Wednesday, 2015-09-30

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anteayaClint: any thoughts on perhaps shortening this file name a bit?
openstackgerritSkyler Berg proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ciwatch - CI monitoring tool
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Clintanteaya: got any suggestions?00:07
* Clint claps.00:08
anteayaI like it00:08
Clinti won't refuse00:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Test formatting of gerritbot/channels.yaml
anteayaClint: were you going to offer a new patch?00:15
Clintanteaya: i was waiting for someone to object strenuously to the asterisk first00:15
Clintbut i can do something potentially less offensive00:16
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
anteayathank you00:17
anteayaClint: you're so creative00:17
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lifelessClint: I was expecting ☃ or something00:19
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jheskethclarkb: hmm os-loganalyze is throwing a 500... I'll log in and take a poke around... (it's only 500 on indexes so it's not hurting)00:19
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Clintlifeless: you could have said that minutes ago00:19
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clarkbjhesketh: just generated indexes or all index.htmls?00:19
jheskethclarkb: just generated00:20
anteayaclarkb: how do I tell it I am finished inputting names and to run the script?00:20
* clarkb assumes anteaya really wnts clint00:20
anteayaClint: ^^00:20
anteayaclarkb: you assume correctly00:20
anteayathe cl<tab> wrong mailbox00:21
jheskethclarkb: hmm, it can't load the template (TemplateNotFound: file_index.html)00:21
Clintanteaya: ctrl-d on a blank line should work00:21
anteayaClint: apparently enter and control-C are both wrong00:21
anteayaI will do that00:21
jheskethclarkb: I wonder if we need to list it as a static file in os-loganalyze00:21
clarkbjhesketh: I wonder if pbr/pip/setuptools ya00:21
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lifelessclarkb: ?00:23
clarkblifeless: os-loganalyze added an html template that we need to install properly00:23
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anteayaClint: okay that seems to be working, how do you feel about changing the script to accept a text file of names as an argument rather than inputting them on the command line?00:25
lifelessits not in setup.cfg atm00:25
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clarkbya I think we know what the problem is00:26
clarkbjust need to add it to package files00:26
clarkbor is it data file00:26
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lifeless        env = jinja2.Environment(00:26
lifeless            loader=jinja2.PackageLoader('os_loganalyze', 'templates'))00:26
lifeless        template = env.get_template('file_index.html')00:26
lifelessAIUI that should read from the package dir00:26
Clintanteaya: i could do that, though you can do that right now with tools/ </tmp/file-of-names00:26
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anteayaClint: I will do that00:27
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anteayaClint: that works, thank you00:30
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Clintanteaya: yay00:30
clarkbjhesketh: so we traded a 404 for 500 I can live with that for now00:30
clarkbbut also happy to review fix to setup.cfg if you wnat ot push one00:31
jheskethlifeless: right, so where is the best place to include the template file with the package?00:31
jheskethsetup.cfg I'm assuming00:31
lifelessjhesketh: are we sure its not being included?00:31
clarkbjhesketh: I think you do a package_data = stuff in setup.cfg or update manifest.in00:31
clarkbthats easy to check /me looks00:31
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jheskethlifeless: I'll look00:31
jheskethor maybe clarkb will beat me00:32
clarkbhard linking os_loganalyze/templates/file_index.html -> os_loganalyze-0.0.2.dev48/os_loganalyze/templates00:32
clarkbits in the tar.gz00:32
lifelessfile_index.html is installed here00:32
lifelessls ~/.virtualenvs/scratch/lib/python2.7/site-packages/os_loganalyze/templates/00:32
lifelessand the loader code works00:33
clarkbso maybe we need an apache restart?00:33
clarkbwe should've fixed that already so likely not it00:34
lifelessI would check a) its on disk on the server00:34
anteayaClint: okay blazar also changes blazar-nova:
lifelessif its not, we can work that path. If it is, we can look at why its not loading00:34
lifelessjhesketh: how is it being installed ?00:34
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anteayaClint: which is going to cause problems with all the puppet repos, as they are going different places00:34
clarkbits not on disk on the server00:35
Clintanteaya: ah, good catch00:35
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clarkb/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/os_loganalyze has no templates dir00:35
anteayaClint: I'll add a link to that paste to teh patch for the other reviewers00:36
lifelesshang on, dist-packages?00:36
Clintanteaya: thanks00:36
clarkblifeless: its a global pip install00:36
jheskethlifeless: installed with 'pip install .'00:36
anteayaClint: welcome00:37
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lifelessclarkb: how odd, what version of pip?00:37
openstackgerritMike Scherbakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enabled Python checks for Fuel repos where applicable
lifelessis wheel installed ?00:38
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
Clintanteaya: that should fi it00:38
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clarkblifeless: yes wheel==0.26.000:39
anteayaClint: thanks, I'll check00:39
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openstackgerritMike Scherbakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enabled Python checks for Fuel repos where applicable
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anteayaClint: it does thank you00:42
lifelessclarkb: one interesting thing to note is the dependency on pbr < 100:42
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Update requirements
Clintanteaya: \o/00:42
anteayaClint: my only remaining complaint is the removal of the comments in gerritbot/channels.yaml00:42
clarkbI also wonder if we need pip install -U to be more forceful00:42
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anteayaClint: do we just want to add them manually after running the script?00:43
Clintanteaya: i don't have a better solution right now, though i was hoping someone else might00:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-swift-tox-func voting
anteayaClint: well it doesn't seem to be monkeying with comments in zuul/layout.yaml which was my big concern00:43
lifelessclarkb: is it possible to get the output of pip installing it ?00:44
Clintanteaya: yep, definitely not doing that00:44
lifelessclarkb: pip install . should always do something00:44
clarkblifeless: let me check roots pip log00:44
anteayaClint: can we have an acknowledgement in the commit message that comments in gerritbot/channels.yaml need to be added back manually after the script runs00:44
anteayaso folks don't forget?00:44
clarkblifeless: the only thing in the pip.log is from march00:44
anteayaadding a comment to the file obviously won't work :)00:44
lifelessclarkb: what does pip list show ?00:44
clarkbos-loganalyze (
anteayaClint: and then I think you can offer another patch to gerritbot/channels.yaml since swift3 didn't get the whitespace changes00:45
clarkbwhich is not what the dist version is00:45
lifelessclarkb: indeed00:45
clarkbso maybe this is an older pbr version break00:45
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lifelessclarkb: well my first test was with the older pbr00:45
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
lifelessclarkb: and that worked00:45
lifelessclarkb: but00:46
Clintanteaya: it didn't?00:46
lifelessclarkb: if its not installed, then it's not going to run :)00:46
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anteayayeah run your script with an updated master00:46
anteayaswift3 needs the whitespace changes in channels.yaml00:46
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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lifelessclarkb: try a manual sudo pip install . and see what happens ?00:46
clarkbjhesketh: ^ want to give that a go?00:46
anteayaClint: I think swift3 is a recent addition00:47
Clintanteaya: should have fixed that00:48
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anteayaah I will test with your rebased change and see it that makes a difference00:49
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jheskethclarkb: can do00:49
anteayaClint: yep that was it00:50
Clintanteaya: cool00:50
anteayaClint: your rebase caught it00:50
* Clint nods.00:50
jhesketh      Successfully uninstalled os-loganalyze-
jhesketh  Running install for os-loganalyze00:51
jheskethSuccessfully installed os-loganalyze-
jheskethclarkb, lifeless: ^00:51
anteayaClint: okay so do you have any other patches you need to work on for the rename?00:51
jheskethbut I still can't see the templates folder00:51
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clarkbjhesketh: ya thats not the version I expect00:52
clarkbshould be 0.0.2.dev4800:52
clarkbbut thats because I have newer pbr I think00:52
jheskethoh okay00:52
jheskethclarkb: should I try with the -U flag?00:52
Clintanteaya: no, the only issue i'm currently aware of is the comment one, so i'm relying on everyone else to catch anything that's been missed00:52
clarkbjhesketh: is git log -1 te correct commit in /opt/os-loganalyze?00:52
anteayaClint: great, so tomorrow let's offer up a work in progress patch to project config00:53
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clarkbwe also have a os_loganalyze-
anteayaClint: with a text file of all the projects that want to be renamed so far according to the wiki00:53
clarkbso I think that we may have confused pip somehow00:53
anteayaClint: and generated patches so we can start going over what the generated files will look like00:53
clarkbjhesketh: I think we want to rm all those egg infos then try reinstalling00:53
clarkband go from there00:53
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Clintanteaya: sounds good00:54
anteayaClint: maybe we can start with a text file of 20 intented renamed projects to start00:54
lifelessjhesketh: git status ?00:54
jheskethclarkb: rm them from /opt/os-lognalazye right?00:54
anteayato save my eyes off the start00:54
jheskethlifeless: clean00:54
anteayaClint: thank you00:54
lifelessjhesketh: gnaar00:54
clarkbjhesketh: no from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/disk-packages00:54
clarkbI think there is enough old state there that pbr+pip are getting confused00:54
anteayaClint: and we can include a paste of the mv commands that are generated as well00:55
clarkbwe saw this a lot more often with older pip00:55
jheskethclarkb: maybe... should we try a pip install -U . first?00:55
lifelessjhesketh: ok so its now installed a new version00:55
clarkbjhesketh: ya probably worth trying -U first00:55
anteayaClint: or perhaps we can capture them in a text file too, that can also be offered up somewhere shareable00:55
lifelessjhesketh: so, check if its installed now00:55
lifelessclarkb: jhesketh: no need - jhesketh's log shows it upgraded00:55
clarkblifeless: but to the wrong version00:55
jheskethapparently not the version we expected00:55
anteayaClint: anyway for tomorrow, nice work here, we might actually survive the rename :)00:55
clarkblifeless: that git sha doesn't match HEAD00:55
lifelessclarkb: what version are you expecting ?00:56
lifelessjhesketh: what does git describe output ?00:56
Clintanteaya: we could also have it actually run those commands instead of displaying.. i was previously worried that there might be a problem with one of the acl files that are shared between projects, but maybe that's not a real concern00:56
clarkblifeless: 0.0.2.dev48 is what I get locally00:56
lifelessclarkb: yes, thats your pbr00:56
clarkband e1079394e376885abc44d042aee8e554f809ae97 is the sha100:56
clarkbso I expect .gthatsha1 at the very least00:56
anteayaClint: well the env that generates the patch is highly unlikely to also be running the mv commands00:56
lifelessclarkb: me too, I'm just asking that we gather data00:57
anteayaso I think having the mv commands somewhere where they can be copy/pasted is useful00:57
jheskethclarkb, lifeless:
lifelessclarkb: if there's a pip bug here, I want to be able to file it00:57
clarkblifeless: sure thats fair00:57
Clintanteaya: okay, great00:57
anteayaClint: thank you00:57
Clintsure, thanks for looking closely00:57
anteayathanks for doing this work00:57
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anteayavery helpful00:57
jheskethhmm, now is failing00:58
jheskethclarkb: I'm going to restart apache00:58
lifelessjhesketh: uhh... i was saying not to :/.00:58
lifelessjhesketh: what does git describe show in the os-loganalyze dir ?00:58
jheskethlifeless: 0.0.1-49-ge10793900:59
jheskethclarkb: hmm, getting on general log loads now00:59
lifelessjhesketh: btw IIRC you want sudo -i, not sudo, to fix that warning at the top of your pip run01:00
clarkbjhesketh: I think we have a broken install right now because it installed the wrong version for who knows what reason01:00
clarkbonce we fix that I think it will just work01:00
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lifelessjhesketh: that pbr error indicates the pkg-info metadata for python-swiftclient is not on the python path for some reason01:02
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lifelessjhesketh: you should have a ...-packages/python_swiftclient-2.6.0.dist-info/METADATA01:03
lifelessjhesketh: (and RECORD and WHEEL and so on)01:03
lifelessjhesketh: do you ?01:03
clarkbwe do01:04
jheskethyeah those are there01:04
lifelesspython -c  "import pbr.version;print(pbr.version.VersionInfo('python-swiftclient'))"01:05
lifelessshould work01:05
lifelessif it does, its something to do with your wsgi environment01:05
lifelessif it doesn't, its global01:05
clarkbit does not work01:05
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clarkbthis is pbr 0.11.o01:06
clarkber 0.11.001:06
lifelessyeah, so you'll want to merge my patch to update the requirements01:07
lifelessbut as a workaround01:07
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lifeless"sudo -i pip install pbr>1 ."01:07
lifelessshould fix it01:07
jheskethclarkb: did you want to run that, or shall I?01:07
clarkbjhesketh: ^ relative to os-loganalyze I think01:08
clarkbjhesketh: go for it01:08
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jheskethjhesketh@static:/opt/os-loganalyze$ sudo -i pip install "pbr>1" .01:09
jheskethDirectory '.' is not installable. File '' not found.01:09 is definiately there01:09
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clarkbdoes -i change the dir?01:10
lifelessFWIW I think os-loganaylse probably wants to participate in req syncing since it needs to be sanely coinstallable with swiftclient  and keystoneclient01:10
lifelessclarkb: oh, perhaps.01:10
clarkbI think oyu may want -H intead01:10
lifelessah yeah thats the one01:10
jheskethlifeless, clarkb:
clarkbit just keeps downgrading and downgrading :)01:12
clarkbpbr is now 1.8.0 though01:13
clarkband swiftclient version is still borked01:13
lifelessok, so remaining candidate is pkg_resources01:14
lifelesspip list | grep setuptools ?01:14
clarkboh wow setuptools (0.6rc11) thats ancient01:14
mordredoh my01:14
clarkbso likely want to juts upgrade setuptools before anything else01:14
mordredthat will certainly break things01:14
clarkbthen try again01:14
jlvillalAny known issue with the log server?01:14
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lifelessjlvillal: yes, we're working on it01:14
mordred"sudo -i pip install pbr>1 ." will not work01:15
clarkbjhesketh: so I think we want pip install -U setuptools01:15
mordredoh - I see the quote - nm01:15
clarkbjhesketh: then rerun the loganalyze install01:15
