re-use the multi-node-bridge role to set up bridges as required, not unlike what the legacy jobs do18:11
mordredclarkb, AJaeger:
dmsimardthe new bridge role is set up to default to "br-infra" but was designed to allow for custom parameters like 'br-ex', etc.18:12
jeblairdmsimard: i can't fully parse that, sorry.18:12
jeblairdmsimard: i don't believe the legacy jobs will use the multinode job18:12
jeblairdmsimard: only the v3 native jobs can/will18:12
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dmsimardjeblair: right, hang on trying to find the comment I'm referring to18:13
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Make retired acl check less greedy
mordredfungi: ^^ followup to fix the thing you mentioned18:14
dmsimardjeblair: ah, nevermind we're on the same wavelength -- I misread
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Promote logstash jobs from base-test to base
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fungithanks mordred!18:14
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jeblairdmsimard: groovy!18:15
dmsimardjeblair: how would you like the nodesets to be set up for those tests btw ?18:15
dmsimardjeblair: what is an "anonymous" node set ? basically no nodeset and just declare the nodes directly in the job ?18:15
jeblairdmsimard: maybe just add them to the jobs themselves (since it1s 1:1)18:15
AJaegermordred: looks fine, thanks - but need second +2 ;)18:15
jeblairdmsimard: yeah18:15
dmsimardjeblair: right, okay18:15
clarkbmordred: reviewing those changes I remember what my concern was re cache out of sync or not18:15
jeblairi'm going afk till after lunch18:16
clarkbmordred: should pushed_to_gerrit be False even though project is in Gerrit we will overwrite the project18:16
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mordredclarkb: ah - lemme look at that real quick18:17
clarkbmordred: might be nice ot have a belt and suspender around that where if you have commits to error and force a human to sort it out18:17
AJaegerclarkb: is the project creation change that I'll +2 now - feel free to +A whenever mordred's changes landed. I'll remove my WIP there now18:17
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clarkb*if you have commits in gerrit18:17
clarkbAJaeger: ok18:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Don't mark as created in github until we're done
mordredclarkb: actually - it's fine18:19
mordredclarkb: we don't force-push18:19
mordredclarkb: so if pushed-to-gerrit is erroneously False but we have pushed to gerrit and new commits have landed, the push will fail because git18:20
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mtreinishmordred: there is a flag for that on stestr run, --no-subunit-trace (or something like that)18:21
clarkbmordred: gotcha I see that in make_local_copy now18:21
mordredclarkb: there is still a potential issue there though - which is that if you get into that scenario, I don't think the cache will ever get set porperly so you'll always think you need to push, and will try and fail each time it runs18:21
clarkbit will either noop bceause all commits there are fail because no18:21
clarkbthat makes me feel better about it18:22
mtreinishmordred: if you think we need more flexibility or different output options I'd gladly except a pull request for adding that18:22
mordredif we want to improve that, we should detect the difference between "I can't push because commit conflict" and "I can't push for other reasons" - and set pushed-to-gerrit if the first thing happens18:22
AJaegerclarkb: is still empty - but imported in . Will mordred's updates fix this automatically or are manual steps needed?18:23
clarkbAJaeger: when I ran manage-projects I did so without project limitations so I expect that will need manual help18:24
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clarkbpossibly permissions update, I will take a look after reviewing these changes18:25
mordredI actually believe the patch we just landed will help this situation self-heal18:25
clarkbmordred: should I let oyu run it then and check?18:26
clarkb(rather than intervene now)18:26
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mordredyah - one sec18:26
clarkbok the jeepyb stack is approved18:27
clarkbI'll wait18:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't remove puppet in puppet prep macro.
mordredk. it would have self-corrected18:27
AJaegergreat, mordred !18:28
mordredit was just a gerrit replication thing and the current logic re-did the things it needed to18:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Add description to needs_update calculations
mordredAJaeger: do we have any additional new projects coming?18:28
clarkbmordred: is the one linked a little earlier18:28
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clarkbmordred: you'll want to make sure that jeepyb gets updated in all the places before running that18:28
clarkbnot sure if puppet will update jeepyb before running manage-projects18:28
clarkb(seems like a bug if not but annoying if you want to watch it if so)18:29
mordredok. I'll land that when jeepyb is in the places18:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Stop showing retired repos in cgit
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AJaegerclark, mordred, 503829 is the only other new repo that is ready to review - the others miss PTL+1 or have a -1...18:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Don't include retired projects for codesearch
mordredAJaeger: sweet - well - one is all we need :)18:31
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter master: Switch to use stestr as the default test runner
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up hosts file
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up firewalls
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up connectivity with default OVS bridge
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Streamline multi-node-known-hosts
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Append /sbin and /usr/sbin to $PATH for 'ip' commands
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clarkb ubuntu-xenial-0000001077 | ubuntu-xenial | nb04               | qcow2,vhd,raw | ready    | 00:00:01:48  |18:34
clarkbI've marked off image build problems on the etherpad now18:35
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clarkbonce we can get the cache change in and restart gerrit (hopefully for the last time) I will send a status update to the mailing list18:35
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clarkbmordred: I think I just maybe noticed a flaw in your cgit change to jeepyb18:36
clarkboh actually nevermind18:36
AJaegerteam, FYI with the three changes in my stack starting at, I've done all the branch retirement things that I could find.18:36
clarkbwas worried that image builds would fail to clone them but they don't clone through cgit and instead use smart http cgi thing18:36
AJaegerclarkb: nodepool images don't include retired repos18:37
fungiclarkb: further, i think we have similar logic in our cache-repos element to skip the same repos18:37
