Friday, 2015-10-02

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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/requirements: Exclude coverage 4.0
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: (WIP) Split up rename script into testable units
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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openstackgerritChris Lee proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixes for parameter default expansion
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anteayaboo gate reset00:29
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mordredanteaya: you know what they say about gate resets00:35
mordredanteaya: it makes a gate out of you and me00:35
anteayaha ha ha00:35
mordredthat doesn't make sense00:35
anteayaah fine for a laugh though00:35
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anteayamy friend had to wear a hat outside today, a hat I tell you00:36
anteayaand we started the outdoor furnace00:36
* mordred hands anteaya a somewhat dry baby alpaca and a box of chocolates with at least one uneaten by way of apology00:36
anteayait's winter00:36
anteayanice thank you00:36
anteayaI like mostly uneaten chocolates00:36
mordredanteaya: I walked out to the store this morning for cream for the coffee00:37
anteayaand I love alpaca wool00:37
mtreinishanteaya: I think it's just canada00:37
mordredanteaya: and it turns out my shorts and flippy-floppies were inappropriate00:37
anteayamtreinish: yup, it is warm at the border00:37
mordredanteaya: I did not enjoy my walk00:37
anteayamordred: ha ha ha00:37
mordredanteaya: although I also did not turn around and change00:37
mordredanteaya: because bah00:37
anteayadid you fall out of your shoes00:37
anteayamordred: you don't change for anyone00:37
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anteayayou'd be the person wearing shorts in winter00:38
anteayabecause you can00:38
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anteayamtreinish: see this would be the importance of the wall, you could push the cold back away from the states00:38
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anteayaI love the idea of a wall with the states00:39
anteayaso much room for art00:39
dimsanteaya: keep the riff raff like us from entering your fair country? :)00:39
mordredanteaya: have you been to berlin?00:39
anteayamordred: not yet00:39
anteayadims: well it is the states that wants it00:39
anteayaand the guns can stay south00:40
* dims kidding00:40
anteayabut nice folks like you are welcome anytime00:40
mordredanteaya: it's a very interesting place00:40
mordredanteaya: they have a line of bricks in the streets/sidewalks where the wall used to be00:40
anteayamordred: I hear there is swing dancing in berlin00:40
mordredso if you're walking around, you'll occasionally pass some bricks00:40
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anteayamordred: how does that feel?00:40
mordredanteaya: interesting00:40
anteayainteresting good or sad00:41
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mordredanteaya: it's very hard to be in berlin and not consider the effects of the wall00:41
mordredon both sides00:41
mordredbecause it's also a very complex effects00:41
* anteaya listens00:41
mordredturns out there's lots of really beautiful places on the east side00:41
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mordredand the folks there were raised being told that the wall was there to keep the fascists out00:41
mordredthere was also just about no crime in east belin00:42
mordredwhich is not to say that we should copy how they ran their country00:42
mordrednope - it was a VERY safe place to live00:42
anteayaI didn't know that00:42
anteayaand wouldn't be something I imagined00:42
mordredbut just that having dinner with people from the other side of a globally divisive border is a very interesting experience00:42
mordredanteaya: sandy and I took a lovely boat ride down a river with my friend Martin00:43
mmmporki lived in Germany when the wall was alive and well, even saw it00:43
anteayait sounds like it made an impression00:43
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anteayamordred: it sounds wonderful00:43
mordredanteaya: yup. it was also deep in the east side00:43
mordredmmmpork: yah - it's like a thing isn't it?00:43
mmmporkhaha yeah00:43
mmmporkmy husband is from former DDR :)00:43
mmmporkit was crazy the first time we went to Dresden area for me00:43
mmmporkit was like the forbidden land00:44
mmmporkso much concrete!00:44
mordredmmmpork: that's one of the things I find fascinating about east berlin00:44
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mordredmmmpork: my mind's eye always expects all concrete00:44
mmmporkthere's a statue of Karl Marx in Chemnitz, town where my husband lived when we met, and there's a geocaching tennis ball in his nose00:44
mordredmmmpork: but it turns out - not so much00:44
mordredmmmpork: nice!00:44
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* mordred pokes olaph, considering the DDR topic00:45
mmmporkyeah the level of overall poverty and abandoned buildings is what makes me sad about the east00:45
mmmporkeven today :(00:45
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mordredeast berlin and east germany seem to be ... different00:45
mmmporkoh i was gonna say, no crime as long as you didn't do something to cause the Stazi to abduct you in the middle of the night00:46
mordredI mean00:46
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mordredlet's ignore for the sake of argument the crimes committed _by_ the government00:46
mordredbut roving street gangs ... maybe not so much00:46
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ruagairI still thank David Hasselhoff for bringing the wall down.00:47
mordredcause let's be honest about exactly what would happen to you if you got caught as a member of a roving street gang00:47
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mmmporki still haven't made it to berlin in all the times i've visited!! not since i was a kid and had to go through checkpoint charlie :P00:47
mmmporki've just gone through it :(00:47
mordredmmmpork: I hadn't been until olaph and I were there 2 years ago00:47
mmmporkoh wow!00:47
mordredmmmpork: I discovered then that it's very difficult to not stay out drinking until dawn00:48
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mordreds/dawn/past dawn/00:48
* dims soaking up the conversation :)00:48
mmmporkwe usually stay in Dresden/Chemnitz/Leipzig area since that's where my husband's friends and family live00:48
mmmporkhaha nice00:48
mordredwell, that's likely the right choice00:48
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mmmporkit's hard to not stay out all night drinking due to jet lag really00:48
mmmporki love that you can have a beer on the train!! it's the best!00:49
mordredmmmpork: devananda can back me up on the difficulty based on the last time he and I were there ... morgan managed to escape the factory dancy party though00:49
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mordredmmmpork: you can have a beer EVERYWHERE00:49
mmmporkyeah that!00:49
lifelessNakato: tchaypo: ok so, this pbr thing00:49
mordredlifeless: I support it00:50
mmmporkand you can smoke in the terminal in some places and actually in some restaurants still00:50
mordredmmmpork: that's actually my least favorite part - I've forgotten what it's like to be indoor where people are smoking anymore00:50
dimsanteaya: mordred: one of you please bless this?
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mordreddims: lgtm00:51
mmmporkmordred: that's totally fair, but they do have non-smoking places too00:52
anteayadims: mordred was faster00:52
dimsthanks mordred00:52
dimsanteaya: haha. thanks for looking :)00:52
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mmmporkthe bars/restaurants are supposed to have sectioned off areas with walls and doors etc00:53
* mordred hands anteaya half of a leftover onion in consolation00:53
StevenKmordred: From Tony Abbott?00:53
dimsmordred: how's the big blue treating you? :)00:53
mordredStevenK: heh. no. from Brooklyn. I'm sure it's artisinal and organic and hand-grown00:54
* anteaya puts the onion in the fridge00:54
anteayamordred: thanks?00:54
mordredanteaya: (that's where I put my half)00:54
anteayamordred: it is a good place00:54
mmmporkor is it a "pearl" onion....00:54
mordreddims: great!00:54
mordreddims: so far I've not been beaten _OR_ whipped!!!00:54
mtreinishmordred: give it another month00:55
StevenKmordred: Ah, it's a hipster onion?00:55
mordredStevenK: like everything else here00:55
mordredStevenK: I even has a mustache00:55
* mordred has just outed himself for growing a hipster mustacke00:56
* mordred gives up on typing00:56
mordredmaybe mustackes are better - more obscure00:56
dimsmordred: ha :)00:56
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clarkbmmmpork: I am told that tokyo is smoking in very restaurant01:03
clarkbnot sure if exageration or reality01:03
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mmmporki know of one in NYC01:04
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mmmporkin nyc if at least 10% of income comes from tobacco sales and it's a restaurant, patrons are allowed to smoke indoors01:05
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dansmithclarkb: there are still patches behind the requirements one failing in the same way01:10
dansmithclarkb: is there some other dependency than just landing that patch?01:10
dansmithyou said something about building images...01:10
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clarkbdansmith: you have to update the requirements in the projects themselves01:10
clarkbdansmith: otherwise they continue to use the old requirements01:10
dansmithoh dang01:10
dansmithtonyb: you're going to have this all fixed up in nova by morning, right?01:11
clarkbbuilding images will independently fix it but is quite time consuming01:11
clarkbso we basically said do both things and see where we end up01:11
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anteayaclarkb: once the requirements patch lands doesn't proposal bot offer patches to subscribed projects?01:12
clarkbanteaya: yes01:13
anteayaokay thanks, so we are waiting for that churn01:13
rm_workare people aware of the failures happening right now in gate, re:
rm_worksomething upstream broke01:13
rm_workcomplaing about jpeg lib or something <_<01:13
anteayarm_work: pillow01:14
rm_workyeah ok01:14
rm_workso people are aware01:14
rm_workis there a fix?01:14
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anteayafailed in the gate first time01:14
anteaya36 minutes until we have another chance01:14
anteayawell patches ahead of it failed in the gate causing a a reset01:15
anteayarm_work: thanks for asking01:15
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dimsanteaya: don't we need in stable/liberty too?01:19
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anteayadims: probably?01:20
tonybdansmith: totally.01:22
dansmithtonyb: kthx :D01:22
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anteayadims: do we like this?
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dimsanteaya: +101:26
anteayadims: thanks for bringing it up01:26
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angdrauganteaya: re your -1 on (Fuel ACLs), would it really add more work for stackforge migration if it's merged now instead of later?01:29
angdraugwe can wait until 17th if it helps you, just trying to understand how it helps01:30
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anteayasure it helps because it is 15 fewer acl files I need to review01:30
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anteayaor paths for changing files01:30
anteayaif we can wait, it is my preference to wait01:31
angdraugok, I'll set it to wip01:31
anteayathanks very much01:31
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anteayaI appreciate your patience and understanding01:31
angdraugnp, I can understand being swamped by reviews in a middle of transition :)01:32
anteayait won't be pretty01:32
anteayathanks :)01:32
angdraugif there's anything we can do to help with fuel parts, please let me know01:32
anteayathank you very much for saying so01:32
anteayashould something arise with fuel I will try to remember ang<tab> angdraug :)01:33
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anteayawe hope to have everything taken care of but you never know01:33
angdraugif I'm not online, bookwar and mihgen should be able to help too01:33
anteayawonderful thank you01:33
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anteayabookwar I know well01:34
anteayaI will also try to remember mihgen01:34
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add remove-language-team script
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tonybSo is it worth adding a hack to devstack to also limit pillow? while we wait for the g-r sync's to take place? similar to:
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clarkbno devstack should be unaffected due to constraints01:44
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anteayaclarkb: can you look at the console for the requirements-integration-dsvm job running on the patch?01:45
anteayaconsole log01:46
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tonybclarkb: okay that was my gut feel.01:47
tonybclarkb: I'll reread the scrollback as I clearly missed something01:47
clarkbanteaya what am I looking for?01:48
anteayatonyb: you've got time :)01:48
anteayaclarkb: I saw that the ball was red01:48
anteayaand couldn't find the error but wanted you to also look01:48
clarkbthat means the last run on that jenkins failed01:48
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anteayaas sometimes a red ball is a red herring01:48
anteayaah ha01:48
anteayathank you01:48
clarkbthe current run is still going01:48
anteayayes, that was what confused me01:48
anteayathank you01:48
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anteayayay it passed that job01:50
anteayaone left01:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Pin Pillow as the latest release is not building
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openstackgerritJohn Vandenberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Replace OrderedDict.iteritems with .items
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anteayaclarkb: how long does it take before the proposal job runs?02:15
anteayaI don't see it running yet on teh proposal slave02:15
clarkbit goes to post so may take some time except that slave isnt used for much02:17
anteayait has finished in the post queue02:18
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anteayaunless something else needs to happen that I dont' see or don't know about02:18
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clarkbits possible that none of the projects have pilloe directly listed ?02:19
clarkbI dunno its late abd family dinner time02:19
anteayaokay I did want to ensure all was in place before I signed off02:20
anteayaenjoy family time02:20
anteayaand thanks for your help02:20
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: test_integration cleanups
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Remove redundant testscenarios glue.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Show where to put new tests.
anteayaclarkb: you are correct, so far I don't see Pillow listed in requirements for nova or neutron02:22
anteayatonyb: ^^02:22
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jrollanteaya: yeah, pillow is an image processing library, I wouldn't expect any projects to use it yet02:23
jrollwe don't have an image-processing-as-a-service service yet :P02:23
anteayadon't give them any ideas02:23
anteayathe only thing I am uncertain of is when the new images are available02:24
anteayaclarkb was building them but if they are done I missed it in scrollback02:24
anteayaI hope I've done what I needed to do here02:24
anteayaand going to call it a night02:24
tonybanteaya: it's being pulled into nova because of: sphinxcontrib-seqdiag02:25
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clarkbanteaya I was not building them02:27
clarkbI did not reakize my change had merged02:27
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sridhar_ramfolks - trying to decipher why gate jobs failing for this
sridhar_ramtried a 'recheck' and it still fails..02:29
sridhar_ramany clue what is happening here ?02:30
lifelesssridhar_ram: its also failing due to the pillow thing02:30
lifelessif we had constraints in place for unit tests this would be protected, but as it is it will need a requirements sync to be protected02:31
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sridhar_ramlifeless: thanks... ah, it remember the pillow talk in the mailer ;-)02:31
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sridhar_ramlifeless: looks some fix has merged recently to take care of this.. shd I wait and retry w/ a 'recheck' ?02:32
tonyblifeless: the g-r sync by itself isn't enough for nova (and probably others) as Pillow is being pulled in by sphinxcontrib-seqdiag and isn't explictly listed :/02:33
tonybsridhar_ram: which project?02:33
lifelesstonyb: I know, I'm just pushing up a fix for nova02:33
lifelesstonyb: project-config, per the link02:33
sridhar_ramtonyb: for this ..
sridhar_ramyeah, project-config02:33
tonyblifeless: like ... ?02:33
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lifelesstonyb: exactly; mailed that link instead02:34
tonyblifeless: thanks02:35
jrollis this worth doing given it will be fixed in images soon?02:35
tonybI'm about tor grep the otehr projects to see if which ones need it02:35
jrolltonyb: ironic, apparently
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tonybjroll: heh.  I think it's worth but we'll see what others think02:37
jrolltonyb: yeah, idk how long it takes images to get out02:37
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jrollbut if you propose that to ironic, I'd love to land it :D02:37
jroll(though that patch is stable/liberty grrrr)02:37
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tonyboooo ATC in *all the things*02:38
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Pillow 3.0.0 build bug 1501995
openstackbug 1501995 in OpenStack-Gate "Pillow 3.0.0 breaks the world" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Anita Kuno (anteaya)03:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Pillow 3.0.0 build bug 1501995
openstackbug 1501995 in OpenStack-Gate "Pillow 3.0.0 breaks the world" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Anita Kuno (anteaya)03:24
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openstackgerritJohn Vandenberg proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Revert "Pin python-daemon<2.0"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for Shiningpanda's Tox Builder
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add script to create a subunit stream for failures before tempest
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add script to create a subunit stream for failures before tempest
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add Pillow to test-requirements.txt
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AJaegerI see that project-config's config-layout is still failing due to pillow. Is this already fixed but not deployed or do we still need to fix something?04:54
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AJaegertonyb: does not add pillow, just a comment ;(04:56
tonybAJaeger: *sigh* so sorry.04:57
AJaegertonyb: fixed04:58
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add Pillow to test-requirements.txt
AJaegertonyb: didn't know whether you were still awake, please review ^04:58
tonybAJaeger: thanks.04:58
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AJaegerare any infra cores around that could approve for zuul so that we can unblock project-config gating ?05:01
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AJaegeryolanda, jhesketh, nibalizer: Are you awake and can review, please? ^05:02
jheskethAJaeger: looking05:03
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AJaegertonyb, jhesketh : passes all tests in jenkins so far- last running one is non-voting05:03
AJaegerthanks, jhesketh05:04
tonybAJaeger, jhesketh: once it merges it should then unblock project-config05:04
AJaegertonyb: yeah, my hope as well ;)05:04
tonyb3 projects down 3 to go :)05:04
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AJaegerI'll be back later - family taxi time...05:05
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jheskethAJaeger, tonyb: This makes me think we should have the docs reqs in a separate file05:08
jheskethor just in tox.ini05:08
tonybjhesketh: quite probably.05:09
tonybjhesketh: octavia does and there stuff is also failing05:09
jheskethtonyb: right, but they could do the same limits on the docs env?05:10
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* jhesketh fast approves the fix since there doesn't seem to be other cores and it's harmless enough to undo05:10
tonybjhesketh: sure.05:11
tonybjhesketh: thanks.05:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add Pillow to test-requirements.txt
nibalizerAJaeger: looking05:15
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nibalizerah looks like it merged05:25
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tonybSo I think that's all the projects that are affected with reviews, which will probably be pointless once the new node builds are online05:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups-static-pages: Only need one URL for Official User Group
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Add coverage job
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Move to Zanata server 3.7.2
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental devstack f22 job
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: openstack/puppet-gnocchi: fix project description
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yolandaAJaeger, you needed some reviews? am i late?06:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Correct command to start server in README
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AJaegeryolanda: good morning, jhesketh handled it -thanks to both of you07:18
AJaegernibalizer: thanks!07:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Clean up tox.ini
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AJaegertonyb: thanks for taking  care of these pillow problems07:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-fortinet project to neutron
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust SDK jobs to use ceilometer plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project renderspec to Packaging-RPM team
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27 and fixup functional job for tacker
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job for testing amqp/proton driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add tests for selinux
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oomichican we merge g-r patch now?08:17
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oomichijhesketh: hello08:17
oomichilifeless: hello08:18
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bauwseroomichi: I pinged you on -nova, tonyb made a workaround for us08:22
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bauwseroomichi: because Nova isn't explicitely asking for Pillow, so we're pulling the 3.0.0 version which breaks08:23
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oomichibauwser: done08:23
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bauwserIIRC, a recheck does a rebase, or do I need to resubmit a new patchset?08:25
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow setting ldap group base
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow setting ldap group base
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove sudo when calling
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Fix apt issue.
