Thursday, 2016-02-18

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add unit test for api.update_run
asselin_can anyone explain data? I'm looking at  stats.nodepool.task.bluebox-sjc1.AddFloatingIPTask but seems the data is of by an order of magnitude00:12
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SpamapSasselin_: what is your evidence it is off?00:16
SpamapSasselin_: seems to mirror CreateServerTask00:16
asselin_SpamapS, trying to make sense of the data in my nodepool running. log files are showing different times than statsd00:16
asselin_ran task <nodepool.provider_manager.GetFloatingIPTask object at 0x7f0bec411b50> in 0.705707073212s00:17
asselin_but I don't see anything over 0.5s00:17
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add missing release notes before the 1.3.0 release
SpamapSasselin_: 205ms could just be bad network latency?00:18
asselin_SpamapS, ??00:19
mordredasselin_: I think the data is in miliseconds00:20
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mordredor something00:20
SpamapSasselin_: the difference between 0.5s and 0.7s is 200ms00:20
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asselin_SpamapS, right...seems to me that the time in the log message should match the time in graphite regardless of network latency00:20
SpamapSasselin_: that's not a safe assumption. graphite summarizes.00:21
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asselin_yeah that's the part I'm trying to understand....i think something's off still...00:23
zarojeblair: RE:not being able to search
zarojeblair: looks like there's some inconsistency with that change.00:23
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zarodoing 'git fetch refs/changes/25/13725/8 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD' returns 'fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/changes/25/13725/8'00:24
zarojeblair: you might want to give this a try:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: bump upper constraint for keystoneclient
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asselin_SpamapS, so I see this in my log file, but nothing of that size in graphite...00:32
asselin_2016-02-18 00:31:28,115 DEBUG nodepool.ProviderManager: Manager mpc ran task <nodepool.provider_manager.DeleteFloatingIPTask object at 0x7f0be80464d0> in 113.744323969s00:32
asselin_2016-02-18 00:31:28,116 DEBUG nodepool.ProviderManager: nodepool.task.mpc.DeleteFloatingIPTask 11374400:32
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asselin_my graphite is showing everthing < 0.15s.....???00:33
asselin_that's a few orders of magnitude off....00:35
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/zmq-event-publisher: Update links in pom.xml
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nibalizerclarkb: so that ^^ + the wiki page I created (linked) should fix the zmq-e-p problem00:40
clarkbnibalizer: you are too kind00:41
clarkbnibalizer: we will have to do a new release once that merges in order to push back to jenkins but that is easy enough00:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add missing release notes before the 1.3.0 release
clarkbactually I can probably just approve that since it is mostly bookeeping will go ahea dand do so00:43
clarkbnibalizer: then one of us can push the tag to release00:43
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clarkbjeblair: any opposition to me just reapproving ? the dsvm test that failed did so because snapshot build had not completed in time00:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zmq-event-publisher: Update links in pom.xml
clarkbnibalizer: ^ you want to tag and push?00:48
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asselin_clarkb, nibalizer could one of you give me some of this output? tail -f /var/log/nodepool/debug.log | grep "ran task"00:50
clarkbasselin_: how much do you want?00:51
asselin_clarkb, just enough to sanity check the data in graphite00:51
clarkbasselin_: thats about a minutes worth00:52
asselin_thank you00:52
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asselin_clarkb, ok so I'm not crazy...something is off. e.g. ovh-bhs1 ran task ListServersTask is all 2.5 s and graphite is showing them as 0.20 s00:55
clarkbasselin_: how are you querying? can you paste your url here?00:55
nibalizerclarkb: sure00:57
asselin_clarkb, not sure how to get the's a screen shot:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: bump upper constraint for pycadf
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clarkbI think if you go to graph options there is a thing you can do00:58
asselin_clarkb, graph data is
clarkbkeep in mind that that says nothing about the scale of the data00:58
nibalizerclarkb: 0.0.4?00:58
clarkbnibalizer: ya just the minimal bump because we havne't really done anything00:58
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clarkbnibalizer: just bookkeeping00:59
asselin_clarkb, image in a new tab:
clarkbok so it isn't doing any munging should just show you raw data points, now we need to map back to nodepool and see what those are01:00
clarkbdt = last_ts - start ; self.statsd.timing(key, int(dt * 1000))01:01
clarkbboth of those are time.time() output so it is seconds * 1000 to get miliseconds01:02
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clarkbnext we can grab the json output01:03
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asselin_clarkb, how do you grab the json output?01:04
clarkbasselin_: I would have to look that up but its another query parameter so &something=json01:04
clarkboutput maybe?01:04
asselin_oh..the graphite json data01:05
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Heat booting a VM on a network w/o subnet
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clarkbeach of those is a tuple raw data and timestamp01:05
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clarkbI don't know why those appear to be skewed01:06
clarkboh it calls statsd.timing01:06
clarkbso you need to look at what that does to timestamps01:06
clarkbbefore shipping them off01:06
nibalizerclarkb: tag pushed01:06
clarkbnibalizer: kk, that should cause some release jobs to run (at least one) that will push to jenkins maven reo01:06
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asselin_clarkb, the data points in the json match the graph .01 0.1501:07
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clarkbasselin_: ya but notice that the function call is timing specific, it may do data munging01:09
clarkbasselin_: something to chekc up on at least01:09
* asselin_ looks01:09
asselin_self._send_stat(stat, '%0.6f|ms' % delta, rate)01:10
asselin_not sure why its using delta...??01:10
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asselin_maybe it should just be set self._send_stat(stat, '%s|s' % value, rate)01:11
clarkbdelta because it is the difference of two times01:12
clarkband that is saying ms which is correct so ya I dunno01:12
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: yum-minimal: clear our rpm/dnf/yum data in chroot
* asselin_ finds the manual01:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Heat booting a VM on a network w/o subnet
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asselin_The statsd server collects all timers under the stats.timers prefix, and will calculate the lower bound, mean, 90th percentile, upper bound, and count of each timer for each period (by the time you see it in Graphite, that’s usually per minute)."01:15
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asselin_so that graph is not timer01:16
jeblairclarkb: please do re+3
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asselin_ok so this here? I guess it's ms?
KennanAJaeger: I saw issues like01:20
Kennanfter connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out01:20
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Kennanwhich makes jenkins build timeout01:20
Kennanit seems related connection issue in jenkins side01:21
jeblairasselin_: stats.nodepool.task.X is not a timer01:22
jeblairclarkb: ^01:23
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clarkba counter then?01:23
asselin_jeblair, yeah I noticed that...mentioned it above too...01:23
jeblairasselin_, clarkb: that stat is a frequency -- so basically calls / sec01:23
jeblairclarkb: yeah01:23
jeblairclarkb: the raw version of it would be in stats_counts (which would be the absolute count per time period)01:24
jeblairasselin_: stats.timers. is where you'll fine the durations01:24
jeblairasselin_: ah i see your later graph link, yes01:24
asselin_jeblair, yeah...and it seems its all in ms right?, e.g. 25K is 25 seconds01:24
jeblairasselin_: correct all times are in ms01:24
asselin_jeblair, i think I mentioned I'm new to I'm more likely the one in err01:25
jeblairasselin_: if you check out the grafana dashboard for ovs, you'll see it convert them back to seconds:
jeblairheh, er, ovh :)01:25
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jeblairwhich seems to match the log lines  (but always good to double check unit conversions in graphs)01:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle dib image deletion during periodic cleanup
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: glance-store 0.11.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Upperbound on pysaml2 to avoid pycryptodome
asselin_clarkb, jeblair thanks for helping me out...I'm making sense of the data now.01:30
jeblairasselin_: great!  you can help us with dashboards now!  ;)01:32
asselin_sure can :)01:32
fungiKennan: there was an outage for that mirror around 20 hours ago... when were you seeing it?01:33
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Kennanfungi: let me check other new jenkins jobs. maybe that was the time when mirror hit that issue01:38
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dougwigfungi: good idea01:59
fungidougwig: i had a good idea? when/where?02:00
dougwigML/review page.02:00
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jheskethjeblair: when you get time, your feedback on my last comment here would be appreciated:
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smcginnisHmm, possible issue. Build artifacts are missing here:
smcginnispep8 failure here:
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smcginnisSame on this one:
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jheskethany cores around to help reivew ?03:17
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tonybjhesketh: I need to disappear but: (7days) seem to show an increase to me03:39
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jheskethit does seem that way03:39
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jheskethneed to get some reviews on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new job template for dsvm plugins with src
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KanagarajMianw, hi arround?04:01
ianwKanagarajM: yep04:01
KanagarajMianw, could you please have a look
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Neutron Failure Rate dashboard to Grafana
ianwKanagarajM: honestly, I usually leave new project stuff to others who have better experience in that area04:03
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack/requirements: Constrain eventlet to 0.18.2 for now
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KanagarajMianw, oh, ok.  I have requested AJaeger yesterday and would you please suggest someone else as Ajaeger is not online.04:06
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ianwKanagarajM: the right people will look, it might just take a bit ... AJaeger usually comes online in a few hours from now04:06
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KanagarajMianw, ok. thanks :)04:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set ZUUL_REF for devstack plugins list proposal periodic job
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use pip install of dib for testing
ianwgreghaynes: just been sitting around in my queue, but i think still relevant ^04:38
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use config drive in Neutron jobs
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openstackgerritMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-virtualbox project
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: bump upper constraint for keystoneauth
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip rally runs on doc changes
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip rally runs on Neutron's doc changes
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upgrade Castellan functional gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-oslo.service for liberty
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack/requirements: Update python-saahraclient to the 0.12.0
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack/requirements: Update python-saahraclient to the 0.12.0
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yolandagood morning07:44
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: bump upper constraint for keystonemiddleware
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Upgrade Castellan functional gate
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openstackgerritAliaksandr Buhayeu proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Adds possibility to retrieve all jobs from the view specified
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adds new project os-namos
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use pip install of dib for testing
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AJaegeryolanda: for - kiloeyes is marked as executable, the change removes the x permissions. See also commit message.09:04
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yolandaoh missed that09:05
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AJaegerno problem - thanks for reviewing09:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup some ACLs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix tag publishing of server projects
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Watcher multinode Tempest job fixup
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create openstack/ramdisk-func-test repository
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document gerrit ACL for stable team
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AJaegerfungi, yolanda: is still empty. Will it only get content after the next merge? Or should it sync automatically - and fails somehow?09:23
yolandaAJaeger as i got the instructions from fungi, will try to fix09:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch most of ironic jobs to iPXE and remove a separate iPXE job
dguitarbiteAJaeger: I need your help in figuring out cross-release tarball generation09:28
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dguitarbiteI need to trigger this script for all releases to build and publish tar/zip files.09:29
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AJaegerdguitarbite: normally you run a post job - and that one runs on your branch09:30
dguitarbiteDo I create a post-job template like training-labs.yaml in jenkins/jobs and then trigger it for different branches from the projects.yaml?09:31
yolandaAJaeger ok , i added gerrit group to github. Going to send documentation about that, before i forget09:31
AJaegerThat's what I did with 281712 - document fungi's great change 281563 directly..09:32
AJaegerthanks, yolanda.09:32
AJaegerdguitarbite: you just merge content for each branch...09:32
AJaegerdguitarbite: I'll grab a coffee and visit your office...09:32
dguitarbiteOk, Ill be free in 10 minutes, in a standup09:33
yolandaAJaeger, yes, we have too many things that are known for some people, and is good to have it shared as a knowledge base09:33
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yolandaso, if i know how to fix gerrit, any infra-root shall have this knowledge and i should share it09:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-refstack: use specific tag version of refstack for installation.
