Friday, 2016-08-19

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tonybsridhar_ram: I can push the chnage for you if you like.00:01
pabelangerfungi: ya, I seen it, but haven't ready up on the settings. I can do that in the morning and propose a follow up00:01
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sridhar_ramtonyb: thanks for the offer, but i'm pushing it right now.. tox run in progress00:02
sridhar_ramtonyb: which, btw, taking a while looping thru' bunch of "Checking git repo .."00:02
tonybsridhar_ram: okay, I'll look out for it.00:03
sridhar_ramtonyb: thanks!00:03
tonybsridhar_ram: for the record I foudn that it shoudl be done near line 303800:03
* sridhar_ram is checking..00:04
tonybsridhar_ram: as there are a bunch of projects in your situation, so grouping them is good00:04
tonybsridhar_ram: I only just found them whiel doign the research  ....00:04
sridhar_ramtonyb: I realized i did something like this earlier.. my memory gave up on me :(00:04
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update logrotate for mirror server
pabelangerfungi: gate failure^00:05
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sridhar_ramtonyb: i ended up adding at L2633 alone w/ few other things00:05
sridhar_ramtonyb: what do you think ?00:06
tonybsridhar_ram: I can see it going either way but I think keeping all the releasenotes exclusion jobs together is slightly better than keeping all the tacker jobs togther00:07
sridhar_ramtonyb: fair enough, will move it there00:07
tonybsridhar_ram: but I'm just an interested bystander so could easily be wrong00:08
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sridhar_ramtonyb: no, that is actually a good find.. will put it next to manila-ui in
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tonybsridhar_ram: sure00:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: apache: Don't just send 403s on Apache 2.4
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ianwclarkb / greghaynes: one quite odd thing in that strace -> 3879  open("/opt/dib_tmp/dib_build.y8yDOp9f/du_output.tmp.mb", O_RDONLY) = 75  <- that's a big number...00:15
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable releasenotes jobs for tacker
sridhar_ramtonyb: ^^^00:17
tonybsridhar_ram: Thanks00:18
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: WIP: A hardware burn-in element.
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jogopbr question, I want to include ChangeLog in my descrpition-file, but when building the sdist pbr complains the file isn't there yet00:25
jogohow do I force it to generate the file first?00:25
jogomordred: ^00:26
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mordredzomg. it's a jogo00:29
mordredjogo: we had a patch to pbr a while ago to do that for you automatically00:30
jogomordred: o/ I tried using pbr for something but its caused me issues00:30
mordredboo. I want it to not cause you issues00:30
fungimordred: in a similar vein, where did we end up on support for getting autogenerated manpages included in sdists?00:30
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jogois the bug I am seeing00:31
mordredjogo: I can put that back onto the stack - I gave up because I did it right around when we started refactoring pbr00:32
jogothe error I am seeing is in pbr/utils00:32
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fungiyeah, i have some non-openstack python projects i maintain where i'd like to use pbr, but would want autogenerated changelogs and manpages in my sdists. maybe i'll find time to review or hack on these features soon00:33
mordredoh - also - you seem to be using an old pbr00:34
jogomordred: also while adding version automatically is sorta neat, I  was just going to do
fungiindeed... 1.1000:34
fungi1.10.0 is current00:35
fungiaccording to
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fungiit's 0.10 that was ancient00:35
mordredyah - but ...00:36
mordredpbr (' is being parsed as a legacy, non PEP 440, version.00:36
jogoyeah I am using the latest (just confirmed)00:36
mordredI do not expect to see that warning - but that's not the issue00:36
mordredjogo: yah - to do the thing you want, we need to finish the patch I linked, or right a new one that groks that you want to do the changelong into description-file so generates it first00:36
jogomordred: I would prefer the latter00:37
mordredit shouldn't be super-hard to special case that00:37
jogoas I don't want to limit things to a arbitrary number of versions mordred things is enough :)00:37
fungimaybe that version number is not coming from pbr? i thought it would only handle 3-component semver version numbers plus dev extensions anyway00:37
mordredyah. I'm not sure what it's coming from00:37
jogoshouldn't the change just be: generate files before creating sdist?00:38
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mordredjogo: oh - see, you're talking like the systems involved have elements of sanity00:39
fungioh, wait, it actually says it's having trouble parsing "pbr ("00:39
fungiso maybe there's a very old pbr preinstalled?00:39
mordredyah. that was my concern00:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
mordredI know basically nothing about travis, so I'm not a huge help in interpreting that00:39
openstackgerritChangcheng Intel proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add post-send script option
jogomordred: old version may be an issue, but I can repro with the latest00:39
fungiand then it gets replaced by pbr-1.10.0-py2.7.egg00:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Nodejs6 jobs are now voting.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove python3 jobs for zuul
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove python3 jobs from nodepool
mordredyah. sorry - the two aren't related - mostly just fixated on the bad text in the build output00:40
fungiwe never had a tag for 0.5.2 as far as i can tell00:41
fungijumped straight from 0.5.0 to 0.5.6 for some reason, according to git00:41
mordredjogo: btw - you have skipsdist = False and usedevelop = True ... which is a little odd - it'll mean you'll have to deal with non-venv pbr for the sdist step, then venv pbr after that.00:42
mordredit won't fix this, but you may want to change that00:42
mordredjogo: so - unfortunately the description-file magic is happening really early00:42
mordredjogo: I agree, I think it shold be moved to later00:43
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mordredjogo: I'm not sure what the effect of changing the long_description value after the setup constructor has been called is00:43
mordredjogo: I _think_ it'll just be a class attribute and changeable00:43
mordredso it should be possible to do the easy version of what you're talking about without too much pain00:44
mordredbut a little investigation will be needed00:44
jogomordred: thanks for the sdist note00:44
jogomordred: awesome, if you need any help testing this out etc, let me know what I can do to help00:45
jogoI naively figured because you had an example where you listed a changes file, this would just work ...00:46
mordredjogo: will do - it'll likely take me a few days to get to it fully - but I think the approach we talked about is a solid one and achievable00:46
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jogocool, I'll ping you tomorrow and see where things stand and how I can help00:50
jogomordred: thanks!00:50
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tonybfungi: are the results of the infra mascot poll available somewhere?01:02
tonybmordred: thank you kind sir01:03
mordredtonyb: fwiw, I think clearly we all meant to vote for "pink fairy armadillo" but something unexplained happened01:03
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tonybmordred: :)01:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update logrotate for mirror server
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fungiyeah, i wasn't sensing a ton of enthusiasm, even though we had something like 25% voter turnout across ~800 people i think01:07
fungiand somehow an ant came out way ahead of all sorts of much cooler options01:07
fungicondorcet, how you have failed us01:08
mordredit has served us in ways we can't understand because math01:08
* fungi puts blind faith in the math of the universe and goes on his way01:08
mordredits job isn't to pick the best answer, it's job is to pick the least-hated answer :)01:08
* mordred glares at queens01:08
mordredI mean, we all know that quokka was a better choice there01:09
mordredbut I guess math knows better01:09
fungiat least it wasn't quibboleth or something01:09
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mordredfungi: I have just been informed, fwiw, that Gluster's mascot is the ant01:09
fungione thing about ants... there are a lot of them to go around01:10
fungimaybe ours is the velvet ant
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mordredfungi: I understand almost none of the summary paragraph of that article01:13
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add source to ubuntu mirror distributions
fungientomology is fin01:13
fungifun too01:13
fungialso fine01:13
fungion the other hand, ichthyology truly is fin01:14
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Krenairfungi, did you make wiki-dev?01:22
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fungiKrenair: not yet, i'm going to boot it with the currently approved changes once they merge, then propose fixes for anything i find missing01:23
Krenairare you planning to clone wiki? or start afresh?01:23
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fungii did at least get through reviewing all of them tonight, and they look great to me. thanks for writing those!01:23
fungistart afresh01:23
fifieldtfungi, thanks for the add :)01:23
Krenairso you'll have to figure out the diffs for yourself, no puppet help :/01:24
fifieldtunfortuntely cannot use as is blank screening ( 500ing I think) on POST :(01:24
fungii'll boot a basic ubuntu trusty instance using our launch script, and name it so it'll get the puppet module applied01:24
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fungififieldt: i saw your comment from yesterday while i was asleep. thanks for the reminder, taking a look now01:24
fifieldtoh, sorry to appear pushy :(01:25
fungififieldt: not pushy at all01:25
fungiafter login, when i go to i see a form to enter a username. entering my username pulls up the expected permissions list. what are you getting?01:26
fungififieldt: ^01:26
fifieldtdisplay works01:26
fifieldtPOST the form01:26
fifieldtwith a new box ticked01:26
fifieldtand the reason filled in01:26
fungioh, like to alter one of the permissions there?01:26
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fifieldteg add autopatrol to
fungi"The user rights of Fungi have been saved.01:27
fungii added autopatrol for my account and added a reason01:27
fifieldtI've tried with 3 different users and got the same result :(01:27
fungi shows it in the logs for me01:27
fungififieldt: what's your wiki username?01:27
fungiahh, it's fifieldt01:28
Krenairfungi, there'll be an error going into the logs when fifieldt gets the HTTP 500. Can you dump it here or PM it to me?01:28
fungii should have just tried it ;)01:28
Krenairapache error log01:28
fungiindeed, when i try to add you to the autopatrol group, i too get a blank page when submitting01:29
fungiKrenair: digging it up now01:29
funginot in /var/log/apache2/mediawiki-error.log at least01:29
fungihere we go, it's in the general apache error.log01:30
Krenairthis is an unpuppetised machine... does the apache config specify actually using mediawiki-error.log?01:31
fungithis showed up when i tried to set fifieldt to be an autopatrol group member:
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fungiKrenair: yeah, apache vhost config has ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mediawiki-error.log (which i believe is actually from our puppet module)01:32
fungiKrenair: some errors are landing in there, but this particular error seems to have gone to the general apache error.log instead01:33
Krenairis the distinction exceptions vs. fatals?01:33
fifieldtline 117 of that file appears to be trying to send an email01:33
Krenairyeah it may be the code that notifies the user of a change to them01:34
fifieldt"This module performs a direct (authenticated) login to a SMTP Server to use for mail relaying if $wgSMTP specifies an array of parameters. It requires PEAR:Mail to do that. Otherwise it just uses the standard PHP 'mail' function."01:34
fungiKrenair: maybe, yeah. the ones showing up in mediawiki-error.log seem to be things like "AH00126: Invalid URI in request [...]" and "AH01630: client denied by server configuration [...]"01:34
KrenairI think those are actually apache errors01:35
fungithey look like it01:35
fungiso i guess errors coming from php are landing in the general error log and apache-level errors are going into the log for the vhost01:35
KrenairYou do have the Echo extension installed..01:36
KrenairAnd it's an old version01:36
KrenairYeah okay01:36
KrenairYou can't use Echo wmf/1.25wmf4 with core REL1_2701:36
fungii honestly have no idea why half the extensions on here were installed. Ryan_Lane set us up with a grab bag of extensions he thought we might use01:36
Krenaircore was updated but not extensions01:36
fungicool, i can find and replace that with a newer version01:37
fungionce we've got extensions coming from git per the puppet module this will presumably no longer be a concern anyway01:37
* mordred is so excited for the new future wiki state01:38
Krenairgit won't automatically pull everything up to date all the time, though it could01:39
fungigrabbing now01:39
fungiKrenair: thanks, that seems to have fixed it!01:41
fungififieldt: ^01:41
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fungii was able to add fifieldt to the autopatrol group anyway01:42
fungii guess echo was breaking on certain accounts, or maybe just any account which wasn't my own01:42
fifieldtworks perfectly01:42
KrenairIt'd be accounts set up to get notifications of these things.01:42
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fifieldtthank you very much!01:42
fungiKrenair: aha, makes sense01:42
KrenairIt's configured by user preferences01:42
fungii think i tuned down my notifications due to already getting thuosands of automated messages a day from so many of our systems01:42
fungier, thousands that is01:43
Krenairyour email address in preferences, and also notification preferences01:43
Krenairheh yeah I understand01:43
KrenairI'm not on wikimedia ops so I don't get root@ mail, but I still get a hell of a lot of mail from gerrit and phab01:43
KrenairI think they get a lot more01:44
fungii do get notified about some wiki activities via e-mail, so my address is set up correctly, but i think i was very selective about what i had it notifying me of01:44
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fungihrm, i have notifications set to let me know about user rights changes via e-mail, and the address there is correct and set to individual notifications01:45
Krenairit's at
Krenairand you have "Individual notifications as they come in"?01:46
fungithat's what it's set to, yes01:46
fungiyep. i'm guessing it's just smart enough not to send me notifications of changes i make to myself or something01:46
KrenairThat might be it01:47
fungiwhich would explain why i was able to alter my own group memberships, but as soon as i tried to alter someone else's it broke01:47
KrenairIn fact...01:48
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Krenairah, no, I didn't write that check in. but it does exist01:49
fungiugh, another puppet apply job on precise timed out and killed that whole patch series again01:50
Krenairdon't you have a mechanism to merge without jenkins?01:51
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fungiand in osic again, but no v6 privacy address this time01:51
fungiKrenair: we do, but we prefer not to bypass our ci01:51
fungisince only our team can do that, and i wouldn't want the rest of the community to think we were giving our changes preferential treatment01:52
fungiand also, obviously, we want to take these as opportunities to diagnose what's breaking01:52
fungithis one ran in osic again, but no v6 privacy address this time so presumably got a new image. double-checking that assertion now01:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix typo for reporters doc
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fungihrm, the traceroute to git.o.o in it still failed though01:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add missing docs for maven-targets
mordredfungi: it had the privacy change and still borked the traceroute?01:54
fungimordred: i'm not sure yet. looking to see if it simply didn't display a second v6 global address in the diagnostic output and is still running on an older image or something01:55
pabelangerubuntu-xenial DIB is just finishing up now01:55
pabelangershould be able to upload shortly01:55
funginote also this is precise, which we hadn't dug into much since we're the only ones still testing on it01:55
pabelangerOh, ya. We still need to upload ubuntu-precise01:55
Krenairyou're preparing to deploy xenial servers?01:56
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KrenairYeah... Does puppet-mediawiki still need to test precise? :)01:56
openstackgerritzhangyanxian proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Change assertTrue(isinstance()) by optimal assert
pabelangerKrenair: no, just uploading new images for nodepool01:56
fungiwe're just wrapping up moving production services from precise to trusty, and also just starting to deploy some new services on xenial01:56
pabelangerubuntu-xenial uploading to osic-cloud101:57
fungibut yeah, we should probably also annotate the global site manifest to no longer consider precise for puppet-mediawiki01:57
openstackgerritzhangyanxian proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Change assertTrue(isinstance()) by optimal assert
fungii'll submit that real quick01:57
pabelangerubuntu-precise DIB started, not sure I'll be awake to upload it01:58
fungipabelanger: mordred: we have a new ubuntu-precise image in osic-cloud1 as of almost 5 hours ago01:58
fungiso presumably has privacy addresses disabled01:58
pabelangerchecking logs01:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add 'autopatrol' group
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pabelangerfungi: it doesn't look like the DIB finished properly, so we might not be running 99-disable-rfc304102:01
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Test wiki.o.o manifest on Ubuntu Trusty
fungipabelanger: odd that we would upload an image if dib didn't finish properly02:02
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Krenairwhat happened to the idea to use phabricator here? I know it was discussed a while back02:04
fungii wonder if it would make sense to refactor our infra-puppet-apply-jobs template to omit precise, and then only add the precise apply job for changes to modules still being used on that platform (which should be vanishingly small by now)02:04
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fungiKrenair: we were only discussing using maniphest and pholio, not the rest of phabricator02:04
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Krenairwell okay, maniphest and pholio :)02:04
fungibut storyboard development picked back up so we dropped the idea of migrating from launchpad to maniphest02:04
fungiwe're still going to run pholio for the ui/ux team02:05
fungiit's nearly in place now02:05
pabelangerreuploading ubuntu-xenail to osic-cloud1, it failed for some reason02:07
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Krenairyou were going to have separate phabricator instances for pholio and maniphest?02:14
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Krenairor just one phabricator instances, with most user-accessible non-maniphest/pholio applications disabled?02:15
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pabelangercloudnull: fungi: clarkb: ubuntu-xenial upload02:19
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ianwgreghaynes / clarkb : ah hah - i can replicate this.  something in the xenial build has set stdout to O_NONBLOCK.  that works until you flood a bunch of stuff that overflows pipe buffers, e.g. the du dump.  filter tools like cat have no idea about EAGAIN, and boom02:26
mordredKrenair: the second thing- one intance with most user-accessible non-maniphest/pholio applications disabled02:26
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mordredKrenair: but when things went back in favor of storyboard, the pholio stuff was stull interesting02:27
ianwgreghaynes / clarkb : the problem is i guess -- removing the du dump fixes it ... for now.  but it's going to hit us again.  maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it's coming :)02:27
mordredianw: wow.02:27
mordredwell, how much do we need the du dump?02:27
mordredoh - gah02:28
mordredI understand your sentence now02:28
mordredand I agree with your concern02:28
ianwmordred: yeah, other than running the entire xenial build under "strace -f" and looking for the O_NONBLOCK set02:28
ianwi guess that might work ...02:28
mordredianw: god that would be a crazypants logfile :)02:29
mordredianw: does strace descend into subshells like dib uses?02:29
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ianwmordred: "-f" should follow everything, iirc there's an option to put into logfiles separated with pids02:29
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Disentangle YamlParser and ModuleRegistry classes
mordredianw: I suppose one giant file would be fine since all we need to do when it's done is grep for O_NONBLOCK :)02:30
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ianwit might be easier to instrument the kernel and log pids that set fd's to nonblock02:30
sc`ipv6 addresses get served to clients that do not possess ipv6 connectivity on the zuul status page. is this a known thing?02:31
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Cleanup various deprecation warnings.