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jamespageEmilienM, hey - I'm pushing liberty rc1 to proposed and updates this morning09:04
jamespageEmilienM, I'll announce on -dev once that's complete09:05
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openstackgerritAntoine Cabot proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Watcher Team meeting
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Restrict search for python object files to ./usr
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Watcher Team meeting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Fix ImportError: No module named simplejson
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use to build packages
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove ironic-python-agent from ironic group
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bgpvpn: add ..-dvsm-neutron-full job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix pep8 errors in
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openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for publication Murano docs on
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/requirements: Update pyngus to 2.0, now supports Python 3
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: test oslo.service backports
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: test devstack work around
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test a update in trunk repository version
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Zarahi, something we've been wondering about in #storyboard over the last couple of weeks: we're steadily working on improving storyboard, but we're a bit invisible. I'm going to be representing us at the summit, but it will be my first summit and I'm not sure how to go about this. We don't want to take resources (workrooms, etc) away from projects that might make better use of them, but we want to get involved as much as possible. An11:07
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Zarasorry, got cut off. :) it said 'Any suggestions or pointers?'11:11
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AJaegerZara, I suggest you talk with fungi and others in few hours...11:21
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ZaraAJaeger: okay, will do. :)11:21
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fungiZara: for starters, you could throw some ideas on to see if there's some interest... maybe other people want to work with you in an ad-hoc manner during the sprint on friday if nothing else11:37
EmilienMjamespage: nice :)11:38
fungiZara: also there's always the "hallway" (garden!) track11:38
jamespageEmilienM, proposed testing OK for me; updates should sync in the next 20 mins I think11:38
EmilienMjamespage: good. I'll let you know if we have troubles11:39
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EmilienMgood morning infra, could you review the puppet/integration split patch ? thanks!11:40
Zarafungi: hehe, brilliant, thanks; I suspect we'll learn a lot from the hallway track! Hopefully we'll put something on the etherpad, too. :)11:41
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for the ovs mechanism driver with native mode
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AJaegerfungi, good morning. I just got asked on #openstack-docs about a really strange build12:08
AJaeger - the checkbuild link does not work12:09
AJaegerIf I go to the log file at, it's really strange12:09
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AJaegerIt runs "bin/bash /tmp/" - and then exists. This looks completely broken12:09
AJaegerAny ideas?12:09
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscriptions
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack/requirements: Adds os-win in global-requirements.txt
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fungiAJaeger: have you tried running it locally?12:23
AJaegerfungi, will do now. Patch set 3 has results, 4 and 5 not...12:25
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
fungii'm trying it too12:26
AJaegerfungi, I get lots of output, so assume it works fine.12:27
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AJaegerJust looking at the log file, you see it run for less than a second - building takes a minute or two12:27
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AJaegerfungi: the bash script should execute /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/ checkbuild - and this does not happen12:28
fungithough i don't think it's getting to tox12:28
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AJaegercompare and
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AJaegerlooking at I see the same problem, that job run 35 mins ago ;(12:29
AJaegerand here as well12:30
AJaegerlocal building worked fine for me12:31
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fungithe latest change to the script was which merged a month ago12:32
fungiare other jobs which use exhibiting the same behavior?12:33
AJaegerlet's check...12:33
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Turn introspection back on
AJaegerthis one is fine
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AJaegersame problem here:
glaucoHow do we handle project renames? nibalizer pointed out that puppet-openstack-health project should be named puppet-openstack_health12:37
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openstackgerritBruno Tavares proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Add acceptance tests for puppet-diskimage_builder.
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glaucoSending a patch updating zuul, jjb and gerrit configs would be enough to fix this? Or do I need to send anything else to remove the older project?12:38
fungiglauco: we do this...
AJaegerfungi, so looks a generic problem with run-tox ;(12:39
fungiAJaeger: that's frightening. did they all happen to run in the same region? maybe we have a bad/corrupt image12:40
AJaegerbare-trusty-hpcloud-b1-5204532 (bare-trusty)  and bare-trusty-rax-dfw-5204449 (bare-trusty) are the last two12:40
AJaegerfirst two  bare-trusty-hpcloud-b4-5185258 (bare-trusty)  and bare-trusty-rax-dfw-5201483 (bare-trusty)12:41
AJaegeryes, this is very frightining - tests that always pass ;(12:41
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fungiand this is across providers and at random12:41
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glaucofungi: that seems a bit complicated. Since this project does not have anything in it, other than this pull request, wouldn't that be easier deleting it and creating a new one?12:42
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AJaegerlooks like always bare-trusty but I didn't do more data mining.12:42
glaucothis pull request:
fungiglauco: gerrit doesn't have a mechanism to delete projects12:42
AJaegerfungi, I won't be able to track this down from my side, have a few other things on my plate for the next hours. Can you take it from here, please?12:43
fungiglauco: as you can see, it also doesn't have a mechanism to rename them, which is why it's so complex12:43
AJaegerfungi, or is there anything I can quickly do?12:43
fungiAJaeger: nope, i'm looking around for a common thread between these12:43
fungigoing to try holding a node if i can catch one fast enough12:44
AJaegershould we stop building or tell people to double check everything? Notice to everybody? Or first more investigation?12:44
* AJaeger wishes fungi luck to catch one12:44
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glaucofungi: if I got it right, I should send another patch renaming this project and then asking someone on infra-core to follow these steps. Is that right?12:46
fungiglauco: yes, and then we schedule a maintenance window to take down gerrit, zuul, et cetera12:47
AJaegerglauco: we need to schedule a rename12:47
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glaucofungi: AJaeger: got you! Thanks!12:47
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EmilienMfungi: just to make you sure this one is on your radar:
fungiAJaeger: one common thread... the repos in question are very large (nova and openstack-manuals)12:54
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fungiEmilienM: it's just a normal project-config change. we have _lots_ of core reviewers for that repo12:55
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EmilienMfungi: the fact is I'm adding 2 more jobs, I just want to make sure it does not disturb12:55
EmilienMbut it looks okay to -infra, so I stop asking :)12:56
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alivignizaro# would you have time to look at this review -
fungiAJaeger: i held a node where the problem recurred and confirmed that tox -e checkbuild is actually working, so it's got to be one of the commands before it short-circuiting run-tox.sh12:57
alivignizxiiro# would you have time to look at this review -
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fungiAJaeger: also when i manually run checkbuild it does what i expect12:59
AJaegerfungi: how does the hudson bash file look like? Is that correct?12:59
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fungigreat point12:59
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fungiAJaeger: bad news--jenkins cleans up after itself13:01
fungilooks like it deleted that shell script at the end of the job run13:01
AJaegerthat's sad13:01
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AJaegerand the job run is less than a second ;(13:01
AJaegerCan you create a shell file on tmp and execute it?13:02
AJaegermeaning, does /bin/bash /tmp/ work for a random shell?13:02
AJaegershell script I mean13:02
fungiyep, seems to work just fine13:03
openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename puppet project 'puppet-openstack_health'
glaucofungi: AJaeger ^^^13:06
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AJaegerfungi, no further ideas - and I have to do other stuff now ;(13:07
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fungiAJaeger: yep, i'll continue looking and hopefully others are around soon to help13:08
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glaucofungi: AJaeger: please let me know if there is anything else I could do to help on this renaming.13:09
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bauwserhey folks, I just noticed that Nova documentation is a bit stalled13:17
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bauwser vs.
bauwserthe former is the master branch, the latter is 2015.1.113:17
bauwserthat's happening with all the content13:17
bauwserlike /devref was the older URL IIRC13:18
bauwserbut was never removed13:18
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bauwserso, people who bookmarked the URLs would still have the Kilo version13:18
bauwserany way how to modify it and why not having a 301 for getting the right ?13:18
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fungibauwser: no idea. that site is not hosted on a server maintained by the infra team. you might check with the docs team since they maintain the content and i think they configure relevant redirects in .htaccess files13:21
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bauwserfungi: okay, good to know :)13:22
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fungibauwser: oh, though this is in nova's developer documentation, so nova may need to add something in their documentation build if they want redirects added13:22
fungithe documentation upload does not remove old files, it only adds new ones13:22
bauwserfungi: oh I see13:23
bauwserfungi: yeah, it's because we modified our in-tree docs13:23
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bauwserfungi: so, it seems that's by removing the devref dir, then we left it13:23
fungii would still check with the docs team to see if they have suggestions about how they handle similar situations13:23
bauwserfungi: okay, do you know the docs team channel ? :)13:24
bauwserI mean, I can find it13:24
bauwserbut in case, it's under your fingers :)13:24
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fungibauwser: says it's #openstack-doc13:25
bauwserfungi: coolness thanks13:25
fungiyou're welcome13:25
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sambettsHey infra, can I get some eyes on this please :)13:33
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StevenKfungi: I'm interested in helping out with , I obviously can't do some of the steps, but I can dive into parts if you wish13:35
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fungijhesketh: SergeyLukjanov: yolanda: if you're still around, i'm trying to track down a mysterious issue where jobs calling the gate-{name}-tox-{envlist} template seem to be exiting instantly and successfully13:36
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yolandahi fungi, do you have some logs?13:36
fungiis an example (gate-nova-tox-functional)13:37
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fungialso jobs based on gate-{name}-tox-doc-publish-{envlist} seem to be doing this as well13:38
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yolandaok i'll check project-config13:38
fungiwhich is where AJaeger first noticed it13:38
fungiyou can see my discussion with AJaeger in scrollback for what we ruled out so far13:39
fungium, wow13:40
fungithis may be a jjb bug13:40
yolandafungi, looking at ... job seems to be doing just that, i can't see any tox there13:40
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fungii just looked at the job configuration for gate-nova-tox-functional and the tox builder is not in the job13:41
fungiso now time to look at jjb release history :/13:41
yolandathis job has not been updated recently?13:41
funginot that i can tell13:42
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fungiso that was a few hours ago actually13:43
yolandawhat does shiningpanda do?13:44
fungithat's what i'm wondering as well13:44
fungii don't think it's a plugin we intentionally installed (or probably even have installed?)13:44
fungioh, we13:45
yolandahow do you manage plugins in jenkins? it's some manual thing right?13:45
AJaegerbauwser: we do not delete old pages13:45
fungiwe're continuously deploying jjb on our jenkins masters13:45
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fungiyolanda: i think this plugin is not installed13:45
fungii bet this is a recent change on jjb master13:45
AJaegerbauwser: if there is an old page that you need deleted or redirected tell the docs team13:45
bauwserAJaeger: made /devref pointing to stale data13:46
fungiyolanda: the compare xml job got ignored by reviewers
fungipelix: zxiiro: ^ this is unfortunate13:47
fungii'm going to propose a quick revert13:47
yolandaso revert yes13:48
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Revert "Support for Shiningpanda's Tox Builder"
fungizaro: pelix: zxiiro: ^13:50
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fungii'm going to roll back jjb one commit on all our jenkins masters after stopping puppet on them13:50
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fungithen i'll rerun jenkins-jobs update13:50
yolandafungi, the link you sent me for the comparison is empty for me, it's weird because i'm logged13:50
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Resolve subscriptions faster- do one GET per list
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fungiyolanda: oh, we may have missed adding you to the lp group that's looking for. i'll do that as soon as i'm done fixing this13:51
yolandaah ok, i just see an empty history :)13:52
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AJaegerfungi, good spotting, this looks really like the culprit! Thanks!13:56
pelixfungi: reverted, we definitely need something that better highlights when the output has changed13:56
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pelixor rather approved and it should be reverted shortly13:56
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fungipelix: thanks! i'm almost done getting the temporary fix in place. once the revert lands i'll reenable puppet on our jenkins masters13:58
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AJaegeris there a way to retrigger all tox jobs from this morning? Or should we just sent a message?14:00
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Avoid transcending with find
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fungiAJaeger: i can't think of a good way to rerun them other than to recheck patches14:01
fungiand the list of affected jobs may take some time to put together14:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Revert "Support for Shiningpanda's Tox Builder"
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Generate docs for requirements repo
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fungii think if we make an announcement saying "any jobs whose templates invoke the 'tox' builder macro" we're just going to get a bunch of blank stares14:02
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fungioh, though we can probably infer it from the xml compare job output on my revert14:03
AJaegerdims__: we've got a patch already, no need for 23044914:03
dims__AJaeger: ah ok thanks14:03
AJaegerdims__: I commented on your change - the other job just needs +A once the requirements job has merged14:04
AJaegerdims__: But great thinking of doing it!14:04
dims__missed a step! should have checked too :)14:04
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pelixfungi: it's merged14:05
AJaegerdims__: you could have missed the step considering to send a patch ;)14:05
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pelixoh, forgot it mentions it here too :P14:05
AJaegerpelix, fungi: Thanks!14:05
yolandafungi, what's usual time you hit for job rebuilds in jjb?14:06
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fungithe jjb updates are still running so the problem isn't completely backed out yet14:06
yolandaas it's quite a massive change that updates all tox jobs, it can take a bit right?14:06
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tmorinfungi: I'm working on creating a DVSM jenkins jobs for networking-bgpvpn, and I have simple question14:06
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fungiyolanda: it depends on how loaded a jenkins master is, the size of the update and whether we're running into jenkins bugs impacting performance, yes14:06
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Avoid transcending /proc with find
fungiyolanda: i ran them all under `time` though so i'll let you know14:07
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test a update in trunk repository version
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tmorinfungi, AJaeger: hi, I have a question about preparing a DVSM jenkins jobs for networking-bgpvpn14:09
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tmorinfungi, AJaeger: I would like to know is there is way for me to test/refine a DVSM jenkins job that I'm working on before submitting it for inclusion into project-config14:14
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zaroalivigni: sorry, i probably won't be able to get to it until sometime next week.14:15
AJaegertmorin: you can run of it locally but the complete integration is not possible AFAIU14:15
zarolooks like i missed all the JJB excitement.14:15
AJaegertmorin: that's why many jobs start in the experimental queue and get tested there first before moving to check queue...14:16
fungitmorin: the readme in the openstack-infra/devstack-gate repo describes a way to manually replicate what happens in one of those jobs14:16
tmorinAJaeger: so pushing something WIP in project-config as experimental is the right approach14:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Provide shortcut around has_service
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix mis-named has_service entry
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass parameters correctly for image snapshots
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Provide short-circuit for finding server networks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update fake to match latest OCC
tmorinfungi: I'll read that14:16
zaropelix: RE