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AJaegeryolanda: I really like that approach - it's the best way forward...09:38
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AJaegeryippie, has content!09:38
AJaegerthanks, yolanda !09:38
yolandaanytime :)09:38
abregmanhi everyone. my name is Arie and I would like to contribute to one (or several) of infra projects. I have experience with Python, Ansible, Jenkins and Linux (shell, internals...). Any suggestion on how to start?09:39
openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi publish jobs to RefStack
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openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds training-labs post jobs to publish tarballs
dguitarbiteAJaeger: Heading over in 509:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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AJaegerwellcome, abregman !09:47
abregmanAJaeger: thanks :)09:49
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AJaegerabregman: best come back during US times when most of the team is here - there's so much to do, I'm not sure where to point you first and have other tasks to do right now.09:50
abregmanAJaeger: np! I'll try again later today09:50
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add troubleshooting section to github
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xiexs___hi, all, is there a problem with check-citrix-xenserver CI?09:59
BobBallI'm investigating09:59
xiexs___BobBall: OK, thanks.10:00
BobBallxiexs___: looks like a network error10:01
BobBallOr maybe it's not10:02
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eantyshevyolanda: Hello! Could you please look at this simple patch for system-config: ? Thanks!10:06
yolandahi eantyshev10:06
yolandai'll do10:06
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openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-refstack: Make puppet pull releases from Pypi
xiexs___BobBall:yes, the error msg is "sudo: ovs-vsctl: command not found" in the ci log.10:07
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BobBallThat's a different error to the one I was looking at10:10
BobBallWhere are your log files?10:10
yolandaeantyshev, no time to test it now... do you have a testenv for it? can you send me some samples of the results of that tool? or if they are short enough, paste on the change10:10
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eantyshevyolanda: simple checks
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yolandaeantyshev, can you add that link to the review, and then i +2?10:19
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make to not shuffle data items
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BobBallxiexs___: OK - you need to look for the first error - in this case it's Download error on [Errno 101] Network is unreachable -- Some packages may not be found!10:29
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BobBallxiexs___: I don't know why my CI ended up using infra's pypi mirror again - I was sure I had set it to use but clearly it's still trying to access it.  Presumably infra's pypi mirror has changed today10:29
BobBallxiexs___: The issues with ovs-ofctl are simply because devstack has not completed running and when it tries to collect logs it tries to use a program that has not yet been installed.10:30
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xiexs___BobBall: OK, got it. thanks.10:32
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AJaegerBobBall: rax is doing network updates, so that explains the timeouts. But you're right, your setup is strange and should be fixed...10:36
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BobBallI'm confused though... Do you know how this pypi mirror is set up?  I assumed through nodepool-scripts/ but that only gets called from which isn't called in my setup10:48
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BobBallMore confused - /etc/pip.conf has index-url set to (although it does have all of the infra mirrors listed as trusted-host's); so how is it picking up an infra mirror?10:51
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openstackgerritxiangxinyong proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add dashboard and client for Smaug
AJaegerBobBall: did you log into a running system and check it?10:53
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AJaegerBobBall: I hope jeblair or mordred can help you with that10:55
BobBallWell, I say yes, but I mean actually maybe.  I made a code change that I thought would work then realised it _really_ wouldn't fix it... But I suppose it's vaguely possible that it did fix it somehow10:56
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BobBallOK - I can say yes now :D10:56
openstackgerritAlexander Evseev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add possibility to use SSH instead of HTTP to get ref list
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xiexs___BobBall: so the problem is solved now?11:01
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BobBallNope - really not.  It's very confusing to me.11:07
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mordredBobBall: also gets called in our nodepool ready scripts - not just for multinode11:08
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mordredBobBall: nodepool/nodepool.yaml:    ready-script: configure_mirror.sh11:09
mordreddunno if you've got that going too11:09
BobBallNope :( nothing set for ready-script11:10
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BobBallAlso, for giggles, I just ran devstack in a node that failed due to the infra pypi mirror11:11
BobBallGuess what.11:11
BobBallIt's got a long way passed the failure point11:11
BobBallSo I'm thinking it's environment somewhere rather than a config file11:12
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BobBallOK - so it got a lot further, but failed with the same error trying to install pbr>=1.8 in the tempest venv (which is good I suppose)11:16
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add ability to configure nova quota
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wznoinskhi infra11:17
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BobBallDoes having the -infra mirrors listed as trusted-host's in pip.conf cause this problem?  or is there likely to be another reference to the mirror elsewhere?11:19
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wznoinskwould I need a full blown openstack (controller + compute services) as slaves for nodepool/jenkins when using downstream-puppet package?11:21
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xiexs___BobBall: but i think the mirror is not the root reason, as you can refer to another devstack log which also used the infra mirror but it works fine, although there was still the same problem.11:22
xiexs___BobBall: you can check this:
BobBallFound the broken config - it's coming from ~jenkins/.pydistutils.cfg copied by devstack-gate/functions11:23
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BobBallxiexs___: It's definitely the pypi mirror as the root reason (although possibly because the network has broken and/or ifra have moved their pypi mirror)11:24
mordredBobBall: what is it configured to hit?11:24
mordredthat is not a thing anymore11:25
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add the ability to configure quota using hiera
BobBallIndeed - now I'm trying to figure out _how_ it got configured to hit that in my environment11:25
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mordredBobBall: if you're re-using any of our puppet, modules/openstack_project/manifests/slave_common.pp installs that file11:26
mordredand it has modules/openstack_project/files/pydistutils.cfg:index_url =
mordred(or, at least it did - I'm pulling to doublecheck)11:26
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BobBallahhhhhh! Yay! That'll be it!11:27
BobBallI think I'm re-using your puppet yes11:27
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mordredBobBall: current file has
mordredBobBall: so an update should get you fixed11:29
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BobBallawesome - found that11:29
BobBallmany thanks mordred11:29
mordredsure nuff!11:29
BobBallbut I don't want to be using your pypi mirror for that either - I should be using upstream pypi for my ci11:29
BobBallI'll modify my system-config to fix the file to use the primary pypi source11:30
* BobBall gives mordred 10 house points for the help11:30
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BobBallAwesome :( Now I've got to fight against the image regeneration having not worked for over a month without me noticing! :)11:34
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mordredBobBall: that sounds like fun!11:34
BobBallYou like fun, don't you mordred.  I've got 10 more house points up for grabs if you want to have some fun.11:35
mordred_I_ am trying to figure out why the image I built of xenial is not pingable when I boot it in a cloud11:36
mordredas a sort of "start getting ready for the new LTS" kind of fun11:36
mordredand to make it better - I'm doing it over conference wifi11:36
BobBallMaybe you can blame RAX's network updates?11:36
mordredI'd like to11:39
mordredbut it's running in vexxhost and my other machine is up ...11:39
mordredso I think I ahve to blame me11:39
mordredgreghaynes: [[0;1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start DHCP interface ens3.11:40
mordredSee 'systemctl status glean@ens3.service' for details.11:40
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BobBallUh oh11:41
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mordredgreghaynes, yolanda: ^^ I get that when I try to boot an image of xenial I made with DIB_RELEASE=xenial disk-image-create -n -x --no-tmpfs -o ubuntu-xenial ubuntu-minimal vm simple-init11:41
yolandamordred, do you have more details when you run systemctl?11:42
mordredyolanda: well - I can't log in because dhcp isn't working :)11:42
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yolandathat should be on a chroot?11:43
mordredyolanda: I got that info from the nova console-log11:43
yolandamm, can you try adding devuser?11:43
mordredyolanda: I think I need to make a new image with a user that has a password so that I can log in via web console11:43
yolandaso you can enter from console?11:43
yolandayou typed faster :)11:43
mordredwell, I could if I had a user with a password11:43
mordredI type fast :)11:44
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mordredyolanda: btw - if you ever want to play with building xenial images before they're released, you can do:11:49
mordredsudo ln -s /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/xenial11:49
mordredyolanda: which will let debootstrap know how to build them11:49
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yolandamordred, it might be interesting. Why are you using xenial images for? are we going to run tests in our ci?11:50
mordredyolanda: it's the next LTS - so I've been looking to see if there are any changes we need to make to be able to build xenial images11:51
mordredyolanda: once it's out I expect we'll want to move the gate jobs to it from trusty11:51
mordredwhich will, of course, be fun11:51
yolandai'm sure there will be some failures. Nothing is always as easy11:51
mordredI have decided that instead of building the image on my laptop and uploading it to the cloud over conference wifi11:52
mordredI will build the image on a server in the cloud and upload it to the cloud from there :)11:52
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yolandait wll be faster, conference wifis are never good11:53
Wei_Liuhi, I want to build mu own puppetmaster, but got error "Error: Must pass jenkins_api_key to Class[Openstack_project::Puppetmaster] at line 1 on node puppet-master-lw" when I run "puppet apply --modulepath='/opt/system-config/production/modules:/etc/puppet/modules' -e 'include openstack_project::puppetmaster'", what should I do?11:53
yolandahow is ansible conf going?11:53
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mordredyolanda: it's going well - the contributor summit thing yesterday was very nice11:54
yolandai would have liked to go, but as mid-cycle is next week, is too much time outside home11:55
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mordredyah. I wish there were more time in between11:55
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yolandamordred so xenial will be on systemd right? how is glean support for that, is fully functional?11:59
mordredyah - we support it already because centos7 and fedora12:00
yolandawe had several problems in the way networks are configured in upstart, and we changed the event. Maybe you are hitting something similar on systemd?12:00
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi jobs to refstack.
yolandaremember that on upstart glean was spinning "on device-up" and we changed to "on networking start"12:01
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add ability to configure nova quota
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sdaguecan someone with uber gerrit powers add me to -,members12:07
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igorbelikovmordred: I had a similar issue trying to get debian jessie running, the cause was missing ifupdown package, glean tried to use /sbin/ifup and failed12:12
igorbelikovmordred: checked xenial - looks like ifupdown is not included in minimal image, so may be the same12:13
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openstackgerritDmitriy Ukhlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fixes neutron template  for oslo.messaging drivers test
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mordredpro-tip - when testing glean on xenial - make sure you add the simple-init element so that glean is installed at all12:20
mordredTHEN it will be easier to test good suggestions from people12:20
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mordredsdague: done12:22
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sdaguemordred: thanks12:23
yolandamordred, but you showed me simple-init in the list of elements12:26
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yolandawhat were you missing?12:26
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mordredyolanda: I somehow pasted it poorly :)12:27
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yolandamordred so it works fine now?12:32
mordredwell - rebuilding the image now12:32
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to >= 3.5 to get to_utf8()
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mordredoh good12:36
mordredyolanda: /sys/class/net changed12:36
yolandais no longer sys/class/net?12:37
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mordredyolanda: no - I have a thing trying to access /sys/class/net/en3 - but the thing that's there is /sys/class/net/ens312:42
mordredso something is getting the wrong list of interface names12:42
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yolandamordred, what event triggers glean for systemd?12:42
yolandais that at some point where all the interfaces are up?12:43
mordredAfter=network.service network.target12:43
mordredwe have assumptions in our stuff that if the system is systemd it's redhat based12:44
mordredthis is going to be more work than I'd hoped12:44
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mordredigorbelikov: yes - I have also found that ifupdown is missing (thanks)12:58
mordredand also openssh-server12:58
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yolandaonce that we have working with upstart, it changes.. so what is the issue that you are seeing?13:00
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yolandai ended adding several debug messages so i could get a complete idea of the execution flow, in the case of upstart, the problems were the races13:00
bogdandowhich is the place I can submit a patch to the mailman matching patterns? For Fuel it seems matching only ones with a capitalized F, [Fuel]. And tags like [fuel] go to nowhere, even tho I enabled the mailman for Fuel...13:01
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igorbelikovmordred: actually had similar stuff with /sys/class/net also, glean was trying to access eth.0 instead of eth0, but this somehow vanished with ifupdown and dhcp client installation, not sure where's the connection here though13:04
mordredigorbelikov: good to know13:04
mordredigorbelikov: I'm trying again with ifupdown installed13:04
mordredyolanda: yah - I'm going to send up  apatch that doesn't hard-code redhat thing sin the systemd service file13:05
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mordredyolanda: I believe the timing is correct - it's just trying to access non-existent things right now13:05
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Changed display type from touch to native
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mordredigorbelikov, yolanda: WOOT. adding ifupdown fixed it13:14
igorbelikovmordred: yep, strange13:14
tinyhippomordred: am I right in thinking that you'd be the person who is looking after the community side of openstack? as far as the relationship with freenode is concerned?13:14
igorbelikovbut glad it worked:)13:14
mordredme too13:14
openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add rpm-packaging team meeting
mordredtinyhippo: jeblair and fungi are actually the people who hold on to that13:15
mordredtinyhippo: but I can attempt to help?13:15
mordredtinyhippo: we aren't doing evil things to you at the moment, are we?13:15
tinyhippomordred: I just wanted to pop in and say hi, and ask whether there's anything I could help with at all, but perhaps its worth a conversation another time, if you're busy?13:16
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mordredtinyhippo: I'm totally not busy - but I'm pretty sure fungi and jeblair would also love to chat with you - fungi usually wakes up close to now (US East) - jeblair should be up in about 2.75 hours13:17
mordredtinyhippo: and hi!13:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: Changed display type from touch to native
mordredwow. that's a fascinating commit message for an openid server13:19
Shrewstinyhippo ... that's a great nick. it's also a worst cat, which is mordred's most favorite thing13:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Depend on ifupdown in simple-init
mordredShrews: this is a true statement you make13:21
mordredgreghaynes, SpamapS: ^^ that makes simple-init work on xenial for me13:21