* mordred has many files called 1 for that reason01:15
clarkbthtas an amazingly old setuptools thing01:15
jheskethclarkb: hmm, will that be safe do you think?01:15
clarkbmordred: haha01:15
mordredI'm guesisng that something pulled it in01:15
clarkbjhesketh: ya I think that should be safe01:15
mordredwith an == and a -U somewhere01:15
lifelessclarkb: its actually not that old, but it is that bad :)01:15
mordredlifeless: ++01:15
clarkblifeless: its like more than 9 months old01:16
clarkbin setuptools terms that ancient01:16
jheskethokay upgraded setuptool01:16
jheskethshould I reinstall os-loganalyze with -U?01:16
clarkband swiftclient version works now01:16
lifelessjhesketh: no01:16
clarkbjhesketh: just pip install no -U01:16
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lifelessits already installed01:16
clarkbunless lifeless has other ideas01:16
lifelessI'd try the swiftclient version check first01:17
clarkblifeless: that works01:17
clarkb2.6.0 is reported correctly01:17
lifelessstart up the wsgi thingamy01:17
jheskethlooks to be at the right version01:17
clarkbthe wsgi thing is installed at the wrong version though01:17
clarkband that paste lgtm01:17
lifelessclarkb: wrong version, may be right content01:18
clarkband templates/ is present now01:18
lifelessclarkb: my theory is setuptools pkg_resources was the original break01:18
clarkblifeless: that makes sense01:18
clarkbold setuptools is just :(01:18
lifelessso does it work now?01:18
clarkbI think we need to restart apache now01:19
clarkbjhesketh: ^01:19
jheskethI reloaded apache01:19
jheskethso indexes work, but logs don't now :p01:19
lifelessoh, you did do a new install01:19
lifelessso - we should add setuptools to the things we take away from the os's control01:19
jheskethso looks like now we're hitting an os-loganalyze bug01:20
lifelessI'm surprised it wasn't already there :)01:20
clarkbjhesketh: ok should we remove the flag to gen indexes and fix later or is that insuffiient?01:20
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jheskethclarkb: the indexes are working... it's a bug in a previous os-loganlayze version01:21
jheskethsince it hasn't been updated for a while we've missed it01:21
clarkboh fun01:21
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jheskethcould be because of the new swiftclient version01:21
clarkbya looks like its complaining about the type returned by swiftclient01:22
clarkboutput is an _ObjectBody not a tring01:22
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jheskethwhy that's failing now though is the mystery01:22
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clarkblooks like it was added in 2.301:24
clarkbwhich means swiftlcient likely needed to 3.0 instead :/01:24
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clarkbnotmyname: ^ btw01:24
jheskethit should be returning the object contents01:24
jheskethclarkb: which was added in 2.3?01:24
clarkbjhesketh: _ObjectBody01:25
clarkber it was added after 2.3 acoording to git describe --always so whatever release happeend after01:25
jheskethwe've got 2.6 installed and this is the 2.6 documentation01:25
clarkbman even updates the test to pass :/01:25
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clarkbit does still return a tuple but the last entry in the tuple is _ObjectBody() not a string type01:27
clarkbso maybe quick solution is to downgrade swiftclient?01:27
jheskethpossibly... do we know what was working before?01:27
jheskethI also suspect if we downgrade swiftclient we may need to downgrade keystone client01:27
clarkbso ship has sailed but at the very least changes like this really really need to come with semver versions01:28
clarkb(we can't hardly gripe about it in other projects if we don't do it ourselves)01:28
clarkbjhesketh: 2.3.1 is the newest version without that change to the api01:29
lifelessclarkb: if only we had backwards compat testing ...01:29
clarkblifeless: oh believe me I am a proponent for that tesitng01:29
clarkblifeless: I had a major sad when we reworked everything to rip it out01:29
clarkblifeless: but I am saying that me saying we shouldn't do this couldn't stand up to devs saying NO01:30
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix tripleo-incubator build workaround
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jheskethclarkb: any way of telling if we need to downgrade keystoneclient?01:31
clarkblifeless: there are changes we can revert to get the testing back, we *did* have it01:31
clarkbjhesketh: uh let me look at the versions in requirements for swiftcleitn01:31
lifelessclarkb: it'll need to be a little different due to constraints01:31
clarkbjhesketh: it says >=0.7.001:31
lifelessclarkb: also I'm proposing two variants - upgrade-just-x, and all-upgraded01:31
clarkbjhesketh: so maybe :)01:31
lifelessclarkb: but yes, its about the discussion and consensus. Helping me help other folk understand the pain would be super useful :)01:32
clarkbjhesketh: but that version hasn't changed in latest swiftclient01:32
lifelessclarkb: e.g. comemnts, suggested prose on the 'what is the problem' section of my spec01:32
jheskethclarkb: okay, so shall we downgrade swiftclient and play with that - see how we go?01:32
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clarkbjhesketh: yup I think thats a good next step01:32
clarkblifeless: ya would need edits likely01:32
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clarkblifeless: I did read the two variants in the spec and I am not sure we need both yet but need to devote some brainpower to it first01:33
jheskethclarkb: okay, would you like me to do sudo -H pip install "python-swiftclient==2.3.1" now?01:33
clarkbjhesketh: yup01:34
lifelessclarkb: thats detail we can address once we have buy-in to doing it;)01:34
jheskethclarkb: that seemed to get it
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix tripleo-incubator build workaround
clarkblifeless: the general issue we ran into is that the devs don't wnat to bother with backward compat when under the gun for $newfeature01:34
clarkblifeless: so you end up with almost no one that actually cares about it and without people caring it can't happen01:34
jheskethclarkb: cool, indexes and pages now working01:34
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jheskethclarkb: so we should pin down swiftclient in osloganalyze?01:35
clarkbjhesketh: woot01:35
lifelessclarkb: sure, but we have to do backwards compat to land anything anyway01:35
clarkbjhesketh: if you add a pin to swiftclient in os loganalyze I can review that and lifeless' pbr hange01:35
clarkblifeless: not with the branch separation01:35
lifelessclarkb: mine was a blanket update-requirements run01:35
clarkbso maybe edit lifeless' change to fix swiftclient01:35
lifelessyeah, doing that01:36
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Update requirements
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Pin python-swifclient
jheskethclarkb, lifeless: ^01:36
clarkbhaha :) proably my fault, sorry01:36
jheskethah, lifeless beat me01:36
jheskethI'll abandon01:36
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clarkbapproved,  Idid check the versions to make sure current set matches reality and seems good01:38
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clarkblifeless: is the history behind removing stable compat jobs01:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Update requirements
clarkbI am all for adding that back in again01:42
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Handle all requests through os-loganalyze
jheskethclarkb: ^ so there's the next big test01:43
clarkbthe way those jobs were setup was install current change for $lib and install everything else on latest version of $brnach01:43
clarkbthat is a little more complicated now that we have constraints01:43
clarkbsimplest way to handle that may be to shove the client under test in a venv and everything else global?01:43
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lifelessclarkb: thank you01:44
lifelessso the key thing is the interaction with de-aggregated servers01:45
clarkblifeless: we can also obviously be smarter about what jobs give coverage for specific libs too, the old setup appeared to just use neutron devstack01:45
lifelessto me01:45
clarkblifeless: ah so in venv doesn't help much01:45
clarkbgood point01:45
lifelessclarkb: so the etherpad has a larger matrix01:46
lifelessclarkb: where we looked at 'clients in servers' and 'clients as CLI' as separate points01:46
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lifelessclarkb: in the spec I've collapsed that down to be pragmatic (and make it feasible to do :))01:47
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for the ovs mechanism driver with native mode
clarkblifeless: ^ clearly we need to test the entire matrix >_>01:51
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clarkbthats ovs drivers x dvr/nodvr01:52
clarkbseems odd that we need >1 ovs driver though01:52
lifelessclarkb: I think it would be ok to start with one test, and then on anything threading through add another job for coverage01:52
clarkbthough I guess there is opendaylight and ovn and akanda et al01:52
lifelessclarkb: diminishing returns etc tc01:52
clarkblifeless: ya01:53
clarkblifeless: I am just contrasting your appraoch with neutrons01:53
clarkbneutrons is clearly test all the things!01:53
lifelessoh ah01:53
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lifelessis there anyway to unsubscribe from a single change?01:53
lifeless is making me sad01:54
clarkblifeless: you may have an X next to your name in the vote graph01:54
clarkbif you click that should remove you (and if thats admin only I guess I can do it)01:54
clarkbthough if you already have a project wide subscribe that wont help01:54
lifelessI can see it01:54
clarkba better soltion there may be to remoe swift from syncing01:54
clarkbwe are going to test them with the sync anyways01:55
clarkbif they don't want to merge then me01:55
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/os-testr: Better blacklist - tested with Nova
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Make unit tests non-voting
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ruagairIs there any doco floating about on how to link to Storyboard in git-review / gerrit?03:43
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to statsd 3.0
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ianwruagair: you mean other than using "Story:" in the cl ?  or are you talking about something else?03:51
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update meeting info for 3rd party ci working group
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27 and non-experimental tacker gate job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update meeting info for 3rd party ci working group
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openstackgerritSkyler Berg proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ciwatch - CI monitoring tool
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openstackgerritBrian Torres proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use xml instead of job description for is_managed
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openstackgerritBrian Torres proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use xml instead of job description for is_managed
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openstackgerritJens Rosenboom proposed openstack-infra/project-config: IPv6 experimental job - set SERVICE_HOST to ::1
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ruagairUsing Story: is probably allI need. Thanks ianw05:17
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8-constraints jobs
openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add cover-constraints jobs
openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tarball-constraints jobs
openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs-constraints jobs
openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run non-voting jobs on gate
ruagairGo Nakato :-)05:27
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openstackgerritSkyler Berg proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ciwatch - CI monitoring tool
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to statsd 3.0
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Use rather than localhost for statsd host
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Prevent overwriting of user modified blacklist.conf
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Translate Ironic for Liberty as well
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Reorder the script number of 'elements/dkms/post-install.d/99-dkms'
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a new element hpdsa
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openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes: Vitrage - Initialize new OpenStack project
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set cinder api to 1 in rally-gate-dsvm-cli job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Also look for stackforge puppet modules when copying logs
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DaisyStevenK: there ?07:09
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Prevent overwriting of user modified blacklist.conf
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StevenKDaisy: Hi07:33
StevenKDaisy: Right, horizon is special, let me generate one and reply back07:34
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DaisyThank you, StevenK.07:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Force gzip to run on log archives
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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust SDK jobs to use ceilometer plugin
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StevenKDaisy: I've replied.07:42
DaisyStevenK: let me take a look.07:42
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DaisyStevenK: I didn't get your email.07:47
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StevenKDaisy: The IBM mailserver accepted it eight minutes ago. But, I've pasted it for you in
openstackgerritSam Wan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ovs_gre_bridge check address existence before 'ip addr add'
DaisyStevenK: It works for me. Thank you, StevenK.07:56
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set the delorean baseurl to /centos7
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openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes: Vitrage - Initialize new OpenStack project
openstackgerritDominic Cleal proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support schedule-failed-builds plugin
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Prevent overwriting of user modified blacklist.conf
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Reorder the script number of 'elements/dkms/post-install.d/99-dkms'
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openstackgerritDominic Cleal proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support schedule-failed-builds plugin
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-ansible-security repository
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openstackgerritDominic Cleal proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support schedule-failed-builds plugin
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: agent: ensure vmlinuz file does not exist before hard-linking into it
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a new element hpdsa
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openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes: Vitrage - Initialize new OpenStack project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add setup/tox/requirements files
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-ansible-security repository
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e0nehi. can anybody help me with adding new job to Cinder, please? I have no mind why tests for failed09:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update CI status report to generate HTML table.
