Thursday, 2016-07-14

clarkbnotmorgan: maybe? not sure if ubuntu or python proper00:00
notmorganclarkb: (on xenial that is)00:00
notmorgani'd be surprised this "changed" randomely between 2.7.x and 2.7.x+00:00
ianwclarkb: yeah, that does *not* work of fedora, for example00:00
notmorganor it's a backport?00:00
clarkbok sounds like it msotly doesn't work anywhere and I should just write a patch to fix it for cerberus00:01
notmorganthe syntax looks very odd fwiw00:01
mordredI can't import _uuid_generate_random on fedora at all00:02
mordredregardless of syntax00:02
notmorganmordred: is that actually what is intended?00:02
clarkbmordred: from uuid import uuid4 as _uuid_generate_random00:02
clarkbmordred: ^ that doesnt' work?00:02
mordredoh. WOW00:02
notmorganmordred: it seems like it's naming uuid4 as _uuid..yea00:02
notmorganthe syntax is really unintuative00:03
clarkbbecause that from as foo works for me if I go one at a time00:03
mordredthe person wants to import uuid4 as two different names?00:03
notmorganmordred: yeah00:03
clarkbits just together that it breaks00:03
notmorganmordred: from uuid import UUID, uuid4 as _uuid4 \n _uuid_generate_random = _uuid400:03
clarkbanyways I think I am sufficiently happy to not try to understand python here and accept it00:03
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mordredI think whoever is doing that is a bug00:04
mordredregardless of whether it worked somewhere00:04
notmorganmordred: people can be bugs now?00:04
clarkbok python person elsewhere set me straight00:05
ianwmordred: i don't think so ... it just seems that ubuntu trusty has a "_uuid_generate_random" function, while others don't00:05
clarkb_uuid_generate_random was a private thing in older stdlib00:05
clarkbits gone now00:05
notmorgangot it00:05
clarkbianw: ya00:05
notmorganyah that makes more sense.00:05
clarkbI completely misparsed the as stuff so ya tahts definitely a bug00:06
notmorganalso... importing internal interfaces = *facepalm*00:06
clarkbdon't use private interfaces in stdlib00:06
* clarkb ignores00:06
clarkbmy xenial list is getting very small00:06
notmorganmordred, jeblair: finalizing gear stuff now, should we warn if py3 and bytes is passed for name/unique vs string?00:06
ianwinteresting differences ->
notmorganor error (explode)00:06
notmorgansince technically we say it needs to be a string.00:07
mordredok. so - the thing I thought it was doing was the thing it was doing00:07
notmorganmordred: yes.00:07
clarkbmordred: ya I just didn't aprse it well enough00:07
mordredso the people wrote buggy code by importing a private function00:07
notmorgani parsed it the same as clarkb cause... don't use private interfaces unless you expect it to break horribly00:07
clarkband also their unittests don't work because of dep version conflicts00:07
notmorganand then still don't do it00:07
clarkbnotmorgan: the uuid4 as _uuid4 threw me off00:07
mordredclarkb: is this one of our libs? or a dep of ours?00:07
clarkboh they are giving things their own names ok00:08
notmorganclarkb: also - this is an argument for one import per line00:08
clarkbmordred: its cerberus a project that uses zuul's python-jobs template which is what I sourced my test all the things list from00:08
clarkbnotmorgan: ++00:08
notmorganbecause that would have been immediately clear00:08
mordredclarkb: cool. so we can fix it00:08
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clarkbmordred: well I think I am just going to send them an email00:08
clarkbsince their tests don't work etiher00:08
mordredclarkb: or, rather, file a bug and tell them to fix it00:08
clarkbya that00:08
jeblairnotmorgan: maybe blowup?00:08
notmorganjeblair: i'm good with that.00:08
mordred"we're going to xenial, you don't work, you fix"00:09
jeblairalso, we should have -1d the name cerberus00:09
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jeblair"sorry, there's already a kerberos"00:09
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notmorganjeblair: ok i'll make some kind of nice error happen in this case just for the sake of not giving an opaque "XXX doesn't have attribute encode"00:10
mordred"XXX doesn't have attribute encode"00:11
mordred"XXX doesn't have attribute encode" is the worst error00:11
mordredit's almost as bad as the one about not supporting the buffer protocol or whatever00:11
notmorganmordred: actually - AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode'00:11
clarkbit last got code about 9 months ago too00:11
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notmorganbut yuck.00:12
* clarkb files a bug anyways and if anyone cares they can address it00:12
clarkb uhm ok00:13
clarkbmaybe we need to just retire it00:13
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clarkbI am taking it off of my list now, if I can't file a bug then my ability to care is suddenly very low00:14
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mordredclarkb: so ... back to the glean thing ...00:14
jeblairdhellmann touched it last -- by hot potato rules, he owns it!00:14
mordredas it relates to people being able to use our images locally00:15
mordredclarkb: don't they need to config-drive anyway to get their ssh key into the image?00:15
clarkbmordred: oh right! I don't ebacuse I get mine baked in00:15
clarkbmordred: excellent point00:15
mordredso I tihnk we need to write up some good and clear docs on the config-drive thing00:16
clarkbya you either have to config drive or make a new image with that as the base00:16
mordredlike even "here's a script that will make a config drive with your ssh key and hostname" or whatever00:16
clarkbya I think writing config drive docs is what we want to do00:16
clarkba script that was --hostname foo --pubkey ssh-rsa.... and wrote a .iso would be good00:17
clarkband if you want something more complicated you can figure it out00:17
clarkbI will try to work on this00:17
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clarkbmordred: you TC'd during poppy things, who is a good person to ask about their broken tests?00:19
mordredclarkb: shrug?00:21
clarkbthey have a similar issue in that imports fail but this import is from poppy.manager.default import analytics00:21
clarkbI think maybe its circular?00:21
clarkbtime to do manual testing without stevedore in he way00:21
clarkbaha! stevedore was masking the error00:22
clarkbno more sslv3 in xenial python00:22
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clarkbianw: do you know if fedora is keeping sslv3 in python stdlib? I THink it was debian that removed it first then ubuntu inherited it not sure if upstream did too in which case fedora would get it00:23
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ianwnot sure immediately sorry00:23
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1602894 in Poppy "ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 no longer available in moder pythons" [Undecided,New]00:28
clarkbianw: looks like upstream python won't expose it if the underlying libs don't expose it so likely same behavior on fedora00:28
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jrollmordred | like even "here's a script that will make a config drive with your ssh key and hostname" or whatever <- fwiw, ironic/bifrost has or has talked about having this00:37
clarkbya bifrost has something to make it I think it may be a playbook00:38
clarkbmy only concern with that is double checking that bifrost makes correct config drives now00:38
clarkbbecause it didn't in the past00:38
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clarkbthats where network_data vs network_info in glean comes from00:39
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clarkbnova is one bifrost the otehr and I can never remember which is canonical so I made a change just to add a comment to glean to clarify00:39
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SpamapSclarkb: hah yeah it did them very wrong :-P00:42
SpamapSand yes, bifrost makes them with a playbook00:43
mordredSpamapS: it should be making them correctly now, right?00:44
SpamapSmordred: it is00:44
SpamapSand glean supports both00:44
SpamapSfalls back to the old broken name just in case00:44
ianware we at the point that we have ed25519 keys everywhere?  adding a new key, should i just go straight to that?00:45
clarkbianw: we still ahev precise which doesn't iirc00:45
clarkbbut I could be wrong about that00:45
clarkbwe are almost done with precise though00:46
clarkbGerrit is also not able iirc but thats easy to swap out and not root related00:47
SpamapSclarkb: even w/ bouncy castle?00:49
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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clarkbSpamapS: last I checked yup00:54
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clarkbI also haven't tried very hard to switch because random things keep not liking it00:54
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clarkbI held a trusty node to test this zaqar thing on because i Have a hunch it is broken there too and some sort of special test ordering gets it to pass00:58
clarkbI used --reason too :)00:58
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add ianw key and to infra-root
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pleia2ianw \o/00:59
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notmorganjeblair: hm. making it explode on non-strings is proving difficult since we pass values in the ServerJob around. i'm leaning towards accepting bytes or str in py3 for ease of code maintenance.01:02
notmorganjeblair: rahter than overriding .name/unique specially in ServerJob over Job etc.01:03
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SpamapSnotmorgan: ugh01:06
SpamapSnotmorgan: in general, it should be strings for everything except I/O01:06
SpamapSbut .. I've slammed into the problem where there's just too much bytes-centric behavior in the API01:06
notmorganSpamapS: yeahhhh01:06
SpamapSstill, with Gear01:07
notmorganSpamapS: so i am just trying to make auto encode/decode for consumption01:07
SpamapSI'd expect a pretty clear dividing line01:07
SpamapSnotmorgan: those should just always be strings01:07
notmorganSpamapS: so it can easily be referenced.01:07
SpamapSwhen would you want it to be bytes?01:07
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* SpamapS asked, as he walks away from computer to go do not-computer for a while :-P01:08
notmorganSpamapS: except they *cant* be internally since we need to pack them into submitjob01:08
clarkbthe only thing I can come up with is if you want to use some esoteric encoding01:08
clarkbor if you are talking to an existing gearman setup that does01:09
notmorganSpamapS: it's a lot of encode/decode, internally it saves headaches to avoid needing to encode/decode for self.functions etc01:09
SpamapSnotmorgan: they should only need to be encoded when they're sent over the wire or hashed01:09
notmorganwe can use the encoded values01:09
notmorgani mean, i can add a lot more encode/decode01:09
notmorgani'm just looking at it from a standpoint of "generally folks aren't consuming this part"01:09
notmorganthe interface devs are working with is what i'm trying to taget to avoid needing to do .encode/decode when instantiating the job/referencing the job when you get things back.01:10
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notmorganas i've said before, python3 is at least consistently horrible at bytes vs str01:11
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notmorganunlike python 2 which is inconsistent and horrible01:11
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greghaynesthis is in gearman? Why does gearman as a server need to care about strings at all01:15
notmorgangreghaynes: this is the job interface01:15
notmorgangreghaynes: in gear library01:15
greghaynesoh, so its the api for a client?01:15
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greghaynesyep, thats tricky ;01:16
notmorganthe server interally also uses the structures01:16
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greghaynesthats scary01:16
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greghaynesas a server it really really shouldnt care about strings unless it has to IMO01:16
notmorganit's not just packet pushing01:17
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notmorganit handles CanDo and CantDo etc01:17
clarkbit has to introspect01:17
greghaynessure, but why does that require a decode?01:17
notmorganit doesn't.01:17
greghaynesis it translitterating or somethig01:17
notmorganthe point is the internal structures are the same01:17
notmorganit's an intheritence ick01:17
clarkbthe way gear is built the client and worker and server are all basically the same01:17
greghaynesyea, that seems like a great way to make more problems01:17
clarkbI think its server and client that are identical and worker is a little specialer01:17
notmorganwell. in py2 and if we expect the cleint to decode the values off the object, it's simple01:18
clarkbso when this was py3'd the first time the rule was basically use bytes always to keep it simple01:18
notmorganor we accept a litle sloppier data01:18
greghaynesyoure basically defining an implicit on wire encoding in to the protocol which doesnt require it01:18
clarkbgreghaynes: yes thats why I mentioned you'd want it for esoteric encoding01:18
clarkblike gregfmt01:19
notmorganthis is a python bytes vs str headache with trying to be "nice" to people consuming it01:19
notmorganif we leave this as a low-level interface01:19
notmorganand expect the devs to eat the bytes [cause... it's bytes]01:19
greghaynesit sounds like its actually a client library dictating server behavior issue01:20
notmorganthen the headache is that there is a lot of all over zuul01:20
greghaynesbecause the server shouldnt care about encoding if it doesnt need to01:20
notmorganfor example01:20
notmorganwell, sockets() require the data to be in bytes.01:20
notmorganat the base level.01:20
notmorganwe have to conver it at some point.01:20
greghaynesas as client, not as a server01:21
notmorganwe just explicitly try to go utf-8 encode (if you already encoded it. we just let the value sit)01:21
notmorganright, but the server needs to consume some of these values, which since they're wire format need to be bytes01:21
notmorganthe issue is we just reused data structures (classes) and splitting this up is a lot of code..01:21
greghaynesyea, requiring an encoding for a server because of a code design seems :(01:22
greghaynesthose bugs are really annoying to deal with01:22
notmorganthe *easiest* solution is accept either bytes() or str() for string and/or Name01:23
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notmorganerm... unqiue and name01:23
notmorganthough i did find a bug in the code01:23
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notmorganwe accept Name as None() which we shouldn't01:23
notmorganit will cause bad exceptions01:23
greghaynesi'd really just do bytes everywher and if you want a shiney client that can handle string encode/decode wrap it01:23
greghaynesthen the server has pretty straightforward semantics WRT encoding01:24
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notmorganright, i am looking at simply adding @property for and job.unique that make it easier to consume it.01:24
notmorganso consumers of the lib like zuul don't have to decode/encode all over01:25
notmorganbecause it's ... well here01:25
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notmorgangreghaynes: look here01:25
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notmorganfor why this is a "headache"01:25
notmorgansome of it can't be helped01:26
greghaynesyea, I get it, you just really dont want to push that headache in to the server - youll still have the headache and itll be harder to diagnose01:26
notmorganlike, we *cant* know what that is in gear.lib01:26
notmorganbut zuul knows it is json01:26
greghaynesyou can because youre the client01:26
notmorganbut and job.unique can be much simpler01:26
notmorganthe other option is wrapping this in zuul01:27
greghaynesseems like there should be a subclassed job which is only used as a client01:27
notmorganbut we then need to strip the wrapper before we send it to submitJob()01:27
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notmorganit's ... just kinda ugly.01:28
notmorganstrings vs bytes makes me wish this wasn't in python01:28