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish static constraints files from the periodic pipeline
fungiyeah, what AJaeger just said18:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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clarkbnot sure if anyone noticed but we are pretty full steam ahead today. Good exercise of new gerrit18:40
pabelangerSep 20 14:58:34 elasticsearch03 puppet-user[77130]: Finished catalog run in 741.66 seconds18:40
pabelangerthat is a long time to be running puppet18:40
clarkbthere shouldn't be much in there either unless it had to redownloda the packaging for some reason18:40
pabelangerlooks like it has been like that for some time18:41
AJaegerclarkb: I noticed - takes ages to get project-config changes through check queue ;(18:41
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clarkbAJaeger: ya I think our use of trusty slows us down because there aren't many trusty ready nodes18:43
clarkbpabelanger: Sep 20 18:37:59 elasticsearch03 puppet-user[111476]: (/Stage[main]/Elasticsearch/File[/var/lib/elasticsearch]) Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': No such file or directory - /var/lib/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/logstash-2017.09.20/4/index/_5ed4_Lucene41_0.pos that looks suspicious18:44
clarkbit shouldn't be doing anything with the es indexes18:44
pabelangerclarkb: ya, that is what I am looking at now18:44
clarkbok I'll leave you to it, let me know if yo uhave any questions I can help with18:45
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch master: Stop managing file permissions under /var/lib/elasticsearch
pabelangerclarkb: ^first optimization18:48
pabelangershouldn't need to chmod ever file under /var/lib/elasticsearch18:49
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pabelangerthat about the only thing I see that might slow down puppet18:53
pabelangereverything else seems right18:53
mtreinishmordred: if those options weren't enough I just remembered subunit-trace had a sort of middle ground option too:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Make retired acl check less greedy
mordredmtreinish: iI think the option is fine - I think what I want is the ability to set it via envvar or config file in ~/.config18:58
mordredmtreinish: I'll poke around a bit and see if I can come up with a way to do that that isn't insane18:58
mordredmtreinish: (I don't want to change how tox invokes it for other people - just for me)18:59
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mtreinishmordred: you can always do tox -- --no-subunit-trace but that's a lot of extra typing19:00
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jeblairthat command has a nearly 25% dash ratio! :)19:04
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* jeblair goes back to lunching19:05
mtreinishjeblair: heh, yeah I think it could use some more dashes19:05
clarkb mordred puppet failed on git0X trying to deal with six for jeepyb19:07
clarkbmordred: sudo journalctl | grep puppet-user to see it19:08
clarkbI think this may be a yum vs pip problem19:08
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jdandreafungi Is there a way to tell if openstackinfra is the founder of #openstack-valet? I'm trying to confirm if I need to do anything else to that channel in terms of transferring any founder status/etc.19:24
mordredclarkb: awesome. thanks - looking19:25
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mordredclarkb: SIGH19:26
mordredclarkb: cloud-init19:26
pabelangerHmm, nodepool seems unhappy19:28
pabelangerpossible issue in ovh19:29
clarkbpabelanger: woo guessing full steam ahead made things fall over19:29
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I am wondering if related to new images19:30
clarkbjdandrea: you can ask chanserv for the channel access list founder is +F or something19:30
clarkbpabelanger: oh maybe19:30
fungijdandrea: i checked it before when you were asking and looks already set up, but /msg chanserv access #openstack-valet list19:30
jdandreaclarkb *nod* I was trying but failing in my efforts. Looking for the correct cmd again...19:30
pabelangerclarkb: vexxhost failures spiking too19:30
clarkbpabelanger: could just be caching on nova nodes being slow19:30
jdandreafungi Oh thank you. That's what I thought but wasn't fully recalling.19:30
mordredinfra-root: I'd like to suggest we remove python-six on centos - it'll cause cloud-init and abrt to be uninstalled - but we do not need or use those19:31
pabelangerclarkb: possible19:31
mordredthe other option is that we can rework puppet-jeepyb to install jeepyb into a virtualenv19:31
mordred(this, btw, would have happened with any update to jeepyb and is not related to these patches)19:31
fungimordred: i thought we still relied on cloud-init on our control-plane servers since we use images which don't include glean19:32
jdandreafungi So in this list I see gomarivera, who originally set it up and is no longer involved. I'm taking his place. Do I need to get on that list instead of him?
pabelangerclarkb: a lot of Connection timed out errors19:32
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Set up connectivity with default OVS bridge
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Multi-node: Streamline multi-node-known-hosts
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Append /sbin and /usr/sbin to $PATH for 'ip' commands
mordredfungi: we still *have* cloud-init on our control-plane servers, but once they boot and get our ssh key on them cloud-init no longer does anything for us19:34
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Increase timeouts for Manila DSVM jobs
mordredfungi: since on non-rax we have dhcp and on rax there is the nova-agent xenserver thing that pulls in the network config19:34
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clarkbpabelanger: from server show?19:34
fungijdandrea: it's easy enough for one of us to add you... the challenge is finding a good way to confirm whoever else is in that channel is in favor of that since it's not an official project and we don't have clear-cut rules of succession for unofficial projects19:34
fungijdandrea: i'll /join and ask19:34
clarkbmordred: maybe try it on one git server first before doing that?19:34
jdandreafungi Ahh. ok.19:34
mordredclarkb: I shall do that19:35
clarkbmordred: just to make sure cloud init isnt doing something we actually rely on somehow19:35
jdandreafungi We are in contact with him. Maybe we can get him to join too and give the all clear. Would that do the trick?19:35
clarkbbut I agree I think after initial bootstrap it can go away19:35
mordredclarkb: yah - I've deleted it from git01 - I'm going to reboot it now to make sure it comes back19:35
pabelangerclarkb: just in laucher-debug.log19:35
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pabelangerlooking at openstack server list now19:35
mordredclarkb: (that should be safe given load balancer, right?)19:36
pabelangerkernel panic19:36
mordredpabelanger: that's an ssh test error19:37
mordredpabelanger: ooh! where?19:37
clarkbmordred: you may need to tell haproxy to gracfully stop it but it does do keep alive checks on the backends too19:37
pabelangerthat is in ovh19:37
