Friday, 2016-03-18

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prometheanfirehopefully jjb is updated00:01
prometheanfireand reviews are timing out (adding recheck comment)00:02
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clarkbits queued...00:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add missing Gemfile to the project
prometheanfirenice :D00:05
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afaranhahey guys, I made a mistake in comiting code with credentials, can someone delete the patch?
afaranhafungi, could you help on this?00:10
clarkbafaranha: no, you should change the credentials00:10
afaranhaI sent a second path erasing the credentials, but the first patch still have it00:10
clarkbits already been mirrored and anyone could have it00:10
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clarkbthe only safe path is to update your creds00:11
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afaranhaclarkb, oh dammit =/00:11
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afaranhaclarkb, thanks, I'm gonna change it ASAP00:11
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fungiyes, all proposed changes, even if they're not merged, are still replicated to our git mirrors and github00:16
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JayFre: IPA failures:
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clarkbsilly docker00:20
afaranhaclarkb, Thank you, I already change it.00:21
JayFtl;dr: docker package requires apparmor, doesn't declare the dep00:21
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JayFonce apt-get install apparmor runs we're golden00:21
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JayFAssuming you all probably did spring cleaning on the images to slim them up?00:21
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JayFLike installing apparmor in lib/ironic won't break other jobs, should it?00:21
JayFjust making sure not having that package installed was a size-decision not a technical one00:22
clarkbJayF: we have switched to dib built images across the board and they start with deboostrap00:22
fungiJayF: we moved from images based on ubuntu's cloud images to images based on a debootstrap minbase00:22
clarkbalso for most all our testing selinux/apparmor just gets turned off iirc00:22
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JayF ugh, apparently it's the same package for deb and for ubu00:23
JayFso their "fix" was to document the dependency rather than properly build the right package00:23
fungias part of the effort to stop maintaining more than one image for a single distro release00:23
clarkb14 images to upload, at this rate it may never end :/00:23
JayFOK, we're going to install apparmor with docker then, fun times00:24
jrollclarkb: you can kill ubuntu-trusty-ovh-bhs1-8847643 when you have a sec, thank you :)00:25
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fungiso... many... ballots00:26
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Expose nodepool-builder workers settings
SamYaplefungi: pull a florida in 2000 and loss 'em00:27
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SamYapleJayF: are you sture docker requires it? i know i dont run with apparmor installed on my servers00:28
clarkbjust about every upload is failing :(00:28
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clarkbOpenStackCloudException: Failed at action (upload_segment) [Unauthorized. Check username, password and tenant name/id.]00:28
mordredclarkb: uhm00:29
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mordredclarkb: that seems bad00:29
mordredclarkb: did something change?00:29
clarkbI should update that to write which image00:29
clarkbmordred: not that I know of00:29
SamYaplemordred: did you use image tasks :P00:29
JayFSamYaple: yes, and depending on your distro it may be different00:29
mordredSamYaple: we do on clouds that require them00:29
JayFSamYaple: apparmor doesn't have to be enabled; just has to be installed00:29
JayFSamYaple: or it fails to start00:29
mordredclarkb: yah - cloud name, region name and image name would be useful00:30
SamYapleJayF: 14.04, 15.10, and 16.04 (beta) apparmor is not installed00:30
SamYapleJayF: which docker version00:30
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JayFSamYaple: see:
JayFSamYaple: it's an upstream bug, it's in their docs to install it00:30
JayFSamYaple: I think it's unique to the upstream package vs the distro package00:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Refactor create_image in prep for import from url
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mordredclarkb: ^^ that's step one in adding import_from support00:31
SamYapleJayF: i use upstream not distro though. we dont have this bug in kolla which is all upstream00:31
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JayFSamYaple: strange; but jroll and I just observed the behavior00:31
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JayFSamYaple: pretty cut and dry, and our behavior matches that in the issue exactly00:31
SamYapleJayF: let me verify again on a fresh vm00:31
pabelangerfungi: did you see my reply for gerrit admin yesterday?  I only ask since there is a current request on the ML I could handle00:31
JayFSamYaple: have you checked your gate recently?00:32
SamYaplebut is it the latest version?00:32
JayFSamYaple: I'm submitting this patch; you're welcome to vote on it :)00:32
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Better service description
mordredclarkb: follow up patch that adds the rest coming - wanted to make sure the switching logic was solid first00:32
SamYapleyes we run many gates a day00:32
ianw^ there's my tilting at windmills exercise for the day00:32
fungitristanC: how pabelanger yep, i can add you now, though someone else would need to help you out if you get stuck. i'm pretty wiped out tonight00:32
fungier, pabelanger: ^00:32
fungisorry tristanC, bad tab complete00:33
pabelangerfungi: works for me00:33
JayFSamYaple: looks like I was exact opposite00:33
JayFSamYaple: we install distro package, you use upstream00:33
JayFSamYaple: which would explain the diff in behavior00:33
SamYaplethat makes sense00:33
JayFSamYaple: (and make this a ubuntu bug moreso than a docker one)00:33
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SamYaplei rememebr that bug00:33
anteayatonyb: first person added to a gerrit group can add whoever they wish, unless it is an infra group00:33
SamYapleupstream needs no apparmor00:33
JayFSamYaple: I'm not opposed to switching to the new one; but for now going to install apparmor and stop the bleeding :)00:33
anteayatonyb: in which case infra ptl says who can be addtional members00:34
ianwpabelanger: alright, i think my glean early start works.  we could try this by building an image with my patch ... but i'm going to need someone to kick of a fresh centos7 build.  interested?00:34
SamYapleJayF: you do what you need to, i dont know the context. i was just perking up beacause i saw docker00:34
tonybanteaya: okay I wasn't sure how that side of things worked.00:34
anteayatonyb: yep00:34
anteayafair enough00:34
JayFSamYaple: tl;dr: ironic-python-agent builds it's ramdisk in docker00:34
JayFSamYaple: actually pretty cool use of it (I designed it, I should know, hahahhahaha) :P00:34
tonybanteaya: it's all uncharted waters for me :)00:34
pabelangerianw: Sure, give me a few minutes.00:34
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ianwpabelanger: alright, let me propose the change00:35
anteayatonyb: you're doing well00:35
SamYapleJayF: cool. Kolla deploys all of openstack in docker. also pretty cool use of docker :D00:35
anteayatonyb: just say arrrr and weild your sword menacingly00:35
ianwoh ... hang on, the builder will probably need to restart too00:35
anteayatonyb: everyone will think you know what you're doing00:35
fungipabelanger: you are now a gerrit admin. there's not a lot different you'll notice, other than the ability to modify projects/acls (don't, this should be handled through git), add/remove anyone from any group, and delete votes from other users on any change00:35
tonybanteaya: I have a couple of katana's if that helps :)  they're not very "pirate" :)00:36
anteayabring 'em along00:36
fungipabelanger: also the /monitoring url will now be reachable, where javamelody monitoring can be found00:36
anteayathey can't hurt00:36
* tonyb wonders what US customs would think ;p00:36
JayFSamYaple: just fyi
JayFSamYaple: go to .. and look at the Makefile if you wanna see the full flow :)00:37
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Log image build and upload fails better
clarkbmordred: ^00:37
pabelangerfungi: great, and added user too00:38
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test centos-7 with earlier glean start
fungialso, i don't think i'm alert enough to handle a zuul restart tonight. if there's someone on a more compatible timezone comfortable taking the usual steps for saving/restarting/requeuing once it's looking a little more idle, please do00:39
ianwpabelanger: ^ that's what we'll need to roll out00:39
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pabelangerianw: if clarkb is cool with ^ I can help push it through00:40
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clarkbcan we test that without changing nodepool's things?00:41
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ianwi'm really not sure how00:43
ianwunless someone has a better idea why it's not registering00:43
pabelangerI didn't even know you could do that for dib patch reviews00:43
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ianwi have an image in with that in IAD, but i'm not sure how we could get nodepool to try and use it00:44
* tonyb hopes anteaya will chuckle when she reads my email00:44
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pabelangerianw: so, the issue is not centos-7 getting an IP address right?00:45
pabelangerbecause I can see that in nodepool00:45
* anteaya looks forward to tonyb's email00:46
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anteayaI loves a good chuckle00:46
ianwpabelanger: that's just what nodepool thinks about it ... the instance needs to bring it's interface up with that IP00:46
clarkbianw: pabelanger registration is all in jenkins and gearman00:46
clarkbnodepool should be unrelated00:46
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pabelangerianw: Ah, I see00:47
ianwwell, you know what i mean, getting a external instance into the whole thing00:47
anteayatonyb: us customs hates everything00:47
anteayatonyb: don't show them an apple00:47
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anteayathey can't deal wtih apples00:47
clarkbhowever nodepool sshes into the machine before adding it to jenkins00:47
pabelangerright, that is what is failing according to logs00:48
clarkbso ssh would have to fail before anything else, you can just check nodepool logs to see if that is happening00:48
ianwclarkb: right, which is what's timing out, right?00:48
clarkbianw: I dunno just tryingto catch up based on that commit message00:48
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anteayatonyb: thanks, worth it00:48
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ianwclarkb: sorry, registering is probably the wrong word, what i mean is that initial ssh is timing out, because we take too long to brin gup the network00:49
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clarkbso ya if it takes longer than 2 minutes to get working networking then that could cause nodepool to timeout00:49
SamYapleJayF: cool will review00:49
pabelangerif the IP eventually happens, we could up our SSH timeout to confirm00:50
pabelangerwe default to 60sec00:50
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clarkbthe first thing I would check is ya does the networking eventually come up in both cases?00:50
clarkbone longer tha nthe other probably00:50
clarkbif so then use the shorter one00:51
ianwclarkb: yes ... it's just that it tries to automatically configure eth0 with dhcp ... that times out, *then* glean gets called and reads the config drive and ups the interface00:51
clarkboh! rackspace00:51
SamYapleJayF: where are those published? whats teh size?00:51
ianwclarkb: yes.  this is why i wanted to start with just rax first, because something always goes wrong :)00:52
clarkbianw: ya I agree then that getting it in before networking ups seems the right method00:52
sc`how can i see httpd logs on a failed centos build to see why it didn't start?00:52
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ianwsc`: what job?00:53
sc`it has a few Depends-Ons00:53
ianwsc`: hmm, well if that job doesn't copy the logs, you can't really.  devstack-gate type jobs do00:53
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Publish election data to governance.o.o
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sc`so how might i extract these particular logs?00:54
pabelangerdepending on how JJB is configured for your job, will get upload into swift00:55
ianwsc`: well, you'll have to rework the job to copy out the logs00:55
clarkbthe way the nodepool builder is designed makes it tricky to reload configs00:56
fungiokay, now i'm sad. somehow i missed getting a patch into a packaging-rpm repo, so only 9 ptl ballots for me this time around :/00:56
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pabelangersc`: they would appear in the logs folder:
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clarkbwe can't inotify because apparently thats terrible with the GIL00:56
pabelangerif you job-template had the publisher00:56
ianwsc`: without looking at the job, you'll want to put anything of interest into $WORKSPACE/logs and that will get copied out00:56
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sc`hm. i think i see where another developer had this same issue. digging into that00:56
sc`there could be a solution on the other side of this rabbit hole00:56
pabelangersc`: look into the puppet-jobs job-template, they do a good job with managing log files00:57
ianwsc`: see, you've got nothing to copy ->
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ianwISTR EmilienM wrote a log collector that was pretty generic and got a lot of stuff00:58
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish election data to static server
anteayafungi: I'm so sorry :(00:59
fungii'll get over it00:59
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anteayaI'm putting money on you were over it before you hit the enter key01:00
anteayayou're a fast healer01:00
fungiyou've got me there01:00
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ianwgetting odd vote requests is like a trip down memory lane ... oh yeah, i remember that bug01:02
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ianwclarkb: what's supposed to happen with eth1 on rax?01:03
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clarkbianw: its the private net01:04
ianwyeah, for some reason, glean+centos7 doesn't like it01:05
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pabelangerianw: okay, so to recap, 294346 is on hold for the moment?01:15
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test centos-7 with earlier glean start
ianwpabelanger: ^ oh, doh, converted to yaml01:17
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pabelangerclarkb: sorry, just to confirm again, you do or don't want to do the following? ^01:20
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clarkbI dont like using unreleased glean like that but its only one image and temporary so can live with it01:28
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clarkbpabelanger: if you go ahead with it remember nodepool builder needs a restart once the current uploads complete01:29
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, I'll monitor here01:45
ianwok, i see why eth1 isn't coming up.  one element adds the interface file, another one deletes just eth0, leaving us with a configured dhcp eth1.  urgh01:45
ianwsometimes you wonder how anything ever works at all01:46
greghaynesianw: element? glean should be adding config for all the interfaces it sees as active and are in config drive01:46
ianwgreghaynes: this is during dib build01:47
pabelangerianw: does that affect 294346 or are you ready?01:47
ianwsimple-init deletes the interface files01:47
ianwpabelanger: no, it just explains why eth1 doesn't come up01:47
pabelangerianw: okay, will merge and restart builder01:47
ianwgreghaynes: ^ centos-minimal adds them, everyone is confused01:47
greghaynesianw: oh, so what is happening is that glean sees the interface file and then decides to not configure that interface?01:48
ianwgreghaynes: yep!01:48
greghaynesgot it01:48
greghaynesso, I kind of hate that behavior in glean01:48
greghaynesit bites us all the time and I think glean should do what you ask it to, not try and infer based on system state01:49
ianwwell, it's systemd that doesn't let it get that far since we have a condition=!/path/to/interface/file01:49
ianwgreghaynes: although, isn't helping unraveling this :)01:50
ianwi was immediately suspicious we'd somehow engaged the systemd dhcp client or something similarly stupid01:50
greghaynesyea, the output is... not good01:51
* ianw apologises to systemd for jumping to the conclusion it was at fault01:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Test centos-7 with earlier glean start
pabelangerianw: do you want to get a revert up for ^ too and mark WIP?01:53
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ianwpabelanger: i can, i don't think we're going to forget about it :)01:58
pabelangerianw: mostly to help others I guess :)01:59
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Test centos-7 with earlier glean start"
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krotscheckclarkb: Nope, I had to shift to daycare mode.02:49
krotscheckclarkb: I'll start again in the morning.02:49
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pabelangercentos-7 dib finished building, uploading to rax now02:53
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SamYaplepabelanger: is that automated running somewhere producing a status? or a manual operation02:54
pabelangerSamYaple: usually automated, 14hrs UTC each day02:54
pabelangerso, doing it manually for ianw tonight02:54
pabelangersadly, not exposed public yet02:55
pabelangerthere is a patch to nodepool to add it to html02:55
SamYaplecool. just curious02:55
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pabelangerSamYaple: is the most we currently expose02:55
pabelangerwhich are DIB logs02:55
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armaxmtreinish: ping03:27
armaxmtreinish: from when I want to link on OpenStack-Health the link actually goes to:
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armaxmtreinish: did something get wrong in openstack-infra/system-config03:29
timothyb89armax: mtreinish: I've got a patch up to fix that:
armaxtimothyb89: ack03:29
armaxtimothyb89: thanks03:29