greghaynesyep, you really have to draw a clear line of where the encoding happens and then make sure it only ever happens there01:28
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notmorganmaybe i'll just make zuul have a stub class that has .__getattr__ on it that encodes/decodes name/unique and then pulls the underlying job out when sending to submitJob01:30
notmorganputting this in gear is feeling like *not* worth it01:30
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greghaynesYea, or just a similar thing that is StringJob or w/e01:30
greghaynesif you did put it in gear01:30
greghaynesI definitely wouldnt put it anywhere in the bowels of gear because of what youre hitting01:31
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Allow to specify different key types
notmorganI'm going to just do this in zuul.01:34
notmorgandiving into gear here is going to make for more and more headaches01:34
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greghaynesYea, thats a lot more in line what what ive run in to - if the server can be just bytes then clients are on their own to implement encoding01:35
notmorgangreghaynes: i think i'd rather write rust or C++ here :P01:35
greghaynesheh, those issues exist there too!01:36
notmorgangreghaynes: /me throws salt on python.01:36
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greghaynesthe typing does help a bit01:36
clarkbthough rust says you use uf8 iirc01:36
clarkbrather than generic unicdoe which helps a bit01:36
greghaynesit has to have a bytes type01:36
notmorganclarkb: which is why i like it01:36
clarkbit does too01:36
greghaynesyou cant interface with the world without bytes01:36
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add ianw key and to infra-root
notmorganclarkb: it becomes a more direct rather than asuming this bundle of " could have lots of encoding values"01:37
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clarkbI wonder how they deal with windows01:37
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clarkbif there is a secret utf16 handler in places01:38
greghaynesThis is really an issue because its IPC though - even if it was in rust we couldnt assume the other end was also rust01:38
greghaynesyea, because issues like that ;)01:38
* notmorgan seriously looks at the X99 chipset board, would be nice to drive a second monitor w/o breaking my VFIO passthrough stuff.01:38
notmorganthis is also because Zuul doesn't talk py301:39
notmorganif zuul was all py3 [what i am working on]01:40
notmorganthis probably wouldn't have been so ugly01:40
notmorgansince i'm stripping py2 support on zuulv3 branch, this will be easier. less "this coul;d look like X or Y or Z"01:40
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notmorgangreghaynes: totally unrelated, i have a fixed X1C 3rd gen now.01:41
notmorganlenovo fixed it01:41
greghaynesmine is still alive somehow01:41
notmorganit was so destroyed01:41
greghayneswhat happened?01:41
* clarkb just thinks notmorgan and nibz must be hard on their laptops01:42
notmorganfell off a desk, shattered the screen, tore the screen off [broke the screen casing]01:42
clarkbyup confirmed :P01:42
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notmorganknocked it off a desk in the hotel when diving for my phone when i had a migrane and trying to turn off the alarm01:42
notmorgandidn't realize i had broken the laptop until ~6hrs later when i had recovered01:42
notmorganthe other (4th gen x1c) just has a faulty SIM slot, (factory faulty)01:43
notmorganso i will send it off for repair soon. but otherwise that one is in perfect condition.01:43
greghayneshrm, I really wanted to experiment with a sim01:44
greghaynesI know nibalizer has one01:44
notmorganit is REALLY ugly to get working on the 4thgen x1c's01:45
clarkbits chaeper to have a single dvice with one01:45
clarkbso I just use my phone01:45
notmorganthe 7455 sierrawireless is painful01:45
clarkbalso it just works usb0 ftw01:45
notmorganneeds a bleeding edge libQMI and libibmi01:45
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notmorganbut since i have GoogleFi it's easier to add a data-sim01:46
notmorganno cost, etc.01:46
notmorganand don't burn phone battery to tether01:46
notmorgan(or consume a ton of laptop battery since USB-C pulls a lot down, esp. when tethering)01:46
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clarkbnotmorgan: if you plug into not usb c its fine01:47
clarkbassuming you don't have a bad cable01:47
notmorganclarkb: i find the USB-A->C also pull a lot of power01:47
notmorganor don't keep the phone charged.01:48
clarkbnotmorgan: then you likely have a bad cable01:48
notmorgannah it's the high-amp port on the laptop01:48
greghaynesdidnt the google person reviewing those fry all his gear so he cant test anymore?01:48
clarkbthere was a whole thing about this where cables with the wrong resistor in them were drawing far too much power through decives that werent supposed to01:48
notmorganand i got the usb-a to c from google01:48
clarkbnotmorgan: it doesn't matter a proper cable shopuld prevent it on a high amp or .5amp port01:48
greghaynesah, the google one was good01:48
notmorganit's the phone burning battery and pulling down power to stay charged.01:48
clarkbgreghaynes: I think there was multiple pices of hardware fried yes01:49
greghaynesgotta stop the pokemon go app when plugged in01:49
notmorganit burns a lot of battery tethering.01:49
clarkbnotmorgan: huh I can tether all day on x240 with a full charge in laptop and phone when I start01:49
notmorganclarkb: which phone?01:49
notmorganclarkb: hmm. yeah my 5x burns a lot of battery tethering.01:49
clarkbmy display is still my biggest power draw regardless so optimizing that helps the most01:50
notmorganon Fi or tmobile, wondering if it's the magic provider switching code in the baseband01:50
notmorganor $other$ provider?01:50
notmorganyeah maybe if i locked it to tmo it would be better01:50
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clarkboh I also can't do any local "builds"01:50
clarkbdo not recomment running tox when on battery01:51
notmorganhehe, yeah i am exposing a VPN endpoint to my home workstation01:51
notmorganand i do builds/tox runs on it01:51
ianwclarkb: <- is this a xenial / ruby versions / puppet issue ? "can't modify frozen Symbol"01:52
clarkbianw: I think thats puppet issue01:52
Shrewsmordred: notmorgan: the merge of fixed the shade gate, thanks to rcarrillocruz. as for the performance thing, i have not tried it again recently01:53
notmorganShrews: ++ ok01:53
clarkbianw: I read that as when "compiling" that rb file it ran into an error and its puppet's gem01:53
nibalizeryah wwan in laptop is totally worth it -- game changer01:53
clarkbnibalizer: can you look at ianw's failure01:53
clarkbnibalizer: I am also curious why we use puppet 3.0.001:53
clarkbthat seems very old which may not work on xenial01:54
notmorgannibalizer: i can't wait to get it. which WWAN card you have?01:54
nibalizernotmorgan: the one that came?01:54
nibalizersierra something01:54
nibalizerclarkb: yea lets fix that01:54
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notmorgannibalizer: lsusb? wondering what version you have.01:55
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* jroll reads about laptops breaking, meanwhile has thrown his macbook onto concrete multiple times with only cosmetic damage01:55
notmorganjroll: with the screen open and hitting things on the screen part?01:56
notmorganjroll: cause i've seen the x1c's fare well when it's dropped when closed [not mine]01:56
jrollnotmorgan: no, it was closed for the concrete throws01:56
notmorganjroll: yeah. that would have probably made the difference01:56
jrollI've likely dropped it with screen open but don't recall for sure01:56
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jrollnotmorgan: I'm just surprised every time I whip my backpack onto my shoulder with a zipper open, laptop flies out, hits asphalt, still works :)01:57
ianwnibalizer: <- related?  fixed in 3.4.3 so it says ...01:57
timrcjroll: I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that happens too :P01:58
jrolltimrc: I solved it with a messenger bag, but then fiancee did it the other day with her backpack and even hit my car >.>01:58
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Dependon ~> 3.8 for puppet.
nibalizerianw: clarkb that should be the fix01:59
nibalizerI don't think you can depends-on though02:00
timrcjroll: Haha.02:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Allow to specify different key types
timrcjroll: It's pretty incredible what kind of beating some laptops can take.02:01
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run basic tests in check and gate
clarkbhuh I wonder if this zaqar fail is realted to mongodb02:01
clarkbthat would be funny02:01
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nibalizerand that should make the tests acutally run not just hide in experimental02:02
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ianwnibalizer: thanks, fast service :)02:04
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nibalizeryah well jesusaur actually figured it out02:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Fix chair for oslo team meetings
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run identity v3 only job in nova"
mriedempabelanger: ^02:27
mriedemgd, merge conflict02:27
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pabelangermriedem: ohai02:33
pabelangerianw: fedora-24 uploading02:33
pabelangermriedem: shouldn't be an issue to revert02:33
mriedempabelanger: i'll fix that merge conflict in a sec02:33
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mriedemall of a sudden i noticed a bunch of new non-voting jobs in nova's check queue and had to start digging02:34
pabelangerYa, we're usually pretty good with getting sign off from a PTL or core on job changes, likely just slipped through by mistake02:35
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run identity v3 only job in nova"
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* regXboi pads in looking for an infra core or two02:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run identity v3 only job in nova"
clarkbregXboi: I am sort of here whats up?02:58
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regXboiclarkb: looking for another set of eyes on
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regXboihoping to get the +2/W+1 so that it gets into the gate and the folks that are working on adding the tests can actually start seeing them work/fail03:01
clarkbok I do note the fix hasnt merged yet so they will likely fail03:03
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regXboiclarkb: which fix are we talking about here?03:03
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clarkbthe one linked in that change03:04
* regXboi goes to look03:04
clarkbint the commit message03:04
regXboiah... ok, the point is to get the -nv job in 337011 running so that that patch can be rechecked against it and verify that it actually is doing what it claims to be doing03:05
regXboithat patch = 33583803:05
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regXboithanks clarkb03:09
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix handling of old git log output
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Neutron VPNaaS API CI tests
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ianwpabelanger: yep, cool ... i added stackviz into my local tests too :)03:18
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dmsimardstackviz all the things03:21
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change operating to interacting with in README
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coolsvaphow can I update status of any channel, i want to update status of #openstack-requirements03:36
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Revert "Revert "Pre-install pip/virtualenv packages""
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Set meeting chairs to the canonical form
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add IRC nick for nova-notification-meeting
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add IRC nick for storyboard-meeting
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add IRC nicks for trove-dbaas-team-meeting
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add console-log to gate-generate-specs-site
AJaegerfungi, thanks for your findings. Let's fix the console-log directly - and discuss later once we both are around - how to test the post job. Patch for console-log ^05:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add console-log to gate-generate-specs-site
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Make Fedora 24 the default
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AJaegercoolsvap: see
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coolsvap AJaeger yes tonyb pointed me to the POC for doing it05:55
coolsvapI think everyone cannot do that05:56
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openstackgerritAnanth Narayan S proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Plasma to openstack repo
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AJaegercoolsvap: you might need to have operator privilidegs. The document shows how to query that. You can ask one of the admins to give one of the requirements team those permissions in that channel as well - but seems nobody is around right now.05:58
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coolsvapAJaeger, yes i am waiting for that, i will ping someone once online05:59
openstackgerritAnanth Narayan S proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Plasma to openstack repo
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openstackgerritsandhya proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add support for building images capable of UEFI
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: DONT MERGE TESTING
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coolsvapSergeyLukjanov, hi08:14
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change operating to interacting with in README
coolsvapSergeyLukjanov, I need your help to update topic in #openstack-requirements channel, can you help me with that?08:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Dependon ~> 3.8 for puppet.
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SrinuNodepool image is not booting a nodepool vm in Openstack CI08:41
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Srinuhow to eliminate the Nodepool Bad Images08:41
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Srinuasselin__: hi08:44
rcarrillocruzSrinu: it's too early for asselin__08:45
rcarrillocruzhe's on US west coast08:45
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Srinurcarrillocruz: If the image is bad so i have to delete every time. i have to monitor ci daily08:45
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SrinuDuncanT: Nodepool image is not booting a nodepool vm in Openstack CI. how to eliminate the Nodepool Bad Images08:48
DuncanTSrinu: I know just about nothing about nodepool, sorry.08:48
kun_huangwhat is status of JJB and playbook? would we abandon JJB some days later?08:49
SrinuDid anyone face this issue nodepool bad images08:50
Srinurcarrillocruz:how can i fix that issue. please can you suggest me08:51
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openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: search your feelings
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openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: search your feelings
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SrinuHow to eliminate the Nodepool bad images. any work around for that09:11
Srinu hi.How to eliminate the Nodepool bad images( by using this image nodepool vm is not booting properly). any work around for that09:11
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/groups: Upgrade to Drupal Core 7.50
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coolsvapSam-I-Am, hi09:36
Srinucoolsvap: hi09:37
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coolsvapSrinu, hi whatsup09:39
Srinucoolsvap: How to eliminate the Nodepool bad images( by using this image nodepool vm is not booting properly).09:39
openstackgerritJin Jing Lin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix error in Neutron VPNaaS API CI job.