clarkbmordred: minimal impact if you just reboot it19:37
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish static constraints files from the periodic pipeline
pabelangerclarkb: mordred: possible there was a new release of DIB?19:37
fungijdandrea: you could just get gomarivera to connect and /msg chanserv access #openstack-valet add jdandrea +Aefortv19:38
clarkbpabelanger: eell we didnt have image builds working for days19:38
clarkband fixing networking lagopus resulted in new images19:38
mordredpabelanger: so that's what the console log showed you - not a local kernel panic for you caused by openstack client :)19:38
jdandreafungi That's what I'll try, thank you. Tin (who you addressed in the other room) may be afk. I'll check both.19:38
jdandreaAppreciate the help!19:38
mordredpabelanger: ah "[    1.171846] ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"19:39
pabelangermordred: ya, sorry. Kernel panic on latest xenial19:39
fungijdandrea: my pleasure19:39
pabelangermordred: yup, see that oo19:39
clarkbany oyher images doingit?19:39
clarkbif so problem is likelu dib and not the distro19:39
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mordredclarkb: k. I rebooted post cloud-init removal and git01 is fine19:40
jdandreafungi To confirm, can gomarivera issue that cmd with +Aefortv flags?19:40
clarkbmordred: maybe we only do it on centos7 since elsewhere is fine?19:41
fungijdandrea: yes, should work just fine19:41
jdandreafungi ok thx19:41
fungijdandrea: that would then grant you the same permissions they have19:41
pabelangerclarkb: only xenial is uploaded atm19:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb master: Remove python-six on centos
mordredclarkb: ^^19:42
pabelangercentos-7 is next online19:42
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clarkbmordred: does yum transitively remove cloud init or just fail? with pyyaml it looked like it would just fail19:43
pabelangerokay 1 centos-7 in inap-mtl01, checking now19:43
pabelangerianw: see ^ when you are online. Wondering if something in DIB changed19:45
pabelangertrying to see if centos-7 is affected19:45
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mordredclarkb: it transitively removed cloud-init when I ran it by hand19:46
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clarkbhuh neat19:48
clarkbmordred: actually now we are getting spammed19:53
clarkbthe machine id went away and cgit really wants that19:53
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish static constraints files from the periodic pipeline
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstack-doc-build-to-move
clarkbthat is aggravating19:53
clarkbreview updated with ^ info19:55
jdandrea@fungi Ok, we've reached out to gomarivera and I'm PM'ed lamt. Crossing fingers. :)19:57
mordredclarkb: AWESOME19:57
mordredclarkb: any indication in the email as to where I could see a log file on the server?19:58
jdandreafungi - lamt: "I will ping fungi whenever I can hop onto IRC.  My IRC connection at work today seems to be broken." Womp womp.19:58
clarkbjournaltctl is best guess19:59
clarkbcgi-bin/apache is ehat is crashing19:59
clarkbits a segfault with core dump too20:00
clarkbhow to make apache core dump? uninstall cloud init20:00
mordredclarkb: wow - there is nothing in the apache error log about it20:00
pabelanger2017-09-20 18:13:52,828 INFO /tmp/in_target.d/finalise.d/50-bootloader: line 160: type: grub2-mkconfig: not found20:01
pabelangerthat doesn't look right20:01
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add multinode integration jobs and integration tests for known_hosts
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-firewall
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-bridge role
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-hosts-file
pabelangeroh, maybe it is fine20:01
mordredclarkb: sorry to keep bothering you - but couldyou maybe orward me a mail? I don't seem to be getting the emails nor can I find info on the disk right now20:01
dmsimardjeblair: I believe I've addressed all your concerns about the multi-node stack. Turns out there wasn't any tests for the hosts file role so I added that in as well.20:03
clarkbmordred: sent20:03
mordredclarkb: thank you20:04
clarkbpabelanger: did centos 7 boot?20:05
pabelangerclarkb: okay, debian-jessie just came online with latest images20:05
pabelangerclarkb: still waiting20:05
clarkb when it rains it pours20:07
clarkbI'm going to push a patch to pin that next20:07
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clarkbhow was that even ever working before20:09
mordredAJaeger: if you're still around, could you look at ?20:10
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper master: Pin metadata-json-lint to < 2.0.0
clarkbI think ^ will address the gems problem20:12
pabelangermordred: when you have spare time, openstack server list on inap seems slow. I'd be interested to hear why that would be20:14
mgagnepabelanger: me?20:14
pabelangermgagne: maybe? I admit I'm not sure where to look for slowness20:15
mgagnepabelanger: me neither, we have a similar slowness perception in our private cloud but didn't bother so far to look into it20:16
pabelangerclarkb: centos-7 is good20:16
pabelangerclarkb: so far, panic is limited to xenial20:16
mgagnepabelanger: so I've created a task in our backlog to look into it20:16
clarkbpabelanger: interesting20:16
pabelangerclarkb: let me see if I can get a trusty online20:17
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pabelangerclarkb: for now, maybe we roll back xenial to keep gate moving?20:17
mordredclarkb: if you have a sec, I could use a second set of eyes ...20:17
mgagnecurrently running kilo with cellsv1 if that changes anything, we plan on upgrade to mitaka very soon20:17
clarkbpabelanger: we'll have to pause the builds and then delete the most recent image yes20:17
clarkbmordred: sure20:17
pabelangerclarkb: ya, was going to manually apply pause on builders, so emergency file for them20:18
mordredpabelanger: unfortunately I cna't help much with 'openstack server list' - it should be a single command from osc perspective20:18
mordredclarkb: so - here's the deal20:18
pabelangerclarkb: then push up puppet change20:18
clarkbpabelanger: ok, go for it20:18
inc0mordred: so, about registry, do we want backend on disks or swift?20:18
mordredclarkb: if you do jounalctl | grep machine-id on git01.o.o then skip down to the dracut line20:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Support Gerrit 2.13 ref-updated events
mordredinc0: that's an excellent question - debugging a issue on one of our servers atm ... just a sec20:20
mgagnepabelanger: I found the openstack server list command to be much slower than nova list, 2x20:20
mordredclarkb: oh- nevermind, that line is a red-herring20:20
mgagnebut I think we should compare pure API calls, not libraries...20:20
clarkbmordred: ok I was looking at it and wondering. I do notice that file is 444 so should be readable by anyone20:20
clarkbso now am extra confused why apache was complaining20:20
mordredclarkb: I thought there was an issue with the git daemon deciding to ignore /var/lib/git prefix ...20:21