armaxtimothyb89: indeed the reviews link is broken too, as it points to bugday03:31
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pabelangerianw: success03:37
pabelangercentos-7 online03:37
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pabelangerianw: do you have a patch to test?03:37
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pabelangerianw: okay, found 286357 and did check experimental03:40
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pabelangerGoing to detox with some TV, will check back shortly03:44
pabelangerbut centos-7 jobs seems to be working right now03:44
pabelangerwill work on adding puppet-apply experimental jobs in the morning03:45
ianwpabelanger: sweet!03:46
pabelangerianw: indeed03:46
pabelangerso, your patch looks good I guess03:47
ianwwell, yeah, we can cleanup next week.  i'll get some follow-up stuff out today for dib, just finishing build tests now03:47
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pabelangerianw: okay, anything else for me tonight?03:47
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pabelangerI'll check your patches in the morning before my PTO :)03:47
ianwpabelanger: no, i think we got enough done for one day :)03:47
pabelangersee you monday03:48
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Nakatopleia2: I hear you may know things about cross-project Depends-On and how that functions.  I'm working on getting constraints doing that on unit test jobs.03:53
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masayukigHi, It seems the OpenStack-Health api server is something wrong now. Can we get the log to debug?03:59
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clarkbNakato: it should work already due to our use of zuul cloner04:09
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clarkbNakato: the way it works is for every project in the chain a zuul ref is created for each of them then it is up to the job to fetch and checkout that ref04:12
Nakatoclarkb: At the very least I need to do some work so constraints doesn't interfere with the cross-project depends-on.  But from what I can tell, the depends on I'm testing with didn't check out a copy of the other project anywhere.04:12
clarkbzuul-cloner does this out of the box04:12
lifelessclarkb: for unit tests we don't checkout, nor install, the zuul refs04:13
clarkblifeless: we do04:13
clarkbwith zuul cloner04:13
lifelessclarkb: oh? We didn't use to04:13
clarkbwe did as part of constraints04:13
lifelessclarkb: where do they go on disk?04:13
clarkbits only the requirements repo and the project under test04:13
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NakatoOf a project yes, I can see that, but what if Neutron has a depends-on that points to oslo.config?04:14
clarkbthat wont ever work04:14
lifelessclarkb: so thats *we don't checkout nor install the zuul refs'!04:14
clarkblifeless: no...04:14
clarkbwe do04:14
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lifelessclarkb: so, taking nakato's example. Where does oslo.config get put on disk ?04:14
clarkbfor the two projects that are setup by zuul cloner04:14
clarkbthat was not the original scenario04:15
clarkbthe original scenario was with conatraints04:15
lifelessclarkb: I know.04:15
clarkbwhich we do04:15
lifelessclarkb: we're going in circles.04:15
clarkbthe question was very clwarly make constraints work with depends on and it should via zuul cloner04:16
lifelessclarkb: lets say that we wanted a job that would permit this (I know it can't be the main neutron unit test job), but lets say a parallel one that has the unit test equivalent of LIBS_FROM_GIT=everything04:16
clarkbtheb you have to not install with the default pip stuff04:16
clarkband instead preinstall all the things via source checkouts of the zuul ref04:16
lifelessclarkb: constraints can install those things as long as we call edit-constrains04:17
lifeless was a change I started in this space04:17
lifelessbut it stalled after I was told I was doing it all wrong... without any suggestion on how to do it right.04:18
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clarkbfor unittests etc I think what we do today is the right way04:19
clarkbif you want an integration test make an explicit integration test04:19
lifelessclarkb: we've got several scenarios where we want to do more than we do today04:19
lifelessone is the stadium jobs04:19
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lifelessa conceptually separate but might share implementation is the horizon xstatic situation where they can't even *test* that their stuff will pass unit tests when xstatic releases04:20
clarkbright just explicitly have a neutron stadium integration test that checks out and installs the stadium then runs some test suite04:20
lifelessand identical but more general to that is all the things using oslo04:20
lifelesswhere we check 'next release will be ok' by running a script in travis04:21
clarkbbut unittests dont fit that criteria04:22
lifelessin what way don't they ?04:22
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lifelessthe script in travis runs the unit test suites of projects that use oslo04:22
clarkbthe python tests themselves but the whole wrapper and jobs dont04:22
clarkbthe reason is you eant one single job for the entire stadium that does X and possibly another for Y04:23
clarkbyou dont want anX job and a Y job per project04:23
lifelessso putting stadium aside04:23
clarkbthen you run that same job on all the projects in the group04:24
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: centos-minimal: Disable creation of eth0/eth1 interface scripts
lifelessclarkb: I'm not following. I believe Nakato got onto this particular thread from the discussions a couple weeks ago during the bug smash about horizon04:26
lifelessclarkb: so lets make this a concrete question04:26
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lifelessclarkb: we want to be able to assess - in the infra infrastructure, not some out-of-system-adhoc thing04:27
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lifelessclarkb: whether the next release of a given xstatic project will break horizon, both devstack and unit tests04:27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: centos-minimal: can be used with base
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clarkbdevstack is easy because its mostly solved add a libs from source job that installs all xstatic libs from source in devstack04:28
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lifelessclarkb: we had thought that having a new set of jobs (one per python) that checked out additional zuul refs and called edit-constraints to tell pip where to find them, would be a good solution04:28
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clarkbthats a single env var/config setting and everything else should work fine then add this job yo the xstatic projects04:28
lifelessclarkb: and this new set of jobs would, like devstack, have a variable we can define telling it which libraries to do that04:29
ianwit's been quite a few hours since we committed the dib func test fixes, but the job still fails ->
clarkbfor unittests have a job that runs horizon against an suite of xstatic installs from local zuul ref checkouts. this is what your change appears to have tried to do04:30
clarkbI would make just that job to start since its a ton simpler04:30
clarkbrather than edit every job we have04:30
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prometheanfiredib testing centos still failing?04:30
lifelessclarkb: yes; my sketch was definitely wrong in some ways04:30
lifelessclarkb: so, you *wouldn't* use zuul-cloner for the extra checkouts?04:30
lifelessclarkb: could you help me understand why not, assuming I got that right?04:31
prometheanfireianw: ah, well, at least I can reproduce04:31
clarkbso that job looks like the current boilerplate but replace the constraints zuul-cloner macro with one that does horizon, constraints, and xstatic04:31
prometheanfirethat's mine lol04:31
clarkblifeless: no use zuul-cloner04:31
lifelessclarkb: ok04:31
clarkbbut you cant just run tox because you have to do all the source installs somehow04:32
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lifelessclarkb: edit-cosntraints will do that for us04:32
lifelessclarkb: it mutates the constraints file telling pip where the source for some 'foo' is found04:32
clarkbdoes that make constraints somehow find local install paths?04:32
lifelessclarkb: then when tox runs pip install -c , those override04:32
lifelessclarkb: yes04:33
clarkbok so your steps are new zuul-cloner with extra stuff, edit constraints, run tox04:33
clarkbI would just make a job that does that and not worry about templating or any of that04:33
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clarkb(its easy to convert to templates in the future so not wasted effort)04:33
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clarkbthen you can add that job to horizon and xstatic libs and they will all be tested against latest source to make sure we can roll forward04:35
clarkband because zuul-cloner is used depends on will work04:35
lifeless^- thats how we do edit-constraints in devstack04:36
lifelessclarkb: thanks04:36
clarkbits funny are pushing this way becausr all our integration testing was this way by default for years04:37
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clarkb(not the unittests but smokestack and devstack and all that)04:38
lifelessand detangling for gate is totally right04:38
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lifelessbut we also lost visibility on stuff04:38
lifelessso we need to find some ways to bring it back, without the deadlock it created04:38
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lifelessok, I'm giving up on today.04:41
clarkbmaybe devstack shoukd just have a all libs from git option04:41
lifelessclarkb: that would be good too I think; kinda surprised it doesn't?04:42
clarkbthat woukd make the devstack side simpler if you dony mind getting everything from source (go back to old defauly)04:42
clarkblifeless: pretty sure its an explicit list membership comparison04:42
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clarkbthen we can run that in periodic and track when it breaks04:43
clarkbin addition to an prerelease type stuff04:43
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Bring up glean before network.service
ianwgreghaynes / mordred : ^ empirically that seems correct, theoretically i'm pretty sure it's correct, so that's about as good as it gets i think04:45
prometheanfireianw: you know where I should go with that cent fail?04:46
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ianwprometheanfire: probably to bed.  i dunno if jjb is being slow or stuck or what04:47
prometheanfirethat's what my plan was :P04:47
clarkbianw: prometheanfire is it still failijg on the set -u thing?04:47
clarkbI thought pabelanger had said updates for jjb completed but maybe some were missed04:48
prometheanfire2016-03-18 04:19:14.480 | ./env/bin/activate: line 13: _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME: unbound variable04:48
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clarkblol in deactivate04:49
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clarkbmaybe just remove set -u completly from the top level04:49
prometheanfireseems more hackish04:49
ianwwe did, didn't we?04:50
clarkbianw: only around activate iirc04:50
bkeroclarkb: almost done with dib posix element04:50
clarkbprometheanfire: eh you cant control virtualenv and the outer script is small04:50
clarkbbkero: neat, any udea how much bigger than *-minimal it will be? guessing 50mb or so?04:51
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clarkbprometheanfire: to install the rough set of utilities that posix says you should have so that things like cron and ps and cp and xargs and so on work04:52
prometheanfireI think we include that in our minimal links04:52
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clarkbthe ubuntu-minimal element at least didnt include a few things like cron that it should04:54
clarkba lot of stuff is in coreutils and included04:54
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prometheanfireah, guess we don't do cron04:55
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bkeroclarkb, greghaynes: Does pkg-map support empty strings?04:55
clarkbya not sure why that seems a common choice04:55
clarkbbkero: as the value side? yup04:56
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prometheanfiresome people just don't want or need it for 'minimal'04:56
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prometheanfirewe wanted to shrink the image as much as we could04:56
clarkbprometheanfire: ya but posix has trained everyone to expect it04:56
prometheanfiretrue, but now people want containers, etc04:56
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bkeroThere's a bunch of junk in posix04:57
bkerolike the sccs stuff04:57
prometheanfire238M is still kinda big04:57
bkeroalso gcc04:57
ianwclarkb: isn't this really what lsb-core was supposed to be?04:57
clarkbbkero ya, but there us a lot of usefulness too04:57
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clarkbianw: maybe? I just want working VMs04:57
prometheanfirethere is, some consider cron useful04:57
prometheanfiresome don't04:57
clarkband its really frustrating that we compromise function for containers or $otherusecasepeoplethatknowtheyneeditcanexplocitlydothingsfor04:58
bkeroI don't really think posix is a good metric for useful though. I'd hope LSB would come out with something better.04:58
prometheanfireour stuff is tarballs could be used for both04:58
clarkbif I am building the smallest image possible for my use case I will do tjat an edit to the need04:58
prometheanfireI should probably add posix stuff to the gentoo element04:58
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bkeroprometheanfire: you can add gentoo to the posix element pkg-map when I submit it04:59
clarkbbut most people eant a working ubuntu or gentoo or ce tos04:59
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prometheanfireI will likely do so04:59
prometheanfirebkero: review link?04:59
bkeroprometheanfire: It's not up yet. I'm testing it atm.04:59
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prometheanfirebkero: let me know when04:59
clarkbthus means cron and an ssh server and cloud init type system should be present04:59
bkeroIt should be up shortly if I submit without redhat04:59
bkeroor a bit longer if I wait to include redhat packages04:59
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prometheanfireno one cares about redhat04:59
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bkerossh-server isn't part of posix05:00
clarkbbkero: no05:00
clarkbposix is orthogonal05:00
clarkbI was told hey you can have an element for these other things05:00
clarkbso its progress05:00
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prometheanfireI made the cloud-init element specifically because we don't include it05:01
prometheanfirefor instance05:01
prometheanfire'we' being gentoo-minimal05:01
prometheanfireour gentoo-cloud does though05:01
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clarkbya none of the minimals do iirc05:01
prometheanfirebut some of us like simple-init :P05:01
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clarkbglean works and allows rax boots usually. I think its fine to explicitly choose glean over cloud-init if you know you need it05:02
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clarkbbut most of your users making cloud images are going to take that image and boot it in an opemstack cloud which means ssh and cloud init are useful05:03
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prometheanfirewe support both05:03
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clarkbbkero: also I like having a C compiler05:04
prometheanfirenot sure that should be in posix, but meh05:04
bkeroand a fortran compiler, just in case ;)05:04
clarkbbkero: useful for numpy05:04
bkeroalso 44 year old oracle version control software05:04
clarkbthe best part is that version of the standard is only ~8years old05:05
prometheanfire[I] dev-lang/nasm05:05
prometheanfirethe 'I' means it's installed :P05:05
bkerothanks eix05:06
prometheanfirebkero knows :P05:06
clarkbbkero also if you ever living computer museum the lisa running xenix is amazing. it has a cc too05:06
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Clinti'm amazed that a lisa is still running05:07
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prometheanfireold silicon helps, doesn't degrade as fast05:08
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clarkbthey have the only running pdp7 in the world05:09
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clarkbor is it 8?05:09
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prometheanfireI was just going to mention all the pdp-8s running05:09
clarkband you can bang on the pdp11s teletype05:09
StevenKLast time I was there they had 2 PDP-7s set up as part of the a display, but I think they were only models05:09
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prometheanfireI think pdp-8 is still common to find05:09
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* bkero trying to find what's causing "installing False from posix"05:11
prometheanfirenot sure, what's the package list?05:12
clarkbit calls pkg-map with your package items05:12
prometheanfirecat instead of head?05:13
bkeroIt's a big list05:13
prometheanfireit's a paste :P05:13
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prometheanfirewell, false is in the list, wonder if that confuses it05:14
clarkboh ya05:14
clarkbits yaml05:14
clarkbuse quotes around it05:14
bkeroReally? Bah05:14
bkeroThat's kinda funny though05:14
prometheanfireline 37605:14
clarkbsame with true05:14
bkeroI just sourced it from others05:14
bkeroI'm going to :1,$s/^/"/ and :1,$s/:$/":/05:15
prometheanfireya, I'd just quote all the things05:15
bkerodone, let's try that05:15
bkeroThe redhat ones are probably wrong, but I'll fix those once ubuntu is happy05:15
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clarkbsilly yaml05:16
prometheanfireya, noone cares about RH05:16
bkeroclarkb, prometheanfire: thoughts on if I should include cssc, the linux sccs binry?05:16
bkeroalso gcc for c9905:16
bkeroUgh, now reading pkg-map failed. Gotta find out what breaks the json. ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded05:16
clarkbcssc is in git05:17
prometheanfirecssc is packaged by us at least05:17
clarkbthis is amusing to me05:17
prometheanfireya, don't gnu not like git05:17
clarkbbkero its always a stray comma05:17
prometheanfirecvs or something05:17
prometheanfireor colon05:17
bkerowtf, puts a newline on one of my lines whenever I click validate05:18
clarkbthey migrated from.cvs in 201005:18
prometheanfirehuh, didn't know that05:18
bkeroand extra commas05:19
