Thursday, 2016-05-19

openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: is the rate setting for provider some sort of rate limit?00:05
fungiyeah, would be better termed a delay-based throttle00:06
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pabelangerfungi: cause I am noticing when osic is not under any load, we are not leaking any FIPs. So I wonder if we can import some sort of throttle between our API calls00:07
pabelangersee if that helps00:07
pabelangerseems after we hit x amount of nodes being launched, do we start leaking the IPs00:07
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mordredpabelanger: that's an excellent observation00:08
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fungiwe mostly implemented it to deal with providers rate-limiting our api calls00:08
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mordredyah. but the delay-based throttle characteristics could keep us below the rate where we see leaks00:08
pabelangerYa, cause nodepool is pretty happy right now. no expections in logs00:09
mordredit seems there may be two related issues: a) at some rate, the cloud derps - which is a bug in openstack, but is workaroundable maybe by throttling00:09
mordredb) when the cloud derps in that way, we're not detecting and responding to it properly00:10
mordrednow - it might be that we're failing to detect and cleanup because the cloud is already behind and unable to respond to what we're asking of it00:10
mordredso we might be detecting properly and then just unable to recover00:10
mordredbut I dont' think we know that for sure00:10
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mordredpabelanger: it would be interesting to set a conservative rate, and then ramp up and see where we start leaking00:11
pabelangerWe are definitely asking a lot of a cloud once we are leaking FIPs, launching upwards of 80 nodes at a time00:12
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pabelangermordred: like 1 second or longer?00:12
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mordredpabelanger: yah. that's probably a good start00:14
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mordredpabelanger: we have rate: 0.1 for ovh-gra100:15
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mordredpabelanger: so if we do 1 and it works, maybe we can then try 0.1 and see if it can handle that00:15
pabelangermordred: sure, let me get a patch up00:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump rate for OVH to 1
pabelangermordred: fungi: clarkb: ^ if we are interested in testing that00:20
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
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mordredpabelanger: I may have confused you ...00:25
mordredpabelanger: osic is the one we want to lower the rate for00:25
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mordredI was just mentioning ovh as a point of comparison00:25
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pabelangermordred: No, you are right. I was uploading something to ovh, and had it on my mind00:27
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish os-api-ref to d.o.o
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update horizon dsvm tempest job
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump rate for osic to 1
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump rate for osic to 1.0
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jeblairmordred: pabelanger do we want to change the rate for the whole cloud, or just stick a sleep in when we're adding fips?00:50
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jeblairbecause 1 call/second overall will be s l o w.00:50
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pabelangerjeblair: I'm open to suggestions. Figured if we wanted to test something, rate was the setting to use00:53
jeblairpabelanger: yeah, it's the only setting -- otherwise it's a code change; and possibly a difficult one to implement in nodepool00:54
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jeblair(since the tasks aren't defined in nodepool anymore, we'd have to either modify the task manager to introspect them and sleep on only the one(s) of interest, or modify shade)00:54
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pabelangerAgreed. Wasn't sure hacking shade was on the table, why I started with rate00:57
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jeblairsetting rate will work; just be prepared for it to reduce the overall throughput of the system more than you might expect00:58
pabelangerbeen about a 90mins now, with no leaked FIPs00:58
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mordredjeblair: yah - I tink 1 sec is likely too slow00:58
pabelangerjeblair: ya, 1.0 might be a little aggressive00:58
jeblair(expect 10 minute 'time-to-ready' times)00:59
jeblair(compared to 1 minute now)00:59
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jeblairmordred: nc 808801:02
jeblairif you want to follow along with a zuulv2.5 job :)01:02
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jeblair(it's finished now, but if you nc that, you'll get the whole console log)01:05
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jeblairand logs!
pabelangerjeblair: excellent01:13
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Several fixes to zuul launcher
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jeblairpabelanger, Shrews: ^ there are the changes i made in place to get that job working01:20
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jeblairi'm going have nodepool send some load its way01:22
openstackgerritHirofumi Ichihara proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Don't create doc bug when stable branch
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jeblairokay it's too quiet right now01:24
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mordredjeblair: that's amazing01:25
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove hardcoded ext4 values
pabelangerianw: ^ looks like some hardcoded ext4 values01:27
pabelangerjeblair: ack, will review in the morning01:27
ianwpabelanger: heh, no surprised ... looking01:27
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ianwpabelanger: did you get a good run with that?01:28
pabelangerianw: I haven't tested. Will rebuild it in the morning01:28
ianwpabelanger: ok, np ... when i have a sec i'll give it a go, just head-deep in mocking atm01:29
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Shrewsi feel sad i cannot see live things, but happy 2.5 is progressing01:32
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jeblairi wonder what our $PATH is in jenkins01:33
jeblairsince apparently we need to pass that in....01:33
Shrewsjeblair: that traceback hurts my head01:33
pabelangerianw: okay, switch to ext3 manually rebooted, growroot failed01:34
pabelangerianw: installed cloud-initramfs-growroot manually, rebooted, HDD setup as expected01:34
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pabelangerso, think we need cloud-initramfs-growroot for ubuntu-precise, like zigo mentioned01:35
ianwpabelanger: ok, so you just changed the mount flags?01:35
ianwdidn't we merge something in dib removing that?01:35
pabelangerianw: LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 101:36
pabelangerI manually changed that01:36
pabelangerand installed cloud-initramfs-growroot01:36
ianwstill might be worth testing with an only ext3 created fs?01:37
ianwyou remounted ext4 as ext3, right?01:37
pabelangerianw: no, I simply rebooted and let the OS handle it01:38
jeblairokay, trying again with $PATH defined01:38
ianwpabelanger: i guess i mean how did you do  "switch to ext3 manually rebooted, growroot failed"01:39
pabelangerianw: I only switch /etc/fstab from ext4 to ext301:39
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pabelangerthen rebooted01:39
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ianwright, so maybe it being originally an ext4 confused things ... it's *mostly* compatible, right?01:40
pabelanger/dev/vda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)01:40
pabelangerya, not sure01:40
pabelangerbut, it looks like cloud-initramfs-growroot helped it along01:41
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ianwso i'd say maybe let's try with a "real" ext3, but otherwise need to maybe revert for precise?01:42
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pabelangerianw: well, it was a real ext3 partition, see:
pabelangerthe fstab was just incorrect01:43
jeblairnc 808801:43
pabelangerianw: Ya, we can add a pkg-map for precise for it01:43
jeblairis a real build:gate-puppet-nova-puppet-lint job01:43
pabelangerianw: or add it back01:43
ianwpabelanger: but didn't the build with it fail because it's hard-coded to ext4?01:43
pabelangerianw: no, it worked surprisingly01:43
jeblairnc 8088    <-- gate-nova-docs01:44
pabelangerjeblair: time for some javascript updated :D01:44
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jeblairlet's see if these don't bomb first :)01:44
pabelangerpretty awesome, watching puppet job01:44
jeblairShrews: ^ live things01:45
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flwanghi  can anybody tell me the difference between python-xxx-bitrot-jobs and python-xxx-bitrot-db-jobs ? thanks in advance01:46
ianwpabelanger: ahh, ok so the fs creation works, it's just the mount values01:46
jeblairthere is one more thing we may want to do before throwing this into prod -- and that's some kind of estimated time reporting01:46
pabelangerianw: ya, sorry if I was not clear.01:46
pabelangerflwang: -db will setup and used a database for the job. Other does not01:47
ianwpabelanger: yeah, in that case, it seems like the growroot element show know if it's building precise to just use the pkg01:47
pabelangerianw: Right, so we can add a pkg-map for precise for it01:47
flwangpabelanger: so if we(zaqar) need a mongo/redis as backend, we should use the db one, right?01:48
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pabelangerflwang: no, our -db jobs only setup mysql and postgres. So, you'll need to add logic to set that up for your jobs01:49
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ianwpabelanger: hmm, maybe more than that, as it tries to fiddle init scripts.  it actually says "trusty and beyond" in the readme, i guess because of this :)01:49
ianwpabelanger: oh, but in debootstrap, i guess yeah01:50
pabelangerianw: Ya, if you check backscroll zigo mention the version of kernel in precise is too old or something like that01:50
flwangpabelanger: but by default, it will call devstack to setup the env, right?01:50
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pabelangerflwang: if you job is configured to do that, yes.01:51
flwangpabelanger: ok, cool, thanks01:51
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jeblairokay, i think there were some failures and some successes; i'll dig through the log and see what i can find01:53
pabelangerYa, I am calling it for tonight.01:53
pabelangerjeblair: good luck!01:53
openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable bitrot jobs for Zaqar
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NakatoHey folks, what needs to happen to get this zuul change in?
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mordredNakato: jeblair has been in the middle of getting zuul 2.5 out - so I think he likely should look at it02:17
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: handle Ant paths in publishers
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jeblairNakato: ah, thanks for the reminder -- that is blocking work.  i'll try to look at it tomorrow02:18
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Nakatojeblair: Thanks02:20
NakatoThanks mordred02:20
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openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix db API get_ids_for_all_tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix db API get_ids_for_all_tests
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Add reST label to the generated changelog
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add link to published release notes in readme
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mtreinishkrotscheck: I've been hitting that npm error a bunch (at least 3 times this evening)04:01
mtreinishkrotscheck: looks like 37 hits in the last 24 hrs (which feels like a lot for js jobs)04:02
mtreinishkrotscheck: maybe we should temporarily disable the mirror if it's causing problems04:03
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DefCore guideline gate checks for json lint and schema
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hogepodgejhesketh: thanks for your help. think it finally sank in.04:48
jheskethno worries :-)04:49
jheskethhogepodge: looks like you might need to rebase your change04:49
hogepodgejhesketh: I'm depending on another patch to land. Could it be that?04:50
openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Higginsclient to openstack repo
openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DefCore guideline gate checks for json lint and schema
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jheskethhogepodge: yeah it might have been outdated or something04:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-jenkins: Fetch all builds from a job
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SpamapSso, we're using the afs mirrors from infra, and seeing something inconsistent...05:33
SpamapSsetuptools has a wheel reference05:33
SpamapSbut the wheel is not there05:33
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Senlin support to rally-gate
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zaromordred: around?06:08
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SpamapSzaro: you around? see my message above about the pypi mirror?06:16
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add magnum baymodel calls to shade.
