Friday, 2016-01-22

anteayadstufft: thank you00:00
anteayadstufft: sleep for you yet?00:00
mordreddstufft: yes- thank you!00:00
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: as the current status is: wait for jjb | wait for images; i'm going to afk for a while00:00
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mordredjenkins.o.o is finished jjbing00:00
notmorgananteaya: uhm sure give me a few moments00:01
anteayanotmorgan: thanks00:01
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DavieyDoes zuul still create & upload tarballs on tag events for stable/kilo?00:01
mordredDaviey: I expect it to00:02
dougwigfyi, getting broken links and spinnys from gerrit.00:02
notmorgananteaya: fwiw i'm kindof unhappy to push that through check again for that00:02
clarkbdougwig: what links ar ebroken00:02
notmorganbecause someone kicked it from gate and then left it00:02
notmorganwith how backlogged things are00:02
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fungimordred: just confirming, you're either running jjb in an interactive root shell or with sudo -H right? otherwise you're not actually updating the jjb cache puppet is wanting updated00:02
dougwigclarkb: the usual server error popup, disappears on retry.00:02
clarkbok so links ar eworking then?00:02
fungidougwig: clarkb: midnight utc00:02
fungidatabase backup time00:02
dstufftanteaya: I fell asleep lat night yea :) on accident but such is life, cough medicine kicking my ass00:02
mordredfungi: nope. thank you. I will start again00:02
clarkbdougwig: I ask because we have had bugs in gerrits url generation in the past00:02
dougwigfungi: ahh.  everything hanging atm.  ok.00:02
clarkbbut server backup time is expected to error on db locks00:03
notmorgananteaya: ^ see comments.00:03
* notmorgan sighs00:03
notmorganpeople need to not leave "removed from gate" comments in if they update the patch00:03
dougwigclarkb: no, normal app errors.  poor choice of words.00:03
clarkbdougwig: kk just making sure00:03
fungimordred: yeah, the jjb cache is relative to $HOME (sorry for not mentioning that before)00:03
dougwigand it's back.00:03
anteayaDaviey: the latest nova stable/kilo tarball is dated Jan 16, 2016: bottom of the page00:03
mordredfungi: it's ok - I should have known that00:03
mordredfungi: sudo -H jenkins or sudo -H ?00:03
anteayanotmorgan: I understand, which is why I didn't review for it00:04
dstufftnew virtualenv once passes00:04
fungimordred: root00:04
fungimordred: i actually run... time sudo -H jenkins-jobs update --delete-old /etc/jenkins_jobs/config00:04
notmorgani expec tit'll take another 2-3 days to pass check is all.00:04
Davieyanteaya: Oh interesting... I was looking for ceilometer's one... which isnt there00:04
notmorganbecause of the rate of transient failures00:04
anteayadstufft: I hope you get real sleep soon00:04
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anteayadstufft: and feel better00:05
fungimordred: running under time helps me keep track of how long it's taking on different jenkins masters, which is sometimes useful00:05
notmorganmtreinish: needs a re +2 because commit message was bad.00:05
Davieyanteaya: It's actually dated 21-Jan-2016 23:16 , which is what i'd expect..00:05
anteayaDaviey: yay, works as expected!00:05
fungimordred: jeblair's example also included the config, though from what i can tell that's the default config path anyway00:06
anteayanotmorgan: oh no, I understand00:06
anteayanotmorgan: forget I mentioned it00:06
Davieyanteaya: well.. i've not checked them all.. but not seeing it for ceilometer.. nor in zuul queue?00:06
notmorgananteaya: too late00:06
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anteayanotmorgan: sorry00:06
anteayaDaviey: I don't know :/00:07
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add helper script to delete Gerrit groups
notmorgananteaya: not grumpy at you, grumpy at the whole situation.00:07
anteayaDaviey: so this file lists all the jobs:
anteayanotmorgan: lots of grumpy to go around00:08
anteayaDaviey: and in the top there are rules some projects use for what branches run certain jobs00:08
fungiDaviey: you might want to track down the corresponding tarball job logs... it's entirely likely quite a few projects' sdist tarball building is broken with pip 8.0.000:09
anteayaDaviey: so any project that runs the python-jobs template for instance:
anteayaDaviey: runs the tarball job00:09
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mordrednotmorgan: you know what fixes the grumpy?00:10
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Davieyanteaya: right.. i get how that bit works.00:10
anteayaDaviey: oh good00:10
anteayaDaviey: well like fungi said the job may be there but broken due to pip 800:10
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Davieyfml :)00:11
anteayaor the individual project may have changed their regex for what branches that job runs on, but I doubt it00:11
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anteayaI'm not a fan of swearing00:11
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anteayabut I do appreciate the difficulty of your task00:11
anteayaand am grateful you are willing to do it00:11
anteayathank you00:11
anteayaI don't know an easy way of checking the status of the stable/kilo tarball jobs00:12
anteayaother than checking logs and that file00:12
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notmorgananteaya: no idea00:12
fungiDaviey: you're looking for why latest landed ceilometer commit on stable/kilo has no corresponding tarball?00:13
fungiDaviey: or a release tarball for a tag?00:13
fungii'm guessing the latter. seems you tagged 2015.1.3 an hour or so ago00:14
Davieyfungi: release tarball for the tag00:14
fungi`git show-ref 2015.1.3` says 02c49c1530aab42044ecddcaf6d5502eff44c961 was the tag object00:15
fungimaking the base url for the logs00:15
Davieyfungi: i linked the jenkins failure ^^00:15
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fungiDaviey: yeah, looks wrong00:16
fungicreating ceilometer-
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fungisdague: ^ i suspect the zuul-cloner change has broken all our release jobs00:18
fungiwe need to revert00:18
fungii see z-c being called in there. it's not a change pipeline job00:18
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fungias we discussed with dhellmann (yesterday was it?) zuul-cloner is probably only appropriate to change pipeline jobs at the moment00:19
clarkbfungi: really? arg we had existing jobs that used it00:19
clarkbso I figured it was working00:19
clarkbbut I guess those like dhellmann's weren't00:19
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fungiINFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/ceilometer repo with branch master at commit 1dc9d0d4bddff20e28d2aab39d6df693c83629ae00:20
clarkbso we want it on the one tarball job00:20
clarkbor maybe there isn't one at all in check/ gate00:20
clarkbI'm thinking docs00:20
clarkbthere is gate docs and non gate docs00:20
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fungiINFO:zuul.Cloner:upstream repo is missing branch refs/tags/2015.1.300:21
fungithere's what i was looking for00:21
fungiso it fell back to the master branch tip00:21
clarkband maybe we should move the publish jobs out of the python jobs?00:21
Davieyclarkb: it did fail on the doc job00:22
fungiyeah, we do branch-tarball in post and tarball in pre-release and release00:22
funginone of those can effectively use zuul-cloner00:23
jeblairi think we should revert the change, and someone should finish zuul-cloner, then we can try again00:23
DavieyOnce this is reverted, are one of you able to rekick the job?00:24
fungiwhich means mordred's jjb updates are for nought00:24
jeblairand i think finishing zuul-cloner would be a great thing for someone who wants to get more involved to do.00:25
fungiDaviey: yeah, do you have a list of all the projects and tag names you did in the past 8.5 hours (just to be on the safe side, as that's when the change merged)?00:25
Davieyfungi: yep.. one moment00:25
jeblairit should be a fairly straightforward python programming task00:25
jeblairand self-contained00:26
fungiyeah, zuul-cloner is fairly well isolated from the rest of the zuul codebase00:26
fungii agree it's a nice somewhat-low-hanging-fruit introductory project00:26
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fungimost of the learning curve is in understanding zuul so you know what you're interfacing with00:26
fungifrom a "what do these parameters mean?" standpoint00:27
jeblairtbh though, i don't know why that change needed to touch the tarball jobs00:28
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jeblairi guess because sdague plans to _only_ test things with constraints00:28
clarkbjeblair: yes that00:28
jeblairso that means that anything that doesn't use constraints will break?00:29
clarkbjeblair: no00:29
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clarkbit would still be opt in, but the idea was to allow projects to opt in00:29
jeblairclarkb: well, bitrot?00:29
clarkbthey can't do that if the job isn't configured properly00:29
jeblairclarkb: i mean, if we only test nova with constraints, then if we try to build a tarball of it without constraints, someday it will likely break, yeah?00:29
clarkbjeblair: the idea is that it shouldn't, but it is possible that it can. Sort of like how we don't test our lower version boundaries00:30
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anteayais someone offering the revert?00:30
mordredfungi: shouldI kill them?00:30
jeblairclarkb: right, however, the reason we expect the tarball jobs to work is because we're constantly building the sdist in unit tests00:30
clarkbjeblair: the issue is they break frequently without contraints00:30
clarkbjeblair: we actually almost never build the sdists in unit testes00:30
clarkbjeblair: which has led to several bugs in neutron00:31
fungimordred: probably, since we're talking about reverting the change you approved now due to collateral damage, which means restarting the jjb updates again once it merges00:31
mordredfungi: kk00:31
jeblairthat's like the entire reason we use tox00:31
clarkbjeblair: except that every project configures tox to do a setup develop00:31
jeblairi feel like we had this conversation recently00:31
mordredyeah. actually, we added the setup_develop feature to tox00:31
clarkbwhich does not make a tarball and does not catch issues like files missing from and symlinks00:31
jeblairdidn't we switch pep8 or something to do that?00:32
anteayaDaviey: thanks for mentioning the issue00:32
anteayaDaviey: sorry I mis-understood your question earlier00:32
clarkbjeblair: we added a step to the jobs yes but not the tox side00:32
mordredI believe we _did_ add _something_ that did a tarball build00:32
clarkbfor pep800:32
jeblairokay, so we build a tarball for pep8 great00:32
mordredit's in the pep8 job00:32
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mordrednot in tox00:32
jeblairwill pep8 use constraints?00:32
Davieyanteaya: thanks for trying. :)00:32
jeblairto build that tarball?00:32
mordredjust in the pe8 run_pep8.sh00:32
anteayaDaviey: I do the best I can :)00:33
clarkbjeblair: the tox side can00:33
NobodyCamI have a question00:33
clarkbjeblair: the build a tarball does not currently iirc00:33
anteayaNobodyCam: just ask00:33
mordredvirtualenv sdist_check && sdist_check/bin/pip install pbr && sdist_check/bin/python sdist00:33
jeblairclarkb: okay, then we're back to: why does the tarball job need to use constraints?00:33
clarkbjeblair: because we break often without constraints00:33
NobodyCamcan someone check my sanity:
clarkbjeblair: and we need the output of the tarball jobs to exist00:33
jeblairclarkb: i think we just established that the pep8 job will make sure that we are able to build a tarball without constraints00:34
anteayaNobodyCam: what should I be looking at?00:34
clarkbthe whole idea behind constraints is to protect ourselves from broken deps00:34
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clarkbjeblair: at the time that job runs00:34
NobodyCamI was looking at that patch and my bluetooth mouse went nuts and now I so as a commiter???00:34
clarkbjeblair: but we should be using constraints there to protect the pep8 jobs too00:34
jeblairokay.  then i stick with my original suggestion.  revert; someone fixes z-c; retry.00:35
NobodyCamI did not want to submit anything00:35
anteayaNobodyCam: greghaynes is the commiter on that patch you linked00:35
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: anyone second that?00:35
anteayaNobodyCam: I don't see you even as a reviewer on that patch00:35
mordredjeblair: second00:35
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jeblairand to anteaya's question -- anyone want to propose the revert?00:36
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fungijeblair: yes, i'm seconding by proposing the revert now00:36
fungijust finishing up the commit message00:36
mordredI need to step away from the keyboard for a few minutes - I'm going to go ahead and stop the jjb runs now00:36
jeblairfungi: cool00:36
dkehncan the same setup.cfg be used to build and install a distribution where the target commond goes to /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin?00:36
mordredI will re-run them again when I get back to the keyboard00:36
mordredunless someone tells me not to00:36
NobodyCamanteaya: I see this:
anteayaNobodyCam: I don't see you as submitting anything, comment or patchset00:36
NobodyCamya I was just looking00:37
clarkbdkehn: that is controlled by setuptools I think00:37
clarkbdkehn: so depends on your python install and stuff00:37
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "always make upper-constraints available to python jobs"
NobodyCamand I now show the patch as deleteing the whole file00:37
fungijeblair: mordred: clarkb: sdague: Daviey: ^00:37
clarkbdkehn: eg virtualenvs vs ubuntu system python vs fedora system python00:37
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lifelessdkehn: 'yes' is the answer00:37
anteayaNobodyCam: I see this:
lifelessdkehn: thats an abstract thing, its up to how you invoke pip / setuptools00:37
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NobodyCamanteaya: thank you for taking the time to look.. I am just going to close teh window and act like nothing ever happeded00:38
anteayaNobodyCam: I think you need to close your bluetooth connection and enjoy your evening00:38
anteayaNobodyCam: check from a laptop when you can00:39
dkehnlifeless: and where the packages are located in the /usr/lib/pythoin2.7 instead of /usr/local/lib/python2.7, is it simple a sdist verses develop00:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Optimize announce subject line
anteayaNobodyCam: thanks for asking :)00:39
anteayaNobodyCam: your bluetooth is making stuff up00:39
NobodyCamhave a good night :)00:39
anteayaNobodyCam: thanks you too00:39
NobodyCamlol +++00:39
lifelessdkehn: not a factor at all00:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: ignore deleted files when listing deliverable changes
dkehnlifeless: ok00:39
lifelessdkehn: what are you trying to achieve/debug/analyse?00:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: make more robust for first releases
dkehnlifeless: someone here is pushing two version of the setup.cfg 1) for development and 2) for production, seems weird00:40
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fungijhesketh: how familiar are you with zuul enqueue-ref?00:41
lifelessdkehn: its certainly unusual00:41
dkehnlifeless: was think what you had said and I'm resisting the additional setup.cfg00:41
lifelessdkehn: find out what problem they are trying to solve00:42
dkehnlifeless: yep, thx00:42
lifelessdkehn: then you can cross reference the setuptools docs, and/or pip docs00:42
lifelessdkehn: but generally, putting local in the path is not something that python packages have any control over - and if they're influencing that via setup.cfg and pbr --- there's no guarantee that we'd keep supporting it: its really an abstraction layer violation00:43
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dkehnlifeless: gotit00:44
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jheskethfungi: I haven't used it before sorry00:48
jheskethI assume it's reasonably straight forward00:49
jheskethSo long as it's the post pipeline jobs00:49
fungirelease in this case00:49
jheskethYep, I more meant jobs that usually run off refs00:49
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: WIP: Add initial optional influxdb support for test_runs
jhesketh(it's likely others would work too)00:50
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fungibut yeah, once my revert of the constraints-everywhere change merges and mordred kicks his jjb updates back off again, after they complete, we have some release tags to reenqueue for Daviey00:50
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Davieythanks fungi00:50
fungii'm double-checking now to trim down the list as much as we can safely00:50
fungijhesketh: the reason i ask is that it's likely i'd be asleep once those conditions are met00:50
jheskethSure, happy to do that00:51
lifelesswhat did constraints everywhere break?00:51
dstufftOk, 14.0.1 is out now00:51
jheskethI assume it's just queuing the tags00:51
mordredlifeless: a sequence of things00:52
mordredlifeless: first, I landed the patch without thinking - it updates _all_of the jenkins jobs, and that's a thing that dies horribly due to time it takes00:53
mordredlifeless: second, there was a mismatch it created in how zuul-cloner, it and making tarballs works00:53
mordredlifeless: so we're reverting it so that we can regroup and solve that problem00:55
mordredlifeless: it's not a hard or deep problem - but it is more than can be trivially fixed under duress00:55
fungiDaviey: jhesketh: good news! the only tarballs i don't see are ceilometer, cinder and neutron-vpnaas. the rest listed at seem to exist00:55
lifelessmordred: thanks00:55
mordredlifeless: the ^^ tarballs missing there are the symptom00:56
Davieyfungi: thanks for that!00:56
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fungijhesketh: note you'll want to ignore the git shas in that list as they're the objects being tagged, not the tag objects themselves. as usual use `git show-ref 2015.1.3` to get the tag object00:57
jheskethfungi: cool00:58
fungijhesketh: an example invocation... sudo zuul enqueue-ref --trigger gerrit --pipeline release --project openstack/ceilometer --ref refs/tags/2015.1.3 --newrev 02c49c1530aab42044ecddcaf6d5502eff44c96100:58
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fungijhesketh: if for whatever reason things don't get to the point over the course of your day where it's safe to reenqueue those yet, let me know and i'll pick it back up myself when i wake up00:59
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fungilifeless: so slightly more detailed summary is that zuul-cloner, while safe for use in zuul change pipelines (like check, gate, experimental, silent), is not yet feature complete for use in zuul's arbitrary git ref pipelines (post, release, pre-release, tag)01:03
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jheskethfungi: will do01:04
jesusaurusfungi: what features are still needed in zuul-cloner for that?01:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Force dib-python symlink creation
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fungijesusaurus: awesome of you to ask!01:05
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fungijesusaurus: short answer is that we need someone to look at the jenkins parameters (seen by z-c as environment variables) set in zuul ref-updated triggered pipeline jobs and see what behaviors z-c needs adapted to deal with that reduced set (compared to patchset-created triggers)01:08
fungiand obviously then propose patches to implement and test that01:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "always make upper-constraints available to python jobs"
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jesusaurusfungi: seems straight-forward, i'll see if i can find some time to work on that01:11
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fungijesusaurus: it would be greatly appreciated01:11
Davieyfungi / jhesketh: Here is the tag sha's.. sorry, that would have been more useful - 06/08/201501:11
Daviey ^01:12
fungiDaviey: thanks!01:12
anteayajesusaurus: I'd like to learn what you are doing by reviewing01:12
jheskethmordred: the revert has merged.. did you want to kick of jjb?01:13
anteayajesusaurus: please include be but don't wait for me either01:13
mordredjhesketh: I do - although I believe I need to get latest project-config01:13
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jesusaurusanteaya: ok01:17
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anteayajesusaurus: thanks01:18
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add interface to dump dib command for an image
ianwasselin: ^01:19
* asselin looks01:19
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anteayajhesketh: you have what you need to juggle the broken for your awake hours?01:24
jheskethI'll try :-)01:25
jheskethjust waiting for jjb to be kicked by mordred01:25
clarkbI should be more around now01:25
clarkbping if you need more eyes and I may be awake :)01:25
* mordred is doing this now01:25
jheskethclarkb: appreciate it01:25
Sam-I-Amanteaya: can i get some love on this?