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coolsvapSrinu, I do not know that details about nodepool09:42
Srinucoolsvap: thank you09:42
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Srinuasettle: hi09:45
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/meetbot: Add support for round-table discussions
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asettleSrinu: HI09:47
Srinuasettle:How to eliminate the Nodepool bad images( by using this image nodepool vm is not booting properly)09:49
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GheRiveroSrinu: nodepool image-delete IMAGE_ID09:57
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SrinuGheRivero: for that i have to monitor the CI everyday09:58
SrinuGheRivero: right09:58
SrinuGheRivero: thats it is not the correct right09:58
SrinuGheRivero: Why it is not building image correctly?09:59
GheRiverothat's another question.... the logs should have the answer09:59
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GheRiveroSrinu: <- there are the logs of the images built10:04
SrinuGheRivero: ok. what can i get from their10:04
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GheRiverojust look for the image that is not booting properly and check that the built process and the params are correct10:06
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add documentation publishing for tripleo-common
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit oslo.db to <4.8.0
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add documentation publishing for tripleo-common
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Temporarily remove puppet-ceph from ci slaves
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Temporarily disable introspection
d0ugalAJaeger: Thanks for the quick review. I updated ^10:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Temporarily remove puppet-ceph from ci slaves
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Change operating to interacting with in README
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Temporarily disable introspection
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Srinuasselin__: hi11:06
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use ovs-interface-undefault instead of ovs-native job
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coolsvapSrinu, I think you should send a mail to openstack-infra mailing list with your query11:16
coolsvapthat would be a better alternative for better response11:16
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Merge branch 'master' into v3_merge
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coolsvapjhesketh, hi I need your help to update topic in #openstack-requirements channel, can you help me with that?11:28
Srinuwhen the nodepool service is running i am trying to build an nodepool image and i saw the nodepool vm is going offline with this status as slave went offline11:28
Srinucoolsvap:when the nodepool service is running i am trying to build an nodepool image and i saw the nodepool vm is going offline with this status as slave went offline11:29
Srinucoolsvap: untill the completion of nodepool image11:29
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Srinuuntill the completion of nodepool image11:31
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jheskethcoolsvap: sure, what do you want it set to?11:33
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coolsvapjhesketh, I want to add the information about wiki and meeting let me give it to you11:33
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Srinujhesketh: hi11:34
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jheskethSrinu: Howdy11:35
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Srinujhesketh: i have one doubt11:35
Srinujhesketh:when the nodepool service is running i am trying to build an nodepool image and i saw the nodepool vm is going offline with this status as slave went offline11:35
jheskethSrinu: which status?11:37
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Srinujhesketh: Slave went offline is coming for me when the nodepool vm running job11:38
openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move ironic-multitenant-network-nv to check pipeline
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jheskethSrinu: sorry I don't quire follow... are you building snapshot style images and while they are being made the template node is disappearing?11:45
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Proposing OpenStack SWG Meeting
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Proposing OpenStack SWG Meeting
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Srinujhesketh: I am building Nodepool image and with using previous nodepool image jenkins running the Job and it is going offline11:47
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Merge branch 'master' into v3_merge
Srinujhesketh: Slave went offline and it is repeating untill the Nodepool image build success11:48
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Srinujhesketh: their no info in logs also11:49
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jheskethSrinu: are you having trouble building the new image? ie, is that related or is it just the slave nodes going offline prematurely?11:51
jheskethSrinu: are you building the new image with DIB?11:51
Srinujhesketh: yes11:52
Srinujhesketh: while the build in progress  slave nodes going offline prematurely11:52
jheskethSrinu: so only while building a new nodepool image this occurs?11:52
Srinujhesketh: yes and creating a new nodepool vm and running the job and some time after then again the nodepool vm going slave went offline11:53
jheskethSrinu: are you using DIB or snapshots? and what version of nodepool?11:54
Srinujhesketh: i am using nodepool image-build dpc11:54
Srinujhesketh: i am using dib only11:54
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jheskethSrinu: are you running from master?11:58
Srinujhesketh: i am using jenkins master11:58
jheskethSrinu: while the nodes are running a job does their state switch to "used"?11:58
Srinujhesketh: yes11:58
Srinujhesketh: and after some time it is going done by showing this message slave went offline11:59
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jheskethSrinu: do you have the logs from the jenkins build? is jenksin shutting it down somehow perhaps?11:59
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Srinujhesketh: in that No info12:00
Srinujhesketh: in nodepool.log12:00
jheskethSrinu: I was thinking the log of the jenkins job itself12:00
jheskethSrinu: also see if you have a nodepool-debug.log file (or similar)12:00
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make python35 jobs voting on ironic projects
Srinujhesketh: if the nodepool image build success, the nodepool vm is unable boot properly and not attaching to jenkins and jobs are not running12:02
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jheskethSrinu: after the image is built have you uploaded it to your provider?12:04
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit oslo.db to < 4.8.0
Srinujhesketh: yes and nodepool launched vm12:05
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jheskethSrinu: but it fails to launch and terminates it?12:05
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Srinujhesketh: it is showing Active and running in provider but it is not booting correctly12:06
jheskethSrinu: do you have another provider you can test on? Perhaps just with a node or two?12:06
jheskethSrinu: or otherwise directly try to boot the image on the provider yourself (rather than through nodepool) and see if you can get into it12:07
Srinujhesketh: i tried with on same provider with manually creating a vm using the nodepool image but the same issue not booting correctly12:09
jheskethso either the provider is having issues or the image isn't complete12:09
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Srinujhesketh: in provider i tested with other images like cirros and ubuntu it is working fine12:10
Srinujhesketh: but the nodepool image is not working can i  overcome this issue12:10
jheskethSrinu: you could try downloading the image and booting on a local hypervisor12:11
jheskethSrinu: or even running diskimage-builder locally too12:11
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Srinujhesketh: were i can run  diskimage-builder either in jenkin master or provider12:13
jheskethSrinu: on a fresh vm or a local computer12:13
jheskethSrinu: preferably somewhere where you can run it on a hypervisor too (ie locally)12:13
Srinujhesketh: can you tell me the command i have to be run12:14
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Srinujhesketh: Nodepool by default use this  diskimage-builder to create an nodepool image12:14
jheskethSrinu: well it might be better to start with trying to run the image you've already built locally12:14
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Srinujhesketh: Nodepool will update the image every 15 hours and upload to the provider and the nodepool vm is not booting correctly and Jnekins is not running jobs12:15
jheskethSrinu: right, so the built image is buggy (well that's my guess)... which means you need to debug that somehow12:16
jheskeththe easiest way would be to run it locally12:16
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jheskethor in a cloud where you can attach to the console12:16
Srinujhesketh: can you suggest me how to debug that issue12:17
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Srinujhesketh: is it mandatory to use every time the new nodepool image r it is not required12:18
Srinujhesketh: i can use the old nodepool image everytime12:18
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Srinujeblair: hi12:19
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jheskethSrinu: sorry that's a bit difficult to describe any further.. you might need to do some reading on dib ( and play/test around configuratoins (it depends on what elements etc you have configured too)12:21
jheskethSrinu: nope, not mandatory.. so yes, you can still use the old image12:21
Srinujhesketh: if it is not required to use i can easly use old nodepool image12:22
jheskethSrinu: that might be a good temporary solution... the only reason to build new images is to get updates to your configuration or system packages12:23
Srinujhesketh: but it is not booting right12:23
jheskethSrinu: the old images aren't booting right either?12:23
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Srinujhesketh: Old image is booting correctly but the new image builded automatically by nodepool after 15 hours . this is not booting correctly12:25
jheskethSrinu: right, so you can delay rebuilding images, but you should probably debug why it isn't working at some point12:25
Srinujhesketh: i increased the rebuilding the image but i have to solve that issue right12:26
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Srinujhesketh: i am not getting how to solve that issue12:26
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories
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jheskethSrinu: sorry it's difficult to be more specific.. as suggested try reading up on DIB and boot your built image somewhere where you can attach/watch the console12:31
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Srinujhesketh: ok12:31
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Properly configure introspection HTTP port and reenable it in gate
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Srinudid any one face this issue.How to eliminate the Nodepool bad images( by using this image nodepool vm is not booting properly).12:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit oslo.db to < 4.8.0
Srinuclarkb: hi12:47
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Srinufungi: hi12:59
Srinupabelanger: hi12:59
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix duplicate description preview in card detail modal
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SrinuHi.i am building image using this command nodepool image-build dpc,after success and the image is uploaded to provider and launched a nodepool vm and it is not booting correclty.How to eliminate the Nodepool bad images( by using this image nodepool vm is not booting properly)13:29
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AJaegerSrinu, I think you got more than enough answers from people here already, I doubt anybody else can help you more than that. People in this channel read backscroll, so if anybody has any further suggestions, they will speak up. But there's no need to repeat your question every hour here.13:32
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SrinuAJaeger: ok13:33
SrinuAJaeger: Thanks for your info13:33
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coolsvap_Srinu, as I suggested earlier it is better to send detailed mail to openstack-infra mailing list with details as what you are doing and where you are stuck possibly with logs13:37
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pabelangerzigo: looks like your package was published properly in reprepro13:40
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Srinuasselin__: Hi13:46
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AJaegerwow, pabelanger !13:47
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Srinupabelanger: hi13:58
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make the notifications block fixed on large and medium screens
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openstackgerritJp Maxwell proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Modified settings file to remove questy captcha and add recaptcha.  Re-enabled new account creation allowing new users to edit the wiki again.  Setup two new variables to hold public and private recaptcha keys wg_recaptchapublickey and wg_recaptchaprivate
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rcarrillocruzjpmaxman: you may want to add a new line between the commit title and commit msg description ^14:20
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jpmaxmanah ok - still getting the form right ;)14:22
openstackgerritJp Maxwell proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Setup ReCaptcha in Wiki to Prevent Spam
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AJaegerfungi, do you have a few minutes now to talk about constraints/post jobs?14:41
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fungiAJaeger: sure14:45
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AJaegerfungi, do you have a good idea on how to test constraints in post jobs?14:48
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SrinivasFungi: hi14:48
AJaegerI could setup a specific job for openstack-manuals (which has branches) that does not publish anything - just checks out a bit. And then do some test merges...14:48
AJaegerOr do you have a better idea?14:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add console-log to gate-generate-specs-site
fungiAJaeger: yeah, something with multiple branches that gets frequent commits merged on not-master, with a simple job that doesn't do anything other than just exercise zuul-cloner/constraints file retrieval and confirm that we get one from the correct branch14:50
fungiAJaeger: your idea is probably the simplest solution14:50
anteayaSrinivas: just saying hi to people is irritating and won't help you achieve your goal. I suggest you clearly state your question, if someone can help you they will. I also suggest you read
SrinivasFungi: i am building nodepool image and after build i uploaded to provider and launched a nodepool vm and itis not booting correctly14:51
AJaegerfungi, ok, then I'll look at this tomorrow and propose a job - since I'm core in openstack-manuals, let me use that as test14:51
* AJaeger will be offline the rest of the day14:51
fungiSrinivas: sounds like you need to do some additional troubleshooting. "not booting correctly" is pretty vague. i suggest you figure out what's happening and that may lend some clues as to why it's happening14:52
pabelangerAJaeger: 339636, we should be using bindep for that patch14:52
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pabelangerleft a comment on the review too14:53
anteayaAJaeger: have a good day14:54
AJaegerthanks, anteaya14:54
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SrinivasFungi: i will remove the  image update in nodepool yml14:54
SrinivasFungi: cab i use single nodepool image entirely14:55
AJaegerpabelanger: was considering that as well but left it for now... I let you followup14:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: update the script to expire old bug reports
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/monasca-grafana-datasource project
fungiSrinivas: i don't know what "remove the image update" means in the context of the nodepool.yaml config, nor what you mean by "use single nodepool image entirely"14:56
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SrinivasFungi: in nodepool yml config there is a cron feild in that check feild is we are mentioning to update the image after certain houra14:58
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fungiSrinivas: right, so you mean you will configure nodepool to stop updating its configured images?14:59
SrinivasFungi: yes, it will effect the ci15:00
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fungii don't know off the top of my head whether there is a default for that which kicks in if you comment it out/remove it completely, but you should be able to set it for a sufficiently low frequency (monthly? yearly?) to give you an opportunity to troubleshoot it while you just reuse your existing images15:00
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fungiobviously i wouldn't recommend leaving it that way15:01
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SrinivasFungi: ok but will it effect the ci performance?15:02
SrinivasFungi: ok15:03
fungiSrinivas: over time it will, yes, as your images get more stale (your jobs have to fetch more refs from teh upstream git mirror, pull in newer package updates from the distro, et cetera)15:03
fungii don't think you should consider it a solution, but it may be a useful temporary measure depending on what you're trying to troubleshoot15:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable publishing for Charm documentation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make python35 jobs voting on ironic projects
clarkbSrinivas: fungi: one thing that can help debugging nodepool images is to boot them directly15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add documentation publishing for tripleo-common
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change mistral-extra jobs
clarkbassuming it is getting uploaded to glance you can nova boot that and inspect it by hand15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable all gate jobs for fuel-mirror master
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental Fedora 24 job
fungiyep, that's what i'm hoping Srinivas meant by "use single nodepool image entirely"15:06
fungibut i was unable to parse that into anything that made a lot of sense15:07
jeblairShrews: comment on
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SrinivasClarkb: i have created a vm by using nova but the same not booting it is getting stucked15:10
openstackgerritOleksii Zamiatin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Turn zmq gates to voting
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clarkbSrinivas: you should be able to inspect why though. Get the consoloe logs from nova is probably a good first step15:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements job to all openstack-ansible repo's
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add valgrind test to liberasurecode gerrit gate
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Merge branch 'master' into v3_merge
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Bindep: Use python3-all
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add designate charms