AJaegertmorin: follow fungi's advise and then push something as experimental14:17
mordredjeblair, Shrews: we had a fake that exposed an occ thing - the occ release broke our fake. I rebased the stack on top of a fix to that14:17
zaroi'm not seeing what's different between that change and what's on master besides less verbose output on the logs14:17
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zaropelix: also this should probably go in if you agree with Chris:
pelixzaro: the log messages generated by executing a test case will be outputted along side the test failure14:19
Shrewsmordred: ack14:19
zaropelix: that seems to already happen without that change, no?14:20
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Shrewsjeblair: with the 1.8.0 occ release, if you update requirements.txt in, i'll +2 it14:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Plumb wait and timout down to add_auto_ip
pelixzaro: not that I can see? where do you see that?14:20
sdaguemordred / fungi / jeblair / clarkb / pleia2 / et al - - devstack-gate change for branch flipping should be ready to go14:20
zaropelix: when i tested it locally.  seems to do the same thing.  but then again i might have made a mistake while testing.  i can try again.14:21
mordredShrews: while you're +2ing things14:21
pelixzaro: without this I see all the log entries for *all* tests appearing at the same time, so it's impossible to determine which logs are related to the test14:21
mordredShrews: and the one after it are fun14:21
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zaropelix: ok. let me try again.14:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Return IPv6 address for interface_ip on request
mordredShrews: I just went ahead and updated the patch ^^14:22
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openstackgerritChris Lee proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixes for parameter default expansion
cleehey, that's me! :)14:24
cleecleaned up the pep8 violations.14:24
Shrewsmordred: +3'd14:24
mordredShrews: woot14:25
* persia has not been following the voting options expansion closely enough: what does "+3" mean?14:25
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mordredpersia: +2 +A14:25
persiaThank you :)14:25
mordredpersia: you're welcome!14:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump minimum os-testr version to 0.4.1
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add symlink on local git directory
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AJaegerfungi: Is it safe to recheck tox jobs now?14:27
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cleeany jenkins-job-builder folks on?14:28
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zaropelix: this is run from master with errors in xml:
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
zaro*errors/errors i introduced14:30
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zaropelix: it seems to show the test then the errors right after it.14:31
hasharmordred: so jeblair is now working for IBM ?  Co-Authored-By: James E. Blair <>  ? :-D14:31
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hasharclee: there are three JJB cores online right now. Feel free to ask!14:32
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zaroyeah, mordred is building his kingdome there14:32
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fungiAJaeger: the jjb updates are still running14:32
mordredjeblair: I'm poking on the dvsm node btw14:32
mordredhashar: yup!14:33
cleehashar: I've got a patchset up -
cleelooking for feedback to see if I did this in a totally awful way14:33
fungimordred: you're the second person this morning i've seen say dvsm instead of dsvm ;)14:33
cleebut it fixes a very real bug that has prevented us (at DreamHost) from being able to use external parameter groups14:33
mordredfungi: hrm14:33
mordredI wonder what that's about14:34
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clee(I wasn't sure where to file bugs for jjb, so if I need to file the actual bug in order for this to get merged, please just point me in the right direction)14:34
fungimass hysteria?14:34
hasharclee: ahh part of that code is crazy :-}14:34
cleehashar: not terribly surprised. :)14:34
AJaegerwhat actually is the meaning of dsvm?14:34
mordredAJaeger: "DevStack Virtual Machine"14:35
hasharclee: we have a test suite under /tests/  and the ability to add some basic .yaml files with the expected output in a .xml file.  You definitely want to add your example from
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AJaegerthanks, mordred14:35
cleehashar: oh! neat.14:35
cleeI saw the tests, but I wasn't sure how they worked.14:35
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cleeand it took me, like, four hours yesterday just to get this working.14:36
hasharclee: I am also wondering whether it is a regression or if it something that never worked. You want to state that in the commit message14:36
hasharclee: and potentially one can git bisect to find the regression14:36
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cleehashar: I don't believe it's ever worked for us, but we haven't tried every single version of jjb...14:36
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zaroclee: have you searched existing open changes to see if this is already being worked on?14:37
cleezaro: I had not.14:37
mordredjeblair: I added shade to the debug logging config14:38
cleezaro: when I looked, I couldn't see anybody else talking about this particular issue14:38
clee(but maybe I didn't use the right search terms)14:38
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zaroclee: try searching for 'expansion' or 'default'14:38
zarodo a message search14:39
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krotscheckThe NPM tests are still broken, can I get a second +2 on this?
krotscheckAnd by tests, I mean macros14:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add simple doc publisher target
mordredkrotscheck: done14:41
krotscheckmordred: danke14:41
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pelixzaro: right but 95% of that log output has no relation to the test that failed14:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Updated npm-run macro to support npm 1.x
krotscheckmordred: In the future, maybe using the npm puppet module to get a more recent verion of NPM on our release slaves would be nice.14:42
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cleezaro: I don't see any evidence of duplicated effort here...14:43
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zaropelix: i agree, i see the reduced verbosity but i don't see the other improvement you were referring to?14:43
pelixso it significantly reduces the benefit of log messages for debugging failures since you cannot distinguish which ones belong to the test that failed and which were generated by the other 342+ that succeeeded14:43
cleethe closest thing I think I can see is
pelixand when you have multiple failures, you cannot tell which log messages are associated with each failure14:43
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pelixthe change ensures that for each failure you will see any log messages generated by that test attached to the test failure14:44
zaropelix: ohh, now i get what you mean.14:46
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* zaro gotta go bbl14:46
clarkbpelix fwiw I think that you dont need to write that fixture one already exists in fixtures14:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add doc jobs for requirements
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clarkbI'm confused the change uses it in anested fixture14:48
clarkbjust unnest and done14:48
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pelixclarkb: you mean add it as a subclass directly?14:49
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clarkbpelix no just use the fixture in BaseTestCase14:50
clarkbthe nested fixture subclass thing is weird14:50
pelixyou know that requires adding it to multiple other classes as well?14:50
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove ironic-python-agent and ironic-lib from ironic group
pelixsince the baseTestCase can't be used for everything14:51
clarkbBaseTestCase isnt a base then?14:51
clarkbthats the bug then14:51
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clarkbbut still defining a fixture when a fixture exists to wrap the fixture and nothing else is odd14:52
pelixnope, it's a BaseTestCase for yaml to xml based tests, but there are some additonal ones14:52
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clarkbI think debug is the default to so subclassing that fixture would likely work14:53
pelixactually it's a mixin that uses a fixture rather than a fixture.14:53
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dims__fungi: clarkb: sdague: 'gate-{name}-tox-{envlist}' template seems to be broken. nova tox functional ( requirements tox validate ( both are not running anything14:53
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pelixso if we needed to modify settings such as 'nukehanders' we can do it at one point14:53
clarkbok, I would still suggest making BaseTestCase an actual base and put the fixture use there14:54
fungidims__: there was a jjb bug which has been reverted and i have job config updates running now. planning to send out an announcement with the list of affected job names and the timeframe once updates finish14:54
clarkbmakes the code a bit easier to grok14:54
dims__fungi: ah thanks! whew14:54
clarkbthen have the yaml+xml testclass subclass base14:54
pelixprobably be tidier14:54
pelixjust checked, looks like default level is info14:54
clarkbbut that can be done ina different change14:54
fungidims__: but thanks for spotting it!14:55
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fungidims__: luckily the bug only got merged earlier today14:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
dims__fungi: whew14:55
pelixzaro: I'll look to see if it's clearer to follow clarkb's suggestion first and then add the logging fixture directly to a common base class14:55
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack/requirements: Require ovs >= 2.4.0.
pelixmight avoid messing with multiple subclass definitions in two patches14:56
cleeokay, it looks like I can't just adapt my minimized sample to the format in tests/parameters...14:56
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clarkbpelix also I think there is a way to have base test class subclass testcase without discover picking it up even if you have test_* in it but I never remember how because unittest and unittest2 do it differently14:57
clarkbif you want to avoid multiple subclassing14:58
cleebut it looks like it works if I move that to yamlparser/fixtures14:58
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pelixI'll see if I can avoid having a test_* method in the 'actual' base test class first :)14:58
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clarkbfungi we can pretend the jjb thing was a fix for Pillow15:01
fungiclarkb: sure, why not15:01
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clarkbjobs fail? make them all pass15:01
mtreinishclarkb: oh, there was another super pass the gate15:02
mtreinishit's been a while since I caused that last one15:02
openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Refactor subunit2sql dbapi
rellerrellerWhat is the purpose of the images section in a nodepool provider section?15:04
rellerrellerI looked in but there is not description of that section.15:05
mordreddhellmann: so -
mordreddhellmann, clarkb: 1.8.0 seems to not exist for py315:06
clarkbit tells nodepool what images to (build and) boot in order to satisfy the node labels15:06
clarkbmordred thats based on your setup.cfg tags things iirc15:06
clarkbthere is a script thats asks do you support py3k? if yes great else ok15:06
rellerrellerclarkb so does the image name property come from the label or the diskimage?15:07
clarkbneither it is its own name15:07
rellerrellerclarkb I'm looking at the example
fungimordred: i think it's just a matter of adding [wheel] universal=1 to setup.cfg?15:07
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Provide shortcut around has_service
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update fake to match latest OCC
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Return IPv6 address for interface_ip on request
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix mis-named has_service entry
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass parameters correctly for image snapshots
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Plumb wait and timout down to add_auto_ip
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Provide short-circuit for finding server networks
mordredfungi: awesome15:08
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greghaynesrellerreller: The name property matches to a label. The diskimage property matches to a diskimage name15:08
fungialso for those following along, the jjb config update run is still going15:08
rellerrellergreghaynes and clarkb thanks! I think I get it now15:09
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clarkbhrm I bet this would go faster if I ever finished that patch to do delta updates of CAN and CANT DO gearman jobs15:10
clarkbor did I?15:10
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greghaynesdiff computation?15:10
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clarkbthe old plugin did drop all jobs uodate all jobs on any job config change15:11
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clarkbI cant rememver if my change got merged or not.15:11
clarkb there it is15:12
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pelixfungi: has anyone checked to see if the parallel patch for JJB, given a previous fix made by yolanda to avoid querying jenkins for the list of jobs on each job update, would be viable?
pelixI did a test previously on a jenkins instance with a jconsole attached to monitor memory usage15:13
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clarkbI am not sure it would help if the slowness is in gearman plugin15:14
pelixand it would grow to use ~2GB of the heap before releasing memory when using 50 workers15:14
clarkbwe are IO not cpu bound I think15:14
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pelixclarkb: indeed, but presumably gearman can handle a number of concurrent job updates at the same time?15:15
pelixas it must be able to handle multiple requests for normal usage?15:15
dtantsurfolks, could you remind me: the "group" setting in project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml, is it only for finding a proper launchpad bug project?15:16
clarkbit can but we are talking 5k jobs * 8 servers by 5k job updates15:16
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clarkbit is exponential15:16
EmilienMclarkb: it does seems I'm allowed to drop a tag, I would like to drop 5.2.0 from puppet-nova & puppet-neutron15:16
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clarkbEmilienM you should not delete tags15:16
EmilienMclarkb: I did a mistake for those two modules15:17
clarkbdeletes are not pulled by clients15:17
clarkbso there is no way to reflect that dowmstream15:17
pelixclarkb: that's sounds linear, and still doesn't mean that running 3-4 workers wouldn't result in a substantial reduction in time required to update.15:18
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clarkbis the mistake the commit tagged or the version itself or?15:18
clarkbpelix is n^2 where n is jobs15:18
EmilienMclarkb: the commit :(15:18
clarkbEmilienM I would push a 5.2.1 then15:18
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EmilienMclarkb: ok15:19
clarkbas you have no way of garunteeing evwryone will see the corrected 5.2.0 in the future15:19
EmilienMclarkb: well, I just did the error, like 2 min ago15:19
clarkband anyone that fetches niw will get it wrong15:20
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jeblairclarkb, pelix: 5k jobs * 600 workers * 5k job updates.  same O() but slightly higher absolute number15:21
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jeblairclarkb, pelix: and the method in the gearman plugin that does it is 'synchronized'15:22
pelixjeblair: so your saying that every job update affects every other job?15:22
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bgpvpn: add devstack job
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openstackgerritChris Lee proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixes for parameter default expansion
cleeokay, I added tests and ran git bisect. this has never worked, at least not since 0.1.015:24
tmorinAJaeger: see above 230358, a new jenkins job for the networking-bgpvpn project, largely inspired from what networking-ovn does, so I'm hopeful it does what I expect15:25
cleehashar_: if you wouldn't mind taking a look again? :)15:25
tmorinAJaeger, fungi: I'd be happy to have this experimental job merge so that I can refine it as needed15:26
jeblairpelix: yep.  it doesn't calculate deltas, every worker re-registers the whole set anytime there is a change.  it's not super efficient.  :)15:26
hashar_clee: jenkins will eventually send test results back in Gerrit  (might need to click [Toggle CI] at bottom left to show them)15:26
EmilienMclarkb: I'm dumb, it actually worked15:26
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cleehashar_: ::nod::15:27
EmilienMclarkb: sorry for noise15:27
cleehashar_: I manually tested with py27 and py34 locally, and it looks like the new tests work properly in both15:27
clee(where by 'manually tested' I mean 'I ran tox -e py27' and 'tox -e py34')15:27
mordreddhellmann: pretty please15:27
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Builders no longer use nodedb for diskimages
jeblairmordred: is jenkins-115:30
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clarkbI can get back up to speed on my change to do deltas next week15:30
pelixjeblair: so basically the gearman plugin is a little on the dumb side?15:30
mordredoh good!15:30
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anteayaclarkb: oh I am sorry I had thought you had said you were building images last night15:32
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hashar_clee: lack time to review that today sorry :-(((15:32
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jeblairpelix: yeah.  normal updates aren't exponential though; it's just 5k*600*5.  which is basically the same thing as re-registering all of the workers (and we're continuously registering workers).  so optimizing that would probably help very little except in the 'update all the jobs' case.15:32
clarkbno I had to afk early yesterday. physical therapist is over in an hour which shifted up sleepschedules15:32
hasharclee: I am overdue in my review queue.   Will try to get some time next week to process it15:32
clarkbanteaya ^15:32
anteayaclarkb: ah sorry about that15:33
pelixclee: that's not a bug, it's a case that substitution doesn't quite work the way you expected it to15:33
anteayaclarkb: I haven't read all teh backscroll did the 14:00~ish utc image build catch the dependency?15:33
clarkbanteaya it should have but is likely still running15:34
anteayaah thanks for the update15:34
pabelangerEmilienM: seen your email about resources, you should try moving tempest off the same node see if that helps15:34
clarkb has logs15:34
cleepelix: no, substitution simply does not work at all for defaults in external parameter groups15:34
anteayasorry I was spreading incorrect information15:34
cleepelix: I do consider that a bug.15:34
anteayaclarkb: thank you15:35
pelixclee: it does, just not the way you expected to15:35
EmilienMpabelanger: I'm not sure it will help - we notified a lot of resources taken by nova & neutron itself. This is what we're preparing:,cm15:35
mordredjeblair, dhellmann: heh. race. I pushed the releases patch before the os-client-config patch had landed :)15:35
cleepelix: how does it work then?15:35
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pelixyou have to also specify to macros that variables will be passed through to them.15:36
cleepelix: can you link me to some documentation that explains this?15:36