anteayajhesketh: awesome, happy dancing01:25
Sam-I-Amunless you see a problem, of course :)01:26
* anteaya hangs on to click on Sam-I-Am's patch01:26
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jheskethit looks like the snapshot images are built so new nodes should be coming up on those just now01:26
jheskethdib still building01:26
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jheskethsomething weird looks to be happening with the dib images01:28
jeblairre snapshots -- it does look like most of them have updated successfully -- however, there are some weird errors that i don't understand (that somehow look related to dib)... still digging01:29
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jeblairoh, so image-update will do both dib and snapshot images01:30
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jheskethjeblair: so yes, it looks like dib is cycling01:30
Sam-I-Amanteaya: thanks@01:30
Sam-I-Amer !01:30
jheskethie it keeps rebuilding01:30
jheskethpresumably because it fails01:31
Sam-I-Ammakes docs updates a lot easier for the project01:31
jheskethbut trying to find the appropriate log part01:31
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dstufftdid things unbreak?01:31
jeblairjhesketh: well, i triggered image-updates after i deleted the database entries, so i would expect at least 2 runs for some of these, but yeah, if we're seeing > 2 then we may have a prob01:31
ianwoh jeez, the f23 build is failing with01:31
ianwAt least 269MB more space needed on the / filesystem.01:31
ianwthat's a new one01:31
Daviey(i need to go afk. be back tomorrow.. thanks all)01:32
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jeblairianw, jhesketh: ah opt is full01:32
clarkbya it would restart if a build fails01:32
clarkbjeblair: may need to do that disk cleanup sooner then :)01:32
jeblairprobably because we have lots of orphaned images01:32
jeblairclarkb: right :)01:32
anteayaSam-I-Am: yes, welcome01:32
jheskethah good find01:32
anteayag'night all01:32
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: i'll clean those up now01:32
jeblairwe have lots of directories in /opt/nodepool_dib01:33
fungidstufft: our unbreak cycle takes a while to unwind01:33
jeblairdo they ever get deleted?01:33
dstufftfungi: okay01:33
dstufftlet me know01:33
clarkbjeblair: those are a dib leak, apparently intentional?01:33
jeblairmost are small...01:33
clarkbjeblair: but they are small and ya01:33
fungidstufft: we likely won't know if things everywhere are unbroken for up to a few days since there are a few workarounds/pins/caps which need unwinding too01:33
dstufftI'm going to go back to working on in the mean time, pip is a recipe for getting angry atm :|01:33
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: but why is that intentional?01:34
clarkbjeblair: I think for debugging? it wasn't clear but greghaynes thought we may be able to turn it off with a setting set01:34
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clarkbbut that got lost in the gearman connection died debugging01:34
jeblaircool, that would be nice; we have 1392 entries in that dir01:34
fungidstufft: it seems like such an overheating spacebar problem that i can't fathom how you have the energy to continue trying to wrestle it into shape01:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add logic for networking-ovn jobs
fungidstufft: i'm happy we have you pushing boundaries on it wherever it seems reasonable to do so, and am sorry it causes community backlash when you're just trying to make things more sane01:36
jeblairwe seem to have files named like "ubuntu-trusty-1450620933.raw" and also "176179.qcow2"01:36
jeblairi guess we cahnged the naming system?01:37
clarkbjeblair: yes it was part of how the workers would know what they should register for01:37
jeblairi'm confused though since there are no entries like 176179.qcow2 in the table01:37
clarkbjeblair: did they get deleted too?01:38
jeblairclarkb: that was the old table before i deleted it01:38
jeblairfedora-22-1448633757.qcow2 exists01:38
jeblairbut 173704* does not01:38
clarkb176179 is there01:38
jeblairso i don't understand which is the current system01:38
jeblairah yes it is01:38
clarkbcurrent is just the number01:38
jeblairclarkb: ah yep that's starting to make sense...01:39
jeblairmost of those are ancient01:39
jeblairer most of the named ones01:39
jeblairi'll delete all of the named ones and all of the ids < 17618601:40
dstufftfungi: relatively speaking, pip 8 was pretty unenventful tbh, a thing broke, got a few reports, then folks mostly just sat tight while we sorted out. The things mostly making me angry on pip lately are trying to improve the OS <-> pip story and try to integrate with the OS better and the related drama around that :/01:40
clarkbjeblair: ok01:40
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clarkbdstufft: would it be useful if we ran a job once a day that grabbed tip of pip master and emailed you results?01:41
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clarkbwe could set something up like that pretty easily if it would be helpful (and we in theory cover ubuntu, centos and fedora)01:41
dstufftclarkb: pip's test suite? Probably not because the false positive rate in the test suite is super high right now, often takes 2-3 runs to get a pass :( that's a TODO list item for me too, but warehouse is getting the bulk of my focus until we can kill the legacy old code01:42
jeblairjhesketh: i cleaned up 50% of the space; still working but should be enough to unstick01:43
jheskethyep, saw that01:43
clarkbdstufft: no, our test suite which does things like isntall all the things01:43
jheskethI'm guessing it shoudl be safe to just let hte images do their thing01:43
dstufftclarkb: oh that, sure01:43
clarkbdstufft: well probably actually not tempest, but the installation part01:43
clarkbdstufft: just as a sanity check of can pip install things in the world01:43
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clarkbwith a biased set of almost 400 deps01:43
dstufftat some point I want to get a real regression suite setup01:43
ianwclarkb: i think that would be quite useful even if dstufft isn't "in the loop" ... we certainly could have detected all this earlier and started conversations01:44
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dstufftyou can (or should anyways) be able to run pip so that deprecations become failures instead of warnings01:44
dstufftor should be able to*01:44
dstufftnot sure I've tested it recently01:44
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jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: since i'm really good at deleting things today, i'm going to delete those .d dirs too01:46
clarkbjeblair: ++01:46
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jheskethjeblair: I was just poking around those to see if we needed them01:46
jheskethsounds good to me01:46
mordredthe jenkinses are all running, btw01:46
jeblairjhesketh: done01:47
jeblairnow the directory is empty01:47
jeblairi guess i could have saved myself some time01:47
jeblair(i thought maybe a build was running but i guess not?)01:47
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jheskethjeblair: dib-image-list says it's building 5... I wonder if they'll fail01:48
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jeblairdisk-image-create -x -t qcow2,vhd --no-tmpfs --qemu-img-options 'compat=0.10' -o /opt/nodepool_di01:48
jeblairb/176197 fedora-minimal vm simple-init openstack-repos nodepool-base node-devstack puppet01:48
jeblairthat is not one of the directories i deleted01:49
jeblairi think it's working in dib_tmp right now01:50
jeblairoh wow01:50
jeblairwhich is another terrifying directory01:50
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jeblairwith 56759 entries01:50
jeblairanyone know if profiledir.idNA7H is still needed?01:50
jeblairor profiledir.mPW2UX ?01:50
clarkboh I remember greghaynes said there was a bug in dib where the exit handler wasn't being called01:50
clarkbwhich cleaned that stuff up01:51
clarkband was recently fixed01:51
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clarkbjeblair: I think there may be a profiledir for the current runs, not sure how catastrophic it is if we remove the wrong one01:51
jeblairclarkb: are they single-use dirs?01:51
clarkbI want to say thats whree the data that says eleement X took 5 seconds and Y took 9 seconds goes01:52
jeblair(i don't know where the magic caching happens with dib)01:52
jeblairoh interesting01:52
clarkbjeblair: there is a specific cache dir for dib separate of the tmp dir01:52
jeblairi'm not going to look in there yet ;)01:52
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jeblairmy du on dib_tmp is still running :/01:53
clarkbjeblair: so if you do a find on type directory and mtime greater than say a day you can delete whatever is in the tmp dir01:53
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clarkbthen rerun that tomorrow and we should be pretty clean01:53
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clarkbthe cache should be relatively clean, the only things we may find there are old things cached that don't need to be cached anymore like old cirros images01:54
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clarkbI want to say that may be part of the lack of cleanup01:55
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jeblairclarkb: well, there are things in the image dirs that have mtimes older than 1 day01:56
jeblairclarkb: so i think i'll take the approach of just examining the profiledirs01:56
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jeblairimage dirs seem to be getting cleaned up, with only a few exceptions (probably some catastrophic crash)01:57
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add interface to dump dib command for an image
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jeblairdrwx------ 3 nodepool nodepool    4096 Oct 21 19:48 yum-nodepool-5_cuwM02:01
jeblairi don't know what that is...02:01
clarkbis that in the cache?02:02
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jeblairno in dim_tmp02:02
jeblairit's the only directory that's not 'profile' or 'image'02:02
jeblairit's still being used02:02
clarkbif I had to guess it is related to make a centos from scratch with yum02:02
clarkbor fedora02:03
jeblairianw: ^ do you know about that dir?02:03
jeblairianw: should it be in dib_tmp as opposed to dib_cache?02:03
ianwjeblair: that does not look familiar02:03
ianwwhat's in it?02:03
jeblairianw: the f23 files at least were updated today02:04
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ianwyeah, well that's yum, but i'm not how it's getting that directory...02:04
jeblair/dev/mapper/main-opt  504G   50G  455G  10% /opt02:04
jeblair455G of cleanup02:05
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mordredjeblair: nicely done02:11
jeblairmordred: i got to do quite a lot of it by accidentally deleting extra database rows!02:11
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mordredjeblair: woot!02:12
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mordredjeblair: it's like when you save 50% on that $5000 purchase you weren't intending on making02:12
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mordredit's not like you spent $2500 - it's like you SAVED $250002:13
jeblairi totally got a deal on my new dishwasher!02:13
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jeblairbut yeah, i would rather have not have had to get the new dishwasher.02:14
jeblairi'm not sentencing well so i'm going to afk again.02:14
mordredjeblair: ++02:15
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds check-requirements for qa-specs repo
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openstackgerritAndre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack
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jheskethmordred: how did jjb stuff go?02:39
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* fungi strongly suspects it's still running02:49
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fungiat least one of them will have probably aborted from a transient api error and need starting over02:49
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jheskethfungi: this is just deploying new job definitions to the masters right?03:02
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fungi7k+ of them03:10
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mordredclarkb: on jenkins03 ...03:12
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mordredINFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Not deleting unmanaged jenkins job clarkb-upgrade2-test03:12
mordredthat happened after INFO:root:Number of jobs updated: 364503:12
mordredI also get this:
mordredon all of them03:13
mordredat the end of the run03:13
mordredbut they say "cache saved03:13
mordred1 and 2 are still running03:13
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funginot surprising, as i said 1 and 2 always seem to take at least 50% longer03:17
fungiprobably running on older flavors03:18
clarkbmordred: we can probably delete that job03:18
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* greghaynes returns from diknner03:27
greghaynesIs there dib help needed?03:27
greghaynesas for the .d dirs, those are for manifests and should be extremely small03:28
greghaynessounds like it was orphaned images taking up space mostly though? That was a known issue (builders wont cleanup existing images) which we decided to just deal with one time03:29
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change service user domain for identity v3 only test
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Pin more broken DIB versions: 1.6.0-1.7.1
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run the identity v3 only jobs as part of integrated gate
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run the identity v3 only jobs as part of integrated gate
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TheloHi, I need to take down my CI for maintenance this week end, should I notify someone, or update a page?03:54
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openstackgerritCody A.W. Somerville proposed openstack/gertty: Add missing import of 'six' to
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add interface to dump dib command for an image
ianwclarkb: so did the dib images upload?  how can we know?04:36
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clarkbjhesketh can you check? if they are ready in what nodepool image-list reports then they uploaded04:49
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jheskethdoesn't look like they have uploaded04:51
jheskethubuntu-trusty is still building, the others are done04:51
jheskethlet me see if I can find out about uploading04:52
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jheskethit just says 2016-01-22 02:52:05,274 INFO nodepool.builder: Registering image id: 17619804:59
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move hook generation in to python
jheskethand then I can't find anything more... ie I can't see it trying to upload04:59
jheskethmaybe I'm looking in the wrong place04:59
greghaynesjhesketh: it can only either build or upload at a given point in time, not buth05:00
jheskethgreghaynes: right, but once it has built it uploads yes?05:00
greghaynesnot necessarially - it asks gearman for the next job05:00
greghayneswhich may or may not be an upload05:00
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greghaynesI would kind of expect all the builds to happen and then all the uploads05:01
jheskethah okay, I see what you mean05:01
jheskethright, that explains it05:01
greghaynesbut not entirely sure that is how it would pan out05:01
greghaynesso, this actually means building/uploading is probably a bit slower now05:02
greghaynesuntil we run more builders05:02
jheskethah the last one just finished building while I was looking.. what should I grep for in the logs to see if it's uploading?05:02
greghaynesjhesketh: youll see a got job <something?05:02
greghaynesitll be either image-upload or image-build05:03
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jheskethhmm, nothing obvious like that... just that the image is ready05:06
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greghaynesare debug logs on for the builder?05:08
greghaynes that line05:09
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move hook generation in to python
jheskethgreghaynes: yep, but all the jobs are just image-build05:11
greghaynesjhesketh: ok, so its probably just doing all the image builds first05:12
jheskethright, but according to dib-image-list they are all done/ready05:12
greghayneswhich makes some sense - nodepool will spam all the image-build jobs to gearman and then all the image-upload's for them once they are done05:12
greghaynesoh, so it is just sitting there not doing anything?05:12
jheskethwell I don't know about it doing nothing, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything05:12
jheskethgreghaynes: does this use zuul's gearman or its own05:13
greghaynesso you probably want ot check the gearman job list to see if any jobs are queued05:13
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jheskethyep, that's why I asked :-)05:14
greghaynesjhesketh: do you knwo about the disconnect issue we hit last night?05:14
greghaynesI wonder if the same thing happened05:14
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jheskethI saw something fly by on scrollback, but don't know any details05:14
greghaynestl;dr is that nodepool disconnected from geard which causes all the queued jobs to get delted05:15
greghaynesand it happened right as it attempted uploading05:15
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jheskethgreghaynes: so the upload/delete jobs exist with a worker registered, but no jobs queued05:19
jhesketh(or running)05:19
jheskethhmm, interesting05:19
jheskethlet me look for disconnects05:19
greghaynes:( so I bet the same thing happened05:19
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greghayneson geard there was an error message05:19
greghaynesnot sure what the error was on the nodepool side05:20
jheskethah okay, let me go poke geard then05:20
jheskethgreghaynes: do you know what the error message on geard was?05:20
greghaynesjhesketh: not exactly, basically it was "couldnt send data to connection"05:20
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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/requirements: Bump python-senlinclient version to 0.3.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements
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jheskethgreghaynes: hmm so nothing obvious05:50
jheskethmordred: is there a way for me to tell when your jjb stuff is done05:52
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fungijhesketh: he was running it under screen, looks like 01 finally finished but 02 crashed out on a jenkins api error so i've restarted it06:11
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: add support for package-installs to gentoo
jheskethfungi: okay thanks, good to know06:11
jheskethalthough what are you doing up still?06:11
fungion my way to sleep, just checking in06:12
fungiyou can attach to his screen session on 02 to monitor is thusly:06:13
fungisudo su - mordred06:13
fungiscript /dev/null06:13
fungiscreen -x06:13
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fungi(and when ctrl-a,d to detach rather than exiting the screen session in case he wanted to check the results later too)06:14
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fungianyway, -> sleep06:15
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jheskeththanks for the tips :-)06:17
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chenlihello, I'm trying to run tempest test by hand, I have followed
chenliThis is my steps and my tempest.conf :
chenliThen I try to run command " testr run tempest.api.image.v2.test_images_member_negative.ImagesMemberNegativeTest.test_image_share_invalid_status"06:21
chenliBut I get error :
chenlianyone can help me ?06:21
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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RamanjaneyaHi, How to import a project which is not part of openstack release?06:46
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Ramanjaneyaany one can help? How to import a project which is not part of openstack release?06:49
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Thelochenli: you probably want to ask this question in #openstack-qa07:15
chenliThelo: sorry... Thanks!07:16
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chenliThis is my steps and my tempest.conf
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openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove py27-scenario-unit check from sahara
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openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Separate gate job for sahara and sahara-scenario
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AJaegerRamanjaneya: is this project related to OpenStack? Then read
AJaegerReading backscroll I'm a bit confused about the pip status. Do we still use pip 8.0 in the images? I checked one job and it still used 8.0. When should 8.0.2 get used?08:10
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AJaegerAny project-config core around? We should probably merge quickly to make internap happy...08:22
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jheskethAJaeger: thanks, +w08:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Reduce internap max servers from 72 to 64
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack/requirements: Add modules for freezer mitaka m2 release
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amaretskiyhi there! I have a question regarding very frequent error which happens during dsvm workspace setup (logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt.gz) - see
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amaretskiythis "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref" sometimes eats a lot of job's time08:39
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amaretskiyin log given above there are 10 minutes lost!08:39
amaretskiyfor getting amount of lost time you can use script
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AJaegeramaretskiy: thanks for digging into this. I can't help with this and fear nobody else is around to help either. Best come back during US morning again unless you get an answer.08:45
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amaretskiyAJaeger: thank you, I will raise this question later08:46
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add interface to dump dib command for an image
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Thelolooks like this patch is stucked in the gate , it has already failed because of timeout but is still blocking the next jobs08:50
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix trailing whitespace
AJaegermorning, yolanda09:03
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jheskethfungi, mordred: for when you get back: all of the jenkins masters failed. It looks like due to removing an old job, so I think the other jobs should be updated correctly. Unfortunately it looks like the jjb code raises just one error instead of raising all of the errors. jenkins02 failed for a different reason that I'm unsure of.09:07
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jheskethI'm going to queue one of the releases and see how it goes... if it works, I'll do the others09:10
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jheskethheh, sigh, of course it goes to jenkins0209:13
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AJaegerjhesketh: what's with 268348, see
AJaegerbuild time out 20 mins ago - and still top of the queue in zuul and jenkins is not finished with it. Does that look sane?09:17
jheskethAJaeger: certainly looks a bit odd09:18
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-generic-switch project
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jheskethAJaeger: not really sure what's going on.. the worst part is if that job has failed the rest of the pipeline will need redoing :-(09:24
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jheskethAJaeger: I don't think I can force stop is since I'd need to restart jenkins07 to get the permissions09:27
jheskethwhich we may need to anyway09:27
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jheskethbut it's currently building a lot of jobs09:28
AJaegerwe can just update it and see whether it leaves the queue ;)09:28
AJaegerjhesketh: no ideas what to do. yolanda, do you have any?09:29
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yolandalet me see if i can stop it, we should with admin perms09:30
jheskethyolanda: oh cool, you have admin perms?09:30
yolandai think so09:30
jhesketh(I never set them up on jenkins)09:31
yolandafungi gave me some time ago09:31
jheskethoh cool, that worked09:31
jheskeththanks yolanda :-)09:31
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yolandajhesketh, i can add you as admin09:31
jheskethyolanda: while you're t here, would you mind adding me as an admin09:31
jheskethheh, yes please :-)09:31
jheskethif you have time to do all the masters that might save some trouble in the future09:31
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jheskethAJaeger: looks like the gate has recalculated... at least we didn't lose all of the other jobs running on 0709:32
yolandamm, jhesketh, actually i'm not sure on how to do it, it works with SSO and is different from what i'm used downstream. Seems you need to belong to a openstack-ci-admins group09:33
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jheskethyolanda: I assume that's a jenkins group?09:33
AJaegerjhesketh: yes, looks like it recovered - and we lost 10 finished gate jobs due to a timeout ;(09:33
yolandajhesketh, it looks related to launchpad because when you login, you need to check that you belong to that group09:34
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jheskethAJaeger: could have been worse09:34
AJaegersure ;)09:34
AJaegerthansk for checking09:34
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jheskethyolanda: ah, I can select that group when logging in with ubuntu one. I just never thought to :-(09:36
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pavel_bondarhi, I have an issue that new version of package infoblox-client>=0.3.3 can not be found in py27 test:
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pavel_bondarbut for the same PS infoblox-client=0.3.5 was installed correctly in pep8 check:
pavel_bondaris it a known issue?09:39
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hasharpavel_bondar: dont quote me, but I think the jobs are using a Pypi mirror ( should be  )  and that mirror might not have received the last infoblox-client updates09:45
hasharurl is forged , no idea whether it is the proper one actually :(09:45
jheskethfungi, mordred: release is failing even if it's not on jenkins02. Since the jjb apply isn't working I might leave it for now sorry09:49
Qiminghi, anyone is looking into the requirements gate? it seems broken09:49
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Qimingor should I ask this question in a different channel?09:52
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pavel_bondarhashar: well, looks like you right, this server doesn't have new versions of infoblox client (0.3.3+), but this one have:
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pavel_bondarjust curious where should I report issues like that?09:57
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add dstat
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add dstat
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Zaqar in Heat integration jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-oslo module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Separate gate job for sahara and sahara-scenario
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openstackgerritAngus Lees proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new tempest-dsvm-full-head job-template
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove py27-scenario-unit check from sahara
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet/bundle: retry failed network or git requests
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add dstat
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: End Gating for Tuskar Projects
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make the rally job experimental
hasharpavel_bondar|afk: sorry, so looks like one of the pypi mirror is not up-to-date :(10:55
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Davieyfungi/ jhesketh: Did you rekick zuul for my tarball jobs?10:58
jheskethDaviey: yes, but however it was still failing10:58
jheskeththe jjb updates did not apply (it would seem)10:59
Davieyjhesketh: Are you working on it now?10:59
jheskethI'm hoping mordred will be able to poke at those some more when he wakes10:59
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Davieyjhesketh: ok, great.  Guessing there is nothing i can do?10:59
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jheskethI don't think so11:00
Davieyok, thanks11:00
jheskethsorry I'm not able to help:-(11:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: skip most tests on a nova locale import
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: only run api-guide on tox.ini or api-guide changes
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scp/ssh do not check for know host keys
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud compute node definition
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update Urls for redirects and broken
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Pass through env proxy variables for docs-linkcheck
esikachevhi! please, review. we are need proposal bot
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AJaegeresikachev: did you read and especially the section on "Enforcement in Projects"? Is your project setup?11:13
* AJaeger does not see check-requirements on the repo but didn't check for open reviews11:14
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AJaegeresikachev: great!11:17
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AJaegeryeah, integrated gate lag is down to less than 24 hours ...11:19
AJaegermore than 10 jobs merging at once...11:20
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Replace symlink for dib-python if it exists
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add lib-forward-testing for OSprofiler
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: skip most tests on a locale import
openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add dstat
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack/requirements: Update to os-brick 0.8.0
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.i18n to 2.1.0
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Logging in no longer causes page refresh.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to sahara-scenario project
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add project configuration for Vahana.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix width of "no result" and "loading" rows in list tables
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix zuul cloner macro for requirements repo
sdagueAJaeger: noticed that on requirements fail in the gate this morning12:00
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* krotscheck reads backscroll12:15
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krotscheckSeems like the various pip failures are currently unwinding in the gate, do I have that right?12:15
* krotscheck noticed a few of his own builds seem to be passing again.12:16
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove legacy pypi_trusted_hosts
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mordredjhesketh: morning!12:30
krotscheckIt's a mordred!12:31
krotscheckHey, how'd things shake out last night with pip things?12:31
mordredlast night sucked a lot12:31
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krotscheckI gathered.12:32
krotscheckAre things back on a happy path, or is there still work I can help with?12:32
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krotscheck(Or is the mirror work I'm doing part of the happy path?12:32
AJaegersdague: looks fine12:33
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AJaegerI've still seen 5 hours ago some pip failures, testing my usual one now again12:33
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Removed manifests for legacy mirrors
mordredkrotscheck: I think the mirror work is part of the happy path - it seems it's maybe unwinding?12:33
mordredkrotscheck: also, if we don't watch out, we're going to have awesome new mirrors12:34
krotscheckmordred: That's what I extracted from scrollback.12:34
* krotscheck is going to reserve judgement until his rechecks re-check12:34
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krotscheckmordred: NOT NEW MIRRORS12:34
* krotscheck gasps12:34
mordredkrotscheck: inorite?12:35
krotscheckmordred: LMK if you have some review bandwidth, there's some things leftover from yesterday that are +2x2 but no +A.12:35
AJaegersdague: I followed your example with locale imports, see
mordredkrotscheck: I do - but I should coffee first (mmm coffee)12:36
sdagueAJaeger: seems good12:36
krotscheckmordred: mmmm... good idea. I should get more.12:36
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sdaguehonestly, with the locale imports, it might be nice to make a dedicated job for it, and do it like requirements12:36
sdaguebecause it would simplify the zuul logic12:37
krotscheckmordred: Once you're back, I think the plug in the review chain is
sdagueto have it opt in instead of opt out12:37
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AJaegersdague: since we need at least one job to run, we could have a locale-test environment and require it...12:38
AJaegersdague: let me add this as note for my translation rework and think about it12:38
krotschecknibalizer: You mention a trivial bug in the hiera data repo, but there wasn't any linking?
