Thursday, 2016-02-04

jeblairwheel builds are not fast00:00
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Sam-I-Amfungi: apparently i'm good at trying to submit review comments when backups kick off00:01
prometheanfireSam-I-Am: you +w it kthnx00:01
clarkbgreghaynes: jeblair found it00:03
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: remove the announce flag from the release wrapper scripts
greghaynesclarkb: that is post-disconnect but confirms that it disconnected00:03
clarkbyes I don't tink we actually see the disconnect in our logs due to the log level00:03
clarkbwe only see the side effect00:04
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add periodic cleanup of log files
greghaynesLast time I looked at the code for that I want to say gearman client would bubble up the exception00:04
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jeblairthere ought to be a failed status command, but nodepool may gracefully handle that00:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-restack: Remove argparse from requirements
greghaynesYea, and maybe we fail to log it :(00:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-restack: Correct metadata URLs
clarkbI definitely haven't been able to find it if we do00:05
jeblair                self.__log.exception("Exception while listing functions")00:05
jeblairclarkb: check for that ^00:06
clarkb happens after that first error I found00:06
greghaynesSilly threads ;)00:07
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clarkbbut I think that is a nother symptom00:07
jeblairgreghaynes: i'm not sure that's silly threads00:07
greghaynesIt could be, depends if gear client knows to error on no servers for that method...00:08
jeblairgreghaynes: we should at least not assume that didn't actually happen in the reported order00:08
greghaynesYep, it could have00:08
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow configuration of Gerrit httpd.maxQueued option
clarkbI can start a tcpdump now and see how fast it grows00:10
clarkband stop it in an hour if it is too large00:10
clarkblooks like you can post rotate gzip00:11
greghaynesIirc there is an arg for max file size00:11
clarkbyup or time based00:12
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clarkbtime based is nice isnce that is what we get from the logs00:12
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: 1) nodepool main thread -> geard "status"; 2) disconnection happens; 3) geard notices broken pipe; 4) nodepool build thread -> geard "submit_job" -- returns error 5) nodepool build thread marks connection as failed; 6) nodepool build thread tries to submit to next available connection, there is none, it raises NoConnectedServersError; 7) nodepool admin thread finally times out waiting for a response from its ...00:13
jeblair... long-dead connection.00:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: i think that explains the order00:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Rename .log to .log.txt in run-tox
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Optimize "open" method with context manager
clarkbtcpdump -i eth0 -s 1500 -w 'trace_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.pcap' -W 24 -G 3600 port 473000:15
clarkbdoes that look good ?00:15
clarkbmaybe add a -z gzip00:15
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clarkbI can do that in /opt to prevent hosing the service too bad if it grows out of control00:16
cody-somervillejeblair: re: mutex, isn't there (or wasn't there) already a way to say only a single instance of this job should run at a time? (used to be used for publish jobs but I don't see any evidence of that now)00:17
* greghaynes lacks man pages on phone but seems ok00:17
* clarkb tries it and can stop it in an hour if it looks terrible00:17
greghaynesYa, if it gets too unwieldy we could lower the -S too00:18
jeblaircody-somerville: no; i've suggested we need a new pipeline manager that drops duplicate items (for doc publishing)00:18
jeblaircody-somerville: has not been written yet00:18
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cody-somervilleWas there something that would serialize certain jobs or something? I distinctly remember something along that line because I think it would make people wonder why jobs weren't running.00:19
cody-somervilleI see hold-following-changes option in the docs but that doesn't feel like what I'm trying to remember.00:21
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clarkbwe are up to 15 MB00:22
clarkbthats for about 5 minutes00:22
* clarkb maths00:22
jeblaircody-somerville: there's that; there's the job trees; and there's the implicit serialization if jenkins only has one node of a type00:22
clarkb180MB per hour? that should be doable00:23
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix delete-all command to include all job types
jlvillalgreghaynes: Is there documentation about network_info.json file format, other than:  ?00:25
jlvillalI saw you listed as a core on the glean project.00:26
clarkbjlvillal: yes rackspace/novad document it00:26
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix delete-all command to include all job types
jlvillalclarkb: Ah great. Let me look for that. Thanks :)00:26
clarkbjlvillal: it gre wout of rackspace's ironic deployment iirc but was add ed to nova00:27
clarkbjlvillal: glean is just a cnsumer00:27
* jlvillal tries to parse. Thinks clarkb is on a phone.00:27
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clarkbsorry actually have baby on my lap00:27
clarkbit grew out of rackspaces ironic deployment00:28
clarkbbut the code was added to nova00:28
clarkbglean is just the consumer00:28
cody-somervillejeblair: oh, I think I'm thinking of concurrent: false in the jjb file but I suppose that was removed since it probably doesn't work with multi-master setup eh?00:28
jeblaircody-somerville: yep00:28
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: i have a theory.  it's the same as the last theory i had, but it's still valid.  we're seeing the results of thread starvation.00:30
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: annotated log lines:
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Increase the HTTP incoming connection queue
jeblairthe submit delete job happens _before_ the admin request, yet geard is handling the admin request during the disconnect00:30
zaroclarkb, jeblair: gerrit tuning ^00:30
jeblairthat suggests to me that the delete job submission _was_ handled00:31
jeblairyet nodepool timed out on it00:31
clarkbjeblair: it didn't provide enough cycles t oget those bytes out?00:31
jeblairwhich suggests that nodepool didn't actually process the data in that thread within the timeout window00:31
jeblairclarkb: yeah, and the timeout actually woke up the thread which, if it had managed to process the data queued for it, would have been satisfied00:32
jlvillalclarkb: jroll was nice enough to point me to a spec which seemed to have decent info:
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks00:35
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cody-somervilleWhere are patch dependencies in gerrit shown these days?00:35
jlvillalcody-somerville: On the right, upper part00:36
jlvillalI believe00:36
clarkbcody-somerville: on the right as related changes00:36
clarkborder is top is child bottom is parent00:36
cody-somervilleso related changes *are* dependencies, it doesn't possibly list "related" some other way (such as being mentioned in commit message or something)?00:37
clarkbcody-somerville: it does same topic too iirc00:37
clarkbits definitely not as useable as the old screen00:37
clarkband if there is a tree you just see a linear list thing which is ocnfusing00:38
clarkbit needs to be a graph00:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Increase gearman timeouts
ianwclarkb: has the builder restarted with the new logging config file?  i'm struggling to see anything wrong00:38
clarkbianw: I believe it has but maybe not00:39
ianwfile looks ok, daemon args look ok00:39
clarkbnodepool builder started on january 2900:39
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clarkbI wonder if we just have the keys wrong for the names of loggers?00:39
clarkbwhich may have happened in the builer renamed/moved things00:40
clarkboh ya qualname for the image log00:40
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes:
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jeblairkrotscheck is gone:
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ianwclarkb: hmm, a -builder in there now?
clarkbianw: I am oduble checking00:42
ianwclarkb: we have "log = logging.getLogger("" ..."00:43
ianwin the builder00:43
ianwhmm, also, the latest update was merged 2016-02-01 21:01:23 (GMT) , which is after jan 2900:45
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typo in wheel-index script
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jeblairfungi, krotscheck: i manually released the wheel mirror --
jeblairthe full release time was 3.5 minutes, the noop release time is 18s00:48
clarkbianw: so ya may just need to restart the service00:48
clarkbianw: I can do that now00:48
ianwclarkb: ok, there's a cleanup in but waiting on ci00:49
jeblairfungi, krotscheck: i've approved the vos release job for the mirror00:49
jeblairfungi, krotscheck: we need to land and then we can see if the wheel mirrors actually work00:50
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix spell typos
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clarkbianw: restarted00:54
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clarkbwe are up to 115MB on that pcap file00:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added wheel-release job
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add link to documentation on network_info.json
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clarkbI am going to try and clear the backlog of branch deletion requests on the infra list now01:02
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ianwif i ever submit a spelling correction change, i'm going to make sure i subtly misspell something in the change description just to troll01:07
prometheanfireianw: hi :P01:08
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clarkbianw: mispelling is my specailty01:08
prometheanfireianw: reworkflowplease
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jeblairclarkb: letting the babies type for you?01:11
clarkbjeblair: that is one of my methods01:11
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fungijeblair: awesome. that's a reasonable amount of time for releasing the updates to that volume, i guess01:11
clarkbok I got through the first of the branch delete requets, am being pulled away before I can get to the others01:12
clarkbwill try to follow up in the morning01:12
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fungiclarkb: oh, thanks for working on branch deletions. i've actually been accumulating a list of all the ones which have been requested but haven't found time to actually do them01:12
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openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Ability to select specific CI results
Sam-I-Amdhellmann: ping01:14
clarkbfungi: well I thought I had time now but family has distracted me01:15
clarkbwill likely be able to continue tomorrow though01:15
clarkband pcap isn't going too crazy so I think we can leave it overnight01:15
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fungiyeah, that's a much slower growth rate than i was concerned it might be01:17
clarkbfungi: did ytou see my response about muranoclient stable/juno? they don't have a tag on that commit so I left it in place01:18
fungino, hadn't seen it yet. also there are a few from post-juno-eol that i was going to tag01:19
clarkbthe others don't have juno-eol tags but have tags so I suggested possibly adding juno-eol tags01:20
clarkbbut went ahead and dleted the branches as we don't need to worry about GC remove things01:20
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fungiopenstack-manuals is one01:20
fungioh, and also openstack/requirements still had a stable/icehouse that needed eol-tagging and deletion01:20
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jprso I got my ci toolchain operational today.  (nodepool builds images, registers and launches them, jenkins talks to them). yay!  now I'm working with the openstack-dev/sandbox so I can observe a commit flowing through the pipeline01:23
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clarkbjpr: woot01:24
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jprclarkb: thanks.   nice to see the parts talking happy. couple of issue i'll report up but generally seems smooth. :)01:27
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openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds a devstack test job using Congress new architecture
openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds a tox test job for Congress new architecture
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add a job to send automated announcements of releases
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jeblairfungi: i want to add conflicts-with to gertty, and i have 2 choices on implementation --01:43
fungidhellmann: jeblair: ^ rebased to deal with a merge conflict on master, but there's another patchset coming with fixes for the job failure01:44
jeblairfungi: a) the same way gerrit does it -- after syncing a change, perform a gerrit query to ask which changes conflict with it01:44
jeblairfungi: this adds an extra network request to each change synced01:44
jeblairfungi: b) after syncing a change, do local git operations against each open change to see which changes it conflicts with01:45
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jeblairfungi: this can be done without modifying the local working tree, so should be _relatively_ lightweight01:45
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jeblairfungi: but it's still a sort of n^2 problem01:46
jeblairfungi: so it may end up eating considerable local cpu01:47
fungiyeah, that's an interesting tradeoff01:47
fungicalculate conflicts locally, or offload calculation on gerrit01:47
jeblairfungi: and would probably necessitate creating a second processing queue (since i wouldn't want to hold up network requests for a bunch of local work)01:47
fungiin theory gerrit's doing it centrally and caching the result01:47
jeblairso basically, more network traffic or more local work01:47
jeblair(i usually like having gertty do local work, but this seems like it could be a lot)01:48
fungii guess if you're offline, you're not going to be triggering checks for conflicts anyway01:48
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jeblairyeah, they'd only be triggered by change syncs01:49
fungii lean toward the extra network over extra cpu, but if it's way easier to implement local checking then...01:49
jeblairi think easier implementation is probably actually the network.  i'm just worried about people being concerned about slow syncing01:50
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fungirelying on gerrit for it decreases the overall amount of conflict checking which would otherwise be happening redundantly across all gertty users' systems who were following the same repos01:50
jeblairthere's that too :)01:50
fungiespecially since gerrit's going to be calculating it for us anyway whether or not we query it01:51
fungione potential performance boost would be to have a changes query option in gerrit which includes the conflicts list01:52
fungiassuming that doesn't already exist01:52
fungiwould save the extra query, right?01:52
jeblairfungi: yeah, i don't think it does.  you're right though, that would be nice01:52
jeblairdoesn't seem like it should be hard01:52
jeblairand gerrit itself could make use of it01:52
fungithey do similar stuff for other extended details as query options01:52
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fungiso it's in keeping with their overall api model01:53
jeblair(but maybe there's a reason why they don't and they do the extra query)01:53
fungiright, i wonder the same01:53
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jeblairbut i'd like something sooner than that anyway, so that's back-burner01:53
openstackgerritMatthew Kassawara proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove APAC networking guide team meeting
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add a job to send automated announcements of releases
fungidhellmann: jeblair: ^ failed the cross-check, turns out a handful of projects should have probably just been using the python-jobs group so i've updated them to suit01:55
fungijeblair: sure, i was thinking more than gertty could take advantage of that for a performance boost once it's in gerrit, if it can detect it01:56
jeblairfungi, krotscheck: a (software) release triggered the wheel build (yay!), so i manually (vos) released again; this time 32 seconds with the content change.01:56
jeblairfungi: yep01:56
fungijeblair: also if it's really burdensome on some connections, could always make it a toggleable feature in config01:56
jeblairfungi: true01:56
fungiwhich is the default mode depending on how generally burdensome it turns out to be i guess01:57
jeblairfungi: okay, i _think_ you've talked me into doing the network mode, but before i make a final call (well, as final as anything gets), i think i may hack out a quick script to simulate what the local work would actually look like on my database...01:57
jeblairfungi: and i'll reconsider if it turns out to be super cheap01:57
openstackgerritMatthew Kassawara proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove APAC installation guide team meeting
fungijeblair: awesome. seems like a great feature either way01:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add iftop to all Ubuntu servers
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fungijeblair: i think one other benefit to the network solution might be if you're not syncing all changes for a repo (think repos you don't follow but you've submitted to, so they show up in your owned changes list) then you still get conflicts identified01:59
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jeblairfungi: oh yes, that's true02:00
jeblairfungi: if i go that way, i should remember to sync those changes :)02:00
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fungijeblair: if you're still okay with 272767 after my update, i'm still around to babysit a manual application on all the jenkins masters this evening02:03
fungiotherwise we can try again tomorrow02:03
jeblairfungi: looking02:03
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fungii split the rebase patchset from the make-the-job-pass patchset for clarity02:07
jeblairfungi: +302:08
fungiit got lucky and the change to add the mirror builder job landed just before it, so conflicted in context with it in the layout.yaml02:08
jeblairs/builder/release/ but yeah02:08
jeblairit's been a really lucky change02:09
fungier, yep that one02:09
fungiso, so lucky02:09
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use diskimage-builder from git for nodepool
jeblairfungi: speaking of lucky -- this change (and its dependency) would let us make sure that we don't vos-release in the middle of a mirror build job (since they are running on different hosts)02:11
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tonyblifeless: Silly random question ... Is there an acceptable way to remove an item from pip's wheel cache?02:11
