Friday, 2016-01-15

mordredjeblair: notice the truncation of the characters after the |00:00
mordredand how weird my input line looks00:00
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clarkbrebuilding nodepool test image now that the puppet fix is in00:02
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fungimordred: still skimming but i (an old school xterm user) do something like xterm*vt100*faceName:vl gothic:bold:pixelsize=1500:02
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mordredjeblair: in normal terminal it's fine - look ...
mordredfungi: I have found setting the font00:03
mordredfungi: I'm now on to "it renderes funny"00:03
jeblairmordred: what version of urvt are you running?00:04
mordredfungi: it felt good to type "xrdb merge ~/.Xresources" - which I had not run in years00:04
SamYaplemordred: i did not see delegate_to! that explains it00:04
SamYaplemordred: i normally use local_action: instead since delegate_to uses ssh00:04
SamYaplelocal_action uses the local connection type00:04
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mgagneanything weird going on with zuul/nodepool?00:05
jeblairmordred: i'm 9.19-100:05
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mordredjeblair: 9.20-1+b100:05
jeblairmordred: but i'm not using weechat, nor do i have an xft font i like, so maybe clarkb would be more useful for comparison00:05
mordredSamYaple: nod00:05
clarkbmgagne: not that I hvae noticed, what are you seeing?00:05
mgagneclarkb funny lines:
fungiat least for xterm, i've actually found that vl gothic is highly readable for me (it's hard to find dyslexia-friendly fonts that work well in a terminal) and has good japanese glyph coverage too00:06
clarkbmordred: I just checked and ya its still not happy (urxvt on trusty)00:06
SamYaplemordred: and fyi, not that im recommending it, but if you want tasks to run on the ansible host and then on the destination host in the _same_ _task_ you can build an action_plugin00:06
clarkbmgagne: using droid sans mono00:06
mordredclarkb: that's my .Xresources file00:06
clarkber mordred ^00:06
jrollmordred: I have success with urxvt + weechat but unsure what's different00:06
jeblairmgagne: i agree there are some flat lines about.00:06
mgagnejeblair is it dead yet? :D00:06
clarkboh looking at graphs (I was ust looking at the log file and my experience trying to build an image in hpcloud00:07
mordredjroll: you using xft fonts?00:07
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jrollmordred: URxvt.font: xft:Source Code Pro00:07
jeblairjroll: did you see the gertty excitement above?  we have clickable links in urxvt now with and
mordredjroll: and it doesn't look weird?00:07
jrolljeblair: indeed :D00:07
jrollmordred: nope00:07
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Use common logging for nodepool applications
jrollmordred: I have URxvt*letterSpace: -1 with a comment "fix font space"00:08
jrollseems relevant00:08
jrollbut not sure00:08
clarkbgreghaynes: three is a lot of Instance clarkb-test (ec46829f-f53a-4481-b3f1-eb0ffe3ae303) in hpcloud-b5 has no nodepool metadata00:08
jeblairclarkb: i think that's normal00:08
clarkbjeblair: ah ok00:08
jeblairclarkb: delete your instance and it will go away :)00:08
mordredjroll: you fixed it!!!00:08
clarkbI do see that we have nodes building and nodes used00:08
mordredclarkb: ^^00:08
clarkbjeblair: ya but there are others I just used mine as an example00:08
clarkbmordred: jroll wat00:09
clarkbthats wow00:09
mordredclarkb: URxvt*letterSpace: -100:09
jrollI spent hours on "make font rendering not suck" but I honestly have no recollection of exactly what was involved00:09
jeblairnegative letterspacing!00:09
clarkbso I think we are properly building and using nodes00:09
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clarkballocation just happened so that is running00:10
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clarkbmaybe its just the graphite things?00:10
openstackgerritAngus Lees proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix regex used for neutron non-doc jobs
clarkbcould be we got a package update that broke it00:10
mgagneclarkb and stats are missing for the past ~2h:
clarkbno most recent release was from october00:11
jeblairclarkb: zuul and logstash have graphs00:11
clarkbmgagne: ya thats about when I rstarted the daemon00:11
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: (for later -- it looks like we're making a gearman connection for nodepool list which i think should be unecessary -- maybe we can do that only for the commands that need it?)00:11
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clarkbgreghaynes: do you know off the top of your head if we touched anything related to stats?00:12
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clarkbI don't recall but am about ot start filterint thorugh git log -p00:13
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jeblairi'm tcpdumping and i don't see any traffic to graphite.o.o00:13
jrollmordred: now you owe me a tip, how do I reload .xresources without reloading x?00:13
jeblairfrom nodepool00:13
clarkblooks like statsd stuff was moved for image building00:13
clarkbI wonder if we are now importing it too early or something00:13
jeblairjroll: xrdb -merge .xresources00:14
clarkb(statsd is bad and does import time magic)00:14
fungijeblair: xrdb -load or -merge00:14
jrollaha, ty00:14
mordredjroll: ^^00:14
fungier, yeah jroll00:14
mordredjroll: I think I still owe you a tip00:14
jeblairi don't know who owes whom now00:14
greghaynesclarkb: kind of, I tried not to change it but some stats code was moved00:14
mordredjeblair: DUDE00:15
mordredthis is the best thin gever00:15
* jroll puts a bunch of beers on the table and calls it good00:15
openstackgerritAngus Lees proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Report actual error in error message
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clarkbso thats my current theory at least that statsd import moved and is too early for import time things to work propoerly00:16
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm. That's :(00:17
anteayagus: ha ha ha, you don't want much do you00:17
pabelangerclarkb: greghaynes noticed there was not logging for nodepool-builders -d, working on a patch00:17
greghaynesIirc what it does at import time is just DNS lookup00:17
gusanteaya: :P00:17
greghaynespabelanger: ah, ty00:17
anteayagus: it strikes me as funny00:17
clarkbya I think thats it patch soon00:18
greghaynesclarkb: oh, I wonder if it is not thread safe in some way00:18
clarkbno I think its thread safe the issue is that the global it uses to connect to isn't set when we import00:18
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clarkbgreghaynes: you will like the fix00:18
greghaynesUh oh00:19
* mordred looks forward to the fix00:19
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gusI was peripherally involved in a project a _long_ time ago, and one of the more active devs was incredibly strict on error messages.  I wish everyone learnt the same rules ("If it is an error, it must say 'error', it must include what you were trying to do, it must include what you were trying to do it to, it must include what went wrong")00:19
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jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: it's supposed to log whether it's reporting to statsd or not, but there is no such log line in production00:19
gus(and if you're taking some mitigating steps, you should say what they are, eg "trying again", "continuing without ...", etc)00:20
greghaynesjeblair: I wonder if that is related to what pabelanger mentioned about logging not working in the builders00:20
jrolljeblair: not to interrupt but gertty: error: unrecognized arguments: --open00:20
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jeblairjroll: you'll need to check out
fungijroll: are you running with that proposed patch00:21
fungiyeah, that one00:21
jeblairor cherry-pick00:21
jrollsaw the paste, missed the patch, thanks00:21
jeblairjroll: (careful with checkout -- it's at the tip of a series with a db migration)00:21
jrollheh, thanks for heads up00:21
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Import nodepool.builder late for statsd
fungii backed up my db before doing it, but it migrated fine for me00:21
jeblairthough it's looking stable enough at this point00:21
clarkbjeblair: greghaynes ^ I think that is what we need00:22
clarkbnote that nodepool.nodepool import happens late00:22
greghaynesclarkb: ugh. I will definitely try and find another way00:22
mordredgus: ++00:22
pabelangergreghaynes: I am testing 267865 atm00:22
greghaynesLate imports are literally the worst thing ever00:23
clarkbgreghaynes: yes00:23
pabelangerlogging, is logging00:23
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nibalizerfungi: jeblair your eyes are requested on
mordredjeblair: the fun part is- because of how gertty stacks review opens00:23
nibalizerclarkb: ill fix the nodeool thing now00:24
mordredjeblair: I keep a natural history of any link I clicked open00:24
greghaynesclarkb: so, any idea what specifically causes that?00:24
jeblairmordred: stacks are the best00:24
mordredjeblair: also - C-del is brilliant00:24
jeblairmordred: i just typed it myself!00:24
clarkbgreghaynes: ya  Ithink if we git blame the other late import we will get all the details00:24
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pabelangerOoh, nodepool-builder worked!00:24
pabelangeron a remote machine to boot00:24
anteayagus: sounds like debugging in that environment was very friendly00:25
greghaynespabelanger:  :)00:25
funginibalizer: seems fine to me00:25
pabelangergreghaynes: great work00:25
clarkbgreghaynes: its because of daemonization00:25
mordredjeblair: I have now moved my IRC window into a new uxrvt window - and the other terminal that I had with an IRC tab and a vpn tab now has a gertty tab and a vpn tab00:25
gusanteaya: yes indeed, particularly operationally.00:25
clarkbgreghaynes: the fds are all closed00:25
greghaynesclarkb: we aren't demonizing here00:25
clarkbgreghaynes: so if we can get the fds from the statsd module we can pass them to daemonize and avoid that I think00:25
funginibalizer: though i missed we were running out of space on that server00:25
anteayagus: ah sounds nice00:25
clarkbgreghaynes: git show a641ac52a9c610d01a2231f32bdf33ff4bd9e32c00:25
greghaynesclarkb: I suspect you are on the right track though00:25
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greghaynesclarkb: I do think it is related to import then thread00:26
mordred"Note: Using ~/.Xdefaults is deprecated, so this article will only refer to resources loaded with xrdb"00:26
clarkbgreghaynes: yup thats exactly what it is00:26
nibalizerfungi: part of the issue is the huge reports on a couple nodes00:26
mordredwhy would .Xdefaults be DEPRECATED?????00:26
clarkbgreghaynes: it opens the socket at import time, then we daemonize and close the fd00:26
mordredwhat is wrong with people?00:26
nibalizerI pushed up fixes for some of the more terrible ones00:26
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greghaynesclarkb: so we might be able to re-init it after import?00:26
clarkbgreghaynes: if we want to not close the fd we can pss it to daemonize as a leave me alone arg assuming we can get the fd00:26
anteayamordred: feel like helping gus get an actual error message?