mordredkrotscheck: I believe it's that there was a file in hiera that did not have the yamls12:40
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mordreds/the yamls/the .yaml extension/12:40
* mordred checking12:40
AJaegersdague: is the fix for liberty nova translations, could you merge that one, please?12:41
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sdagueAJaeger: where are we with an actual i18n full stack test?12:41
sdaguebecause I thought that was going to be in the works for a bit12:42
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AJaegersdague: daisy wanted to work on that but I haven't seen anything of substance ;(12:42
sdagueAJaeger: approved12:42
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AJaegerbetter ask her directly - or on the i18n mailing list.12:42
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AJaegerJust run a recheck - and still got pip 8.0.0 in
mordredsdague, AJaeger: I remember someone talking about it recently12:46
AJaegerand a failure due to that ;812:46
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mordredI do not remember the details, but I believe it's still in works by someone12:46
AJaegermordred: if you hear it again, please encourage that person ;)12:46
AJaegerthere's the spec for a translation test server taking next steps - but that's horizon testing, not really nova etc12:47
krotscheckmordred: Ok, so is this a fixed thing?12:47
krotscheckAlso, mordred, for your reading pleasure this morning :
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mordredkrotscheck: wow12:51
mordredkrotscheck: that is, in fact, actually interesting12:52
krotscheckmordred: I applaud Microsoft's engagement in the community, but I've been burned too frequently by the browser wars.12:53
mordredkrotscheck: I love in the middle where they have the exact discussion we've had in openstack about what to do with third party drivers and other things that we can't test in CI as it relates to how it affects developer's workflow12:53
mordredkrotscheck: indeed12:53
krotscheckImagine if python was a shim on top of multiple engines.12:53
mordredkrotscheck: although I hear that they have turned a new leaf and stuff12:53
AJaegerproject-config cores,  could you review , please?12:53
mordredkrotscheck: we did try for a while putting pypy into the gate12:54
mordredwhich is a different implementation of python12:54
mordredkrotscheck: it ... didn't fully work as well as you might hope12:54
mordredeven though pypy is something that developers _can_ run locally on linux too12:54
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mordredmost of them just simply did not care12:54
krotscheckI heard that worked out really super incredibly well.12:54
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* krotscheck is debating commenting on the pull request.12:55
mordredyou know what did work out super incredibly well? the veal tartare with duck egg I had about a month ago in montreal. mmmmmmm12:55
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krotscheckThat sounds amazing.12:56
* Clint perks up.12:56
mordredJoe Beef12:56
mordredI highly recommend eating at Joe Beef12:56
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* krotscheck is going to make his coffee mug work out super incredibly well by filling it with coffee.12:56
mordredI also highly recommend eating at Garde Manger while we're on the subject12:56
AJaegermordred, thanks for reminding me that the quiche is still not finished for lunch...12:57
mordredAJaeger: seems like it should perhaps be finished12:57
krotscheckmordred: Thanks for +2'ing those12:58
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Zaranote to anyone using storyboard: we believe email notifications should work as soon as infra's email config is updated. there are patches in review for that here. and . we think the work is completed on the storyboard side.12:58
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krotscheckmordred: I... _think_... I am in favor of the nodejs patch, because yay open source involvement, and it puts pressure on Apple/Mozilla to contribute with their JS things more. Practically speaking, I think it will be relevant to some microsofties and NOBODY ELSE.13:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Always go to Story Detail Page after adding Story
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mordredZara: in that first one- it needs to be updated - /path/to/storyboard is not a real path :)13:04
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mordredkrotscheck: I totally agree13:04
mordredkrotscheck: it's another brick in the "what does it mean to do open source on a non-free platform"13:05
dstufftPyPy is great stuff, wish their 3.x support wasn't ancient though :[13:05
mordreddstufft: ++13:05
mordredkrotscheck: which has come up again in openstack form with the solaris zones based nova driver meets defcore discussion13:06
krotscheckSolaris! I remember yelling at one of their devs.13:06
krotscheckThough I really shouldn't blame him for OpenSolaris going away.13:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make bandersnatch::httpd class
krotscheckWOOT ^^13:07
mordredkrotscheck: since we cannot test the changes needed to tempest to use non-linux tools inside of the guest to verify the networking has been plumbed through, it makes it very hard to allow them to certify a solaris-running openstack13:07
krotscheckAnd thus it begins.13:07
SotKmordred: I was hoping that it would just fail to deliver mail to storyboard properly if /path/to/storyboard doesn't exist, especially since we don't have anything to actually call in order to inject mail yet13:07
mordredkrotscheck: yeah - opensolaris would have made it a much different discussion13:07
mordredSotK: ah. it might13:07
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mordredSotK: I did not realize that that thing was so far an aspirational thing13:07
mordreddstufft: dude. our new pypi mirror is going to be so awesome13:08
mordreddstufft: or it's going to suck really hard13:08
krotscheckAny non-mordred cores able to look at a doc patch?
dstufftprobably when I migrate PyPI to using /packages/<some sha256 hash>/foobar-1.0.tar.gz I should I guess split that up so /packages/ doesn't end up with half a million directories I guess13:08
mordreddstufft: it's tough to say until it exists13:08
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mordreddstufft: yes please13:08
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krotscheckI'm a little worried about the initial request lag against our new AFS mirrors.13:09
mordredkrotscheck: yah - that's one of the things I'm curious about in practice13:09
mordredkrotscheck: I think with warm caches that'll be just fine13:09
krotscheckmordred: Any way we can smoketest that?13:09
mordredkrotscheck: but with cold caches ...13:09
mordredkrotscheck: yup- we can push a patch to devstack that overwrites the pip.conf before it does anything13:09
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Zaramordred: sorry, yeah, I should've been clearer that I was using 'completed' to refer to the work sending out notifications (that's our scope so far). we've still got a way to go with replying to them.13:10
SotKindeed, the email notifications are currently pretty basic as a first-pass at them, extra usefulness will come once they at least work a little bit :)13:10
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Zaraheh snap13:10
mordredZara, SotK: ++13:10
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krotscheckmordred: Yeah, two use cases there. Will it fail when a new thing is requested, and/or will it fail with a completely cold cache.13:10
* krotscheck suspects that AFS will handle it reasonably well, but that pip might timeout a lot to begin with13:11
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dstufftyou can increase pip's timeout13:11
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mordredyah. that'll be a thing we just have to learn how to tune and stuff13:11
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mordredkrotscheck: I also cannot remember how vos release affects blocks that did not change in the new version13:12
mordredI _think_ it does not invalidate them from the cache13:12
mordredbut I could be wrong13:12
mordredI suppose that would be fairly easy to test13:12
krotscheckmordred: I recognize that you said words.13:12
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mordredbecause if it does not invalidate the cache on non-changed blocks, then we're not talking about a huge amount of cold-cache after each release13:13
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krotscheckmordred: Given how old AFS is, I suspect they had to not-invalidate non-changed blocks simply by virtue of hardware and network constraints.13:14
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mordredkrotscheck: yah13:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make bandersnatch::cron class
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add
krotscheckWe can create the mirror master!13:26
krotscheckAny infra-root out there able to create for us mirror afficionado's?13:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add mirror.<region>
krotscheck(And maybe one of the mirror slaves so we can start testing in earnest? ;)13:26
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* krotscheck runs off to rebase all the things13:27
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added extra-index-url to pip optional settings
krotscheckQuestion. The wheel mirror slaves will need to be able to write to the AFS share. Should that be a thing that is an inherent thing for the wheel slave - i.e. the job just copies things into the directory and runs vos release - or is that a thing that should be part of the job, i.e. `scp to mirror_update` and then figure out how to run vos release remotely13:31
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freerunnerHi folks! Could you help me with review and merge this one , please?13:31
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make releasenotes use zuul cloner with requirements
krotscheckIf the former, I'm going to have to unwind slave.pp, because I don't think we want all of our slaves to be AFS enabled.13:31
krotscheckIf the latter, ssh command vos release makes me leery13:32
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hasharZara: storyboard email notification sounds like a nice feature to have :-}13:32
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hasharmordred: seems you were speaking of pypi mirror, someone complained a few hours ago about one of the mirror missing a package13:33
hasharmordred: do you have any status page for how up-to-date mirrors are?13:33
pavel_bondarI am observing that pypi mirror is out of sync, created story for that (not sure I reported it into right place):!/story/2000470 can someone take a look on it?13:34
hasharmordred: ah that was pavel_bondar :-} ^^13:34
pavel_bondarhashar: yeah, I still see at least one mirror out of sync13:34
hasharUbuntu has some nice status pages for the repositories mirror. Not random example
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krotscheckI think we all want a pretty status page. I don't think any of us have the time to build one, but you're welcome to submit patches.13:36
krotscheckAs for the out-of-date mirror, that's the HPE region, which is going away in... a week?13:37
krotscheckSO it might just be ok for us to go manually update that one package.13:37
krotscheckLastly: Soon there will be one mirror to rule them all.13:37
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27, py34 and pep8 jobs for performance-docs
Zarahashar: I agree! :) it should make it much easier to track things.13:40
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hasharZara: I myself wasn't tracking anything :-)  but then I only have a couple bugs floating around13:41
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pavel_bondarkrotscheck: updating single infoblox-client package in mirror would work for me, because right now absence of new infoblox-client causes jenkins failure for all new networking-infoblox patches13:42
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krotscheckpavel_bondar: It's only for nodes in that region though, yes?13:42
pavel_bondarkrotscheck: I don't know13:43
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pavel_bondarkrotscheck: where can I get full list of mirrors to check, if the are out of date?13:43
pavel_bondarI have found just two mirrors for now (listed in story), and one was out of date13:44
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krotscheckpavel_bondar: Sec, lemme find 'em for ya.13:44
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krotscheckpavel_bondar: The mirror entries you see below the pyp entries will be taking over the jobs, but they don't exist yet.13:45
alkhodos_Hi, everyone. I have a problem with my CI: it sends gerrit review command with results which can be seen in review comments, but for some reason the results don't appear in the CI section. Example of this can be found here: (NexentaCI)  Any idea what is the issue?13:46
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Zarahashar: heh, I've actually adjusted to using the dashboard recent events, myself! but emails should work better for people who aren't glued to storyboard all day, so I'm glad we're nearly there. :)13:47
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sdaguemordred: tripped over a zuul cloner issue with requirements changes. There is a work around here - that would be nice to land.13:48
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bgaifullinHi all. Folks please help. I has been created a new project in openstack namespace and I need help with adding me to core reviewers group.13:49
bgaifullinthe gerrit group is packetary-core13:50
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pavel_bondarkrotscheck: I have checked all starting with 'pypi.', only one of them is out of sync(, it mentioned in story. And look like not a pypi mirror, since it just redirects to
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krotscheckYeah, that one doesn't exist anymore13:52
* krotscheck should remove that.13:52
fungimordred: did you get a chance to look into why the constraints everywhere revert from yesterday didn't get applied when you were updating job configs on the jenkins masters?13:52
fungiif not, i'll start digging into it now13:53
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fungikrotscheck: dos still exist. that's the hpcloud pypi mirror (for another week anyway)13:58
fungier, does13:58
krotscheckfungi: Yeah - I was referring to pypi.openstack.org13:58
krotscheckAnd its entry in hiera13:58
fungiyeah, that was a vhost on static.o.o13:59
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Removed from hiera.yaml
fungiand we dropped it from the apache config there, so it's falling back to the default vhost which is itself now a redirect to apparently14:00
krotscheckfungi: ^^14:00
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krotscheckI need a +A on a 2x+2 ->
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fungimordred: at least the ceilometer-tarball job (as an example) seems to be reverted back to gerrit-git-prep in xml on all our masters now. i'll dig deeper on what failures jhesketh was encountering14:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add output of top to hostinfo
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fungihrm, jhesketh didn't link to specific evidence, just claimed the jobs didn't _seem_ to be updated (which my research contradicts), so i guess i'll just retry and see what happens14:07
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asselin_alkhodos_, seems you don't match the necessary regex. looks like you're missing "Build succeeded. "14:08
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sdaguefungi: requirements patches blocked until - lands14:10
fungisdague: i didn't realize the requirements tox jobs were still using zuul-cloner14:11
fungishouldn't that have stopped after we reverted your constraints-everywhere change got reverted?14:12
* fungi still isn't sentencing well. needs more coffee14:12
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mordredfungi: sentences are hard14:15
fungipavel_bondar: the mirror in question keeps filling up its root filesystem because one day of apache access logs for it is larger than that entire disk. i've cleaned it up enough for the mirror updates to start again for now14:15
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Point nodepool slaves at new pypi mirror location.
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elmikohi, it appears that our meetings have gotten out of sync with the ICS file at , is there a process for correcting this?14:18
krotscheckjeblair: As soon as you come online, the mirror_update and mirror.<region> patches landed.14:18
pavel_bondarfungi: Thanks!14:18
sdaguefungi: it got reverted?14:18
krotscheckThe next step is to provision nodes :)14:18
krotscheckfungi: Wow. That's.... a lot of logs.14:19
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fungisdague: i pinged you a few times while we were working through it14:19
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sdagueoh, well I was offline, didn't notice14:19
fungisdague: zuul-cloner is only safe for use in change pipelines. it completely broke the release jobs so we're still trying to fix that14:19
fungiended up with a bunch of stable point releases built from master branch tips14:20
sdagueso, I guess it's just taking a *long* time to propogate these changes out to nodes14:20
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elmikonvm, found it14:21
sdaguebecause I got a recheck passing this morning on the tox target that changed this14:21
sdagueand the requirements jobs are failing now14:21
fungisdague: yeah, that's what i'm trying to look into now, so we can rerun jobs to fix the broken release artifacts14:21
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fungiit looks to me like jobs did update14:21
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fungithough also that change altered something like 95% of our 8k jobs, so relying on automated updates of jenkins-job-builder doesn't work. needs manual babysitting because it takes hours14:22
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fungiand gets killed by exec safety timeouts or dies on transient jenkins api errors14:22
sdague just returned with test results14:23
sdaguepep8 passing on that means it's still the constraints version out there14:23
jheskethfungi: just doing a drop by, but the bottom of the screen sessions on the jenkins masters is what made me think that they didn't work14:23
jheskethfungi: that coupled with the release job still failing14:23
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krotscheckThe AFS mirrors effort has a few low-impact reviews, any takers? - 267751, 271307, 27055914:23
fungijhesketh: which release job did you try? ceilometer? it looks like teh ceilometer-tarball job xml on all the masters uses gerrit-git-prep again14:24
fungijhesketh: was about to try retriggering so i can have some evidence to look at14:24
jheskethyes, but I didn't look into why it failed14:24
jheskeththe first try it landed on jenkins02 which had a proxy error in the screen14:24
fungioh, if it was ceilometer then i should be able to find logs14:24
jheskeththe second time it was on different jenkins'14:24
fungiyeah, is still using zuul-cloner14:25
fungiran on jenkins0514:26
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fungihowever, last modified time on /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ceilometer-tarball/config.xml for jenkins05 was 12:16 utc14:27
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fungichecking to see when jenkins registered the actual diff. maybe it was applied after that ran (via puppet catching up?)14:27
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retire the Tuskar project
tonybSo can anyone explain why ran zuul-cloner?  I though that was fixed with merging ?14:28
tonybdid I misundersatnd something?14:28
fungitonyb: we're looking into it. the change which introduced that was reverted yesterday but doesn't seem to have propagated14:29
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fungior at least hasn't entirely14:29
tonybfungi: Ahh okay.14:29
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adjust api-wg meeting time to match reality
krotscheckClint: Thanks for those reviews :)14:30
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fungijhesketh: jenkins05 was updated at 11:15 utc to have the needed change to the ceilometer-tarball job, but the last job you triggered ran about 1.5 hours before that14:31
tonybfungi: can I ask for a ping when you guys have it fixed?  to save randomly rechecking?14:31
alkhodos_asselin_: thanks for your reply! Did something change lately to make it necessary ? Why I'm asking is my CI was running fine and today (or maybe yesterday) stopped posting. Anyway thanks, I will add that regex.14:31
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fungitonyb: sure, hopefully we'll have more people looking into it shortly14:31
tonybfungi: Thanks.14:31
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jheskethfungi: right, so perhaps it was after puppet did a thing, since I checked all the masters before running the job and they had finished in their screens14:32
asselin_alkhodos_, not that I'm aware of...that wiki page is under version control if you want to track any changes.14:32
fungijhesketh: oh yep, looking at mordred's old screen session on jenkins05, it did indeed not complete. it aborted on a jenkins api failure14:33
bgaifullinFolks, could anyone add to group packetary-core (,members)14:34
jheskethfungi: all the masters looked like that, but I couldn't tell from the output if it was just one job that failed to update or all jobs14:34
jhesketh(I chcked the code and it only raises the first exception)14:34
jheskethfungi: so I'm not sure what the standard puppet run does/did differently14:34
Clintkrotscheck: i like tiny patches14:34
jheskethprobably worth figuring out though14:34
fungijhesketh: so we're probably just incrementally rolling out the revert a little at a time as puppet runs a bit of it and then gets killed by another timeout14:34
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass timeout through to floating ip creation
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adjust api-wg meeting time to match reality
dmsimardHi, question about Governance. It was my understanding that was a good reference. I do not see aodh, ceilometer or gnocchi in there but I was told they are in governance regardless. Am I not looking at the right place ?14:35
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dmsimardOh, man, they are under telemetry14:36
* dmsimard sighs14:36
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fungidmsimard: yes, the ceilometer team changed its name to telemetry recently14:36
krotscheckelmiko: Oooh, yeah, I need to start showing to those meetings .14:36
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elmikokrotscheck: \o/14:37
elmikokrotscheck: really appreciated your comments on the pagination review, thanks!14:37
dmsimardfungi: *nods* I knew that but I sort of expected all three projects to be at the "top" level like all the others14:37
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krotscheckelmiko: You're welcome! It kinda felt like rehashing a can of worms though.14:37
elmikokrotscheck: yea... cdent and i agreed that we need pay more attention to end-users who may be consuming these APIs to create UIs14:38
pavel_bondarfungi: infoblox-client is synced to that mirror, so my jenkins jobs are passing again. Thanks a lot!14:39
krotscheckelmiko: well, I'm trying to convince piet to appoint me API-WG x-project liason for the ux program.14:39
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krotscheckelmiko: And by "Trying to convince" I really mean "this is the first time I had this idea"14:39
elmikokrotscheck: haha, sweet!14:39
alkhodos_asselin_: I tried with "Build suceeded. " - still doesn't go through... And another thing is the same command works fine on sandbox.14:40
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pietHeard my  name...14:40
asselin_alkhodos_, link to working and not working please14:40
fungidmsimard: yeah, "project" in the governance sense is short for "project team" and usually has multiple deliverables maintained by that team14:40
pietkrotscheck can we chat later?14:40
alkhodos_ - not working. - working sandbox14:41
krotscheckpiet: Yep14:41
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krotscheckpiet: Before noon PST, that's when I shift into daycare mode.14:42
pietkrotscheck  no problem.  I just need to get tabs for my truck this morning.  Wish me luck...14:42
krotscheckpiet: Go forth and battle with the DMV14:43
asselin_alkhodos_, for you need to post on patch set 8, the latest patch14:45
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alkhodos_asselin_: so whenever there is a new patchset, the previous one cannot be reviewed anymore? Didn't know that.14:46
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asselin_alkhodos_, they can be reviewed. just that they don't show up in the table at the top. You can see them by scrolling to the bottom of the page and hit the 'toggle ci' button.14:47
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alkhodos_asselin_: oh, ok thank you!14:47
fungijhesketh: mordred: updates on all the jenkins masters except jenkins.o.o and jenkins01 did not complete successfully and crashed out at various places (so 02-07). i've restarted them all in the existing screen sessions14:48
fungii've got them all open in terminals and will keep tabs on them14:48
dmsimardI am trying to leverage a generic approach to recovering service and diagnostic logs for CI jobs and I understand this might warrant a spec. If you have a few minutes, could you provide your feedback on ? (See for a wider context )14:49
fungihopefully we'll have this revert propagated in the next few hours14:49
dmsimardAJaeger: ^14:49
vponomaryovGuys, there is some diff between "rax" nodes and all other, package "kpartx" is not available on "all other". Observed by results in and
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krotscheckCurrent AFS-mirror patches open (all ready, WIP'd to prevent accidental merging)
fungivponomaryov: this does not surprise me--they're built in slightly different ways in rackspace (at least the devstack images)14:50
fungivponomaryov: we're trying to work through issues using glance in rackspace so that we can upload the same images there we use in all our other providers14:51
vponomaryovfungi: but rax is the one that works14:51
vponomaryovfungi: all other fails14:51
fungivponomaryov: is kpartx used in some job? if so, we need to make sure it gets installed. it's probably preinstalled by rackspace and we use their base images because, as i said, problems with using their glance still14:52
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vponomaryovfungi: it is dependency of other deps14:53
vponomaryovfungi: not direct14:53
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fungivponomaryov: i'm guessing whatever change merged to start depending on that package happened to run on rackspace nodes and so snuck through? how long has it been in use?14:53
vponomaryovfungi: day or two14:53
vponomaryovfungi: correct date will be able to provide a little bit later14:54
fungivponomaryov: what jobs are you seeing this hit?14:54
vponomaryovfungi: "gate-manila-buildimage-generic"14:54
vponomaryovfungi: used by "manila-image-elements" project14:54
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add release note for new get_object() API call
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fungivponomaryov: looks like you're using dib elements for that. for reusability you should probably add that dependency explicitly? maybe in elements/manila-ubuntu-core/package-installs.yaml14:58
fungivponomaryov: you say it's an indirect dependency--what's actually using it in the job?14:58
vponomaryovfungi: hard to say, first guess was "sphinx"-deps, but then got know it is not14:59
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fungiideally whatever uses it should declare appropriate dependencies and make sure they're installed14:59
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fungionce we get our glance issues in rackspace sorted out, kpartx won't be preinstalled there either15:00
vponomaryovfungi: ok, I'll what I can do about "dib elements"15:00
vponomaryovfungi: thank you15:00
vponomaryovs/I'll/I'll see/15:00
fungiso it was just an unlucky break that you ended up growing an unstated dependency on a package one of our service providers thought was neat to include on their custom images15:00
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gordchi, was wondering does anyone know why oslo part works but not client part in the following:
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gordcfor reference it complains for client gate but doesn't in oslo gate.15:04
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Changes odd-weeks doc team meeting to 2000 Wednesday
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AJaegerdmsimard: top-level is projects, repos are one level lower15:14
* dmsimard nods15:15
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Davieyfungi, mordred, jhesketh: Any news on that revert?  Still missing 3 tarballs15:18
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for command line job names
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for periodic jobs
mordredDaviey: it's still running15:19
Davieymordred: do we have an eta?15:19
Davieymordred: i'm blocked on pushing out this point release atm.15:20
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markus_zsdague: IIUC this was only a temporary workaround for our gates, wasn't it?