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix tests/test_functions.bash
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a tox target to run functional tests locally
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 and bashate non-voting checks to openstack-ansible
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 and bashate non-voting checks to openstack-ansible
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mgroszHello, can someone review change
wznoinskhi infra10:43
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wznoinskwhenever someone (fungi? pleia2? others?) has a moment, could you share what you use (software and methods) to create mirror(s) of openstack git repos?10:44
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job to test Cinder with Block Device Driver backend
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a tox target to run functional tests locally
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
sdagueso, I had the order wrong on these patches11:08
sdaguewhich means we're going to be in a bit of pain for a moment11:09
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sdaguejhesketh / fungi / SergeyLukjanov - anyone up for looking at that d-g change?11:12
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fungisdague: 229363? looking now11:18
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sdagueturns out I forgot the branch computation wasn't right11:19
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StevenKfungi: Hai, could you be convinced to approve a trivial infra-specs change, , or shall I wait for jeblair?11:21
fungiwe can also rip out scenarios which involve stable/icehouse, though i suppose that can wait11:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use to drive ci
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sdagueyeh, I'd prefer to just sort those out later11:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Remove topic:zanata from review link
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krotscheckWhat version of puppet are we currently using?11:29
fungiwznoinsk: do you mean what we use to maintain the server farm, or what we run on our personal workstations to keep local clones up to date?11:30
StevenKfungi: Thank you for the +A11:30
fungikrotscheck: 3.7.011:31
krotscheckfungi: danke.11:31
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krotschecknibalizer: That issue from 2 days ago is apparently a bug in puppet that was fixed with 3.7. My testenv is 3.4.3, so that's probably why I was hitting it.11:38
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove a duplicate variable export
fungisdague: 229363 is failing grenade11:50
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove distro-package npm from release slave.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added recent version of npm to release slave
krotscheckfungi: ^^ Try #3223554311:51
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* fungi has no idea what #32235543 is but will look at the two changes you just uploaded shortly11:54
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krotscheckfungi: It's my exasperation with how many times I've had to revise this12:01
krotscheckAaanyway, back to bed. Silly infant keeping me up.12:01
sdaguefungi: ok, let me take a look12:02
fungikrotscheck: ahh. well, i _did_ say i was okay with just doing the /usr/etc/npmrc thing. but thanks for trying to find a cleaner solution12:02
fungisdague: i started digging in... something looks unhappy with cinder there12:02
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-ansible-security repository
sdagueyeh, so.... I think we're maybe wedged12:03
sdaguethis is the cinder v1 disable bit12:03
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sdagueoh, it looks like in master I can land the revert12:03
sdaguecinder v1 service removal trips up another thing12:04
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sdagueso... opinion time, I could land all that, because a lot of things remain broken by it12:04
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sdaguefungi: what do you think? mtreinish not awake yet12:04
sdaguebasically, the grenade code requires cinder v1 because cinder v2 didn't work at all as recently as six months ago12:05
sdaguewith openstack client12:05
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fungiis 229348 going to fail without 229363 (do we have a mutual wedge)?12:06
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sdagueno, 229348 already passed12:06
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fungiokay, so adding a depends-on in 229363 likely queues these in an order which will pass12:07
fungii agree the revert in devstack is likely the next step, though i'm not a devstack core reviewer12:08
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fungiif one of the other devstack cores here wants to approve that (or if you want to self-approve it) i'll help guide it in12:09
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sdagueyeh, I'm comfortable self approving, I just want another opinion12:11
sdagueto ensure that I'm not being crazy about it12:11
fungiyou've posted on the ml thread about it, seems perfectly reasonable12:11
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sdagueok, I approved the master and liberty reverts12:12
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
sdaguethat depends on should address it12:13
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fungii went ahead and approved fungi@zuul:~$ sudo zuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --project openstack-infra/devstack-gate --pipeline gate --change 229363,212:21
fungigrr, wrong paste12:21
sdagueok, cool12:21
fungibut yeah, it's in the gate now12:21
sdagueyep, looks good12:22
fungisince its dependencies were already there12:22
sdaguehopefully enough people are still kind of asleep that this will all be resolved12:22
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sdagueall seems sane, ok, I'm going to go make a real breakfast12:23
sdagueand check back in in a bit once those results have sorted12:23
fungii need to do the same12:23
cdentsdague: I had no idea you were a geograph-ist12:23
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sdaguehey, you could be taking a nap :)12:23
cdentI wish I was, I have a cold.12:23
sdaguethe gate was small enough that it didn't seem like a firedrill12:24
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rcarrillocruzzaro: heya, too early for you to be up , right?12:26
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clarkbdidnt the v1 removal go in days ago? why are we just having issues now?12:33
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mordredsdague, clarkb: why in the WORLD would we DISABLE cinder v1?12:44
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mordredwould we not want to add v2, switch all the services to use it by default12:44
clarkbI do not know12:44
mordredand then run both v1 and v2 in parallel for at least 2 or 3 years?12:44
smcginnisCinder v1 has been deprecated for some time. V2 has also been available.12:44
smcginnisI believe it has been a couple years, but TBH I wasn't around when that work happened.12:45
mordredsmcginnis: as I understand it, literally nobody uses v2 yet because it did not work until just recently12:45
mordredsmcginnis: and there are zero vendors shipping it12:45
smcginnismordred: It does work. Maybe that's been the perception though.12:45
mordredso we're basically at the same spot as keystone v312:45
mordredwhichis that we SHOULD move to v212:45
mordredbut v1 is still a reality in the world12:45
mordredand we should account for that12:45
smcginnisI think we definitely need to work on getting the word out.12:45
clarkbbut still why did it take days to find grenade fails?12:45
mordredsmcginnis: ++12:45
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smcginnisAnd work with the client consumers to make sure they get updated first.12:45
mordredsmcginnis: I'm mainly arguing that we should not disable v1 anywhere until it's actually more dead than it is now12:46
smcginnismordred: To be fair, if you're talking about the change I think you are.12:46
smcginnisIt was to make 2 the default, not remove 1.12:46
mordredsmcginnis: but we should definitely push to get clients and whatnot to consume v212:46
mordredsmcginnis: k. awesome12:46
clarkbiirc it removed v112:46
smcginnismordred: Definitely12:46
clarkbbroke rally12:47
mordredRevert "Disable Cinder v1 API support by default"12:47
mordredthat's the title of the patch12:47
clarkbbecause no v2 in rally12:47
mordred"Disable Cinder v1 API support by default12:47
mordredoriginal patch12:47
smcginnismordred: Thanks, I was just going to ask for the link. ;)12:47
mordredsmcginnis: :)12:47
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smcginnisOK, so it disabled it be default, but it can be enabled with config.12:48
smcginnisIt's not removed.12:48
mordredbut that should not be done12:48
smcginnisBut that doesn't really help in gate.12:48
mordredfor at least another few cycles12:48
smcginnismordred: I do agree.12:48
mordredsmcginnis: woot!12:48
* mordred loves morning argreement12:48
mordrednow - to find the conference room I'm supposed to be in ...12:48
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Skip whitespace for html view
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clarkbits removed from devstack12:49
clarkbin this case disabled == removed12:49
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clarkbits not useable12:49
clarkbthere is no functional difference12:50
pabelangeranteaya: yes, on my list of things to work on.12:50
clarkbwhether or not the code is on disk is a completely different issue12:50
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clarkbbut still eould be good to figure out why it took so long to see problems with the change12:51
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fungialso devstack-gate patch 229363,2 to add stable/liberty is still failing even with the cinder v2 revert12:52
fungisdague: ^ when you get back from eating12:53
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clarkbfungi is that what precipitated the revert? so wasnt existing fails but new ones when flipping branches. that would explain the delay12:54
fungiclarkb: well, following the ml thread, there were other issues noticed as well12:55
clarkbthere were but none deemed revert worthy12:55
clarkbrally was told to explocitly enable v1, the tempest volume migration test got a patch to handle v2 and so on12:55
clarkbso I am curious why all of a sudden the revert had to happen12:56
clarkb(not that the revert is bad just curious about what changed)12:56
fungibut yeah, cinder_grenade_vol never becomes usable according to
fungiin the liberty build12:57
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove usage of jenkins/slave_scripts in rally job
openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create new project training-labs
fungipoking around in the screen logs to see if i can spot why12:58
sdagueclarkb: so yesterday it looked like rally was the only thing affected12:58
sdagueok, that's a one off, but today there seem to be a bunch of affected things12:58
sdaguesome times the piling on of data to show how deep the issue is becomes an issue12:59
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jheskethyolanda: could you take a look at when you get a chance please13:00
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Move Item formatting into Reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up loggers
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sdaguesmcginnis: openstack client did not work v2 until a couple of months ago13:01
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-ansible-security repository
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sdaguefungi: so it looks like possibly in liberty the cinder v1 code is not working?13:05
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fungibut is working in master? (or devstack/tempest jobs in master aren't testing that?)13:06
sdaguethey may not be touching this path13:07
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fungicertainly seems possible13:07
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sdaguethe issue is "openstack volume show cinder_grenade_vol"13:08
sdaguedoesn't return anything13:08
mordredsdague: for 1 second I thought that someone had implemented a command called cinder_grenade_vol13:09
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mordredsdague: but then I drank more coffee13:09
fungithere were some tenant-related config issues warned in one of the other logs which might indicate it's searching te wrong tenant13:09
redixindear all. could you please merge this small simple patch. we have -1 from jenkins for all our CRs
fungiUnable to get internal tenant context: Missing required config parameters.13:10
cdentJust a heads up:I'm getting 504 Gateway Time-out when trying to subscribe to the openstack-infra list. I can submit the subscription form but then it times out while processing.13:10
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Enhance CRD doc with diagrams
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funginot sure if that's benign since i don't stare at these often enough13:11
sdaguefungi: logstash votes it's probably noise13:12
sdague91% success rate13:12
fungiyep, just checked the same13:12
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sdaguesmcginnis: could use some assistance here, cinder is definitely locking us up13:13
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: dsvm full job for devstack-zmq
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sdaguefungi: this is weird, I can't see the POST call in the logs here to build that volume13:21
fungi oh, i didn't think to start tracing it that far back13:21
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sdagueright, so that's indicative of this being the root cause -
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Skip whitespace for html view
sdagueneed stevemar or dtroyer13:22
sdagueyeh, I was comparing a working log and a non working log13:22
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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fungiit's using the latest python-openstackclient (1.7.0 from a week ago) in that call, looks like13:26
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rvasilets_Hi. Could you vote for ? Thx13:26
sdaguefungi: yeh, which apparently no longer works with cinder v1....13:26
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
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sdagueok, so that's stacked on top of a grenade work around13:28
fungiseems like we have some significant missing test coverage for cinder volume create in tempest and/or openstackclient functional jobs13:28
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sdagueI think it's mostly openstack client13:29
yolandahi, i was wondering about - nodepool secure.conf13:29
sdaguethe moment it went over to v2, it stopped working on v113:29
sdaguewhich provides no real migration for folks13:29
yolandait needs some more eyes, and land it soon, as i sent the email about these changes some time ago13:29
fungisdague: yes, seems like a liberty release blocker13:30
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sdagueall this feels like this whole thing is too rushed, and we need to take a step back13:30
asselin_yolanda, I was looking at it yesterday. there are a lot of common-ci spec changes depending on that. If we can merge it soon, it will unblock all those other patches.13:32
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pabelangeryolanda: Ya, I think people agreed to merged it. Somebody just needs to pull trigger and baby sit.13:32
yolandait needs an extra +213:33
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use to build packages
asselin_I have the dependent patches listed here:
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yolandafungi, clarkb, can you look at this patch when you have an slot?13:34
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mtreinishfungi: we have coverage for cinder v2 in tempest13:34
mtreinishalthough I spent yesterday fixing a bunch of places where we didn't use v2 if v1 wasn't enabled13:34
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fungimtreinish: right, but it's cinder v1 volume create which either isn't working correctly any longer or somehow got support silently dropped in latest openstackclient13:35
mtreinishah, ok missed the context skimming the back log13:35
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fungiso wondering if tempest master stopped testing some v1 api calls it used to test13:36
mtreinishyeah osc probably needs real testing13:36
fungier, well tempest when testing master13:36
mtreinishfungi: nope, tempest still will test both13:36
fungiokay, cool, so this _could_ be a regression in openstackclient i guess13:36
fungirather than missing test coverage for cinder itself13:37
clarkbwell tempest stopped testing both recently13:37
clarkbbecause v1 was not available13:37
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, when devstack turned off v1 tempest couldn't test that path anymore13:38
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asselin_mtreinish, fungi clarkb fyi there's a os client patch here that tries to fix it:
clarkbso it is possibly a regression in cinder itself13:38
fungiso also possible changes merged to cinder in at least stable/liberty which broke v1 image create13:38
* dtroyer catches up…13:39
fungiafter the devstack change went in to disable v113:39
sdagueclarkb: the request isn't getting to cinder13:39
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sdagueit's not in the cinder api log13:39
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: dsvm full job for devstack-zmq
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dtroyerthat error sdague posted about 20 min ago is an OSC volume v2 only error due to how glanceclient v2 is implemented (thanks warlock)13:39
clarkbasselin_ thats just client co fig13:39
dtroyerso if you think it's on v1, it isn't at that point13:39
sdaguedtroyer: hmmm... it's specifically calling v1 then13:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr: Better blacklist - tested with Nova
dtroyerok, hang on a sec…early for me...13:40
dtroyerI'm conflating image and volume there13:40
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-openstack_spec_helper project
sdaguedtroyer: yeh, this is voluem13:40
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sdagueso, I'm potentially just working around it in grenade, however, that seems like a kind of big deal because there hasn't been any overlap of an osc that works on v1 and v2 that we've had in infrastructure13:42
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dtroyerreally?  volume v2 happened while I was unconsious, looks like I need to get up to speed on it13:43
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dtroyerand if that broke v1, it's a huge fubar on our part, that's one reason we c-n-p so friggin much code around, to avoid breakage13:44
pabelangerany infra-core mind helping and land for grafyaml? We have the votes, just not 2 of them :D13:44