tonyblifeless: say a system library has changed and now the built wheel wont work02:12
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add periodic cleanup of log files
fungijeblair: this which?02:14
jeblairfungi: heh
fungimy mind reading just isn't what it used to be02:15
jeblairfungi: i knew that02:15
fungiso the job failure there is expected?02:16
fungiright, the dependency02:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typo in wheel-index script
jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm pretty sure we don't use zuul from git in that test02:16
fungiit's not an integration test job02:16
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fungiat least from a zuul codebase perspective02:18
prometheanfireianw: thanks02:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Atomically replace the wheel index file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Pass ZUUL_TEST_ROOT through tox
jeblairfungi, krotscheck: while we're on the subject of atoms:
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fungijeblair: zuul change lgtm02:22
fungii was thinking jhesketh might also want to review this time of day, but now realize he's more likely conferencing02:22
jheskethfungi: which change?02:24
jeblairi don't think any of our wheel mirror building is actually subject to racing, but it's nice not to have to worry about it02:24
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jeblairjhesketh:  see for it's proposed use02:25
jeblairjhesketh: i broke my vow of silence on zuulv2,  but i proposed the same change to zuulv3 too in penance02:26
jheskethHeh okay. I'll take a look :-)02:26
jeblairit's not too crazy :)02:27
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fungiseemed pretty straightforward to me, but i trust jhesketh to have more nuanced grasp of the codebase than i02:28
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lifelesstonyb: yes, just delete it02:34
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tonyblifeless: is there a nice way to locate it (other than gnu find)?02:35
lifelesstonyb: not today02:37
tonyblifeless: okay thanks02:38
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fungigrrr, the layout job on 272767 is still failing?02:40
fungiaha, duplicate job definition02:42
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add a job to send automated announcements of releases
fungidhellmann: jeblair: that ^ should address it02:42
jheskethjeblair: just one nit but otherwise lgtm02:42
jeblairfungi: +302:42
* jhesketh is surprised it already wasn't automated02:44
jeblairjhesketh: replied, thanks!02:45
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run the identity v3 only job in additional services
jeblairjhesketh: i'll probably do the cleanup as a followup; i'm just not sure where the best place to do that is02:46
jheskethjeblair: the mutex cleanup?02:46
jheskethyeah I don't think it's a real concern02:47
jheskethpresumably anything with a mutex gets run somewhat regularly02:47
jheskethand if not, it's not much memory02:47
jeblairjhesketh: maybe in onBuildCompleteEvent02:48
jeblairor even _doBuildCompletedEvent02:48
jeblairsee? :)02:48
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jheskethheh, yep, somewhere like that02:48
jeblairno actually onBuildCompleted :)02:49
jeblairin the manager02:50
jeblairas that's where it's guaranteed to be the current build02:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Pass ZUUL_TEST_ROOT through tox
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add job mutex support
jeblairfungi, jhesketh: that exercise caught a logic error (in findJobsToRun) that i think would have been harmless, but it's much cleaner this way.03:13
jeblairso i pushed a new PS rather than a followup03:14
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add periodic cleanup of log files
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add a job to send automated announcements of releases
fungidhellmann: jeblair: argh! that wasn't the only duplicate job definition, but since jjb's parser short-circuits on the first error, i didn't realize it03:28
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jheskethjeblair: cool, reviewed03:38
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fungifinally 272767 is passing the layout job03:41
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jeblairfungi: do you know the lyrics to the x-files theme?03:58
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fungii can... whistle it?04:03
fungithere was some narrative sorts of voice samples in the background for at least some seasons, if my memory isn't playing tricks on me04:04
fungibut i don't recall any lyrics, per se04:04
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fungianyway, the truth is out there (i'm certain)04:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add a job to send automated announcements of releases
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fungiand _now_ i can pull that on the jenkins masters and start updating04:06
r1chardj0n3shello, anyone about to help poke at a gate issue please?04:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try vxlan instead of gre for overlays
r1chardj0n3salso, the captcha thing on doesn't work :-(04:09
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fungir1chardj0n3s: what sort of gate issue? also captcha thing is not working in what way?04:10
r1chardj0n3ssorry for the two-fer :-)04:10
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r1chardj0n3sI just tried to paste into and was challenged for spam, I typed in the captcha and hit paste again, and was just redirected to the url "data:,"04:10
r1chardj0n3sI'll happily file a bug if there's a tracker I can poke at?04:11
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fungistrange. i put in a made-up url, got the captcha prompt, entered the text it displayed, and it worked04:12
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fungitook me to
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fungii'll test your url04:12
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r1chardj0n3smight be the huge content I was pasting?04:12
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r1chardj0n3ssorry, wasn't clear: I was pasting the *content* at that gist URL, not the gist URL itself04:13
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fungiusually it only prompts with a captcha if the content includes urls, but if it's a job result then it likely does04:14
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r1chardj0n3syep, lots of URLs04:14
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r1chardj0n3sanyhoo, the gate issue we're seeing in Horizon land: is a good example where the integration tests fail intermittently. I had a look at the two run's consoles, that's the diff at the gist above, and the two environments aren't the same04:16
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fungiso anyway, this is a diff of two job logs?04:19
fungithe paste service is running lodgeit, which i think may not have an upstream any longer (or that might also mean we're de facto upstream?)04:19
fungilodgeit also seems to bug out on really huge paste content anyway (though usually it just truncates to whatever the database max field size is i think)04:19
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r1chardj0n3syep, it's cool, I can just switch to gist if it doesn't like me :-)04:19
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r1chardj0n3sand yeah, the paste is the diff of the passing, and then failing test runs for
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fungiso the biggest difference there is that devstack-trusty images in rax-iad (your "-" lines) are built from updated snapshots of rackspace-provided base images04:20
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r1chardj0n3sone of the test nodes is rax (passes) and the other is internap?04:21
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fungiwhereas the devstack-trusty images in internap-nyj01 are built with dib from official ubuntu cloud base images04:21
r1chardj0n3sah, right04:21
fungiso a good possibility is that the rackspace base images include some extra packages preinstalled which the official ubuntu cloud images do not04:22
fungiand if that job has somehow grown a dependence on one of those additional packages, you'd expect it to cease passing anywhere besides rackspace04:22
r1chardj0n3shmm, I'm not sure where we go from here then :/04:23
jeblairfungi: "the x-files is a show / with music by mark snow" :)04:24
fungijeblair: ha!04:24
fungir1chardj0n3s: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Element is not clickable at point (944, 0.98333740234375). Other element would receive the click: <html webdriver="true"></html>04:24
fungithat seems to be the actual failure i guess?04:24
r1chardj0n3sI guess if I can reproduce the internap-nyj01 environment, and thus the specific error we're seeing, I can try to get some sort of work-around until internap updates04:24
r1chardj0n3syes, that's the failure. we have absolutely no idea what could cause it :-(04:24
r1chardj0n3shence we're desperately trying to figure how to reproduce the error, which is proving difficult (my cloud instances are all rax)04:25
fungir1chardj0n3s: are you happening to see this error in any other providers (ovh, bluebox)?04:25
fungior only on internap nodes?04:26
r1chardj0n3sfungi: don't know, this is the first I've examined for this specific detail04:26
r1chardj0n3sI'll have a look at some others04:26
r1chardj0n3sthis particular run was useful because it contained a pass and a fail, making the diff simpler04:26
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r1chardj0n3sfungi: ovh also errors04:32
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 job to i18n repo
r1chardj0n3sfungi: I've not been able to find a bluebox run that passed or failed04:38
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: i don't see any in logstash, though i do see some successes on ovh04:40
r1chardj0n3sjeblair: here's a patch chain that has an integration test fail, fail, success over nodes in internap, ovh and then rax
r1chardj0n3snoting that the code changes in question won't affect the integration tests in any way, so there's effectively the same tests being run in each three04:41
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r1chardj0n3s and and
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r1chardj0n3sjeblair: sorry, I should have asked, if you have a success in ovh I'd like to see it please04:44
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r1chardj0n3s(I've never used logstash, and am about to for the first time ;-)04:45
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: i see 30% pass rate in ovh-gra1, 25% pass rate in ovh-bhs1, 20% pass in nyj01, no runs in blue box, 50% in rax-dfw (sample size 2), 69% rax-iad, 57% rax-ord04:46
r1chardj0n3sover what period? we only just fixed a 100% failure rate issue yesterday04:46
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: i don't think i can share all of the things i clicked to do that, but you can start here:
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: oh, that was over 10 days04:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Print unparsable file in pkg-map
r1chardj0n3sright, so limiting it to much more recent would be necessary04:47
r1chardj0n3sthe xvfbwrapper release knocked us out for a couple of days04:47
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: node_provider and build_status are the cols you're interested in04:48
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: and if you click on a row, it has a link to the full logs, change, etc04:48
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: top right has a time range selector04:48
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: i do still see an ovh success (very) recently04:50
jeblairlike 40 mins ago04:50
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix tar listing in functional tests
ianwgreghayens / SpamapS: ^ bit of a "doh" one ... hopefully it doesn't break something we are tacitly relying on04:51
jeblairr1chardj0n3s: it's late here; gotta run04:51
r1chardj0n3sjeblair: thanks!!04:51
ianwgreghaynes, even04:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr: correct typo
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr: remove python 2.6 trove classifier
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prometheanfireianw: still doesn't seem to want to workflow 27379005:26
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix heat create_stack and delete_stack
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openstackgerritIWAMOTO Toshihiro proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ryu to 3.30
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow configuration of Gerrit httpd.maxQueued option
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Increase the HTTP incoming connection queue
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritLana Brindley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Modifying docimpact group
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ianwprometheanfire: ok, seems to be going now07:21
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AJaegeramotoki: could you review - shouldn't this be django.pot files?07:25
amotokiAJaeger: yeah, I think it should be django/djangojs.po.07:27
amotokiAJaeger: i wonder what happens. we need to investigate more. I have no time next two or three hours.07:28
AJaegeramotoki: ok, I'll check myself now thanks07:28
AJaegerIt's wrong in zanata, did I rename it wrongly? I'm on it..07:29
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AJaegeramotoki: looks I screwed up in zanata...07:34
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add omfracloud to nodepool
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add OmfraCloud to puppetmaster_clouds
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use omfracloud in nodepool
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nibalizerinfra-root taking the hiera lock07:43
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nibalizerdone with the lock07:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add support for gentoo to simple-init
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dkaigarodsev_hi to all, please take a look on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi publish job to tempest
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run all Rally jobs against Keystone API v3. Add job for v2.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 job to i18n repo
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove ML reporting for periodic-qa jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix spell typos
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Use 'ruby' instead of 'ruby1.9.1' for Debian
amotokiAJaeger: I tested the translation script on designate-dashboard in my local env, but django/djangojs.po were retrieved as expected.08:59
amotokiAJaeger: I really wonder what happened?08:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Retire icehouse and juno for networking-midonet
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-midonet: Add experimental rally job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new experimental job for manila-image-elements project
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a non-voting inspector job for ironic-python-agent
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Watcher Dashboard project creation
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/groups: Disable leaflet_more_maps module
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: removed unused job gate-openstack-chef-repo
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/requirements: Add overtest to global-req
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups: Disable leaflet_more_maps module
EmilienMAJaeger: can you check when you have 2 min please?09:25
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therveIs there something going on with node speed?09:35
therveIt takes about 1h to just setup a build for heat integration tests, and then it timeouts running them09:35
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AJaegerEmilienM: the change does not what you expect it to do - and I'm not sure whether this is the right approach at all. I suggest you discuss with rest of infra team, I'd like to have fungi, clark, or jeblair comment on 273812. Best to come back once those are awake and discuss with them...09:52
EmilienMAJaeger: cool, thanks!09:53
AJaegertherve: is there a regression in OpenStack itself - or a node problem? Please check a bit more09:53
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AJaegertherve: sorry, can't help further...09:53
openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds a tox test job for Congress new architecture
therveAJaeger, Yeah no worries. It says the usual "this is a slow node"09:55
samuelBartelhi all09:55
samuelBartel I have a question about the project creator guide09:56
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samuelBartelfor the pypi part after registering the project and giving the appropriate right to the openstackci user is there anything else to do about pypi?09:57
samuelBartelAJaeger: for this review were you refering to that or something ese?09:59
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AJaegersamuelBartel: that should be all about pypi, let me check 267806...10:08
AJaegersamuelBartel: does not exist10:11
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AJaegersamuelBartel: does ;)10:11
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openstackgerritSamuel BARTEL proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add project poppy-ui a Horizon Plugin to work with Poppy's CDN API
samuelBartelAJaeger, ok thank you10:15
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AJaegersamuelBartel: +210:17
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samuelBartelAJaeger, Thanks!10:17
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dkaigarodsev_folks, please review
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs for ironic-staging-drivers
openstackgerritCostin Galan proposed openstack/requirements: commit 996a5923c5d6b1d8775c591d3c9875c8d52fcbb1
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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pavel_bondarHi, I am looking someone from infra team, who could answer if it is possible to supply custom script to grenade tests, that would be called on neutron upgrade11:36
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AJaegerpavel_bondar: better ask qa team - #openstack-qa11:39
pavel_bondarAJaeger: Thanks!11:39
openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a tinyIPA non-voting test to Ironic
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openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename sahara-scenario -> sahara-tests
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a tinyIPA non-voting test to Ironic
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openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename sahara-scenario -> sahara-tests
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for --overcloud-update and use it for HA job
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/requirements: Add netmiko to requirements
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flip214anyone knows about "ValueError: No closing quotation" in bashate?