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sdaguemarkus_z: maybe, however fc21 is no longer supported, so it could be deleted15:22
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markus_zsdague: ok, cool, I double-check with the author and push a change, thanks!15:22
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sdaguefungi: any idea how the propogation of the constraints revert is going/15:23
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markus_zafazekas: Do you see a reason to keep the rpm introduced in ?15:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: add the ability to get an object back from swift
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AJaegerfungi: zuul-git-branch-prep-upper-constraints is using zuul-cloner and thus should not run in the post pipeline, correcT? (on sdague's change )15:29
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AJaegerfungi: found it, no need to answer ;)15:30
sdake_hey folks15:30
sdake_i am tagging for erlease kolla on my mac15:30
sdake_i get this error:15:30
sdake_fatal: 'gerrit' does not appear to be a git repository15:30
sdake_nm i just figured it out :)15:31
AJaegerthanks, sdake_ for helping sdake_ !15:31
sdake_fwiw, git review -s is needed before pushing tags ;)15:31
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AJaegergordc: still around for your questoin?15:32
AJaegergordc: see and read the comment you referenced - you need to add to PROJECTS, don't you?15:34
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Revert "Use pip 7 for ironic"
gordcAJaeger: yeah, i just saw. i was trying to figure out what oslo.messaing didn't need it but i realised something else is adding it15:34
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gordcAJaeger: thanks for following up... patch is ^15:35
fungiDaviey: sdague: AJaeger: yep, the revert rollout is still in the process of being applied to the jenkins masters which didn't get it last night, hasn't crashed on any of them yet. once i get a majority of them updated i'll put the other masters in prepare for shutdown so they won't run new jobs while i continue to hammer on them15:35
fungiusually takes between 60-90 minutes to complete _if_ it doesn't hit an api error and need to be resumed15:36
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smcginnisfungi: Is that 60-90 minutes per jenkins master?15:38
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mordredsmcginnis: it's in parallel15:40
smcginnismordred: OK, good. ;)15:40
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fungi02 just hit a 502 so it's not going to complete successfully and will need to be resumed in a bit15:42
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fungibut 02 is usually the really problematic one anyway. it may be best for me to go ahead and take it out of the pool now for the sake of expediency15:43
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fungiinfra-root: i've put jenkins02 into prepare for shutdown and will cull any ready nodes for it in nodepool15:44
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
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sdaguefungi: so, my initial constraints patch that only did pep8 / unit tests jobs would have been the better one?15:50
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AJaegergordc: we normally use export PROJECTS="openstack/{name} $PROJECTS" - could you use that? See my comment on your first chnage15:50
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fungisdague: finishing zuul-cloner so it has feature parity with (to be usable in changeless pipelines) would be better still. jesusaurus has already volunteered to look into that, but i'm sure he wouldn't reject help15:52
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sdaguewell, that's beyond the number of contexts I can add right now15:52
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
gordcAJaeger: yep. just read it. updated :) ^15:52
fungisdague: i completely understand, and sympathize15:52
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fungisdague: all in all i think we want to un-revert your patch, we just discovered something we already knew but should have remembered we hadn't implemented yet15:53
sdagueok, well, I guess the question is whether we can do a lesser version of it for only the jobs we know works15:53
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove nova constraints named jobs
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AJaegersdague: and then wehther we should do it in steps so that fungi does not need to update jenkins manually since it touches 7000 jobs...15:54
sdagueAJaeger: sure15:54
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fungiwell, or just plan to actually be around to babysit the job update so we get it rolled out in a timely fashion15:54
sdagueI guess I'll leave it for now, as it's a friday, and I'm not going to be around next week much with the nova midcycle15:55
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AJaegersdague: do you want to unblock gordc and review, please?15:57
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AJaegerfungi, so any job that runs in periodic or post pipeline using constraints is broken now, correct?15:59
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fungiAJaeger: any job that runs in periodic, post, release, pre-release or tag (at a minimum) are probably making broken assumptions if they're relying on zuul-cloner16:00
sdagueAJaeger: though that whole job is kind of wrong16:00
sdaguebecause it links oslo.messaging to other jobs16:00
sdagueeven though it won't do the right things16:00
AJaegersdague: could you explain gordc and myself, please?16:01
fungiif you're asking about docs jobs, for example, if a docs job was triggered in post by a merge to stable/liberty it will quite possibly end up with zuul-cloner generating and uploading docs for master as if they were stable/liberty instead16:01
gordcsdague: i believe the reason for adding that job to oslo.messaging was because the oslo team wanted a way to verify their releases before they sent it to pypi.16:02
AJaegerfungi, just reviewing layout.yaml, we have {name}-branch-tarball-constraints as post, we have {name}-docs-constraints as post and release, we have a template periodic-liberty-constraints,...16:02
gordcthey had a few broken releases and ceilometer is always the first place to catch them.16:02
fungiAJaeger: yeah, whatever changes added those jobs were likely premature16:02
AJaegerwe have {name}-tarball-constraints, ...16:03
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fungiAJaeger: hopefully nothing is running those on anything other than master (in which case they may mostly work as expected)16:03
sdaguegordc: that's fine, ithas to be a different job16:03
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Move summarize_task_statuses into wmodels.Story
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Resolve Board and Worklist contents on the server-side
AJaegerfungi, they are run on liberty as well16:03
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sdaguegordc: all of "$ZUUL_PROJECT" == "openstack/python-ceilometerclient" ]; then are incorrect16:04
fungiAJaeger: in that case, have a look at one of the logs if you can track one down, and see whether it ended up running with stable/liberty or master refs16:04
sdaguelibs from git can't be conditional, otherwise you end up with some very weird change queues16:05
fungiAJaeger: or i might be able to help you find a log for one of those for a recent liberty change in a bit16:05
sdaguewhich are basically meaningless16:05
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jeblairkrotscheck, pavel_bondar: we actually have our list of pypi mirrors documented!
krotscheckjeblair: Neat!16:06
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krotscheckjeblair: Good morning!16:06
krotscheckjeblair: I made the merging happen16:06
krotscheckjeblair: There are things for you to look at :)
gordcsdague: the idea is to just test git if it's in that's projects gate... from ceiomter/aodh/gnocchi pov, they are ok with using pip in their gate.16:06
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AJaegerfungi: I have a log and don't like what I see ;(16:07
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AJaegerwait, wrong log...16:07
fungiAJaeger: yep, we should rip those out16:07
AJaegerlet's try again...16:07
fungiswitch them back to their non-constraints versions if they're checking out master for stable/liberty changes16:07
jeblairkrotscheck: awesome!  i just finished reading scrollback, and then need to do whatever it is i do instead of drinking coffee, then i will be ready to finish this!16:07
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krotscheckjeblair: Wait. There are things instead of coffee and mirrors?16:08
* krotscheck doesn't understand16:08
fungijeblair: have some liquid which is almost but not quite entirely unlike tea?16:08
AJaegerfungi, looks fine, git os-job did the wrong thing for me16:08
AJaegerfungi, I see ":Prepared openstack/neutron repo with branch stable/liberty at commit 65bd02b4a5325e3eaefef61e20160aa15f963d6c"16:08
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AJaegerand that's the proper hash of neutron liberty16:08
jeblairfungi: like really weak tea.  really really weak.  sort of homeopathic tea.16:09
sdaguegordc: right, but a common job name means they are all linked16:09
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sdaguezuul assumes that a job name means everything is tested exactly the same way every time for all things in that job16:09
sdaguethat's actually a fundamental construct16:09
sdaguedoing conditional logic inside a job name based on ZUUL_PROJECT breaks that16:10
AJaegerfungi, so that post job looks fine...16:10
gordcsdague: is the suggestion to either remove conditionals and always test from git (if shared)? or create 3 different similar copies?16:10
fungigrr... jenkins03 hit a 502 proxy error now, so it'll fail out and need resuming soon as well16:10
sdaguegordc: 3 different jobs16:10
sdaguethis is why we have the src jobs16:10
sdaguefor oslo libraries16:11
openstackgerritAlexander Maretskiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add timestamps to gate-rally-dsvm-cli output
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dmsimardAJaeger: so is $PROJECTS a variable that is exposed by defaults in jobs ?16:11
gordcsdague: you have an example of src jobs?16:11
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AJaegerdmsimard: really depends on the jobs...16:12
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AJaegerdmsimard: argh, the copy-logs script uses PROJECTS differently than I expected ;(16:13
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for keystonemiddleware 4.0.0 / gnocchi bug 1522014
openstackbug 1522014 in Gnocchi "keystonemiddleware 4.0.0 breaks gnocchi gate" [Critical,Fix committed]
gordcsdague: ack16:13
dmsimardAJaeger: :/16:13
gtmanfredShrews: there was the fix to the list roles for v216:14
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove nova constraints named jobs
sdagueAJaeger: updated16:15
dmsimardAJaeger: I will sleep on things as is and give this some thought over the weekend - don't want to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. I need packstack jobs and I don't want to duplicate the copy-puppet-logs script (modulo ~10 lines), I'm all for a spec for improving things in general at a later time16:15
dmsimardAJaeger: I just want this to land asap in mitaka cycle16:15
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Shrewsgtmanfred: saw it. haven't had a chance to go back and re-review yet16:15
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AJaegerdmsimard: I understand but I'm investigating other stuff right now.16:16
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gtmanfredkk :)16:16
AJaegerdmsimard: why don't you make some simple changes as a first step - refactoring the script with exact same functionality.16:16
AJaegerAnd then we can go from there in smaller steps.16:16
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dmsimardAJaeger: not asking you anything, you've helped a lot already. Just saying I will give this some more thought to see what is the best approach16:17
AJaegerdmsimard: once the problems with our CI our solved, somebody else might be able to discuss the best way forward...16:17
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks16:17
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* dmsimard feels AJaeger doesn't get enough credit for rocking stackalytics16:17
AJaegerdmsimard: just numbers ;)16:18
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Archive all of the delorean logs
AJaegerfungi, the periodic constraints job looks fine as well "Prepared openstack/neutron repo with commit ba9485d2cceb993c1cc955144366817f229f0036" - and that's on liberty16:19
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fungiAJaeger: so it's possible that the main issue is exhibited on tags (where we see it try to do --branch=refs/tags/2015.1.3 and fall back on master when it fails to find that ref)16:21
AJaegerfungi, so that leaves the tarball jobs broken, the rest looks fine... see
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AJaegerfungi, let me change the tarball jobs for now since those are for sure broken...16:22
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fungiAJaeger: that job you just linked was for a master branch commit, not stable/liberty16:23
fungisays "BRANCH=master" there16:23
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AJaegerfungi: indeed - and uses liberty in the name.16:25
* AJaeger is confused16:25
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AJaegerfungi, sorry, I'm confused and can't think straight on this anymore. I don't know why and where it fails exactly...16:27
fungiAJaeger: is the log for the latest stable/liberty branch tip16:27
fungiand it does indeed appear that z-c checks out 65bd02b4a5325e3eaefef61e20160aa15f963d6c as it should16:27
AJaegerand 65bd02b4a5325e3eaefef61e20160aa15f963d6c is the tip and zuul-cloner checks it out as it should16:27
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fungiINFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/neutron repo with branch stable/liberty at commit 65bd02b4a5325e3eaefef61e20160aa15f963d6c16:27
AJaegerargh - fungi types faster than me ;)16:28
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AJaegerso, is the release pipeline the problem?16:28
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fungiAJaeger: if i were typing in german, i'm sure you'd beat my typing speed easily16:28
fungiAJaeger: yes, so far the two problems i've observed: 1. dhellmann's release notes job which is supposed to checkout master even when the change is for another branch didn't work as intended with zuul-cloner and ended up falling back to the on-disk cached master branch state rather than latest remote; 2. jobs trying to pass a tag to zuul-cloner --branch end up not finding the tag ref (possibly because16:31
fungiit really expects a branch?) and using master instead16:31
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AJaegerI see16:33
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openstackgerritRajini Ram proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Updated gearman default port information
AJaegerbut can't think straight to figure out where these conditios are met ;(16:34
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AJaeger{name}-docs-constraints' in the release pipeline is one candidate16:35
AJaegerand '{name}-tarball-constraints' is also in release16:35
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fungipart of the complication on the release notes job is i think that zuul-cloner is using a zuul merger worker as the remote, and that worker may not have checked out latest master branch tip of the repo in question since the ref triggering the job was for another branch16:36
AJaegerfungi: sorry, no patch coming from me for this...16:36
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AJaegerso, it might work by accident but not by design?16:37
fungiAJaeger: yeah, no worries. it's just useful to have a sounding board to help me think through the issues we're seeing and might see16:37
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openstackgerritRajini Ram proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Updated gearman default port information
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AJaegerhappy to listen and comment16:38
anteayaThelo: thanks for asking, if the operational status of your third party ci changes you need to update your system entry on this page: follow the instructions at the bottom of the page, as well as your system status on your indivdual system page16:38
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anteayaThelo: you don't need to announce your system status anywhere else, there are too many systems for that to be practical16:39
AJaegermorning, anteaya. Could you review my third keystone linters change some time today, please?
anteayawhen I'm finished the other bits on my list, sure16:41
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retire the Tuskar project
fungiinfra-root: the resumed jjb updates on jenkins02-07 are running in screen sessions under mordred's account but taking a good deal longer than usual. i've been watching and resuming (restarting) them if they end in a traceback, but i need to step out to do some lunchtime errands if someone else could keep tabs on them until i return16:41
fungi02 is going much, much, much faster than the others now that it's been in prepare for shutdown for a while16:42
AJaegeranteaya: sure, thanks16:42
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anteayafungi: enjoy lunch16:45
anteayaAJaeger: thank you16:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for keystonemiddleware 4.0.0 / gnocchi bug 1522014
openstackbug 1522014 in Gnocchi "keystonemiddleware 4.0.0 breaks gnocchi gate" [Critical,Fix committed]
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fungiokay, heading out to lunch now, back in an hour or so16:47
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
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gordcsdague: i'm not entirely sure what DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT does but ^16:51
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zeihAJaeger: are you around?16:54
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zeihhi, I have a question to an merged commit16:54
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zeihto project-config16:55
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nibalizermordred: krotscheck yes there was a mis-named file in the hiera git repo16:56
nibalizerthat repo doesn't go through gerrit16:56
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krotschecknibalizer: OK, has that been fixed?17:00
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nibalizerI think so17:01
nibalizeryes it has17:02
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anteayaalkhodos_: regarding your question: what do you mean by the CI section? I see Nexenta CI commented on patchset 7, the comment includes logs and is listed as a reviewer. What else are you expecting?17:02
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krotschecknibalizer: Cool, thanks!17:03
amaretskiyhi all17:03
krotschecknibalizer: Also, there's a review I for hiera things that you might be interested in :
amaretskiyi noticed a frequent error "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref" that sometimes eats a lot of job's time17:04
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anteayamorning zaro17:04
amaretskiycan someone discuss this error with me?17:04
alkhodos_anteaya: I meant the section above comments, where all CI results are combined, but asselin_ already answered to that question17:05
nibalizerkrotscheck: thanks17:06
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openstackgerritDaniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: include keystonev2 role assignments
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asselinamaretskiy, those are expected....the script attempts to find a ref in zuul, it doesn't find it, and tries the next place to look17:07
anteayaalkhodos_: wonderful17:07
amaretskiy asselin: even if this expected, it takes a lot of time periodically17:08
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amaretskiyasselin: from 1 seconds to 10 minutes (even more) on sam ejob17:08
nibalizerasselin: pabelanger
amaretskiyasselin: please look at a small tool i made for this
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amaretskiyasselin:    604 seconds!!!!17:09
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amaretskiyasselin: these 604 seconds can cause job failed by timeout17:09
amaretskiyasselin: is this normal?17:09
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Wrap long words in the "Items to add" table
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asselinamaretskiy, any suggestiong to improve it?17:10
clarkbIO is expensive yes. this is why I have been working yo rrduce the projects list to a smaller set17:11
clarkb*to reduce17:11
clarkbwe dont need every project configured from source on every job17:11
amaretskiyasselin: no actual suggestions right now but I can potentially dig into this and maybe I can propose some updates17:12
amaretskiyasselin: just want to discuss this, is thois a topic to improve or a confirmed issue17:12
asselinamaretskiy, clarkb's comments pertain to you question fyi ^^17:12
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asselinamaretskiy, I think it's worth to improve. Honestly it would be nice to somehow do these in parallel.17:13
amaretskiyclarkb: but same job loses 1 second one time and 10 minutes next time17:13
krotscheckclarkb, fungi: We've got a few reasonably low-overhead patches for the afs-mirror effort, could one of you take a look? 270966 - 271307 - 27055917:13
clarkbamaretskiy: it is a function of how busy the servers are17:14
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amaretskiyasselin: okay, I will try to research this, maybe I can propose smth17:14
asselinamaretskiy, where do you see 10 minutes? I see 604 that the total?17:14
amaretskiyyes, total 604 sec17:14
amaretskiy10 min 4 sec17:14
asselinok but no individual one takes that long17:14
asselinwhat's the max individual one?17:15
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amaretskiy asselin: total is a sum of all stuck timeouts within the log, some of these timeouts took 1 sec, some several minutes17:17
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amaretskiyasselin: look at  - here are parsed errors17:17
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clarkband the repos involved, repos with more changes are probably slower. neutron nova etc17:18
amaretskiyasselin: the max individual that I saw was about 8 minutes17:18
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asselinamaretskiy, I was hoping your script would do the math: min, max, avg, etc17:18
clarkbits possible mergers need ref pruning17:19
amaretskiyasselin: this math is not a problem :)17:19
amaretskiyasselin: if this will help17:19
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AndreiBhi guys, i have a few questions about zuul and the new connections concept recently added17:19
asselinamaretskiy, I think it would. in fact I think it would be nice to include those numbers as part of the job itself.....a bit of self-profiling17:20
amaretskiyasselin: good idea17:20
amaretskiyasselin: I will improve my tool soon17:20
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set PS4 to provide additional debug info
amaretskiyasselin: okay, I believe we will return to this question soon :)17:21
anteayawomen work on openstack as well, not just guys17:21
AndreiBoh, sorry was not my intention to offend :)17:22
AndreiBcan`t seem to figure out a way to separate each project on it`s own account on one zuul server17:23
greghaynesjhesketh: did you figure anything else out about the uploads not happening?17:24
greghaynesclarkb: last night it kind of sounded like the same disconnect issue happened with nodepool but couldn't confirm17:25
clarkbgreghaynes: ok we should check geard server log17:25
clarkbI wonder if it is due to the bw used by upload17:26
clarkbsince it is fine during build17:26
openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack/requirements: Removes posix-ipc from global-requirements
greghaynesclarkb: This sounded like no uploads happened. If it did happen again I suspect it is a bug in geard/client when send/recv buffers fill17:26
greghaynesclarkb: but should confirm first17:26
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krotscheckAndreiB, anteaya: I usually just refer to all of us as 'muppets'.17:28
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krotscheckIt makes for way better dance numbers.17:28
* krotscheck does a softshoe across the stage.17:28
jprasselin, carkb: any hints on where the job record is stored for nodepool/zuul/gearman.   I have a disk-image-build that looks like it's stale/broken but can't find a place where I can manually clear it out.17:28
anteayakrotscheck: I like muppets17:28
anteayasweetums is my favourite17:28
krotscheckHe really is adorable.17:29
* krotscheck is a fan of Dr. Teeth17:29
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krotscheckAnd the Swedish Chef, but mostly because I'm jealous of his healthcare system.17:29
jeblairkrotscheck: hi i'm back17:30
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anteayaagreed Swedish Chef is awesome17:30
anteayajeblair: welcome back17:30
krotscheckjeblair: hiya!17:31
jeblairkrotscheck: regarding the wheel builders...17:31
anteayaAndreiB: what are you doing? what are you seeing? and what are you expecting to see?17:31
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AndreiBwell we`re trying to setup different accounts one for each of our projects17:32
krotscheckjeblair: Yep?17:32
jeblairkrotscheck: i think we probably can't trust them to hold the afs admin key needed to vos release... but we _could_ trust them enough to let them write to their own particular volume...17:32
anteayaAndreiB: gerrit accounts?17:33
jeblairkrotscheck: so maybe we should plan on making them afs clients17:33
krotscheckOk, so a volume per wheel mirror volume? That seems a little heavy in the maint whenever a new node comes up.17:33
AndreiBanteaya, yes17:33
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jeblairkrotscheck: well, i think the unit of mirroring with wheel mirrors is actuall the wheel architecture... so yeah.17:33
AndreiBthere does not seem to be a way to specify the connection name for projects in layout file17:33
anteayaAndreiB: and you are folloiwng this page closely?
jeblairkrotscheck: but that won't happen that often... like once every 6 months probably :)17:34
jeblairat the most17:34
krotscheckjeblair: True.17:34
krotscheckjeblair: Right, so that's something I'll dig into monday morning. At the moment, we're about ready to start building the regular pypi nodes :)17:34
AndreiBanteaya: we are already running CIs for a few projects, currently each with it`s own zuul17:34
jeblairkrotscheck: then i'm thinking we need to write a quick job queue system (hi gearman!) to have a central server (maybe mirror_update.o.o) do vos releases17:34
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AndreiBanteaya: was just wondering if it`s possible to use a single zuul for all of them, now that zuul supports multiple gerrit accounts17:35
anteayaAndreiB: that is the typical way that I know of to do it, one zuul per gerrit account17:35
krotscheckI'm thinking: Let's get the AFS infrastructure up frist, and then layer on the wheels.17:35
krotscheckjeblair: Hrm. I can see that.17:35
anteayadoes zuul support multiple gerrit accounts?17:35
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jeblairkrotscheck: so basically the wheel mirror builder does: zuul tells jenkins to tell it to build some wheels; it writes the output into afs directly; it submits a job to vos release; some other host performs the vos release17:36
AndreiBanteaya, yes ->
krotscheckjeblair: So walk me through this- Wheel slave builds a wheel, then publishes it to its own /afs/, and then notifies mirror_update to do a vos release?17:36
jeblairkrotscheck: (i agree about the ordering -- just want to finish working through this mentally)17:36
jeblairkrotscheck: where is the WIP wheel mirror job patch?17:37
jeblairkrotscheck: re sequence ^: yes17:37
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krotscheckjeblair: I think is the pertinent file.17:37
jeblairkrotscheck: oh hey we don't need another job queuing system we have one :)17:38
krotscheckSo, the distribute-wheel-mirror job builds an AFS-style folder structure from the flat wheel directory.17:38
krotscheckAnd then it rsyncs that.17:38
jeblairkrotscheck: we can make put the afs admin key on a trusted jenkins slave and have a vos release jenkins job17:38
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jeblairand run that job after the wheel build jobs17:39
krotscheckjeblair: Wait, don't we have a trusted slave already? ;)17:39
jeblairkrotscheck: i think we do!17:39
krotscheckjeblair: What a coincidence!17:39
jeblairit's amazing17:39
anteayaAndreiB: I believe the the zuul connections feature is actually suspected of causing a zuul bug, I don't know as the feature has been reverted17:39
anteayaAndreiB: but I believe that is the conversation around it17:39
krotscheckjeblair: And it's almost like I _just_ did a job queue dependency thing with some kind of other publishing mechanism, so I know exactly how to make it work.17:39
* krotscheck forgets the name. Edge? Graph? Node-something?"17:40
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anteayaAndreiB: however as far as documentation of the feature I believe this commit added it:
krotscheckOk, so that job that I pointed you at, I can collapse the script into one call - build the wheels, then rsync them to AFS17:40
jeblairkrotscheck: cool -- so yeah, that's probably a plan for next week; on to actually doing things now17:40
jeblairkrotscheck: ++17:41
krotscheckAnd, frankly, I don't really need to rsync, just build the destination path and do a thing if the file isn't there.17:41
anteayaAndreiB: and I believe this is where it is published:
jeblairmordred: give this plan a once over when you get a sec ^; no rush17:41
krotscheckOr something17:41
krotscheckjeblair: My current work list
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krotscheckjeblair: But getting cores to review those has so far not been successful :/17:42
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jeblairkrotscheck: looks like 975 and 307 are the most immediate ones17:43
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krotscheckjeblair: 307 is blocked on 966 I think17:44
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
krotscheckjeblair: Given that the mirror puppet manifests landed, can you bprovision the actual servers now?17:45
jeblairkrotscheck: yeah, i'm going to review these 2 then do that17:45
AndreiBanteaya, yes, i looked through all that already, still did not find a way to specify the connection for each project, looks like it`s meant to be used at pipelines17:46
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jeblairfungi, mordred: and parent have a +2 from me17:46
jeblairkrotscheck: no servers have been spun up yet, right?17:46
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krotscheckjeblair: Not that I'm aware of.17:47
anteayasorry to interrupt, infra-root, zuul used memory is very very high right now:
krotscheckI think everyone was deferring to your authority17:47
jeblairanteaya: it would be really good to restart it now.17:47
jeblairinfra-root: i am going to restart zuul17:48
nibalizerjeblair: ok17:48
nibalizerI'm not in a good spot to restart zuul rn17:48
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jeblair#status notice Restarting zuul due to a memory leak17:49
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice17:49
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting zuul due to a memory leak17:50
jeblairokay, that's done and things are re-enqueuing17:51
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anteayathank you17:51
clarkbis it a leak or just high overhead for backed up gate? I guess we will know soon enough17:51
jeblairanteaya: thank you17:51
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jeblairclarkb: did you look at the graph?17:51
anteayaglad to be useful17:51
clarkbjeblair: no havent had a chance17:51
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice17:52
jeblairclarkb: this one is telling
anteayaalso when an infra-root has a chance to peek at java melody it might be suggested17:52
anteayadoesn't have to be jeblair17:52
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anteayagerrit cpu usage:
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jeblairclarkb: zuul spent a year using 2G of ram, then suddenly in december it starts a 45 degree climb to 30G.17:53
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AndreiBanteaya, thanks for your input, sent a message to jhesketh (who added connections to zuul)17:53
jeblairclarkb: i'm fairly certain there's a memory leak introduced by something we merged in the november/december timeframe17:54
anteayaAndreiB: yes that was going to be my suggestion, after we addressed the zuul memory leak in production17:54
jeblairclarkb: which is why i sent that message to -infra.  but no one has responded.17:54
jeblairso i guess no one runs zuul17:54
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krotscheckWork tracking?17:56
jeblairkrotscheck: have the list of hosts handy?17:56
greghayneshrm, that last part of the graph looks like we hit the leak suddenly17:56
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krotscheckjeblair: yep, just a sec17:57
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krotscheckjeblair: In the etherpad17:57
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, big leak here:
jeblairgreghaynes: then a little leak here:
clarkbI should check if yappi grabs memory details17:57
clarkbbut we may be able to use it to help diagnose17:57
jeblairgreghaynes: then another big leak here:
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greghaynesYa, and it was pretty slow before that last one...17:58
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jeblairyeah, it's probably not a continuous one, it's probably triggered by something specific17:59
jeblairwhich will make it extra fun to track down.17:59
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pabelangerjeblair: mordred: clarkb: have you seen this shade error before?