fungimordred: .Xresources is the new thing00:26
mordredfungi: they've both been around for like 20 years00:27
greghaynesclarkb: or, honestly, writing a statsd module which doesn't do this would take about 10min00:27
greghaynesIt is just simple udp00:27
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mordredjeblair: I have a ... weird feature request/suggestion for gertty now00:27
clarkbgreghaynes: meh late import works now00:27
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: double check that the existing statsd module dosn't already do this00:27
greghaynesclarkb: late imports are a big tech debt though00:28
mordredjeblair: an optional depend on pynotify or whatever does libnotify things - and when you get a --open - emit a notify message saying "opening $URL" ... largely because there is no UI feedback when I click a link to let me konw it worked00:28
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: i believe it can be used in an approach with an explicit object construction rather than the implicit one.00:28
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greghaynesYa, if we can just re-init it that'd be awesome00:28
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jeblairmordred: maybe we could have gertty throw something in the status bar?00:29
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jeblairmordred: i imagine it's mostly when it's syncing a change that's an issue...?00:29
fungimordred: .Xresources needs xrdb to parse, which deals with multiple displays sanely. you _can_ parse .Xdefaults with xrdb as a workaround, though it was historically assumed that .Xdefaults was read directly by the xserver... i'm looking for a good description of the current situation now00:29
jrollwoohoo, the system works00:29
jrolljeblair: yeah, sync lag feels weird00:29
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jrollit's fine if the change is synced00:30
jeblairmordred, jroll: probably if the sync counter wasn't off-by-one that would be better too :)00:30
fungier, .Xdefaults read when client programs start under the xserver, i should have said00:30
jeblair(it doesn't count the currently running sync task; programming is hard)00:31
clarkbso we could wrap it up in nodepool/stats00:31
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clarkbbut is what we import so we could also just copy pasta that I think00:31
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anteayagus: was that project open source?00:31
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jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: see gear for statsd usage without statsd.env00:32
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fungimordred: has a pretty sane explanation of what's what00:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Retain only 5 days of puppet reports on puppetmaster
anteayaanyone want to increase internap servers from 24 to 36? mgagne is +1 now:
mgagneanteaya and I added a new compute node to capacity 15 seconds ago00:34
jeblairmgagne, anteaya: can we wait until we have stats again?00:34
clarkbgreghaynes: are you going to write fix for doing it like gear?00:35
mgagnejeblair no rush, heading out of office now to ski and I'm off tomorrow too00:35
greghaynesclarkb: ya, I can later00:35
greghaynesCan't code ATM00:35
mgagnejeblair should still be safe to increase quota though00:35
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anteayamgagne: awesome00:36
anteayajeblair: of course, sorry I wasn't paying attention00:36
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gusanteaya: FreeSWAN, in its early days (1999ish).  I can't find one of the email threads where it was succinctly described, but see discussions like
jeblairanteaya: np -- i mean, we *can* do it now, just might be nicer when we're looking at data later00:38
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fungiyeah, would be nice to have stats being trended again so we can see a before and after of the quota bump00:39
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adam_ggreghaynes, any chance theres a DIB release in the pipeline to include ?00:40
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Nodepool image build workers
mordredfungi: ah - thanks00:41
openstackgerritDaniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: Save the adminPass if returned on server create
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove nova-commit-message job
anteayagus: interesting00:43
ianwclarkb / pabelanger: I've got out there for updating statsd to 3.0 in zuul, removing the global state thing.  i can do a similar thing for nodepool00:43
anteayajeblair: I'm fine leaving it up to you to approve when you like00:43
clarkbianw: that would be helpful00:44
ianwi'm pretty sure i updated nodepool to 3.0, and IIRC the reason i left it alone was just to avoid too much churn for little reason00:44
anteayaand yes optimal merging is when we can watch progress00:44
anteayagus: I'll try to remember the name00:45
anteayaHugh Redelmeier if I ever get to view or run his code00:45 is down -- did I miss a memo (haven't read the mailing list, just opened computer after 10 hrs of afk)00:46
kashyapNo, actually it's not - please ignore me.00:46
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reedaptira's RSS feed is borked and monopolizing planet, yet again00:52
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openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
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clarkbjjb update on jenkins01 is still going00:53
jeblairreed: want to yank them from the file?  i'll instapprove00:53
reedjeblair, I'd rather avoid such drastic measure myself since I00:54
reedI'm a candidate too00:54
reedbut it's a bit annoying to realize that their feed has been broken for as long as I can remember00:54
jeblairreed: is it borked or did they just post a bunch of things?00:54
reedusually I don't notice but now they've had 5 posts on top for a while00:55
clarkbfinally have an snapshot image build running on hpcloud now00:55
jeblairreed: they posted in the future00:55
jeblairreed: their dates are jan 1600:55
reedI didn't realize that00:55
jeblairreed: which, to be fair, they do live in the future.00:55
reedit's not the 16th in Australia?00:55
clarkbIts not even jan 16 on that side of the planet00:55
clarkbits the 15th00:55
jeblairyeah, not that much in the future though00:55
clarkbaround noon00:56
clarkb(for east coast)00:56
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clarkbmaybe they have an off by 12 hours problem and treat local time as utc?00:56
anteayathat's a new one00:56
jeblairthis probably calls for a 'hey, can you look into your timezone' message rather than a yank00:56
anteayaI support that as a start00:57
reedOpenStack Election 2016: Reason 5 to vote for Kavit – Beer00:57
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anteayathat is one of their posts?00:57
anteayayeah the whole vote for me bit is disappointing00:57
anteayaI saw a post to operators with a vote for me00:57
anteayaso sad00:58
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jeblairi wish i could vote for more than one candidate :(00:58
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anteayame too00:58
anteayaso sad that still isn't fixed00:58
tonybDo we have any way of measuring the performance of nodes we're allocated?  I *feel* like I'm seeing more timeoute failures these days00:58
reedyou can't?00:58
jeblairreed: not if you want any of your candidates to win00:58
reeddon't you get 8 votes to spread around?00:58
reedah, yeah00:58
jeblairbecause most of the voters are giving "their" candidate all 8 of their votes00:59
jeblairit's the worst system ever00:59
anteayatonyb: well you can stare at this a bit:
mordredit is, in fact, designed to incentivize not spreading your votes00:59
reedthat... you know, I dug out the reports from the election committee from those times but ... I didn't find a clear announcement that no other system but cumulative is allowed00:59
clarkbwasnt it semi dictated by existing corporate bylaws in delaware?00:59
anteayatonyb: it is pretty but I don't know if it gets you want you want01:00
mordredclarkb: no01:00
mordredclarkb: it's dictated currently by risk aversion01:00
clarkbmordred: ah01:00
reedclarkb, exactly, there was no result published by the board after setting up the committee01:00
anteayatonyb: I'm guessing you know about the openstack-health dashboard, yeah?01:00
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reedat least I didn't find the results of that conversation01:00
mordredthere is no legal precedent already set in delaware for an org of our stature to use a different method01:00
tonybanteaya: yeah I don't think this will bee visibe there01:00
mordredand this is a potential risk vector that various people feels outweighs the benefit01:00
clarkbmordred: gotcha, nothing says we couldn't CIVS, there just isn't precedent to ride on01:01
jeblairi would give all 8 of my votes to a candidate that ran on a platform of doing something about that :)01:01
mordredclarkb: that's right01:01
tonybanteaya: I'll look at http://grafana.openstack.org01:01
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anteayatonyb: oh good, may you have so much fun there that you forget why you went there :)01:01
jeblairmordred: 'of our stature' ?01:01
mordredclarkb: and last time we tried, we basically could not get enough board members excited enough about the topic to overcome the inertia of risk aversion01:01
clarkbwe could set it up like jury summons01:01
mordredjeblair: yes - there are some non-delaware non-profits who have used condorcet01:01
tonybanteaya: that would ba a good outcome01:01
clarkbfor the lols01:02
anteayatonyb: agreed01:02
mordredbut none of them are large-enough to be attack vectors01:02
jeblairmordred: i thought there were delaware ones.01:02
anteayaclarkb: that's a thought01:02
mordredfor people trying to achieve political goals by challenging the legal legitimacy of the board elections01:02
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clarkbhuh in oregon you can be excused from jury duty if you are 70 or older01:07
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clarkbpuppet succeeded on the image build I am running01:07
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutronclient deprecation bug 1533638
openstackbug 1533638 in neutron "test_bash_completion fails due to deprecation warning generated by neutronclient" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Akihiro Motoki (amotoki)01:08
clarkbmriedem: that sounds like a fun bug01:08
mriedemclarkb: already fixed01:08
mriedemjust categorizing it01:08
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lifelessmriedem: so I'm curious01:10
lifelessmriedem: would a faster thing have been to lower upper-constraints again, unblocking the gate,then fix the neutron tests?01:10
lifelessmriedem: or no diff ?01:10
mriedemlifeless: i wasn't actually involved in this fix01:10
mriedemit's the thing that carl_baldwin was raising in the -dev list01:11
mriedemi think they just realized that neutron shouldn't unit test neutronclient01:11
mriedemand this exposed it01:11
lifelessI didn't want to side-track that conversation01:11
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greghaynesadam_g: ya, once I get home I'll release01:12
greghaynesadam_g: 30ish min01:12
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fungii gave all 8 of my votes to a candidate who i think is most likely to do something about the risk aversion to sane elections problem01:14
anteayaexcellent choice01:14
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anteayalet's hope said candidate should they serve, grasps that mandate and makes progress01:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutronclient deprecation bug 1533638
openstackbug 1533638 in neutron "test_bash_completion fails due to deprecation warning generated by neutronclient" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Akihiro Motoki (amotoki)01:19
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anteayaianw: how are you feeling about this patch, should it still stay alive?
anteayaianw: if yes, can you leave a comment on it to help us understand its value?01:24
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anteayaianw: its dependencies have merged01:25
ianwanteaya: i guess you can abandon it, i will get back to it one day.  i have other changes out there for testing that actually force neutron on for centos01:26
sdakejeblair ping01:27
anteayaDid you want to leave a note for the abandon or just abandon?01:27
sdakere redirecting #kolla to #openstack-kolla01:27
sdakeSamYaple indicated you took ownership of the openstack-kolla channel01:27
sdakeSamYaple is going to take on the responsibility of getting us a redirect setup to openstack-kolla01:28
sdakejeblair can you work with him on that ?01:28
anteayaianw: great thank you01:29
SamYaplejeblair: if I remember correctly the person that does the redirect must be the original founder of the channel (#kolla) and also a founder of the channel to rediect to (#openstack-kolla). That means youll need to add rhallisey as founder to #openstack-kolla01:29
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sdakejeblair fwiw you have kolla community permission to do what is needed to make this change :)01:31
sdakejeblair SamYaple will handle the project config setup01:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Import nodepool.builder late for statsd
jeblairSamYaple, sdake: i'm a bit past eod today, can we work on it tomorrow?  also, as long as openstackinfra has access (which i think it does), other infra folks may be able to help too (i think pleia2 has recently done some forwards?)01:31
sdakejeblair all we need i think from you is the addition of rhallisey01:31
sdakejeblair no rush at all01:31
jeblairsdake: cool, thx01:31
SamYaplejeblair: da, no rush take care01:32
sdakejeblair i just wantedt o make it clear the work is authorized from my end01:32
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jeblairsdake: got it01:33
anteayaso this patch asserts that an updated project description in project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml needs a manual update from the infra team to change the project description on github:
anteayais that accurate?01:34
sdakejeblair its a good thing you were on the ball with openstack-kolla01:35
sdakesomeone is camping the channel atm :)01:35
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Don't use global statsd
ianwgreghaynes / clarkb : ^ removal of the statsd global01:37
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Fix off-by-one in sync counter
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Display a message when interactively syncing
jeblairmordred, jroll: let me know if those 2 changes help with the feedback around remote open ^01:40
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jrolljeblair: yes, very much. thanks!01:42
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add OSprofiler to PROJECTs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Prepare neutron-lib for pypi releases
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/gertty: Add vi mode navigation
jrollthat one is for dougwig :D01:50
dougwigjroll: )01:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting dj1.9 test to django-openstack-auth
StevenKlifeless: They're both pushed up, blocked on dstufft reviewing the packaging changes01:52
lifelessStevenK: k, I'll prod him some01:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs-on-rtfd hook for solar project
anteayasdake: you want to have a pass at this latest patchset?
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: can you comment on this patch to skip a sahara test?