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bkeroOk, think I fixed05:19
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clarkbapparently cssc is still maintained but rcs is not05:27
clarkbquick convert all your rcs to sccs05:27
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bkeroMozilla still manages their mail aliases file in rcs05:29
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bkeroIt's been in RCS since netscape05:30
prometheanfiregit + puppet for us05:30
prometheanfirein yaml even (hiera)05:30
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bkeroOk, everything is working. Testing to see how big it bloats the minimal install now.05:33
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bkeroWow, a 'dib ubuntu vm posix' took 2m10s, a 'dib ubuntu-minimal vm posix' took 8m10s05:35
bkeroclarkb: Uhhh. Without cssc/gcc, the ubuntu image is 353mb. the ubuntu-minimal image is 376mb05:36
bkero'ubuntu vm posix' = 353mb qcow2, 'ubuntu-minimal vm posix' = 376mb qcow2...somehow05:36
prometheanfirebecause it dirties up the disk somehow I guess05:37
ianwbkero: you probably want to run with applied05:37
bkeroWe're supposed to be cleaning that up now05:37
bkeroianw: that's not applied yet? Bah05:37
ianwit'll make it much easier to compare where space is going05:37
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ianwof course you can mount the images, etc, but it's a bit of a pita05:38
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bkeroianw: are fstrim patches merged?05:43
prometheanfireiirc it did05:43
bkeroHmm, I see a 'fstrim-image' bash function, but don't see it being called from disk-image-create05:44
bkeroianw: that review should get rebased methinks05:45
bkeroI downloaded a copy and moved it into place, but it wasn't rebased against the master05:45
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Revert "Tolerate both new and old setuptools"
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bkeroclarkb: still testing, but it adds 19MB to an 'ubuntu vm' element set image05:59
bkeroSo I'd wager it would add 19-20MB to an ubuntu-minimal image05:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: correct data processing meeting times
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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lluanyone know how long does it take for make effect?06:52
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lluI still see uuidgen missing on the gate
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yamamoto_what's different between devstack-trusty and ubuntu-trusty?07:08
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job to build Debian packages
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AJaegeryamamoto_: a different way of building those.07:48
AJaegeryamamoto_: why do you ask? What problem are you hitting?07:48
AJaegerllu: looks like ovh-bhs1 has an old ubuntu-trusty image. infra-root, can you confirm? Should we remove those for now?07:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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yolandahi AJaeger, let me check images08:25
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yolandaAJaeger, yes, ubuntu-trusty in ovh-bhs1 is dated from 10 days08:30
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yolandagoing to check what's the problem to don't be generated08:30
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AJaegeryolanda: upload takes ages there AFAIR ;(08:35
yolandai'm trying one upload now08:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting job to test k8s with dib atomic image
AJaegeryolanda: could you review later, please?08:36
yolandai just started with the review queue now08:36
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yamamoto_AJaeger: i'm wondering if the lack of apt-add-repository is due to the difference between them08:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove http.maxWait hack as fixed in Gerrit 2.5
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix tab name indices in status template
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AJaegerjhesketh: could you review again? I answered your concern and think this is fine to go in...08:44
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AJaegeryamamoto_: yes, it is.08:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.db: don't run tests with SQLAlchemy 0.9.x
AJaegerthere was some discussion during the last 15 h in this channel on this, I don't remember the specific solution for it and suggest you read backscroll08:46
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aspiersis there any way to increase my launchpad session expiry? seems I'm logging in at least once a day08:47
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AJaegeraspiers: not that I know off08:48
aspiersit's fairly ludicrous08:48
AJaegerBut wait: It does not expire AFAIK if there is action.08:49
AJaegerSo, I'm only logged out after an idleness of 12 hours...08:49
AJaegerSo, review a bit more ;)08:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publishing barbican API Guide to OpenStack site
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable gate jobs for Packstack on the stable/mitaka branch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Improve TripleO testing coverage for Puppet OpenStack CI
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yamamoto_AJaeger: thank you08:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs publishing jobs for fuel-docs
AJaegeryamamoto_: so, might fix it - from when was your build? We have newer images with that fix available08:59
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Set default locale to image in debootstrap element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Do not set Gnocchi coordinator backend
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yamamoto_AJaeger: the latest failure i'm aware of is:
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AJaegerthat's ubuntu-trusty-vexxhost-ca-ymq - let's see what the experts say when they are awake again. Clarkb, what was the resolution on apt-add-repository ? ^09:23
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add extension to openstackci for next phase of work
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yolandaAJaeger, i see errors on several jenkins masters, going to launch jjb manually09:43
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yolandaso on jenkins05 and jenkins06 the cache stopped , partially self-writed. I saw it stopped on python-senlinclient jobs, with a line with missing fields. So something is still going wrong with caching, and i verified that there were no jjb running when i launched the processes, so there is something else09:49
AJaegeryolanda: pabelanger had to update twice jenkins manually last night, but I remember only 05 mentioned.09:54
yolanda5,6,7 are buggy09:55
yolandacache corruption, i'm trying to manually amend the cache to avoid full reconfig09:55
yolandai was thinking in some alternative for updating jobs in jjb, maybe just have one step to generate the job differents, then some daemon in jjb that updates progressively09:56
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yolandabecause right now there are constant crashes with timeouts09:56
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rcarrillocruzweee , yay jjb09:57
yolandaour old friend :)09:57
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix non-replaced var in magnum job
yolandaAJaeger, my check for magnum had a bug ^10:00
AJaegeryolanda: with zuul v3 we don't use jjb anymore, don't we?10:01
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yolandayep, we should get rid of it10:01
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yolandaah AJaeger look at this test failure
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yolandadib tests started failing, ubuntu-trusty related?10:03
yolandait's a missing package, how would you fix it?10:03
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rcarrillocruziirc, sdague had a change to add uuidgen10:09
rcarrillocruzbut was abandoned in favor of
rcarrillocruzyolanda, AJaeger ^10:09
yolandathx checking10:09
AJaegeryolanda: clarkb, was generating and uploading new images with thta fix in.10:10
AJaegerApparently osic-cloud1 was not updated ;(10:10
yolandaoh, image updates...10:10
yolandagoing to check age of that10:10
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yolandaimage is updated, 15 hours old10:11
yolandagoing to trigger a recheck10:12
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AJaegeryolanda: the patch merged 14 hours ago, so the image is outdated10:13
yolandaagh, 1 hour diff10:14
yolandai'll wait for the image rebuilds of today10:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix non-replaced var in magnum job
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mescanefhello infra roots:-)10:31
mescanefAJaeger: I see you are around:-)10:31
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* AJaeger is not an infra root and hides ;)10:32
mescanefi need to discuss one project creation under openstack namespace before ill create a patch10:33
mescanefof course its about fuel-plugin10:33
mescanefAJaeger: there are at least three projects under Openstack NS starting with "fuel-plugin-detach-*" name10:34
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mescanefand the yet another, related, connected, is under development on github repo, will support >=8.0 Fuel10:35
mescanefdeveloped by "Fuel community"10:35
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mescanefso no binary files, O.S. license10:36
mescanefand, as there are already fuel-plugin-detach-* projects, could this one be added too?10:36
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AJaegermescanef: It's going to be used as part of an OpenSTack install, so shouldn't be a problem10:37
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mescanefAJaeger: great, thanks, will create a patch soon10:38
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Correct the indentation in the classifiers example
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Follow name_or_id pattern on domain operations
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes to openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes to openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update wanted_ci_job to reflect current status of things
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kashyapIs there a way I can subscribe to all upcoming bugs for a specific tag?11:04
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use --overcloud-update in the upgrades job
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Deploy ceph in the nonha job
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fungiheads up, i've got morning errands on the mainland and won't be on the internet for the first half of my day. i may be able to pop in briefly around 1400z while i'm stationary, but won't be back for good until more like 1900z11:22
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Zarakashyap: which task/issue tracker are you thinking of?11:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Properly setup DNS for the all CI jobs
kashyapZara: E.g. -
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AJaegerfungi, safe travels!11:45
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Zarakashyap: okay, it sounds like you're asking about if you can subscribe to things in that list in launchpad; does anyone with more experience of launchpad know?11:47
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes job to bifrost
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes job to bifrost
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kashyapZara: Sorry for the truncated chat, had to step out12:04
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kashyapWhat you're asking is right12:04
Zaraokay, I don't have lots of experience with launchpad so I don't know if there's a way to do it; other people here may know; this channel should be busier in the next few hours. If anyone knows, please help! :)12:07
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow the container job to run again
AJaegerproject-config cores, I'd like to see some review for release notes jobs, please: (mine-  openstack-manuals), and  (bifrost)12:07
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odyssey4meWhat's the process for us to remove a repository entirely? We don't need it archived.12:10
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openstackgerritVincent Françoise proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Added env variable for subnode conf for multinode
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AJaegerodyssey4me: we never remove, we only retire...12:16
AJaegerodyssey4me: The Infra Manual is your best place for this, let me grab you a link12:16
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Use IPv6 on the gate jobs
odyssey4meAJaeger great, thanks - we'll do that process.12:19
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yolandajenkins06 failed again with timeout :(12:23
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SamYapleyolanda: would you be so kind as to approve ? This time it has been validated against the zuul gate (see comments)12:24
yolandaok going to check12:24
jd__hey there12:25
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jd__the uuidgen issue is still around :( is there a reason?12:25
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yolandajd__ i hit that as well, the images have not been refreshed yet12:26
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ogelbukh_good day, I'd like to ask for review on project-config patch that adds a new repo:
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ogelbukh_it has relevant SME sign-offs (including the project's PTL)12:31
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ogelbukh_please, tell me if I can do anything to help with it12:32
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yolandaobelbukh_ i am going to take a look12:33
yolandaogelbukh_, sorry :)12:33
SamYapleyolanda: you seem awfully busy, dont worry about the kolla patch. it is far from a priority12:33
ogelbukh_yolanda: you shouldn't be, thank you for your time and effort12:34
yolandaSamYaple i must admit i skipped that one from the review queue :)12:34
yolandagoing to double check the regex and approve12:35
yolandaSamYaple, for docs regex, all the others i see have  ^doc/.*$12:35
yolandathe finish line $12:35
yolandawhy yours don't ?12:35
yolandaogelbukh_, approved12:36
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ogelbukh_yolanda: thanks again, that was fast :)12:36
SamYapleyolanda: it matches multiple projects (kolla and kolla-mesos and soon kolla-ansible)12:37
yolandaSamYaple but i mean the skip-if docs12:37
SamYapleyolanda: yes i do to12:37
yolanda        all-files-match-any:12:38
yolanda          - ^.*\.rst$12:38
yolanda          - ^doc/.*12:38
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SamYapleohhh im sorry12:38
SamYapleyou mean the file patching12:38
yolandamisses endline12:38
SamYapleno particular reason. it was copied from another skip-if12:38
yolandaah i was checking some others and everything ended with the $ .. it shall work anyway. I think in a subsequent patch we shall go with a single pattern12:39
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SamYaplei dont think i copied that one, but there are a few in there like that, but youre right12:40
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yolandai won't be picky :)12:41
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SamYaplehaha you can be picky. that doesnt bother me!12:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add project 'tuning-box'
yolandagoing to have lunch12:47
yolandaogelbukh_, ping me once you see the project published and i can add you to groups12:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla docs-only patch -- take 2
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove 'Subscriptions' button from header dropdown
openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Trigger python27 jobs for packetary-specs project
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove some extra mitaka translation jobs
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove 'Subscriptions' button from header dropdown
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krotscheckclarkb: Still having issues with the firefox build, building a local slave instance to see if I can reproduce it.13:09
krotscheckDoes anyone know if something happened between 4am and 9am PDT yesterday that would cause firefox to freeze?13:09
ogelbukh_yolanda: it is published already, you can proceed with groups config13:09
krotscheckDoes anyone know if something happened between 4am and 9am PDT yesterday, on our jenkins slaves, that would cause firefox running in an xvfb to freeze?13:10
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Trigger python27 and docs jobs for packetary-specs
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yolandaogelbukh_, done13:15
ogelbukh_yolanda: great, thanks a lot13:15
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add domain_id param to project operations
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* krotscheck is confused.13:30
* Clint pats krotscheck on the head13:30
krotscheckSome invocations of fireforx work. Others don't.13:31
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Zarafinal bit of storyboard email config, still in review, you could help make history:
yolandaZara, i like your motivation messages :)13:32
Zarayolanda: thanks! :D13:32
AJaegeryolanda: could you review today , please?13:34
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SamYapleAJaeger: yolanda the kolla docs-only skip-if is working now :D13:46
krotscheckclarkb: Building a local slave vm seems to work fine.13:46
AJaegerSamYaple: great! Thanks for telling us13:46
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krotscheckI don't suppose someone can grab a jenkins slave and run a few commands for me to see if I'm just going crazy?13:47
krotscheckThe last failure I saw was in ovh-gra113:47
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anteayaZara: ha ha ha, yeah in terms of marketing patches for review, folks could take lessons from you13:51
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AJaegeranteaya: good morning! I'd like to see some review for release notes jobs if you have time today, please: (mine-  openstack-manuals), and  (bifrost)13:56
Zaraanteaya: haha :) well, I've mistakenly thought that at least 10 different patches have been the 'final' patch by now, so I have to find some way to keep it interesting!13:57
Zarathank you :)13:57
anteayaAJaeger: sure, I can look13:57
anteayaZara: ha ha ha13:58
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ogelbukh_how can I bump a review that was approved before one that it depended on?
