Wednesday, 2016-06-08

jeblairpabelanger: i don't understand -- we shouldn't be changing ~jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys00:00
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fungiyeah, at worst, the job should just `cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`00:01
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fungijeblair: notmorgan: quick question inline on 326758. if you can confirm, i'm happy to approve00:04
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fungipabelanger: at it looks like we only append to the known_hosts file, so that shouldn't be the cause?00:06
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jeblairfungi: i *think* that's the case, though i would like notmorgan to confirm.00:07
pabelangerjeblair: fungi: Ya, scratch that.00:07
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pabelangerbut it is related to our public key00:08
notmorganfungi: looking00:08
fungijeblair: notmorgan: also, comments are entirely valid in ~/.ssh/config00:08
fungiif you wanted to include some explaining what's there00:08
pabelangerWarning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nPermission denied (publickey)00:08
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fungibut i'm fine approving without too00:08
notmorganfungi: correct00:08
notmorganfungi: that is supposed to be slaves00:08
notmorganfungi: it is relying on the assumption you outlined.00:08
fungiokay, did you want to add comments? now or in a separate change?00:08
jeblairfungi, pabelanger: i see that appending to *root's* authorized_keys file, which is fine -- it's appending (which is good) and zuul logs in as *jenkins* anyway...00:08
notmorganfungi: happy to add a comment.00:09
pabelangerjeblair: I agree00:09
funginotmorgan: if you feel a comment is appropriate there (i.e. expect people to scratch their heads down the road when looking at it) then please add a comment, but i could just be overly questiony00:10
fungijeblair: pabelanger: yep, not even the jenkins user, so doubly irrelevant00:10
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add zuul-launcher ssh config file
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notmorganfungi: ^00:11
notmorganwhoopse that is  abad comment00:11
notmorgani say ip address twice :P00:11
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add zuul-launcher ssh config file
pabelangerfungi: jeblair: This is the only jobs where we restart sshd, to pick up new config options. That's the next place to check I think00:12
funginotmorgan: thanks--apprividado!00:12
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fungipabelanger: the log collection is a separate ssh call, so presumably checking logs (server side) and debug output (client side) would elucidate?00:13
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pabelangerfungi: Ya, we need to see server side and why it is rejecting our key00:17
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't skip errors in postci
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pabelanger#status log nodepool.o.o restarted to pick up review 32611400:24
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openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging00:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add zuul-launcher ssh config file
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openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pushMerge access to refstack-release group
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: experimenting with local.conf
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add nodepool.manager.MANAGER.nodes.STATE also
pabelangerjeblair: jhesketh: ^ follow up patch to for more zuul-launcher stats. I believe that is everything00:59
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jheskethpabelanger: looking01:01
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openstackgerritEli Qiao proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Zun: rename higgins to zun
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add nodepool.manager.MANAGER.nodes.STATE also
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Revert "Add missing packages to jeepyb install"
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs for tacker
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: disable voting on puppet-ceph beaker jobs
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jamielennoxhey, i just got openstack-dev/os-http onto infra - can someone add me to the os-http-core group?04:06
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jamielennoxoh, and os-http-release group too please04:14
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openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add accessbot for #openstack-firewall
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notmorganjamielennox: you can also email openstack-infra ML and someone will def. add you05:32
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notmorganjamielennox: if you don't want to rely on async nature of IRC05:32
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nibalizerjamielennox: is done05:49
notmorganjamielennox: or nibalizer is on it05:50
notmorgancause #nibalizer05:50
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lvdongbingHello, everyone:), I proposed a commit to add Bilean team meeting to irc-meeting, could anyone help me review it:
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-congress to OpenStack
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AJaegerinfra-root, has not been imported yet - could somebody check what's blocking and retrigger, please? It exists fine here:
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yolandahi AJaeger, should be the normal groups issue06:25
yolandagoing to check06:25
AJaegerthanks, yolanda06:28
yolandaok added06:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-congress to OpenStack
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental searchlight ES 2.x
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix span for jenkins / zuul launcher to a single row
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pushMerge access to refstack-release group
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use subnodes for Swift storage nodes in a multinode setup
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: disable voting on puppet-ceph beaker jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: rename PUPPET_VERSION to PUPPET_MAJ_VERSION
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix branch for releasenotes job of oslo.messaging
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add security-analysis documentation repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add new project meghdwar
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AJaegeryolanda: is still not synced - is anything broken or am I not waiting long enough?07:26
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openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new job template for dsvm plugins with os-brick
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yolandaAJaeger, i added permissions. I'll check the replication logs07:27
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yolandai'm launching replication for that project manually07:30
ianwAJaeger: in scrollback, there was an issue with puppet this morning my time, i think pabelanger was looking at it07:31
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
ianwAJaeger / yolanda: i think it was
ianwbut not sure what follow-up had to be done07:33
yolandain the manual replication, it seems to be stuck syncing to github07:33
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yolandaianw, i'll check proper package on centos 7, and repurpose it07:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs for tacker
yolandamm, i see, starting on centos 6, libssl-dev has been replaced with openssl-devel07:36
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add missing packages to jeepyb install The pip install currently failed because of missing libffi-dev and libssl-dev/openssl-devel packages
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ianwyolanda: ^ commit msg looks a bit funny07:41
AJaegerianw, yolanda : Thanks.07:41
AJaegeryolanda: seems you missed the empty line ;)07:41
yolandaok amending07:41
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add missing packages to jeepyb install
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yolandai also want to take a deeper look at jeepyb, pip install needs a require all these packages. Currently has a race there, and jeepyb only installs at second puppet run07:42
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openstackgerritDi XiaoLi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a heat job to use devstack plugin
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yolandaAJaeger, still checking. There may be some problem with github and this project. Because replication to other github projects is fine, and for this one, it times out07:47
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yolandaworked now07:49
AJaegerthanks, yolanda !07:50
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ianwgreat, that will save the dib builds tomorrow too07:50
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openstackgerritDi XiaoLi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP]Switch all heat jobs to use devstack plugin
openstackgerritDi XiaoLi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a heat job to use devstack plugin
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penguinologHi! I seen "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" in python coverage gate log - it's not looks good08:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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clarkbpenguinolog: we dont currently sign our apt package mirror indexes which causes the warning08:05
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penguinologclarkb, thanks. Just always read warnings as pending errors08:06
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mordredpenguinolog: yes. it's a good way to think08:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Change the old meta puppetmaster group to the expected 'puppetmaster' group
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Change the old meta gerrit group to the expected 'gerrit' group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Change the old meta zuul group to the expected 'zuul' group
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Change the old meta jenkins group to the expected 'jenkins' group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: New project request for SwiftOnHPSS
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Improve skip for Heat some more
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Repair ironic-inspector ability to run its own tempest job
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clarkbyolanda: was that jeepyb thing related to a dep like cryptography updating?08:35
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yolandaclarkb, let me check install logs08:38
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-l2gw fullstack job
yolandaclarkb - cryptography deps08:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove duplicate jobs for aodh and gnocchi
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clarkbyolanda: ok, thats what I figured but wanted to make sure we understood the underlying cause08:53
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skraynevyolanda: hi. could you help me with one magic thing: we have a periodic job and it fails due to strange error always: /opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/ No such file or directory may be periodic job should have some specific configuration ?09:24
yolandaskraynev, looking09:25
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sambetts|afkbkero: Thanks for the update on the SSO service :)09:32
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yolandaskraynev, i'm thinking there may be some problem with the branch... i'm seeing an error trying to use branch=None, and falling back to master09:34
yolandathis is the only rally job running on periodical pipeline?09:34
skraynevfir Heat09:35
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yolandatry adding that09:36
yolanda          # ZUUL Doesn't set these for periodic jobs09:36
yolanda          export ZUUL_BRANCH=${{ZUUL_BRANCH:-master}}09:36
yolanda          export ZUUL_REF=${{ZUUL_REF:-None}}09:36
yolandathe thing is that this job is a template, used for check and periodic as well, right?09:36
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AJaegerskraynev: it's the only rally job *at all* in periodic pipeline.09:36
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yolandaAJaeger, so i'm thinking that he shall detect if the job is periodic somehow, and export these vars if needed, am i right?09:37
AJaegeryolanda: yes - like done in devstack.yaml with the  BRANCH_OVERRIDE logic.09:37
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AJaegerthis implies creating a specific periodic job that has BRANCH_OVERRIDE=master - and the gate job uses "default"09:39
skraynevAJaeger: yes. it's only one for periodic09:39
AJaegerskraynev: that's why you're the first to hit this. The rally jobs are not setup to handle periodic jobs *at all*.09:40
skraynevAJaeger: heh. naked true ;)09:40
kashyapThose using Gertty (I'm using python-gertty-1.3.0-2.fc24.noarch) , when trying to sync a project, I see this "KeyError: '_sortkey'" -
kashyapAnyone else notice too?09:41
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kashyapMaybe there's a fix for it in Git master, I should try it I guess...09:41
AJaegerkashyap: what is the value of change-list-options' sort-by option for you? Might be that that is wrong...09:42
skraynevAJaeger: ok. so I will try fix suggested by yolanda for Rally job template.09:42
AJaegerkashyap: in your ~/.gertty.yaml09:42
kashyapAJaeger: Yeah, looking09:42
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AJaegerskraynev: not the fix by yolanda - do it like done in devstack.yaml. For devstack jobs we do this idifferently09:42
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kashyapAJaeger: I don't even have that option09:42
kashyapAJaeger: That's my sanitized config -
skraynevAJaeger: aha. got it. thank you09:43
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AJaegerkashyap: can't help further - you might want to ask jeblair later today (US west coast morning)09:44
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kashyapAJaeger: No worries, I'll try some heuristics meanwhile.09:44
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Wait for server to be ssh reachable before bootstrap/configuration
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Set resolv.conf on nodes before bootstrap
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Add infra_config.yml to .gitignore
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odyssey4meyolanda If you have a moment, could you please add me to each of these groups?
clarkbkashyap: I think most people using gertty run it out of a virtualenv10:28
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kashyapclarkb: I see.  I use the packaged version normally, but okay, I can try the vitualenv route.10:30
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run tempest tests from sahara-tests for sahara jobs
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yolandaodyssey4me, i'll do10:30
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odyssey4meyolanda thanks, I appreciate it10:34
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kashyapclarkb: Do you have the 'change-list-options' section?10:36
yolandaodyssey4me, done. Please verify if all groups are correct10:36
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odyssey4meyolanda thanks, I'll ping you for any that were missed10:36
clarkbmtreinish: for the translation job statuses in openstack health dashboard that isn't using subunit is it? Are you querying graphite instead?10:37
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clarkbkashyap: I don't currently use gertty I probably should but my device use is much more fluid than it used to be making it hard to have a single local gertty10:37
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kashyapclarkb: No worries.  I'm trying it out in a virtualenv10:38
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clarkbmy old config doesn't have that option set10:39
clarkbbut I also typically just copy paste the provided example and add in the auth info10:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Add infra_config.yml to .gitignore
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable 'docs' gate test for 'intel-nfv-ci-tests'
kashyapclarkb: Okay, syncing well in a virtualenv.  I'll just stick to it.10:43
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AJaegerclarkb: the translation job status use subunit10:48
AJaegerclarkb: see
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clarkbhrm, not sure if I like that. Will have to think about whether or not it makes sense to bake that into individual jobs that way10:50
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clarkblooks like we install os-testr but we never use it?10:50
AJaegerclarkb: we use it - in the finish call...10:51
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odyssey4meyolanda all confirmed done, thank you very much10:51
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clarkbAJaeger: oh is generate subunit from os-testr not from subunit?10:51
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AJaegerclarkb: yes, it is AFAIU10:51
clarkbAJaeger: I see10:52
clarkb(subunit also comes with a bunch of utilities like that)10:52
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AJaegerclarkb: mtreinish and myself dsicussed this in Austin, and I talked with jeblair about the problem I have as well: With shutdown of jenkins external access, there's no easy way to figure out whether translation jobs succeed or not. So, this was the best idea moving forward.10:53
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AJaegerclarkb: If you have a better idea to figure out which post and periodic jobs fail/succeed, please tell me.10:53
