Tuesday, 2015-12-15

fungizaro: examples from the project-config repo00:00
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zaroany from the docs or jjb/tsts folder you can draw from?00:01
zaro*docs/jjb docs00:01
zaroyaml can be kinda sensitive, white space and all.00:01
fungizaro: i haven't looked, was curious why it was working for other job templates in project-config but not this addition00:02
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anteayaPiet: cool00:02
anteayaPiet: not sure what use infra would have for the data, but you never know00:02
zarowill take a look after i fix this puppet gerrit plugin manifests00:02
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Enable network.service with systemd  https://review.openstack.org/25723000:03
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Make distro detection global  https://review.openstack.org/25761600:03
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Always log debug output to syslog  https://review.openstack.org/25761700:03
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Pietanteaya: I think it's more about several admin users in case I get hit by a bus00:06
anteayaHenryG: does it ever come back just you?00:06
anteayaPiet: good thinking00:06
anteayaPiet: or if you decide to take your beautiful dog for a walk00:06
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anteayaPiet: I like that much better for a visual00:06
clarkbit is not longer garbage collecting with 10% of its cpu time00:06
Pietanteaya: She's asleep behind my chair00:07
anteayaHenryG: gerrit was restarted earlier today: http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=25&rra_id=all00:07
anteayaPiet: awe00:07
anteayaPiet: I don't allow myself to miss my dog00:07
anteayaPiet: but I do like dog stories00:07
clarkband seems to be about as responsive as normal for me00:07
anteayaHenryG: AsGoodAsItGets00:07
anteayaHenryG: have you thought about gertty at all?00:08
HenryGanteaya: I have tried it00:08
PietOK - so here's a little more controversial "ask" for the infra team00:08
anteayaHenryG: well consider thinking about trying it00:08
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anteayaHenryG: several folks use it regularly and are quite happy with it00:09
HenryGanteaya: I may give it another go00:09
anteayaHenryG: report your findings00:09
anteayaPiet: ask away00:09
anteayaand dog stores00:09
fungizaro: it keeps creating a job named "gate-bindep-fallback-bare-precise || bare-trusty" instead of "gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty" no matter what i try, so i'm probably doing something silly and am too blind to see what, but i'm basically done looking at it for tonight so i'll pick it back up tomorrow and see what else i can come up with00:09
clarkbHenryG: are you using old change screen or new?00:09
clarkbI want to say someone said earlier that maybe new requires more calls or something I can test new if that is what you are using00:09
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HenryGclarkb: old00:10
anteayasdague: said that00:10
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anteayasdague: he shared a screenshot too which I just closed00:10
clarkbI am not noticing any slowness on slow00:10
PietI'm starting to bring more designers into the OpenStack UX project that have a need for test environments to look at Horizon.00:10
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clarkber on old00:10
anteayaPiet: yay deigners to fix horizon wooooo00:11
fungiPiet: interesting, i wonder if that aligns with the devstack demo site we're working on for the translations team http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/translation_check_site.html00:11
anteayathere is sdague's image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6514884/screenshot_281.png00:11
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clarkbHenryG: any chance you can capture a netowrk dump using your browser's debug tooling so we can quantify the slowness?00:11
fungibasically they want a devstack/horizon deployed with latest translations somewhere they can review/test by hand00:11
clarkboh thats what sdague had cool /me looks closer00:12
anteayaPiet: do your designers care what language they view horizon in?00:12
clarkbI am seeing things on the order of a couple hundred ms locally00:12
PietWould the infra team consider deploying and hosting 4-5 test environments for my designers?  It's getting near impossible to convince the partner companies and I get requests to view Horizon a few times a week.00:12
fungianteaya: well, more wondering whether the request is for semi-static/long-running devstack deployments00:13
* anteaya leans towards feeling the answer is yes00:13
fungiof which the translations check site would be one example00:13
Pietfungi: yep00:13
nibalizerPiet: requests from whom?00:13
HenryGclarkb: I can try to get you that00:13
anteayanibalizer: his designers00:13
Pietnibalizer: I have designers w Intel, HP and IBM00:14
fungiPiet: we're pretty terrible at running things that have to be built manually, but quite adept at running automation. if this is something that can be automated and you have/know someone who wants to work on the deployment automation it's likely doable00:14
PietFungi:  Can you be more specific?  Just so I sort of sound like I know what I'm talking about...00:15
clarkbHenryG: thanks, if we can narrow it down from that and possibly compare to sdague's experience might help us track down the problem00:15
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Pietfungi: Let me ask around00:16
fungiPiet: like if there's a modification the designer wants demoed which can be encapsulated into some normalized format and published somewhere, then it may be possible for us to build a devstack which incorporates that through some sort of self-service mechanism, we'd just need that mechanism to be identified or designed and built00:18
nibalizerPiet: it seems strange to me that the designers wouldn't just run the application?00:18
nibalizerwhat is the non-openstack workflow?00:18
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clarkbfungi: Piet I think the simplest way to do that would be to deploy horizon with devstack on the change and use xvfb to take rendered screenshots00:18
fungii'm assuming designers who are disinterested in installing/running devstack on a virtual machine00:19
clarkbthat fits into the existing feedback loop ewll00:19
anteayajeblair: I don't know if you saw this earlier or if you still care, you had asked for a word that you could use to reference files that were not germane to a job that didn't come across in a derogetory fashion, I brainstormed here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Eu5meO0aLg00:19
fungiand need something that will do that for them instead00:19
clarkbfungi: Piet the best part of that is I thik we already have the necessary tools in place with horizons functional tests to make tha thappen00:19
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fungiyep, if they don't need it to be interactive or don't mind rerunning the job with some adjustments to the list of screenshots they wanted taken when it comes back lacking what they were looking for00:20
HenryGclarkb: it must be heizen-slowness. It goes away when I try to measure it.00:20
clarkbHenryG: woo00:21
Pietclarkb: What do you need from metro help?00:21
fungithough specifying the parameters necessary to test things like hover/tooltip behavior might be a bit cumbersome00:21
clarkbPiet: nothing, the work is already done00:21
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clarkbPiet: you push the code + a test and automagical screenshots happen00:21
fungiwell, the jobs would need to be designed and written00:21
anteayaHenryG: keep measuring it00:21
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PietDo you want us to go ahead and put up a spec?00:21
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Initial commit of codesearch docs  https://review.openstack.org/25762600:22
clarkbfungi: the job exists00:22
clarkbfungi: is what I am saying its there just have to use it00:22
* clarkb goes to find an example00:22
fungiclarkb: oh? we already have a horizon job that archives xvfb screen capture images along wit the logs?00:22
jeblairanteaya: thanks, i will have to think about those -- none of them immediately say "this is a list of files that don't matter"00:23
fungii knew it was using xvfb to test interactions in horizon, but didn't realize it provided captures00:23
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clarkbI just have to figure out were the job is00:23
clarkbbut it deploys horizon for functional testing00:23
anteayajeblair: yeah, fair00:23
anteayajeblair: I thought filigree might be useful00:23
anteayajeblair: I can try again another day00:23
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clarkbPiet: fungi gate-horizon-dsvm-integration is the job it has a publish-screenshots publisher00:25
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clarkbhowever looking at job runs I don't see any screenshots so it is possible that regressed00:27
fungiyeah, i just took a look at one which completed a few minutes ago, and don't see anything screen-capture-like00:27
anteayajeblair: this is Basque for "useless files" Ezertarako fitxategiak00:27
anteayajeblair: how about fitxategiak?00:28
fungiat least not mixed in with the published logs00:28
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fungiPiet: so anyway, it seems like this may already exist (or may need some minor fixes but is basically designed) if the workflow is sufficient for their needs: propose modification to horizon -> look at published screenshots an hour later00:30
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fungiif that's not a suitable workflow, then that at least gives us something to compare against00:30
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Pietfungi: In this case, we really just need 4-5 Horizon deployments for the designers to be able to login and look around.00:31
fungiPiet: so they don't need to be able to modify the deployed horizon, they just want to see what it looks like/how it reacts?00:32
Pietfungi: yep00:32
fungiif so, that's probably closer to the translations test site spec we already have00:32
clarkbwhy would you need 4-5 in that case? 1 should be sufficient right?00:33
fungiwhy 4-5 horizon deployments instead of sharing?00:33
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fungier, what clarkb said00:33
clarkbeither way we have two potential approaches to meet the need and one of currently up00:33
Pietfungi: Seriously, my designers are begging for this...00:33
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Move code search spec to Implemented  https://review.openstack.org/25762800:34
pleia2docs are the last step, so woo ^00:34
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Pietfungi: For example, I may need one to run a usability study.  In that case, I don't want designers meddling around with around with it.00:34
clarkbPiet: horizon is multiuser00:35
fungiPiet: also, are you/they aware of http://trystack.openstack.org/ ?00:35
fungicurious whether that meets the basic request, and if not then knowing why would also help narrow down the specifics of what you're really asking for00:35
PietFungi: TryStack doesn't offer admin privileges.  I also tend to make some changes to the quotas, images ,etc. to reflect reality.00:36
anteayapleia2: woooo00:37
clarkbif you need admin priveleges the best thing is either going to be local deployment or some sort of CI feedback loop thing IMO00:37
nibalizeror just devstack00:37
clarkbI don't think we can offer hosted openstack where other people have admin access00:37
nibalizervagrant + devstack is possible00:38
nibalizerPiet: read the final paragraph of this: https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/why-vagrant/00:38
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fungiahh, yeah if it's an openstack deployment with admin accounts you need, it may make more sense to have someone who does private openstack cloud management to donate some resources00:39
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fungithe problem is that it's very easy to break it, and we can't really offer to help fix it, and we don't have the right sorts of mechanisms in place to run long-term systems with admin access granted to people who aren't actually on our systems administration team00:41
Pietnibalizer: That seems to work00:41
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pleia2fungi: I wonder, will we restrict the translation check site devstack instance to user only?00:41
clarkbpleia2: I had assumed so00:42
pleia2work hasn't really gotten going on it, but I didn't quite think through how much power the admin account has I guess00:42
fungipleia2: i thought that was the main thing they were asking for, yeah00:42
clarkbmaybe that was bad assumption00:42
Pietnibalizer: In that case, would infra still host?00:42
pleia2which reminds me, I should follow up with Daisy00:42
fungipleia2: end-user-facing parts of horizon are where they've prioritized strings for translation i think00:42
pleia2fungi: nods, so I guess it's ok to draw a line there for translators00:42
nibalizerPiet: vagrant can run on the designers laptop00:43
fungiPiet: no, the attractiveness of running devstack inside vagrant is that they can easily run it on their local systems without someone needing to host it for them00:43
nibalizerits a very common pattern to use vagrant to enable developers adn designers00:43
zaroclarkb: i want to call  gerrit::plugin right after 'install-core-plugin', https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit/tree/manifests/init.pp#n63700:43
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zaroclarkb:  and order the run so it requires 'install-core-plugins'.  is that possible?00:44
fungialso i thought sdague had something to easily run devstack under docker, though i don't recall what/where that was00:44
clarkbzaro: you cna't enforce right after instead you have to say A requires B requires C00:44
Pietnibalizer: For usability studies I would need to have someone login to Horizon remotely00:44
fungiPiet: it's "remotely" over their network loopback interface00:45
crinkleclarkb: do you have a plan for migrating wiki to trove? i don't see where it's setting up its db connection in puppet00:45
nibalizerim not sure what the usability studies are00:45
Shrewsfungi: devstack-vagrant, but i had issues with it00:45
fungiShrews: oh, it was vagrant, not docker?00:45
* fungi thinks all those container technologies look the same00:46
anteayanibalizer: in ux a useability study is when you find volunteers who have never interacted with the site/app to interact, and you track eye movements and behaviour00:46
anteayanibalizer: to see where they choose to look for answers00:46
clarkbcrinkle: no I was htinking more just very carefully update puppet-mysql there after updating the module00:46
anteayanibalizer: since putting something where someone looks makes the user happy since they can find it00:46
clarkbcrinkle: moving to trove also works if we figure the config for that out00:46
clarkbits probbaly in the php to be default to local mysql00:46
crinkleclarkb: yeah there is an install.php that takes db params00:47
zaroclarkb: yeah, i guess that's what i want.  i want all of the same requires to install non-core plugins as core plugins. i don't know how to set the requiers when calling a class.  can you refer me to an example?00:47
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anteayafungi: vagrant isn't a container, it is a ruby friendly front end to virtualbox00:47
clarkbzaro: its require => Class['nameofclass']00:48
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Filter bugs based on regex  https://review.openstack.org/25763300:48
Pietnibalizer: For example, we wanted to test the new Launch Instance workflow with 8-10 users to identify any issues with the UI.  In that case, we ran a remote unmoderated usability study where users logged into horizon and were asked to complete a series of tasks that were provided in Google forms.00:48
fungianteaya: oh! indeed that's not a container00:48
jrollanteaya: virtualbox and other virtualization things, including clouds00:48
anteayajroll: ah thank you00:48
crinkleclarkb: paste was moving to trove, correct? or just upgrading carefully on that too?00:48
jrollit's meant to be an abstraction layer, but it's super leaky00:48
fungianteaya: Piet: got it, so the usability study has horizon behind some sort of behavior tracking proxy that records and analyzes their activities for further study?00:48
clarkbcrinkle: I was thinking ust upgrading carefully since trove had performance issues (which may have been fixed)00:48
anteayafungi: or they answer questions in forms, as Piet outlined00:49
crinkleclarkb: oh i see00:49
clarkbPiet: anteaya wouldn't trystack work for that?00:49
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Filter bugs based on regex  https://review.openstack.org/25763500:49
jrolla/b 9100:49
anteayatracking eye movements and stuff would need a lab set up for it00:49
fungicrinkle: paste moved to trove, then back to local mysql before we realized the reason trove was being terrible was connection timeout defaults are really low in rackspace's trove, and now we have a fix for that00:49
clarkbcrinkle: basically stop puppet, make db backup, run puppet with newer module00:49
EmilienMclarkb: could we restart the gearman client service when you think it's ok? that's for having puppet jobs in openstac-health dasbhboard00:49
EmilienMmtreinish: ^00:49
Pietfungi: It depend on the study.  In that case, they were able to leave comments and rate their experience after each task.  Very low tech00:50
clarkbEmilienM: when the job queue falls to 000:50
anteayajroll: awesome, didn't know vagrant leaked, what does it leak? just used it a bit, was happy for my needs00:50
fungicrinkle: so it should be trivial to un-revert the puppet change which originally moved it to trove, plus a little downtime to dump/source the local db again00:50
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EmilienMclarkb: when does it happen?00:50
EmilienMis it manual?00:50
clarkbEmilienM: its manual00:50
jrollanteaya: some of the provider-specific details, like if you want the same vagrantfile to work on vmware and virtualbox you'll end up with some duplicate configuration00:50
jrollanteaya: the abstraction is leaky, not the application :)00:51
crinklefungi: clarkb okay, i'll push a revert for paste and an upgrade for wiki00:51
anteayajroll: ah I see00:51
clarkbcrinkle: mostly just want to stop services, db backup, run puppet, start services, test, and go from there process controlled00:51
anteayajroll: okay I can see what you mean, still works fine for the user00:52
jrollanteaya: yeah, assuming the vagrantfile author configured the user's provider00:52
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fungiPiet: so anyway, it sounds like we'd need a much deeper infra discussion to determine if we're drawing a hard line at hosting long-running devstack instances with horizon admin access granted to arbitrary people. an alternative is that one of our member companies who has a public cloud business would be willing to provide you with however many virtual machine you need and you could just install00:52
fungidevstack on those (or find someone who wants to do that) manually00:52
anteayajroll: okay00:52
crinkleclarkb: right, i'm trying to work out the puppet bits, since it will be a different api, but i can let you do that if you'd prefer00:53
clarkbfungi: or use trystack and get 95% of what you need for free00:53
clarkbfungi: worry about the 5% later when it becomes an issue00:53
anteayaPiet: this is what it looks like when we are trying to help you get what you need, just so you know00:53
PietFungi: Yep.  I was thinking about chatting with someone at RackSpace tomorrow00:53
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fungiright, that was one of the reasons i was suggesting trystack is that you could get virtual machines there and install devstack on them, then give the study participants horizon admin access to those devstack deployments00:54
Pietclarkb: fungi: TryStack doesn't get us 20 percent of the way there.00:54
clarkbPiet: can you expand on why?00:54
clarkbits a horizon that is publicly accessible that you can run studies against?00:55
clarkbforthe other use case run devstack on your local development machine using vagrant or whatever00:55