AJaegerpabelanger: do you know why does not show the RAX dashboards?14:00
AJaegerogelbukh_: another +A or toggle the +A - remove it and set it again14:00
AJaegerogelbukh_: read the Infra Manual on it as well14:00
ogelbukh_AJaeger: OK so I can't basically do that. :) Thank you.14:00
krotscheck/me waves the has-gate-builds-failing-for-reasons-he-cannot-debug flag.14:01
AJaegerogelbukh_: our CI needs an event for the change, another +A is one14:01
ogelbukh_AJaeger: understood, thanks a lot14:01
AJaegerkrotscheck: your message has an extra leading space ;)14:01
krotscheckAJaeger: :-P14:01
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AJaegerkrotscheck: sorry, can't help ;(14:02
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krotscheckAJaeger: Mayeb you can? Is there some way I can get a hold of one of the actual jenkins slave images? I'm building mine using vagrant and puppet right now.14:02
krotscheckThough I may not be able to root on those.14:03
krotscheckTHis is not optimal14:03
AJaegerkrotscheck: I think one of the infra-roots need to share them with you AFAIK. Perhaps yolanda can help14:03
AJaegerOr later pabelanger or clarkb14:03
yolandakrotscheck i can hold for you14:03
yolandado you have some id?14:03
AJaegeryolanda: I think krotscheck wants to download one...14:04
AJaegerkrotscheck: or do you want to ssh into one?14:04
yolandakrotscheck i can hold for you and put your keys there for example14:04
yolandawill it be useful?14:04
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krotscheckWell, I'd like to debug why these commands fail in the gate, but do not fail when run locally14:05
krotscheckyolanda: Lemme find one14:05
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krotscheckyolanda: Honestly, I don't know.14:05
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yolandakrotscheck if you see some running test, pass the the id of the node and i can hold it14:06
krotscheckyolanda: I'm just trying to find a path to reproduce the error from here:
AJaegeryamamoto: Check - and update your devstack plugin14:06
krotscheckyolanda: Specifically this line
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yolandafirefox not responding? and works for you locally , same versions?14:07
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krotscheckyolanda: Yep.14:07
krotscheckyolanda: I even built a slave vm locally, tried those commands, works like a charm.14:08
yolandahappens on all providers?14:08
krotscheckyolanda: And it's a change that happened sometime between 4AM and 10AM yesterday (PDT)14:08
yolandachange in images, not in the job, right?14:08
krotscheckyolanda: I don't have enough rechecks to cover all providers.14:08
krotscheckyolanda: Yep. Previously passing job now suddenly fails.14:09
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yolandakrotscheck has this job being moved to ubuntu-trusty?14:10
yolandaor was it done on previous days and worked?14:10
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krotscheckI have failures on rax iad, ovh bhs1, internap nyj01...14:12
yolandathat's a trend then14:12
krotscheckyolanda: This particular patch here used to work, and now doesn't.
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krotscheckAn outlier: I have a _passing_ capture of firefox on ovh-gra1 in a different build.14:13
yolandaof today? going to check the age of the images on both providers14:13
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make it easier to find 'add task' button
yolandamove to ubuntu-trusty was done on 11/03 so it's something after that14:14
anteayaAJaeger: so the change to openstack-manuals doesn't need to be merged before the manuals job is added?14:14
yolandarcarrillocruz pointed before to a change in nodepool packages, let me find14:14
krotscheckThe biggest difference that I can tell between the two is that one runs xvfb with -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset14:15
krotscheck(The breaking one)14:15
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krotscheckCould the firefox image be broken?14:17
krotscheckI mean package14:18
yolandaif you can trigger a recheck, and capture the node id, i can hold and we can verify on the node itself, so we get more info14:18
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krotscheckyolanda: Waiting on a node...14:20
AJaegeranteaya: order is not important. since the job is only run if that directory is updated...14:21
openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-generic-switch-dsvm job
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anteayaAJaeger: right, but what will happen if the jobs run and the openstack-manuals patch isnt' merged?14:23
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krotscheckyolanda:  ubuntu-trusty-internap-nyj01-886519114:23
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AJaegeranteaya: it will not run due to :
yolandaok holded14:24
AJaegerthat let's the job only run if releasenotes are updated (or tox.ini)14:24
yolandakrotscheck can you pm your pubkey?14:24
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krotscheckyolanda: sure, sec14:25
anteayaokay, thanks14:25
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AJaegerthanks, anteaya ! Better safe than sorry ;)14:26
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anteayayup, I can be counted on to ask dumb questions14:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes job to bifrost
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fungion briefly from a lobby...14:32
krotscheckyolanda: It helped!14:32
krotscheckCheck this out: process 9059: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory14:32
yolandawhat did you discover?14:32
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yolandaoh, where that?14:32
krotscheckFirefox simply isn't starting14:32
fungikrotscheck: 9am pdt would be just after new image builds were starting to go into use for the day. what was the job name again?14:32
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openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow the container job to run again
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krotscheckfungi, yolanda: Here's a paste of what I'm seeing when trying to start firefox
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow to omit list of projects in Gerrit trigger config
fungikrotscheck: nevermind on the job name. i see i didn't read enough scrollack14:34
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yolandakrotscheck that is a new req of firefox or is something that has changed in our images?14:35
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krotscheckyolanda: Well, there's previous jobs with firefox 45 that passed, so I'm guiessing the images, but it may be a plugin I can add to xvfb?14:35
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AJaegerfungi, are you ok to land the first patch for nova db usage?
yolandakrotscheck well, i see a change from yesterday dealing with uuid14:37
AJaegerfungi: I have nova a heads up, mriedem gave a +1 and sdague found a problem I fixed14:37
yolandagoing to check14:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes to openstack-manuals
krotscheckyolanda: Thanks. doing the RANDR thing didn't do anything useful14:38
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yolandachange, it's installing uuid-runtime . I wonder if that's related14:38
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fungiif this job switched from devstack-trusty to ubuntu-trusty yesterday, maybe we're missing whatever creates the /etc/machine-id file?14:38
yolandalooks as can be solved with dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id14:38
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yolandafungi, changes were done on 11 March for that job14:38
AJaegerargh, needs another +2 first. I thought yolanda had already but mixed it up. So, not yet time to merge...14:38
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move to Fedora 23 for Libvirt/LXC Nova Test
fungiAJaeger: i'm trying to review it now, but reception here is terrible (i'm apparently on 2g at about 25% signal strength)14:40
krotscheckyolanda, fungi: dbus-uuidgen doesn't seem to be installed on that box.14:40
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Include wsgi_scripts in generated wheels
yolandathat will explain... i see uuid-runtime installed, but we may need this one as well14:41
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krotscheckyolanda: Ok, I'm going to exit this node, sounds like the next step is figuring out how to generate a machine id.14:43
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yolandakrotscheck, if you install the package it generates it?14:44
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krotscheckyolanda: I have no idea :)14:44
yolandacan you try there?14:44
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krotscheckyolanda: But, to be fair, if we're installing firefox from upstraem, it should include all of its magic dependencies, no?14:45
krotscheckyolanda: does jenkins have root?14:45
krotscheckyolanda: That requires a jenkins password ;)14:45
yolandaah good point :)14:45
yolandai can try14:45
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openstackgerritAntony Messerli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Shift load from rax-iad to rax-ord
yolandakrotscheck, i had to install dbus package, then generate that machine-id14:47
jesusaurinfra-root is on your radar?14:48
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krotscheck(firefox:9855): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:14:48
krotscheck/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally without any error message14:48
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yolandakrotscheck, after i installed dbus?14:49
stevemarAJaeger: poke14:49
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krotscheckyolanda: is there a dbus server?14:49
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yolandai see a dbus-daemon running14:50
krotscheckandymaier: Please disable your away mesages.14:50
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anteayajesusaur: thank you, I had not seen that, I can't speak for infra-root14:50
AJaegerhi stevemar14:51
AJaegerfungi, I can ask others for review - timing was more the question...14:52
AJaegerfungi: or review later today14:52
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stevemarAJaeger: nvm, i figured it out ^_^14:53
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AJaegerstevemar: those are the best pokes ;)14:53
stevemarAJaeger: haha, agreed14:53
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krotscheckyolanda: I think the location of the machine-id is actually the problem. Firefox from the shell is looking for /etc/machine-id, you put it in //var/lib/dbus/machine-id?14:53
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yolandakrotscheck i created an /etc/machine-id as well14:54
matrohonhi infra guys14:54
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matrohonI have a strange behavior on one of the bgpvpn  experimental job :14:55
krotscheckyolanda: Can you remove /var/lib/dbus/machine-id just to satisfy my crazy sceme?14:55
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krotscheckyolanda: Actually n/m14:55
krotscheckThat's just a warning14:55
matrohonthe q-agt is failing but jenkins reports that the job succeed14:55
krotscheckThe tests now pass14:55
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yolandakrotscheck so as soon as we have a machine-id, it starts working?14:59
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yolandaor it needed dbus-daemon as well? i could uninstall dbus and you can retry?15:00
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krotscheckyolanda: Well, with the steps that yo utook, it's now working.15:03
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krotscheckI don't know how much of that we can rewind.15:04
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yolandakrotscheck you can rerun the same test cleanly?15:04
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krotscheckyolanda: Yes, right now, if I run `npm test --silent` in ~/workspace/gate-ironic-webclient-npm-run-test, it works as expected15:06
yolandaok i can try removing dbus and try again15:06
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yolandawhen i removed dbus, it fails15:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-db jobs - for nova initially
krotscheckyolanda: Well then.15:08
krotscheckyolanda: Do we need dbus and the machine id, or just dbus?15:09
yolandamm, nope. I reinstalled and fails even with that . It cannot start firefox and not chrome15:09
anteayayolanda: after you have finished helping krotscheck do you mind taking a look at the link jesusaur posted:
anteayayolanda: you appear to be the only infra-root online at the moment15:09
krotscheckyolanda: It works for me?15:09
yolandaoh jenkins security...15:09
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yolandakrotscheck weird...18 03 2016 15:09:37.339:ERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox15:10
yolanda for me15:10
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krotscheckyolanda: Are you root?15:10
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yolandano, jenkins15:10
krotscheckyolanda: Oh. export DISPLAY=:99; DISPLAY=:9915:10
anteayayolanda: I think it would be at least worth while to check jenkins versions, but don't post in channel15:10
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yolandakrotscheck, that did the trick15:11
krotscheckanteaya: The versino of jenkins we're running on is in the footer of every single build15:11
anteayayolanda: but if you think we need to upgrade I'd pm jeblair or clarkb15:11
anteayakrotscheck: awesome15:11
krotscheckanteaya: And by awesome, you mean not awesome.15:11
yolandaanteaya i'd better check with other infra-roots15:12
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yolandai think upgrading jenkins will cause our gear plugins to don't work, at least that's last thing i know from zaro15:12
anteayakrotscheck: yes that is what I mean15:13
anteayayolanda: yes, I would advise that15:14
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yolandakrotscheck that's so weird , because i removed dbus, and removed /etc/machine-id and works as well15:14
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anteayaI think upgrading jenkins will take all day to coordinate15:14
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anteayahopefully clarkb and jeblair will be online soon to help15:15
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krotscheckyolanda: Well, right now I can't capture firefox.15:15
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jesusauryolanda: oh, is there a plugin incompatibility? :(15:17
yolandajesusaur, at least a month ago, i did some tests with gear and newest jenkins and failed for me15:17
yolandanot sure if that's still going on15:17
anteayaI'm going to suggest the jenkins security discussion move to -infra-incident15:18
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jesusauranteaya: makes sense15:18
anteayajesusaur: thanks15:19
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HeOSHi, infra-team! I have one question to you. I'm from Fuel Infra team. We copied your manifests for Gerrit some month ago, we refactored them while we had been working with them. For example, we added a 'replication' module to have ability to use internal gerrit's replication mechanism. Currently we want to merge yours and ours manifests. What the method should I use? Create a set of requests and merge them?15:19
HeOSThe links: manifests:, our modules:
anteayawell for a body of work that might include design decisions we often suggest a spec15:20
anteayaso that while a course of work is undertaken those trying to understand the history and status have a reference15:20
yolandakrotscheck i get an error now but i don't see that /etc/machine-id error15:21
yolandajust a "weird error 1"15:21
yolandaamazing message!15:21
krotscheckyolanda: Yeah, the firefox error only pops up if you actually try to run firefox.15:21
krotscheckInstead of going through npm.15:21
krotscheckyolanda: Also, yes. Amazing error message15:22
yolandaah ok, trying to run it15:22
yolandai generated a dummy machine-id without dbus and launched firefox15:22
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yolandaseems that this dummy is so dummy, it fails15:22
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jeblairpabelanger: could you join #openstack-infra-incident please?15:23
krotscheckyolanda: Mine just worked, did you install dbus?15:24
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yolandajust now15:24
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krotscheckOk, so it looks like we need both dbus and a machine id.15:24
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krotscheckWhere is the right place to add those?15:25
yolandakrotscheck i even removed the /etc/machine-id15:26
yolandaso actually should be enough with install dbus15:26
krotscheckOh good15:27
krotscheckyolanda: So that'd be something like this:
yolandakrotscheck yes, installing there along with the other packages look good to me15:28
jeblaireval `dbus-launch --auto-syntax`15:28
jeblairyolanda, krotscheck: if you need a running dbus, that will get you one ^15:28
jeblair(without needing to start a session manager or whatever.)15:29
yolandajeblair, dbus package was not even installed15:29
yolandano dbus-daemon commands available15:29
jeblairso that might be step 2 then.  :)15:29
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yolandajeblair so first step, to install dbus package, is ok to be done in nodepool element?15:32
jeblairyolanda: can we have bindep install it instead?15:32
krotscheckjeblair: The other alternative is to add it to the firefox-install macro.15:32
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krotscheckOr that.15:32
jeblairkrotscheck: or that :)15:33
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krotscheckjeblair: Most of the images start with firefox already installed. I'm trying to figure out where that's done.15:33