pabelangerEmilienM: Hmm, would be curious to see why devstack seems to work and puppet integration jobs don't.  Are you keeping them in sync for what they test?15:36
EmilienMpabelanger: devstack has no job running so much services15:36
EmilienMpabelanger: we were running everything15:37
cleepelix: if this feature already works and we just need to add a few extra lines to get this to work, then that's fine15:37
EmilienMpabelanger: I investigate OpenStack project, and no one was deploying all of this15:37
clarkbdid you reduce to 2 workers?15:37
EmilienMof course15:37
EmilienMeverything to 2 workers15:37
greghaynesjhesketh: Hey - so the conflict resolve you did on I dont think does what we want15:37
pabelangerEmilienM: ack15:37
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greghaynesjhesketh: if you notice 197315:37
pabelangerEmilienM: might be worth reproducing the devstack setup until things are stable, then increasing services15:38
EmilienMwe ran mysql, rabbitmq, apache, keystone, nova, neutron, cinder, heat, ceilometer, sahara, glance in one slave15:38
EmilienMclarkb: ^15:38
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greghaynesjhesketh: We are resurrecting the bug fixed by
clarkbI think we have a job that does all but sahara on that list15:38
clarkbpuppet itself has a non trivial overhead too15:38
EmilienMclarkb: which job? which overhead? there is no service running15:39
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clarkbthe heat integration job15:39
anteayamriedem: thank you15:39
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mordredjeblair: etherpad updated15:40
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Start building out
EmilienMclarkb: gate-heat-dsvm-functional-orig-mysql ?15:40
EmilienMyou're missing sahara, trove, horizon15:40
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EmilienMand we need to install it too ^15:40
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Resolve subscriptions faster- do one GET per list
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: More test coverage for
greghaynesNodepool cores - can we merge - It adds a test for a bug we fixed, and I would like to make sure we dont regress on it15:41
EmilienMclarkb: I'm proposing this balance:,cm15:41
greghaynesJust found a patch where that would have happened...15:41
clarkbEmilienM no not the functional test15:42
clarkbthere is or at lesst was an integration test for heat15:42
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bgpvpn: add devstack job
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EmilienMclarkb: well, I don't find it:
pelixclee: commented with an update to show how to achieve the desired. if you can come up with a generic method of passing through project level variables all the way down to the macros without needing to duplicate variable passthru at the template it would be useful, but the proposed change isn't correct.15:43
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cleepelix: thanks!15:44
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pelixjeblair: there is a changed being proposed that would affect how JJB tracks jobs being managed by it which would affect all jobs. see
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi, Shrews: I have starred all of the changes in  so you can get them all with,n,z15:46
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mordredjeblair: neat!15:47
cleepelix: can you suggest a better place than applyDefaults to do the generic pass-through?15:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Refactor test coverage
jeblairpelix: thanks; looks like we'll need to manually run updates to deal with that transition.  that should be fine though; it would be nice if whoever approves that could ping an infra-root so we know to do that; also probably worth an email to the mailing list.  btw, that's why the xml-changed job is non-voting -- because in this case, it's okay that the xml is changing (vs the tox case where it was not)15:54
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EmilienMclarkb: if you agree to split the job, you can look - I'm happy to get feedback if you think we can run all in one though15:55
jeblairpelix: btw, do we know that jenkins won't remove that xml block?  if that's the case, neat.  :)15:55
pelixclee: I think some refactoring would be needed to make available all the project params and defaults as component data when expanding any macro15:56
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pelixjeblair: it won't unless you manually save the job via the UI15:56
cleepelix: I think that might be a little beyond my current understanding of the jjb source. :-/15:56
mordredlifeless, SergeyLukjanov, dims__, adam_g, zul, sdague, ttx: could I get some help with ?15:57
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pelixclee: there are parts of it beyond mine until I re-read them a few times and I've been hacking on for a few years :p, give it time.15:57
jeblairpelix: are folks okay with that?  i think we would have considered that undesirable in our early days of jjb, though we probably don't care now.15:57
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pelixjeblair: I think it only means that if someone saves a job via the UI, and it gets deleted from the jjb config, it won't get reaped on a clean up since it'll look like it's manually created15:58
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sdaguemordred: +215:59
pelixbut it will avoid someone copying an existing JJB job to be worked manually, and then have that deleted on them because they forgot to modify the description15:59
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove unused dib_image_built
mordredsdague: thanks!16:00
pelixjeblair: there will be an additional delete mode to compliment this to prune unmanaged jobs for those systems that are fully controlled by JJB16:00
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clarkbwhy not keep that as default?16:01
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clarkbitd the existing behavior, make users that want special sauce be explicit16:01
clarkbor maybe thats how it works and I need to go back to feeding babies16:02
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pelixcurrently jjb doesn't delete unmanaged jobs :p16:02
pelixjust obsolete jobs, based on the description16:02
clarkbIt will if you give it the job name iirc16:02
pelixyes, and that'll stay the same16:03
pelixjust doesn't do it automatically16:03
AJaegerfungi, sorry for pinging again: are all jenkins done now? I just checked one job on jenkins02 and that looks great!16:03
sdagueI kind of feel like doing a kirk from wrath of khan: PILLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!16:03
fungiyolanda: for the jenkins masters which have completed so far, jjb update runtimes were 80m30.882s, 87m27.713s, 91m45.373s, 95m59.226s16:03
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AJaegerfungi: ok, that answers my questions. That's a long time ;(16:04
fungiAJaeger: not yet. jenkins01 and 02 are still updating, and 04 hit a 5xx error from the api partway through and had to be restarted16:04
fungiAJaeger: i have the notification to send to the -dev ml ready to go with the list of 160 affected job names. will send once these stragglers complete16:04
yolandafungi, not specially fast ... that is a problem for us also downstream, when people needs to have some job fixed fast. It's fast for small job updates, but when it's a massive one it can be a pain16:05
AJaegerthanks, fungi!16:05
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fungialso, it's lunchtime here and i haven't gotten around to eating breakfast16:05
fungii'll go do that. brb16:06
clarkbyolanda yup there is a fix to gearman plugin that needs updating16:06
AJaeger_fungi: Oops ;( Take a break! Dinner time for me soon ;)16:06
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: WIP Allow to unset assignee/milestone for bug with no activity
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anteayasdague: ha ha ha16:07
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add `npm shrinkwrap` to `npm run` macro.
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bgpvpn: add devstack job
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ttxmordred: dims or dhellmann should be able to help you there16:12
mordredttx: ok. thanks16:13
mordreddims__: ??16:13
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tristanCTC election is now Open, vote vote vote!  ( )16:14
anteayatristanC: yay16:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Synchronize bandit's requirements with global-requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: fix for image-update command
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Allow specification of locations to not be proxied
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Update fake to match latest OCC
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Provide short-circuit for finding server networks
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anteayawho is monitoring results on the non-voting infra job gate-project-config-dib?16:30
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fungianteaya: ianw proposed it yesterday to catch regressions like we apparently had in one of the dib elements16:34
anteayafungi: thank you16:34
anteayait failed here and armax nor I can understand why:
fungithere's an outstanding change to normalize some of the elements to get the job closer to passing, but it involves adding errexit and pipefail in lots of new places so i held off approving since i want someone to have time to test some image builds once it merges16:35
anteayaand i am about to approve the patch16:35
fungiit's not passing yet16:35
anteayaso approve the patch this job is failing on?16:35
fungiyes, gate-project-config-dib is still a work in progress16:36
fungidepending on how soon someone has time to get it working, we might move it to experimental16:36
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asselinclarkb, yolanda I updated the nodepool secure.conf patch yesterday. There's 2 issues we should discuss16:37
anteayafungi: thank you16:37
anteayafungi: I'm in favour of a move to experiemental16:37
asselin1st is clarkb comment here:
anteayait is the workflow I support others follow16:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update pyngus to 2.0, now supports Python 3
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asselin2nd is that setup_secure() is called from two places currently, which is fine now since the file created is the same, but could become a future bug16:40
fungianteaya: thanks, i also commented along similar lines in
clarkbasselin: for the first I just found it odd to have one item of jenkins config in yaml and everything else in the other file16:41
clarkbasselin: unlike the db the split ins't clear16:42
clarkbasselin: for the second I would call setup_secure() in one of the base test cases (probably one for the db since its only needed for those tests I think) and save the path and let tests refer to it16:42
anteayafungi: thank you16:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Provide shortcut around has_service
greghaynesYea, you have two bad options - make the distinction of what goes into secure.conf unclear or make it so you need two formats for your jenkins config16:43
clarkbasselin: but also patch_argv and useNodepool() should just use the path don't make it explicit in every test since it never changes16:43
asselinclarkb, yeah, I'm tending to agree that secure.conf should only have the jenkins api token16:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix mis-named has_service entry
jeblairmordred: in 230196 why not update the task to accept name= ?16:43
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fungiyolanda: jenkins01 completed in 134m31.760s, jenkins02 is _still_ going, jenkins04 failed its updates on a 5xx api error a second time16:44
jeblairmordred: oh, nm, the task pipes directly into novaclient, so those are novaclient args16:44
clarkbfungi: check thread count on 0416:44
mordredjeblair: yah. that was the problem16:45
clarkbfungi: I can run restarter script there if necessary and we update it later16:45
mordredjeblair: the novaclient args were sending wrong16:45
fungiclarkb: i expect it's bad, yes16:45
clarkbfungi: or at least once it quiesces16:45
pleia2good morning16:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal on doc changes
anteayamorning pleia216:46
EmilienMjamespage: I have some issues, with glance at least.16:47
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jamespageEmilienM, specifically? I did not hit any probs in my testing...16:47
EmilienMjamespage: I'm investigating16:48
zarodhellmann: i'm not aware that anyone is working on updating the default themes.16:48
jeblairmordred: all shade changes are +3d and i rechecked the one that broke on occ16:48
mordredjeblair: awesome16:48
jamespageEmilienM, ack16:48
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EmilienMjamespage: it seems like now, I need to specify filesystem_store_datadir16:50
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EmilienMjamespage: maybe a change in Glance16:50
jamespageEmilienM, hmm there where some dependendency changes in glance store - lemme look16:51
fungiyolanda: nibalizer: jhesketh: i've added you to so that you can access the administrative interface in the jenkins masters. when logging in be sure to check the additional checkbox to share your group membership with the server16:51
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
nibalizerdo you have the certs for the jenkins servers cached on your machine? no ssl cert is no problem until I'm authenticating16:52
clarkbfungi: 04 has 6k threads want me to go ahead and quiesce it?16:52
fungiclarkb: yolanda: after 167m45.540s jenkins02 also hit a 502 proxy error16:53
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fungiclarkb: yep, go for it16:53
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clarkbzaro: the python-jenkins release wasn't reverted right? I can use those functions?16:53
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fungii have a feeling, given the runtimes, that 02 and probably also 01 will need it as well16:53
clarkbok will look at those once I get it running on 0416:54
clarkbbut physical therapist is here so may have to afk after that16:54
funginibalizer: you're not actually authenticating there, you're identifying. your authentication credentials were passed to launchpad16:54
jamespageEmilienM, odd - Could not load '': No module named swiftclient16:54
jamespagewould indicate the python-swiftclient is not installed16:54
zaroclarkb: fix and new release was created, 0.4.10 should work16:54
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clarkbzaro: thank you16:54
pleia2saw this change when I noticed the governance change land today, I think it shouldn't have been since puppet modules can't have - in the name, it should be puppet-openstack_health, not puppet-openstack-health, can someone help me fix this?16:54
funginibalizer: though if you want, you can ssh in and check the fingerprints on the snakeoil certs16:54
EmilienMjamespage: it's a dependency issue I guess16:54
jamespageEmilienM, yeah but python-glance -> python-swiftclient16:55
jamespagethat's not changed...16:55
nibalizerfungi: oh it does the +decide to launchpad thing not takes my password? thats fine ya16:55
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fungipleia2: glauco already proposed a rename change16:55
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pleia2fungi: ah! good16:56
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EmilienMjamespage: I'm running extensive testing atm, to make sure all projects are fine.16:58
clarkbfungi: ok its running against 04 now16:58
jamespageEmilienM, I'm about to eod - but coreycb will be around16:58
swestonasselin: finally circling back around to radar this afternoon16:58
fungithanks clarkb16:58
jamespagefor a bit - he has the afternoon off16:58
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asselinsweston, cool!16:59
swestonasselin: :-)16:59
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise upper-constraints on python-novaclient to 2.31.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
clarkbfungi: 01 and 02 are both well under 1k threads. ~400 and ~50017:00
anteayasweston: that project is set as about to become read only in the stackforge namechange17:00
clarkbfungi: but I can do them anyways if you want17:00
anteayasweston: if you want to continue working on it go to the wikipage and move its category so it gets moved, not made readonly17:01
EmilienMjamespage: cool np - could you also connect on #puppet-openstack in future17:01
swestonanteaya: I just updated the list this morning, hoping it's not too late to change it17:01
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fungiclarkb: nah, the 5xx from 02 was probably just a fluke17:01
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anteayanot too late17:02
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fungiclarkb: though we might want to consider rebuilding 01 and 02 at some point. they seem generally slower than the others so i think they may be on an older flavor or something17:02
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swestonanteaya: thank you :-).  the list should already be updated17:02
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clarkbfungi: oh tahts possible17:03
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clarkbfungi: still precise too so maybe we want to rebuild all to get trusty17:03
clarkbwe have until 201717:04
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anteayasweston: wonderful thank you17:04
openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack/requirements: Adds os-win in global-requirements.txt
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swestonanteaya: yup, and thank you for making sure!17:05
clarkbthough the beaker trusty test fails for jenkins so possibly need work there first17:06
nibalizerfungi: successful auth, thanks!17:06
clarkb that probably isn't realy an issue17:06
nibalizerfor i wonder if we could just delete it and make a new one17:06
nibalizerit has no code and only one in flight review17:07
nibalizerthat way we don't have to take gerrit down17:07
clarkbnibalizer: you cannot delete gerrit projects17:07
nibalizerwell poo17:07
clarkbwell thats not completely true but it is at least as invasive as a rename17:07
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clarkband we don't delete because history17:07
funginibalizer: i've used stronger language about that in the past ;)17:07
jeblairclarkb, nibalizer: well, we could if there were no changes17:07
clarkbjeblair: right but its the same basic steps as renaming17:07
asselinclarkb, ok I resolved point 2. Point one is a bigger change. I'd like more concensus before doing it. jeblair yolanda jhesketh
nibalizerthe problem is it went in as puppet-openstack-health and needs to be puppet-openstack_health17:08
clarkbdb edits and reindexing17:08
nibalizerim sure everyone is thrilled17:08
funginibalizer: yep, quite aware. it'll just be a typical rename17:08
clarkbasselin: thats fair I mostly left that as an open question because it struck me as odd and wanted feedback17:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Restrict search for python object files to ./usr
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jeblairclarkb: i don't understand your comment.  i read it as "the test job is specified in secure.conf but should be in nodepool.yaml instead" but if i read the code correctly, the test job is in nodepool.yaml.17:11
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fungiclarkb: i'm going to temporarily put jenkins02 into prepare for shutdown while its job updates finish, so i can send the notice to the -dev ml that it's safe to recheck jobs17:13
fungii'll just return it to service without a restart once they're done17:13
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EmilienMcoreycb: do you mind connecting on #puppet-openstack ? we're debugging packaging issue in Puppet CI17:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Pass parameters correctly for image snapshots