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tinyhippoShrews: yours isn't too bad either!13:22
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yolandamordred, nice13:28
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kragnizmordred: tinyhippo: there was talk a while back (maybe at the tokyo summit?) of giving out freenode openstack/ cloaks again13:29
kragnizis that something worth pursuing?13:29
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraint for os-client-config
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tinyhippokragniz: mordred: I/staff would be happy to assign them if openstack GCs wanted us to set them :)13:36
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thiagopHey ya, good day! I have a very quick question: is there any change I can get nodepool configuring physical machines (or KVM vm's) as nodes?13:42
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mordredthiagop: at the moment the answer for that would be to have a nova with an ironic driver13:44
mordredthiagop: we have plans to support non-dynamic resources with zuul v3 - but those are a few months out from being real13:44
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thiagopHey mordred, just to put some context into it, we're trying to make a sane deployment for our 3rd party CI for Ironic. What I'm trying to do is to use the scripts of the example to deploy our CI, but it need to be in the same network as the baremetal nodes (it can't be on our cloud then)13:46
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mordredthiagop: yah - that makes sense. So I think what you really want is the stuff we're working on for zuul v3 - which is good, because there is a plan and we're working on it - and bad because it's not ready yet13:47
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thiagopmordred: makes sense. How can I get acquainted with what you're doing?13:48
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mordredthiagop: I'll point you at some things in just a bit - I've gotta run real quick, back in a few13:49
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create ansible-role-ssh
thiagopmordred: np, I can wait. TY.13:49
fungibogdando: those are configured manually by the admins of each individual list. if you're talking about the openstack-dev ml you need ttx to adjust that (though i believe he's travelling at the moment so you may want to check back next week)13:53
fungiabregman: welcome and thanks for your interest! probably the best place to start is to begin reviewing proposed changes to the various openstack-infra repositories in our gerrit. it's the best way to get a feel for what we're running and how it's maintained. once you're comfortable with that, the next easiest step is usually to try submitting a patch for some small bug, then work your way up to more13:55
fungicomplex tasks from there13:55
bogdandofungi, thank you!13:56
abregmanfungi: thanks fungi for the answer! is there a good way to query small bugs?13:56
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fungiabregman: usually easier to spot them yourself. see something which needs fixing and tackle it. as you review you'll start to get a feel for things that are left undone for later cleanup, based on comments and the like13:57
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yolandahi fungi, i sent a change to document how to troubleshoot github
fungitinyhippo: so far jeblair has been our primary liaison to freenode staff, but i'm happy to start whatever discussions you'd like. i don't know that we have any significant challenges with freenode at the moment. weathering the usual netsplits/outages/ddos impact, random spammers wandering into channels, trolls posting offensive message floods, et cetera but nothing out of the ordinary for irc ;)13:58
yolandai abandoned the one from git, to properly rework , and talk about how to troubleshoot ssh problems on mirrors generally13:59
fungiyolanda: thanks! taking a look now13:59
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yolandaissue with giftwrap project is solved following your guidelines13:59
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fungiyolanda: yep, saw that in scrollback. thanks for fixing!13:59
abregmanfungi: k I'll try that. thanks again :)14:01
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fungiyolanda: looks great. i left a suggestion there to also describe the outward-facing symptom if you want to improve it further14:02
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abregmank, I've started with something very small:
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fungiabregman: wow, the original wording there was pretty unparseable14:10
abregmanfungi: yeah :)14:11
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add troubleshooting section to github
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openstackgerritVictor Morales proposed openstack/requirements: Add schemadisplay-sphinx to test requirements
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yolandafungi, also in terms of documentation , i have this patch waiting for a long time
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openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds training-labs post jobs to publish tarballs
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openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds training-labs post jobs to publish tarballs
fungiyolanda: oh, right, i remember now when we discussed that--will give it a readthrough in a bit14:21
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infracloud east servers to puppetmaster
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Change MySQL search mode to 'boolean'
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Instruct puppet to configure settings before applying
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pabelangerfungi: I have some time to test some of the new bindep experimental jobs. Starting with cinder14:54
pabelangerreview 28189314:54
smcginnispabelanger: Jeremy beat you to it:
trashSpamapS: Can you have another look at my change?14:55
pabelangersmcginnis: doh! I did a quick search and didn't see anything14:56
pabelangerthanks for the heads up14:56
smcginnispabelanger: np14:56
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dansmithseveral of us have had various failing pep8 and docs jobs, which show up as failed and yield no logs, like this:
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for app catalog horizon plugin
fungipabelanger: i uploaded more than 40 changes to the projects/branches where i added those jobs and left check experimental comments on all of them. look for topic:bindep-testing15:02
pabelangerfungi: Ya, see them all now15:02
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fungii haven't had time to start looking at the job logs for them yet, was on my agenda for today, if you want to tackle looking through some that would be a huge help15:03
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SpamapStrash: I'll try to look at that very soon.15:03
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pabelangerfungi: so, randomly looking at a job, I see a 'cc' failure. A quick look into bindep-fallback.txt doesn't show gcc package, is that something we should be including there or done some other place?15:04
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat lbaas specific test for v1 and v2
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fungipabelanger: quite possible that we've missed preinstalling gcc on ubuntu-trusty images?15:05
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fungipabelanger: i would have expected it to get pulled in as a dependency of one of the other packages in the fallback list15:05
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat lbaas specific test for v1 and v2
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trashSpamapS: cool, thanks15:06
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pabelangerfungi: maybe, that is what I am going to look into.  But mostly trying to find out what should be in bindep-fallback.txt and what not. So, things like compliers, I don't think belong in bindep?15:06
fungiwhen i put that list together i manually compared the packages present on a bare-trusty node with those present on an ubuntu-trusty, then again after installing the fallback list15:06
fungimade sure every package on bare-trusty was also present on ubuntu-trusty after the fallback list was applied15:07
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fungibut that was a couple months ago, so it's possible there has been a digression somewhere15:07
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pabelangera quick grep for system-config only shows gcc installed onto wheel_mirror_slave.pp15:07
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fungipabelanger: link one of the failure logs where you saw this error?15:08
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pabelangerYa, let me find it again15:08
pabelangerI was randomly clicking15:08
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pabelangerfungi: okay, not the same job, but found something related to cc:
fungithanks, i'll see if i can come up with alternative explanations for that one15:12
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pabelangerto me, looks like cc is installed, but just an excpetion15:12
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clarkbmordred thiagop pretty sure nothing prevents you running a bare metal cloud and nodepool on same network15:12
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fungipabelanger: did the python27 job for that same change fail? does that project normally run a pypy job and did it succeed on bare-trusty for the same change?15:13
fungipabelanger: i'd be willing to chalk this up to psycopg not being usable on pypy (or at least that version of pypy)15:14
smcginnisdansmith: I've been seeing a lot of those too.15:14
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smcginnisdansmith: Rechecking cleared a couple for me, but something definitely up.15:14
pabelangerfungi: Ah, right you are.  Looks like pypy is not running for that project15:14
pabelangerwill move along to a bindep job that fails, when bare-trusty passes15:15
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dansmithsmcginnis: yeah, I've rechecked several times but my hitrate is poor15:17
fungismcginnis: dansmith: i'll see if i can find the jenkins console from that job15:17
clarkbthat means no log was copied, best way to debug that is find the jenkins run in jenkins15:18
clarkblooks like fungi will go hunting for that15:18
pabelangerfungi: could you confirm if this JJB is running on the correct host?
pabelangerI would expect that to be ubuntu-trusty15:20
fungipabelanger: look at the top of the log at the hostname. it will begin with the label15:20
pabelangerright, this is the job I am looking at:
pabelangerwhich is failing because bindep is missing15:21
pabelangeri believe, it is because we are using the wrong node15:21
pabelangerokay, let me get a patch up to fix that15:22
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
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fungipabelanger: double-check i didn't fail to change that on any of the other templates i copied into that file15:22
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pabelangerfungi: Yup, just confirming now15:23
fungihowever, for now we can just ignore the gate-{name}-requirements-bindep check job results and confirm them later once that's fixed and propagated15:23
fungigood eye!15:23
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch gate-{name}-requirements-bindep to ubuntu-trusty
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fungismcginnis: dansmith: clarkb:
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
fungilooks like the job failed to clone nova, and since that was what would have created the workspace for the job the publisher couldn't fire15:30
fungior i may be misreading that15:30
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fungiis it saying /bin/bash doesn't exist?15:30
fungimaybe the rootfs disappeared out from under it?15:31
clarkbbut it dodnt log brcause no bash and that crashed the job15:31
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fungiyeah, this is really pathological15:31
clarkbthat is a prpblem with the post run publisher15:31
clarkbbut also why no bash15:32
fungithe git failure was ValueError: I/O operation on closed file15:32
fungiso i think the filesystem really did just go out to lunch15:32
fungiand, once again, in rax-iad15:33
dansmithis that like one worker has a corrupt filesystem or something?15:33
fungiit's like the instance was working but then very early in the job the instance it lost access to its filesystem15:34
fungiand then *kaboom*15:35
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/requirements: Update overtest to 0.11.0
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fungirackspace is doing more maintenance which could impact block device connectivity in iad today, but it's not supposed to be starting until 10pm cst according to their note15:36
jeblairand / isn't supposed to be on iscsi afaik15:36
fungiahh, hopefully. i honestly don't know how rackspace has their environment set up15:37
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smcginnisfungi: I was hitting this yesterday as well, so I don't think it's unschedule rax maintenance.15:38
fungibut yeah, if we're seeing lots of these and can get a list, i should be able to grep worker names out of the zuul debug log to correlate back to a specific provider/region15:38
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fungithe trick is getting a representative list of jobs with no uploaded logs assembled15:39
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fungiso far my sample size of 1 says this is 100% in rackspace iad, but a larger sample size would be helpful ;)15:39
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clarkband logstash wont know about it15:40
fungiright, which is why i have to play logstash on tv15:40
clarkbthat publisher failing and crashing the job is :(15:40
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thiagopclarkb: hey, but the problem turns to be that I'll need a baremetal cloud to run a baremetal devstack testing environment15:41
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thiagopclarkb: seems too "Inception" for me...15:41
fungiclarkb: well, the console uploads happen by the worker copying the file down into the workspace and then uploading it... i wonder if we could use a tmpfs as the download location for the console log to work around situations like this?15:41
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: we do set the node_provider in the metadata now, so you should be able to filter on that in logstash15:42
fungimtreinish: except when there's no log ever processed into logstash because of this specific failure mode15:42
mtreinishheh, fair point :)15:43
clarkbfungi will still fail on no bash15:43
clarkbI wonder if we can fli the order so co sole log starts before job crash15:44
fungioh, yep. we're already doing whay i just said, forget it15:44
clarkbthe scp co sole log15:44
pabelangerfungi: so far, python-swiftclient seems to be the best example of green across the board for bindep:
pabelangereven pypy job is passing15:44
clarkbthiagop: there are various ways to do it15:45
clarkbthiagop: I just dont want people to think there is some hard requirement for separatong those in the tooling15:45
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fungipabelanger: i basically just added a blanket set of experimental jobs to all those repos regardless of whether the equivalents on bare-trusty were voting, or even being run at all15:47
pabelangerfungi: Yup, but we can confirm the JJB template is correct.15:47
pabelangerfungi: so far, I don't see any failues between original jobs and bindep jobs15:47
fungipabelanger: the clients are likely to be running a lot more of those jobs already on bare-trusty15:47
fungipabelanger: that's what i was hoping we'd find, thanks!15:48
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pabelangerfungi: Ya, I'll keep looking but so far working as expected!15:49
pabelangerfungi: nice work15:49
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fungipabelanger: thanks--i'm not especially proud of how long its taken. given the duration i've had this in progress it really had better be mostly mistake-free by now15:51
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openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds training-labs post jobs to publish tarballs
fungii'm mostly just paranoid because it's been so long now i expect it to be bitrottinf15:52
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jeblairfungi: like that g you just used15:53
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fungiyep. it decayed by several bits15:54
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pabelangerfungi: Ya, np. Anything to help migrate away from bare-* nodes :)15:55
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chemhi, is this the correct place to ask for core reviewer to have a quick look to this one ?15:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Fix diff crash on perm-only changes
AJaegerfungi, ianw had a suggestion on - but didn't vote. So, just pointing it out to you so that you - Thanks for the patch series!15:57
AJaegerchem: tell us a bit more about the change so that we can answer your question without opening our browser, please15:58
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chemAJaeger: yep, sorry.  It's about adding a non-voting jobs to puppet-openstack-cookicutter15:59
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fungiclarkb: so without a pretty major refactoring i'm not sure how to bolster the console upload. basically fired (why btw? was /bin/bash only missing some of the time?) but the ephemeral script that would have called is separate15:59
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fungiclarkb: i suppose we could collapse them into fewer scripts somehow16:00
fungiAJaeger: awesome, thanks for the heads up16:00
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for app catalog horizon plugin
jeblairfungi: are you sure bash was missing?  maybe the cwd was missing16:00
clarkbfungi jenkins runs bash to run the other stuff16:00
fungiclarkb: yep, but... it successfully ran which needs bash16:01
clarkbif we flip tge order of the publishers and make scp go first that will get us scp'd console log16:01