dtroyeris it just a default issue?13:44
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sdaguedtroyer: well, grenade explicitly set osc cinder version to 1 because 2 wasn't implemented and exploded13:45
sdagueand that works with the kilo version13:45
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sdaguebut as soon as we cut the branch so we're doing liberty -> master13:45
sdagueit doesn't work13:45
sdaguewith that error I linked to13:45
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: enable integrations jobs for puppet-swift
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add dsvm-full-lio to os-brick jobs
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clarkbsdague and v2 -> v2 doesnt work for other reasons right?13:51
dtroyersdague: OSC changed the default volume API to v2 on 8/24, so is in the 1.7.0 release.  it's possible that it isn't downshifting properly for a v1 setting from the env/cmd line13:51
clarkbin theory you could v1 and v2 on liberty then v2 only on M but that doesnt work because v1 and v2 both unhappy?13:51
dtroyeri'm heading off to look at that next13:52
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openstackgerritJakub Ruzicka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project pymod2pkg to Packaging-RPM team
openstackgerritJakub Ruzicka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project renderspec to Packaging-RPM team
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smcginnissdague: Sorry, was away but I saw your ping.13:56
sdagueclarkb: I'm deleting the forced downshift bit in grenade, we'll see13:56
smcginnissdague: Still issues?13:56
sdaguesmcginnis: yes13:56
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smcginnissdague: Are there additional issues on the cinder side we need to address?13:57
sdaguev1 does not work in liberty with osc13:57
fungiso this still means that osc 1.7.0 won't work with openstack deployments that lack cinder v213:58
smcginnissdague: Were changes merged in osc for the v1/v2 change? I thought those didn't go through yet.13:58
sdaguefungi: right13:58
fungismcginnis: back in august according to dtroyer13:58
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smcginnise0ne: You around?13:58
e0nesmcginnis: yep13:59
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smcginnise0ne: Are you aware of what's going on? I didn't think we changed version support in August.13:59
smcginnise0ne: But I wasn't paying as close attention then.13:59
sdaguealso, because this is based on explicitly changing the service catalog type I expect that in the field it will take a really long time for people to flip over13:59
e0nesmcginnis: do you mean osc?13:59
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smcginnisdtroyer: Is that what you were referring to? ^^14:00
* smcginnis hasn't read all the backlog14:00
fungismcginnis: yes14:00
smcginnisfungi: Thanks.14:00
fungicinder v2 support in python-openstackclient in august appears in the 1.7.0 release from last week14:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove a duplicate variable export
fungiand seems to have inadvertently ceased working with at least some cinder v1 calls when that happened14:01
smcginnisfungi: v2 support, but I didn't think we default to v2 in any way yet.14:01
e0neopenstackclient works with cinder api v2 only if it passes explicit via --os-volume-api-version or env variable due to but14:01
e0nefungi: ^^14:01
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e0nedtroyer: ^^14:02
stevemare0ne: you can set OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION=214:02
e0nestevemar: sure14:02
e0nestevemar: asselin did it on their 3rd party CI yesterday and it works14:02
dtroyerso I'm getting image create with osc 1.7.0 working manually on both v1 and v2 with a devstack about a week old14:03
sdaguedtroyer: volume create14:03
sdaguevolume create is what's not getting sent to the server on v114:04
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sdaguein 1.7.014:04
openstackgerritRob Cresswell proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum Django version
dtroyergrrrrrrrr I promise I tyoed volume create in my test/// ;)14:04
e0nedtroyer: it works only with OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION=214:05
dtroyerit feels like something in the environment…14:05
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dtroyerworks for me with v114:05
sdaguethat's what fails14:05
e0nedtroyer:  i've mentioned fix for it in os-client-onfig earlier14:05
sdaguefails to send to the server14:05
fungivolume create here isn't getting picked up in the c-api screen log
e0neopenstack volume create 1 ----- doesn't work!!!14:06
e0neopenstack volume --os-volume-api-version 2  create 1 -- it works!!14:06
dtroyeropenstack volume create —size 1 vol-name14:06
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e0newe've got a bug in osc
openstackLaunchpad bug 1500938 in os-client-config "openstack client doesn't work correctly with cinder v2 api" [Undecided,New]14:06
fungie0ne: point is, this is in a job with cinder v2 api disabled14:07
asselin_e0ne, stevemar this is what we do: line 1:
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscriptions
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sdaguefungi: well, it was. The reverts landed now14:08
e0nefungi: where do we have disabled v2?14:08
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sdaguefungi: oh, sorry, no v2 was always up14:08
sdaguevolumes v2 has been default on for 3 cycles14:08
sdagueor something14:08
tdurakovhi, where can I find config for gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-full job?14:08
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fungioh, hrm. so the volume calls should have been using v2 instead of v1 as far back as juno?14:09
sdaguefungi: volume calls *could* have been using it14:09
sdaguebut no one did14:10
sdagueand there was no collective effort in enabling that14:10
e0neand no one will do it while v1 is working14:10
clarkbtempest does/did14:10
sdagueright, tempest did14:10
clarkbbut nothing else aiui14:10
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fungioh, i see. so osc <1.7.0 made volume calls via the v1 api, 1.7.0 makes them via the v2 api and can no longer perform them via the v1 api?14:10
sdaguee0ne: making people move by breaking everyone in the world is not an ok option14:11
e0nefungi: osc 1.7.0 could use both v1 and v214:11
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dtroyerfungi: that should not be the case, I haven't been able to duplicate that scenario yet14:11
sdagueif you want people on a new API you need to provide compelling reasons14:11
e0nesdague: agree14:11
e0nesdague: we don't extend old api at least 3 releases14:11
sdaguedtroyer: did you try to create the volume from an image?14:12
smcginnise0ne: So were you saying volume create with v1 is broken now? Not sure I followed completely.14:12
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dtroyerah, missed that detail…and there's where image v2 comes into the picture!!!!!!!!!!14:12
sdaguedtroyer: could be14:12
dtroyerI was right about that particular error, it's a friggin glacneclient2 problem!!!!!!!!14:12
e0nemcginnis: no14:12
sdagueoh, really?14:12
smcginnise0ne: OK, good.14:13
dtroyerand that's why I am trying to get us off glanceclient first into the sdk...14:13
sdagueo_O ... flaper8714:13
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: use sudo to rename horizon logs
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e0nesdague: that will use api v1, not v214:13
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smcginnisdtroyer: The issue is actually with glance? That's why we're not seeing c-api logs?14:13
dtroyerso lemme go absorb v2 image crewate...14:13
e0nesdague: you need to explicit set v2 api for openstack client14:13
dtroyerdammit…volume create14:13
sdaguee0ne: if you have to explicitly set v2 api in osc, then turning off v1 in devstack is a non starter14:14
sdaguebecause that's just hitting users in the face with a pointy stick14:14
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dtroyerand here it is:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: use sudo to rename horizon config
dtroyerwe need OS_API_IMAGE_VERSION=1 for this to work, first thing it does is look up the image name14:15
sdaguedtroyer: for serious?14:15
dtroyerso we can use names instead of IDs14:15
sdagueflaper87 ...14:16
dtroyerand I think we've addressed that problem, but it isn't released yet…I smell a 1.7.1 coming14:16
dtroyerits in OSC due to the f-ing warlock-based resources14:16
dtroyerso I oknow what I'm doing the rest of the week...14:16
sdagueok, so this is blocking completion of the stable/liberty branch14:17
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sdaguebecause we can't test liberty -> master until this is fix14:17
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e0nedtroyer: what issue in osc do you mean?14:17
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fungiwas this bug 1498092?14:18
openstackbug 1498092 in python-openstackclient "Glance - Set Image - Resolve fracturing" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to Niall Bunting (niall-bunting)14:18
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dtroyere0ne: image v2 needs special handling and can't use our otherwise common find_resource() code.  it's special.  I'm not sure if that fix is committed yet, I know it isn't released yet14:24
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sdaguedtroyer: so, is there actually a work around?14:25
sdaguethat we could limp with until there is a release14:25
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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anteayajaypipes: so how violent are mirantis project names going to get before mirantis says "hey that is crossing a line?"14:26
dtroyersdague: yeah, OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION=114:26
sdagueok, let me try that14:26
dtroyerv2 is a <censored />14:27
mtreinishdtroyer: heh, I like that workaround us v114:27
sdaguedtroyer: is there a bug for that?14:27
dtroyerand a proposed fix that is buried in a chain of image v2 fixes14:28
dtroyerimage v2 is a mess in OSC14:28
dtroyerI'm trying to fix it...14:28
jaypipesanteaya: ?14:28
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sdaguedtroyer: is there a bug I can reference here?14:28
dtroyerand will start the merges in a minute14:28
dtroyernot sure, lemme look14:28
sdaguebecause then I can get grenade and friends working again14:28
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dtroyerI'll create one…most of that review chain was still considered 'feature' so no bug14:29
sdaguedtroyer: ok, yeh, just give me an artifact I can reference so we'll know when to remove the work around14:29
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pelixzaro waynr zxiiro: fixes a random test bug and associates logging events with tests (and cleans up the console output for test runs), both would be nice to land.14:31
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jaypipesanteaya: it's a component inside the Fuel web framework, nothing more. And, for the record, gun and war-related component names are fairly common in software projects...14:32
anteayaoh so I should just shutup and deal?14:32
jaypipesanteaya: I didn't say that.14:32
anteayabecause I am really not a fan of this kind of language or approach to naming14:32
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anteayaI have rather taken pride in the fact that openstack heretofore has not stooped to that level14:33
jaypipesanteaya: uhm, "grenade"?14:33
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anteayait brings in an energy dynamic that is harmful to cooperative working14:33
anteayajaypipes: how are you not saying shutup and deal14:33
openstackLaunchpad bug 1501362 in python-openstackclient "Image v2 lookup issues" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Dean Troyer (dtroyer)14:33
anteayaI ask again, where is the line?14:33
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jaypipesanteaya: I don't know where the line is, Anita.14:34
anteayais there no respect for common shareed space anymore14:34
anteayajaypipes: I can accept that14:34
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anteayaI feel it has been crossed14:34
jaypipesanteaya: I think you are ascribing intent or malice here where there is none.14:34
anteayaI also feel noone seems to care14:34
anteayathe word cares it14:35
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jaypipesanteaya: the component is a shotgun-effect broadcaster.14:35
anteayathe most I can ascribe to intent it the lack of awareness14:35
jaypipesanteaya: if you want to propose renaming it, I have no problem with that.14:35
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anteayaI think it is more awareness14:35
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anteayaand understanding of the nature of names14:35
jaypipesanteaya: but I will point out that this is not something specific to Mirantis. see my comment above about "grenade", which sdague and dtroyer should be familiar with.14:36
anteayajaypipes: I am not saying miranits is alone in this14:36
anteayajust they happen to have sent the email to which I am referencing14:36
dtroyerI know the origin of that name and will leave it at that…I was overruled14:36
anteayaand you happen to work this them14:36
zxiiropelix: merged14:36
anteayaI think this behooves a larger conversation14:37
anteayaaround trust14:37
anteayaand working towards it14:37
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anteayaand selecting thought forms supportive of it14:37
pelixzxiiro: tks :)14:37
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zxiiropelix: reviewing the 2nd one now14:37
anteayatrust is getting some airtime now, which is nice to see14:37
jaypipesanteaya: I understand and respect your point of view, but I do not share the same degree of concern.14:37
anteayaI think as a group we have agreement that is what we want14:38
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anteayajaypipes: that is fine but do you feel it is a word that supports and fosters an enviroment of trust14:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow save to be called more than once
pelixzxiiro: take a look at the console output from other test runs, you'll see the main benefit there, to test you'll probably want to download and deliberately break some tests that log output14:38
anteayabecause I think we as a group need to start becoming conscious of needing to do so14:38
anteayaand not take it for granted14:38
anteayaas it is eroding14:38
anteayathat much I believe as a group we can also see14:39
sdagueok, new grenade patch set up to hopefully work around the glance issue14:39
jaypipesanteaya: It is not something I have spent much time considering.14:39
dtroyerI am concerned about a growing speech censorship and 'correctness' that has entered our community.  part of the corporatization that Termie talked about in YVR.  while possibly unavoidable, it is also sad to see intolerance and imposition of specific views onto the wider community14:39
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anteayajaypipes: could you do me the honour of perhaps setting aside a few minutes this week to perhaps consider it?14:39
sdaguefungi: the devstack-gate is rechecked on top of this14:39
anteayajaypipes: I'd be grateful if you could14:40
sdagueso... maybe this time ?14:40
anteayadtroyer: good point14:40
anteayadtroyer: how do we grow a culture of trust?14:40
anteayadtroyer: I think that is the larger issue14:40
waynrpelix: i reviewed the test logging fixture change last week and forgot to +2 it, definitely looking forward to that one!14:41
anteayayou can point to me as someone you feel is censoring speach if you wish and you would have a point14:41
anteayabut have you considered why?14:41
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anteayahave you thought about what is being lost14:41
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for libvirt firewall race bug 1501366
openstackbug 1501366 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "libvirtError: Error while building firewall: Some rules could not be created for interface" [High,Confirmed]
anteayaby condoning growing use of words of violence and agression?14:42
dtroyerI understand why, and you totally have that responsibility if you feel stringly to make it known.  but it is a two-way street and when someone you disagree with takes your process and uses it to their advantage, …14:42
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anteayatakes my process and uses it to their advantage, I havne't seen that, have you any examples?14:42
openstackgerritRikard Anglerud proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add credentialsId support to the StashNotifier
anteayaand I agree actions are a two-way street14:43
anteayabalance must be maintained in all things14:43
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jaypipesanteaya: my best advice would be to start the conversation on the ML and/or submit a resolution to the governance repository that the TC can vote on that talks about avoiding violent or aggressive naming of projects or components.14:44
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anteayaI think that is avoiding the personal responsibility we all have14:44
anteayamy trying to make this "my" problem14:45
jaypipesanteaya: I don't have a responsibility to agree with you. I have a responsibility to consider your viewpoints.14:45
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anteayajaypipes: you don't even have a responsiblity to consider my viewpoint14:45
jaypipesanteaya: the onus is on you to submit a resolution and build support for your ideas, no?14:45
anteayayou can choose to if you wish14:45
stevemardtroyer: so we're going to make a whole bunch of osc changes now :D14:45
stevemardtroyer: moar image commands!14:45
anteayajaypipes: well you said you hadn't considered the notion of making choices to support and environment of trust14:46
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anteayajaypipes: you don't have to consider it if you choose not to14:46
anteayaI had asked you to, but you are welcome to refuse14:46
jaypipesanteaya: no, that's not what I mean. I mean that I do not agree with you that "shotgun" is offensive. I *do* agree with you that we should be building a culture of trust and respect.14:47
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anteayajaypipes: because if you as a person aren't willing to take the time to think about it why should I waste my energy proposing a resolution14:47
anteayawhich won't do anythhing anyway14:47
anteayajaypipes: great thank you14:47
jaypipesanteaya: I just don't happen to believe that the term "shotgun" (or "grenade" or "zuul" for that matter) in any way reduces the level of trust that our community displays to and with each othger.14:48
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anteayaI think if we are successful at building a culture of trust and respect that such proposals against certain words are a waste of time and focus14:48