ianwon nodepool ~nodepool/logtst/ will replicate it02:32
mordredsc`: yup02:32
mordredsc`: the nodes in question only have ipv6 addresses02:32
sc`yay future internet02:32
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pabelangercloudnull: tomorrow we can focus on the SSH timeouts we are seeing in nodepool:02:32
pabelanger2016-08-19 02:32:17,793 ERROR nodepool.NodeLauncher: Timeout launching node id: 3656221 in provider: osic-cloud1 error: Timeout waiting for ssh access02:32
mordredsc`: there will be a websocket interface for in-browser logs in the future02:32
mordredsc`: which will help those of us without the ipv6s02:33
sc`it tempts me to dive down the rabbit hole of getting ipv6 working in some form02:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Puppetise LocalSettings.php -> ../Settings.php symlink
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pabelangerSo, it looks like I am not able to SSH into a new ubuntu-xenial image in osic-cloud102:39
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pabelangerI wonder is something with our urandom systemd is wonky02:39
fungisc`: as someone whose isp has no v6, i'm personally quite satisfied with (free encapsulated gre tunnel to hurricane electric)02:40
pabelangerjust the person to ask02:41
cloudnullhows it ?02:41
* cloudnull reading back02:42
pabelangercloudnull: just launched an ubuntu-xenial in osic-cloud1, but failing to SSH into it.  You able to poke around on e5ccaaba-055c-4d55-88aa-7bebda8a8b5b ?02:42
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove unused builder.Builder.update_job method
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Rename Builder.delete_job to Builder.delete_jobs.
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Merge builder.Builder and builder.Jenkins
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Factor XmlJobGenerator out of YamlParser.
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Disentangle YamlParser and ModuleRegistry classes
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Be explicit about objects exported by modules.
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Cleanup various deprecation warnings.
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make builder.Jenkins inherit from jenkins.Jenkins
pabelangercloudnull: it is possible we incorrectly configured systemd02:42
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Neutron experimental job for scenario tests running on LinuxBridge
cloudnullpabelanger: sure .02:43
cloudnulllet me get access to i t02:43
* cloudnull grabs a beer02:43
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fungii'm continually having to recheck infra puppet module changes for puppet apply jobs timing out on ubuntu-precise in osic-cloud102:44
fungii have a feeling precise is behaving the same way trusty was02:44
pabelangerthat is possible02:44
cloudnullI imagine that the privacy settings have been enabled within the kernel by default in ubuntu for a while .02:45
fungiyep, i suspect so02:45
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Rename "parallelize" decorator to "concurrent"
cloudnullfungi: pabelanger: are you seeing "ssh: connect to host $ADDRESS port 22: No route to host" ?02:48
cloudnullor something else?02:49
pabelangerssh: connect to host 2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:fec3:78a4 port 22: Connection timed out02:49
pabelangerthat is using our newest ubuntu-xenail image02:49
pabelangerwhich includes urandom system change + ipv6 privacy02:50
cloudnullconsole log shows "[    1.322642] systemd[1]: Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/system/initialize-urandom.service is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway."02:50
cloudnulli wonder if systemd is not happy and failing to load other things?02:50
pabelangerI see that in DIB logs too02:50
* cloudnull is by no means a systemd expert02:50
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* fungi blames lennart even harder02:51
pabelangercloudnull: you able to remove execute permissions, systemctl daemon-reload the reboot?02:51
cloudnullso that may be nothing more than a warning02:51
cloudnullI dont have keys on that VM however I can spawn a new image and bash it.02:51
fungistill worth correcting in our dib element02:51
pabelangerdoing that now02:52
cloudnullconsole log from the uuid of the instance
pabelangerI don't see sshd02:53
pabelangeror glean02:53
fungiin the short term, we should delete the images that won't boot so nodepool will fall back to its previous images02:54
cloudnullpabelanger: yea was just about to say that02:54
cloudnullRE: not seeing sshd02:55
pabelangerI also upload to ovh, I will delete them first02:55
cloudnulla random sample of xenial images all show the similar boot logs02:55
fungiyeah, presumably the nova console log would show us02:56
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cloudnullI'm just hitting nova console-log on various vms02:57
fungi`openstack server console-log <uuid>` or whatever it is02:57
cloudnullI still use `nova console-log $UUID`02:57
cloudnullI like the openstack client but old habits are hard to kill02:57
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fungii've been trying to train myself not to call the old clients02:58
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cloudnullfungi: pabelanger: if you want access to an instance I use as a bastion I'd be happy to add keys. simple instnace w/ v4/6 public access which makes working on things easier.02:58
* cloudnull still hates my ISP because they dont have v602:59
fungii have a very serviceable gre tunnel02:59
fungito a v6 tunnel broker03:00
cloudnullhuricane electric :)03:00
pabelangercloudnull: can you confirm the permissiosn on /usr/local/bin/ ?03:00
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fungisounds like he doesn't have a means to do that since there's no console login access03:01
fungibut you should be able to mount the image on a loop dev on nodepool.o.o and inspect it03:02
fungii think03:02
pabelangerthat is true03:02
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pabelangerI think we didn't setup the right permissions on the python script03:03
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pabelangerodd thing is, growroot.service works fine03:07
pabelangerand I used that as my template03:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Mark searchlight ES-1 test job non-voting
cloudnullso i can not access the vm either.03:07
cloudnullbooted a couple instances using the image03:08
cloudnullnothing from the namespace03:09
cloudnullobviously nothing externally03:09
cloudnullconsole has no access, because no passwords are injected.03:10
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix file permissions with initialize-urandom element
fungiit's bedtime for me, so passing out in a bit, but i can probably pick this up after tomorrow's release team meeting if it's not been figured out03:10
pabelangerianw: have a moment to look? ^ I am not sure why I need to chmod 0644 the systemd file, I used growroot as my template and it worked correctly03:11
fungipabelanger: shouldn't it just be a matter of correcting the permissions on the file in the repo?03:11
pabelangerfungi: that is the thing, they are 064403:11
pabelangerat least locally here03:11
ianwit does seem like something the systemd install thing should deal with03:12
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fungii wonder if someone reused some routine for installing initscripts (which do need to be executable)03:13
pabelangerokay, deleting uploading ubuntu-xenail images03:14
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ianwpabelanger: oh, not using the systemd install stuff?03:15
pabelangerianw: not sure I follow03:15
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ianwpabelanger: oh, ok, you are.  it seems like dib-init-system should do this?03:17
pabelangerianw: I would expect it too, but complains03:17
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pabelangerokay, broken xenial images removed03:18
ianwpabelanger: i mean it seems like a bug, but it does just do a cp?  so should follow perms of file03:18
cloudnullah. haha was just about to ask.03:19
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ianwwait, it *has* extra bits?  "Configuration file /usr/lib/systemd/system/initialize-urandom.service is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway."03:20
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ianwold mode 10064403:20
ianwnew mode 10075503:20
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ianwpabelanger: dropped a comment, unless i'm reading it wrong, something doesn't add up...03:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Also clone the vendor repository for newer MW versions
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pabelangerianw: we need 0755 on the python script, which I believe you think is the initialize-urandom.service file03:26
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ianwpabelanger: ok yeah ... but still, where is it coming from?03:29
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pabelangerI don't know03:29
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pabelangerThe only thing I can think of, is is missing execute permissions now03:30
pabelangermaybe systemd is confused03:30
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ianwcp -RP $scripts_dir. $dest || true03:31
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ianwls -l  /etc/nodepool/elements/initialize-urandom/init-scripts/systemd/initialize-urandom.service03:34
ianw-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 285 Aug 18 20:28 /etc/nodepool/elements/initialize-urandom/init-scripts/systemd/initialize-urandom.service03:34
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ianweverything in /etc/nodepool/elements  is 755???03:36
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ianwbad umask or something?03:36
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pabelangerhow is that possible03:36
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ianwwell i guess puppet populates it03:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Stick to REL1_27 on Trusty, not master
pabelangerthat explains why growroot works properly03:39
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pabelangereverything has 0755 on nodepool.o.o03:40
pabelangerthat is why03:41
pabelangerso, we need to drop that03:41
ianwahh, yes, recurse03:42
ianwha ha, i hope we don't fix that thing then break something else03:42
mordredI have no useful things to say03:42
mordredbut I'm cheering you all on03:42
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pabelangerwell, my patch will 0644 the .service file now03:43
pabelangerso, we should be able to land that03:43
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Stop managing permissions on /etc/nodepool/elements
pabelangerthat will need some discussion03:45
pabelangertime to call it for the day03:46
pabelangerwill pick this up in the morning03:46
mordredpabelanger: like, I don't like how recurse and 0755 are tied together03:48
mordredbecause what I _want_ that to say is that the directory is 075503:48
ianwpabelanger: cool ... progress.03:48
mordrednot that the contents are03:48
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ianwmordred: yeah, sudo messes things up trying to trace the build03:59
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update local.conf for ironic-multinode case
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT REVIEW
ianwsystemtap seems like maybe the place to be04:00
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openstackgerritHieu LE proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Magnum jobs to include api-ref job
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable zaqar for senlin integration test
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tobiashhi, is it possible somehow to set the OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE flag depending on the node instead of the build job in zuul?05:41
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move OSA os_nova func_lxd job to non-voting
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Builders: Add ansible-playbook builder
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cloudnullim on my way to bed, but if someone from infra might be able to take a look, it seems the OSIC errornode launch attempts are quite high
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cloudnullmaybe still related to the image rebuilding things for xenial that we're a little off earlier this evening ?06:42
odyssey4mejhesketh ping? ^ perhaps you can help?06:44
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/system-config: add openstack-ec2api irc channel to list of logged channels
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yolandagood moring06:46
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odyssey4memorning all07:00
odyssey4meyolanda when you have a minute, reviews of & would be appreciated07:01
odyssey4mesimple job promotions07:01
yolandahi odyssey4me . Going to start with the review queue in short07:02
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jheskethodyssey4me, cloudnull: I'll take a look at osic07:04
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ManishDHI Need help. I am getting comment from Elastic Recheck showing CI failure. Same CI was working properly mins before. Suddenly it's failing07:07
ManishDspecifillcay gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full-ubuntu-xenial07:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch OSA Xenial jobs to voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move OSA os_nova func_lxd job to non-voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Test wiki.o.o manifest on Ubuntu Trusty
openstackgerritliyuanzhen proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Not limit stevedore to 1.8.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix file permissions with initialize-urandom element