jeblairthen our console logs will be missing information on uploads16:02
fungiclarkb: i don't see an scp that would have run for this, but maybe i'm misreading the job config. the only publisher for gate-{name}-pep8 is zuul-swift-upload-console-log looks like16:02
AJaegerchem: commented - as much as we love templates, let's not do it in this case ;)16:03
clarkboh no scp for this at all16:03
chemAJaeger: thanks, looking.16:03
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clarkband ya collapsing to a single publisher should mean one bash exec16:03
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fungibasically we'd end up duplicating the contents of into multiple uploader scripts i guess16:04
jeblairi'm not following why we would want to do that16:04
fungithough i guess multiple is really just two?16:04
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jeblairit was the first post-build script that failed16:05
fungiyeah, again this is a pathological case. i'm finding it odd that /bin/bash worked to run but then a moment later seems not to exist at all16:05
jeblairoh, weird16:05
jeblairit wasn't was it?16:05
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fungiright, we downloaded the console log successfully. that required a working /bin/bash16:06
fungithen we go to run the shell script to upload it and suddenly /bin/bash is nowhere to be found16:06
jeblairit was the second that failed.  i thought it was the first because we were still seeing error output from the previously terminated main build script16:06
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jeblairfungi: i'm still contesting we don't know it's bash that's missing :)16:06
fungiyeah, one possible interpretation is that "No such file or directory" is referring to the cwd?16:07
jeblairi don't know which, i'm just keeping an open mind :)16:08
fungiregardless, i would think was also run with the same cwd16:08
jeblairyes (though also the same bash)16:08
fungiso the mystery is for a similar series of possible events either way16:09
fungii'm going to have a look in nodepool for another possible cause16:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
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fungino dice. nodepool's log lines up with the expected timeline for this node16:12
fungiso it definitely didn't delete it until well after the job failed16:12
openstackgerritLenny Verkhovsky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: adding ib_ipoib module
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fungihere's another failing in the gate pipeline right now, but it's got connection errors to the wheel mirror (also rax-iad):
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat lbaas specific test for v1 and v2
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup of constraint based jobs for neutron-vpnaas
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: initiate testing for puppet-openstack-cookicutter
fungiReadTimeoutError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out.16:16
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fungimy gut is telling me that something has been pretty broken in iad since the maintenance window on tuesday16:16
jeblairfungi: the cache fs is still there and readwrite, but seems slow.16:17
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jeblairbut it could also just be node<->mirror connection problems16:18
elmikohi, are draft reviews disabled in gerrit?16:18
jeblairelmiko: yes16:18
jeblairelmiko: they almost never work the way people expect them too16:18
elmikojeblair: ack, thank you16:18
fungielmiko: yes. they never worked well, so we completely broke their use to prevent anyone from trying to rely on them16:18
jeblairelmiko: which ended up causing lots of problems, so we disabled them16:18
elmikofair, thanks for the clarification jeblair, fungi =)16:19
fungithough a good upstream gerrit feature request would be a configuration option to gracefully disable them16:19
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fungijohnthetubaguy: do you happen to know whether rackspace is using local disk or network-attached disk for nova instance root filesystems in iad?16:22
wznoinskhi infra16:22
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pabelangerfungi: so far the only issue I can see is with subunit2html:
pabelangerfungi: running the job again to see if it was not a blip16:25
wznoinskis there a known way how to connect zuul/merger from downstream-puppets deployment via proxy? (wanted to check with you first before messing the code), it looks like gerrit's code doesn't support proxying commands to paramiko16:26
alaskifungi: that will depend on how you're booting the instances. unless you specifically request to boot from a volume it will use local disk16:26
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fungialaski: booting from snapshot16:26
fungialaski: so i guess that's local16:26
fungijust trying to figure out if the apparent network connectivity issues and disappearing root fs in iad are related at all16:27
clarkbwznoinsk: I think it can use http(s)?16:27
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wznoinsksorry, the gerrit that's in zuul package doesn't seem to have any notion about proxy16:28
wznoinskclarkb, I guess you meant https for a regular gerrit?16:29
alaskifungi: I no longer have insight into rax issues, but I would be surprised if that were the case. As long as the image is downloaded from Glance correctly, I can't recall if Nova verifies the checksum, the network shouldn't be involved.16:29
clarkbwznoinsk: zuul needs stream events for the event streamwhich is ssh only, the git stuff can http(s)16:30
clarkbwznoinsk: you can also set up a local port forward through corkscrew via http(s)16:30
wznoinskclarkb, i've put proxying command to /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the machine but it looks like paramiko doesn't take that ssh config into account, still getting clarkb,16:31
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wznoinsk(sry, clipboard problem)16:31
clarkbinstead you would set up a port forward through your proxy then connect to local side16:32
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jordanPI am investigatin why the multinode jobs fail so ofter. It seems that neither OVH nor bluebox pass the Tempest test "test_volume_backed_live_migration"16:32
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clarkbthat way zuul doesnt need to learn and test a half dozen different proxy technologies16:32
jordanPthe logstach query for this is message:"Live Migration failure: operation failed: migration job: unexpectedly failed"16:32
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jordanPI think we should not run multinode jobs on those providers. What do you think ?16:33
jeblairjordanP: that's not really a choice16:33
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clarkbwznoinsk: correct psramiko uses the ssh protocol but doesnt use the ssh command's config16:34
jeblairjordanP: we treat all of our providers as interchangable components of an ha system16:34
wznoinskclarkb, I was thinking of creating a socket that's connecting to the proxy and pasing it to paramiko, it's using httplib.HTTPConnection16:34
jeblairjordanP: we may have to stop using any given provider at short notice, so we need all jobs to be able to run everywhere16:34
clarkbwznoinsk: the issue is there are many implementqtion dependent ways to proxy16:35
jordanPjeblair, I understand. But then we're stuck with those jobs. We can"t make them reliable16:35
jordanP(unless we skip that specific test of course)16:35
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fungialaski: indeed, i saw your e-mail address changed. congrats on the new job!16:36
clarkbwznoinsk: so it is often easiest to setup what your local needs demand and just point zuul to a port forward through that16:36
jeblairjordanP: there must be an underlying cause for why that test is failing; perhaps some resource, timing, or configuration issue exposed by those providers16:36
wznoinskclarkb, never worked on a client to talk to proxy, I thought HTTP proxying would be fairly same everywhere16:36
jeblairjordanP: when clarkb has a moment, he may have more to add16:36
clarkbwznoinsk: sometines it is socks and sometimes only socksv4 etc etc16:36
jordanPmy libvirt knowledge is lacking here. I'll dive more into it16:36
wznoinskclarkb, except some of them use authentication and some not16:36
alaskifungi: thanks!16:36
clarkbwznoinsk: at hp we used a port forward effectively16:37
clarkbwznoinsk: yes you set it up outside of zuul and have it listen on say port 222216:37
clarkbwznoinsk: then you tell zuul to connect to port 222216:37
wznoinskclarkb, sure, can do iptables rules as a last resort, just didn't want to rely on a 2nd thing to be done only to get the connection working16:37
clarkbjordanP: why cant we make them reliable?16:37
jordanPbecause they fail consistently with OVH and bluebox16:38
jordanPbut not with the other providers16:38
fungijordanP: that does not seem like a permament issue16:38
clarkbconsistent fails do not imply unfixable16:39
fungiin theory either the test/job or provider implementation could be adjusted to fix or at least work around whatever is failing16:39
jordanPyes, maybe. I need to deep more into it16:39
clarkbwznoinsk: some people have proposed socks support others have proposed http things also gearman but so much of it is location dependent that not trying to s9lve it all in zuul has made sense16:40
fungijordanP: yes, step 1 would be to collect some details on what is failing and why (a cloud provider is not a cause, merely a correlation)16:40
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clarkbwznoinsk: depending on your https proxy just tunneling through may not work etc16:41
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: so there is a nova change in the gate right this moment with four jobs _very_ recently failed with the same "No such file or directory" pattern in their jenkins console logs16:43
fungithree are in rax-iad, one is in rax-dfw16:43
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fungiall bare-trusty16:44
fungiit looks like zuul-cloner is in use for these16:45
clarkbwznoinsk: anyways I can say we did port forwarding for gesrman with success at hp16:45
wznoinskclarkb, I get the rationale why not to fix all these different proxying inside zuul, on the other hand if it;s not in zuul itself it's proxy-technology-specific connection chaining on firewall16:45
wznoinskclarkb, could you share what you have setup for this port forwarding?16:46
clarkbwznoinsk: yup but everyone has a unique firewall and proxy setup16:46
wznoinskclarkb, I guess it's not just FORWARD rule in iptables16:46
clarkbwznoinsk: no it was using ssh iirc16:46
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: however it's not a 100% consistent failure rate because their python27 job on the same change also ran on bare-trusty in rax-iad and completed successfully16:46
clarkbso setup ssh with your proxy details, then make a portforward with ssh16:46
wznoinskclarkb, makes sense16:46
clarkbthen connect to the local side of that16:47
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clarkbfungi that makes it more interesting16:47
pabelangerclarkb: gearman proxy for zuul? Does that actually exist or something just saying they would like it?16:47
wznoinskyou mean ssh -L 2222 (via proxy) and connect zuul to local port 2222 ?16:47
wznoinskclarkb, ^16:48
clarkbwznoinsk: yup16:48
clarkbpabelanger: no zuul doesnt16:48
wznoinskclarkb, cheers16:48
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable coverage non-voting for networking-cisco
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clarkbits not ideal but unlike http protocols like gearman and ssh dont really have standard proxy methods so its all over the map16:49
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove redundant access configuration
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fungiokay, i still have links to those failures, though the change ahead of that nova change just failed a job so the zuul status is no longer displaying them due to a gate reset16:51
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jeblairfungi: can you etherpad links to them?16:51
fungiTHOUGH! the gate reset was caused by a gate-keystone-python27 job failing in rax-iad with exactly the same failure mode16:51
fungiwill do16:51
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fungijeblair: clarkb: example console logs linked from
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jeblairthey involve both zm05 and zm0816:55
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fungii don't see any filesystem errors in dmesg on those mergers16:56
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add Gentoo to the list of supported distributions
jeblair2016-02-18 16:40:25.791 | ERROR: Publisher be.certipost.hudson.plugin.SCPRepositoryPublisher aborted due to exception16:58
jeblair2016-02-18 16:40:25.791 | /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-nova-tox-functional does not exist.16:58
jeblairfungi, clarkb: ^  i think i'm leaning more toward cwd rather than bash does not exist.16:58
prometheanfirehopefully that one is much simpler :P16:58
fungioh, yep16:59
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fungichecking to see if the macro is removing the workspace and expecting z-c to recreate it16:59
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jeblairor something about zuul-cloner/GitPython/git is munging that directory?17:02
funginope, seems to just specify a clonemap including the ZUUL_PROJECT into .17:02
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Depend on ifupdown in simple-init
fungiso the macro is at least not explicitly deleting it17:02
clarkbya clonemapshould use . and jenkins creates the workspace17:02
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jeblairgitpython recently released17:03
fungibut still, yes, something about z-c/gitpython could be replacing that directory and a failure partway through is leaving it missing17:03
clarkbdhellmann: on the os-client-config release what requirements change are you looking for?17:03
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jeblairit's possible we're seeing this because of a behavior change there; or it's possible ther is no change and this is just bad luck because we're seeing a bunch of timeouts17:04
mordredclarkb: oh - I made one for you17:04
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clarkbmordred: but no requirements change is needed17:04
clarkbso I am really confused17:04
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fungijeblair: yep, that could certainly still point back to it all being related to network issues in rackspace17:04
mordredclarkb: it's part of the releases repo process17:04
pleia2good morning17:05
clarkbmordred: to do what though? literally nothing is needed17:05
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mordredclarkb: you make a change that bumps the upper constraint that depends on the release patch17:05
clarkbno the automagic job does it...17:05
mordredclarkb: that then allows a job to run that checks the result of having done the thing17:05
mordredyou do not actually merge the constraints patch17:05
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clarkbmordred: and it will fail until release happens17:05
fungijeblair: i wish we had a good way to figure out when this started happening, because my recollection is that people didn't start complaining until the outage on tuesday (which could still be complete coincidence)17:06
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jeblairfungi: we could look for second-order effects -- consult zuul or nodepool logs to find pep8 jobs that ran >= 30 mins17:07
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fungioh! i missed that these were running long17:07
jeblairfungi: yes, they are timing out17:07
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jeblair(i'm sure that's related, though unsure as to cause / effect)17:08
fungigah, so they are17:08
fungithe tracebacks/errors all appear after the jenkins timeout17:08
fungiso i think speculation on any of the errors after the timeout comment are just the world falling apart around them17:09
jeblairfungi: in zuul-cloner, yes17:10
armaxAJaeger: ping17:10
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fungitraffic on the git servers doesn't look abnormally high, so i doubt this is a problem with the git cache on the images17:11
AJaegerarmax: pong17:11
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fungithe zuul mergers look pretty healthy too17:12
fungiat least from cacti's view17:12
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clarkbfungi image buods have been pretty reliable other than ubuntu-trusty to rax17:12
clarkb*image uplaods17:12
armaxAJaeger: I was looking at more closely and I am baffled as to why didn’t catch it17:12
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armaxthe match is vaild, and yet the job is executed17:13
clarkbjordanP: for migration issues I would start with nova compute and libvirt logs, I would also check to see if that specific test has a 100% fail rate or not17:13
jordanPyeah, yeah I know17:14
jordanPlibvirt log are super hard to parse17:14
clarkbthe health dashboard is tracking those tests now too so may have more info17:14
jordanPvery verbose, and I know the exact timing when it failed but I can"t link to a specific line in the logs17:14
fungiclarkb: well, these are all bare-trusty, so no upload just snapshot17:15
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therveCould I get a review on a kilo requirements patch: ?17:15
armaxAJaeger: there’s a match on both on job and file affected17:15
therveIt's blocking a heat backport17:15
AJaegerarmax: I'll be back in an hour or so. Looking at it briefly, I'm confused as well...17:15
clarkbfungi oh right well in general git cache should be good17:15
armaxAJaeger: no worries17:15
AJaegerarmax: did you check the log output from gate-project-config-layout ?17:16
armaxAJaeger: thanks for catching it though17:16
* armax does now17:16
armaxI wonder if it’s because of the non-voting flag?17:17
armaxit can’t be can it?17:17
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: perhaps completely unrelated, but my shell server in rax-iad where i run mutt keeps losing imap connectivity to rax's e-mail service hosting mailboxes17:19
fungijust as of the past few days17:19
armaxAJaeger: if I read this correctly it seems that the conditional is not applied to neutron changes?