fungiPiet: in the openstack-on-openstack sense it probably could. i assume you mean the interface trystack presents isn't what you want to study, but that's not what we're suggesting anyway00:55
PietClarke: Because a significant amount of our work is on operator/admin experience00:55
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clarkbPiet: ok, thats trickier bceause that implies trust00:56
fungithere are parallels in our continuous integration testing. for example rackspace, hpcloud, ovh and others provide us with cloud resources but we're not testing their deployment of openstack. we deploy openstack inside virtual machines within those clouds so we can test whatever openstack we want00:57
clarkband I am not sure infr ais ready to trust arbitrary users with admin on long running services00:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add #openstack-dragonflow to channel logging  https://review.openstack.org/24964300:57
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Pietclarkb: fungi: even the end user studies tend to need some changes to Horizon such as adding at least fifty images.  Plus, users see all the instances that have been added my other folks playing around with TryStack00:58
clarkbalso fwiw I would expect most admin/operators to not use horizon to manage their clouds00:58
clarkbdoes omfra cloud even have horizon deployed?00:58
fungiPiet: not suggesting giving them access to trystack. suggesting giving them access to devstack... you just happen to be running your devstack inside virtual machines you got from trystack00:58
nibalizeralso, plz no more scope on omfra cloud00:58
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clarkbnibalizer: haha :)00:59
clarkbnibalizer: speaking of how is that networking?00:59
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nibalizerclarkb: crinkle https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257590/ needs some votes00:59
clarkbnibalizer: oh thats what you meant by linted00:59
nibalizerPiet: i think your designers should use vagrant to check out horizon00:59
crinklenibalizer: i still think the subnet needs to be deleted and recreated00:59
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Bump ironic timeout way up  https://review.openstack.org/25763700:59
PietLet me look into it00:59
jroll^ this should help with ironic gate timeouts some, while we work on the real issue01:00
nibalizerbig rmote usability studies is not something we should solve with the same solution01:00
clarkbfungi: ya that is another approach (I am not familiar with the resources trystack provides to know if that is possible though)01:00
nibalizercrinkle: do you want me to change the patch?01:00
anteayacrinkle: why does ensure => absent need to be the first line of that stanza? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257590/1..2/manifests/controller.pp01:00
clarkbnibalizer: you can haz votes01:00
nibalizeri.e add an absent or something?01:00
clarkbanteaya: because puppet lint says so01:00
anteayaall hail the linter01:00
fungiclarkb: agreed. if the virtual machines in trystack aren't sufficient for running devstack inside of, then getting rackspace or someone like that to provide a gratis account to run larger virtual machines would be the next step01:01
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clarkbanteaya: ineed01:01
crinklenibalizer: well you could just manually delete it if you want01:01
crinkleanteaya: it's part of the style guide, it's supposed to be more readable01:02
anteayanibalizer: you didn't like my commit message suggestion?01:02
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nibalizeranteaya: oh I just forgot it01:02
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anteayacrinkle: ah thanks, the style guide can't be wrong01:02
clarkbcrinkle: oh I see you cna't just update a subnets network with puppet?01:02
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nibalizerits taking hours to get through check (because I think we're short on centos7 nodes?) so I'd rather not respin01:02
anteayanibalizer: 'tis a nit, just wondering if you disagreed01:02
clarkbI am fine with a manual delete01:02
anteayanibalizer: that's fine01:02
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crinkleclarkb: only because the neutron client doesn't support subnet-update of the network name01:03
crinkleclarkb: in general it does support updating01:03
clarkbcrinkle: gotcha01:04
fungiclarkb: Piet: another thought, this may align with the needs of the "certified openstack administrator" working group, since they plan on finding somewhere to host devstack (or similar) sandboxes to use for interactive administrative test labs. though i don't think they've worked out the logistics yet01:05
clarkbfungi: you don't have to make your own to get certified?01:05
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clarkbPiet: from where I stand I a msaying infra won't get in tha tbusiness01:09
clarkbhappy to work with people to figure out how to do it, but I am not sure thats something we can reasonable do01:09
clarkbI just want to make sure we are framing the discussion properly and not talking past each other01:10
anteayaPiet: I think the first step is to see if we can get Piet and the designer team using vagrant01:11
anteayaanyone disagree?01:11
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nibalizercrinkle: so +2 if I manually delete the network?01:11
anteayaI think we have to break this into pieces01:11
clarkbanteaya: yes I agree01:12
clarkband that seems like a good first step teaching people to fish and all that01:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Make distro detection global  https://review.openstack.org/25761601:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Always log debug output to syslog  https://review.openstack.org/25761701:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Enable network.service with systemd  https://review.openstack.org/25723001:12
Pietclarkb: No worries...so got talk to the "certified OpenStack admin" working group?01:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Fixup some logging issues  https://review.openstack.org/25711901:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Update documentation  https://review.openstack.org/25763901:12
anteayaPiet: so it would mean a learning curve for your team, but we would do our best to support the learning01:12
nibalizerif these designers are at intel, ibm, and hp, there are resources within those organizations to get people up to speed with vagrant01:12
crinklenibalizer: how about just manually delete both the subnet and the network, then you don't need the ensure absent in the module01:13
anteayanibalizer: wonderful01:13
nibalizercrinkle: ok01:13
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Rename network to 'public'  https://review.openstack.org/25759001:13
PietAnteaya: Also wondering whether it makes sense to just approach someone with a public cloud01:13
nibalizerdeleting the network now01:13
anteayaPiet: approach by all means approach01:14
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anteayaPiet: just letting you know we want you to succeed and are willing to do what we can to support your success01:14
anteayaand you have a fall back plan if your response is no01:15
anteayabut by all means have the conversation01:15
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anteayamy cat has comandeered my telephone table01:17
PietI'll look around...this is probably No. 1 or 2 on my list of priorities because it tends to be a blocker for the designers01:17
anteayathe telephone is now on the floor01:17
fungiclarkb: sorry, the freenode server i was on seems to have bounced. yep, makes sense. we've focused our services on running things with basically nobody as admins (or those with actual admin access exercising it as infrequently as possible) and instead driving it all through public code review. manual administration of a bunch of openstack deployments with random admin access on them is not something01:17
fungiwe've optimized for01:17
anteayaPiet: yup, keep in mind it will take a bit of time to get everyone comfy with vagrant01:18
anteayaPiet: depending on the system and each individual it could take 5 minutes or 3 days per person01:18
PietStill thinking public cloud...01:18
fungialso worth noting that devstack isn't suited to be a long-running service (per its maintainers), and when it breaks you get to keep both pieces01:19
anteayaPiet: yup, not insulted if you get your needs addressed via public cloud01:19
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fungigenerally devstack would need to be regularly redeployed from scratch (and also on reboot) to be especially maintainable01:19
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade mysql module to 3.6.1  https://review.openstack.org/25764001:19
crinkleclarkb: ^ i think that's everything that needs to change in puppet01:20
clarkbcrinkle: ^I would wip that until we are ready to merge, its looking like tomorrow is bad day for me as is wednesday (gerrit and optomitrist) maybe should for thursday?01:20
nibalizerya tomorrow is the upstream puppet virtual sprint thing01:20
clarkbbut then we can do paste first then wiki and just hand hold it01:21
nibalizerso i'll be not-really-here01:21
fungicrinkle: if tomorrow wasn't the "day of all meetings" i'd volunteer to do the migration bit, but no can do01:21
nibalizerbut it is a great time to get your pet bug in puppet looked at01:21
crinkleclarkb: WIP'd01:21
clarkbI have to go cut down a tree and plant it in my living room with my recently arrived parents01:21
crinklefungi: i don't have a timeline on this, just hoping to help out with the puppet parts01:21
crinkleit can happen whenever01:21
fungicrinkle: it's awesome--much appreciated!01:21
clarkband a morning of meetings first01:22
anteayaclarkb: ha ha ha, when did they get there?01:22
clarkbanteaya: in a couple hours01:22
anteayaclarkb: cool01:22
clarkbso they will be recently arrived tomorrow :)01:22
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anteayaclarkb: ha ha ha01:22
anteayaclarkb: I hope they arrive safely01:22
clarkbits their first winter trip in almost 30 years I think01:22
fungiassuming we don't spend the rest of the week dealing with fallout from the gerrit upgrade, i can maybe look at migrating paste's database thursday or friday01:22
anteayaclarkb: wow01:22
clarkbfungi: I think we will just upgrade the module01:22
clarkbto start at least01:23
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nibalizerclarkb: crinkle fungi this needs re-reivews https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257590/01:23
nibalizerhoping to land and apply that tonight01:23
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fungii'm more excited about the bit where we get back to having the lodgeit db in trove so that we can swap out the server with one running trusty fairly easily01:23
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funginibalizer: there's something to be said for teaching nodepool to support "vanilla openstack" but if this is the quickest route for now i'm cool with it01:25
anteayanibalizer: still not liking my commit message fix, hahaha01:25
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fungiis "provider-net" a neutron default string, or something chosen in the openstack-puppet modules?01:26
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nibalizerfungi: well its either this, or a code change in nodepool01:26
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nibalizeranteaya: oh sorry, i keep forgetting01:27
nibalizerif we do another patchset i will fix it01:27
funginibalizer: yep. just didn't know if the "provider-net" there was reflecting a default somewhere in openstack or whether it was just a string somebody picked when writing puppet-infracloud01:27
clarkbfungi: its a string we picked01:27
clarkbnetwork names are 100% arbitrary in neutron01:28
fungiahh, in that case i agree we should pick again01:28
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fungionce more, with feeling01:28
clarkb(which is another reason that the default security group rules list is not configurable for ocnsistent UX makes no sense to me)01:28
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clarkbthings like use of dhcp and public IP inference are not consistent01:29
clarkbbut default security group rules must be (and the defaults are bad)01:29
fungiyou can pick whatever default network name you want, but not the contents of your security group defaults01:29
fungisoftware for bikesheds01:29
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clarkbbut ya if we make it "public" nodepool will be happy01:29
funginetwork names have a lot more marketing power than default security groups anyway01:30
clarkbmordred: did you get anywhere iwth raw -> vhd conversion using qemu-img?01:30
clarkbit just seems odd to pick one thing that is actually likely to need lcoal input to not be configurable but things that should be the same everywhere are configurable01:31
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fungito me as well01:36
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anteayatry typing `/nick rajinir`01:38
anteayathe / has to be the first character, no space01:38
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openstackgerritMichael Micucci proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added eavesdrop and statusbot for openstack-zephyr  https://review.openstack.org/25448901:42
rajinirNodepool is launching the instance in CI Cloud, but times out before it can ssh. Is it not able to ssh or is it not waiting long enough?01:42
asselin_rajinir, try to manually build an instance using the same template01:43
asselin_just usingthe cloud api/ui01:43
kitsuneninetailsCan someone please look and submit https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254489/?  It's a very simple addition of a channel to the eavesdrop bot list, and it's been sitting in review hell for over a week, it's been +2d and verified multiple times, but because no one is submitting it, it keeps getting overwritten by other changes and I have to keep rebasing (5 times so far).  I would very much appreciate someone with merge01:46
kitsuneninetailspermissions just going in and pushing it through.  Thank you so much!!01:46
kitsuneninetailsAlso, that file is a pain to rebase because of that one HUGE line of all the channels.  I was wondering if there was a way to easily do multi-line strings in puppet to get rid of this problem?01:46
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rajinirasselin: Able to manually buildan instance using the cloud ui01:47
clarkbkitsuneninetails: once we have in tree public hiera it becomes easier, but otherwise puppet's DSL isn't so great for strings like that01:47
asselin_rajinir, so what is the nodepool error?01:48
* clarkb checks calendar for meetings01:48
clarkbpleia2: I see no meetings for the rest of today, that look right to you?01:49
clarkbI can go ahead and just approve that change if so01:49
pleia2clarkb: I think there was one around 0300 or so, but yes, go01:49
pleia2yeah, next is at 0300, but it'll merge before then01:49
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: switch to f23  https://review.openstack.org/25356101:49
pleia2(I checked earlier for another eavesdrop change)01:50
rajinirasselin: Exception: Timeout waiting for ssh access01:50
asselin_rajinir, can you manually ssh?01:50
rajinirasselin: Haven't tried manual ssh. Ping works. Not sure what the credentials are to the image?01:51
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rajinirasselin: ssh works fine for an instance with cirros image without issues01:52
asselin_rajinir, it  should be the jenkins user or ubuntu, using the ssh key you told nodepool to use01:52
kitsuneninetailsclarkb: Yeah, I was afraid of that.  I tried many Google search permutations and though it's apparently easy in Ruby, it's not very doable in Puppet...01:53
rajinirasselin: in the /etc/puppet/enviroments/common.yaml or project-config/nodepool/nodepool.yaml?01:54
pleia2ah, hasn't passed checks yet, after the 0300 meeting window we have another nice chunk of meeting free time too01:54
pleia2kitsuneninetails: thanks for your patience, trouble is we can only merge these changes when no meetings are happening since it restarts the bot and the bot doesn't preserve state01:54
anteayaI have one at 080001:54
anteayawhich speaking of, I should get to bed01:54
pleia2yeah, next after 0300 is at 070001:54
asselin_rajinir, it should be the same01:54
pleia2then things pick up again01:55
kitsuneninetailspleia2 Ahhh, I see the trouble.  Yeah, that makes sense.01:55
kitsuneninetailsThanks for taking a look for me :)01:55
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Update documentation  https://review.openstack.org/25763901:58
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Always log debug output to syslog  https://review.openstack.org/25761701:58
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Enable network.service with systemd  https://review.openstack.org/25723001:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: pin all unit jobs to bundle 1.10.6  https://review.openstack.org/25764601:58
EmilienManteaya: I missed that one :( ^01:58
rajinirasselin_: thanks, will debug that01:59
anteayaEmilienM: +2 from me01:59
EmilienManteaya: thanks a lot02:00
EmilienMand sorry for direct ping02:00
anteayaI keep losing power due to wind02:00
EmilienMit's just our CI is still blocked02:00
anteayaEmilienM: welcome, no problem02:00
anteayaI understand02:00
asselin_rajinir, these instructions are helpful to confirm what's in your image: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/nodepool/elements/README.rst#n4302:00
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anteayaI hope I have a dsl connection when it comes time to chair the meeting02:00
EmilienMif anyone who has 1 minute, please look https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257646/ - have a good night/day02:00
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rajinirasselin_: great, thank you again02:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Allow logserver to run on CI server (part 1)  https://review.openstack.org/25364202:06
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asselin_rajinir, when you get a chance, please review this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254326/202:07
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tonybis jenkins02 awol?  I'm trying to get to https://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/project-team-guide-publish/lastBuild/console and I'm not getting any data?02:11
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tonybI can see the same data for jenkins{01,0[3-7]}02:12
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clarkbwould not surprise me, the thread leak issue is persistent despite our attempts at thwarting it02:12
tonybclarkb: ah okay.02:13
* clarkb is still waiting for / to open02:13
rajinirasselin_: good to know. will review02:13
tonybclarkb: okay.02:13
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tonybclarkb: I finally got a proxyerror, "Reason: Error reading from remote server"02:17
clarkbme too, will have to look tomorrow02:18
tonybclarkb: ok thanks.02:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: pin all unit jobs to bundle 1.10.6  https://review.openstack.org/25764602:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Rename network to 'public'  https://review.openstack.org/25759002:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add training-labs weekly meeting  https://review.openstack.org/25412202:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Added eavesdrop and statusbot for openstack-zephyr  https://review.openstack.org/25448904:11
pleia2kitsuneninetails: there you go ^^ our system will restart the bots in a bit and they will join your channel then04:11
pleia2I'm off to dinner now04:11
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add statusbot/eavesdrop to #congress channel  https://review.openstack.org/25565404:42
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raminenicould someone please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/250598/7?04:55
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: support com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials properties in authorization matrix  https://review.openstack.org/19954705:00