clarkbmordred: can you hit
mordredclarkb: yah - I can't find anything broken20:21
mordredclarkb: yup20:21
mordredclarkb: worked fine20:21
clarkbso can I20:21
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pabelanger#status log nb03.o.o / nb04.o.o added to emergency file20:21
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging20:22
dansmithI haven't gotten any emails from gerrit since 3am this morning and I know I've generated a few.. is that known or concerning?20:22
mordredclarkb: I think that's a VERY old log20:22
pabelangerdansmith: known issue, we are working to resolve it20:22
mordredclarkb: :Sep 30 03:21:00 git01 systemd: Starting Session 49771 of user cgit.20:22
dansmithpabelanger: rock on thanks20:22
mordredclarkb: note "Sep 30"20:22
mordredclarkb: yah: Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:58:31 +000020:22
mordredclarkb: so - one of the things that uninstalling cloud-init did was $something related to abrt which is the bug reporting thing20:23
clarkbmordred: huh and it only just sent out now? weird20:23
pabelangerokay, bad xenial DIB is deleted20:23
mordredclarkb: so I hav ea hunch that doing thta may have just unstuck a pile of old reports perhaps?20:23
clarkbmordred: ya could be20:23
clarkbI'll update my vote20:23
mordredclarkb: woot! (and *phew*)20:23
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: DNM: Test Ansible 2.4
fungiclarkb: mordred: it only just dawned on me that what you were troubleshooting was related to the abrt e-mails i received... one was from as far back as 201520:25
clarkbdansmith: tl;dr is gerrit now asynchronously sends email and is doing like 100k db queries per email so it is slow. Upstream has told us to make our caches big enough for all accounts to void that so we are trying to get the change for that merged but its like 3 deep in the list of fixes now because image builds are broken and gems can't install on trusty, etc20:25
fungiwhich i found odd, and should have brought up i guess20:25
mordreddansmith: tl;dr - it's BOTH known AND concerning :)20:26
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause ubuntu-xenial DIBs
pabelangermordred: clarkb: ^ mind a +3 to pause xenial20:27
clarkbdansmith: oh ya also xenial is kernel panicing20:27
mordredfungi: could I cajole you into a review on  ?20:27
jeblairzuulv3 is /win 2120:28
pabelangerokay, xenial nodes coming back online20:28
pabelangerstill waiting to see if trusty is an issue20:28
jeblairzuulv3 is wedged; i have tests that reproduce the error, so i'm going to restart it to break the loop20:28
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jeblairoh, i'm also going to delete the debug log because it's 30G20:29
clarkbnice, should be smaller now that we aren't logging that one lib right?20:29
clarkbcaching thing20:29
jeblairclarkb: well, it was mostly because it was stuck in an infinite loop20:30
dansmithclarkb: mordred: wow. :/20:30
jeblairclarkb: which i have successfully reproduced in a test!20:30
jeblairso now my tests are stuck in an infinite loop20:30
clarkbjeblair: btw in the saga of getting gerrit cache numbers bumped up is a thing as is getting puppet to work on the git backends again20:30
clarkbso there have now been a total of 3 broken things preventing that change from going in :/20:30
jeblairclarkb: i +3d that20:31
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clarkbgah there is another lib that can't old ruby20:32
clarkbwere we somehow installing newer ruby on trusty?20:32
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* clarkb takes a look at ubuntu trusty packages20:32
pabelangerno, I think we are ruby1.920:33
pabelangerso, newer gems getting pulled in needing >2.020:33
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clarkbtrusty-updates has ruby2.0 in it20:33
clarkbpabelanger: ya but why did that all of a sudden change? makes me wonder if we stopped installing something like ruby2.020:33
clarkbmnaser: ^ maybe you know?20:34
pabelangerseems like only 1.9 is getting installed20:34
* mnaser looks20:34
pabelangerclarkb: ya, not sure. maybe just new releases?20:34
mnaserwhy dont you just pin webmock in puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper ?20:35
clarkbmnaser: well I just pinned another lib so have to hunt them all down but yes20:35
mnaserfun time :D20:35
clarkbmostly just curious why its broken now20:35
clarkband thinking we must've had ruby 2.0 somehow?20:35
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mordredpabelanger, fungi, jeblair: mind +3ing to unbreak jeepyb on the git servers (no rush - just don't want it to get lost in the excitement)20:35
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pabelangerclarkb: maybe we should just spend the time on upgrading everything to xenial :)20:36
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clarkbpabelanger: problem is I really want to restart gerrit today with the new cache limits20:36
mnaserclarkb i wouldnt know honestly, we dont have anything testing on trusty i think :(20:37
pabelangerya, in that case pinning is right20:37
pabelangermordred: +320:37
mordredpabelanger: thank you!20:37
pabelangeroh, fungi too :)20:37
mordredfungi: thank you!20:38
mnaseri dont see webmock usage :>20:38
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper master: Pin metadata-json-lint and webmock
clarkbmnaser: interesting, in any case I hope ^ gets us moving again20:39
clarkbjeblair: ^ new patchset pins additional package20:39
mnaserim searching20:39
mnaserit looks like webmock was added when the repo was created based off of puppet-openstack spec helper20:39
mnaserso maybe itw as just copy-pasta'd20:39
clarkbcould be20:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mapping entries for proposal jobs
mnaserlooks like we still have it in puppet-openstack-integration20:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add publish-service-types-authority job and mapping
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add xstatic-check-version and openstack-tox-pypy
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mapping file setting to skip jobs from share queues
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make yaml2ical publication job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Be more descriptive when publishing service-types
clarkbI'll make a note that that is a possible cleanup but focus right now is getting gerrit running with different cache settings20:40
mnaser..yet we don't sue it either heh20:40
kfox1111our gates just broke on being able to install docker.20:40
kfox1111do we cache centos-extra's?20:41
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clarkbkfox1111: we mirror them
kfox1111getting this in the logs:20:42
kfox11112017-09-20 20:23:45.557883 | No package docker-1.12.6-16.el7.centos available.20:42
kfox1111looks like the mirror rolled but the cache is new enough it still thinks its valid?20:42
kfox1111maybe I should 'yum clean all' in the job?20:42
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pabelangerkfox1111: mind posting a log?20:43
clarkbthe important distinction there is we don't proxy cache centos mirror we actually mirror it20:43