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clarkbyup Inagree we need a way to expose the info,I mostly dont like installi gos-testr when we never run testr10:53
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clarkbbut thats my bias against the general probably10:54
clarkb(wish it was more upstream less opemstack special)10:54
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AJaegerclarkb: if installing subunit will work as well, I'm happy to switch...10:54
clarkbAJaeger: I am not sure if it will, depends on if gemerate script comes from aubunut10:55
clarkbI am being dragged to lunch though10:55
AJaegeros-testr setup.cfg has: generate-subunit = os_testr.generate_subunit:main10:55
AJaegerclarkb: enjoy lunch!10:55
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: experimenting with local.conf
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odyssey4meIt looks like the zuul events/results are simply climbing?11:11
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AJaegerodyssey4me: there are times when jobs merge and a possible reconfiguration happens where this happens, might take a couple of minutes to go through all events11:18
AJaegerodyssey4me: I've seen it go up to 10000 already ;(11:19
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odyssey4meAJaeger I've been watching a particular job for over 10 mins now and it hasn't changed. Usually when it takes this long something's gone wrong.11:19
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odyssey4meAJaeger completed its job quite some time ago.11:20
AJaegerodyssey4me: it might take 30mins for this ;(11:20
AJaegerodyssey4me: Let's drink a coffee ;)11:20
AJaegerinfra-root, I see a failing job in the post queue - but no log files. Links are and . Any ideas?11:20
odyssey4meAJaeger yeah, another 3 of those for release notes: / /
* odyssey4me makes a pot of coffee11:22
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: translations: Handle early exit
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AJaegerodyssey4me: the coffee helped, queue is empty again...11:26
odyssey4meAJaeger haha, ok - I was just a little concerned11:26
AJaegerodyssey4me: my rule of thumb: as long as the numbers change, it's fine ;) But yeah, if those change for 30mins, it's scary...11:27
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zerda2Hello. I'm trying to use openstack-infra/logstash-filters for merging multiline traces, but stacktraces from errors are merged with previous unrelated log message. In filter there is a note saying "stack traces always contain process ID", but other log lines also have it, which is why I guess this happens.11:42
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zerda2Question is - what can be done about it?11:42
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krotscheckThere's a dib image build log error: fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /openstack-dev/os-http.git11:44
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krotscheckSame in fedora:
krotscheckRepo's still there.11:45
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clarkbzerda2: can you paste example inpuy and output?12:00
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clarkbbut my guess is some of our rules are stale and need updates12:00
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zerda2clarkb, I found out that in devstack there are some redefinitions of logging_* options, most notably context and exception, which make these rules work12:02
zerda2So I guess I'll go the same way12:02
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zerda2But still that rules won't work reliably on "vanilla" installations, and maybe there should be a note about that in logstash-filters12:06
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zerda2clarkb, should I file a bug/rfe for this, or just a review?12:10
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clarkbzerda2: gotcha I think the best thing here would be to make devstack stop doing that then update the rules to work12:12
clarkbbasically devstack default logging should reflect real world defaults12:12
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zerda2clarkb, well, I tried to find a general solution, but since oslo.log changed severity of stacktraces there is no simple way to distinguish stacktrace from other error12:13
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Ensure extracted log file are readable
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sfinucanAJaeger: Quick question?12:27
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable 'docs' gate test for 'intel-nfv-ci-tests'
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Simplify gate tests for 'intel-nfv-ci-tests'
openstackgerritBob Ball proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update third party recheck syntax recommendations
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sfinucanHey. Could someone briefly describe the difference between 'jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml' and 'zuul/layout.yaml' in the 'project-config' project, please? They appear to be quite similar?12:37
clarkbsfinucan: jenkins jobs define what jobs to configure in jenkins. zuul layout declares what jobs zuul should run12:38
clarkbyou can run jjb (jenkins/jobs) without zuul and you can run zuul without jjb12:38
clarkbwe happen to use them togetger but that is an implementation choice and not a requiremwnt12:39
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sfinucanclarkb: OK, so to me that means the jobs that I see on the Gerrit "Checks" table should be configured in the 'jenkins/jobs/project.yaml' file, but AJaeger's comments suggest otherwise
sfinucanand when I look at 'zuul/layout.yaml', there is indeed an entry for the same project that states pretty much the same jobs12:45
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clarkbsfinucan: the names do map between them because zuul triggers the jobs in jenkins12:46
clarkbthe distinction is each configures a different service and you need not use both services together12:46
AJaegersfinucan: jenkins is a library of jobs you can run, zuul "calls" them.12:46
clarkbwe happen to use tgem together12:47
AJaegersfinucan: in jenkins you configure what to run exactly, in zuul you configure when - and whether - to run them12:47
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sfinucanAJaeger: clarkb: But, assuming I'm reading it correctly, in the zuul config we say run a merge-check job and run the standard python-jobs. For the Jenkins config, we say run just the python-jobs12:50
sfinucanSo would it be fair to say there's no real reuse here, other than a reuse of that python-jobs configuration. zuul isn't using any jenkins config in this case?12:51
clarkbsfinucan: no in the jenkins config we dont say run any jobs12:51
clarkbwe just say make sure that those jobs exist and that they are configured this way12:51
clarkbthere is no reuse. jenkins is an executor and zuul is a schedulor12:52
sfinucanclarkb: Ahh12:52
AJaegersfinucan: tread jenkins config as a library. You enable all python-jobs so that you can run them if needed in jenkins. And then in zuul you use one of the enabled ones12:52
AJaegersfinucan: or as clarkb said ;)12:52
sfinucanOK, I get you now. That makes much more sense :)12:53
sfinucanIs that documented anywhere? If not, is it something I could quickly document?12:53
sfinucan(for my own future reference, as much as anything :))12:53
clarkbeach of the tools should make it clear12:53
clarkbjjb configures jenkins. zuul is a build scheduler12:53
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AJaeger ?12:55
AJaegersfinucan: and
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sfinucanAJaeger: clarkb: That's perfect. Thank you very much :)12:57
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AJaegerfungi, pabelanger : Is still the right way to do this - together with a change for bindep-fallback? Could you both double check this, please?12:58
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Simplify gate tests for 'intel-nfv-ci-tests'
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Simplify gate tests for 'intel-nfv-ci-tests'
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pabelangerAJaeger: agreed, I'd like to see that move to bindep as I plan to delete that code as soon as we migrate to zuul-launcher13:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add zuul-worker public key to nodepool.o.o
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SotKjeblair: I'm looking at!/story/2000620 and wondering if you have time to expand on which events you think should be hidden by default, and which you find moderately interesting?13:21
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mnaseralright, this might be out of scope but i figure i'd poke minds of people who use puppet often.  i'm getting "Duplicate declaration: Package[python-memcache] is already declared" at a line where ensure_packages() is used...13:24
clarkbpleia2: pabelanger: jamesmcarthur noticed that we still have spam things on our wiki and we are getting flagged by the Google appearnetly. eg
mnaserany thoughts?13:24
jamesmcarthurclarkb: pleia2: pabelenger: Another set of pages that you can find via search on the wiki:
clarkbpleia2: pabelanger: also if you search for "Kindle" ~9 pages come up. Any chance you can work your wiki cleanup magic again and make sure that we aren't currently falling prey to new spammers?13:25
crinklemnaser: ensure_packages() doesn't work if the other declaration doesn't use ensure_packages() and happened to be interpreted first13:25
clarkbmnaser: ya, puppet enforces unique namevars so if you have two packages with that same name (even if resources rae defined identically) then it fails13:26
crinklemnaser: and #puppet is a good place for questions like that13:26
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jamesmcarthurLooks like the problem isn't limited to that search. Also try and
mnasercrinkle: i see.  i was just poking brains here, didnt get much at #puppet .. the weird thing is i cannot for my life find anything that is defining it directly13:26
mnasergrep'd all through modules, but ill try to see if it's sneaking its way somewhere else..13:26
crinklemnaser: it could also be that it's inside a define that is getting called twice13:27
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't skip errors in postci
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: pleia2: pabelenger: looks like it goes pretty deep.,
mnasercrinkle: that's a a far more interesting/probably idea, i'll check.13:28
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clarkbjamesmcarthur: pleia2 pabelanger "customer" is another good one13:28
jamesmcarthurclarkb: It does appear that most of them are dated February, at first glance.13:29
pabelangerjamesmcarthur: clarkb: pleia2: I can try looking later today.13:29
clarkbpleia2: pabelanger but basically I am super distracted and traveling and conferencing and not in a great position to learn me a wiki. If you have any bandwidth at all it would be great to get this cleaned up13:29
jamesmcarthurpabelanger: clarkb: I'd appreciate anything you can do. Big problem is that Google has started flagging as part of wiki.openstack.org13:30
jamesmcarthurpabelanger: clarkb: So we're losing ranking for our main site as well, which has pretty deep implications.13:30
pabelangerjamesmcarthur: clarkb: Personally, I'd be find updating robots.txt on wiki.o.o to Disallow: /13:30
jamesmcarthurpabelanger: but a lot of people still rely on the wiki. It gets 30% of our traffic.13:31
clarkbjamesmcarthur: they could use the wiki search13:31
clarkbbut the jump via google wouldn't be there13:31
pabelangerRight, and if I understand all our important data should be out of the wiki moving forward?13:32
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clarkbpabelanger: I think that ttx is still working through how that will work13:32
clarkbin nay case we should clear this out, looks like ~800 pages at least13:32
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Add mulitnode CI job support
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove using a swap partition
pabelangerI have to double check robots.txt, but we could white list the openstack namespace in the wiki13:33
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pabelangerand only focus our efforts there for the spam13:33
fifieldtpabelanger: $wgUseRCPatrol = true;13:34
clarkbpabelanger: the issue is any content on the wiki that google finds can be flagged13:34
fifieldtif that's in our mediawiki config file (not sure if it is in 1.25)13:34
fifieldtmight be worth seeting13:34
clarkbpabelanger: so if we clean up openstack/ we would still be in trouble13:34
fifieldtallows us to do things with
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fifieldtso we can filter out known good edits and people from various things when fighting spamz13:35
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ttxpabelanger: re: wiki
fifieldt(option is benign enough its enabled by default from 1.4)13:36
frickleris nodepool having some issues or is there just high load currently?13:37
krotscheckAnother fatal error in dib, this time precise: fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /openstack-dev/os-http.git13:39
krotscheckfrickler: The queue's pretty full.13:39
pabelangerfifieldt: We can add patrolled edits, if everybody is fine with it.  The next step would be to figure out who is going to review them13:40
clarkbfrickler: it looks like we are using our available capacity, you can see the nodepool node graph on the zuul status page (
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krotscheckclarkb, pabelanger: dib builds appear broken.13:40
clarkbkrotscheck: they ran when that repo was not available13:40
clarkbkrotscheck: its a thing13:40
fifieldthmm, looks like it should be on by default in our version, so we've explicitly disabled it :D13:40
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krotscheckclarkb: Got it. So, wait another 24 hours?13:41
pabelangerfifieldt: but, with that said, if we are doing patrolled edits moving forward, I'd rather see use review.o.o to as our review tool for the wiki edits, but then we are moving away from a wiki into sphinx / rst docs13:41
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clarkbkrotscheck: ya13:41
krotscheckclarkb: Okies13:41
fifieldtpabelanger: my understanging is the review of wiki content concluded that was a nonoption13:41
clarkbfifieldt: at least for some of the use cases yes. ttx is a better source than me though13:42
fifieldtregardless, we do have to fix the spam problem asap :)13:42
clarkbI don't think every change to the wiki needs to be reviewed13:42
fifieldtseems like patrolling is a tool that we can use13:42
clarkbwe just need better ways to nuke spam13:42
fifieldtexactly, it's not reviewing every change13:42
pabelangerkrotscheck: clarkb: DIBs failed yesterday, they should be good for today13:42
fifieldtit's a way of filtering out stuff durin the spamfight13:43
fifieldtit feeds into many other plugins and tools, as  I understand it13:43
krotscheckpabelanger: Alright, I'll let the horizon team know.13:43
fifieldtincluding some of the autopatrol bots you find on wikipedia13:43
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clarkbkrotscheck: what do people need in new images?13:43
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pabelangerclarkb: better spam filtering needs a newer OS, which is on the list for me (basically last)13:43
clarkbpabelanger: ya I get that but that is only one of the options right?13:43
krotscheckclarkb: ulimit -Sn increase13:43
clarkbits not our only option13:43
clarkbkrotscheck: you can do it in the jobs if you need ot fwiw13:44
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pabelangerclarkb: another option would be to migrate away from mediawiki to something more puppet friendly, and port our data to the new server.  Something more and more I am thinking we should do if this server needs to be long lived13:44
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clarkbyes we could reconsider the wiki platform itself. We did use moin moin once upon a time13:45
clarkb(thought it suffered from other problems prompting the move)13:45
pabelangerI am a fan of moinmoin, was pretty easy to use puppet on that13:45
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pabelangerThere are newer wikis that have git backends, so we could leverage that against review.o.o too13:46
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pabelangerkrotscheck: I noticed an error in stackviz: 2016-06-08 10:57:04,163 INFO OSError: [Errno 38] Function not implemented13:48
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openstackgerritAntoine Cabot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-watcherclient doc on
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krotscheckclarkb: That requires root.14:04
krotscheckclarkb: you can only increase the file descriptor limit as root. Regular users can only decrease it. That means i'd have to write a brand new macro builder, go through review, wait for it to merge, etc etc.14:04
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AJaegerclarkb: the repo was created yesterday, it should have been available. Is puppet not creating the repo on the nodepool server?14:13
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create the ARA project
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add a new purge_env command to Test env hosts
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fungiAJaeger: pabelanger: i think the requirements project there's already an other-requirements.txt which is supposed to contain all the requirements needed to be able to install the global requirements list (and then bindep is called by the job which generates the upper constraints list i think). would make sense to use that14:14
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mriedemi'm surprised the tempest liberty compat job doesn't specify max_microversion in tempest.conf?
AJaegerfungi: indeed, we can add that to other-requirements. Let me do that quickly...14:15
fungipleia2: pabelanger: clarkb: jamesmcarthur: looking at the file list, i think we need to clean those up too...