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kitsuneninetailspleia2: Thank you so much!!! :)05:55
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.i18n to 2.1.0  https://review.openstack.org/25767905:56
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a test-accounts src-{mame} exp job  https://review.openstack.org/25744806:05
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move eavesdrop bot from #akanda->#openstack-astara  https://review.openstack.org/24264306:07
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make command line parsers available as modules.  https://review.openstack.org/18025206:33
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/25769106:40
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make command line parsers available as modules.  https://review.openstack.org/18025206:43
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Added OpenID Apache configuration options  https://review.openstack.org/25459507:02
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TheloHi all, does anyone have a clean tutorial of how to configure tempest?07:16
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AJaegerThelo, better ask on #openstack-qa07:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-constraints-jobs to networking-ofagent as an experimental  https://review.openstack.org/25616307:18
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stevemaruh oh, i think  broke hound07:21
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stevemarcodesearch.openstack.org is 503'ing for me now :(07:21
stevemaroh its back now07:22
stevemarlet's see if i can repeat it ...07:22
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AJaegerstevemar: don't ;)07:27
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TheloThanks I will07:31
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stevemarAJaeger: i tried anyway, no luck :)07:40
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add #openstack-net-bgpvpn as a logged channel  https://review.openstack.org/25246508:22
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openstackgerritNicko Glayre proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding support for maven-metadata-plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25743008:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-{onos,ovn}: Remove branch filter  https://review.openstack.org/25702408:47
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Congress: Add different gate job for stable branch  https://review.openstack.org/25059808:49
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Drop py33 support  https://review.openstack.org/25774508:58
tangchenHi all, http://stackalytics.com/ service is down.08:59
tangchenI got a 500 when I access to it.08:59
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yolandatangchen, you may need stackalytics.openstack.org?09:04
openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add statusbot/eavesdrop to #openstack-bareon channel  https://review.openstack.org/25580409:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix filter for puppet-openstackci  https://review.openstack.org/25702909:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove icehouse-dibtest special handling  https://review.openstack.org/25693009:09
ramineniyolanda: could you please review https://review.openstack.org/25059809:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove filter on experimental-swift-logs  https://review.openstack.org/25702709:09
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yolandaramineni, yes, it's on my review queue09:10
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ramineniyolanda: thanks :)09:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade the concat module  https://review.openstack.org/25757209:13
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tangchenyolanda: Yes. Thanks.09:15
tangchenyolanda: But the data is not the latest09:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create new project Solar  https://review.openstack.org/25598309:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix filter for puppet-swift  https://review.openstack.org/25703009:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tempest-master  https://review.openstack.org/25702609:18
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a page to view all of your subscriptions  https://review.openstack.org/25750909:26
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mhickeyHi. Anyone know if there is a problem in gate with ironic? "gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ssh" seems to be failing because it cannot find 'ironic'09:30
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make hieraedit.py to not shuffle data items  https://review.openstack.org/23947909:32
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andreafgood morning - can I have reviews on this project-config patch please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257448/09:39
openstackgerritIsaac Beckman proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow to disable cron jobs  https://review.openstack.org/25037409:39
AJaegermhickey: there was a problem in an ironic job that was fixed last night, so any current runs should be fine. When was your check run?09:40
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AJaegerandreaf: that's a bit too complex for me to review at the moment, I need some time to dig into that09:41
mhickeyAJaeger: Hi. I did a run around 07.50 am UTC: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/253530/09:42
andreafAJaeger: ok, thanks - let me know if you have any question if you get a change to look further into it09:42
mhickeyAJaeger: What is the patch for the ironic fix? I can see when it was merged.09:42
AJaegermhickey: "14.12.2015 22:07"09:42
AJaegerthat was before I1a76d84aeefeb9f86c95460590c2784b0ab14fd6 was effective09:43
mhickeyAJaeger: I should have picked it up then.09:43
AJaegermhickey: you should have picked it up for the recheck you did at 7:50 am that has not completed yet09:44
mhickeyAJaeger: Sorry, my apologies. I just realised the jenkins TS.09:44
mhickeyAJaeger: Thanks for this! :)09:44
AJaegeryou're welcome, mhickey09:45
AJaegerandreaf: will comment on it when I find time in the next days09:45
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isaacbyolanda: Thanks for https://review.openstack.org/25037409:47
yolandaisaacb, np, you fixed so quick09:47
andreafnp, I had a +2 from sdague already, but had missed to update tempest-jobs.yaml - so I will seek for his review as well09:47
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andreafAJaeger: ^09:47
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AJaegeryolanda: thanks for all the reviews. Do you want to approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257123/ ? The WIP has just been removed...09:50
yolandaAJaeger, sure09:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Congress: Add different gate job for stable branch  https://review.openstack.org/25059809:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change tempest jobs for Kuryr  https://review.openstack.org/25581809:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add rally integration job to networking-ovn  https://review.openstack.org/25567909:51
openstackgerritgaryk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs for neutron-lib  https://review.openstack.org/25778009:53
openstackgerritOleksii Zamiatin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move grenade jobs from experimental to check  https://review.openstack.org/25778109:53
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openstackgerritOleksii Zamiatin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move grenade jobs from experimental to check  https://review.openstack.org/25778109:54
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.msg: allow to run ceilometer integration job  https://review.openstack.org/25779009:58
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dimsAJaeger : the grenade jobs worked fine! yay! (checked pip freeze to make sure it's using oslo.messaging). we are breaking a lot of stuff and am trying to get a handle on that.09:59
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dimsAJaeger : thanks for +2'ing ozamiatin 's review09:59
dimsAJaeger : sileht and i were talking about adding ceilometer stuff as well as we do not test notifications at all anywhere10:00
ozamiatindims, AJaeger: thanks!10:00
AJaegerdims: glad to hear!10:00
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AJaegerdims: I just commented on the greande change: You now have lots of jobs running...10:00
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dimsAJaeger : right, one we add ceilometer that would cover all features using only the kombu driver. we'd have to figure out what to do for pika and zmq. probably leave them as experimental i guess if we don't want that many jobs10:02
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AJaegerdims: there's no need to rush anything here, just wanted to point it out for your consideration10:03
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repo for fuel-plugin-qlogic-sriov-vxlan in Openstack NS  https://review.openstack.org/25779610:04
dimsAJaeger : y, been thinking a lot about the matrix needed in general for backward compat jobs, just started with oslo.messaging as the first project to hit10:04
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.msg: allow to run ceilometer integration job  https://review.openstack.org/25779010:07
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openstackgerritgaryk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs for neutron-lib  https://review.openstack.org/25778010:11
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Discontinue Release status page  https://review.openstack.org/25481710:14
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add periodic pipeline test result to infra docs  https://review.openstack.org/25472510:17
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tznAJaeger: who can help me adding people to initial gerrit groups for new project?10:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job to astara-horizon  https://review.openstack.org/25364810:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest jobs as non-voting check for monasca persister  https://review.openstack.org/25491610:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-kafka project  https://review.openstack.org/24709410:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move py34 functional job to experimental queue for Neutron  https://review.openstack.org/25690710:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to i18n project  https://review.openstack.org/25712310:30
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added RemoteUser Provider & OpenID configs  https://review.openstack.org/25406610:40
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/system-config: WIP: Adding rebuild_phab_infra-dev.py  https://review.openstack.org/24079510:43
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AJaegertzn: ask infra-root here for help and reference the review that merged and your gerrit email - and once you're added, you can add others yourself10:53
tznAJaeger: is it automatic process?10:54
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openstackgerritVincent Françoise proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Python 3.4 support - add py34 gate  https://review.openstack.org/25782710:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix subscription display for project groups  https://review.openstack.org/24977610:56
AJaegertzn: you have to ask here and give the details - it's documented in the infra manual10:57
AJaegertzn: I don't have the permissions to help you...10:58
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mescaneftzn: i usually send emails to openstack-infra about it10:58
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mescaneftzn: i post links to gerrit acl groups + link to a change from which these groups came10:59
mescanefvia irc is also the way10:59
mescanefmaybe fungi will read it;-)10:59
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mescaneftzn: the requestor should be the person who created that change, btw, since some ppl do not know about it11:00
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yolandatzn, i can help , what do you need? can you show me link?11:00
tznyolanda: thanks! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255983/ tnapierala@mirantis.com11:02
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yolandatzn, added you to solar-core and solar-release11:03
tznyolanda: thank you from the depths of my heart :)11:04
yolandatzn anytime :)11:04
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip jobs appropriately for releasenotes  https://review.openstack.org/25783011:05
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evgenylHi, could someone please help with review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255804/ ? Thanks.11:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a test-accounts src-{mame} exp job  https://review.openstack.org/25744812:06
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mescanefdear roots, please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257796/12:22
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Use a modal to add projects  https://review.openstack.org/25787212:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix grenade on OVH with nova net  https://review.openstack.org/25753712:59
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: unpin bundler for unit & syntax jobs  https://review.openstack.org/25788513:09
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jrollcan I bug someone to merge this dsg change and stop the bleeding? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257637/13:10
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ekurisI am trying to add fix to upstream tempest , After I type "git review "  I get error that I need to update my contact info but I cannot update because I get other error in the site . you can find here the errors :http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/33547213:13
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Use a modal to add projects  https://review.openstack.org/25787213:22
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AJaegerekuris: this normally means taht you're not a foundation member13:24
AJaegerekuris: This needs your gerrit preferred e-mail address to match a primary13:25
AJaegere-mail address for a foundation individual member account.13:25
AJaegerekuris: If you already followed the instructions at13:25
AJaegerand still get that, see https://ask.openstack.org/question/56720 for13:25
AJaegeradditional troubleshooting tips.13:25
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196413:26
ekurisAJaeger,  ok thanks I will check all the steps13:27
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AJaegerekuris: email adress mis-match or not signed up as a foundational members are the two common errors13:31
ekurisAJaeger,  ok I will verify it now maybe I missed something13:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Fix up the tests and add tox configuration to run them  https://review.openstack.org/23463713:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Ignore the virtualenv folder and Eclipse's settings files.  https://review.openstack.org/24156913:46
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tjcocozzekuris if that doesn't work, I have come across that before and it was because my address wasn't the same between https://www.openstack.org/profile/ and the gerrit settings.13:54
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job  https://review.openstack.org/25790613:54
tsufievhello, folks!13:54
tsufieva quick (I hope so) question about devstack-gate...13:55
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tsufievhttps://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/horizon.yaml - do I understand correctly that if a project is mentioned within PROJECTS var, it's not required to install it into devstack node explicitly?13:55
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tsufievE.g., no need to install sahara-dashboard here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255232/6/jenkins/jobs/sahara.yaml explicitly to test any change in sahara-dashboard with integration tests?13:56
tsufievthe second question is whether we need to install sahara explicitly which is a direct dependency of sahara-dashboard as stated in dashboard's requirements?13:57
ekurisAJaeger, tjcocozz  thanks guys its worled :)13:57
AJaegerglad to hear, ekuris ! Looking forward to a pile of changes ;)13:57
openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs-on-rtfd hook for bareon project  https://review.openstack.org/25791013:58
tjcocozzekuris, :-)13:58
tsufievoh, it isn't actually, never mind the second question :)13:58
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mesteryGood morning infra folks! I tried to tag and release 3.0.0 of networking-cisco this morning and the merge-release-tags job failed.14:17
mesteryI'm baffled as to why, if someone has a moment some extra eyes would be helpful! http://logs.openstack.org/88/8873789fc63a0631d4d3c2b94e13b49cc373a319/release/14:18
mesteryThanks in advance!14:18
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yolandahi mestery, i see errors on cisco-merge-release-tags14:20
yolanda2015-12-15 12:40:41.089 | To ssh://proposal-bot@review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/networking-cisco.git14:20
yolanda2015-12-15 12:40:41.090 |  ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/merge/release-tag (change 256666 closed)14:20
yolanda2015-12-15 12:40:41.090 | error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://proposal-bot@review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/networking-cisco.git'14:20
mesteryyolanda: Yup, I'm unsure why those occur however.14:20
mesteryyolanda: I've got another one (networking-bgpvpn) that failed because apparently a commit message first-line is too long14:21
mesteryyolanda: http://logs.openstack.org/97/97f555f30ed0c57a3d7193e0d902090c0b580c2f/release/14:21
mesteryyolanda: That's for networking-bgpvpn14:21
mesteryNot my morning I guess :(14:21
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AJaegermestery: can you find networking-cisco at all on pypi? I can't right now ;(14:22
igorbelikovhey folks, I'm going through all remaining stackforge-retirement patches for fuel and there's this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236451/. It's in merge conflict despite not having any cross-project dependencies and it's on top of branch head, so there's nowhere to rebase. What could cause merge conflict in this case?14:22
yolandamestery, i'm not aware on how that works... for some reason it tries to send a review for a change that already merged14:22
mesteryAJaeger: Looking ... but if that's the problem, I apologize and will chase the cisco folks down with a big stick :(14:22
mesteryAJaeger: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/networking-cisco14:22
mesteryAJaeger: In fact, 2.0.0 DID push to PyPI14:23
mesteryAJaeger: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/networking-cisco/2.0.014:23
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yolandaAJaeger, do you know better about this tool works'14:23
AJaegermestery: I searched via https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=networking-cisco&submit=search and could not find it ;(14:24
mesteryAJaeger: Weirdness14:24
AJaegeryolanda: no, can't help here ;(14:24
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mesteryAJaeger yolanda: Thanks for hte help! I'll send a note to the ML and get some async help here.14:25
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AJaegermestery: so, what failed is the merge of the release tag: http://logs.openstack.org/88/8873789fc63a0631d4d3c2b94e13b49cc373a319/release/networking-cisco-merge-release-tags/4fb9a7f/console.html14:27
AJaegerAs you stated ;)14:27
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196414:27
AJaegerigorbelikov: let me check...14:27
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [sahara] job for sahara-dashboard integration tests  https://review.openstack.org/25523214:28
AJaegerigorbelikov: might have been some hickup, let me change the commit...14:28
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [sahara] job for sahara-dashboard integration tests  https://review.openstack.org/25523214:29