clarkbso in theory the mirror should always be valid (though sometimes hwne upstream breaks that behavior breaks)20:43
pabelangerya, looks like 2017-09-07 is when docker package updated20:43
clarkbbut ya a log would be helpful, we don't even know if it used the mirror20:43
kfox1111jobs are still running, but: telnet://
kfox1111if the mirror went from 7.3 -> 7.4 without keeping the 7.3 stuff around, it might explain it.20:44
pabelangerright, because we have centos/7 for mirror, not point releases20:44
pabelangerso possible 7.4 has broken you some how20:45
kfox1111yeah. I think the vm is 7.3 with a recent up to date but pulling from 7.4 repo now.20:45
kfox1111I just added a yum clean all at the begining. I think that should fix it. will give it a shot.20:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add specs publication jobs
clarkbour vm should be 7.420:45
pabelangerya, was about to say20:45
clarkbsince that broke tripleo20:45
pabelanger2017-09-20 20:18:44.089830 | 2017-09-20 18:0920:45
kfox1111hmm... don't know then. :/20:46
pabelangerthat is images from today actually20:46
pabelangerkfox1111: how long have you seen the issue?20:46
kfox1111last few hours.20:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Remove py26 support
kfox1111while fixing another breakage (pycrypto)20:46
mordredwow. it really does pour when it rains20:48
pabelangerkfox1111: I'm missing where docker is installed in telnet link20:48
pabelangerkfox1111: have a timestamp?20:48
efriedharlowja Seen this with Taskflow lately?  AttributeError: 'DiGraph' object has no attribute 'nodes_iter'20:48
harlowjahave not seen20:48
harlowjabut perhaps a new networkx release did this20:49
efriedThat's what my guy thought.20:49
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clarkbmordred: I'm || that close to just applying the cache changes by hand and restarting... I know this is the wrong way to do it but running out of hours in the day and the stack of fixes is only getting deeper20:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix infinite loop on reconfiguration exception
clarkbspec helper change did finally pass on trusty though20:51
kfox1111pabelanger: 2017-09-20 20:23:45.557883 | No package docker-1.12.6-16.el7.centos available.20:51
efriedharlowja So what does one do about such a thing?20:51
clarkbso once that merges should be able to rerun jobs on cache update and hopefully pass and merge then restart gerrit (assuming git backends are also puppeting by thne)20:52
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harlowjaprob restrict the requirements contraint and / or then adjust taskflow20:52
clarkbyou should adjust taskflow first to make sure it fixes the problem20:52
clarkbthen update requirements if so20:52
pabelangerkfox1111: I wonder if the google yum repos is making that a hard dependency20:53
kfox1111that could be.20:54
kfox1111I have a review with the yum clean all going. lets see what happens.20:54
mordredclarkb: I will not judge you if you apply by hand and restart20:55
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish static constraints files from the periodic pipeline
mordredclarkb: but also it seems like maybe we're close to success anyway20:56
clarkbya I think we should be able to get it in properly soon20:56
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efriedDowngrading networkx in my venv fixes the problem for me.20:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Updated from global requirements
efriedI'm seeing it in pypowervm, which doesn't currently have a direct requirement for networkx20:58
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efriedso it would be a little weird to put it into requirements.txt there just to restrict it.20:59
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mordredtonyb, dhellmann: ^^ the "Publish static constraints" job above is the type of job that can't be auto-migrated and we'll need to write a v3 version of it21:00
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tonybmordred: Sure Once I get a +1 from Jenkins I'll -W.21:01
mordredI mostly don't want it to fall into the cracks21:01
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tonybmordred: Thanks.  It isn't really menat for merging rigth now but I figured I'd stop discussin abstracts and publish soem code21:01
mordredtonyb: ++21:02
kfox1111hmm.... with the yum clean all in there, yeah... same issue...21:02
tonybmordred: truns out I'm just doing it badly ;P21:02
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mordredtonyb: well - publishing stuff is hard ;)21:02
mordredinfra-root, AJaeger: ^^ general heads up - any new jobs that involve new publishers - or publishing new sorts of things need to be put into a freeze21:02
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kfox1111nm..... looks like it is pinned in the gate scripts.21:02
kfox1111sorry for the noise.21:02
mordredinfra-root, AJaeger: they're typically the types of jobs that need a manual translation - and I'm worried that jobs will fall through the cracks if we land new ones now21:03
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fungiyeah, i've starred that change for later review21:04
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clarkbwoo spec helper change is in the gate now21:05
clarkbthen I get to recheck jeblair's change after that merges21:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mapping entries for proposal jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add publish-service-types-authority job and mapping
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clarkbpabelanger: we probably want to scp the image of nb0x and mount it locally/boot it locally to see what is going on with it21:09
clarkb(I feel like debugging that is just enough distraction that I don't ant to until gerrit is restarted, so I'll hold off on that until later)21:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add xstatic-check-version and openstack-tox-pypy
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add mapping file setting to skip jobs from share queues
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause ubuntu-xenial DIBs
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running redundant manila lvm jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper master: Pin metadata-json-lint and webmock
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add xstatic-check-version and xstatic-publish-to-pypi
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add pypy project-templates
mordredfungi, tonyb: it might actually be a great change (since it's not terribly complex on the zuul side) to use as a learning example once v3 is live21:19
tonybmordred: +121:19
mordredspeaking of ...21:20
tonybmordred: I'll be back in Australia next week so less overlap but I'm keen to start learning21:20
clarkb505677 rechecked for hopefully the last time21:21
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mordredtonyb, fungi: adds a job that publishes a new type of thing to a new location21:22
mordredtonyb, fungi: it's slighlymore complex than what the constraints job needs to do since it's adding a reference to a whole new server21:22
mordredbut the pieces are there21:22