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add magnum services call to shade
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add cloud-initramfs-growroot for Precise
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ianwpabelanger: ^ lightly tested ...06:38
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Use mock patching for most functions
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove hardcoded ext4 values
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add cloud-initramfs-growroot for Precise
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add IP addresses compliant with rfc5737
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove more old Ironic ramdisk gates
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Export FS_TYPE and remove hardcoded ext4 values
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Higgins team meeting
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openstackgerritchenying proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add smaug fullstack job
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yolandagood morning08:07
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Do not overwrite readonly files
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Fix AttributeError when can not connect to Gerrit
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Promote OSA infrastructure Xenial/ jobs to non-voting
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SotKfungi: seems to be working, thanks for all your work on this :)08:38
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electrofelixzxiiro: I'd like to get to allow testing non-default configs and for prevention of cache corruption (small typo to fix) for 1.608:41
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electrofelixI think being able to create an additional job without needing to worry about avoiding it on a stable branch would be convenient (but not critical).08:42
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Magnum bays support
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't use DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST for Ironic grenade
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zigoSotK: fungi: I'm still getting an "UNSTABLE" result with "No SCP site is configured. This is likely a configuration problem.", however, there's no {site} stuff anymore in the publish macro. What's wrong?09:16
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Sahara role to OpenStack-Ansible
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rcarrillocruzyolanda: are you around to help me out on spinning logstash workers with the ansible cloud launcher?11:53
rcarrillocruzi need core eyes, to tell me params used for creating instances11:53
rcarrillocruznet names11:53
yolandai need over 30 minutes and i'll be available11:53
rcarrillocruzok, no rush11:54
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zhoraghin case of gerrit deployment i have trouble with 'bin/gerrit.war init -d /home/gerrit2/review_site --batch --no-auto-start'12:01
zhoraghcurrently we setup our own gerrit -> zuul -> jenkins infrastructure with help of openstack-infra/system-config12:01
zhoraghDownloading ... !! FAIL !!12:01
zhoraghhow can i avoid this error?12:02
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rcarrillocruzcheck it out with zaro12:04
rcarrillocruz(zaro = Khai Do)12:04
rcarrillocruzalso, you should  really use puppet-openstackci12:06
rcarrillocruztrying to reconsume system-config is going to be painful for you12:06
rcarrillocruz(lot of people tried)12:06
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rcarrillocruzpuppet-openstackci is meant to be the puppet modules downstream users can reuse12:06
rcarrillocruzsystem-config is an implementation of openstack infra specific logic, which leverages puppet-openstackci modules12:07
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zhoraghrcarrillocruz: puppet-openstackci do not deploy gerrit12:11
rcarrillocruzyep, and we need contributors12:11
zhoraghfor the other stuff it is nice12:11
rcarrillocruzcreating a class that is a shim of gerrit that just adds project_config should be easy12:11
rcarrillocruzcheck it out with pschwartz, he told me he was working on puppet gerrit for puppet-openstackci12:11
rcarrillocruzhe may have something on his laptop, awaiting for push12:12
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zhoraghcan you give me the source for pschwartz12:13
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rcarrillocruzpscharwtz is a person12:14
rcarrillocruznot around now it seems12:14
rcarrillocruzpschwartz too12:15
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zhoraghrcarrillocruz: sorry i know, what i mean is how can i get contact to pscharwtz or his code12:16
rcarrillocruzdunno, wait for him to appear , he's usually on this channel12:17
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timl0101the current shade release is 1.8.0.  is it safe to assume the next feature release will be tagged 1.9.0?12:25
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yolandarcarrillocruz, i'm around12:26
rcarrillocruztiml0101: it depends if it will be a minor vs major release12:26
rcarrillocruzso no safe12:26
rcarrillocruzbut mordred could confirm12:26
timl0101thank you12:27
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* Zara pokes around on the shiny dev server, thanks, fungi!12:28
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rcarrillocruztiml0101: are you asking to test the module version on the ansible group module you are working on by any chance12:28
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Zarahm, 'no stories found'12:29
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Zaraso it's a totally blank slate? cool12:29
SpamapSanybody around who can look into why the AFS mirror seems to be missing bits and pieces?12:30
timl0101rcarrillocruz: yes.  it occured to me I should explicitly document which version of shade is required.12:31
rcarrillocruzyou're in luck , i asked the same thing to Shrews12:32
rcarrillocruzthey are cool with non-exact version12:32
rcarrillocruzyou can do something like
rcarrillocruzbasicly, bailing out if shade is <= 1.8.012:32
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timl0101thats perfect.  thank you!12:32
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krotscheckmtreinish: Let me take alook12:34
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krotscheckmtreinish: Hrm, looks like didn't get to the attention of enough infra cores to make the dib build deadline12:35
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT REVIEW: This is for verifying CI with local.conf
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thiagopHi guys. My instance of zuul is getting stuck on "looking for lost builds" pretty frequently12:51
thiagoprestarting zuul works, but I cannot do that each and every day12:52
thiagopanybody has a clue on how to solve this?12:52
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krotscheckmtreinish: Digging through those logs, a lot of them are multiple hits in the same run, which is expected with a cold cache, large tarballs, and lots of mirrors.12:54
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krotscheckI'll keep an eye on it and see how things are impacted.12:58
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krotscheckthanks, fungi.12:59
clarkbSpamapS: I think that implies a bad bandernsatch run. we should only publish the volume if bandersnatch succeeds and that is not very succeedy13:00
clarkbwhen it is actually time to be awake I can look at it13:00
openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: bulk_query: added extra parameters
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rcarrillocruzoh clarkb13:03
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rcarrillocruzwanted to chat with you about the cloud launcher13:03
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rcarrillocruzcan you folks use user-data when doing nova boot on RAX, and if so, would you be ok using it to boostrap puppet on newly created servers ?13:04
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vkramskikhkrotscheck: hi, it seems the new shrinkwrap format solved "module not found" issue: but it seems we ran again into the issue with partial JSON response from the mirror - almost all review requests to fuel-ui now get -1 :( i've posted an email to your npm mirror announcement thread13:04
krotscheckvkramskikh: Thanks!13:04
clarkbrcarrillocruz: what sort of user data?13:05
rcarrillocruznova boot foo --user-data bootstrap_puppet.sh13:05
rcarrillocruzand the script would do essentially wget system-config/ && install_puppet.sh13:06
clarkbrcarrillocruz: I think preference would be to use similar to current process instead of that13:06
clarkbbecause who knows how random clouds metadata is going to be set up13:06
rcarrillocruzthing is ansible cloud launcher only does provisioning, not bootstrapping. So in the case of keys, it gets messy and nasty to add a key to nova , create the server, then remove the key afterwards13:06
clarkbrcarrillocruz: eg just copy the file and run it yourself13:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Loosened npm cache timeout values.
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rcarrillocruzso then i'm thinking of adding a pre-post section for resources in the cloud launcher 'dsl'13:07
rcarrillocruzso we can do a paramiko create key step13:07
rcarrillocruzthen create the server with ansible13:07
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rcarrillocruzand a post step that removes the keys13:07
clarkbthe issue with user data is glean doesnt support it13:07
clarkbthatd a cloud init thing13:08
rcarrillocruzi thought it was added to config drive ?13:08
clarkbbut also metadata services are always funky13:08
clarkbrcarrillocruz: ya it would be on disk or on http server but nothing would run it13:08
rcarrillocruzok, let me add the pre-post thing13:09
clarkbat that point you already need ssh access to fire the script13:09
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clarkbwhoch means you should just copy things yourself13:09
rcarrillocruzcos i belive that would also help solve the one-off tasks on servers13:09
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rcarrillocruzbelieve too13:09
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zigoclarkb: Any idea what's going on with the publish job?
zigoI don't have {site} anymore ...13:11
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openstackgerritAlexey Weyl proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Insert vitrage tempest to gate
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clarkbzigo: possibly the jenkins config updatr had not happened by the time that job ran?13:12
clarkbit is still very early morning for me so not really sure13:13
krotscheckWhat's that tool that tells us the size of used disk on our servers?13:13
* krotscheck is having a daddy brain moment13:13
krotscheck(The web UI)13:13
zigoclarkb: Sounds like it yes, because it's the same check job that failed the gating.13:13
clarkbkrotscheck: cacti13:14
krotscheckclarkb: That's it, thanks!13:14
SpamapSclarkb: thanks13:14
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openstackgerritAlexey Weyl proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Insert vitrage tempest to gate
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sdaguerax mirrors borked?13:23
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krotscheckMight be related to that npm thing vkramskikh mentioned ^^13:25
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SpamapSsdague: I had something similar in our internal jobs that use afs directly.. setuptools wheel missing13:26
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SpamapSsdague: clarkb said he'd look into a possible bandersnatch snafu13:26
SpamapSa bandersnafu?13:26
sdagueI like that word :)13:27
vkramskikhseems to be a similar issue - some http responses are not complete13:27
SpamapSsdague: would make a good race horse name13:27
sdaguewe've got a couple of gate fails right now over it13:27
SpamapSAnd here comes johnny on the rocks followed by brewster's millions and bandersnafu in the third position...13:27
SpamapSsounds like maybe checking latest bandersnatch runs needs to be bumped in priority13:28
SpamapS(also maybe checking AFS itself)13:28
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Check openstack/openstack in rename process
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krotscheckHrm hrm hrm.13:35
phschwartzasselin_: yolanda: There are a few bugs in puppet-openstackci I am running down and when I find them I will put up reviews. The 2 big ones I have found so far are around Apache SSL proxying not being setup correctly for jenkins and when doing a separate ndoe for zuul-merger, zuul is not installed so the zuul-merger process can't be started.13:35
krotscheckHow would one even begin to triage that?13:35
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jrollwe still don't support constraints in post jobs yet, right?13:36
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openstackgerritAlexey Weyl proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Insert vitrage tempest to gate
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: bulk_query: added extra parameters
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SpamapSzigo: btw, is there anything blocking os-client-config 1.17.0 from going into unstable? shade 1.8.0 has it as a lower bounds.13:43
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zigoSpamapS: upper-constrants.txt for Mitaka has os-client-config===1.16.0, so why do you think it'd be wise to upload an update to Sid?13:45
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zigoI could upload it to Experimental though ...13:45
zigoBut I haven't really started working on the Newton branches.13:45
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump rate for osic to 0.5
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add bitrot jobs for Manila
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Import Panko
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krotscheckfungi: What's our usual policy for dib build reruns?13:48
krotscheckAs in, under what circumstances is it ok to do it?13:49
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pabelangerkrotscheck: it a bit of work to do it manually, if possible, it is usually easier to revert an image13:50
pabelangerjust catching up on backscroll, is there an issue?13:50
krotscheckpabelanger: The npm cache relaxation patch only landed this morning, and missed last night's dib run13:50
krotscheckpabelanger: Also, we're seeing incomplete documents coming from our mirrors, which doesn't actually seem to be isolated to npm.13:51
pabelangerkrotscheck: DIBs are actually building now.  We start them at 10:35 UTC13:51
pabelangerkrotscheck: which patch landed?13:52
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pabelangerubuntu-trusty should pick that up13:52
krotscheckpabelanger: We're on xenial :(13:53
pabelangerwe missed it on centos-713:53
pabelangerkrotscheck: xenial will catch it13:53
pabelangerthat is the last DIB to build13:53
krotscheckOh good!13:53
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pabelangerlikely finished building at 1300UTC13:53
pabelangerthen another few hours for an upload13:53
pabelangerjust a waiting game until them13:54
krotscheckvkramskikh ^^ - looks like the cache fix made it in.13:54
vkramskikhkrotscheck: awesome, thanks13:54
krotscheckvkramskikh: I was able to get a clean install on fuel-ui by manually applying the changes in  - could you give it a try?13:55