openstackgerritArtur Zarzycki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-ccp-cinder repository
sslypushenkojhesketh:  yolanda: Hi! I'm very asking you to review this patchset It is blocking issue for our team now... Can you take a look into it, please? Great thx!07:38
openstackgerritliyuanzhen proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Not limit stevedore to 1.8.0
yolandasslypushenko, +207:39
sslypushenkoyolanda:  Thank you!!07:39
jheskethsslypushenko: lgtm07:41
jheskethsslypushenko: noting that it won't merge until the governance one does07:41
jhesketherr, sorry, other way around07:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use python-db-jobs for networking-sfc
sslypushenkojhesketh   Thank you so much!07:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Temporary allow merges for sahara-tests-release
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add repo for murano-pkg-check. Murano package validator tool.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Conditionally run gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge in nova check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Puppetise extension repositories
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip functional-magnum-k8s/swarm-ironic job
openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix skipping files for magnum functional jobs
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute015.vanilla IP addresses
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute012.vanilla IP addresses
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute007 IP addresses
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix skipping files for magnum functional jobs
openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip functional-magnum-k8s/swarm-ironic job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute010.vanilla IP addresses and enabling it as it is functional
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nmagneziis there an issue with some jobs? multiple jobs fail for my patch with the following
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ManishD@<nmagnezi>, same is the case with my patch08:36
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ManishDseems to be an infra issue08:36
ManishDI tried recheck, one or two CI processsed successful08:37
nmagneziManishD, i dud multiple rechecks and each time a different job fails with something similar to ^^08:37
ManishDsame here08:38
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esethello. People from openstack-ironic send me here to ask you .. I have problem with disk-image-create... getting /tmp/ is busy and process stops09:20
wznoinskeset: do you have more than one instance of dib running? could you share the log ( ?)09:21
esetOk I will check if there more instance09:21
esetand wait please for the log09:21
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esetwznoinsk: if there were any instance of dib I should see it in ps aux09:25
esetbut there aren't any09:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute020.vanilla IP addresses
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Search for VLAN devices on config drive to create bridge on it
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute018.vanilla IP addresses and enable it for deployment
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esetthis my log
esetIt's the part of the process with moste important info where  I get first Device or resourse busy09:32
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wznoinskeset: have you tried to rm/unmount it manually after dib finishes? what 'lsof' tells you?09:38
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esetI didn't unmount09:40
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esetlsof showed me only that two users from ssh where in tmp but not in tmp itself but deaper in difrent catalogs09:43
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esetbut I wonder why it can't access catalog which was generated during the disk-image-create process09:43
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johnthetubaguywondering if its time for gerrit to get restarted again09:55
johnthetubaguyit could be my dodgy wifi at the midcycle, but I got a 502 proxy error, slowness, but sometimes it works09:55
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robcresswellCame here to say the same thing ^^09:57
robcresswellI'm just working from home and gerrit is really struggling. Multiple 502s.09:57
wznoinskeset: do you have any errors in previous dib targets? (root.d/extra-data.d).. it may be some process hanging there still09:58
toskyalso many jobs are failing right now with "[ERROR] /opt/stack/new/devstack/stackrc:784 Could not determine host ip address. See local.conf for suggestions on setting HOST_IP."09:58
toskyas some people already pointed out09:58
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johnthetubaguyrobcresswell: at least its not just picking on me I guess :)10:00
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rcarrillocruzi'll try to restart it10:03
robcresswelljohnthetubaguy: I've got service unavailable now :p10:03
robcresswellAh, cool10:03
rcarrillocruzquite a bit of memory usage10:03
rcarrillocruzrestarted it ok10:03
rcarrillocruzjohnthetubaguy: robcresswell ^10:04
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add push ACL for fuel-plugin-external-zabbix
robcresswellThanks rcarrillocruz10:04
johnthetubaguyrcarrillocruz: thank you :)10:04
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esetwznoinsk: I'm not having any problem in other server in deploying but it should work on of our node also.10:09
esetstrange that none of the catalogs dib.builds are not removed after creating from /tmp10:10
esetthey are still there10:11
toskyrcarrillocruz: was this gerrit issue related to the failure for (many? most?) devstack jobs right now?10:11
rcarrillocruzno, it shouldn't10:11
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toskyuhm, and for the devstack issue, what could it be the reason? It's basically invalidating the reviews (and consuming resources)10:12
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openstackgerritAleksey Zvyagintsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: ci-cd-pipeline-app-murano -remove noop jobs
esetAll still are in /tmp10:15
dougwigHOST_IP failures appear to be on the osic cloud, from a random sample10:17
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rcarrillocruzi'm also seeing similar issue to what we had some days ago on trusty/osic combination, but on precise10:17
rcarrillocruzcloudnull: ^10:18
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dougwigcan we disable the osic cloud while it's debugged?10:18
wznoinskit looks like there should be at least two NIC in nodepool slaves, the failing ones have only one NIC hence devstack can't find HOST_IP properly10:19
wznoinskrcarrillocruz: it looks like affecting osic nodes AFAICT10:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute018.vanilla IP addresses and enable it for deployment
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily remove osic nodes for ubuntu-trusty|xenial
dougwigi'm not sure if enough infra cores are awake to comment, but ^^  :)10:26
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amoralejcould it be related to the ip assigned to nics in the devstack instance, the ones failing have ip 10.1.14.* which are in the range of fixed_range10:26
wznoinskbtw. is there a working logstash/log search for gate?10:27
rcarrillocruzthe problem is per flavor...10:29
rcarrillocruzfedora goes thru10:29
rcarrillocruzi'm seeing the issue on precise10:29
rcarrillocruzcan anyone link to trusty/xenial failures10:29
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dougwigrcarrillocruz: i linked one in the review above.
dougwigthat's trusty10:30
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docker-suite-app-murano project to openstack
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amoralejrcarrillocruz is not running devstack, right?10:32
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rcarrillocruzah good10:32
rcarrillocruzdougwig: i see you also remove precise on that change10:32
rcarrillocruzamoralej: yup, it's not just devstack10:32
rcarrillocruzosic ubuntus it seems10:32
rcarrillocruzyolanda , sdague :
dougwigrcarrillocruz: i was casting a wide net on the single node jobs, yes.10:33
rcarrillocruzamoralej: , no devstack , ubuntu precise, osic, net failure10:35
wznoinskrcarrillocruz: doesn't work for me, (/me feels stupid)10:35
sdaguercarrillocruz: hmmm... do you have an fail log I can look at?10:35
rcarrillocruzsdague: exact issue as trusty the other day10:35
rcarrillocruzand others are reporting issues on ubuntu/osic (particularly dsvm)10:36
rcarrillocruzthe one i pasted is something i hit myself10:36
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amoralej i.e.10:36
dougwigsdague: here's a trusty failure:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute016.vanilla IP addresses
amoralejthis is [ERROR] /opt/stack/new/devstack/stackrc:784 Could not determine host ip address. See local.conf for suggestions on setting HOST_IP.10:37
sdagueok - is trusty10:38
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sdaguercarrillocruz: I see precise and trusty fails10:38
sdaguebut could not discover HOST_IP is different issue10:38
rcarrillocruzdougwig linked a xenial i think too10:38
rcarrillocruznot sure if related to osic or not10:38
rcarrillocruzdougwig: ?10:38
dougwiglet me look for a xenial, we've had a bunch of failures here at the midcycle.  only common thread i found was osic nodes.10:39
amoraleji think the dicover host_ip are only happening in osic10:39
rcarrillocruzthing is presumably the osic ipv6 issues were not present on xenial10:39
amoralejand may be related to wrong ips being assigned10:39
amoralejto VMs10:39
rcarrillocruzso not sure if those osic xenial issues are a different problem10:39
sdaguercarrillocruz: right, so there are 2 issues here, potentially10:40
amoralejassigned ips (as,, etc...) are in the range asigned as FIXED_RANGE10:40
amoralejthat's an issue, i think10:40
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sdaguewell, the interface seems to have been given for outbound10:41
dougwigsdague: rcarrillocruz: everything i'm finding is trusty osic. want me to narrow the patch?10:41
rcarrillocruzcos xenial looks like a devstack problem10:42
rcarrillocruzwhereas the trusty/precise are due to osic going ipv610:42
rcarrillocruzcloudnull was looking into it lately10:42
sdaguercarrillocruz: I was pretty sure he had a fix for that10:42
rcarrillocruzyeah, it merged10:42
rcarrillocruzbut apparently the issue is still there10:42
rcarrillocruzand the precise image is quite recent10:42
sdagueand it would have run on the precise image?10:43
rcarrillocruzlet me get the exact numbers10:43
sdaguebecause we were so focused on trusty10:43
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily remove osic nodes for ubuntu-trusty
rcarrillocruzsdague: ^10:44
rcarrillocruzi'm surprised as to why we are seeing on precise now10:44
sdaguercarrillocruz: well, maybe the fix breaks precise10:44
rcarrillocruzmaybe it happened too earlier but because of having more trusty nodes we just focused on trusty, not sure10:44
rcarrillocruzsdague: that too10:45
sdagueok... so is there actually a trusty node that is showing that failure?10:45
rcarrillocruzoh no10:45
sdaguebecause what I see is precise with the ipv6 node10:45
rcarrillocruzdougwig: we see precise and trusty10:45
dougwigrcarrillocruz: done10:45
rcarrillocruzso just remove xenial, sorry10:45
dougwigrcarrillocruz: alright, one sec.10:45
sdagueand trusty / xenial10:45
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sdaguein osic doing different issues, which is the issue amoralej is pointing out10:46
rcarrillocruzdougwig: just precise10:46
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily remove osic nodes for ubuntu-trusty|precise
rcarrillocruzlet's prep a patch for devstack trusty/xenial10:46
rcarrillocruz:D i'm giving you a hard time dougwig10:46
sdaguewhich is that osic has started handing out in ranges that we're using for fixed ips10:46
sdagueand... yes, if your ip address is in the fixed ips ranges, host_ip detection fails10:47
sdaguebut we can fix that with a devstack gate change10:47
sdaguercarrillocruz: do you know the fixed range that providers are using, so we can use something other than 10.1 here?10:48
rcarrillocruzi can hold a node and see10:48
sdaguercarrillocruz: no, we need the different provider settings10:48
rcarrillocruzthat i'm not sure i'm afraid10:48
rcarrillocruznever checked that before10:48
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily remove osic nodes for ubuntu-precise
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Change fixed ip range
rcarrillocruzdougwig: i pushed a patchset to your change, let's just remove precise on osic10:51
rcarrillocruzthe other issues will be handled by a devstack-gate change ^10:51
dougwigrcarrillocruz: as long as we're pushing the d-g fix, which is better, that's cool. i just figured it was the middle of the night for folks.10:52
sdaguercarrillocruz: - it looks like should be safe10:54
rcarrillocruzoh nice, good query10:54
dougwigugh, d-g gate is much longer than p-c's.  oh well.  :)10:55
sdaguedougwig: yeh, but dropping the osic gate capacity isn't going to be great either10:56
sdaguercarrillocruz: you able to jump the d-g change to the gate?10:56
dougwigsdague: well, it's effectively worse than dropped right now anyway.10:56
rcarrillocruzi sure can10:56
dougwigit does clear every job in 13 minutes, though.  :)10:57
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odyssey4mercarrillocruz dougwig IIRC I saw chatter over the evening into the morning about an image update that caused issues, then the new image had to be deleted because it caused issues10:58
rcarrillocruzsdague: just enqueued in gate10:58
odyssey4meit's possible that the deletion wasn't done everywhere10:58