AJaegerfungi, I screwed up in reviewing: os-http was created in openstack-dev namespace, I missed that during review ;(14:16
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fungififieldt: ^14:16
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clarkbkrotscheck: we give every job root14:16
clarkbkrotscheck: but yes there is some work involved somewhere14:17
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fungipleia2: pabelanger: clarkb: jamesmcarthur: fifieldt: scroll down to uploads from the end of march and you'll see what i mean14:18
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AJaegerdims, dirk: should fix the kerberos problem you noticed14:19
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vsaienkoplease help to merge 1 line patch that allows to pass provision/unprovision timeout for ironic grenade jobs14:20
fungipleia2: pabelanger: clarkb: jamesmcarthur: fifieldt: actually, looks like there were a handful as late as march 18 ("Avast Technical Support" png image after pdf uploads were disabled but before new account creation was disabled)14:20
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fungiturning off new accounts and deleting all the ones which seemed to be spamming did at least put an end to that14:21
dimsAJaeger : so we let the projects deal with it if they see it in their own repo? (since this was needed possibly on the client side)14:21
dimsAJaeger : am ok with that14:22
AJaegerdims: that is our general approach forward: Projects should add their own other-requirements.txt files.14:22
AJaegerdims, see
fungidims: yeah, the up side to this is that it also serves as documentation to devs who want to try running the same tests locally14:23
dimsfungi : works for me. thanks AJaeger14:23
fungiso they don't have to guess/trial-and-error to suss out the distro-packaged requirements14:23
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fungias a convenience, you can also add a "bindep" env in tox that will list the specific packages they're missing on their platform14:24
AJaegerfungi, dims: Documented in the manual - see my link14:24
dimsAJaeger : thanks!14:25
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Reuse the puppet-openstackci zuul scheduler class
pabelangerfungi: Ya, for the most part there is a issue in bulk delete for spamming. Sometime not all attachments are removed. In this case, it appears to be a manual process14:29
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pabelangerrcarrillocruz: yolanda: I am ready if you are14:29
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Add --sysconfdir option to install command
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-dev/pbr: tests: fix data_files testing
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fungipabelanger: clarkb pointed out that the wiki search (now that it's updating correctly again) provides a better check of what patterns are still matched than the mass delete does, and also searches in page contents14:33
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: sure14:34
rcarrillocruzhere, or other channel? or maybe an etherpad?14:34
mtreinishclarkb: it is generating subunit with generate-subunit (which I primarily wrote because I was impatient about: )14:34
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fungipabelanger: interestingly, the mass delete special page doesn't seem to match even on page titles for spam pages the wiki search finds (which i've confirmed still exist). i have a feeling the fact that mass delete says it's for "pages recently added" makes me think those are past its timeframe limit14:36
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: lets start here14:36
jrollthis seems to be the last patch outstanding to get grenade passing for ironic, just a one-liner if someone has a moment
rcarrillocruzwe have between 129 to 150 servers , yet to see how many depending on HD issues and other faulty hw14:37
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rcarrillocruzwe moved all those servers to Houston datacenter, something they call AM1 location14:37
rcarrillocruzi've been working via tickets the issue of not being able to access them via iLO14:37
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pabelangerfungi: Ya, the mass delete doesn't always pick things up. I am not sure why right now14:37
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rcarrillocruzthey put the servers in a wrong VLAN14:37
jrollthere's also a project-config patch that should unbreak ironic CI on stable/liberty here, that already has a +2
rcarrillocruznow, that's sorted14:37
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rcarrillocruzi can access the servers via iLO14:37
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pabelangerrcarrillocruz: regarding tickets, can non HPE employees access them?14:38
AJaegerjroll: I'll review 326137. Could you review , please?14:38
rcarrillocruzone of the issues we didn't foresee is to keep a more thorough info of the servers, in particular serial numbers and iLO ips ( we just keep the provisioning NIC mac on system-config hiera)14:38
fungipabelanger: okay, i guess i'll dive into this myself. it seems like everyone else is too busy to deal with the wiki right now14:38
jrollAJaeger: yep, looking14:38
rcarrillocruzpabelanger: no, only HPE employees can, you need to VPN in to HPE to access Jira14:38
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: experimenting with local.conf
rcarrillocruzi found by guessing the baremetal00 machine14:39
rcarrillocruzthe baremetal00 machine is our 'jumphost' and the bifrost server itself14:39
rcarrillocruzpabelanger: you familiar with bifrost?14:39
rcarrillocruzi can give a super short overview of what it is14:40
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: yes, I haven't run it yet14:40
pabelangerbut looked at the code14:40
rcarrillocruzok, so baremetal00=bifrost14:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add nodepool.manager.MANAGER.nodes.STATE also
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rcarrillocruzwhich acts as the DHCP/PXE server to boot up the controller and computes from the 'infracloud' itself14:40
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rcarrillocruznow issue is:14:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Filter non-public fields when searching for users
rcarrillocruzi can get in to the baremetal00 via iLO textcons interface14:41
rcarrillocruzhowerver, there is a networking issue . The server can't ping other servers on the mgmt network neither the internet on the public network14:41
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yolandasorry, not available now, pabelanger14:41
rcarrillocruzas soon as I sort out that with DC folks (ticket opened as blocker)14:41
rcarrillocruzi'll open up access via internet14:41
rcarrillocruzso you and other core folks can just ssh to it14:42
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rcarrillocruzwe will then:14:42
rcarrillocruz1. change hiera for infracloud with new data (new IPs, serial numbers, iLO ips, etc)14:42
rcarrillocruz2. redeploy14:42
rcarrillocruz3. puppet openstack mitaka (or whatever)14:42
pabelangeryolanda: np, ping me again when free14:43
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: okay, how long do you expect that take?14:43
rcarrillocruzby having the serial numbers and ilo ips for all machines on our hiera, i expect it will be WAY EASIER to find out what server is what14:43
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: mostly curious of the turn around times on tickets14:43
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rcarrillocruzcos right now we just keep the old ip plus the pxe mac14:43
rcarrillocruzbut DC folks they just know about iLOs and serial numbers14:44
rcarrillocruzpabelanger: well, i've spent last night entirely to get the baremetal00 access via iLO14:44
rcarrillocruztoday i spent whole day with a NET engineer, per him the switch and switch ports are all good, vlan configs etc14:44
rcarrillocruzso most likely a cabling issue14:44
rcarrillocruzthe DC guy *should* be in shortly14:44
rcarrillocruzthe ticket is blocker, which is the highest sev, so i expect they respond today14:45
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: thanks for moving this forward!14:45
rcarrillocruzsure thing14:45
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: so for #1, I assume the serial numbers are located in each iLo?14:46
rcarrillocruzi'm hoping when crinkle is back to US we can move this forward faster, mainly because of TZ difference. DC folks in Houston, me in Spain14:46
rcarrillocruzdon't play well :/14:46
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: i have all serial numbers in a spreadsheet14:46
rcarrillocruzhowever i can't just put on our hiera14:46
rcarrillocruzcos in our hiera14:46
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rcarrillocruzwe have:14:46
rcarrillocruzpxe mac14:46
rcarrillocruzold pxe IP14:47
rcarrillocruzold public IP14:47
openstackgerritYaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [Rally] Enable Ceilometer for one of the 'rally verify' jobs
rcarrillocruzbut on the spreadsheet i have14:47
rcarrillocruzserial number14:47
rcarrillocruziLO ip14:47
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rcarrillocruzso it's fun fun14:47
rcarrillocruzcos I have to get into the ilO with textcons14:48
rcarrillocruzto figure out what is what14:48
rcarrillocruzplus because we didn't have a user/pass in common with all servers14:48
rcarrillocruzi have to:14:48
rcarrillocruz1. reboot the server14:48
rcarrillocruz2. wait 5-10min with the left shift key pressed14:48
rcarrillocruz3. enter on recovery mode via grub14:48
rcarrillocruzthat gives me the keys to the server in question14:48
rcarrillocruzso yeah, it's taking time14:48
rcarrillocruzhowever, if i can give public access to the baremetal00 machine14:49
rcarrillocruzthat should give us the keys to the kingdom14:49
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fungipabelanger: found it. the nuke extension queries the recent changes table, which as of 1.25 (the version we're running) gets purged of entries older than 90 days by default. it's basically useless to us now because all the spam pages are from >90 days ago14:49
rcarrillocruzbecause bifrost bakes in a key on the root user of all controllers and computes it provisions14:49
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rcarrillocruzso priority for me is get baremetal00 good and dandy14:49
fungipabelanger: so at this point, i guess cleanup is entirely manual and page-at-a-time14:49
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pabelangerfungi: Oooh, nice find. Any way we can hack nuke to remove the 90day limit?14:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a subscription button to project detail view
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a subscription button to project group detail view
jeblairclarkb, fungi, pabelanger, AJaeger: this change just failed because we ran a projects.yaml test on it and it referenced a github repo that doesn't exist:  the change does not use projects.yaml14:50
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: sure, let me know if I can help with anything.14:50
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fungipabelanger: no, we need to configure$wgRCMaxAge if we want it to not delete recent changes entries so quickly in the future, but ones from the past are already gone14:50
rcarrillocruzas soon as i get that online i will let you and other folks14:51
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pabelangerjeblair: Hmm, I know that review. Let me see if I can find it14:53
fungijeblair: we should probably disable that check until it can be reengineered to only complain about entries added by the change being tested14:53
jeblairfungi: well, i think it's a really great check, though, it used to only run when we changed that file14:54
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Wait for server to be ssh reachable before bootstrap/configuration
pabelangerjeblair: fungi: 326720 added puppet-congress to openstack14:54
fungibecause the only problem a nonexistent import url presents is for repo import of teh change being approved. once that repo is imported, we don't want subsequent deletion of the remote repo to result in spontaneous test failure14:55
jeblairfungi: i'm hoping to illustrate that we have been silently benefiting from having the files sections.14:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add a new purge_env command to Test env hosts
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: works for me14:55
jeblairfungi: that's why i wrote the cleanup proposal job14:55
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Set resolv.conf on nodes before bootstrap
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pabelangerjeblair: fungi: I am happy to revert the files changes, what ever the team thinks is best14:56
rcarrillocruzjeblair: have a sec to talk about ansible-puppet? or fungi ? is there a list of issues for the role or can you tell me what are the pain points?14:56
fungijeblair: makes sense, just pointing out that between when the remote repo is imported and then deleted by its prior owner and when the cleanup proposal merges, there's a window where that job will fail for other changes adding unrelated new projects14:56
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fungieven if we reinstitute the file filtyering14:56
jeblairfungi: agreed, it could certainly be smarter14:56
jeblairthere must be an outstanding proposal bot change to remove that url, but i can't find it14:57
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make grenade jobs for Ironic non voting
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jrollAJaeger: approve away on 32620315:01
pabelangerjeblair: fungi: better to check if repo exists in git.o.o first, before hitting
jeblairoh, it only recently merged, so it would get cleaned up tomorrow15:01
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fungipabelanger: that's an interesting idea. have the job only check import urls for repos it confirms aren't imported yet15:02
jeblairpabelanger: well, i think the logic should actually be: if track-upstream is true, always check the upstream.  if it is false, ensure it exists either in gerrit or the upstream works.15:02
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fungiyep, that15:02
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fungii keep forgetting about the track-upstream option15:02
pabelangerya, I am not sure how that job works actually. Going to poke at it to see15:03
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove puppet-congress upstream url
jeblairfungi, pabelanger: ^15:04
fungipleia2: pabelanger: clarkb: jamesmcarthur: fifieldt: i'm going through now and deleting obviously spam files from the wiki files special page after first checking whether they are linked from another article (so that i can potentially delete it too)15:04
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anteayafungi: yay15:05
anteayafungi: thank you15:05
fungiwe'll see how far i get. it's a manual process now that the mass delete extension is no longer usable15:05
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jenkins01 target from nodepool
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fungii've cleaned up all the non-pdf spam file uploads from march, but there were only a few. there are numerous pdf uploads from february which are spam15:06
fungiworking my way back through that list now15:07
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anteayafungi: yay!15:07
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jamesmcarthurfungi: thanks!!!15:10
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openstackgerritDan Radez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-tacker to Openstack
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dulekIs anyone able to point me to resources on what plumbing is needed to enable multinode Tempest/Grenade for another service? I'm specifically talking about Cinder now.15:23
dulekMaybe at least a raw TODO list? ;)15:23
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yolandainfra cores, can i get reviews for and ?15:28
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip upstream check if we have already imported upstream
pabelangerfungi: jeblair: I believe that should work ^15:28
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fungii should see if i can figure out how to speed up these deletions. at my current pace i'm on track to be able to delete the ~1300 spam images from late february in just under 9 hours of continuous clicking15:29
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fungiif my fingers don't fall off first15:29
anteayafungi: that sounds like fun15:29
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anteayaif we look at another wiki option ever can we evaluate it for ease of mass deletion15:30
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anteayaI mean actual mass deletion15:30
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make all sahara-dashboard jobs voting
anteayanot just something that looks like mass deletion but isn't15:30
mnaseri could swear there was a link in gerrit that allowed cloning the repo for a specific review15:30
mnaseror somewhere to access it15:30
fungimnaser: the "download" button at the top does that now15:31
mnaserthank you!15:31
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make all sahara-dashboard jobs voting
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fungimnaser: note that "http" means "authenticated http" so you may want to select "anonymous http" instead of that15:32
mnaseri only see ssh and anonymous http options anyways15:32
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anteayamnaser: are you signed into gerrit?15:32
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timothyb89pabelanger: it looks like that stackviz error is in an optional dependency, probably safe to ignore?15:34
pabelangeranteaya: moinmoin is great for that, I believe wiki pages are stored on the local file system. I believe we'd simply delete the file to remove the page, but need to confirm that15:35
mriedemumm, jenkins is randomly telling me that i have a change which failed to merge, but doesn't show merge conflict, and i've already manually rebased the series once15:35
mriedemis this a known issue?15:35
mriedemand no depends-on15:35
pabelangertimothyb89: Ya, I think it is ignored right now. Not sure what affect it has on stackviz15:35
anteayapabelanger: I think we moved from moinmoin if I remember my early history15:35
anteayamriedem: have you a link?15:36
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mriedemxenproject ci says the same15:36
mriedemcan't figure it out15:36
anteayamnaser: my dropdown menus also contains on two options ssh and anonymous http15:36
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mriedemanteaya: that's change 3 in the series, the first 2 changes are going through check queue now15:37
anteayamriedem: yes, I'm looking at the parents, they last passed check yesterday15:38
anteayaI'm wondering if one of them currently has a merge conflict15:38
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timothyb89pabelanger: it seems to have built fine, hopefully no negative effect at all15:39
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mriedemanteaya: don't think so. i rebased the series around an hour ago15:40
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pabelangertimothyb89: yup, uploads should be starting shortly15:41
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anteayanone of the first three patches have Depends-On in the commit message15:41
mriedemanteaya: and i have a tempest change that's dependent on the top nova change in the series, and the tempest change is running through check now
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anteayamriedem: oh I went the wrong way, I always think the parent is at the bottom of the stack not the top15:42
anteayalet me go through the stack again15:42
timrcI feel strongly that openstack-infra should port this to storyboard
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anteayatimrc: make a story about it15:43
pabelangertimrc: epic15:43
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anteayaepics are a different feature15:45
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anteayamriedem: when you say the top nova change you mean the tip of the series?15:46
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mriedemanteaya: yeah, HEAD15:47
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anteayaokay thanks15:48
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jeblairmriedem, anteaya: i'm checking zuul logs15:50
anteayajeblair: thank you15:50
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anteayajesusaur: I'm wondering if logstash is logstashing to the extent that it could be logstashing, might you have an opportunity to take a peek?15:54
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make grenade jobs for Ironic non voting
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SpamapScinerama: did we ever get a glean release out for you?16:12
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cineramaSpamapS, lemme check16:14
greghaynesSpamapS: cinerama looks like no16:14
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greghaynes(sorry, had it up already ;)16:15
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cineramayeah so no16:15
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cineramai'm trying to clear out bifrost's backlog of changes16:16
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anteayamriedem: the two parents passing is hopeful, I have my fingers crossed for the recheck passing16:18
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mriedemanteaya: the recheck already failed16:18
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mriedemoh i guess not16:19
mriedemjust queued16:19
fungiokay, i have skimmed all the file uploads and assembled a list of 178 unique wiki users who uploaded at least one of them. now to see what sort of interesting things i can do with this data16:19
anteayamriedem: oh boo16:19
fungiusers who uploaded at least one spam file, that is16:19
anteayamriedem: oh okay16:19
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anteayafungi: I'm interested in what interesting things you can find out about them16:20
fungianteaya: more like what interesting things i can do with them, for example
anteayaI had been following them one at a time back to their edits page and the branching off from there16:20
fungibrowser interaction for this stuff is just waaaay too slow16:21
anteayaI hope it works16:21
fungie.g., query all pages created by and images uploaded by users in this list, then perform corresponding delete actions on them16:21
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anteayafungi: oh I hope it does it16:24
fungiunfortunately, for example the file list special page which claims to be able to search by username returns no results for the ones i've tried so far, even though there are file pages claiming they were the uploaders16:25
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: horizon job to use tempest plugin in gate
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zarojeblair: i've finally gotten around to setting up cgit server.  was wondering whether we wanted to test performance with all protocals (git, smart http, and dumb http) or was the smart http enough?16:26
anteayafungi: :(16:26
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jeblairmriedem, anteaya: it looks like at the time zuul queried gerrit about 297906,15, gerrit was not reporting 309574,12 as a dependency.  later, when something else changed on 297906,15, zuul re-queried it, got the correct data, and invalidated its tests since the preconditions didn't make sense anymore.16:27
krotscheckpabelanger: Just to clarify- the logs that were uploaded this morning, from the dib build, appear to be broken. From your previous comment, I assume that these were actually the logs from yesterday's build?16:27
krotscheckpabelanger: I'm asking because a new one was just uploaded in the last 30 minutes, and it's also broken.16:27
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jeblairmriedem, anteaya: we actually have (naive) protection in zuul against this sort of thing, but it appears 5 seconds was not sufficient this time:
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jeblairmriedem, anteaya: a recheck should certainly work in this instance (since gerrit's data are now consistent)16:29
anteayajeblair: I did not know about this, how interesting16:29
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jeblairif this happens more often, it may indicate that gerrit is getting slower, and we either need to speed up gerrit, or increase the zuul delay16:30
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jeblairzaro: all are used quite heavily, so we should test all of them i think16:30
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Rework timeline events into a timeline
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mriedemjeblair: ok, i'll keep an eye on it. this is the 2nd time it's happened in this series. that's why i rebased this morning.16:31
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Expose postci trace
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jeblairmriedem: i also wonder if it varies by project -- perhaps because the nova repo is so big (zaro is working on that!) gerrit operations on nova may be slower.  [just speculation]16:31
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anteayaI wonder if the size of the patch series also has an effect16:32
anteayanova + 8 patch series16:32
jeblairanteaya: quite possible16:32
fungianteaya: scratch that, it is working. i must have had an extra broken query parameter in there or something...