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [zmq] Use proper driver name to configure devstack
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add charm-aodh
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on oslo.utils
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on oslo.policy
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Shrewsjeblair: aye. thx15:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: publish osc-lib docs
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coolsvaphow can one I add patchbot to a channel?15:26
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fungicoolsvap: try again with different phrasing. i couldn't make an answerable question out of that15:29
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rcarrillocruzi guess you mean  getting 'Foo proposed blah patch'15:30
coolsvapfungi, i need patchbot in #openstack-requirement channel15:30
pabelangerwhat is patchbot?15:30
coolsvappabelanger, its what rcarrillocruz said15:31
coolsvapwhich updates about the patch submitted/merged15:31
pabelangerah, gerritbot15:31
mugsieit replies to a channel when a review is mentioned with the title15:31
coolsvappabelanger, sorry15:32
coolsvapnot that15:32
mugsiecoolsvap: oh, do you mean patchbot, or gerritbot?15:32
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coolsvapwhenever we have a patch url in message15:32
coolsvapit provides the patch url15:32
mugsie[16:31] [freenode]            --- | [patchbot] ( : Supybot 0.84.0-dev15:32
fungicoolsvap: that's not something we run15:32
pabelangerya, that isn't a bot we maintain15:32
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pabelangeralso, not sure we should be adding random bots into our channels, do we?15:33
mugsielooks like notmyname runs it15:33
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fungiwe can't control people joining bots to channels, though if the residents of those channels find them a nuisance we can ban them15:33
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fungion a case-by-case basis15:34
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coolsvapsorry guys i didnt know its channel specific15:35
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Kaiyanfungi: Can you take a look at when you get a chance please? Thanks! This review is to remove check requirements CI job from monasca-agent. Because there are libraries such as tornado and supervisor that we can not get into global requirements.15:40
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anteayapabelanger: I had a mailing list thread up about that topic some time ago15:41
anteayainterest in it kind of fizzled15:42
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anteayaand given the larger conversation of go, I decided to give it a pass for a bit15:42
anteayahowever if you feel it is time to revive the conversation, the thread is still out there15:42
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openstackgerritPhilip Marc Schwartz proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add extension to openstackci for next phase of work
phschwartzasselin__: nibalizer: ^15:44
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asselin__oh wow an update! looking15:45
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use random numbers for ZK test paths
phschwartzasselin__: nibalizer: I will be focusing time the next week to knocking this out, so if we can push to get it agreed upon and merged it would be great15:45
phschwartzasselin__: Yeah, I have the time and the need to focus on it15:45
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use random strings for ZK test paths
phschwartzasselin__: I removed all of the talk of the server template, user template, and iptables.15:46
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zubchickfolks, please review my patch I want to create a new project
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anteayaasselin__: lennyb mmedvede if one of you is available to chair the Monday 15:00 third party meeting next week, I'd be grateful, I will be traveling to the nova mid-cycle15:49
lennybanteaya, sorry, cant take it15:49
asselin__anteaya, I have a conflict & double-booked during that time, so cannot chair.15:50
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anteayalennyb: asselin__ thanks for letting me know, thank you15:50
lennybanteaya, i can start, but I will have only about 20mins15:50
anteayalennyb: understood15:50
openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [mistral] Add check-requirements to mistral-extra
anteayaperhaps mmedvede has time15:50
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lennybanteaya, if you, asselin__, mmedvede and me wont be there, most likely noone else would:)15:52
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phschwartzAre there any guides for setting up jeepyb? I haven't noticed any, but haven't search well yet.15:53
anteayalennyb: good point, I'll wait to hear from mmedvede15:53
clarkbphschwartz: I don't think so beyond whatever docs are in jeepyb itself15:53
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mmedvedeanteaya: I think I can, but I need to check calendar. I'll get back to you in a bit. busy right now15:54
clarkbphschwartz: I want to saw the projects.yaml config is documented as a docstring15:54
rcarrillocruzphschwartz: there's also puppet-jeepyb in case is not in your radar15:54
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phschwartzclarkb: yay, will be a learning experience and maybe I will blog the work so it is stored for furture documenting15:54
phschwartzrcarrillocruz: I did not know there was. That is good to know15:54
phschwartzrcarrillocruz: in openstack-ci?15:55
fungiphschwartz: it's worth keeping in mind that jeepyb is really just a grab-bag of random gerrit-related (mostly) scripts and tooling15:55
phschwartzrcarrillocruz: your re-review of would be appreciated15:55
phschwartzfungi: understandable. A grab bag I want to use ;)15:55
rcarrillocruzyou could look at system-config for how to declare it on nodes, etc15:55
anteayammedvede: yup, thanks15:55
rcarrillocruzsaw the change, i'll review later15:55
fungiphschwartz: so depending on _what_ from it you want to set up, documentation is in different places and of varying quality/modernity15:55
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fungiphschwartz: it was just a bunch of arbitrary semi-related stuff we ripped out of our old config repo really15:56
phschwartzfungi: ah, so it will probably just require a bit of searching. And I want project creation/management and acl management from it mostly.15:56
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fungiphschwartz: okay, so that's really just which might be easier understood in the context of
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fungiphschwartz: and from a broader perspective, also
clarkbI think i may have just run itno a unittest2 bug!16:00
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clarkblifeless: your eyes on would be appreciated if you have a moment for an odd unittest2 traceback16:01
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the User Tokens api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Users api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Worklists api
phschwartzfungi: ty for the pointers I will look at those closely16:03
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clarkbhrm and that seemed to have caused the entire test suite to bail out16:04
fungiphschwartz: and apologies for the state of documentation for jeepyb. i think there are psychological barriers at play because it's a dumping ground for various ugly hacks we wish would eventually go away, so it's hard to get excited about documenting it16:04
phschwartzfungi: all good :)16:05
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rcarrillocruzanyone got issues on tests where if running func tests to create servers 'too soon' Nova would crash with a 500 ?16:07
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rcarrillocruzi've had to put an artificial delay last week on a change, but today it seems any increase i put is not enough...16:07
funginibalizer: crinkle: any idea if there are scope issues at play in ? (see the depending change i linked in a review comment for the resulting failing jobs)16:07
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mmedvedeanteaya: I can chair the next Monday's 15:00 UTC third party meeting16:10
anteayammedvede: awesome, thank you16:12
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow timeline events to be related to worklists and boards
notmynamercarrillocruz: you want patchbot?16:14
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use delorean-current for puppet modules
rcarrillocruznah, coolsvap was asking something about it16:18
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nibalizerfungi: at a conference, will check when i get a break16:19
funginibalizer: it's not urgent. enjoy your conferencing16:19
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rcarrillocruzShrews: heya, ever got something like when running os_server tests16:19
rcarrillocruzi'm crashing nova it seems :/16:19
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anteayamorning zaro16:20
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Shrewsrcarrillocruz: eek. nope16:20
clarkbmtreinish: is it a known issue that when using os-testr I can't do tox -epy27 -- --until-failure ?16:20
clarkbmtreinish: it gets cranky saying that is not a valid option?16:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-jenkins: Setup required packages with bindep
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armaxhello folks, there’s a change in the oven that will allow us to avod installing/running neutron-fwaas in the gate by default, this was a long time coming effort, can anyone give it a nudge? Many thanks!16:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review: Install bc libs when running testsuite
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the User Tokens api
anteayaarmax: it is a devstack-gate patch so unfortunately I can't help16:29
armaxanteaya: thanks nonetheless16:29
openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [mistral] Add check-requirements to mistral-extra
anteayaarmax: thanks for the kindly message of salutation and introduction to the patch16:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-jenkins: Fixed a minor typo in example of Python-jenkins
armaxanteaya: I can do it more often :)16:30
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anteayaarmax: :)16:32
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armaxfungi: thanks!16:37
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openstackgerritMilan Kováčik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run smoke tests after upgrade
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix zk startup detection
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/puppet-hound: Add ServerAlias support to the vhost config
jeblairclarkb, notmorgan: does this look familiar:
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the User Tokens api
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thiagopHello folks. This commit has introduced a change in devstack's output that is undesirable ->
thiagopit doesn't restore the xtrace state17:08
thiagopIs it fine for me to send a patch to just restore the state or is it better to rollback the change and implement it again?17:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Use random strings for ZK test paths
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anteayathiagop: devstack is a repo most often discussed in #openstack-qa17:10
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements job to OSA lxc-container-create repo
anteayathiagop: you probably will have a more beneificial discussion about your issue in that channel17:10
thiagopanteaya: right, so I'll take the question there17:10
anteayasounds good17:10
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements job to OSA lxc-container-create repo
thiagopanteaya: tks17:11
anteayayou're welcome17:11
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Comment some settings in worklist resource
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notmorganjeblair: transient error iirc17:17
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notmorganjeblair: it looks like setup failed in allowing access via localhost17:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Update .gitignore to ignore all .egg things
notmorganjeblair: it's happened infrewquently in my experience and has been low on my list to debug because it was not super common [in my tests/py3 conversion work]17:18
rderosehello, I'm having an issue where Jenkins giving me a -1 when all voting gates are successful17:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-jenkins: Do not force DeprecationWarning to be displayed
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jeblairnotmorgan: ok, i don't recall having seen it so wasn't sure if it was new17:19
rderoseany ideas how I can resolve this?17:19
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notmorganjeblair: yeah very infrequent17:19
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anteayarderose: voting jobs17:20
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anteayarderose: your patch went through the check pipeline17:21
rderoseanteaya: mean, voting gates.17:21
rderoseanteaya: yeah, everything passes except: gate-keystone-python35-db-nv, but that is non-voting17:22
anteayarderose: gates don't vote, jobs do17:22
rderoseanteaya: yet Jenkins is giving me a -117:22
rderoseanteaya: okay, jobs then17:22
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anteayagate is a pipline, as is check17:22
anteayayour patch went through the check pipeline17:22
rderoseanteaya: yes, this is the patch:
anteayaif you click the button in the gui entitled "Toggle CI" you see the comment Jenkins left17:23
anteayayou will see the following in the comment17:23
anteayagate-keystone-requirements : Incompatible requirement found; see in 1m 41s17:23
anteayait appears that the requirements job is unhappy17:23
rderoseanteaya: hmm...  I am adding freezegun to the test-requirments.txt17:24
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clarkbjeblair: not to me no. Did notmorgan's patch to update db creation for xenial merge? possibly related to that maybe?17:25
rderoseanteaya: but again, isn't this a non-voting?17:25
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OSNEXUSAnyone around who can help in troubleshooting my third party CI setup? Having issues with nodepool17:25
anteayarderose: requirements jobs should only be voting, have you read as the comment suggests?17:26
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rderoseanteaya: reading it now17:28
anteayarderose: my read of the keystone jobs is the check-requirements jobs are voting:
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anteayaOSNEXUS: many people are around, the best strategy is to ask your question, clearly stating each time that you are asking about your third party ci setup17:29
anteayaOSNEXUS: if/when someone is available to help, they will do so17:29
OSNEXUSthanks anteaya17:29
anteayaOSNEXUS: you're welcome17:29
clarkbOSNEXUS: anteaya though it usually helps to start with a specific issue17:30
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anteayaclarkb: OSNEXUS agreed17:31
annegentleanteaya or pleia2 or clarkb or fungi : could I ask one of you a couple of questions about SSH keys and OpenStack instances? My conceptual base is weak and I think I need a q&a session.17:31
clarkbannegentle: go for it17:31
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anteayaannegentle: I'm happy to witness you ask questions until you realize you knew the answer all along17:32
clarkbOSNEXUS: I am also happy to help though nodepool issues is pretty nebulous. What is the specific issue or issues17:32
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OSNEXUSclarkb: I'm setting up a 3rd party CI for a cinder driver, and when trying to read from the sandbox, nodepool seems to error in creating a server, deletes it, then starts up again, it's just looping trying and failing to create nodes17:33
annegentleanteaya: that's exactly what I need!17:34
annegentle(rubber duck)17:34
rderoseanteaya: thank you for your help, I think I see the problem now17:34
anteayaannegentle: :)17:34
anteayarderose: wonderful, glad you are on your way17:34
clarkbOSNEXUS: looks like you may ahve run out of quota according to that log? I would start there and make sure you ahve enough quota17:34
annegentleBackground: I have access to 2 openstack clouds. One cloud creates a user called "user". One cloud creates a user called "cloud-user".17:34
anteayarderose: and you are welcome17:34
annegentleI'm practicing my empathy for OpenStack users by creating a Heat template that runs an Ansible playbook.17:35
notmorganclarkb: that error was on my patch. it has been infrequnt and occational but not isolated there17:35
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clarkbnotmorgan: huh17:35
notmorganclarkb: i've seen it one or two other times.17:35
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clarkbI wonder if its side effect of our db setup in jjb17:36
clarkbjeblair: ^17:36
OSNEXUSclarkb: okay, where, not seeing anything about quota in nodepool.yaml17:36
annegentleRight now, that playbook has remote_user: cloud-user become: yes become_method: sudo17:36
clarkbOSNEXUS: quota is a cloud construct, you will need to ask your cloud17:36
clarkbOSNEXUS: specifically in that log it says you ahve run out of cores, which is managed by nova so you will need to ask nova17:36
annegentleSo, my thinking currently is that well, one, I'll need to make a variable passed in to the playbook for the "remote_user"17:36
jeblairOSNEXUS: OpenStackCloudException: Error in creating instance (Inner Exception: Quota exceeded for cores: Requested 4, but already used 20 of 20 cores (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-0dbc5222-c31f-4c6f-9489-4726638ed317))17:36
jeblairOSNEXUS: ^ is the log line about quota17:36
openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [mistral] Add check-requirements to mistral-extra
jeblairOSNEXUS: there is another error in there too17:36
jeblairOSNEXUS: OpenStackCloudException: Error in creating the server.17:36
jeblairOSNEXUS: that means that the instance went into the "ERROR" state, which is another thing that your cloud operator can look into17:37
annegentlebut two, the part I don't get is, if I need cloud-user to do something as me, in this case, clone a private git repo, I don't want to copy my private key over to that server, that's, ugh.17:37
annegentleso, I think what I want is a "deploy key" according to Github docs.
jeblairclarkb: i don't quite follow the 'db setup in jjb' comment17:38
clarkbjeblair: one sec17:38
annegentleStill has some cons, but you know, seems safe enough.17:38
OSNEXUSjeblair , clarkb : thanks, looking through nova conf17:38
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annegentleMy question is this: how do I tell Ansible that those keys are for a github user?17:38
clarkbjeblair: the macros for db setup taht start there17:39
annegentleor am I telling the wrong entity the wrong thing? How do you all do this in your multicloud environment? (not the private repos of course, but the "hey, I'm this other user with these keys for this purpose"17:39
clarkbjeblair: since in theory it is responsible for setting that initial connection stuff?17:39
notmorgan clarkb this looks to be not initial connection as i look more closely17:39
notmorgansince only 1 test failed.17:40
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clarkbannegentle: you can tell ssh to use a different identity using the -i flag17:40
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clarkbannegentle: so in the simplest case you would do ssh -i /path/to/other/key otheruser@wherever17:40
fungii do exactly that for my openstack infra accounts for example17:40