mordredoh. actually21:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Be more descriptive when publishing service-types
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make yaml2ical publication job
mordredI left something off before21:24
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add multinode integration jobs and integration tests for known_hosts
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-hosts-file
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-firewall
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-bridge role
dmsimardmordred: ^ now without lookup shenanigans21:24
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dmsimardmordred, jeblair: oops, syntax error. Where would I put groups for in-job nodesets ?21:26
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jeblair505795,1 in zuulv3 gate is waiting on a node that has been building for 15m21:26
dmsimard doesn't work.21:26
tonybmordred: Thanks.  As someone very new to ansible it even makes sense ;P21:26
mordredtonyb: yay!21:26
jeblairdmsimard: under groups21:26
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clarkbmordred: I've also rechecked your puppet-jeepyb change as it appears to have hit the same trusty issues as jeblairs21:26
jeblairdmsimard: under nodes21:26
dmsimardjeblair: oh, oops. Let's try that.21:26
mordredclarkb: thanks!21:27
jeblairhrm, that doesn't look quite right21:27
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dmsimardjeblair: what, the groups ?21:27
openstackgerritMarkos Chandras (hwoarang) proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: SUSE: Update openSUSE Tumbleweed references for lsb-release-3.X.X
mordredtonyb: oh - that reminds me - I wanted to find some good examples to point to to show "look,you can also just do shell snippets if you wnat"21:27
jeblairdmsimard, mordred: gah! job nodes doesn't support groups21:27
dmsimardjeblair: when declaring a nodeset, nodes and groups are at the same level -- thus I did the same thing at the job level.21:28
mordredjeblair: yup. I was just about to say the same thing21:28
jeblairi think that's a bug; they were intended to be identical21:28
mordredjeblair: it's becaue the node code in the job definition looks for string vs. dict21:28
mordredor string, vs. dict vs. list iirc ...21:28
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jeblairwell, they don't share an implementation21:28
jeblairso the groups support needs to be reimplemented for job21:29
mordredI thought they did. oh! ok21:29
dmsimardjeblair: should I revert to non-anonymous nodesets or you feel that's a quick fix ?21:29
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish static constraints files from the periodic pipeline
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tonybthis would be much less public if I just ran the unit tests in a local VM :(21:30
jeblairdmsimard: i think it's important to fix and would prefer to stick with anonymous nodesets21:30
dmsimardsure. Sorry about finding all these bugs left and right :P21:30
jeblairdmsimard: yeah, cut it out already.  ;)21:30
jeblairmordred: you want to make the groups change or you want me to?21:31
mordredjeblair: so - looking at the configparser code for this - adding groups should be easy21:31
mordredjeblair: HOWEVER21:31
mordredjeblair: deciding _how_ to add it ... a little trickier21:31
jeblairmordred: yeah.21:32
dmsimardmordred, jeblair: it makes the syntax kinda weird too ? It would look like this?
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ianwpabelanger: catching up ... yolanda may have done a dib release, not sure yet21:32
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dmsimardjeblair: yeah, having groups at the same level as the nodes "replicates" the same syntax as within the nodeset21:33
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jlvillalAny idea why a job today the releasenotes job link I get a 404 error when I click it?
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jlvillalHopefully a random failure. But I thought I would mention it.21:35
dirkpabelanger: could you review ?21:36
ianwjlvillal: that's quite odd -- the rsync failed according to
ianwbut the job didn't fail21:38
jlvillalianw: Yeah. It is odd.21:38
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pabelangerianw: clarkb: mordred: ya, looks like just limited to xenial. So possible regression some place I think21:41
pabelangertrusty is good21:41
ianwpabelanger: this is ubuntu-minimal not finding root?21:42
ianwthere hasn't been a dib release21:43
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dmsimardGerrit is still very much behind in emails, is that sorted out yet ? Receiving emails from yesterday.21:43
jeblairdmsimard: it's basically what clarkb, pabelanger, mnaser, and i have been working on all day :(21:43
dmsimardDoh, sorry, been half afk most of the day21:44
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pabelangerianw: specifically, xenial. Trusty appears to boot fine21:44
pabelanger[    1.131253] VFS: Cannot open root device "LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs" or unknown-block(0,0): error -621:44
pabelanger2017-09-12 18:16:17,764 INFO /tmp/in_target.d/finalise.d/50-bootloader: line 150: [: =~: binary operator expected21:47
pabelangerianw: ^ seems wrong21:47
ianwpabelanger: yeah, ok, that's what yolanda mentioned.  apparently it works if that is switched to /dev/sda1 , but the label is there21:47
ianwpabelanger: ahh i think that's fixed but not released, that was a ppc match iirc21:48
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pabelangerianw: ah, so yolanda had the issue too?21:48
jeblairmordred, dmsimard: i think that's 3 votes for #4?21:48
mordredjeblair: I think you'll likely be quicker implementing #4 and I'm getting close to EOD here21:49
jeblairmordred: okay, i'll take it.21:49
mordredjeblair: although if you have not implemented it in the morning, I can jump on it first thing21:49
ianwpabelanger: yeah, and it would explain the nodepool job failure.  i'm just going to context switch into all this and see what's up locally21:49
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ianwsince it seems to happen on master and the prior release, i'm suspecting it's upstream that's changed21:50
pabelangerianw: ah, cool. Ya, it would be good to see what that started failing21:50
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pabelangerianw: yup, I think that make sense21:50
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clarkbpuppety things are in the gate now \o/ just need to be patient21:56
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ianwpabelanger: excellent it reproduces in rdocloud, so that's a start22:00
jeblairmordred and i were just chatting in #zuul about some things22:02
jeblairand realized now might be a really good time to answer that question we had about whether docs-draft was still necessary as a separate partition22:02
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jeblairit looks like logs.o.o rotation is currently 30 days?22:02
jeblairdocs-draft rotation is 2122:02
clarkbthat sounds right22:03