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix SSL issue when building image with ironic-agent element
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Plumb wait and timout down to add_auto_ip
mordredjeblair: woot! so - that's all of the important ones17:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: split integration job in 2
mordredjeblair: I think we can cut a new shade and get 230030 in the next round, unless you disagree17:17
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jeblairclarkb: anyway, you asked if anyone had opinions.  i do.  i left them in a cover message on patchset 29.  did you read that?17:18
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clarkbjeblair: I hadn't seen the comment, makes sense to put it in label17:19
mordredjeblair, Shrews, clarkb: ok with me cutting 0.15.0 ?17:20
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jeblairmordred: getting to it17:20
clarkbjeblair: I don't understand the first thing though.17:21
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clarkbjeblair: test-job is currently in yaml by itslf17:21
clarkball the other jenkins config is in secure.conf it seemed odd17:21
jeblairmordred: i suppose so :)17:21
clarkbupdating the config to associate that with a label makes sense to me17:21
mordred(btw - with nodepool going live with this and ansible 2.0 nearing betas - I think we're getting close to a 1.0)17:22
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fungiokay, jenkins02 update finally finished so i cancelled shutdown for it now17:22
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but the configuration split isn't about grouping things related to the same system, it's about dividing by audience.  credentials in the credentials file, node configuration in the configuration file17:23
fungijenkins04 update is still running17:23
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clarkbfungi: its still quiescing too, I can let it finish updating before restarting it too17:23
jeblairclarkb: test-job doesn't belong in the cred file because it's not a cred.  it should be in the config file.  it happens to be in the wrong place in the config file, but that's a separate issue.17:24
clarkbjeblair: ok17:24
clarkbmaybe we should've called it credentials.conf? (I don't really want to bikeshed that but the name implies its for secure data)17:24
clarkbusername and host are not secrets17:24
mordredok. 0.15.0 pushed17:24
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jeblairclarkb: that would probably be a better name.17:25
asselinclarkb, +117:25
jeblairclarkb: bikeshead early and often? :)17:25
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mordredjeblair: is it really a bikeshed if we don't have bikes?17:26
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jeblairmordred: i have bikes17:26
fungiclarkb: thanks, that would probably be a good idea17:26
mordredjeblair: hrm. so do I17:27
mordredthey're more in a cage than a shed though17:27
jeblairmordred: regarding 1.0, we were talking about having the returned object (currently a Bundle) maybe be a bit smarter, so you don't have to call get_openstack_vars or whatever on it17:27
jeblairmordred: maybe that's a pre-1.0 thing?17:27
clarkbfungi: looks like ~50 minutes or jobs to finish anyways so jjb has time17:27
jeblairmordred: cause if not, it's probably a 2.0 thing.  :|17:27
mordredjeblair: yes. I also want the keystone api refactor that needs to happen be a pre-1.0 thing17:27
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jeblairmordred: (and "call a function to make the return value i get from shade useful" is definitely a paradigm that could be improved :)17:28
mordredjeblair: yup17:28
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mordredreed: I just cut shade 0.15.0 - when it hits pypi it should fix your glance issue17:30
clarkbasselin: I think you want the _setup_secure() and self.secure_conf = that result in the BaseTestCase since it is used there17:30
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clarkbasselin: ut otherwise that is what I had in mind for the testing. makes things uch easier on people writing tests to not worry about that and avoids rebase noise17:30
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clarkboh except its dburi specific17:31
asselinclarkb, will look again....first time hacking in nodepool. thanks for the feedback17:31
clarkbasselin: hold on17:31
clarkbasselin: we may need to move useNodepool down in the DB test case class17:31
clarkbasselin: since all of this assumes you have a db to talk to17:31
clarkb(due to the dburi requirements)17:31
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clarkbasselin: all current use of useNodepool appears to be by DB test cases so I think thats what we want17:33
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asselinclarkb, tyring it now17:33
Shrewsmordred: was lunching, but yes.. and you already did17:35
reedmordred, sweet17:35
asselinclarkb, ok cool that works17:36
mordredShrews: well that'll teach you to lunc17:36
reedmordred, we're adding jenkins jobs to test shade and other clients against our public cloud... calebb has more details17:36
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
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mordredreed: woot! that's exciting17:38
mordredjeblair: ^^ above patch updates the version of shade in the requirements.txt - since we actually do require 0.1517:38
pleia2I can add this to a meeting, but since we're mostly around now - did we ever talk about the acceptance testing changes that are landing for our puppet modules? (,n,z), I think tests are great, but they do add to our burden when writing changes (need to understand & update tests) and reviewing (make sure we have tests) so I want to make sure we're on the same page17:39
asselinjeblair, clarkb so we're good with secure.conf file name?17:39
calebbmordred: yup 0.15 fixes our glance issues \o/ thanks17:39
mordredcalebb: woot!17:39
clarkbwoah a wild calebb17:39
* calebb has things to say in infra for once, it's crazy17:39
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mordredcalebb: I support all things that have to do with dreamhost doing things with shade17:40
anteayapleia2: you ask a good question17:40
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greghayneswow, calebb17:41
anteayapleia2: I do not recall a discussion about acceptance testing changes in puppet modules17:41
greghaynescalebb: Welcome17:41
taroncalebb: oh hey17:41
anteayapleia2: and given the amount of puppet modules we have, I feel having a discussion would be in order17:41
pleia2anteaya: I don't remember one either, but ergh travel and not reading backscroll /o\17:41
waynrcould someone point me to Tuesday's Openstack-Infa meeting notes?17:42
anteayapleia2: right, and there seem to be a pile of them17:42
anteayawaynr: eavesdrop.openstack.org17:42
waynrthanks pleia217:42
jeblairpleia2, anteaya: i think we talked about it at the summit?  cc nibalizer17:42
anteayawaynr: then look for project infrastructure team meeting17:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Make sure dashboard exists after we create it
anteayajeblair: okay, I'll see if there is an etherpad17:42
waynrso what's the process once the voting window for a spec closes?17:43
nibalizeryes we tlaked at the summit17:43
nibalizerand landed a spec17:43
pleia2nibalizer: oh! I missed the spec, thanks17:43
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calebbmordred: I support all things that mean I write less fog(or at least postpone the writing of said fog) >.>, but also shade is a lot easier to work with17:43
waynrthe voting window for closed yesterday at 1900 UTC17:43
pleia2nibalizer, jeblair: thanks :)17:43
nibalizermy thoughts are in the review log of this patch
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nibalizerwe do want some functional testing but I don't want us going overboard demanding acceptnace tests for every possible permutation of the module17:44
pleia2nibalizer: that's very helpful, thank you17:44
pleia2I shall continue my reviews of these acceptance tests without worry then :)17:44
waynrdo openstack-infra specs need a specific number of council votes?17:45
* waynr looks through docs17:45
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pleia2waynr: you linked to the meeting minutes again ;) did you mean this spec on jjb?
clarkbnibalizer: I think the focus should definitely be how we use the modules first17:46
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clarkbnibalizer: which is one thing I have had a hard time with the httpd module tests17:46
pleia2waynr: I'll review the spec now, this week got away from me (it's Friday?!)17:46
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clarkbnone of them actually test what we do with it from what I can tell :/17:46
waynrpleia2: ah yeah17:46
nibalizerhttpd is a bit of an odd duck since it is just a library/utility module17:46
clarkbthe tests themselves are fine but it doesn't actually help us make changes to it with a high degree of confidence in the changes17:46
waynri should find a way to check my copy buffers before pasting17:47
waynror look at what i paste before sending17:47
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pabelangerwaynr: interesting topic.  I don't believe we have anything today.  But, personally, if your spec is lacking votes, perhaps you need to drum up more support / awareness17:47
pabelangerit is an interesting point to talk about I think17:47
pleia2waynr: I feel your pain, sometimes lolcats end up in channel17:47
mrmartinnibalizer: check this pull request for me: plz.17:47
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waynrpabelanger: yeah i just wasn't sure how many people need to vote on a spec and i understand my JJB concerns aren't necessarily a high priority for everyone else17:48
pleia2waynr: I will admit I'm not very involved with JJB, which made the spec land lower on my priority list :(17:49
clarkbmrmartin: do you not need to do a fetch --all like in the method that takes a value?17:49
clarkbmrmartin: same thing with the tag method17:49
waynranyway, anyone listening in this channel...the spec I am attempting to get approved describes some general improvements to the Jenkins Job Builder API which would allow it to be used as a library17:49
clarkbhuh or latest even17:49
clarkbI am probably not readin gthe code in this case17:49
jeblairpabelanger, waynr: at least the initial attempt was to try to avoid making too much bureaucracy and just have enough to try to facilitate communication/consensus on things.17:49
waynrJJB 2.0 API prooseal ^^17:49
jeblairpabelanger, waynr: so, yeah, no minimum number of votes17:50
mrmartinclarkb: I not touched the tag method. :) but it is doing a fetch --all here:
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waynrjeblair: so at what point would the spec in question get merged? the voting window has passed17:50
fungithe "open for voting" announcement in the meetings is mostly a deadline for people to register their objections before the ptl declares a silent assent17:50
clarkbmrmartin: right but thats a different call17:51
waynrfungi: ptl?17:51
mrmartinclarkb: so the only problem with commit was that it not invoked the def commit=(value)17:51
jeblairwaynr: usually when the ptl gets around to remembering to press the button17:51
fungiwaynr: the actual approval happens when i get unburied a bit17:51
clarkbanyways I definitely don't grok what the ruby is doing there so I am probably just wrong17:51
waynroh, gotcha17:51
waynrokay so I need to ping you now and then :)17:51
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mrmartinclarkb: I've tested it and working well, when the def commit() returns a different value than the resource one, then it will call the def commit=(value). The same is true for tag.17:51
fungiwaynr: yes, and be aware i might also just be ignoring you... ;)17:51
waynrI am of course still happy to address concerns anyone has on the spec until that fungi is ready to clickit17:51
waynrs/that //17:52
jeblairwaynr: i was notorious for forgetting to do it for several days after the window has passed.  looks like i might have established precedent.  ;)17:52
fungiwaynr: also specs are not etched in stone and can be revised after they're approved/merged if something's really off track17:52
clarkbmrmartin: gotcha so I think commit works then but tag wont17:52
clarkbmrmartin: because tag doesn't ever fetch new tags17:52
fungiwaynr: this as much as anything gets us some documentation of the plan you're going to follow... it's still up to the core reviewers to vet the implementation patch-at-a-time17:53
clarkbmrmartin: but thats a separate issue if it is an issue at all so ignore me :)17:53
mrmartinclarkb: yeah, you can be right, but this tag thingy is a separate bug. I need just to commit one now.17:53
waynrfungi: right, i am expecting implementation to be quite a long process17:53
clarkbmrmartin: agreed17:53
mrmartinbut I can fix a change for tag, so we can do the release together.17:54
mrmartinwe need the same code as commit is using17:54
anteayawaynr: who do you picture need it to be a library? guess I am asking if you have any users for this change17:55
anteayathank you tomaw17:56
waynranteaya: I am a user. I want to circumvent the JJB YamlParser, give the XMLBuilder my own data structures generated from Python classes, then ask the Builder class to do work on the resulting XML (dump to files, POST to jenkins, etc)17:57
fungianteaya: one thing that might be nice with a libified jjb is writing tools to convert jjb configuration to ansible (either on the fly or as a one-time batch) when we move off jenkins17:57
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waynrfungi: exactly!17:58
AJaeger_fungi, there's still broken tox out there, for example
anteayagreat, thank you waynr fungi17:58
anteayathat is helful17:58
AJaeger_that run just in the last few minutes17:58
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fungiAJaeger_: looking to see where/when that ran17:58
AJaeger_fungi: 5 mins ago17:58
anteayaAJaeger_: will you be at summit this time?17:59
AJaeger_fungi: One more
fungiAJaeger_: it ran on jenkins02, i wonder whether the job updates were incomplete/interrupted there17:59
AJaeger_anteaya: unfortunately not ;(17:59
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anteayaAJaeger_: what is going on18:00
anteayaAJaeger_: why not this time?18:00
anteayaI miss talking to you18:00
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AJaeger_anteaya: I miss talking with all of you - but have again a conflict18:01
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fungiAJaeger_: ugh, for some reason gate-openstack-manuals-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild did not get updated on jenkins0218:01
anteayaAJaeger_: we have to talk to whoever is organizing your schedule18:02
anteayaAJaeger_: is it too early to pencil in the austin summit?18:02
fungiAJaeger_: given how long jenkins02 took to complete and the fact that it errored at one point and needed restarting, i'm putting it back into shutdown and reupdating18:02
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AJaeger_fungi: gate-api-site-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild as well I fear18:03
AJaeger_anteaya: company event the week after - and thus you have to talk to my family...18:03
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anteayaAJaeger_: okay spring in austin?18:04
anteayaAJaeger_: can we book you in for that18:04
fungiAJaeger_: also on jenkins02?18:04
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AJaeger_fungi, let me check...18:05
AJaeger_fungi, which machine is this ?18:05
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AJaeger_and here's the other one
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AJaeger_fungi: how do I know from the log file on which jenkins it was run?18:06
AJaeger_anteaya: when exactly is austin so that I can pencil it in?18:06
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anteayaAJaeger_: April 25-29:
fungiAJaeger_: the node name is a hyperlink to a jenkins master's web interface, so you can tell from the linked url which one it was bound to18:08
fungii just reupdated jjb configuration on jenkins02 and it completed quickly without mentioning any new jobs updated18:09
openstackgerritChris Burroughs proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: fix regression in url handling
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AJaeger_fungi: ah, didn't know about that hyperlink18:09
AJaeger_ is jenkins0318:09
AJaeger_10 mins ago18:09
AJaeger_fungi: jenkins05
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fungiyeah, it looks like they're all still showing this even after rolling back jjb and updating configuration18:10
AJaeger_fungi: I retriggered all docs jobs - and seeing them complete in 10s is suspicies18:10
AJaeger_thanks, anteaya18:10
fungii wonder if the lack of changes to the config files caused it to reuse the cached versions18:11
clarkbmrmartin: cool18:11
anteayaAJaeger_: thank you, i hope to see you at a summit soon :)18:11
AJaeger_thanks, anteaya - so do I18:11
AJaeger_fungi, I wonder why only this job, others looked fine. Looking at only checkbuild is wrong, the other two tox ones are fine18:12
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fungiAJaeger_: given the amount of job updates which got applied, i suspect puppet timeouts were killing our automated job updates so that they were never completing, and it was random chance which ones were updated to broken versions18:14
AJaeger_what fun ;(18:14
fungii'm trying right now to use the list of jobs i picked out of the diff to do a targeted update with the cache flushed18:14
fungimaybe that will be quicker18:14
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clarkbfungi: looks like 04 finished18:15
clarkbfungi: am I clear to restart it once the last job is done running?18:16
fungiclarkb: yeah, go for it18:17
clarkbwaiting for the script to delete offline nodes now18:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Return IPv6 address for interface_ip on request
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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clarkbhrm if it is deleting nodes it is doing so very very slowly18:26
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clarkbthis script may fall victim to jenkins unreliableness18:26
clarkb(we should still run it periodically if we can)18:26
KanagarajMclarkb: when you find time, could you please review (issue realted to the heat-template project)18:26
anteayais the script in a repo, clarkb?18:27
clarkbanteaya: it is proposed as a change to puppet-jenkins18:27
* anteaya is uncertain which script clarkb is refrenceing, save it deletes nodes18:27
anteayaclarkb: ah18:27
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anteayathank you18:27
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clarkbfungi: looks like I am getting exceptions from jenkins and so its perpetually looping trying to list the running jobs18:30
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clarkbfungi: I ^C'd it to confirm the behavior but have restarted it and will give it a bit more time18:30
clarkbotherwise this may require manual cleanup18:30
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fungiclarkb: not terribly surprised. most likely that script, due to relying on the api, won't be effective if run too infrequently18:32
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config-example: test initial project ci jobs
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clarkbfungi: thoughts on getting the change merged to run it weekly?18:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: heat-template dsvm failure
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fungiclarkb: i'm in favor, just haven't had time to look back at it18:40
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anteayais activity-board mrmartin?18:41
anteayathese columns all show the same data for three different labeled time scales18:43
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added recent version of npm to release slave