jeblairclarkb, notmorgan: and that initial setup seems to have worked without error:
anteayaannegentle: I also use the -i flag, I create a key for use on one server and ssh into that server specifying the path to the key in the ssh command17:41
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anteayaannegentle: as clarkb pointed out17:41
annegentleyep, I'm doing that to ssh into it, -i private/key/generated/from/heat/template17:41
clarkbjeblair: notmorgan ya and all the other tests work an in theory they are using new DBs and connections for every test17:42
annegentlebut clarkb is onto something I hadn't thought of... -i private/key/as/other/user.... but where is that private key generated? I guess I have to do ssh-keygen once to generate that deploy key?17:42
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clarkbannegentle: yes you'd generate it somewhere, put the public key in github or whever, then have ansible/heat install the private key where you need it17:43
fungiannegentle: an alternative is that you can use ssh-agent forwarding, though keep in mind that will result in your forwarded private key being usable while your connection to that system is active (especially a risk if you want unattended use and so don't have the agent require unlocking on every use)17:43
clarkbannegentle: typically we just have service specifc users and they get a single key so it works by default17:43
annegentleclarkb: ok, that helps a ton, that there's this other private key, not necessarily the one for cloud-user or user from the heat template...17:43
notmorgani did add a cleanup of users at the end of the tests?17:43
notmorgani wonder if this is a leak of user re-use17:43
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annegentlefungi: yeah I read a ton about that, and unfortunately I have Windows users in the mix where key forwarding is a non-starter17:44
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fungiannegentle: and yes, tightly-scoped keys are generally the simplest compromise for the use case you're describing17:44
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annegentleclarkb: fungi: anteaya: thanks for this! fungi Yeah I guess that deploy key is more or less a passphrase you protect as such.17:45
annegentlewhew!!! unstuck feels good :)17:45
anteayaannegentle: yay, well done17:45
clarkbok, I think the earlier hostname issue may have been related to the fails in the neutron stadium projects too17:45
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clarkbworkign on confirming that. Also zaqar works on an instance I held from nodepool so no idea what is going on there17:46
clarkbbut this is good news means that everything either works or has fixes proposed at this point or is not an active project17:46
clarkbdhellmann: ^17:46
anteayayay good news17:46
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OSNEXUSclarkb: jeblair: I am running out of cores, but it seems to me like that's simply a tangential error to the fact that there are failed builds going on that are eating up those cores, and then leaving me with nothing else to work with. Also how would my client check why it's entering an error state?17:49
nibalizerianw: fungi see my comments on
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OSNEXUSNot seeing any nova logging17:49
pabelangeranteaya: thanks, that was the thread I was thinking of17:50
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clarkbOSNEXUS: the simplest way is to stop nodepool and boot off of that image directly17:51
sdake_AJaeger pabelanger do either of you know if the mirror issues with available.d are resolved now?17:51
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clarkbOSNEXUS: then you can `nova show instanceuuid` or `openstack server show instanceuuid` which shoudl give you a reason for the error state if it enters an error state too17:51
pabelangersdake_: all images should be uploaded now17:51
sdake_cool thanks17:51
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funginibalizer: thanks a bunch!17:54
dhellmannclarkb : nice!17:54
clarkbsdake_: pabelanger rax-iad centos-7 and rax-ord debian-jessie and rh1 centos-7 may not have the update yet looking at our images17:54
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funginibalizer: i completely overlooked that. i must be going blind17:55
sdake_oops ok17:55
dulekHi, I'm looking for feedback on
sdake_well let me workflow-1 my patch then17:55
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clarkbsdake_: pabelanger: you'd have to get more precise on when stuff merged and when we succeeded in those locations but they all have older images17:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Make ZK cleanup more resilient
sdake_the only data i have clarkb is as of 2 days ago rax.ord was lacking the files17:56
pabelangerclarkb: sdake_: Ah, I was only looking at ubuntu-trusty17:56
clarkbsdake_: on what image?17:56
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clarkbthe trusty image in rax-ord is a day old17:57
clarkbso should be corrected now17:57
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anteayapabelanger: wonderful and you're welcome17:58
clarkb prevented things from updating today17:58
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clarkbnew project creation failing for some reason?18:00
* clarkb looks in git logs if thats new18:00
fungiclarkb: not sure, but there were a ton of new project changes approved earlier today18:01
clarkbyup its new18:01
fungiprobably were merging happening at the same time image updates were starting18:01
clarkbwell the repo is still not workign18:01
fungilikely something is mistyped on it18:02
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clarkbI should look into making the dib caching just ignore failed things18:02
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clarkbsince we use it as a cahce its not actually fatal unlike what most people will use it for18:02
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: unlikely to have an effect, but also recall pabelanger's 'free' ansible change went in recently18:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER default mode
rkukurameetbot seems dead on openstack-meeting-318:05
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SumitNaiksatamyeah, trying to start a meeting18:05
SumitNaiksatamtopic shows previous meeting18:05
pabelangerlet me check puppetmaster18:07
pabelangerwe were having OOMs again18:07
pabelangerso it is possible ansible-playbook is hung again18:07
fungithe meetbot issue was a syntax error. apparently it doesn't like leading space before #commands18:07
openstackgerritChris Spencer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add craton project
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OSNEXUSclarkb: Trying to boot up images is still giving me core issues, how can I clear out my cores now that nodepool is stopped?18:08
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clarkbOSNEXUS: you can either increase your quota or delete instances using up quota18:08
pabelangerclarkb: ++ to ignore failures18:08
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pabelangerbut ya, strategy free was merged last night for git servers18:09
clarkbpabelanger: the problem is that element is used genericly and I think the default fail is good18:09
clarkbso have to sort out how I can make it not happen for us18:09
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odyssey4mepabelanger a quick review of would be appreciated - it's just adding a missing job18:11
pabelangerI have also seen project creation fail because ansible will fail to run properly on git.o.o servers, and never get to the review.o.o task for remote_puppet_git.yaml18:12
pabelangerproject creation failed, because puppet didn't run, in that case18:13
odyssey4meany other project config cores available for a final vote on ?18:13
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pabelangerodyssey4me: have you started using the UCA mirrors yet?18:14
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odyssey4mepabelanger For out integrated builds, yes. Not yet for all the roles as I have a var precedence issue to sort out to make that work.18:15
odyssey4mepabelanger We were talking the other day about the possibility of having a disabled apt list file placed on the nodepool image to make it easier to use in jobs.18:16
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pabelangerodyssey4me: okay cool, was just wanting to confirm they are working as expected18:16
odyssey4mepabelanger yeah, it seems so - thanks!18:16
odyssey4methanks anteaya18:16
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anteayaodyssey4me: you're welcome18:16
pabelangerodyssey4me: ya, clarkb came up with the idea of adding /etc/apt/sources.list.available.d so projects could symlink to that at will:
pabelangerodyssey4me: so, as we add mirrors, we'll add them into their18:18
odyssey4meoh neat, thanks for the pointer - I'll adjust our current method to make use of that :)18:18
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pabelangerfor example: adds the source.list bits for debian for the debian-openstack-jessie mirror18:19
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OSNEXUSclarkb: {"message": "No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.", "code": 500, "details": "  File \"/opt/stack/nova/nova/conductor/\", line 459, in build_instances18:20
clarkbOSNEXUS: that means you don't have any compute hosts to your your instances on18:21
clarkbOSNEXUS: you'll have to debug your cloud to determine why18:21
OSNEXUSI thought as long as I have open cores nova goes about that? Hmmm, okay18:21
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anteayaOSNEXUS: well you have a cloud that nodepool is connected to to create nodes on, your cloud account has a quota of some sort18:22
anteayaOSNEXUS: if you surpase the quota, your cloud won't let you create any more nodes, this is what the nodepool logs are trying to tell you18:22
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asselin__rcarrillocruz, I might've found an issue still with shade & the floating ip address. So I can launch a node, it can ssh to it via public ip, but openstack server list doesn't show the public ip.18:24
OSNEXUSanteaya: Right, but even starting with all my cores free it errors out, and my quota is 20 cores, are there other factors to the quota that might limit it?18:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements job to OSA lxc-container-create repo
anteayaOSNEXUS: have you manually created vms on that cloud?18:25
anteayato ensure your account credentials are valid and the cloud can create nodes?18:26
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fungicould be you have a flavor defined that none of your compute nodes provide?18:27
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OSNEXUSanteaya: Didn't I just attempt that with nova boot?18:27
asselin__rcarrillocruz, log output..check test-puppet3
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asselin__rcarrillocruz, so nova caught up and now has the floating ip. I guess it's not really a shade issue, but the symptom shade is fixing (takes too long for nova to get the ip address)18:33
clarkbOSNEXUS: yes, you will need to debug your nova install18:33
clarkbOSNEXUS: nova is saying I have nowhere to run this VM. Make sure you have nova compute(s) running and if you do check their logs to see their available resource calculations18:34
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isaacbclarkb: can you please help with processing:
clarkbisaacb: my preference would be that one of the people that already +2'd it approved... but I can take a look I guess18:43
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isaacbclarkb: thanks18:43
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: ZooKeeper API
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: ZooKeeper API
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rcarrillocruzasselin__: that's what presumably the last change merged fixes18:58
rcarrillocruzuse shade from master18:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add log config option to nodepool cmd
rcarrillocruzshould have that fixed/alleviated18:58
rcarrillocruzas you said, it's the way neutron/nova work, it's silly18:59
rcarrillocruzi have to debug an issue where my os_server tests crash nova18:59
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clarkboh its spec day /me quickly goes to do things19:01
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fungiyes, please to do the things. i was going to approve some specs as of 5 minutes ago but am slack about it as usual so it's not done yet19:05
fungii'll continue to be slack a little longer if you're reviewing still19:05
clarkbI won't vote on my spec but did on the other :)19:05
clarkbso all good19:05
clarkbI was just reflecting on how "uses 0mq" is not a good thing due to our use of it19:06
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clarkband feeling both glad that lessons were learned btu also sad that I am to blame for using it in the first place19:06
fungiyou introduced us to its badnez19:07
clarkbmtreinish: fungi another excellent thing to throw on that mqtt bus would be nodepool image infos19:07
fungiabsolutely. there are pretty limitless options for things we _could_ add to it (as long as it's things we're comfortable with being 100% public)19:08
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asselin__rcarrillocruz, right...I realized that after the fact. Ansible/shade can keep going and manage the node, which is awesome, but everyone else needs to wait until the sync happens to get the floating ip.19:20
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clarkbpabelanger: get anywhere debugging new project creation?19:29
* clarkb digs into that since charms-aodh still is afk19:29
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: updated branches gerribot alerts for in #openstack-swift
notmynameclarkb: ^ follow up to that branch19:29
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: updated branches gerritbot alerts for in #openstack-swift
fungizaro: thanks for all those reviews on open git-review changes!19:30
clarkb,access looks good19:31
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pabelangerclarkb: I didn't see anything specific but the project is updated to19:32
pabelangerI can dig more into it19:32
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clarkbpabelanger: its ok I am looking19:34
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pabelangerclarkb: Yup, puppet just started to run on review.o.o again19:35
pabelangerlast run was Jul 14 15:43:37 review puppet-user[24749]: Finished catalog run in 1526.32 seconds19:36
clarkbpabelanger: review.o.o is fine though19:36
clarkbsee my link above19:36
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Setup ReCaptcha in Wiki to Prevent Spam
pabelangermost recent was19:36
pabelangerJul 14 18:26:31 review puppet-user[39818]: Finished catalog run in 1386.21 seconds19:36
clarkbah and now git.o.o is fine too19:36
clarkbwow that was a really long puppet run19:36
pabelangerchecking puppetmaster.o.o so see if ansible was failing19:36
clarkbansible was stuck?19:37
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Setup ReCaptcha in Wiki to Prevent Spam
pabelangerlooking now19:37
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pabelangerclarkb: yes19:38
pabelangertimestamps between runs19:39
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pabelangerYup, it is blocked now too19:39
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clarkbpabelanger: does that imply it was stuck on phabricator?19:39
pabelangerwe are getting SError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory again19:39
pabelangerclarkb: no19:39
pabelangerthis is the failure to post our logs to puppetdb19:40
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pabelangerand running out of memory19:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Clean up unused questy captcha variable
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fungipabelanger: could it be fact posting that's actually bombing memory? i know in the past there have been issues with "facts" containing absurd amounts of data19:41
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pabelangerthe amount of troubles we are having with posting facts, I almost want to refactor that code into a separate ansible-playbook so we can debug it easier. Right now, we have it glob'd into ansible-role-puppet task19:42
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clarkbthe thing that gets me is puppet itself didn't have this problem and it was processing the same data19:44
odyssey4mepabelanger something that may relate, or be useful - you may wish to reduce the fact subset that's gathered...
clarkbthough I guess nodes could talk directly to puppetdb then19:44
clarkbbecause they had certs and now don't so we proxy through puppetmaster19:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mtreinish: i'm pretty excited about adding nodepool/zuul stuff both as producer and potential consumer to mqtt -- but i'd like to defer that until later in v3.  the spec reads to me as "shake some things out with gerrit first, then add stuff", so i think we're probably on the same page there, but just want to make sure.19:45
fungijeblair: absolutely19:45
dhellmannI'm seeing an error from a validation script in the releases repo that makes me think the local git repo is out of date w.r.t. the existing tags
fungijeblair: if we have gerrit reporting its event stream there by the summit i'll consider that a success19:45
clarkbI was just thinking about sdake_'s question earlier of "are the images up to date" and reading the spec thinking thats a perfect place to solve that problem19:46
pabelangerodyssey4me: thanks, will look at it19:46
dhellmannit's trying to figure out if tag 11.2.17 exists, and what sha it has, and it's not finding the tag even though it's clearly there19:46
jeblairclarkb: we do have another potential solution to that problem that is immediately available:
pabelangerclarkb: ya, puppetmaster.o.o is MITM now19:46
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dhellmannthese are old tags, or I would wonder about a cache issue19:46
fungijeblair: neither mtreinish nor i have a ton of bandwidth for the firehose project, so i expect it'll be pretty slow-going/low-priority unless a ton of other excited people show up19:47
jeblairclarkb: if you are in principle okay with that, i can refresh it now.19:47
dhellmannthe tag isn't on master though; does zuul-cloner limit the branches it clones?19:47
dhellmannor does git log limit the branches it scans somehow?19:47
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clarkbjeblair: ya as a way to query the data that looks fine. My only concern (and this is true of anything we do here) is making sure people understand the time deltas involved when wanting new things. New thing needs to be in before we run dib and the image-list counter only starts after we get image into glance19:50
clarkbjeblair: but that can be sorted out as we go19:50
clarkbdhellmann: yes I think it may not do a full remote update. if ZUUL_BRANCH is set to the branch the tag is on it should work.19:51
dhellmannclarkb : ok, this used to work, so is that a new behavior?19:51
dhellmannclarkb : I don't know in advance what branch the tag is on in a lot of cases19:51
dhellmannand fwiw, this works locally for me19:51
clarkbdhellmann: did it used to work with zuul cloner?19:51
clarkbif so then I am likely wrong19:52
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jeblairdhellmann: we merged a zuul-cloner change recently.  there is a possibility there is an unintentional behavior change.19:52
dhellmannjeblair : was that released? or do our nodes install zc from source?19:52
jeblairoddly enough, the change i'm thinking of is so that z-c can be used in the post pipeline19:52
odyssey4meclarkb jeblair dhellmann perhaps this has something to do with it?