jeblairif we increased docs-draft rotation to 30, we would be using 427G instead of 299G22:03
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jeblairwe have 3.0T available on logs, so we can accomodate that.  we can fold docs-draft into logs and gain another 1.5T.22:04
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jeblairso if we just stopped using docs-draft and served it out of logs.o.o, we'd have a net gain of about 1TB of space.22:04
mordredalso, if we ditch docs-draft and setting success-url to a subdir of log_url like we are with the v3 tox-docs job currently ... then you can navigate up a url dir to get to your build logs if you need them that way22:04
mordreds/and setting/and started setting/22:04
clarkbthat to me is probably the biggest feature22:05
jeblairyeah, so it's a bit of a ux improvement :)22:05
clarkbsince otherwise you have to magically know its a domain name change22:05
mordredjeblair, clarkb: I think given the UX improvment and the fact that it's actually a net gain of space ...22:05
mordredI'm very in favor of making the change22:05
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mordredI can work up the patches in the morning to unwind the docs-draft addition to v3 and update the migration script to dtrt22:06
clarkbI am in favor too22:06
clarkbmordred: python-six change on centos has mreged22:07
jeblairyeah.  so maybe let's send an email to the infra list.  then other than that, the implementation is simple: 1) let the v3 transition happen without docs-draft 2) wait 3 weeks.  3) lvextend && resize2fs22:07
jeblairclarkb, mordred: i can send that email if you want22:08
clarkbso that will apply on the next puppet run when we should also apply the next gerrit cache settings22:08
clarkbjeblair: that would be great22:08
mordredclarkb: woot22:09
mordredjeblair: ++22:09
mordredjeblair: k. I'll send email to the list in the morning when I write the patches22:09
jeblairmordred: oh, i think i'll have it covered in the mail i'm writing now; but feel free if you think more needs to be said.22:10
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mordredjeblair: cool22:11
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mnaserdoes infra have any suggestions regarding our external dependency to puppet modules hosted at github.com22:13
mnaserwe cant use the forge because not all modules are there22:13
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pabelangerYa, I'd like to see what on the forge would work, if we setup a reverse proxy cache. Then maybe see why the left over modules aren't published to it22:15
clarkbit also came up at the PTG and general thought seemed to be lets address it on a case by csae basis because otherwise we are caching/mirroring all of github. But also zuulv3 keeps local copies of all repos so it should make it a little better22:15
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jeblairclarkb: all *configured* repos, and we still have to figure out the opt-in process for github repos (and maybe we have a level of configuration where the repo is there but ignored for zuul configuration and reporting).  but yeah, that's a potential aid.22:22
mordredjeblair: we should maybe work up an email to the dev list and/or tc about that at some point22:23
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mnaserwell the reason not all modules are not published on the forge isnt within our control22:26
mnaserthe forge doesnt automatically poll for tags in github repos and create releases, the publisher must do that22:26
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jeblairclarkb: oh, though, zuul may well still be unable to check out a github project if github is down (it does have checks to make sure its cache is up to date).  granted, maybe we can make those non-fatal in some circumstances, so there may be a workable solution there.22:27
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clarkbjeblair: ya I also think having a local clone in one place that is updated then pushed is likely to be more reliable than git cloning from scratch everywhere22:28
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jeblairclarkb: yep22:29
jeblairclarkb: i think this can be really useful, but we're probably a few steps away from where we need to be before that's fully robust.22:29
clarkbalso I think that the gerrit settings update may timeout on the centos 7 job in the gate22:30
clarkbI'm going to be bad and reboot the node22:30
clarkbso that we don't have to go through everything again22:31
jeblairi thought you were going to bed which does sound like a good idea to be honest22:31
jeblairit's kind of one of those days22:31
clarkband speaking of the devil its hung on github puppet things22:31
clarkbhrm zuul doesn't seem to have noticed (eg job isn't restarted, guessing ssh has to time out?)22:32
clarkbmaybe there was a better way to do that...22:32
clarkbjeblair: yes one of those weeks22:33
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clarkbclearly what I thought was a good idea was not as that job is still stuck there22:39
clarkbjeblair: can we kick the process on the zuul launcher side?22:39
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jeblairclarkb: should be able to kill the associated ansible proc22:42
clarkbok /me will go looking22:42
clarkbwill that cause the job to restart or to fail? (at this point fail would be good)22:43
ianwpabelanger: ok ... so it comes down to initramfs not being created.  kernel can't mount root by LABEL=, that's initramfs's job, hence the issue.  will dig a bit more to see what changed, but i think we got it22:43
ianwyolanda: ^22:43
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mnaseryeah we've been seeing puppet jobs fail due to github a bunch of times today22:44
mnaserjeblair clarkb i think as an interesting solution is that we always checkout tags, zuul can check if it has a local copy of the requested tag and not even try to contact github in the case22:45
mnaserbecause we never pull master from github, only tagged commits22:45
clarkboh sweet job is rerunning22:46
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clarkbmordred: git02-08 failed this last run but 01 did not, and I think the puppet-jeepyb change should've been in22:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Bump gerrit account caches to 32768
clarkbmordred: I think it is complaining about uninstalling python-six because things need it22:51
clarkb\o/ finally that gets in22:51
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clarkbmordred: hack fix is to manually remove it from each of those nodes and then let puppet run next time happily22:52
clarkbmordred: anymore I'm willing to consider that just to get everything moving22:52
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clarkbI'm going to send a followup update on gerrit things to mailing list. Running out of steam today, and thinking might be best to just get everyone up to date then pick back up in the morning22:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add job.nodeset parameter to supercede job.nodes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove Job.nodes