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fungiit's being installed as part of the job15:35
fungithough if you're using devstack-gate instead of the install-distro-packages job macro, then it's probably devstack doing it15:35
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro and bindep
krotscheckfungi, jeblair, yolanda: Like ^^?15:37
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vsaienkoinfra team could you please review:
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add jobs for stable/mitaka branch
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amrithhello, if I could get some help getting ^^ merged. I'd like to merge some stuff behind it and unblock the things that are holding up the rc1 for trove. thanks muchly.15:43
amrithadding some gate jobs for stable/mitaka, didn't remove stable/kilo yet though that's likely next, right?15:43
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anteayaright you add jobs for the latest branch15:46
anteayaand when the oldest branch has reached the end of its life it will be removed15:46
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anteayastay in contact with the release team for timing for end of life for old releases15:47
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anteayaif any infra-root has a moment to look at why rackspace is heavily in error state that would be awesome, but not if you have a higher priority15:51
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bknudsondo the unit test (py27) nodes have mysql running with openstack_citest  user?15:52
bknudsonand postgresql15:52
anteayamy understanding is that is the intent15:53
anteayabknudson: are you seeing something that indicates  that is not happening?15:53
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added repo for fuel-plugin-detach-haproxy project
bknudsonanteaya: I'm seeing that it is happening but I'm making sure that's the case.15:53
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anteayait is my understanding that that is working as intended15:54
anteayalet me see if I can find the patch that leads me to that conclusion15:54
anteayaI believe it merged yesterday15:54
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jeblairanteaya: potentially related to rax:
anteayajeblair: thank you15:56
anteayabknudson: it merged this morning but should only be affecting nova jobs:
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bknudsonanteaya: thanks. When I ran these opportunistic tests locally they would fail or skip if it couldn't connect to the db.15:56
anteayaokay, hmmmm, AJaeger will probably want to know15:57
anteayamaking local tests not work is not part of the plan, I don't think15:57
bknudsonyes, this is interesting, if we're going to need that job in order to get the opp tests now15:57
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amrithanteaya, thanks15:58
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anteayaamrith: welcome, thanks for asking good questions15:58
anteayabknudson: good point15:59
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abregmananteaya: hi. so I summarized 03/15 ->
abregmananteaya: moving to 03/1615:59
bknudsonwe might also want to run on a node with openldap installed eventually15:59
anteayaabregman: thanks for letting me know16:00
anteayaabregman: I will read16:00
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anteayaabregman: how did it feel doing the work/16:00
anteayabknudson: interesting16:00
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amrithanteaya, the conversation we were having yesterday (re: tagging reviews and dashboards). I posted to ML and got some even more interesting ideas there.16:01
abregmananteaya: it was hard sometimes :) but it did raise a lot of questions and I feel like I know better the folks that involved with infra projects16:01
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anteayaamrith: well done16:02
anteayaabregman: yay, and only one day's work16:02
anteayaabregman: you have learned so much :)16:02
anteayaabregman: nice formatting and extraction of imporant details with reference16:03
anteayavery nice indeed16:03
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abregmananteaya: thanks, but the journey only begun :)16:04
anteayait has indeed16:04
anteayabiggest thing is you aren't letting frustration stand in your way of completing a job with references and precision16:05
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abregmanthanks for the guidance :)16:07
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anteayaabregman: :)16:09
anteayaabregman: I'm rearranging it and will do my best to respond to your questions16:09
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abregmananteaya: thanks. I can start by searching for the answers by myself. I don't want to waste your time.16:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Provide fallback mirrors for centos pin
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AJaegerbknudson: I'm back, let me read backscroll and answer...16:14
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AJaeger bknudson, right now python27 has databases setup.16:15
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bknudsonAJaeger: great, that's what I thought16:16
AJaegerWe will move all known jobs to python27-db - running the same tox envioronment. And later: python27-db will have db setup, python27 not anymore.16:16
AJaegerSo, two steps - migrate to new jobs, remove database setup.16:16
bknudsonmakes sense. what's the timetable? I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get keystone working with the opp test classes16:17
AJaegerkeystone is currently not on my list of repositories that do opportunistic database access16:17
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AJaegerCan you show me what you do so that I know what to look for in other cases?16:17
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AJaegerbknudson: no timeline, I'm just trying to push one step in after the other.16:18
bknudsonAJaeger: work in progress
AJaegerbknudson: are you using *today* a database in keystone?16:18
AJaegerI want to konw whether I missed a pattern...16:18
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bknudsonAJaeger: no, today keystone doesn't take advantage of the dbs.16:19
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bknudsonit only tests with sqlite16:19
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AJaegerbknudson: good, so my analysis was correct. I've added keystone now to my tracking list...16:19
AJaegerbknudson: before we remove dbs from python27, there will be an announcement as well...16:20
bknudsonthanks. I haven't brought this up with the rest of the team but I assume they'll be fine with it.16:20
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ddieterlycan we +1 workflow and get this merged?
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gordcAJaeger: just to confirm, the uuidgen update should be refreshing itself around all the nodes now right?16:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: Update to Jenkins LTS 1.625.3 and fix function registration
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dstanekbknudson: ++16:24
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AJaegergordc: it should but let's double check with clarkb once he's up.16:24
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gordcAJaeger: cool cool. thanks again16:26
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ddieterlyjeblair can we +1 workflow and merge
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anteayaddieterly: he is busy at the moment16:29
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add jobs for stable/mitaka branch
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AJaegeramrith: Do you know about "Depends-On"?16:31
amrithYes, I added it ;)16:32
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AJaegerOk ;)16:32
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amrithyes, I'm sure you read my comment and in the minutes it too you to find the link ... I did just that.16:32
AJaegeramrith: I saw your -W, so even if wanted I couldn't have approved it.16:32
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amrithOh, is that right?16:32
amrithI thought you could override a -W16:33
AJaegeramrith: a change that has a -W will not merge.16:33
amrithI thought you had "the powers"16:33
amrithoh, good to know.16:33
AJaegeramrith: No, I don't - and those that have the power only temporarily take it.16:33
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AJaegerAnd in such a case they would AFAIK need to remove the -W first.16:33
AJaegerSo, no worries ;)16:33
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amrithto be clear AJaeger I'm not positive that the 'dependency' exists. But, the other job takes 2 hours to check and 2 hours to gate. and I need it in place to unblock rc1. So I didn't want this to merge and set me back a bunch. If I think it through there's a good chance that it won't but ... better safe than late16:35
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Use IPv6 on the gate jobs
AJaegeramrith: ok16:35
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krotscheckAJaeger: moving to the ubuntu images broke builds that use firefox- yolanda and I figured out what was needed, we think - v16:40
krotscheckThe bindep piece was jeblair's suggestion.16:40
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vsaienkoinfra team, please review once you have a minute, it is a patch that adds job for ironic/neutron integration
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clarkbAJaeger: yes the current builds should be installing uuidgen and cron and all that goodness16:47
pabelangerAJaeger: exists, just too many dashboards to list on grafana.o.o now.  We can customize it however16:47
clarkbAJaeger: yssterdays builds took so long I couldnt wait up and get a manual rebuild through16:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix setting new task status and priority
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pabelangerclarkb: AJaeger Yup, is reporting the new infra-package-needs element16:51
pabelangerlet me check uploads16:51
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pabelangerlooks like ovh-bhs1 is currently uploading ubuntu-trusty16:53
pabelangerand that is all16:53
clarkbpabelanger: did fedora-23 and centos-7 build with the packages too?16:53
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pabelangerclarkb: let me check16:53
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pabelangerclarkb: yes16:54
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krotscheckclarkb: That firefox thing from yesterday _may_ be fixed with this patch17:05
clarkbkrotscheck: you should probably add a dbus line for rpm distros too17:06
amrithAJaeger, I may be holding up your jenkins shutdown.
krotscheckclarkb: Is it named the same thing on rpm?17:06
amriththe job is almost done17:06
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clarkbkrotscheck: I don't know but can look17:07
amrithhopefully it'll complete before jenkins pulls the cord17:07
krotscheckclarkb: Just checked, looks that way17:07
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clarkbkrotscheck: yup I think you cna just drop the dpkg specification and just have a bare dbus line17:07
clarkbkrotscheck: that should make it use 'dbus' everywhere17:07
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro and bindep
krotscheckAlso updated the commit message to explain better why17:08
AJaegerkrotscheck: why both in bindep-fallback and in job? Isn't the job enough?17:08
pabelangerI would think bindep-fallback is enough too17:10
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pabelangerbut have't looked into what the JJB template does17:10
AJaegerpabelanger: I was thinking the other way round ;)17:11
clarkbpabelanger: AJaeger I believe the preference is for jobs to explicitly state other requirements over the fallback file. But that requires figuring out what all of the other system deps are first in addition to firefox17:11
clarkband in the case of firefox/chromium we may not want every job to install those?17:11
AJaegerclarkb: yes, other-requirements is the preference but we're not ready yet. First need to get rid of db access from python27 etc17:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Grafana: Add Tempest check runs graph
jeblairthen the macro is probably the place for now17:12
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jeblairi don't think we need it in fallback or images17:12
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pabelangerclarkb: AJaeger: right. Once projects get other-requirements.txt, I would like to see firefox-install macro (and other package install macros) be deprecated17:13
AJaegerjeblair: agreed17:13
AJaegerpabelanger: and thus it should be enough in the macro for now17:13
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AJaegerkrotscheck: can you redo again, please?17:13
pabelangerAJaeger: !17:13
* AJaeger will be back later and then +2 krotscheck's update ;)17:15
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openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
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toskyclarkb: hi, we chatted few days ago about importing code with history; you mentioned using a "orphan" branch with the git-filtered history17:25
toskyand then pushing a merge commit to gerrit after requesting an exception to the usual ACLs17:26
toskythe only thing that it's not clear is who should push the content of the clean branch - I guess gerrit would only push the merge commit itself, but it would require the availability of the branch17:27
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clarkbtosky: you would push them all into that branch and review and merge them17:27
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toskyclarkb: but then, wouldn't the tests trigger and fail because the "real" code is missing?17:28
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sc`running chef against a devstack-centos7 instance and httpd is failing to start with a permission denied on binding to the same cookbook works on ubuntu-trusty without issue17:28
sc`locally, i don't have the issue either17:28
clarkbyou could disable tests on that branch or have return True as your testsuite17:29
toskyoh, right17:29
clarkbsc`: selinux would be my first guess17:29
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toskyso basically the big amount of work is on cores, and then just the request to you to enable the ACL17:29
sc`clarkb: you may be on to something. i'm too used to it just being disabled17:29
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro and bindep
krotscheckAJaeger: Done17:30
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clarkbtosky: yes, ideally infra team would just merge the ACL change to allow you to create the branch and push merge commits17:30
sc`the cookbooks do attempt to play with selinux17:30
toskyclarkb: oh, I didn't think that also ACL changes go through gerrit - which repository is?17:30
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro and bindep
clarkbtosky: openstack-infra/project-config under gerrit/acls/17:31
sc`well, in any case, how might i go about disabling selinux with this setup to see if this thing will even converge?17:31
anteayakrotscheck: the commit title still says bindep17:31
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro
toskyclarkb: thank you, I think I have all the information that I need17:32
anteayaabregman|afk: we are seeing that dbus isn't installed with firefox, that is my interpretation of the problem17:32
anteayakrotscheck: now the code and commit message, with title, match, thank you17:33
clarkbsc`: I think devstack turns it off before configuring anything so you should be able to do the same17:33
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clarkbsc`: you could also grab the /var/log/audit/audit.log file to check if it got logged as denied17:35
sc`i'll try that, too. the tricky part was finding where i could actually get that information without ssh17:36
clarkbin that log file17:36
clarkbif you write a change to dump it or copy it etc17:37
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sc`yup. waiting for another build to fail to see what's happening17:37
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HeOSGuys, I've created the request 3 weeks ago, but there is still no scores about review. :( Whom could I poke to get a little scores? :)17:39
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clarkbHeOS: zaro is a good person to bug about gerrit interactions17:40
HeOSclarkb, thank you. :)17:41
HeOSclarkb, how could I find him there? What is his name?17:42
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental job for MongoDB
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openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
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HeOSzaro, please take a look at
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move to Fedora 23 for Libvirt/LXC Nova Test
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krotscheckgate-project-config-layout: NOT REGISTERED? That seems wrong17:55
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow the container job to run again
anteayakrotscheck: we are working on jenkins upgrades, that could be an artifact of our work17:56
krotscheckantI figured17:56
pabelangerYup, a recheck should pick it up17:57
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the releasenotes gate job to Packstack
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the releasenotes gate job to Packstack
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the releasenotes gate job to Packstack
dmsimardsorry for the spam18:04
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: Make set/unset of flavor specs work again
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openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add new posix element.