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pc_mHi All! Does anyone know if there is a project that is running coverage testing AND comparing results to a baseline?17:22
clarkbpc_m: rally might17:23
boris-42pc_m: so we have job17:23
boris-42pc_m: that runs 2 times coverage with patch and without17:23
boris-42pc_m: and compares results17:23
pc_mboris-42: cool! Which project?17:23
jeblairfungi, clarkb: there are changes in gitpython 1.0.2 related to fixing deadlocks on cloning17:24
jeblairi wonder if they have had the opposite of the intended effect17:24
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fungijeblair: yeah, this definitely sounds a lot like the opposite of fixing a deadlock17:25
pc_mLooking to see if there is a mechanism in place that I could use on a project (at least for a period of time, while we try to improve coverage).17:25
jeblairfungi: if we performed the log analysis i suggested and found instances between feb 10 and feb 16 that would point towards gitpython17:25
pc_mboris-42: are you talking about rally?17:25
fungijeblair: modulo nodepool image update latency17:26
boris-42pc_m: inside rally we have CI job17:26
jeblairfungi: (rax networking may not be off the hook -- it's possible that we're looking at a network issue; a gitpython issue; or a gitpython issue triggered by a network issue...or many other things still)17:26
jeblairfungi: and that theory doesn't explain the missing dir as much as the timeout17:26
fungijeblair: also curious we aren't seeing it outside rackspace afaict. zuul-cloner's virtualenv on all our images should in theory be using the latest gitpython17:26
boris-42pc_m: that runs unit tests against rally and calculates coverage17:26
wznoinskclarkb, is there a command on the gerrit server I can run when established ssh connection to (for port forwarding) to keep the ssh connection open? I'm trying to avoid running gerrit stream-events unneccesarily17:27
pc_mboris-42: Nice. I'd be interested in learning more about it.17:27
clarkbfungi: and dsvm jobs use it17:27
boris-42pc_m: here is the code17:27
pc_mboris-42: THANKS!17:27
clarkbwznoinsk: stream events is the persistent one and zuul will use it17:27
fungiclarkb: though do the dsvm jobs use zuul-cloner? it may be that they aren't tickling gitpython in the same ways if not17:27
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clarkbfungi: they do to setup d-g17:27
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boris-42pc_m: here is tox.ini configure17:28
jeblairbut not on large repos like nova or keystone17:28
fungitrue. so far examples all point to timeouts cloning large repositorues17:28
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wznoinskclarkb, I know, I meant what command to run in the tunnelling ssh connection I invoke from command line, running gerrit stream-events is a slight overkill as it won't be consumed by amnything17:28
chemAJaeger: I was waiting for the tests to run, but I'm leaving now.  If you have time to look again at (puppet cookiecutter), that would be great :)17:28
wznoinskclarkb, it looks like port forwarding is not enabled on ssh server on review.openstack.org17:29
wznoinskI run17:29
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wznoinskssh -L -p 29418 gerrit stream-events17:29
wznoinskand get: ssh -L -p 29418 gerrit stream-events17:29
wznoinskchannel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: Connection denied17:29
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clarkbwznoinsk: for the first thing you dont need a command, for the other this reminds me you need a host on the other side hrm17:30
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i have some nodepool log parsing scripts, i'll see if i can adapt them for this17:30
jeblairwe have nodepool logs that go back to feb 717:30
kozhukal`guys, could you please take a look again
* clarkb vlouds so much I forget that not everyone has hosts runnign all over17:30
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jeblairclarkb: i vlike your accent.17:31
clarkbjeblair: cool17:31
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clarkbjeblair: juggling two sick babies and phone irc :)17:31
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wznoinskclarkb, ah, it's relying on yet another external ssh server somewhere, not liking it17:31
jeblairclarkb: yeah, just know your voice in my head sounds completely different now :)17:31
clarkbjeblair: haha17:31
clarkbwznoinsk: another alternative is socks if you have such a proxy17:33
clarkbthen you can tsocks maybr?17:33
wznoinskclarkb, yes, I thought of using tsocks17:33
wznoinskclarkb, ;-), will do17:33
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: script written; slow parsing of log files proceeding.17:38
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phschwartzAnyone on know of any contacts inside Vexxhost?17:39
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Clone all openstack/ projects before trying to search them for devstack plugins
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jeblairphschwartz: mnaser17:42
Clintclarkb: so is that insane? ^17:42
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phschwartzjeblair: ty, let me try pinging him17:44
clarkbClint you can in theory have the job manage a cache for itself since host is persitent but otherwise not sure there is analternative17:44
clarkbClint: you might get away with shallow clones?17:44
clarkbthose dont work in a bunch of scenarios though17:45
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Clintcan zuul-cloner do shallow clones?17:46
clarkbMaybe? hashar may have added that?17:46
* Clint grins.17:47
jeblairwhy would we shallow clone when we have the repo already?17:47
hasharit does not afaik17:47
clarkbjeblair: we dont have the repo on the proposal slave17:48
hasharpossibly one might want to teach zuul-cloner to pass parameters to the underlying git clone17:48
jeblairthen yes17:48
jeblairit's not sane :)17:48
jeblairwe will likely run out of disk space17:48
fungiClint: worth noting, the project-config list is not always guaranteed to be in sync with what's on the git farm. that assumption leads us to failing image updates if someone approves a new project creation change at the wrong moment, for example17:48
hasharon wmf we do shallow clones a lot, that speed up things by a few order of magnitudes.   For a single repo  git archive  is even faster17:48
Clintfungi: so, ignoring the disk-space problem for the moment, is there a way of getting the git farm list?17:49
jeblairClint: you might also consider a network request to cgit if you're just looking for presence of a file in the git repo...17:49
Clintoh, hmm17:50
fungii'm with jeblair on this one. if the filename is already going to be in a known place, you can just make http calls to the raw url for them17:50
fungirather than trying to use git17:50
Clintthat makes all kind of sense17:50
jeblairclarkb, fungi: updated with incidences of pep8 jobs taking longer than 30 mins17:50
fungiis this just a periodic job?17:50
fungiso, yeah, no real benefit to relying on zuul-cloner anyway. there is no zuul ref to worry about17:51
pc_mboris-42: Thanks for all the info!17:51
clarkbwell the idea was to have ability to use cache once zuulv3 happens but that may be premature17:51
clarkband unnecessary if cgit works17:51
Clintso am i going to have to scrape cgit html to get the project list?17:52
fungiClint: you could in theory check the gerrit api to get the list of active repos and then hit cgit to pull the files for them17:52
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fungiClint: /projects is an unauthenticated method17:52
fungiyou can just hit it anonymously17:53
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Clintfungi: is there not a race condition there too?17:53
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fungiClint: in the safe direction though. i believe our ansible roles populate the repos on the git farm, then create them in gerrit so that it can immediately replicate into cgit? double-checking now17:54
fungiand if so, then any which exist on gerrit (modulo rare circumstances during project rename maintenance windows) will already exist on the git farm17:55
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Roll up static Heat envs into CI directory
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use netiso in the ha job
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud SSL
* Clint wonders why the /projects/ json begins with )]}'17:57
fungiClint: confirmed...
fungiClint: that leader is to thwart cross-site scripting attacks17:57
fungiClint: to parse it as valid json you need to strip the first 3-4 characters17:57
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jeblairgood word for it17:58
AJaegerarmax: found it.. is the culprit17:58
fungi(3 vs 4 is just a question of whether you care about the newline or not)17:58
armaxAJaeger: ah17:58
AJaegerthat's the skip-if that appears in the log file - below the other one...17:58
armaxAJaeger: so this means that the new skip if rules overrides the older?17:59
AJaegerarmax: yes17:59
armaxAJaeger: I see18:00
AJaegerarmax, we need to move the rally skip if in the big skip-if with neutron...18:00
armaxso would a fix entail adding neutron to the list of projects in line 104418:00
boris-42pc_m: you are welcome18:00
AJaegerarmax: the conditions are different for the all-files-match-any18:01
armaxAJaeger: or what you said18:01
AJaegerarmax: do you want to update your change?18:01
armaxI can have a stub at it If I understood you correctly18:02
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openstackgerritKevin Short proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: An undefined label prevented building (make) in 'doc' directory.
AJaegerarmax: I'll review.18:02
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armaxstand by18:02
AJaegerwill - with interruptions ;)18:02
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pc_mHi again! Is there a known problem with gate failures due to timeouts?18:04
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip rally runs on Neutron's doc changes
armaxAJaeger: ^ see if I got you correctyly18:06
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AJaegerboris-42: could you review 281665 , please? That change skips rally-dsvm-cli now also on documentation etc only changes18:09
AJaegerarmax, boris-42: Not doing the skip for gate-rally-dsvm-cli seems very hard. So, I'm fine with that change.18:10
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AJaegerarmax: PLease mention it in the commit message and explain the problem there.18:10
armaxAJaeger: I thought I did18:10
AJaegerarmax: Ah, you mentioned problem...18:10
AJaegerarmax: you did ;)18:10
clarkbpc_m: yes jeblair and fungi are debugging18:10
clarkbpc_m: possibly related to new gitpython release or cloud networking or unknown cause18:11
armaxAJaeger: thanks for your help18:11
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pc_mclarkb: cool.  Seeing docs, then full, then docs fail on a commit.18:11
pc_mclarkb: Looks like my commit (in the gate) is getting re-run and so far has passed the docs test.18:12
AJaegerarmax: thanks for fixing it;)18:13
armaxAJaeger: yup, now I am eager to see how heals things, thanks for blessing it18:13
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armaxif I can have another friendly nudge, that’d be great18:14
AJaegerarmax: if it's critical, you might want to ask clarkb ^18:14
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clarkbarmax: AJaeger you can't live migrate with config drive iirc18:16
clarkbarmax: AJaeger so the neutron multinode dsvm test will become 100% fail rate18:16
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clarkbdvr multinode too18:17
keedyahi all, I made a new change to openstack/shovel 2 hrs ago but i don't see the jenkins jobs running  yet18:17
AJaegerkeedya: did you chekc ?18:17
clarkbkeedya: if you look at you can see that there is a shovel change queued for alost 2 hours18:17
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AJaegerkeedya: 281938? It's running...18:18
AJaegerkeedya: I mean: Queued18:18
keedyathanks :)18:18
clarkbmriedem: sdague: is it still the case that config drive and live migrate are not compatibile iwth nova?18:19
armaxclarkb: we’re trying to go through the troubleshooting chain18:19
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sdagueclarkb: yes, I think so. It's being worked on atm though.18:19
clarkbarmax: I get that, but it was a specific conscious decision to disable config drive on those tests because it could not work18:19
mriedemclarkb: for block migration18:19
armaxclarkb: interesting18:20
armaxclarkb: how so?18:20
clarkbsdague: mriedem thanks18:20
clarkbarmax: nova does not support live migrate on hosts with config drive18:20
clarkbarmax: so live migrate will fail18:20
armaxclarkb: I see18:20
armaxclarkb: ok, so we’d be trading one failure mode with another18:20
armaxclarkb: I guess we then need to enable ec2-api in the multi-node setting18:21
armaxum, actually no18:21
sdaguearmax: hmm... what now? because we kind of deleted that.18:21
armaxsdague: no, I am mistaken18:21
armaxwhat I mean is this18:21
armaxI believe there’s a bug in grenade18:22
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sdaguearmax: ok, cool. In what way?18:22
sdaguebecause it's pretty much an out of the box devstack18:22
armaxsdague: it looks like that after upgrade the api-paste still points to ec2 stuff18:22
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openstackgerritLucas Dutra Nunes proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: SCM repo: add trace option
openstackgerritLucas Dutra Nunes proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: SCM repo: add show-all-changes option
openstackgerritLucas Dutra Nunes proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: SCM repo: add depth option
armaxI see now upgrade script here:18:23
openstackgerritLucas Dutra Nunes proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: SCM repo: add reset-first option
openstackgerritLucas Dutra Nunes proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: SCM repo: add no-tags option
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armaxthat removes the stuff from api paste18:23
AJaegerarmax: could you bless and, please?18:23
armaxsdague: is that the reason why the nova api returns 404 to the neutron metadata proxy here:18:23
sdaguedon't know, but that's not the ec2api18:24
armaxsdague: right, I take that back entirely18:24
armaxAJaeger: looking18:24
sdagueit's the metadata server18:24
sdaguearmax: that should be talking to the nova metadata server right?18:25
armaxsdague: correct18:26
sdagueso figuring out why that isn't allowed is the root issue18:26
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sdaguethat's all running in n-api in this config18:26
armaxsdague: yup18:26
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armaxsdague: we’ll have to dig deeper18:26
clarkbmtreinish: and you mentioned we need to restart the subunit log worker?18:27
armaxsdague: my initial hunch was that the api pipeline was getting confused after the upgrade18:27
bardiaanyone know how I can re-trigger Jenkins gate on my review. its python34 test failed to start:
mgagnelive migration + config drive:
armaxmgagne: nice18:28
mtreinishclarkb: I think so, I'm still seeing a bunch of empty runs being added to the db, and I think that's caused by 404s when trying to get the subunit stream18:28
armaxsdague: ok, let me dig deeper, I’ll reach out for your expertise later if you don’t mind18:28
mgagnearmax: we fixed it on our side by using rsync to copy over the config drive18:28
clarkbmtreinish: and that should be fixed in a current version?18:28
mtreinishclarkb: yeah:
mtreinishI just don't think we ever restarted the worker after that landed18:29
sdaguearmax: if you can get the request id for the request to nova, that is probably going to be helpful18:29
sdagueI don't seem to see that in the logs18:29
clarkbmtreinish: looks like someone restarted it around 0109 UTC today18:29
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mtreinishok, cool18:29
armaxsdague: actually a better run is this:18:29
mtreinishit's been a couple of days since I looked for empty runs18:29
mtreinishI'll keep my eyes on it18:29
bardiaAJaeger: thanks18:30
sdaguearmax: oh, I found a thing -
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sdagueand yep, there is a nova bug there for sure18:30
sdagueI thought there was a patch for this18:30
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armaxsdague: yeah we tried to fix that with
sdaguedims: weren't you working on that?18:30
armaxsdague: there was18:30
armaxmriedem has a patch18:30
armaxwith that path18:30
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armaxnow the neutron metadata agent gets a 40418:31
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sdagueok, is there a log there?18:31
sdaguefind me a 404 log file, and I'll look, and maybe be able to help18:32
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armaxthat’s where I left yesterday18:32
armaxsdague: right on it18:32
armaxsdague: you mean in the nova api log18:32
sdaguearmax: yeh18:32
mriedemsdague: the 404 didn't merge yet18:32
mriedemmy patch failed the gate18:32
mriedemi'm fixing the TypeError to return a 40418:33
armaxmriedem: I have a depends-on on a patch of mine18:33
mriedemyeah, i suspected18:33
armaxsdague: here
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initiate testing for puppet-openstack-cookiecutter
armaxsdague: not a ton to go by18:33
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armaxsdague: so my next step was to drill down18:34
mriedemarmax: well it's a 404 b/c the ec2api isn't in nova anymore18:34
armaxmriedem: ok18:34
armaxmriedem: so we’re back to a misconfiguration after upgrade18:34
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sdaguemriedem: that's not the ec2api18:34
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armaxall I know right now is that metadata agent and nova-api talk fine18:35
armaxwhen running Liberty18:35
armaxas soon as we move to trunk things go astray18:35
armaxI have no frame of comparison because on single nodes we use config drive everywhere18:36
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, it looks like the last one was from a couple of days ago:
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sdagueright, agreed, we have a high bug tracking this? I'm going to get some lunch then I'll put this on the top of my stack.18:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental rally job for networking-odl.