AJaegerigorbelikov: thanks for going through these finally !14:29
AJaegerigorbelikov: gerrit hickup I guess, editing the commit message helped. We had one day a full disk and that produced some strange merge conflicts...14:30
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igorbelikovAJaeger: yeah, really a lot of projects and stable branches:) I wouldn't imagine we still have 'stackforge' in so many places, so thank you for bringing this up14:31
igorbelikovAJaeger: thx, changing commit message didn't come to my mind14:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Fixup some logging issues  https://review.openstack.org/25711914:33
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mescanefigorbelikov: but..fuel ci gave -114:34
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igorbelikovmescanef: yeah, this is a different problem14:35
pabelangerdoing the puppethack day this morning, do we have any open PR is puppet land that we need to land?14:36
pabelangerAside from the puppetlabs-apache stuff I am working on14:36
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sdaguefungi / mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234509/ would be nice to just reduce some outstanding clear patches14:47
openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable pypi publishing for Bareon project  https://review.openstack.org/25793214:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix: create_stack() fails when waiting  https://review.openstack.org/25736714:53
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196414:55
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Allow to configure fqdn hostname  https://review.openstack.org/25793515:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Parse path correctly when it begins with /api  https://review.openstack.org/25485915:02
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kuryr Rally integration  https://review.openstack.org/25568515:03
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Dragonflow Rally integration job  https://review.openstack.org/25568815:08
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yolandamordred, SpamapS, greghaynes, can i get your thoughts on https://review.openstack.org/257935 ?15:08
mordredyolanda: SO15:10
gsagieRebased two patches that already had workflow, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255685/  ,  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255688/     just to your attention ;)15:10
mordredyolanda: the problem with that15:10
mordredyolanda: is that I _believe_ there is a problem on clouds thatt are not bifrost15:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix server deletes when cinder isn't available  https://review.openstack.org/25699415:11
mordredyolanda: oh - maybe the name field does have the fqdn if it's set15:11
mordredyolanda: nevermind - it was the hostname field that nova makes very useless15:11
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yolandamordred, so glean is splitting the fqdn if you set it, so my intention is to set if properly if we pass it15:13
yolandaand add short and long hostnames to /etc/hosts15:13
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yolandamm, it fails pep8 :(15:14
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mordredah - gotcha. yeah. short and long should both go into /etc/hosts15:14
yolandak, that patch adds them15:14
SpamapSyolanda: I like it15:14
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Allow to configure fqdn hostname  https://review.openstack.org/25793515:15
yolandacool, fixing pep815:15
mordredyolanda: you look for and then write
yolandaoh dear15:16
yolandagood eye :)15:16
* mordred was useful today15:16
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Allow to configure fqdn hostname  https://review.openstack.org/25793515:16
yolandaok better :)15:17
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dmelladoHi everyone, isn't the merge gate quite slow? I mean, are 7h+ wait times usual?15:24
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openstackgerritNicko Glayre proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding a new project parameter on multijob  https://review.openstack.org/25794815:26
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mordreddmellado: it's not insane - we're hitting capacity during the day quite often. we're landing between 900 and 1100 patches per week these days, so the fact that the wait is only 7 hours is not terrible15:28
mordreddmellado: considering tests take an hour to run - that means we're averaging a parallel rate of 6.5 patches per hour even with strict serialized ordering15:29
dmelladomordred: I see, then I guess that's 'dying of success' xD15:29
dmelladothanks for clarifying it ;)15:29
mordreddmellado: yah :)15:29
mordreddmellado: we're working on bringing more clouds online too - so more vms should hopefully help15:30
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yolandaSpamapS, care revisiting my patch? i lost your +2 with a pair of typos15:33
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SpamapSyolanda: ok, just waiting for CI15:35
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SotKjeblair, mordred: do either of you oppose us merging https://review.openstack.org/#/c/240345/2 in it's current state?15:37
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jeblairSotK: i don't really understand your objection -- the idea that you'd want the ability to put arbitrary templates in an arbitrary order seems a little too abstract; certainly not likely enough to double the number of files on disk.15:51
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jeblairSotK: (i mean if you want to compose a message out of [A] then [B], what's the likelihood of wanting to also do [B] then [A])15:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Allow to configure fqdn hostname  https://review.openstack.org/25793515:53
jeblairSotK: (so in that case, just use the first subject you find.  but then i think most emails are going to be single template (except for maybe a footer or something?))15:53
jeblairSotK: but don't let me block you :)15:53
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add note about unit testing with mox and python 3 compat  https://review.openstack.org/25797215:53
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SotKjeblair: its not the ordering that led to me changing my mind, but the fact that if we have multiple templates (eg. a text template and an html template) then either (a) one of them must be parsed as the "main template" to decide the subject, or (b) each of the templates need to define the subject15:57
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* SotK is a little fuzzy on what exactly caused it since he hasn't really thought about emails since he looked at doing it15:58
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jeblairSotK: ah, you mean multipart msgs15:59
SotKI was also wary of parsing the template as an email to obtain the subject, in case someone accidentally wrote a template that the parser thought contained other headers and that part of the template was lost15:59
SotKjeblair: indeed, I may have not made that clear on gerrit, sorry15:59
jeblairSotK: i'd probably just say the 'text' one was the special one and should have the subject.  and then never write an html one.  :)15:59
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lennyb_Hi Infra, is there any monitoring tool to see Third party CI statistics of comments on gerrit ( except of ci-watch.tintri.com )16:00
anteayalennyb_: why do you ask?16:00
anteayawe are trying to reduce the many locations of tools and converge on a common one16:00
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anteayalennyb_: if you have feedback on ci-watch, please share it16:01
jeblairSotK: but anyway, i see your point, and i'm fine if you want to go that direction :)16:01
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* SotK hopes to never write an html one, but would rather leave the option easily available :)16:01
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lennyb_anteaya: Hi, nova folks ask for statistics, I can provide them with lastcomment output ( by jogo ), that I run locally, but I though maybe there is something else.16:01
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clarkbjeblair: did you see OVH's response? looks like its something in our image which is good beause hopefully its reproduceable and fixable16:02
jeblairclarkb: yeah, was just reading that16:02
SotKjeblair: thanks :)16:02
anteayalennyb_: I do believe that mriedem likes ci-watch, has someone in nova said ci-watch is unacceptable?16:02
anteayalennyb_: or are you not on ci-watch?16:02
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lennyb_anteaya: I am, but I dont see in ci-watch numbers ( like 80% PASS in last 1000commits )16:03
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anteayalennyb_: so if that is something nova is asking for perhaps that is some feedback for ci-watch?16:03
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make FWaaS constraints jobs voting  https://review.openstack.org/25670216:06
lennyb_anteaya:  btw, #link docs.openstack.org/infa/ciwatch is unavailable16:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove OVERRIDE_ENABLED_SERVICES from neutron yaml files  https://review.openstack.org/25444116:07
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anteayalennyb_: here is the source code: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/ciwatch/tree/16:07
anteayalennyb_: right now that tool is not hosted by infra16:07
anteayalennyb_: there is a spec up to do that work, but it hasn't commenced yet (I don't believe)16:08
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pabelangeryolanda: Success: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/blob/master/manifests/vhost/custom.pp16:08
lennyb_anteaya:  is there any official tool for infra to monitor or show statistics?16:08
anteayalennyb_: when that tool is hosted by infra what documentation will be provided will be at http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/16:08
pabelangeryolanda: Going to test it out later today16:08
anteayalennyb_: that tool is as offical as it gets and infra is not interested in monitoring third party cis16:09
yolandapabelanger, amazing. Let's start moving :)16:09
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade mysql module to 3.6.1  https://review.openstack.org/25764016:09
anteayain fact infra is specifically not interested in monitoring third party cis16:09
yolandapabelanger, what are your thoughts after that merge? do you want to add more functionality to custom?16:09
anteayalennyb_: the only part infra cares about when it comes right down to it is a third party ci using gerrit the way infra is offering16:10
anteayalennyb_: beyond that we do our best to point people at things so they can do their work and try as best we can to stay out of the way16:10
anteayato that end infra would like to serve up a tool the community chooses for monitoring third party ci16:11
anteayathe community choose ciwatch16:11
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jeblairclarkb: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MOeNBPPZ2S16:12
lennyb_anteaya: thanks. I will take it from here.16:12
anteayalennyb_: wonderful16:12
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clarkbjeblair: is it possible its our kernel boot param calculation being wrong?16:13
jeblairclarkb: why don't i hold a node, remove the arg, and reboot it?16:14
clarkbjeblair: ++16:14
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jeblairoh, we even still have those 2 held nodes...16:15
jeblairoh whoops, only rax. nm.16:15
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pabelangeryolanda: do you have something specific in mind?16:16
mriedemsigmavirus24: if you're around, any idea what might cause this in requests 2.9.0? https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/152641316:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1526413 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_app_using_ipv6_and_ssl fails with requests 2.9.0" [Critical,Confirmed]16:16
pabelangeryolanda: can bring it up at the meeting, but it is likely easier for us (-infra) to handle the extra code here16:17
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pabelangerthen bog down vhost::custom\16:17
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yolandapabelanger, i was thinking about the ssl and rewrite bits that we have in our httpd-vhost16:18
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for requests 2.9.0 ssl failure bug 1526413  https://review.openstack.org/25798916:19
openstackbug 1526413 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_app_using_ipv6_and_ssl fails with requests 2.9.0" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152641316:19
jrollhey infra, in the new gerrit screen is it intended that typing "LGTM" changes your vote to +2+A?16:20
clarkbyes I believe that is a shortcut feature thing16:20
clarkbnot sure if it can be disabled16:20
clarkbzaro: ^16:20
jrollholy cow16:21
jrollwould be awesome if it could16:21
clarkbya its been there since v1 of the v2 change screen16:21
sigmavirus24mriedem: looking16:21
jrollright, I just started using it recently16:21
sigmavirus24mriedem: oh I know what's causing it16:21
jeblairthat is so incredulous that i thought jroll was trolling and then thought that doesn't seem like jroll.16:21
jrollheh, that's jtroll16:22
clarkbthought I dind't think it +A'd16:22
jeblairright... THAT guy... ;)16:22
clarkbmaybe that changed since I last looked at it a couple years ago16:22
jrolljeblair: I'm wondering how many patches I've approved in the last week now16:22
jeblairjroll: that's why throughput is up!16:22
clarkbI was going to check review-dev's docs but its 500ing16:23
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jeblairLabels: FixedIn-2.1116:23
jeblairclarkb: reload 4 times16:23
jeblairclarkb: mysql timeout16:23
jrollfixed in 2.11 \o/16:23
jrollthanks jeblair16:23
clarkbjeblair: wat that worked16:24
clarkbits like a port knock16:24
jeblairclarkb: we have a pool of 4 mysql connections, they all timeout on dev overnight, gerrit doesn't see they are dead until it tries to use them16:24
jeblairclarkb: idle timeouts are not an issue in prod :)16:24
openstackgerritNicko Glayre proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding a new project parameter on multijob  https://review.openstack.org/25794816:25
jeblairi like that though -- now you know the sekrit code to use the dev gerrit :)16:25
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mriedemsigmavirus24: must be this "The verify keyword argument now supports being passed a path to a directory of CA certificates, not just a single-file bundle."16:26
mriedemsigmavirus24: given the test uses that https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/tests/unit/test_wsgi.py#L33316:26
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jeblairjroll: did it really +A?  looking at the source, i think it should only code-review+2...16:27
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jeblairjroll: (i mean, still, it totally shouldn't do that... now i'm just curious :)16:27
jrolljeblair: yeah, try it in prod on something you have +2 on16:27
jrolljeblair: I accidentally +A'd https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257878/216:27
jeblairjroll: your suggestion makes too much sense16:27
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sdagueoh, they must be iterating all your collumns16:28
jrolljeblair: I'm just on a roll today I guess :P16:28
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jeblairhow droll16:29
mriedemor urllib3 1.13 could be causing the regression in requests 2.9.016:29
jeblairjroll: okay!  i'm going to guess that at some point between 2.8 and when they removed it, they at least "fixed" it so that it doesn't do all the columns and only did code-review.16:30
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sdaguemriedem / sigmavirus24 it's urllib316:30
jrolljeblair: totally possible16:30
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mriedemsdague: yup16:31
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sigmavirus24sdague: mriedem, lukasa and I are already on this16:31
sigmavirus24thanks though16:31
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sdaguesigmavirus24: ok, cool16:31
mriedemsdague: so block requests 2.9.0?16:31
sigmavirus24mriedem: sdague https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/issues/76016:32
sdaguesigmavirus24: I'm assuming that we should assume the old behavior will come back?16:32
sigmavirus24sdague: well it will appear to be the old behaviour. The implementation will be different though16:32
sigmavirus24sdague: but it'll be a requests 2.10.0 because we no longer bump urllib3 versions in patch releases16:32
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clarkbfungi: did we end up gettin gimage builds yesterday or is today the first day with them reenabled?16:33
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sdaguesigmavirus24: yeh, that's fine, as long as .get("https://[::1]/foo") is valid16:33
sigmavirus24sdague: yep that will be valid16:33
* clarkb looks16:33
sdaguemriedem: yeh, so a block is appropriate16:33
mriedemsdague: on it16:34
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fungiclarkb: they should have happened yesterday. the revert merged prior to 14:1416:34
clarkblooks hit and miss but ya yesterday got some images16:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Factory subject is now a template file.  https://review.openstack.org/24034516:36
openstackgerritNicko Glayre proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding support for maven-metadata-plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25743016:36
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clarkbjeblair: bluebox exhibits similar avialable maemory16:36
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Block requests 2.9.0  https://review.openstack.org/25799816:37
mriedemsdague: ^16:37
jeblairclarkb: 7794 without the mem= option16:37
jeblairon ovh16:37
jeblairclarkb: i wonder if it's something unlucky with page alignment16:38
clarkbjeblair: huh16:38
jeblairor areas or something16:38
sdaguemriedem: you want to put the lp bug # in there16:38
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add UI for complex permissions on boards and worklists  https://review.openstack.org/23547616:38
mriedemsdague: it is16:38
sdagueI mean in the comment16:39
sdagueif you are adding a comment to explain why the block is there, it seems like you should put the lp bug in it16:39
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone eventlet gate only in keystone  https://review.openstack.org/25799916:39
clarkbjeblair: when we tested it rax and hpcloud were both happy with the option but those are both different deployments to bluebox and ovh so seems possible16:39
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mriedemsdague: oh16:39
fungii wonder if we could make the mem= specific to hpcloud somehow. though i guess that would mean separate dib runs for it16:39
clarkbfungi: yes16:39
jeblairfungi: yeah, that's :(16:39
fungiideally we could drop it completely after hpcloud is retired16:40
jeblairthere is that16:40
fungibut that's not today16:40
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Block requests 2.9.0  https://review.openstack.org/25799816:40
mriedemsdague: done16:40
clarkband possibly use croups to limit memory post boot16:40
fungiunless we make it today...16:40
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jeblair(if the end result of all the dib work is that we end up with different images for different providers, i'm going to go work on nova)16:40
clarkbbasically have a root cgroup apply to all processes with a hard memory limit of 8G16:40
clarkbbut that would require testing and all that and may not happen before we rip the limit out of hpcloud anyways16:41
fungicould we convince hpcloud to make a "special" flavor for us as a going away present?16:41
fungifudge pickle praline 8gb16:41
fungisame vcpu as vanilla 30gb flavor16:42
fungiand that way we could drop the kernel command line argument earlier16:42
apuimedoHi, is it possible to have the "submit type" for a project be "cherry-pick"?16:42
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clarkbjeblair: oh! I wonder if it is because we have 8000MB not 8192MB which would support the alignment theory16:43