jeblairdhellmann: they install from source19:52
dhellmannthat explains why it's different in ci and locally then19:52
jeblairodyssey4me: that's the one i'm thinking of19:52
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jeblairdhellmann: can you help me with a test case -- i should see this if i z-c openstack-ansible and look for that tag?19:54
dhellmannI think I'm running "zuul-cloner --workspace $workdir --cache-dir $cachedir git:// openstack/openstack-ansible"19:54
dhellmannjeblair : yes19:55
jeblairgit show 11.2.1719:56
jeblairfatal: ambiguous argument '11.2.17': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.19:56
jeblairdhellmann: then that, right ^19:56
dhellmannyes, that's the error19:56
asselin__rcarrillocruz, wanted to say thanks for your help. I got a node launched using playbooks/launch_node.yml and puppet apply working on it using /opt/system-config/production/playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml19:56
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: allow override to run git gc instead of repack on repos
jeblairdhellmann, odyssey4me, clarkb: i still get that error if i revert that commit, and even if i go back to zuul from june 2219:58
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clarkbjeblair: there was a change on june 4th to the file to use six19:59
clarkbjeblair: possibly that changed behavior subtly?19:59
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jeblairdhellmann: is it possible we were inadvertently relying on the local cache being updated?  ie -- this job ran after the daily image refresh after the tag created?19:59
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jeblairclarkb: i'll try that19:59
dhellmannjeblair : this similar release worked 30 hours ago
clarkbjeblair: but if not that then my enxt guess would be gitpython20:00
dhellmannjeblair : maybe. most of these are really old tags though20:00
clarkbnew gitpython on june 20th20:00
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jeblairclarkb: i'm using gitpython 1.0.120:01
jeblairi don't update my venv often :)20:01
clarkbwow ya 2.0.6 is the new version :)20:01
jeblairyeah, still no joy20:02
dhellmannis it possible that the local cache doesn't have the other branches either?20:03
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dhellmannhow is that created?20:03
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set cron job to gc repositories instead of repack
clarkbit is created using disk image builders' source repository element caching thing20:04
dhellmannI can try adding a "git remote update" to my clone instructions but is that going to pull in the extra branches?20:04
clarkbit won't have eg stable/foo but should have remotes/origin/stable/foo20:04
dhellmannyeah, that's fine20:04
clarkbwhich should be neough to point at that sha120:04
dhellmannas long as it gets all the tags too20:04
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dhellmannI'll give that a try20:04
dhellmannI still can't reproduce this locally, fwiw20:04
fungijeblair: clarkb: will the zuul mergers necessarily have tags?20:05
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: allow override to run git gc instead of repack on repos
openstackgerritAndreas Florath proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Refactor: block-device handling (local loop)
clarkbfungi: the mergers have gerrit job to update their repos for this situation20:05
jeblairfungi: no, the mergers are not guaranteed to be generally up to date20:05
clarkbfungi: but it might not fire for the check queue20:05
clarkbI think it fires for post?20:05
jeblairclarkb, fungi: yeah, for a post job, the repo for the project in question on the designated merger will be up to date20:06
jeblairbut that's the only time they get updated.  so you can count on it for a post job, but not otherwise20:06
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dhellmannwhat is a "zuul merger" and how does that apply?20:06
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fungiit's the ZUUL_URL that zuul-cloner will pick up as its git remote, where it can expect the precalculated merge commits for jobs to be made available20:07
dhellmannso we might be cloning from a source that doesn't have the tags?20:07
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fungidhellmann: well, we're definitely cloning from a source that might not have tags, since zuul-cloner clones from the local cached git repo on the job node20:09
dhellmanndoes zuul-cloner rewrite the origin or otherwise add a remote that would have the info? so if I do "git remote update" I'll get them?20:10
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fungii'm pulling up the source now to confirm which remotes it expects and retrieves updates from20:11
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fungiin which sequence20:11
clarkbI am pretty sure its only going to use the cache dir and the one provided20:12
jeblairi think zuul-cloner may never perform a remote update20:12
dhellmannok, and I'm going ahead and testing with the update command in
fungijeblair: yeah, that's what i was looking for20:12
clarkbjeblair: that too20:12
dhellmannoh, wow, ok, I assumed zuul-cloner did a remote update20:12
fungiif it doesn't, it won't automatically know about any new tags20:12
dhellmanndoes it reset the origin url?20:12
jeblairwhich is fine for check/gate, but probably is a latent bug in the new 'post' code20:12
dhellmannif not I can do something like "git review -s" to get the gerrit remote setup20:13
fungidhellmann: it does reset the origin, at
clarkbdhellmann: it does set origin url to the one on the command line20:13
jeblairdhellmann: yes: 2016-07-14 19:22:43.107581 | INFO:zuul.Cloner:Updating origin remote in repo openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon to git://
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dhellmannah, cool20:13
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rcarrillocruzasselin__: np dude, a pleasure ;-)20:14
fungiso anyway, if we git remote update after zuul-cloner does its thing, you should have recent tags20:14
clarkbI wonder if we shouldn't add a remote update to zuul after it calls cloneUpstream?20:14
clarkbwould potentially slow things down but be more accurate20:15
fungii wouldn't want z-c to do that itself though, for performance reasons (remote update can be slow, and we don't usually need it)20:15
clarkbfungi: ya thats the trade off20:15
fungiif a job needs to pick up new tags or branches which aren't related to the commit set up for the change then it can explicitly do that20:15
jeblairclarkb, fungi: possibly in the case where it's not fetching a zuul ref?20:15
jeblairor we could add a --update option :)20:16
fungiyeah, that's a possibility20:16
asselin__rcarrillocruz, is the intent to have ansible manage this file and have it removed from puppet? /etc/ansible/roles/puppet/templates/puppet.conf.j220:16
rcarrillocruzthat's a good question20:16
rcarrillocruznibalizer: ^20:17
dhellmannadding a git remote update does not seem to have fixed it20:17
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rcarrillocruzthere's an overlap on template.pp managing puppet.conf and the ansible-role-puppet20:17
rcarrillocruzi assume it's a leftover from puppetmaster setup20:17
fungidhellmann: i don't see git remote update run in that log20:18
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dhellmannI need to add some verbose output, I'll run it again20:18
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fungijust making sure it's run before it's needed20:18
fungihaving teh actual output of the remote update call would be helpful so we can see what it's pulling in20:19
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fungimaybe also run git tag so we can see the list of known tags20:19
jeblairdhellmann, fungi: running that on my local outdated repo doesn't help20:19
fungiremote update isn't picking up a tag?20:19
jeblairdhellmann, fungi: i note that in, if we are in the post queue for a tag event, we run "git fetch --tags ..."20:20
dhellmannI'll try that, too20:20
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openstackgerritAlex Kavanagh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add charm-barbican, and related
clarkbjeblair: aha!20:20
fungijeblair: i wonder why we do that. remote update will usually take care of that20:20
clarkbjeblair: though in this case its not the post queue right? its the check queue?20:20
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fungii bet that tag isn't on master20:21
jeblairclarkb: yeah -- we haven't (until now) had anything in check that cared about tags.  the only place we have had something care about tags is 'release' which is a post-style pipeline matching on tag refs20:21
asselin__rcarrillocruz, yeah, I think it's leftover. Same with hiera.yaml. But the environment.conf is different b/w ansible-puppet and system-config20:21
dhellmannfungi : no, the tag is not on master20:21
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fungithere we go20:21
rcarrillocruzyeah, that's a bit screwy20:22
dhellmannfungi : I've not yet made whatever connection you have20:22
dhellmannfor this validation script to work, it needs a full clone of the repository with all branches and tags. if zuul-cloner isn't the best way to get that, what should I do instead?20:23
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dhellmanndoes "fetch --tags" also fetch the object to which the tag points?20:24
dhellmannor does the remote update take care of that, but not include the tags?20:24
fungidhellmann: a "full" clone (depending on how you define that) would be done with `git clone --mirror` which clones a lot more than just things referenced from HEAD20:24
dhellmannwell, I need all of the merged commits on all the stable branches and master, and all the tags20:25
dhellmannI don't know if that's "full" or not :-)20:25
dhellmannsounds like maybe not20:25
fungidhellmann: after fetch --tags, show 11.2.17 does show me the entire commit referenced from that tag too20:25
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dhellmannok, cool20:25
dhellmannI've updated my patch with fetch --tags so I'll see how that goes20:25
fungibut yeah, remote update afaik only fetches tags for "tracked" branches20:26
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dhellmanndo I need to make similar changes in the post queue?20:28
dhellmannadding the fetch --tags seems to have helped20:28
jeblairdhellmann: what does the job in the post pipeline do?20:29
fungiyeah, i suspect so20:29
dhellmannjeblair : it clones the specified branch of a repo, applies a signed tag, then pushes that to gerrit20:30
fungi(or will once it's able to run)20:30
jeblairdhellmann: the job runs after merges to openstack/releases and clones openstack/foo?20:30
dhellmannthe job is attached to openstack/releases and uses zuul-cloner to download the repo to receive the tag20:30
jeblairdhellmann, fungi: then i think i agree with fungi: yes20:31
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: ZooKeeper API
dhellmannfungi : waiting for your +2a to test :-)
fungioh, right! ;)20:31
dhellmannok, I will make that change20:31
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fungiyeah, i haven't finished the puppet changes 341058 will need to be able to push to gerrit. working on that right now actually20:32
jeblairfungi, clarkb, dhellmann: with that use case also in mind, i'm not sure we can ever be certain automatically when 'fetch --tags' would be needed.  so if we want to update zuul-cloner, i think we'd either want to do it in all cases, or add a '--fetch-tags' argument.20:33
funginow that this new complication is figured out, i'm getting back to it20:33
fungijeblair: for precedence, as you point out, we already did fetch --tags in ggp (and as i'm looking at it, remote update too for that matter)20:33
clarkbmaybe make it default to match ggp the opt out if you know its safe?20:35
jeblairfungi: yes, though the fetch tags is operating in neither of the places needed here :|20:35
jeblairfungi, clarkb: we also wanted to be very deliberate with z-c and remove the unecessary voodoo in ggp, while recognizing that we did learn some things from that :)20:35
jeblairi think that explains the lack of 'git remote update' (it was not always necessary) -- but certainly its use of fetch tags is a good indication of what we thought we needed to do when we really cared about tags20:36
pabelangerwhat does ggp stand for again?20:36
jeblairpabelanger: in project-config20:37
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: force a fuller update of the repo being cloned for tagging
fungipabelanger: also a jjb builder macro by a similar name20:37
fungi(which simply calls the sforementioned script)20:37
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jeblairyeah, so both of these use cases look like the "checkout branch tip" case for zuul-cloner, which is a pretty common check/gate case where we would not care about tags and probably don't want the extra load on git.o.o20:40
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jeblairso i think the potential zuul-cloner change here would be to add an argument20:40
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jeblairdhellmann: ^ that may be worth doing so that we can have zuul-cloner retry on failure, etc.  git.o.o is good, but not always perfect.20:41
dhellmannjeblair : ok, I'll put that on my todo list20:41
dhellmannjeblair : fwiw, when we run these tools by hand, we don't install zuul-cloner from source, we use the released version. I don't know how often you do releases.20:42
jeblairdhellmann: very rarely, though i reckon we'll have one soon.20:44
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dhellmannjeblair : what name do you like for the flag? I can make a note in my todo list20:45
jeblairi like that20:45
dhellmannand maybe --update-remotes?20:45
dhellmannfor the 2 separate steps20:45
dhellmannor --fetch-remotes?20:45
jeblairi don't think you need to update remotes for this; i *think* fetch --tags is sufficient; i'll retest20:46
dhellmannoh, ok20:46
jeblair(assuming that's the case, i'd probably omit adding an update-remotes option to zc until we know we need it)20:46
fungiit should be, yes20:46
fungiremote update or fetch remotes gets other things like branch names i believe20:47
fungiwhich in this case we shouldn't need if the job really just cares about tags20:47
jeblairdhellmann: yes, 'git fetch --tags' after z-c runs is all that's needed to make 'git show 11.2.17' work20:47
dhellmannwell, the other sort of validation I'm doing is ensuring that a newly tagged version X is an ancestor of existing version Y (or vice versa, whatever)20:47
dhellmannand to do that, I think I need that whole branch?20:47
fungino, the history for each tag will be available, without branches present20:48
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: asselin__ yep, we have to move management of puppet into ansible20:48
fungionce git knows about the tags, it knows their histories20:48
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fungiyou would need branches if you want to know what commits are on the branch tips, and between those and the most recent tags on them20:49
dhellmannok, cool, I wasn't sure if it was just pulling in part of the dag or the whole thing20:49
dhellmannah, yeah, it does that, too20:49
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dhellmannbasically I've tried to automate all of the visual validation we were doing to make sure people were putting tags in the right places20:49
fungiahh, so if you care that there are unreleased commits on stable/mitaka then you'll either need to remote update/fetch remotes or do checkouts of them or something20:50
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mwhahahafungi, greghaynes - what ever was the resolution with the locale stuff?20:50
dhellmannit also tries to show which branch a new tag would end up on by showing which branches contain the named commit,20:51
dhellmannso yeah, I think I do need the remote update step20:51
dhellmannI'm not clear on the difference between "remote update" and "fetch remote"20:51
dhellmannI can look into that when it comes time to implement it, though20:51
jeblairdhellmann, fungi: hrm -- somehow my repo shows the correct origin/stable/mitaka commit20:51
jeblairlet me repeat and see if it's z-c or fetch tags that did that20:52
fungimwhahaha: resolution yes (that dib should create the locale default config file since the systemd package doesn't actually create that file), but i don't know if it's been implemented yet20:52
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jeblairdhellmann, fungi: z-c alone causes 'git show remotes/origin/stable/mitaka' to be correct20:52
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fungijeblair: ahh, then that should be fine20:53
fungithough looking in the zuul.lib.cloner source i'm not sure why20:54
dhellmannjeblair : so all I need is the fetch --tags?20:54
jeblairdhellmann, fungi: oh, there is an 'update' in there20:55
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fungiin z-c? i don't see it20:56
jeblairwe call repo.prune() and then repo.reset()20:56
jeblairrepo.reset() calls update()20:56
jeblairwhich does what you would expect20:56
fungii didn't realize repo.reset did that20:56
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jeblairits log message is suppressed in z-c apparently -- though we see it on the mergers20:57
jeblairso, er, forget i said anything about update being unecessary.20:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: updated branches gerritbot alerts for in #openstack-swift
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fungijeblair: that explains it. i missed that cloner is calling into merger for that20:58
jeblairdhellmann: so good news -- we can say with some confidence that z-c will always leave you with a repo that has had 'git remote update' run on it20:58
jeblairthe 'fetch --tags' is the only thing missing20:58
dhellmannah, good20:58
dhellmannok, so the other step is extra but shouldn't be expensive so I'll just leave it for now20:58
jeblairdhellmann: 'other step'?20:59
dhellmannthe remote update20:59
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dhellmannI've already merged that patch in openstack/releases so we aren't blocked on tagging openstack-ansible20:59
jeblairdhellmann: oh, i'd recommend removing it.  it's a potential network failure point, and it's actually surprisingly expensive on the git server side (at least until we get the gc stuff fixed)21:00
dhellmannoh, ok21:00
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dhellmannhmm, that failed to merge anyway21:01
fungiat this point, if we're already incurring the overhead of remote update, fetch --tags is minor by comparison. i'd just hardcode it in and not bother with a separate option21:01
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jeblairfungi: oh, hrm.  i thought fetch tags might end up shipping a lot of packs over?21:01
fungimore than remote update would?21:01
ianwnibalizer: oops :)21:02
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jeblairfungi: i just ran 'time git remote update' on an oldish nova -- about 5 seconds21:03
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jeblairfungi: 'time git fetch --tags' *after* the remote update was 11 seconds and transferred 589KiB21:04
fungioh wow21:04
fungiyep, i am very wrong about that then21:04
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fungii bet the eol tags are to blame21:04