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: it feels a bit odd to me01:57
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sdakeanteaya sorry had a mini emergency02:03
sdakeyou want me to review that yo umean?02:03
anteayasdake: no worries02:03
anteayasdake: yes please, you had some concerns during the review process02:03
anteayasdake: I'd like to give you a chance to see the current patchset02:04
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pleia2SamYaple: past EOD for me too, but we have documented the rename procedure once you have the access you need (or you can ask one of us to do it)
greghaynesadam_g: tag pushed02:10
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greghaynesclarkb: ok, so builders are good aside from the logging, gearman for listing, and statsd issues?02:13
greghaynes(back at computer now)02:13
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greghaynesIf that's it I can review patches02:14
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openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
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SamYaplepleia2: good to know02:18
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openstackgerritIWAMOTO Toshihiro proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ryu to 3.29.1
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Always sync a specfically queried change
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Always sync a specfically queried change
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sdakeanteaya sorry conclusion of hte mini-emergency02:32
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add ansible as a dependency
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sdakereviewing now02:32
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sdakeanteaya concerns addressed thanks :)02:33
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clarkbgreghaynes fron what I see so far ya02:34
clarkbminimal issues02:34
jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: the workaround merged should we restart now?02:35
clarkbsure though I have sleeping kid in lap02:35
clarkbso not super useful02:35
jeblairclarkb: i have confidence i can revert quickly, i'll do it :)02:36
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jeblairtcpdump shows statsd traffic02:37
jeblair(after restart)02:37
clarkbcan you check shade version too?02:37
clarkbI think 1.4.0 has rax image upload fix02:37
jeblairclarkb: oh what was prob?02:37
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clarkbtoken would expire and never refresh for swiftclient02:38
clarkbso first upload after restart was fine but those after failed02:38
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jeblairclarkb, greghaynes: things lgtm02:40
clarkbsince rax is the only one that uses swift for images it was the only one affected02:40
clarkbjeblair awesome02:41
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* jeblair dines02:41
greghaynesjeblair: awesome!02:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add ansible as a dependency
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Document urxvt clickable links
jeblairfor reals now02:49
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* dims peeks to see if anything interesting is happening :)02:50
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openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
anteayasdake: thank you02:58
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.i18n to 2.1.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add py27 py34 docs check for kolla project
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sdakeis 3.70 a square foot good price ot install tile?03:10
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clarkbno idea, but having installed tile before I recommend paying someone else to do it03:12
jeblairsdake: that sounds too good actually03:13
sdakewell the tile is 4$ a square foot, this guy quoated me 3800 for 1041 sq ft03:13
jeblairthough i like installing tile, so that's usually a diy for me03:13
sdakeso 8k total03:14
sdakehe is in good standing at the tile company03:14
sdakeand hte tile company is highly rated by the bbb03:15
sdakeand comes recommended from several friends03:15
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sdakejust so hard to tell if getting ripped offor not03:15
jeblairno idea how accurate this is --
clarkbjeblair I am bad at setting up the pipeline of making sure everuthing is ready for the next step03:15
clarkband it always takes forever03:16
sdakealthough he has to work only on bare concrete, no demo work required03:16
sdakeso maybe thats why teh deal is so good03:16
anteayasdake: have you seen his work anywhere else?03:16
sdakebut to get on this list of contractors at arizona tile is no mean feat03:17
sdakeas in, its hard to get on the list03:17
sdakethey only have 12 contractors on the list03:17
sdakeand arizona tile said they have extremely rigorous standards for their listed contractors03:18
sdakewhatever that means :)03:18
anteayamy cat has walked across my keyboard and now not all my keys work as I expect :(03:18
anteayaI'd ask to speak to  former customer03:18
anteayaone that had bare concrete as a base03:18
sdaketile is pretty easy to isntall03:19
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anteayaI disagree03:19
anteayatile in a very smooth surface with straight edges is easy to install03:19
sdakehard to install? :)03:19
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sdakeyup that is what he is working with, square rooms03:20
anteayaflat open surface is fine03:20
jeblairthe best thing about diying is it really helps you appreciate the skills of good craftspeople :)03:20
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clarkbjeblair ++03:20
sdakejeblair i do, thtas why I am paying a contractor :)03:20
anteayafinishing is tricky03:20
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Connection names for legacy configs
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix documentation example
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add vim swap files to .gitignore
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add exception handler to updateBuildDescriptions
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Use everywhere
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Bump pbr minimum version, to avoid testrepository requirement
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Bump APScheduler to >=3.0
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove webob requirements cap
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix regression in change tracking
anteayajhesketh: thank you03:21
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jheskethoh that's just bringing the changes from master into v303:21
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jheskethjeblair: is there a better way of keeping v3 in sync with master that doesn't require effectively cherry-picking?03:22
jeblairjhesketh: we can do merge commits03:22
jheskethif we merge master into zuulv3 we have to force a push directly as gerrit will otherwise do a rebase no?03:23
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jheskethor can we just skip that part of git review03:23
jeblairjhesketh: there's enough churn that some of them will require resolution03:23
jheskethyes, there were 3 conflicts there03:23
jeblairjhesketh: i belive git review will do the correct thing (nothing) if you push a merge commit, nothing special needed03:23
jheskethhmm it was trying to do a rebase03:24
jeblairjhesketh: try this next time:
jeblairnow i'm going to go read about refrigerators03:26
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jheskethjeblair: I think the -R might have just been the part I was missing (to stop git-review from rebasing)03:27
jheskethI'll play with that thanks :-)03:27
jeblairjhesketh: ah, looks like i was wrong about that part, sorry :(03:27
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anteayajeblair: I like my new refrigerator03:29
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anteayait actually stops running occasionally03:29
jheskethjeblair: hmm, it still wants to push each commit as its own change (even without a rebase)03:30
anteayaan improvement over the prior one03:30
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jheskethjeblair: so unless I'm missing something, we can either review each change again where it's identical to the master and then the merge commit fixes the conflicts, or we can rebase/cherry-pick (like my earlier uploads) where a change that conflicts is fixed as we go03:31
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Remove oslo-incubator section in HACKING.rst
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update stable constraints url
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add dsvm check and gate to freeze* repos
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix regex used for neutron non-doc jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Report actual error in error message
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craige is actually an interesting spec jhesketh. I will consider volunteering, later :-D06:12
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openstackgerritSamuel BARTEL proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add project poppy-ui
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openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: bump versions for each keystone library
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ceilometerclient version
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Put ceilometer integration test on client lib
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add google api python client
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Remove shade-ansible from pip requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add ekko to projects.txt
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Remove unused docker-py dependency
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-ansible: Use virtualenv python binary
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tdurakov_AJaeger, hi08:29
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changzhihi all, could someone take a look at i create a new project named stetho. stetho is a network inspection tool for openstack ;-)08:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add bandit gate and job for designate
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: SUPER WIP: Stop using oslo anything
AJaegeranteaya: reading backscroll: I review for voting in check and gate as well as default - but if there's a convincing argument for check only in the *commit message* I will +2, voting only in check is the exception and needs quite a convincing argument.09:01
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openstackgerritSamuel BARTEL proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add project poppy-ui
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AJaegertdurakov_: hi09:26
tdurakov_left comment for you, have you seen it?09:27
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tdurakov_AJaeger, ^09:28
AJaegertdurakov_: on which change?09:29
AJaegerbetter let me double check...09:29
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tdurakov_AJaeger, yes09:29
AJaegertdurakov_: if there's more than one regex, the order is important - and with your chnage as is, you need to change the order.09:30
AJaegerStill, I don't think this is the right approach doing it. Please discuss also with sdague who has both infra and nova knowledge. Duplicating all these skip-ifs does not scale. So, let's get it right once...09:31
tdurakov_AJaeger, could you clarify, not sure I understand what order do you mean09:32
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tdurakov_AJaeger, to highlight the problem: now I'm working on hook for this job, and to trigger this one to be started I have to make change in nova/compute/
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AJaegertdurakov_: the order of the skip-if sections in the file is important.09:37
AJaegerHave a look at gate-project-config-layout output and see what kind of conditions are applied to it, right now your change is doing nothing at all.09:37
AJaegertdurakov_: I understand the problem but I'm not convinced yet that duplicating the skip-if is the proper solution. This does not scale at all.09:38
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AJaegerSo, let's ask sdague to check and 252283 and comment on it09:39
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tdurakov_AJaeger, ok, any ideas how to make things clearer, or wait for Sean first?09:40
AJaegertdurakov_: wait for sdague first09:40
tdurakov_AJaeger, acked09:40
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add new django extraction
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove update_po from translation proposal script
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: SUPER WIP: Stop using oslo anything
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/requirements: Add missing license information
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Put ceilometer integration test on client lib
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silehtAJaeger, Can you take a looks to, plz ?
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silehtAJaeger, sorry wrong chan and wrong person10:23
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add templates for task deletion emails
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change the date and chair of the HA guide team meetings
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openstackgerritMartin Oemke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python jobs for tacker-horizon
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove translation from repos that are not setup
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove sideways-ironic conditions
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AJaegeryolanda: sorry for -W on stetho, I just did a google search and wanted to bring that up...11:13
yolandano probs11:14
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dimssdague : the main churn in gate is neutron related?11:24
dimssdague : good morning11:25
sdaguedims: don't know, and I'm kind of buried in this unwind of nova test code right now, so I'm probably not going to look very soon11:25
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: add auth version to keystone in neutron
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dimssdague : ack. yesterday afternoon we were 5 hours deep, now it's 14. will see if i spot anything. thanks!11:26
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: neutron: set network_device_mtu to br-ex MTU value
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: POST Templates for Stories
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dtantsurhi folks! could you please review ? this gate update for ironic-inspector has been around for a week already. Thanks!11:39
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: neutron: set network_device_mtu to br-ex MTU value
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: neutron: increase br-ex mtu to 1476
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: neutron: don't explicitly configure MTU on br-ex
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Rudimentary Templates for Tasks
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DocImpact group for LMA projects
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add email templates for tags
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove gate-tempest-dsvm-ceilometer-mysql-neutron-full from tempest gate queue
AJaegeryolanda: needs neutron infra liason, doesn't it?12:02
yolandaoh, missed that one... i put comments in a pair but didn't notice it, sorry12:02
yolandai just -112:02
AJaegerno worries...12:03
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yolandai'm still falling in the networking ones, they also are related with neutron...12:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-ec2api repository
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make zaqarclient-dsvm-functional job as voting
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update fuel-plugins on 'group' and 'docimpact' flag
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Improve email templates
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zeihAJaeger: are you around?12:15
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AJaegerzeih: a few more minutes - so, please be quick...12:15
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zeihthis is my first commit to infra12:16
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AJaegerwelcome, zeih !12:16
AJaegerso, it passes and looks fine - you will now have a couple of jobs for your repo that you haven't used before.12:16
AJaegerwill all those work directly?12:17
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zeihI think so.. how can I test this before it is merged12:17
zeihto be sure12:17
AJaeger"tox -e venv python build_sphinx" for the new docs job12:18
AJaegertox -e py27 for python12:18
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AJaegerand for check-requirements, see
AJaegerYou want to check that all requirements ouy have are in global requirements file and in the right version...12:19
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zeihokay I will do so12:19
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Reduce number of live search results to 50
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update fuel-plugins on 'group' and 'docimpact' flag
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make task project titles link to projects
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: POST Templates for Stories
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changzhiAJaeger: ping12:31
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changzhi_AJaeger: in this patch: does the name "steth" suitable?12:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Work around task deletion making it impossible to get subscribers
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add templates for task deletion emails
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openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for functional tests on py34 env to novaclient
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AJaegerzeih: There's no py26 test anymore13:11
AJaegerzeih_: regarding: nonvoting, see
zeih_sry typo13:12
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable the linters job on kilo and liberty stable branch
zeih_i just checked tox -e py2713:12
zeih_its fine13:12
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zeih_but doc jobs are not necessary in this case but included in python-jobs13:14
zeih_AJaeger: can I exclude doc jobs?13:15
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AJaegerzeih_: don't use the template "python-jobs" but add the jobs you want to run individually...13:16
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AJaegerSo, just add gate-REPO-python27 to it if that's all you want...13:16
AJaegersimilar to how you have the pep8 added13:17
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zeih_sounds great. thats what I want13:17
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zeih_AJaeger: thx13:18
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openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [novaclient] Add job for functional tests on py34 env
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: add auth version to keystone in neutron
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Hound Maintenance
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openstackgerritMartin Oemke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python jobs for tacker-horizon
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Ask for confirmation when archiving a board's lane
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: add auth version to keystone in neutron
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Save the adminPass if returned on server create
openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara tests repository to PROJECTS
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add range search functionality
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Improve email templates
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fungijhesketh: following your feature branch merge commit saga from your morningtime, just to confirm... you're following steps at least similar to yeah? i'll give it a try too just to see14:21
fungialso, did you follow through on git-review's threat to push multiple changes? it's blind to the fact that gerrit will just ignore any if the git sha still matches what was in master so those don't _actually_ get uploaded in the end14:23
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fungii suppose a future welcome change to gerrit would be to have it iterate through the commits it thinks are going to be pushed and see whether gerrit already has corresponding changes with those commit shas (merged or otherwise), and then indicate those aren't going to get uploaded14:27
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fungiif it also displayed the gerrit "branch" associated with found commits' changes (and maybe even whether those are the latest patchsets of those changes), that might also be useful info14:28
fungier, future welcome change to git-review i meant14:28
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openstackgerritEvgeny Sikachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara-ci to sahara-scenario for verifying
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esikachevAJaeger: hi!14:44
esikachevcan you merge
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AJaegeresikachev: let's first finish the check queue ;)14:48
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mordredmorning fungi !14:50
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esikachevAJaeger: done)14:51
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Rudimentary Templates for Tasks
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mordredfungi: the top 6 changes that gerrit returns in this are all ready to go - and I can't get any further on puppet-apply without some review friends14:51
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changzhi_AJaeger: hi14:53
fungimordred: aha! my gertty doesn't have ansible-puppet yet. adding14:53
mordredfungi: yay!14:54
changzhi_AJaeger: in this patch what about the project naming  "steth" instead of "stetho" ?14:55
fungihuh, no i was subscribed to it... why is it not showing those changes when i query, i wonder14:56
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fungioh! ansible-puppet != puppet-ansible14:57
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch ironic-lib and python-ironicclient gates to IPA
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fungithat's better ;)14:58
clarkbone is for ansible to run puppet the other for puppet to run ansible14:58
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mordrednot confusing at all14:59
fungian ouroboros of projects14:59
odyssey4mecoolsvap|away AJaeger any chance for a vote on ?15:01
odyssey4meoh, I see that russellb does all the voting on that repo :)15:02
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russellball the *rubber stamping* that is15:03
russellbodyssey4me: done15:03
odyssey4methanks russellb15:03
russellbnp, thanks for the patch15:03
russellbmaybe someday i'll get motivated to make it consume projects.yaml insteadc15:03
russellbbut that sounds like work15:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add additional repositories to OpenStack-Ansible
odyssey4meheh, yeah - that does sound the right approach... but there are beers to consume, and other more interesting things to do :p15:04
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anteayaAJaeger: thanks for reading backscroll, can you help me get a sense of what you consider a convincing argument?15:08
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pabelangerianw: clarkb, jeblair: Ya, landing 229232 will help with packaging efforts.15:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add email templates for tags
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/requirements: Bump paramiko from 1.13.0 to 1.16.0
anteayafungi clarkb mordred this patch asserts a manual update to the github project description is required once this patch merges, this is new for me, is this accurate?