jeblairclarkb: i'm rebooting with that now ;)16:43
clarkbjeblair: can you try changing the param to 8000M on your held ... awesome16:44
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fungiapuimedo: why would you want that? we tried it for our (infra) repos for a while and turns out it has some unfortunate side effects16:44
apuimedofungi: which unfortunate side-effects?16:45
apuimedoI was using it before in another open source project16:45
apuimedoand I miss a "merge commit" free history a lot16:45
apuimedoit's much easier to navigate when the order of git logs is merge order16:45
apuimedoor rather, submit order16:45
clarkbit rewrites the commit message16:45
clarkbwhich confuses git tremendously16:45
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apuimedoyou mean the time?16:46
clarkbyes it rewrites your commit message16:46
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clarkbno the content16:46
apuimedoin which way?16:46
clarkbwith the review notes16:46
jeblairyeah, the commit that is merged is never the one submitted, so signatures, content, etc. don't match.  workflows that depend on 'git branch -D' do not work.16:46
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jeblairapuimedo: try git log --no-merges16:47
apuimedojeblair: that still leaves the parent ordering, sadly16:47
apuimedothe only thing that I remember gerrit adding was the lines saying "reviewed-by" and "reviewed-on"16:48
apuimedowhich were nice to have16:48
clarkbjeblair: though bluebox claims 8192 so that may not be the whole story16:48
clarkbapuimedo: except that they break git16:48
fungiapuimedo: also the committer is no longer the original committer, the git sha is no longer the original git sha, et cetera. all in the name of avoiding merge commits which you can just as easily tell git log to not display in the first place16:48
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Bump ironic timeout way up  https://review.openstack.org/25763716:49
jeblairclarkb: mem=8000M (or mem=8192M) doesn't help16:49
jrollmtreinish: that was fun16:49
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change postgres job to use standard deployment  https://review.openstack.org/25800616:49
fungiapuimedo: the things it added to the commit message are also stored in git notes even when using merge instead of cherry-pick16:49
apuimedoI never felt it broke git for me in oVirt, but I'll have to take your word for it16:49
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clarkbapuimedo: rebase stops working, git branch -d stops working etc16:49
clarkbapuimedo: because git treats the commit that was merged as differnet than your local side changes16:50
apuimedowell, I usually just ignore the local branches16:50
clarkbapuimedo: so then you go to rebase and all of a sudden you have doubled up all your work with all the associated merge conflicts16:50
apuimedoI mean, I made a patch16:50
apuimedouploaded it16:50
clarkbthen we have to field what is basically git user support questions to figure it out16:50
apuimedodeleted it from local16:50
apuimedoif I need it again16:50
jeblairapuimedo: maybe git log --no-merges --first-parent16:50
apuimedoI fetch it from gerrit16:50
apuimedolet's try that16:50
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fungii added a fetch = +refs/notes/*:refs/notes/* to my .gitconfig and now i see all the review metadata in my git log output16:50
mtreinishjroll: heh, hopefully we have the passenv setup on tox properly in tempest to actually enable setting that from outside of tox :016:51
apuimedono, sadly not16:51
fungioh, and also notesRef = refs/notes/review16:51
jrollmtreinish: only logs will tell, I guess :|16:51
clarkbapuimedo: most people will not work that way16:51
jeblairapuimedo: i'm sure there's a way to get the order you want :)16:51
jrollmtreinish: passenv = OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE OS_STDERR_CAPTURE OS_TEST_TIMEOUT \o/16:51
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone eventlet gate only in keystone  https://review.openstack.org/25799916:52
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change postgres job to use standard deployment  https://review.openstack.org/25800616:52
clarkbapuimedo: so while its possile to work around the problems its easier to just let git work in the "default" "simple" case16:52
apuimedojeblair: yeah... I'll try to achieve that16:52
mtreinishjroll: heh, cool. (we probably had that problem before)16:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for requests 2.9.0 ssl failure bug 1526413  https://review.openstack.org/25798916:52
openstackbug 1526413 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_app_using_ipv6_and_ssl fails with requests 2.9.0" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1526413 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)16:52
anteayafungi: handy16:52
sdagueok, so requests 2.9 release (with urllib 1.13) breaks nova unit tests. Which is going to massively gum up an already gummed up gate.16:52
apuimedothis workflow is very githubish16:52
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clarkbapuimedo: it is?16:52
sdagueany chance of ninja merging those patches, or do we just need to grind for 24 hours?16:52
apuimedoseeing so many merges16:52
jrollno, githubish is nuking comments on every rebase16:53
apuimedoI'm using to clean linear history16:53
fungithe bottom line is that cherry-picking on merge is basically rewriting history by altering the commits. merges present a much truer picture of the original commits including dates, authorship, et cetera16:53
apuimedobut I guess I'll get used to it16:53
jeblairsdague: what patches?16:53
apuimedofungi: no doubt about that16:53
fungilinearizing git by changing the commits themselves is sort of a lie16:53
sdaguejeblair: https://review.openstack.org/25799816:53
apuimedoit is a much truer and complete history16:53
sdagueand ...16:53
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sdaguebecause it needs to be in nova as unit tests are not yet constrained by constraints16:54
openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add bandit-docs job to gate of Bandit project  https://review.openstack.org/25753316:54
jeblairsdague: how about we promote them instead of 'ninja merge'?16:54
apuimedoit just confuses my simple brain when I do `git log -p` and the things are not in the order I merged them16:54
apuimedois the tox issue with devstack gone?16:54
clarkbapuimedo: should be16:54
sdaguejeblair: if you like, we are very sure about what the fails are that this addresses it16:55
apuimedowhoever fixed it has my deep appreciation :-)16:55
bknudsongit log --topo-order16:55
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sdagueand the fail chance for promotes is probably quite high16:55
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job to devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25790616:55
clarkbapuimedo: we stopped making new images and yesterday early upstream released the fix16:55
apuimedobknudson: that's it!16:55
apuimedoyou are my saviour16:55
apuimedoor at least my sanity's savior!16:56
jeblairwe should put a section on this in infra-manual16:56
apuimedoclarkb: cool16:56
bknudsonapuimedo: dhellmann introduced me to this just a week ago.16:56
apuimedothanks to you both then16:57
apuimedothis deserves a new entry in my git log16:58
apuimedogit alias16:58
apuimedo    loo = log --topo-order --no-merges16:58
bknudsonI think gerrit makes us poor git users.16:58
jeblair'git loo'  ha!16:58
apuimedoLOg Openstack16:58
apuimedopun intended16:58
apuimedobknudson: well, it's not as true as sending patches by email16:59
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apuimedobut it's a convenience thing16:59
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apuimedoit lowers the barrier of entry16:59
apuimedoI suppose16:59
pabelangeryolanda: Ya, so the plan was to have a minimal vhost:custom to accept a raw config. So, sadly, we are now on the hook to deal with vhost and SSL stuff in our manifests.  Otherwise, I would say we just use vhost.pp today.16:59
pabelangerSo, we'll need to build up the code and see what that looks like.17:00
pabelangerback in 25mins17:00
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ekarlsowhat's meant here about overriding the setup ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257906/1/jenkins/jobs/rally.yaml17:01
clarkbekarlso: look at line 12917:01
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jeblairsdague: any chance you could get those changes _approved_?17:02
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clarkbjeblair: sdague: maybe we should also work to get nova using contraints like neutron?17:03
clarkb(thats less urgent but related)17:03
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sdagueclarkb: sure, though it went all high fail recently17:03
sdaguebecause of the deleted pypi packages17:03
yolandapabelanger, we may need a wrapper17:04
sdaguejeblair: I have approved said changes17:04
yolandato don't write same code on each manifest17:04
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clarkbsdague: I mean pick your poison17:04
clarkbeithre you control your deps with no compromise or you don't and risk upstreams breaking you17:05
sdaguewell, the other way is more poison right now - http://tinyurl.com/qc5lzjw17:05
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sdagueit does feel like there should be a way to adapt to removed versions though17:06
jeblairsdague: promoted17:06
sdaguebecause that is a whole new failure vector we didnt' know existed before constraints got added17:06
sdagueok, so what's the game plan if these fail on unrelated issues?17:07
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jeblairsdague: they haven't finished any tests yet, so lets see what happens and if we get useful data suggesting they are safe to merge, we can go from there.17:10
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jeblairokay, one of them finished pep8 :)17:11
waynrelectrofelix: yo, i updated https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180252/17:12
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anteayaclarkb: I'm reading the log of the neutron meeting and it seems they are not fans of the new kibana17:12
anteayaclarkb: can you remind me why we went to the new kibana?17:13
clarkbanteaya: beacuse old kibana is not compatible iwth new elasticsearch17:13
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clarkbanteaya: if it helps I am not a fan either17:13
anteayaokay thanks17:13
anteayaI too am not a fan17:13
clarkbwhich is why the plan is to upgrade it after logstash17:13
yolandahi, can i get some review for https://review.openstack.org/254289 ? about apt-get autoremove, it already has a +2 from fungi17:13
anteayais newer new kibana better?17:13
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clarkbkibana 2 only supported old es, kibana 3 supports old and new, kibana 4 supports new17:13
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* anteaya looks up kibana 417:14
clarkbso we are doing a staggered upgrade to maintain copat the whole way through17:14
anteayaokay will look and perhaps inform folks of the big picture?17:14
anteayathat might make some people happy17:14
anteayawell depending on how kibana 4 responds17:14
anteayado you like it any better?17:14
sdaguejeblair: ok, I'm going to be potentially offline for a bit, so if someone else can keep an eye on such things, that would be good. The error is python27 unit tests, if those complete successfully, things are good to go.17:15
clarkbanteaya: they are welcome to come here and provide their feedback and ask question here instead of complaining in a side channel where no one can do anything tohelp17:15
clarkbanteaya: and/or ml17:15
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job to devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25790617:15
clarkband or just do the upgrade and pus the change to gerrit17:15
anteayaclarkb: it wasn't a side channel17:15
anteayait was there meeting17:15
clarkbanteaya: yes, neutron meeting is not where we discuss logstash problems17:16
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade mysql module to 3.6.1  https://review.openstack.org/25764017:16
anteayaand it wasn't complaining as much as expressing frustration regarding progress on bugs17:16
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anteayawell it is possible they are selecting the times they interact with projects, much like other projects do17:16
clarkb"logstash is appaling"17:16
clarkbthats complaining17:16
clarkbI don't know how to fi xthat17:16
anteayaI don't know at that was what was said17:16
jeblairclarkb: clearly a typo of appealing17:17
anteaya14:08:07 <armax> the new logstash UI and way to share urls is appalling to say the least17:17
jesusaurjeblair: clearly :)17:17
anteayaI think people in all projects are overwhelmed17:17
clarkbanteaya: yes I still don't know how to fix that17:17
anteayawith the expectaions of what they are supposed to accomplsih17:17
clarkbI tried based on direct feedback form mtreinish and mriedem and sdague17:17
anteayaarmax has posted to the mailing list to try to get his responsiblities trimmed so he can do a better job17:18
clarkbthere is one known issue with it (the time range) which is difficult to fix and I would rather just upgrade17:18
anteayathat is fair17:18
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clarkbif there are other issues that neutron has with it they should state them17:18
ekarlsohttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/257906 < clarkb / other peeps can you guys sign off on that ? : )17:18
anteayaand armax has made appeals to us in the past so that he can do a good job of interacting with infra17:18
anteayahe has stated that as a goal for him17:19
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anteayabut he like so many others only has so much time in the day17:19
clarkbekarlso: I don't think that has addressed AJaeger's comment17:19
clarkbekarlso: you need to not overwrite the DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG var and append to it instead17:19
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anteayaclarkb: I was trying to help17:19
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ekarlsoclarkb: eh, export FOO="$FOO..." ?17:19
ekarlsothat's not squashing17:20
clarkbekarlso: I think its still incomplete since the newline isn't going to be correct?17:20
anteayamorning zaro17:20
clarkbekarlso: its the right idea but I think I would hvae to test it17:20
pabelangeryolanda: likely17:20
ekarlsoclarkb: I guess we should wait for the job to run and see :)17:20
clarkbekarlso: or you should test it locally17:21
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clarkbekarlso: but look at the earlier code it does the weird escaping of newlines to make sure they go inright17:21
clarkbekarlso: I think if oyu do that it will be fine17:21
clarkbekarlso: using the +=17:21
fungisdague: one up side to the deleted version in constraints over broken new release in requirements is that you can fix constraints-based breakage entirely in the requirements repo with a single, central change. no need to wait for a version skip/cap to propagate to all the repos declaring a requirement on it17:21
clarkbanteaya: I am happy to work on specific issues, I just can't do much with $THING is appalling17:21
clarkbanteaya: I need to know what the use case is and why the current setup does not address the needs of that use case17:22
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fungisdague: not saying we shouldn't look for an even faster route, but that's still better than what we were dealing with before17:22
clarkbthe current plan is ot upgrade to kibana 4 which goes back to a server client model so that the server can safely store data in elasticsearch17:22
ekarlsoclarkb: uhm, ok17:22
clarkbekarlso: try echo "foo\nbar"17:22
clarkbekarlso: to see what I think the problem is17:23
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ekarlsoclarkb: so DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin designate git://git.openstack.org/openstack/designate" then ? :)17:23
clarkbekarlso: yes17:23
anteayaclarkb: thanks, that is fair, and I appreciate that position17:23
pleia2good morning17:23
anteayaclarkb: I think in my own way I was trying to get an understanding of your perspective so I could get that for you17:24
anteayaclarkb: and I was clumsy and failed to do that17:24
anteayaclarkb: I'm sorry17:24
ekarlsoclarkb: awesome :)17:24
anteayamorning pleia217:24
armaxanteaya: truth to be told, I am unsure whether it’s me who doesn’t know how to use the new logstash gui17:25
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anteayaclarkb: thanks, I'm looking up kibana 4 docs now so I have a better understanding17:25
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job to devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25790617:25
armaxanteaya: I found the only GUI a lot easier to deal with17:25
sdaguefungi: that is true if constraints is always mergable17:25
pleia2anteaya: re: friday's sprint, since we're doing it in the -sprint channel, will we have blocks of time where folks kind of present on a topic, or will we go off into areas on our own to chat with each other?17:25
anteayaarmax: fair enough, clarkb too states he doesn't think it is great, it was merely a stepping stone in the elasticsearch upgrade path17:26
armaxone thing I wanted to double check with infra though was the shared url17:26
anteayaarmax: which I now understand better17:26
armaxit doesn’t seem they work17:26
clarkbarmax: it should work except for the time range17:26
anteayaarmax: there is a button marked share17:26
clarkbarmax: for the query box17:26
armaxclarkb: I see that it gets trimmed half way17:26
anteayaarmax: you have to click the share button in the top right17:26
armaxI did17:26
clarkbarmax: can you give me an example query?17:26
armaxI get a fancy gigantic url17:26
armaxand then when I post it17:26
armaxit gets trunked17:27
armaxclarkb: hang on17:27
sdaguearmax: irc truncation?17:27
fungiarmax: that's what older kibana did too, if memory serves17:27
sdagueor truncated anywhere?17:27
armaxsdague: in the browser address bar17:27
ekarlsoclarkb: plesae sign off then :)17:27
anteayapleia2: well the way I was picturing it was folks would sign up in advance and then be assigned pairs, the pairs would co-ordinate in advance as to what time frame in the 24 hours they wanted to work together17:27
clarkbekarlso: yo ushould fix the commit mesage too17:27
openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kuryr Rally integration  https://review.openstack.org/25568517:28
anteayapleia2: but so far only zaro and I have signed up17:28
armaxhang on17:28
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Dragonflow Rally integration job  https://review.openstack.org/25568817:28
anteayapleia2: I'm open to other ideas, this was my only one, we can try other things too17:28
ekarlsoclarkb: not enough ? We need to change the Designate job to support the oldstyle of plugins for pre-Mitaka and use the plugins style for Mitaka.17:28
fungisdague: i think lifeless had some additional ideas on how we can improve the constraints change proposals to sort of bisect updates and find where the update failures are, so that it proposes a working/passing update and possibly also files bugs about the found issues17:28
armaxthis one is an example: http://logstash.openstack.org/#dashboard/file/logstash.json?query=message:%5C%22AssertionError:%200%20==%200%20:%20No%20IPv4%20addresses%20found%20in:%5C%22%20AND%20build_name:%5C%22gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge%5C%22%20AND%20tags:%5C%22console%5C%22%20AND%20voting:%5C%221%5C%2217:28
clarkbekarlso: that really long line should line break at 72 characters17:28
armaxit gets truncated to this:17:28
pleia2anteaya: ok17:29
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job to devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25790617:29
armaxI had another query like this yesterday and it copy and paste yielded the same resultf17:29
armaxI gave up and I wanted to touch base with you guys to see whether it’s something I am doing wrong17:30
clarkbarmax: right can you copy paste just the query content somewhere17:30
anteayapleia2: but my original picture had pairs working together in the channel, unless they were discussing something that was personal then private it okay17:30