jeblairat any rate, it is very easy for us to further delay zuul if it's becoming a problem16:33
anteayafungi: yay16:33
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fungiso i should be able to leverage an api version of this to make the list of spam uploads and pages created by these accounts16:33
anteayafungi: go you!16:34
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dhellmannjeblair : I see zuul has quite long queue lengths reports, and I know you've explained to me before what's happening when I see that, but I can't remember. Is it rebuilding something as the result of a gate reset?16:36
pabelangerkrotscheck: Right, we start DIBs each morning at 11:34 UTC. That usually takes about 1 hour per image, and we have 6 images.  After that, its about another 5 hours to upload all images to clouds, which just started about 15mins ago.  All that to say, we are still using the images from 2+ days ago in the gate16:36
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krotscheckpabelanger: 11:34 UTC< or 23:34?16:37
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anteayadhellmann: yes it is recalculating the gate queue16:38
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dhellmannanteaya : thanks16:38
anteayadhellmann: when it is recalculating the queue grow because it isn't process incoming or outgoing events16:38
anteayadhellmann: welcome16:38
pabelangerkrotscheck: 10:34UTC actually:
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anteayaqueues, processing16:39
dhellmannanteaya : that makes sense. I'll keep an eye out for it to finish16:39
jeblairdhellmann: contributing factors may include: 1) a zuul reconfiguration causing zuul to drop its cache and having to query gerrit a lot; 2) a lot of changes merging and causing zuul to query gerrit for open changes to populate the merge-check pipelines [combined with 1, this can get really bad]; 3) gerrit being slow to merge changes or replicate16:39
anteayadhellmann: awesome, thank you16:39
pabelangerkrotscheck: I want to expose the data better to grafana.o.o, so users have a better way to track the builds / uploads16:39
fungianteaya: woo! step 1...
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anteayafungi: that is impressive16:40
* fungi is trying to make this look exciting, just like whitewashing a picket fence16:40
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anteayalet's hope it deletes stuff16:40
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anteayafungi: that is a great looking picket fence16:41
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Rework timeline events into a timeline
dhellmannjeblair : the current numbers are about as high as I remember ever seeing, but I really only watch it when I'm tagging releases so I don't know if that's a good sample. :-)16:41
fungianteaya: well, this is just the "gimme a list of the files uploaded by this user" part16:41
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* anteaya looks in her pocket for an apple16:41
anteayafungi: yup16:41
fungianteaya: still need to feed it into a set of delete calls16:41
krotscheckpabelanger: I know this is probably coming at the problem form a completely different angle, but couldn't the image builds themselves be periodic jobs?16:41
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fungiso i'm working on how to delete a file through the api next16:41
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jeblairdhellmann: ~20k is i think the record16:41
anteayafungi: go you!16:41
* krotscheck expects there'd be some chicken-egg issues there.16:42
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anteayajeblair: is it really? I must have missed that day16:42
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dhellmannjeblair : I'll settle for 2.5k16:42
jeblairdhellmann: we'll work on improving the cache in v316:42
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pabelangerkrotscheck: You mean use jenkins to do the builds?16:42
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pabelangerkrotscheck: trying to understand the issue you are wanting to address16:42
dhellmannjeblair: yeah, no worries, I have other things to do but was just trying to refresh my memory of what was actually going on16:42
krotscheckpabelanger: I'm bikeshedding, ignore me.16:43
anteayaah the cinder meeting is over, I'll share this fine page of review stats that smcginnis linked to in the cinder meeting:
anteayaI figured you'd all want to see16:43
krotscheckpabelanger: I just figure that you have a thing, that needs to be done periodically, and that needs to report some progress, and it seems like we've got all those tools in zuul/jenkins already.16:43
anteayasmcginnis: nice stats page there16:43
anteayasmcginnis: I like it16:43
pabelangerkrotscheck: there is an issue about how long it takes to bring our images online.  Right now that's about 11 hours.  Something that happens today, which I want to fix, is we only upload images after all DIBs are built.  VS, start uploads a DIB as soon as it has finished building.16:44
pabelangerkrotscheck: interesting idea16:44
krotscheckpabelanger: Not unlike the periodic mirror build.16:45
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pabelangerkrotscheck: the man issue for that, is we do cache a fair bit of things on nodepool.o.o, so moving things to a periodic job means we lose that case (since the node is destroyed)16:45
krotscheckpabelanger: So it'd be slower.16:46
pabelangerkrotscheck: I am sure there is some optimization that could be made to the progress moving forward however16:46
krotscheckpabelanger: Like adding particular git repositories to our mirrors? ;)16:46
* krotscheck wonders if that might be a little overkill16:46
pabelangerkrotscheck: I'd have to look into it more. Today we don't actually use any of our mirror infra for DIBs, we rely completely on upstream repos.16:47
pabelangerfor centos-7 already, we could switch to our mirros, since they are still signed packages16:47
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pabelangerput again, everything is mostly cached to filesystem16:48
pabelangerand reused each day16:48
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krotscheckpabelanger: There are persistent slaves in infra already, like the release slave. Creating one to persist that cache is possible.16:48
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pabelangerkrotscheck: agreed. At one time I thought about running a nodepool-builder per cloud region, in an effort to reduce our upload times.  clarkb pointed out, rightfully, each of our images would potentially be different since build times would not be atomic across regions.16:51
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pabelangerkrotscheck: But back to persistent slaves, I can't think of a reason not to do it, aside from the fact we already do it on nodepool.o.o :) But I do want to create nodepool-builder.o.o to create some isolation from nodepool.o.o, so could be an interesting discussion16:52
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JayF (devstack-gate) is the only patch left for Ironic to get grenade passing. It already has 8x+1s from Ironic cores16:53
JayFreviews appreciated for obvious reasons :D16:53
fungiokay, here's a slightly better query...|timestamp|url&aisort=timestamp&aiuser=Fdgfdhge16:54
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip puppet tempest jobs on tempest if no functional change
jeblairanteaya, dhellmann: it looks like it takes about 1 minute for a merged nova change to show up in the replicated repositories; or at least that's how long zuul is waiting for it (inefficiencies processing a 5MB git refs advertisement may be contributing as well)16:54
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mtreinishanteaya, AJaeger, fungi: ^^^ that should be pretty quick (assuming iI did the regex correctly)16:54
fungijeblair: i wonder if the ever increasing size of the nova repo on disk plays a role in that slowness at all16:54
jeblairanteaya, dhellmann: zuul completely pauses during that, so merging X nova changes means a complete pause of X minutes.16:55
jeblairfungi: quite possibly16:55
jeblairi am very eager to have the garbage collection16:55
dhellmannjeblair : a minute doesn't seem long, but it sounds like it adds up16:55
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dhellmannthis release patch I'm waiting for says it has been in the gate queue for 1 hr 11 min, with both tests passed after probably 15 minutes between waiting to be started and then running the jobs16:56
anteayajeblair: thank you16:56
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anteayamtreinish: I always assume you did the regex correctly16:57
pleia2whee, first call of the day behind me16:57
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add timeout to
mtreinishanteaya: haha, I don't. I always get the regex wrong :)16:57
anteayapleia2: woooo16:57
pleia2anteaya: re: SB liason for infra, happy to do this16:58
jeblairit only takes about 10 seconds to query for open changes16:58
anteayamtreinish: oh, yes, that's what I meant16:58
fungipleia2: thanks!16:58
anteayapleia2: wonderful, thank you16:58
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anteayapleia2: this is what you are agreeing to: "Feature stakeholders identify remaining needed features"16:58
anteayapleia2: so keen to have all your input in what you notice16:59
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anteayabut would like to have a very small list of we need this to migrate16:59
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fungiworth noting, the list for infra could be vanishingly small as we are already migrated to sb17:00
pleia2anteaya: yep, I read up earlier this morning, I'll start collecting our previous feedback from our last sprint in a more organized way asap17:01
fungibut we still might be aware of gaps which would prevent other teams from migrating which they might not themselves think to identify17:01
pleia2anteaya: thanks :)17:01
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anteayapleia2: awesome thank you17:01
pleia2fungi: yeah, we did find a few pain points when we did our bug day, so I'll make sure those rise to the top of our list17:01
anteayapleia2: I added you to the notes for the task "identify target users for this process" on!/story/200061017:01
pleia2anteaya: thanks :)17:02
anteayafungi: agreed17:02
anteayapleia2: awesome thank you17:02
anteayaalso did you see storyboard is having a bug sprint17:02
anteayaif you have some time in that window would love to have your help17:03
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upgrade Ironic grenade jobs to -nv in check queue
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a cancel button to the Add Tag text box
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odyssey4mepabelanger Are the UCA packages mirrored in OpenStack-Infra?17:08
pleia2anteaya: I had not, added to my calendar17:09
anteayapleia2: awesome thank you17:09
pabelangerodyssey4me: currently no17:09
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add 15mins to OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY timeout
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odyssey4mepabelanger bummer, that'd be useful17:12
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* odyssey4me adds it to the ever-growing TODO list17:12
pabelangerodyssey4me: I don't see a reason not to do it17:12
anteayaI never realized before how lovely it is to view all the stories that have patches ready to review in this view:!/dashboard/stories17:13
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dhellmannfungi : I have a test for reno that demonstrates that merging tags from a stable branch into master confuses its sense of what version applies to a release note. git treats the merged version number as "current" for "git describe" output, too. So before I make reno do something special, I wanted to discuss why we're merging tags from branches into master again. We talked about it at the summit, but my notes don't include that info. Do you17:18
dhellmann have some time for that today?17:18
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fungidhellmann: sure, i can rediscuss it now17:18
dhellmannfungi : great, thanks for letting me interrupt your day. So, I know we only merge some tags, and I think it had something to do with ensuring that the final release version from a pre-release branch made it into master so that master would "have" that same version. Is that the only reason?17:19
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fungidhellmann: it should _only_ be done for projects which tag mainline releases on non-master branches, e.g. we branch stable/newton at rc1 and then tag the first newton release there, we merge that tag back into the master branch so that ocata development shows a version higher than newton17:20
dhellmannok, I think we're saying the same thing17:20
fungidhellmann: that should be the _only_ situation where we perform that tag merge. if we're doing it elsewhere we need to figure out why17:20
dhellmannso, why do we need to do that? do you remember if there was a real failure, or was this a preemptive choice?17:21
dhellmannfungi : well, it turns out it doesn't matter -- doing it at all makes reno produce the "wrong" results17:21
rockstarHi infra- can someone please add me to nova-lxd-core and nova-lxd-release groups? The import is complete.17:21
fungidhellmann: because for example tarballs generated on master after a major release were still claiming to be a lower version17:21
dhellmannso I'm leaning towards proposing we stop doing it at all, but before I go that far I want to make sure I understand why we're doing it17:22
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fungidhellmann: i think you would need to immediate tag a "start of cycle" development milestone on master when you release from the stable branch as an alternative17:23
dhellmannso those are tarballs created after a merge into master, and the version *inside* the tarball is lower than the stable branch?17:23
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fungidhellmann: correct17:23
fungidhellmann: because the master branch does not have the most recent release tag in its history17:23
dhellmannwhat breaks because that version is "wrong"?17:23
fungidhellmann: mostly people's perceptions17:24
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dhellmannso we either have a lotta splainin to do, or we need to do something else to raise that version after a branch is created17:25
dhellmann"it's ok, really, your version will be fixed at milestone 1" or we tag an X.0.0.0a0 or something right after the branch is created17:25
fungidhellmann: so if we hadn't done that tag merge for mitaka, nova would claim to be 13.0.0.rc1.devXXXX until was tagged 3 months later17:26
dhellmannyeah, that's a long time to go with the apparently wrong version17:26
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fungidhellmann: basically half a cycle where your master branch looked like it was "older" than your last release17:26
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dhellmannI'll spend some time on it, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to teach reno to ignore those tags. git doesn't -- git describe incorporates them -- so reno will act differently from git17:27
dhellmannhow do you feel about changing the release process to add the extra alpha/beta tag right after a branch?17:27
openstackgerritJoe Talerico proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding Browbeat
fungidhellmann: right, we want git describe, pbr.version, et cetera to see that tag so they report a version newer than the release17:28
dhellmannbasically, change our process and stop "fooling around" with git17:28
dhellmannwell, we want those tools to see *a* tag. I'm not sure we want them to see the one we applied to the branch17:28
dhellmannnow that we're using post versioning, we may just need to add an extra tag to our process17:29
fungidhellmann: ideally the first divergent commit from stable/newton for nova would have tagged, for example17:29
dhellmannright, that's what I think we ought to do17:29
smcginnisanteaya: Thanks!17:29
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dhellmannfungi : on master17:30
fungidhellmann: but you'd need to be careful not to tag a commit which also appears in stable. it would need to be a divergent commit17:30
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fungiyeah, on master17:30
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add grenade test for Nova simple-cells-setup migration
dhellmannso we tag X.0.0.0rc1, create the stable/$SERIES branch from that, commit something on master, tag that commit something like X+
fungia commit on the master branch which is _not_ in the history of any stable branch17:30
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create the ARA project
dhellmannfungi : we don't merge commits between branches, right? and it would be safe to tag something that had been cherry-picked?17:31
fungidhellmann: right, it's the "commit something on master" part which worries me17:31
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fungiif changes from master are backported as cherry-picks it would be safe. if changes from master are backported as a fast-forward then it would be a problem17:32
anteayasmcginnis: can I peek at the script?17:32
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dmsimardWeird error around puppet-congress on a (totally unrelated to congress) review
dhellmannis it even possible, given the way we're set up, to backport using fast-forward?17:32
dhellmannI have only even seen us use cherry-picks17:32
smcginnisanteaya: I actually adapted that from somewhere. Let me see if I can find the actual source.17:32
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add grenade test for Nova simple-cells-setup migration
smcginnisanteaya: I don't want to take all the credit for someone elses work. ;)17:32
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create the ARA project
anteayasmcginnis: that's what I like about you17:32
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fungidhellmann: i think you may be able to propose a change to another branch. i know at least that merge commits depending on commits in another branch will drag them in17:33
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dhellmannfungi : I think you're right. I think I've actually seen someone do that accidentally, in fact.17:33
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fungidhellmann: maybe an update should be made to the release notes as the first new commit on master? though making sure to commit something on master takes us back to the old pain of remembering to merge a commit updating pre-versioning17:33
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add grenade test for Nova simple-cells-setup migration
dhellmannyeah, and master may already be farther ahead than the point where the branch should be created17:34
AJaegerjeblair: I'm happy to add some files section back again!17:34
smcginnisanteaya: OK, been a while since I set that up so I had to shake out some cobwebs. :)17:34
anteayasmcginnis: sounds like my house17:35
smcginnisanteaya: I'm pulling together stuff from here:
smcginnisanteaya: And here
smcginnisanteaya: Hah, same. :)17:35
anteayasmcginnis: feel like offering a patch to either repo with your work?17:35
anteayaI like your choices17:35