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fungianteaya: i think clarkb suggested that addition (i vaguely recall seeing him have a discussion about something like that in here a few days ago)? if so, that may mean he was planning to do that part15:28
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clarkbyes, jeepyb stopped updating github descriptions to cut back on api use15:29
anteayaah thank you15:29
clarkbsince we were going well over the 5k requests per hour (I think that id the limit)15:29
anteayaclarkb: I leave that patch to you then to approave when you like15:29
AJaegeranteaya: I have to go back through commits for that. First the author needs to understand fully the risks that not adding to the gate means. and then explain why it's not good.15:29
AJaegeranteaya: one change that I didn't +2;)
anteayaah, okay yeah makes sense, thanks, I'll comment on the patch so I remember15:29
* fungi wishes we could just stop updating github... that would _really_ cut back on api use15:30
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AJaegerclarkb: I just tell all people that a change to gerrit/projects.yaml does not update github ;)15:30
anteayafungi: I support that direction15:31
clarkbI figure updating projects.yaml is good because then if we have jeepyb do the updates again everything is happy. also tells us what they eant the string to be15:31
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AJaegeranteaya: I didn't found quickly another example. For me a voting job only in the check queue is really an exception where I wait that many weight in...15:32
anteayaAJaeger: thank you, any feedback on the current check/gate situation with neutron and dougwig's explaination15:32
anteayaclarkb: oh I agree, we have to have a history of the change in git15:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara-ci to sahara-scenario for verifying
anteayaAJaeger: yeah that makes sense, I just didn't realize you were making exceptions there15:33
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anteayaand neutron does tend to wildly diverge dispite the very commited efforts of their driver team15:33
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AJaeger is a neutron change15:33
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esikachevAJaeger: and this change . pls review)15:34
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AJaegerthat one was changed since lbaas is not stable enough and let to too many gate resets AFAIR15:34
dougwigAJaeger, anteaya: that is correct. the change to octavia pulled in nova, which compounds many projects together.15:35
changzhi_AJaeger: in this patch the name of project be "steth", is this ok? instead of "stetho"15:35
AJaegerchangzhi_: google for it ;)15:36
changzhi_AJaeger: ok15:36
* AJaeger googled and it looked fine to me15:36
AJaegerchangzhi_: still very similar to Facebook's stetho that does a similar thing for Android Apps than what your repo will do for Networking...15:37
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AJaegerchangzhi_: your call - I want you to make an educated decision on the name, so that we don't need to rename it in a month...15:38
anteayaAJaeger dougwig well you have given me enough evidence that if I bother holding this belief i will just get stomped by the crowd but I don't feel I can get behind it15:38
anteayathanks for the chat15:38
changzhi_AJaeger: "steth"  means "state of ethernet"15:39
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AJaegeranteaya: I think we have the same belief - just for you it's black and white and for me there's a small grey area in it. I'm reviewing for voting jobs belong to check and gate.15:40
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AJaegerand exceptions are really excpetions that need broader review and good arguments15:41
changzhi_AJaeger: we provide an inspection tool for networking and stetho by facebook is a debug bridge for android. it seems to me quite different15:41
rbradforannegentle, AJaeger suggested I speak to you about the 403 Forbidden problem I'm having on docs.o.o15:41
AJaegerchangzhi_: debug and inspection are related for me....15:42
AJaegerchangzhi_: I won't block on steth ;)15:42
changzhi_AJaeger: thx15:43
anteayaAJaeger: I'm having difficulty seeing the different between a good argument and a popularity contest15:44
annegentlerbradfor: AJaeger: I investigated on FTP side, but there's no settings there that would prevent download. So I expect it's Cloud Sites that's doing that. Ask clarkb or fungi to call Rackspace to find out the difference and if there's anything we can do.15:44
anteayapopularity contests don't convince me15:44
annegentleI don't have the security clearance on the account to call and ask myself.15:44
annegentlerbradfor: hope that gives you next steps15:44
fungirbradfor: what was the url?15:45
rbradforannegentle, thanks.15:45
AJaegeranteaya: not popularity contest - but a broader consensus by the team that they are aware of the risks and want to have it this way, instead of a single opinion15:45
rbradforfungi, click on first examples link15:45
AJaegerfungi: the python file gives a 404 forbidden15:45
anteayajd__: you and gordc seem to be in disagreement on 259328 and 244881, it would be great from my end if the two of you can decide if you can reach agreement and move forward on those or reach agreement and abandon those patches15:45
AJaegerfungi: I checked the file, permissions on file and directory look fine15:46
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AJaegerAnd locally building the doc, I can access it - just docs.o.o give a 40415:46
fungirbradfor: AJaeger: annegentle: i have a feeling this will be the case for any .py file you put there15:46
AJaegerfungi: my fear as well.15:46
jd__anteaya: I'll convince gordc :)15:46
AJaegerrbradfor: what about renaming the python files? Name them ?15:47
fungitheir webserver config very well may assume .py files are intended to be handled by an interpreter backend as a sort of cgi15:47
anteayajd__: go you15:47
rbradforfungi, I guess gates are different, works.15:47
AJaegerrbradfor: yes, totally different webserver!15:48
fungiit's certainly not going to serve it as text/plain without some extra configuration or magic file type detectio15:48
rbradforfungi, that explanation makes sense15:48
anteayaAJaeger: awareness and acceptance of risk is useful, I agree15:48
anteayaAJaeger: I see it in the nova patch you didn't +2 from matt15:48
fungirbradfor: yeah, we very well may have something set up on the docs-drafts site that's loading apache mod_mime_magic or similar15:48
dhellmannrbradfor : rather than renaming those files, how about if we just product HTML pages with the source embedded and then link to the cgit version if someone wants to download it?15:48
rbradfordhellmann, thats a good idea, I'd rather not rename files, because then you cannot run the python directly from the repo15:49
fungiin fact, the content is already embedded15:49
dhellmannrbradfor : right15:49
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dhellmannfungi : some is, not all, last I looked15:49
fungiso this is just a "we've included a downloadable copy of this file for you to test" sort of thing i guess15:49
rbradforfungi, subsets are embedded and they work, but the linked to examples are what is not working15:49
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AJaegerrbradfor: let's make it simple and not include the downloadable copy...15:50
fungioh, so those are just snippets from larger sources, got it15:50
rbradforfungi, so I could stub a html page and fully embed the example15:50
rbradforAJaeger, well, the downloadable copy is a lot larger then embedded, and I want a developer to actually read the page, not gloss over it.15:51
krotscheckAnyone interested in helping with the wheel mirorr reviews? THey're finally ready (I think)
mordredkrotscheck: neat!15:51
fungibut general rule of thumb is that if you want something to display as text/plain on a generically configured webserver, it needs to have a .txt extension. if you want it to be rendered as html, it needs a .html extension... if you serve a file with a .py extension the default assumption of many webservers is that you want to run that somehow15:51
krotscheckmordred: baby steps15:51
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AJaegerrbradfor: I just downloaded both files and the only difference is the license header, isn't it?15:51
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rbradforfungi, AJaeger annegentle thanks for the feedback, I think dhellmann has given me the right solution to both keep .py files in the repo, and display html with applicable extensions.15:52
rbradforAJaeger, it's more then that. there are full examples with no embedding also.15:53
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AJaegerrbradfor: found them ;)15:53
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rbradforAJaeger, and this is a first pass of more examples, so this first pass is a great find to identify this rendering and look for a creative solution.15:54
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anteayaeharney: so this patch can't merge the way it is because the first depends on change id is used by two patches, a master and a backport:,n,z15:56
mordredkrotscheck: on the script ...15:56
mordredkrotscheck: as an fyi, you could do the find as 'find $1 -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3'15:56
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AJaegerI get 502 proxy errors from gerrit ;(15:57
anteayaAJaeger: they make me sad too15:57
mordredwhich will only give you dirs and also put requirements on depth of the things15:57
krotscheckmordred: Lemme go test that :)15:57
mordredkrotscheck: what you have is fine, so I don't want to review it down - just thought I'd share in case that's useful15:57
* krotscheck likes that idea15:57
AJaegeranteaya: Iaacf10141559a2c88b5873722d1e237dc9223f27 is both merged, so there shouldn't be a problem15:57
mordredkrotscheck: (I might be doing the math on mindepth and maxdepth wrong - so testing is important :) )15:57
jesusaurusAJaeger: I just got a 502 too, but it loaded after I refreshed15:58
* AJaeger need 4 reloads ;(15:58
jesusaurus :(15:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Rudimentary Templates for Tasks
anteayaAJaeger: I didn't think zuul cared whether the two dependencies were merged, I thought zuul disliked if there were two of them and it was expected to make a choice16:02
anteayahence zuul not making a choice and not merging the patch to test ti16:02
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AJaegeranteaya: zuul will wait for *all* dependencies16:03
anteayafor context the reason I was pointing out what i saw to eharney was due to the fact that is the blocking patch on a long series that ends in a project-config patch that has been ready to merge for some time16:04
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AJaegerIf all are merged, everything is fine.16:04
AJaegeranteaya: there's no difference for zuul with:16:04
anteayaright, but in the case of one change id used for two patches, it is my understanding zuul doens't handle that situation and stops its work on that patch16:04
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AJaegerTwo Depends-On: lines depending on two different changes or one depends-on depending on 100s of changes ;)16:04
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AJaegeronly with circular dependencies it stops16:05
AJaegerAnd this is not circular16:05
AJaegerthis is what I wrote in
AJaeger"If you backport a change to another branch, the gerrit change ID stays the same. If you add a Depends-On using the Gerrit change ID of the patch that subsequently was backported, the patch with the Depends-On is now also dependent on the backported change. This might be desirable for some changes and a surprise for others."16:06
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krotscheckmordred: So yes, it works. It doesn't remove the need for the regex though (because as-yet-unknown random additional folder noise), so ultimately it's only a minor optimization.16:07
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Revert "Fix discoverd bug when dmidecode reports GB"
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel mirror to mirrors
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added extra-index-url to pip optional settings
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
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openstackgerritZhi Chang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new project steth
mordredkrotscheck: ah - yes - good point on the random noise16:12
openstackgerritZhi Chang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new project steth
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mordredkrotscheck: so - still first coffee- walk me through something real quick ...16:15
changzhi_AJaeger: waiting for your review ;-)
mordredkrotscheck: the first patch creates the wheel mirror dir, the cron job and the vhost to serve the wheel mirror - but it also looks like it removes the vhost serving the 'web' content16:16
AJaegerchangzhi_: later, busy with other things now....16:16
mordredkrotscheck: what's the expected process for rolling these out (sorry if this has been covered before already)16:16
AJaegerchangzhi_: there're more folks that can review and will do it16:16
changzhi_AJaeger: thx ;-)16:16
mordredkrotscheck: OH - wait16:17
mordredkrotscheck: I think I see it now16:17
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mordredit's seving out web as a docroot and has an additional path /wheel that gets the rewrites -so we should expect this to continue serving the existing content16:17
* mordred gets more coffee16:17
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krotscheckmordred: yep, that's it.16:27
krotscheckSorry, afk for an hour or so.16:27
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anteayaAJaeger: sorry I had to address something at home16:30
AJaegerno worries, anteaya. Hope my explanation is fine16:30
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anteayaAJaeger: have you any objection to me asking jeblair what zuul's behaviour is when it encounters two patches using the same change id?16:31
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anteayaas what I know or believe is based on what I have heard jeblair say16:31
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anteayaand I recall reviewing your edit to the documentation, I am grateful you wrote it16:32
fungianteaya: i assume you mean what happens when zuul sees a depends-on declared to a change-id which is shared by two patches (in different projects or on different branches)16:32
nibalizermordred: I responded on
anteayafungi: yes16:32
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nibalizeryolanda: might even still be around16:32
AJaegeranteaya: not at all, please double check. If the documentation is wrong or unclear, let's enhance it16:32
fungianteaya: happy to let jeblair confirm, but zuul will wait for both of those changes to merge before it will consider the depending change mergeable16:33
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fungiyou may be confusing this with what happens when one of those two changes gets abandoned and the other merges (then zuul will not consider the depending change mergeable)16:33
* AJaeger needs to shovel some snow now...16:33
mordrednibalizer: so, your thought was that we would totally move management of those files to ansible-puppet and stop managing them in puppet-puppet altogether?16:33
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anteayafungi: no that is my misunderstanding then, as I had thought I had heard that if zuul encounters a depends-on with a change id shared by two patches that it won't decide but will stop processing16:34
mordrednibalizer: ok. I can be more on board with that since it actually does make the lines a little clearer16:34
dougwiglifeless: have you seen this error before?  vanilla ubuntu 14.04, following directions for adding to g-r:16:34
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fungianteaya: zuul will stop processing if it encounters a circular dependency in a series, since it has no reasonable way to determine into which order they should be serialized16:35
mordrednibalizer: biggest problem I can see is that it does kinda remove the possibility of people running infra puppet without managing it with ansile16:35
fungiwhereby i mean a cross-repo-dependency series (obviously you won't have a circular dependency with strict in-project git relationships)16:36
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anteayaI was following this patch:
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nibalizerwell remember that the integration point is puppet-openstackci not system-config16:36
anteayaright, yes I knew it would stop on a circular dependency16:36
mordrednibalizer: and puppet-openstackci I'm assuming does not manage your puppet config for you already, yeah?16:37
nibalizersomeone would always have to manage a puppet installation16:37
mordredok - I'm on board - you've made a good argument16:37
anteayathe top depends-on on this patch:
mordredI think I'd like fungi to also be on board16:37
mordredsince it is a little bit of a structural shift in somehting16:37