zxiiropelix: I miss the diff view that it shows if your test fails14:48
zxiiropelix: anyway to keep it?14:48
anteayajaypipes: wonderful, then what supports can you point to that do foster trust?14:48
anteayaand how can we help group energy support them?14:49
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zxiiropelix: instead of a diff, i now get "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" for all failures which seems to be too generic. Unless my local setup is missing some new dependencies?14:50
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waynrzxiiro pelix actually i just rand it locally and i am seeing some strangeness also, my +2 was a little premature...14:51
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jaypipesanteaya: I wish I had answers for you. Unfortunately, I don't right now.14:51
waynrI am seeing significantly fewer tests actually run when all i do is change the expect xml output of a single test fixture14:52
anteayajaypipes: neither do I14:52
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waynrwill comment with what i am seeing in-line14:52
anteayajaypipes: and that make me sad14:52
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anteayajaypipes: but thank you for talking with me about it14:52
anteayajaypipes: I appreciate your time14:52
jaypipesof course, and I appreciate yours as well14:52
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sdaguedtroyer: so... this definitely exposes osc testing deficiencies14:57
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pelixwaynr: I'll have a look at that, this should only be capturing the logs and outputting them along with the failure14:57
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dtroyersdague: those are legion unfortunately14:59
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waynrit looks like maybe the LoggingFixture class isn't quite set up correctly14:59
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waynrokay time to go to work15:00
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pelixwaynr zxiiro: guessing the problem is with tests failing that didn't cause any logging output15:01
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openstackgerritElena Ezhova proposed openstack/requirements: Update oslo.service version to 0.9.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for libvirt firewall race bug 1501366
openstackbug 1501366 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "libvirtError: Error while building firewall: Some rules could not be created for interface" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add coverage post job to ironic-lib
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here
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pabelangeryolanda: timrc: mind reviewing ? Adds code coverage for requests15:19
pleia2good morning15:19
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pabelangerpleia2: o/15:19
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timrcpabelanger, Will look in just a minute.15:20
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pabelangertimrc: yolanda: mostly adds missing requests dependency and starts the mock process15:20
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pabelangerpleia2: if you have some time, looking for help getting and approved. Lacking core reviewers and reluctant to self approve them15:21
pleia2pabelanger: sure, I'll have a look15:22
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Capture logs with FakeLogging Fixture
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pelixwaynr zxiiro: think I've got that one fixed now, was trying too hard previously15:27
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krotscheckfungi: Well, you can always approve rather than or
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sdaguefungi: fyi, I'm going to take all the d-g / grenade branch flips issues over to #openstack-qa15:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Add a slug to better track dashboards
fungisdague: thanks, ping me there if there are any remaining patches which need to get prioritized15:33
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sdaguefungi: will do15:34
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make new functional jobs voting
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add coverage post job to ironic-lib
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anteayamestery: working on your question on the ml15:43
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anteayamestery: so far all but one of the gerrit acl files give tag permissions to neutron-release15:44
anteayamestery: this is the only outlier:
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clarkbanteaya check if they have publish jobs configured15:46
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anteayamestery: I think one issue might be pypi ownership15:46
anteayaclarkb: thanks will do15:46
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anteayamestery: if you see the job that worked:
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anteayamestery:  Package Index Owner: openstackci, vikram.choudhary15:46
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anteayamestery: if openstackci isn't named as an owner of the pypi project it won't accept the package our ci tries to offer it15:47
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anteayamestery: okay for octavia it has openstackci as a pypi owner:  Package Index Owner: openstackci, johnsom15:48
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anteayaand it has permissions for neutron-release to push tags:
anteayamestery: but octavia doesn't have pypi jobs:
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anteayamestery: whereas onos does, see publish-to-pypi:
openstackgerritBrian Torres proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use xml instead of job description for is_managed
anteayamestery: I'll reply to the email15:50
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nibalizerkrotscheck: awesome15:53
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openstackgerritBrian Torres proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add delete-unmanaged feature
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mrmartinnibalizer: I made a new patch for git_resource's commit issue: seems much simpler than the previous one. can you make a new release including this one?15:54
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branch logic for mitaka
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pleia2pabelanger: couldn't give me *easy* patches ;) I have to run off to a dr appt, I'll get to the 2nd upon my return if no one else does16:00
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anteayapleia2: hope all goes well16:02
pleia2anteaya: thanks!16:03
odgrimpelix waynr: looks like you guys were busy, I patched some merge conflicts for that is_unmanaged fix and let jenkins take a whack at it. Seems ok so far16:03
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krotschecknibalizer: I know, right?16:05
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krotschecknibalizer: If your eyeballs have had enough coffee, I'd greatly appreciate a look at
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openstackgerritBrian Torres proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add delete-unmanaged feature to supplement delete-old.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Document CRD
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Make permalink clickable
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anteayamorning zaro16:21
pabelangerpleia2: :) I did provide unit tests for all the code. So, I have that going for me16:22
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tdurakovbauzas, hi again16:22
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zarosigned8bit: to answer your question.  yes, is the right place for gerrit plugins.  send a msg to ML to request one of the cores to create a repo for you.16:22
zarorcarrillocruz: hi16:22
tdurakovbauzas, oh, wrong channel...16:23
signed8bitThanks zaro! I will.16:23
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fungizaro: if you haven't looked at e-mail yet, there's been several encouraging responses with potential willing help16:27
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waynrpelix: awesome, will hopefully get another chance to check it out today16:30
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zarofungi: ooo. checking now.16:33
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waynrodgrim: yeah i would have got to review your patch last night but noticed that my phone has not been receiving calls at all for the past month and had to remediate with my carrier16:33
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fungiwaynr: wow, you apparently use phones about as often as i do16:34
odgrimwaynr: At least the month was peaceful XD16:34
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waynrha yeah16:36
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waynri only noticed because i was expecting a call from a friend16:36
waynrand instead only received a new voicemail notification16:36
waynrif every new voicemail notification i recieved for the past month was people calling me then i missed quite a few calls...16:36
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use to build packages
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zaroanteaya: thanks for answering ML quesitons.16:40
anteayazaro: welcome, please add your responses as well16:41
anteayazaro: as soon as they show up in channel I'm just going to point them at you anyway16:42
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release jobs to the octavia project
anteayazaro: was just trying to open the door as wide as possible to get them to join the channel16:43
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anteayaI have to run an errand for a bit this afternoon, back later16:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set cinder api to 1 in rally-gate-dsvm-cli job
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove unused node templates from tripleo cloud
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mmedvedefungi: how many rollcall-votes would a spec need? I probably need more for
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a new element hpdsa
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openstackgerritAri proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: additions for OS3 plugin entry points in builders and scm
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Force utf8 encoding on subunit attachments output
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fungimmedvede: there's no hard and fast rule. our team documentation says "a majority vote" which, given the size of the council, i think we've been interpreting as "a majority of those who vote"17:07
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fungiso it's sort of at the ptl's discretion whether the spec needs to gather more consensus17:08
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fungithat said, 3 council votes is on the low-ish side17:09
mmedvedefungi: ok. I am trying to understand what my actions should be. E.g. just wait, or solicit more reviews17:09
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib success or failues to statsd
fungimmedvede: you are free to do either17:09
fungiif we have a few (2? 3?) more rollcall +1 votes and no strong dissent tomorrow (or sometime thereafter when i get around to checking again) i'll approve it17:10
pabelangermmedvede: fungi: To me, once we get to the roll call vote, I don't see how it could fail.  Since so much work has gone into the spec to start17:11
fungithe deadline of 1900 utc tomorrow is for people to know that i won't approve it _before_ then so that they have time to register their opposition17:12
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clarkbmy only weak opposition was the quota thing and I am told that we have quota now just need to confirm it17:13
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mmedvedefungi: oh, that makes more sense.17:13
clarkbwhy dont I go do that now while I am thinking about it17:13
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mmedvedesomehow I thought it is 19:00 utc today17:14
asselindecided to try out gertty. First stacktrace:
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clarkbI am still seeing the same quota limits on the openstackci account in rax17:15
clarkbmordred: ^17:15
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clarkbsorry rax dfw17:15
clarkbso my preference would be to not commit to any work right now that requires new VMs17:15
mmedvedeclarkb: thanks for checking17:15
clarkbfungi: ^ not sure if you want to approve and wait or what though17:16
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clarkbor as an alternative we can start using the other regions for things more than test slaves and backups17:16
mmedvedeclarkb: I am ok with spec going in, as long as there is going to be resource later at some point17:16
openstackgerritAri proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: additions for OS3 plugin entry points in builders and scm
clarkbmmedvede: well thats the question :)17:16
KanagarajMHi, I am looking for help to fix an issue facing in heat-template project could any one please help here ?17:17
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release jobs to the octavia project
annegentleanteaya: or anyone who knows jenkins templating, I have a Q about what I can fill into a template and from where. The use case is to insert "compute" instead of "nova" in an FTP publisher instruction.17:17
rcarrillocruzzaro: heya, was chatting with darragh right now. There's no easy way to get the build history of a node in python-jenkins , is it?17:17
asselinany reason it couldn't run on the same vm as other services?17:17
rcarrillocruzi mean, what jobs have run on a node17:17
rcarrillocruzsuccess fail17:17
asselinmmedvede, clarkb ^17:17
clarkbasselin: we don't typically like tying sercies together like that17:17
zarorcarrillocruz: is there an REST api for that?17:18
clarkbasselin: it makes upgrades and reboots trickier17:18
clarkbasselin: and make puppet more complicated17:18
mmedvedeasselin: I am also concerned deploying something new with already existing service, you never know how stable it would be17:18
rcarrillocruzdunno, haven't checked, just if you know off the top of your head17:18
rcarrillocruzcos in the UI of Jenkins you can get that17:18
rcarrillocruzbut not sure if that's pulled from a REST call or via other mechanism17:18
fungimmedvede: when in doubt,
clarkbbtw I am using nova quota-show which I think is going to give me correct info17:19
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annegentleI see name, envlist, and node but nothing like "service" which is probably what I want.17:19
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fungiclarkb: one thing worth revisiting now is whether, since the centos 7 upgrade, we might be able to scale back our git farm by ~50%17:20
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clarkbfungi: right but we can't replace git.o.o right now17:20
fungiyeah, not without clearing more resources17:20
clarkbfungi: so we need more quota to be able to perform operational tasks as is17:20
clarkbmore free quota either by bumping or reducing17:21
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zarorcarrillocruz: not off the top of my head but lemme look17:21
fungiin the short term, if we do scale down the git farm, we could free up 32gb ram from four of those instances17:21
PietSorry for the persistence and cross postings.  We still need a handful folks currently usng Nova Networks to complete our survey.
fungiclarkb: which i think is the headroom we need for a replacement haproxy lb?17:22
clarkbfungi: ya ~30GB for proxy17:22
krotscheckThe npm-run macro is still broken, could I get some core's to look at ?17:22
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clarkbI am looking at cacti graphs now17:22
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fungiload averages drop by a factor of 2-3x at the point where we upgraded17:23
clarkbya you can see the cpu utilization graph falls off pretty decently on the yearly graph17:23
clarkblooking at memory too17:23
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fungimemory looks constant17:23
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clarkbthat is what I see too17:24
fungiand we're also not even using all available ram for buffers/cache on them currently17:24
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clarkbso next step is likely just disabling 4 hosts in haproxy but not deleting them entirely17:25
clarkbperhaps we should do that after relase though?17:25
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fungiyeah, may not want to anger the release managers unnecessarily ;)17:25
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add an example project-config repo
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AJaegeranteaya, pleia2, clarkb: I have one more translation request - enable Ironic for Liberty. Could you review before the next import run (tomorrow 6am), please?
fungiclarkb: interestingly, eth0 traffic also drops considerable starting at the upgrade... and i'm not sure that's entirely release related since we don't have a similar lull in april17:28
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fungiso maybe newer git is not only more cpu-efficient but also more network-efficient?17:28
clarkbAJaeger: approved (I single +2'd but those changes are becoming pretty standard at the end of the release now)17:28
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AJaegerthanks, clarkb !17:28
KanagarajMclarkb: I am facing an jenkins failure and looking for help, could you please help to fix ?17:29
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clarkbfungi: that could be. Negotiates better compression or uses better defaults for compression?17:29
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release jobs to the octavia project
zarorcarrillocruz: you can do this
fungiclarkb: no, wait, it doesn't drop on the lb. i think i'm looking at where we scaled out the farm17:29
AJaegeranteaya, pleia2: clarkb already approved...17:29
zarorcarrillocruz: python-jenkins has a run_script method that allows you to run groovy scripts17:29
rcarrillocruzthe same way with Jenkins CLI you can run groovy17:30
rcarrillocruzthx sir :-)17:30
fungiclarkb: so we may be mixing multiple performance-altering changes there around the same timeframe17:30
rcarrillocruzi'll go down that route17:30
krotscheck(ping #2) The npm-run macro is still broken, could I get some eyeballs on ?17:30
clarkbKanagarajM: looks like you have heat-templates listed in PROJECTS twice, just remove the second one17:30
mesteryanteaya fungi: Thanks for the email reply on the gerrit tag issue! I had to step out to run some errands after I sent that, I'm digesting now and will get this fixed up. Much appreciated!17:30
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fungiclarkb: ahh, actually i do see the drop on the lb network graph too...