anteayapleia2: but part of my expectation was for us to learn different things about each other17:30
anteayapleia2: like fungi tempers chocolate and clarkb makes beer17:30
anteayapleia2: you like zoos, stuff like that17:30
pleia2anteaya: I see, reading the etherpad now, I was wondering if we could do a couple more public "presentations"17:30
armaxclarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/481984/17:30
clarkbarmax: I want to try reproducing locally17:30
pleia2anteaya: like, I could really use a crash course in all the bits of infra-cloud17:31
anteayapleia2: well I don't really feel like presenting anything myself, I would like more one on one interactions17:31
fungianteaya: oh! i _do_ know how to temper chocolate!17:31
clarkbarmax: no not the url17:31
clarkbarmax: the content of the query box17:31
armaxah ok17:31
anteayapleia2: but if someone _wants_ to present I am not stopping them17:31
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armaxhang on17:31
pleia2anteaya: ok, that's fine :)17:31
armaxclarkb: let me mint one fresh for you17:31
anteayapleia2: and I agree with you, I too would like that17:31
clarkbarmax: also is that url you pasted truncated or complete?17:31
anteayapleia2: just not sure if that was in keeping with the festive spirit17:32
clarkbarmax: if it is complete how are you getting the complete url vs getting the truncated url?17:32
fungianteaya: though i learned it from reading instructions on the internet (breadmaking on the other hand, i learned through more traditional channels)17:32
anteayapleia2: guess it depends on how you define that for yourself17:32
anteayafungi: I like chocolate17:32
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anteayafungi: or breadmaking17:32
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anteayapart of my point was for us to celebrate the wonderful qualities we all have as people17:32
anteayanot merely as sets of instructions we can all google17:33
pleia2anteaya: I see :)17:33
anteayaI really really like working with you all17:33
anteayayou are some of the best people i have ever met17:33
anteayaand I feel so honoured to be able to work withyou every day17:33
anteayaand it makes me so sad we have all been so frustrated with each other17:33
anteayaso I was hoping we could take a day and see if we could enjoy each other17:34
* fungi is not frustrated with anybody17:34
anteayay'know as a change of pace17:34
anteayafungi: that is one of the qualities I admire about you so much17:34
fungithough i can't remember the last time i was truly frustrated. probably some point before i retired and started doing free software full time17:34
anteayaand I don't have a lot of practice doing so online, so my suggestion on the etherpad was the best I could come up with17:35
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anteayaand I'm open to other ideas17:35
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anteayafungi: that would makes sense17:35
zaroanteaya: i signed up but haven't thought about it much, upgrade is all that's on my mind recently :)17:36
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anteayazaro: yeah me too17:37
fungithe upgrade will go well. i can feel it17:37
pleia2well, I signed up, but I am not sure what I can share ;) brain is open for picking though17:37
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anteayafungi: wonderful17:38
anteayapleia2: fair enough, thanks17:38
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anteayaI have zero idea what I can share too, depends on who I am paired with and what appeals to them17:38
clarkbarmax: ok, so trying that url I think I see what yo uare saying, its when you take a complete url from logstash and put it in a browser that it truncates17:38
clarkbthere is probably a bug in the encoding soemwhere then17:39
anteayamaple syrup, astrology, chakras, acupunture and tradiional chinese medicine, driving a bulldozer, planting trees, anything with third party ci (not hanging my hat on that), gerrit acls17:39
armaxclarkb: yeah17:39
clarkbI think the ==17:39
armaxdid you stop kibana?17:39
clarkbarmax: no17:39
anteayapleia2: depends on what appeals to my partner17:39
armaxclarkb: I was putting notes together17:39
clarkbkibana is just js that runs in your browser17:40
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Filter bugs shown in graphs based on regex  https://review.openstack.org/25763317:40
anteayapleia2: or crystals17:40
armaxand whilst I was retrying and I get a connection failed17:40
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clarkbarmax: an empty query returns results for me17:41
armaxclarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/481986/17:41
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clarkbarmax: ya so I think the problem is that == needs to be encoded to %3D%3D17:42
armaxclarkb: this might be me17:42
armaxclarkb: the other thing that used to work was automatic expansion of the query17:42
armaxclarkb: it doesn’t do that for some reason17:42
clarkbarmax: what do you mean by automatic expansion of the query?17:43
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armaxclarkb: I recall that with the old gui I could click on the magnifier for the various filters17:43
armaxand they would show up automatically on teh query box17:43
clarkbarmax: you can still do that17:43
armaxnow, even though the filters are taken into that17:43
armaxthe filters do not show up in the query but only in the shared url17:43
clarkbbut they o into "filters" not "query"17:43
armaxwhich I found a bit odd, as that’s how it worked in the past17:44
anteayaarmax: the filters don't populate the query17:44
clarkbthe underlying issue here is there is no server except for elasticsearch17:44
armaxin other words I could build the query with a few pushes of a button17:44
clarkball of this is running in your browser, the way upstream wants you to share queries is to write to elasticserach (which we can't allow) and then kibana retrieves the thing back out of es17:44
armaxand see how it would look like17:45
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clarkbthe plan has been instead of fixing kibana 3 to just upgrade to kibana 4 which goes back to a server model17:45
armaxclarkb: yeah, I understand, I only found it odd because that’s not how it used to work17:45
armaxbut I could live with that17:45
clarkbwhich will give us much richer url sharing17:45
armaxwhat I can’t live with…it’s the unusable urls17:45
clarkbright I can look into the == thing17:46
armaxok, I can triage this further whenever you like17:46
armaxclarkb: thanks for looking into this17:46
clarkbfor the other thing the fix i going to be upgrading kibana17:46
armaxI have been meaning to mention this for a while17:46
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clarkbthe underlyin issue is that = alone is not encoded because foo=bar is how you do parameters17:49
clarkband the == is being ignored as a result I think17:49
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clarkb(granted js not my strong suit)17:49
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anteayaand krotscheck_vaca is on vaca17:49
clarkbencodeURIComponent apperas to be the function we actually need to use17:50
anteayaas js is his strong suit17:50
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Encode query uri component properly  https://review.openstack.org/25802917:51
clarkbarmax: anteaya ^ should fix the == ting17:51
armaxclarkb: you’re faster than the speed of sound17:52
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jeblairclarkb: mem=9216M gives us 779417:53
anteayathanks clarkb17:53
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anteayaalso I need to allow elasticsearch to spam me in order to watch their kibana 4 video tour: https://www.elastic.co/webinars/whats-new-in-kibana-4 :(17:54
fungijeblair: specifically on ovh, or also tested elsewhere?17:54
jeblairfungi: on ovh17:54
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ekarlsoclarkb: should be ok now ..17:55
fungiclarkb: so we were already carrying a fork of that file?17:55
clarkbfungi: yup :/17:55
clarkbfungi: in order to hack up a url sharing method that works for us17:56
fungigot it17:56
openstackgerritGuido Günther proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Add support for handling promotions  https://review.openstack.org/25803217:56
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anteayaclarkb: so encodeURI doesn't encode . or = and encodeURIComponent just doesn't encode .18:00
clarkbthat sound sright18:01
clarkbnot sure if . needs encoding18:01
greghaynesclarkb: it is broken again?18:01
anteayayeah w3 was what I looked up18:01
clarkbgreghaynes: = was confusing it18:01
anteayaclarkb: good point18:01
clarkbgreghaynes: ecause I use encodeURI not encodeURIComponent18:01
anteayaclarkb: that could be considered encoded already18:02
greghaynesclarkb: oh, it doesnt want the % sequence?18:02
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greghaynesTIL encodeURI doesnt encode =18:02
clarkbgreghaynes: right that was the issue18:02
clarkbneed to encode =18:02
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anteayajroll: I see there is a vagrant plugin for libvirt, have you ever used it or heard any feedback?18:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Block requests 2.9.0  https://review.openstack.org/25799818:10
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jrollanteaya: I have not, I primarily use virtualbox with vagrant18:13
anteayajroll: okay thanks18:13
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: the actual max memory address on ovh is at 9023M, so that explains why when we tell linux to cut it off at 8192, we lose 900M18:14
clarkbjeblair: so its offset from 0? or is ther ea hole?18:14
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm not sure what about the memory structure there makes that the case...18:14
jeblairclarkb: i'm assuming a hole, but i'm not expect at reading the memory map lines in dmesg18:14
jeblairer expert18:14
fungiit's been ages since i've had to divine a kernel memory map18:15
fungilikely the kernel does different things with memory management now than the last time i did18:16
fungibut yes, it sounds like there might be some sort of reserved memory skipped in the middle there18:16
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fungiwhich ends up subtracted from our total18:16
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fungiheck, it's entirely possible the last time i had to worry about it, the kernel still did a dance to copy itself to "high memory" late in the boot process18:17
jeblairfungi: yeah, the delta from 9023 to their cap, 8000M is 1023 which is a convenient looking number18:17
clarkband this is probalby only an issue with VMs because otherwise system memory is contiguous18:18
clarkbbluebox seems to do the same thing so maybe its a kvm thing?18:18
jeblairso, i wonder what happens if we set mem=9023 on an hp node.  we will probably end up with ~9G.18:19
fungigood theory. rax is xen, hpcloud is... what?18:19
clarkbfungi: hpcloud is also kvm18:19
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jeblairholding an hpcloud node18:20
jeblairsdague, mriedem: both requests changes merged18:22
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: mem=9023M on hpcloud -> 829718:24
clarkbjeblair: that seems low neough to be reasonable18:25
jeblairabout .5G more than rax18:25
clarkbespecially for another month or so18:25
fungii'd be willing to see that as a compromise, though we'll probably still have projects sneaking in memory-hungry tests and then asking us why their jobs run fine in hpcloud but crash everywhere else18:26
greghaynesSpamapS: We never made any type of element-exludes stuff in DIB did we? Do you remember if we had any reason other than just not doing it?18:26
greghayneser, element-excludes18:26
greghaynesSpamapS: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252041/10/elements/lvm/block-device.d/50-lvm is making me want it18:27
jeblairclarkb, fungi: mem=9023M on ovh -> 7793; so that looks like a good value to use there18:27
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jeblairi assume it will have no detrimental effect anywhere else since it's higher than the prev18:27
fungias long as we can drop it when hpcloud goes away, that's supportable for a month or two18:28
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fungias long as we don't end up with a new provider who can only give us sufficiently performing instances if we accept a flavor with more ram than we want18:28
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SpamapSgreghaynes: no we never did excludes. There's always that hesitance to make it more-packaging-like ... so if we have workarounds that aren't disgusting.. we do those18:29
clarkbif that happens we can look at the cgroup route18:29
fungifor infra-cloud, clearly we're in control, but other new providers might end up needing some additional negotiation on custom flavors18:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump glanceclient to use the newest version  https://review.openstack.org/25751218:30
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase memory restriction to 9023M  https://review.openstack.org/25807718:32
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^18:32
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm going to release all held nodes now18:32
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fungithanks jeblair!18:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump tooz version to 1.28.0  https://review.openstack.org/25474818:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 3.2.0  https://review.openstack.org/25722518:34
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clarkbwe raced +2'ing I can approve18:34
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ekarlsoclarkb: can I please have a +2 ? neede to get rally jobs for designate18:38
clarkbekarlso: I did18:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Import make_app from lodgeit.application instead of lodgeit  https://review.openstack.org/25064318:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Add pytz and MarkupSafe into requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/25069018:42
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clarkbfungi: memory.limit_in_bytes18:43
clarkbfungi: if we set that in the root cgroup I believe it will apply collectively to all processes18:43
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fungiclarkb: is it possible to reset that after boot though?18:45
lifelessfungi: perhaps a cgroup around the test code?18:45
clarkbthe tough thing there is going to be the variance in setting cgroup values across distros18:45
fungilifeless: well, we had that before18:45
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fungii don't recall the shortcomings there, but clarkb probably does18:45
clarkbfungi: yes systemd sets them up on systemd machines aiui18:45
clarkbthe shortcomings ther are that we run whole sytems with many users and its hard to keep track of them all18:45
clarkbeasier to just do it in the root cgroup18:45
fungiahh, right, having one cgroup to constrain a devstack-based job ends up being nightmarish18:46
clarkbgranted we hand out sudo so people could work around it but would do so at their own risk18:46
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clarkb"only 1/3 of my jobs actually get 30GB of memory when I disable the cgroup"18:47
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fungioh, part of the problem ended up being related to our old reuse of long-lived workers. we were constraining unit test jobs to something like 2gb and sometimes they'd leave orphaned/zombie processes eating up the limited allocation. obviously not a concern with our current model18:48
fungiand the issue still would have been present in the old system even without cgroups, but artificially limiting it there made it become apparent more quickly18:49
anteayafungi: we are coming up to meeting time is this agenda in shape for the meeting? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting18:49
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anteayaor shall I remove my item from last week?18:49
fungiback then we also had a lot more projects that would start and interact with services in their "unit tests" than we do now18:49
fungianteaya: i'm about to clean it up18:49
anteayafungi: ah wonderful18:49
fungijust finishing making my local notes18:50
anteayaI'll wait for you then, so I don't conflict18:50
* fungi gets back to it18:50
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anteayayup, figured you were on top of it18:50
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196418:52
fungianteaya: did you have a url for the holiday thing?18:52
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anteayawell fetch18:53
anteayafungi: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-holiday-party-201518:53
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anteayahere too if you want the link to the virtual sprints page: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/VirtualSprints#Infra_.22holiday_party.22_knowledge_transfer_virtual_sprint18:54
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add automated database config retrieval  https://review.openstack.org/25808818:54
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anteayathat was will by the way, not well, even though my fingers went with well18:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update Designate rally job to devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/25790618:56
fungiagenda cleanup done18:57
* anteaya f5's18:58
anteayamorning jhesketh18:59
pleia2meeting time19:00
fungiyep! -> #openstack-meeting19:00
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waynri used to work with this scruffy old engineer who would walk through the warehouse where the younger engineers sat informing us it was "beating time!", which i am always remind of when someone says "meeting time"19:02
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AJaegerdougwig, mestery : Could you review this neutron change, please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255325/19:04
mesteryAJaeger: Yes, looking19:05
dougwigAJaeger: aye19:05
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mriedemsdague: stable/liberty g-r change for the requests block https://review.openstack.org/#/c/258112/19:07
dougwigAJaeger: be careful asking for two, now you have conflicting reviews.  :)19:07
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AJaegerdougwig: no worries, I'm fine with not having it as well;) Just wanted to ask since it had +2s and waiting for neutron liasons...19:08
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AJaegerso, let's wait for armax on this 255325 ?19:09
AJaegerdavid-lyle: regarding trove-dashboard - your change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/256605/ - do you have a few mins?19:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase memory restriction to 9023M  https://review.openstack.org/25807719:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add legacy drivers job for keystone  https://review.openstack.org/25756619:11
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: [WIP] Add puppetlabs-apache 1.8.0?  https://review.openstack.org/24483519:11
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* armax looks19:11
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Replace puppet-httpd with puppetlabs-apache  https://review.openstack.org/20559619:12
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dougwigAJaeger: yes19:13
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update nodepool logging for Fedora 23  https://review.openstack.org/24790919:14
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AJaegerdavid-lyle: hope you backscroll - regarding trove-horizon, we wait for your decision on whether you want to import with history or whether we should merge as is19:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add bandit-docs job to gate of Bandit project  https://review.openstack.org/25753319:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Python 3.4 support - add py34 gate  https://review.openstack.org/25782719:19
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add $YUM to pickup dnf on Fedora>=22  https://review.openstack.org/25222119:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Make distro detection global  https://review.openstack.org/25761619:26