fungii wasn't considering them21:04
jeblairfungi: yeah, there were 3 of them21:04
jeblairfungi: so.... perhaps this is not a representative case for us though?21:04
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add ianw key and to infra-root
jeblairfungi: perhaps our usual case is that eol tags are not in play, because our images are rarely *that* old (except for the day after), and maybe there would not be much of a difference?21:05
fungijeblair: ideally we would be doing that in the git cloning for our dib elements21:05
jeblairfungi: right21:05
jeblairanyone have a week old nova repo? ;)21:05
fungii _did_21:05
funginow it's current because i was testing remote update on it21:05
jeblairfungi: have you tested 'fetch tags' on it?21:06
fungibut also a normal clone wouldn't be representative21:06
jeblairwe could move this testing to a node21:06
fungii hadn't no, and got real 0m4.055s, user 0m0.140s, sys 0m0.136s (no new tags were fetched)21:07
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fungirerunning fetch --tags now goes about twice as fast21:07
jeblairfungi: did it transfer any data?21:08
jeblairfungi: Receiving objects: 100% (2034/2034), 589.19 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.21:08
jeblairthat line21:08
fungiit didn't say that it transferred anything, no21:08
fungithere was no output21:08
fungii've almost certainly fetched tags since the latest round of eoling21:08
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jeblairokay, i'm persuaded that doing a fetch --tags will usually be fairly harmless for us then21:08
fungiwell, the real test would be trying in a clone on one of our job nodes21:09
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fungithough actually, since we're not doing a clone --mirror from them, we likely aren't pulling unreferenced tags from them21:10
fungii'll hold one and poke around21:10
dhellmannfungi :
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ianwjeblair: any quick tips on debugging before i dive down the rabbit hole?  just bails?21:11
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fungidhellmann: yep, that's what i was looking for (before we realized we needed fetch --tags anyway)21:11
dhellmannfor some reason I'm not seeing the output of the print statements I added; I wonder what's eating those21:11
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jeblairianw: you can find the actual error in
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jeblairianw: we should consult with Shrews, pabelanger, and mordred since this is very similar to some errors that we think we have corrected or worked around.21:13
rcarrillocruzi held a node to debug my role test issue where it crashes nova21:14
rcarrillocruzanyone saw this before?21:14
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rcarrillocruzclarkb: have you seen ^ before?21:14
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: I haven't looks like a nova install issue21:16
rcarrillocruzdhellmann: i see you pushed an oslo.config yesterday21:16
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rcarrillocruzyou reckon ^ as a thing that got fixed21:16
rcarrillocruzthe logs shows 3.1221:17
rcarrillocruzlatest oslo.config is 3.1321:17
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove ansible managed puppet configuration files
dhellmannrcarrillocruz : did the constraint update land?21:17
asselin__rcarrillocruz, nibalizer ^^21:17
rcarrillocruzdhellmann: i'm not sure, where can i look?21:18
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dhellmannrcarrillocruz : has not merged21:18
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rcarrillocruzanyway, let me check on git log from 3.12 to 3.13 if there's a patch about my issue21:19
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fungijeblair: trying fetch --tags after cloning from a cached repo on a trusty worker21:19
fungilooks reasonably fast with very little data transferred21:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Use fetch instead of update in merger
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* dhellmann signs off for the evening21:20
jeblairfungi, clarkb, dhellmann, Nakato: ^ lots of people should double check the wild assertions i just made there21:20
fungijeblair: also the remote update i did after the cloner call was mostly to confirm it's a no-op (seems to be)21:21
jeblairfungi, clarkb, dhellmann, Nakato: but if that turns out to be the case, maybe we can have nice things (at little cost)?21:21
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dhellmannjeblair : I'll look at that next week, tomorrow is a travel day21:22
jeblairdhellmann: cool, thanks!  [what, no gertty? ;)]21:22
fungidhellmann: planning to be around for the release team meeting?21:22
clarkbjeblair: does update not get tags?21:22
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jeblairclarkb: experimentally, apparently not -- we know that z-c is running 'git remote update origin' for every clone, but we did not see the tags we wanted earlier21:23
clarkbI see. Wasn't the origin the zuul merger which may not have the tags though?21:23
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jeblairclarkb: it changes the origin before performing the update21:24
fungiclarkb: no, the origin is the git farm, it separately explicitly fetches from the merger21:24
jeblairer, yeah, fungi's answer is more correct for that question, sorry21:25
fungiat least in our typical invocation21:25
jeblair(though what i said is also true -- it is the answer to "is the origin the local cache?")21:25
clarkbits just that my reading of the git remote man page is that the default is to fetch tags on fetched branches21:25
fungiit switches the origin from the local cache (that it cloned) to the specified remote21:25
clarkbimplying that fetch and update should behave the same there21:25
greghaynesmwhahaha: yep, as fungi said, I havent gotten around to implementing it yet, it should be pretty trivial to do though - just echo out a locale.conf in the yum-minimal element21:25
clarkbbut you can't do an explicit grab tags with update so switching to fetch is slgihtly better regardless21:26
fungiclarkb: consider my paste above21:26
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Explicity use scm: git for roles.yaml
jeblairclarkb: the only ref i see to that is the '--tags' argument to 'add' which perhaps means that if you add the remote in a certain way, tags will be fetched?21:26
jeblairso maybe we are not adding the remote in that way21:26
clarkbjeblair: ya thats a possibility too21:27
clarkbfungi: ah its tags not on a remote21:27
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clarkbok I am sold fetch seems to be more fetchy21:27
fungiyeah, so it's retrieving tags which were only on the history of a branch that was subsequently deleted21:28
fungiin this particular case21:28
jeblairclarkb: if you 'git remote add --tags' you get 'tagopt = --tags' in .git/config.  if you do it with --no-tags, you get 'tagopt = --no-tags'.  and if you omit it, you get no tagopt.  so, er, i dunno how that relates to the default.  :)21:29
clarkbjeblair: By default, only tags on fetched branches are imported (see git-fetch(1))21:29
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clarkbalso that was a quote I didn't quote but ya. But that fits into fungi's thing21:30
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pabelangerjeblair: ianw: we should hold a node to see what is going on. Looks like async_wrapper is not writing valid json21:31
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clarkbpabelanger: thats the issue that modrred was working on iirc21:32
fungijeblair: clarkb: if i just do a clone from the cached nova repo (not using zuul-cloner), switch the origin to the git farm and fetch --tags (so no remote update involved), i get
clarkbso rather than fail right away mordreds patch was keep trying until the timeout in hopes that the json becomes valid21:32
pabelangerclarkb: Oh, could me. Let me see if there is an open PR21:32
jeblairfungi: do you find the new branches surprising?21:33
jeblairoh, maybe not21:33
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clarkbfungi: ya that looks correct to me21:34
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jeblairthat's just our clone not having the local branches yet, but not necessarily that the cached repo didn't21:34
funginot surprising, just confirming21:34
clarkbjeblair: the catch doesn't have "local" branches for stable/21:34
clarkbjeblair: it has the remote refs so has the commits but not the tracking branches21:34
fungiexcept we wanted it to21:34
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clarkbjeblair: I ran into this doing my big test thing on xenial. I had to do what fungi did in his paste essentially to get things correct21:34
fungii think something's still not right with my dib patch to be able to specify a * ref to grab all branches and tags21:35
jeblairwhat if we git fetch from the cache before we change the remote?21:35
clarkbfungi: well and even when you clone from /opt/git it won't set up tracking branches by default.21:35
fungibut yeah, or cached repos do seem to just have master21:35
jeblair(that doesn't sound like it should be necessary...)21:35
clarkbfungi: so functionally I Think this is rouhgly the same21:35
fungiclarkb: right, i mean we may want to clone --mirror from the cache with z-c to reduce remote update/fetch doing more things over the network than it needs21:36
jeblairi guess what i'm worried about is -- does that git fetch have to pull stuff from git.o.o that should be local?21:36
clarkbfungi: ah ya21:36
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the User Tokens api
fungibasically what jeblair also said21:37
clarkbjeblair: no its already local because we have remotes/origin/master21:37
pabelangerclarkb: I think this is a little different error, this was mordred PR:
clarkber remotes/origin/stable/foo21:37
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pabelangerclarkb: looks like the failure is just before we start polling21:37
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pabelangerwhich means maybe we didn't copy things properly to the remote host21:38
clarkband that ref can only point at commits or other refs in repo which means we have them in the cache we just don't have stable/foo tracking remotes/origin/stable/foo as I understand it21:38
fungiclarkb: our cache doesn't currently have those though, which (unrelated) needs fixing in dib still21:38
pabelangeror the first run of async_wrapper21:38
clarkbfungi: it did on my local image21:38
clarkbfungi: whihc I built using the same elements21:38
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clarkboh wait maybe I am mistaken21:38
* clarkb checks the repo he had problems with using reno21:39
fungithat's on a held node21:39
pabelangerianw: we added the ability into nodepool to auto-hold specific jobs on failures, lets start there and get access to the async_wrapper json file21:39
clarkbthats annoying so yes we don't have the things and a git fetch against cache wouldn't change that21:39
fungihowever, we should fix that separately (we intended to have them), so plan as if it's there for now i guess21:40
clarkbfungi: I wonder if the copy into the image is where it breaks21:41
clarkbfungi: let me check on my builder node if the cache for dib has them21:41
fungihere's the bit we wanted it to be doing
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ianwpabelanger: sounds good21:43
clarkbso I think the setup on the dib cache side is fine. Its the moving into the image that must be beraking that21:43
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fungiclarkb: yeah, this is probably another one of those "dib wants to clean up everything for you, even things you want it to leave untouched" issues21:43
pabelangerianw: jeblair: Random guess, but is locale setup properly on the node?21:43
fungiclarkb: aww, nuts21:44
clarkbthe handling for * there should do what we want I think21:44
clarkbmaybe we aren't using *?21:44
fungiclarkb: yeah, i added that too iirc21:44
fungiand i _thought_ i turned it on in our elements21:45
fungiconfirming now21:45
clarkblooking at the manifest in my cache it specifies specific sha1s21:45
clarkbso I am guessing no?21:45
fungiclarkb: defaults it to *21:46
ianwpabelanger: hmm, same issue with no locale.conf i guess, but that doesn't stop centos.  en* locales are there -- it's moved to packages ATM21:46
jeblairpabelanger: i don't think the locale should not affect ansible -- it specifies its own locale settings21:46
jeblairpabelanger: i don't think the locale should affect ansible -- it specifies its own locale settings21:47
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fungipabelanger: ianw: jeblair: is this the same discussion we had earlier in the week about dib's minimal elements needing to create locale.conf because the systemd package only claims it as a "ghost" file and assumes anaconda or similar installer has already created it?21:48
clarkbfungi: I don't see anything setting CONFIG_REF either. But I definitely ahve a manifest without * in it and instead sha1s21:48
pabelangerjeblair: ianw: I only say, because I did find this on the goggles:
pabelangercould be something to check21:49
fungiclarkb: yep, i'm deep in the weeds there--i probably overlooked something subtle when implementing it. maybe greghaynes might have bandwidth to try and spot what21:49
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pabelangerfungi: I don't think so, see the URL i linked for the reason I was asking21:49
ianwfungi: i'm not sure but yeah still root causing that -> the spec should at least touch it
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Stop using DevStack fwaas code
pabelangerLooks like that logic in ansible has changed recently too:
clarkbfungi: I think I see what it is21:51
anteayaops midcycle tickets finally are available21:51
pabelangerwhich resolved:
clarkbfungi: we need to set the ref at
clarkbfungi: we only do it for the tmp config thing21:52
clarkblet me try making that change and running a local build21:52
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fungiclarkb: OH! i only did it for system-config21:54
* fungi hangs head in shame21:54
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fungitotally missed that it needed to be in the projects loop instead21:55
clarkbwe should know in about an hour if that fixes it21:55
clarkbI probably could've reduced the elements list to something quicker ohwell21:55
fungiclarkb: also, what i have there in dib _should_ fetch tags i think21:56
clarkbfungi: ya I think the dib stuff proper is probably ok21:56
zarofungi: made git gc optional, hope this satisfies your concern.21:56
clarkbfungi: we'll know by checking the nova tags list21:57
fungiclarkb: on the other hand, this probably means a huge bump in image sizes when we land the fix :/21:57
clarkbpossibly, I can compare to my older image. Older image was 5.2GB qcow221:58
funginow i'm glad you didn't strip down the projects list21:58
fungiyes please21:58
fungizaro: thanks, looking now21:58
clarkb-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root   5586769920 Jul 11 20:49 devstack-gate.qcow2 is the old one21:59
clarkbowned by root because you must be this root to drive the dib train21:59
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fungirootin' tootin' dib!21:59
clarkbunrelated but I'd like to restart nodepool today as soon as the image uploads complete. This will pick up the new demand calculation code22:00
clarkbjeblair: ^22:00
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jeblairclarkb: ++22:03
jeblairi will see how fast i can fix my webapp change :)22:04
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clarkbyou probably have time. uploads are slow22:05
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ianwyeah so is a package build-time thing, not install.  lucky i wasted all that time going through strace's of package installs to figure that out :(22:08
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a simple status webapp
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ rebased (the hold message was the conflict)22:08
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update live-screenshot plugin to use convert xml
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jeblairoh wait let me fix the 'zuul' thing i keep missing :)22:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a simple status webapp
jeblairthere we go22:10
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clarkbnibalizer: hurgleburgler random feature request for your vinz stuff since its something that bugs me occasionally. Make file mode changes super apparent on the front page change summary22:12
clarkbnibalizer: hurgleburgler: file modes matter for things like dib elements and its easy to get them wrong and not notice since its only in the diff view at the top iirc22:13
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clarkbjeblair: lgtm I did point out a piece of new dead code but you can do a followup change if thats easier22:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove dead code from nodepoolcmd
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jeblairclarkb: thanks! ^22:20
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add dynamic reconfiguration
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update Logfilesizechecker to use convert xml
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update Logfilesizechecker to use convert xml
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove v2.5 ansiblelaunchserver
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clarkbtimothyb89: hey just noticing that npm complains about a few packages having potential dos issues when installing stackviz22:31
clarkbtimothyb89: its also complaining about a couple pacakges htat will fail on newer node which we probably don't want. Not suire if these thigns are already on your radar22:32
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nibalizerclarkb: cool22:33
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nibalizeri daresay you could make a storyboard story22:33
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clarkbnibalizer: I can do that if its how you would like things tracked22:33
nibalizersince probably I will forget22:33
nibalizerim donw to use storyboard22:33
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nibalizerhurgleburgler: thoughts?22:34
clarkbI am going to reenable account 20395 in gerrit as they have sent mail to the infra list sayign they won't run third party ci on their personal account22:34
clarkbany objections to that?22:35
funginope, thanks. i flagged that message in case nobody else got around to it22:36
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clarkbI will respond on the list22:37
clarkbfungi: my dib build failed (I think I ran out of disk space) but I am able to poke at hte half built state in /tmp and I have all the branches there for nova22:37
clarkbfungi: I will go ahead and push my fix to the element in a few22:37
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anteayaclarkb: I missed that post22:38
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anteayaah now I found it22:39
anteayaokay, no objections, the person clearly states that they understand what a personal gerrit account is for22:39
anteayathank you22:39
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:40