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix heat create_stack and delete_stack
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Member Email Verification
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix delete-all command to include all job types
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fungiprometheanfire: 273790 needs a new (or replaced) workflow +1. it was last approved by ianw more than 7 hours before its depends-on change merged, so it wasn't enqueued at the time14:19
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Shrewsfungi: cache looking ok this morning?14:21
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fungiEmilienM: as AJaeger points out, that job doesn't check what you're wanting, but also it was going to be removed because the docs team has gone a different direction with docimpact bug triage after it was pointed out that at least some projects are pushing for us to skip ci entirely (and so preserve any existing verify vote) on changes which only update the commit message14:29
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fungitherve: are you seeing this one-hour setup time consistently? or did you just see it in one or a few jobs? where does it seem to be spending the most time? do you maybe see any really long gaps between timestamps in the logs?14:30
thervefungi, Not consistently, frequently enough.14:30
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EmilienMfungi: cool, np. I'll abandon it.14:32
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove git-commit-message check
AJaegerfungi, EmilienM: Let's cleanup ^14:33
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fungiShrews: i'll check, thanks for the reminder14:37
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fungiShrews: looks like we still have a fair amount of weirdness at but it's possible that's puppetdb still confused from earlier. checking the actual ansible inventory next14:39
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fungiShrews: yep, the cache is back to being all uuids instead of hostnames for rackspace dfw14:41
fungiother providers/regions are fine14:41
fungiso looks like it's still intermittently deciding not to use hostnames in just that one cloud14:43
fungior possibly not getting any hostnames from that one cloud14:43
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Shrewsfungi: if you could run this:
Shrewsfungi: replacing 'RAX' with the entry from clouds.yaml where we see the problem14:49
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mrmartinfungi: who can disable the puppet runs on ask-staging.o.o ?14:51
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fungiShrews: entries look like this right now: id=44dbb9fb-dce7-4694-9365-91e25f97eb1f, name=jenkins02.openstack.org14:53
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/requirements: Cap testtools to <2.0.0
fungiShrews: but as i saw yesterday, removing the cache and letting it get regenerated it came back fine, so seems to be intermittent behavior maybe?14:53
Shrewsfungi: oh, you may need to provide region_name after the cloud name14:54
anteayamorning AJaeger what is on your important list today?14:54
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fungimrmartin: it can be done with a configuration change now:
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fungiShrews: same result, just a few fewer entries since it's limited to one region now14:55
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Install IPA in a virtual enviroment
Shrewsfungi: hrm, ok14:56
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anteayajeblair: zuul memory usage took a bump yesterday, going from a steady 10G to about 15G now, it may still be rising:
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Source undercloud environment variable from a file
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Split the deploy script into its own file
anteayajeblair: did you want to restart now that 275483 has merged?14:58
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fungiShrews: probably we need some sort of debug logging bubbled up from ansible so that when the cache gets updated we collect whatever additional detail would help and then timestamp it so we can map it back to a particular cache update14:58
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openstackgerritCostin Galan proposed openstack/requirements: Fix Windows rename operation
AJaegeranteaya: celebrating the first working part of translation setup!15:01
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anteayaAJaeger: yay15:01
AJaegeranteaya: and then documenting it - so going over and getting it ready for merging ;)15:01
fungiShrews: an alternative is that i could run that test in a loop with a pause in there, and trap for an incorrect result15:01
anteayait is working!15:01
AJaegeranteaya: thanks for asking!15:01
anteayawoooo for working things15:01
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Disable puppet run
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AJaegeranteaya: and then take it slow ;)15:02
anteayaAJaeger: well asking you is just easier for me than waiting, so thought I'd ask15:02
mrmartinfungi: patch done ^^^ for ask-staging puppet run15:02
AJaegeranteaya: have to leave now. BYe15:02
anteayaAJaeger: thanks, see you15:02
AJaegeranteaya: very much appreciated!15:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Index tags in search
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/requirements: Add netmiko to requirements
fungii'm taking a position that for puppet disabling changes like 276277 we only need one infra-core reviewer to approve it (also self-approving these should be fine for infra-core members)15:07
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs-on-rtfd hook for ironic-staging-drivers project
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fungii love that now we have a record of what was disabled, when, and why15:08
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mrmartinyolanda: if you have 10secs, please review this ask-staging puppet disable patch: thnx.15:11
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Shrewsfungi: sooo... looking at your clouds.yaml, you don't actually set the cache class, which means it *should* be defaulting to memory cache, not file   ????15:11
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed openstack/requirements: Remove version exclusions for xvfbwrapper and selenium
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Shrewsfungi: so i am confuzzled15:12
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yolandamrmartin, too late, fungi had alerady approved it15:12
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mrmartinoh ok15:13
tristanCmatbu: hey, should we have a talk about fixing shade to manage heat stack ?  I just realise you submitted a fix too :-)15:15
Shrewsfungi: oh, i see. the ansible inv does it directly15:17
ShrewstristanC: yes, please work with matbu. i think you guys are fixing similar things, which is why i poked him earlier15:18
tristanCShrews: mea culpa, i started coding without checking open reviews first heh15:18
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add element to bring up bridge on infra cloud
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dhellmannfungi, jeblair : our fancy new announce job failed on a zuul-cloner error:
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not offline wheel build workers
fungiShrews: makes sense that ansible inventory is instructing it to use a cache file in a location it expects15:29
jeblairdhellmann: any idea what the command line actually was?15:29
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jeblairwe may want to switch to -x while setting that up15:29
dhellmannjeblair : yeah, I should have put that in to start15:29
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dhellmannjeblair :
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Don't add non-existent items when resolving lists
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: run announce-release job with verbose flag
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Deploy using network isolation the HA job
dhellmannjeblair : the only thing I can think is that TOOLS_TMP is coming up empty, and throwing off the alignment15:32
dhellmannjeblair : is there a way to retrigger that job after adding the -x?15:32
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jeblairdhellmann: i see it15:33
dhellmannah, missing backslash15:33
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add backslash to release tools job
jeblairdhellmann: ^15:34
anteayaso 276305 over 276304?15:34
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix announce-release use of zuul-cloner
* anteaya waits15:35
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dhellmannjeblair : ah, my connection died just as I spotted it, so we both submitted the fix15:36
dhellmannjeblair, anteaya: if we take mine, you can both vote on it ;-)15:36
anteayaI'll vote on both since you both have teh same patch now and let the two of you decide15:37
dhellmannanteaya : my second version should do the same thing as jeblair's15:37
anteayaI'm not picking sides15:37
anteayadhellmann: it does15:37
* dhellmann is suffering from a recovering irc client replaying 1000s of lines of backlog15:37
anteayathere suit yourselves15:38
anteayadhellmann: nice15:38
dhellmannI think I need a new router :-(15:38
dhellmannmaybe I can get one of the fancy new software-defined ones15:38
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jeblairdhellmann: they will certainly make sure you don't get too many packets at once15:39
jeblairat least, this has been my experience15:39
anteayaha ha ha15:39
dhellmannjeblair : do you know how to connect it to my cable modem?15:39
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jeblairdhellmann: cloud15:39
* dhellmann googles "cloud adapter cable"15:39
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Deploy using network isolation the HA job
jeblairdhellmann: get the ones with the gold plated tips, they sound better15:40
dhellmannjeblair : oh, of course, always go gold plated15:40
dhellmannjeblair : after that change merges, can you retrigger the job? I can run that announcement by hand, but since we have one for testing already...15:41
anteaya+1 for gold tips15:41
jeblairdhellmann: yes, but i'm hoping another infra-root will :)15:42
dhellmannjeblair : ok :-)15:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use BUILD_TIMEOUT
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jeblairwhy do we have a periodic-neutron pipeline?15:43
fungialso i'm curious to see zuul-cloner actually work in the release pipeline. i thought jesusaur had identified lack of a ref envvar in release as what was tripping up z-c previously?15:43
jeblair(and for that matter, why do we have a periodic-qa pipeline any more?)15:43
anteayaI'm a big fan of thesauraus.com15:43
dhellmannfungi : in this case I'm unsetting all of those variables anyway because I want master. I could just run git, but it seemed fine to use the local cache15:43
anteayawhere do folks think I found abide?15:43
fungidhellmann: oh, right, you're supplying them in the script15:43
fungiso should work15:43
dhellmannfungi : right15:43
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Trying to run Nova py27/py34 with oslo master as experimental jobs
anteayajeblair: neutron wanted a periodic pipeline15:44
anteayathis was during nova mid-cycle if I recall15:44
jeblairfor what purpose?15:44
anteayaI don't know as we have guidelines on who can create a new pipeline15:44
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jeblairi would think 'does something unique that can not be done by an existing one' would be at least one of those guidelines :)15:45
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* anteaya is looking15:45
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anteayaI can only say no to andreas so many times, I was distracted15:46
anteayagranted I made a bad choice15:46
anteayalooking for the patch15:46
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* krotscheck1 prefers wingtips to gold tips. Of course, gold wingtips trump everything.15:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-neutron pipeline in favor of periodic
dhellmannkrotscheck1 : cloud adapter cables with wingtips would make a good april fool's joke15:47
krotscheck1dhellmann: We have to get our infrastructure ready for the roarin' 20's after all.15:47
dhellmannkrotscheck1 : wings, clouds, you know15:48
krotscheck1jeblair: I've been keeping up with your patches from last night. I don't see a whole lot of things that I can grab/maintain right now, is there anything that caught your attention?15:48
krotscheck1I'll do a quick manual test of the wheel mirrors to make sure they work.15:48
jeblairkrotscheck1: i don't think the job has run with the correct index generation, has it?15:48
fungijeblair: i think periodic-qa used to report to the qa ml, but yeah could have been rolled into periodic once that was dropped15:49
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-qa pipeline in favor of periodic
jeblairfungi: that is correct15:49
krotscheck1jeblair: It hasn't, but that's not necessary for a test with a properly spelled package.15:49
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fungiand i don't think periodic-neutron ever did anything different from periodic, but would have to check git history to be certain15:49
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jeblairfungi: from what i can see it git-history, that's the case.  i think they just got misdirected15:50
matbutristanC: yep15:50
matbutristanC: we can work together15:50
jeblairkrotscheck1: roger.  i just kicked off a manual run of the job so we should have indexes soon anyway.  (well, soonish)15:50
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matbutristanC: ther eis only a fix for cinder, iirc15:50
jeblairit does take 25 mins15:51
anteayajeblair: oh I didn't approve it I thought I had, I saw it though:
krotscheck1jeblair: I was actually really happy to see the wheels show up on AFS :)15:51
matbutristanC: feel free to update the review15:51
anteayaI can't remember anymore15:51
jeblairkrotscheck1: me too, and vos release was quick15:51
jeblairkrotscheck1: btw, even though you drop off of irc, i leave you status updates that you can check for in eavesdrop.15:51
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
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tristanCmatbu: I'll have a look then after, did you fixed the invalid 'cache' parameter in stack_create ?15:53
jeblairyolanda: see  (related to )15:53
matbutristanC: i don't think so15:53
krotscheck1jeblair: Good to know, thanks :)15:54
yolandajeblair looking15:54
* krotscheck1 really wishes that the HPE CYA-fest finishes up so he can have his bouncer back.15:54
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tristanCmatbu: alright, if you don't mind, I'll update your patch and rebase my stack_create fix on top of it15:54
fungianteaya: jeblair: yeah, without any commit message indicating why they made it a separate pipeline, i'm not even sure why that got approved15:55
anteayafungi: fair comment15:55
matbutristanC: yes that's fine, my review is pending for a while and didn't take the time to take care of it in the last couple of weeks15:55
yolandajeblair can you clarify a bit more? i see other periodic pipelines such as qa or stable15:55
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yolandawhat's criteria for allowing orn ot?15:55
anteayaI had thought I was in on the review of that, turns out I must have just seen it fly by15:56
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matbutristanC: and it's a blocker for my ansible V2 heat module15:56
jeblairyolanda: stable sends failure emails to stable maintainers, so it has a different behavior than periodic15:56
jeblairyolanda: -qa used to do the same thing, but to a different email address. it does not anymore, so i'm also removing it in
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yolandajeblair so general rule will be to only have one periodic for all projects?15:58
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fungiyolanda: one periodic pipeline per report destination, so all periodic jobs without a separate reporter should just share a generic periodic pipeline15:59
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yolandaok understood16:00
fungithe only downside to moving periodic-qa jobs to periodic is that the log base path for them is going to change now, so the qa team would likely benefit from a heads-up16:00
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fungineutron less so, as that pipeline has only existed for a couple days16:00
jeblairmtreinish: heads-up on :)16:00
jesusaurfungi: is z-c working correctly in release? that's very curious16:01
jeblairi believe the qa team is happily using the health db now to navigate that anyway16:01
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fungijesusaur: turns out no, this particular job is mucking with zuul envvars to set the ones z-c wants on its own16:01
AJaegerspeaking about periodic, I need some help reviewing this one - the change for master looks strange to me:
krotscheck1jeblair: Downloading from URL
krotscheck1Dead easy16:01
* AJaeger will now read backscroll on eavesdrop16:01
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jesusaurfungi: ahh16:01
jeblairAJaeger: see
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krotscheck1jeblair: It also grabbed Mako, MarkupSafe (where it actively discarded two pypi links), and a few others.16:02
AJaegerjeblair: when the networking queue was introduced, the idea was to easy select them in healthcheck16:02
krotscheck1It couldn't find python-editor though16:03
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* krotscheck1 thinks we're good16:04
fungiAJaeger: also worth noting, periodic job names usually start with periodic-16:04
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fungiAJaeger: note that their job-template name starts with a {pipeline} parameter which isn't even really being used16:05
jeblairAJaeger: a pipeline seems like a very heavyweight way to group projects;  simply using a naming convention seems easier.16:05
clarkbkrotscheck1: looks empty16:05
clarkbnot sure if we need an index there for stuff to work properly16:05
jeblairclarkb: index page generation was broken16:05
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fungiAJaeger: healthcheck groups on pipeline?16:06
krotscheck1clarkb: try
clarkbkrotscheck1: ya that has things, was just pointing out the index isn't quite right. Sounds like this is a known problem16:06
krotscheck1Yeah, typo on my part. jeblair fixed it, we're rebuilding the index.16:06
fungiAJaeger: that rationale would have at least been useful to mention in the commit message for the change introducing the pipeline too (not that i think it's necessarily a good reason, but there was no reason mentioned at all)16:06
jeblairkrotscheck1: release failed
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jeblairkrotscheck1: i think we forgot to add afs to release slave :)16:07
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fungioh, whoops16:07
sdaguejeblair / fungi / et all -
krotscheck1where's the beer?16:08
jeblairkrotscheck1: you want to grab that while i eat my wheaties?16:08
sdaguewe got a -2 merge conflict on that patch16:08
krotscheck1jeblair: On it16:08
sdaguefor completely non understood reasons16:08
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jeblairsdague: i'll look into it post-wheaties :)16:09
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sdaguejeblair: ok, cool16:09
fungisdague: so the change it depends on didn't fail to merge or get updated?16:09
sdagueand was a direct parent16:09
fungihrm, its parent did fail to merge. digging down further16:09
clarkbthe parent ya that16:10
anteayadougwig: can you look at when you get a moment?16:10
krotscheck1jeblair, fungi: Urm..... this says AFS is there.