clarkbrcarrillocruz: ou can just make the http get for it17:31
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: iirc thats how some of sdague's graphing tools worked17:31
clarkbrcarrillocruz: it comes back as json iirc17:32
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sdagueyeh, you can get json ifyou like17:32
clarkbfungi: looks like 40% ish too thats neat17:32
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib success or failues to statsd
fungiclarkb: yep, very encouraging!17:32
sdagueexamples of using the json api in jenkins17:33
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: do you know when we can land the coverage parsing fix for HTML?17:34
pabelangernot sure the review number17:34
clarkbfungi: so ya I think a good goal/plan for immediately after realse would be to scale back the cluster but leave the hosts in place for a bit17:34
sdagueclarkb: gdi, now I have python 2.7.9 and it cares about the certs :)17:34
KanagarajMclarkb: sorry, i am not sure whether i got your point. is there a bug in the jenkins job for heat-template?17:34
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sdagueis there a way to make python not care?17:35
clarkbpabelanger: I aksed jhesketh to update the tests to cover it if thats done then I ma happy to +2 it17:35
clarkbsdague: hahaha, I am not sure17:35
clarkbsdague: but at least you dont get insecure platform warnings now17:35
clarkbKanagarajM: let me look more closely17:35
zarowaynr: clojure is probably unlikely for core gerrit, but might be possible for it's plugins.17:35
signed8bitzaro: I'll be in Tokyo for any gerrit chat17:36
mgroszHello, I will be happy to receive another +2 to me change and continue with the initialization of the new Vitrage project. Thanks17:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Translate Ironic for Liberty as well
clarkbKanagarajM: and conflict with each other. One will have to be removed17:36
zarosigned8bit: ahh cool, lets plan to meetup.17:36
clarkbpabelanger: looks like was updated, I am reviewing it now17:37
KanagarajMclarkb: sure. looking them17:37
signed8bitzaro: for sure!17:37
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yamamoto_jeblair: hi17:40
pabelangerclarkb: great, checking it out too17:40
clarkbKanagarajM: I think removing it from the job (the first link) is going to be safest17:41
clarkbKanagarajM: other jobs may use heat-templates via the line in devstack-gate17:41
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clarkbKanagarajM: but I want to reduce the list in devstack-gate over time tomake it more minimal. Haven't started that work as I expect it to be disruptive at times and the release is more important right now17:42
nibalizerkrotscheck: looking17:42
rcarrillocruznice, looks like have a couple vectors to tackle it, thx sdague clarkb17:42
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KanagarajMclarkb: sure. i will remove the entry from heat.yaml and sure. thanks.17:44
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krotschecknibalizer: thanks17:44
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mgroszHello, I will be happy to receive another +2 to me change and continue with the initialization of the new Vitrage project. Thanks17:45
clarkbmgrosz: adding new projects is sort of a low priority right now during release. We are focused on getting upgrade testing working, translations imported, debugging the last few major bugs we have found etc17:45
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clarkbmgrosz: reviewers should get around to that in time17:45
mgroszclarkb: Thank you.17:46
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alivignizaro# When you get a chance can you look at this review -
zarorcarrillocruz: not sure if this is waht you want, but can also get node build history status with this api <host>/computer/linux-slave2/api/json?depth=317:51
fungiwow, namecheap has "improved" their webui in such a way now that you can't see a list of active certs17:52
zarorcarrillocruz: pytho-jenkins get_node_info() does that.17:52
alivignizxiiro# Can you have a look at this review when you get a chance -
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clarkbfungi: its like dns webuis that don't show you the full ipv6 addr on AAAA records :)17:52
fungiin this case it shows me that i have 10 active ssl certs issued for subdomains, just not what those subdomains are17:53
fungii have to go 2 clicks deep into another page for each of them to find out the cn17:53
sdagueman, it is amazing how much slower HP nodes are than RAX ones on the neutron jobs17:55
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asselinfungi, are you ok with this patch? 22854017:56
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fungiasselin: sure, i was hoping my +1 on the related governance change would be sufficient to indicate i was okay with the addition18:03
asselinnibalizer, clarkb this change should be safe to merge (what we discussed yesterday)
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clarkbsdague: I wonder if they would be more receptive to our feedback now?18:04
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asselinfungi, thanks18:04
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openstackgerritDanilo Ramalho proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Setup preconditions for acceptance tests.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create the new project 'git-repo-manifests'
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openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: heat-template dsvm failure
nibalizerasselin: fungi lgtm but I'm not in a position to babysit18:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add an example project-config repo
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: IPv6 only services neutron experimental job
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docaedofungi: just reminding you about SSL cert for app catalog, related to :)18:10
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sdagueclarkb: good question18:11
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fungidocaedo: yep, i'm working on that now. have a couple i need to order and domaincheap has done things to make this much less easy18:11
openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: heat-template dsvm failure
openstackgerritAri proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: additions for OS3 plugin entry points in builders and scm
docaedofungi: oh great that you're working on it! sorry the process is less easy18:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.
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asselinnibalizer, upstream is not yet using openstackci::nodepool, so no baby-sitting is needed18:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added new Openstack repository for Fuel Cinder Block Device plugin integration
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Changes: Vitrage - Initialize new OpenStack project
nibalizerasselin: oh okay18:25
clarkbhrm I guess existing projct-config isnt a good example?18:25
asselinclarkb, it's too much for newbies18:26
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi publishing jobs for neutron sub-projects
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clarkbasselin maybe we could provide docs in that repo or an example subdir?18:29
clarkbI really dislike "new repo for everything" I personally find that confusing to deal with though tools like hound simplify18:29
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mgroszHey, I am following the documentation to initialize a new project - Vitrage. I am currently in the "Wait Here" stage, waiting for the infra team to finilize the import and configure the repository.18:29
mgroszTo what exactly do I wait? an email? else?18:30
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mgroszMy new project configuration was merged successfuly to the project-config18:30
asselinclarkb, the idea was to have a working simple project-config people can use directly as their initial project-config git url18:30
clarkbso its not an example its a real project-config?18:31
asselinclarkb, it's real in the sence that it's a working version. It's an example in the sence that it needs to be tailored to your environment.18:31
mgrosz"Update the Gerrit Group Members" - who can add me to the created groups in gerrit vitrage-core and vitrage-release?18:32
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* asselin doesn't know how to spell sense18:32
clarkbmgrosz we need puppet to run and add the poject to gerrit, you can log into gerrit and check the project list for your project. once it shows up let us know and we can seed the gerrit group18:32
clarkbasselin ok18:33
mgroszclarkb: where can I see gerrit project list?18:33
waynrzaro: any particular reason it's unlikely for core?18:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add support for os-client
clarkbmgrosz login to the go to admin-> projects18:33
waynrI guess I should just famliarize myself with the project's architecture ;)18:33
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waynrmost of the product developers I support work on clojure projects so i am bias in favor of clojure over java18:34
mgroszclarkb: found. Thanks18:35
AJaegermestery: you need to setup pypi for all projects as well. Have you done this?18:36
mgroszclarkb: how long does it take to puppet to add to project list?18:36
AJaegermestery: I checked calico and don't see it...18:36
mesteryAJaeger: Aye carumba, I need to do that!18:36
asselinclarkb, I hope it's clear in
mesteryAJaeger: Let me mark that WIP and get that sorted18:36
clarkbmgrosz usually no longer than an hour18:36
mesteryAJaeger: Thanks for the quick reivew as always, much appreciated! :)18:36
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config-example: test initial project ci jobs
clarkbmordred: maybe my suggestion around having the get_openstack_vars() function do the work needs more thought18:42
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clarkbmordred: that one is really neat18:43
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krotscheckAJaeger: Thanks for the +218:46
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mordredclarkb: wtf?18:47
krotscheckfungi: Would you prefer I WIP the weird /usr/etc/npmrc patch in favor of the cleaner solution?18:47
krotscheckI don't want it to accidentlaly get merged.18:47
krotscheckn/m, I just did it18:48
fungikrotscheck: yep, sounds good18:48
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krotscheckfungi: lmk when the release crazyiness is done, so we can revisit this.18:48
clarkbmordred right18:48
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nibalizerwaynr: another thing to look at is the 'vinz' project which as of now has zero commits18:53
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nibalizerbut the idea was to build a web application on top of gerrit that used the rest api18:53
nibalizerand didn't suck18:53
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fungithough our current gerrit upgrade blocker is a bug in the backend, not the frontend18:55
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: we should have the quota for the replacement lb18:55
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nibalizerfungi: yes18:56
nibalizerbut waynr said on the ML that text-input was a specific pain point for him18:56
nibalizer(i shouldn't be crossing the streams though)18:57
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nibalizeralso I checked my ssh access yesterday and it works18:57
jeblairclarkb: i thought similar for the example project-config, but then i thought, the actual api in puppet-project_config is to point it at a git repo, so i thought it's appropriate.18:57
nibalizeris there a preference for sudo 'command' vs sudo -i; command ?18:57
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: that is to say that our quota increase request was approved and should be in place18:57
clarkbjeblair not accoeding to nova quota-show18:58
clarkbmordred roped me into the thread trying to sort it out now18:58
funginibalizer: sudo command. doing sudo -i to get a root shell loses per-command logging18:58
clarkbits still 100 instances and 1TB ram18:59
clarkb(we were bumping up against both)18:59
funginibalizer: there are a few exceptions, particularly like with puppet agent which tends not to work well under sudo, but in general sudo when you can18:59
waynrnibalizer: so obviously there are a large number of details missing from my very vaguely proposed gerrit-in-clojure question, but the idea isn't to wrap gerrit with another app, but to integrate gerrit into an app that re-uses gerrit components at the source code api level rather than a rest api level18:59
jeblairclarkb: i agree, it does not appear to be updated.19:00
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clarkbjeblair hopefully we will have an answer soon19:00
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waynranyway...time will tell if i actually have time to wrap my head around gerrit enough to make a more concrete proposal. i will say that clojure is at least an order of magnitude more enjoyable to develop in than java in my opinion ;)19:00
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clarkbwaynr this is the completely wrong venue for that19:00
mgroszclarkb: Vitrage new project is in gerrit. How do we continue with the groups?19:01
clarkb#gerrit is where you want to talk19:01
clarkbmgrosz who should be the first member in the groups? they can add everyone else19:01
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clarkbwaynr keep in mind that gerrit intentionally uses google web toolkit because they like it19:02
mgroszclarkb: It will be me19:02
waynrclarkb: cool, the moment i am just responding to responses to my mailing list question coming to me in this channel, again I'm not serious enough to commit (or ask anyone else to commit)19:02
clarkbwaynr its very much a java project19:02
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mgroszclarkb: what details you need from me?19:02
clarkbmgrosz just your gerrit account but I can probably get that from the original change19:03
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mgroszclarkb: OK. There are two groups -core and release19:03
mgroszclarkb: vitrage-core and vitrage-release19:04
ZZelle_Hi, everyone19:04
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ZZelle_I am looking for a script which allows to unset assignee and target for LP bugs without activity in the last x months19:05
clarkbmsgrosz gerrit groups are set now19:05
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ZZelle_Does such script exist? If not should i share my implementation (in which repo?)19:07
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Rockygfolks, I need some quick gerrit help.  git review -s returns "we don't know where your gerrit is.  Please manually create a remote named "gerrit" and try again."19:09
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fungiRockyg: does `git review --version` report 1.25.0 or something earlier?19:10
mgroszclarkb: THANK YOU!19:10
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clarkbZZelle_ ttx is probably your best bet though I think his secret is sending email to lp19:11
fungiRockyg: try `git review -s -v` and paste the entire output into and then let us know the url to it19:12
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fungiRockyg: usually that error is a result of not being able to confirm the account is working (either because credentials are incorrect or the account isn't completely set up yet)19:13
clarkbwaynr mostly I dont want to derail the serious discussion of lets fix some problems in gerrit by talking about a clojure rewrite19:13
fungiRockyg: though sometimes it can also be due to connectivity issues19:13
Rockyglloks like it might be my ssh key(s)19:13
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mgroszclarkb: I am in the stage "Choosing the Right cookiecutter Template" - executing cookiecutter
waynrclarkb: understood and i really want to avoid being argumentative so i won't try to explain my intent any further.19:16
mgroszI am getting this error: ValueError: zero length field name in format19:16
clarkbwaynr: there have been previous discssions of a rewrite fwiw and unfortunately haven't helped us get over this hump with gerrit19:16
Rockygfungi, I think I should recreate my .ssh folder19:16
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Call parameter_function prior to creating swift params
mgroszclark: What is wrong? I am following the instractions...19:16
clarkbmgrosz: that sounds like you need to set a name? I have never used cookiecutter before19:17
Clintwaynr: i don't think rewriting gerrit in clojure will fix any jgit bugs19:18
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jlvillalHi, can I get added to the groups: git-repo-manifests-release and git-repo-manifests-core  I = patch author19:19
clarkbjlvillal: ya one moment19:19
waynrClint: point taken, again i'm not here to argue and I will do my best to keep the discussion constructive in the future19:19
jlvillalclarkb, Thanks19:19
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib success or failues to statsd
clarkbjlvillal: done19:20
jlvillalclarkb, Woot! :)19:20
Clintwaynr: now, rewriting it in haskell... ;)19:21
clarkbClint: be careful, google might actually go for that (they rewrote ganeti in it apparently)19:21
Clintclarkb: only part19:21
clarkbmgrosz: was that enough to get cookiecutter working?19:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix tripleo-incubator build workaround
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clarkbmgrosz: basically cookiecutter is a repo templater so you have to feed in the data it needs19:22
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27 and fixup functional job for tacker
mgroszclarkb: I understand this is what I need. I passed the above error. Now I am asked to enter some template parameters. What should be the modeule_name? Vitrage?19:27
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mgroszclarkb: What is the Python Module? Vitrage?19:28
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clarkbprobably vitrage19:29
clarkbno caps19:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a test for the list command
mgroszclarkb: getting error... I am follwing exactly the instractions: First executing git clone "git://". This creates alocal directory named vitrage. Then I run the command "cookiecutter". I am giving all the values it asks me to. Then I am getting the error: "Error19:33
mgrosz: "vitrage" directory already exists"... But, it is there because a previous step...19:33
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Liberty compat jobs to tempest jobs
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-gate nv stable compat jobs
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ I think that should do the things19:36
clarkbmgrosz: sorry I don't know19:37
clarkbmgrosz: I have never used cookiecutter before19:37
mtreinishmgrosz: cookiecutter will make the dir and do the repo init for you19:38
yolandaclarkb, jeblair, can you look at nodepool secure.conf file?
mtreinishmgrosz: it asks you a bunch of questions before it does anything and it figures out the git infor from that19:38
yolandait needs an extra +2 and final approval, are we ok to land?19:38
mgroszmtreinish: thanks!19:39
clarkbmtreinish: lgtm thank you19:39
clarkbmtreinish: last change would be to add the periodic jobs19:39
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mtreinishclarkb: ah ok, I'll add that right now19:40
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dims_anteaya: can you please bless this?