mordredfungi: when you have a moment of brain-space16:37
fungimordred: yep, just about caught up to where i can go through those16:37
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mordredfungi: oh - well, this is different from the thing I asked you to review earlier - but awesome16:38
fungioh, more closely inspecting scrollback then16:38
mordredfungi: the new thing to consider is that nibalizer has a proposal, (that I didn't like but now like)16:38
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mordredwhich is that we break out our circular dependency structure a bit - where right now we have puppet manage puppet but also have ansible run puppet16:39
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mordredand instead have ansible manage puppet - including manaing the puppet config files16:39
mordredthat way it can manage the puppet config files _before_ each time it runs puppet16:39
mordredwhich is nice from a sequencing perspective - and also from a bootstrapping perspective16:39
nibalizermy point being that puppet managing itself has 1) a bootstrapping problem and b) can wedge itself and not be able to recover16:39
reedi forgot infra uses ansible to manage puppet :)16:39
fungimordred: nibalizer: i think that's actually a much saner approach, yes. then we know whether the chicken or the egg came first16:39
reedthe egg came first16:40
reedif you believe in evolution, at least :)16:40
mordredfungi: it should also make ansible-launch-node fairly sane, since we'll alreayd have a "manage puppet on this server" ansible role - so the ansible launch node can be "dude, make me  aserver, then make sure puppet is cool, then run puppet"16:40
* reed apologizes, needs more coffee16:40
mordredfungi: cool16:40
mordrednibalizer: you can make the follow up patch that ports the rest of puppet-puppet?16:41
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mordrednibalizer: it also makes that role nice and self-contained for other folks who might want to use the same reporter structure and stuff16:42
fungibasically we hollow out the puppet-puppet repo entirely and retire it, or it still has some stub usage?16:42
mordredI think we ultimately retire it16:42
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nibalizerdid we even move to puppet-puppet?16:45
nibalizeror does it just contain copies of code that lives in system-config right now16:45
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clarkbI dont think we use it16:46
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mordredoh - well in that case16:47
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/requirements: Add neutron-lib to global requirements
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jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb, jroll: my regex was funky yesterday, this one is better: URxvt.matcher.pattern.1:  https:\/\/\\#\/c\/)?(\\d+)[\w]*16:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Document urxvt clickable links
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clarkbsnapshot builds seem ok, checking on dib builds now16:57
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clarkbDibFailedError: DIB failed creating /opt/nodepool_dib/17617416:59
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jrolljeblair: ty16:59
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clarkb| 176174 | devstack-centos7-dib | /opt/nodepool_dib/devstack-centos7-dib-1452867324 | 1452867324 | building | 00:02:44:12 |16:59
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ we don't appear to be recording errors in the db properly17:00
clarkbnow to figure out why dib failed17:00
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clarkbfailed downloading that fedora20 image, so either we hvae old dib or the prune fix didn't help17:01
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fungineeds moar prunes17:02
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clarkbdiskimage-builder==1.7.1 is what pip freeze says we have and that is latest version17:02
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clarkbnow to find that prune if it is logged17:03
pleia2good morning17:03
clarkbya prune happened17:03
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clarkb is the logfile fwiw17:04
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clarkbpleia2: morning17:04
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pleia2more dib :\17:06
clarkbgit remote prune origin is what d-g does17:06
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental neutron jobs for the new pecan based api server
clarkbwhich git fetch --prune seems to be a rough equvalent for but for whatever you are fetching against17:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Do not call "rm -rf" on arbitrary user input
clarkbI guess its time to consider that that image may be in a live devstack branch17:08
* clarkb looks17:08
jeblairShrews: let me know if the explanation on convinces you as much as it does me.  :)17:08
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clarkbhrm not git branch -a in the cache repo says icehouse and juno are still there17:09
clarkbI am many many commits ahead of origin/master though17:09
clarkbI think the problem is we aren't remote updating17:09
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mordredjeblair: yes - your new regex is superior17:10
clarkbso I think what we need in source repositories is a git remote update --prune, then we can git fetch which won't need the --prune17:11
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fungiclarkb: that sounds right. should remove the dead remotes and associated local tracking branches that way17:12
Shrewsjeblair: it's fine. i'm not familiar enough with your code yet to pass judgement either way17:12
fungiclarkb: easy enough to test by just making a file copy of the crufty repo17:12
jeblairShrews: whew17:12
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Shrewsjeblair: i've seen a lot worse in schemas  :)17:13
jeblairShrews: that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!17:13
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add script to make ansible groups from patterns
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AJaegerpleia2, clarkb: Here's a translation script simplification, could either of you review that, please? Also would be nice.17:15
timrcpa-pa-pattern power17:15
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timrcI've been watching too much Team Umizoomi.17:16
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pleia2AJaeger: lgtm17:16
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Display a message when interactively syncing
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Fix off-by-one in sync counter
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Add option to disable mouse support
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Document urxvt clickable links
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Always sync a specfically queried change
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Add vi mode navigation
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/gertty: Add support for external commands
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AJaegerpleia2: thansk. I forgot add a link to the simplicifcation:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add notes to see reference-gertty.yaml for more info
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: remove python 2.6 trove classifier
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add project topics
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add process mark to project list
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Cache counts of project changes
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add a vi keymap
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Allow gertty to run in Py3K environments
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add support for external commands
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add option to disable mouse support
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Fix off-by-one in sync counter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Display a message when interactively syncing
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Add vi mode navigation
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Always sync a specfically queried change
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gertty: Document urxvt clickable links
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to test neutron against neutron-lib master
jeblairfungi: i think gerrit just merged a stack of changes >4 deep with merge commits!17:21
jeblairthe first two changes merged were not stacked, but the rest were17:21
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat lbaas specific test for v1 and v2
pleia2AJaeger: nods, thanks, looking17:22
clarkbfungi: so the problem with doing this is I am now feeling the itch to rewrite half of this git caching stuff :)17:23
clarkbfungi: it turns out that `git remote update` is magical and hanldes a lot of the stuff in here17:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Remove oslo-incubator section in HACKING.rst
fungijeblair: so maybe newer jgit no longer has that bug?17:25
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental neutron jobs for the new pecan based api server
fungiclarkb: oh, instead of fetch --all or whatever we were doing before?17:25
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clarkbfungi: it does this funky fetch only the thing we need to fetch stuff17:25
clarkbfungi: which seems like premature optimization to me especially since it leads to inconsistent caches17:26
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fungiahh yeah17:27
fungii may be responsible for some of that since i was trying to work around the dib default behaviors of fetching as little as possible to add ways for us to configure it to get everything instead of almost nothing17:28
fungiwhile reusing as much of the existing framework they have in there as possible so as to increase my chances of getting the dib reviewers to agree17:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Actually prune stale branches in src-repos
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clarkbfungi: ya I am worried htat htey won't like this patch. That said I think we have proven the do as little as possible method isn't reliable if you need correct git trees17:29
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clarkbI will need to go back to morninging but next I hope to take a look at hwy the dib build errors didn't update the db and result in those builds being removed17:31
anteayamorning zaro17:31
jeblairclarkb: would you like me to start on that or do you want all the fun?17:32
clarkbjeblair: oh if you hav etime now itwould be great if you could look17:33
jeblairwill do17:33
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to test neutron against neutron-lib master
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental neutron jobs for the new pecan based api server
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to test neutron against neutron-lib master
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greghaynesclarkb: re: errors not getting recorded - is there an error in the builder logs?17:42
greghaynesclarkb: I wonder if we just aren't properly handling the gearman job error17:42
greghaynesfungi: clarkb I dont know if any of us are super fond of the current code, just the interface17:43
clarkbgreghaynes: there is an exception recoreded in te logs (pasted earlier)17:43
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greghaynesfungi: clarkb re: git cloning17:43
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zxiirowaynr:  zaro: Do you guys know if we just forget to workflow or is it not workflowed on purpose?
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: yeah, looking at the code, i believe the builder sent a work fail, but i do not beleive on the client side we have a handleWorkFail method17:43
clarkbgreghaynes: I think is easy fix for cloning17:43
greghaynesah, easy enough17:44
clarkbgreghaynes: it might make source-repository a little slower but we get correctness as a result17:45
greghaynesclarkb: commented17:45
zarozxiiro: i wasn't aware of a seperate links check job and i don't see a link check job on that change.17:45
greghaynesclarkb: thats fine, we have offline mode if you want speed17:45
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clarkbgreghaynes: oh ya I need to do that wrapper17:46
zxiirozaro: yeah I don't see one either. I guess I'll leave it for electrofelix.17:47
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental neutron jobs for the new pecan based api server
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Actually prune stale branches in src-repos
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert "Add CI coverage of deleting the deployed overcloud"
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jesusaurusclarkb: greghaynes: when you get a chance can you review ? (the graceful shutdown we talked about a while back)17:50
greghaynesjesusaurus: ah, ya17:50
clarkbgreghaynes: no comment -2? :P17:50
greghaynesclarkb: hahahaa17:50
greghaynesclarkb: derp17:50
greghaynesclarkb: I am not used to this new dropdown and I haven't had coffee17:51
greghaynesclarkb: +2'd17:51
clarkbgreghaynes: I figured you were trying gertty or something17:52
clarkbsc68cal: +10000 (re MTUs)17:52
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fungigertty is arranged, unsurprisingly, a lot more like the "old review screen"17:52
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fungiso even though i wasn't using the webui much before the upgrade, the old change screen felt a lot less foreign to me than the new one17:53
sc68calclarkb: :) :) :)17:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow multiple credentials-binding entries
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding setup of credentialsId in stashNotifier
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sc68calclarkb: I think I missed an opportunity to make a metal gear solid reference17:55
sc68calSolid Neutron - the phantom MTU pain17:55
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clarkbsc68cal: I haven't looked at our docs yet but I bet another missing piece of the puzzle is dropping icmp on the floor so fragmentation is extra terrible17:57
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clarkbso huge +1 to just setting an mtu that works best we can17:57
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sc68calclarkb: yeah. I mean maybe in the future investigate path mtu discovery17:57
sc68calvia icmp17:58
greghaynesjeblair: Were you messing with the code to properly handle gearman errors? I can hack it out later today after I go to this house inspection...17:58
fungisc68cal: pmtud ftw!17:59
anteayaclarkb sc68cal might I ask to which patch you are referring?17:59
fungianteaya: dev ml post17:59
clarkbanteaya: its a ml post, sc68cal is trying to get support from neutron to make things better (I already sort of said we should do that in another thread so won't pile on the new thread)18:00
anteayaah sorry, remembered that might be it18:00
fungiand yeah, pmtud is going to just plan not work if we're blocking icmp for no good reason18:00
clarkbbut wanted to express my support regardless18:00
fungier, just plain18:00
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anteayaI unsubscribed from all the things since I had to do an emergency domain name transfer and anticipate my email will be not fully functional for a bit18:00
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anteayaclarkb: oh pile on the new thread18:01
anteayaclarkb: I missed your decleration of support in the other thread you refer to18:01
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anteayaand yes clear MTU would be wonderful18:02
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anteayaclarkb: thank you, sorry for missing it the first time18:03
electrofelixzxiiro: just needs the CRD to be approved18:04
zxiiroelectrofelix: ah ok18:05
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electrofelixAJaeger yolanda: is another reviewer needed for
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred, reed: i'm going to email aptira and ask them to please fix their blog timezone thingy.18:05
reedthanks jeblair... they LOL at me when I notified them on twitter, not sure what to make of it18:06
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fungijeblair: thanks--and then if it continues to be an issue we can consider more drastic solutions at that time18:06
clarkbjeblair: sounds good18:06
reednow that India has voted and Kavit is on the board, that request won't be weird18:06
fungilike, for example, if they lol at you too18:07
sc68calreed: heh I saw that18:07
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sc68calclarkb: the reason I didn't post it to the mutlinode grenade thread is because I think it's a big enough problem that it warranted a new thread. I guess I could have done a "was:" to keep it linked, oops18:09
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration jobs for Bandit