dhellmannfungi : we have the problem now, don't we, of needing to not merge changes from master back to stable to avoid having a newer version introduced on the stable branch? If I did that today to nova, I would break versioning in their stable branch.17:36
smcginnisanteaya: Yeah, I should look. I remember needing to hack some things, but not sure how far off I am from the source.17:36
smcginnisanteaya: I'll get that in my backlog to take a look at.17:36
pabelangerAJaeger: mind helping 327189 land?17:36
fungidhellmann: yeah, after the first milestone tag, correct17:36
smcginnisanteaya: I agree, if I did anything useful it would be good to get up there.17:36
anteayasmcginnis: I think you did something useful17:37
dhellmannfungi : so technically the change in process doesn't introduce any new danger, though it does reduce the safe window period17:37
smcginnisanteaya: Thanks, I'll try to remember to ping you if/when I post anything. :)17:38
fungidhellmann: anyway, if you want to do away with and replace the current solution, i'd recommend a quick sync up with mordred and lifeless_ about it as well in case they can think of other edge cases this is protecting us from which the proposed alternative does not17:38
anteayasmcginnis: awesome thank you17:38
dhellmannfungi : yeah, my next step was going to be a ML post. I'll do that this week. thanks for talking through things with me.17:38
fungidhellmann: any time!17:38
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JayFfungi: mtreinish: jeblair: if one of you have a minute, is a one-line patch that is all that's needed to get grenade passing on Ironic. We'd love to get it merged today as this has been our primary focus this cycle so far.17:40
pabelangerdmsimard: does 321226 need sudo permissions for your gate jobs?17:40
dmsimardpabelanger: it didn't but now it does17:40
dmsimardpabelanger: ansible integration tests will do things like install and uninstall packages17:40
pabelangerYup, makes sense17:41
dmsimardthanks for looking, hope we can merge it soon :)17:41
openstackgerritJoe Talerico proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding Browbeat
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AJaegerpabelanger: +2A17:46
AJaegerpabelanger: +2A on 327189 I mean...17:46
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pabelangerAJaeger: danke17:47
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jeblairfungi, pabelanger, notmorgan, Shrews: i think a contributing factor to the zuul slowness is that geard is running about at capacity now.  zl01 does not register a set_description function, which means that zuul is constantly asking geard for the full function list to see if it has shown up.  (we cache the function list; cache misses trigger a refresh every 5 seconds).  that is exacerbating the load on geard and pausing zuul for long ...17:49
jeblair... periods of time waiting for a response.17:49
notmorganjeblair: oh fun17:49
jeblairwe may *also* have issues with either too many functions, or sending too much statsd data, but i think that's probably being masked by the constant status calls17:49
notmorganjeblair: i can see that17:50
jeblairso i think we need to fix that first, then look at the other17:50
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jeblairwe could either make a zuul config option to stop using 'describe_job', or we could have zuul-launcher register that function and then noop17:50
jeblairthe second is probably easier17:51
AJaegerteam, I saw earler failing jobs in the post queue - but no log files. Links are and . Any ideas?17:51
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notmorganjeblair: i would be inclined to noop immediately17:52
notmorganjeblair: since it seems like a shorter path to "less problems"17:52
anteayaAJaeger: I confirm I cannot see any files at those urls17:52
pabelangerjeblair: notmorgan: I too like the noop17:52
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anteayaAJaeger: I have no ideas17:52
pabelangerwould moving geard off zuul.o.o help?17:53
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pabelangernot that it is easier17:53
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jeblairpabelanger: no -- it's GIL bound, we're underutilizing the cpu on zuul.o.o17:53
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jeblairhrm, also, geard seems to be having an issue with nodepool right now17:53
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jeblair[pid  3360] sendto(423, "\t0\t0\t423\n", 9, 0, NULL, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)17:53
jeblairzuul-serv 3359 zuul  423u  IPv4 62208500      0t0      TCP> (CLOSE_WAIT)17:53
Shrewsjeblair: what's the risk of the noop?17:54
jeblairit's looping over that17:54
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jeblairShrews: none i can think of.17:54
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notmorganjeblair: this, i think, is where we might benefit from asyncio+uvloop, but that is a big change(tm), and likely a lot less relevant in zuulv317:54
jeblairnotmorgan: i very seriously doubt it, but i'd love to have that conversation some other time when systems are not on fire.  :)  (plus, you are right it is less relevant in v3)17:56
notmorganjeblair: like i said :)17:56
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jeblairi think we need to restart zuul to get gearman running17:57
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
jeblairand then i think i need to not send any extra status commands to it which might push it over the edge17:57
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jeblairwhich may be what killed the nodepool connection this time17:58
jeblair(regardless, there is some kind of a bug with geard not handling that disconnection gracefully)17:58
pabelangerlooking at zuul to see where we'd add the noop for set_description17:58
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jeblairstopping zuul17:59
notmorganjeblair: ok.17:59
notmorgani'll take a closer look at geard, i've been spending a bunch of time in it's code lately, if something stands out as an issue with disconnection, will let you know18:00
jeblairnotmorgan: from strace, it looks like it was in the middle of trying to send a response to a 'status' command18:00
mordredfungi, dhellmann: heya - just got back online - quick tl;dr of what I missed? or should I just read the backscroll?18:01
jeblairnotmorgan: oh, hrm.  you can see from the line i pasted above, we were just getting EAGAIN over and over18:01
notmorganjeblair: i'm wondering if this is just related to the oddness in sockets i've been seeing.18:01
jeblairnotmorgan: on a connection that lsof says was in CLOSE_WAIT18:01
jeblairnotmorgan: that doesn't make sense to me18:01
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fungimordred: the tag merge job confuses reno, and dhellmann is looking for alternative solutions instead of merging the first release on a stable branch back into master18:02
dhellmannmordred, fungi :
notmorganjeblair: weird.18:02
dhellmannthat's my email draft18:02
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip release notes jobs for pre-Mitaka os-brick and python-cinderclient
jeblairalso, this is the first time we've hard-stopped zuul with zl01 running.  it did not magically stop all of its jobs like i expected, but then again, there was weird geard stuff going on18:02
jeblairso i am stopping zl01 as well, and we should test zl with zuul hard stops18:03
notmorganjeblair: we might need to handle a SIGPIPE18:03
mordredfungi, dhellmann: the merge is actually only needed for pre-versioning18:03
notmorganjeblair: i'll poke at this a bit more.18:03
mordredfor post versioning, it shouldn't matter, iirc18:04
clarkbmordred: depends on where branchung happens more18:04
jeblairnotmorgan, Shrews, pabelanger: i'll leave zl stopped so we don't incur the set_description penalty18:04
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clarkbmordred: uf we always branch before ragging thwn need it18:05
clarkbwow phone typing18:05
notmorganjeblair: wgm.18:05
dhellmannclarkb : we always branch from tagged versions18:05
notmorganjeblair: wfm.18:05
AJaegerdhellmann: how do you want to wait for the next change to merge? Some projects might not be that quick with merging - like django_openstack_auth. Would you try merging a dummy commit?18:05
dhellmannclarkb: at least for stable branches18:05
fungidhellmann: reno is only _actually_ being used to update release notes in release jobs though, right? if so, those would never be triggered for the tag merge into master anyway18:05
dhellmannAJaeger : this only applies to projects using cycle-with-milestone style versions18:06
fungidhellmann: or is the concern that additions in master before the tag is merged are assumed by the eventual next release tag to have been added in a prior release?18:06
AJaegerdhellmann: so my example was bad;) Still, do we have projects that might not merge something for a week?18:06
dhellmannfungi : reno runs on every merge so we can get the "unreleased" release notes, too. But it doesn't really matter, because if it runs at any point after a tag has merged, then it will miscategorize notes from before the merge.18:07
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fungigot it18:07
dhellmannAJaeger : that's fine. We can either introduce a little commit just for the tag, or we can leave the tag until they have a commit.18:07
AJaegerdhellmann: if you leave the tag, it's busy polling basically on your side....18:07
AJaegerdhellmann: might not be an issue - and we could wait whether it really hits us...18:08
jeblairstatus notice Zuul has been restarted to correct an error condition.  Events since 17:30 may have been missed; please 'recheck' your changes if they were uploaded since then, or have "NOT_REGISTERED" errors.18:08
dhellmannAJaeger : yeah, I'm inclined to introduce something at the point of the branch if it's needed, just so we don't forget18:09
jeblairhow does that look? ^18:09
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fungijeblair: lgtm18:09
jeblair#status notice Zuul has been restarted to correct an error condition.  Events since 17:30 may have been missed; please 'recheck' your changes if they were uploaded since then, or have "NOT_REGISTERED" errors.18:09
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice18:09
dhellmannmordred, fungi, AJaeger : I'm going to move this to the -dev list so we have a good record of it. I think I've incorporated everything you've said into issues/alternatives, but please follow up if I've missed something18:10
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fungidhellmann: yep, draft looks good18:10
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted to correct an error condition. Events since 17:30 may have been missed; please 'recheck' your changes if they were uploaded since then, or have "NOT_REGISTERED" errors.18:10
AJaegerdhellmann: go ahead, thanks!18:11
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice18:12
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dhellmannmordred , fungi , AJaeger :
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix referenced before assignment for BuildCompletedEvent
pabelangerjeblair: noticed that while looking in debug.log ^ searching for the set_description problem18:19
jeblairpabelanger: wow, thanks.  i love python.18:20
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pabelangerjeblair: there are a few more exception in debug.log, but will loop back to them18:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove puppet-congress upstream url
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pabelangerjeblair: having troubling seeing how to add the noop for set_descriptions, not sure I'll be help to get a patch up18:22
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fungidoing authenticated mediawiki api calls with openid credentials is exceedingly complex. anybody know how we set up the account for statusbot? i'm not finding details in our documentation18:25
jeblairfungi: i think ryan did something that i never completely understood18:25
pabelangerfungi: we use a username / password IRC18:25
fungijeblair: i was worried that was the case. i'll keep looking18:26
fungipabelanger: right, we do. trying to find out how to set a password and make password auth work for an account18:26
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fungimaybe if i just add my account to the bots group it will allow my newly reset password18:27
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pabelangerfungi: quick look at puppet-statusbot show we are using URL18:28 = simplemediawiki.MediaWiki(self.url);, pass)18:28
fungipabelanger: yeah, i'm actually copying python directly from statusbot18:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: register a noop set_description job
jeblairpabelanger, fungi, notmorgan: ^18:28
fungiproblem is wiki.login() is returning False with my account name and freshly reset password18:29
fungieven if i'm in the bots group18:29
pabelangerfungi: let see check wiki logs18:29
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes job for manila-ui
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pabelangerjeblair: +2, approve when ready18:32
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pabelangerfungi: don't see anything specific.  Did you try using the statusbot credentials?18:33
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Shrewsjeblair: oh, that's simpler than i thought. i was thinking we had to implement setBuildDescription()18:34
pabelangerShrews: I would have been all day doing that too18:34
fungipabelanger: yeah, i'll give statusbot's creds a try with the login call just to make sure the code's right18:35
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fungipabelanger: that works, so for some reason my password isn't being accepted18:36
pabelangerfungi: wonder if it has to do with the disabled password auth, maybe if disabled, resets don't work18:37
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fungipossible. i guess i can try setting it directly with a maintenance script or in the db18:37
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pabelangerwe could also enable it for 15mins in config and have puppet revert it18:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip upstream check if we have already imported upstream
fungipabelanger: i'm going to give a shot18:38
pabelangerfungi: ack18:38
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fungipabelanger: jeblair: that was it!18:40
pabelangerjeblair: zl01 appears to still be getting nodes assigned to it by nodepool18:40
fungiso, yeah, the password reset special page is nonfunctional, probably actually as a result of us sticking with openid18:40
jeblairpabelanger: ah, yep.  so we should try to land and start it quickly18:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove dib-buildimage-debian-ironic post job
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AJaegerdims, could you toggle your +A on - zuul didn't see that event18:41
pabelangerfungi: nice18:41
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dimsAJaeger : ack18:44
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-tacker to Openstack
dimsAJaeger : done18:45
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Document how to reset statusbot wiki password
fungipabelanger: ^18:45
AJaegerthanks, dims18:45
HenryGAm I missing something? Why did PS6 of not go to the check queue?18:46
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AJaegerargh, gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode is still NOT_REGISTERED ;(18:46
AJaegerHenryG: did you get the earlier status notice?18:46
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AJaegerHenryG: See
pabelangerkrotscheck: heads up, we only were able to upload new images to osic-cloud1 today. nodepool was reset to address an issue with the gate18:47
krotscheckpabelanger: Got it.18:47
HenryGAJaeger: Thanks, I missed it. I did not know about that wiki -- from now on I will check it first before asking.18:48
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add grenade test for Nova simple-cells-setup migration
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix referenced before assignment for BuildCompletedEvent
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fungiwoohoo! i deleted a spam page with the api (via the simplemediawiki python module like statusbot uses)18:51
fungispecifically an uploaded image file page, which also makes the image 40418:52
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AJaegercongrats, fungi!18:52
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fungifrom here all i need is some glue to iterate through our spam users, generate a list of the remaining files they've uploaded, and then delete them18:52
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: register a noop set_description job
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pabelangerjeblair: I guess the issue is nodepool doesn't know there are no zuul-launchers online. And is continuing to add them to the zuul target. Would a solution be to add an target offline check to gearman to nodepool?18:53
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jeblairpabelanger: there is no way to tell18:53
jeblairpabelanger: the way to fix it is to push forward quickly to move off of jenknis18:54
jeblairpabelanger: it only matters as long as we run jenkins18:54
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pabelangerjeblair: right18:54
pabelangerjeblair: okay, won't spend any more time on it18:54
sdagueok, it looks like the lots of NOT_REGISTERED is known issue18:55
jeblairsdague: yeah, expect resolution in maybe 10 mins18:56
sdagueok, cool. Thank you18:56
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jeblairpabelanger: i think we should drop the registration check from zuul18:56
jeblairpabelanger: or make it optional18:56
anteayafungi: yay18:57
jeblair(we should also have a dequeue command in case something slips through, but i'm not sure we can wait any longer for that, registration checks are becoming a big problem)18:57
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pabelangerjeblair: I guess moving to zuul-launcher doesn't mean we care too much about registered jobs, since we load that when the job launches right?18:59
dmsimardAJaeger: Replied to your comment about ARA. Thanks.19:00
jeblairpabelanger: the reason we don't care is that we have a gate check on project-config that prevents us from referencing jobs that don't exist19:00
jeblairthe registration check predates that19:00
pabelangerAh, right19:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: register a noop set_description job
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pabelangerjeblair: making it optional seems like the good thing to do, so we don't break other zuul users19:01
pabelangerHave to zip down to school to get my daughter, be back in 3019:01
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AJaegerdmsimard: +2a19:01
jeblairstarting zl0119:02
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jeblairi'm deleting the idle 2-node nodes to force relaunching/registration19:06
dmsimardAJaeger: woo!19:09
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM playing with tempest run
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fungiand now i've successfully deleted a couple hundred file pages for uploads by one of our more prolific spam accounts...