rcarrillocruzodyssey4me: oh10:59
odyssey4mebutyes, when I spoke to cloudnull this morning he noted that there was a dramatic increase in node launch failures10:59
rcarrillocruzlet's wait for fungi and others10:59
sdaguercarrillocruz: don't you have to do a thing manually to jump it to gate before tests complete?11:00
rcarrillocruzi've run the zuul enqueue command, i was expecting that to move it to gate11:00
rcarrillocruzyolanda: ^11:00
rcarrillocruzzuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --pipeline gate --project openstack-infra/devstack-gate --change 357764,111:01
sdagueok, idk11:01
sdaguesometimes it takes a minute when things are slow11:01
odyssey4meI'm surprised that precise is still running jobs.11:02
amrithhi infra, would someone please put the second +2 on Yolanda put one on it yesterday, it depended on a change which has now merged. thx11:03
dougwigok, notified folks here to stop with the recheck spam, which won't help things.11:03
sdagueodyssey4me: there are still infra servers that run on it11:03
yolandasorry, i was out. So rcarrillocruz is it working?11:03
sdagueamrith: +A11:03
rcarrillocruzyolanda: it's taking time to be moved to gate11:04
sdagueyolanda: it's taking too long honestly11:04
rcarrillocruzthat enqueue command should suffice, no?11:04
amrithsdague, rcarrillocruz thank you11:04
sdaguercarrillocruz: oh, you didn't +A first11:04
sdagueI think it will still count on that11:04
sdaguercarrillocruz: want to try again?11:05
sdagueI just added the +A11:05
rcarrillocruzand i see this on the log11:05
rcarrillocruz2016-08-19 10:57:50,373 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Adding openstack-infra/devstack-gate, <Change 0x7fc189727690 357764,1> to <Pipeline gate>11:05
rcarrillocruzi can sure11:05
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sdagueright, but zuul still enforces the base logic11:05
sdaguedougwig: so... I'm assuming this is because neutron ip allocation algorithm keeps moving through the empty space instead of reusing existing ips11:06
rcarrillocruzsdague: now is on gate11:07
sdagueI guess we could calculate how long it would take osic to get to the other side of the problem range :)11:07
rcarrillocruzit was just slow11:07
dougwigsdague: it actually got worse lately from my perspective, and went totally random.  i think they backed that madness out, though.11:07
dougwigsdague: but yes, it cycles the entire range before restarting.11:07
sdaguewell, using the empty space is actually useful, because we had issues on n-net where dnsmasq looses release events11:08
sdagueso if you agressively reuse existing space, you end up with other issues11:08
dougwigneat, i've never seen a job in check and gate at the same time.11:08
dougwigsdague: if anything the ipam folks want to less aggressively reuse, because of the synchronization issues around finding the next open slot under high load.  we had to go back to sequential because some other projects had hard-coded assumptions that we give out sequentially, and we wanted to give them time to stop doing that.11:11
sdaguehuh, interesting. What assumptions were being made on ip hand out?11:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update trove jobs to include api-ref job
dougwigsdague: tests were assuming sequential on new networks.  heat also had a similar assumption somewhere.11:14
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use separated SSL endpoint environment file
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yolanda#status notice Precise tests on OSIC provider are currently failing, please stop your checks until the issue is resolved.11:15
openstackstatusyolanda: sending notice11:15
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Precise tests on OSIC provider are currently failing, please stop your checks until the issue is resolved.11:16
sdagueyolanda: it's more than just precise11:17
sdaguethere are 2 classes of issues11:17
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sdague1 is precise ipv6 seems to act up, which is only a system-config problem I think, but the ip collision issue is dsvm of all kinds on osic11:17
robcresswellprecise tests? I don't suppose we could get a bit more info there could we? :)11:17
sdaguethat's the bigger fail11:17
openstackstatusyolanda: finished sending notice11:18
yolandasdague, so it's all devstack on osic? do you have creds to send an alert as well, or can you suggest a better message?11:18
sdagueyolanda: I do not know if I have creds or not11:19
yolandayou should11:19
yolandai see you on the list11:19
sdague#status notice DSVM jobs on OSIC currently failing because of IP collisions, fix is in the gate - - please hold rechecks until merged11:20
openstackstatussdague: sending notice11:20
robcresswellAh, excellent, thankyou sdague, yolanda11:21
yolandasdague thx11:21
sdaguerobcresswell: also Precise there was a noun not an adj11:21
sdagueit meant ubuntu 12.0411:21
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: DSVM jobs on OSIC currently failing because of IP collisions, fix is in the gate - - please hold rechecks until merged11:21
robcresswellsdague: D'oh. Understood. I thought it meant "specific".11:21
yolandaoh, i didn't think precise should have been misunderstood like that11:22
yolandanon-native english problems...11:22
robcresswellMight just be my slow brain. Since it was a capital at the start of a sentence, I didn't think to view it as a noun.11:22
openstackstatussdague: finished sending notice11:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set compute015.vanilla IP addresses
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odyssey4mesdague so the OSIC cluster's IPv4 range is that big to match the IPV6 range... all instances are setup with a public IPV6 and a non-routable IPV411:26
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sdagueso... dougwig ... I kind of think  the situation had self cleared11:26
odyssey4mebut yes, perhaps the range should be made just that little bit smaller to prevent collissions11:26
odyssey4meonce cloudnull comes online we can figure it out - it should just be a neutron network range change11:27
sdaguedougwig: we are now getting 10.1.20.x ips11:27
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sdaguewhich would be outside the old fixed ip range11:27
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dougwigsdague: ha, i don't know whether to laugh or cry about that.11:27
odyssey4meIIRC the network range could remain, but the DHCP range on the network could be set to exclude certain blocks11:28
sdaguedougwig: well, we aren't the only consumers of those IPs11:28
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sdagueodyssey4me: sure, it's just, you probably don't need that whole range right, because it's not like you are going to have that many machines alive at once11:28
odyssey4mesdague yeah, fair point11:28
sdagueand the ipam will recycle unused once it hits the end of the range11:28
odyssey4meok, I suppose the best solution here is to cut down the DHCP range to the size of the intended quota for cloud111:29
dougwigi want to see the hypervisors that can run 16M vm's. that'd be neat.11:29
odyssey4mesdague what're the ranges you want to exclude?11:29
sdaguedougwig: I want to see network infrastructure that can do that11:30
odyssey4meah, I see it -, then also
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dougwigsdague: i'd bet neutron would explode and die.11:30
sdagueodyssey4me: well, we could easily revert11:30
dougwigodyssey4me: 10/16 would avoid the issue.11:30
sdagueodyssey4me: the important thing is just that the whole isn't being allocated11:30
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sdaguedougwig: right, still provides 64k vms in the cluster11:31
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odyssey4mebased on the proposed quota of 512 nodes... I expect that anything /22 or larger will be just fine as a DHCP range11:32
dougwigsdague: i think you just got a valid comment on your d-g change, about the gateway ip11:33
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Inject CA certificate via service profile
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sdaguedougwig: ug, right, neutron requires you synchronize those11:33
sdaguewell, it should fail11:33
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sdagueit's on my list to make that a sane default11:34
amoralejneutron jobs are failing, that's why i realized11:34
sdagueamoralej: yeh11:34
sdagueso... here is the thing, in looking at logstash, I think we're no longer allocating in the failed range11:35
dougwigthen we can likely make this change leisurely, and not in crisis mode.11:35
odyssey4mesdague I expect they're all used, so until it circles back to there I guess we're passed the danger zone11:35
sdagueyeh, or more importantly just get osic11:35
sdagueto change to exclude some of this11:35
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odyssey4methe osic/cloud1 crew should be online shortly and can resolve the range used to something more reasonable11:36
sdagueodyssey4me: cool, thanks11:36
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odyssey4mewell, by shortly I mean anywhere in the next 2-4 hours11:36
sdaguedougwig: you don't have any recent runs (last hour) that fail, right?11:37
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dougwigsdague: i do, i assume we have some bad nodes in nodepool.  let me try to a new recheck11:38
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dougwigsdague: a spot check of zuul looks happy.11:40
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eseteh still the same errors at disk-image-create ->
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sdagueyolanda: do I just send another status to tell folks we're probably ok now?11:47
yolandayes please11:47
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sdague#status OSIC has burned through the problematic IP range with failures, things should be back to normal now.11:48
openstackstatussdague: unknown command11:48
sdague#status notice OSIC has burned through the problematic IP range with failures, things should be back to normal now.11:48
openstackstatussdague: sending notice11:48
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OSIC has burned through the problematic IP range with failures, things should be back to normal now.11:49
openstackstatussdague: finished sending notice11:51
mordredsdague: there's a review comment on the IP collision fix11:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily remove osic nodes for ubuntu-precise
mordredsdague: gah. sorry. I was scrolled too far back11:53
sdaguemordred: yeh, so, we're actually already on the other side of the ip collision block11:54
sdaguetests failing in 13 minutes and a loaded gate helped there11:54
mordredI'm caught up now11:54
sdagueI'm also going to fix devstack so that we don't have to set all these things manually, because it's silly11:54
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mordredodyssey4me, sdague: so - reading more of the scrollback - the private network we have is not exclusive to our tenant. GATEWAY_NET_V6 gives us a public v6 and a private v411:58
mordredif you want ot see the exact actual networks and subnets in play, check out,unified11:58
mordredwhich includes copies of the existing networks and subnets for OSIC11:58
mordred(so that we can unittest we don't break)11:58
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mordredGATEWAY_SUBNET_V6V4 is the one we currently get private v4 from because we boot on GATEWAY_NET_V611:59
odyssey4memordred and the allocation range is where the problem lies:', u'start': u'
odyssey4methat overlaps with addresses used by various projects12:00
sdagueright, and devstack will not detect HOST_IP if it's within the FIXED or FLOATING ranges, because, things can go super weird12:00
odyssey4meOSA integrated:
odyssey4meOSA roles:
odyssey4meLXC default:
odyssey4methose are the ones I know about12:01
mordredyup. no, totally agree ... just pointing out that the problem space isn't "make the private net from osic the same size as the quota"12:02
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sdaguemordred: oh, yeh, agreed12:02
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sdagueI just want it not the whole 10.x space12:02
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odyssey4memordred sure, I was just suggesting that the allocation range be around the same size as the quota12:02
sdaguebecause we need some breathing space12:02
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mordredodyssey4me: it can't be12:02
mordredodyssey4me: that subnet is not specific to us12:03
sdaguemordred: right12:03
sdaguebut a /16 would be fine12:03
odyssey4memordred heh, oh yes - that's the 'public' network for OSIC devs too12:03
mordredsdague: exactly12:03
sdagueit's just the /8 that we're wandering across that's the problem12:03
sdaguebecause we have no where to hide12:04
odyssey4meso yeah, even if /8 is used - the blocks used by other projects should be left out of the range12:04
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sdagueodyssey4me: sure, ours is config though, so we can move it around12:04
odyssey4mesame here12:04
sdagueit's not even the devstack default, which is, because that used to conflict with HP cloud12:05
odyssey4meit might be a good idea for us to set some sort of standard for tests across projects12:05
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sdagueodyssey4me: good luck with that :)12:05
odyssey4methat way we can ensure that no nodepool providers clash with the dhcp ranges provided to nodepool images12:05
sdagueI think in reality osic should just declare a range smaller than /8, and document it12:05
sdagueand let everyone else move around in the freespace as they will12:06
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odyssey4me10.10.0.0/16 will avoid the currently known clashes12:06
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odyssey4memordred not sure if you've seen this?