mtreinishclarkb: so from before the restart18:36
clarkbmtreinish: great, just checking in on that18:36
sdaguearmax: yeh, the postgresql job used to run in this config18:36
mriedemsdague: still does18:36
armaxsdague: not yet, because I am not sure where to file it as I haven’t pinpointed the culprit18:36
mriedemjust not with neutron18:36
sdaguemriedem: right, there is no such job on neutron at the moment18:36
clarkbthe neutron postgres job does too I think18:36
mriedemsdague: the typeerror bug is
openstackLaunchpad bug 1545101 in OpenStack Compute (nova) ""TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)" in n-api logs for nova metadata api request" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)18:37
clarkbsince armax's change updates it to not18:37
dimssdague : "GET /2009-04-04/meta-data/instance-id HTTP/1.1" is that openstack compute API?18:37
sdaguedims: it's the metadata api18:37
sdaguein liberty we run 3 apis on different ports18:37
sdagueopenstack, metadata, ec218:37
mriedemdims: no, it's the ec2 route for metadata
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mriedemso i suspect it's asking for an ec2 route for the instance-id18:37
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mriedemwe nixed the middleware code that provided that18:37
mriedemand give a 404 now18:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove python-constraints-jobs from ofagent job definition
sdagueok, so this we need to unwind18:38
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sdagueI was kind of wondering if the hatchet on some of the metadata bits was going to cause issues, and now we know18:38
sdaguearmax: this is a nova bug for sure18:38
sdagueand a release blocker I'd say18:38
armaxnot that I can tell18:38
sdagueok, I need to get some lunch18:38
sdaguethen I'll put this on top of my stack18:39
armaxsdague: ok18:39
armaxsdague: ping me if you need me18:39
jeblairgoogle is returning "'Forever, Interrupted' a novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid" as the top result for my current query.18:40
fungimust be a really good book?18:41
fungiis it about interrupted git remote calls?18:42
jeblairi hope so! we'll see if it's any help when amazon delivers it18:42
* fungi would read that book if so18:42
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austin81AJaeger, ianw, sdague, anteaya: Would you mind taking a look at when you get a minute? Thanks18:48
openstackgerritVictor Morales proposed openstack/requirements: Add schemadisplay-sphinx to global requirements
AJaegeraustin81: I'm not familiar enough with that to give it a good review - better wait for ianw...18:49
clarkbwith zfs on ubuntu this lts I wonder if we can test cinder + zfs18:49
austin81AJaeger: No problem. If you're interested:
jeblairclarkb, fungi: git is deleting the workspace directory because it is interrupted during a clone operation18:51
clarkbjeblair: oh!18:51
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fungigot it, so git will remove the clone target if the clone fails, even if the target preexisted18:51
clarkbif we used ./foo it would delete ./foo18:52
jeblairclarkb, fungi: they thing i got hung up on for a while is that it's not cloning to ".", it's cloning to /path/to/workspace.  rmdir will refuse to remove '.' but not /path/to/dot.18:52
clarkbsince we use . it deletes .18:52
fungii suppose we could recreate that directory if it doesn't exist, prior to attempting to collect logs18:52
fungithat wuold be a relatively simple hackaround18:52
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clarkbjeblair: gotcha18:53
jeblairfungi: we could even put it in the cleanup wrapper we have around zuul-cloner there18:53
jeblairmkdir -p $WORKSPACE18:53
fungiahh, yep, we already trap18:53
fungigood call18:53
AJaegeraustin81: gave one comment - but others need to chime in. pabelanger, do you have time to look at 279317?18:54
fungiso that's an even better one-liner18:54
pabelangerAJaeger: sure18:54
AJaegerpabelanger: see austin81's etherpad reference 5 mins ago as well18:54
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger18:54
thiagopGuys, another question wrt CI deployment: I see that puppet creates a clouds.yaml on nodepool user's home, but don't understand how I manage to put something there through project-config (since it'll be overwritten every time I change somehting)18:55
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: though, i wonder if that's racy -- i think we saw the post build actions happening before all of the cleanup in some examples...18:55
thiagopany hints?18:55
jeblairesikachev_afk: would you please disable your away message?  thanks.18:55
asselinthiagop, you need to put it in heira18:55
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pabelangerAJaeger: austin81: Why is this in diskimage-builder over having puppet do this?18:56
fungijeblair: can you point to an example of the trap in the builder firing after a publisher started?18:57
AJaegerpabelanger: I have no idea - and too little knowledge to review in depth18:57
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sdaguearmax: I'd suggest we take the debug on this one over into the #nova channel.18:57
fungijeblair: i wouldn't expect it, but that of course doesn't make it particularly unlikely...18:57
armaxsdague: agreed18:57
sdaguejust so we don't clog up other things here18:57
jeblairfungi: at least, the *log messages* appear in that order18:57
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pabelangerAJaeger: austin81: will leave comments in review, but we tend to use puppet to manage job dependencies.18:58
jeblairfungi: i can't say for sure they actually happened in that order18:58
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fungihuh, yep18:58
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fungioh, wait... are we retrieving the console log in the builder trap rather than in the publisher?18:58
fungirevisiting my grokkage18:58
jeblairfungi: no, it's a postbuildstep18:58
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clarkbwith the timing out we cant necessarily rely on the z-c script18:59
fungialso a good point18:59
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fungiany solid workaround probably needs to happen in the publisher, except the publisher may fail to even start if its cwd is mia19:00
jeblairit seems to reliably run.  but i agree, it _may_ be racy, and it _may_ be early terminated if jenkins is lucky19:00
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, comments left19:00
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger19:01
jeblairclarkb, fungi: probably the most solid workaround would be to adjust how we do that cloning.  maybe clone to a subdir then move up a level or something.19:01
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Clarify oscc_file_contents instructions
fungii don't suppose we can avoid dereferencing . from the clonemap?19:02
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asselinthiagop, ^^ does that help?19:02
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jeblair(we could also change the expectations of the jobs to operate in a subdir; $WORKSPACE/$ZUUL_PROJECT.  there may be dragons there.)19:02
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fungisince it sounds like git avoids removing a target if the target is literally .19:02
clarkbthere be dragons19:02
jeblairfungi: heh, actually, git doesn't avoid it, glibc refuses to do it.  :)  but same effect.19:02
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thiagopasselin__: I think so, now I'm nothing the same line that is on clouds.yaml on the oscc section19:02
fungioh, amusing19:03
jeblairrmdir(".")                              = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)19:03
thiagopasselin__: not very intuitive or explicit on docs though, but thank you very much sir19:03
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fungijeblair: but git ignores that error?19:03
fkautzis infra the right place to log a bug as a new user where contact info cannot be saved on I get a server error and it is blocking me from contributing.19:03
thiagopasselin__: (or miss)19:03
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fungijeblair: oh, i guess it doesn't matter if it ignores it. it's failing and trying to clean up at that point anyway19:03
asselinthiagop, please don't hesitate to upload doc fixes, etc.19:03
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asselinthiagop, also, please +1 the change if satisfied or -1 if it can still be more clear.19:04
jeblairfungi: yes; it does ignore it since it's in a git internal cleanup function19:04
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jeblair(it's in an atexit)19:04
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thiagopasselin__: sure19:05
fungiyeah, so that seems like a safe path out of this if we can wrangle it19:05
jeblairfungi: which?  clone to subdir and move, or avoid deref '.' in zc?19:06
fungijeblair: avoid dereferencing .19:06
fungiit's less change to the structure of the jobs19:06
fungithough possibly hard to test for regression19:07
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jeblairfungi: yes; it is a change to zuul that we'll want to run by hashar and maybe others.  we would also almost certainly need a unit test with some good comments for this, because it seems really easy to regress on "use '.' to get a specific side effect of glibc+git behavior" :)19:07
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fungican we chmod a-w .. or chown 0:0 .. before revoking sudo?19:10
fungithat should prevent unlinking the cwd19:10
jeblairfungi: it makes jenkins own homedir unwritable by jenkins :(19:10
fungiwell, not the homedir19:11
fungibut a subdirectory of it19:11
jeblairright, sorry, ~/workspace19:11
fungithe actual path in question is /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-nova-pep819:11
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fungii agree that too is an ugly hack19:11
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fungiso from what i can see in these examples, is running consistently. perhaps we can simply make its first command to be to recreate the cwd if missing?19:13
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fungiwhat worries me is i still don't get _why_ it's not breaking19:14
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jeblairfungi: that probably points to these actually happening in parallel, so $W hasn't been removed yet19:14
fungiright, so also racy19:15
jeblairwhich suggests that the cleanup trap is the best place to put the mkdir since it's closest to the deletion.  basically, smallest race window.19:15
fungiwhat if we mkdir -p . _both_ at the start of the publishers _and_ in the cleanup trap?19:15
jeblair(if we were to take that appoarch)19:15
jeblairfungi: if my mental model is right, i think that almost by definition, putting the mkdir in the publishers will never be used.19:16
fungithat way we hedge our bets on the race that we don't try to start a new process in the split moment between the git cleanup and the trap wrapping it19:16
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austin81AJaeger, pabelanger: Thanks for the comments guys. greghaynes, ianw what do you guys think of a puppet deploy for stackviz rather than a dib element?
fungiyeah, i guess if the builder is forcibly terminated after git cleanup but before the trap fires, and for whatever reason the publisher hasn't started yet, the publisher would be unable to start anyway19:17
jeblairfungi: for that to have an effect, the publisher would have to start, git perform the delete, the publisher perform the mkdir, another publisher start, then the cleanup run19:17
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fungiwe've both managed to convince me on the trap as the only sane place if we want to recreate the directory after cleanup19:18
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jeblairfungi: we make a good team19:19
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fungithis will also take some jjb babysitting if we go that route. probably many hundreds of jobs affected19:19
dansmithclarkb: fungi: am I reading the scrollback correctly that this is still going on, only on some nodes, but probably high enough probability that we should not be rechecking things?19:20
jeblairdansmith: i think the underlying cause is intermittent network problems, so a recheck may be effective19:20
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fungidansmith: i think it's either recheck and live with the failures until we can get a better picture of what's going on, or live without the capacity of rax-iad (maybe all of rax?) assuming we can narrow it to just there19:20
jeblairfungi: agreed19:21
dansmithokay, sounds like rechecking is just going to further absorb bandwidth19:21
fungii haven't seen any jobs running outside of rackspace impacted yet19:21
dansmithI mean, I hit it like three times in a row this morning19:21
clarkband we are working through how to fix logging19:21
dansmithso I'll just hold off19:21
fungidansmith: i personally saw a nova change in the gate fail FOUR jobs on this, and then get restarted in a gate reset because a keystone change ahead of it also failed a job on the same problem19:22
AJaegerfkautz: did you follow all steps in order at ?19:22
jeblairlucky nova change?19:22
dansmithfungi: yeah :/19:22
fkautzAJaeger: i've been following that document19:23
fkautzwhen i try to add contact info, i get a server error on the website19:23
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: WIP: push change with a vote
fungiso anyway, i'm torn on whether we're wasting more capacity on rechecks than we'd lose by temporarily turning off rackspace19:23
AJaegerfkautz: additional troubleshooting tips are at
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: my preference would be to perform a job change -- either (a) mkdir -p; or (b) clone to subdir then move.  because we can get those in faster than (c) change z-c.  i'm not ruling out (c); just saying it's not a good fit for fixing log collection.19:24
clarkbfungi: only rackspace can run these jobs19:24
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fungiclarkb: oh!19:24
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: remove non-supported python versions
fungiright, these are bare-trusty19:25
fungiso not dib-able19:25
fungiso that explains why we'd only see this in rackspace19:25
jeblairit does?19:25
clarkbwe can switch to ubuntu trusty without reliable rax uploads or add snapshot builds to the other clouds19:25
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jeblairclarkb: hasn't "reliable uploads" landed?19:26
clarkbjeblair: yes but not released19:26
jeblairclarkb: what's the holdup?19:26
clarkbwe need the release19:26
fungiwell, the only jobs which seem to be impacted are jobs running on bare-trusty. i've found no examples of this failing for jobs run on devstack-trusty nodes in rackspace19:26
clarkbof oscc then update on nodepool and restart services19:27
jeblairfungi: yes, but this will only affect zuul-cloner jobs with constraints... how does that map to images?19:27
fungihowever, now that i think about it. the tox-based jobs are the only ones probably using zuul-cloner to clone to the cwd itself19:27
jeblairclarkb: i mean, who do we poke to release oscc?19:27
clarkbjeblair: dhellmann19:27
AJaegerjeblair: or dims19:27
clarkbthe releases change was pushed yesterday19:27
jeblairdhellmann! dims! :)19:27
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Update gerrit version for testing
fungiso for devstack-gate jobs the issue is likely just manifesting as job timeouts19:28
AJaegerclarkb: it was released today!19:28
jeblairdhellmann: will you release oscc in exchange for a cookie?19:28
clarkband I habent seen a thrilled to announce email so pretty sure it hasnt happened19:28
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clarkbAJaeger: oh was no email sent about it?19:28
AJaegerclarkb: merged nearly 2 hours ago...19:28
dhellmannjeblair : I just did a release of os-client-config, is that what you want?19:28
jeblairdhellmann: yes!  thanks!  now i don't know if i should keep the cookie for a future bribe or give it to you in thanks.  :)19:29
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clarkbyup, dhellmann was email sent? I dont see the email if so19:29
dhellmannapparently not, it seems that job didn't run
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: WIP: push change with a vote
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* dims catches up19:30
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jeblairhow about i look up the zuul log for that as thanks and eat the cookie19:30
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clarkbsounds good19:30
dimshaha :)19:30
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dhellmannjeblair, clarkb : I don't see an announce job configured for that project.19:30
clarkbdhellmann: oh its configured on project sid19:31
fungiwell, it also didn't upload to pypi
dhellmannoh, nevermind, I misread19:31
dhellmannfungi : 503 error from pypi19:31
jeblair2016-02-18 17:54:06.093 | requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 503 Server Error: No healthy backends19:32
jeblairnice error19:32
fungiyeah, love that wording19:32
fungii believe that's been explained as fastly proxying the post and having an intermittent connectivity failure to the pypi backend19:32
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jeblairshould we "while !twine upload;" ?19:33