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krotscheckvkramskikh: You're so far away from our mirrors that natural net lag should hit you :)13:55
vkramskikhbut it's not just me, this error happend a lot on jenkins slaves today: see
krotscheckvkramskikh: Ok, let's try this then:
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krotscheckvkramskikh: Why does fuel-ui have 500MB of node_module dependencies?14:07
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krotscheckWait, sorry- 250MB (500 on disk)14:07
krotscheckStill. 250 seems high?14:07
vkramskikhwell, it's quite a large app :)14:07
vkramskikhand it uses npm also for its dependencies, not just devDependencies14:08
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vkramskikhafter merge of shrinkwrap deduplication size of node_modules will go down14:09
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krotscheckvkramskikh: Ah, right- forgot that hadn't merged yet.14:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate-tempest-dsvm-lvm job to nova's experimental queue
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vkramskikhkrotscheck: even with deduplication it takes 201M on disk. well, that's what modern JS looks like :)14:15
krotscheckI just hope your shipped package ain't that big ;)14:16
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vkramskikhnope, it's about 300kB bundled with styles14:19
fungikrotscheck: sdague: any regions specifically where we're seeing incomplete documents returned, or is this everywhere?14:19
krotscheckfungi: I saw iad and dfw, and a couple of others.14:19
krotscheckSo, probably not?14:20
fungisdague's example was in rax ord14:20
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make the docs-draft build point to storyboard-dev
eharneyi'm seeing an odd "Invalid authentication method." message in gerrit when clicking "Add Me" on a patchset:
jeblairSpamapS, clarkb: re i see
mordredrcarrillocruz: I agree with clarkb - it is specifically desirable to not use user-data14:21
mordredwe have the ability to get ssh keys onto the machines, we have the abilty to run ansible -nothing needs to be bootstrapped more complicatedly than that14:21
rcarrillocruzyep, working on extending the role to accept pre/post actions by resource14:21
mordredrcarrillocruz: woot!14:22
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update CVS Plugin to use convert_mapping_to_xml
jeblairclarkb, krotscheck, sdague:
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fungisdague: so, just confirmed, at the moment logged into mirror.ord.rax.o.o i'm able to unzip lxml-3.6.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl with no problem, so the backing file seems to be14:24
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jeblairsdague, fungi: i double confirm that from both a direct afs read on my workstation as well as a wget from mirror.ord; the md5sums are the same14:25
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fungisdague: similarly i retrieved lxml-3.6.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl through apache with wget and it seems fine14:25
fungiso this must be intermittent14:25
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jeblairsdague, fungi: hypothesis -- rax ord network gremlin caused the file transfer to be aborted and that's how pip decided to tell us?14:25
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krotscheckDoes apache unceremoniously terminate outgoing requests if they take too long?14:26
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jeblairkrotscheck: i'm not sure, but that one took ~1second according to the console log14:27
vkramskikhfresh failure on deduped shrinkwrap:
vkramskikhshasum check failed for /tmp/npm-7468-89af237a/
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jeblairalso ord ^14:27
jeblair(and i get the 'actual' sha1sum when i wget it)14:28
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krotscheckThat's a pretty large json file :/14:30
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vkramskikh cache timeout request also has -1 from Jenkins, but due to another issue - module not found failure. i'll try to rebase it on the shrinkwrap request and see if it helps14:31
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use local AFS mirror for network_sanity_check
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fungii've wondered for a while whether rackspace specifically has some sort of http monkeying going on in their networks (so-called "web accelerators" which can lead to very confusing failure modes for http traffic when they misbehave or get overtaxed)14:36
krotscheckfungi: I'm guessing there's a pattern then?14:37
jrollfungi: we don't have anything like that, though I'm not sure about specific endpoints like the mirrors14:37
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jrolloh, these are openstack's mirrors, there shouldn't be anything in the middle then above L314:38
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fungijroll: right, it's just apache for us14:41
fungiso more likely is that it's simply the random network issues we've been witnessing for months in ord14:41
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fungiwhich rackspace's noc apparently can't track down without me managing to not delete a server instance exhibiting the problem behavior14:42
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* fungi rechecks his fishing change again to see if he gets a bite this time14:43
jeblairfungi: one thing we could do is to hack nodepool to not delete any nodes that fail certain jobs in ord14:43
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jrollfungi: yeah, I guess they probably assume it's hypervisor-layer14:44
fungiyeah, if 315762 doesn't pan out, that's what i was considering next14:44
jeblairfungi: probably lots of false positives (negatives?  whatevers)....14:44
zxiiroelectrofelix: those patches look fine to me. SHould we ping some folks to review them? I'm under some pressure to get the features from 1.6 available on my project.14:45
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fungijroll: anecdotal evidence is making me think that _when_ there is particularly heavy instance boot/delete churn, then within the first few seconds an instance is online sometimes it's unable to reach/unreachable from parts of rackspace's networks14:45
jrollfungi: interesting14:46
fungijroll: like maybe reassigned l2 address lingering on some other part of the switching infrastructure maybe14:46
fungiwhich corrects itself as bridge table updates propagate, but by then we've failed the job14:47
krotscheckI'm sure there's english there somewhere...14:47
jrollfungi: hm, shouldn't be, we give IPs 15 minutes before re-assigning them, though I could totally see something getting stuck in the L3 controllers14:47
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fungijroll: what about macs though? are they reused?14:48
zarozxiiro: you need help with jjb?14:48
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jrollfungi: in theory, yes, though I think the pools are larger than we'll ever hit14:49
fungijroll: or, if randomly generated, what the chances of collision are?14:49
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jrollfungi: they're sequential and the db enforces uniqueness14:49
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: jeblair: I'm going a test with OSIC right now, setting the rate to 0.5.  If you'd like to watch for the results14:49
zxiirozaro: electrofelix needs these patches reviewed and and I just need the latest JJB to be released as there's a feature we need.14:49
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fungialso, i have no idea what's special about ord in particular that we don't really see this happen in other regions14:49
jrollfungi: this is basically the limits of my knowledge, though, maybe I could bug one of the data plane people14:50
fungibut it's unfortunate that ord is also where they've decided to stick the bulk of our quota14:50
pabelangerthe time to ready has increased like jeblair says, but we haven't leaked a FIP yet14:50
jrollfungi: have you seen evidence that the network comes up eventually? or do we kill things before that?14:51
krotscheckWell, the cache timeout didn't work:
krotscheckPartially terminated json response.14:51
fungijroll: so far we kill things too soon to know, which is one reason i'm trying to catch one in the act14:51
krotscheckAnd it looks fine in AFS :/14:51
jrollfungi: okay, just was going to state that as data if you had evidence14:52
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fungijroll: right, no actual evidence other than some of our jobs have built-in retries for certain network operations and so we see these sorts of failures happen on succeeding jobs too14:52
fungijust less often, for obvious reasons14:53
jrollfungi: ok, cool, I'll poke the sdn team14:53
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fungijroll: and since most of our evidence is discovered post-mortem through job log analysis, we don't usually know about a hit until hours later14:54
jrollfungi: right14:54
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fungimaking catching a live specimen a particularly fun exercise14:54
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fungithe tack i've taken for now is a trivial patch to devstack-gate which tries to ping and short-circuits to passing if the ping succeeds but busy-waits until the job timeout if it fails14:57
fungiand then i recheck that change and watch to see if it has a d-g-based job running more than a minute or so14:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Several fixes to zuul launcher
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: handle Ant paths in publishers
zarozxiiro: will take a look14:58
fungii may switch from ping to wget or something if this doesn't pan out, in case icmp isn't being impacted the way http is14:58
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krotscheckDoes AFS return "current" vs "total" document size when reading from local disK?14:59
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jeblairkrotscheck: generally afs flushes on close, so usually you only see complete documents written15:00
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krotscheckI wonder if the reason the JSON docs from the npm mirror are terminated is because the http content-length header is read while there's only a partial doc availabele...15:00
krotscheckHrm, gotcha.15:00
jeblairkrotscheck: (that is, if a remote system is writing and you are reading locally; if you are reading and writing locally, you would probably see the in-progress state)15:00
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jeblairkrotscheck: and even so, with the atomic volume release, everything should be stable when it's updated15:01
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krotscheckSo reading the file size on disk of something that's in the process of being cached is unlikely to be the cause, got it.15:04
* krotscheck is trying every angle.15:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix date format for agg_count and get_test_counts_in_date_range()
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electrofelixzaro: I'll quickly fix the typo zxiiro spotted in
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Prevent corruption of cache by using atomic update
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kashyapA small request: Anyone with access to a Xenial node, do you mind running `virsh capabilities` command and post the output to a pastebin?15:10
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fungisudo: virsh: command not found15:13
jeblairfungi: do you have a script to watch your job for you?15:13
fungii assume it's not a standard part of the operating system?15:13
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fungijeblair: good idea. i have a script i use to parse the zuul status.json into a console-friendly rendering, and could adapt that pretty easily15:14
jeblairfungi: here's a present for you:
fungiooh, thanks!15:14
jeblair(uses the direct change url, so should be super efficient)15:14
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fungioh, right. i even forgot we had those since we haven't hooked that back into hideci.js15:15
fungimy memory's fuzzy now, but i guess we were putting too much load on zuul with all the added status requests the last time we tried it?15:15
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kashyapclarkb: You about by any chance?  When you are, mind looking at my comment above?  It is for fixing the live migration jobs.15:16
jeblairfungi: yeah, i don't recall what happened15:16
clarkbkashyap: fungi responded15:16
kashyapclarkb: Ah, sorry - missed it fungi15:16
fungikashyap: in a sec i'll get it installed and find out15:17
kashyapfungi: Oh, is it possible to install libvirt and associated client packages on that machine?15:17
kashyapfungi: Many thanks!15:17
jeblairfungi: oh, just realized the node name would be handy (so you can go directly to nodepool and hold it; updated script:
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* kashyap back in a min15:18
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fungijeblair: even better, yep! double-thanks15:19
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: net-generic-switch: Do not create Neutron debug probes
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jeblairfungi: oh, oops, it looks like we only get the node name on job completion, sorry15:25
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fungijeblair: yeah, i have a zuul debug log grep already written up to get me that anyway15:26
fungiso not a big deal15:26
jeblaircool.  so the earlier script is probably better then15:26
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fungikashyap: happen to know what the package names i need to install to get a working virsh are?15:27
fungiit's not a tool i've ever tried to use before15:27
kashyapfungi: Hmm, good question, I know it by heart on Fedora, looking up on Ubuntu.  1 sec15:28
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fungithe package doesn't seem to be named "virsh" or "libvirt"15:28
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kashyapfungi: On Fedora, the `virsh` program is provided by 'libvirt-client' RPM package15:30
kashyapSo, trying to find similar for Ubuntu15:30
kashyapfungi: `sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder`15:31
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Delete more things to make room for centos-7
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fungithat's from an ubuntu-xenial instance booted in rackspace ord from our current diskimage-builder created image15:33
kashyapfungi: Thank you15:34
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add optional start_date parameter to get_recent*() methods
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fungikashyap: i guess it's <arch>x86_64</arch> <model>qemu32</model> you were curious about?15:35
kashyapfungi: The problem is: On Xenial nodes, 'gate64' CPU model (defined here: is not being detected.15:36
kashyapfungi: So, trying to see which CPU flags 'Xenial' nodes are not exposing -- thus causing the error:15:36
fungithat's on a linux 4.4.0 kernel with libvirt 1.3.115:36
kashyap"[...] 2016-05-13T21:33:07.143245Z qemu-system-x86_64: Unable to find CPU definition: gate64"15:37
fungi"gate64" sounds like something specially created for devstack?15:37
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kashyapfungi: Yes, that model was created year ago to make live migration work in the Gate15:37
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clarkbfungi: yes we dont have heterogenous cpus so devstack tries to define a minimal x86_64 cpu model that allows live migration to work15:38