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mordredoh - I haven't. one sec12:08
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sdaguecan we get reviews on this - - d-g change so that we can drop the pg job later and not stop testing metadata server12:19
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mordred_laptop exploded - I may be fairly useless for a few hours12:28
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set Mistral workers to 1
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups-static-pages: Remove groups.json
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set Sahara workers to 1
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esetumount: /tmp/dib_build.IHCiaBWV: device is busy.12:49
eseteh still the same12:49
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openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make sidebar submenu the same length as sidebar
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asselin_rcarrillocruz, you around to discuss cloud-launcher?13:24
jpmaxmanfungi:  curious about the wiki puppet scripts supporting Precise.  More for my own understanding than anything.  It looks to me like the puppet scripts are set to check out the latest upstream mediawiki repository.  But the latest (1.27) doesn't run on precise.  So, instead of supporting precise shouldn't it prevent precise?13:27
odyssey4mecloudnull would it be possible to reduce the DHCP allocation range for OSIC cloud1 to something like to avoid conflicts with devstack (, OSA (, ?13:29
cloudnullsdague odyssey4me: what clashes do we need to deal with ?13:29
odyssey4mealternatively, could we just exclude those ranges from the allocation pool13:30
sdaguecloudnull: yeh, just anything smaller than /813:30
fungijpmaxman: yeah, since we're not actually running on precise any longer, i decided to ignore that and we'll just clean up the precise vs trusty logic in there later13:30
sdaguewe can work around anything where we have some space in the 10.x range that doesn't overlap13:30
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sdaguebut the current allocation assumes it owns all of /8, and it overran a range we use for testing, causing fails13:31
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sdagueit failed enough, fast enough, that it consumed all the way to the other end of the conflict range in 24 hrs13:31
sdaguehowever, still would rather avoid13:31
odyssey4mesomething we could simply agree on is that we all use something like in tests to avoid clashes with typical allocations in nodepool providers13:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add source to ubuntu mirror distributions
fungisdague: i'm sure it was already considered but i didn't see it... why can't we just down the eth1 interfaces? we don't need to communicate through them anyway13:32
cloudnullhave a set range that projects can use for testing would be great13:32
JerryOpenixHi all, I want to know who has the rights to support "workflow"?13:32
sdagueright, well here is the thing. The cloud providers do what they do for reasons before they meet us13:33
fungiJerryOpenix: i have no idea what that means. what is "workflow"?13:33
sdagueso I don't think we should ever assume there is a "test safe" range13:33
jpmaxmanfungi: yeah that's fine and obviously whatever is the quickest path to a decent puppet build.  was more asking for clarity on process.   typically you'd want to prevent precise it seems?  is that right? I mean is it possible to prevent?13:34
cloudnullso maybe devstack and osa should fall back to a secondary range when the primary is consumed? then you'd fense against these types of collisions?13:34
odyssey4mesdague cloudnull an alternative would be to do some sort of detection and to dynamically set the test address CIDT based on one the host doesn't have in its routing table13:34
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JerryOpenix"workflow" is one of the steps for merging patches.13:35
cloudnullI'm happy to change the range, I'm juts pointing out that its likely this will happen again.13:35
cloudnullnot just in the osic13:35
odyssey4methat would probably be the only *safe* way to do it13:35
fungijpmaxman: we choose what distro we're installing on, but for the benefit of other consumers we could add a check to print a warning if the module is applied to a distro/release that isn't one we expect that module to support (we do that elsewhere in other modules already)13:36
sdagueodyssey4me: the more complicated you make this, the more likely it will fail13:36
odyssey4mesdague yeah, which is why we haven't done it13:36
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odyssey4mewe opted for the least complicated way - just change the CIDR for the tests and move on13:37
sdaguereally, the issue is that osic claims the entirey range13:37
sdaguefor no real reason13:37
sdagueno other provider does that13:37
odyssey4mewell, it may happen as others go to IPV613:37
cloudnull^ it might13:38
odyssey4mebut this is a lesson learned which we can carry forward13:38
sdagueodyssey4me: I don't understand why that's believed13:38
fungiJerryOpenix: oh, you're talking about the workflow label in gerrit. that is determined by project-specific acls. workflow -1..0 is granted globally to anyone with an account in gerrit, but workflow -1..+1 is typically granted only to a project-specific core review group13:38
jpmaxmanfungi: ok but from an internal process you mostly just trust the admin to know what distro and wouldn't worry about config file "if/then" lines to cover those previous distros that weren't supported?13:38
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fungijpmaxman: basically, yes. i expect one of the coming patches for that module will just drop the release-specific conditional logic, at least until someone starts to work on porting it to xenial13:39
fungiwhich we're in no hurry for13:39
cloudnullsdague: RAX consume most, if not all, of the 10.x space for the service net. they're just broken out into cells/huddles so maybe you dont notice the conflicts as frequently.13:41
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fungisdague: i'm sure it was already considered but i didn't see it... why can't we just down the eth1 interfaces? we don't need to communicate through them anyway, and i believe some of our providers don't even give us a second interface13:42
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cloudnulldont get me wrong, i'm making the change.13:42
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sdaguefungi: this isn't about the second interface13:42
fungisdague: oh, this is on eth0?13:42
sdaguethis is detecting HOST_IP13:42
sdaguewhich we exclude the fixed and floating ranges13:42
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fungiyeah, that complicates matters if this is on eth013:43
sdaguebecause that causes chaos if you don't get things right13:43
sdagueyes, this is the external interface for the box13:43
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sdagueit's the address nodepool and everything is talking to13:43
jpmaxmanyup I get it - just more trying to understand holistically and be able to provide better reviews.  The wiki is a little odd as there were subtle config file conventions changed between 1.25--> 1.27 some of which seem to be backward compatible and others of which are not.  So moving forward with the puppet manifests it's a bit difficult if it is checking out13:43
jpmaxmanthe upstream repository and they happen to change something.  But I guess that's just a fact of life you have to deal with and be ready to patch the puppet accordingly.13:43
sdaguecloudnull: so, it at least seems that our tenants in rax are getting 10.208/19 and 10.210/19 network blocks13:44
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fungisdague: and the shuffling logic devstack uses to pick an available cidr only allocates from somewhere in 10/8, can't switch to something in 172.16/12 or 192.168/1613:45
sdaguefungi: devstack doesn't pick a cidr13:46
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fungioh, it's a hard-coded cidr?13:46
fungimmm, hard cidr13:46
sdagueand d-g has a different one13:46
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sdaguethe failure is about detecting the HOST_IP, which is needed for service addresses and the like13:46
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sdagueand the logic to detect ones assumes that you can't have meant for it to be inside your fixed or floating ranges13:47
sdaguebecause, some weird stuff can happen13:47
sdaguethen it finds no valid HOST_IP candidates and fails13:47
sdagueand we do dynamic detection of *that* for IPv613:47
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sdaguebecause if d-g or others hard coded ipv4 address, it would break ipv6 only test envs13:47
sdaguewhich do exist13:48
odyssey4meyeah, I'm quite sure that a bunch of tests use and there are possibly also allocations too13:48
fungijpmaxman: what i'm picturing is that we'll end up pinning to the 1.27 series in production, but can try running master on the -dev host and when it ceases to be compatible with the rest of the manifest we start implementing version-specific logic so that when we're ready to raise the version cap in production it will be compatible13:48
sdagueodyssey4me: is used for the floating ip blocks13:48
odyssey4mesdague yeah, we do that too for tempest tests13:48
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sdagueand 192.168.x was avoided because consumer router defaults13:48
odyssey4meah, good point13:49
sdagueand vm envs like virtualbox and kvm13:49
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sdagueso, yes, our address selection is heuristic based on least likely to fail. That heuristic broke down here. We could make d-g choose some other range IIF it is on osic, but it seems like that /8 is going to hurt other folks as well, and seems way larger than is needed, and the people running that cloud are here :)13:51
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vsaienkoinfra-cores, please review We have an idea how to decrease number of ironic jobs, and put them all together.13:52
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cloudnullso it would seem neutron has no ability to change a CIDR via the CLIs which means I have to update the record in the DB.13:54
fungiyeah, even if they halved it to 10/9 or 10.128/9 that's still 2^23 addresses13:54
cloudnull^ unless someone knows the command to make that go ?13:54
jpmaxmanfungi: cool - there's also the argument that it's better to break it than let it sit and not be upgraded :)   either way... again more for my knowledge than anything.  appreciate the explanations.13:54
cloudnulli can adjust the allocation pool w/ ease13:54
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fungijpmaxman: right, i think with a dev server consuming master and a production server pinned to a known working version we sort of get both. dev will spontaneously break when backward compatibility ceases, but production is only impacted on our timetable13:56
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odyssey4mecloudnull yeah, just adjust the allocation pool - not the CIDR13:57
jpmaxmanfungi: yup CI to dev - controlled pushes to production - that's kind of how we roll too - sounds good13:57
odyssey4methat will allow you to change it again later if you need to13:57
odyssey4mecloudnull that *should* be an online change too which won't cause any existing VM's to go offline13:58
cloudnulland we need to avoid,, ?13:58
odyssey4mecloudnull yes, those are the ones we know of right now13:59
cloudnullallocation pool is an online change, CIDR change will need to be done in a maint window13:59
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cloudnullso i'm just doing the pool modifications and wont worry about actually changing the CIDR.14:00
fungisdague: just avoiding having the assigned addresses land in the bounds of a problem cidr is sufficient to avoid the problem right? if so, allocation pool ought to be sufficient14:00
sdaguefungi: yep14:01
sdagueyeh, all we need is for our host address to not be in that range14:01
sdaguehonestly, because of the burn rate, we're probably safe for a few months anyway, as it has to loop all the way around14:02
sdaguebut it would be good to think about this long term14:02
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pabelangerfungi: cloudnull: I retested our initialize-urandom changes manually on an existing ubuntu-xenial image in osic-cloud1, and it worked. They were merged this morning by yolanda, so today ubuntu-xenail DIB should work properly14:04
cloudnullsdague: in the next maint window i'll have it adjusted.14:05
pabelangerfungi: I'm uploading ubuntu-precise right now also, that should address our network issues we see in osic-cloud114:05
pabelangersince ipv6 privacy is now disbled14:05
sdaguecloudnull: awesome14:06
sdaguecloudnull: thanks much14:06
fungithanks pabelanger14:06
cloudnullsorry for the hassel .14:06
fungithanks cloudnull!14:06
sdagueit was a sufficiently odd debug this morning to figure out what was going on. But kind of a fun puzzle :)14:06
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zxiiroelectrofelix: #openstack-sprint ?14:10
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cloudnullpools updated.14:13
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use separated SSL endpoint environment file
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Inject CA certificate via service profile
pabelangerfungi: and uploaded. let me see if I can trigger a build on osic14:17
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electrofelixzxiiro: yep, thanks, was just afk for a little while there14:19
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pabelangernc 2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:fe30:7b72 1988514:21
pabelangeris our ubuntu-precise job14:21
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pabelangerlooks to be fast14:21
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pabelangerthat is debian-jessie14:21
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apuimedopabelanger: how do we get new groups created in gerrit?14:26
apuimedowe'd need a kuryr-libetnwork-core and kuryr-kubernetes-core14:26
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fungiapuimedo: reference them in gerrit project acls14:29
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fungithey'll be automatically created when the acl updates are applied, and then you just need to ping one of our gerrit admins to add your ptl as the initial group member14:30
apuimedolet's try14:30
pabelangerapuimedo: additional info a top of what fungi said.
apuimedothanks a lot fungi, pabelanger !14:31
pabelangerlook at the gerrit permissions section14:31
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fungiyes, documentation. we have that! ;)14:31
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cloudnullfungi: to circle back on the xenial changes, was it just a permissions issue on the unit file?14:32
cloudnulljust to feed my own morbid curiosity,14:33
pabelangerthink so, we just made changes to make sure we have the proper permissions on everything now14:33
fungicloudnull: it ran deeper, but i fell asleep. pabelanger would know14:34
pabelangerI just kicked off an image build on nodepool, and going to test it first before uploading it to osic-cloud114:34
pabelangerbut when I manually apply the changes to an existing image in osic-cloud1, it worked14:34
pabelangerunless it has to do with a first boot scenario that we some how missed14:35
apuimedofungi: when you say reference tehm in gerrit project acls14:36
apuimedoyou mean in gerrit,access14:36
pabelangerapuimedo: you'd add new ACL files to:
apuimedopabelanger: ah, ok14:38
apuimedosending the patch then14:38
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pabelangeryou can remove the existing acl-config for both project and create kuryr-kubernetes.config and kuryr-libnetwork.config14:39
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mriedemare the devstack-gate-cleanup failures a known thing?14:41
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mriedemoh nvm14:42
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jaosoriorCan you guys point me to a project that is already using bindep? Would like to take something as a reference to take it into use myself14:44
pabelangerjaosorior: should be all the project currently using it14:47
pabelangergive you a good sample14:47
fungithough some early adopters may predate those changes14:47
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jaosoriorpabelanger: thanks!14:48
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openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: kuryr-libnetwork-core addition
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: kuryr-kubernetes-core addition
zigopabelanger: After merging a .gitreview file, the packages aren't published, and I can't find the log. For example, look at deb-python-concurrent.futures14:50
zigopabelanger: <--- 40414:50
apuimedofungi: pabelanger: thanks for the pointers. Sent in two patches above ^^14:50
zigopabelanger: Any idea what we've been doing wrong?14:51
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pabelangerzigo: when did you do the builds?14:51
zigopabelanger: Oh, right, maybe I should wait...14:52
zigopabelanger: hum... it's not in the zuul queue ...14:52
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pabelangerzigo: you are missing post pipelines for the projects14:54
fungizigo: looking in zuul/layout.yaml that project only does merge-check and build-deb-package14:54
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zigoThat's what I thought.14:54
fungizigo: and the expansion of build-deb-package is just running pkgdeb-build-pkg in the check and gate pipelines14:55
cloudnullsdague: do we need to account for as well?14:55
fungithere's no post job to build and publish on merge events14:55
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup translation job for keystonemiddleware
pabelangerzigo: fungi: Yup, these will be for jessie-newton right?14:55
zigopabelanger: Right.14:55
zigoLooks like we need another infra patch...14:55
pabelangerzigo: yes, you need to add the post pipeline as deb-openstack-pkg-tools has to build-deb-package14:56
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add post job after building deb packages
zigopabelanger: Like that? :)14:58
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pabelangerzigo: almost15:00
fungiwow, i'm having serious problems syncing changes with gertty this morning. i wonder if something's causing performance issues for my uplink, or maybe my v6 tunnel15:00
pabelangercomment left15:00
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add post job after building deb packages
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zigopabelanger: Should be good now then.15:01
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zigopabelanger: How does your script know what repo to publish to? (ie: jessie-newton vs jessie-newton-backports)15:02
zigoDoes it look at Distribution: in the .changes file?15:03
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pabelangerzigo: the job template in JJB extras the info from job name15:03
zigo(ie: reprepro would do the work...)15:03
pabelangerreprepro-import-debian-openstack-jessie vs reprepro-import-debian-openstack-jessie-backports15:03
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pabelangerwe then look at the zuul branch to figure out which codename to use15:04
zigofungi: Can you +2 ?15:05
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fungizigo: yeah, let's see if restarting gertty worked15:05
fungimuch better! ;)15:05
fungithat may be our longest job dependency chain yet. nice15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups: Cleanup Drupal 7.50 patches
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zigopabelanger: How can I remove dpkg, which I backported, but then decided it was a bad idea?15:08
zigo(ie: that's published in jessie-newton-backports)15:08
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zigo(FYI, I decided live-patching libdpkg-perl was best option, and that was needed to ignore changes in .gitreview files, otherwise git-buildpackage complains and fail)15:09
zigoIn general, I believe I'll need a facility to remove stuff I pushed, somehow.15:10
pabelangerzigo: Hmm, that doesn't exist today. I'm not sure how to automate that ATM15:12
pabelangerzigo: obviously we can run commands manually on reprepro but don't want to do that too much15:12
apuimedofungi: pabelanger: we need one more core to review
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix disabled always returning true
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add convenience function for plugin namespace
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Krenairfungi, pleia2: Hey, FYI:
pabelangerzigo: we'd have to create a reprepro-remove-debian-openstack-jessie job for example, which took import from something, like a file.  You'd then add each packaging you want to remove and merge it15:18
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pabelangerzigo: maybe mordred has a better idea15:18
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet integration jobs to use bindep.txt
fungiKrenair: thanks for the heads-up! i'll plan to upgrade production to 1.27.1 on monday15:19
Krenairnp. sorry I wasn't able to tell you earlier :)15:20
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fungiKrenair: no worries. i'm on the vmt for openstack, so i know how that goes15:21
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fungii expect i'll see the vulnerability announcement come across the oss-security ml on monday anyway, which should be plenty of a reminder15:24
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openstackgerritRyan Brandt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove Neutron tests from Monasca job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add post job after building deb packages
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clarkbpabelanger: did xenial end uo building last night?15:32
pabelangerclarkb: yes, however we had issues with the image. We could not SSH into the server15:32
_ari_weshay: ping15:32
pabelangerclarkb: we landed a potential fix over night and just finishing up the rebuild now15:33
weshay_ari_, pong15:33
clarkbpabelanger: what was the ssh problem?15:33
pabelangerclarkb: I believe we broke systemd stopping sshd from running15:33
clarkbwow nice15:33
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cloudnullpabelanger: is that still ongoing? anything i can help out w/ in troublshooting?15:34
pabelangershould have a new ubuntu-xenial image here in 30mins, plan to upload manually to osic-cloud for some testing, before having nodepool do it15:34
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_ari_weshay: Hi kb gave us credentials to access the openstack instance in Centos do you know anything about that instance15:34
pabelangercloudnull: We'll have more info in about 30 mins15:34
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weshay_ari_, dmsimard is the only one familiar w/ it afaik15:34
_ari_weshay: cool I will ping him15:35
_ari_dmsimard: Hi kb gave us credentials to access the openstack instance in Centos do you know anything about that instance15:35
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clarkbpabelanger: was the systemd thing related to the urandom fixer? I dont think we have touched systemd related things otherwise15:36
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pabelangerclarkb: we believe so, systemd was giving some warnings about permissions. That is what we fixed15:37
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pabelangerclarkb: we had problems getting access to the console last night, so today I'm hoping things will be better locally15:38
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pabelangerI've tested our changes manually, and they work on an existing ubuntu-xenial build. So, it is possible we are having a first boot issue some how15:38
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_ari_weshay: any idea why I would get this if I have the right credentials is it my client?15:39
_ari_No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"15:39
_ari_ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to
weshay_ari_, I don't know, maybe he's currently working on it15:40
_ari_weshay: ok thanks15:40
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet integration jobs to use bindep.txt
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet integration jobs to use bindep.txt
fungielectrofelix: zxiiro: waynr: zaro: following our discussion, i've added kien ha to the jenkins-job-builder-core reviewer group in gerrit. do you happen to know a corresponding irc nick? i like to know how to raise core reviewers in irc when possible15:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Disentangle YamlParser and ModuleRegistry classes
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waynrI don't, sorry15:43
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet integration jobs to use bindep.txt
* irtermite waves at cloudnull and d34dh0r53 *popcorn*15:44
* d34dh0r53 waves back15:44
cloudnull ohai15:44
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irtermitebad things cloudnull bad things15:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Factor XmlJobGenerator out of YamlParser.