fungisc68cal: and also because it's a problem of much broader scope than grenade multinode jobs18:10
sc68calfungi: agreed18:10
clarkbsc68cal: nah it really is its own thing so no problem18:10
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fungiif getting better upgrade testing for neutron is a good incentive to fix neutron's mtu insanity then great, but it's far from the only reason to do so18:11
openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack-infra/groups: Changes link: api.o.o -> developer.o.o
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sc68calfungi: true. it's just .... sort of interesting how things jump in priority when it impacts a CI job ;)18:12
anteayareed: I would consider the request valid regardless of the composition of the board of directors18:12
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fungisc68cal: perhaps it's easier for many to let machines tell them what's important18:12
anteayasc68cal: no I'm glad you created a new thread18:12
clarkbsc68cal: clearly we need more tests that better approximate real world scenarios >_>18:13
fungii think i've seen this movie ;)18:13
anteayasc68cal: I haven't been able to wade through the multinode thread in some time18:13
sc68calclarkb: exactly :)18:13
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sc68calfungi: guess I'll need to put that "enable neutron to launch nuclear missiles" on the back burner18:13
clarkbthis reminds me I really need to finish up the ELK stuff so I can get to the vagrant devstack stuff to repreoduce multinode locally18:13
fungiwhy yes, i _would_ like to play a game!18:14
clarkbso that we can make it voting18:14
anteayasc68cal: after enable neutron to play chess, perhaps?18:14
sc68calanteaya: indeed :)18:14
anteayaclarkb: I'm in favour of ELK work18:14
anteayaclarkb: if I can help I will18:14
anteayaclarkb: if my greatest support is my absence, consider it done18:14
clarkbanteaya: ya if we can get reviews I may actually be able to deploy the logstash 2.0 upgrade everywhere this weekend while watching sportsball18:14
jeblairgreghaynes: i haven't started on it; all yours if you want18:14
greghaynesjeblair: ok18:15
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anteayaclarkb: jeblair reviewed18:15
clarkboh sweet, then I guess I will make that my plan18:15
anteayaclarkb: isn't there a football thing? or has that passed?18:15
* anteaya is so out of touch on the sportsbacll18:15
clarkbya playoffs18:15
anteayayay playoffs18:16
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clarkbbut the whole buying a house thing is far less busy on weekends so I have time for things like redeploy logstash 2.018:16
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anteayayeah, I figured you were in heavy buying a house mode18:17
anteayahow goes that bit of business?18:17
anteayafound one you like?18:17
clarkbits going well so far. Yup have an accepted offer too. Inspections and all that happen monday18:17
anteayawhen is the closing date?18:17
clarkbmid february18:17
anteayaI hope everything goes well18:18
clarkbme too, but trying to not get too attached in case they don't18:18
anteayayeah it is a difficult place to be, so wise to wait until the outcome is decided18:18
anteayaso yeah, one more system-config core review on would put you in a great place for the sportsball between commercials work18:20
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jlvillalOn there was +2 patch and +1s on patch set 8. But then there was a patchset 9 & 10. And 10 differs slightly from 8. But it still shows the +2 and +1s. So I'm wondering if Gerrit is confused or I am confused.18:22
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jlvillalCould it be a rebase and Gerrit says that is okay?18:22
sigmavirus24AJaeger: I reworked to not need anything in bandit as a dependency (modeling it off of bashate and bifrost a bit)18:22
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clarkbjlvillal: thats the delta between 8 and 10, if those lines are not part of the change itself but picked up via a rebase somewhere else in the file then gerrit will still treat that as a trivial rebase18:23
clarkbjlvillal: it checks the interdiff between the diffs18:23
jlvillalclarkb: Okay. And so 'trivial rebase' will maintain the votes?18:23
clarkbjlvillal: yes18:24
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks18:24
clarkbjlvillal: well for code review not for verified or workflow18:24
fungiactually, unless they've changed the mechanism, it doesn't really do an interdiff. it compares the resut of git patch-id18:24
fungier, result of18:24
clarkbfungi: oh is that how it is actually implemented?18:24
jlvillalclarkb: fungi Thanks18:24
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid git clone in integration test
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use zuul-cloner for hacking integration test
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fungiclarkb: used to be anyway, and since git was originally developed for c source code management, you get that fun behavior where whitespace changes don't alter the patch-id result18:25
arizxiiro# ping18:25
AJaegerclarkb, fungi: Could you review my usage of zuul-cloner in 268275 and 268276, please?18:25
AJaegersigmavirus24: I rewrote hacking now - see aboe ^18:26
pleia2it's not raining, so I'm going to grab some fresh air, bbs18:26
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anteayapleia2: good idea, enjoy some air18:27
anteayaI'm going to have some lunch I think18:27
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sigmavirus24AJaeger: so my concern with changing the local jobs is people not being able to run something locally on their dev box that is remotely akin to what's happening in the gate (without having to do a lot of it manually)18:27
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AJaegersigmavirus24: did you see how I changed hacking? you can run LOCAL_DIR and it tests LOCAL_DIR18:29
AJaegerLOCAL_DIR is read-only in this case18:29
fungicrinkle: trying out your first suggestion on 267778 in a dev env, i'm getting "Duplicate declaration: Class[Apt] is already declared; cannot redeclare..."18:29
AJaegersigmavirus24: you could do the same, add your script from project-config to your repo and pass the git repo to it18:30
fungicrinkle: any easy way around setting that without running afoul of other classes where we might be using the apt module?18:30
crinklefungi: are you modifying the 'include apt' in the template class? or declaring a new one in the server class?18:30
fungicrinkle: oh, we may need to refactor a bit then. i need to apply this at the openstack_project::server level since openstack_project::template also gets used by things like openstack_project::single_use_slave that we don't want to change behavior on18:31
fungii guess i could just add a variable and plumb that through with a non-default value from the server class18:32
fungii'll give that a shot18:32
crinklesounds good18:32
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crinkleyolanda: are you still online today? i wonder if we can get solution that works for both regions for 231757 - I don't see how to do it in bifrost but maybe you can show me18:34
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AJaegersigmavirus24: do you think my approach for hacking is fine and will work in your case as well?18:35
clarkbsigmavirus24: AJaeger an alternative would be to continue doing keystone and nova for example but in the jenkins job have zuul cloner set them up and the script not update them at all18:35
clarkbsigmavirus24: AJaeger then have the script clone them only if they are not already present18:35
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clarkbfungi: ah patch-id is just the hash of the diff with whitespace and line numbers ignored. So would be roughyl equivalent to interdiff if you did a non whitespace dependent diff18:38
AJaegerclarkb: yes, that works as well - but isn't my new setup good enough in hacking? I would remove the old handling completely in a second step...18:38
clarkbAJaeger: ya I think it will function, just wondering if we can address sigmavirus24's concerns18:39
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fungiclarkb: yep18:39
clarkbfungi: and there is no flag in C git to add whitespace to the hash18:40
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AJaegerclarkb: I think if he models it like my patch, it should work just fine. Add a script to bandit - similar to my new hacking script - and have people checkout e.g. nova and call the script with test-sh path-to-nova18:40
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AJaegerclarkb: so, moving the tox invocations back from his project-config change back to bandit - like in hacking18:41
AJaegerclarkb: what I'm saying is: sigmavirus24's concern is not a problem with my hacking change. sigmavirus24, do you agree?18:43
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/requirements: Blacklist DIB 1.7.0
clarkbAJaeger: ya I think it would be fine, the only thing would be telling devs that they have to clone nova first18:44
fungiclarkb: yep. when i was maintaining our fork of the gerrit hook script for that (pre plugins) i added a pass with whitespace replaced by a translation map to non-whitespace18:45
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adam_ggreghaynes, markmcclain,   ... or maybe that should wait till 1.7.2 is out with ?18:46
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AJaegerclarkb: that script is not really documented if my grep is fine. I can change the script as well to optionally clone if you think that's better. Wanted to keep the script simple...18:49
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clarkbya that auto clone was just a suggestion for making jenkins and local match more closely since jenkins will run zuul cloner to lcone18:50
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zxiiroari: hi18:50
openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack-infra/groups: Fixed some footer link & added news link
markmcclainadam_g: we still have to blacklist 1.7.0 so I think it makes sense to merge this and when 1.7.2 is ready we can add that version too18:50
zxiiroari: just about to grab a really late lunch, anything i can do for you before I go?18:51
arizxiiro# I responded to your review there is new older plugin that doesn't support the current setup so there shouldn't be an issue18:51
AJaegerclarkb: you have a point - it would test a local tree in a completely different state...18:51
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zxiiroari: ok LGTM then18:52
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krotscheckAnyone else interested in helping me do Wheel Mirror things?
arizxiiro# I just need a +2 thanks!18:52
* krotscheck has already suckered mordred into reviewing some of those ;)18:52
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zxiiroari: done18:53
anteayaari: you might be interested to know that using a hash mark (#) with someone's username isn't required in irc18:53
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sigmavirus24AJaeger: yeah, after toying with your new hacking script, I'm fine with that /cc clarkb18:54
* sigmavirus24 is going to approve the hacking change and update bandit18:54
sigmavirus24thank you both18:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Updated to support changes to openshift pipeline plugin
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Puppet the Ubuntu sources.list files on servers
clarkbok github descriptions for the watcher projects are updated and I approved the gerrit projects.yaml change18:56
clarkbanteaya: ^18:56
fungicrinkle: nibalizer: jeblair: mordred: clarkb: that's tested in a puppet dev env now and should work18:57
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use common logging for nodepool applications
pabelangergreghaynes: clarkb: would be interested in comments,^ we do something similar with zuul for logging18:57
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nibalizerfungi: ugh18:58
anteayaclarkb: wonderful thanks for letting me know18:58
nibalizerI want template and server to be the same, and ideally one would go away18:58
nibalizerputting code there undoes the work we did to centralize18:59
funginibalizer: this is an effort not to touch the job workers, and they instantiate the template class18:59
funginibalizer: should the file resource just move into that conditional in the template class?18:59
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid git clone in integration test
fungibasically trying to have puppet manage the apt sources on our long-lived servers but not our job workers19:00
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use zuul-cloner for hacking integration test
funginibalizer: where else would you foresee that split happening if not between the server and template classes?19:01
openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add doxygen builder support
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nibalizerfungi: with conditional logic in the template class19:01
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AJaegerclarkb, sigmavirus24: Both changes updated, does this look fine to you now?19:01
funginibalizer: or flip the default to true and override it to false in our worker classes that instantiate template?19:01
sigmavirus24AJaeger: going to play with it some more but have to jump into a meeting for ~45m19:01
sigmavirus24so I'll be back later to toy around19:02
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AJaegersigmavirus24: you're core on hacking? Great ;)19:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update Watcher projects descriptions
AJaegersigmavirus24: sure, thanks19:02
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Puppet the Ubuntu sources.list files on servers
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funginibalizer: so that ^ ?19:03
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fungioh, whoops, i nested wrong, just a sec19:04
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nibalizerfungi: ya like that19:04
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Puppet the Ubuntu sources.list files on servers
fungiokay, fixed19:05
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fungioh, and the params class inclusion there is also redundant in template. i'll clean that up19:06
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Puppet the Ubuntu sources.list files on servers
fungicrinkle: nibalizer: jeblair: mordred: clarkb: that's ready now i think ^19:06
nibalizerfungi: why go through paraams at all?19:06
nibalizeryou could just write that source line in template19:06
fungifair enough. i'll clean that up too19:07
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nibalizerfungi: as written you will deploy the custom infra sources.list onto the slaves, which I think is what you were trying to avoid19:08
funginibalizer: thanks, i'll add a check for the purge var around that too19:08
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Puppet the Ubuntu sources.list files on servers
fungiokay, those two edits added19:09
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new ironic-staging-drivers project
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow stable-maint-core members to manage devstack stable branches
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nibalizerfungi: woot19:10
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funginow maybe this terribleness can be behind us for good19:10
krotscheckfungi: So, the wheel mirror patches are ready - the only noted comment I have is that it might make sense not to land the project-config jobs until the system-config jobs are landed _and_ we have the wheel mirrors provisioned.19:10
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krotscheckShould I WIP that patch chain?19:11
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krotscheckOh, I can't.19:12
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid git clone in integration test
fungikrotscheck: makes sense. i mean having those jobs fail/break won't actually cause issues for anything else, but there's no point in trying to run them at all until the systems to run them are there19:12
krotscheckonly greghaynes can WIP taht :)19:12
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anteayakrotscheck: if you don't want project-config changes to land now, yes please -1 them with an explanation19:12
jeblairfungi, mordred, reed:
krotscheckanteaya: greghaynes will have to wip it... wip it good.19:12
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jeblairfungi, mordred, reed: planet-venus has an option to help us out, but it's broken because of a simple python error :(19:13
anteayakrotscheck: you can leave a comment with a -1 while you wait for him so it doesn't get missed19:13
anteayakrotscheck: that is an option19:13
krotscheckanteaya: but....but.... DEVO reference!19:13
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krotscheck'cause when a problem comes along, you must WIP it!19:14
anteayasorry nova uses that all the time, I guess I filter it out now19:14
anteayakrotscheck: nice reference19:14
krotscheckIs there an infra root available next week that can help get the wheel mirror slaves into place? I'm usually available before noon PST19:15
jeblairfungi, mordred, reed: (and i mean really broken -- it makes all the posts disappear)19:15