AJaegerfungi: agree, it was mentioned only in discussion in the related
sdaguedansmith: can you explain what you saw on that patch?16:10
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AJaegerfungi, jeblair: So, why is a separate queue bad? Should we discuss creation here next time?16:11
dansmithsdague: I had a stack of like five patches, all +2+W.. Several were in gate, and when one of them merged, the others above it were kicked out as "the patch in front of this failed to merge" -- even though it did merge16:11
fungier, wait, maybe i'm reading the "related changes" list upside down again. going back to comparing commit ids16:12
krotscheck1jeblair, fungi: Puppet hasn't run on the release slave in 2 days16:12
sdaguefungi: right, parents are on the bottom16:12
AJaegerfungi: mtreinish said ""16:12
fungidansmith: sdague: that sounds like the n-way merge bug in jgit may still be present16:12
sdague;a=commitdiff;h=7a9942c5924d7ccfe321c54d0b5e70cfb3aede57 is the parent16:12
AJaeger"What I really think we should do is add a periodic-neutron queue though and just not have a email reporter and rely on openstack-health to do the job tracking. There have been a number of jobs like this and I think it'll be better to make a seperate queue for this."16:12
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dansmithfungi: sdague: since it was not a merge conflict, I just rechecked it instead of rebasing16:13
AJaegerjeblair: is based on an abandoned change, let's rebase it...16:13
fungisdague: dansmith: or maybe somehow zuul thought that change which merged didn't (stray error reported back by gerrit? timeout trying to check the state?). i'll look in zuul logs16:13
dansmithfungi: sdague: this is definitely not the first time I've seen that happen, and a recheck usually works fine16:13
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-neutron pipeline in favor of periodic
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-qa pipeline in favor of periodic
sdaguefungi: actually, with all the gerrit 502 errors, how resilient is zuul to those?16:14
clarkbfungi: that seems plausible, though the -2 is reported at 2:22pm PST but the parent that merged doesn't merge until almost an hour later16:14
fungisdague: likely not very16:14
fungisdague: oh, though i think zuul is still using ssh api16:14
clarkbsdague: fungi except that 502s and ssh api are separate16:14
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: initiate testing for puppet-openstack-cookicutter
fungiright, what clarkb said16:14
sdagueclarkb: ok, so then very16:14
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add element to bring up bridge on infra cloud
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fungiokay, so when merged, zuul claimed its child depended on a change which failed to merge16:16
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AJaegerfungi, I'll soon send a change to rename the gate names in the periodic pipeline...16:16
fungijust making sure i'm referring to the right change before i dive into logs16:16
fungizuul debug logs are soooo huuuuuge16:18
fungidecompressing them takes a while16:18
clarkbjeblair: is a gerrit tuning change, I have +2'd but know you were interested in these changes so haven't approved16:18
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greghaynesclarkb: jeblair LGTM if we want to try it out16:20
AJaegerkrotscheck1: I see a failure on - was this mentioned here already?16:21
clarkbgreghaynes: I should review the child of that one16:21
greghaynesoh, oops16:21
greghayneswrong change16:21
greghaynesI meant the gearman timeout change16:21
greghaynesoh, that is the correct one (ECOFFEE)16:22
clarkbfungi: 274870 itself had a merge fail16:22
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greghaynesit just depends on my disconnect one, I'll fix that up16:22
clarkbfungi: so I think the problem is between 274870 and its parent whcih was then transitive to 274870's child16:22
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think i'm getting all twisted around trying to navigate this in the terrible gerrit webui16:22
clarkbfungi: indeed16:23
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fungii need to rewind and start back at the beginning again16:23
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fungii'm also uncertain gerrit is returning the things i'm asking for when i query16:23
clarkbfungi: my new trick is I got to a change and copy pasta the sha1 for the parent then paste that in the search bar16:23
clarkbbecause related changes is useless for figuring this out16:23
fungiright, did that, but then i think the resulting change's sha didn't match what i asked for16:24
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clarkbI don't think I have seen that16:24
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fungiso 274887 which got kicked back with a dependent change failed to merge error has a parent of 7a9942c5924d7ccfe321c54d0b5e70cfb3aede5716:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow configuration of Gerrit httpd.maxQueued option
Sam-I-Amdhellmann: looks like tox is happy now, thx16:26
fungiokay, the search is pulling that one, but the merge times don't make sense for what sdague and dansmith are describing16:26
gordchi, can someone with permissions please help me add lianhao lu to ceilometer-stable-maint,members16:26
clarkb <- <- is what I have16:26
clarkbfungi: ^16:26
fungidansmith: sdague: on the "recheck because jenkins is stupid" problem, it looks like the parent change didn't merge until 45 minutes ago. the changes you rechecked were kicked back when that change failed to merge many hours ago16:27
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dansmithfungi: oh, I think sdague is confused about which ones I'm talking about16:27
fungidansmith: sdague: are you certain your timeline for this is what you think it is?16:27
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dansmithfungi: the one that caused them all to be kicked out was the one before 27487016:27
clarkbya 274896 is the base change16:28
dansmithfungi: I only rechecked 274870 last night, and when it was happy through check, I rechecked the rest this morning16:28
fungiokay, so 274869 merged yesterday at 23:07 utc16:28
clarkbyup and it was ~45 minutes before that when 274870 (its child) decided it couldn't merge because it depended on something fialing to merge16:29
fungi274870 fell out of the gate at 22:22 yesterday16:29
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fungiso looking into what zuul logged about 274870 at 22:2216:30
clarkband I think 274887 just picked up whatever 274870 ran into transitively16:30
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fungiright, but i'm mostly curious what it was that 274870 ran into16:31
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dansmithI figured it was that thing that sdague added16:32
dansmithif owner == "dansmith" && random.randint() < 5: fake_conflict()16:32
fungiyou're not supposed to know about that! ;)16:33
dansmithwell, I didn't .. UNTIL NOW16:33
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add element to bring up bridge on infra cloud
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openstackgerritVolodymyr Samotiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding broadview-lib project and jobs.
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krotscheck1AJaeger: Yes16:36
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krotscheck1AJaeger: puppet apparently hasn't run on the release slave recently16:37
dhellmannSam-I-Am : good!16:37
Sam-I-Amdhellmann: well, i think so at least16:37
fungi2016-02-03 22:22:13,512 DEBUG zuul.Scheduler: Re-enqueueing changes for pipeline gate16:38
Sam-I-Amdhellmann: i have no idea why that would suddenly break16:38
fungiit looks like we may have had a reconfiguration happen right when that change got kicked out16:38
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to dnf for fedora
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Disable puppet run
pabelangerfungi: first steps for bindep on fedora ^16:41
jeblairFeb  4 16:36:31 release puppet-user[8246]: Could not find data item afsadmin_keytab in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp:898 on node release.slave.openstack.org16:41
pabelangerbut looks like bindep-cache is missing, checking that now16:41
jeblairkrotscheck1: oops, need to muck with the hiera groups16:41
krotscheck1jeblair: Oops.16:42
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jeblairclarkb, zaro: re  i can accept "match upstream default" as a reason to do that -- but there's also some commentary about "clarkb confirmed we are seeing the same error" that i would like to know more about16:44
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add element to bring up bridge on infra cloud
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clarkbjeblair: in the upstream change they linked 2 ml threads. On the first one is the representative traceback. That shows up in our error logs as well16:48
jeblairnibalizer: can a host belong to more than one group for hiera purposes?16:48
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fungisdague: dansmith: clarkb: so it looks like we started a reconfiguration of zuul at 2016-02-03 22:22:08,078, in the course of that 274870,2 was reenqueued into the gate pipeline at 22:22:13,523. at 22:22:33,403 its needed changes was checked and 274869,1 was identified as needed. but here's the kicker:16:49
fungi2016-02-03 22:22:33,403 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager:   Change <Change 0x7fc9649fc890 274869,1> in project openstack/nova does not share a change queue with <Change 0x7fca11d7ba50 274870,2> in project openstack/nova16:49
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jeblairclarkb: are you suspecting that vm time is slowing processing which is pushing more connections into the queue, so we shuld increase the queue to alter service from rejected to delayed under those circumstances?16:49
fungihow do two changes for the same project not share a change queue?16:49
dansmithfungi: orly16:49
fungiso this seems like a reconfigure-time bug in zuul at first glimpse16:50
fungijeblair: your take on that ^?16:50
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dansmithfungi: smells like sweet vindication to me :)16:50
jeblairfungi: i wonder if the cache leak jhesketh fixed (but is not in production) is related16:50
fungioh, perhaps16:51
clarkbjeblair: I think when it gets really bad and the GCing is frequent the queues grow because gerrit is spending more time looking for memory. In that situation the increased queue length is likely to not help tremendously. But we also see the 500s errors less frequently when gerrit otherwise has memory and in those situations I think we either have more requests coming in than can be hanlded (lots of16:51
jeblairfungi: can you paste a good chunk of logs around the reconfiguration?16:51
clarkbclients) or perhaps the VM is starved16:51
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jeblairclarkb: ok.  i'll buy that increasing the queue to compensate for temorary gc problems will be good; i am worried that if we see that significantly during the rest of the time that means bigger problems16:52
fungijeblair: i can try... the debug output during reconfiguration includes a dump of the entire parsed layout and also messages about reenqueuing every single active changeish's state, so is massive (and paste truncates at a pretty small content length)16:53
fungibut i can put together a trimmed-down summary perhaps16:54
jeblairfungi: i just need the bits about re-enquing things around that particular change16:54
fungiahh, can do16:54
jeblairdef do not need parsed state :)16:54
fungiputting something together now16:54
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jeblairremote: Create afs-admin hiera group16:58
jeblairopenstackgerrit: ^16:58
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jeblairfungi: was 274869,1 merged at the time or in the queue?  (related log lines there may be helpful)17:01
krotscheck1jeblair: Question: If I overwrite a file with another file in AFS, and the two files are identical, vos release _will_ update because the timestamp changed, yes?17:01
fungijeblair: it was still in the queue running jobs17:01
fungistill trimming up a summary here17:01
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fungi274869,1 eventually merged ~45 minutes later17:02
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jeblairkrotscheck1: yep, but apparently just the metadata -- vos release with no changes takes 18s, vos release with a full second run of the mirror build takes 35s17:03
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jeblairkrotscheck1: (vos release for the first run took 2.5 minutes)17:04
krotscheck1jeblair: Ok, so updating the index regularly isn't that much of a concern.17:04
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jeblairkrotscheck1: i don't think so.  it might be nice to only update things with changed content, but without stable timestamps on the wheel builder (we would need to keep the builds around rather than doing clean builds each time), we'd just be switching direction -- reading all the data for rsync to do a hash compare vs writing all the data.17:06
jeblairkrotscheck1: and the actual index file is just one more file out of the whole tree that's like that.17:06
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jeblairkrotscheck1: i will say that if we could avoid doing vos releases at all when nothing changes, that would be a win though17:07
jeblairkrotscheck1: because that means the clients don't need to go back to the server and check for updates17:08
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fungijeblair: hrm... my very trimmed-down summary is still >3k lines17:08
fungii need to see if i can distill this further17:08
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jeblairkrotscheck1: (in summary -- we're okay where we are, however, the less we can update, the better)17:08
jeblairfungi: i don't really need much beyond where those changes are either17:09
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fungiyeah, i was just trying to capture the order in which changes were reenqueued into the gate, and what changes got ejected, and some details on the oparent change which was not ejected17:09
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jeblairwhether any interesting changes had failed jobs is good info17:10
fungibut there were... lots of changes in the gate17:10
fungii'll skip things further down the gate pipeline than this dependent series17:10
jeblair(interesting meaning the ones directly connected to the ones we're looking at)17:10
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Only replace wheel index file if it has changed
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clarkbAJaeger: for the openstack-manuals juno eol we just need to tag tip of stable/juno with juno-eol then delete the branch right?17:16
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Only replace wheel index file if it has changed
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* krotscheck1 wishes that his client would just stay connected.17:24
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clarkbwe hvaen't had any gearman disconnects yet17:26
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clarkbI will keep tcpdump running17:27
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clarkbwe have ~3.2GB of 200MB files17:28
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clarkbwhich is sustainable on /opt for now17:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename periodic networking jobs
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fungijeblair: clarkb: finally managed to trim this down short enough for paste.o.o to not have a fit
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jeblairfungi: ah, thanks!17:35
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: bump keystoneclient in u-c to 2.1.2
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: bump openstackclient in u-c to 2.1.0
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jeblairfungi: based on the distance between them, i'm guessing there may have been a reconfiguration _between_ wheen 869 and 870 were enqueued...17:48
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fungibut prior to the reconfiguration at 22:22 it thought they shared a change queue. immediately after it did not17:50
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krotscheck1fungi: jeblair's mutex change needs one more core
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slogan621AJaeger: regarding
slogan621It's an independent, unofficial project17:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix announce-release use of zuul-cloner
jeblair2016-02-03 20:53:27,898 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Re-enqueing change <Change 0x7fcad096d110 274869,1> in queue <ChangeQueue gate: integrated>17:54
jeblair2016-02-03 20:55:47,439 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Adding change <Change 0x7fca11d7ba50 274870,2> to queue <ChangeQueue gate: integrated>17:55
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slogan621we will have 3 projects, in succession - broadview-lib provides access to the metric data, broadview-collector (to follow in a few weeks) will be an agent that reads this data and publishes to Monasca API. The final project will be broadview-ui, which is a horizon panel that allows you to configure all of this.17:55
jeblairfungi: yeah, so 869 was already in the queue, then it was reconfigured, then 870 was added, then reconfigured again17:55
jeblairfungi: there is no test case for that :)17:55
slogan621We have a proposal in to talk with the monasca team on this in Austin, doing the code now :-)17:55
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jeblairfungi: and i think i have created a failing test for it :)17:55
fungijeblair: aha!17:56
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krotscheck1Wrong window17:58
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slogan621AJaeger: I can add the above in the code review, should I click on something, like your question, and use Reply? I'm sorta new to gerrit....17:59
fungikrotscheck1: you are entitled to nine fives of uptime under your current sla17:59
krotscheck1fungi: 55.5555555%17:59
anteayaslogan621: yes use Reply18:00
* krotscheck1 wishes he could sleep the rest of that.18:00
slogan621anteaya: thanks.18:00
anteayaslogan621: welcome18:00
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jeblairfungi, jhesketh: the test case passes pre-connections :(18:04
fungiso regression18:04
fungithis did seem like sorta newish behavior18:05
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Increase the HTTP incoming connection queue
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Use SSL for rabbitmq traffic
dhellmannjeblair : that announce job fix has merged; can I talk you into rerunning the job for python-keystoneclient?18:09
fungidhellmann: i can give it a shot shortly, though i guess we shouldn't reenqueue the ref since uploading to pypi a second time will fail18:10
fungiso i'll have to directly retrigger the job18:10
dhellmannfungi : yeah, just the announce job failed and that was at the end of the list of jobs18:10
dhellmannfungi : what info can I pull together to have it ready for you? version? sha?18:11
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud controller node
fungii'll just grab the parameters off the previous jenkins run18:11
dhellmannfungi : ok, cool18:11
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add information about enabling translations
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud compute node definition
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud controller node
AJaegerclarkb, yes, tag the tip and delete the branch, please18:16
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Trying to run Nova py27/py34 with oslo master as experimental jobs