bkeroclarkb: ^18:10
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clarkbbkero: woot thanks18:10
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/requirements: Add a cap on cryptography version
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greghaynesIs new posix as good as old posix?18:11
clarkbgreghaynes: yes you can still cssc18:11
clarkbI leanred a whole lot about cssc last night18:11
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clarkbapparently it is still maintained and rcs isn't. Also it checksums your data and rcs doesn't but best of all they are adding distributed version control features18:12
openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add new posix element.
greghaynesclarkb: wow18:12
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bkero^ new rev to edit commit message to add info about what the new packages do to its filesize18:12
bkeroclarkb: Funny enough: Redhat doesn't package cssc.18:13
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bkeroor cflow18:14
bkeroor cxref18:14
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anteayadmsimard: that's not bad, not to worry18:15
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AJaegerkrotscheck: 294677 will fail with NOT_REGISTERED, please recheck...18:20
AJaeger.. once you get the failure message18:20
krotscheckAJaeger: ok18:20
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clarkbbtw this morning's debian image build failed when talking to the mirrors18:28
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greghaynesclarkb: debian mirrors?18:28
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clarkbgreghaynes: yes18:29
greghaynesclarkb: ya, they are #2 for mirror failures after fedora18:29
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clarkb2016-03-18 15:47:18,661 INFO E: Failed to fetch  Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection [IP: 2001:41c8:1000:21::21:35 80]18:29
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mordredclarkb: is it time to add a debian jessie mirror?18:35
Clintit's always time for that18:35
pabelangerclarkb: figured that would be an issue18:35
clarkbmordred: well we don't use the mirrors for image builds at all18:35
clarkbmordred: but maybe we should18:35
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Include wsgi_scripts in generated wheels
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greghaynesclarkb: check out
* greghaynes needs to unconflict that18:39
sc`looks like selinux is the culprit, and one of the cookbooks explicitly sets enforcing for a fedora workaround. i'm tempted to remove said workaround18:40
clarkbgreghaynes: I would just copy the sources.list or yum conf etc out of the host18:40
greghaynesclarkb: that could be made in to a non-test element that lets you set all the mirrors18:40
mordredclarkb: I tink we should use mirrors for image builds and also for infra servers, tbh18:40
greghaynesclarkb: dont youall cross-build/18:41
greghaynesclarkb: thats why we dont, at least18:41
clarkbgreghaynes: oh right gah18:41
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mordredwe know the region that image builds happen in18:41
mordredso pointing them at rax.dfw mirror is easy18:41
mordredand then when we boot, configure-mirror will fix it18:41
greghayneswell, you can just copy that element and itll be done :)18:41
clarkbgreghaynes: not quite because our nodepool server isn't a nodepool managed instance18:42
clarkbbut its close18:42
dmsimardAJaeger: fair enough, what do I put then ? Nothing ?18:42
mordredwe could alos make puppet to make all of our servers consume our mirror18:42
mordredso that the copy-from-host would work for image builds18:42
mordredwe have cloud name and region in ansible when we invoke puppet18:43
greghaynesyea, so I might want to make that an actual element. The issue is there is a single var used for mirroring regardless of distro element, so you cant just have a static file that exports DIB_MIRROR_UBUNTU=foo DIB_MIRROOR_FEDORA=bar18:43
mordredso we can make those facts we pass to puppet18:43
greghayneswhich is what that element solves18:43
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AJaegerdmsimard: sorry, missing context. Please explain...18:44
mordredand ten in the puppet, if the openstack_cloud and openstack_region_name facts aren't set, we will not rewrite sources lists18:44
dmsimardAJaeger: sorry, was re: packstack release notes18:44
dmsimardAJaeger: I understand that Packstack is not big tent - and thus -infra will not host the release notes on docs.openstack.org18:44
AJaegerdmsimard: you can run the single jobs for testing and drafting but not the publish one.18:44
greghaynesmordred: copy-from host would require you to do every image build on the host matching what youre building too, thogh18:45
greghaynesmordred: since right now its ubuntu building fedora for example18:45
AJaegerdmsimard: just use 'gate-{name}-releasenotes' in projects.yaml - and add that one to your check/gate queue as gate-packstack-releasenotes18:45
clarkbI think for nodepool we just hardcode use the dfw mirror because thats where nodepool is18:46
dmsimardAJaeger: thanks.18:46
AJaegerThat avoids the template and thus the publish job18:46
clarkbif that changes we change it18:46
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clarkbhowever we haven't really needed this at all18:46
clarkbso not sure its necessary yet18:46
openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix add-apt-repository package for debian
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openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix add-apt-repository package for debian
abregmananteaya: thanks for clarifying it18:48
anteayaabregman: thanks for posting the question on the review :)18:48
anteayaglad to see you willing to dip your toe in the water18:48
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mordredclarkb: I was suggesting the switch-on-variables so that we _could_ run builders in other regions, but also so that people running copies of our stuff could get decent experience18:49
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the releasenotes gate job to Packstack
clarkbya that seems reasonably but I just don't know we need to worry about it18:50
clarkbwe have never used our mirrors for more than test optimizations18:50
greghaynesalso, your mirrors are fully public, you can really just pick any one and itll be fine - you just want them to not be down18:50
greghaynesas far as dib is concerned18:51
greghaynessince its super low traffic18:51
abregmanquestion about infra-ansible. Is it suppose to be an equivalent project of system-config? what was the idea behind it?18:53
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nibalizerabregman: to set up an infra with ansible18:54
nibalizerit would call puppet to run things18:55
nibalizeri think the current reccomendation is to make your own system-config that uses our puppet-* modules but not code from system-config18:55
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the releasenotes gate job to Packstack
anteayaabregman: we started with puppet since the choices at the time were puppet and chef18:56
anteayaand mordred could get puppet to work18:56
anteayaso we wrote puppet modules for everything18:56
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anteayabut puppet doesn't orchestrate well18:56
anteayaso we had races18:56
anteayaalong came salt and ansible18:56
mordredanteaya: infra-ansible is a slightly different thing18:57
anteayaand I couldn't figure out sall and ansible uses yaml like we already do18:57
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anteayamordred: is it now, do tell the tale18:57
anteayaabregman: is trying to infra18:57
mordredansible-puppet is our ansible role to run puppet, and puppet-ansible is our puppet module to install ansible18:57
anteayaabregman: and i'm trying to teach him how to infra18:57
openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Modify gate-freezer-api-devstack-dsvm job
mordredinfra-ansible is a thing ricky wrote to start looking at standing up an infra using ansible18:57
mordredI do not know its current state18:57
anteayait ansibles without puppeting18:58
abregmananteaya, nibalizer: thanks for explaining this. are there any improvements/features I can work on for ansible-infra?18:58
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anteayaabregman: ricky is rcarrillocruz18:58
anteayaso it sounds like it is his thing18:58
anteayaand would know the most about it18:58
abregmanyeah I see now he is the only contributor :)18:59
nibalizerabregman: is your goal to run an infra?18:59
anteayano to help us18:59
abregmanrcarrillocruz: ^ need any help with ansible-infra?18:59
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anteayanibalizer: he is trying to figure out how to help us18:59
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abregmannibalizer: no. I have experience with some ansible based projects as Khaleesi. I would like to contribute openstack-infra in some way...ansible looks like the best way but I basically would be happy to work on anything at this moment19:00
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nibalizerabregman: well we have an ansible-puppet interaction that is new and full of little bugs and gotcha19:01
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* abregman searching for ansible-puppet19:01
abregmanI guess I can start with improving the overview -> "Configures Ansible." :)19:02
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anteayaabregman: all our repos are mirrored from gerrit (the canonical source) to our git farm at git.openstack.org19:02
anteayaabregman: yay a place to begin!19:03
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AJaegerabregman: please update documentation as you learn and notice problems!19:04
abregmanAJaeger: sure thing!19:04
abregmanfinally..some work! :D19:04
anteayaabregman: AJaeger is a great reviewer of docs patches19:04
anteayahe leaves the most wonderful comments19:05
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anteayayou do19:08
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anteayalovely comments19:08
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* AJaeger needs to review his comments when he's next time down ;)19:08
AJaegeranteaya, everyone: Have a great weekend. Bye for now!19:09
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nibalizerabregman: the entrypoint of our systems is a cronjob that runs '' from system-config19:10
nibalizerpuppet-ansible is a small part of that19:11
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abregmannibalizer: thanks for telling me this :) right now I'm going to run it just to get feel of how it works19:12
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anteayaAJaeger: enjoy the weekend19:13
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prometheanfirewell, dib checks are still broken for centos
clarkbyes deactivate has the unset var problem too19:14
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clarkbbut you didn't like my suggestion to stop set -u'ing so I didn't push it19:14
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental job for MongoDB
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prometheanfireclarkb: well, that activate line isn't refrenced in dib sources at all19:16
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clarkbprometheanfire: its part of the job itself,19:16
clarkbvia the deactivate19:16
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prometheanfireso in project-config?19:17
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clarkbwhere we previously attempted to fix the job19:18
prometheanfireI don't see it there at all19:18
prometheanfireactivate is there in three places, none to do with dib19:18
clarkbas an alternative remove the deactivate19:19
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prometheanfirek, making a review19:20
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting diskimage-builder jobs
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix deactivate as it also needs set +u
prometheanfireclarkb: thatone ^19:24
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: make the default dashboard format csv
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: sort on the managed flag before other values
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: lower case all team names to sort consistently
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add PTL email to release dashboard
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openstackgerritArie Bregman proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Fix tiny styling issue
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openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Trigger python27 job for packetary-specs
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abregmanrcarrillocruz: hi. where 'keypairs' exactly defined?
openstackgerritDeklan Dieterly proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Modify gate-freezer-api-devstack-dsvm job
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anteayaabregman: rcarrillocruz is in spain19:57
anteayaso probably weekending by now19:57
anteayathere may be a pause in your response19:57
abregmananteaya: should have guessed. thanks :)19:58
anteayahow would you have known?19:58
anteayaand you're welcome19:59
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anteayawe prefer to link to code on git.o.o as it is open source software20:00
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clarkbalso note that we don't really use infra-ansible20:00
anteayawe mirror to github but it is propriatary software20:00
clarkbI am not sure that there has been any planning to do so.20:01
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prometheanfirejust need to find a someone to finihs this out
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dmsimardMy understanding is that release notes are published to over FTP ( )20:12
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dmsimardSince Packstack is not in the big tent, I was told our notes could not be published to docs.openstack, that's fine. Would you guys be okay if we provided an alternative ftp server to host the notes ?20:12
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dmsimardoh no, anteaya, I used "guys" again.. now I feel bad T_T20:14
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clarkbdmsimard: ftp is an implementation detail because we use a hosting service for the docs site20:15
clarkbdmsimard: I think we far prefer using scp when we can20:16
dmsimardOkay, so any scp builder will do for transferring these out ?20:16
anteayadmsimard: thanks for thinking of it, nine more times and you might remember :)20:16
dmsimardyeah, first step is noticing20:16
clarkbdmsimard: yup, that said I think we would prefer to control where we host them (the fact wedon't have much control over docs is kind of a pain). The other alternative many use is read the docs20:16
anteayafolks people team group infra all good words20:16
anteayadmsimard: yup20:17
HeOSWhat's happened here: ? I see only the following error: "An error occurred while installing mime-types-data (3.2016.0221), and Bundler"20:17
clarkbHeOS: looks like bundler failed20:18
openstackgerritArie Bregman proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Change keypair creation to be file based and add defaults
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dmsimardclarkb: not going to lie, we'd love to host the packstack release notes on but AJaeger respectfully (and understandably) declined
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix deactivate as it also needs set +u
dmsimardWe're working towards straightening up packstack (i.e, integration gate jobs that were implemented throughout mitaka are a first good step) and headed in the direction to make packstack a good OpenStack citizen (using Reno now too!)20:19
HeOSclarkb, I see it, but I can't understand, how I can fix it. :)20:19
clarkbHeOS: I have no idea20:19
clarkbHeOS: I do not know how bundler works, but I would start there20:20
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HeOSBtw, that job has been started by
EmilienMfirst I see UNSTABLE on CI jobs - did I miss something?20:21
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anteayabundler is a way or organizing ruby gems downloads and versions20:21
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clarkbwow those log files are huge20:21
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openstackgerritArie Bregman proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Fix tiny styling issue
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting diskimage-builder jobs
clarkbEmilienM: when the log finishes downloading maybe we can figure out why that happened20:22 /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-dsvm-centos7/logs/etc/neutron/plugin.ini (Permission denied)20:23
clarkbthats why20:23
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clarkbfungi: ^ apparently we have run into that log server permissions thing again20:23
clarkbstill have no idea what causes that20:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added dbus to firefox install macro
anteayafungi: here is the add dbus to firefox installation patch:
anteayait just merged20:24
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dmsimardEmilienM: sudo missing somewhere in copy logs ?20:24
clarkbdmsimard: no it uses the scp plugin and should write everything as the jenkins users20:25
dmsimardI'm reading that as a source file permission denied, not destination20:25
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
clarkbdmsimard: oh!20:27
clarkbdmsimard: yes that may be the case20:27
clarkbsorry we had problems with dest side perms but I just checked and dest side looks fine so you are proably correct20:27
clarkb-rw-rw-r-- 1 jenkins jenkins     0 Mar 18 20:03 plugin.ini is dest side20:28
dmsimardthere's a lot of logfile permission/ownership manipulation/copying in copy-puppet-logs, it's possible there is an edge case that isn't handled20:28
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fungiyeah, looks like the scp probably created the file, then tried to copy into it, and at that point failed to read from the source20:38
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HeOSSo, guys, should I restart all jobs for my request?20:49
haleybcan anyone here advise me on fixing a requirements problem?  i've been trying to cherry-pick something into stable/liberty neutron-lbass - - but it blows up because of a "bad" cryptography library.  pinning to cryptography<1.2 seems to work, but don't know if that's the best way?20:50
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prometheanfireclarkb: not sure if jjb isn't updated for the cent job or not, but fail
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clarkbprometheanfire: jjb updates are not instantaneous20:52
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clarkbthat job started a minute after merging according to my timestamps20:53
clarkbyou need to give it more time20:53
prometheanfireclarkb: it failed on the activates, not deactivates20:53
prometheanfirewhich is odd...20:53
prometheanfireso, recheck again?20:53
clarkbprometheanfire: looks a few lines up20:53
clarkbit is in the deactivate20:53
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prometheanfireoh, ya20:54
prometheanfirethat line always throws me20:54
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anteayamriedem: have a moment to help haleyb regarding
anteayamriedem: I'm looking but don't have much confidence20:57
haleybwe found this
mriedemnot right now, debugging how webob 1.6.0 is breaking all of the clients20:57
haleybso there's some things that don't play well together20:58
anteayamriedem: very good, sorry to bother20:59
anteayahaleyb: :(20:59
jrollhaleyb: so looks like they're working on getting a fix out20:59
anteayahaleyb: did this work in the master branch?20:59
haleybit's strange that only affects stable/liberty20:59
jrolloh that was january, ignore me21:00
haleyb was the actual change i think21:00
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haleybi'll just pin it and move along, as it's breaking neutron stable/liberty as well21:02
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jrollerm, they haven't released pyopenssl since april 2015 :(21:03
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anteayaanswering my own question, yes this merged on master two days ago:
anteayajroll: :(21:03
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jrolllooks like cryptography 1.3 released today21:04
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jrolljudging by we need a pyopenssl release so that stops breaking21:05
* jroll goes to chat with those folks21:05
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anteayajroll: you are awesome21:05
anteayahappy chatting21:05
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EmilienMdmsimard: we use sudo
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clarkbEmilienM: but jenkins doesn't whne scping21:06
clarkbso the perms have to be such that the jenkins user can read that file21:06
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jrollanteaya: :)21:06
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bkeroIs anyone working on the dsvm-trusty uuidgen failure?21:07
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dmsimardclarkb: yeah this _should_ be done here
bkeroIs that waiting for a new nodepool image?21:07
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clarkbbkero: yes, we need to upload the new image which is next on my list once jenkins is all patched (just about done)21:07
bkerook, cool21:07
clarkbbkero: we have the image built but not uploaded due to gearman restart earlier today21:07
clarkbI will be requeueing things shortly21:07
* bkero will hold on the job restarts21:07
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass specific cloud to openstack_clouds function
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EmilienMdmsimard: right, weir21:09
jrollanteaya: haleyb:
jrollsounds like "very soon but you may want to pin for now"21:09
anteayajroll: you are awesome!21:10
anteayahaleyb: ^^21:10
anteayajroll: thanks so much21:11
jrollanteaya: you're welcome, it was nothing :)21:11
anteayawell for you21:12
anteayawould have been days of pain for me21:12
anteayaso thanks for you21:12
jrolljust gotta know who to pester, I guess :)21:12
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jrollnow you know #cryptography-dev is the place to go for cryptography/pyopenssl questions :)21:13
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anteayajroll: that's what I'm talking about21:15
anteayato the extent that that helps me21:15
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anteayaI joined for posterity's sake21:16
ddieterlyanyone know how to workaround/fix these pylint errors?