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mordredpabelanger: looking18:00
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Shrewspabelanger: that looks like something we fixed either in shade or occ a while back... or at least similar18:01
mordredpabelanger: what versoins of os-client-config and shade do you have?18:01
clarkblooks like yappi doesn't do memory profiling18:01
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clarkbor at least we don't use it that way? probably worth digging more than my quick check18:01
pabelangerpython2-shade.noarch                 1.4.0-3.fc24                  @fedora18:02
pabelangerpython2-os-client-config.noarch      1.7.4-3.fc24                  @fedora18:02
pabelangermordred: Shrews ^18:02
pabelangerYa, pretty old18:02
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pabelangerlet me bump client-config18:02
pabelangerYa, I don't have caps setup properly18:03
pabelangerfixing now18:03
jeblairclarkb, mordred, krotscheck: we have 4G machines for mirrors now and cpu/ram/net are barely used; i'm thinking of 2G.  the only thing we'll lose is some io cache.
krotscheckI feel like overall, we'll actually use _less_ disk net.18:04
jeblairclarkb, mordred, krotscheck: but maybe a 4G or 8G machine for mirror_update?18:05
clarkbjeblair: at least in rackspace the network bandwidth scales with the flavor too18:05
clarkbjeblair: so that may be another consideration to look at18:05
clarkblooking at the eth0 graph it is less network io than I expected18:05
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but we're using <16mbit and even a 2G is 400mbit18:05
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jeblairwe do want a big afs disk cache though18:06
jeblairhow big do we want that to be?18:06
jeblair(ie, what's our guess for our working set for mirrors?)18:06
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clarkbjust pypi is in the 200GB range iirc18:07
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jeblairclarkb: we don't use all of pypi though18:07
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch fuel-library 3.8 to nonvoting
clarkbright its a subset, but that is an upper bound18:07
clarkbjeblair: and plan is to put gems/npm/ubuntu/fedora/centos on here too?18:08
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jeblairclarkb: yep18:08
clarkbgems is about the same size as pypi last I saw but again we only use a subset18:08
jeblairgreghaynes, krotscheck: have you built a wheel mirror from requirements recently?18:08
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jeblairthat's pretty close to our working set -- how big was that?18:08
krotscheckjeblair: no, but I can.18:10
* krotscheck thinks the last time he built it was 2 weeks ago? No idea if it'll still build things.18:10
jeblairkrotscheck: do you still have the output?18:10
jeblairkrotscheck: i'm just sort of looking for order of magnitude :)18:10
krotscheckjeblair: nope.18:10
jeblairah well, np18:11
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krotscheckWait, maybe18:11
jeblairi'm kind of thinking that we want at least 50G and maybe larger if we end up with the other mirrors18:11
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jeblairthat makes ephemeral disk on rax impractical, so we may want to go with 2G machines and some cinder.18:11
krotscheckMine didn't actually complete, because there are things not supported on Darwin18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: I do not see any tracebacks in the gearman server log18:12
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clarkbgreghaynes: so now to check hte nodepool side18:12
krotscheckjeblair: I believe the node archive recommends 400+GB, 1TB for longevity?18:12
krotscheckFor a full mirror18:12
jeblairyeah, but i'm just trying to size the afs cache18:12
jeblairwhich will be hit and miss until we actually see it in action18:13
clarkbwe have 5 dib images built, now to check their uploads18:13
jeblairso i'll just start with 2GB ram node and 100GB cinder volume on rax18:13
jeblairkrotscheck: is that list of hosts from your patch?  if so, there may be a typo in it18:14
jeblairkrotscheck: note 'rax' vs 'rackspace'18:14
clarkbgreghaynes: no images in the snapshot table are building but a quick skim doesn't show any recent dib uploaded images18:14
krotscheckjeblair: Yes.18:14
* krotscheck will update that18:14
jeblairkrotscheck: confirmed the value will be rax18:15
krotscheck....neeevermind then18:15
clarkbI do not see any upload jobs in the log18:15
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clarkbjust jobs for building18:15
krotscheckWait, no18:15
jeblairkrotscheck: well, dfw said 'rackspace'18:15
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clarkbthat sort of makes sense since it was just the dib images on disk that were missing18:15
krotscheckhave to update dfw18:15
jeblairkrotscheck: right18:16
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clarkbhowever at ~1400utc today we should've had uploads happen18:16
krotscheckjeblair: Can you perhaps add a +2A to mordred's so I don't have to rebase again later?18:16
jeblairclarkb: should have before then too for the builds i started yesterday18:16
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clarkbjeblair: but those builds were just dib images right? not uploads?18:17
clarkbthe images were built successfully from what I can see18:17
boris-42clarkb: hi this fixes timestampts in rally-dsvm-cli  job that fails
jeblairclarkb: oh, i would have had to trigger an upload separately?18:17
boris-42clarkb: could you please help to get it in18:17
jeblairi forget the rules18:17
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fixed typo in mirrors
clarkbjeblair: yes build and upload are separate18:18
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krotscheckjeblair: ^^ Typo fix18:18
jeblairkrotscheck: both approved18:18
krotscheckjeblair: sweet18:19
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jlvillalWhere are bugs filed for something against devstack-gate ?  I didn't find a devstack-gate project on launchpad.18:21
clarkbaccording to the logs our cron never fired18:21
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clarkbpabelanger: are yo usure apscheduler is working?18:22
clarkbgrep 'Updating all image' debug.log has no results in the last 3 log files18:22
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* greghaynes is on call so not really here18:23
clarkbso I think there are two separate things here18:24
clarkb1) we only did builds which worked but not uploads so didn't get uplaods. 2) cron doesn't seem to have fired18:24
jlvillalanteaya: Thanks. Looking... :)18:24
anteayajlvillal: welcome18:24
jlvillalanteaya: So not launchpad!18:25
anteayajlvillal: yes, not launchpad18:25
pabelangerclarkb: I belive so, however somebody else reported some possible apscheduler issue, but never heard back on it18:25
clarkbpabelanger: basically its not running18:25
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clarkbpabelanger: 'Updating all images' should show up in the log when we update the images18:25
clarkbpabelanger: does not18:26
anteayapabelanger: thorst I believe18:26
jeblairkrotscheck: okay, i mapped out the flavors for our different providers in the etherpad18:26
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jlvillalanteaya: Do you know how "Closes-bug" works with that?18:26
krotscheckjeblair: Cool. I'm going to pull hpe's instance out.18:26
thorstYeah - sorry.  I needed the apscheduler fix18:26
jeblairkrotscheck: i confess, i lack enthusiasm for spinning up an hpcloud mirror... but could be convinced to do it; what do you think?18:26
thorstthe PowerVM drivers team is setting up a CI system and we were hit when we were redpeploying18:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add timestamps to gate-rally-dsvm-cli output
krotscheckjeblair: We can wait a week before doing the swtichover?18:27
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pabelangerclarkb: I see updating all images locally18:27
boris-42clarkb: thank you18:27
krotscheckjeblair: Or we can use --extra-index-urls18:27
pabelangerclarkb: let me check if they updated18:27
pabelangerand uploaded18:27
clarkbpabelanger: via cron?18:27
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pabelangerclarkb: should be, I didn't do it18:28
jlvillalanteaya: FYI: I was also told about:
jeblairkrotscheck: meh, maybe it's easiest for me to spin one up.18:28
clarkbpabelanger: well there are two mechanisms18:28
clarkbpabelanger: one is the I have started and realize I need to make things right now18:28
krotscheckthat'll let me add more-than-one mirror.18:28
clarkbpabelanger: and the other is the cron scheduled daily updates18:28
jlvillalanteaya: But I shouldn't use that one.18:28
krotscheckWe can just point it at a mirror that doesn't exist18:28
pabelangerclarkb: right18:28
anteayajlvillal: I don't even know what openstack-gate might refer to18:28
clarkbpabelanger: tests will pass onthe I have started and realize I have work to do check18:28
jeblairkrotscheck: i thought extra-index-url came with some baggage18:29
clarkbpabelanger: we don't have tests for the cron actually happening iirc18:29
jlvillalanteaya: I was told it has to do with elastic recheck stuff.18:29
anteayajlvillal: and I don't see the use of story in commit messages documented here:
anteayajlvillal: oh okay thanks18:29
krotscheckjeblair: We'll have to use it anyway for the wheels?18:29
jeblairoh ok18:29
fungiokay, i'm back now18:29
fungizuul memory leak, huh?18:30
jlvillalanteaya: Me either on commit messages18:30
pabelanger2016-01-22 02:14:00,019 INFO nodepool.builder: Creating image centos-7 with filename /opt/nodepool/images/318:30
jeblairfungi: still there, had it since december.18:30
pabelangerclarkb: what I see ^18:30
nibalizerjeblair: mordred with data_binding_terminus = none set in puppet.conf 270966 won't work I think18:30
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix '-f: command not found' error
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jeblairnibalizer: good thing zuul kicked it18:31
pabelangerclarkb: pip freeze:
fungijeblair: yeah, i recall the leak. i guess it got serious18:31
anteayajlvillal: use Story: and the story number, there is no closes bug18:31
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clarkbI am doing a manual upload of fedora-23 to hpcloud-b1 to check tha tthat process generally works18:31
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jlvillalanteaya: Ah thanks!18:31
clarkbpabelanger: that is just an image build18:31
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove databindings terminus setting
clarkbpabelanger: not an upload18:31
nibalizer would fix that18:32
fungijenkins02 seems to have updated successfully, i'm going to clean it up and get it restarted18:32
clarkbpabelanger: great for 'Updating all images'18:32
clarkber s/great/grep/18:32
clarkbpabelanger: would have to be debug log18:32
jeblairjlvillal: just to set expectations, i'm not sure anyone will see or act on that bug report.  if it's something you need fixed, you may be better off working on it yourself.18:32
fungijenkins06 completed successfully as well. 03, 04 and 05 updates broke and have been resumed again18:32
fungi07 still running18:33
clarkbpabelanger: I am curious to see if the code that updates all images on a cron scedule is firing. to do that you need to grep for the string I gave you18:33
anteayajlvillal: welcome18:33
pabelanger2016-01-22 02:14:00,002 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Updating all images.18:33
jlvillaljeblair: I actually had the patch. I was just thinking I would create a bug for it :)18:33
jeblairjlvillal: perfect then :)18:33
nibalizerjeblair: what if I proposed a patch that did the same thing as 270966 functionally but didn't use data bindings18:33
jlvillaljeblair: I ended up just submitting the patch without a story.18:33
nibalizerthen we can do the mirrror work and have a data-bindings discussion separately18:33
pabelangerclarkb: I am using nodepool-builder FYI, with nodepool --no-builder flag18:34
jeblairnibalizer: that's probably a win since i don't understand data bindings yet :)18:34
pabelangeror, whatever the toggle is18:34
clarkbpabelanger: we are not, but I don't think that would affect the cron sceduler18:34
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nibalizerjeblair: ok18:34
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove HP Cloud mirror
anteayafungi: thanks for working on getting jjb jobs updated on all the jenkinsii18:34
pabelangerclarkb: let me setup a crontab for 5 mins out and see what happens18:34
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krotscheckI need one more core for (AFS Pypi mirror)18:35
pabelangerclarkb: but I agree we should add some crontab coverage18:35
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nibalizerjeblair: well it actually looks like 270966 is just a refactor to use public_hiera18:36
jeblairkrotscheck: i've talked myself into making an hpcloud mirror18:36
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jeblairkrotscheck: i don't want to make this more complicated18:36
nibalizeras a result you should be able to remove it from your stack18:36
krotscheckjeblair: You got it.18:36
krotscheckI'll abandon that patch18:36
jeblairkrotscheck: i'm just going to sigh a lot while i do it.18:36
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jeblairpossibly mutter18:36
anteayaha ha ha18:36
fungijenkins02 is cleaned up and starting back up now18:36
clarkbpabelanger: I am going to chcek to see if I can see any of the other crons firing.18:36
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clarkbpabelanger: ya so the periodic cleanup is running18:37
fungijenkins06 completed updates successfully on this last pass. now down to 03, 04, 05, 0718:38
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added possibility to exclude project combinations
jeblairshade-launch-node still hasn't landed :(18:38
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clarkb2016-01-21 14:14:00,052 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Updating all images. was the last time the update image was logged18:39
clarkbso we only skipped today's18:39
AJaegerzeih, now I'm around...18:39
pabelangerclarkb: guess we should add apscheduler.scheduler to logging.conf too since I see the logs with I start nodepoold manually18:40
pabelangerclarkb: yup, crontab fired here18:40
pabelanger  image-update: '40 18 * * *'18:40
clarkbthis is interesting18:40
clarkbnodepoold has been running since the 20th18:40
clarkband it triggered the cron on the 21st18:41
clarkbbut not the 22nd18:41
clarkbtheory time18:41
clarkbthat function is still running18:41
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update IRC channel to use #openstack-qa
clarkband the geard falling over has it "stuck"18:41
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jeblairclarkb: okay _that_ one should have gotten a work_fail :)18:42
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clarkbjeblair: but the server fell over18:42
clarkbI don't understand how packet can get from worker to client is the server connection does not exist18:42
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move pypi config into public hiera
clarkbwe should definitely handle client disconnects18:43
krotscheckjeblair: Need a +A refresh on
krotscheckThough it won't help until the jobs are registered18:43
jeblairclarkb: oh you're right i got it backwards again; so yeah, implement the disconnect handler18:43
jeblairkrotscheck: nibalizer is working on a different version of that patch since apparently that won't actually work with our puppet config18:44
krotscheckclarkb: Do you have time to review ? It's the piece that sets up apache to host afs pypi things18:44
krotscheckjeblair: Oh.18:44
clarkbgreghaynes: were you planning to implement client disconnect handling?18:45
jeblairwhat do we call the 'all of the clouds.yaml' file?18:45
* krotscheck wasn't reading backscroll18:45
nibalizerjeblair: we don't actually need that patch, jeblair as far as I can tell18:45
nibalizerits pureley a refactor18:45
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jeblairnibalizer: yeah, krotscheck wanted to edit the list to fix a typo and wanted to avoid that needing a rebase18:46
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* AJaeger does a "pip 8.0.2 works" dance - first time since pip 8.0 release that a change for one repo passed!18:46
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jeblairnibalizer: if you want to wait, we can just edit the old list18:46
* krotscheck can rebase on master, just needs to know what the path forward is.18:46
* anteaya lunches18:47
openstackgerritRajini Ram proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Updated gearman default port information
clarkbkrotscheck: jeblair doesn't the code for currently live in ?18:47
clarkbkrotscheck: jeblair seems like we are undoing the module split out work18:48
krotscheckclarkb, jeblair: Maybe? The code in that predates things.18:48
jeblairclarkb: we're making a single mirror vhost for lots of mirrors.18:48
jeblairclarkb: it's more than a bandersnatch mirror18:48
jeblairclarkb: so this is openstack-specific18:48
clarkbjeblair: yes I don't dispute that18:49
jeblairi split the bandersnatch apache module out so we could stop using it.18:49
jeblairclarkb: also, just for the record, until yesterday we were not using puppet-bandersnatch *at all* because apparently no one got around to that.18:49
clarkbit looks like that accepts a doc root, configures appache, and writes a robot.txt though18:49
clarkbjeblair: ok18:49
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove argparse from requirements
clarkbI am just trying to wrap my head around why we seem to be copying code in the opposite direction of what we had committed to18:50
jeblairclarkb: right, i don't see how we can have the bandersnatch puppet module set up a vhost that also serves npm out of afs.18:50
krotscheckWould looking at the followup patch help?
jeblairclarkb: i bet there's a puppet way to compose an apache vhost that way, but it will probably involve us making some kind of puppet-mirror class that accepts all of these paths18:51
clarkbjeblair: oh I see, this is thinking ahead to when apache needs to server / and not /pypi18:51
jeblairclarkb: ya  krotscheck's 2nd patch will illustrate the problem well18:51
jeblairclarkb: maybe we can make puppet-mirror-things in the future if this all works out18:51
* krotscheck is a little worried that after building these awesome mirrors, someone downstream is going to think: Hey, I can have a free caching AFS mirror!18:52
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jeblairin the mean time, folks can use bandersnatch::mirror + bandersnatch::httpd and get what we have today18:52
jeblairkrotscheck: maybe that will be okay?  i kind of hope it will?18:53
fungiAJaeger: direct your thanks for pip 8.0.2 to dstufft. he deserves it!18:53
krotscheckjeblair: I... kinda think so too?18:53
krotscheckjeblair: Maybe a thing we can talk to the linux foundation about and say: Hey, how about we do unified mirrors for all the things?18:53
krotscheckMaybe I'm ambitious?18:53
fungiyay! jenkins07 updates complete! now we wait for 03-0518:53
dimsum__dstufft : thanks!18:53
clarkbjeblair: krotscheck: last question does not yet have a /pypi. Do we need to wait on image rebuilds or a nodepool reconfigure to set the paths on the host sto allow both /simple and /pypi/simple ?18:54
jeblairkrotscheck: they'd just change the bylaws18:54
krotscheckjeblair: ouch18:54
krotscheckjeblair: ;)18:54
dimsum__jeblair : ouch :)18:54
clarkbkrotscheck: osuosl sort of already does massive mirroring for kernel.org18:54
fungiif we get down to a couple of jenkins masters still updating, i'll put them in prepare for shutdown and then we can start rechecking/enqueuing things on the assumption they'll work18:54
krotscheckclarkb: We're provisioning brand new hosts.18:54
clarkbkrotscheck: right but we configure our test slaves to use /simple today18:55
clarkbkrotscheck: so in order to safely transition we need to configure them to use /simple and /pypi/simple18:55
jeblairclarkb: i think we'll change the ready script to use the new path and the new host at the same time?18:55
clarkbjeblair: that will work too18:55
krotscheckclarkb: You mean this?