electrofelixfungi: pretty certain he uses kien-ha or kien_ha, I can't recall which one cause I always have autocomplete on nicks turned on15:47
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fungithanks electrofelix15:47
fungielectrofelix: neither of those nicks seem to be active in freenode right now. any idea what his typical hours are and/or channels he frequents?15:48
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fungielectrofelix: from my irc client log, it seems there was a kien-ha in here ~5 days ago15:49
fungiso i guess that's it15:49
electrofelixfungi: that makes it easier I guess ;-)15:50
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fungionly seems to pop into this channel for a few minutes up to a couple hours at a time though15:50
electrofelixglad to see I could remember the correct one as being the mostly likely version of it15:50
electrofelixfungi: I tend to suppress join/leave records for here because it's such a large channel, had assumed he's limited at the moment as he has an exam15:52
electrofelixbut wouldn't have been sure about level of presence in here in general15:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix Pagination for Admin Users Page
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Prettify Task-Status-Changes in Recent Events
fungielectrofelix: good to know. i'll get up with him the next time i see him around15:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Describe Storyboard in more detail
openstackgerritRyan Tidwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-neutron-dynamic-routing-dsvm-functional voting.
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow ramdisk-create to run without $USER set
pabelangerclarkb: any thought about changing our our volume on nodepool from SATA to SSD?16:06
pabelangerclarkb: in an effort to get more IO performance16:06
fungipabelanger: i thought we tried that at one point but weren't actually heavily i/o bound anyway?16:07
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pabelangerfungi: Oh, not sure.  I just know we take a while now to copy data around on the server16:07
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pabelangerpushing 40 mins to just a mv command16:08
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clarkbwhen I made the switch to the bigger volume the times were roughly the same16:08
clarkb45 minutes to build an image16:08
fungiis it /dev/xvdb we're doing most of this on?16:08
fungijust looking at cacti graphs to see what things are looking like there16:09
clarkbthe 1TB device16:09
fungii'll check vgs16:09
clarkbdib builds in a chroot then has to copy all those contents into the actual image16:10
fungier, pvs16:10
fungiand yeah, it's xvdb16:10
clarkbthats the slow mv and may go faster with ssd16:10
pabelangeror just use a lot of RAM for tmpfs :)16:11
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clarkbyou need at least 13GB right now I think16:12
fungilooks like we spike up around 13-14 mb/sec read and write, and around 2.8kiops read and write16:12
fungihonestly, the graphs show we're much more constrainted on ram, cpu and network bandwidth16:12
fungilooks like we could especially benefit from more ram16:13
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fungiit's mostly active/resident, so very little left for filesystem caching16:13
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pabelangerI still want to discuss having nodepool.o.o and nodepool-builder.o.o to help with that, but I think we want to wait until zuulv3 for that16:14
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Simplify delete by removing unnecessary loop
fungithough cpu iowait is looking pretty bad16:14
zxiirofungi: Kien's irc nick is kien-ha16:14
clarkbpabelanger: we shouldnt need to wait for zuulv3 to do that16:14
fungissd might help some with iowait, but more cpu is probably in order anyway16:14
clarkbpabelanger: we'll just change whatever thr "message" bus is regardless16:15
fungizxiiro: thanks! between electrofelix's memory and my irc client logs, i managed to figure it out16:15
pabelangerclarkb: maybe I missed understood the objections raise when I last talked about it16:15
clarkbpabelanger: but thats likely a reasonably next step along with going ssd16:15
pabelangerclarkb: I did upload a few patches this week to update puppet, let me find them16:16
fungiclarkb: pabelanger: yeah, launch a nodepool builder instance with more ram/cpu/bandwidth and appropriately sized ssd cinder volume (and we could probably scale down nodepool.o.o some after that)16:16
pabelanger is an easy one16:17
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jeblairi think a new builder host at any time would be fine; multiple even if we want.  be sure to name the first nodepool-builder01.  :)16:17
fungiis the builder architecture such that we can attach multiple builders and distribute the work between them?16:17
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ensure logging enabled for CLI
fungiif so, then we might not need to make it super beefy after all16:18
jeblairfungi: yes -- we just need slightly different nodepool.yaml files16:18
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jeblairactually that may not even be necessary for us16:18
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fungithe nodepool.o.o bw graphs top out at 400mbps daily, so i'm guessing that's our cap for the current flavor16:19
fungiour iowait spikes are also mostly around when we're maxing out the network, so it's more likely coming from that than disk i/o bandwidth and latency16:20
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fungithough lining up the graphs for network bw, xvdb iops and cpu usage it looks like a combination of both16:21
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clarkbpabelanger: another thing I noticed is that when we claer the dib cache out we get slightly smaller images. So probably not worth saving the old cache, just let it rebuild16:21
fungiiowait is worse when we're slamming the network and the disk at the same time, not as terrible when we're just slamming the disk and not the network16:22
fungiwhich makes sense16:22
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pabelangerclarkb: sure16:22
fungibut still bad even when just disk16:22
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Remove nodepool-builder from nodepool::init
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fungii have a feeling more ram to give us better disk caching would relieve a bit of this16:23
openstackgerritRyan Tidwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-neutron-dynamic-routing-dsvm-functional voting.
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Use nodepool::builder for nodepool
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: okay, that stack should get up started by breaking out nodepool-builder class16:24
pabelangerwhich we need to land first16:24
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clarkbpabelanger: I will start reviewing them now.16:25
fungiyeah, getting our image building and upload to complete sooner in the day would be extra nice16:25
fungii will try to get some time to go through them later today16:25
fungithanks pabelanger!16:26
pabelangerit will take a few iterations of the patch to break them up while not breaking production16:26
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clarkbpabelanger: you will also need the nodepool user, the vcsrepo, etc on the builder16:29
clarkbpabelanger: might make sense to keep all that common stuff in init.pp then add in a server.pp and builder.pp16:29
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, I haven't done that step yet. But seems like the right approach16:29
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clarkbpabelanger: in should you remove the diskimage_builder include in init.pp?16:30
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pabelangerclarkb: I thought about that, but some reason didn't.16:31
pabelangerI guess we should since diskimage-builder is only a dependency for nodepool-builder now16:32
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clarkbpabelanger: ya I think it will make the code cleaner and avoid confusion over where dib is needed16:32
clarkbcloudnull: did you see
clarkbrcarrillocruz: sdague ^ there is also a comment in there that should likely be addressed16:33
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Remove nodepool-builder from nodepool::init
pabelangerbad rebase16:34
cloudnullclarkb: yea i caught that cidr too16:34
fungiclarkb: pabelanger: just remember to keep the default deployment backward-compatible with an all-in-one (or at least land corresponding changes in puppet-openstackci)16:35
cloudnullasked, sdague about it earlier but decided to just roll it in because the PS had +w.16:35
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Remove nodepool-builder from nodepool::init
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: include ::diskimage_builder in builder.pp too
fungiwe have downstream users of the nodepool module who would be surprised if their server suddenly stopped being a builder16:35
pabelangerfungi: Ya, that's what I am trying to do16:35
pabelangerfungi: as long as the entry point is puppet-openstackci, they are fine16:36
pabelangerpuppet-nodepool we might been some breaking changes16:36
pabelangerhowever, I can send out an email to ML about that16:36
fungithat would probably be good regardless, yeah16:36
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Be explicit about objects exported by modules.
clarkbthe changes that are currently up are backward compatible16:37
fungicool, figured they probably were16:37
clarkbsince builder is already split out and only it needs dib16:37
krotscheckmordred (or other): Keystone asks for a project_id for an explicitly scoped auth call; In clouds.yaml, is that the 'project_domain_id', the 'project_name', or the 'user_domain_id'?16:37
krotscheckOr both?16:38
krotscheckOr all three?16:38
clarkbpabelanger: if we do init.pp server.pp and builder.pp we can have init.pp include server.pp with a toggleable flag to maintain backward compat there too. Then we would flip the toggle to avoid installing the server on the builder node16:38
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Improve debug output from tests
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Combine shared queues explicitly
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable the shared/independent queue test
clarkbkrotscheck: its project_name. projects and users go in domains but they have their own ids16:39
fungiclarkb: pabelanger: that's roughly what i was envisioning to avoid downstream surprises16:39
clarkbkrotscheck: well use project_id if you have the uuid and project_name if you have the human readable name16:39
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: yes, I am on board with that16:40
krotscheckclarkb: Hrm. That's... a lot of edge cases.16:40
fungikrotscheck: that's openstack :/16:40
clarkbyou should also provide the domain info if using keystone v316:41
fungiwhy have one unique id when you can have many?16:41
* krotscheck nukes openstack from orbit16:41
clarkbfungi: well because someone decided that you should be able to have non unique ids that are unique!16:41
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krotscheckI'm reading a little frustration here ;)16:42
* krotscheck wonders if the keystone devs have actually used keystone.16:42
fungiit's fallout from the way keystone federation and domains work16:42
fungithere are reasons it's done that way, but they're non-obvious16:42
clarkbbasically I don't get to be the only clarkb in the world anymore16:42
clarkbyou could be a clarkb too16:42
clarkbwe just have to be in different domains16:42
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the_other_clarkbThere we go16:42
fungithere can be only one^H^H^Htwo!16:43
* the_other_clarkb is the clarkb of the javascript domain16:43
clarkband we can work on projects that share names but are otherwise distinct16:43
* the_other_clarkb unfortunately cannot talk to the first clarkb, because we're in different domains16:43
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clarkbsay if javascript and python both have yaml parser projects we can both call them yaml16:43
* krotscheck sighs16:43
fungiand if you ever met in person, the universe would implode16:44
krotscheckOk. So, I have a clouds.yaml, which may-or-may-not contain a project_domain_id, a user_domain_id, and a project_name. How in the wordl do I construct that body?16:44
clarkbpabelanger: for we probably want to do a similar toggle flag like I mentioend there too :/ the code gets ugly but remains backward compat16:44
clarkbpabelanger: basically have a configure_builder = true, default and make it falseable16:45
clarkbotherwise we do have the puppet-openstackci issues fungi was talking about16:45
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clarkbkrotscheck: let me find a link to our files16:46
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clarkbkrotscheck: should illustrate what it looks like in clouds.yaml16:47
krotscheckclarkb: Right, I got that from the devstack-generated clouds.yaml16:47
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clarkbpabelanger: left that in a proper review comment16:50
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Refactor code from init.pp to server.pp
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add back nodepool::builder to init.pp
clarkbkrotscheck: if you want to know how you find out what your domain, user, and project are I believe that horizon has a page that will tell you16:53
pabelangerclarkb: looking16:53
pabelangeralso, just pushed up code based on what we just discussed16:54
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Cleanup various deprecation warnings.