anteayaI don't expect it to do that18:43
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fungianteaya: it's done under contract by an outfit called bitgeria18:44
fungii'm not sure whether they're done validating the latest quarterly report18:44
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anteaya!/story/2000369 I filed a story18:46
anteayafungi: should I do something in addition to that?18:46
clarkbfungi ok the ansible is setuo to run early saturday morning utc via cron probably best to not cram that in today18:47
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clarkbbut maybe merge monday and manually run then18:47
anteayamonda monda18:47
anteayala la lalalala18:47
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraints for openstackdocstheme 1.2.2
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fungianteaya: i'll figure out who to point at that, but also i think we're on the fence about whether that's continuing (afaik the idea is to implement whatever reports are missing in stackalytics)18:49
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anteayamakes sense18:50
anteayahave one tool and support it rather than multiple tools in random states of update18:50
anteayaI can get behind that18:50
clarkbmordred: 226751 failed unittests18:50
anteayapabelanger: have you had a chance to look at the comments on your stackalytics patch?18:51
anteayapabelanger: if no, can I help at all?18:51
fungiAJaeger_: looks like that did it! wiping the cache and just updating the 160 affected jobs went pretty quickly18:51
anteayajobs that work18:51
fungiconfirming now that all the masters are done updating18:52
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AJaeger_yippie! I'll do another mass recheck...18:52
clarkbfungi: I will finish with 04 after lunch18:52
fungiclarkb: thanks18:52
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fungiugh, 06 hit a 502 proxy error from the jenkins api as well18:53
bookwari have a question regarding stackforge migration - can we rely on the fact that there are no projects in openstack/ and stackforge with the same name? If we just change triggering regexp from stackforge/<project> to */<project> right now, this should work before and after rename?18:53
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clarkbfungi: completely unsubstantiated theory but maybe the gate reset activity of aborting many many jobs across masters is part of the problem18:54
clarkbfungi: er part of jenkins thread problem18:54
clarkbbookwar: yes we have alaways required unique names regardless of the prefix18:54
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clarkb(now that I have said it someone will find a counterexample)18:55
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jeblairclarkb: we'll just rename it "Copy of <foo>"18:55
* Clint twitches.18:55
anteayaclarkb: well hopefully they find it before oct. 1718:56
jeblairclarkb: (we also abort a lot in check, eg for new patchsets)18:56
anteayaclarkb: so thanks for tossing down the gauntlet now while we have some time18:56
bookwarclarkb: thanks18:56
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anteayaClint: have you any new test patches for me to look at?18:57
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Clintanteaya: no, should i?18:59
dimsum__zaro: going through the gerrit bug - - is there a new paste with latest stack trace? looks like you were trying again on Sept 15th (looking at review-dev)18:59
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cleeany jenkins-job-builder devs around?18:59
anteayaClint: no, just wanted to ensure I didn't miss a recent pass18:59
anteayaClint: I was happy with the state of the scripts when last we talked18:59
clarkbjeblair: good point, though we don't typically do it all at once like with a gate reset, I am guessing its a race in jenkins that causes the leaks18:59
Clintanteaya: ok, good18:59
clarkbjeblair: all unsubstantiated so don't actually tkae this seriously18:59
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anteayaClint: so prior to the 17th, after the list is closed and project-config is frozen19:01
anteayaClint: grap the names of renamed projects off the wikipage and make a text file, and add that to the patch with the scripts19:01
Clintsounds sensible19:01
anteayathen you run the scripts and offer the patch and we all review19:01
anteayauntil we can't see19:02
anteayathen we shut down gerrit and do the rename19:02
anteayaand it all works smoothly19:02
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph time for variance of individual tests
* Clint nods.19:02
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anteayathanks, let me know if you have any questions or concerns prior to the looming deadine19:03
openstackgerritChris Lee proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix default expansion in macros
cleepelix rejected my change earlier for not being generic enough; I've tested this with builders, publishers, parameters, and triggers, and it seems to do the right thing.19:04
cleeI suspect it also works for macro types I haven't yet tried.19:05
cleeI'd love some feedback!19:05
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Clintanteaya: will do19:05
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: node_set_provision_state wait/timeout support
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add logic to support baremetal inspection
anteayaClint: thank you19:06
nibalizerClint: re 230029  I don't think you need to worry about tests for that19:07
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AJaeger_fungi, rechecks look fine so far19:07
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anteayaAJaeger_: yay running jobs19:08
AJaeger_anteaya: and failing ones ;)19:08
nibalizerI don't want us writing beaker tests for every line of puppet code19:08
nibalizerthat's madness19:08
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Clintnibalizer: well, i'm happy to not have to19:08
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nibalizeryes, yolanda is who you'll have to convince ofc19:08
Clinti'm also fine with it being tested19:09
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nibalizerya, in httpd's case it makes the most sense to have lots of testing since that is a utility module19:11
* Clint shrugs.19:11
nibalizerbut especially given that you're not all over the puppet stuff I don't want to increase the barrier to entry via hard requirements on testing19:11
nibalizerour testing is quite derp, is the thing19:11
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nibalizerand that change is pretty straightforward19:11
* Clint nods.19:11
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Clintnibalizer: just to make sure, you were talking about not having landed, yes?19:15
mrmartinanteaya: bitgeria is doing to activity.o.o as I know19:15
anteayamrmartin: thank you19:16
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nibalizerClint: yes, but odd that it has +2+a and hasn't landed19:16
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Clintnibalizer: because the patch it depends on isn't +A19:16
mrmartinanteaya: they are doing the puppet modules, and asked me to help them, but need to talk with Thierry or Lauren what's the status of that, because they specified what projects I can work.19:16
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anteayamrmartin: ah okay19:17
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anteayafungi: said that the status is to be determined19:18
mrmartinso I'm happy to help them if the question of infratization (nice word) of activity.o.o just need to get a green light on that.19:18
anteayasince moving data to stackalytics might be an option19:18
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fungiless moving data, more implementing missing reporting features19:18
mrmartinthey collecting much more data than stackalytics, and working on the puppet modules since Vancouver19:19
anteayasorry yes, not moving data19:19
anteayaimplimenting features19:19
nibalizeroh gerrit-depends on not depends-on19:19
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Clintnibalizer: right19:19
nibalizerlooks like the stack got mired here
nibalizerwhat is bruno's irc?19:20
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EmilienMwhat is the frequency of Zuul re-configuration ?19:20
Clintnibalizer: bltavares ?19:21
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clarkbEmilienM: depends on how long it takes ansible to run puppet across the nodes. That is triggered every 15 minutes but sometimes takes longer than one 15 minute period19:21
clarkbEmilienM: zuul reports when it was last updated on the status page19:21
fungiEmilienM: normally within ~30 minutes of a change merging, though job changes have been not getting updated on jenkins masters for the past 5 or 6 hours while i worked through the jenkins-job-builder breakage19:22
fungii'm about to reenable puppet agent on all of them momentarily19:22
EmilienM Last reconfigured: Fri Oct 02 2015 13:19:02 GMT-0400 (EDT)  - it's 15:21 EDT19:22
nibalizerClint: thanks19:22
fungiand then they'll begin getting new updates19:22
EmilienMfungi: ah ok cool !19:22
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EmilienMfungi, clarkb: thx :-)19:22
anteayaso Hudson has +2 on nova:,members19:22
anteayaanyone know why that is?19:22
fungithat's independent of zuul configuration updates however19:23
fungithey just happen to often be related19:23
clarkbanteaya: thats awesome19:23
anteayaI thought so19:23
anteayaI'm just finding all the random things today19:23
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clarkbif I had to guess that may be a holdover from when we synced LP groups19:24
clarkbbut thats a wild guess19:24
anteayaokay fair19:24
fungianteaya: the only cause i can imagine there is that it was added to the nova-core team on launchpad ages ago when we still had lp team -> gerrit group sync happening, and nobody's ever noticed19:24
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fungii'm removing it from the group now19:24
clarkbI do not think there is any reason for that user to be core in any project now19:24
anteayacool thanks19:24
fungiand checking quickly for other instances of the same19:24
anteayafungi: thank you19:24
clarkbfungi: lol so I was manually dleeting slaves and eventually the script managed to do the rest19:25
mrmartinanteaya, fungi: what's the plan with activity.o.o? will it move under openstack infra, or will be replaced by stackalytics?19:25
clarkbfungi: so whatever was causing it to break went away by removing offline slaves19:25
clarkbrestarting jenkins04 now19:25
anteayamrmartin: oh I wasn't goignt to get into that today19:25
anteayamrmartin: we have too many things going on19:25
anteayamrmartin: just filed a bug against it is all19:25
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mrmartinanteaya: on storyboard? is it still alive?19:26
clarkbshould be up in a couple minutes19:26
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anteayamrmartin: yes on storyboard and yes the instance still runs and is used19:26
nibalizerHudson as in jenkins?19:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix cinder-dsvm-apache job
anteayanibalizer: yes19:27
bltavaresnibalizer: Clint hey there19:27
AJaeger_clarkb, could you abandon  , please? This patch will not merge as is since my cleanup just went in and there are no new translations in 228137. There won't be an update tomorrow - and if there's one, abandoning does not matter...19:27
AJaeger_clarkb: that's the cinder translation import19:27
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mrmartinanteaya: I can help the biterga guys to finish their puppet migration if required, I have the skills and knowledge for that. and also can allocate some time on it19:28
Clintbltavares: i think nibz wants to discuss something about with you19:28
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AJaeger_clarkb: the merged cleanup patch is
clarkbAJaeger_: let me look19:29
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nibalizerbltavares: so it look like crinkle and clarkb (and I tend to agree with them) would like the original author credited19:29
nibalizerthen the stack under that can begin to move forward19:29
fungianteaya: glance-core, keystone-core, keystone-milestone, keystone-specs-core, keystoneauth-core, python-novaclient-core, swiftclient-core, swift-core and swift-milestone also exhibit this cruft, some of which i know don't predate the end of lp sync, which makes me strongly suspect le cult de cargo has a hand in this as well19:29
bltavaresnibalizer: we already have done it on this other patch
bltavaresI think I cherry-picked it right19:29
bltavaresI was having trouble using apply to give credit to the author, but I got around somehow hehe19:30
anteayafungi: le cult de cargo it is a growing religion19:30
anteayafungi: thanks for sharing19:30
anteayaand yay cleanup19:30
anteayamrmartin: I just filed the bug, not going to presume to influence how your time is allocated19:31
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anteayaI encourage accurate information and can't be stepping on toes19:31
bltavaresnibalizer: is stacking up commits like that the best way to propose those changes?19:31
clarkbAJaeger_: what about
clarkbAJaeger_: that removes a translation do we not want that?19:32
clarkbAJaeger_: i need to pop out now for lunch things but let me know and I can abandon or another admin can19:32
nibalizerbltavares: I'm thinking this is fine if 227422 has andy's work and 222694 has your work19:32
AJaeger_clarkb: enjoy lunch. Let's wait until MOnday to see whether my theory is right ;)19:33
bltavaresnibalizer: cool. I will comment on the review just to keep everybody informed19:33
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AJaeger_clarkb: abandon it - (the merged cleanup patch) removes the translation already...19:36
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bltavaresin general, is stacking patches a good workflow? I'm asking more to help me with next contributions19:36
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nibalizerbltavares: its fine19:37
bltavaresok then (: it was just a bit messy do deal with those rebases hehe19:37
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anteayahere is another fun one19:38
anteayausing a . in a gerrit username makes it so that I can't click the username and see the user's other patches19:38
anteayarandom day19:38
anteayazaro: ^^19:39
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Clintanteaya: seems to work for me19:40
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anteayacan you share the url?19:41
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anteayadid you get line1:14 no viable alternative at character"%"?19:42
anteayaas an error page?19:42
Clintno, i just see ~16 patches19:42
anteayaI get it when I click the link you offered19:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
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anteaya<-- firefox 41.019:45
Clinticeweasel 38.2.1esr19:45
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ryanpetrellocould somebody in infra take a peek at if they have time?19:45
ryanpetrelloit's preventing pecan tests from passing, which is in turn holding up a bug fix for Mistral19:45
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Split out OpenStackCloud and OperatorCloud classes
Shrewsmordred: TheJulia: pleases me greatly19:46
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mtreinishgreghaynes: so I've been trying to generate a graph which shows variance per test like you asked, but there is too much data19:47
mtreinishgreghaynes: my largest machine has 32GB of ram and it ate it all and oomkiller kicked in19:47
ryanpetrelloperhaps lifeless ^ :)?19:47
ryanpetrelloah, disregard lifeless, I see you already commented19:48
mtreinishgreghaynes: do you have a particular set of tests you were intestested in seeing the variance for?19:48
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mtreinishI guess I should also date box it, because I doubt you care about the per test run time variance since last Nov19:49
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anteayaClint: perhaps it is a version thing19:50
mtreinishanteaya: the new firefox does some weird things with character escaping19:50
mtreinishI've seen weirdness on gerrit since I installed 4119:50
anteayachrome is fine19:50
anteayalooks like it is 41 then19:51
anteayamtreinish: thank you19:51
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mtreinishgreghaynes: trying it now for everything since sept. 1. Although I'm doing it on my laptop w/ only ~8gbs available, so it might still be too much20:00
anteayaI have to go for a walk, see y'all later20:02
bltavaressee ya \o20:03
doug-fishI notice in Horizon there are translations from many languages - 32 I think, some don't look very complete20:04
doug-fishis it known/expected that translations like this would be proposed to the projects?20:05
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fungidoug-fish: if memory serves there's a completeness cut-off (something like 66%?) below which translations aren't proposed to the projects20:06
mordredShrews: zomg. that's going to conflict with the world :)20:06
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mordredShrews: we should land it quickly before more patches are needed20:06
mordredjeblair: hey - back online20:06
jeblairmordred: me too, just now20:07
mordredjeblair: awesome20:07
mordredwe can tag-team this nodepool thing20:07
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jeblairmordred: i just started looking into the nodepool test failures... it's. um.20:07
mordredalso - you should look at just for pleasure20:07
doug-fishfungi: my memory is a bit rusty on this too - in Horizon we have a list of configured languages but I thought our completion standard was higher (90%?)20:07
jeblairmordred, Shrews: heh "too big".  for what?  :)20:08
Shrewsmordred: yep. i keep trying to find the right time for it. this is as good as it gets, i think, right after a release20:08
Shrewsjeblair: don't make me fight you20:08
doug-fishmaybe we have languages available in Horizon if users choose to configure them.20:08
doug-fishI was hoping to find a definitive standard for when/how we included stuff in Horizon - but it sounds like this is not the same as the standard for when translations are promoted to the projects20:09
jeblairShrews: you use vi?20:09
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Shrewsjeblair: why?20:10
jeblairShrews: all the "file too big" complaints seem to come from vi users.  no idea why.  wondering if the rule holds.  :)20:11
Shrewsjeblair: that patch is not about editing comfort. it's about maintainability and the ability to review things more easily.20:11
Shrewsjeblair: we've had too many mistakes where things went in the wrong class just because it was difficult to tell which one the changes were in20:12
mordredya. I've seen that in reviews too20:12
jeblairShrews: i'm not at all opposed to the patch, assuming that the documentation does the right thing.20:12
mordredI'd say the problem is more the co-location of the two very similar classes in the file20:12
mordredrather tahn absolute size20:12
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph time for variance of individual tests
mordredso you see a new method, but because you can't see which class it's in the diff view, you miss that it's a new method in OpenStackCloud when it should be in OperatorCloud20:13
jeblairmordred: yeah.  which is actually something that can be addressed with editors.20:13
mordredbut not in the gerrit patch review screens20:13
jeblairmordred: sure, but the error orginates with the author in the editor.20:13
jeblairmordred: i'd say job 1 is preventing errors from being written, job 2 is catching them in review.20:14
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jeblairsplitting files addresses both20:14
Shrewsthe error originates with not having the code more modularized, IMO20:14
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mordredthe error with the author might be a bad choice on their part20:14