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reedjeblair, let's just kick aptira off the planet until they fix their stream :) easier, since really, who cares about Kavit's drinking habits?19:16
anteayaI'm not interested in anyone's drinking habits on the openstack planet19:17
jeblairreed: well, i'm seeing if there's a way we can protect against this in the future...19:17
jeblairin case someone else accidentally messes up their publishing dates19:17
mriedemso i've always wondered, if hp public cloud is no more and we don't have test resources from them, what are the hpcloud nodes in nodepool?19:18
anteayamriedem: it goes offline end of jan19:18
mriedemand how many nodes go away?19:19
anteayamriedem: we still have actual hpcloud nodes at present19:19
mriedemlike 600?19:19
anteayasomething like that19:19
anteayanow we also have 3 new providers that are ramping up19:19
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mriedemwe're all going to die!19:19
reedjeblair, that's fair ... in the future, I promise myself not to be so cautious19:19
anteayaI'm not19:19
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mriedemwell i know about ovh and bluebox19:19
anteayamriedem: and internap19:19
jeblairwe're up ~200 from where we were a couple months ago19:19
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mriedemyeah i noticed nodepool was higher on the zuul status page19:20
reedjeblair, frankly if I realized that their server was "mis-configured" I would have done something earlier19:20
reedI didn't realize that until yesterday afternoon19:20
anteayamriedem: this is the file that says how many nodes we have with different providers:
reedi thought they were just being prolific19:20
mriedemanteaya: yeah, i've written a yaml parser to get the summary from there before19:20
jeblairand in reality we only get about 500 from hpcloud due to raisons... so if it turned off today, we're down 30019:21
jeblairfrom where we were when this started19:21
anteayajeblair: is statd happy again, are you ready to merge:
jeblairhopefully we'll get more from internap soon, and then infra cloud, and hopefully some others we have in the pipeline, so after a while, we may be well above where we were19:21
anteayamriedem: so yes you are welcome to panic if you like, sometimes panicing can be fun19:22
fungiyeah, the raxtel osic is setting up one for us soon, in theory19:22
* mriedem runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off19:22
anteayamriedem: but we are working on maintaining quota via other sources19:22
anteayamriedem: nicely done19:22
jeblairAJaeger: i don't see a comment if that was supposed to link to one19:22
jeblairanteaya: +319:23
AJaegertry again:
anteayajeblair: thank you19:23
anteayaAJaeger: wow, glad I missed that on the first go around, how tasteless19:23
AJaegercomments are moderated ;(19:23
* fungi just looks at the reassuring cover of "the guide" at times like these19:23
AJaeger"I see now six campaign posts for Kavit on Compare that with how other candidates run their election. A single announcement is fine – but really six? This is over the top and might influence voters in whom not to vote."19:23
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anteayafungi: ha ha ha19:24
jeblairfungi, reed, mordred: what we can easily do right now is set future_date scrub to ignore_date, which will at least not always have them on the top19:24
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anteayajeblair: I support that direction19:24
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new ironic-staging-drivers project
jeblairvenus will use the fetch date instead19:24
fungiso basically we'd allow people to "post-date" their posts19:25
AJaegerElection results are in, congrats mordred19:25
fungirespecting the date it claims to have been posted, just don't serve it if in the future19:25
fungiuntil the future is now19:25
nibalizerI love the name 'raxtel'19:26
funginibalizer: it's like a tabloid romance19:26
anteayaha ha ha19:26
jeblairremote: Ignore future dates19:27
jeblairreed, mordred, fungi: ^19:27
jeblairgah 1 sec19:27
AJaegerjeblair: I noticed to late that comments are moderated ;(19:27
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fungiahh, i see so overriding the claimed date instead. that wfm too19:28
jeblairfungi: yeah.  i'd prefer ignore_entry (after all, if they say this is published 2 days in the future, we should honor that!) but until that bug is fixed we can't use it19:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase internap max servers from 24 to 36
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arianteaya# I just did a tab it does it automatically19:32
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anteayareally, how interesting, might I ask what client you are using?19:33
anteayaoh it might be in your settings on your client, odd that that would be the default though19:34
arianteaya# yes it is in my client but does it bother you for some reason?19:35
anteayaoh no, no bother19:36
AJaegerari: it confuses ;)19:36
anteayait just isn't necessary in irc and I didn't know if you knew that19:36
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anteayasome people think that the @symbol is useful in irc and it isn't19:37
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anteayathe @symbol is useful in twitter19:37
arianteaya I am not using that symbol19:38
ariAJaeger how is it confusing19:38
thingeeanteaya: I also blame slack for this19:38
lifelessdougwig: means something failed, and the failure exception was
anteayaari: I used that as an example19:38
lifelessdougwig: means something failed, and the failure exception was the no such file exception19:38
anteayathingee: ah is this a slackism?19:38
reedisn't the @ in IRC the shortcut for chanop?19:38
lifelessdougwig: likely missing pip or virtualenv or something?19:38
anteayathingee: I don't know slack19:38
jrollsome clients have a config option for what character to use after a nick, like "foo:" or "foo,"19:39
AJaegerari: If I see a # behind my name,I wonder what's that - compare how others address people19:39
lifelessreed: it is19:39
jrollthis seems misconfigured, but I think it's okay19:39
thingeeanteaya: yeah if you use their clients, it'll begin auto complete for people in the channel19:39
jrollwe're smart people, we can figure it out19:39
anteayareed: I was talking about symbols for converstation, not commands19:39
jrollslack does not use "foo#", it uses "@foo"19:39
anteayareed: but thanks for pointing that out19:39
AJaegerpleia2: I'll keep an eye as usual on the translation jobs in the next days - thanks for reviewing 26804619:39
anteayajroll: right that's what I was wondering, if it was a config option19:40
dougwiglifeless: yep, it was virtualenv. should that be added to requirements for the module?19:40
pleia2AJaeger: perfect, thanks :)19:40
jrollanteaya: right, it likely is19:40
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anteayajroll: yeah sounds like it19:40
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anteayaari: anyway I was just sharing a piece of information designed to may your irc user experience more pleasant, but you can disregard as you see fit19:41
ariAJaeger# we use this at Redhat and is the default for the HexChat client so don't see an issue19:42
arianteaya# thanks I already knew that19:42
anteayaoh okay19:42
reedthings like @nickname are definitely a twitter thing, I don't remember those appearing before the twitter early days19:42
reedjust like the #TOPIC19:42
jeblairi'd really appreciate it if we could avoid randomly putting characters after people's names in here19:43
reedand both came from a limitation in early twitter19:43
arianteaya: see I changed it19:43
jeblairor before them for that matter19:43
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reedjeblair, like the comma my IRC client puts after your nick?19:43
ariAJaeger: maybe you like this better?19:43
anteayaari: thanks I appreciate it19:43
jeblairit's not necessary, and it will likely increase confusion for newcomers who may not understand that it is not mechanically necessary19:43
lifelessdougwig: its in test-requirements19:43
reedi think I can change that19:44
lifelessdougwig: but perhaps yes19:44
anteayajeblair: thank you, that was my point, but more clearly stated19:44
jeblairreed: both comma and colon have similar and well established useful meanings in english writing19:44
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reedahhh, ok, I think I understand now what the issue is19:45
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fungiactually appropriate punctuation vs. random symbol with unrelated meanings19:45
AJaegerthanks, ari19:45
ariAJaeger: np19:45
* fungi assumes fungi# is likely a placeholder for how much he weighs in an imperial measurement system19:46
fungior possibly a slightly higher musical note than fungi19:46
reedspeaking of IRC, a colleague just mentioned this to me:
anteayaha ha ha19:46
anteayafungi sharp19:46
reedhaven't tried it yet19:46
jeblairwell that reads better than fungi octothorpe19:46
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: remove use of virtualenv from release scripts
fungiClint: you and your fancy slightly more correct codepoints for musical symbology19:47
anteayareed: is it open source? I can't find their licensing19:48
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reedanteaya, I have no clue... the page looks shiny :)19:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove update_po from translation proposal script
anteayareed: agreed they have a shiny page19:48
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reedanteaya, and since so many people want shiny I thought ... well, znc + shiny must be good :)19:49
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Exclude _i18n from import rules
anteayayou have to have a github account to use it19:49
anteayawell they want shiny then they fall over at reading teh build logs19:49
reedno license, in pure github tradition19:49
anteayaand just use recheck, because logs are hard19:49
AJaegerinfra musicians♯, have a great weekend!19:50
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reedyou too AJaeger19:50
anteayaAJaeger: thanks you too19:50
fungireed: anteaya: what's funny (or not!) is that they actually have licensing information in the various javascript, stylesheet and font files in their webskins, but no license for the software itself19:51
fungii can't even assume i'm licensed to look at this source code, so i'm going to delete it now and pretend i never did19:51
pleia2arguably better than conflicting licenses?19:52
sc68calheh. I just looked. It's basically the same setup I run. ZNC with pushbullet via znc-push19:52
anteayafungi: ha ha ha19:52
fungireed: good call19:52
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anteayareed: that link doesn't resolve for me19:54
anteayaanyhow think I'll get a walk in19:54
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new ironic-staging-drivers project
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dougwiglifeless: i'll spin a patch, along with some readme tweaks found from a minimal ubuntu19:55
pleia2anteaya: enjoy19:55
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anteayapleia2: thanks19:56
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds openstack-doc-tools as a group for fairy-slipper
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lifelessdougwig: sweet20:01
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flwangAJaeger: ping20:04
flwangwe're running into a problem for zaqar kilo patches, see
flwangbecause in kilo, we don't have the local devstack folder, so the hook doesn't work20:05
flwangso my question is what's the best practice for this kind of issue? porting the devstack folder to kilo? or check the release in infra code to handle different scenarios? Thanks a lot20:06
openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add pkg-map for redhat
clarkbflwang: I think different projects/teams have used either approach20:08
clarkbflwang: if you find value in running those tests on kilo I would probably go with backporting the devstack stuff20:08
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pleia2flwang: if not valuable, you could adjust the test to not run on the kilo branch20:09
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pleia2(I'd say that's the more common approach)20:09
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flwangclarkb: yep, i'm thinking the same thing, since it would be easier. i'm just not sure if that's the best practice since the porting is not related to any function20:10
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove the job filter from the subunit client filters
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flwangpleia2: it's the functional test20:10
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flwangclarkb: are you aware any other project ported the devstack back to previous release?20:12
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clarkbflwang: not off the top of my head20:12
flwangi prefer that way but want to make sure i'm not the only guy to do that ;)20:12
fungiit's relatively unusual to add more testing to already released stable branches20:14
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* pleia2 nods20:14
clarkbright one issue is if you have to make lots of changes to get tests working20:14
fungimost projects add new testing on their master branch where they're doing active development, and then carry the new tests/jobs over to corresponding stable branches for subsequent releases20:15
clarkbits typically better to move forward rather than lift up the past in that case20:15
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fungibut generally tests or new jobs don't get added to existing stable branches unless they're expressly to regression-proof a bug which was fixed on that branch20:16
flwangthose two mongo/redis functional job were running, IIRC20:16
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flwangso could we skip the two jobs for kilo?20:17
clarkb is what my dib change failed on so I think it is working fine20:17
clarkbjenkins -1 not related and I will recheck20:17
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clarkbjeblair: ok finally in a spot where I can code/review properly if I can help o nthe gearman error thing20:22
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clarkbinfra-root it just occured to me that I could manually prune the devstack repo if we want builds to start working before a dib release happens20:26
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clarkbthoughts on doing that?20:26
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clarkbwould be good to confirm that new dib fixes it, but would also be nice to not be behind on image builds20:26
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flwangclarkb: could i get a sample code how to skip the test for kilo release? thanks20:28
clarkbflwang: look in openstack-infra/project-config/zuul/layout.yaml and search for branch: there are plenty of examples20:28
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clarkbflwang: you basically list the job name and specify a negative lookahead regex to exclude the branch you want to exclude20:28
flwangcool, thanks a lot20:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid git clone in integration test
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jeblairclarkb: greghaynes said he was going to tackle it so i've stepped back20:33
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid git clone in integration test
clarkboh gotcha20:33
openstackgerritRajini Ram proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Updated gearman default port information
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fungiclarkb: i'm not opposed to manually pruning that repo as a short-term fix, as long as we go back behind after the next dib release lands and make sure it's magically cleaned up all the others too20:36
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sigmavirus24looks like #openstack-security broke
clarkbfungi: kk I will likely go ahead and do that then and see if I can get the process to work properly when builds succeed20:41
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clarkboh hrm20:44
clarkbso I had misread what a prune does when done earlier20:44
clarkbit deletes the remotes/origin/stable/juno for example20:44
clarkbbut the stable/juno tracking branch sticks around20:44
clarkband that ultimately I think is the problem so maybe my dib fix is not complete20:44
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clarkbso back to reading man pages20:46
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clarkbdoesn't look like there is alread a porcelain command for this20:47
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fungisigmavirus24: broke how?20:49
clarkbneed to do something like for branch in git branch --list: if branch not in git branch --remotes then delete branch20:49
openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: update to the chair and the start date
sigmavirus24fungi: it's better now but it was 503'ing for a while20:49
fungithe deployment is still a little broken in that i think it gets restarted frequently by puppet or something20:50