fungiclarkb: i guess no dice on getting an image size increase estimate then22:41
clarkbfungi: not yet at least I am in the process of freeing disk space and will rerun22:41
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clarkbI just have to find all the places that dib stashes data because I am not deleting all of it based on df output22:42
fungiyeah, having a rough idea in a review comment of what size jump we're looking at would help22:43
ianwwhile we're talking about disk size, i'll still like to track it in nodepool with
jeblairianw: lgtm22:45
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update MongoDB plugin
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cache all branches in dib repo cache
clarkbfungi: ^ will let you know the build results as soon as I manage to get a build22:56
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Do not contest locks in PythonGit
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Python 3 fixes: wrap iter() returns in list()
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: WIP: Create a helper to ease encode/decode on gear jobs
notmorganjeblair: ^ those three patches have me down to ~3 python3 fails.23:07
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: WIP: Create a helper to ease encode/decode on gear jobs
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jeblairnotmorgan: not interested in changing gear?23:14
notmorganjeblair: a real headache23:14
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notmorganjeblair: spent most of the week trying to get it to work, and short of restructuring internally a huge volume of things, it wasn't easy23:15
notmorgansince the same job objects are used in many different ways on both client/server side23:15
notmorgani also spoke with SpamapS and greghaynes about it and decided it would be better/cleaner to isolate this on the consuming side23:15
clarkb6 image uploads left, all in ovh bhs123:15
jeblairnotmorgan: okay; i'm starting to think this may be becoming a distraction from v3.  perhaps we should shelve it for now?23:16
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notmorganjeblair: eh, sure? *shrug* it's mostly done now. once i dumped the gear fixes.23:16
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, it seems slow theses days23:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the User Tokens api
SpamapSIMO python3 should generally be be something where you make progress, ensure it has unit test coverage, but don't compromise urgent tasks for it.23:17
notmorganjeblair: at least the first fix should be included regardless, the way we were writing out our temp configs was not guaranteed to be locked23:17
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SpamapSnotmorgan: so does gear basically accept bytes most of the time in its API?23:18
notmorganSpamapS: part of the fixes for py3 were to get clean web-based console logs again23:18
notmorganSpamapS: yes bytes is accepted everywhere important23:18
jeblairnotmorgan: yeah, i still think that if gear is requiring that in zuul, then something is wrong in gear.  but we've gone back to zero on this twice and i don't want to burn any more time on it.23:18
SpamapSnotmorgan: that's unfortunate.. :-P23:18
* SpamapS prefers his libraries to take strings :)23:19
mordredI tihnk we can mange the console log thing without going al th eway down the py3 hole for zuul if the hole is too deep23:19
greghaynesSpamapS: You mean on the server side?23:19
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greghaynesSpamapS: oh, as a client23:19
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SpamapSjust in general, if I have a library giving me an object, I would prefer that it take strings most of the time.23:19
jeblairSpamapS, notmorgan, greghaynes: no, i believe gear accepts and/or itends to accept some string23:20
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jeblairi think there has been some misunderstanding about that23:20
jeblairi thought we had cleared it up on the mailing list23:20
jeblairbut apparently not23:20
SpamapSThere are exceptions, like I/O libraries. And gear is kind of dancing on that line.. since it might be that you really do need to give it raw bytes.23:20
notmorganit accepts strings for name/unique but not for arguments/data23:20
notmorganand that is perfectly fine23:20
greghaynesYea, when you say gear I am unclear if that means gear the protocol, the server, or the client library23:20
notmorganbut it also returns raw bytes23:20
greghaynesand thats what keeps confusing me23:21
jeblairgreghaynes: is the protocol named gear?23:21
notmorgangreghaynes: gear in this case is our lib.23:21
jeblairi thought it was called the "gearman protocol"23:21
greghayneswell, there is a protocol that we use.. not sure the name23:21
greghaynesok, sure23:21
greghaynesso then server or client?23:21
jeblairthat's the title of that23:21
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greghayneswhat I keep wondering is - if were talking about the server, where does the server ever do any string manipulation23:22
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we're not talking about the server. Or at least, I'm not23:23
jeblairgreghaynes: it performs comparisons, and aggregrates things like function names into status command output23:23
greghaynesok, so comparison and function names seem like things that shouldnt require any decoding23:23
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notmorganand most of that is in-fact compared in bytes-form, but it still consumes/uses the same data model.23:24
SpamapSactually as I think about it.. you really do need to accept bytes even in the client lib23:24
SpamapSbecause your gear client may be talking to java worker23:25
SpamapSand you can't really assume encodings then23:25
clarkbSpamapS: yes that was my comment from ysetday23:25
SpamapSyou want the bytes to match up23:25
jeblairnotmorgan: that's chiefly for convenience -- the server is explicitly less supported than the client.  it's marked as being experimental.  the api should not be considered frozen at all.23:25
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notmorganjeblair: right, it's a lot of work to split that out compared to a small helper object23:25
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notmorganjeblair: i got about 30% into splitting it and felt that the shorter path was better for *now* and could be circled back.23:26
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jeblairnotmorgan: for me, this is an argument that we should do it later at a time when we are prepared to23:26
notmorgan(30% was about an hour but the next 70% is going to be days and days)23:26
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Users api
jeblairSpamapS, clarkb: i think i am comfortable saying that function names in gear will be utf8 on the wire by default, and if you need something else, you can use a less convenient api.23:27
jeblairSpamapS, clarkb: that is the historic behavior in gear and it is reasonable for almost every imaginable circumstance23:27
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jeblair(this is what i said in my email, i think)23:28
jeblair(by 'less convenient api' i mean an alternate attribute/argument in gear -- not a different library)23:28
jeblair('name_bytes' instead of 'name', etc)23:28
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clarkbya I think accepting bytes too is fine probably23:29
clarkbmy comment yesterday was specifically if you waent ot use a non utf8 encoding because talking to somethign that doesn't utf8 then bytse would be useful23:30
SpamapSjeblair: the protocol is silent on this. the strings are opaque strings of bytes.23:30
jeblairclarkb: to be clear, i'm saying that Job(name=u'foo') gets automatically encoded to utf8, and Job(name_bytes=b'bar') gets sent as-is.23:30
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SpamapSso it feels a bit weird to impose utf-823:30
jeblairSpamapS: understood.23:30
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clarkbjeblair: I think as long as the api is there and tested then thats doable23:31
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jeblairSpamapS: i think that to expose function names as bytes only makes the library unusable in python3.  i think it's worth the compromise.23:31
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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SpamapSIt would certainly feel clumsy to use if everything had to be bytes.23:32
jeblairnotmorgan: do you have your original zuul patch that did that handy ^ ?23:32
notmorganjeblair: hmm?23:32
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notmorganthat did what?23:32
jeblairSpamapS: yes, i would not choose to use gear if it required that23:32
jeblairnotmorgan: your patch to zuul that did '.encode' everywhere23:32
notmorganoh sure23:32
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SpamapSand actually, there's really no reason for a 'name_bytes'23:32
notmorganit's still in zuul master branch, sec23:32
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SpamapSyou should be in control of whatever is setting 'name', and be able to decode using whatever you know the encoding to be23:33
notmorganignore a few things are bundled there23:33
notmorganthat is because otherwise the transient between patches would take ~2hrs to fail the py3 job23:33
SpamapSfeeling very corner-casey here23:33
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mordredSpamapS: check the patch above23:33
mordredthis is what started us down this path23:34
jeblairyeah, that's the patch that made me say "we need to fix gear/py3" because that is not a usable api23:34
notmorganSpamapS: i would rather have a library say "we impose utf-8" than "encode with whatever you want"23:34
mordredI think we'd all actually prefer that python3 bytes/strings worked differently than it did :)23:34
notmorganSpamapS: if you don't like that about the library, either use a different one, or implement something yourself.23:34
clarkbcould you have a GearUTF8 class for client that did these things and use that as the place to do your encopding?23:35
notmorganesp. when it's fairly niche like gear is (we use it, and i guarnatee aomost no one uses it in py3 until recently)23:35
clarkbthen its consumable by users like zuul, but leaves the thigns are bytes for people that need not utf8? also would serve as a template for extending it to add not utf8 things23:35
notmorgansince there were py3 breaking bugs that if you actually used it, it would just fail23:35
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jeblairnotmorgan: i think we can do the name_bytes thing for those corner cases when someone wants to have a function name encoded in gb1803023:36
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notmorganjeblair: sure.23:36
SpamapSdurn gb1803023:36
* mordred proposes that we migrate all of openstack to gb18030 encoding23:37
jeblairclarkb: that may be a possibility as well -- the slightly harder thing is to make sure that when you have a gear.Worker, it gives you a UTF8Job or whatever.23:37
clarkbjeblair: ya I haven't looked at the itnernals too carefully thinking more from a UX perspective23:37
SpamapSanother idea..23:37
notmorganand keep in mind, we still need to explicitly encode/decode in zuul for data/arguments23:37
SpamapSis to just have an optional encoding parameter23:38
jeblairmaybe that entails passing in a job factory argument or something23:38
notmorganthose are data blobs that could be any "struct" form23:38
SpamapSso when you instantiate your objects, you pass encoding='foo' and it decodes with that.23:38
notmorganso the fact we use json is convienent23:38
jeblairnotmorgan: agreed23:38
notmorganbut we can't impose that at the gear level23:38
clarkbSpamapS: ya that could even go under my idea if we want a strong default in place23:38
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Users api
clarkbSpamapS: like utf8 calss just calls your thing with utf8 encoding23:38
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mordredclarkb: s/calls/class/ I believe :)23:39
clarkbmordred: bah23:39
SpamapSbecause really, the corner case we're trying to handle is "Oh man my gear blew up because of invalid utf-8 coming from {{ other side of gearman pipe }} what do I do?" Just letting people make a client object that encodes/decodes with whatever you need is entirely sufficient.23:39
SpamapSthe payload is being decoded too yes?23:40
notmorganSpamapS: the payload has to be decoded by the client, regardless of name/unique23:40
notmorganSpamapS: we can't force utf-8 here23:40
clarkbfungi: looks like I am getting a working build this time. Will know image size soon I hope23:40
notmorganSpamapS: it could be a packed data struct, it could be protobuf23:41
notmorganSpamapS: that is "data" and "arguments".23:41
SpamapSmakes sense and agree23:41
jeblairand i think it's entirely reasonable to insist that be passed in as bytes and blow up if not23:41
notmorganwe just happne to use json, which ahs the same issue as str()23:41
notmorganit needs explicit encoding.23:41
notmorgan(since it's str() at it's heart)23:42
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mordredwe could switch to protobuf23:42
mordredand punt on the whole thing23:42
notmorganmordred: different time / place / argument, and i'd 100% support that though.23:42
notmorganbut thats just me.23:42
jeblairmordred: that doesn't solve the problem at hand23:43
notmorganbut we'd need to deal with today and getting there anyway :P23:43
anteayamordred: do you think the P poll will be able to be fixed and continue or do you think you will have to restart it?23:43
mordredanteaya: it will be fixed and continue23:43
anteayathank you23:43
mordredanteaya: it is actually not broken, just most people's links are23:43
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mordredthere are 675 votes cast in it, amainzgly enouhg23:44
* notmorgan has a broken link.23:44
mordredwhat I have learned is that NOBODY reads the mailing list23:44
* notmorgan doesn't know how to fix the link or would.23:44
jeblairand yeah, let's please have the protobuf argument some other time because i'm not convinced :)23:44
notmorganmordred: i also generally ignore the ML atm.23:44
mordrednotmorgan: I just have to resend you a link ... it's not hard, I just haven't had time yet23:44
notmorganjeblair: i have strong opinions on that, but it's such a change it's not worth a headache.23:44
notmorganjeblair: for not.23:45
jeblairnotmorgan: convince me over our next beer :)23:45
notmorganalso depends on if we ever want a language other than python23:45
mordredjeblair: I was mostly kidding. I think that if we were already ina  world where the legwork and infrastructure were already in place for protobuf it would be neat, but it's not worth the cost to get from here to there23:45
anteayamordred: I read the mailing list23:45
notmorganif we don't / don't need to transit craziness like conductor(s), the benefits are meh23:45
mordredanteaya: yes, you do. the hundreds of people who have sent me messages telling me that something is wrong do not23:46
notmorganmordred: oh let me send you a few hundred more emails :P23:46
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anteayamordred: well I read the bit about the poll, I did miss the infra mailing list post about the request to reenable a gerrit account23:46
mordredon the positive side, I've only gotten one angry email from someone who is upset that they are receiving unsolicited email - so that's good23:46
notmorganjeblair: so.. i think i'm saying... i cant/wont convince you :)23:46
anteayaso I don't _always_ read the mailing list23:46
anteayabut yay, fun recieving lots of personal email23:47
notmorganjeblair: unless we determine the use-cases trend that way... cause... i'd rather drink beer and not talk protobuf w/ ya23:47
mordredanteaya: I never read the mailing list, statistically speaking23:47
mordrednotmorgan, jeblair: we could drink beer and talk about smoking meat23:47
anteayamordred: I believe that23:47
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notmorganmordred: and hack on code around a pool? in dallas?23:47
jeblairso anyway, on this -- i'd still like to suggest that we shelve or back-burner this for now.  but when we want to proceed, if we want to continue with the utf8/alternate attribute approach, that's fine.  if we want to change to the "encoding=utf8" approach, that someone write that up and send it to the infra ml.23:47
notmorganmordred: cause... that seems like a win23:47
clarkbfungi: -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root   5627776000 Jul 14 23:46 devstack-gate.qcow2 so that file size doesn't really change much. I am slightly suspicious and will mount it and check the repos23:47
mordredjeblair: wfm. I can happily propose other ways of dealing with console streaming between now and the time that we're ready to deal with them23:48
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notmorganmordred: yeah we can probably brew something easy up w/o websockets23:48
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notmorganmordred: wont be as nice to work with though. but meh.23:49
jeblairmordred: i'm thinking we just refocus on the mainline v3 stuff, then console streaming after23:49
mordredjeblair: right. sorry, that's what I meant23:49
mordredI just meant that when we get there, there are options we can discuss if py3 is too hard/distracting23:50
jeblairmordred: that way we can unblock all the work about testing, conversion, etc.23:50
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jeblairmordred: ok23:51
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clarkbfungi: all the branches show up tehre so I think it is safe to go ahead and merge my change and images won't be terribly affected23:52
clarkbalso its not looking like i am going to get to restart nodepool today23:52
clarkbianw: ^ you might not be interested in doing that on a firday23:53
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jeblairnotmorgan: if you're game, i'd like to get your help on the v3 configuration changes.  it's still a bit of a mess, and there are places where i don't think we've found a good api.23:54
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jeblairnotmorgan: doesn't make things much better :)23:54
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jeblairnotmorgan: but if you can take a look at that (it will be hard and it will prompt lots of questions) and then maybe work with me on some of the next steps, maybe we can suss out what that stuff should actually look like23:55
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clarkbI guess we could just decide to drop the ovh-bhs1 uplaods and resetart23:56
jeblairnotmorgan: (i'm basically trying to make all the job configuration examples in work)23:56
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clarkbI dont' think the status thing has merged though23:57
clarkbso maybe we wait23:57
jeblairi will approve my change and ianw's so hopefully they will be there for the next restart23:57
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notmorganlooking at the patch and the spec.23:58
jeblairi also can't restart them now, but could do so tomorrow if image builds aren't precious23:58
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jeblairnotmorgan: cool.  i am happy to talk at length about anything in there.23:59
clarkbjeblair: sounds good23:59
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