clarkbpabelanger: looks like the xenial build just finished16:55
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pabelangerlet me try launching it in my test environment16:56
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clarkbthankfully osic image uploads are pretty quick16:56
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cloudnullpabelanger: fingers crossed :)17:04
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pabelangerWaiting up upload to finish, then will manually test it17:05
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Rework the task list layout
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support explicit API and simple config creation
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fungineed to go do battle with my yard before the rains return. bbiab17:09
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clarkbpabelanger: I have reviewed the puppet-nodepool stack17:13
mordredkrotscheck: project_id . project_domain_id is how you find the domain that a project is in, and is important if you need to find a project by name17:13
krotscheckmordred: Thanks. clarkb helped out a lot.17:13
mordredkrotscheck: btw - don't know if you're all the way to this or not - but these answers are only valid if the keystone in question uses the Password auth plugin17:14
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mordredother auth plugins may or may not need parameters such as project_id or user{name,id}17:15
dmsimard_ari_: hey, do you want to come chat about it on #centos-devel? Not sure it's relevant here.17:15
krotscheckmordred: Well, I welcome those persons to contribute their own configuration to the JavaScript SDK :)17:15
mordredkrotscheck: :)17:15
mordredkrotscheck: I mostly just mention it so that you don't assume those are always-existing hard-coded parameters and/or leave the space for someone to make the module that does that17:16
mordredkrotscheck: I do't think there is much pressing need for you to implement anyhting other than password auth for the forseeable future17:16
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krotscheckmordred: At this point, anything other than our authentication methods require an externally provided token, because we don't want to presume your token caching strategy.17:23
krotscheckSo, yeah- lots of opportunity to extend/add methods.17:23
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs jobs to ironic-lib
clarkbpabelanger: any luck booting xenial?17:31
pabelangerclarkb: nope17:31
pabelangerI don't think SSH is running17:31
pabelangerlet me get a log17:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Rename "parallelize" decorator to "concurrent"
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs jobs to ironic-lib
pabelangerI don't see ssh keys for server getting generated17:32
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pabelangerit must be our systemd file17:34
clarkbpabelanger: and did that build with the new urandom seed unit file?17:34
pabelangeryou can see it starting in the log17:34
pabelangeralong with unbound starting properly17:34
pabelangerwe run it before pre-network.target17:35
pabelangerI wonder if that is causing problems17:35
_ari_dmsimard: sure17:35
jeblairpabelanger: this worked on the test host, right?17:35
pabelangerjeblair: yes17:35
pabelangerthat is the frustration part17:36
pabelangerif I manually do this on an image, it works17:36
jeblairpabelanger: so maybe it's the ssh key generation itself?  maybe we should see if we can trigger that on the test host?17:36
jeblair(though -- that's probably a one-way trip :)17:36
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pabelangerjeblair: ya, we could do that17:36
pabelangersee what happens17:36
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clarkbI do notice that the starting Load/Save random seed happens after the 1 byte urandom raed17:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Stub out aborting jobs in ansible launcher
clarkboh that may be related to haveged starting for real17:37
jeblairclarkb: it says it's systemd-udevd reading it17:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_failed_changes
jeblair(that's a kernel message that means "this process read from urandom before it was initialized")17:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: image_scaler: Partially separate packages for Trusty
jeblairhopefully systemd isn't using that for anything important :)17:39
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jeblairbut it was there before we started all this17:39
clarkbwhere in the log is jeblair's script recorded?17:39
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jeblair[[0;32m  OK  [0m] Started Quickly initialize the nonb...andom number generator at boot..17:40
jeblairthat one?17:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Also require php5-memcached
clarkbaha! I can't grep for "random" because it truncated the log17:41
jeblair[[0;1;31m SKIP [0m] Ordering cycle found, skipping Network (Pre)17:41
jeblair[[0;1;31m SKIP [0m] Ordering cycle found, skipping Network17:41
clarkbor squiched its ends together17:41
jeblairthat looks important17:41
jeblairthough it looks like it does do it later17:42
jeblair[[0;32m  OK  [0m] Reached target Network.17:42
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jeblair[[0;32m  OK  [0m] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.17:45
jeblairit also did that17:45
pabelangeroh, I messed that17:46
pabelangerso SSH should be running17:46
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pabelangerI don't see glean actually17:49
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pabelangerlet me make sure I enable config-drive17:49
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pabelangeryes, is enabled17:51
clarkbis it possible glean isn't running beacuse it runs as part of network-pre which was identified as part of the loop and is somehow getting axed?17:51
* clarkb looks at glean's unit file17:51
openstackgerritAndrea Scarpino proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Reporters: support for perModuleEmail field
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Ensure cache directory is owned by the right user/group
pabelangerclarkb: jeblair: this is a working ubuntu-xenail console log:
pabelangerwith out our urandom.service file17:54
clarkbpabelanger: the glean unit looks mostly sane except the ordering is network -> glean -> network-pre which is a little funny (why is network-pre after network?)17:55
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pabelangerYa, I see that17:55
pabelangernot sure why that is17:55
clarkbpabelanger: the same ordering cycle shows up in both though17:55
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clarkbpabelanger: is it possible that the dib-init-system element could be breaking for simple-init?17:58
sdagueok... so anyone want to help us move forward on the drop pg jobs plan - which requires this d-g change to not drop metadata server testing -
clarkbpabelanger: like maybe booting is working "fine" its our image build that is unhappy17:58
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pabelangerclarkb: Ya, we've never used it before. in fact, I am considering removing it and switching to puppet17:59
clarkbaccording to the README for that element we are using it correctly18:00
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pabelanger1 sec18:02
pabelangerI think I found something18:02
pabelangerit does look like glean is not starting on my test instance now18:05
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* clarkb tries a local build without all of the big content18:07
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pabelangerthat is the error I am seeing when I try to manually start glean server18:08
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pabelangerI wonder if I am starting it wrong18:09
openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-refstack: Make sure libffi-dev is installed
clarkbpabelanger: I believe that the addr_assign_type is figuring out what kind of mac address you have18:10
clarkbpabelanger: how did you run it? it almost looks like the iface arg is not right18:10
pabelangersudo systemctl start glean\@.service.service18:11
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clarkbya I think one of the .service's needs to be the interface name18:11
clarkbbased on my reading of that traceback18:11
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pabelangerthat is better18:12
pabelangerokay, however with urandom enabled, glean no longer runs on boot18:13
pabelangerlet me see if I can fix that18:13
clarkbmy local build with initialize-urandom is building18:14
clarkbwith a very minimal elements list which should at least rule out something happening in puppet18:15
pabelangerso when should we be running glean?18:15
pabelangerbefore networking is setup or after?18:15
pabelangeror both18:15
pabelangermaybe that is why it has both before and after18:15
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clarkbglean happens before I think since its job is to write out the netwrok interface specificatio nfiles18:16
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clarkbpabelanger: I do notice that the simple-init element seems to not explicitly enable the service like we have in initialize-urandom18:17
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pabelangerclarkb: right, but growroot does18:17
pabelangerwhich I based the change on18:17
clarkbah ok. Was thinking maybe simple-init doesn't do enough in all cases to be enabled on boot18:18
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pabelangerclarkb: so, I moved initialize-urandom.server to After=network.target18:18
pabelangerglean started18:18
pabelangerand dns worked18:18
clarkbwhich js what glean does that looks funny18:19
pabelangerto large I guess18:19
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clarkbpabelanger: this was on the newly built image too?18:21
pabelangerthis was old image, where I manually installed urandom.server18:21
pabelangerbut with After=network.target18:22
pabelangerand glean is happier for some reason18:22
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clarkbpabelanger: did you do both the befire and after like glean does or just one or the other?18:25
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pabelangerclarkb: for urandom we only have before and want18:26
pabelangerlet me make both the same18:26
pabelangerI'll update urandom to match glean18:26
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pabelangerclarkb: that worked too18:28
clarkbso maybe we go with that? I think its ok for it to run at the same.time as glean since they have similar requiremnts18:29
clarkband dont dep on each other18:29
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add for urandom.service
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: That is our fix for networking on xenail, I hope18:32
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fungireviewing now18:34
clarkbpabelanger: I +2'd and will attempt to test using my loxal builds as soon as I eat this blt18:34
pabelangeryes, I need me some food too18:34
fungii guess i returned from groundskeeping duty just at the right time ;)18:35
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fungii wonder if dib should have a "validate systemd" element or similar that checks for dependency loops and errors out at image build time?18:36
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pabelangerfungi: could be useful18:41
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: I'm going to enqueue that in to gate so we can start our build sooner18:45
fungisounds good, thanks18:45
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pvaneckhey fungi, refstack recently updated the version of pyopenssl and this requires libffi-dev to be installed on the server in order to build correctly.18:51
pvaneckI submitted , but it would be great if you could manually install the package on the refstack server.18:51
pvaneckseems likely that this is causing the refstack node to go unreported for a long time:
fungipvaneck: which sdist failed to build?18:53
fungior i guess i can go spelunking in the puppet logs18:53
fungiAug 19 18:27:29 refstack puppet-user[21192]: (/Stage[main]/Refstack::App/Exec[install-refstack]/returns)   c/_cffi_backend.c:15:17: fatal error: ffi.h: No such file or directory18:54
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pvaneckyea, cffi failed to build18:54
fungineeded by cryptography18:54
fungijust wondering if i should roll back one of the git repos by one commit so that puppet will advance it forward, but it looks like it's retrying on every run so this will probably self-correct18:55
fungianyway, it's installed now and the config management change approved18:56
pvaneckawesome, thanks!18:56
fungiso hopefully in a few minutes it'll update successfully but i'll try to remember to check back in on it18:56
pvaneckyea, I will keep an eye on it18:56
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clarkbok I have a local dib build going with that patch in place18:59
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clarkbexcept I ran out of disk again... /me has restarted it now with more disk19:05
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sdagueso... what's up with the 200 nodes in building?19:12
clarkbsdague: thats the broken systemd on xenial19:12
sdagueso this is why things were silent crashing before?19:13
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pabelangernot crash, ansible-playbook losses network connection, and zuul will requeue19:15
clarkbno, the silent crashing we think was related to ipv6 privacy extensions. We also fixed urandom being slow. The new image with both these fixes has unworking ssh due to the urandom unit file (we think)19:15
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clarkbso by fixing urandom fix we should get working ssh and no more unhappy ipv619:15
pabelangerOh, I didn't read what sdague said properly19:17
pabelangernodepool ready-script is failing to resolve DNS, because of urandom19:17
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pabelangerso nodepoool is churning a lot of ubuntu-xenial nodes in osic-cloud119:17
pabelangerI've see the problem in ovh too, but not as bad19:17
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clarkbpabelanger: oh you deleted the previous xenial uplaod that didn't have working ssh?19:18
pabelangerclarkb: yes, last night19:18
clarkbI guess the effect is similar. In any case we *should* have this sorted out soonish19:18
mordredclarkb, pabelanger: still trying to grok scrollback19:18
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irtermitepabelanger: how many instances are running right now?19:19
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irtermitein osic-cloud119:19
jrollanyone noticing gerrit probs?19:19
jrollsorry, problems*19:19
irtermiteoops, forgot about that link19:19
pabelangerirtermite: not many right now19:19
mordredclarkb, pabelanger: I thought I was going to have useful things to say about glean - but I don't think Ido19:19
irtermiteah... pabelanger the change to 512 hasn't been pushed yet? limit still at 256?19:19
TheJuliajroll: I suspect it has decided to call it a friday :)19:19
pabelangerirtermite: ya, we need new ubuntu-xenial images first19:20
irtermiteright on19:20
pabelangerwhich should be coming in the next 2 hours19:20
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irtermitepabelanger: I really want to take a cluster-wide poll of the usage when we hit 51219:20
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clarkbjroll: no, what kind of problems?19:22
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jrollclarkb: a review loading sat for about a minute before I posted here and let myself get distracted19:23
clarkbpabelanger: ok I forgot to install devuser BUT I acn hit the ssh daemon its up and listening on 22 using your most recent patch so I think that will get us sorted19:23
jrollit did load eventually19:23
pabelangerclarkb: great19:23
jrollclarkb: seems to be okay now19:23
clarkbthere was a gerrit GC spike about 9 hours ago19:23
jrollother had people in ironic too19:23
clarkbbut the graph ahs been quiet since then19:23
jrollhrm, maybe quick network blip or something19:24
clarkblooks like we may have restarted it early today beacuse the memory usage falls way off right around that spike too19:24
clarkbjroll: ya I know hogepodge had ipv6 issues to rax recently19:24
clarkbit turns out that the comcast to rackspace path is really unreliable from the PNW19:24
jrollclarkb: no v6 here, unfortunately, and this is comcast in the midwest19:25
irtermiteclarkb: does comcast not have IPv6 along the path somewhere?19:25
clarkbirtermite: no they just have some bad bit buckets along the way19:25
irtermitejroll: that might explain it   ^^ cloudnull19:25
clarkbirtermite: seattle and denver regularly drop packets on the floor19:25
irtermite  =(19:25
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jrollclarkb: I thought we used gerrit to avoid bitbucket19:26
pabelangerclarkb: Hmm, it looks like we are launching the broken ubuntu-xenial image in osic-cloud1.  I think we should remove ubuntu-xenail from osic-cloud1 in nodepool.yaml until we land our new image19:26
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jrollirtermite: yeah, unsure what you're saying might explain it19:26
clarkbpabelanger: sounds like a reasonable thing to do19:26
pabelangerclarkb: going to put nodepool.o.o into emergency file for now, and manually do it. until we land our patch19:27
jrollall I know is people in pdx, east coast, midwest, and brazil saw a blip at the same time in ironic channel. it's back now, no big deal :)19:27
clarkbpabelanger: ok19:27
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clarkbof course now virsh can't shutdown that instance and I can't ssh into it :| but hey ssh is running19:28
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pabelanger#status log nodepool.o.o added to emergency file on puppetmaster.o.o.  So we can remove ubuntu-xenail label from osic-cloud119:28
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging19:28
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Drop Ubuntu Precise compatibility
irtermiteI retract that statement jroll19:29
clarkbpabelanger: your change has passed testing, just waiting on zuul/gerrit to merge it19:29
clarkbthe event queue is rather large19:29
jrollirtermite: heh, no worries19:29
pabelangerclarkb: ya, we just and a series of patched merge in integrated19:29
irtermitejroll: at first thought you all were saying there was no v6 route through the ISP, but now it looks like you all are saying it's just a matter of poor networking on their end?19:29
pabelangerstill ongoing19:29
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jrollirtermite: that's what clark said, I'm saying it didn't seem limited to v6, comcast, or PNW19:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add for urandom.service
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irtermiteah, right on jroll19:31
cloudnullwoot! so was that the root cause?19:32