mordredlike, they think "adding users, that's an operator function" - and it turns out that in some clouds that _is_ a consumer function20:14
mordredbut yes - I agree there are 2 issues20:15
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jeblairShrews: anyway, like i said, i'm fine with the patch, if the docs look right.  i'm still curious about your editor though if you feel like sharing.20:16
Shrewsjeblair: documentation is a good point. will need to verify that.20:16
jeblairShrews: i would like to split gear, but getting autodoc to dtrt with that is difficult.20:16
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Shrewsjeblair: yeah. we still haven't made autodoc catch all of our docstrings. that part confuses me20:17
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Shrewsthings not in __init__ were being missed, so we might have a problem with this patch20:17
mordredShrews, jeblair: Sphinx almost never means what I expect with any of its 'auto' functions20:19
mordredthis makes me constantly think that I'm missing a definition of the word somehow20:20
doug-fishI'm still looking at translations that are included in Horizon - I see there is a file included for Hindi. I think that's unexpected because the Hindi translation is at only 49%20:20
doug-fishThere is one file at 88%, that's the one that is included20:20
doug-fishbut for Horizon that's kind of strange20:20
jeblairShrews: yep, lost all the docs:
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doug-fishI'm wondering if we changed the rules for when languages got included, either intentionally or accidentally during the zanata switch20:21
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Shrewsjeblair: yeah. let me take a sharp pointy stick to sphinx and see what i can come up with20:21
mordredShrews: maybe we can find someone who actually understands sphinx fully who can tell us why we're losing here20:22
mordreddhellmann: you understand sphinx right?20:22
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fungianyone who claims they truly understand sphinx is suspect20:26
fungiafter all, the sphinx is best known for its riddles20:26
jeblairmordred: so the nodepool change seems to be bombing inside of pymysql20:26
mtreinishmordred, Shrews: I think you need to do:
mordredjeblair: that is a weird place to bomb20:26
mordredjeblair: I'm looking at the dsvm log - and I do not see any unhappy errors :(20:27
Shrewsmtreinish: i was testing just that thing. thx  :)20:27
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mordredjeblair: ooh! I found the error in the dsvm log20:29
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mordredjeblair: which is also in the orm layer20:29
jeblairmordred: yeah, that's the same one in the unit tests20:29
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mordredjeblair: oh - whatcha wanna bet something is returning a Bunch and nodepool is expecting a uuid string?20:30
mordredjeblair: as in, missing a ['id']20:30
mordredjeblair: yah20:31
mordred        image_id = self.manager.createImage(server_id, hostname,20:31
mordred                                            self.image.meta)20:31
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Split out OpenStackCloud and OperatorCloud classes
Shrewsjeblair: mordred: that should get the docs back ^^^20:31
jeblairShrews, mordred: so are we changing all of the class names from shade.Foo to shade.somethingcloud.Foo?20:32
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mordredI would expect shade.Foo to still work the __init__  does 2420:33
mordredfrom shade.openstackcloud import OpenStackCloud20:33
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Shrewseither will work20:33
mordredjeblair: ready for me to push up a fix?20:33
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jeblairmordred, Shrews: right, this is the thing i could not get right in gear's docs20:33
mordredjeblair: to nodepool? or do you want to look at anything further before I do?20:34
jeblairmordred: please push20:34
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
jeblairmordred, Shrews: i think it would be better for the docs to document the recommended way, so if we want to move everything down a level, we should deprecate the top-level usage.  if we don't want to do that, then we should see if we can convince sphinx to use the top-level names and hide the multi-file implementation details.20:35
Shrewsmordred: jeblair: I tested basic ansible module functionality with the class split, btw, and all was still good20:36
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mordredjeblair: the nice thing is - the thing that just failed is something that would only show up when we fixed the previous problem (since the createImage call was broken before)20:37
mordredjeblair: SO20:37
mordredjeblair: we are making forward progress20:37
mordredit's not FAST forward progress - but it is at leats not new breakages and stuff20:37
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EmilienMfungi: I'm just I need to warn you, but Zuul has not been reconfigured for 3h20 now20:42
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config-example: Fix project-config-compare-xml
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dhellmannmordred: some, what's up?20:44
mordreddhellmann: we're trying to do fancy things with sphinx20:44
mordreddhellmann: and I consider you "sphinx genius"20:44
dhellmannmordred: such as?20:44
jeblairdhellmann: review messages in should catch you up20:45
* dhellmann clicks20:45
fungiEmilienM: what change got approved that you were expecting to see reflected there?20:46
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fungiEmilienM: cool, i'll check and see what's up20:48
EmilienMit's in NOT_REGISTERED for a while now20:48
EmilienMfungi: that's not urgent, it can wait next week20:48
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fungiEmilienM: ahh, yeah that means that zuul's configuration updated but the jenkins masters have not yet. they should shortly now that puppet agent has been reenabled on them20:48
EmilienMcool, just wanted to make sure nothing was broken :)20:49
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dhellmannmordred, jeblair, Shrews : do you want me to amend that commit?20:55
Shrewsdhellmann: please amend away!20:55
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/shade: Split out OpenStackCloud and OperatorCloud classes
dhellmannShrews: ^^20:55
Shrewsdhellmann: that is delightfully simple20:56
Shrewsjeblair: ^^^20:56
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dhellmannShrews: it's possible automodule would work with __all__ let me try that, too20:56
jeblairShrews, dhellmann: okay, so we trade a little bit of automation for that.  that's probably sustainable in shade, which i'm guessing doesn't want to grow too many classes.  we just need to watch to make sure that we add classes to docs there when we create them.20:57
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dhellmannShrews: nah, you have a bunch of symbols in __init__ still, I don't want to have to type all of those20:58
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Shrewsdhellmann: i am eternally in your debt... for at least the next hour or so  :) many thanks20:58
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dhellmannShrews: happy to help20:58
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dhellmannjeblair: if you want to try it, adding __all__ to the with the list of symbol names that should be visible outside that module *may* make the automodule directive work as you want20:59
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dhellmannwhich just shifts the place you have to remember to update a thing, but it's at least closer to the code being modified20:59
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Shrewsdhellmann: good tip. thx21:01
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Shrewsi still don't like that both classes share the same doc page, but i guess we can figure that one out later21:05
clarkbmordred: jeblair I am going to stab at making shade installable from git in he plugin so we can do integration testing of changes21:05
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mordredclarkb: I love this plan21:07
mordredclarkb: we should probably make it possible both ways ...21:07
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Shrewsclarkb: i share mordred's enthusiasm with that plan21:08
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mordreddhellmann: while I've got you ...21:09
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mordreddhellmann: landed but 1.8.0 is still in pypi - is that expected? or should I debug?21:10
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fungiEmilienM: it looks like puppet has updated the jenkins masters. you should recheck one of your changes to see if your new jobs are properly registered now21:12
EmilienMfungi: indeed, it works now - thanks :)21:12
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EmilienMso if we want integration jobs back alive, we need and
EmilienMwrong window21:16
dklibanI am using nodepool. I am able to list images, but the 'nodepool list' command is returning an empty list. any recommendations on troubleshooting this?21:16
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make project-config-dib temporarily experimental
fungianteaya: ^21:17
fungidkliban: did nodepool build any images yet?21:17
dklibanfungi: i built images using another machine. and eveyrthing was working fine there. but i needed to migrate to a different VM so i installed nodepool there and gave it the same configs. so this install of nodepool did not build any images.21:18
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dklibanfungi:  oh ... i didn't copy the database over21:19
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dklibanfungi: i just realized that21:19
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fungidkliban: right, nodepool's .*-list cli subcommands are just database queries21:19
fungiso empty tables means empty resuly21:19
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dklibanfungi: i am able to get a list of images. i am not able to get a list of instances. i would think that list would come from querying the OpenStack environment21:21
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dklibanbut i will migrate the db now21:21
clarkbit does not come from openstack21:21
clarkbtoo slow21:21
mtreinishjhesketh, fungi, clarkb: if you're interested in the dashboard stuff: that's what we've got for the first page so far (that's also using the subunit2sql data)21:22
clarkb(we heavily cache queries like that in nodepool to avoid hitting the clouds too hard)21:22
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clarkbmtreinish what are the half moons?21:23
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mtreinishmriedem: ^^^ you'll probably want to check it out too21:23
mtreinishclarkb: there supposed to be gauges showing success vs failures21:23
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mtreinishbut most things pass, so it's hard to see failures21:23
mtreinishthe cinder one you can see a sliver of red21:24
clarkbmaybe it needs a percentage too?21:24
clarkbor a ratio21:24
mtreinishyeah, it needs a percentage21:24
mtreinishor some text21:24
dhellmannmordred: adam_g shouldn't be approving changes in that repo if he doesn't know how it works -- the actual release is still manual21:24
dhellmannmordred, adam_g : I'll take care of that in a minute21:24
mordreddhellmann: cool. thanks21:24
mordreddhellmann: also - I'd love to learn how it works so that I could potentially help21:25
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mordreddhellmann: not today - I'm afk-ing soon21:25
dhellmannmordred: making that fully automated is going to be a priority this cycle, so there will be lots of opportunities :-)21:25
mordreddhellmann: but releasing things is a thing I used to know how to do and now don't - which means it's time for me to learn!21:25
mordreddhellmann: sweet21:25
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anteayafungi: thank you21:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Fix httpd::dev.
anteayaso now the neighbours have taken to stealing stones off my side of the road21:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Changed to match 'python_package' to 'mod_python package'
anteayajust got off the phone with a friend who owes a security company21:27
anteayagoing to rent a deer cam21:27
anteayaownes a security company21:28
anteayaI can't spell21:28
mtreinishanteaya: instead of a camera, you should set a trap21:28
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anteayaha ha ha21:29
anteayaan idiot trap?21:29
anteayawith the speed they are collecting around me I'd say someone already did21:30
anteayaI'm trying to get them to go elsewhere21:30
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fungimtreinish: the success builds graph doesn't look quite right. something tells me whatever you're using is interpreting periods of no data as continuous between data points instead of zero. it makes sense when gauging percentages but not for a line graph. you likely need some sort of timeslice collation21:30
jeblairmordred:   File "/opt/stack/new/nodepool/nodepool/", line 1112, in updateImage21:30
jeblairmordred: KeyError: 'id'21:30
anteayasoon they won't be able to pay the mortgage on their property and they will all disappear21:30
jeblairmordred: i peeked on the dsvm node21:30
anteayait is cyclical21:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Fix httpd::python.
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Serve the local /robots.txt instead of proxying it
mordredjeblair: GAH21:31
dhellmannmordred: done21:31
mordredyou're kidding21:31
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mtreinishfungi: its just d3, but yeah now that you mention it it does look a bit off21:31
mtreinishI'm sure there is an option to do that in d3, I know how to do it in matplotlib21:31
anteayathe Bank of Canada set the trap when it lowered interest rates21:32
mordredjeblair: maybe hold the node, then add a debug print above line 1112 to see what self.manager.createImage is returning?21:32
anteayapeople are selling very bit of property they can slice off21:32
jeblairmordred: already held21:32
mordredjeblair: cool21:32
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jeblairshade==0.15.0  # git sha b5965f821:32
jeblairfigured (it would have bombed earlier if not) but just double checking21:32
zarodimsum__: RE gerrit bug, not sure what you mean by latest stack trace.21:33
jeblairmordred: erm, it's possible that your fix in 34 is wrong because instead of fixing the code, you should have fixed the test to match shade?  except -- we saw that error in devstack too, didn't we?.  hrm.21:34
jeblairmordred: sorry, s/test/fake/21:34
jeblairmordred: anyway, i'll look into it when the run is done21:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Use httpd::mod when adding Apache modules.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add acceptance tests for puppet-httpd
mordredjeblair: yah - we saw it in devstack21:34
mordredjeblair: and I checked the codepath - the _old_ nodepool code that was calling the novaclient call directly was getting an object back from novaclient and then dereferencing the id field21:35
mordredjeblair: the new code in shade just returns the results of the novaclient call (passed through obj_to_dict)21:35
zaroanteaya: that is a known gerrit issue:
mordredjeblair: so I expect an 'id' to be in there21:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add note of support on Python mods for CentOS 7.
anteayazaro: thank you21:36
mordredjeblair: hrm. the nova api docs say that the operation does not return a body21:37
anteayazaro: apparently iceweasel 38.2.1esr works fine too21:37
anteayait is derived from firefox so I'm going with iceweasel will be fine until it forks 4121:38
mordredjeblair: sorry - I have to run - I'll check in on my phone and see if I can help and whatnot21:38
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Checkout shade for nodepool dsvm test
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test shade and nodepool change together
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Install shade from source if instructed to
clarkbmordred: Shrews ^ I Think that will do it21:39
jeblairmordred: np, it just finished, digging now21:39
jeblairclarkb: if we do that, we probably want to CD shade on nodepool.o.o21:40
clarkbif we get the first project-config change in then we can recheck the nodepool change, if that works then we merge that change and the next one21:40
mriedemmtreinish: have you been noticing e-r not reporting on things?21:40
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clarkbjeblair: ya I thought about making a second job as an alternative to that that installs shade from pypi21:40
clarkbjeblair: either way will work21:41
mtreinishmriedem: I haven't been paying enough attention21:41
mtreinishare things backed up again?21:41
mriedemtoo busy making pretty pictures21:41
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mriedemlooks like load spiked for a bit yeah21:41
jeblairclarkb: agreed, either 2 jobs and continue to do releases, or switch deployment mech.  basically: we should at least test the way we deploy :)21:41
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clarkbjeblair: why don't we start with two jobs since that will keep other users of shade happy21:41
clarkbor something21:42
clarkb(its less puppet)21:42
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jeblairclarkb: either works for me; easy to change later21:43
krotscheckHow long does it take jjb macros to make it onto our slaves?21:43
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: yeah, it's getting a Bunch()21:45
clarkbkrotscheck: usually about a half hour but today sort of fell over on updating all the jobs21:46
clarkbkrotscheck: though now things should be happy21:46
jeblairclarkb, mordred: an empty one :/21:46
fungikrotscheck: jjb macros (all jjb config) is installed on the jenkins masters, not the slaves. usually around 30 minutes except today i had puppet disabled on them for some hours21:46
anteayathinking of getting photo and sending them to the local paper "neighbours who can't find the landfill" "neighbours who can't tell the difference between private property and a quarry"21:46
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anteayamay as well catch the folks who toss their garbage in my ditch while I'm at it21:47
asselinanteaya, those must be some really nice rocks21:47
fungianteaya: yeah, saw someone from a few blocks away walk their dogs a couple hundred feet down our driveway yesterday, then walk through the middle of the next several neighbors yards before heading back up to the road21:47
anteayaasselin: yes, ice age rocks21:47
krotscheckclarkb: Coolio21:48
anteayafungi: nice21:48
anteayadog doo for you I guess21:48
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a nodepool + shade from src integration job
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test shade and nodepool change together
clarkbjeblair: ^ that should do it21:48
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fungianteaya: at least until i get around to ripping out these non-native shrubs and replacing them with lots more cacti21:49
clarkbheh non city people21:49
anteayaasselin: there are 6 new places all cutting down their trees and landscaping with rocks like it will save them from armagedon21:49
clarkbhalf my front yard is a city easement for utilities and sidewalk, half the backyard is easement for alleyway21:49
anteayaasselin: if they get the idea that they can scoop rocks off my side (I keep the trees) they will all do it21:49
anteayait is the oddest, worst neighbour pack behaviour I have ever seen21:50
anteayafungi: yay cacti21:50
anteayafungi: that will put a spring in their step21:50
anteayaclarkb: are eased?21:51
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clarkbanteaya: its land that the landowner owns but has been compensated by utility/city/other for use of some sort21:51
zaroclee: does this one do the same thing as your change?