anteayamordred: where in Quebec are you?19:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repo for fuel-plugin-qlogic-sriov-vxlan in Openstack NS  https://review.openstack.org/25779619:28
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mordredanteaya: between the vermont border and montreal19:28
mordredanteaya: so possibly near "St. Patrice de Sherrington"19:28
mordredor "St. Jacques le Mineur"19:29
anteayawhat, pray tell, made you decide to go there?19:29
mordredif the GPD is to be believed19:29
anteayain December?19:29
mordredanteaya: well19:29
* anteaya draws a chair up to the fire19:29
mordredanteaya: we're taking a road trip from new york to dallas to new orleans back to new york19:29
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mordredanteaya: and decided to swing by boston, vermont and the great lakes19:30
mordredcause why not?19:30
anteayagood call19:30
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anteayaQuebec is on the way from new york to dallas, after all19:30
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add yaml validation job to triple-heat-templates  https://review.openstack.org/25812219:32
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mordredanteaya: sure it is :)19:32
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* Zara explores maniphest comments, sees a 'create meme' with a 'llama diorama' button, ???19:33
anteayaZara: helpful19:33
clarkbit has a sense of humor which you can disable19:33
anteayamordred: I like your approach to geography19:33
clarkbI am not sure if we have gotten far enough along to ecide if we need to dehumor it or not19:33
pleia2it does demonstrate that you can use images and things though, which I hope will be valuable to the UX folks :)19:34
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone eventlet gate only in keystone  https://review.openstack.org/25799919:34
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change postgres job to use standard deployment  https://review.openstack.org/25800619:34
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Zarayeah, images sound useful, I was just mystified. xD19:35
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anteayayeah I don't understand facebook sense of humour myself19:35
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mordredclarkb: my original config had it dehumored19:38
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mordredclarkb: I believe I can help apply de-humor to ruagair's install once we've puppeted things19:38
anteayais dehumouring it just removing images of llamas?19:39
pleia2anteaya: it's sad when you say it that way19:40
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pleia2(I think there's a switch though)19:40
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ZaraIt seemed to say 'llama diorama' in place of the submit button, so I'm not sure if it just meant 'submit' or if it would actually put a llama on the page.19:41
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ZaraI didn't want to vandalise a task so I didn't click it.19:42
clarkbI kinda want it to be off by default but then enableable per user19:42
clarkbbecause I dig the pirate text19:42
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openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Separate votes from Jenkins queues  https://review.openstack.org/25812519:46
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Split vm and bootloader elements  https://review.openstack.org/25812619:49
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Separate votes from Jenkins queues  https://review.openstack.org/25812519:49
openstackgerritEduardo Cerqueira proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Adding HTTPS capability to urlib.request/urlopen through ssl context  https://review.openstack.org/25812719:50
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anteayaalways a helpful comment19:53
anteayaso informative19:53
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jrollcan I snipe someone on the way out of a meeting with a dsg review? :D https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257637/19:56
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zackfIs there anyway to check if a build is stuck? I've been sitting in the check queue for about 4 hours and I'm not sure if that's normal.19:59
dougwigzackf: queued, or running? and does your job have a timeout?  changenum?20:00
anteayajroll: can you get mtreinish's review on that to see if he is happy yet?20:00
anteayazackf: which patch?20:00
zackf@dougwig  17856120:00
jrollmtreinish: can you look at 257637 when you have a moment please :)20:00
dougwigzackf: i don't see it running at all: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/20:01
zackfIt was running, it ran all the other tests but has been queued on the gate-tempest-dsvm-ceilometer-mysql-neutron-full test20:01
anteayazackf: your last job is waiting on a node20:01
zackfhmm i'm seeing it on zuul20:01
dougwigzackf: oh wait, there it is.20:01
dougwigit's queued on a job20:01
zackfok, so that's normal, nothing to worry about?20:01
anteayazackf: so it isn't stuck it is queued and waiting on a node20:01
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Single event email worker.  https://review.openstack.org/24034620:01
zackfok, got it.20:02
dougwigwaiting on a node for gate-tempest-dsvm-ceilometer-mysql-neutron-full: queued20:02
anteayazackf: well it isn't indicative of a problem in and of itself20:02
fungiyeah, in situations like that, it's often that the node which originally got assigned that job died some gristly fate and the job went back into the queue waiting on a new worker assignment20:02
zackfahh ok, got it, there is no way for me to come to that conclusion is there?20:02
fungiif it happens to a lot of jobs it's often indicative of some sort of connectivity issue or other problem in one of our providers20:03
zackfI see.20:03
fungizackf: only if you'd seen it previously running that job and then went back to queued20:03
dougwigif it was a weird job, you might check if it's node is correctly defined, but gate-tempest is pretty common.20:03
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zackfOk, thanks all, so at this point, i'll just make some coffee and wait it out20:04
anteayazackf: or look at other patches particularly if the have the same job20:05
anteayazackf: if you can show that many patches with the same job are waiting on nodes that is something worth knowing20:06
openstackgerritDrew Varner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for glance  https://review.openstack.org/25813020:06
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zackfok, anteaya i'll dig on that now.20:07
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anteayazackf: while you have coffee20:08
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openstackgerritDrew Varner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for glance  https://review.openstack.org/25813020:16
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AJaegerany reviews for ansible jobs (basically cosmetics like templatization and renames) in project-config would be nice: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257530/20:19
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david-lyleAJaeger: around now20:21
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david-lyleAJaeger: so there is a lot of common code, but there are several additions to allow it to work as a plugin20:23
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AJaegerdavid-lyle: your call whether to import with history or not - it's just that once we created the repo, we cannot change it.20:26
* david-lyle has to read up on git-filter20:27
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anteayadavid-lyle: git filter branch20:28
anteayadavid-lyle: lots of fun20:28
AJaegerdavid-lyle: check how it's done in oslo-incubator for creating new oslo projects20:28
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openstackgerritAndrew Woodward proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a seperate puppet job-template and jobs for puppet-ceph  https://review.openstack.org/25608820:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Drop glanceclient and keystoneclient requirements  https://review.openstack.org/25607520:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Install puppet using build_git system-config  https://review.openstack.org/25496920:41
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add yaml validation job to triple-heat-templates  https://review.openstack.org/25812220:42
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE changes needed for delorean promotion  https://review.openstack.org/25814020:45
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fungiianw: (or anyone else) any guesses why i'm seeing this in our nodepool logs over and over, but only for f23 images in rax-ord? http://paste.openstack.org/show/482009/20:49
fungiOpenStackCloudException: Could not determine capabilities (Inner Exception: No tenant specified)20:51
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clarkbfungi: yes thats the swift breakage in shade20:52
clarkba patch to workaround it has merged but I don't think it has been released20:52
fungithanks clarkb!20:52
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clarkbfungi: the underlying issue is that swiftclient only ever auths once20:52
clarkbfungi: then the token expires and it can no longer get the capaiblities in our long running daemon20:52
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clarkbfungi: workaround in shade is make a new client whenever doing the swift image based uploads20:53
david-lyleAJaeger: so basically, I need to manually generate a list of files to keep, figure out the root part, populate a repo with the using git filter-branch, remake all the edits to the paths, and add all the new files back in? Just trying to see if I am following the example20:53
fungiwas looking at the nodepool logs trying to divine whether the terribleness on the nodes graph was a problem in a provider, but it's looking like it's just gate resets burning up our quota20:53
anteayaruagair: so phabricator doesn't seem to provide tooltips20:54
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anteayaruagair: I'm guessing the icon in the top rightmost position that is an arrow pointing right means log out20:55
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anteayaruagair: I pressed it and the only response I see is a small gear icon in the lower right corner spinning clockwise20:55
anteayaruagair: it has been spinning for some time, I'm guessing logging out is a challenge at the moment20:56
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anteayaif indeed that icon in the top righthand corner does mean log out20:56
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anteayait may mean click hear to see spinning gear in bottom right corner20:57
anteayaand there goes the gear20:57
anteayaI don20:57
anteaya't appear to be logged out20:58
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AJaegerdavid-lyle: I would generate the list of files and then move files around with an extra commit. And you could import just that and add the new files in via gerrit review or add the new files in directly.21:03
AJaegerdavid-lyle: I haven't used git-files for some time, so can't give too much help and I'm off in a few minutes, hope others can help21:03
ruagairI've also noticed the lack of tooltips anteaya. I've not experienced any issues logging out either.21:03
* ruagair goes and tests.21:03
ruagairLogging out worked here :-/21:04
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test that job regexes in zuul/layout match  https://review.openstack.org/25814721:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/25769121:04
anteayaruagair: what do you do to log out21:04
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clarkbI too was able to log out21:04
ruagairPressed the logout icon.21:04
anteayaruagair: the icon in the top right hand corner that looks like an arrow?21:05
david-lyleAJaeger: I'll give it a whirl, while trying to ignore the completed plugin repo :)21:05
ruagair(far left icon with the righ tpoonting arrow)21:05
ruagairYes :-)21:05
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anteayaoh on the left side?21:05
david-lyleAJaeger: thanks for the pointers21:05
openstackgerritDimitry Ushakov proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update README and move ~/workspace-cache after project setup  https://review.openstack.org/25814821:05
AJaegerdavid-lyle: you're welcome21:05
ruagairSorry, far right.21:05
* ruagair has only had a couple of hours sleep.21:05
anteayaoh the one I was pressing21:05
anteayanope just spinning gear in the bottom right hand corner again21:06
clarkbanteaya: it then pops up an are you sure popup and you click it and it takes you to the login page21:06
anteayaI'll just close the tab21:06
clarkbanteaya: do you have js disabled or something?21:06
ruagairYolanda was having routing issues to the HPE cloud where this hosted. I wonder if you're having similar issues?21:06
AJaegerinfra-root, ianw, anteaya: What do you think of my test in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/258147/ ? This was my first step in my christmas cleanup where I fixed broken regexes and removed the unused ones. I would appreciate reviews whether this is fine.21:06
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anteayaclarkb: I do not have js disabled to the best of my knowledge21:06
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anteayaclarkb ruagair I do not get an are you sure popup21:07
ruagairWhat hapens with a shift-reload anteaya?21:07
fungimaybe some popup blocker browser plugin?21:07
anteayaAJaeger: white space21:08
anteayaI'll try chrome21:08
AJaegeranteaya: do you like the general approach?21:08
* AJaeger fixes whitespace..21:08
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job  https://review.openstack.org/25612221:09
anteayaAJaeger: ahhhhh21:09
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pleia2AJaeger: so job-list.txt will have all the job names, expanded from templates?21:09
clarkbAJaeger: let me see21:09
anteayaAJaeger: I don't know yet, sorry trying to get logging out working, let me see if I can get a headspace to think about the general approach21:10
anteayaruagair: can't seem to log in via chrome21:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: unpin bundler for unit & syntax jobs  https://review.openstack.org/25788521:10
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test that job regexes in zuul/layout match  https://review.openstack.org/25814721:11
anteayafungi: the only add-ons I have in firefox right now are firebug and an ubuntu default and both are disabled21:11
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ianwAJaeger: comment also says pass if file is missing, but returns False (thinking about approach :)21:11
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AJaegerianw, we have errors=False and return errors basically21:12
anteayaruagair: connection timeout in chrome21:12
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anteayaruagair: perhaps I can no longer reach the instance for it to log me out21:12
AJaegerian, returning True means failure in that scrip, so we would need to rework the logic...21:12
ianwAJaeger: ooohhh, yeah my fail reading that21:13
AJaegerpleia2: yes, run-layout.sh generates all the job-names21:13
AJaegeranteaya: take your time...21:13
ruagairWorks for me in Chrome anteaya. I'm even more strongly suspecting routing issues now :-/21:13
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anteayaAJaeger: thanks21:14
anteayaruagair: yeah I think that is what is happening21:14
clarkbAJaeger: I like having that lint rule will help keep that list under control21:14
fungiianw: 257172 is safe on centos 7?21:15
anteayaruagair: http://paste.openstack.org/show/482010/21:15
anteayaruagair: I can't ping you21:15
AJaegerclarkb: I found a few problems with that linting over the weekend, see my recent changes or see https://review.openstack.org/257031 which is a result of this21:15
AJaegerthanks, clarkb21:15
anteayaruagair: so nothing to do with phabricator21:16
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anteayaruagair: where is the instance hosted?21:16
ianwfungi: well i think it's overwritten by cloud-config/glean/networkmanager etc21:16
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ianwfungi: i don't see how we can really determine what interfaces are there at image build time21:16
AJaegerBtw. there're two more linting rules for project-config proposed: https://review.openstack.org/257051 and https://review.openstack.org/24603421:16
fungiianw: got it. so for _us_ it's fine, but other consumers of the yum element in dib are possibly going to break if they're using it for older rh-based platforms and not using something to wrangle the network interfaces?21:17
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ruagairHPE cloid west anteaya21:17
fungithat still exists? ;)21:18
ruagairfor now :-)21:18
ianwfungi: well, yeah, yum-minimal ... if they rely on dhcp i guess21:18
ianwAJaeger: Regex ^gate-openstack-ansible.*-bashate$ has no matches in job list ... expected?21:19
AJaegerianw, yes, see 257031 as well as my comment21:19
clarkbhrm mention of VPN on OSIC stuff21:20
clarkbhow do we feel about needing a VPN connection to hit openstack APIs?21:20
fungithat seems... unnecessary?21:21
AJaegerianw, now you approved our test case that the test is valid ;)21:21
clarkbya ight need more clarification on that21:21
fungiare they trying to avoid supplying globally-routed ip addresses for anything i wonder?21:21
fungi(including instances?)21:21
* AJaeger sends an update and compiles the pattern...21:21
clarkbthat wasn't clear either so I can ask for clarification21:21
fungiworth confirming21:21
anteayaruagair: well I can't seem to ping your instance21:22
anteayaruagair: so I don't know what to do at this point21:22
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anteayaclarkb: yeah that seems odd21:23
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anteayaruagair: I can just close the tab and not worry about it, if that makes your life easier21:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused filter on ansible-..-bashate  https://review.openstack.org/25703121:24
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AJaegerwow, git review takes ages ;( something's broken ;(21:25
* anteaya makes soup21:25
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test that job regexes in zuul/layout match  https://review.openstack.org/25814721:25
AJaegerfinally... ^21:26
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job  https://review.openstack.org/25612221:26
AJaegerTime to leave, have a great day...21:27
* AJaeger waves good-night21:27
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation  https://review.openstack.org/19845821:30
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openstackgerritEduardo Cerqueira proposed openstack/python-jenkins: for HTTPS with SSL context, removed not used import and added context to a tests  https://review.openstack.org/25815621:31
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anteayaianw: you +2'd 258147, I see it in your comment but don't see the +2 in the table of reviewers, do you see your green check mark in the table?21:37
anteayaoh sorry you +2'd patchset 2, it just landed after andreas submitted patchset 321:38
ianwanteya: yeah, he added the compile()21:38
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anteayayeah I see that, just was confused since usually you can't vote on old patchsets, must have been a race21:39
ianwanteaya: yeah, i had it open.  actually, i might time the difference between reading that once & the existing code.  probably in the noise21:40
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job  https://review.openstack.org/25612221:42
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ianwanteaya: added a comment, difference is minimal, about 0.5s21:48
anteayaianw: thanks for looking into that21:49
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anteayaianw: did you want to +A it?21:50
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Replace puppet-httpd with puppetlabs-apache  https://review.openstack.org/20559621:54
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jpeeleris this the right place to report jenkins fatal errors?22:00