jeblairya that :)18:56
clarkbright so the apache config change won't apply to the existing mirrors?18:56
krotscheck(It's WIP'd because merging that might be a problem if we don't have the instances yet)18:56
clarkbas long as we don't change existing mirrors and don't merge 238756 until new mirrors are configured we will be good18:56
krotscheckclarkb: That's the idea.18:56
jeblairaha!  it's supposed to be called 'all-clouds.yaml'.  it exists in system-config as an erb, but nothing installs it!18:57
krotscheckjeblair: AFK for a shower. Future me will thank me.18:57
jeblairthis is why i can't find it.18:57
clarkbok and current mirrors use a pypi.pp not mirror.pp18:57
clarkbso no cross contamination18:58
jeblairthat's the idea18:58
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fungijenkins03-05 are all going to need to be retried... proxy/api errors again. le sigh19:03
clarkbhpcloud-b1 fedora-23 image upload still in progress19:04
fungii'm tempted to put all 3 of them in prepare for shutdown, but that leaves us at close to 50% of our usual compliment of masters, which means nearly double the slaves on them19:04
fungiwhich could create yet more new and different problems for us19:04
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clarkbyou can run the restart playbook against them and it will do one at a time19:06
clarkb(it will also run bright and early tomorrow utc)19:06
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fungiwhich is partly why this is getting painful. we're at the edge of where we'd automatically restart them anyway because we expect them to be pretty terribly degraded19:10
fungibad timing19:10
clarkband perhaps we should increase the frequency of that cron to twice a week19:10
clarkbor every other day or something19:10
* greghaynes returns from phone call19:11
jeblairdo we still need to generate puppet certs?19:12
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fungii hope not?19:12
jeblairalso, has launch-node been updated to run the right kind of puppet?19:13
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fungipuppet apply doesn't connect to the puppetmaster at all, right?19:13
jeblaircome to think of it, have we worked through any of this yet?19:13
krotscheckjeblair: back19:13
krotscheckclarkb: WOO thanks19:14
jeblairmaybe it's good we still have a puppetmaster for a little bit?19:14
greghaynesclarkb: so what was the update on nodepool?19:14
greghayneslots of backscroll...19:14
clarkbgreghaynes: my theory is cron didn't fire because it is still running from before19:14
jeblairmordred: i have some questions for you about puppet and launching nodes when you have a sec :)19:14
krotschecknibalizer: So, what was the verdict on public hiera things?19:14
greghaynesclarkb: oh, huh.19:14
clarkbgreghaynes: basically that function is still on a stack somewhere happily wasting cpu time19:14
mordredjeblair: good morning!19:14
clarkbgreghaynes: I am manually performing an upload to confirm that that works19:15
clarkbgreghaynes: it is slow19:15
jeblairalso, shade-launch-node just bombed on rax with something about security groups19:15
greghaynesclarkb: if so it must run in a separate thread?19:15
clarkbgreghaynes: yes I think apscheduler makes a thread to run them in19:15
mordredjeblair: awesome - pastebin?19:15
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: correct19:15
greghaynesclarkb: jeblair hrm, ok. That seems plausible19:15
nibalizerkrotscheck: you shouldn't need public hiera19:16
jeblairclarkb: look for         self.log.debug("Waiting for images to complete building.")19:16
clarkbgreghaynes: so anyways, I think we need to handle the client disconnect before worrying too much about anything else19:16
nibalizerwe can have the public hirea databindings conversation separate from the mirrors work you are doing19:16
jeblairclarkb: and then         self.log.debug("Done waiting for images to complete building.")19:16
nibalizerso if you could remove that patch from your stack that would be the best19:16
krotschecknibalizer: Ok, I'll rebase on master then.19:16
jeblairclarkb: if you see the first and not the second, that is very strong support for your theory19:16
mordredjeblair: sigh. that should not be an error at all ... also, I think we may have fixed that as a bug a little while ago19:16
nibalizerkrotscheck: thanks19:16
jeblairmordred: brb19:16
mordredjeblair: are we up to date ... I'll look19:16
clarkbjeblair: checking19:16
krotscheckmordred: nibalizer wants to have a conversatoin with you about public hiera things.19:16
mordredkrotscheck: I'm excited about that19:16
krotscheckmordred: Specifically about
greghaynesclarkb: Yep, I have been trying to figure out the best way to do that...19:17
mordrednibalizer: sup?19:17
nibalizermordred: using data bindings19:17
clarkbjeblair: greghaynes yup no done message but there is a waiting message19:17
mordrednibalizer: oh - the databindings is not actually related to mirrors - I just used that as an opportunity to show what it looks like19:18
mordredwe do not need that patch for the mirror work to progress19:18
mordredoh - sorry. I picked up the topic19:18
mordredI'm a bad person19:18
greghaynesclarkb: so question - if nodepool handled the disconnect by trying to 'clean up', should it put the images into error state?19:18
clarkbgreghaynes: I think we need to override that method on the client that jeblair linked and have that remove any jobs that had not started yet. Then possibly resubmit them once gearman is back19:18
nibalizerno worries :)19:18
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greghaynesclarkb: the problem is that doesn't solve the delete not working issue19:18
mordrednibalizer: are you against databindings?19:18
clarkbgreghaynes: well I think we only add the images to the db once the job is picked up19:18
mordrednibalizer: or you just want to have a discussion?19:19
clarkbgreghaynes: so we only deal with the subset that had a worker attached to them19:19
greghaynesclarkb: yep, thats what I was thinking too, the question then is what state are images in before then19:19
clarkbgreghaynes: I think no state19:19
clarkbunless we want to have it retry19:19
nibalizermordred: i am wanting a discussion, hopefully with some agreed upon guidelines on where to use them, how, and how to discover/document when data bindings are being used19:20
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openstackgerritAndre keedy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project(shovel) to openstack
mordrednibalizer: ++19:20
greghaynesclarkb: nodepool needs to know that it already submitted the job for an image though19:20
greghaynesclarkb: so itll need some internal state tracking19:20
clarkbgreghaynes: not if the server connection goes away19:21
clarkbgreghaynes: that job will never run19:21
greghaynesclarkb: I mean for while it is waiting19:21
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greghaynesclarkb: the buildMissingImages method needs to check 'is this image waiting/building?'19:21
clarkboh I see so you don't over submit19:21
clarkbI guess a new queued state ?19:22
clarkbqueued, building, ready, delete ?19:22
greghaynesInterestingly - it would be valid for that state to be totally in memory19:22
greghaynessince if nodepool dies any queued jobs do too19:22
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fixed typo in mirrors
fungiwe already had that issue with image builds even before workers19:23
krotscheckjeblair, nibalizer ^^19:23
greghaynesfungi: yep. I think somehow the builders is causing us to hit that case though19:23
greghayneswhich is :(19:23
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clarkbgreghaynes: also image uploads "seem" slower19:24
mordredjeblair: that's where I have updates related to puppet apply for launch node19:24
clarkbit is possible that a distinct process solves that problem19:24
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greghaynesclarkb: ya, that should be pretty easy for you to test19:24
greghaynesclarkb: just run nodepool-builder19:24
johnsom_I'm looking for some devstack help.  Not sure if I'm in the right channel.19:25
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clarkbjohnsom_: typically devstack is best handled by #openstack-qa19:25
AJaegerfungi, he does.19:25
johnsom_clarkb Cool, thanks!19:25
krotscheckis it useful for me to recheck something that has a NOT_REGISTERED job right now?  (centos devstack)19:25
mordredjeblair: it needs to be updated - sorry19:25
AJaegerdstufft: thanks for pip 8.0.2 - looks great now!19:25
mordredjeblair: I should have topic'd that puppet-apply19:25
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fungikrotscheck: what's the job name and i can check for you19:26
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krotscheckfungi: gate-openstackci-beaker-centos7-dsvm and gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-centos719:26
greghaynesclarkb: ok, I'll play around with waiting until the job is accepted to add images to the db19:26
clarkbgreghaynes: cool, and also handle the client disconnect (maybe just by raising an expcetion) so that the cron thread can die19:27
fungikrotscheck: neither of those job names are registered in zuul at all. do you have any reason to believe they may have been added relatively recently?19:27
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fungikrotscheck: i have a feeling those are existing jobs and we haven't built/added any new centos7 nodes since the zuul restart a little while ago due to demand ratios19:28
SwansonSomething called vahana seems to be choking my nodepool node creation.  Couldn't find remote ref master looks to be the error...19:28
krotscheckfungi: No reason, except that the only tiem Iv'e seen those errors is when a new job's been added.19:28
krotscheckfungi: Relevant patch is here
fungikrotscheck: it also happens for rare node types soon after a zuul restart19:29
krotscheckfungi: Good to know :)19:29
krotscheckSo I can recheck?19:29
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fungikrotscheck: right now it won't do any good19:29
krotscheckAlright, I can wait :)19:30
fungiclarkb: greghaynes: nodepool list is giving me "IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe"19:30
* krotscheck starts looking for the appropriate yak19:30
fungiclarkb: greghaynes: known issue?19:30
greghaynesfungi: uh oh. gearman connection likely19:30
fungikrotscheck: yes, i've just been handed a new yak myself, it seems19:30
clarkbya  Ithink that means we broken the gearman connection19:30
* AJaeger wishes everybody a great weekend and signs off...19:30
fungican't check to see if we're building the missing node types19:30
krotscheckfungi: It's all fresh and furry!19:30
fungiAJaeger: have a great weekend!19:30
AJaegerthanks, fungi19:31
anteayaAJaeger: bye19:31
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greghaynesso, we still don't have any great theories on why were getting these gearman disconnects... its a bit concerning19:31
clarkbthe gearman server doesn't seem to know yet19:31
greghaynesI wonder if we should colocate another geard on the nodepool host19:31
fungiclarkb: nibalizer: nevermind. i was piping to a failed command. would help if i could type "grep" accurately19:31
greghaynesand use that for builders19:31
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fungibroken pipe exception is how nodepool's now reacting to having its stdout piped to a nonexistent process19:32
greghaynesoh, awesome19:32
fungiwhich makes some sense19:32
fungijust a slight behavior change... i think19:32
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greghaynesI like that a lot better than more gearman connection issues :)19:32
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fungiso we apparently have no bare-centos7 nodes in existence, not even trying to be built19:33
fungioh, we have no bare-centos7 images either19:34
fungiwhich might be why19:34
krotscheckHow very zen of us.19:34
clarkbI don't know that we ever had them?19:34
clarkbwe had them for centos619:34
fungiaha, puppet apply is on dsvm, and so is beaker i guess19:34
fungiyeah, sorry, i'm full of dead-end choices this afternoon19:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Convert kolla-mesos to linters
Ngwhen the new project guide says "ask the infra team to add you to both [gerrit] groups", how would the infra team like to be asked that? :)19:35
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krotscheckNg: I like donuts. I can't speak for anyone else.19:35
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clarkbgreghaynes: ok if you are going to poke at the queued state handling I should go ahead and work on running a separate daemon to see if that addresses performance of uploads19:35
greghaynesclarkb: sounds good19:35
fungiso anyway, we _do_ have devstack-centos7 nodes ready, from what nodepool thinks, but for hours (since before the zuul restart)... so maybe i need to delete and let a replacement get relaunched19:35
pabelangerSo, correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see how reno will work outside a git repo.
anteayaNg: share the link of the patch that created the groups as well as your gerrit username or email19:36
Ngkrotscheck: interesting, I'm not sure how good I'm going to be at writing the usernames on in icing ;)19:36
anteayaNg: assuming you are the owner of the patch who created the groups19:36
Nganteaya: thanks :)19:36
krotscheckNg: I'll eat any failed attempts. :)19:36
pabelangerdhellmann: ^19:36
clarkbpabelanger: if it is running git log as part of docs builds then it won't19:36
fungiNg: also great to see you suddenly appear again, as if from nowhere! are you around to stay for a change? ;)19:36
dhellmannpabelanger : it does not19:37
fungiNg: your presence is missed19:37
Ngfungi: I had some distractions for a while with corp bureaucracy, but now I have a new project to work on :)19:37
dhellmannpabelanger : there is an as-yet unimplemented idea to tie reno to setuptools and generate some data files that would substitute for the git log commands when building docs from a tarball or sdist19:37
fungiNg: having something to work on is a good thing. welcome back to surreality19:37
dhellmannpabelanger : I hope to get to that by the end of this cycle, but if you have time and inclination I'd be happy to go over the plan if you wanted to start exploring implementation19:38
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mordreddhellmann, pabelanger: there's also bee a different request to run sphinx as part of sdist build by some folks19:38
pabelangerdhellmann: okay, thanks for the info. Running into packaging issues using reno, and wanted to confirm19:38
mordredso that built docs were in the source tarball19:38
mordredbut I think that needs design19:38
pabelangerguess I'll drop reno release notes for now19:38
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Ng is the change that created the project, the gerrit usernames for -core and -release are jclark (ptl) and cmsj (me :)19:38
fungidhellmann: mordred: if it's my request, it's particularly that i'd love auto-generated manpages to be available in sdist tarballs19:39
dhellmannfungi : that's an interesting idea, but I think it may be orthogonal to the reno question19:39
fungiproject's manpage in project's release tarball... seems like goodness19:39
mordredI also do19:39
anteayaNg: you are the owner of the patch so you get added and you can add whoever you like19:39
Nganteaya: woot19:40
anteayaNg: when a gerrit admin has a moment they will add you19:40
mordredjust thought I'd mention it because both of them have something to do with altering the current sdist generation concept19:40
dhellmannpabelanger : if you want to do something short term, and you have access to the git repo at any point, you could use the reno report command to generate a flat document19:40
fungidhellmann: it was more in regards to mordred's sphinx invocation at sdist generation time point19:40
dhellmannpabelanger : though if you don't have the git repo anywhere in the pipeline, that won't help19:40
mordreddhellmann, fungi: so at least considering the whole picture might not be a bad idea as we look to planning impl19:40
mordredI do not thin the impl of both needs to be tied together19:40
dhellmannmordred : sure19:40
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Ironic bug 1537076
openstackbug 1537076 in Ironic "Timed out waiting for Nova hypervisor-stats count >= 1 due to Nova Unable to establish connection to" [High,Confirmed]
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dhellmannmordred : I haven't decided whether to add a uses_reno flag like we have for uses_pbr, or to build the step into pbr itself19:41
dhellmannhaving pbr rely on reno feels icky, though19:41
mordreddhellmann: we do have things in pbr that use the thing if the thing is there19:41
pabelangerdhellmann: right, I don't have a git repo, packaging tarballs inside mock19:41
dhellmannmordred : ok, so that may be less icky than I imagined19:41
fungiopportunistic imports19:41
mordreddhellmann: so pbr could happily add the feature of doing reno things if reno is importable19:41
dhellmannpabelanger : yeah, that's what I figured19:42
mordreddhellmann: it's how we do the build_sphinx command currently19:42
dhellmannok, that makes sense, then19:42
pabelangermordred: Ya, I would be happy with that.19:42
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
mordredI tink it would be a good idea - because we already rely on git being available for pbr sdist tasks - so it's not an undue burden or anything19:42
mordredit would be neat if nova had a flag to mark vms as "ephemeral, don't care" or "important, please care about me during maint events"19:44
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mordredjust got a maint email from bluebox saying that they need to correct something with the nova volume backing store - and that they'd be suspending and migrating vms ... I want to be able to tell them "srrsly - don't bother migrating anything in the nodepool project"19:45
* fungi thinks it would be interesting if nova had support for vax/vms ;)19:45
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mordredfungi: :)19:45
anteayamordred: should we shut off nodepool to bluebox for the time being?19:45
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mordredanteaya: not yet: Monday (1.25.16) at 1pm PST/ 4pm EST19:46
fungi(i wonder how often the openvms devs have to explain that vms has nothing to do with virtual machines19:46
mordredfungi: did I tell you about the customer call I was on a few years ago where they guy asked if this cloud thing would help him manage his legacy AIX and IRIX things?19:46
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anteayamordred: okay, that is the scheduled maintainance for the raid correction?19:46
mordredanteaya: I do not think so19:46
anteayaoh something else19:47
anteayamordred: what did you tell him this cloud thing would manage for him?19:47
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fungimordred: i would have answered "yes, it will save you time elsewhere that you can then spend on your legacy unix systems"19:47
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* fungi spent too much time hearing sleazy tech salespeople over the cube wall19:48
anteayaI would have figured you for an earphone person19:48
mordredfungi: nicely done19:48
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mordredanteaya: I told him "nope. it will not help you with that at all"19:49
anteayamordred: ha ha ha19:49
fungianteaya: i was under strict orders to smile and nod in customer meetings, and only answer questions when directly asked by our "sales engineers"19:49
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
anteayafungi: ha ha ha19:49
anteayafungi: that explains so much19:49
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mordredfungi: you konw - if tey'd gotten better sales engineers, they would not have had to suck you in to customer meetings19:49
mordredI mean, isn't the point of a sales engineer to be tech enough to answer the questions so that you don't have to bother the actual engineers?19:50
fungimordred: they no longer have me to suck into customer meetings, so for their sake i hope they got some better sales engineers19:50
asselinclarkb, greghaynes so the gearman port used by nodepool is 4730 same as zuul? if they're both on a single blade they should use a different port, correct? or is nodepool using zuul's gearman server?19:50
mordredfungi: ++19:50
clarkbasselin: one geard for both19:50
mordredand in the darkness something something19:51
asselinclarkb, which process runs geard?19:51
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clarkbnibalizer: I am reading and trying to figure out how we would colocate builder and nodepoold on same host, I don't think we can do that with your change19:51
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clarkbasselin: by default zuul19:51
clarkbasselin: but you don't have to do it that way19:51
fungikrotscheck: just to keep you updated, still not time to recheck. i deleted the one ready devstack-centos7 node in nodepool but it isn't building a replacement yet. extreme inbalance in demand ratios19:52
nibalizerclarkb: i think i agree with you just a sec19:52
fungier, imbalance19:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use linters job for keystonemiddleware starting with mitaka
nibalizerclarkb: yea so what happens if we try to colocate them is the nodepool::install class will conflict19:54
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clarkbnibalizer: right19:55
clarkband colocation is desireable19:55
nibalizerbut if we don't do it that way it ends up looking kind of nasty19:55
clarkbnibalizer: we could do hacks of if not defined19:55
clarkbin both places19:55
nibalizeror pass a 'manage_installation' flag to ::builder19:55
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nibalizerhacks, all19:55
mordredI so love this 'feature' of puppet19:56
nibalizerwhy not just commit and spin up an external builder?19:56
mordredit's one of my favorites19:56
nibalizermordred: well so19:56
clarkbnibalizer: because that doesn't help asselin19:56
nibalizerto bring it full circle, databindings fixes this19:56
mordrednibalizer: WOOT19:56
mordrednibalizer: then why don't we do this with databindings? :)19:56
nibalizerbecausse you say 'include nodepool::install' everywhere and set parameters with lookups19:56
mordrednibalizer: ++19:56
clarkbwell we don't want two intalls19:56
clarkbwe want 119:57
mordredclarkb: right19:57
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clarkbso I don't think databindings actually help us19:57
nibalizerclarkb: calling 'include nodepool::install' twice will only install it once19:57
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mordredclarkb: databindings is a way to take advantage of the fact that two different include statements do not conflict19:57
nibalizerits a way to pass parameters yes19:57
mordredbut instead do what we've always wanted to happen everywhere19:57
clarkbwow thats ok19:57
mordredbecuase as soon as we move from include to class, we have to do an if-defined19:57
clarkbthats a language bug :)19:58
mordredclarkb: TOTALLY19:58
mordredhowever, databindings is the bugfix19:58
mordredand we can use it now19:58
mordredbut - as nibz says, we should sketch out some 'here's when and how' ideas19:58
nibalizeralso if you look at my comments on the databinds change19:58
nibalizerthere is a way to get the functionality without actually using databindings19:59
* nibalizer -> lunch19:59
mordredclarkb: if you havne't seen an example:
clarkbmordred: ya I am not a fan :)19:59
clarkbfor solving this issue at least19:59
clarkbthe issue is that we want to express what the intsall should look like20:00
clarkband we can't do that without hiding all of the details in a file somewhere else in a nother language that is implicitly looked up20:00
clarkbwhich is what I mean about being a language bug20:00
mordredsure. but now you're just expressing dislike for puppet20:00
mordredit's a bug20:00
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mordredI agree20:00
clarkbthe if not defined solution is more readable to me at least20:01
mordredbut it's always been a bug - it's puppet exposing internal data model things in to the DSL20:01
clarkbpuppet people don't like it but at least you only have to read one file to understand what is going on20:01
clarkbhowever that said, I think there is a better way to fix this20:01
clarkbbuilder shouldn't include install20:01
clarkbinit should make an install20:02
clarkbthen have a nodepool::daemon and nodepool::builder20:02
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: add support for package-installs to gentoo
clarkbthat both require init and configure their respective services assuming an install exists via init20:02
clarkbthen you can do include nodepool include nodepool::daemon nodepool::builder20:03
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clarkbnibalizer: when you get back from lunch what do you think of reorganizing like ^20:04
openstackgerritJay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding project config for openstack-salt-formulas. The openstack-salt team is beginning work on providing Salt forumlas for Openstack, and a git repo is necessary to host our code.
mordredclarkb: you have the exact same problem20:06
mordredclarkb: the install in init needs parameters20:06
clarkbyou don't20:06
mordredyou don't need parameters?20:06
clarkbyou do but you never call those classes >1 on a single host20:07
clarkbthe problem now is we would be running init, daemon, and builer on one host but init daemon and builder all install20:07
clarkb(well right now init and daemon are the same thing)20:07
mordredso - you'd have to have the calling context call nodepool::init and nodepool::daemon and nodepool::builder from the calling context20:07
mordredwhich is fine20:07
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clarkbdepending on which of the two services you want running on that host20:08
mordredit removes the "class nodepool:builder should get me a working thing"20:08
clarkbyes but thats ok20:08
mordredand move to "I need to call an install class and a service class"20:08
mordredif that seems more readable to you, then sure20:08
clarkbright which seems to be a fairly common thing iwth puppet20:08
* mordred does not have the strong opinions on this - thinks all of the options blow20:08
clarkbthe mysql module for example20:08
clarkbor paache even20:09
clarkbyou don't get working service with a single include20:09
clarkbyou have to construct the install and config and service20:10
fungikrotscheck: feel free to recheck now. nodepool finally completed building a new devstack-centos7 node a few minutes ago, and those jobs are finally showing up registered in gearman now20:10
fungithe jenkins04 jobs update finally failed out on an api error, so i've resumed it20:10
openstackgerritJay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding project config for openstack-salt-formulas.
asselinclarkb, greghaynes is it a known issue that you can't delete a buidling dib image? Also can't seem to see anything about that in the logs.20:13
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clarkbasselin: yes, if the image doesn't have anything on disk then currently the service doesn't register a delete job for it20:14
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clarkbneeds to be addressed by cleaning up db and stopping any running jobs20:14
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asselinok...and it hangs....ok will do that20:15
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openstackgerritJay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding project config for openstack-salt-formulas.