fungikashyap: i'm curious why you think virsh capabilities would show it then if it's set up by devstack15:38
clarkber we have heterogenous cpus15:38
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kashyapfungi: "You'll need to look at the `virsh capabilities` output to see what Nova is seeing, and identify the missing CPU flag(s)."15:39
kashyapThe CI needs to be configured to cope with whatever the nodes expose.15:39
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clarkbkashyap: it is though15:39
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fungikashyap: wouldn't you need to boot a xenial instance and set up devstack on it to investigate this?15:39
kashyap(From conversation with danpb, libvirt dev on #openstack-nova)15:39
clarkbits not like those flags change across libvirt versons or distro releases right?15:39
kashyapclarkb: Let me check with danpb on -nova who can tell for certain15:40
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clarkbI think it is more likely that either the file location has changed or we dont restart libvirt in a way to pick up the updates with new libvirt15:40
fungikashyap: as far as i know this is a cpu definition devstack creates. it doesn't exist in the wild on our ci server instances15:40
clarkbfungi: correct. And on truaty it works fine15:40
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clarkband since cpu flags as exposed by kernel should be stable I dont expect the change from truaty to xenial breaking is due to flags chamging15:41
kashyapfungi: Yes, it's (that model) what DevStack creates15:41
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kashyapclarkb: We can talk with danpb on #openstack-nova, if you have a moment.  Can you join there?15:42
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waynrelectrofelix: yo just wanted to update you on rebase progress15:47
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Delete more things to make room for centos-7
waynri think i've got around 15 patches in the line of work I did back in January, the first 5 or so i am expecting to be the most difficult and last night I plowed my way through the first three (making sure that both the rebase is clean and tests pass for each commit)15:48
waynri'm planning to finish the entire rebase before pushing the new patchsets up for review on gerrit15:49
pabelangerkrotscheck: DIB uploads are happening now, process usually takes about 4-5 hours to complete15:51
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krotscheckpabelanger: Sweet15:51
waynri'm also planning on sending out an email to openstack-infra around the time i push the new patchsets up explaining how the commits build on each other and that i'm hoping deficiencies in the earlier commits can be forgiven where those concerns have been addressed later in the commit series15:52
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krotscheckArgh, I cannot figure out why apache serving files form AFS would terminate partially.15:59
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* krotscheck feels like he's playing whackamole.16:01
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electrofelixwaynr: sounds good16:02
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add timeout to get_host_info task
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cloudnullpabelanger mordred jeblair -- do you know off hand where the code lives that calls shade to build VMs?16:14
clarkbcloudnull: openstack-infra/nodepool is the project and service using shade to boot VMs16:15
cloudnullwill look there.16:15
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krotscheckARGH. Build fails. I try running the same patch against that mirror. Mine passes.16:32
fungikrotscheck: got a link to the failing log? curious which provider/region it was in16:32
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Move oslo.concurrency to test-requirements
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krotscheckfungi: This one's dfw->
krotscheckfungi: This one's r1 bluebox ->
krotscheckfungi: This one's IAD
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Move oslo.concurrency to test-requirements
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krotscheckfungi: Furthermore, it's always on different packages. I _know_ it's an AFS cache issue, I just don't have the expertise to fix it.16:36
krotscheckfungi: The annoying part is that the patch I'm running with already has the timeout relaxation bits applied16:37
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SpamapSjeblair: my afs still shows no files in that dir16:40
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SpamapSjeblair: is there some way to invalidate the cache maybe?16:41
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fungiwe're definitely pushing a lot of kernel cache memory on the afs servers and clients, though local afs cache on, for example, bluebox is only 6gb so far16:42
jeblairSpamapS: you could try restarting the cache manager (service opensafs-client restart)16:42
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jeblairkrotscheck: oh, do you think we're timing out on the first hit to a file?16:43
fungijeblair: oddly it looks like we get part of the file and it's truncated, so maybe timing out on specific blocks? is afs access block-oriented?16:43
krotscheckjeblair: I think so, at least that's as much as I can tell.16:44
jeblairmight be worth checking the apache logs for those requests16:44
fungigiving that a shot now16:45
SpamapSjeblair: already tried that.16:45
SpamapSwill try again16:45
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SpamapSjeblair: we had a full disk on that box yesterday. Is it possible the cache got screwed up by that?16:46
krotscheckjeblair: Good call, diggin16:46
jeblairSpamapS: oh, maybe.  you could stop, fully remove /var/cache/openafs, then restart.16:47
SpamapSjeblair: to be clear, I want to remove the contents, not the dir, right?16:47
jeblairSpamapS: probably baste to remove the contents; not sure if the dir will be recreated by the initscript/daemon or if it's from the package.16:48
jeblairer best16:48
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Prevent corruption of cache by using atomic update
fungii think the stale cache theory _might_ be debunked16:48
electrofelixzaro: that was caused by a rebase mistake16:48
fungii have this in the log16:48
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jeblairSpamapS: could also baste if it's not moist16:48
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fungi169.45.71.79 - - [18/May/2016:12:35:36 +0000] "GET /npm/postcss-loader HTTP/1.1" 301 584 "install" "npm/3.5.2 node/v4.2.6 linux x64"16:49
SpamapSjeblair: that worked16:49
electrofelixthough I'm stumped as to why it didn't cause something to fail completely16:49
fungithat's a 26 hours before the failure on that get at
SpamapSclarkb: FYI, the afs problem we had may have been unrelated to any bandersnatch issues. AFS cache clear seems to have resolved it16:50
zxiirome too. that looks like a failure to me16:50
zxiirobut the job passed it16:50
clarkbSpamapS: ya jeblair's above pastes seemed to indicate it was owrking as expected16:50
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jeblairfungi: that looks like a redirect -- i'm guessing to /npm/postcss-loader/ ?16:51
fungiyeah, i'm getting some better analysis looking for tarballs16:52
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* krotscheck is still trying to figure out kibana16:53
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fungiin the current access log in bluebox we have 6 hits (over about 48 hours) for /npm/postcss-loader/-/postcss-loader-0.5.1.tgz all of which are 200 ok with reported length 387816:54
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fungino entries for it in the error log either16:54
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Close card-details modal when clicking on the Story link
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jeblairfungi, krotscheck: but is that error for the json at /npm/postcss-loader/ ; not the actual tarball?16:55
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fungiahh, yeah krotscheck needs to school me on what file that really is which got truncated16:55
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krotscheckfungi: both types, just different error codes for each.16:55
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krotscheckfungi: For the one you're currently investigating, it should be either or
jeblairi see
jeblairi think - - [19/May/2016:14:42:48 +0000] "GET /npm/postcss-loader/ HTTP/1.1" 200 36171 "" "npm/3.5.2 node/v4.2.6 linux x64"16:57
jeblairis the one for the job16:57
jeblairand it is suspicously small.16:57
fungiwhen i look at hits to /npm/postcss-loader/ there are varying sizes returned16:57
jeblairthe one after is also a different size, but i suspect that may be due to client differences (different headers?) since it's being requested from a different platform/npm version16:58
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SpamapSjeblair: also I just basted my afs mirror and, frankly, it's a bit soupy now16:58
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fungiyeah, have a feeling this is compression16:59
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funginote the browser string16:59
fungi188.164.131.220 - - [19/May/2016:16:56:54 +0000] "HEAD /npm/postcss-loader/ HTTP/1.1" 200 234 "-" "IrssiUrlLog/0.2"16:59
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jeblairSpamapS: it'll set up once the cache repopulates16:59
fungioh, those are head not get16:59
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fungifilter failure on my part16:59
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krotscheckfungi, jeblair: That npm 2.15.1 is my desktop16:59
funginow we know where to target the icbms17:00
krotscheckLemme upgrade my version and rerun my tests.17:00
jeblairyeah, so i'd disregard that line, which leaves only the GET associated with the job as being an outlier17:00
jeblair(with a much-too-small response size)17:01
SpamapSjeblair: but of course17:01
krotscheckOH WAIT17:02
* krotscheck remembers now.17:02
* krotscheck thinks17:02
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krotscheckI think there was an npm issue that munged up content sizes if gzip compression was used.17:02
* krotscheck digs17:02
jeblairkrotscheck, fungi: npm reports an error ~5 minutes after the apache time (which, iirc, is request start time)17:03
jeblair(i think apache writes the log entry on request completion, but the timestamp is request start)17:03
fungibut yeah, if i filter on get requests with a browser agent string of "npm/3.5.2 node/v4.2.6 linux x64" then they're all the same size _except_ the request from at 14:42:48 (the job in question)17:03
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krotscheckSince so many other attempts work, it's likely not this gzip thing I remember :(17:04
krotscheckSo, why would apache return a smaller document?17:04
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krotscheckfungi, jeblair: Where are y'all finding all these, kibana?17:05
fungikrotscheck: no, local apache logs on the server17:05
krotscheckfungi: Oh, you're cheating :-P17:05
fungithe apache logs are not published17:06
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fungithough it seems like maybe there wouldn't be any harm in publishing our mirror server apache logs, especially since we tell people not to use them outside our ci17:06
krotscheckjeblair: A 5 minute interval between request and error implies that the client is waiting for the rest of the doc?17:06
krotscheckThough in that case, the client should throw something vis-a-vis unexpected termination17:07
krotscheckInstead of trying to parse the results17:07
jeblairkrotscheck: i agree on the first part.  i agree in principle on the second part, but don't know enough about npm to have a feel for whether it might manifest another way17:08
fungithough the delay between apache logging the request for /npm/postcss-loader and /npm/postcss-loader/ was only 3 seconds17:09
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jeblairand the log entry for postcss-loader/ is scattered among others in the same timeframe (ie, it's not 5 minutes later)17:10
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krotscheckjeblair: Right- so why did that one request go froofy17:11
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jeblairthe npm mirror update script did not log making an update to postcss-loader.  it did do a mirror release at 14:40, and another at 14:50.  unfortunately, we don't log duration or completion times for mirror releases there, so i don't know if that was happening at or near request time.17:12
krotscheckWell, I just updated my npm client to 3.5.2 and am getting WAY more errors.17:13
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jeblairoh, sorry, next release was at 14:4517:13
krotscheckYa know, we may have to back off from using the xenial npm package.17:14
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krotscheckOk, so npm version 2.14, same project, same mirror, installs fine. 10 minutes later, same project, same mirror, npm version 3.5.2: errors like the dickens.17:16
jeblair(afs logs are not helpful here, they only log errors)17:16
kashyapclarkb: When you have a sec, mind pastebin'ing contents of /etc/default/grub from Xenial?17:17
jeblairkrotscheck, fungi: if the client (or network) aborts a transfer, it will look like the log entry we have17:19
clarkbkashyap: that is what my dib built image has17:19
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: Got the go a head from tripleo to launch a test instances of: mirror.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.regionOne.openstack.org17:20
jeblairkrotscheck, fungi: so "client/network error aborted request early" is indistinguishable from "actually read truncated file from disk" in apache17:20
krotscheckjeblair: I suspect this is a bug inside of the npm client at the LTS version that's in xenial.17:20
kashyapclarkb: Ah, thanks.  I was missing "serial console" in GRUB_TERMINAL.  (I had just "serial")17:20
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Close card-details modal when clicking on the Story link
jeblairkrotscheck: are all these errors on xenial?17:21
krotscheckjeblair: yep17:21
krotscheckI'm spinning up a xenial node to test.17:21
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jeblairkrotscheck: then i agree that seems to fit the evidence so far.17:22
jeblairalso, wow, apparently we make enough npm requests to see statistically significant errors in released software at scale.17:22
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kashyapfungi: Thanks.  I was checking what black magic I was missing to get a serial console on Xenial.17:22
fungikashyap: oh, nevermind, i see clarkb already did17:22
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krotscheckjeblair: no kidding17:23
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: WIP Proof of Concept Storyboard Updating from Gerrit
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fungikrotscheck: jeblair: however, this doesn't explain sdague's example where we got a truncated wheel file in a job17:24
krotscheckjeblair: My first hope is that it'll all work if I revert this bit:
krotscheckfungi: True17:24
fungii'll see if i can do a similar investigation on that one17:24
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clarkbkashyap: ok, fwiw I use dib and the devuser element and just ssh into things17:26
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kashyapclarkb: I was using -
fungikashyap: note we have a script to help you build identical images to what we use in our ci...