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fungiclarkb: oh, i didn't notice you mentioning in here that you were taking the juno-eol tag request for openstack-manuals. i just did it a few minutes agi18:18
fungisorry about that18:18
clarkbfungi: oh its fine18:18
clarkbI hadn't gotten around to it, but was following up after deleting the branches in those other projects18:18
fungialso any idea who removed the stable/icehouse branch from requirements?18:18
anteayaI have no idea18:19
clarkbI do not18:19
clarkbI only did the ones I responded to on the mailing list18:19
jeblairnot i18:19
fungiit's happened sometime in the last 1.5 months but no idea when exactly18:19
jeblairoh, well, if it's 1.5 months, at least, i don't _think_ it was i :)18:20
funginevermind--i'm blind. it's not deleted18:20
jeblairit wasn't me!18:20
anteayatrick question18:20
fungii'll follow up to my own e-mail :/18:20
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AJaegerfungi, thanks for removing the branch!18:21
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fungiAJaeger: my pleasure. sorry it's taken me so long to get around to is18:23
AJaegerfungi: no problem - just didn't want it forgotten ;)18:23
AJaegerone question, why does git branch --remote locally still show gerrit/stable/juno and origin/stable/juno18:23
fungiit wasn't forgotten, just deep down a pile of other stuff :/18:23
fungiAJaeger: git remote update18:24
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AJaegerstill there ;(18:24
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fungiinteresting. maybe it hasn't propagated yet?,branches doesn't list it any longer18:25
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Added User Validation and github don't have it anymore either18:26
fungii also don't see it at any longer18:26
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dhellmannAJaeger : did you use the purge option when you updated?18:26
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AJaegerdhellmann: no18:26
fungioh, right, try adding --prune18:26
dhellmannright, I always think it's purge but it's prune18:27
AJaegerdhellmann: yes, that works! Thanks!18:27
AJaeger" x [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/stable/juno" ;)18:27
anteayadried plums to the rescue18:27
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* AJaeger is happy now, thanks for the help18:28
fungiokay, so the two repos (openstack-manuals and requirements) that needed our help tagging are taken care of and the corresponding branch deletions completed18:28
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fungiback to dhellmann's job rerun18:28
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* dhellmann stands ready18:28
AJaegerdougwig: the qa pipeline is not sending out emails anymore - and thus not needed anymore either...18:29
fungiand then i'll hopefully get back to figuring out why our ansible inventory keeps going screwy18:29
dougwigAJaeger: ahh, then that queue is now redundant, indeed.18:29
AJaegerdougwig: yes18:29
fungiand will be cleaned up in short order as well18:29
AJaegeranteaya: did you want to review the periodic-qa pipeline removal as well? Or do you wait for others to review?18:30
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anteayaAJaeger: I can review the -qa removal, I would like to see mtreinish and sdague at least state their acknowledement of the change prior to it merging18:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add information about enabling translations
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cbaderclarkb, sorry to bother you but have you ever seen an error for diskimage-builder where it fails during the MySQL-python/ complaining about mysql_config not found?18:31
anteayaAJaeger: on one of the patches you linked were this was discussed mtreinish felt he still had need of the pipeline though openstack-health was able to do some of the work, I'm not sure what his evaluation of current status is18:32
clarkbcbader: that means you are missing the mysqlclient dev header package with icnludes the config thing18:32
AJaegeranteaya: good idea18:32
AJaegersdague, mtreinish: Could you review , please?18:32
jeblairanteaya: which patch was that?18:33
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AJaegerjeblair: my comment from earlier18:33
fungidhellmann: waiting for a a7fb2d0,0 directory to appear at now18:34
AJaegerjeblair: in 27059518:34
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dhellmannfungi : polling...18:35
jeblairi see18:35
anteayajeblair: added a comment linking that patch to 27631818:36
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AJaegeranteaya: thanks for carefully reviewing my plurals ;)18:36
anteayaAJaeger: you were making many changes, it was easy to miss :)18:37
dims_AJaeger : general question about ci jobs.... builders get into job templates those get into job groups and then the entry in project. right?18:37
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anteayajeblair: I added a comment to 276318 that adds a link to 27059518:37
AJaegerdims_: For jenkins/* : Yes, that's one way of doing it. You can add builders to simple jobs as well18:38
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AJaegerAnd you can add templates to projects.yaml as well directly18:38
anteayadims_: or you can have a builder for a single job template18:38
AJaegerOr not use a separate builder at all ;)18:38
anteayadims_: it doesn't have to have a job group, but if it does have a job group that is the heirarchy18:38
AJaegerdims_: best show us some code and ask18:38
cbaderclarkb, thanks looks like I didn't have libmysqlclient-dev three other identical systems did, oh well thanks.18:39
AJaegerIf it's a single template, you do not need a job-group, I consider it extra overhead in that case18:39
jeblairanteaya, AJaeger: i suspect he is just using pipelines to group jobs together; if so, let's group them together in some other way, perhaps by name, or by configuration of openstack-health.  i think that the same grouping information may already even be available in the form of pipeline+project (since all of the openstack-qa periodic jobs are run on tempest).18:39
anteayajeblair: that is a fair assessment and a reasonable way forward18:39
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AJaegerjeblair: yes, agreed. the pipelines was perhaps the quickest way ;)18:40
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anteayathings tend to get used for many things which may include the original intent18:40
jeblairi've asked in #openstack-qa if there's anyone who can participate in this conversation18:41
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anteayawell mtreinish is at lca18:41
anteayaso I'm going with he's asleep at present18:41
jeblairwhich is why i was asking if there's anyone else18:41
dims_anteaya : AJaeger : :)18:41
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anteayadims_: we aren't creating check jobs anymore18:42
AJaegerdims_: that should work on the builders/job-template/job-group in general18:42
anteayadims_: jobs in check and gate and experimental are all called gate18:43
AJaegerdims_: now let me review the fine print ;)18:43
anteayadims_: jobs in periodic are called periodic-18:43
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dims_anteaya AJaeger : ack on the naming18:43
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dims_so i want to test it using experimental first and then then move it to periodic18:43
jeblairdims_: those pipelines have completely different characteristics18:44
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jeblairdims_: one is driven by changes, the other is not18:44
dims_AJaeger : anteaya : i have a travis setup that i use right now and i want to get that into periodic jobs18:44
krotscheck1offline, back in 3018:45
jeblairdims_: a job that works one way (or at all) in one is not guaranteed to work the same way (or at all) in the other18:45
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AJaegerdims_: on which projects do you want to run it? Right now adding it to python-jobs sounds like overkill since that means that nearly *every* of our 200ish repos will get it.18:45
dims_jeblair : so let me put it another way, i'd like a periodic job that i can trigger to see if it works and debug it :)18:45
jeblairAJaeger: 42018:45
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dims_AJaeger : nova/ceilometer/keystone/cinder/glance/heat/ironic18:46
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jeblairdims_: can you do your interactive development of the job locally and then push the result to project-config?18:46
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fungiboot times in ovh are looking somewhat painful... 30+ minutes now (some have been building for >40)18:46
dims_jeblair : i have tested the scripts in that review by hand yes18:47
AJaegerdims_: create a separate job-group and add it only to those repos that need it. compare 14 jobs vs 840 jobs...18:47
anteayafungi: :(18:47
dims_AJaeger : yep. that's why i was asking how they are laid out :)18:47
AJaegerAh ;)18:48
AJaegerdims_: I added further comments...18:48
* dims_ gets lost 18:48
dims_thanks AJaeger18:48
anteayadims_: you are in good company18:48
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fungilooks like ~2.5 hours ago the "time to ready" for gra1 went off the chart at
funginot entirely sure how to read that18:50
fungipabelanger: is that supposed to dynamically size the y axis?18:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump Bandit from 0.13.2 to 0.17.3
jeblairfungi: i don't think it went off the chart, i think it stopped getting data18:50
fungioh. ew18:51
jeblair(because no nodes are becoming ready?)18:51
fungii guess that's an artifact of trying to chart durations?18:51
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fungibut yeah, if we're going straight from building->delete then that would make sense18:52
prometheanfireanyone able to get one more +2? dib18:52
jeblairfungi: and ready node launch attempts is 018:52
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jeblairso yeah, i think we just lost all of gra118:52
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fungiso i guess ovh-gra1 is completely out to lunch for us over the past 2.5 hours18:53
fungiright, that18:53
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fungithey have a status site, but i don't know what means18:53
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fungiis vert tres mal in french?18:54
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anteayafungi: I haven't seen that kind of layout for a status page before18:54
anteayaG104, A15 has more than 10 servers down now18:56
anteayaI refreshed18:56
fungii see a few activities "in progress" at
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add reconfigure test case.
jeblairfungi, sdague, dansmith, clarkb, jhesketh: ^ that's the test case for the observed failure18:57
pabelangerfungi: not actually, sure. need to see what some of jeblair code does18:57
dansmithjeblair: nice18:57
fungipabelanger: jeblair had a good explanation18:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add reconfigure test case
dhellmannfungi : that job shouldn't take very long to run, but I don't see the output directory, yet. Is it queued up somewhere (I don't see anything in the zuul status, but maybe it's just in jenkins)?18:59
fungidhellmann: my run is still blocking so i don't think it's been picked up out of the gearman queue yet19:00
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anteayajeblair: thank you that was the sentence I was struggling to understand19:00
jeblairanteaya: it was missing a19:00
fungidhellmann: it may be a while. i don't think this gets to take advantage of the queue priorities that zuul sets on jobs in pipelines like release19:00
dhellmannfungi : ack, I'm going to step away to go to the bank then19:01
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fungidhellmann: yeah, once this script returns i'll check in on it and give you a heads up19:01
anteayajeblair: yes, glad you put the indicate in there19:01
anteayamakes sense now19:01
jeblairfungi: which script are you using?19:02
anteayaha ha ha19:02
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fungijeblair: /opt/zuul/tools/ (we can't zuul enqueue-ref because the job we want to rerun depends on success of other jobs which are not idempotent, particularly the pypi upload)19:02
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dhellmannfungi: thanks, I'll check back in a bit19:03
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Use high precedence when manually submitting jobs
jeblairfungi: for next time19:05
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fungigreat idea. we pretty much always want them prioritized if we're doing that19:05
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jeblairfungi: good news, it's not low!  so you basically just went to the back of the check queue19:05
jeblairfungi: yup19:05
harlowjamordred jeblair when u guys want to come to yahoo to do a infra talk :)19:09
harlowjamaybe in same meeting/discussion can talk about yahoo donating resources19:09
anteayajeblair: so zuul's memory did a really interesting thing here not long ago:
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anteayalooks like about 3 hours ago19:11
anteayadid you want to restart to pick up jhesketh's patch?19:11
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jeblairharlowja: i'm available in the next 2 weeks or 2nd week of march; mordred is traveling, so we'll have to ask him later this week19:13
harlowjadamn, ibm got u busy19:13
fungiharlowja: well, our infra-cloud sprint is in three weeks which is why i assume he's only available for the next two19:14
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Trying to run Nova py27/py34 with oslo master as experimental jobs
harlowjajeblair fungi ok let me see if i can find monty19:14
harlowjathen we'll decide19:14
anteayaif I were in your seat I'd proceed with jeblair19:15
pabelangerianw: have you looked at cache-bindep on fedora recently?19:15
anteayabut that's me19:15
fungii wonder if our pstn for pbx.o.o listed at has expired? anybody have details on that? i can't seem to dial it (my cell phone acts like the other end hung up before it ever rings)19:15
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jeblairfungi: oh drat, let me see19:16
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pabelangerjeblair: it is still registered to voip.ms19:16
jeblairwe still have $2.62 on the account :)19:16
pabelangerasterisk -rx "sip show registry"19:16 claims it's registered too19:16
fungiclarkb: you logged into pbx.o.o a few minutes before i said anything. were you looking into it too?19:17
pabelangertesting DID now19:17
clarkbfungi: not that specific thing19:17
clarkbwas just checking if the service was up19:17
fungiyeah, same19:17
fungii checked to see if it was up by trying to dial into it, which is why i ended up asking19:18
jeblairwrong ip address19:18
jeblairdo we still have the old server up?19:18
jeblairthe centos6 one?19:18
pabelangerI thought we deleted it19:18
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pabelangerthat would do it however19:18
fungiit's still up19:19
fungi198.61.194.179, 2001:4800:780e:0510:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:589919:19
pabelangerthat will do it, if asterisk is still running19:19
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jeblairyeah, sees a registration from
clarkbhrm I thoguht I had deleted it but I guess not19:19
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fungiup 337 days so hasn't rebooted and autostarted anything recently19:20
fungihowever if we're puppeting based on ansible inventory now, maybe puppet assured services running again?19:20
pabelangereasy to check, 1 sec19:20
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fungisince now ansible connects even if the machine is no longer in dns19:20
pabelangerasterisk running on old system19:21
pabelangerwhich is holding registration19:21
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fungipretty sure the sequence here was 1. downed services and disabled puppet agent on old server, 2. switched to ansible using nova list to figure out what to puppet, 3. services started running again19:22
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jeblairdo we want to delete the old server, or perhaps power it off?19:22
fungii'll power it down for a start19:22
jeblair(though i wonder if that will make ansible hang)19:22
pabelangersomething fishy with pbx.o.o too19:22
fungiit's going down now19:22                     N      159094             105 Registered           Sun, 20 Dec 2015 23:57:3219:23
pabelangerregistration is stale19:23
pabelangerby 6 weeks19:23
pabelangerit should have bounced between both of the servers19:23
pabelangerso, we should restart asterisk on pbx.o.o once old server is stopped19:23
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fungiit's thoroughly stopped19:23
fungidoesn't respond to ping now19:24
pabelangerokay, let me recycle pbx.o.o19:24
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AJaegerdims_: have a look at shows correct ip now19:24
AJaegerdims_: that avoids a lot of copy & paste you did for your change...19:24
pabelangerokay, restarted19:24
pabelangerpstn working19:25
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jeblairand sip19:25
fungiconfirmed, seems good19:25
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pabelangertime to add asterisk to grafana :)19:26
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pabelangerfun friday project19:26
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jeblairfungi: topic:wheel_mirror could use some +As19:33
jeblairclarkb: can you look at
dims_AJaeger : is it "python:" or "envlist:"?19:34
clarkbjeblair: sure, let me refresh my memory on what the group thing does19:34
fungijeblair: ooh, more wheel_mirror changes19:35
AJaegerdims_: the variable is "{python}"19:35
AJaegerSo, it's "python:"19:35
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AJaegerdims_: there's a colon missing after line 28 - it should be "- 'check-{name}-{python}-with-oslo-master':"19:36
clarkbfound the docs19:36
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Trying to run Nova py27/py34 with oslo master as experimental jobs
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clarkblooks like that provides the afsadmin.yaml hiera data to these machines which muts be where the keytab originates19:36
dims_AJaeger : right. also fixed the name check->periodic19:37
AJaegerdims_: thanks, now let's see whether jenkins is happy ;)19:37
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dims_AJaeger : ack thanks muchly!19:38
dims_AJaeger : so this same job, if i add it to experimental queue, that should work too right?19:39
AJaegerdims_: it should...19:40
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fungidims_: note that there are plenty of zuul envvar differences between periodic and experimental, so depending on what you're relying on behavior may be different19:41
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fungifor example, you may be checking out a proposed change on an experimental run vs a branch tip on a periodic run19:42
dims_fungi : ack. will stick to what i really want which is periodic19:42
dims_just wish if there was a way to trigger it so i can test more than once a day :)19:42
fungii suspect that's waiting for zuul to have an api trigger, so that we could have a means of firing periodic jobs without having to do hackish things like leave comments on changes in gerrit which have nothing to do with the ref which the job is going to test19:44
fungis/firing periodic jobs/firing periodic jobs on demand/19:45
dims_fungi : ++++++19:45
AJaegerfungi, dims_ : For this change, I think it's fine to add it to experimental - it will then run the change where the "check experimental" is issued. But that should help dims_ to test it...19:45
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dims_AJaeger : k when i update the commit message i'll add that too19:46
* AJaeger signs off for today - bye!19:47
dims_good night AJaeger19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Atomically replace the wheel index file