fungiNg: okay, the several irons i have in the fire now are all heating. has anyone taken care of your initial group member request yet?20:19
Ngfungi: I don't believe so20:20
fungioh, it looks like they haven't actually been created by manage-projects yet20:21
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fungiand i'm getting an internal server error from now20:22
Ngfungi: ah right. I'm pretty much at the end of my day, so we can try again tomorrow :)20:22
anteayawooooo, more fun20:22
anteayaNg: no, fungi travels20:22
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fungiNg: thanks, i mainly need to dig into what bit(s) of our automation have gone sideways20:22
fungianteaya: well, i'm not flying out until sunday20:22
anteayaah sorry20:22
fungipuppetboard magically is back to working again!20:23
fungii guess it was just out to lunch for a few minutes while i retried a bunch20:23
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fungireview.o.o last puppeted at 19:46 utc, so ~40 minutes ago20:24
jeblairkrotscheck, mordred: sorri i disappeared... and now i need to disappear again for food.  but i'll be back after that to continue20:25
fungijenkins03 job updates failed out on an api error again and have been resumed. still also waiting on 04 and 0520:25
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krotscheckfungi: Thanks, justdid that20:32
krotscheckjeblair: Happy eating!20:32
EmilienMnot sure why but we're having a lot of 'NOT_REGISTRED' jobs in puppet CI20:34
krotscheckfungi: Still not registered?20:34
EmilienM"NOT_REGISTERED" actually20:34
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fungikrotscheck: zuul claims it was registered. did you recheck before i said it was clear to do so? really it was not registered until a minute or so before i mentioned it was safe20:38
fungii'll check the zuul logs to see if anything else is going on20:39
fungizuul restarts at high-volume times result in potentially hours of NOT_REGISTERED results for jobs running on anything other than bare-trusty or devstack-trusty nodes at the moment20:39
fungiEmilienM: can you give me an example job name?20:40
krotscheckfungi: Ok, I can wait.20:40
krotscheckfungi: Yeah, i rechecked after your comment.20:40
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fungikrotscheck: i'll check the logs. gearman definitely seems to think gate-openstackci-beaker-centos7-dsvm and gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-centos7 are registered now though20:41
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dhellmannI'm having some trouble interpreting AJaeger's comments on about how to publish content to a new site on Does someone have a minute to help me with the changes I need to make?20:43
dhellmannfungi : well, for the migration20:43
dhellmannfungi : we've hit an area of infra I don't know enough about to ask questions properly :-/20:43
fungidhellmann: just making sure was a typo and not some new thing20:43
dhellmannoh, yeah, static20:44
dhellmannI think he just means I need to use the scp publisher instead of the ftp one, but I'm not sure. And I'm not sure what arguments to give to the alternate publisher either.20:44
anteayadhellmann: to be honest I'm not sure what AJaeger wants there either20:44
fungikrotscheck: i see a SUCCESS response for a gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-centos7 job at 20:39:18 in zuul's debug log. where was your most recent NOT_REGISTERED?20:45
krotscheckfungi looking at zuul's status page20:46
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: publish from openstack/releases to
krotscheckfungi: search for 27145620:47
fungikrotscheck: oh, keep in mind that if those were for changes with other longer-running jobs they may have tried to start a centos7 job before gearman was updated but still be pending20:47
dhellmannanteaya, fungi : I think maybe ^^ is what I need? I'm not sure about the target. I picked that based on the path in
fungikrotscheck: yeah, 271456,2 was uploaded 1.5 hours ago20:48
anteayadhellmann: I thought it was right the first time20:48
Swansonnodepool issue: git --git-dir=/opt/dib_cache/source-repositories/vahana_16d63c569d46b7301825deb73789dae51c725c69/.git fetch --prune --update-head-ok git:// +master:master20:48
anteayadhellmann: I'm sorry I am unable to parse what AJaeger wants here and help you20:48
Swansonis returning an error.20:48
SwansonIs there something up with that project?20:48
anteayadhellmann: I wish I could be more helpful20:48
dhellmannanteaya : No worries!20:48
anteayadhellmann: I do look forward to understanding though20:49
fungikrotscheck: so it likely set the result on those jobs to NOT_REGISTERED at or shortly after 19:22 but the node backlog for other jobs which were registered coupled with job runtimes means that it hadn't reported back to the change in gerrit yet20:49
dhellmannanteaya : as do I20:49
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asselinis this a known issue? "Repository seems to be empty" breaking nodepool image builds20:50
fungiSwanson: i'm looking into it. something has gone wrong with the creation of that repository20:50
asselinoh I guess it is20:50
fungiasselin: same as my answer to Swanson20:50
Swansonfungi, asselin Thanks!20:50
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krotscheckfungi: Ok, cool. So I'll be patient :)20:52
asselinthat said, image-build is not stopping still. Swanson is yours stopping? mine is stuck at
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fungijeblair: mordred: did the "log puppet apply stdout to syslog" fix merge yet? i'm not having luck finding puppet apply output in's syslog20:55
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fungidug it out of the concatenated log on the puppetmaster20:57
fungi2016-01-22 12:48:24,597 [...] Error: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Gerrit/Exec[manage_projects]: Command exceeded timeout20:57
fungii'll try running manage-projects manually, after checking to make sure there's not already one hung20:58
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fungiclarkb: greghaynes: this probably also explains why we didn't get new images today. the change adding that repo to the projects list merged almost two hours before the image update cron would have kicked off and has been referring to a broken repo all this time21:03
fungiso we probably tried to clone it, failed, and the image builds terminated21:03
clarkbfedora is still uploading fwiw21:03
* clarkb can update nibalizers change if he is ok with the idea I proposed earlier21:03
clarkbthen will split out the builder daemon21:04
mordredfungi: no, it hasn't21:04
Swansonasselin, mine is restarting about a million times.  Well, 9 so far.21:04
mordredfungi: stack is here:
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm, I don't see anything in gearman client for finding out when a job is starting to be worked on21:05
greghaynesclarkb: did you find something for that?21:05
clarkbgreghaynes: I think it is called work status21:05
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greghaynesclarkb: ah, ok21:05
greghaynesI do see that21:05
greghayneshaha, it has a percentage compete argument21:06
greghaynesWhen are we adding progress bars21:06
fungimordred: thanks! looks like it's failing tests (or was the last time they were run anyway)21:06
mordredfungi: I rechecked the middle patch just now21:06
mordredfungi: and now the last one21:07
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clarkbgreghaynes: only if we make them sit at 99% for half the time21:07
greghaynesclarkb: It is just a matter of what the builder returns for percentage, so I can go ahead and make them return that from that start21:08
mordredfungi: this one turns on the feature - it's safe to land before the feature lands21:09
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fungiwow, full manage-projects run is at 11 minutes and going21:10
fungiwe may need to update our current 15-minute timeout. i have a feeling we quietly edged past it recently21:11
mordredfungi: oh good21:11
fungiwhich would be the simple explanation for the current issue21:11
clarkbalmost 3 hours on this upload so far21:12
* clarkb really hopes separate process is happier21:12
fungijenkins update, 03-05 are still going. if at least one of those completes successfully i'll put the other two in prepare-for-shutdown and then retrigger release jobs21:13
fungii just don't feel comfortable downing 3 out of 721:13
anteayago jenkinsii21:13
anteayamakes sense21:13
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cbader_I have a question about jenkins Authentication failure to Slave, I have verified the private and public key from jenkins server to slave vm but Jenkins still says failed connection?21:16
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cbader_I know this is a jenkins issue but have run out of ideas on what might be causing this, I have verifed the jenkins user and it is using the correct key, I used it manually to ssh to vm with jenkins user.21:18
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nibalizerfungi: for things like manage_projects and jjb, why do we run those from puppet exec and not cron?21:18
funginibalizer: better question, why do we run them from puppet and not ci jobs21:19
pabelangerclarkb: haven't read backscroll yet, did you figure out cron issue with nodepool?21:19
clarkbcbader_: check the credentials ocnfigured for use in jenkins under the slave21:19
clarkbpabelanger: ya I think it is the cron hsa started but never completed21:20
funginibalizer: though the ansible answer is more compelling than the puppet answer for manage-projects... we need to make updates to the git servers and gerrit server in a dependent order21:20
clarkbpabelanger: so we need to error when we get disconnected from gearman to kill that thread21:20
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clarkbnibalizer: we don't run it every time so it subscribes to config file changes21:20
clarkbnibalizer: we could use inotify to do that too21:20
cbader_clarkb, I have done that and they look correct and point to same id_rsa key I used to manually connect.21:20
pabelangerclarkb: okay, good to know21:20
clarkbcbader_: file permissions maybe? thats all I can think of21:21
cbader_clarkb, thanks will verify that also.21:21
fungiokay, manage-projects execution completed aroundthe 20 minute mark (i should have invoked in with time)21:21
jlvillalfungi: Do you know if still want to pin pip below 8?21:22
clarkbnibalizer: so what do you think about having init do the install then have two separate classes for the main daemon and the builder?21:22
fungithe vahana acl seems to gave gotten applied successfully now21:22
jlvillalfungi: In regards to this patch merged:
clarkbnibalizer: then you would include nodepool include nodepool::builder include nodepool::service to coinstll21:22
clarkbjlvillal: pip should be working now with 8.0.221:22
fungijlvillal: no, pip 8.0.2 and virtualenv 14.0.1 should have solved the issues we had21:22
jlvillalWould a revert patch be appropriate then?21:23
fungijlvillal: yes21:23
nibalizerclarkb: sounds functional, i kinda like the idea of nodepool::install instead of bare nodepool, just to be more clear what its doing21:23
jlvillalOkay, I will spin one up. Thanks21:23
jeblairmordred, krotscheck: back!  hopefully for a few uninterrupted hours now21:23
fungihopefully someone was keeping track of where all the pip/virtualenv pinning workarounds ended up21:23
jeblairfungi: hound was21:23
clarkbnibalizer: ok, I was basing that off of how eg apache works21:23
clarkbnibalizer: the base apache include is just to install right?21:24
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jeblairmordred: based on your note that you thought you fixed it, i'll reinstall shade and try that launch node again...21:25
fungiNg: your requested group updates are complete now21:25
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jeblairmordred: but i still have the curiosity about puppet apply and launch-node...21:25
Ngfungi: thanks!21:25
fungiSwanson: asselin: your git cloning issues should be resolved now, but let us know if they're not21:26
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mordredjeblair: yes - did you see my other note linking to the patch that updates shade-launch-node to use puppet-apply?21:27
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jeblairmordred: no, can you relink?21:27
mordredjeblair: it needs to be fixed though, but it is mostly done21:27
mordredyes - one sec21:27
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Pin pip to less than version 8 in"
nibalizerclarkb: I don't know off the top of my head21:28
jlvillalfungi clarkb mordred ^^^^^21:28
fungithanks jlvillal!21:28
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mordredjeblair: for now it's likely more expedient to just use old launch_node and have it make puppet certs and such21:28
jeblairmordred: well, old *shade*-launch node, yeah?21:29
mordredjeblair: lest we go down an end-of-week yak shaving21:29
jeblairmordred: since we can't launch nodes on half our clouds with *old* launch node21:29
mordredjeblair: yes21:29
jeblairmordred: (and i'm launching mirrors)21:29
jeblairmordred: okay, i'll use what's in
mordredjeblair: ++21:29
jeblairwhich is the most up to date shade-launch node without apply21:29
mordredjeblair: if you get that error again, I will appropriately groan21:30
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Increase manage-projects timeout to 30 minutes
mordredjeblair: (largely because I specifically remember that bug)21:30
jeblairmordred: nah, now we get ImportError: No module named v1_121:31
jeblairmordred: because my shade update updated novaclient a lot21:31
jeblairmordred: that's because uses to call get_client() which uses the old nova stuff21:31
jeblairmordred: oh, i think some of that code is dead, i may be able to hack around it21:32
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mordredjeblair: hrm. I could have sworn I made an update to your patch to kill all that21:33
jeblairmordred: that's probably in your second one which we don't want to yak shave21:33
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Swansonfungi, asselin Seems to be off and running.  Thanks!21:34
mordredjeblair: sigh. it's in the third one21:34
mordredjeblair: the one that replaces with shade-launch-node.py21:34
mordredjeblair: I may not have structured this work well21:34
jeblairmordred: okay, hacked.21:34
jeblairit's running now21:34
mordredjeblair: fwiw21:34
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jeblairmordred: oh.21:37
jeblairError: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find data item bandersnatch_keytab in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp:532 on node mirror_update.openstack.org21:37
jeblairshould that be fetchable via puppetmaster?21:38
mordredjeblair: but this is using agent?21:38
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mordredit should be ....21:38
jeblairpuppet agent --environment production --server --detailed-exitcodes --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --pluginsync true --certname mirror_update.openstack.org21:38
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mordredit's in fqdn/
mordredso I expect it to be found by puppetmaster via hiera21:39
jeblairit's worth considering that maybe puppetmaster+hiera has a problem with the binary data21:39
mordredit is definitely worth considering21:39
jeblairi will just change that to a simple string for now to eliminate that21:39
mordredjeblair: kk21:40
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mordredjeblair: other option is that fqdn is not resolving yet21:40
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jeblairmordred: you mean, puppet doesn't know what it is (not dns -- since it's not supposed to)21:41
mordredjeblair: we're passing in certname on the command line, which is how node works for sure - but in the bootstrap pass, facter may have detected fqdn wrong21:41
greghaynesjeblair: clarkb so for this builder change (for it to properly handle waiting on a builder to begin building an image) we have two options AFAICT - either add back the separate builder id's for images (rather than feeding in the from nodepool nodedb) or we need to add another possible state that images can be in21:41
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greghaynesbasically nodepool needs to know how to handle an image which has not yet been made versus one that it can ask to delete21:42
mordredjeblair: you could add a facter env var to the front of the puppet agent call21:42
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mordredjeblair: FACTER_fqdn=asdf facter fqdn21:42
EmilienMjust a dumb question, is the "NOT_REGISTERED" thing for puppet jobs is something you guys are aware?21:42
mordredjeblair: results in facter returning asdf21:42
jeblairgreghaynes: which problem are you trying to solve?21:42
EmilienMfungi: you asked me before which patch - should I worry about something?21:43
mordredjeblair: so if you prepend FACTER_fqdn=%(certname)s to the puppet command ... it should workaround that easilyish21:43
clarkbnibalizer: so there is a lot more that actually needs to be done for this change to be correct. We have to make sure we write a config for nodepoold and nodepool-builder, defaults files, apache vhost and sudo things need to only be on the builder manifest, and thats just what I have run into so far21:43
jeblairmordred: i'll try that, since it failed again after the data type change21:43
mordredjeblair: cool. it's my best guess21:43
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clarkbnibalizer: what do you think of an intermediate change that just colocates nodepoold and nodepool-builder via init.pp?21:43
greghaynesjeblair: having nodepool handle a disconnect from geard gracefully - which means not hanging forever on jobs which wont get run and also deleting things (db rows) on its side21:43
fungiEmilienM: the change you linked looks like all the errors were due to missing devstack-centos7 worker job registrations. this should be resolved as of about an hour ago so rechecking those changes ought to work now21:44
EmilienMfungi: no problem at all, I just wanted to know if you guys are aware21:44
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EmilienMthanks for the follow-up!21:45
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fungiEmilienM: thanks for the details!21:45
nibalizerclarkb: isn't it just a three line patch to 240093 that pulls the class instantiation out of builder.pp and init.pp ?21:46
jeblairgreghaynes: i see the problem differently -- when the build job fails (possibly due to a disconnect), nodepool should put the image in the delete state.  something should come alond and delete things in the delete state.  i think it's okay for whatever deletes images to check that the function exists before calling it.21:46
clarkbnibalizer: no, its much bigger than that21:46
jeblairgreghaynes: however, if we want to add an extra state to help us know whether we expect that function to exist, that's cool too21:46
nibalizerclarkb: why?21:47
jeblairgreghaynes: though...21:47
clarkbnibalizer: the builder needs its own config, logging config, it hosts the image logs via apache not the service daemon, and the sudo stuff is for the builder not the service daemon21:47
clarkbnibalizer: there is a lot of stuff we hvae to do to support a separate non colocated builder21:47
clarkbwhich is missing21:47
jeblairgreghaynes: i'm not actually sure how that's different than just 'building'.21:47
jeblairgreghaynes: if an image is 'building', we can't submit a delete job for it.21:47
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jeblairmordred: there's more green now.21:48
mordredjeblair: I like more green21:48
nibalizerclarkb: well sudoers stuff can just move from init.pp to builder.pp21:48
nibalizerthats easy21:48
greghaynesjeblair: Actually I think we can submit a delete job for it - there will only ever be one potential worker who can handle that delete job and it won't return until after building the image21:48
clarkba lot of it can just move, my point is this change is missing a lot of stuff21:49
nibalizeras for config files, I got the impression that the idea was to use project-config21:49
clarkband it might be easier to do the halfway step21:49
clarkbthen make the jump to separate hosts21:49
jeblairgreghaynes: if it never finished building, then there should be nothing to delete, right?  ah, i think we're missing a piece here:21:49
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clarkbnibalizer: not the nodepool.yaml the defaults file for the service21:50
jeblairgreghaynes: i think either the builder needs to also handle disconnects and delete the image it just built... or we need nodepool to be able to recover from the case where a builder silently finishes building an image after a disconnect or restart21:50
jeblairgreghaynes: the first seems easier to me, and at least more in keeping with nodepool's general error recovery strategy21:50
greghaynesjeblair: The builder does not necessarially disconnect so it does not know about the fact that nodepool submitted jobs and then disconnected21:51
jeblairif not the most efficient allocation of resources21:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Added pypi hosting for AFS mirror slave
nibalizerclarkb: so we want to support but not use a colocated builder?21:52
clarkbnibalizer: right now what we want is a colocated builder21:52
clarkbeventually we want builders on their own hosts21:52
cbader_clarkb, I got around my issue by not using the :From a file on Jenkins master" and switched to "Enter directly" for some reason it won't read the file at '/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa' it is set to 600 and jenkins jenkins. go figure21:52
clarkbthis change is trying to get all the way to the end goal all at once which is more complicated. So wondering if it makes sense to start off only supporting a colocated builder21:53
clarkbthen build on that to allow for separate build hosts21:53
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mordredalso - I imagine openstackci will always want option for colocated builder21:53
fungialso downstream consumers may want to stick with colocated scheduler and builder indefinitely (and even coinstall them with zuul scheduler and merger worker daemons as well)21:53
greghaynesjeblair: so maybe a better idea - if nodepool detects the disconnect it can delete all the corresponding db rows for outstanding image build jobs?21:53
mordredfungi: jinx21:53
fungiyeah, what mordred just said in fewer words21:53
nibalizermordred:  thats why I created this but I'm not very pleased with it21:53
greghaynesjeblair: without asking the builder to delete since the builder would not have seen those jobs yet21:54
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clarkbnibalizer: but that doesn't work today anyways21:54
clarkbwe can't colocate beacuse of duplicate resource defs, but we can't separate because nodepool-builder isn't sufficient enough as is21:54
jeblairclarkb: don't we just put a bunch of if's around duplicate resource defs?21:55
greghaynesjeblair: it has the annoying case that a nodepool crash will leave data in the db which is erroneous21:55
clarkbwe can fix those problems, I am just wondering if it makes sense to simplify the problem for today in order to make incremental changes21:55
clarkbjeblair: that is one approach yes21:55
jeblairgreghaynes: when nodepool starts, we set all building nodes to delete; we should do the same with dib-images21:55
greghaynesjeblair: ah, thatd work21:55
clarkbbut I don't want to prsent this api of "run a separate builder" until it has a chance at working21:56
clarkbso trying to figure out if we want to make that change now or make the simpler change now21:56
nibalizerclarkb: I thought we agreed to your plan of telling the user (openstackci in this case) to include install, daemon, and builder explicitly21:56
clarkbnibalizer: yes21:56
clarkbnibalizer: but as I am trying to make that happen I realize its way more complicated21:56
clarkbso i am asking, do we want to solve that problem today21:56
nibalizeri mean the changes you're talking about aren't that hard to make21:57
nibalizermove sudo, create default file21:57
nibalizercreate apache file21:57
clarkbits not about the puppet though21:57
nibalizerits largely duplicating existing resources and templates that the nodepool class already has21:57
clarkbits about I want the service deployed today21:57
clarkband I bet its not going to happen this way21:57
clarkbmaybe in a couple weeks when I am not traveling21:57
jeblairgreghaynes: but i don't think we've solved the problem of how to reliably get the builder to delete the orphaned image21:58
greghaynesjeblair: Correct21:58
jeblairgreghaynes: because if we do what i suggested with having it check for the function, it will see that it isn't registered and simply delete the db row; then the builder will finish the build, and it will just sit there orphaned on disk.21:59
nibalizerclarkb: so minimum work to colocation would be what21:59
nibalizerjust setup a config file and a service definition?21:59
jeblairgreghaynes: your approach of firing the job into the void would work, but it's a bit fragile, because if geard restarts, that gets lost21:59
clarkbnibalizer: just a service definition22:00
clarkbnibalizer: everything else can be shared if you only allow colocation22:00
nibalizerclarkb: basically line27-40 of this
clarkb+ a defaults file22:00
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix ceilometerclient gate
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greghaynesjeblair: hrm. I wasn't thinking of firing in to the void - nodepool knows what jobs it has submitted and it can detect if a job has been started but there is definitely a potential race there (where the job starting notification happens after a disconnect)...22:01
nibalizerclarkb: kk ill spin that up22:02
nibalizergive me a sec22:02
greghaynesjeblair: So youre thinking set images to delete on a disconnect, then have our cleanup method check that against whether a delete method is registered22:02
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jeblairgreghaynes: well, i'm more thinking about the complete restart case, which is (hopefully) going to happen more often than random disconnects.  everything can disappear immediately there and we need to recover from that.22:03
jeblairgreghaynes: that's what i was thinking, but it does not handle the case where nodepool restarts but the builder does not22:03
greghaynesjeblair: eek, that gets bad with builder restarting also (just occured to me)22:03
greghayneswe have to make sure the builder fully restarts before nodepool does22:03
jeblairgreghaynes: we can make no such guarantees22:03
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jeblairany piece needs to be able to restart at any time with no respect to any other piece22:04
greghaynesya, so if we don't have that then the builder could not be fully up ; nodepool starts and sees no delete jobs registered and deletes db rows; builder comes along and adds jobs22:04
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greghaynesIf we do it where nodepool keeps tracks of what jobs are waiting to be run / what ones have started then the race is preeeety narro22:06
jeblairgreghaynes: maybe we can do something like one of the following 2 ideas: a) nodepool periodically lists functions (hey it does it anyway) and looks for jobs related to unknown images then deletes them22:06
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Colocate a builder-worker with the service
jeblairgreghaynes: b) builders periodically tell nodepool what images they have and nodepool tells them to delete ones it doesn't know about22:06
nibalizerclarkb: ^^22:06
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greghaynesjeblair: ok, I like a)22:07
jeblairgreghaynes: a) is actually quite like what we do for detection/cleanup of leaked nodes.22:07
clarkbnibalizer: we should include that in init.pp and set --no-builder in templates/nodepool.default.erb22:08
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greghaynesok a) + on disconnect all jobs in building go to deleted and we cleanup best we can22:08
clarkbin the daemon args var22:08
jeblairgreghaynes: + delete on startup22:08
greghaynesjeblair: yep22:08
jeblairgreghaynes: and yeah, i think that covers it22:08
fungiOKAY! jenkins04 updates finally completed successfully. i'll go ahead and put 03 and 05 in prepare-for-shutdown so we can safely retrigger the impacted release tags while they finish updating their jobs22:09
jeblairfungi: YAY!22:09
anteayafungi: yay22:09
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Colocate a builder-worker with the service
jeblairmordred: how do ansible puppet apply one host?22:11