jpeelerlike this: https://jenkins07.openstack.org/job/gate-tripleo-ci-f22-ha/55/console22:00
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pabelangerfungi: if you want to send along that openstackid.org stuff, I'll review it and start working on ubuntu 14.0422:01
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate-bindep-fallback-ubuntu-trusty job  https://review.openstack.org/25612222:03
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fungipabelanger: just a sec and i'll give you the bigger picture so you know what the plan looks like22:04
openstackgerritDimitry Ushakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: LXC experimental triage  https://review.openstack.org/25816122:05
clarkbjpeeler: eithr job timed out, job broke networking or networking went away usually22:05
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jpeelerclarkb: what's the time limit for a job to time out? looks like it had been around 1.5 hours22:07
clarkbjpeeler: depnds on the job22:08
clarkbyou can look in the jjb config22:08
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jpeelerappears to be 17522:10
jpeelerhightly doubt the patchset would cause networking issues22:11
jpeelerclarkb: what would cause the networking to go away?22:11
clarkbjpeeler: anything between red hat and rax falling over22:11
clarkbneutron NAT, l3/cogent/etc, local hardware blip22:11
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fungipabelanger: so to start back at the beginning of this, once openstackid was in production there was a bit of scope creep where the foundation wanted to have some lookups for metadata pertaining to things like the (then) new "openstack marketplace"22:13
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fungipabelanger: so tipit had started working on implementing it as part of openstackid, even though it was pretty much unrelated to authentication/identification and had more to do with authorization for modifying some stuff on the www.openstack.org site22:14
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Single event email worker.  https://review.openstack.org/24034622:14
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fungipabelanger: after some discussion they were convinced that splitting those resources out into a separate api server that could be run elsewhere was a safer implementation22:14
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add automated database config retrieval  https://review.openstack.org/25808822:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove grenade from PROJECTS list  https://review.openstack.org/23450822:15
fungipabelanger: that was the genesis of the openstackid-resources service. however by the time they started working on it, the "state of the art" in the php-based framework they were using (laravel) had moved on and they wanted to run it with a newer version which needed ubuntu trusty instead of precise (which was the latest lts when they were finalizing openstackid itself)22:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove clients from default PROJECTS list  https://review.openstack.org/23450922:16
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jeblairzaro: it might be helpful to add something about gerrit upgrade to your commit subjects... 'Add automated database config retrieval' looks pretty general :)22:16
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fungipabelanger: prior to deploying the new openstackid-resources.openstack.org server, we want to get openstackid.org running on the same versions of php/laravel as openstackid-resources needs22:16
pabelangerfungi: ack22:17
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fungipabelanger: and to make sure we can confirm it for an upgrade maintenance, before that we need the dev site, openstackid-dev.openstack.org, upgraded to trusty22:17
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add inventory unit tests  https://review.openstack.org/25816722:17
clarkbok finally got the clarification email sent off toe osic22:17
esphowdy folks, can anyone take a peek at this and tell help us figure out why it won’t merge please?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188184/22:17
clarkbfungi: ^22:17
fungipabelanger: so the step we're at now is that we need the puppet-openstack module tweaked to let us run openstackid-dev.openstack.org on trusty while openstackid.org continues running on precise for a little while22:18
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* esp sorry clarkb and fungi22:18
fungiclarkb: thanks!22:18
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fungipabelanger: i'll dig up the change which had started down that road and pass that along now22:19
pabelangerfungi: okay, ya. If there is existing work, I can continue with that22:19
anteayaesp: it is currently in the check queue waiting on nodes22:20
anteayaesp: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/22:20
espthx anteaya, much appreciated22:20
fungipabelanger: it looks like this merged a while back so we're at least testing it there https://review.openstack.org/22142822:21
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Improve gerrit 2.8 cleanup script  https://review.openstack.org/25808822:23
zarojeblair: ^ this what you mean?22:23
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fungipabelanger: actually, it looks like this might have been one of the last missing bits to support it https://review.openstack.org/24512422:24
zaroesp: yo, new peeps have surrounded your cube.  wanted to know if you were real22:25
espthx zaro22:26
espI’ve been meaning to head in there to remove the dust.22:26
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espzaro: is it louder?  good discussions going on about sales and stuff?22:26
fungipabelanger: so... actually, i should give this another try and see what happens when i launch an openstackid-dev on trusty22:26
pabelangerfungi: sure22:27
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fungipabelanger: unless you have time to test that22:27
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zarohaha, told them you is a unicorn.  yeah, loud, but usually only from your neighbor.22:28
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zarofungi: gerrit reindex performance, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/repo-discuss/Ux6mr9jvuUA22:31
clarkbjpeeler: too follow up I would try rerunning, if its persistent we should see if we can track down network trouble between the clouds if it isn't persistent then I doubt there is much we can do to fix anything22:32
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clarkbanyone been able to access their civs name poll yet? I can't get mine to load22:33
zarofungi: i think when i was testing it initially i wasn't comparing quite the same runs. the reindex on upgrade takes about 1hr for me while subsequent reindex takes about 1/4 of the time.  That's why i thought --threads param made a difference for us but it really has no effect.22:33
fungizaro: aha, so caching/optimization22:33
fungithat's too bad22:34
zaroyeah, i believe so22:34
jpeelerclarkb: well i guess it automatically requeued itself, so we'll see. these jobs take forever though, so it'll definitely take until tomorrow22:34
pabelangerfungi: Not this evening, but I can first thing in the morning22:35
pabelangerand don't mind22:35
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fungipabelanger: thanks! it's appreciated. if it works, i'll go ahead and do the openstackid-dev replacement server as soon as you've confirmed whether the module is smart enough on its own or whether we need to add some additional parameterization to be able to pass the right differences in from the openstack_project::openstackid_dev class22:38
pabelangerfungi: np, whatever I can help with22:38
fungibeing able to specify the redis version there looks like it might have been the only missing piece, but it's hard to know without more testing22:39
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fungiunfortunately i don't think our current puppet apply jobs are going deep enough to test what broke the last time i tried to deploy the replacement server22:39
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clarkbcivs eventually 500'd for me will try again later22:41
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: [WIP] Add puppetlabs-apache 1.8.0?  https://review.openstack.org/24483522:43
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Replace puppet-httpd with puppetlabs-apache  https://review.openstack.org/20559622:44
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fungii still haven't received a voting e-mail22:45
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fungier, ballot22:45
fungiyou know22:45
fungianyway, i should find food for to put in mouth hole. back later22:46
pabelangerI got one about 45mins ago22:46
jeblairperhaps we are a civs dos22:47
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jeblairbetween nix, nameless, and null, we have a whole lotta nothin this time around :)22:47
clarkbok responded to ovh with many thanks22:47
clarkbresponded to magnum thread22:48
anteayaI have not recieved my name poll email22:48
clarkbI think thats it for the memory thing22:49
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clarkbwhile I have people here22:49
clarkbif VPN is required for api endpoints and/or VM access how do we feel about that?22:49
clarkbI think I am a little more on board with it if it is just for api access22:50
clarkbless so for VMs22:50
jeblairfor what?22:50
anteayaI'm curious as to why it is required22:50
jeblair(like, econtext)22:50
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anteayathe rackspace/intel account request22:50
anteayaI forget the acronym that means that22:50
clarkbjeblair: osic responded and said "we will setup a VPN for you" and I responded "what is VPN actually required for and what type of VPN are we walking"22:50
jeblairi kind of don't know what to type22:51
jeblairi just keep hitting c-a c-k alot.22:52
mikalclarkb: did they say the word "rackconnect"?22:52
clarkbmikal: no just "VPN"22:52
mikalclarkb: where does nodepool run? Rackspace public cloud?22:52
clarkbso my question was two parts basically "what is it required for" and "what kind of VPN"22:52
clarkbmikal: yes22:52
jeblairmikal: currently, yes22:52
mikalSo, rackconnect is how you wire up a public cloud virtual network to a physical network in our DC22:53
clarkbbecause I am unable to assert anything about VPNability without knowing more22:53
mikalI would think its transparent to the victims22:53
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mikalIts just the networking mechanics (which is a VPN thingie)22:53
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make ironic non-voting on tempest too  https://review.openstack.org/25817922:53
jeblairis osic in a rax dc?22:54
clarkbmikal: we don't use cloud virtual networks22:54
mikalSo, I would suggest just listing your requirements...22:54
mikaljeblair: half is22:54
clarkbmikal: we did :)22:54
clarkbmikal: our requirement was public internet access22:54
mikalFair enough then, I'll butt out22:54
clarkbanyways will see what they say22:54
mikalAlthough I'm not sure I see why jenkins workers need to be accessible from the internet22:54
mikalThat seems... brave to me22:54
clarkbmikal: because jenkins masters live in arbitrary locations22:55
jeblairmikal: so that we can run things on them? :)22:55
clarkbwhen you have many clouds trying to work around the internet is silly22:55
mikalYou've made your security posture much more complicated though22:55
mikalAnd jenkins masters run in well known locations22:55
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jeblairit's actually quite simple22:56
mikalThose locations might be on different ntblocks, but you know where they are22:56
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jeblair(it's worth noting that we don't particularly mind if they only have ipv6 addresses, but no one has taken us up on that yet)22:56
jrollclarkb: just curious, what are you wanting to run on osic?22:56
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anteayainfra tests22:57
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jrollah, cool22:58
jrollwhat I've been hearing is they're generally for short-lived experiments, but hey22:58
clarkbmikal: ssh with keys only and we turn you off in a couple hours22:58
jeblairjroll: most of ours are < 2 hours :)22:58
mikalLike I said, I'm butting out...22:58
jrolljeblair: I should say server reservations are for short-lived things, there are exceptions though22:59
jrollfor example, I'm working on grabbing a few for ironic CI on ipmitool driver22:59
clarkbjroll: they reached out to us22:59
jrolloh, even cooler22:59
clarkband said fill out the form and we will see what we can do so I did, stil lworking through the response22:59
mikaljroll: I think they're talking about carving a chunk out permanently23:00
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jrollmikal: ya, that would be cool23:00
jeblairanother omfra-cloud region would be great (we definitely want to expand, but have been focusing on getting one up before we go around asking for more)23:00
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jrolljeblair: better yet, omfra-metal-cloud :)23:03
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pabelangerI will be sad if we stop referring to omfra-cloud as omfra-cloud23:04
pabelangerjust saying23:04
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jeblairpabelanger: it's been a week and has seen no sign of abating.23:04
jeblair(better yet, it shortens to omfra)23:04
nibalizeralso i keep putting omfra in configs23:04
clarkbya I think the name may stick :)23:05
nibalizeri've had my head in #puppethack all day, is there talk of another omfracloud region?23:05
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use separated ACL group for OSprofiler  https://review.openstack.org/25818223:05
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clarkbok floating IPs are on the internets only API endpoints are not23:06
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clarkbit is an SSL VPN (not sure what that means in terms of client/nodepool access)23:07
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clarkband VPN is only for API endpoint access23:07
jeblairthat seems really weird to me23:09
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jeblairi mean plenty of openstacks have internet addressible endpoints.23:09
ruagairICMP is not allowed via my default rules anteaya, that would be why ping fails.23:09
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anteayaso how do I test if I can reach your site?23:11
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clarkbjust back of napkin thinking about this, I think options would be run an openvpn to connect and set up routing rules that force connections to those IP(s) over openvpn interface; run separate nodepool with only VPN access; set up proxy to front VPN (this likely makes security people angry); cry a lot; anything else?23:12
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greghaynesjeblair: It is even wierder considering how you can secure those endpoints using... ssl23:13
jeblairclarkb: how many instances are we talking about?23:14
clarkbjeblair: the numbers I used were in the replace hpcloud range and no one screamed no23:14
clarkb~600 test nodes23:14
jeblairclarkb: we would have to run this on puppetmaster too23:14
clarkboh right23:15
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clarkbfor ansible and other client access there23:15
jeblairclarkb: my preference would be not to run a vpn.  it just seems like a waste of effort.23:15
clarkbthats definitely my prefernece too23:15
clarkbfungi: ^ would you like to weight in? fungi is also cc'd on the thread so might have more feedback on my interpretation23:16
jeblairclarkb: i don't think separate nodepool is feasible; we need a single nodepool for accurate operation23:16
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clarkbjeblair: I think it would be doable if we did funny things like different flavors there but yes not ideal23:17
jeblairclarkb: that wouldn't be HA23:17
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jeblairclarkb: and we would _definitely_ want something on a vpn to be ha -- so that we didn't tank when the vpn inevitably breaks23:18
clarkbthe best option imo if we have to use a vpn is the proxy23:18
clarkbbut thats the sort of security circumvention that gets you in trouble23:19
greghaynesclarkb: You can do the proxy thing but host it in a way only nodepool can access23:19
greghaynesssl client certs or somesuxh23:19
clarkbgreghaynes: nodepool and puppetmaster yes23:19
clarkbor even just iptables23:19
jeblairyeah.  my hope would be that we could discover whatever misapprehension causes them to think they need a vpn and put them in touch with people who can allay their fears.  :)23:19
greghaynesya, or that23:19
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add bifrost manifest  https://review.openstack.org/23175723:21
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add baremetal hpuswest node definition  https://review.openstack.org/20875123:23
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud modules to modules.env  https://review.openstack.org/20961723:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dib-python element  https://review.openstack.org/25607123:24
dgonzalezhi sdague, are you here?23:25
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ianwgreghaynes / SpamapS : so git caching in dib ... i think something is going on.  "git log" tells me i'm at a certain changeset in the ~/.cache version of the tree, but the files in there do not reflect that23:33
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greghaynesianw: uh oh23:34
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greghaynesianw: that code all lives in source-repositories23:34
greghaynesI haven't looked at it in a *long* time because it hasn't broken yet23:35
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anteayadgonzalez: sdague tends to pack it in around 21:00 utc23:36
anteayadgonzalez: perhaps try him prior to 21:00 utc another day23:36
greghaynesianw: From what it looks like we dont necessarially assert the desired state on the cache, we clone from it23:36
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dgonzalezanteaya: ok thanks, i will try it again tomorrow!23:37
ianwgreghaynes: maybe that's it ... ~/.cache/image-create/source-repositories/foo_* is checked out when created, but never updated?23:38
greghaynesianw: we fetch refs in to it but dont check them out23:38
greghaynesianw: at least that is how I read the code23:38
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jrollcould use another +2 on a dsg change, when someone has a moment https://review.openstack.org/#/c/257637/23:39
ianwgreghaynes: right, so we clone it once, when building the cache, and from then on, only fetching stuff23:39
greghaynesianw: I think so, yep23:39
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade the stdlib module to 4.10.0  https://review.openstack.org/23500523:40
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add logic to work with old and new mysql module  https://review.openstack.org/25819323:40
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade mysql module to 3.6.1  https://review.openstack.org/25764023:41
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Creation of the Coda Repo  https://review.openstack.org/25819423:43
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openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Document byte-to-inode ratio  https://review.openstack.org/25819523:47
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ianwgreghaynes: so why not do a "--bare" clone?23:49
greghaynesianw: I can't think of a reason23:50
greghaynesianw: It would be more neat to remove that git logic altogether and depend on zuul-cloner23:50
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Bump notifier up to 1.0.3  https://review.openstack.org/25690023:51
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove metajobs  https://review.openstack.org/25819723:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add job inheritance and start refactoring  https://review.openstack.org/25819823:55
jeblair(that's kind of a complete mess; but hopefully i can start putting things back together after that)23:56
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