fungijeblair: on 276354 i believe there's a second place that has to be added for now? unless that changed very recently. looking back at what i did for the last host group i added19:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Do not offline wheel build workers
krotscheck1jeblair: How critical is that mutex piece?19:49
jeblairkrotscheck1: not critical19:49
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krotscheck1jeblair: Oh good.19:50
krotscheck1jeblair: I'm guesing the afs-admin group patch is more critical ;)19:50
jeblairkrotscheck1: yes, that's needed for vos release to work19:51
jeblairkrotscheck1: (though actually, the mutex is only not critical as long as the atomic index replace lands)19:52
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fungijeblair: left comment on 276354, you want to add them to the corresponding line in modules/openstack_project/files/puppetmaster/groups.txt too19:52
krotscheck1fungi: It looks like that one landed?19:53
jeblairfungi: what does $group="foo" actually do then?19:54
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clarkbjeblair: it affects which hiera files are copied19:55
clarkbthat means also copy the foo.yaml file to the host19:55
jeblairthen what does groups.txt do?19:55
fungijeblair: yeah, that's the hiera piece, distinct from the ansible piece (though mordred has plans to combine them)19:55
clarkbgroups.txt I do not know19:55
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fungigroups.txt is the ansible group definition, the group variable in puppet is for hiera19:55
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jeblairi still don't understand what causes what to happen :(19:56
clarkblooks like groups.txt is to disable hosts19:56
clarkbI believe the change as written is correct19:56
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fungioh, when i added the wheel-mirror group mordred indicated it needed to be done in both places19:57
clarkb(I am basing this off of the docs)19:57
clarkbgroups.txt apperas to only be mentioned around disabling hosts19:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Only replace wheel index file if it has changed
fungi is what seems to use it19:58
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fungilaunch/ and modules/openstack_project/manifests/puppetmaster.pp both call that19:58
openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Freezer team meeting
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fungii don't see that generated-groups file being consumed by any of our code, so presumably this is something ansible uses itself20:01
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sdaguefyi, all neutron jobs are failing on py34 constraints20:01
sdagueNo matching distribution found for oslo.messaging===4.1.0 (from -c /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-neutron-python34-constraints/upper-constraints.txt (line 213))20:01
sdagueI assume mirror related20:02
krotscheck1Very likely20:02
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jeblairfungi: it would make sense to me if we were trying to do a new ansible group for orchestration purposes... but...20:02
fungisdague: krotscheck1: no, release problem related20:02
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krotscheck1Ahhhh, no py34 artifact20:03
jeblairfungi: i guess we could cargo-cult it for now...20:03
fungilooks like it only ended up with a wheel uploaded (and it's not a universal wheel)20:03
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename periodic networking jobs
sdaguefungi: oh, gotcha20:03
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fungisdague: first i've heard of this, so presumably the release team is also unaware20:03
sdaguecould be, I just took a glance at zuul, saw the christmas tree, and got this far20:04
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clarkbcase of 500 error during upload maybe20:04
fungijeblair: right, it's not clear to me that there needs to be a 1:1 correspondence but it would be helpful for mordred to explain the reasoning once he's around again20:04
fungiclarkb: most likely, yes20:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create afs-admin hiera group
jeblairfungi, clarkb: with cargo culting ^20:05
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clarkbproper SPAM worship has been applied20:06
jeblairfungi: did you want to review my update to or should i carry over your +2 as moral support?  :)20:06
fungijeblair: oh, i missed the new patchset20:07
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* jeblair tries not to look at clarkb20:07
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds swagger migrate and copy job for api-site repo
fungijeblair: why is the held mutex released because the holding job is complete an error condition? i'm probably not understanding20:09
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jeblairfungi: because now i expect it to be released when the job itself actually completes20:09
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add normalize stack function for heat stack_list
fungiso should be an unreachable condition20:10
jeblairfungi: if it hits that case, it will proceed without deadlocking but it's ... yeah20:10
fungiahh, yep, i should have looked further down that file before asking ;)20:10
jeblairfungi: (it wasn't before -- in the previous version that was the only way it got 'unlocked')20:10
fungiyep, hence my confusion20:11
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Mirror release: Add verbose flag
tristanCmatbu: Shrews: I've updated matbu works on heat api of shade. let me know if it works for you20:11
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clarkbjeblair I think the mutex acquire is racey20:11
clarkbbetween if not m, the log debug, and setting the dict20:12
fungioh, removing my workflow +1 since clarkb is reviewing20:12
jeblairclarkb: scheduler is single-threaded20:12
clarkbwell its rough onphone reviewing20:12
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jeblairclarkb: so the actual code isn't reentrant at all20:13
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clarkbok, it does seem odd to have mutex code that isnt thread safe20:14
jeblairclarkb: it's not a programming construct, it's a job scheduling construct that borrows a term from programming -- the purpose is to avoid having two jobs run at the same time20:14
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jeblairclarkb: this is part of the scheduling algorithm which is designed to be single-threaded -- its interactions with other threads are well defined, but you definitely can't run two schedulers at once.20:17
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clarkbya Iam mostly just worried about readability and maintainability20:18
jeblair(or put another way -- it is thread safe, this just all happens in one thread :)20:18
clarkbstuff like thid is easy yo trip over in the future if implicit expectations are not met20:18
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jeblairclarkb: i think if a future programmer wanted a threading mutex, they should probably use threading.Lock rather the zuul.scheduler.MutexHandler20:20
clarkbwhy not use that here?20:20
clarkbthe config load could assign a lock object to the jobs based on name then use that?20:21
sdakehey folks20:21
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sdakei didn't get an opportunity to vote on the naming for openstack20:21
sdakeare my voting rights damaged in some way?20:21
clarkbI guess tricky bit there is reloads20:21
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sdakeI also didn't get an opportunity to vote for the board changes20:21
clarkb(as a lock must span a reload)20:22
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clarkbsdake are you an active foundation member? and if so is your membership at least 6 months old? I think that is the rough criteria (active is voted in one of last 2 board elections if membership was old enough to do so)20:23
fungisdake: the foundation member system keys on the "I don't mind occasionally receiving updates and communications from the OpenStack Foundation." option in your profile
fungiif that's not checked, you wouldn't have received notification of the board election, nor ballot e-mails for the civs elections for release names, i believe20:24
sdakefungi that is checked20:24
sdakemy membership is several years old clarkb :)20:24
sdakei voted in the ptl and tc elections20:24
fungisdake: and your primary e-mail address listed there is correct?20:25
clarkbsdake: those dont count, has to be board iirc20:25
sdakelet me check20:25
fungisdake: ptl and tc elections are completely unrelated20:25
sdakeyou know, I voted for the board actually20:25
sdakejust not the release names20:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
sdakesorry for the misinformation20:25
fungisdake: ptls and tc are elected by active technical contributors. the at-large board seats and release names are selected by foundation membership20:25
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jeblairclarkb: i believe that patch is now waiting on you; i'm late for lunch20:26
sdakedefinition of atc is commit to the repo correct?20:26
fungisdake: mordred generated the ballots for the release names, so he would probably have to dig deeper to see who was in the list he used20:26
ShrewstristanC: kk20:26
sdakefungi i'll ping mordred whwne he is about20:26
sdakeI think my wife mentioned he is stuck traveling in an airplane atm20:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/ciwatch: Ability to select specific CI results
sdakeor moving from ny to austin20:27
sdakeyup thats the one :)20:27
fungisdake: yeah, atc is interpreted for most cases as owner of a gerrit change which merged to an officially-governed team's repository within the ~calendar year prior20:27
fungier, elapsed year20:27
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sdakefungi i thought it was moved to every 6 months?20:27
anteayasdake: your wife is tracking monty?20:27
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sdakeanteaya she tracks everyone20:27
anteayasdake: hopefully not me20:28
anteayaI'm very boring20:28
sdakeanteaya my wife is robyn bergeron, perhaps you know her?20:28
anteayaI don't know as I do20:28
sdakeshes about quite a bit20:28
fungisdake: no, atc is an official criteria for the electorate. the summit organizers decide who to give discount codes for registration and lately that's been contributors to the current release20:28
sdake6 months of traveal a year20:28
clarkbjeblair: fungi dont wsit further on me I too must lunch then have appointment in an hour20:28
anteayaif we've met and I've forgotten then I'm sorry20:28
sdakefungi thanks for explaining the rules20:29
sdakea wiki apge would be good ;)20:29
anteayasdake: wow, that's a lot20:29
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sdakeya she is illing me slowly20:29
fungisdake: i try to be very careful and not refer to the summit discount registration codes as "atc" anything. they're related but not the same20:29
sdakenot getting fed, having to deal with two teenages20:29
sdakefungi well i wont make a wiki page, but i understand20:29
anteayasingle parent waiting on spouse to come home, yup my mom was that one20:29
fungino idea where on the wiki i'd put all these random mostly-unrelated facts that they'd be at all discoverable20:30
sdakeso atc is contribution in last year to a repo, discount code is contribution in last 6 months20:30
anteayaand they'd often be out of date20:30
fungiright (less than 6 months really, it's since the last release's release date)20:30
anteayasdake: current definitions yes20:30
sdakeagree about not knowing where to put them20:30
anteayasdake: atc definition is in the by-laws20:30
sdakegot it20:30
sdakeok thanks i'll track down modred maybe he didn't like my vote  for the M cycle20:31
sdakeI chose the longest name on the list20:31
sdakeit was like 13 characters ;-)20:31
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sdakethanks I dont mind not voting for the name of openstack, i was more concerned about tc, ptl, and board20:32
sdakesounds like nothing is busted there20:32
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ianwclarkb: so what's the situation with image uploads atm?  I've tried running a devstck/f23 job, but it seems like it still didn't grow the root partition ... which suggests it is an image without the proper growroot support, which would mean it was old-ish20:32
anteayasdake: did you check your spam and trash folders in your email client?20:32
sdakeanteaya ya but i get alot of mail i probably just missed it20:33
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crinklenibalizer: yolanda I added bullet points for infra-cloud to the meeting agenda if you want to review or add more20:34
anteayasdake: it happens20:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: Added User Validation
anteayasdake: subject was: Poll: OpenStack N Release Naming20:35
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sdakeok sorry for the noise thanks folks20:35
anteayasdake: and the same for O20:35
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anteayasdake: no problem, we take elections and polls seriously20:35
anteayait is important folks get access to voting20:36
sdakeyup i got em20:36
sdakejust missed them20:36
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix heat create_stack and delete_stack
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tristanCShrews: and the follow-up to fix shade stack_create and stack_delete is now rebased20:38
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fungilooks like ovh-gra1 finally started working again about 1.5 hours ago20:39
openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-jobs and python3-jobs to freezer*
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fungidhellmann: jeblair: the announcement job rerun seems to have gotten past the z-c phase at least,0/console.html20:41
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dhellmannoh, where did "master" come from?20:42
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clarkbianw thr gearman client disconnects break the whole upload process20:42
clarkbianw patch to address that is in review20:42
dhellmannfungi, jeblair: ah, it's getting "master" from ZUUL_REF20:43
dhellmannI expected that to include the tag20:43
fungidhellmann: oh! i think that may be my fault20:44
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fungii thought i copied all the parameters from accurately but i see i have --refname master as a copy/paste error20:44
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fungitime to try again with the right refname, sorry!20:45
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dhellmannfungi : for this one I expected ref/tags/2.1.220:45
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fungii'll use jeblair's priority tweak this time so it should be quicker20:45
dhellmannfungi : np, as long as it's not another round of changes to the job itself :-)20:45
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fungiwell, that might be step after next. who knows20:45
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dhellmannfungi : I'm more confident of the script it's trying to run, we haven't changed that in a while20:46
* dhellmann knocks wood20:46
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/requirements: Raise manilaclient upper to 1.7.0
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for app catalog horizon plugin
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Restrict neutron-dsvm-api to running only during the check phase
ianwclarkb: ok, wasn't sure if some had been pushed through20:58
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fungidhellmann: so, now we're getting "fatal: Not a valid object name tags^",1/console.html21:00
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fungidhellmann: any clue what command is being run at that stage?21:01
dhellmannfungi : oh, my ref parsing is bad21:01
dhellmannneed to cut -f3 not -f221:01
fungiahh, yep, you were probably testing with tags/foo rather than refs/tags/foo21:01
fungiwhich git will treat similarly21:01
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dhellmannno, I keep forgetting whether cut is 0-based or 1-based indexing21:02
fungioh, heh21:03
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ZUUL_REF parsing in release announce job
dhellmannfungi : ^^21:03
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mgagnethinking about adding github enterprise support to jeepyb. shouldn't be hard. my challenge is with our current setup. the organization name doesn't match the prefix found in gerrit. :D21:18
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matbutristanC: I will test it tomorow, thanks21:19
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ianwgreghaynes: made some comments on deletion change -> .  i think i understand it, but the whole thing is growing increasingly complex.  sorry to sound a bit grouchy :)21:32
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Trying to run Nova py27/py34 with oslo master as experimental jobs
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds swagger migrate and copy job for api-site repo
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fungiclarkb: w00t! osic provisioned our tenants/accounts!21:46
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jeblairfungi: do we have changes prepped for that?21:46
fungijeblair: not to my knowledge, no21:46
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jeblairwhat's the status of the infra-cloud nodepool changes...21:47
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fungiwe weren't really sure of the osic details (and still aren't, they're being sent to clarkb shortly it sounds like)21:47
fungias far as api endpoint and other bits we'll want to put in the clouds.yaml at least21:48
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jeblairoh, so we need to wait for clarkb to finish his appointment21:48
funginibalizer was still tweaking hiera earlier today on infra-cloud nodepool things i think21:48
fungibut i don't know where that's at21:48
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental periodic jobs for testing against oslo.* from master
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for app catalog horizon plugin
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for lbaas v2 dashboard
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jeblairi have some comments for nibalizer, and yolanda had a question... so i don't think they're quite ready to merge yet.  though it would be nice to do so soon to avoid conflicts21:53
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jeblairfungi: you may want to give the nodepool related changes in topic:infra-cloud a quick look21:53
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fungiagreed, probably we should line up the osic nodepool patches behind the omfra-cloud nodepool patches to minimize conflicts/contention21:54
fungithanks, i just saw a couple of your review comments fly by my e-mail for those too21:54
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savihouHowdy, anyone onboard who is running a ci system on top of aws ec2 ?22:00
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Manifest for configuration translation checksite
fungisavihou: not to my knowledge. since people are developing for openstack they generally have openstack-based clouds on which to put their workloads as well22:00
anteayasavihou: most of our third party ci operators are testing propiratary drivers with openstack22:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Create afs-admin hiera group
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fungijeblair: saw your recheck on 275974. is tests.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_idle racy?22:01
anteayasavihou: here is our list of accounts with links to pages with operator contact and setup information:
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jeblairfungi: i'm starting to think a lot of stuff may be racy after connections22:02