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ddieterlyspecifically, 'Use of super on an old style class (super-on-old-class)'21:17
ddieterlythe error seems wrong as only new style classes are being used21:17
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fungiddieterly: not sure. not many projects are using pylint because it tends to be finicky, hard to please, and sometimes complains about completely valid code21:22
ddieterlyfungi thanks, argh...21:23
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EmilienMthere is still something weird with logs on our centos7 jobs21:23
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fungiEmilienM: weird as in more permissions issues?21:23
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fungiEmilienM: is it possible those files are being created without world read, or in non-world-readable directories?21:24
fungiEmilienM: the publisher attempts to copy them as the jenkins user, so if you have root or other non-jenkins users creating the logs then they'll need to be accessible to the jenkins user21:24
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EmilienMsomething with etc/neutron/plugin.ini21:25
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EmilienMdmsimard: wondering if it's an openstack-neutron packaging thing21:26
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fungicould that file be a symlink to somewhere else?21:27
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EmilienMyes, it's a symblink managed by puppet-neutron21:27
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EmilienMlet me read the code again21:27
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fungiEmilienM: if so, then copying that into your $LOG_DIR is copying the symlink, not the dereferenced target file21:28
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EmilienMbut we always did that21:28
EmilienMand it never failed until today21:28
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fungipossible something changed today that the target of that link started to be non-world-readable21:28
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fungiyour find+chmod over the $LOG_DIR won't apply to link targets outside that tree21:29
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fungiwhat's creating the /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini file? package installation?21:29
EmilienMfungi: packaing21:30
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EmilienMevery change in packaging specs should be seen here:
EmilienMbut I don't see any change lately about that21:30
EmilienMfungi: and the source file has 755:
clarkbbkero: osic and bluebox have the new ubuntu-trusty image, vexxhost failed and the other clouds are in progress21:32
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clarkbmnaser: are you around? it looks like the nginx type fail is still persisting on image uploads21:33
EmilienMthe weird thing is, if something would change in packaging, it would have failed in our packaging promotion jobs21:33
clarkbmnaser: OpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: Error finding address for Unable to establish connection to
EmilienMwe promoted RDO repo this morning and had no failures21:33
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EmilienMso it might be something external21:33
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clarkbEmilienM: just check the permissions on that file, add a sudo ls -l on it or something21:34
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clarkbbkero: ovh-bhs1 is ready now too21:34
clarkbbkero: so you probably have a 3/8 chance of having a happy job21:34
bkeroclarkb: It can wait a bit21:34
mnaserEmilienM: that's weird21:34
mnaseror sorry, rather clarkb21:34
fungiEmilienM: yeah, some extra debugging in the job might help, or we can try to hold a node which is running that and inspect the state of the files on it at the end21:35
mnaseri wonder if the same behaviour is repeating *or* if its an actual connection issue21:35
clarkbmnaser: the behavior is very similar the upload will go for 15 20 minites just fine then break on that21:35
clarkbwhich is what we were seeing before21:35
EmilienMfungi, clarkb: doing it :
clarkbhrm 8 minutes in this case21:36
mnaser18/Mar/2016:21:20:08 +0000] "PUT /v2/images/91ef7c7d-6e8d-41c6-90e0-1e4c9478f722/file HTTP/1.1" 504 182 "-" "python-glanceclient" "-"21:36
mnaserinteresting, it's throwing a 50421:36
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anteayaI got a sudden offer to do something now21:36
anteayaback in about an hour21:37
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clarkbbkero: at this point your odds are probably closer to 1 in 2, might be worth rechecking and seeing what happens21:39
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clarkbovh-bhs1 and osic and bluebox and internap are all done21:39
bkeroclarkb: issuing a recheck on
clarkbbkero: ok, will try to keep an eye on it21:40
haleybjroll: thanks for doing that.  So what's the best thing to do?  pin now and unpin later?21:41
jrollhaleyb: yep, sounds like it21:42
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clarkbmnaser: any other information I can help provide?21:42
haleybthanks, then i can get the 3 dependencies behind this in :-/21:42
mnaserclarkb: checking, looks like for some reason glance is timing out when talking to the ceph cluster which stores images21:43
mnaserbut that cluster is humming along with no problems..21:43
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clarkbbkero: it caught an osic node
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bkeroMan, y'all need some certs for those things21:44
clarkbthey have certs21:44
clarkbbkero: we are trying to delete them so haven't wanted to invest too much into jenkins21:44
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bkeroMy browser isn't trusting them21:44
clarkbbkero: ya they are self signed21:44
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bkeroBy certs I meant ones that are signed up to a CA that our browsers trust21:45
clarkblooks like it got past the uuidgen portion of the fail21:45
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bkerogreghaynes: is there any reason the elements using map-packages haven't been moved over to pkg-map yet?21:47
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mnaserclarkb: it seems glanceclient is not sending the image size which makes the process more difficult to store in rados (it stores it in chunks of 4MB by default).  the resize process starts taking up time and slows  things down (which seems to result in a timeout).  i've tweaked it to 64M chunks but if the nodepool code can be updated to upload with a predefined size (instead of size=0), it would help a lot in removing load off of glance21:49
mnasercan you please try again and i'll keep an eye21:49
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clarkbmnaser: I will look into making that change to nodepool/shade21:50
clarkbmnaser: I will also requeue the upload though it will be behind the rax and ovh updalods that are happening now21:50
mnaserno problem21:50
mnaserand sorry about that, pretty odd behaviour by glance21:51
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clarkbmordred: you around? do you know if the image upload task thing in rax will accept a file size arg?21:58
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clarkbmnaser: and do you know off the top of your haed if vexxhost uses glancev1 or v2? the glanceclient code says image_size is unused in v221:59
clarkbso this may need fixing in glanceclient21:59
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clarkbwow this code is indecipherable22:01
clarkbv2 upload doesn't take a properties arg but we pass it anyways somehow22:01
mnaserclarkb: we support both but it seems like nodepool is uploading via v122:01
mnaseroh because properties aren't a thing anymore, they just sit in some weird way directly into the object22:01
mnaserex before it was {"properties": {"foo": "bar"}} and now it's just {"foo": "bar"} right into the image object22:02
clarkboh! because glance is a two step thing for bonghits reasons22:02
clarkbyou create then put22:02
clarkbrathre than just put22:02
mnaseryeah, to the /file endpoint22:02
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mnaserclarkb: did the upload fail?22:04
mnaseri'm seeing some strange weird rbd failures... "ArgumentOutOfRange: error creating image"22:04
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clarkbmnaser: looks like the v1 client calculates the image size if you don't provide it so we should be providing it if using v122:04
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mnaserit makes life easier if you provide it in advance for glance22:05
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clarkbmnaser: we should be due to ^22:05
mnaser"since image size is zero we will be doing resize-before-write for each chunk which will be considerably slower than normal" in glance logs22:05
clarkboh the link above is v222:05
clarkbso we likely use v2 but that ignores image_size22:06
mnaseri'm seeing your uploads come in through v122:06
clarkbmnaser: hrm the error I pasted above is v222:06
clarkb is the v2 case22:06
clarkbthis almost sounds like the glance service and the glance client don't agree on whether or not the size is valuable22:07
clarkbOpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: Error finding address for Unable to establish connection to
clarkbthta has v2 in the url22:08
mnaseroh you're right, looks like it is trying to use v2 api22:08
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mordredclarkb: I've never tried a file size arg22:10
mordredclarkb: I can try22:10
clarkbmordred: well reading the code for v2 its a noop22:10
mordredmnaser, clarkb: readin gscrollback22:10
clarkbmordred: and for v1 it should determine it on its own22:10
clarkbmordred: this seems to be more of a case where glance the service and glance the client disagree wit heach other22:11
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clarkbrax-iad has a new ubuntu-trusty now22:11
mordredclarkb: we should be uploading to vexxhost using v222:11
mordredare we not?22:11
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mordredok. good22:11
mordredy'all go there already22:11
mordredmnaser: so - we discovered recently that we can use glance tasks with import-from-url on all of our clouds except for rackspace22:12
mordredmnaser: would it be better for you if we used that instead of PUT?22:12
clarkbmordred: yes but that requires major changes an dthis *should* work22:12
clarkbliek we have to host hte images publicly22:12
mordredI mean just for future thinking22:12
clarkband figure that out first22:12
mordredI'm curious as to if it's a win on mnaser's side22:13
mnasermordred: dont think it makes much of a difference, but i feel like it'd make your life harder22:13
mnaseryou can go a step crazier and basically22:13
clarkbI'd also like to avoid using undocumented features as much as possible22:13
mnaseractually no, iw as going to suggestion glance location-add but that would mean it would have to pull it everyday22:13
mordredclarkb: I think the solution to that is documenting th efeature22:13
mordredmnaser: oh yeha. that's not good22:13
mnaseralso, i thought importing images was the only way you could upload to rackspace22:13
mordredmnaser:well, yes - but only from swift22:14
mordredwhic his a DIFFERNET task22:14
mordredbecause bonghits22:14
mnaserfonud it22:14
mnaserwith v2: image_size = request.content_length or None22:14
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mordredoh. wow22:14
mnaserso is python-glanceclient v2 sending the content length?22:14
mordredso glanceclient should be sending content length22:14
clarkbmnaser: it might be I havne't dug that deep22:14
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clarkbit ignores the image_size param22:14
mordredmaybe we need to set a size with glanceclient22:14
mnaserthis could be our nginx frontend not sending the content length?  ill check too22:14
mnaserclarkb: checking22:15
mnaseryeah the image size is ignored in python-glanceclient upload call22:15
clarkbI find no content_length22:15
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mnaseri wonder if python requests sends content-length22:17
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clarkbya I don't think glanceclient does it at all22:18
fungibased on the security issues we've seen with glance locations so far, i highly recommend against any solution relying on setting locations on images. i suspect that will not continue to be a feature in its present form22:19
clarkblooks like requests will try to do it if the file is opened in binary mode22:19
clarkbnow to see if glancecleint does that22:19
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clarkbwe do22:20
fungithe entire idea with locations is flawed. people want to rely on glance having an image immutability property, but it really can't make that guarantee with locations22:21
clarkbwe could attempt to force v1 for vexxhost22:21
clarkband see if that is happier22:21
mnaserfungi: nova already relies on glance with images being immutable for it's cache22:21
mnaserso that's a thing too22:21
mnaserclarkb: did another upload fail? i'm seeing some really weird glance/rbd errors22:21
fungimnaser: yep, but glance lets you set multiple locations for an image, and doesn't even confirm that they have the same content22:22
clarkbmnaser: yes the more recent fail I pasted above was the second attempt after you asked me to try again22:22
mnaserfungi: yeah, that's a a big mess in my opinion22:22
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mnaseroh, i thought that was just a repaste, my bad.22:22
mnaseroh this will be a fun friday: "ArgumentOutOfRange: error creating image"22:22
jeblairfungi: i'm not sure if that's exactly what mordred was referring to; i believe mordred was referring to a system where one uses the glance task (!) interface to import an image from a url, performing a format conversion in the process.  i imagined that would produce an immutable locally stored glance image at the end.22:22
clarkbjeblair: yup that thing22:23
clarkbthis process is almost completely undocumented22:23
fungijeblair: yep, mnaser then suggested we could set image locations instead22:23
EmilienMfungi, clarkb: neutron perms
clarkb is the extent of the documentation22:23
mnaserhey don't point fingers at me, i said "actually no" :-P22:23
jeblairfungi: oh missed that22:23
fungiwell, you called it "even crazier"22:23
fungiwhich i can totally agree with as an assessment22:24
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bkeroclarkb: \o/ success22:24
clarkbEmilienM: ya thats not readable by jenkins22:24
clarkb640 root:neutron22:24
EmilienMclarkb: why did it work this morning and before? packaging did not change22:24
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fungiEmilienM: so basically your copy pass is copying the symlink into your logdir, then your find+chmod isn't dereferencing it and making the target readable22:24