* kashyap does: dnf whatprovides */disk-image-create17:29
kashyapAh, it's diskimage-builder17:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add timestamps to all stages of mirror scripts
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jeblairfungi: ^ for easier correlation in the future17:30
mordredkashyap: yah. we use diskimage-builder for all of our images17:30
fungijeblair: yep, this will certainly help17:30
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pabelangerjeblair: Thank you! I was having troubles the other day too17:32
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kashyapmordred: Yeah, aware of the project.  (Not to go on a tangent, it still uses 'sudo kpartx'  while `guestfish` can handle that without needing root.)17:35
clarkbkashyap: doesn't it require libvirt group membershup though which is very similar to root?17:36
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kashyapclarkb: `guestfish` can operate completely independent without libvirt:17:36
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
kashyapclarkb: It has two 'backends': (a) 'direct' (ie. QEMU, you can set it by: LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct); (b) 'libvirt'17:37
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kashyapSo, 'libvirt' group membership is only applicable if one is using guestfish with its libvirt backend.17:38
clarkbI se17:38
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krotscheckjeblair, fungi: I can confirm that it's not the npm version.17:39
kashyapclarkb: Couple of years ago there was a discussion about it on fedora-cloud mailing list, where lifeless (IIRC) also chimed in on this subject17:39
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* kashyap was trying to find that thread, but can't seem to find it now17:39
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clarkbkashyap: I just rmember someone arguing its fast because libvirt which seemed to negate the security argument for me17:39
clarkbbut I guess you have the option of fast or secure17:39
kashyapclarkb: Sorry, what's fast?  (What is the 'it')17:40
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
clarkbkashyap: image builds using alternatives to dib17:40
kashyapYeah, if using libvirt, there's the sVirt mechanism17:40
clarkbkashyap: in this case the libguestfs stuff17:40
krotscheckOr rather, I can confim that 2.14.1 and 3.5.2 display the same errors.17:40
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kashyapclarkb: `virt-builder` can churn out images super fast, once the image is cached.17:41
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kashyapAbout 20 seconds or less.17:42
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krotscheckjeblair: npm version 3.9.0 does not appear to have this issue....?17:42
fungikrotscheck: npm has an lts series now, right?17:43
krotscheckfungi: On xenial, yes, and I've filed a bug.17:43
fungimaybe you can bisect to find the fix and look into backporting17:43
krotscheckLet me see what their official lts version is.17:43
fungiif it really is working on 3.9.0 fine17:43
mordredkashyap: guesfish handles a completely different problem17:44
kashyapmordred: Of course, I realize.  I was talking about `virt-builder`17:44
kashyapmordred: Sorry, I realize I first mentioned 'guestfish'17:44
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kashyapBut yeah, the mounting of images with `sudo kpartx` is still a bit debatable.  But won't go into that rabbit hole now :-)17:45
mordredit's all good - it's honestly the same problem - dib is a content description system, so I just want to make sure you don't get yourself caught into the rathole of reimplementing all of the elements we use17:45
mordredbecause I think that's a ton of work that is likely not particularly entertaining17:45
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mtreinishfungi: found another storyboard thing that's bugging me. No newlines in comments, everytime I hit enter (tried shift+enter too) it saves the comment17:46
fungimtreinish: huh, interesting. i thought i had been able to enter newlines in sb comments17:46
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mordredkashyap: I _do_ think that it would be interesting to explore having dib be able to use guestfish/virt-builder/libguestfs on the backend instead of chroot/qemu-ndb/kpartx17:46
mtreinishfungi:!/story/2000574 I clearly failed at it :)17:47
mordredkashyap: which is likely to also be a lot of work, but is probably more interesting work and more likely to be broadly useful to people17:47
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mordredkashyap: I keep meaning to play with that myself, but keep having other thigns on my plate :)17:47
kashyapclarkb: This was the discussion from JUN-2013:
krotscheckfungi: I'm checking the current LTS version (2.15.6) to make sure it works.17:48
krotscheckSo far so good (on trusty and osx)17:48
kashyapmordred: Can understand.  Feel free to ping me anything about `virt-builder`, FWIW, I use it extensively in my workflows17:48
fungimtreinish: if i click in the "Enter your comment here" text area, i can create newlines with my enter key just fine (firefox 44)17:49
fungimtreinish: this might be some specific browser behavior/extension fighting some sort of javascript dynamism in the webclient there?17:50
mtreinishfungi: with text already in the box? it works fine for me (firefox 46.0.1) with an empty box, but I was hitting enter out of habit in that bug and it wasn't making newlines17:50
fungiwould be good to identify so it can be fixed17:50
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
fungimtreinish: yeah, i added a comment to the story you linked, in which i included newlines17:51
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mtreinishah, it's shift+enter (which I guess I was doing out of habit)17:52
fungii will admit i never thought to try a shift-enter while typing in there17:52
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mtreinishfungi: I guess I do it by habit as a way around text boxes that submit when you hit enter (wasn't expecting the opposite here)17:55
mordredkashyap: I have enough things on my plate that I'll likely not do any work on this. but for the folks who have a problem with kpartx use in the openstack image buiding tool, I would really hope that we'd see collaboration from them on improving openstack's tool17:56
mordredkashyap: and that that would result in patches to dib to support different image generation backends, such as virt-builder17:56
krotscheckfungi: So, it turns out that the npm package on Xenial LTS? Not acutally npm's LTS version.17:57
openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add python jobs to pyeclib project
fungikrotscheck: not entirely surprising17:57
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fungijeblair: okay, this is perplexing. in sdague's example at there is _no_ corresponding get in the apache access log. i see it hit /pypi/simple/lxml/ and /wheel/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/lxml/ but according to apache it never goes on to request17:59
kashyapmordred: Sure - about time.  On a related note, I came across `virt-dib` -- "Virt-dib is a tool for using the elements of diskimage-builder to build a new disk image, generate new ramdisks, etc." -
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odyssey4meproject-config admins/cores - I'd appreciate a review of when you all have a moment to do so.18:00
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mordredkashyap: yup. that was the main suggestion in the thread about using not-dib for images18:00
mordredkashyap: and I think is a good one18:01
mordredkashyap: the commuity value to dib for me is in the elements, which are content18:01
fungijeblair: pared down log sample...
mordredkashyap: having different mechanisms to apply that content to produce a final image seems awesome18:01
kashyapmordred: Yep, the elements are very useful18:02
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krotscheckfungi: False alarm, I switched mirrors to ord and all the errors started popping up again18:03
krotscheckAnd they seem to go away after 3 or so runs18:03
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jeblairkrotscheck: with what version?18:07
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jeblairfungi: how does it know it's 2.9MB then?18:08
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fungijeblair: that's a very good question... possibly from the index?18:09
krotscheckjeblair: 2.5.16, 3.9.0, 2.15.118:09
dstufftpip doesn't look at the index for file size18:09
fungijeblair: i vaguely recall discussing with dstufft an error mode where the actual http failure exception is masked and pip goes on to try to unpack an empty object18:09
dstufftit uses Content-Length IIRC18:09
krotscheckAs soon as I switched from region1 (which was failing, then stopped) to ord, all the errors came back.18:10
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fungiokay, then that's doubly weird that it got the righth content length but apache recorded no request for the file18:10
greghayneskashyap: mordred I'd really like to see someone work on a libguestfs-style backend for dib, but I too have way too much other stuff on my plate right now18:10
jeblairdstufft, fungi: so we should have a corresponding apache request18:10
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jeblairdstufft, fungi: cause the "(2.9MB)" indicates it at least received a content-length header18:11
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jeblairkrotscheck: same files involved?18:11
dstufftjeblair: fungi is this on a persistent node?18:12
fungidstufft: nope18:12
dstufftwhat's the pip output18:12
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krotscheckjeblair: urrrrrr.18:14
fungidstufft: i filtered the apache log for for requests from (the node that job ran on) to also get a representative sample since we burn through so many instances that rackspace ends up reassigning the same ip addresses to a few over the course of a day
fungidstufft: the requests you see there at 09:10:29, 12:32:08 and 14:07:28 all ran on different nova instances that just happened to get the same ipv4 address reassigned18:16
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krotscheckjeblair: 3.9 failed on karma, 2.15.6 failed on beeper18:16
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jeblairfungi: that is weird.  i agree, i can't find any indication apache received that request. yet somehow pip knew about the size.18:18
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jeblair[Thu May 19 12:32:09.077736 2016] [core:notice] [pid 8827:tid 140505418942336] AH00052: child pid 5896 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)18:19
jeblairfungi: ^ i'm at a point where i might entertain that is related.18:19
dstufftit wasn't cached either18:20
dstufftthe file size doesn't get shown on cached responses18:20
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dstufftI don't think we accurately fail if the download gets interupted18:21
cloudnulljeblair clarkb fungi pabelanger: I've been debugging shade and I have a couple of questions.18:21
dstuffttypicall it gets exposed as a hash failure18:21
cloudnullI've built a small test script which is trying to do this
dstufftbut if these don't have hashes, then it would be reasonable to suggest that this is just an interuppted download failing later in the process18:22
fungijeblair: oh! i looked in the vhost-specific error log but forgot to check the general error log. that timestamp does correlate disturbingly well18:22
jeblairfungi, krotscheck: i do not see similar erorrs on bluebox near where we were looking earlier; however, the errors krotscheck just saw on ord might be segfaults.18:22
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cloudnulland tracing shade I found that in meta it writes this into the server dict
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jeblairfungi, krotscheck: (so, my current thinking -- segfault for the wheel errror; npm responsible for sjc1 npm errors; segfault possibly responsible for ord npm errors -- further log analysis needed to determine that)18:23
fungijeblair: and there do seem to be many, many, many of those18:23
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add CloudKitty role to OpenStack-Ansible
cloudnullwhich seems to create a false positive here which returns and seems to be the reason that some vms dont get an IP because of this
cloudnullso my question, is it "needed" in some clouds to write the accessIPv4 entry ?18:26
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cloudnulloh. netsplit.18:26
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clarkbcloudnull: that is how shade users know what to connect to because openstack doesn't actually tell you18:26
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jeblaircloudnull: i got your question18:26
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cloudnullclarkb:  but that seems to instruct shade to not assign a float to some instances18:27
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cloudnullin terms of what nodepool is doing18:27
mordredcloudnull: most clouds do not require floating ips18:27
fungithat netsplit seems to have been very minor18:28
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cloudnullnodepool only instructs shade to auto_ip and doesnt provide a float pool18:29
mordredcloudnull: that's right. that should do the right thing just about everywhere18:29
mordredproviding a float pool is not needed18:29
mordredit is possible to discover where floating ips should come from on all clouds we've experienced18:29
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mordredfloat pool is only needed if there were more than one available subnet that had a gateway ip and a router associated with it - which is pretty uncommon18:30
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cloudnullso without the float pool it looks like a race here
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fungijeblair: it's pretty hard to turn up apache segfault examples which don't involve mod_php (because it's apparently really good at creating them)18:31
cloudnullwhich only hits the auto_ip condition18:31
mordredcloudnull: what's the race?18:31
mordredcloudnull: yah. it should only hit auto_ip18:31
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mordredcloudnull: then if it doesn't have a public IP (this is a floating ip cloud) - it'll add one in self._add_auto_ip18:32
cloudnullso the meta rewrites the accessIPv4 and then returns my 10.x address as its public18:32
mordredit shouldn't18:32
mordredif it's doing that, that's a bug18:32
mordredit should only write the 10. into accessIPv4 if you've configured it that you want to use private ips to access the instance18:33
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jeblaircloudnull: note that a call to get_server_external_ipv4 precedes writing the accessIPv4 entry here:
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jeblaircloudnull: so the first time through, it will not short-circuit inside get_server_external_ipv418:33
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ildikovfungi: hi18:34
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ildikovfungi: I have a quick question I hope you can point me to the right direction18:34
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cloudnulljeblair mordred if i run the server output contains a rewritten accessIPv418:35
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cloudnulland that is using the args I found in nodepool18:35
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ildikovfungi: we would like to test watchdog device in tempest as part of a gate job and we need a special image for that with the proper config18:35
cloudnull -- those args18:35
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fungiildikov: by special image, you mean an image booted by the nova which runs as part of devstack?18:36
mordredcloudnull: it contains the 10. address?18:36
ildikovfungi: yeap an image Nova can boot the VM from18:36
fungiildikov: if so, several projects already do this to test agent-type applications (ironic-python-agent, trove-agent, et cetera)18:37
ildikovfungi: here's the WIP test code:
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ildikovfungi: and does the image go under those repos?18:37
mordredcloudnull: ok. that seems like a bug. Shrews ^^18:37
cloudnulland a query to nova returns
kamszhi there, is shade library capable of performing live migration? if not, are there any plans to add it?18:38
fungiildikov: they generally use diskimage-builder to create and publish the image periodically to tarballs.openstack.org18:38