fungiwe seem to hit this extremely often. i don't know if this is a widespread problem on pypi or if we really do just upload way more often than any other projects19:33
fungijeblair: newer versions of twine than we're running, i believe, include an option to no-op if the file is already there19:33
fungii need to look that up again and double-check19:33
jeblairfungi: is it bad for us to reupload the same file?19:34
dhellmannjeblair : sigmavirus24 did have some changes to twine to retry the upload, but getting that release into a system package for our secure build servers will take time, so yeah, I think we need to write a retry loop19:34
AJaegeranybody wants to +2A clarkb's twine upload check ?19:34
fungiwell, sometimes this manifests as a 5xx error back even though it uploaded successfully19:34
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fungibut pypi will also error if you try to upload a file that's already on pypi19:34
fungiso we would loop indefinitely in those cases19:34
dhellmannAJaeger : needs a loop, right?19:34
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jeblairyeah, but looks like maybe we should loop around with clarkb's logic19:35
dhellmannfungi : there's a flag to twine to tell it to ignore existing files19:35
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jeblairso, upload, check, if not exist, retry19:35
dhellmannthough I don't know what version that flag is available in19:35
fungidhellmann: right, but not in the version of twine packaged for trusty i thinkl19:35
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dhellmannso check first, only try twine if the file doesn't exist, only fail if it doesn't exist after twine19:35
fungiso we'd be back to installing twine via pip and then breaking every time requests/urllib3/somebody decided to do something "fun" in a new release19:35
dtantsurdhellmann, sorry for jumping it, but could you elaborate on that "announcement jobs" thing? does it mean that projects are no longer announced without additional efforts?19:35
sigmavirus24dhellmann: we have other functionality that will complement what's proposed for twine (like adding an option to verify something was uploaded and the SHA's match)19:35
jeblairfungi: nope! not gonna!19:35
dtantsurdhellmann, i.e. I don't see an announcement for ironic-inspector even though it seems released19:36
sigmavirus24would that I had more time to work on things like twine19:36
clarkbfwiw I really cant update changes right now/today. I am doing my best to help what I can from phone while also doing my best to take care of sick kids19:36
clarkbso feel free to update as needed19:36
dhellmanndtantsur : you have the job. maybe there was a failure in the chain somewhere, like with oscc19:36
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fungibut yeah, clarkb's idea of checking /simple/whatever/ for the file we just uploaded and retrying after some wait seems like the best compromise19:37
jeblairclarkb: :( will do thanks and good luck19:37
dtantsurAJaeger, that's 3.0, we just released 2.2.4 for liberty19:37
dhellmannAJaeger : that's old19:37
AJaegerdtantsur: ah...19:37
fungidhellmann: anyway, since the upload never happened, i'll reenqueue that os-client-config tag19:37
fungiunless jeblair was already working on that19:38
AJaegerdtantsur: might be same problem ;( let's check logs...19:38
jeblairfungi: nope19:38
fungion it then19:38
dhellmanndtantsur, fungi : the ironic-inspector upload failed, too:
dhellmannAJaeger : ^^19:38
fungiAJaeger: did the wheel make it onto pypi?19:38
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dtantsurdhellmann, I see the wheel on pypi..19:38
AJaegeryes, the wheel is there19:38
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fungiyeah, so for that one i probably need to manually upload the sdist to pypi and then retrigger teh announce job19:39
dtantsurdhellmann, also, if openstack-server-release-jobs is what you mean, I don't see it on inspector19:39
dhellmanndtantsur : sometimes pypi says the upload failed even when it works19:39
fungii'll work on that as soon as i'm done with the oscc reenqueue19:39
jeblairokay: todo list: 1) manually run the oscc upload; 2) make a new patch on top of 275431 to loop; 3) add mkdir -p to z-c jobs; 4) restart nodepool and upload some images to rax; 5) something about bare-trusty nodes?; 6) actually think about what's causing these jobs to time out in the first place.19:39
dhellmanndtantsur : you have "publish-to-pypi" which includes "{name}-announce-release"19:39
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dtantsurdhellmann, ah thanks :) sorry for confusion19:40
dhellmanndtantsur : the pypi upload job exited with an error, so the subsequent jobs didn't run19:40
dtantsuryeah, got it19:40
jeblairclarkb: can you clarify 5 a bit?19:40
fungijeblair: i'm popping 1 off that list now. will pop whatever else is at top once i'm done with 119:40
jeblairfungi: cool, you do 2; i'll do 3.19:40
fungisounds good19:41
clarkbjeblair: ya, bare-trusty only build via snapshot because of puppet service resource interactions with dib and mysql19:41
jeblair(unless someone else wants 2)19:41
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/requirements: Add "virtualbmc" dependency
clarkbjeblair: becausr we have said no snapshots on new clouds this means no bare-trusty images on new clouds19:41
fungii am not opposed to one of our 7 other core reviewers pitching in on this pile19:41
jeblairclarkb: how does getting rax uploads fix that?  we can switch these jobs to ubuntu-trusty once they are on rax?19:41
clarkbplan is to switch to bindep + ubuntu-trusty which is dib based everywhere19:42
fungior even non-core reviewers can submit and review patches19:42
clarkbjeblair: yup that19:42
clarkbjeblair: we didnt want to rely on uploads across the board like that until rax was reliabler for it19:42
jeblairclarkb: if we make the switch right now, will it work?  (we'll just stop using rax for these but will use ovh/bb/internap, right?)19:42
fungiyeah, my experimental bindep trials across a bunch of jobs/projects seem to pan out according to pabelanger's reviews of logs19:42
clarkbjeblair: yes and yes19:42
jeblairthat actually would temporarily alleviate the network issues.19:43
fungiwe'll of course need to step the ubuntu-trusty min-ready up sufficiently to take on most of the bare-trusty volume19:43
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jeblairfungi: i don't think min-ready makes too much of a difference under load with the current allocator.  i mean, we should change it, but i don't think it's a prereq.19:44
pabelangerfungi: so, I only found 1 py34 job that was failing, I mentioned it before. It looked related to subunit2html.  See 28142719:44
fungijeblair: oh, yeah i guess we're running at full capacity regardless19:44
fungipabelanger: was that project voting on gate-{name}-python34?19:45
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fungiif not, i'd probably ignore it, but will take a closer look in a bit19:45
pabelangerfungi: Yes, the normal python34 job passed19:46
pabelangerbut bindep failed19:46
pabelangerthat was the only review I noticed a failure on bindep but pass on the original job19:46
fungicool, thanks. definitely something we'll want to suss out then19:46
clarkbjeblair note that rax is in the ubuntu-tristy label the images may just be old19:47
clarkbso we want to remove rax from there if we do this to avoid network trouble19:47
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Recreate workspace in zuul-cloner cleanup
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fungiwell, it may be we're also hitting similar network issues on devstack jobs in rackspace, just manifesting differently? so we'd probably turn it all down there19:49
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bhunter_a question:  does the URL '/cli' intentionally not work on a infra/puppet-jenkins created jenkins server?19:52
clarkbbhunter_:  yes, there was a security advisory about how it shluldnt be exposed19:53
fungibhunter_: i believe that may be a workaround to avoid a serious remote code execution vulnerability in the cli endpoint's deserialization19:53
bhunter_ooh, thanks, both of you!19:53
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bhunter_is there a flag for this, or a particular line of code you could point to?19:54
bhunter_you know, for the 'daring'19:54
fungibhunter_: if memory serves, it's just being masked by the apache vhost config, so you could in theory undo that (but i wouldn't recommend exposing your jenkins api to any untrusted networks if you do)19:54
jeblairclarkb, fungi: back on the question of whether gitpython updates could be involved -- we have updated bare-trusty in rax-iad every day since the 10th except for the 15th.  so i think we would have gotten the new release asap.19:54
clarkbfungi: we have a groovy init acript to disable it19:54
fungioh, right, that was the published "fix"19:55
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fungithough also possibly better constrained in newer jenkins releases too? i'd look through their security vulnerability list for confirmation19:55
clarkbjeblair: so wpuldve been noticed earlier?19:55
fungiclarkb: but maybe only obvious when coupled with serious network issues19:56
fungii'm also unconvinced that avoiding running nodes in rackspace will work around that, since the git servers, zuul mergers, et cetera are also in rackspace (but maybe it's mostly iad that's the problem, and our servers are in dfw)19:56
jeblairclarkb: the error rates before and after the release are about the same.  it's not a lot of data, and i still can't say that the behavior isn't worse in the new release with severe network issues that started on tuesday.19:56
fungii did see at least one failure like this on a worker in dfw though19:57
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i think it does at least confirm that the peak starting on tuesday really is pointing at the network issues as the trigger rather than anything like gitpython being coincidentally updated on the same day.19:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Check twine uploads for success
fungii concur19:58
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so: network issues making git behave badly is one theory.  network issues making gitpython behave badly is another.  we may be able to distinguish between them by looking at d-g jobs.19:58
fungialso i have faint hopes that the network maintenance starting in a few hours will fix it and not just make it worse19:58
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jeblair has both "QA Health" and "Openstack-Health" on the navbar20:00
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fungisounds doubly-healthy?20:02
pleia2I seem to recall a couple patches in flight around the same time to add openstack-health, so I think the got their streams crossed20:02
jeblaira disturbing number of bugs on e-r with recent failures are described as hpcloud specific.20:02
* pleia2 has a look20:02
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud SSL
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pabelangerfungi: looks like pip and setuptools are installed on passing py34 in tox, but not on bindep.  That appears to be the only difference I see with dependencies atm20:03
fungiclarkb: jeblair: dhellmann: oscc seems to be successfully released now20:03
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Update common.js to include OpenStack-Health"
pabelangerneed to step away for a bit20:03
pleia2mtreinish: ^^ this one that we looked at at LCA did end up being a bit of a duplicate20:04
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dhellmannfungi : does that include the announce email? if not, I can do that by hand20:04
fungidhellmann: yes,
clarkbfungi woot, we just need to double check it is installed on nodepool.o.o and rsstart the builder (for oscc) and nodepoold for the other recent bigfixes20:04
fungidhellmann: dtantsur|afk: i've also uploaded the missing ironic-inspector sdist to pypi and have queued the announcement job for it (though it hasn't run yet)20:05
dhellmannfungi : great, thank you!20:05
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fungiworking on the twine and chect of pypi/simple loop next20:06
fungier, check20:06
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jeblairclarkb, fungi:
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jeblairi don't see a noticable increase in rax-iad failures20:09
jeblair(that, for the moment at least, still basically only includes the dsvm jobs)20:09
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jeblairand in fact, 0 failures for gate-tempest-dsvm-full20:10
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clarkbya dsvm joba look generally fine20:10
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jeblairwe do have those git operations in a retry loop20:11
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jeblairhowever, it is starting to suggest that it isn't just that git alone that is getting stuck, yeah?20:11
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jeblairoh, heh20:12
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jeblairwe run it in a timeout too20:12
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jeblairbecause "git can sometimes get itself infinitely stuck with transient network errors"20:12
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fungiwe've added a retry loop around zc i think, but not a timeout inside the loop )yet anyway)20:13
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jeblairfungi: there are timeout options we can pass to gitpython, so we may be able to improve this in zuul-cloner20:14
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fungiahh, yeah a --timeout option or envvar or something for zc would be swell20:15
fungi--retries might be nice too! ;)20:15
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jeblairi'm leaning toward saying that what we're seeing is rax network errors causing git to hang; devstack runs are less-affected because of the timeout/retry logic, but zuul-cloner jobs are not because they lack that.  there is no evidence that changes in gitpython 1.0.2 are related, but can not rule it out.  we should be able to mitigate it by adding timeout/retry options to zuul-cloner.20:17
fungiyeah, the evidence points to that as likely20:18
jeblairso maybe we can switch image types quickly to stop running these jobs on rax and meanwhile add those options to z-c.20:18
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jeblairthen start using rax again for these jobs once they land20:19
jeblair(and, hopefully, the network gets better at some point)20:19
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jeblairi need to run to lunch; someone should volunteer to take the zuul-cloner hacking task :)20:21
fungiif we're ready to kick the bindep macros into real job-templates i'll start writing that job update (after i look into the python34 failure pabelanger spotted)20:21
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud SSL
mtreinishpleia2: hah, nice20:22
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: WIP: push change with a vote
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pleia2mtreinish: my fault, didn't read closey enough /o\20:31
pleia2closely too20:31
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mtreinishI prefer closey :)20:32
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat lbaas specific test for v1 and v2
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud SSL
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openstackgerritRoland Hochmuth proposed openstack/requirements: Upperbound on kafka-python
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for provider network options
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retry twine uploads in a loop
fungijeblair: clarkb: as discussed ^21:10
fungiprobably atrociously inefficiently written, so don't hold back picking it apart21:11
fungithough i have at least locally tested the logic introduced there21:12
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clarkblooks fine, you added the set +e to handle errors directly21:14
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fungiright, by the time i was done littering everything that might short-circuit the loop too soon, there was basically nothing left aside from assignments and logic21:24
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fungiso just dropped the ||true masking instead21:24
pleia2morning jhesketh21:24
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for lbaas v2 dashboard
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fungiClint: thanks for the suggestions on 282060. i'm particularly tempted to update it for replacing \!= with -ne since the latter is what i actually wanted (integer comparison not string comparison) though technically both work in this case21:28
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fungialso builtins ftw21:29
Clintfungi: yeah, everything there should work the same.. your syntax just makes me twitch for no good reason21:30
fungiClint: heh, as it was i was forcing myself to remember to use [ instead of test21:30
fungitoo many years of writing posix shell, i get a mild rash when using bashisms21:30
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add reno job for oslo.log
Clintyeah, i know what you mean21:31
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Clinti get itchy from export VAR="blah"21:32