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add searchlight channel to statusbot list
anteayaclarkb: less grass to mow?21:52
clarkbanteaya: so in this case me and my neighbors all get to drive through the back of each others yards21:52
anteayaclarkb: fun?21:53
clarkbanteaya: and we can't stop each other from doing it (some people have tried and there is a bunch of litigation happening in another neighborhood over it)21:53
clarkbanteaya: meh its a common good thing, I don't have to aprk on the street21:53
anteayathat can be good21:53
anteayaI'm fine with city idiocy in the city21:53
anteayabut I choose to be with the rocks, trees and animals21:54
anteayapeople think I should be afraid of the bear21:54
anteayathe bear does not steal things from me, nor dump its trash in my ditch21:54
anteayait doesn't play loud music or pollutte the lake21:54
anteayait is very predictable21:54
anteayanot trash outside == no bear on my doorstep21:54
anteayathe people are the problem21:55
anteayanot the animals or the weather21:55
clarkbthis makes me think of a gif I saw let me find it21:55
* anteaya lets clarkb find it21:55
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i wouldn't mind if they stayed on (or even just relatively near) the easement. wandering hundreds of feet from the road up to the house is another matter21:56
clarkbanteaya: is that you?21:56
anteayaha ha ha21:56
anteayawell I don't touch raw fish21:56
clarkbfungi: I am just amazed you have hundreds of feet of non easement :P21:56
anteayabut yeah if the bear took carrots that would be me21:56
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anteayasee how polite, it doesn't even mark the sill21:57
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clarkbanteaya: note I haven't watched it with sound so have no idea what the sound is like21:57
clarkbanteaya: but thats the source21:57
cleezaro: no, I don't believe these are related21:57
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dklibanfungi: clarkb: so it seems as though i am able to control the node creation and deletion in the OpenStack environment ... but now the jenkins master doesn't pick up the slaves21:58
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cleezaro: my patch involves separately-defined 'builder', 'parameter', etc blocks, and expanding the values of variables used in their 'default:' properties21:58
clarkbdkliban: do you have a jenkins target configured in your yaml file?21:58
fungidkliban: nodepool should register the slave in your jenkins master(s) as it's built21:58
clarkbdkliban: it should include the api key and credentials uuid if using credentials21:58
dklibanclarkb: i do21:58
cleezaro: not really related to the global 'defaults:' definition21:58
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clarkbdkliban: I would check your nodepool logs to see if there are errors from jenkins21:59
anteayaclarkb: watch the whole vid21:59
fungidkliban: if you've got already-built nodes and just migrated your database over, nodepool will assume those have already been added to jenkins as slaves and won't try to do it again21:59
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anteayathe bear sticking its head in the window is awesome22:00
fungidkliban: not sure if that's what's going on and what assumptions you have there22:00
anteayabut yeah the bear is grateful and polite22:00
anteayaI can't say the same about the neighbours22:00
dklibanfungi: i issued nodepool delete <id> and that node got removed and a new one got built22:01
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dklibanclarkb: i am seeing errors in /var/log/messages22:01
fungidkliban: yeah, then like clarkb said, look in the nodepool debug log. it should mention adding the corresponding jenkins slave22:02
dklibanclarkb: looks like it can't read teh ssh key22:02
dklibanfungi: clarkb ^ found my problem22:02
zaroclarkb: should that value be overriable in job-template or parameters section?22:03
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clarkbzaro: I don't like encoding logic like that via the job name/parameters22:03
clarkbzaro: it leads to confusion around what a specific job is suppsoed to do22:04
clarkbzaro: unfortunately the alternative is very verbose22:04
zaroopps, that question was meant for clee22:04
clarkbah ok I thought you were referring to my new job above22:05
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dklibanclarkb: fungi: thanks for the help!!!22:05
anteayaoh and just in case folks thought I was talking about gravel22:05
anteayathe rocks in question were probably 400 lbs apiece22:06
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zaroclee: well at least i think there should be some test provided to verify that you should or should not be able to override.22:06
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cleezaro: probably a good idea!22:07
jeblairzaro, clarkb: i like that it ended up being a relevant question anyway... we could build a whole set of universally applicable review qusetions22:07
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cleezaro: before I spend more time on tests, though, I'd like to know if my code has any chance of being included at all22:07
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cleezaro: if this is just a feature nobody wants, then that's fine, and I'll stop spending time on it :)22:08
zaroclee: also you might want to talk to waynr regarding this as well since he's got lots of ideas on new jjb functionality,
clarkbjeblair: CI's
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jeblairclarkb: haha!22:09
zaroclee: unfortunately i don't know yet since i havne't given it real attention yet.  will try to do a full review next week though.22:09
anteayaSam-I-Am: is out canadianing me22:10
anteayahe is naming rush albums I don't know22:10
cleezaro: no worries. I've put it out there, if it gets feedback then cool, if not then oh well22:10
Sam-I-Amthey're all so good22:10
jlvillalAnyone point me to what code gets run for a Zuul doc job?  In particular gate-ironic-doc?22:11
clarkbjlvillal: thats from emory but should eb correct22:11
jlvillalclarkb: Great. Thanks.22:11
cleewaynr: are you around? :)22:11
clarkbjlvillal: ultimately it should run `tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx`22:12
jlvillalclarkb: And then how do I see what the 'builders' do?22:12
clarkbjlvillal: look in macros.yaml in the same dir22:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewday: Add requirements files, tox.ini updates
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks. So if we wanted to add 'doc8' checks????22:13
clarkbjlvillal: you would run that under pep8 probably22:13
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clarkbthe doc job is purely a build and publish mechanism22:14
jlvillalclarkb: yeah, we are doing that. But if someone only updates a doc. It only runs that test.22:14
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jlvillalSo couldn't a bad doc get merged in and then doc8 fail for next patches?22:14
clarkbjlvillal: then thats what you should change22:14
clarkbjlvillal: run pep8 always22:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewday: Add --project-file option
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: so we're stuck on a shade bug.  novaclient.servers.create_image returns an id, not an image object.22:15
jlvillalclarkb: Good idea. Thanks22:15
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: see working code from nodepool:
clarkbjlvillal: and for that look in zuul/layout.yaml22:15
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: and broken equiv code in shade:
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: which calls
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: so, do we want shade to do a lookup there and return an image Bunch?22:16
jlvillalclarkb: thanks22:16
clarkbjeblair: what else would an image bunch have?22:16
clarkbjeblair: images are pretty simple, a name and uuid? we know both already22:16
jeblairclarkb: no idea, actually :)22:17
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jeblairclarkb: i think the main thing would be api consistency22:18
clarkbjeblair: good point22:18
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jeblairclarkb: ah, i have your answer22:19
jeblairBunch(base_image_ref=u'd7c6a18f-e720-4659-8f1f-03d8f63f5f5e', checksum=None, container_format=u'bare', created_at=u'2015-10-02T22:19:00Z', disk_format=u'qcow2', file=u'/v2/images/dff5e8a6-53da-4018-9142-68b13322d2c2/file', id=u'dff5e8a6-53da-4018-9142-68b13322d2c2', image_type=u'snapshot', instance_uuid=u'6fd30bd0-50e0-4a3f-bb6c-0c71d8466556', min_disk=0, min_ram=0, name=u'template-trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1-14422:19
waynrclee: yo22:19
waynrI can't focus all my attention here but I can chat a bit on and off22:19
jeblairclarkb: heh, it tells us the disk format for a snapshot image.  that's so cute.22:20
clarkbjeblair: making an image is an infrequent enough task that hitting the cloud to populate that info even though nodepool doesn't really need it should be fine22:20
jeblairclarkb: that's me testing out that idea, so that's what you'd get for the immediate lookup after create22:20
jeblairclarkb: yeah, that's kinda the way i'm thinking too.22:21
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run ironic-pep8 job even on doc changes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make project-config-dib temporarily experimental
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a nodepool + shade from src integration job
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test shade and nodepool change together
clarkbsilly vim22:32
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anteayaclarkb: what did vim do?22:34
clarkbit indented the job name and broke my change its fixed now22:34
anteayasilly vim22:34
anteayapatchset 222:35
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* anteaya is afk for a bit22:39
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pabelangeranteaya: I did see them. I am setting time aside next week to work on puppet-stackalytics again22:41
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: erm, there's a lot of logic changes that still need to happen in nodepool.  Nodepool has a NotFound exception that it would often return in the case of a 404.  shade returns None.22:43
jeblairclarkb, mordred: so we either need to have the nodepool provider manager raise NotFound exceptions, or alter nodepool to check for None instead of catching NotFound22:44
clarkbchecking for None seems reasonable, but its another nodepool change22:44
jeblairclarkb: yeah.  i think it's going to ultimately be the simpler code though, so i'm leaning toward that.22:45
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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asselinfungi, or other core/root. I'd like to setup,members to be core for the new project-config-example repo23:08
asselinor just me and I'll add them23:08
pleia2asselin: sure, having a look23:09
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asselinpleia2, I didn't see a project-config-example-core group23:10
pleia2asselin: hm, something's gone wrong and the group wasn't created23:10
pleia2looking into it now23:11
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clarkbpleia2: if you run manage-projects --debugs $project (or smething like that) on gerrit as root ou should get good data23:11
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asselinpleia2, fyi here's the patch if it helps:
pleia2clarkb: thanks23:11
clarkbI know the problem23:12
clarkbthe path to the acl file is wrong23:12
clarkbfix that and it should correct itself23:13
pleia2aha, -dev vs -infra23:13
asselinclarkb, shall I submit a new one?23:13
pleia2asselin: want to propose the patch to gerrit/projects.yaml23:13
clarkbyes push a change to git mv the file23:13
pleia2oh, right, that23:13
asselinwill do23:13
pleia2it actually should be in infra, not dev23:14
asselinyeah, original name was -dev, but I forgot to move it in the rename23:14
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix create_image_snapshot
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Correct location for project-config-example acls
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
asselinpleia2, clarkb ^23:16
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jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: i believe and will work, though my dsvm has run out of space for objects in swift, so i haven't run it all the way through yet.23:18
jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: the nodepool dsvm job will fail because it needs the shade change23:18
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jeblairclarkb, Shrews, mordred: i recommend a careful reading of 34..35 on the nodepool change, and also the caveat in the commit message for the shade change.  those are substantial.23:19
fungipleia2: once the group does exist, there's a script in system-config to update the infra gerrit groups to be consistent23:19
fungipleia2: and then i can add asselin as a core reviewer on that repo23:20
pleia2fungi: oh, neat23:20
clarkbjeblair: maybe you can review the integration test changes real quick and we can test them together?23:20
fungibut i'm also happy to run that script once you work out what's gone wrong with the project creation23:20
jeblairclarkb: sure thing23:21
pleia2fungi: no problem with project creation, just error in the patch23:21
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fungiahh, yep, looked more closely at scrollback now23:22
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jeblairclarkb: is there a way to tell that 230655 dtrt in ?23:24
jeblairclarkb: i guess 0.15.0 == HEAD, so maybe it's ambiguous :/23:25
clarkbjeblair: it won't have done the right thing in that first run, I was just checking I didn't break the existint job23:25
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jeblairclarkb: ah, need the p-c change merged first.  ok.23:25
clarkbjeblair: I think we get a pbr freeze that should include the sha1?23:25
clarkbbut if the tag is HEAD then that may not tell us anything different23:26
jeblairclarkb: yeah, that's what i'm thinking23:26
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clarkbactually the devstack log should show us23:26
jeblairclarkb: ok, since 655 is shown not to break the existing log, i've gone ahead and aprvd it23:26
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clarkbjeblair: cool23:27
jeblairclarkb: along with the p-c change for the 2nd job23:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a nodepool + shade from src integration job
cathy_Hi, I have a question how Github automatically retrieves the contributors. I created the API patch which was merged and the history shows it in, but my name is not listed in the "contributors". Something wrong with my openstack setting?23:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Correct location for project-config-example acls
clarkbcathy_ I believe thats not supported due to the way we mirror to github but double check the email and name in the commit match the email and name github has for you23:32
anteayapabelanger: wonderful, let me know if I can help23:32
cathy_clarkb: thanks, let me check that.23:33
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anteayafound one of the rocks23:34
anteayaI'll be talking to the light fingered contractor next week23:34
anteayano way it was my neighbour that hired them23:34
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add SSL support for
cathy_clarkb: the email and name in the commit does not seem to match the email github has for me. Is there a way to fix this as the same problem happens for the other patches?23:36
clarkbyou cant change the commits not but I think you can add the email to your account23:37
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cathy_Is there a way to re-add me as the contributor for that patch in the github?23:37
clarkbcommits are immutable23:37
pleia2cathy_: I think you just want to modify your account on github to add the address you use in gerrit23:37
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cathy_pleia2: OK, I will do that. But do you mean there is no way to re-add me to the previous patches which have been merged?23:38
jeblaircathy_: you'd have to ask github to be sure (we don't run that service), but if you add your email address there, it may eventually show up there if they perform a batch reprocessing.23:39
reedmordred, is there a changelog for shade 0.15? it doesn't work for me :(23:39
pleia2cathy_: github *should* be smart enough to assign the older commits to the address once you add it, but I don't know for sure23:39
jeblairreed: what doesn't work?23:39
cathy_jeblair: thanks for the info. how do I ask github? any email or IRC channel for github?23:40
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reedsomething dumb I am sure...23:40
cathy_pleia2: thanks for the info. how do I ask github? any email or IRC channel for github?23:40
pleia2cathy_: try adding your email address first, if you still have problems there is a Help link on their website23:41
cathy_pleia2: OK, thanks!23:41
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pleia2cathy_: but as clarkb says, github is only a mirror for us and we only have it as a convenience for developers, I encourage using stackalytics or something if you're looking for your actual openstack stats23:42
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jeblairreed: do you maybe need to "pip install -U shade" to key the new keystoneauth version?23:43
reedjeblair, I have just done that -U ... probably it didn't update keystone automatically?23:44
* reed tries again23:44
jeblairreed: though, hrm, i think that was in 0.14.023:44
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jeblairreed: oh, and that initial exception comes from os_client_config...23:46
jeblairreed: there was a release of that today too23:46
reedjeblair, ah!23:46
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reedsomething's weird23:47
jeblairreed: what occ version do you have?23:47
reed`pip install --upgrade shade ` should be the same as pip install -U shade, right?23:47
reedit took a lot longer -U than --upgrade, so something went wrong the first time and I didn't notice23:49
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jeblairreed: oh, so maybe if it works now, then you didn't have the new occ version before....23:50
pleia2asselin: you should be all set to add others to project-config-example-core now23:50
reedhow do I see os-client-config version?23:51
clarkbreed: use pbr freeze23:52
jeblairreed: i like "pbr freeze"23:52
jeblairclarkb, fungi: puppet is back on on jenkins* right?23:52
reedos-client-config==1.8.1  # git sha 379962f23:52
jeblairreed: k, that's current -- can you try again (since maybe it just upgraded when you did -U)23:53
reedshade==0.15.0  # git sha b5965f823:53
clarkbjeblair: yes23:53
reednope, same issue23:53
reedlet me try on a different shell23:53
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openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add SSL support to App Catlog site
reedscrolling back the results of pip install -U shade I see that cliff-tablib failed to build23:55
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jeblairclarkb: i'm going to abort the nodepool dsvm job that we know will fail, and go ahead and recheck to hit the new job (it's in jenkins now)23:58
reeddid the format of the clouds.yaml file change?23:58

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