jeblairmordred, cloudnull: could it matter that we're using keystonev3?18:38
asselin_dstufft, do you konw if upgrading from bandersnatch 1.10 to 1.11 requires a full sync? Also do you know if that bug would cause bandernatch mirror to go to 100% CPU?18:38
mordredjeblair: it shouldn't, no18:38
fungiildikov: like
cloudnulljeblair: maybe ?18:38
dstufftasselin_: don't think so18:39
mordredjeblair, cloudnull: the logic related to figuring out the ip has nothing to do with keystone18:39
ildikovfungi: ah, ok, I will check that18:39
Shrewsmordred: there are different rules for accessIPv4, iirc18:39
jeblaircloudnull: for reference, here is our clouds.yaml:
Shrewsi seem to have lost some scrollback due to a weechat freeze18:39
ildikovfungi: is there any description regarding best practices on how to do this or just follow what we see as examples?18:40
Shrewsso i do not have full context18:40
asselin_dstufft, is that answer for both questions?18:40
mordredShrews: so - at the moment, cloudnull is getting accessIPv4 rewritten with his private 10.x address18:40
dstufftasselin_: er, sorry it's an answer to the first18:40
dstufftthe second one is that I have no idea18:40
fungiildikov: i could dig up the details on how their periodic jobs work, but you'd probably be better off syncing up with someone on the ipa core team,members (maybe JayF has some expertise with that)18:40
asselin_dstufft, ok thanks18:41
cloudnullmaybe im doing it wrong? but im trying to figure out why FIP are being bastards on OSIC for everyone .18:41
Shrewsmordred: is cloud.private == True?18:41
mordredwhich should never happen unless a) private=True is set b) we're discovering the information about the networks there incorrectly18:41
jeblairShrews: if that doesn't quite have enough context,  should have the rest18:41
ildikovfungi: sure, I'll do that, I just didn't want to necessarily ping more people with this if it's already written down18:41
ildikovfungi: thanks much for the pointers18:41
mordredShrews: not to my knowledge, no18:41
cloudnullmordred: that may be my issue, im not setting cloud.private18:42
mordredcloudnull: can you put prints around
mordredcloudnull: you should not need to18:42
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mordredcloudnull: but could you verify the values of cloud.private, server['accessIPv4'] and server['public_v4'] there?18:42
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mordredand maybe server['private_v4']18:43
rprakash#info rprakash18:43
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mordredcloudnull: btw - pabelanger has found that if we lower the rate at which we do create server / create fip - we stop leaking18:43
mordredcloudnull: I believe he's currently testing one request per 0.5 seconds - one per 1 second definitely stopped the leak. one per 0.001 seconds definitely leaks18:44
rprakashAnyone how do i do git push for a new project? what's the target for git push  after local commit?18:46
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fungirprakash: git review -t new-project18:46
rprakashLike I get on local commit :  6 files changed, 55 insertions(+)  create mode 100644 gerrit/acls/openstack/meghdwar.config  create mode 100644 jenkins/jobs/meghdwar.yaml18:46
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fungirprakash: that will cause the git-review tool to push your change into gerrit for review, with a review topic of "new-project"18:47
rprakashbut git review does not work on my macbook18:48
fungirprakash: what error does it emit?18:48
rprakashsee Kedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ git review -t new-project git: 'review' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Kedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ git-review -t new-project -bash: git-review: command not found18:48
fungirprakash: you haven't even installed git-review from the looks of it18:48
rprakashNo I did and check ypour email I sent you additional info18:49
fungirprakash: that's what i meant yesterday about the new project creation instructions assuming you'd contributed code for review to other openstack projects before now18:49
fungirprakash: talks about installing git review, after the section about setting up your accounts18:50
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily start using the public registry again
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krotscheckfungi, jeblair ^^ should make our builds start using the public registry until we figure out the segfaults18:51
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cloudnullmordred: prints around what you asked18:51
Shrewscloudnull: if you just call cloud.get_external_networks(), are any of the returned networks actually private?18:51
cloudnullit looks like get_server_external_ipv4 gets hit a lot18:51
cloudnullShrews:  looking18:52
jeblairkrotscheck: i do not believe we have correlated a segfault with an npm error18:52
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jeblair(the npm errors and the pypi error have manifested very differently; i would not assume they have the same cause)18:53
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rprakashKedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ pip install git-review Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): git-review in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): argparse in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from git-review) Requirement already satisfied (use --u18:54
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jeblairkrotscheck: if you supply timestamps for your attempts against ord, we can correlate those with log entries (but not me right now, i'm about to head to lunch)18:54
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fungirprakash: in that case it sounds like maybe git-review is not in your execution path. i really don't know the first thing about macintosh os, but hopefully someone else here who uses it knows what we're missing in the installation instructions there for it18:55
fungirprakash: it's ambitious to attempt to create a new openstack project without having helped write patches to existing openstack projects. usually people creating new projects in our ecosystem have previously worked on other existing projects in openstack before coming to the conclusion that they need to make another one18:55
Shrewscloudnull: what network is 1057bd4b-fa35-4848-ae8a-0a5dbe661303 ?18:55
rprakashpip install git-review --upgrade Requirement already up-to-date: git-review in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages Requirement already up-to-date: argparse in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from git-review) Requirement already up-to-date: requests>=1.1 in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from git-review)18:56
fungirprakash: it's also ambitious to attempt to develop software on something other than linux which is intended to only run on linux, so if you choose to use macintosh you may be fighting an uphill battle18:56
krotscheckjeblair: urgh, I don' thave those18:56
cloudnullShrews: thats the test net I've been using18:57
cloudnull -- that has all of the return from cloud.get_external_networks()18:57
mordredcloudnull: wow. yah. public_v4 should NEVER have your 10.x address18:57
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rprakashI tried it earlier in ubuntu and ran into issues any way at this time once I get the project created will try handle tasks differently as I can pss the handle to experts18:58
mordredcloudnull: oh - your ADMIN_TEST_NET is a provider net18:58
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cloudnullyes. its a vxlan type network18:59
mordredk. so, that's going to screw with our detection of the external qualities of the network18:59
mordredup until now, provider networks have only ever been public18:59
mordredso this is marking your ADMIN_TEST_NET network as an external network18:59
clarkbnote we do not use provider networks in our tenant/project/wordoftheday19:00
fungidoes anybody running git-review natively on mac osx happen to know why rprakash might see git saying review is not a valid subcommand even after doing a pip install git-review?19:00
clarkbwe have a single neutron private network thingy thta dhcps to VMs then floating IP those things19:00
Shrewsfungi: because OS X19:00
mordredcloudnull: is u'provider:physical_network': None what marks this as a private non-externally routable provider network?19:01
fungiShrews: someone added a subsection in our developer guide about installing git review on osx and other unix variants, but it just mentions the pip install step19:01
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clarkbfungi: rprakash if I were guessing the git install and the python git-review install do not share lookup paths so gits command automagic isn't working19:02
fungiso curious if there's more to do specifically on osx19:02
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cloudnullmordred: yes .19:02
mgagnecould it be that he has 2 git installed or 2 python installations and git isn't looking in the right python module path?19:02
clarkbbut thats a huge guess from someone that has never owned an apple product19:02
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cloudnullin the ml2 config that that item has a value it maps back to a physical device19:02
cloudnull**if that19:02
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Shrewsfungi: i do not know the answer, but that is how i have it installed and it WFM19:02
cloudnullotherwise its a private network19:03
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be more precise in our detection of provider networks
cloudnullall of this is using the linuxbridge agent.19:03
mordredcloudnull: ^^ that should fix that bit19:03
zarorprakash: it works fine for me, but i installed a while ago.19:03
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mordredand cause your external network to be reported properly19:03
zarorprakash: just did pip free on my mac and don't even see git-review.  maybe homebrew?19:04
mordredinternal network to be reported properly19:04
cloudnulltesting nwo19:04
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mordredmmm. meow19:04
* cloudnull cant type19:04
mordredmeow should always be tested19:04
clarkbmy typing driver is defective19:04
cloudnull -- right meow19:04
Shrewscloudnull: mordred: i was not aware that None was a valid value there. i don't think that's documented, or at least, i don't recall that in the docs19:05
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rprakashok let me checkup paths and any env I have not set - thanks clarkb & fungi19:06
cloudnullShrews:  i dont think we're doing anything to define it as none i think if its undefined it is just set as none19:07
cloudnullbut may be mistaken19:07
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zarorprakash: also if you plan to develop git-review on osx you'll need this change:
cloudnullmordred: that works19:08
mordredcloudnull: woot19:09
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rprakashzaro let me look into it - thanks19:09
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cloudnullnot that you want to see all this again
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Reverse logic on key_word selection in uuid_to_int migration
Shrewskamsz: sorry, back to your question re: live migration in shade...19:13
fungizaro: i think he's just trying to use git-review to propose a ne project addition into our gerrit, but good to keep in mind19:13
mordredcloudnull: woot. that output looks much more normal19:13
Shrewskamsz: currently supported, no. plans to support, not currently on our agenda19:13
cloudnullso i think that'll help quite abit with VMs not getting a FIP19:13
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be more precise in our detection of provider networks
Shrewskamsz: but we happily accept patches  :)19:13
* cloudnull is asuming.19:14
mordredShrews: ^^ there is that but now with tests19:14
mordredkamsz: ++ to patches19:14
rprakashKedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ whereis python /usr/bin/python Kedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ whereis git /usr/bin/git Kedars-Macbook:project-config pramchan$ whereis git-review19:15
zarofungi: ok, thought there was some mention of development.  anyways that makes me wonder how i'm able to use git-review at all now.19:16
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rprakashwhereis python /usr/bin/python whereis git /usr/bin/git  whereis git-review (no response for this)19:16
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fungimy guess is that pip install on mac osx doesn't install entrypoints into the usual execution paths... dstufft: do you happen to know?19:17
Shrewsmordred: don't we want an opposing check in the code below to include that provider net in the private nets?19:17
mordredShrews: probably good idea19:18
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Shrewsi mean, the logic there is hurting my head a bit, but i *think* that's sensible19:19
kamszShrews: thanks for the response :)19:21
krotscheckjeblair: I have a failure against ORD, the npm install run started around Thu May 19 19:02:04 UTC 2016, and it failed on fsevents19:23
dstufftfungi: depends on what your python thinks it should be19:23
cloudnullmordred: in testing that simple provider_net patch a few times all VMs are getting a FIP as expected.19:23
mordredcloudnull: woot! that's progress19:24
cloudnullI've only been testing w/ 25 at a time19:24
pabelangermordred: cloudnull: Just reading backscrool, yay for progress19:24
dstufftfungi: something like `python -m sysconfig | head -n 14` should tell you the scripts dir19:24
cloudnullbut it seems to be working19:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be more precise in our detection of provider networks
mordredShrews: there it is with the inverse logic added to the internal network portion19:24
cloudnullI've also been testing using gnu-parallel instead of py multiprocessing to ensure I have mutual exclusion between the processes in every run. and with that patch so far so good.19:24
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Display the meeting_id if present
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cloudnullpabelanger: I've now done 10 runs using 25 VMs and no leaked FIPS, no VMs without a FIP.19:29
cloudnulli dont know if that solves it for me, or my cloud is just being happier but, progress.19:29
clarkbcloudnull: mordred: but provider networks are not involved with our issue right?19:29
clarkb(sounds like we may have cuaght and fixed a different thing so yay but do we expect this to be related to nodepool's use of shade and osic?)19:29
pabelangercloudnull: very nice19:30
cloudnullclarkb:  i think they are inadvertently.19:30
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Shrewsmordred: that doesn't seem right19:30
cloudnullthe server dict was getting rewritten with an accessIPv4 address that was a private net19:30
cloudnullso it never requested a FIP19:31
* cloudnull atleast thats how its been in my tests.19:31
clarkbcloudnull: even when we don't use provider networks?19:31
clarkbcloudnull: the way our tenant is setup is a normal neutron netowrk thing with dhcp then floating IPs to that19:31
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mordredright. this patch does not fix our case19:33
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mordredbut it does fix an issue that cloudnull's testing uncovered19:33
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mordredwhich was an incorrect assumption about what we learn from provider network metadata19:34
mordredShrews: no? did I get the boolean's wrong?19:34
cloudnullclarkb:  even though the network is a tenant network the settings for provider networks is present19:34
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cloudnullyou should see something like this
Shrewsmordred: shouldn't that be OR before the provider check?19:35
Shrewsmordred: so router:external == False OR provider:physical_network == None19:36
cloudnullclarkb: nevermind as tenant you dont see that op19:36
cloudnullas an admin you do19:36
mordredShrews: no - I think both of them will always be that for internal networks19:37
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove the compass meeting
mordredif it's router:external == True, it's external. if it's provider:physical_network == vlan - it's external19:37
cloudnullShrews: which may explain the discrepency in the return output you were talking about.19:37
Shrewsmordred: but what if router:external is not present?19:37
mordredcloudnull: yah19:37