ianwaustin81: pabelanger makes a pretty good point.  it does probably fit better as a puppet module21:34
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul_swift_upload add support for --verbose
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retry twine uploads in a loop
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fungiClint: ^ updated with your syntax21:38
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Clarify oscc_file_contents instructions
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fungialso retested locally to make sure it really still worked the way i was expecting21:39
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fungiif we still see pypi upload failures after 282060 is in place, at least we have some easy values to tune (number of retries, delay between)21:45
fungidhellmann: ^21:45
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dhellmannfungi : woot!21:45
* pleia2 fingers crossed21:46
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sdakefungi quick question, suhsyed is getting an invalid token when trying to register his ocrrect email adresss with gerrit21:48
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sdakesuhsyed can you explain in a little more detail?21:48
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sdakehe gets an email from gerrit to change his email21:49
sdakehe clicks that21:49
sdakethen invalid token21:49
markvanAJaeger: hi, thx for your help with my infra patches.  Was wondering about the usage of the PROJECTS="openstack/blah $PROJECTS".   What is this used for?  I see it being used in the yaml jabs files, but jobs that use pre/post hook scripts don't seem be using it.21:49
clarkbsdake: is this with microsoft outlook?21:50
clarkbsdake: there is a known issue with how it interprets the gerrit url21:50
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clarkbif you look at the email source and copy pasta directly that should work21:51
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sdakeclarkb thanks a bunch21:51
clarkbsdake: fwiw I believ eour investigating resulted in "gerrit is technically correct and doesn't do anything the rfcs forbid, outlook is just being silly"21:52
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for provider network options
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sdakeclarkb thanks for htat, super helpful :)22:00
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asselindstufft, are you around? I have a bandersnatch issue I hope you can help me with:
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rhedlindOne of my CI tests started failing in the devstack setup stage yesterday as it is trying to setup a venv. Would appreciate if anyone has any input as to what might have happened. The CI environment hasn't changed. Log excerpt
dstufftasselin: hi22:04
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asselindstufft, Hi, we're having issues last week with packages failing to update. I pasted a more current log file of new failures. (I need to dig up the ones from last week). jeblair said you might be able to help me.22:05
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dstufftlooks like that got deleted in AWS but failed to record the delete in PyPI22:06
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dstufftI hate legacy PyPI22:06
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clarkbrhedlind: are you reusing machines?22:06
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sdakeclarkb so suhsyed got his email matching his launchpad id, but it still wants to log him in from launchpad as from gmail22:07
sdakethe issue is git review -s isn't working for him22:07
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rhedlindclarkb: no22:07
clarkbrhedlind: ok that throws out one theory (preexisting old pbr that didn't get updated)22:07
clarkbsdake: so matching the launchpad id isn't what needs to happen...22:08
sdakehe is matching his gerrit-id22:08
clarkbsdake: your primary email address in gerrit must match your primary email address on your foundation profile22:08
clarkbsdake: that does not matter22:08
clarkbsdake: can you paste the output of git review -s -v?22:08
dstufftasselin: try now22:08
sdakeclarkb he is checking foundation profile and will do git review -s paste in a moment22:08
clarkbsdake: with -v too22:09
clarkbadds debug output22:09
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud SSL
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use netiso in the ha job
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asselindstufft, more fun:
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clarkbrhedlind: Download error on [Errno 101] Network is unreachable is the problem22:12
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clarkbrhedlind: we deleted that mirror, they are not intended for public consumption22:12
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow git review to set votes
dstufftasselin: try now22:13
asselindstufft, issues from last week:
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clarkbsdake: also what setup docs are you following? are you using ?22:16
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Update gerrit version for testing
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sdakeclarkb that is what he is following yes22:16
rhedlindclarkb: so how come the script uses that? I assume the latest devstack is pulled down as part of the tempest setup?22:16
clarkbok I don't think that doc says anything about making gerrit userid and lp id match /me dobule checks22:16
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clarkbrhedlind: devstack should use pypi.python.org22:16
clarkbrhedlind: by default22:17
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow git review to set votes
sdakedoes the gerrit id userid and lp id need to match?22:17
asselindstufft, DEBUG: Getting (serial None)22:17
asselin fails22:17
clarkbsdake: "You can enter your Launchpad username here, or something else if you want." is what it says22:17
clarkbsdake: no thats what I am saying,but you said you just changed things to make them match22:17
clarkbso I am confused where that is coming from22:17
sdakehe had an old invalid email22:18
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sdakehe is afk atm so I can't ask him more :)22:18
sdakehe will be back22:18
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sdakeclarkb we got his email to match reality ;)22:18
sdakethat was painful (the outlook thing)22:18
sdakeour workaround was to forward to gmail and click through there22:19
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sdakehad trouble finding view sourcein new version of office on his end22:19
sdakeoutlook 2010 has it but not 2015 from what i can tell22:19
clarkbok so it was just email that was made to match22:20
sdakehis login id in his linux machine matches his gerrit user id though22:20
sdakethat was problem #122:20
sdakenow onto problem number two :)22:20
sdakei'll get back to you on that22:20
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sdakeall my stuff matches, makes life so much simpler ;-)22:21
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sdakeI guess I look boring at a party ;)22:21
sdaketo also fix he had to delete his old invalid email from launchpad, as it kept wanting to log into gerrit as that even though it was set as secondary22:22
dstufftasselin: try now22:22
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone-only uwsgi job
asselin2016-02-18 22:23:04,090 DEBUG: Getting (serial None)22:23
asselin2016-02-18 22:23:04,203 ERROR: Error syncing package: rest_client@195590822:23
clarkbsdake: git review -s works now?22:23
sdakeclarkb he is still afk22:23
clarkbok I don't think doing that was or is necessary fwiw22:23
asselindstufft, is there something else I should be doing to avoid this?22:23
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dstufftasselin: no22:25
dstufftit's a pypi problem22:25
dstufftI have to fix each file22:25
rhedlindclarkb: ok, I will rebuild the image used for this test and hopefully the new image will use the correct address. Thanks!22:25
asselindstufft, :(22:26
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dstufftasselin: try now22:28
asselindstufft, success!22:28
asselindstufft, but now those other packages...I had to hack my todo file to get our system running again.22:28
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dstufftI fixed all the ones that were in that paste22:29
asselinok, so what's the best way to get back in sync. Redo a fully mirror sync? or restore that previous (bad) todo file?22:29
dstufftI'd just redo a full sync22:30
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asselinok will do. thank you. I'll start it now. hopefully there's nothing else broken.22:31
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asselindstufft, 2016-02-18 22:45:39,330 DEBUG: Getting (serial None)22:46
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm working on the zuul-cloner timeout changes22:50
clarkbjeblair: ok22:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixed downstream_ext comparison conditions
dstufftasselin: try now22:58
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mordredclarkb, fungi: back online - anything I should look at?23:00
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dstufftasselin: try again23:06
asselindstufft, 2016-02-18 23:07:01,956 DEBUG: Getting (serial None)23:07
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clarkbmordred: if you are in a place where you can make sure oscc 1.15.0 is installed on nodepool.o.o and restart nodepoold and the nodepool-builder that would be helpful23:08
dstufftasselin: does that have an associated error?23:08
dstufftthat file isn't hitting the same bug23:08
dstufftmaybe a different bug23:08
clarkbmordred: otherwise jeblair is updated zuul cloner to timout git clones and fungi has a change to improve our publishing job23:08
mordredclarkb: kk23:08
clarkb has the needed reviews so you can ignore it if yo uwant23:08
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dstufftit was cached23:09
dstufftasselin: ok, try again23:10
asselindstufft, ok23:11
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asselindstufft, ok will now delete the status file and restart a full mirror sync.23:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Keep Gerrit ACL lines deduplicated
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clarkb"Labels with value=0 not working in 2.12 or "open source" master (working in Google Code review)"23:18
clarkbthat is a fun thread on gerrit list23:18
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pabelangerTIL: 2 gerrit master branches23:23
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clarkbpabelanger: I think it is more that the google source is internal and secret23:23
clarkband google pushes up and pulls down as necessary23:23
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, not sure why there isn't more outrage on that23:23
clarkbbut they rip out much of the internals to replace it with googly things23:24
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clarkb(that thread talks about this briefly where googles search thing queries differently than lucene)23:24
pabelangerya, seen that23:24
mordredclarkb: ok. nodepool restarted - logs look good23:25
clarkbmordred: nodepool-builder too?23:26
clarkbin theory this makes rax uploads much more betterer23:26
clarkband the main process can restart when images are in a building state23:26
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asselinclarkb, that is nice23:28
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notmorganok. i am NOT liking the fact that every nick color just changed on me in weechat... escept clarkb and dstufft. oddly, they are the same :P23:32
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Clintgo on23:33
notmorganClint: nope.23:33
notmorganClint: /me puts soapbox away.23:33
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pleia2tough times over there, notmorgan :P23:36
notmorganpleia2: right?!23:37
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notmorganpleia2: oh but your nick is now a lovely purple color23:37
notmorganpleia2: so i approve of that23:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create ansible-role-ssh
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clarkbI am disappointed my nick is that boring23:38
dstufftnotmorgan: I hateee when colors change on people23:38
dstufftit's kind of crazy that it makes that much difference23:38
notmorgandstufft: i know. it's frustrating, because i expect everyone's name to be pretty much the same color - since there are ~100 colors i use for nicks, there is little overlap23:39
notmorgandstufft: s/same color/ concistent23:39
pleia2purple is nice23:39
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notmorgandstufft: the sad part is.. if i was using irssi or something w/o color, i'd actually read names vs. rely on colors :P23:40
mordredclarkb and pleia2 are the same color for me23:40
mordrednotmorgan: you are the same color as openstackgerrit23:40
dstufftthe worst is when two people with similar names get the same color23:40
pleia2everyone is the same color for me, except when they say my nickname, then they are pink <323:40
mordreddstufft: ++23:40
mtreinishnotmorgan: everyone looks green to me...23:40
sc`every nick looks white to me23:41
sc`<- irssi23:41
notmorganmordred: you're now a cyan color... the only person in all the channels i have seen so far with it :P23:41
notmorganpleia2: go go weechat?23:41
pleia2notmorgan: I like irssi23:41
dstufftmordred is dark red23:41
dstufftI just use textual though23:42
dstufftI'm too lazy to console IRC23:42
pleia2but I also like Perl, and all my scripts for irssi are written in it already, so changing is hard23:42
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add timeout/retries to zuul cloner
notmorgandstufft: i used to use textual, moved to weechat when i was tired of trying to make it work on multiple clinets at the same time w/o missing messages23:42
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notmorganpleia2: fair enough, i think weechat aslo supports perl fwiw.23:43
dstufftI rarely use multiple clients, I am the easiest use case23:43
notmorganpleia2: but irssi is good too23:43
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred:
* notmorgan just needs to move from screen to tmux23:43
dstufftI sometimes think I about trying to use weechat + glowing bear + textual23:43
notmorgandstufft: well i also now only have 2 clients sometimes.23:43
notmorgandstufft: ios or android phone? [i assume glowing bear for phone]23:44
openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-refstack: Make puppet pull releases from Pypi
notmorgandstufft: cause i just tried glowing bear...and on android it's not as good as the real weechat client23:44
jeblairpleia2: i like irssi too23:44
dstufftI own so many apple devices23:44
clarkbthe one feature that keeps me on weechat is smartfilters23:44
dstufft(if you count my entire family)23:44
dstufftit'd be hard to swap to something other than ios23:45
dstufftwell "hard"23:45
notmorgandstufft: oh totally, just asking cause i hear glowing bear on ios is a bout as good as it gets. i used to use irccloud but got tired of the outages23:46
notmorganand glowing bear isn't bad by any stretch23:46
notmorganbut on android, glowing bear didn't work well for me23:47
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* notmorgan cries for openstackgerrit bot.23:47
notmorganpoor bot.23:48
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dmsimardGlowing bear works really well on my Nexus 6P.23:49
dmsimardMoved my bouncer from ZNC to Weechat, works great.23:49
dmsimardand I host the glowing bear interface on the same server Weechat runs on so anywhere I have a browser I can hop on.23:49
dmsimardbest discovery in a while23:50
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pleia2bot just needed a config update :)23:50
fungii think i forgot to say i was going to dinner, but am back now23:51
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mordredfungi: I, for one, am shocked, shocked I tell you23:54
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add timeout/retries to zuul cloner
funginotmorgan: tmux is pretty awesome. as a long-time gnu screen user, i made the switch a few years ago and was quite pleased. the main impetus for switching was the configurable activity highlights23:55
* notmorgan welcomes openstackgerrit back to life!23:56
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notmorganwhat if whenever fungi is not on IRC he's just getting a config update ... what if ... we are all just irc bots *whoa* :P23:57
fungimordred: yeah, taco thursdays at the bad bean. unsurprisingly, while did have a couple pork belly tacos, i really went for the beer23:57
funginotmorgan: it's a variant of solipsism where the simplest explanation of reality is that everyone else is just an irc bot23:58
* notmorgan is reminded to get beer from cabinet and drink beer with late lunch23:58
* fungi hopes this is a dedicated "beer cabinet"23:58
notmorganfungi: eh, it might be mostly dedicated to beer23:59
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notmorganthere are other things in there... like a bottle of wine, some ginger drinks and maybe a soda23:59
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fungi"beer mixers"23:59

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