funginow it's just a matter of introducing a loop over the remaining spam uploaders19:16
fungiand then i'll recheck the uploaded images list and see if i missed any spammers when i skimmed earlier19:16
fungia little wax on/wax off with this and we'll be spam file free shortly19:17
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AJaegermtreinish: do we need both and ?19:20
mtreinishAJaeger: nope, I didn't realize oomichi had beat me to it19:20
mtreinishI'll abandon mine19:20
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jeblairfungi, pabelanger, notmorgan, Shrews: aha -- we have 20,000 jobs registered, but i only expect ~10k19:27
krotscheck20,000.... .... ...?19:28
jeblairthat would certainly push geard over the edge...19:28
AJaeger9736 is a number from earlier today - so 20k looks like everything twice?19:28
jeblairoh, that may be normal then, if we have both node-specific and non-node-specific versions of each job19:29
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fungisounds right19:30
fungibtw, mass spam files deletion underway. i'm logging and will post stats shortly19:31
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pleia2nice work, fungi19:31
fungiif the wiki gets slower... yeah19:31
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fungii'll also post the script i used19:31
fungiwe can tweak it for cleaning up other spam too19:31
notmorganjeblair: wow 20k?19:33
notmorganjeblair: thats a lot.19:33
Shrewsso, are we always running geard over the edge? or did our edge just get redefined?19:33
anteayafungi: yay!19:33
jeblairwe've pretty much been at zuulv2's scalability limits for a while.  thus the urgency for v319:33
notmorganjeblair: also, the CLOSE_WAIT sockets might just be waiting for python to get around to closing things down fwiw, conn.close() will close down the socket when it gets a chance19:33
jeblairShrews: i think we've been close to it for a while19:33
notmorganjeblair: from what i've seen if you're under load conn.shutdown() then conn.close() ensures a more timeline finish19:34
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notmorganjeblair: this is based on some recent reading i've been doing.19:34
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: baremetal00 on infra cloud is reachable19:34
notmorgandoesn't mean it would solve the issue.19:34
rcarrillocruzcrinkle: ^19:34
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rcarrillocruznibalizer: ^19:35
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: excellent!19:35
jeblairnotmorgan: it was trying to read from a socket in close wait, so it did not know it was supposed to close it19:35
rcarrillocruzso whoever, should update rack dns19:35
pabelangerDidn't we decided to use a new subdomain for infracloud?19:36
rcarrillocruztomorrow i'll start amending and adding more info to the infracloud inventory19:36
pabelangersince we didn't have space in openstack.org19:36
fungipabelanger: same subdomain, just in a separate zone19:36
notmorganjeblair: ah. then weird.19:36
pabelangerfungi: okay, let me peak into that19:36
notmorganjeblair: it should plain error on reading from sockets in close_wait.19:36
fungipabelanger: we were already doing as the subdomain, we just want to make sure we create an zone to put it in this time19:36
notmorganjeblair: *should* is the key thing.19:36
jeblairnotmorgan: i agree19:37
jeblairnotmorgan: it handles about 20 thousand rude disconnections daily too, without incident19:37
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM playing with tempest run
jeblairas edge cases go, it's pretty edgy19:38
fungircarrillocruz: awesome progress on that--thanks!!!19:38
rcarrillocruzfungi: sure thing19:38
notmorganjeblair: might be a very low level bug in sockets under that kind of load we see -- and very edge-case-y19:39
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notmorganjeblair: i'll keep my eyes open for things that look like that, like a bad loop break in an edge case.19:40
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pabelangerfungi: we need an email address for the new domain, so I use the one we have for
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fungipabelanger: what is it? hostmaster@ or something else?19:42
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rcarrillocruzfolks, i just disabled password authentication on ssh in the baremetal0019:42
rcarrillocruzit was enabled19:42
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Python 3 Fixes: Bundled Fixes
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Python 3 Fix: Divide operator returns float
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Do not try and join() on booleans
rcarrillocruzif any of you can't get in cos you changed ssh keys or whatever, let me know and pm me your pub key19:46
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pabelangerfungi: rcarrillocruz: ? or are we still doing east and west?19:48
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rcarrillocruziirc, we wanted to keep two regions, despite being on the same DC ?19:48
rcarrillocruzjeblair , fungi ^19:48
fungiwe were doing vanilla and chocolate, but no idea what the plan is for this test deploy we know will get wiped soon and readdressed when it's relocated19:49
AJaegerso, needs probably updating - it uses infracloud-east...19:50
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AJaegerpabelanger, fungi, could either of you -1 that one, please?19:50
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AJaegerpabelanger: it has your +2 :)19:51
pabelangerAJaeger: done19:51
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pabelangerfungi: rcarrillocruz: online19:52
pabelangerlets see what is needed to add it into our puppet wheel19:53
fungiokay, my script is up to ~150 spam file pages deleted so far, no new tracebacks19:53
fungii'm about to leave it running and go get something to eat19:54
anteayafungi: wooo, enjoy food19:54
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fungihere's what the current state of the script looks like (with my password redacted)
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funginow 300 deletions and hasn't crashed out yet19:56
rockstarCan someone from infra add me to the nova-lxd-core team? The wiki page isn't clear on exactly HOW we go about getting the infra team to add us to the group created with the import.19:56
rockstar(thus, I'm here, hat in hand, hoping someone here can do it)19:56
fungirockstar: asking in here, hat in hand, is how you do it ;)19:56
fungi(or on the infra ml)19:56
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rockstarfungi: great. My username in gerrit is "rockstar" and I just need to be added to the nova-lxd-core team.19:57
rockstarI can add everyone else.19:57
fungirockstar: reminding us the url of the gerrit change which added that group/acl/project helps too19:57
fungisince we have to vet the request19:57
fungigenerally we either add the person who submitted the new project creation change (for unofficial projects), or the recognized ptl (for official projects under the tc)19:58
fungiand yeah, looks like it's an unofficial project and you are the author of that change, so no problem19:59
rockstarI'm both the person who submitted it, and the lead (though not officially a ptl)19:59
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fungirockstar: done. you can edit it further at,members20:00
fungiup to 600 deletions now and still going20:00
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AJaegergreat, fungi! Enjoy your well-deserved meal!20:01
pabelangerfungi: great work20:01
* SotK wonders if anyone has ever given any thought to the idea of having "live" access to the logs from Zuul/Jenkins jobs?20:01
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rockstarfungi: cheers20:02
fungiSotK: we used to, but that depended on having jenkins publicly available. now that we've had to block access to jenkins masters for security reasons it's temporarily disabled20:02
jeblairit will be back soon20:02
fungiSotK: but the zuul v2.5 work nearing completion gets rid of jenkins for us, and jeblair has devised a new solution for streaming logs for jobs which are run directly by zuul-launcher20:02
notmorganSotK: we are actively working on it.20:02
SotKthat is exciting20:03
SotKhow far off is zuul v2.5 ooi?20:03
jeblairit's 1/8 here20:03
jeblairmaybe end of week?  next week?20:03
fungi(counting by the number of jenkins masters we've shut down, anyway!)20:03
SotK(streaming logs from jobs run by zuul-launcher sounds like exactly what I want)20:04
rcarrillocruzit's amazing the current setup can handle both scenarios, awesome job folks20:04
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fungiyeah, basically it's already in production, just phased implementation as we ramp up load on it and ramp down load on jenkins20:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create the ARA project
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rcarrillocruztime to write zuul-launcher and whatever new things on puppet-openstackci i guess...20:05
fungi900 deletions so far, and now i really am heading out to eat. bbiab20:05
* SotK goes to hunt some documentation20:06
anteayasee you20:06
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/gear: Do not encode the type (b) in the job name
rcarrillocruztomorrow i'd like to test out ansible-puppet with ansible 2.1, at least that i know i should get an error straightaway20:06
rcarrillocruzlooking stuff to work on20:06
anteayaSotK: I don't think there is any yet20:06
fungircarrillocruz: zuul v2.5 is not really intended for outside use as i understand it, since it's just a short-term solution while we work toward zuul v320:06
notmorganjeblair ^: fix for gear and handleRequest() so we're not encoding the datatype in the string formatter.20:06
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fungircarrillocruz: jeblair can probably go into more detail when he's got a free moment20:07
anteayarcarrillocruz: if you are looking for stuff to work on we could use a hand with storyboard gerrit integration, specifically seeing if the storyboard gerrit plugin works with gerrit 2.1120:07
rcarrillocruzfungi: well , that's good for me, cos got back to infra-ansible recently and i was thinking 'doh, bad timing to work on jenkins/zuul when jenkins is going away!'20:07
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rcarrillocruzanteaya: i'm still waiting for nibalizer list of ansible-puppet issues... depending on how that goes i'll ping you or zara about sb20:08
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
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anteayarcarrillocruz: okay thank you20:09
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notmorganfungi: if you think of another project that needs some py3 love, please let me know. i'll put it on my backlog when i need a break from the current things.20:09
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anteayarcarrillocruz: just wanted to help answer your call for looking for stuff to work on20:09
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anteayanotmorgan: we could use your py3 help on this story:!/story/200057620:10
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notmorgananteaya: noted.20:10
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Bring online
rcarrillocruzwhat's that work about20:10
rcarrillocruzwriting a plugin20:10
notmorgananteaya: will keep that on my backlog.20:10
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: first pass at updating our configuration ^20:10
rcarrillocruzor just testing an alreaady existing plugin with a gerrit20:10
anteayarcarrillocruz: no, the plugin is written20:10
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jeblair"vanilla ic"20:11
rcarrillocruzi'll ping zara20:11
anteayarcarrillocruz: yes, testing the existing plugin with gerrit20:11
anteayarcarrillocruz: awesome thank you20:11
notmorganjeblair: i saw that... i laughed :)20:11
notmorganjeblair: i cried.20:11
rcarrillocruzcos infra-ansible brings up a gerrit with almost zero effort20:11
notmorganjeblair: i'd read again.20:11
anteayarcarrillocruz: that is a great quality infra-ansible has20:11
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notmorgananteaya: it's probably very simple <var>.encode('utf-8') missing20:11
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anteayanotmorgan: probably20:12
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: oh right20:12
nibalizerill create these now20:12
anteayanotmorgan: and thank you20:12
notmorgananteaya: before being handled (usually from some wire-protocol, or urllib directly)20:12
anteayanotmorgan: I pictured jeblair with platinum blond standy-up hair20:12
notmorganjeblair: i might need to pick your brain on the zuul "settled" bits.20:12
anteayanotmorgan: and then quickly moved on20:12
notmorgananteaya: you should totally photoshop/gimp-photo-edit this now :P20:13
anteayanot a chance20:13
notmorgananteaya: hehehe awwwww :(20:13
anteayaI need to be able to sleep at night20:13
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: commented on the patch, some ips must be amended20:15
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: I figured that20:15
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: so, i asked on ironic channel this morning and ironic nodes can have arbitrary metadata20:15
rcarrillocruzthe idea will be to put serial_number as a property20:15
rcarrillocruzbut that can be done by myself20:15
rcarrillocruzcos i have the spreadsheet20:15
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Bring online
* rcarrillocruz would like to have a proper CMDB to manage all this, but oh spreadsheets? pffffff20:16
rcarrillocruzi mean20:17
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: sure, I'll defer to you to drive that since you have a better understanding.20:17
rcarrillocruzanteaya: just gave me the perfect excuse to put storyboard deployment on infra-ansible20:17
notmorganrcarrillocruz: i can get you an AccessDB /s :P20:17
rcarrillocruzi'll def. work on that20:17
anteayarcarrillocruz: yay20:17
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: I'm still trying to understand how ansible inventory pulls in this info.20:17
notmorganrcarrillocruz: ^_^ :P20:17
rcarrillocruznotmorgan: lol... i loved the keys icons :D20:17
notmorganrcarrillocruz: i know, right?! :)20:17
notmorgantotally the reason use it!20:18
* rcarrillocruz is old...started playing with 'databases' with dBase III20:18
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: do we have a storyboard project for ansible-puppet?20:18
rcarrillocruznibalizer: i haven't checked tbh20:18
nibalizerim not seeing it20:18
anteayaanisible-role-puppet right?!/project/80720:19
anteayait got renamed yes?20:19
pabelangerDB/400 here20:19
rcarrillocruzah yeah20:19
rcarrillocruzmordred did20:19
pabelangerfor the AS/40020:19
rcarrillocruzthere you go20:19
rcarrillocruzpabelanger: haha, awesome20:19
nibalizerthanks anteaya20:20
anteayanibalizer: welcome20:20
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rcarrillocruzi started looking at months ago to put the gozer stuff on it, but then moved on from Gozer20:22
rcarrillocruzlooks cool20:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run puppet tests on rst/unit test changes
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anteayait would be interesting to have their feedback on what they found problematic with openstack20:26
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jrollanteaya: well, to begin with, openstack doesn't have a CMDB-like thing, which was their initial goal20:30
jrollthis sounds like a CMDB + neutron + nova + ironic + heat20:30
anteayathat would do it20:30
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jroll(with a paas on top)20:30
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anteayaum hmmm20:31
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openstackgerritSimon Leinen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use dib-python in pkg-map/bin/pkg-map
rcarrillocruzjroll: btw, i remember there was a session to have some sort of a 'mini-cmdb' in ironic in Austin?20:35
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jrollrcarrillocruz: erm, not that I know of? :)20:35
jrollwe have an 'inspector' project that can get info about servers20:35
jrollbut no, ironic is explicitly not a CMDB20:35
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rcarrillocruzhmm, yeah i think i refer to . Not a cmdb, but some support managing new objects...20:40
rcarrillocruzanyway, food20:40
rcarrillocruzlater folks20:40
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anteayarcarrillocruz: enjoy food20:41
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nibalizerrcarrillocruz: your stories, they are storied20:44
anteayanibalizer: link?20:44
jeblairnotmorgan: happy to talking about settling20:45
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Make isJobRegistered for gearman optional
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pabelangerjeblair: ^ I believe that enables us to by pass NOT_REGISTERED jobs.20:45
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pabelangeropen to suggestions on naming of variable20:46