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clarkb#status log Please don't merge any new project creation changes until mordred gives the go ahead. We have new puppet problems on the git backends and there are staged jeepyb changes we want to watch before opening the flood gates23:17
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging23:17
clarkbok just sent a novel update on gerrit situation23:18
clarkbinfra-root is anyone left today? I think I would like to go ahead and manually apply jeblair's cache numbers change and restart gerrit23:20
clarkbotherwise it will bug me23:20
ianwclarkb: i'm here23:20
ianwbut am a bit behind on what's happening23:21
clarkbianw: basically upstream said you need to have all your accounts in the accounts cache so we need to increase the size of our accounts cache23:21
clarkbunfortunately while the change to puppet hsa merged for that puppet won't run on review.o.o until the git backend hosts are puppeting again (currently not due to reasons)23:22
ianwso it's no so much a cache but an index?23:22
clarkbrather than wait on that I'd like to get gerrit running with the new config as email is important to some users23:22
clarkbianw: ya...23:22
clarkbianw: the config calls it a cache but if you don't have it a major feature of gerrit apparently can't work23:22
clarkband the default is set to 1k23:22
clarkband we have 26k accounts23:22
ianwso it's just a stop, backup index (for sanity), kick puppet, restart?23:23
clarkbso I will be applying by hand and restarting gerrit23:23
clarkbin this case I don't think I would even backup the index23:23
clarkbsince it is just a config change (and we've now shown multiple times that puppet applies cleanly when it runs)23:23
clarkband no puppet kick23:23
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clarkbI'd just edit gerrit.config and stop start23:24
ianwoh right, not puppeting currently23:24
clarkbjeblair: its your change you ok with ^23:25
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add job.nodeset parameter to supercede job.nodes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove Job.nodes
jeblairclarkb: o/23:27
clarkbjeblair: tldr is I want to manually edit gerrit.config with your change and restart gerrit nowish23:27
clarkbthat way we can get that done and watch it tomorrow while fixing git backed puppeting23:27
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jeblairclarkb: ya, i'm at that point as well23:28
clarkbianw: jeblair ok I will go ahead and do that now then23:28
jeblairclarkb: and am focused on this now if you need help23:28
prometheanfirewhat's the mail queue at if you don't mind my asking?23:28
clarkb8500 or so23:28
jeblairand we will lose it on the restart23:29
prometheanfirethat's only 6 days at an email a min23:29
jeblair(and we've already lost thousands of others)23:29
ianwclarkb: excellent ... i'll just be on standby if i can help, thanks for the updates and email too :)23:29
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clarkbok config is edited restarting now23:30
clarkbstop and start are so slow now23:32
clarkbstill waiting on start23:32
clarkbnothing in the log yet either, I wonder if it is prepopulating that entire cache on start23:32
clarkbservice gerrit start says it failed23:33
clarkbbut there is a gerrit process running and that process logged it is ready...23:33
jeblairclarkb: it *is* querying all accounts23:33
clarkbI think it must have a timeout in the init script23:33
jeblairup to 12k23:33
clarkbso I think we are fine, but just to know that that may happen23:33
jeblairof course, there may just be an email in the queue23:34
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jeblairit's also querying a lot of changes23:34
clarkbit is up and serving things to me23:34
jeblairchanges may be from normal traffic23:34
clarkbso I think I am going to ignore the fact that the init script thought it failed23:34
clarkbthere are now 15k total tasks but the vast majority are replication23:35
jeblairand yeah, we have an email queue of 14 now23:35
jeblairwe'll see what happens once it hits the top of the account list23:35
jeblairwhich i think just happened23:36
jeblair(almost 27k accounts, btw)23:36
jeblairemail queue is 0 now23:36
jeblairso *now* the weird queries i'm seeing ale selecitng the same change over and over again23:37
jeblair  changes                       |                     |         |         |23:37
jeblairthat's the change cache row23:38
clarkbmeaning it isn't caching any changes yet?23:38
jeblairit certainly looks like there isn't a change cache23:38
clarkbnavigating to and from a couple changes doesn't feel particularly slow23:39
* mnaser would be more than happy to help fix puppet things23:39
clarkbdid we have entries in that cache before?23:39
clarkbI don't have the old cache pastes handy23:39
jeblairgood question23:39
jeblairi'll dig up irc logs23:39
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clarkb14k total tasks now and email is sitting at 023:39
jeblairoh i think i pasted to #gerrit which hasn't said anything since yesterday23:39
clarkbit is empty there too, odd but we didn't change that behavior23:40
jeblairi tcpdumped for, idunno, maybe 30 seconds23:40
clarkband email seems to work so thats a plus23:40
jeblairit queried change 505845 1190 times during that window23:40
jeblairit's not 100,000 queries23:41
jeblairbut it's still bonkers23:41
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jeblairand the exim log shows we're sending email at a good clip now23:42
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* clarkb makes a note to look at gerrit init script to see why it thinks it failed23:44
jeblairi asked in #gerrit whether there's actually a change cache23:44
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clarkbjeblair: thanks. also yay for working email23:45
jeblairi was just trying to track down MERGER_FAILURES in zuul v323:46
jeblairright hand, meet left.23:46
jeblair(gerrit was restarted)23:46
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clarkbI'm going to cross email off our list23:46
smcginnisNice work all.23:48
rm_workdoes the new gerrit take a lot longer to push things around in git now?23:49
rm_worktrying to do a cherry-pick for a patch i just pushed up, getting "Couldn't find remote ref" for it23:50
rm_worknoticed the same thing a few times today and yesterday23:50
rm_workit takes a *while*23:50
clarkbrm_work: that is beacuse we just restarted gerrit and so it replicates everything23:50
rm_workah k23:50
clarkbtypically we don't restart gerrit often so you don't notice23:50
rm_workalright, so for now, I just need to wait for a bit23:50
clarkbbut we have the last couple days working out some of these last prolems post upgrade23:50
clarkband my internet connection just started having high packet loss23:51
clarkbI think that is a sign it is time to stop23:51
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smcginnisIt's trying to tell you to take a well earned break.23:53
clarkbrm_work: after a restart we ened up with ~16k total tasks for replication, currnetly down to ~9k23:53
clarkbrm_work: so in another half hour or so we should be caught up23:53
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