nibalizerclarkb: i gotta run away again22:12
nibalizerfeel free to push a new patch to 271541 if you need to22:13
nibalizerill be back in like an hour and maybe we can push this out today22:13
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: Update to Jenkins LTS 1.625.3 and fix function registration
zarozxiiro: ^22:14
jeblairkrotscheck: it should be "" not ''.  dns can't have underscores22:14
* greghaynes 's initials are gah, and he likes to think people have hit bugs he wrote when people exclaim that22:14
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anteayamy initials are almost ack22:15
anteayabut not qite22:16
jeblairrelaunching with mirror-update as the fqdn22:16
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Colocate a builder-worker with the service
clarkbnibalizer: ^ minor change to move the no builder flag and add a require22:17
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clarkbfedora is still uploading22:18
jeblairokay that and all 3 rax mirrors are building22:18
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fungijenkins05 updates died on yet another proxy error, restarting. at least this one is out of the line of fire now so should start acting out a little less22:24
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clarkb passed testing, I can give a go of applying it manually to the host prior to merging22:27
clarkb(want fedora upload to finish though)22:27
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clarkbit just entered hour 422:30
clarkber finished hour 422:30
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fungiugh, here's some fresh new broken:
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fungi"no such option: --download-cache"22:32
fungilooks like tox is calling pip with --download-cache=/home/jenkins/workspace/ceilometer22:33
fungiand pip does not (any longer?) consider that a valid option22:33
clarkbI don't see anyting obvious in that tox.ini doing it22:34
fungihowever, i triggered cinder at the same time and it worked
fungiclarkb: keep in mind this is a tag on stable/kilo22:35
mordredjeblair: ansible-playbook -l $hostname playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml22:35
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jeblairmordred: thanks!22:35
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fungiseems we independently agree22:35
jeblairi just didn't want to be left out22:35
anteayaha ha ha22:36
jeblairbut yeah, someones been proposing patches to remove that everywhere22:36
mordred ?22:36
fungimordred: !22:36
jeblairi think?22:36
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fungihrm... hound only does master branches?22:37
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mordredfungi: yes22:38
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mordredfungi: I think22:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make sure mercurial is installed
clarkbfedora upload completed22:39
jeblairmordred: i need that for bandernatch/update-mirror ^22:39
fungi8.0.0 (2016-01-19): BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE Remove the --download-cache which had been deprecated and no-op'd in 6.0.22:39
fungii guess we just need to strip that out of tox.ini files and elsewhere when we encounter it now22:39
mordredjeblair: +2 from me22:39
clarkbany opposition to me applying nibalizer's change by hand to start a separate builder process then restart nodepoold to stop running the in process builder?22:39
mordredclarkb: nope - whatever you think is best there is fine with me22:40
clarkbI will be disabling ansible puppet on nodepool.o.o22:40
fungiDaviey: i have good news and bad news... the cinder tarballs should be fine now, ceilometer needs to stop using --download-cache in its tox.ini on stable/kilo (pip behavior change) and neutron-vpnaas switched their release tarball jobs to explicitly use zuul-cloner (a neutron-vpnaas-tarball-constraints job) so that one's still checking out master22:40
jeblairmordred: oh, you rebased my ansible-puppet change on
jeblairmordred: what do you mean "sync with upstream" ?22:42
mordredjeblair: we upstreamed our puppet module into the ansible repo. since then, it has gotten 2 patches that were not in our copy22:43
jeblairwe did?22:43
jeblairoh. um.22:43
jeblairdid i know about that?22:43
mordredI believe so, yeah? I mean - we don't consume it from upstream at the moment - but we did write it to be generally useful22:44
jeblairmordred: yeah, i just didn't know that to be useful it had to go somewhere else...22:44
jeblairmordred: where is it?22:44
jeblairmordred: i thought there was a galaxy or something22:44
mordredthat's for roles22:44
mordredthis goes into the same place as the "shell" ansible module22:44
mordredor "sycn"22:44
jeblairwell, that does sound useful22:45
mordredyah- people seem to like it22:45
jeblairmordred: how does our module get used by us then?22:45
mordredwell, right now we stll have a copy22:45
mordredat some point, when we're satisfied that it's solid and we don't need emergency last-minute fixes very often22:45
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anteayaif anyone with gerrit admin permissions is bored, a rackspace instructor onboarding new contributors has requested that all sandbox patches with topic:bug/1234567 be approved:
jeblairyeah, i mean, how does it get used in preference to the one that's presumably built in ansible?22:45
mordredwe can just get rid of our copy and use the one we get from "pip install ansible"22:45
clarkbmordred: and to do that I am going to fetch the chagne into /etc/puppet/modules/nodepool then run puppet apply against the local site.pp22:46
mordredjeblair: gotcha22:46
mordredjeblair: right now, beause it's in the library dir of that role, it takes precedence in lookup order22:46
fungii'm sort of torn on procedure for handling the ceilometer kilo tarball issue. the last change on the branch was successfully built using pip 7. between then and when the tag was pushed, pip 8 was released which dropped an option it was using. now we can't build a tarball from the tag, and we can't update the repo to work with pip 8 without retagging another release. to adhere to our semver scheme, we22:46
fungihave to increment the patch version to 2015.1.4 but there's already a release of that version scheduled later in the year22:46
mordredjeblair: fwiw22:46
jeblairfungi: pin pip 7 in the tarball job and rebuild?22:47
clarkbugh new gerrit doesn't show you anonymous fetch urls22:47
fungiwe could put together a custom job which downgrades to pip 7 when building the tarball, and then retrigger the existing tag with that i guess, though that's funny business22:47
anteayasince sandbox won't allow registered users to do that themselves at present22:47
clarkbanyone know how to make it do that?22:47
jeblairclarkb: i got one22:47
jeblairclarkb: 'download' in the top right22:47
fungiclarkb: use anonymous http rather than http22:47
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clarkboh you have to hit the dropdown22:47
fungi"http" means authenticated22:47
clarkbwhy is anonymous not default?22:47
fungiin new gerritspeak22:47
jeblairclarkb: was for me22:47
clarkbmaybe it is a user setting22:48
jeblairfungi: why custom job?22:48
fungijeblair: well, i guess we could make all tarball jobs use pip 722:48
mordredjeblair: which, btw, means "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/extras/system/" now shows up on any system that does "pip install ansible"22:48
jeblairfungi: though, i guess you are in the home stretch of just having updated them all22:48
jeblairso maybe that doesn't sound like fun22:48
fungithough that brings up the neutron-vpnaas problem. it needs to stop using a custom "constraints-based" tarball job for now22:48
anteayadougwig: ^^22:49
jeblairfungi: yeah, there should be no custom tarball jobs22:49
jeblairnor custom pep8 job22:49
jeblairnor custom py27 job22:49
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jeblairthis is why we have the PTI22:49
fungii haven't gone spelunking in layout.yaml yet, but i suspect there are other projects with the same which all need to be undone22:49
jeblairwe may need to communicate that to project-config reviewers22:49
docaedoIs it generally safe to assume that any PR in openstack-infra will get reviewed in due time without me pestering for reviews? cuz I don't want to be a pest or anything ;)22:49
fungiand we just haven't discovered yet because none of them have done a stable branch release22:49
jeblairdocaedo: nope, i think we're drowning now.22:50
jeblairdocaedo: we've been putting out fires for pretty much 2 weeks solid.22:50
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anteayadocaedo: define due time22:50
clarkbok puppet looked fine, but service failed to start22:50
fungidocaedo: most of our time lately has been spent approving our own changes just to keep things working, and when we have time reverting things which have already been approved22:50
docaedoyeah I figured there's a lot going on, which is why I haven't pinged/pestered22:50
jeblairdocaedo: good news is, if we approved it, it probably wouldn't land or work anyway.22:51
Davieyfungi: Okay... considering tags have already been pushed.. what should i do?22:51
docaedohaha, yeah - I'll just sit back and watch you folks figure out and fix all the things so OpenStack can continue it's march towards world domination.22:52
jeblairclarkb: can you approve ?22:52
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jeblairfungi: or you ^ so we can get reasonable ansible puppet output22:52
fungiDaviey: we're debating. i think temporary custom tarball job for ceilometer to be able to get that tarball to build from the existing tag (or temporary change to the main tarball job template), and undoing the addition of constraints-based tarball job for neutron-vpnaas and any others in the same boat22:52
anteayadocaedo: I don't want world domination22:52
anteayadocaedo: world participation is my personal goal22:52
fungispeaking of home stretch, jenkins03 updates completed so i'm putting it back into production now. this just leaves jenkins05 churning22:53
mwhahahahey openstack-infra folks, could I get some help with as all of our reviews are currently blocked by this failing test. We've got a pending workaround but it's going to take some time to validate.22:53
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docaedoanteaya: haha, I won't rest until AWS concedes defeat and switches their cloud to OpenStack!22:54
fungidocaedo: they might have already and just not told anybody22:54
mordredjeblair: is the change that changes it to go to syslog for us, btw22:54
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docaedofungi: One way to be sure, start a tweet campaign and see if Bezos responds!22:54
mordredjeblair: I didn't depends-on it because it's actually safe to land before the other one22:54
dougwiganteaya, fungi: i told paul about the new way of doing those jobs on wednesday. do you need it patched quickly?22:54
jeblairmordred: right, but the other way around --22:55
mordredjeblair: although I recognize now that that may be confusing22:55
fungidougwig: these what jobs?22:55
jeblairmordred: your change to revert back to the default should depend on 27108722:55
mordredjeblair: ah - you want the default switch to depends-on it?22:55
mordredI can do that22:55
* mordred understands jeblair now22:55
dougwigfungi: "neutron-vpnaas problem. it needs to stop using a custom "constraints-based" tarball job for now"22:55
jeblairmordred: yep, so we don't revert22:55
clarkbisn't json part of stdlib?22:55
fungidougwig: oh, yep. i was about to find what other repos have the same issues and switch them back at the same time22:55
jeblairfungi, dougwig: ah, it's part of a python-constraints-jobs template22:55
anteayaI belive this is the patch that introduced the neutron vpnaas contstraints tarball job:
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Make puppet logout destination configurable
mordredclarkb: yes22:56
jeblairfungi, dougwig: oh, wait, maybe openstack-server-release-jobs-constraints22:56
mordredclarkb: but it's not part of stdlib in all of the supported versions of python ansible supports22:56
clarkbmordred: ansible supports 2.5?22:57
mordredclarkb: so they asked we put that in just because22:57
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clarkbthats fair I guess. Surprised that anyone would support python so old22:57
jeblairfungi, dougwig, anteaya: i think neutron and vpnaas may have *2* sets of release jobs22:57
fungijeblair: yeah, in good news, AJaeger confirmed earlier by digging in stable branch job logs that the branch-tarball-constraints jobs are actually fine, it's just tags where this is causing zuul-cloner to fall back on master branch tip22:58
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Deal with a blank ZUUL_CHANGES later
jeblairfungi: that may be a coincidence though22:58
dougwigjeblair: is that as not good as it sounds?22:58
jeblairfungi: i'm not sure the behavior is actually defined22:58
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anteayajeblair: that wouldn't surprise me22:58
jeblairdougwig: it's twice as bad as it sounds? ;)22:58
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anteayapython-jobs has tarball-constraints and branch-tarball-constraints:
Davieyfungi: You've got this.. or should i be doing something?22:59
fungiDaviey: i've got it, though i'll keep you updated23:00
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jeblairfungi, anteaya, dougwig: my assumption would be that we should have zero constraints jobs in the release, pre-release, or post pipelines at this point23:00
fungiso anyway, it looks like we're safe to at least swap all uses of openstack-server-release-jobs-constraints back to openstack-server-release-jobs23:00
jeblairfungi: it's not a swap23:00
jeblairfungi: it has both23:00
fungioh, ew23:00
jeblairfungi, anteaya, dougwig: so i think the corrective action would be to remove those jobs from the associated templates, and if those templates are empty, remove the template calls23:01
mordredclarkb: that's wwhere the thing came from - and it has something to do with old centos servers under management23:01
fungijeblair: strangely, i didn't see it running both sets of jobs23:01
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mordredclarkb: I do not think the puppet module per-se was an issue - but they went through and went explicit on all modules importing json23:02
jeblairfungi: hrm.  maybe i missed something?  i thought i saw both templates being called.23:02
fungii wonder if the fact that they both declare {name}-merge-release-tags caused the project-templates to get "deduplicated"?23:02
clarkbok I have a running nodepool-builder process23:02
fungijeblair: "see it" as in when i looked at the zuul status page it was only running the three from the openstack-server-release-jobs-constraints template23:02
fungii agree the layout includes both though23:02
clarkbissue was pid file matched main daemons23:02
clarkbI will be pushing a fix for that23:03
clarkbalso we proably shouldn't share a log file so that logs go to separate location23:03
mordredclarkb: neat!23:03
clarkbI am going to restart the main nodepoold now so that it will stop running an internal builder23:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Sync with upstream ansible
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Log puppet to syslog instead of json
jeblairmordred: the file doesn't work with shade :(23:04
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anteayajeblair: I will see about fixing the templates23:04
jeblairi didn't get the server href i was expecting23:04
fungijeblair: yeah, we only got logs for those three, confirming my recalled observation
jeblairfungi: weird23:05
fungianyway, i'll get the layout patched up to remove non-change-pipeline constraints jobs for now23:05
jeblairmight be worth checking out zuul's understanding of the config...23:05
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jeblairfungi: if they're attached to the publish job, it's possible one might be overriding the other (and we got unlucky)23:06
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use different pidfile for builder daemon
clarkbthats one thing23:06
mordredjeblair: OH!23:07
mordredjeblair: you know what ... yeah, I'll have to do a little work for you for that. so sorry23:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Make sure mercurial is installed
mordredjeblair: it turns out nothing else in the entirety of openstack uses those hrefs23:07
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clarkbI am going to attempt uploading fedora-23 to hpcloud-b2 now to compare23:08
mordredjeblair: like, actually nothing except for rax dns23:08
jeblairmordred: yeah, this isn't openstack23:08
mordredI know23:08
mordredso I did not consider it in shade - I can fix for you though23:08
mordredjeblair: do you still need one currently so you can do the dns?23:08
jeblairmordred: nah, it's only relevant for rax, so i'll run standalone in the old environment23:09
jeblairso no rush23:09
mordredjeblair: ok23:09
jeblairprobably something to make sure we have working before the flip tho23:09
fungijeblair: presumably we're considering periodic pipelines also unsafe for zuul-cloner for now?23:10
jeblairfungi: no they're fine23:10
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fungithanks, leaving those untouched then23:10
jeblairfungi: basically, zuul-cloner's test cases came from the devstack-gate test cases23:10
jeblairfungi: so anything that worked in d-g should work with z-c.23:10
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Deal with a blank ZUUL_CHANGES later
jeblairfungi: anything d-g did not do is undefined in z-c.23:10
fungimakes sense23:10
jeblairfungi: there is actually a 1:1 mapping of d-g test cases to python unit tests for z-c23:11
fungii think i knew that at one point and then conveniently forgot23:11
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jlvillal5 uh-oh 323:16
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clarkbupload took just under 8 minutes23:16
clarkbso thats a massive improvement over 4 hours23:16
clarkbshould I go ahead and manually run uploads across the board?23:17
jeblairclarkb: ++23:17
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Extend compile_catalog command to compile all .po files
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run constraints jobs in post or release
fungijeblair: Daviey: dougwig: ^ there's fixing the neutron-vpnaas situation23:17
clarkbok so the two outstanding things are getting my nodepool hcnage of the pidfile path merged and we need to split up the logging between the builder and daemon23:18
clarkbthe image logging can go in the builders config23:18
clarkbmay be able to go back to a non program generated config for the main daemon23:18
mordredclarkb: uhm... how did upload go from 4 hours to 8 minutes?23:18
mordredclarkb: (I'm pleased - but wow)23:19
clarkbmordred: our theory has been cpu starvation.23:19
clarkbthat was aagainst hpcloud thoiugh which has typically fast uploads, trying rax-iad now23:19
clarkbsince rax tends to be slowest due to large image sizes23:19
fungilifeless: Nakato: is another fyi pseudo-revert23:19
* jlvillal thinks about how when you put something back together and you have some extra screws. Same concept ;)23:20
clarkboh right it serializes all of them23:20
clarkbso rax isn't happening just yet :)23:20
jprclarkb, asselin:  btw, was able to unstuck my config on the build by going into nodepool mysql and removing the stuck job.  found this very helpful
mordredclarkb: I'm very excited23:21
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jprservice nodepool start was a better path forward than testing the dib build directly.  nodepool launched a job to build and I started seeing artifacts in the cache for the build.   having other errors (space for build and old keystone) but the nodepool looks like it's doing what it's supposed to.23:22
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: REmove constraints from doc, tarball constraint templates
anteayajeblair fungi ^^23:22
Davieythanks fungi23:23
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Extend compile_catalog command to compile all .po files
anteayajeblair fungi do we still need mine even though fungi offered 271563?23:23
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* anteaya reviews 27156323:23
fungianteaya: is that building on 271563?23:23
fungior a duplicate of?23:23
anteayafungi: instead of23:25
anteayaI didn't realize you were creating 27156323:25
anteayaI think yours is better23:25
anteayaI can abandon mine23:25
fungianteaya: i'll leave it to reviewers to decide. i'm on to solving the ceilometer problem now23:25
anteayafungi: happy ceilometer23:25
anteayajeblair: I think fungi's 271563 is better than my 271564, what do you think?23:26
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jeblairanteaya: yeah, i think 271564 may have the problem that we're leaving the jobs named constraints but changing what they do to be unconstrained, which will be confusing23:26
anteayaI'll abandon23:27
jeblairso better to just leave those jobs around for now, unused, and then add them back into use once z-c is updated23:27
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fungiyeah, i was just trying to stop running them (and remove the project-templates in the layout file since they're an attractive nuisance at the moment)23:28
anteaya+3 to you23:28
anteayaI'm going to get dinner23:28
fungialso they were duplicative, and possibly exposing some undefined behavior in zuul around two project-templates on a project each containing a job in common23:28
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jeblairmordred: so my change to puppet-ansible will somehow land on our hosts  (just puppetmaster i guess?)23:29
mordredjeblair: yes. it will get updated in playbooks/update_puppet.yaml23:30
mordredjeblair: in the line   - shell: ansible-galaxy install --force -r roles.yaml23:30
mordredjeblair: if you want to force the issue, you can just run ansible-galaxy install --force -r roles.yaml23:30
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jeblairah, i need to add ssh keys23:32
jeblairshould probably have launch-node do that23:32
jeblairLast login: Thu Jan  1 00:00:10 197023:33
jeblairso that's what, 600 in epoch time?  weird.23:33
clarkbrax upload has been going for about 10 minutes now23:34
clarkblonger uploads are expected because its a bigger image23:34
clarkbwill have to see how much longer it is though23:34
jeblairmordred: ansible-playbook -l playbooks/remote_puppet_else.yaml23:35
jeblairmordred: fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Error while linking: [Errno 2] No such file or directory", "path": "/opt/system-config/hieradata", "state": "absent"}23:35
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jeblairmordred: that's for: TASK [puppet : ensure hieradata manifest link is present] **********************23:35
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily pin pip<8 for ceilometer tarballs
fungijeblair: Daviey: ^ there's the workaround for the ceilometer tarball23:36
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fungii'm working up the fix for ceilometer stable/kilo now so that it can be included in 2015.1.423:36
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jeblairfungi: lgtm23:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run constraints jobs in post or release
* krotscheck is back for a few minutes23:41
krotscheckjeblair: Got your note about mirror update.23:41
krotscheckjeblair: Is there already a patch for that rename, or shall I just go do it?23:41
krotscheckjeblair: Ah, I see it's been fixed.23:41
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fungiDaviey: i've backported cdent's fix from liberty to drop downloadcache in ceilometer in kilo now (for the sake of 2015.1.4 and later):
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fungialso, jenkins05 finally finished updating successfully, so i'm placing it back into production23:43
fungithat's the last of them!23:43
jeblairkrotscheck: yep, all good, just waiting on some initial puppet/ansible runs and possibly some weirdness there23:43
jeblairfungi: yay!  that only took 2 days!23:44
krotscheckjeblair: Gotcha. Just rechecked my typo patch23:44
fungijeblair: yep, that's the blink of an eye on a cosmological timescale23:44
fungialso on a cosmetological one23:45
jeblairfungi: wow.23:45
greghaynesclarkb: oh wow, so separate builder ftw?23:45
anteayafungi: yay, all the jenkinsii23:45
jeblairi think we should leave the openstack foundation and instead operate under the auspices of the long-now foundation.23:45
clarkbgreghaynes: so far yes23:45
greghaynesclarkb: I would be really interested to see what the root cause of the massive slowdown is23:46
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fungijeblair: we should start "the foundation"23:46
jeblairfungi: i'll start editing wikipedia23:46
greghaynesI know python and threads aren't great but I didn't think it would cause that much of a slowdown23:46
fungiitym psychohistremedia?23:47
clarkbgreghaynes: we do have a lot of threads that may hurt23:47
jeblairgreghaynes: nodepool is cpu bound23:47
clarkbmost dont do large io so are fine23:47
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greghaynesAh, CPU bound while taking the GIL23:47
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jeblairyeah, and the image uploads are doing a lot of data moving in python (since we're building giant http requests -- in python)23:48
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jeblairso this isn't like an io thread that can go off in C-land and do its thing23:49
fungijeblair: oh, right, "wikipedia galactica"23:49
greghaynesYep, makes sense23:49
krotscheckjeblair: i see error status but cant access the report?23:50
mordredjeblair: well piddle23:50
jeblairgreghaynes: so even though nodepool proper spends most of its time just waiting for network io (great for threads), once we have around 1000 of them we actually have enough of them waking up that even that is now consuming the 1 core that the gil gives us23:50
jeblairgreghaynes: which is why the next step is nodepool launch workers :)23:51
jeblairbut maybe after v323:51
greghaynesYa, and after builders are stableish23:51
clarkbrax still going23:51
jeblairwell, that's tuesday23:51
clarkb~25 minutes so far23:51
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jeblairclarkb: i want to say i saw something like 20 mins for a bluebox upload with no contention?23:52
clarkbit was 8 minutes for hpcloud and the hpcloud images are aout 1/3 the size23:53
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mordredjeblair: doh.23:53
clarkb16GB vs 5GB23:54
clarkbI don't see a raw image though23:54
clarkbI thought we had at least one cloud using raw23:54
clarkboh we must not have fredora 23 on that cloud23:54
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clarkbthere are 3 images with raw23:54
jeblairmordred: fwiw, the cron run just ran and hit the same errors23:55
jeblairmordred: but i'm guessing from your doh you figured something out?23:55
clarkb30 minutes for rax23:55
mordredjeblair: yup. logic error on nodes on which we've never run this before :)23:56
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jeblairclarkb: nice!  (i guess, i mean, now we return to the world where we think 30 minutes is a long time :)23:56
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fungion plank timescales it's a veritable eternity!23:56
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* jeblair makes fungi walk the planck23:57
* fungi likes bouncing between temporal extremes23:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Don't try to make a link before the directory
mordredjeblair: ^^23:57
mordredjeblair: turns out we need to rsync the puppet modules directory BEFORE writing content in to it23:57
clarkbat a half an hour we can have 48 images max per builder23:58
clarkbin a worst case23:58
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: we could probably multiplex those a little bit -- have a couple of threads doing image uploads.23:58
mordredmmm. matttthhhhhhhs23:58
clarkbif we excluse hpcloud we have 7regions?23:59
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: like, more than 1 but less than 1000.23:59
clarkb2 ovh, 3 rax, 1 internap, 1 bluebox23:59
mordredI want to say "docker" or "AFS" in response to the multi-plexing - but I don't think either is right23:59
clarkbthat comes down to ~6 images per region23:59
jeblairmordred: if we can get glance to read from afs...23:59
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clarkbtrusty, centos7, fedora 2323:59

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