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix variable misspelling error
clarkbdims_: instead of setting the branch to only master what do you think about excluding juno, liberty, kilo?19:43
clarkbdims_: that way mitaka will be properly tested and N O P etc19:43
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pleia2back from this morning's errands, lmk if there's anything I should look at19:44
dims_clarkb: ack, happy to do that19:44
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic stable liberty jobs
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^19:44
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Add test for pbr_info_writer check
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clarkbmtreinish: that may also need a jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml update to add the periodic jobs19:47
clarkbmtreinish: if you grep for periodic in that file it should be clear how we define those19:47
mtreinishclarkb: ok, I'll fix that19:47
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: dsvm full job for devstack-zmq
clarkbpleia2: just release things lots of reviews19:47
dims_clarkb: done ^^19:48
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pleia2clarkb: gotcha, on it19:48
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clarkbdims_: thank you19:51
mtreinishclarkb: I think we look ok on the bitrot job patch:
dims_thank you clarkb!19:51
mtreinishI don't think that needs any other definitions19:51
pleia2dims_: lgtm19:52
clarkbmtreinish: we need to add a liberty job-group and apply that to the projects I think19:52
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clarkbmtreinish: I just see juno and kilo19:52
mtreinishclarkb: oh, yep missed that sry19:53
dims_pleia2: thanks!19:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Liberty compat jobs to tempest jobs
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pleia2fungi: since you engaged them on the mailing list, could you take a look at this mailing list for openstack-ux review and chime in?
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic stable liberty jobs
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^19:54
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clarkbmtreinish: oh you also need it for the periodic dsvm jobs19:55
clarkbmtreinish: let me get a link19:55
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clarkbI think we crossed the streams a bit (need the new stuff too)19:55
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clarkbmtreinish: that bit needs a new liberty section19:56
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mtreinishclarkb: ok, I'll respin that in a sec19:56
clarkbmtreinish: and for the bitrot jobs we need to update projects.yaml to apply that template to all the projects with bitrot jobs now, then update layout.yaml to run the jobs19:57
clarkbmtreinish: that might be better in a separate change but up to you19:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-gate nv stable compat jobs
Rockygfungi, been reading and trying stuff.  Still no go.  Here's a paste with a couple of tries, plus various config info:
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setup periodic stable liberty jobs
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clarkbRockyg: can you check if `ssh -p29418 gerrit ls-projects` works?20:00
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ ok, I'll look at the additional layout.yaml changes in a follow on patch20:00
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anteayadims_: looks like you got what you needed20:01
dims_anteaya: yes, thanks!20:01
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: dsvm full job for devstack-zmq
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clarkbRockyg: that hits gerrit directly without git review in the way and can help us rule out some issues20:03
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the periodic liberty template to projects
anteayammedvede fungi yes I have been operating with the belief that a rollcall vote is a majority of those who vote20:03
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^20:03
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anteayaannegentle sorry I wasn't here for your question, I hope you got what you need, if not do ping again20:05
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 and bashate non-voting checks to openstack-ansible
clarkbmtreinish: lgtm. At some point we may want to "audit" that the projects with bitrot jobs are complete and we don't need to induct some new ones20:05
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clarkbmtreinish: but one thing at a time20:06
mtreinishclarkb: meh, no one really looks at the results anyway20:06
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clarkbtrue, but maybe with the new dashboard you are building people will start?20:06
mtreinishthat's my hope20:06
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
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mtreinishalthough we do need to figure out the data collection for subunit2sql outside of the gate queue to enable that20:07
mtreinishright now we're still in the get things working stage20:07
pabelangerpleia2: welcome back. Let me know if you have any issues with the review20:07
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mtreinishbut once that hurdle is done, we'll need to start collecting data on other queues too20:07
pleia2pabelanger: so far so good, thanks20:07
mtreinishbut I'm thinking we might want a 2nd db for that20:07
mtreinishit'll be easy enough to have the rest api query different dbs based on the queue20:08
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
Rockygso, I can get there, then I can't get it to take my pw for the keys.  ^fungi, clarkb20:08
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mtreinishand that'll maintain the data purity from having gate jobs only20:08
clarkbRockyg: was it asking you for the key passphrase when git review failed too?20:09
clarkbRockyg: if so that is likely the issue20:09
Rockygclarkb, yes, but with review, I could get it to take the passphrase on the DSA20:09
RockygI *thougt*20:09
clarkbmtreinish: periodic is low load can probably add it in safely? and in theroy its all stuff that passed the gate20:09
clarkbRockyg: oh you should really use rsa20:10
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clarkbdsa should work but I believe its gernally considered much less secure20:10
mtreinishclarkb: well I was thinking one for periodic + experimental20:10
mtreinishand there is also value in having check because of non voting jobs too20:10
Rockygwell, it first prompts for RSA, fails, moves to DSA, and half the time I get the passphrase right, clarkb20:10
mtreinishbut that's even worse20:10
clarkbmtreinish: thats true, need check anyways20:10
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mtreinishclarkb: also we'll have to expand it beyond tempest jobs at some point too...20:11
clarkbRockyg: unfortunately I can't help you with ssh key passphrases :) if you just want to convince yourself it works you could temporarily use a passphraseless key20:11
* mtreinish wonders how long 300 GB would last on check20:11
clarkbmtreinish: hahahah I mean no long :)20:11
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Rockyg^ clarkb20:12
clarkbRockyg: ssh-keygen prompts for a passphrase and you just hit enter a couple times20:12
clarkbthen put that public key in gerrit20:12
Rockygah.  gotcha.20:12
mtreinishclarkb: I don't ssh prompts you for anything if there isn't a passphrase on a key20:12
clarkbEmilienM: crinkle fyi
clarkbmtreinish: it doesn't when you ssh but does when generating the key20:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Setup periodic stable liberty jobs
mtreinishah, yeah20:13
Clintor you can just do -N ''20:13
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EmilienMclarkb: thx20:13
clarkbmtreinish: I am suggesting making a new throw away key rather than converting an existing key (since we don't appear to know the current phrase and that is required)20:13
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 and bashate non-voting checks to openstack-ansible
mtreinishok, sure that makes sense20:13
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add coverage post job to ironic-lib
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anteayaClint: do you want to work on testing your script?20:14
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 and bashate non-voting checks to openstack-ansible
Clintanteaya: sure20:15
clarkbpleia2: jeblair mordred fungi nibalizer yolanda that should correct a current issue with coverage report html logs20:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Add caching support
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Clintanteaya: what's the plan?20:16
anteayaClint: great so if you head to the wikipage for the renames grap the list, sort it alphabetically and run it with the first 10 names20:16
anteayathen you can offer a patch to gerrit for me to review20:16
pleia2clarkb: ah, cool20:16
anteayaI suggest a title like "testing the rename scripts"20:16
anteayaso folks don't review it unless they want to help us20:16
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anteayathen we can see if there are names that your script chokes on20:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Skip whitespace for html view
Clintyay, found a bug20:19
anteayaClint: woooo20:19
anteayaClint: good work20:19
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austin81mtreinish: What needs to happen to get a db setup for periodic jobs?20:20
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - testing the rename scripts
mtreinishaustin81: well if that's the direction we decide to go we need someone to create the trove instance (or a regular server to deploy mysql on)20:21
anteayaClint: is that your yay I submitted a patch noise?20:22
mtreinishaustin81: and then we'll need to modify the subunit gearman worker and log gearman client to know to talk to a different db on periodic and experimental results20:22
mtreinisherr well we might not need to change the gearman client20:22
Clintanteaya: no, that's my git-review-did-a-thing-i-didn't-intend-again noise20:23
anteayaClint: ah20:23
mtreinishaustin81: yeah I don't think we would, it would just be the subunit gearman worker that needs to be updated20:23
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat functional cinder v1 bug 1500714
openstackbug 1500714 in heat "publicURL endpoint for volume service in RegionOne region not found" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Rabi Mishra (rabi)20:23
mtreinishbut either way it's not too hard20:23
anteayaClint: what did you intend and what did it do?20:23
Clintanteaya: i didn't intend for it to rebase the script change, but that's okay20:24
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
Clintand now it doesn't matter20:24
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fungiokay, i've bought ssl certs for apps, openstackid-resources, and a multi-domain cert for static/governance/logs/security/docs-draft/specs/tarballs/trystack20:26
funginone are in hiera yet20:26
fungii've confirmed them and am waiting for the actual issuing to happen which i've seen take upwards of a few hours in the past20:26
fungibut should have them in hiera later this evening20:26
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for largeops bug 1491949
openstackbug 1491949 in devstack "gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops fails to deallocate instance network due to rpc timeout" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)20:27
anteayaClint: okay what is the bug you found?20:27
anteayaClint: the patch looks fine to me20:27
Clintno, i broke it again20:27
Clintanteaya: it was outputting the /home/gerrit2 paths for git mv instead of the in-repository paths20:27
Clintbut now it's doing the wrong thing in the file20:27
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
docaedofungi: thanks for the cert update - ping me if you need anything else from me20:28
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Clintanteaya: okay, i think it's all good again20:29
anteayafungi: yay20:29
anteayaClint: okay lets see a paste of your mv commands20:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat functional cinder v1 bug 1500714
openstackbug 1500714 in heat "publicURL endpoint for volume service in RegionOne region not found" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Rabi Mishra (rabi)20:30
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anteayafungi: so from yesterday just before the meeting jd__ was asking about having a publish job publish docs to an .xyz domain name20:30
anteayafungi: I don't think we have done that before, have you an opinion?20:30
anteayaclarkb pleia2 ^^20:31
anteayajeblair mordred ^^20:31
clarkbanteaya: no I think we want control of what we publish to20:31
fungianteaya: we've been trying to consolidate all the random vanity domains to things under for simplicity20:31
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clarkbanteaya: for example the devstack docs20:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move nv openstack-ansible experimental job to check queue
anteayaokay great thank you20:31
clarkbanteaya: did jd__ have specific details?20:31
anteayaclarkb: I'll get a link20:32
fungiyeah, see recent moves of,,
Clintanteaya: well that did not come out well20:32
anteayaClint: paste20:32
pleia2clarkb: it was for publishing a doc job on their gnocchi.xyz20:32
anteayaclarkb: it starts here:
anteayapleia2: yes that was it20:33
fungipleia2: clarkb: anteaya: in that case my response on the docs publishing thread is likely 100% applicable here too20:33
anteayafungi: I will look up that thread20:33
pleia2anteaya: it was just a couple days ago20:33
fungi(e.g. pushing them to instead publish their additional content to or if necessary a site though that seems like overkill)20:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for largeops bug 1491949
openstackbug 1491949 in devstack "gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops fails to deallocate instance network due to rpc timeout" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)20:34
anteayaClint: have you the link to the most recent rename etherpad that shows the expected mv commands?20:34
anteayaClint: I can't recall what I should expect here20:34
anteayapleia2: thank you20:34
Clintanteaya: is it
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anteayaClint: thank you20:35
jd__fungi: it's just to have duplicate contents less OpenStack branded20:35
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fungijd__: you have complete control over the theming of your content on too. you don't technically have to have openstack logos/branding on that either20:36
anteayaClint: yeah so if we are going for generating commands to satisfy step 6, I agree we are not there yet20:36
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jd__fungi: yeah though I think it's cool to have it over, I'm just looking for a way of having a separate branding somehow20:37
jd__it = OpenStack branded20:37
Clintanteaya: oh, i thought that part was getting done by the ansible whatevers20:38
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anteayaClint: oh okay, what was your goal with the mv commands your script was outputting?20:39
anteayathe acl changes in the patch you submitted?20:39
Clintanteaya: right, i thought that's what fungi was talking about with the mvs20:39
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anteayaClint: well one set of them anyway20:39
anteayaokay so now I will take a closer look at the patch and see if it missed anything20:40
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anteayathis will take me more time, I'd say give me 20 or 30 minutes20:40
* Clint nods.20:41
anteayaClint: do you want to take a look at the layout error the patch is throwing?20:41
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Clintanteaya: yes20:41
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Clintright, so when it was said that we could use sed because the ordering didn't matter, that would appear to have been incorrect20:43
fungii'd be okay with turning off the jenkins/zuul configuration ordering checks for a while20:44
fungii don't think they make a lot of sense after the namespace collapse20:44
fungior at least need revisiting regardless20:45
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Clintfungi: ok20:45
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anteayathat makes it easier20:46
anteayafungi: do you want to turn them off just prior to the renaming?20:47
fungianytime from here on is likely fine since we're really not creating new stackforge/.* repos for the most part20:47
fungii need to pop out and do some grocery shopping before the store turns into more of a zoo though. everyone's bracing for the worst20:48
anteayaClint: do you want to look into a patch that disables those tests?20:48
fungiback in a bit20:48
anteayafungi: happy jossling for food20:48
anteayaand batteries20:48
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
Clintanteaya: think it should just be that one-liner ^20:49
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi publishing jobs for neutron sub-projects
anteayaClint: let's remove wip from the commit title and temporarliy from the comment20:50
anteayaand I agree that seems to be the function20:50
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - testing the rename scripts
anteayaClint: can we lose (temporarily?) as well please?20:52
Clintanteaya: oh, in the code20:52
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Stop hard coding SERVICE_HOST
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - testing the rename scripts
pleia2Clint: I haven't been following this, is it a temporary disable? Can you make a note accordingly in the commit message?20:54
Clintpleia2: i don't know20:54
pleia2ok :)20:54
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Force utf8 encoding on subunit attachments output
pleia2I'd like to see it get back to capitalized after whatever issues there are with the rename20:55
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pleia2er, alphabetized20:57
Clintah yes20:57
Clinti am not opposed to this20:57
pleia2sorry, post-lunch brain :)20:57
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anteayapleia2: fungi said we could disable it now until after the renames have happened21:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add dsvm-full-lio to os-brick jobs
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anteayanow since the stackforge namespace is less important that part isn't as useful post-rename21:00
anteayabut I do agree the alphabetizing is useful21:00
pleia2anteaya: right, context in the commit message would be lovely :)21:00
anteayaClint: could you be so kind as to add those details to the commit message?21:01
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Clintanteaya: which details exactly?21:01
anteayaClint: and I have some feedback in the form of a link to a paste as a comment on the wip patch21:01
pleia2mostly that it's temporary and we can revert it post-stackforge things21:01
anteayathat we are disabling the test now21:01
anteayawell taht alphabetizing is important that will comeback after rename21:02
zigoCould someone help me make sense of the error message I get in Tempest?21:02
zigoDetails: {u'message': u'Image b3df2c6c-c2f6-400e-addd-3c22b90b1368 is not active.', u'code': 400}21:02