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds swagger migrate and copy job for api-site repo
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix heat create_stack and delete_stack
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add normalize stack function for heat stack_list
nibalizerjeblair: fungi I aam back in PDX as of this afternoon22:05
savihoufungi: thanks for the info.22:05
nibalizerso there will be less time-shift lag between us22:05
nibalizerfor hiera, I don't have the hiera lock right now22:05
funginibalizer: ooh! get some rest22:05
nibalizerall my changes are committed22:05
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: remove notable changes option
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: process pypi flag for release announcements
jeblairnibalizer: yay!  sorry i left a -1 on your omfra changes that i should have caught earlier22:05
nibalizerjeblair: no worriees22:05
nibalizerI will check that out22:06
annegentleanteaya: do you have a minute? I'm bouncing an idea around in my head and would like to get an infra perspective22:06
funginibalizer: also i could use your help debugging some ansible inventory wonkiness i keep not having enough time+brains to figure out, once you're rested up22:06
* anteaya has time to listen to annegentle22:06
anteayaannegentle: go ahead22:06
annegentleha! Well thanks22:06
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nibalizerfungi: sure22:06
nibalizerwas it the stuff from yesterdaay w/ uuids instead of hostnames?22:07
annegentleanteaya: ok, so it's a follow-on to Tokyo when me, you and Russell Sim were talking about running a server to serve developer/api content.22:07
funginibalizer: yeah, it's still happening apparently22:07
funginibalizer: but intermittent, seems like22:07
annegentleanteaya: Russell originally was gonna write a spec, but I think it need to fall to me.22:07
funginibalizer: and only to rax-dfw that i've seen so far22:07
funginibalizer: some times our cached inventory has only uuids for all the hosts in dfw, but is fine for all other clouds/regions22:07
anteayaannegentle: okay22:08
funginibalizer: and removing the cache and letting it repopulate seems to fix it22:08
annegentleanteaya: and I think you pointed to your spec template, which is pretty straightforward,
nibalizerwell our plan was always to put the rube-goldberg machine in place, and learn about it as we go22:08
anteayaannegentle: I'm so glad I did that22:08
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savihouanteaya: as our product is cloud based storage, this shouldn't be a storage provider issue:)22:09
annegentleanteaya: and now I'm thinking of dependencies... is it puppet scripting that would be an implementation detail for "let's run this doc generator, swagger-ui"22:09
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anteayaannegentle: I think fill in the broad strokes with what you would like to see and what you think would be a good idea to get you there22:10
annegentleanteaya: is that enough to get the discussion going?22:10
annegentleanteaya: or should I do more homework?22:10
anteayaannegentle: let the reviewers fill in the blanks about how to puppet/ansible the thing22:10
annegentleanteaya: I guess that's my "stuck" part22:10
anteayaannegentle: yeah don't stay stuck22:10
anteayaannegentle: you have enough to offer a first draft22:10
annegentleanteaya: ok22:10
anteayaannegentle: I have no idea what our current puppet/ansible landscape is at this moment and it keeps changing22:11
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annegentleanteaya: is the process, draft spec, get it posted, discuss at -infra team meeting?22:11
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anteayaannegentle: don't hold the expectation for yourself that you need to have that to offer the spec22:11
annegentleanteaya: ok good! Cuz I don't :)22:11
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anteayadraft spec, submit to gerrit, gather reviewers22:11
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anteayawhen reviewers have a fleshed out spec and are in agreement then to the infra meeting22:12
anteayaif you get stuck for no reviewers come back and bug in channel22:12
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fungireally, it's fine to fill in the use case, put tbd for everything else and push that into gerrit, then solicit some collaboration/comments on it too22:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Mirror release: Add verbose flag
anteayait should be read to pass by the time it goes to infra meeting22:12
anteayaannegentle: yeah what fungi said22:12
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annegentleok thanks fungi and anteaya, super helpful. I'm soooo stuck on getting RST+Swagger framework that we need to be looking at alternatives.22:13
anteayaannegentle: yup, paint the broad strokes so folks can at least understand what you want22:14
fungiwe won't bring it up for a council vote until the various sections are fleshed out, but best place to start is with the detailed description of what you want, and worry less about how it gets implemented22:14
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anteayasavihou: sounds like you want to set up a ci system for yourself, have you read
jeblairi keep typing berkeley instead of kerberos22:15
jeblairthat's weird22:15
anteayaha ha ha22:15
anteayaheck of a typo22:15
fungiwhat an odd association22:15
anteayaits the k22:15
jeblairi know, it's totally an mit thing22:15
fungilots of the same letters22:16
annegentlefungi: my dependency on implementors for the other is why I'm looking for an alternative, but yeah... resources for the middle.22:16
fungiwow, we have 20 open changes under topic:infra-cloud22:16
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* anteaya has money on many of those patches being owned by crinkle22:16
jeblairbout half22:17
jeblairmaybe 2/322:17
fungilots, yes22:17
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fungii'd love to get these burned down in the next couple of weeks if we can22:17
savihouanteaya: I did :) I'm setting (trying) a devstack based ci system using ec2 resources ..22:17
fungiso that we're as caught up as possible when we meet in colorado22:17
jeblairfungi: i'm thinking that by the end the month we should have 0 :)22:17
fungicouldn't have said it better myself22:17
anteayasavihou: okay, I hope that is going well for you22:18
anteayasavihou: many newcomers are using puppet-openstackci to get set up22:18
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savihouanteaya: Intersting, not familiar with this one, will look for it. Actually, I'm not sure this is the place to talk about run time issus.. is it ?22:19
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anteayaSpamapS: when you have a minute this is an aging patch with some review commentary on it:
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anteayasavihou: what kind of run time issues do you want to talk about?22:20
anteayawe do our best work with details22:20
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jlvillalWe would like to have the OpenStack bot automatically generate requirements.txt changes for openstack/bifrost Submitted this patch a little over a week ago:
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jlvillalIf anyone has time to review it :)22:22
anteayasavihou: and all of our repos are here:
anteayasavihou: puppet-openstackci is here:
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anteayajlvillal: these are the folks you need to talk to:,members22:23
anteayajlvillal: sometimes they are in this channel but not always22:23
jlvillalanteaya: Thanks. I noticed that infra-core was in the list. So I thought here might be good.22:24
jlvillalanteaya: But I will try over in -qa land :)22:24
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anteayajlvillal: infra does have +2 on it but usually only uses it when it is needed to unwedge the gate22:26
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savihouanteaya: ok, so here goes, I'm trying to have my dsvm-tempest-my-cinder-driver jenkins task run, but this gets hung at ...
jlvillalanteaya: Ah, good to know!  Thank you.22:26
anteayajlvillal: welcome22:27
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savihouanteaya: that's the core ci system im using :)22:29
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anteayasavihou: how much time have you spend as a developer using our system and going through sucessful build logs?22:30
anteayafor instance a build log for a cinder dsvm tempest test run on our system22:31
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add grenade testing for oslo.log
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savihouanteaya: I've tried that before reaching out..22:32
anteayathat == reading a cinder dsvm tempest build log run on our system?22:33
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anteayait may be time to reach ou22:33
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anteayajoin me in #openstack-cinder22:33
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: apply default style by default
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update docs-publishing spec to catch up to reality
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update doc publishing spec for AFS
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jeblairannegentle, AJaeger, fungi: ^22:38
annegentlewoo jeblair!22:39
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jeblairthat's two stages so we can make sure we know where the ground has shifted, and then separately, what to do if we use afs22:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix ZUUL_REF parsing in release announce job
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crinkledoes AFS require cinder? does that change the requirements for infra-cloud?22:43
fungidhellmann: i'll retry that ^ again in a bit22:43
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Adds specification for virtual server to run swagger-ui
jeblaircrinkle: no it doesn't -- and it's actually the mirror that would drive that requirement more...22:44
jeblaircrinkle: for the new mirrors, on clouds with cinder, i'm using a smaller node for the mirror and attaching a cinder volume22:44
fungithe non-afs-based mirrors would have benefitted more from cinder than the afs-based design, in fact22:44
jeblaircrinkle: on clouds without cinder, i'm using a larger node size with a larger root partition22:44
fungiyeah, it's mostly a question of having enough space to contain the warm cache22:45
jeblaircrinkle: on bluebox, where we control the flavors but do not have cinder, i'm using a small node with a large root partition22:45
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fungiwhich, as you would expect, takes a lot less room that a full copy of the mirror contents22:45
jeblairfungi: even less than i guessed as it turns out22:45
jeblairlike a few gb22:46
fungier, than a full copy22:46
jeblairbut that may change as we put more things in local mirrors22:46
crinklejeblair: fungi: okay, sounds like I don't need to worry about it then, at least right now?22:46
anteayaannegentle: this is provide a server for development tools for the doc team?22:46
jeblaircrinkle: we did not have a cinder requirement before, right?22:46
crinklejeblair: correct22:46
fungicrinkle: yeah, this shouldn't change any requirements for infra-cloud22:47
crinklejeblair: i wanted to make sure the requirements hadn't changed22:47
jeblaircrinkle: then yeah, we're definitely not adding one :)22:47
annegentleanteaya: a server that shows the API operations in OpenStack. Here's their example website:
fungibut thanks for checking!22:47
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jeblaircrinkle: to round things out -- our afs _servers_ do use cinder, and will probably use quite a lot of it -- but we only need a few of those and can put them anywhere in the world we want22:48
jeblairwe do not need an afs server per-cloud or anything like that22:48
anteayaannegentle: okay I'm hearing that the topic is the docs team needs a server for dev tools, we favour swagger but fairy slipper exists too22:48
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fungi(well, anywhere in the world that has computers and network connectivity anyway)22:48
crinklejeblair: okay that clears things up a bit22:48
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jeblaircrinkle: i said something about afs that cleared things up a bit!22:49
* jeblair does happy dance22:49
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fungii vote for relocating them to a secret bunker, deep beneath the earth's crust22:49
annegentleanteaya: yeah, swagger-ui has a huge community around it, fairy-slipper has me, Russell Sim, Karen Hawkey, and elmiko (who is working to get up to speed)22:49
crinklefungi: that will keep the data extra-safe22:49
jeblairfungi: i vote we test your "necessary connectivity" theory and put them on a remote beach.22:50
annegentleanteaya: so somewhat it buys time while serving the audience what they need22:50
* fungi has a remote beach. we need a _remoter_ meach22:50
anteayaannegentle: right so just reframing the topic a bit in my mind, for me having docs devs have the tools they need is very important22:50
anteayaannegentle: so for me that's the topic22:50
anteayaannegentle: what the tool is is secondary to the fact that there should be one22:51
anteayaif that makes sense22:51
annegentleanteaya: ok, cool. Here's another site using swagger, embedded more with other content
annegentleanteaya: oh, yeah, those are separate I suppose, although a good "five whys" analysis never hurts anyone22:51
anteayaannegentle: so for me the title of the spec is Enable serving REST API documentation22:52
anteayaswagger is an implimentation detail22:52
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anteayaan important one to be sure22:52
annegentleanteaya: sure, I struggled with the title. We do already serve REST API docs, it's just that they're FTPed and not "served"22:52
annegentleanteaya: is that distinction important for reviewers? The serving vs. file copying?22:52
anteayafair enough22:52
anteayawell tools for doc devs is a more compeling title of a spec for me22:53
anteayabrowsing specs22:53
annegentleanteaya: ok yeah!22:53
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jeblairFeb  4 22:34:58 release puppet-user[23578]: Could not find data item afsadmin_keytab in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp:902 on node relea22:54
jeblairfungi: ^ it copied the group file there...22:54
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elmikoannegentle: hey22:54
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add get_stack_outputs method
jeblairfungi: oh... i think i see it22:55
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anteayacrinkle: taking an initial pass on the infra-cloud patches, have you seen yolanda's question on
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dhellmannfungi : thanks, I'll check for logs in a while22:57
fungijeblair: that makes... one of us22:57
jeblairDebug: hiera(): Looking for data source hieradata/production/group/afsadmin22:58
jeblairDebug: hiera(): Cannot find datafile /opt/system-config/hieradata/production/group/afsadmin.yaml, skipping22:58
jeblairfungi: ^ i named the file in hirea afs-admin, but put named the group in the manifest afsadmin22:58
fungigot it22:58
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Adds specification for serving REST API info on
jeblairfungi: _but_ i also named the group in groups.txt afs-admin.  i still suspect that's a noop.22:59
annegentleelmiko: hey22:59
annegentleelmiko: working on a spec, see what you think ^^22:59
jeblairfungi: i've changed hiera but not the manifest, so we'll see shortly :)22:59
fungijeblair: i don't doubt it. would love to hear what mordred says that's for besides disabling groups of servers (if anything)22:59
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental periodic jobs for testing against oslo.* from master
fungijeblair: or possibly for applying group roles23:00
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crinkleanteaya: I seem to recall yolanda was working with nibalizer to get that fixed elsewhere, I'll respond on the patch23:01
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r1chardj0n3shi, is there any chance of getting access to with a login?23:02
anteayacrinkle: awesome thank you23:02
anteayaannegentle: nicely done23:02
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anteayar1chardj0n3s: it is done23:03
anteayar1chardj0n3s: it will be scheduled for deletion, what were you looking for?23:04
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infracloud playbook
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r1chardj0n3santeaya: hi, so we're having a lot of trouble figuring out why our tests are failing on ovh & internap nodes, but passing on rax nodes. We can't reproduce the failures locally, so I need either a) access directly to an ovh/internap node (and that test I linked is an ovh node) *or* b) some instructions for how to create a VM which has exactly the same setup as those nodes23:08
r1chardj0n3s(sorry for the Wall Of Text there :-)23:08
anteayawall of text is fine23:08
anteayayou had a long chat in infra channel not long ago I believe, was this the topic?23:09
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r1chardj0n3syep, it was that chat that narrowed the issue down to the node provider being a consistent factor in the failure23:09
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anteayaI remember seeing your name in backscroll23:10
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anteayawas there an agreed upon way forward?23:11
r1chardj0n3sso I think it was fungi who mentioned in passing the source of the ovh/internap images, but it was a little too abstract a reference for me to follow23:11
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anteayaokay fair enough23:11
r1chardj0n3syep, it was23:11
anteayaso for us to hold a node we need enough time in advace of the job finished to hold it23:11
r1chardj0n3sso, fungi: could you be more specific about how I could reproduce "the devstack-trusty images in internap-nyj01 are built with dib from official ubuntu cloud base images" in a local VM?23:12
anteayaif it finishes we can't hold it, it has moved to the delete pile23:12
r1chardj0n3sok, thanks anteaya23:12
r1chardj0n3sI think reproducing locally will be simpler23:12
anteaya*in advance of the job finishing23:12
anteayareproducing locally is our prefered method to be sure23:12
anteayaI can't help you there, as you have figured out23:12
r1chardj0n3sdefinitely my preferred too :-)23:12
anteayaah yes okay so rax is not using dib images23:13
r1chardj0n3sI'm googling "dib image" at the moment :-)23:13
anteayaso here is our log:
mordredfungi, jeblair: groups in groups.txt are for being able to do groups in hiera23:13
anteayadib == diskimage builder23:13
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r1chardj0n3sahh, thanks23:13
anteayamordred: hello there23:13
mordredso, you can put things in hiera/groups/afs-admin.yaml and all of the machines in that group will receive copies of those secrets23:14
anteayar1chardj0n3s: so the thing is that when your job is run using an env created by an image built by disk image builder, it fails23:14
mordredanteaya: heya23:14
anteayar1chardj0n3s: rax can't upload our dib images so doesn't use them23:14
anteayar1chardj0n3s: nodepool.o.o lists the disk image built images23:14
fungimordred: then what are the group variables in the global site manifest for?23:15
anteayahopefully it is a simple as clicking and downloading the one you want23:15
r1chardj0n3sok, so I need to somehow create a VM using the dib, yep23:15
fungimordred: also hey there!23:15
r1chardj0n3sthanks for that ref anteaya23:15
anteayar1chardj0n3s: I hope that it is useful and helps you23:15
anteayar1chardj0n3s: I'm surprised I was useful23:16
jprasselin_: in the single_node_ci.pp, what resolves the value of {build.parameters[LOG_PATH]} for the zuul_scheduler url_pattern?