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jeblairpabelanger: suggested a variable name, otherwise, lgtm, thanks!20:47
pabelangerjeblair: sure20:48
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Make isJobRegistered for gearman optional
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: experimenting with local.conf
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dmsimardWhat's the process for bootstrapping the initial members of gerrit groups for a new project ?20:55
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dmsimardI'd need to add myself to the release and core group in,access20:56
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jeblairdmsimard: you just performed the process.  :)  [you're added]20:59
dmsimardjeblair: cool, thanks.20:59
rcarrillocruznibalizer: awesome, thx mate21:01
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jeblairi'm starting zl on zlstatic0121:03
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jeblairand stopping it since it seems to be picking up nodepool nodes21:05
dmsimardanteaya: is the process for onboarding projects to storyboard documented yet ?21:05
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Rework timeline events into a timeline
docaedokrotscheck: any time you have a minute, I'd love to get your feedback on this spec:
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krotscheckdocaedo: Checking21:07
docaedokrotscheck: I believe you know some js stuff? If so would be great to collaborate on polishing any rough edges with it21:07
docaedokrotscheck: thanks!21:07
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Rename hpuswest to vanilla
pabelangerjeblair: ack21:10
pabelangerjeblair: anything else needed on the decommission of jenkins01?21:11
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dmsimardWhat's the formulae for logs.o.o links ? logs.o.o/<?>/<change number>/<patch set>/<?>/logs21:11
dmsimardI want to peek at logs of something that's still in zuul queue.21:12
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: use underscores where appropriate
jeblairpabelanger: i'm plodding ahead on it21:12
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krotscheck-loungdocaedo: Testing21:14
dmsimardpabelanger: cool ty21:14
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Add support for launcher accept_nodes parameter
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docaedo2krotscheck-loung: testing here as well :) try to keep a long-running instance on a machine at home and it's been solid21:14
pabelangerjeblair: cool, I think the next time we restart nodepool we'll pick up the new statsd stats for zuul-launcher21:15
dmsimardpabelanger: ah, that explicitely mentions the POST queue, not the check queue21:15
krotscheckdocaedo2: I just refreshed the browser page, lost the settings and the connection. Do you know of a setting that permits those to be saved?21:15
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krotscheck-loungOtherwise, it's pretty slick21:16
docaedokrotscheck: ah yes, you change public to false in default/config.js, and then you need to create a user account21:16
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move pkg-map to dib-python
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docaedokrotscheck-loung: when you do that, you get multiple accounts running from same place, they auth in and their session is persistent21:17
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docaedokrotscheck: perfect world would be letting people use their openstack ID to log in - but I was hoping someone who knows the JS stuff might be able to help or at least evaluate how much work it would be to improve that21:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jenkins01 target from nodepool
krotscheckdocaedo: Well, it's a node app. I'm sure an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect thing exists somewhere.21:18
docaedokrotscheck: the folks at #thelounge are very receptive to changes and such21:18
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krotscheckThe question is: How easy would the integration be.21:18
krotscheckI'm also concerned about scale; maintaining persistent connections is going to hit hard system limits.21:19
pabelangerdmsimard: is out the log URL is built21:19
docaedokrotscheck: yes, my expectation is that there would only be a few (less than 40?) users, but that number comes from my fertile imagination21:20
dmsimardpabelanger: I figured it out21:20
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dmsimardpabelanger: it's logs.o.o/<last 2 digits of change number>/<change number>21:20
krotschecktesting persistence.21:20
docaedokrotscheck: the hope is that more working group people would by using this become more comfortable with IRC, but no telling really if the number of users would be 5 or 50021:20
dmsimardand then I can browse from that point21:20
pabelangerdmsimard: basically21:21
pabelangerdmsimard: logs only show up once the job has finished, and status.o.o/zuul will update the link once that happens21:21
jeblairpabelanger: oh, 2 more things on 32732321:21
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pabelangerdmsimard: if, you know the job is running under zl01.0.0, you can use nc <node IP> 8088 to stream the output live21:22
pabelangerjeblair: np21:22
krotscheck-loungdocaedo: I'd err on the larger size. Hosting what amounts to a free bouncer also may result in abuse. I know given the opportunity, I'd turn off my own bouncer in favor of this.21:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: use underscores where appropriate
krotscheck-loungdocaedo: Not saying that we should scuttle this altogether. I'd have to dig into the codebase to see what options we have for limiting the usefulness- for instance, if we could restrict channels and servers to openstack only, that'd go a long way towards keeping it with its original mission.21:24
krotscheck-loungI have to say, this is REALLY slick.21:24
docaedokrotscheck-loung: glad you are liking it - I'm a big fan and am pretty impressed with it21:24
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Make isJobRegistered for gearman optional
pabelangerjeblair: okay, fixed. I'll update out puppet manifests to set check_job_registration=False for us21:25
docaedokrotscheck-loung: I agree abuse is a concern - my initial expectation was that a new account would have to be handled through a gerrit review, which I'd be happy to manage for the sake of working group people21:25
krotscheck-loungPretty responsive, too.21:25
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docaedokrotscheck-loung: at least in that case, we wouldn't have to worry about random people finding it and abusing it21:26
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krotscheck-loungTrue dat21:26
docaedokrotscheck-loung: the other hope with this is that we find a balance where it's easy enough to get up and running for people to where they don't keep saying "lets just use slack"21:26
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krotscheckConnections are lost on reboot.21:27
krotscheckBut channels are not.21:27
krotscheckdocaedo: Ok, lemme dig into their code a little and see whether there's easy extension hooks.21:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Do not accept nodes on zlstatic01
docaedokrotscheck: very much appreciated21:28
dmsimardpabelanger: where can I find the bindep binary ? Gate job is complaining about other-requirements.txt parsing failure and I'd like to test locally before submitting a fix.,21:28
dmsimardfound it.21:29
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: remove deprecated hyphens
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Remove deprecated hyphens from zuul launcher
lifeless_fungi: dhellmann: context?21:30
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lifelessdhellmann: if you're around, the releases regex in mailman needs one more tweak21:31
jeblairpabelanger: can you take a quick look at  ?21:31
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lifelessdhellmann: to use mailmans 'give me everything except pattern X' you actually have to do 'give me everything that does not match a selected pattern + select at least one pattern' - so we need a second pattern (even if its a useless one).21:31
jeblairpabelanger: also
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Expose gearman_check_job_registration setting
pabelangerjeblair: checking21:32
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krotscheckdocaedo: Alright, I'll comment on the review.21:33
docaedokrotscheck: thanks!21:34
pabelangerjeblair: +2 for everybody21:35
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pabelangerI have to step away from the computer for a bit, will be back online in a few hours21:35
jeblaira round of +2's on pabelanger!21:35
jeblairpabelanger: cheers!21:35
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dhellmannlifeless: I have to sign off for the evening. If you have a pattern, you can DM it to me and I can give it a try tomorrow.21:37
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dhellmannlifeless : regarding the other thing, you might have some input on this ML thread:
lifelessdhellmann: I'll see if someone else around can do it today and failing that DM you21:38
dhellmannlifeless : sounds good. If you're no longer on the -dev list and have input on the thread, you can DM me about that, too21:38
dhellmanngotta run, family21:39
lifelessdhellmann: ciao21:39
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lifelessdhellmann: I am not on the -dev list but will send mail21:39
dhellmannlifeless : ok, cool, thanks21:39
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mriedemi'm guessing a bunch of recent multinode NOT_REGISTERED job failures is a known issue?21:48
lifelessok so who here can edit openstack-annouce list filters?21:48
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dmsimardWow zuul's status.json is 2.2MB and 118k lines long21:53
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anteayadmsimard: no, you add a line to project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml that says use-storyboard: true21:55
jeblairmriedem: how recent?21:55
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anteayadmsimard: you should see it elsewhere in that file for an example21:55
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mriedemjeblair: last hour?21:57
dmsimardanteaya: it'll automagically create the project ?21:57
jeblairmriedem: that's surprising.  can you point me at one?21:57
anteayadmsimard: I do believe so21:58
mriedemjeblair: seen in at least 3 different patches in the last ~hour, only on multinode jobs21:58
dmsimardanteaya: okay, I'll try tomorrow and see what happens.21:58
jeblairmriedem: ah, that's been corrected.21:59
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anteayajeblair: if you have time to take a peek at SotK's latest patch on storyboard event timeline and comment work, login to storyboard-dev and open!/story/1122:02
anteayato get a preview22:02
anteayaI'm interested in your thoughts22:02
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lifelessfungi: ok so who here can edit openstack-annouce list filters?22:03
jeblairi've restarted nodepool because i think the jenkins01 removal made it sad22:03
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fungilifeless: says you want ttx22:04
anteayajeblair: ack22:04
pleia2lifeless: I think ttx is the one who handles that22:04
jeblairanteaya: i can't seem to get past the front pagewhen i go to that link22:04
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lifelessfungi: ah, I know that dhellmann also has the passwd, so figured there might be more22:04
fungi"OpenStack-announce list run by thierry at"22:04
anteayajeblair: you have to login22:04
lifelessfungi: yes, run by != set of folk that have the admin passwd :)22:04
fungilifeless: if someone else knows ttx's login to lists.o.o, i don't want to know that ;)22:04
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anteayajeblair: I had the same problem, logging in fixed it for me22:04
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lifelessfungi: hehk :)22:05
fungilifeless: right, maybe mailman 4.x fixes this22:05
dmsimardanteaya: oh those comments are much, much better22:05
lifelessanyhwo fungi pleia2 thanks22:06
anteayadmsimard: great thank you, can you perhaps review
fungipleia2: i'm back, checking scrollback now. did i break something and then go out drinking?22:06
dmsimardanteaya: I'd like to see what the status transition looks like22:06
fungii hope so^H^Hnot22:06
anteayadmsimard: what status transition?22:06
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dmsimardanteaya: like when you set a task from todo to review or something like that22:06
pleia2fungi: only jeblair is breaking things22:07
dmsimardon storyboard.o.o it's just like "status changed from todo ==> review"22:07
anteayawell that view is the -dev server and is meant as the sandbox, play away22:07
fungipleia2: i seriously doubt only jeblair is breaking things. he's probably the only one who will cop to it22:07
anteayachange the status and see what it does, or can you change the status on that story?22:07
anteayaha ha ha22:08
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dmsimardanteaya: oh, nothing special for the status changes (yet)22:08
anteayadmsimard: okay22:08
fungiso my log says i my script deleted 1060 uploads from the wiki. i still see a bunch that are terribad spammy, so i'm going to add the accounts who uploaded them to my list22:09
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anteayaand your script saved your clicking finger some work there22:10
fungiin positive news, "a bunch" is an order of magnitude fewer files than when i started22:10
anteayayour script adds to your spammers list?22:10
anteayafungi: indeed22:10
fungianteaya: i'll add account names to the list in my script and rerun it22:10
anteayaah I see22:10
jeblairanteaya: i see 10 out of 11 options, so i suspect we're still paginating or something..  "Pedro Alvarez updated "THE FLOWER OF UTAH" on 2016-06-03 at 13:33:30" means nothing to me and may as well not be there.  the non-comment items are still quite large and take up more screen real-estate than they warrant (which devalues the comments).  i do like that the comments are easier to see now.22:10
jeblairanteaya: also "on 5 minutes ago" could maybe use some more anglicization.22:11
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anteayajeblair: thank you for looking, and for your feedback, I appreciate it22:11
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jeblairanteaya: (i never want to see "x minutes ago" i only ever want to see UTC timestamps.  anything else means i have to do math, which i am bad at, and leaves me less time for things i am good at)22:12
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fungii'm actually rerunning my script as-is first to make sure i didn't miss any due to pagination or other issues22:12
fungianswer: no22:12
jeblairanteaya: i do not know what timezone those times are in, which means i have to do *a lot* of math, and then ask you if you remember what time it was when you created the story22:12
jeblairanteaya: and then do more math22:12
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anteayajeblair: I agree, utc timestamps for everyone22:12
anteayajeblair: yup, I hear that22:13
fungianteaya: i'm lacking context, but will agree with jeblair that any time i see events in an interface logged as "n <units> ago" i want to find the person responsible and explain timestamps to them in excruciating detail22:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add info about the location of post job logs
jeblairanteaya: i said "10 out of 11 options" but i meant "10 out of 11 entries".  you probably got that though.22:14
anteayafungi: understood22:14
anteayajeblair: i got that, thank you for the clarification though22:14
jeblairit's now 10 out of 13, and i can't seem to get to page 222:14
jeblairclicking the right arrow results in an http 40022:15
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fungialso, for the benefit of hooverphonic fans everywhere, i named this mass deletion script "sh10151" ("...this is the serial number of our orbital gun..." it was playing on my jukebox earlier when i was hacking)22:16
anteayajeblair: I see  NaN to 13 of 13 in my view, I wonder why they are different22:17
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anteayafungi: ha ha ha22:17
jeblairanteaya: those are the characters i see, but when i count, i only see 10 things.22:17
anteayaah sorry22:17
* anteaya also counts22:18
jeblairi ran out of fingers at the same time i ran out of timeline entries22:18
fungiif only we'd evolved with 16 fingers22:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Use zuul-launcher stop for service stop
anteayaha ha ha22:19
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anteayajeblair: I confirm I count 10 things, I also ran out of fingers but have my cat in my lap so could use a few of hers to go higher if I saw more things to count22:19
anteayaI also confirm a 400 error when clicking the red arrow22:19
pleia2fungi: when you have a chance, care to dig into the secret imap trick for our rackspace email?22:20