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clarkbEmilienM: I don't know22:25
EmilienMwhy is it failing *now*22:25
clarkbEmilienM: but thats clearly not readable by jenkins now22:25
clarkbthats why it fails now22:25
EmilienMclarkb: it never failed before22:25
jeblairhow do you get a random looking paste id and not a number?22:26
clarkbEmilienM: then either the permissions changed or you never tried to copy that file before22:26
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clarkbjeblair: private past eiirc22:26
fungiEmilienM: unfortunately we don't know if those files/permissions were the same before22:26
clarkbjeblair: ya check the private paste check box22:26
jeblairclarkb: oh, how about that22:26
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EmilienMwe had the file like 5 hours ago22:27
EmilienM(empty though)22:27
EmilienMbut we have it in
mnaserof course22:27
mnaseras im trying to troubleshoot why ceph is choking22:28
mnaser"cluster [INF] 1.db deep-scrub starts"22:28
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EmilienMdmsimard: don't you have the issue in packstack CI?22:28
clarkbI suppose that new jenkins may have different behavior on perms issues when scping22:29
fungiEmilienM: looks like it failed to copy the link though--note it's 0 length22:29
mnaserclarkb: just made another small change, hopefully it helps.  we can give it another try if possible22:30
fungiEmilienM: probably a simple solution is to adjust your copy so that it dereferences all links (-L), or figure out how to skip symlinks or maybe rewrite absolute links as relative?22:30
EmilienMclarkb: do you know when jenkins got updated? we're running 1.643 (2015/12/20) now, I'm digging jenkins changelogs22:30
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fungiEmilienM: a few hours ago22:31
EmilienMfungi: from 1.642 I guess?22:31
clarkbmnaser: yup starting now22:31
EmilienMerr, from 64122:31
jeblairEmilienM: no from 1.5veryold22:31
fungiEmilienM: upgrade to address published security issues, i'd have to check what our old version was... just a sec22:31
fungiEmilienM: 2016-03-18 19:03:35 upgrade jenkins 1.565.3 1.642.322:32
jeblairEmilienM: can you point me at a recent run without the file?22:32
fungithat's from jenkins01's dpkg.log22:32
EmilienMjeblair: file always been here:
EmilienMlatest successful run ^22:32
jeblairEmilienM: i'm looking for a failed run22:32
fungijeblair: the latest behavior is that the job ends in an unstable result because it fails to copy the symlink22:32
jeblair22:32 < jeblair> EmilienM: can you point me at a recent run without the file?22:32
jeblairsorry, paste error22:33
jeblairEmilienM: thanks22:33
EmilienMthanks for helping!22:33
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jeblair2016-03-18 22:22:32.638 | + sudo find /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-dsvm-centos7/logs -type d -execdir sudo chmod 755 '{}' ';'22:34
jeblair2016-03-18 22:22:33.115 | + sudo find /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-dsvm-centos7/logs -type f -execdir sudo chmod 644 '{}' ';'22:34
jeblairthat seems like it ought to dtrt.22:34
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fungijeblair: the file it's breaking on is a symlink to a file elsewhere on the filesystem22:34
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jeblairoh, symlink.  how'd that happen?22:35
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fungijeblair: the job copies neutron configs. one of the files in /etc is an absolute symlink to another file in /etc22:35
fungiso when copying the contents of that tree, the symlink copied into the logdir is pointing back into /etc rather than the copy of the target in the logdir22:35
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EmilienMwe don't need this file22:36
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mordredjeblair, mnaser, clarkb: yes, I was talking about the imutable import system, not the location system. I do not think it's a fix for any current problems22:36
fungithe version in the logdir gets readable permissions set, but the symlink pointing out of the logdir into /etc is not dereferenced by that22:36
jeblairi agree with clarkb; this is probably a jenkins behavior change, and the best course of action is probably to alter the job to dereference the symlink when copying, or drop it if you really don't want it.22:37
jeblairEmilienM: ^22:37
mordredmnaser: since you use ceph, would it be more useful for us to upload to you in raw format?22:37
EmilienMjeblair: ok, I'm looking at the script now22:37
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mnasermordred: not really, ceph is used for image storage and block storage, instances are backed by local storage so qcow2 works better for snapshotting etc22:37
mordredmnaser: ok. cool22:38
clarkbmnaser: OpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: Error finding address for Unable to establish connection to
* mnaser sighs22:38
clarkbmnaser: that was a few minutes ago22:38
mnaserno backtrace this time22:38
mnasernothing but at a 40122:38
EmilienMjeblair: is it too agressive to drop all symlinks?22:39
EmilienMin LOGDIR22:39
mnaserthis is really weird, it looks like it's actually uploading..22:40
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mnaserclarkb: how big is the image and can i download it somewhere to do some of our own testing22:40
mnaseror if there's a way to do a single upload to make the whole process easier, just in case this takes longer than it should22:41
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clarkbmnaser: 6gb22:42
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clarkbI can copy the image into the apache docroot22:42
mnaseri'd really appreciate it22:42
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clarkbmnaser: getting an md5sum22:44
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clarkbmnaser: e7e0b892edd8d5cf2fbb8719bc115cd2 is md5sum22:45
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mnaserdownloading right now22:45
fungiEmilienM: jeblair: just confirmed by comparing the publisher log line from a passing run to the copy of that symlink on the logs.o.o filesystem... seems old jenkins behavior was to "successfully" create a zero-byte file on the logserver at that path and move on to copying other files, rather than complain about insufficient permissions22:45
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EmilienMfungi: thanks for looking22:45
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mnaser25m estimated download time, but it might be longer because the speed is fluctuating a lot22:46
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: do not keep symlinks before upload
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fungiEmilienM: jeblair: which implies it would have happening at the artifact collection phase in jenkins where it pulls those files from the slave workspace to the master before uploading22:46
EmilienMfungi, jeblair: let me know if I'm doing well or not ^22:46
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fungiEmilienM: looks right to me22:48
fungiEmilienM: though that fix won't take effect until the next image rebuild after it merges, since those scripts are baked into our worker images22:48
EmilienMfungi: it's Friday :-)22:49
EmilienMfungi: hopefully that can be fixed for Monday22:49
fungiEmilienM: yep, have a good weekend!22:49
EmilienMfungi: I'm not leaving except if you kick me22:49
EmilienMI'm just saying I don't care if our CI is broken, I warned our group and this weekend can be CI-less for us22:50
EmilienMas long we can fix it for Monday :)22:50
anteayaEmilienM: I can't imagine anyone kicking you22:50
jeblairEmilienM: lgtm22:51
EmilienManteaya: except if I start to speak french here. like all the time22:51
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anteayaI wouldn't kick you for that22:53
anteayaI'd be grateful that I could learn something22:53
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jeblairje ne parle pas francais22:55
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jeblairi learned that for the paris summit!  i learn so much thanks to openstack!22:56
anteayaha ha ha22:57
anteayaI would say bonjour to people that was all it took, they then switched to english22:57
jeblairyeah, that has happened to me too.22:58
pleia2fungi: thanks for tackling the zanata/openstackid issues yesterday, internet access here is worse than I expected (and non-existent at the conference venue)22:58
EmilienMjeblair: français, you forgot the fishing rod22:59
wznoinskhi all22:59
jeblairEmilienM: yeah, apparently i don't type it even as well as i don't speak it :)22:59
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EmilienMjeblair: I'm sure your keyboard does not have it :-P22:59
anteayapleia2: hey22:59
anteayapleia2: how is singapore23:00
pleia2anteaya: hot :) but pretty23:00
anteayaEmilienM: what is that accent called? I'm betting it isn't the fishing rod23:00
anteayapleia2: nice23:00
anteayapleia2: I hadn't imagined hot but I also haven't looked at a map23:00
anteayapleia2: have they a zoo?23:01
EmilienManteaya: c cedille23:01
bookwarhi, everyone, i've try to ask in -docs yesterday, but maybe someone here knows, which is the right docs theme for developer documentation - openstackdocstheme - the fancy one, or oslosphinx which is used by everyone?23:01
anteayaah thank you23:01
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anteayaoh look at that23:02
wznoinsktechnical nodepool/jenkins question... I need to set a *_proxy env variables to be used by both stack user and jenkins (before it switches to stack)... where's the best place to put these? (/etc/profile doesn't call bash.basrc as no PS1 is set, ~/.bashrc not called as the bash invoked by jenkins is not interactive either)... also the jenkin's shell commands are not login ones iether (obviously).. so if jenkins is not using *profie23:02
wznoinsk neither *rc files, where's the best/safest place to put env?23:02
anteayaevolution from the visgothic Z, nice23:02
pleia2anteaya: went to a night zoo!23:04
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jeblairwznoinsk: right at the beginning of the job?23:05
anteayahow is a night zoo?23:05
pleia2anteaya: saw pangolins (precise) and a tahr (trusty)23:05
jeblairwznoinsk: if you are using zuul, you could put them in a zuul parameter function23:05
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anteayapleia2: no way!23:05
anteayathat's where they are23:05
anteayain singapore23:05
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anteayais there a xenial there?23:06
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pleia2anteaya: alas, no23:06
anteayastill two of them23:06
wznoinskjeblair, ok, thought I'd sort it with nodepool element, i can literally do it _anywhere_... even zuul, was wondering where's the best place23:06
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jeblairEmilienM: could i convince you to type a fishing rod at me again so i can see if i have utf8 in irc fixed?23:09
wznoinskjeblair, I'll give zuul par function for now - my proxy won't change that often so it's better fit for nodepool on the other hand it's not a big transfter or anything big I couldn't do it at the build time instead of dib time23:09
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EmilienMjeblair: ç23:09
jeblairje ne parle pas français!23:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: do not keep symlinks before upload
clarkbmnaser: how far along is that image?23:12
mnasereta 9minutes clarkb23:12
mnaserseems to have throttled me at ~3MB/s23:12
clarkbbookwar: I think openstackdocstheme is for the docs repos23:12
clarkbbookwar: the oslosphinx for python repos23:12
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bookwarclarkb: you mean user docs vs dev docs? we are going to publish to so probably oslosphinx then?23:14
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jeblairbookwar: i think oslosphinx is right for that23:17
bookwarjeblair: thanks, i was a bit confused by description thinking that oslosphinx is obsoleted by new theme, but looks like these are just two different things23:20
mnaserclarkb: got it, i'll go grab some food and ill check it out23:22
jeblairbookwar: i'd continue trying to follow up with docs folks for clarification then; maybe an ml post or try again next week.23:22
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fungipleia2: no worries--it turned out not to be too terrible. hope you're enjoying the conference! singapore sounds like a blast23:36
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fungiEmilienM: my keyboard has ç thanks to compose+,+c23:38
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EmilienMfungi: does it have 'à' ?23:38
EmilienMor ù or é or ê23:39
EmilienMI'll make you jalous.23:39
bkerodeadkey + ` + u :P23:39
fungiEmilienM: compose ` a23:40
bkero3 keys, so much work23:40
bkeroMake it 2?23:40
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fungii need to figure out how to use compose sequences to type kanji sometime23:40
EmilienMit reminds me I still have a french keyboard23:41
bkeroEmilienM: qwertz?23:41
bookwardo you talk about utf-8 because you already know that it breaks voting page?23:41
EmilienMbkero: azerty23:41
bookwaror is it a coincidence :)23:41
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fungibookwar: i didn't notice any mojibake on the elections (and packaging-rpm is the only one i didn't have a ballot for)23:42
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fungibookwar: which election was the ballot where you saw incorrect glyphs?23:44
fungii should be able to pull mine back up for it to compare23:44
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bookwarfungi: actually, it wasn't about glyphs, my bad, just we've got reports about this kind of errors
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fungibookwar: oh, looks like maybe civs is missing specific language support but thinks it has it and then breaks their cgi?23:47
fungiit's open source, so presumably they'd accept fixes23:47
fungiso this would happen if your browser was set to request the russian translation of the page, i think23:48
fungi(and assuming you wanted to flex your perl muscles)23:48
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bookwarfungi: yes, changing locale helps, changing browser can help too23:49
bookwarso not a blocker23:50
fungistill a very unfortunate bug in their platform23:50
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bookwarsomeone has already filed it
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jeblairthe author, even.23:55
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clarkbrax-ord ubuntu-trusty image upload failed so I restarted it (timed out waiting for image to import)23:57
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clarkbovh-gra1 is still in progress ya atlantic ocean23:57
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anteayaI hear it's big23:58
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