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix typo in afs admin group
jeblairfungi, mordred: ^23:16
ianwr1chardj0n3s: 1) create virtualenv, pip install diskimage_builder 2) git clone 3) run ./tools/ 4) ask more questions when something doesn't work :)23:16
fungir1chardj0n3s: to be a little more precise, we have trouble with getting our images into swift for rackspace's task-based glance uploads23:17
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fungian outstanding bug we're working through23:17
anteayaianw fungi: ah thank you, appreciate the details23:17
jprasselin_: my zuul pipeline complains about: KeyError: 'LOG_PATH'  which I think stems from this value23:17
r1chardj0n3sianw, fungi: thanks!23:17
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r1chardj0n3sianw: so there's not a place I can just download the dib that the ovh/internap nodes use?23:19
jeblairfungi, mordred: let me take a stab at this:  groups.txt causes group files of the same name to be copied to the hosts in those groups.  $group="foo" causes a host to know to look in the file that was copied.23:20
ianwr1chardj0n3s: no, in a word23:20
jeblairr1chardj0n3s, ianw: this is something we would like to do23:20
r1chardj0n3sok, I'm just concerned I won't have exactly the same environment, but I'll give it a shot23:20
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ianwjeblair: yes, well with the big reduction in the types of images it might be moving into the realm of practical23:21
ianwr1chardj0n3s : i'm not sure about those providers, but i have managed to get the image shared with me on RAX ... they have an interface for letting others get to snapshots.  but you'd need an account, and one of the admins would need to log in23:22
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ianwi think you mentioned holding a node ... if there's on in flight one of the root's can do that if poking around will help23:23
fungijeblair: oh, yes the hosts need to know what group file they're looking for. clicking now23:23
r1chardj0n3sianw: unfortunately I don't need the rax image, since I know they're OK :-)23:23
r1chardj0n3sianw: yep, anteaya mentioned I need to ask while in flight. I'm going to try to reproduce locally before asking though.23:24
r1chardj0n3snow I know about dib and stuff23:24
fungir1chardj0n3s: main reason we don't publish the images we're using is that they've got our access baked into them, and the easiest way to customize them so that you can log in is to build them again23:24
r1chardj0n3sah, ok, thanks23:25
nibalizerjeblair: lgtm23:25
anteayafungi: I didn't know that, thank you23:25
fungir1chardj0n3s: since their only purpose, currently, is for our ci to run jobs on, we're not introducing the additional complications from making them post-build configurable to bootstrap new access credentials23:25
anteayar1chardj0n3s: if you have to ask us to hold a node ask with the link to a paste with your public key23:25
anteayaor be ready to pm or email it23:26
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fungiyeah, i'm happy to place a worker on hold if it's running a job you think is going to fail, and then authorize your ssh key to log into the jenkins user on it23:26
jeblairfungi: glean will support key injection, so we're basically just missing a qick howto or simple script describing how to boot an image locally with a configdrive setup.23:27
r1chardj0n3shmm, there's some dependencies I need to install for ./tools/build-image.sh23:27
fungijeblair: good point23:27
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r1chardj0n3sare there docs for dependency installs for this tool?23:27
fungijeblair: i guess we're using that with ironic?23:27
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jeblairfungi: i think if we just start publishing them, we can convince mordred to do that23:28
fungir1chardj0n3s: if there aren't comments in the script as to basic dependencies, then we should probably add some (or a readme)23:28
jeblairfungi: i don't know?23:28
nibalizerI think publishing the images would be so cool23:29
fungir1chardj0n3s: you're at least the third person we've pointed at that script this week, so it's becoming popular23:29
r1chardj0n3sfungi: afaict no script comment and readme points to which doesn't have the dependencies either afaict23:29
r1chardj0n3stho there's a puppet link from there, which might be helpful if I knew puppet :-)23:29
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ianwr1chardj0n3s: in dib, try tests/ script, that should get it23:31
r1chardj0n3sah! thanks23:31
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clarkbdib documents its deps23:31
jprasselin_: well I see it now its actually meant for zuul to consume :
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental periodic jobs for testing against oslo.* from master
clarkbI am almost homr and will retrieve cloud stuff for osic23:31
fungir1chardj0n3s: also, we're using it (for nodepool) under ubuntu 14.04 lts (trusty tahr) right now, so if you've chosen a different base distro to run dib on, i'm not sure what that might affect23:32
fungiin theory dib works on multiple platforms23:32
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fungithough you're likely to get a little better help with it in the tripleo channel, since they're the authors23:33
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anteayaclarkb: travel safely23:33
r1chardj0n3sso yeah, I'm running it on my 15.04 desktop...23:33
fungithat may be close enough23:33
fungiwe can mostly tell you how we've used it and what we've seen, but our experience is mostly limited (in production) to running it on 14.0423:33
fungii expect that newer ubuntu would work just as well23:33
nibalizerjeblair: re 275477 is there really a benefit to doing it that way?23:34
jeblairnibalizer: less typing?23:34
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Run all flake8 checks
nibalizerseems like we save one less password but we do so at the cost of special-casing infra23:34
nibalizerspecial-casing infra clodu23:34
nibalizerit seems to me like the different IC regions are going to be up and down and reloaded at different times, so administratively flattening their auth doesn't make a lot of sense23:34
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nibalizerif they shared a keystone then it wouldn't even be an issue23:35
jeblairnibalizer: well, i guess it's sort of special -- but we're also walking a line with the fact that our two "regions" are really "two clouds"23:35
jeblairnibalizer: but i think ultimately we have discussed that it would be nice to have a central keystone23:35
jeblairnibalizer: so it's partially thinking ahead to that, and partially just that i'm not sure what having different creds gets us.23:36
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mordredjeblair: yes to your stab on groups23:39
r1chardj0n3sianw: I'm not sure what you mean by "in dib" in your "in dib, try tests/ script" (I can't find that in the project-config git clone or the venv I installed diskimage_builder into)23:39
ianwr1chardj0n3s: ahh, yeah, ok, that script is probably only if you git checked it out23:40
mordredjeblair: however, in the future, I tink $group = 'foo' can go away and we can just have the host read anything in its hiera hierarchy23:40
mordredjeblair: and let the copying do the segregation23:40
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mordredjeblair: but that's optimization for later23:40
ianwr1chardj0n3s: apt-get install -y debootstrap  inetutils-ping kpartx  qemu-utils23:40
ianwshould get you mostly there23:41
r1chardj0n3sah, found the install_deps script23:41
ianwi think it checks early for qemu conversion tools, that's probably where you failed23:41
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r1chardj0n3slol "curl: command not found" :-)23:42
jeblairmordred: ah that would be good -- that also gets to another question i had -- can you list a host in more than one group in groups.txt?23:42
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r1chardj0n3sok, script is progressing now :-)23:43
jeblairmordred: (because if you drop the need for $group="foo", then groups.txt is the only place where multiple membership would matter)23:43
mordredjeblair: yes, you can in groups.txt23:43
mordredjeblair: but you cannot list more than one group in $group='foo'23:43
jeblairmordred: cool, so that'll be a win23:44
mordredjeblair: which is where making $group= go away becomes handy. yah23:44
jeblairnibalizer: i'm not set on having one set of creds -- if it helps to have 2 that's fine -- i just thought it wasn't necessary and would be simpler to have 1 set.23:45
jeblairnibalizer: but that's also why i asked fungi to check out the changes too -- we could use more opinions23:45
nibalizerjeblair: I think as long as the backend has the possibility of two creds then our config mgmt should support different passwords23:45
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nibalizerfor instance you can't even auth to east right now, its just not up, so right now the passwords are not the same23:46
fungiyeah, they're on my queue for tonight or tomorrow to start going through23:46
fungii'm happy to provide (terrible, terrible) opinions23:46
nibalizerfungi: i mean we do have a krb5 server..23:47
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fungithis is true23:47
fungiisn't kerberos really the keystone v4 api?23:47
jeblairnibalizer: yeah, i'm just saying, let's not make it hard for ourselves and use the same password both places :)23:48
nibalizerjeblair: well but then why special case infracloud? Why not make all cloud passworrds the same?23:49
jeblairnibalizer: because they are different trust domains -- i don't trust rax with our ovh password.  but i do trust the infra-cloud-east admins with our infra-cloud-west password23:50
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jeblairnibalizer: i mean, i trust the infra-cloud-east admins _almost_ as much as i trust the west ones ;)23:51
clarkbI am taking the lock on the passwords file23:52
clarkbI will be adding osic details23:52
clarkbnibalizer: you odn't already have it do you?23:52
fungii trust the infra-cloud-east admins more than i trust myself. though that's probably not saying a lot23:52
nibalizerclarkb: no i relased it hours ago23:52
clarkband if I remember my emacs its ^C^S ^C^X when I am done23:52
nibalizerclarkb: i use vim...23:53
* krotscheck_dcm reads backscroll.23:53
jeblairalso if you use emacs, there's an actual lock.23:53
fungithere sort of is with vim too23:53
clarkbjeblair: oh thats neat more raisins to use emacs for this particular task23:53
nibalizeroh the passwords file23:53
nibalizeroh thats differen than the hiera23:53
jeblairnibalizer: okay, i am convinced you understand my position.  if you still feel strongly, i will go with your suggestion.23:54
krotscheck_dcmoookaaaay, so, remote beaches?23:54
nibalizerjeblair: I like the idea of letting fungi break our tie :)23:55
nibalizersounds like we can all amuse ourselves with getting osci up today anyways23:55
jeblairnibalizer: do you want to land the omfra patches first or osci?23:55
jeblairthey will conflict so we should decide ordering23:55
krotscheck_dcmjeblair: Looks like the job passed. are we waiting on vos?23:56
nibalizerlets do osci then I can rebase the omfra patches23:56
nibalizerclarkb: are those under a topic?23:56
clarkbnibalizer: I literally only just got credentials 2 minutes ago23:56
jeblairkrotscheck_dcm: sorry, forgot to topic a change -- waiting on
krotscheck_dcmOh, wheel-release is still broken23:56
clarkb^X^S not ^C^S23:56
krotscheck_dcmjeblair: But, like, it's there. It's working.23:57
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fungiyeah, i figured osci second since infra-cloud was already in progress23:57
krotscheck_dcmHrm. The index is still not there.23:57
fungibut if you're worried infra-cloud will still take longer then we can go the other way23:57
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clarkbok I no longer have the write lock on passwords file23:58
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jeblairkrotscheck_dcm: i'm guessing it's in the RW but not RO volumes23:58
krotscheck_dcmgot it23:58
jeblairkrotscheck_dcm: oh hrm23:58
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jeblairkrotscheck_dcm: you should look at it -- do you have an afs client handy?23:59
krotscheck_dcmnot anymore.23:59
avarnerIs openstack infra group considered the administrator for
krotscheck_dcmjeblair: Is the error pasteable?23:59
jeblairkrotscheck_dcm: this is what's in RW:
openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack/requirements: Update to recent release of tosca-parser 0.4.0

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