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mordredShrews: router:external should always be present, no?19:37
Shrewsmordred: dunno, but we have a check for it being present there19:37
mordredShrews: no - that's covered19:37
mordredShrews: that's in the ()s19:38
mordredShrews: although we could change that to be a get with a default value of False if that would be clearer19:38
Shrewsmordred: right, but if it is NOT present, we do an AND, which will fail19:38
mordredShrews: how about that?19:39
Shrewsthis sounds like an excellent opportunity for a test case19:39
mordredShrews: ++19:39
mordredShrews: well, a test case, ut also if we're arguing about the logic in the statement, then the code is not clear enough :)19:39
Shrewsmordred: totes19:40
mordredShrews: do you like the pasted version better for reading clarity19:40
Shrewsmordred: but i think your paste solves the problem19:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be more precise in our detection of provider networks
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Shrewsalso, i wasn't arguing. i was 'splainin'19:41
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zarofungi, dstufft : thanks, looks like everything is pointing to a homebrew install19:43
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove cue meeting
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mordredShrews: potato. potato19:43
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Shrewsmmm, potatoes19:46
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove hierarchical-multitenancy-meeting
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: fix the way we gather metadata
phschwartzAm I correct to assume that the cloud var for a provider in the nodepool config is used to associate a provider with an entry in clouds.yaml?19:48
Shrewsphschwartz: yes19:48
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove mercador meeting
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jrollwe still don't support constraints in post jobs yet, right?19:51
clarkbjroll: correct, jeblair mentioned he would review the change necessary to do that and I should probably go and rereview it19:51
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jrollclarkb: oh neat, thanks19:52
clarkbjroll: fwiw19:52
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update horizon dsvm tempest job
ildikovfungi: I have one more question regarding the custom image19:54
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add meeting_id to poppy and improve the description
ildikovfungi: by discussing our case with jroll I realised that our image is already built and ready and we don't need to rebuild it all the time19:55
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ildikovfungi: so basically the question would be whether there is a guideline on how to upload an image to
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove the trainers-team-meeting
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fungiildikov: that server is more for publishing things built in our automation. if the image already exists somewhere, then you should just be able to add the url for that in devstack (or a devstack plug-in)19:58
fungiildikov: though if your testing depends on something in that image, don't you also want to be able to confirm newer versions of that thing don't break your use case?19:59
fungiildikov: in which case periodically rebuilding it in the ci to update it might still make sense20:00
ildikovfungi: well, the change in it is to enable the watchdog device20:00
fungiildikov: e.g. modprobe (or custom compiled kernel)?20:00
ildikovfungi: I think it's modprobe20:01
fungiildikov: i assume this is the builtin kernel watchdog driver you're talking about anyway20:01
ildikovfungi: yeap20:01
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ildikovfungi: we didn't do too much magic, at least not for now20:02
fungicurious why your tempest test couldn't just ssh in and modprobe it in that case... the normal images used for existing tempest jobs don't include the kernel module for it?20:02
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ildikovit wasn't me who played with it, but the guys were complaining about some black list modules that they had to remove from there in order to be able to load the driver finally20:05
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ildikovI also wasn't sure how much they tolerate to play with the guest image after boot in the test20:07
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ildikovfungi: ^^20:07
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clarkbya I think having the test do what it needs is preferable to relying on another image20:10
clarkbor maybe update the single image in use to work in this case as well20:11
fungiildikov: right, if it was just a question of handling the modprobe blacklist entries, that should also be pretty doable over ssh. we're probably not getting a complete picture of the challenges they ran into but it would be good to discuss the results of that exercise first rather than just writing it off20:12
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ildikovfungi: sure, thanks for the heads up20:13
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ildikovfungi: I agree it would be better to live with the already available image so I will double check20:16
ildikovfungi: thanks for the help!20:16
fungiildikov: you're welcome!20:18
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ildikovclarkb: well, from the test case PoV the another image sounds better for me, but if we consider the dependencies and workflows to have one the ssh option (if works) is back in the game20:20
clarkbildikov: the problem with that is it means that you double your test infrastructure requirements for a single test20:21
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clarkbwhich is probably fine if necessary but likely not necessary in this case20:22
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ildikovclarkb: yeah, I meant that so I agree20:23
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ildikovclarkb: so I might need to annoy tempest people as well at a certain point, but I hope it will not be necessary :)20:24
ildikovclarkb: thanks20:25
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pabelangerclarkb: have a moment to help debug a mirror server? ( Having problems getting AFS to work correctly. is the IP20:26
clarkbpabelanger: in a few, trying to finish up zuul cloner review20:26
pabelangerclarkb: sure,20:26
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clarkberror handling has changed which is always fun to double check :)20:27
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clarkbjeblair: I reviewed the post pipeline zuul-cloner support change and it has two +2's but I didn't approve as you indicated you would review it too.20:31
clarkbpabelanger: ok what is the problem?20:31
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pabelangerclarkb: it doesn't look like /afs is responding on the server20:33
pabelangerclarkb: so, I am not sure if it is setup properly20:33
clarkbpabelanger: is it running ubuntu trusty?20:33
pabelangerclarkb: yes20:33
pabelangerclarkb: I used the cloud-image20:33
clarkbif so check the kernel version, iirc the hardware support newer kernel didn't dkms with afs package properly20:33
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pabelangerclarkb: openafs modules is compiled and installed. There is also afs processes running20:36
clarkbpabelanger: btw that name doesn't resolve for me, have an ip addr?20:37
pabelangerclarkb: however ls /afs/ currently hangs. Wonder if it is downloading bits20:37
clarkboh you printed that earlire too, derp20:37
clarkbkernel version is the one I expect (3.13.something)20:38
pabelangerI see traffic between afs01.dfw.o.o, but pretty slow20:38
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openstackgerritMatt Mulsow proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add support for bonded interfaces with a static IP.
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clarkbpabelanger: I think this is beyond my afs debugging skills20:40
pabelangerclarkb: okay, thanks for looking20:41
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clarkbpabelanger: mtr doesn't show anything imeedaitely funny between there and afs01.dfw.openstack.org20:45
clarkbpabelanger: there is NAT in the way though20:45
zigopabelanger: Hi there! Could you help me to figure out why I get the gating result as UNSTABLE ?
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zigoI don't get what's going on ...20:47
clarkbpabelanger: actually if I mtr the other direction they look like different paths?20:47
clarkbpabelanger: which may possibly make NAT unhappy20:48
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clarkband prevent a potential stateful treatment of the udp packets as broken20:48
clarkbfungi: ^20:48
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pabelangerclarkb: interesting20:49
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pabelangerzigo: I'll have a look in a bitt20:51
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clarkbpabelanger: sometimes routers/firewalls pretend udp is stateful and get over zealous about where the packets come from, I do not know if that is the case here with afs20:53
clarkbpabelanger: but the paths do seem to differ depending on direction20:53
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fungiclarkb: pabelanger: yes, afaik afs gets unhappy with complex address translation setups20:57
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clarkbpabelanger: I am not sure how to debu that further without better access to the machine running NAT21:02
clarkbpabelanger: maybe we can recruit the tripleoers to do some packet captures there?21:02
pabelangerclarkb: sure, I'll reach out to them in the morning. But think that is a good place to start21:02
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: Thanks for the help. Stepping away for some food21:04
openstackgerritKaiyan Sheng proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [Monasca]Add Tempest Jobs as non-voting for monasca repos
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phschwartzShrews: The  net-label in the networks section of a provider for nodepool is just the name of a network to use correct?21:08
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fungiphschwartz: yes21:09
phschwartzfungi: ty21:09
clarkband you can specify more than one if you want hosts to have multiple nics21:09
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nwkarste_does nodepool support v3 authentication?21:14
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clarkbnwkarste_: yes. More specifically it pushes that down into the client libs so as long as your client libs are new enough v3 should just work21:15
clarkbwe run at least one cloud with v321:15
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clarkbnwkarste_: you may need to use os-client-config with a cloud specified in nodepoo.yaml though in order to get the domain stuff passed in properly21:18
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jeblairclarkb, Nakato: i don't understand why we're adding the project_revision argument21:19
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nwkarste_clarkb: yep i've set that up. this is the error i'm getting
jeblairjhesketh: ^21:20
clarkbjeblair: that is what specifies that specific revision to checkout which is the data we get in post21:20
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jeblairclarkb: that's in ZUUL_NEWREV21:20
jeblairclarkb: er ZUUL_REF21:20
jeblairwell, both in a way21:20
clarkbnwkarste_: is the domain name or domain id specified in your clouds.yaml?21:21
jeblairclarkb: ggp logic is "if zuul_newrev, checkout zuul_ref".  i'm wondering why that is unsatisfactory21:21
clarkbjeblair: I am guessing to make it more genericer? I know tripleo was looking at something that was basically z-c at one point that didn't require a full zuul env21:21
clarkbwe could likely support both things though21:22
nwkarste_clarkb: i have the domain_name21:22
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clarkbnwkarste_: can you sahre your clouds.yaml and remove the sensitive bits?21:22
clarkbnwkarste_: let me find an example of ours for you too21:23
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jeblairclarkb: i'm pretty sure only 5 people understand our 3-level override system today, so i'm hesitant to add another level if it's not needed21:24
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clarkbnwkarste_: is what ours looks like using v321:24
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clarkbnwkarste_: looks like project_domain_name should be part of the auth dict21:24
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nwkarste_clarkb: i will give that a shot21:25
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clarkbjeblair: thats fair, to be more like the normal operations of z-c it would accept both the env var and a cli arg right? do you just want to rename the cli arg to match the env var?21:25
clarkband I guess there would be a singleton not many values?21:26
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update horizon dsvm tempest job
jeblairclarkb: i think those env vars are already supported.  i get the logic behind doing the "project_revisions[project]=newrev" bit internally -- that's explained in the review history as wanting to avoid lots of errors if zc is used for multiple projects; i think i'm just thinking that exposing it as an option is premature without a really good use case21:27
clarkbjeblair: z-c supports that with branches though right?21:27
jeblairclarkb: mostly because i *really* don't want to have to unwind it when someone comes through with "but when i set --project-revision foo=bar my job works!" :)21:27
clarkbI think its trying to match that existing functionality with the more direct ref, maybe they get collapsed into a single thing21:28
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, there's a project-branches argument to handle the cross-branch testing case21:28
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jeblairclarkb: left comment on change; lemme know if that makes sense21:31
nwkarste_clarkb: same issue. here's the current clouds.yaml
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clarkbnwkarste_: maybe you need to set the user domain name too?21:33
clarkbnwkarste_: you'll see that in our clouds.yaml I linked21:33
mordredmwhahaha: yes. you also need user_domain_name21:33
mordredwhich also needs to be in the auth dict in clouds.yaml21:33
lifelesskashyap: guestfish needs the ability to make a vm, which is a root-like ability, but still the argument for it doesn't make sense for dib applications21:34
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clarkbjeblair: makes sense to me, lets see what Nakato says21:34
mordrednwkarste_: ^^ I meant that for you, not mwhahaha21:34
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mordrednwkarste_: you can use the same value as you have for project_domain_name most likely21:35
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nwkarste_mordred: thanks21:36
phschwartzHas there been changes recently to the smtp notifier in zuul? My layout's that use it are failing after an update.21:37
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clarkbphschwartz: possibly the connections changes which merged about 6 months ago21:39
clarkbnot sure if that is recent :)21:39
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phschwartzclarkb: no, what ever this is has to be in the past 2 months21:40
phschwartzclarkb: I was hoping someone knew off hand, I will start code surfing till I find the issue21:41
fungiphschwartz: what is the nature of the failure you're observing?21:41
fungiis it a parsing error, or a runtime issue?21:41
fungiis there a particular error message associated with it, or is the issue simply a change in observed behavior?21:42
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phschwartzfungi: config parsing error21:48
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phschwartzThat is the trace while testing the config.21:49
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phschwartzfungi: And even more interesting, a --version actually says "Zuul version: 2.1.1.dev169" on both the running system and the new one21:50
fungiphschwartz: what does that pipeline's config look like?21:51
fungido you have keys under smtp: other than from:, to: and subject:?21:52
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phschwartzfungi: here is the first entry from pipelines that it is complaining about.