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irtermitejroll: basically just making sure you don't think anything is broken on our end, and I have to go get networking involved to fix the environment19:32
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cloudnullthe unit file just had to be added after the network target?19:32
clarkbcloudnull: that seemed to be the case, I just got a local build to work with that patch. I don't unerstand why though19:33
irtermitecloudnull: you aren't here today are you?19:33
cloudnullbecause SystemD19:33
* cloudnull is a helper i know...19:34
irtermite  #becauseSystemD19:34
jrollirtermite: I work in public cloud, I'd already be bugging people if it was a rackspace problem and was still ongoing :)19:34
irtermitejroll: I know... but I own the account.  ;)19:34
cloudnullirtermite: I'm not at the castle19:34
irtermiteso, you'd be bugging me19:34
jrollirtermite: the openstack-infra account?19:34
irtermitecloudnull: right on... was going to show you some happy numbers19:34
jrollneat :)19:34
irtermitejroll: no... OSIC... so, by virtue, yes infra19:35
irtermiteall of osic19:35
clarkbI shoudl clarify I don't think that rackspace is at fault for the comcast ipv6 issues I described19:35
clarkbonce I managed to complain and they foudn an asymetric route that was probably causing issues19:35
irtermiteclarkb: no worries, we got that19:35
clarkbbut I am not longer a comcast customer so I don't notice anymore >_> (but I also dont' get native ipv6 with new isp)19:36
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pabelangerYa, I need to find an ipv6 tunnel broker myself19:40
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clarkbI briefly considered using dreamhosts unlimited bandwidth to set up a tunnel via them but apparently that can end at any time19:41
cloudnullthey work well19:41
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clarkbya there is the HE option19:41
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pabelangerI thought you needed to be a member?19:41
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clarkbpabelanger: you have to sign up and get certified19:41
pabelangermaybe not19:41
cloudnulljust sign up19:41
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clarkbif you don't do the exam supposedly some ports are blocked (like irc)19:42
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krotscheckAnyone here have opinions on whether javascript projects should be gated on devstack? :D :D
cloudnullif you do the exam you get a tshirt19:42
cloudnullits worth it19:42
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pabelangercloudnull: clarkb: neat, registered. I'll configure it this weekend19:43
fungipabelanger: i especially like that they'll route you a /48, and delegate reverse dns anywhere you want19:44
cloudnullyou too can beccome an IPv6 sage! ;)19:44
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fungithough updating my endpoint configuration under openbsd is a little fiddly if my isp updates my dns lease to a new ip address19:46
fungii have it basically scripted19:46
clarkbfungi: the little updater daemon doesn't run on openbsd?19:46
fungiclarkb: i forget now19:46
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clarkbopenwrt appears to support it out of the box19:47
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cloudnull++ openwrt is great19:48
fungithat's not my vi window!19:48
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clarkbpabelanger: looks like the fix merged we need to manually update the git repo and start a build (manual since puppet is disabled?)19:51
pabelangerclarkb: yes, I can do that now19:51
clarkbhopefully with that out of the way we can sort out the ntp situation19:52
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clarkbdo we think maybe we should just revert back to the ntpdate in d-g for now?19:52
clarkbwhile we work through to getting more platform appropriate ntp updates workign?19:52
clarkbfungi: ^19:52
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fungiclarkb: i thought the consensus was that we could just remove it entirely on xenial?19:53
fungiand systemd would make magic with its elves19:53
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clarkbfungi: systemd will make magic of some sort yes but the actual magic is undocumented and who knows if it will step19:54
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pabelangerclarkb: applied the patch to /etc/nodepool/elements, new build started19:54
clarkbtrusty will not though19:54
clarkbfungi: I am specifically thinking about hwo can we make the d-g job runs less bad19:54
clarkbsince right now they frequently stall out19:54
fungioh, are we back to hitting time skips after the timer for the job runtime has been set?19:55
clarkbno just job stalls19:55
clarkbwiating on ntp-wait19:55
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clarkbthinking it may be a good idea to revert the d-g change for now then remove ntp munging from it entirely once we get per platform stuff working19:58
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fungithat seems fine20:05
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fungiwas the switch to ntp-wait precipitated by anything other than forward thinking?20:05
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fungilike, was there a bug it was actually addressing (like removal of ntpdate on one or more supported platforms) or merely someone spooked by the documented deprecation20:06
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clarkboh right no ntpdate on xenial20:07
clarkbhas to be separately installed because of the whole deprecation thing aiui20:07
clarkbthis should be simpler :/20:08
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jeblairclarkb: ntpdate does exist on xenial though, right?20:09
clarkbjeblair: as a separate package yes20:09
clarkbwhereas in older ubuntu's its part of ntp20:09
jeblairi'm not opposed to installing that in our base images20:09
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clarkbI can add it to the infra package needs element20:10
clarkbwill work on that now (I have to sort out what the package map is for all our distros and releases)20:10
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clarkbianw: btw I see Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'iwienand-kernel-f24-rhbz1361414', disabling. on our f23 builds. We probably need to scope that kernel thing to f2420:16
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure ntpdate is on our test images
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Use ntp-wait instead of ntpdate to set time"
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clarkbok ^ those changes along with new images should make things happier until we can properly redo the time sync on our images20:18
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jeblairclarkb: lgtm20:45
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration gating for nova
fungiclarkb: approved the nodepool element addition, but we presumably should wait on the d-g revert until we have new images built and uploaded with that, right?20:55
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clarkbfungi: yup21:06
fungicrinkle: puppet sanity check if you have a sec... asserts that undef values don't show up as nil in erb templates until puppet 4.x, and that for puppet 3.x you need to match on :undef instead... but we're still on puppet 3.8 and have been putting nil in templates for a while so i'm confused21:06
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clarkbfungi: at least for xenial I think on the other releases ntpdate is transitively pulled in by our ntp stuff21:06
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fungiclarkb: right, it would break devstack-gate jobs that try to run on xenial, so we at least need updated xenial images21:07
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crinklefungi: hrm i remember putting that in but that conflicts with how i thought it worked21:14
fungijust wondering if it's safe to strip it down to if scope['mediawiki::whatever'] != nil21:15
fungifor puppet 3.821:15
fungianyway, i need to go grab dinner before the tourist swarms descend on all our restaurants. bbiaw21:15
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crinklethey make it so hard to find the puppet 3 documentation :(21:17
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporary allow merges for sahara-tests-release"
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clarkbnext week assuming these test image and provider issues are mostly sorted I want to get back to xenialing things21:25
clarkbhopefully get that finished up over the next little bit21:25
crinklefungi: it's not safe, scope[] and scope.lookupvar do use :undef in puppet 321:25
crinklefungi: it's the @vars that use nil21:26
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I have some outstanding reviews for that too21:28
mriedemlascii: before i leave, i've left comments in
mriedemoops wrong channel21:29
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clarkbugh this heat has made it hard to work21:41
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clarkbI clearly need better AC this 17 degree delta is not enough21:42
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bkeroclarkb: can come work over here21:45
bkeronice and chilly21:45
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clarkbbkero: but that involves going outside, which I recently attempted21:46
bkeroNeed that remote start for your car so it can cool itself.21:46
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs jobs to ironic-lib
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zigopabelanger: Still around?21:53
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zigopabelanger: I attempted to rebuild deb-kazoo, and the result is that it uploaded at:
zigoWhen it was supposed to upload at
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zigoTherefore, the pickup-job fails to wget recursively with a 404 error ...21:54
zigoWhat's wrong?21:54
zigofungi: ^21:54
zigoAny idea?21:54
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clarkbzigo: I would start by reading the job log21:55
clarkbzigo: do those uploads happen in the post queue?21:55
zigoclarkb: Yes.21:55
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zigoIt's at
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pabelangerya, I see the issue21:56
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pabelangerwe need to fix your debpkg jobs21:57
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clarkb has the log for that copy in it21:58
clarkbyou can see it goes to deb-pkg21:58
zigopabelanger: Because it has "project: deb-pkg", instead of picking-up the git repo name, right?21:59
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* zigo has no clue how to fetch the git repo name instead... :/21:59
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pabelangerzigo: yes, working on fixing it21:59
zigoI'm not sure how many beers I'll own you on the next summit... :P22:00
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clarkbya that needs to be a template if you want it to work that way22:01
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pabelangermaking it more generic while I am at it22:01
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clarkbfinally image converting the xenial iamge22:07
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fungicrinkle: perfect--thanks!22:23
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jlvillalAnyone else seeing the gerrit hang?22:28
zigome as well...22:28
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mari0jvhi infra - i'm sure you all are aware, but a couple of others and i have been experiencing intermittent gerrit connectivity issues ( web)22:29
jlvillalWell it is a lovely sunny Friday here. Okay maybe too hot, 101F / 38C22:29
zigoGuys, if you've setup a monitoring for the gerrit web service, you've lost your time ... :P22:29
zigoA mirriad of users can play that role.22:30
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oomichihi, can we know bug situation in 30 days or each development cycle?22:30
oomichi is good for me, but that seems for a few days22:30
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Drop Ubuntu Precise compatibility
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Standardize HTTPS and vhost configuration
oomichiI'd like to see bug situation for more long-term22:31
fungii guess i should check the gerrit javamelody stats22:31
fungimaybe we're overdue for a memory cleansing restart22:31
clarkbfungi: I think we did one this morning based on the graphs today22:32
clarkbload is relatively high on the server, gerrit looks busy22:32
fungiyeah, it's looking fine to me22:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add IPv6 security group rule to cloud-launcher
fungigertty and git-review haven't flinched, so i wasn't even aware22:32
clarkbbut we have 16 vcpus22:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add tripleo-test-cloud configuration for cloud-launcher
fungioomichi: that seems fine to me. i'm not deeply familiar with the bugday codebase, but someone would probably review a patch to change the duration on it22:33
clarkbiowait doesn't look crazy22:33
fungioomichi: the original use case for it was teams hosting a "bug day" and wanting to see how many bugs they tackled over a 24-hour period22:34
pabelangerclarkb: starting image upload22:34
pabelangersoon(tm) starting upload22:34
clarkbpabelanger: its not done yet so don't use the nodepool command22:34
clarkbpabelanger: you can upload yourself as the qcow2 is done I htink22:35
oomichifungi: yeah, current one is good for motivate people to concentrate on a bug day22:35
clarkb is interesting22:35
oomichifungi: maybe it would be fine to just add some options for selecting the duration22:35
clarkbit looks like a dos22:36
oomichifungi: thanks for your response, I will do some prototype for that22:36
fungioomichi: source code is at
clarkbbut not a crippling one22:36
fungiclarkb: checking logs22:36
clarkb we doubled our average tcp conncetion count too22:37
oomichifungi: yeah, I saw that. that  is not so difficult and maybe that is better than my scratch(which I tried before)22:38
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I'll let DIB finish, I jumped the gun a little22:38
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fungiclarkb: some quick analysis of the sshd_log suggests it's at least not a runaway ci system looping commentspam22:39
pabelangerzigo: just testing the patch locally now22:39
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fungiclarkb: zuul status shows a lengthy fuel-library change series just entered the check pipeline... could that be related?22:41
clarkbfungi: maybe? we could be dosing gerrit with the zuul mergers making all the zuul refs22:41
fungiclarkb: fuel-ci likes to add "build started" comments for every job it runs22:42
fungilike 9 comments on each change plus one for the fuel packaging ci, so 10 comments x 24 changes in that series22:43
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fungilikely all at once22:43
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clarkbfungi: looking at gerrit's init script it has a default fd limit of 1k which may be too small when we have that many connections. Possibly we need to tweak apache for more connections too22:43
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fungithis does not surprise me22:45
fungithe spike in the check sparkline graph looks like it happened right about when people started complaining22:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add osic-cloud1 to cloud-launcher
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clarkbjust checked in /proc and we have fd limit set to 8192 so tahts probably not the issue though possibly still a problem on the proxy side22:49
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clarkbfungi: maxrequestworkers defaults to 400 with mpm event on apache 2.4 (if I read the docs correctly)23:06
clarkbwe don't appear to change any of that config on review.o.o so the "slowness" could potentially be queued connections when we get a large number in all at once like that23:07
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clarkbwe might consider bumping serverlimit/threadsperchild to increase that number23:07
clarkbpabelanger: waiting for vhd conversion is painful23:08
clarkbalso I feel like these image builds have gotten much slower recently23:08
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pabelangeryes, they have been slower23:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure ntpdate is on our test images
pabelangerclarkb: ubuntu-xenial uploaded23:15
pabelangergoing to switch osic-cloud1 back online and watch23:16
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pabelangernc 2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:fe64:594e 1988523:23
pabelangeris our first ubuntu-xenail23:23
pabelangerlooks good23:23
pabelangerand more online now23:23
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pabelanger12 now, no failures on ready-script so far23:23
pabelangerI think we got it23:24
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pabelangercloudnull: ^23:25
pabelanger31 now :D23:25
pabelangerno, failures to launch23:25
openstackgerritsandro.gattuso proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Wrapper pre-scm-buildstep: added support for failOnError parameter
mordredpabelanger: woot!23:27
mordredpabelanger: that's awesome23:27
pabelangermordred: Ya, we have like 0 launch failures in osic-cloud1 in the last 2.5 hours23:27
mordredpabelanger: for multi-node, I thnk dhellmann is releasing things on monday, so when he does, we can land the new shade change, release and restart nodepool23:27
mordredpabelanger: that's epically awesome23:27
pabelangerI'm going to put ubuntu-xenial in ovh and see if that fixes the failures too23:28
pabelangermordred: ++23:28
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pabelangergoing to remove nodepool.o.o from emergency file23:32
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fungiclarkb: i agree given the size of review.o.o we could probably benefit from tuning maxrequestworkers23:34
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Drop Ubuntu Precise compatibility
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Standardize HTTPS and vhost configuration
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor deb-packaging jobs
pabelangerzigo: ^ is your change23:37
pabelangerOoh, first launch failure in osic-cloud123:38
pabelangerdns timeout23:38
pabelangerlets see if it happens again23:39
clarkbmight have uses old inage somehow?23:40
pabelangerI think so23:40
pabelangerthat is what I am checking23:40
pabelangerno, I think it was the new image23:42
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pabelangerneed to add some debug info into, that include our dib build info23:43
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pabelangerburn though the post queue now23:52
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