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fungipleia2: yep, let me finish adding overlooked wiki users to my blaster here and then i'll enlighten22:21
jeblairfungi: their fan will be pleased!22:21
fungijeblair: their fan _was_ pleased22:21
persiaThose who do finger counting: using fingers as bits is a useful way to expand one's counting max.22:23
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* fungi has been known to use that trick. 0-1023 on the fingers alone!22:23
jeblairi must be doing it wrong.  i still can only get up to 10 'on' bits.22:24
fungistill, wishing it could have been 0-6553522:24
lifelessfungi: you have joints...22:24
fungidamn you, charles darwin!22:24
persiajeblair: 00000 00001, 00000 00010, 00000 00011, 00000 00100, ...22:25
lifelessyou should be able to get at least trinary out of each digit22:25
persia(just be careful where you pause at 132)22:25
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fungi5-bit bytes little endian?22:25
jeblairfungi: or -32768 to 32767?22:25
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fungijeblair: touché22:25
persiafungi: Yes.22:25
jeblairfungi: nice job on that accent22:26
fungijeblair: it's compose,',e22:26
lifelessfungi: like I tell my daughter, 'no byting'22:26
fungihaving a compose key is wonderful. no idea why it has an operating system logo on it22:27
fungilifeless: ohhh, that's terrible22:27
jeblairlifeless: i assume she listens to that advice as well as you did :)22:27
lifelessjeblair: she has very good auditory filtering.22:27
fungi(actually, the operating system logo dead keys on my ducky shine are ducks instead of any popular operating system logo. that's nice)22:28
lifelessjeblair: words she hears: treats, tv, games, playball, ...22:28
lifelessjeblair: words she doesn't hear: jobs, bedtime, don't do that22:28
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jeblairlifeless: your last line showed up blank for me22:28
fungigive her a few more years22:28
lifelessjeblair: :)22:28
lifelessfungi: jobs: cleaning her room, putting clean clothes away - small things that she owns :)22:29
fungigot it. i didn't have paying jobs until i neared double-digit years age22:29
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jeblairfungi: slacker22:30
fungias far as the state of north carolina knows, i didn't have a paying job until i was legally allowed to at 1422:30
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fungiuntil then, computer repair was a "hobby"22:30
lifelesshobby with benefits?22:31
fungicurrency benefits, right22:31
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Do not accept nodes on zlstatic01
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: use underscores where appropriate
fungi is the previous script with ~ a dozen previously missed users added22:32
fungihopefully after this completes, will look reasonably spam-free22:33
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: remove deprecated hyphens
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anteayafungi: yay22:34
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jeblairinfra-root: anyone object to me deleting jenkins01?22:35
jeblairlike, literally deleting the server22:35
fungipleia2: so, if you're using mutt (you _are_ using mutt, right?) try set folder=imaps://infra-root\
pleia2fungi: perfect, thanks22:35
fungijeblair: it's just a pile of insecure dead weight. go for it22:35
* anteaya doesn't object on her way to find some dinner22:36
jeblair(btw, i'm still trying to catch a openstackci-beaker-trusty job running from zl01)22:36
fungiokay, that last pass removed another ~130 file: pages22:37
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fungiif anybody sees any obvious spam uploads still sticking around at give me a heads up22:38
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fungialso, if you want to try tweaking the script at to remove non-file pages created by the same spammer users and need help, i'm happy to oblige22:39
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anteayafungi: thank yiou22:41
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fungii came in well under the 9-hour continuous clicking estimate from this morning22:42
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JayFTIL was hosted on Rackspace Email; I worked on that for years22:43
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anteayafungi: looks good to me22:43
anteayafungi: plus your hands are in better shape too22:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Decommission jenkins01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-watcherclient doc on
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pleia2fungi: needed two lines:22:49
pleia2set spoolfile="imaps://"22:49
pleia2set folder="imaps://"22:49
pleia2(otherwise is looks for a spool file locally)22:50
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pleia2now I have lots of french email22:50
anteayamorning jhesketh22:50
anteayapleia2: lucky you22:51
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pleia2ovh email is in french :)22:51
pleia2we'll need to tweak this or my filters some, I actually didn't keep inbox as the priority box, but filtered things into cloud/provider/ directories22:52
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anteayapleia2: that would make sense22:58
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fungipleia2: yeah, i was doing muttrc shorthand. i have that (and lots of other stuff) in my config23:04
fungiwas mainly conveying the imaps:// url23:04
fungiand username format (i.e. full e-mail address)23:05
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pleia2yep, that was enough for me to figure it out :)23:05
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auggyhey there lovely infra folks! i'm trying to get the gate-wrap script in devstack-gate to run and i'm having some issues23:09
auggywhen the script runs it's failing on line 36 "source $WORKSPACE/devstack-gate/"23:10
auggybut when i enter that in manually it sources that file just fine23:10
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auggyi'm logged in as the jenkins user per the instructions in the README and i've set all of my environment variables per the readme so I'm at a loss as to what to try next23:11
pabelangerjeblair: fungi: delete all the things23:11
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fungiauggy: no idea (yet) but what is the full error message?23:11
pabelangerpleia2: fungi suggested I update you about adding to the domain contact info, if you needed to make a filter23:12
auggyfungi: i'll paste the output of the gatewrap script into a pastie thing23:12
fungiauggy: perfect!23:12
pleia2pabelanger: ic or ci?23:13
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auggyi'm guessing i'm missing a few things, this is a completely clean ubuntu install and i've just followed the readme instructions23:13
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fungipleia2: ic ~= "infra-cloud"23:13
pleia2fungi: aah23:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Move pkg-map to dib-python
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pleia2pabelanger: great, who/what would be sending mail to this?23:14
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fungipleia2: probably only people who decide to try and reach the responsible party for that domain... ~=nobody23:15
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pleia2alright, for now I'll be aware that it's another thing going to it, we'll consider if there's a filtering mechanism later23:16
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pabelangerright, what fungi said23:17
pabelangerI don't expect much traffic to it23:17
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pabelangerjeblair: start to update with zl01 stats23:18
pabelangerstill missing building nodes however23:18
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jeblairpabelanger: there won't ever be any, we should probably remove that one23:18
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jeblairpabelanger: (nodes only get assigned to zuul launchers when ready)23:19
fungiauggy: i would start with skeptical questioning of that first line of output... "./ line 36: /devstack-gate/ No such file or directory"23:19
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anteayapleia2: you missed the vanilla ic joke earlier23:20
jeblairauggy: are you aware of
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fungiauggy: i think it does really need functions from that file23:20
pabelangerjeblair: Oh, interesting. Is there a (better) way to expose the building information? Moving forward?23:20
auggyfungi: ok, when i checked echo $WORKSPACE it shows the testing directory23:20
jeblairpabelanger: both building graphs above it will still be correct23:20
fungiauggy: and the leading / makes me suspect a questionable relative directory somewhere23:20
auggybut for some reason maybe the script isn't getting it and trying to do /devstack-gate..23:20
auggyjeblair: no i haven't23:21
pabelangerjeblair: right, it would be based on target, not manager23:21
fungiauggy: might be sudo sanitizing the calling environment?23:21
pabelangerokay, I can update23:21
auggyfungi: hrm, i'm not running hte script as sudo, and it doesn't appear to be sudo'ing in the script23:21
auggythat was my thought too23:21
jeblairauggy: it's created by devstack-gate and published along with each build's log.  you can theoretically use it to reproduce a given devstack-gate run23:21
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auggyjeblair: ah ok, my goal here is to create a devstack environment just like what the gate job is using23:22
auggyso i don't need the test run, i need the devstack config23:22
fungiauggy: yeah, shot in the dark, but i agree with jeblair that comparing to what an arbitrary runs might provide some additional insight23:23
auggyfungi: jeblair: ok, i'll look at reproduce.sh23:23
auggywhat repo is that in?23:23
jeblairthere's a random one i pulled off the status page23:24
fungiauggy: it's dynamically generated from every devstack-gate execution23:24
auggyahhh ok23:24
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auggyok, yeah i just copied the gate yaml23:24
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auggyi put that into a sh script to run the gate-wrap script, but then tried doing each line manually when it failed23:25
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jeblairauggy: did you export WORKSPACE ?23:25
auggywell not the yaml but that section of the yaml with the setup steps, per the readme23:25
auggyyes i did23:25
auggyjenkins@devstack-controller-node:~/workspace/testing/devstack-gate$ echo $WORKSPACE23:26
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auggy /home/jenkins/workspace/testing23:26
auggyi'll try the reproduce, i'm guessing some things are missing which is what's causin this23:27
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fungibut you did an actual export statement (so it'll be inherited by child processes) and not just a regular variable assignment?23:27
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fungialso, ubuntu 14.04 lts?23:28
auggyyes i did23:28
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auggylet me check, i might be doing ubuntu 16.0423:29
auggyi started on 14.04 and then upgraded when i was running into issues thinking something was out of date23:29
fungiif you're doing 16.04, fun you may want to check in with the qa team and make sure stuff is actually working there under devstack23:29
fungiwe're not using it for most jobs ye23:30
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: WIP: Add option to include run_id test_runs by run meta call
auggyi was running into the same issues on 14.04 this was just a shot in the dark23:30
auggythanks fungi23:31
fungiyeah, i doubt the distro version has anything to do with your current issue23:31
fungijust general cautionary response23:31
auggyyeah me either, i was just grasping at straws ;)23:31
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auggyfungi: jeblair: seems to be working23:33
auggyso some step was missing.. i just have no idea what ;)23:33
auggyi'm doing this one from an old patch i had lying around -
fungiauggy: if you end up spotting what's missing in the d-g readme, i'll happily update it23:34
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auggyfungi: yeah i'll look and see if there's anything obvious, otherwise i'm happy to submit a patch referencing reproduce.sh23:34
fungiauggy: also appreciated!23:34
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auggyyeah i figure you all are doing so much already ;)23:35
funginever enough, it seems23:35
fungithough at the moment, i have cookies, beer and cartoons23:35
fungiso i'm probably done with less serious work today23:36
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auggythanks for the help!23:40
fungii'm still around if you need any other advice of questionable provenance23:41
ianwauggy: xenial is reported working for devstack23:41
auggyianw: oh cool, thanks23:41
fungiianw: that's excellent news!23:41
ianwbut obviously there's a lot of knobs, so parts might still be broken ... but in general ok23:41
auggyianw: yeah i'm not doing anything too tricky, basically just trying to get the current devstack config for a grenade job23:42
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ianwauggy: ok ... as long as you're not getting mikata branch involved in grenade; that branch happened before xenial so it will probably error out there saying distro not supported23:43
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auggyianw: nope this will all be newton23:43
auggyianw: basically i need to create a new grenade job to test nova cells v2 simple-cells-setup23:44
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auggyianw: so i'm trying to get a base devstack i can apply the change to, then once that's successful get the updated devstack configs so i can set that up as the grenade target23:44
auggyso then we can have a grenade test for the simple cells setup, from newton to newton23:45
auggyi'm hoping that makes sense, this is totally uncharted territory for me :)23:46
fungiauggy: you might also find help in the #openstack-qa channel. the north american crowd are dwindling at this time of day, but oomichi and the apac crowd are probably well-caffeinated by now23:46
auggyhaha thanks fungi23:46
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fungiespecially if you get deeper into devstack and grenade details23:47
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oomichifungi: I am living in USA now, so my working time is almost end today ;)23:48
auggyoomichi: i think we're on the same timezone :) us/pacific?23:48
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oomichiauggy: oh, yeah. that is the same :)23:48
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fungioomichi: oh, i didn't realize you'd moved! regardless, there are some apac qa contributors with understanding of devstack and grenade who are probably around now23:49
auggygood to know! i'll ask in there if/when i run into issues23:50
auggyi know i will have a pile of grenade questions when i get there ;)23:50
oomichifungi: yeah, that is right. good morning for them now23:50
oomichiauggy: heh, ok. I need to be ready ;)23:51
auggyoomichi: ha :)23:51
fungiauggy: yep, i hesitate to say it, but devstack-gate is probably the "easy" part of your quest23:51
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auggyfungi: it's fine, there's a reason no one had volunteered for this particular task :P23:51
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* auggy chalks it up to gaining OpenStack XP points23:52
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fungii always say i'm banking my karma for my next incarnation23:52
auggyi'm actually curious to see if the bugs team could use devstack-gate to set up devstack environments for reproducing bugs23:52
auggythe nova bugs team i mean23:52
auggysometimes people have special setups and if we could just use devstack-gate to recreate an environment that's close enough, that would save people a lot of time and possibly make bug triage go a bit faster23:53
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fungiauggy: possibly. that readme in the d-g repo grew out of the vmt's need to test patches proposed in private for embargoed security vulnerabilities23:53
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix building nodes panel for zuul launchers
auggyoh interesting23:54
fungirather, the reproduction section of that readme did23:54
auggyholy cow, it did a thing and it worked23:54
* auggy does cartwheels23:55
fungideific bovines indeed!23:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: add private gearman function
jeblairfungi, pabelanger, Shrews, notmorgan: ^ that may be a band-aid we can apply to zuulv2 to keep us going until zuulv3.  however, we are running out of band-aids.  :)23:58
fungieven our secret stash of snoopy band-aids?23:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: add private gearman function

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