aimeeuLooking for help - I need to delete a pad on  - do I have to open a bug so an administrator can do that?21:53
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fungiphschwartz: what's the next line after that? is it maybe incorrectly indented too far? (perhaps after a comment line?)21:56
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fungiaimeeu: does it contain sensitive or legally restricted data?21:57
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fungiphschwartz: another possibility... different distro/release? we've noticed some validation differences between precise and trusty21:58
aimeeufungi: my supervisor feels it contains sensitive data21:58
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phschwartzfungi: looking at the next line, and both are 14.0421:59
aimeeufungi: so I need the history erased21:59
fungiaimeeu: i'm about to step out for a while to eat, would need to take some time revisiting how i've deleted pads there in the past since it's probably been a couple years. one of our other sysadmins may recall the magic involved in doing that though22:00
phschwartzfungi: next line is a blank line, line after that is a propperly indented "- name: test" for another pipeline22:00
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fungiphschwartz: yep, i'm out of ideas then. i guess recheck current assumptions22:01
phschwartzfungi: I am going to start from a clean layout and build it up and see what happens22:01
fungiphschwartz: you indicate that the systems and configs should be identical, but obviously there's some difference which matters. when i get in that situation i usually discover i've made an incorrect assumption in that regard22:02
openstackgerritKaiyan Sheng proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [Monasca]Add Tempest Jobs as non-voting for monasca repos
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aimeeufungi: I found the instructions but an admin needs to run the command
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fungiaimeeu: oh! i guess i documented that after all22:03
fungigit blame says i added that 3 years ago22:03
fungihere's hoping it still works with current etherpad versions22:04
fungiaimeeu: feel free to privately /msg me the pad url22:04
phschwartzfungi: I copied the layout over from one to the other, only difference is when puppet apply was run (3 months apart)22:04
openstackgerritKaiyan Sheng proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [Monasca]Add Tempest Jobs as non-voting for monasca repos
aimeeufungi: thanks - will do!22:04
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nwkarste_clarkb: still getting the expecting domain in project error. i've formatted my clouds.yaml to look like your example
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clarkbnwkarste_: and you are using the domain name and not id there?22:07
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nwkarste_yeah. i was able to glance image-list using those same credentials22:08
clarkbglance supports clouds.yaml?22:08
fungiaimeeu: it's deleted successfully22:08
clarkbnwkarste_: can you use openstackclient with it?22:08
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fungiaimeeu: let me know if you need any further help with that situation22:08
aimeeufungi: thank you! you've saved my job (well, not that dire but you understand)22:09
nwkarste_clarkb: no but i used those credentials in the call22:09
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clarkbnwkarste_: right but these are completely different code ptahs, try with openstackclient as they should be similar there22:09
fungiaimeeu: i've been in the same situation more than once, totally know how it feels!22:10
clarkbnwkarste_: `openstack --os-cloud nwkarste image list`22:10
fungianyway, now i'm stepping out for an hour or so to find foodishness22:10
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nwkarste_clarkb: that works22:13
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add helper to find full slots and pep8 check
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clarkbnwkarste_: I am not sure then, you can try turning on shade debug logging wich should trace all the requests, it gets noisy but will give you a lot more info22:16
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clarkbnwkarste_: also did you restart nodepool after making those edits? I do not know if the clouds.yaml changes are automaticall picked up by nodepool22:17
nwkarste_clarkb: i didn't restart. i will try that first22:17
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clarkbif it doesn't pick up clouds.yaml changes without a restart I think we would consider that a bug22:24
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nwkarste_clarkb: restarting didn't work. i did get the error here though
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clarkbnwkarste_: ok, then I don't know what is going on. My best suggestion is try running with shade debug logging and review the logs of the requests to galnce22:27
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update horizon dsvm tempest job
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Estimate job runtimes internally
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jeblairclarkb, Shrews, pabelanger, jhesketh: ^ we're going to want that if we don't want to lose a user-facing feature in zuulv2.522:29
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Estimate job runtimes internally
jeblairfungi: cendora!  nice!22:31
jeblairfungi: (though, are you sure it isn't 'fentos' [the freshmaker!]?)22:31
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jeblairjhesketh: morning! i refreshed those 2 zuulv2.5 changes and added the above ^22:44
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jheskethjeblair: cool22:44
jheskethWill take a look22:45
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Estimate job runtimes internally
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prometheanfireianw: please don't abandon things without contacting first23:20
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prometheanfireianw: and it IS needed because of how the element dependencies are set up in nodepool23:21
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prometheanfireianw: openstack-repos/element-deps deps on node-devstack23:24
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ianwprometheanfire: devstack isn't the right place to maintain package lists for non-devstack platforms.  we should come up with some other ideas23:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: include PATH
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prometheanfireianw: the other option would be to split the prepare-node call out into it's own thing23:26
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prometheanfireianw: I think that's what you were talking about when you added that dependency23:27
prometheanfire6cab81fec4bc686b1f4ee58f56f890ef40d68517 for refrence23:27
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prometheanfireianw: would that be acceptable?23:30
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jeblairfrom ansbile:  "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!"   whoops.23:32
jeblairthat, um, is probably going to happen a lot.23:33
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prometheanfireyou can tell it to ignore iirc23:34
jeblairyeah, looks like we want to set env var ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false23:34
mgagne[defaults]/host_key_checking = False too23:34
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jeblairah, thx23:34
mgagneyou can have a global ansible.cfg in your home23:35
jeblairoh, hrm, i have that set; i think this might be coming from something else...23:35
jeblairyeah, it's from synchronize, which is separate...23:35
jeblairoh, that's all configured correctly; it's just a warning (that i guess we're going to see a lot of)23:37
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: create parent directories for SCP
mordredjeblair: oh goodie23:42
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prometheanfireianw: I'm thinking prepare-node does more then set up the jenkins user...23:43
ianwprometheanfire: i'm thinking about this at
jeblairmordred: ya, we might need to do something about redirecting the known_hosts file to keep things from getting insane23:44
mordredjeblair: ++23:44
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mordredjeblair: isn't there a combo of telling ssh to auto-accept but also pointing known_hosts at /dev/null so that it accepts but writes to bong and avoids warnings?23:45
prometheanfireianw: right23:46
mordredjeblair: next time a job starts, could you pop the ip into channel? I wanna watch a job stream while it's active, not just after the fact23:46
mordredjeblair: unless you don't want to - then don't23:47
notmorganmordred: StrictHostKeyChecking no23:47
jeblairmordred: you mean symlink the known_hosts file?23:47
notmorganmordred: and -q23:47
mordredjeblair: yah23:47
jeblairnotmorgan: stricthostkeychecking means 'write the key to the file but don't check it'23:47
notmorganjeblair: right i don't think you can say "don't write it"23:47
jeblairnotmorgan: so we'll end up with millions of keys in the file, and a warning each time we connect to any host23:47
notmorganjeblair: or at least i didn't see an option23:47
notmorganjeblair: symlink to /dev/null23:48
notmorganjeblair: and -q makes it not warn23:48
mordrednotmorgan: does -q have a .ssh/config value?23:48
notmorganhm.. looking23:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: add -q to rsync ssh command
mordredLogLevel QUIET23:49
mordredjeblair: ^^23:49
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notmorganmordred: there23:49
jeblairthat's actually where we're seeing the warnings (i think maybe ansible handles it the rest of the time -- but it's an issue there because we're using local_command)23:49
notmorganmordred: alias with -q23:49
notmorganjeblair: ah.23:50
mordredjeblair: yes. that's it23:50
jeblairmordred, notmorgan: it would be nice to use known_hosts when zuul talks to gerrit (this won't happen in our setup because they are different zuul hosts, but it would in a zuul all-in-one)23:50
notmorganjeblair: so.23:50
jeblairmordred, notmorgan: it would also be nice to use it when talking to static.o.o when we publish artifacts23:50
notmorganjeblair: i have an option for that. give me a sec23:50
notmorganjeblair: basically, set in sshconfig host patterns we want the knownhost file to be used23:51
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notmorganjeblair: and then patterns we don't, set UserKnownHostFile to /dev/null where you don't want it used23:51
notmorganjeblair: and stricthostkeychecking back on for those23:51
jeblairnotmorgan: that sounds very workable, cool23:51
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notmorganjeblair: do you have a pattern for hosts/hostnames that we use that we want this for?23:51
notmorgani'll come up with an example then do some puppet/sysconfig things to make ti a deal23:52
jeblairnotmorgan: not right now -- i think we can punt on this for the moment and do better in v323:52
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notmorganthe example is something i can have one of the lovely infra-root folks test in either case.23:52
jeblair(where it will be different anyway, and for the moment, i'm okay with jenkins equivalency (which is don't care))23:52
notmorganwell, i mean.. do we always have .o.o as a hostname for things we careabout?23:52
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notmorganand then ips for everything else?23:52
notmorgancause ... i can work with that easily23:52
notmorganand we can carry it forward.23:53
jeblairnotmorgan: possibly, for the moment.23:53
jeblairthat could work yeah23:53
notmorganok cool i'll do something like that and test it here (quickly) then post a paste up and if it looks right, i'll figure out puppet-y things :)23:53
notmorganshould be a quick diversion to do.23:53
jeblairmordred: if you're around for 15 mins, i'll divert another few jobs to v25 and like you to a console23:54
mordredjeblair: woot!23:54
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update horizon dsvm tempest job
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jeblairmordred: nc 808823:59
jeblairmordred: nc 808823:59
jeblairthat's a build:gate-keystone-python34-db and build:gate-tempest-dsvm-full respectively23:59

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