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API method to get tests from a list of failed runs
fungiso you didn't break it, it just does that with some annoying frequency20:50
fungihopefully we'll have it fixed soon, but i don't recall who was looking into it20:51
fungitaron: ^ were you exploring that situation at all?20:51
clarkbanytime we add a new repo the service is restarted20:51
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration jobs for Bandit
fungiahh, that's what it was20:51
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fungiseems like it 503's more frequently than that too though20:51
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clarkbcan git branches have whitespace in their names?20:58
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration jobs for Bandit
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pleia2clarkb: no21:02
fungifatal: 'foo bar' is not a valid branch name.21:02
sigmavirus24AJaeger: I've basically stolen your patch for 26706621:02
fungiso sayeth git branch -m "foo bar" anyway21:02
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* sigmavirus24 wonders if branches can have %'s in them because then you can do `git branch -m "foo%20bar"` and see how well gitweb/github display that21:03
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/requirements: Tweak requirements and directions for constraints scripts
pleia2 is useful21:03
clarkbgoogle to the rescue git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/21:04
pleia2(I believe "SP" is space)21:04
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/requirements: Add neutron-lib to global requirements
clarkbpleia2: thanks21:06
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anteayamy understanding of the current hound situation is that auggy had a patch up and that she was going to allow taron to take it over to follow it up21:08
anteayasomething about having the config update without having to have a service restart21:09
anteayathat is the last I heard on the topic21:09
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taronfungi: yep, I'm working on updating auggy's patch21:13
anteayataron: wonderful21:14
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Actually prune stale branches in src-repos
clarkbthere has to be better way to do ^21:32
clarkbbut I was wasting too much time trying to think of it so went with the naive brute force approach21:32
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API method to get tests from a list of failed runs
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clarkba git branch -D --prune --I-really-mean-it --please would be nice21:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Remove contrib/
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clarkbunknown ref would be nice21:41
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add logic to use use available mysql module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow puppet to configure the Gerrit's sshd.batchThreads option
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration jobs for Bandit
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration jobs for Bandit
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clarkbdid we get the internap max-server bump in?22:25
clarkbI think we weren't going to do those on fridays due to mgagne time off? just want to make sure we don't forget22:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Use httpd::mod instead of httpd_mod
anteayaclarkb: yes22:26
anteayaoh I didn't know he was away every friday22:26
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clarkbanteaya: I guess worst case we revert so not a huge deal22:26
anteayajeblair approved it because stasd was back now22:26
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openstackgerritDimitry Ushakov proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update README and move ~/workspace-cache after project setup
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clarkb(I wouldn't worry too much)22:27
clarkbthey have been rock solid and our load falls off right around now anyways22:27
anteayainternap looks happy to me right now22:27
anteayaagreed, they have been very efficient22:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add plugin_email_enabled preference by default
clarkbI am just trying to go through my list of things before the weekend.22:28
clarkbit hsa been productive all things considered22:28
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anteayayup, makes sense22:28
anteayayay productive22:28
Keedya_Hello there22:29
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clarkbjeblair: did we get anyhwere deciding if we should use ephemeral disk in bluebox?22:30
Keedya_I am trying to add a nodejs project to openstack. Is there a good example to follow?22:30
clarkbKeedya_: I am not aware of any nodejs projects on our gerrit. Some projects run js on the client side and use node for testing and packaging but thats it I think22:30
clarkbexamples for that are storyboard and horizon22:31
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Keedya_Is the JavaScript.yaml a Jenkins job for node?22:31
Keedya_Thanks Clarkb22:32
clarkbKeedya_: thats mostly packaging and testing for client side js22:32
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harlowja_at_homehave people been getting (seemingly random 503) on review.openstack?22:33
sigmavirus24AJaeger: any further feedback on ?22:33
harlowja_at_homei just got another one, when using the back button on a review22:33
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harlowja_at_home* (screenshot of that)22:33
clarkbharlowja_at_home: it seems related to memory use and GCing22:33
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clarkbharlowja_at_home: what we need to do is finish tracking it back to that then make a bigger server22:34
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clarkbbut the threads pile up when memory gets scarce and memory allocation can fail resulting in errors (at least thats my current theory)22:34
harlowja_at_homeno threads dying or anything?22:35
harlowja_at_home(would think some logs would happen?)22:35
clarkbya I am trying to find logs for your particular instance22:37
clarkbdo you know what change number that is?22:37
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harlowja_at_homeclarkb, locating22:38
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clarkbya no logged errors for that change22:39
clarkbwhich I think means the memory issue is still likely at fault22:39
clarkbapache is returning that error because gerrit is too slow?22:39
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clarkbzaro: so given the number of threads we run how large do you think our server should be?22:40
clarkbzaro: say if we doubled the cpu and doubled the memory would that be enough you think?22:40
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clarkb8vpcu 12GB heap to 16vpcu and ~30GB heap22:41
clarkbI would have to double check that that is the next flavor size up22:41
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: puppet-staging is in voxpupuli
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clarkbif we do a resize then we won't need a ne wIP address but will have to take a downtime while nova resizes for us. Or we can spin up a new host (with a new IP) and siwtch over with minimal downtime22:43
clarkbI am less worried about firewall rules now that https can be used to push code (and git review supports it)22:44
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openstackgerritDaniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: one function for updating users passwords
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jeblairclarkb: my current (perhaps imperfect) understanding is that it wouldn't make a difference on the cloud side -- so it's up to whatever we want the jobs to see.22:54
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jeblairclarkb: re bluebox22:54
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clarkbI know SamYaple expressed an interest in it because it is easy to repartition to a specific job run needs22:55
clarkbbut I don't think ovh or internap give us ephemeral drives so that wouldn't exist consistently22:55
jeblairwe could ask if we want to try to make it more standard22:55
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Realize infracloud admins
clarkbya can't hurt to see if it is an option across the board22:56
clarkbthough it may be easier to get more resources if it isn't a hard requirement22:56
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clarkbthat said, SamYaple also said that newer kernels provide a better method for overlaying the filesytems22:58
zaroclarkb: i'm not sure.  i think i'll have to look at how much memory is needed for each thread up to make a better determination.  maybe get back to you in a few days.22:58
clarkbso it may not be an issue in 6 months22:58
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notmorgancrinkle: so i'm looking at what would be needed to run haproxy and sub-url things a bit more. do we have a doc showing the overall architecture?22:58
openstackgerritDaniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: one function for updating users passwords
notmorgancrinkle: cool23:01
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notmorganahh drbd and 2 nodes. cool23:01
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crinklenotmorgan: at the moment that is more wishful thinking than reality23:02
notmorganso, if we were to run HAProxy, it would just need to run the HAProxy as the fronting for the services23:02
notmorgannot as the actual LB23:02
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clarkbright no HA has been implmented yet right? so the actual setup may end up being different?23:03
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notmorganclarkb: even w/o HA was looking at the general architecture so i'm not thinking about the problem from a way counter to what was decided23:03
notmorganeven if it's pending implementation23:03
zaroclarkb: have you checked the jvm gc to see if it's currently thrashing?23:03
notmorganbecause with a L7 router in the front and/or SSL offload there, we could either use HAProxy as the LB or the vip-failover23:04
clarkbzaro: its not thrashing hard but it had a few times today where it did noticeable GCing23:04
clarkbzaro: I can take a screenshot23:04
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clarkbI wonder if we can make those graphs available but not the melody admin tasks23:07
clarkbmaybe ttx can read the code and tell us (its written in french)23:07
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Realize infracloud admins
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clarkbzaro: when it gets really bad and we get consistent complaints the gc graph shows peaks around 10% with consistent GCing23:13
clarkbzaro: so this isn't bad (yet) but isn't great either23:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Ask for confirmation when archiving a board's lane
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Reduce number of live search results to 50
zaroclarkb: you think GCing at less than 2% is causing 503 errors?23:15
clarkbzaro: yes, because when it gets higher the 500s hapen more frequently23:16
clarkbzaro: and gerrit itself is fine its just slow, slower than apache is allowing23:16
clarkbso an interim step may be to increase our proxy timeout23:16
zaroi think that would make sense.23:17
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zaroseems like a mismatch in expectations at this point.23:18
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notmorganclarkb: increase? or decrease?23:22
notmorganclarkb: cause the proxy timeout is indefinite at the moment, could contribute to connection stacking23:23
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notmorganclarkb: unless someone tweaked something.23:23
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mroddenhaproxy is written in french..?23:26
clarkbmrodden: melody is written in java written in french23:26
clarkbnotmorgan: incrase, but as you say thats the risk, I think its less an issue on days like today23:26
mroddenoh... neat23:26
clarkbnotmorgan: but major issue on days like when we have to restart23:26
clarkbnotmorgan: what appears to happen is we can't GC fast enough and use up 12GB of heap23:26
notmorganmrodden: hehe23:27
clarkbwhich then leads to threads all piling up trying to do work waiting on GC23:27
notmorganclarkb: wait, where are we looking to increase the proxy timeout?23:27
notmorganby increase we mean make longer? or you mean be more agressive?23:27
notmorgan slash / defined23:28
notmorganmy brain is suddenly not parsing this quite right23:28
clarkbnotmorgan: make the timeout longer23:28
clarkbso that on days like today harlowja_at_home doesn't get a 50323:28
notmorganin apache?23:28
harlowja_at_homeclarkb, i just refreshed, its def a transient thing (idk how many others though are getting it, i've heard of one other person at least)23:29
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notmorganhm. ok there are 2 different timeouts23:29
notmorganactual request timeout and proxy conn timeout23:29
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harlowja_at_homewho uses all this java crap, lol23:29
notmorganthe latter is likely to rreally be contributing to connection stacking23:29
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notmorgansince apache is "wait until the response comes"23:29
notmorgan, the first is i think what is causing the actual 503s to the end user.23:30
notmorgani am inclined to lower the connection timeout, issue 503s more quickly when needed, and then up the response time for the end user to match23:30
notmorganso we don't stack connections as much, but we give users more leeway before we 50323:30
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mroddendo you know its Gerrit responding that causes the issue?23:31
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mroddeni.e. not tcp connect23:32
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mroddenor maybe i should say not responding23:34
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clarkbno not sure yet23:37
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clarkbI have only managed to check that gerrit did not report an error with that request23:37
mroddenyou said you have a http proxy in front?23:37
clarkbso it could be either23:37
mroddenif its haproxy you can chekc the http logs23:38
mroddenit has all that info23:38
clarkbit is apache23:38
clarkband I can check that too just juggling a half dozen things23:38
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mroddenk np23:39
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clarkbit doesn't look like apache recorded why, just the 50323:41
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clarkbunless maybe the error doesn't associate to the request for some reason23:41
notmorganclarkb: that might be the case :(23:41
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Conditionally manage puppet config files
notmorganmrodden: if it was haproxy it'd be easier to adjust all the things, but haproxy doesn't serve static data very well compared to apache.23:42
nibalizerharlowja_at_home: I get those yes23:42
nibalizeroops was way scrolled back23:42
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notmorgannibalizer: SCROLL!23:43
notmorgannibalizer: :)23:43
clarkb[Fri Jan 15 22:31:31.559833 2016] [proxy:error] [pid 17390:tid 140215414896384] AH00940: HTTP: disabled connection for (localhost) is roughly the same time23:43
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clarkbthere ar eactually a whole bunch of those23:44
openstackgerritDaniel Wallace proposed openstack-infra/shade: one function for updating users passwords
clarkbseems like that is apache's response to what it believes is a non responsive backend23:47
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harlowja_at_homebtw, other nice to have would be (so that the tooz etcd code gets tested)23:49
harlowja_at_homeif u folks get some time :)23:49
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harlowja_at_homejd__ said the code is perfect and all should be ok, but this will help ensure that perfectness ;)23:49
mroddenclarkb: i don't typically run apache as a frontend reverse proxy, so i'm not much help there23:51
mroddenin haproxy you get timings for each connection, which really helps shed light on what the slow parts are23:51
notmorganmrodden: yeah23:52
clarkbmrodden: it looks like I can increase apache logging verbosity for all that info too. Probably something better to do on not late friday afternoon though23:52
notmorganmrodden: i've done a lot of work with both apache and haproxy23:52
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mroddenyeah, timings would be super helpful. how often does it happen?23:52
mroddendoesn't seem like it would be worth an interruption right now yes23:53
clarkbmrodden: it happens a couple times a day unless the GC time is really bad then its persistent23:53
notmorganmrodden: i just got a bout of 503s but i wouldn't roll this out unless you're restarting gerrit ayway23:53
notmorganclarkb: ^cc23:53
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