zigoWhat could be the reason for such a message?21:02
anteayazigo: well tempest is more the forte of the -qa team21:02
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zigoSwitching channel.21:02
anteayathank you21:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Install 'gdisk' when building ramdisk with ironic-agent
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clarkb is back to working again21:03
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
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anteayaClint: so two concerns on the findings with the acl file moves21:06
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anteayaone, we are missing some files taht need to be moved21:06
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anteayatwo, we are moving files because one project that is being moved is using it, but we are not checking if that is the only project using it before it is being moved21:07
anteayaor if all the projects using that acl file are being moved21:07
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Clintanteaya: right, two was expected but not a problem in practice with the entire set right now21:08
Clintnot sure what's going on with one21:08
anteayalet's focus on one first21:09
anteayathen we can discuss two21:09
* Clint nods.21:09
mmmporkanteaya: are these points you're bringing up being captured anywhere?21:09
mmmporki'm working on tests for this move script right now and collecting the things you've tested and your results in hopes of writing tests to cover it21:10
Clintanteaya: okay, so those four don't have any acl files specified in gerrit/projects.yaml .. am i misunderstanding how that works?21:10
anteayammmpork: that is the place we capture conversations21:10
anteayaand reference them if we need to find them again21:10
anteayaClint: ah okay yes21:11
mmmporkanteaya: that's not very helpful21:11
Clintclearly i am21:11
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Clintanteaya: so it defaults to the name?21:11
anteayaClint: so in gerrit/projects.yaml if a project is named the same as the config file it is found21:11
anteayammmpork: well that is our workflow21:11
mmmporkmaybe we should add a space on a wiki or other document so we can capture what you've done to test?21:11
anteayammmpork: as you like21:11
anteayammmpork: this is a one off thing21:12
anteayaand we hope never to repeat it21:12
mmmporkanteaya: yes but we should still have test coverage so we can release this with confidence21:12
anteayaso documenting what I am doing for the next time is kind of time wasted21:12
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anteayawe aren't releasing it anywhere21:12
mmmporki'm documenting what you are doing so i can write tests around the script21:12
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anteayammmpork: as you see fit21:12
mmmporkhow were you planning to test this before the real run?21:13
anteayathat is what Clint and I are doing now21:13
mmmporkyeah but it's not really documented what you've tested21:13
anteayado as you see fit21:13
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mmmporklook, i've been volunteered to help out with this project and i see this as a way to help out21:14
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anteayaI think you are wasted your time21:14
anteayaI don't know who said you needed to do this21:14
anteayabut it is yours to do what you wish with21:14
mmmporkok so i guess you don't want my help?21:14
mmmporkis what i'm hearing?21:15
mmmporkalso re: respectful community and all that jazz, i'm not really getting that from you right now :)21:15
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anteayaI don't think what you are offering to do is helpful to me at this time21:15
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anteayabecause what you are wanting to do serves no purpose21:15
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anteayaI don't need it21:15
mmmporki think because you are thinking in terms of "me" instead of looking at things from a big picture21:15
anteayaand don't know who would consume it21:15
anteayado as you like21:15
mmmporkit would give us some confidence that the thing we are doing is going to do the thing that we want21:15
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anteayaClint: let me know when you have something more to test21:16
mmmporkand allow others to review what we've tested21:16
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mmmporkit provides documentation of what we've done so if there are errors after running this thing we have a clear way to debug and rule out possible issues21:16
mmmporkthis seems like a fairly invasive change that could have repercusions, i don't think i'm out of line to try to have some test coverage around this so we have some confidence that this will do what we expect it to21:17
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mordredI'm only partially here, but I believe that test coverage and documentation are generally valuable, as is double-checking work21:18
jeblairmmmpork, anteaya: maybe we could start an etherpad with the things that have been caught so far and things we think we should double check so that they are documented and can be verified with any followup patches?21:19
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anteayajeblair: well they are all in the comments on Clint's patches21:20
jeblairmmmpork, anteaya: (whether that followup testing ends up being formalized testing, or just manually running through a checklist again, it would be good to have them documented)21:20
anteayaif someone wants to copy the comments on Clint's patches to an etherpad I am not stopping them21:20
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
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mmmporkjeblair, mordred: i can take care of that21:21
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pleia2jeblair: I think that's a good idea, and in line with what we tend to do with these kind of one-off maintanence tasks21:21
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mmmporki'll start an etherpad based on what i see in the etherpad21:23
mmmporki mean gerrit, sorry ;D21:23
mmmporkthinking about other things and typing haha21:23
pleia2no inception etherpads21:24
mmmporki already started a test that checks the actual rename in the code itself so that's some level of verification21:24
jeblairmmmpork: closing the feedback loop? :)21:24
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mmmporkyo dawg, i heard you liek etherpadz21:24
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a new element hpdsa
clarkbgreghaynes: do you have tests for dib image list/delete and image upload in your stack?21:24
clarkbgreghaynes: I am putting together another set of test changes for nodepool to cover the commands and through that get more coverage21:25
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
greghaynesclarkb: thedre is
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greghaynesclarkb: which does delete, but thats it21:26
clarkbgreghaynes: thanks and its not a command test either so we wont conflict21:26
jeblairclarkb: i don't understand your comment about the task manager on 226751.  we want a taskmanager in nodepool to do rate limiting -- are you proposing we get rid of that?21:26
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clarkbjeblair: no, I am proposing we get rid of ProviderManager as a subclass of the taskmanager21:26
clarkbjeblair: basically shade is hte ProviderManager now and takes a TaskManager as the manager21:27
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jeblairclarkb: ooh, i think i parse correctly now; let me rethink with that new understanding.21:27
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jeblairclarkb: yes, i think that's the next step in principle.21:28
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clarkbjeblair: because right now we basically just have a reunddant pass through to shade21:29
clarkbor will once that change works :)21:29
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anteayaClint: I found the error in this patch: you commented out the initialization of a variable, now it has no value elsewhere in the file21:33
Clintanteaya: ah, foolish21:33
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add script to facilitate project renaming in {projects,channels,layout}.yaml
anteayaClint: I missed it too21:34
mordredit turns out variable initialization is important21:34
anteayait turns out21:34
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
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Clintanteaya: okay, that solves acl file problem #1, i believe21:36
anteayawooo, let's see21:36
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anteayamay I have a new wip patch?21:36
asselinjeblair, when you get a chance could you re-review this patch? it's a rebase since your last +2:
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - testing the rename scripts
Clintanteaya: ^21:38
asselinjeblair, also would be nice to find a time to merge it21:38
anteayaClint: thank you21:38
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openstackgerritDanilo Ramalho proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Setup preconditions for acceptance tests.
anteayaClint: agreed that catches the ones that were missed as a part of issue 121:39
anteayaClint: well done21:39
anteayaClint: do you have a sense of what the second issue is?21:39
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Clintanteaya: yes, so we could solve that by a) copying the file to both places or b) having the un-renamed project use the file in openstack/21:40
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mmmporki've got an etherpad and am working on filling things out for the project-rename stuff -
anteayaClint: let's back up a bit21:41
anteayaClint: let's make sure you understand what is happening21:41
anteayaso if one project is a lone project it has it's own acl file21:42
anteayaif there is a group of projects they may share a single acl file21:42
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Clintright, like the myriad xstatic ones21:42
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anteayaexactly right21:42
anteayaso here is my problem21:42
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anteayawe have zero guarentees that all of the projects that share an acl file will end up in the same namespace21:43
anteayaand I don't know what to do about that21:43
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anteayayou mentioned copying the acl file21:43
anteayaperhaps that is what we have to do21:43
anteayathen removing dups after the patch is generated21:44
anteayathat would ensure we don't have acl-less projects after the rename21:44
anteayaanyone have any other thoughts?21:44
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anteayaClint: what do you think?21:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Artifactory plugin
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anteayathen we have one acl file in openstack and one in stackforge and remove dups afterwards21:46
anteayaI think having some spare acl files that aren't being used left around is better than too few21:47
mmmporkwhat's going to happen to projects that are not renamed?21:47
zarowaynr: i guess just like any established project, switching languages is not easy to do.21:47
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-barbican repository
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mmmporkright, i understand that21:49
mmmporki'm just asking, what does "retired" mean21:49
mmmporkare they going to be run?21:49
Rockygfolks, back with more error messages from gerrit: clarkb fungi21:49
mmmporkwhy do they need acl files if they aren't going to be run?21:49
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Clintanteaya: i'm not sure, i think the problem might be avoided by the full list21:50
anteayaClint: possibly21:50
anteayaClint: but the full list will make my eyes sore21:50
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anteayaClint: I'm trying to do this in steps21:50
* Clint nods.21:50
anteayaand let's look at the list that is not moving21:50
mmmporkwhy are we not moving the full list? i'm just curious, what's the reason behind it?21:50
nibalizeri believe we need the acl file in placee to set that the repo should no longer accept packages21:50
mmmporknibalizer: ah ok, that makes sense, thanks21:51
anteayaClint: there are some puppet ones moving and some not21:51
anteayaClint: and I'm going with many of them share acl files21:52
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anteayaClint: so if we just look at puppet as an example21:53
anteayahang on21:53
anteayaClint: the ones not being moved all will have new acl files generated for them anyway21:53
anteayaClint: that move the permissions to read only21:53
anteayaClint: there we are, issue solved, I think21:54
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test config-validate command
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Simplify command test asserts
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib image command tests
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add node command tests
clarkbI hvaen't acutally run those locally because I don't have my mysql container handy21:56
clarkbbut yay more tests21:56
zarosigned8bit: do you review upstream Gerrit much?21:56
clarkbRockyg: that is saying that public key auth was denied21:56
mmmporki'm going to add that we expect the new acl files to be generated to the list of things to test21:56
openstackgerritSkyler Berg proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ciwatch - CI monitoring tool
clarkbRockyg: so make sure that your pubkey is in gerrit and matches what you have locally21:57
mmmporki'm not sure how we'd test that but we can at least verify it somewhow21:57
signed8bitzaro: nope, new to that... working on getting all setup there in terms of upstream contrib with my company etc.21:57
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Rockygclarkb, k, but didn't I use that public ke to do the ssh?21:58
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clarkbRockyg: you did, gerrit doesn't support any other type of ssh auth method21:58
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anteayaClint: all projects that don't move have their acl file changed to:
Rockygclarkb, so the site accepts it but gerrit doesn't. Hmmm.22:00
Clintanteaya: good22:00
clarkbRockyg: when you say site what do you mean?22:00
clarkbRockyg: the direct ssh command?22:00
Rockygclarkb, yes22:00
clarkbRockyg: ya I think what happened there is scp is using your default key22:00
anteayaClint: so I guess that will be a new script for dealing with the projects that are going to be read only22:00
clarkbRockyg: but your ssh command specified a key22:00
Clintjasondotstar: is that something you're doing?22:01
anteayaClint: I'm guess jeblair already has a script that makes that change22:01
clarkbhrm no thats not the case I just fai lat reading logs22:01
clarkbRockyg: oh! its scping from git.o.o that wont work22:01
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clarkbRockyg: what does `git remote -v` look like?22:01
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RockygAh.  That's it.  It wasn't set.  And the only docs I could find to set it set it wrong.22:03
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Rockygboth fetch and push are set to clarkb22:04
fungiRockyg: probably the reason why you're not finding docs on how to set it is that git review is supposed to be setting it for you (after testing the credentials/connection to make sure it succeeds)22:04
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anteayafungi: when you have a minute, have you any thoughts on the best way to deal with the multiple projects moving off stackforge that share an acl file?22:05
fungiyour earlier errors in were causing it to fail to test the supplied credentials, so the gerrit remote wasn't being added for you by git review as a result22:05
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Rockyghow to fix?  fungi?22:06
anteayafungi: or do you think that just moving the acl file if any project uses it and turning any remaining acl files to read only is the best approach22:06
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fungianteaya: Clint: mmmpork: probably the easiest thing is to evaluate the projects.yaml the same way manage-projects does... specifically assume that if no acl-file parameter is specified then the acl path should change when the repo namespace changes. if there is an acl-file parameter on a project pointing at teh name of an acl which is a default acl for a project whose namespace is changing, then also22:09
fungiedit the path in the acl-file parameter (and likely we could just move any from stackforge to openstack if they're mentioned in an ac-file parameter for a repo which is also on the rename list)22:09
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Clintfungi: that's what's happening now, unless i misunderstood that last line22:09
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anteayaClint: no I think that is what we are doing22:10
fungiworth noting we'll also likely have some orpaned acls which can be deleted too, if they're not the default acl file name for any project and are mentioned in the acl-file parameter of only projects which are being retred22:10
anteayaClint: then after the rename round up any acl files still in teh stackforge namespace and make them read only22:10
anteayafungi: right22:10
fungiRockyg: git remote rm gerrit ; git review -s22:10
anteayaClint: so there will be some post rename clean up22:11
anteayaClint: but that workflow means any renamed project should have an acl file22:11
* Clint nods.22:11
Rockygfungi, "Cound not remove dofing section 'remote.gerrit'22:11
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Rockyggit review -s22:12
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fungiRockyg: does `git remote -v` mention any lines starting with "gerrit"?22:13
Rockygfungi: no good.  won't remove and won't rewrite.  Ain't life fun with me around?22:13
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* jasondotstar reads back22:13
Rockygfungi, nope22:13
jasondotstarClint: ^22:13
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Clintjasondotstar: sorry, i was just trying to figure out what the ansible stuff will/won't be doing22:14
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fungiRockyg: okay, then that's why it's failing to remove them at least (or the error message was misleading)22:14
Clintjasondotstar: for the stackforge renames22:14
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jasondotstarClint: ah... right. yeah the ansible playbook(s) are suppose to do some of the stop/starting of services.... pre/post flight tasks22:15
Clintjasondotstar: okay, so no actually renaming of files/directories or the mysql stuff?22:16
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fungiRockyg: can you do `git review -s -v` and put the result on the -v will add some debugging output so we can see what it does before breaking22:16
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Rockygwill do22:17
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Provide short-circuit for finding server networks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Dont throw exception on missing service
jasondotstarClint: well, we were starting down that road22:17
Clintjasondotstar: oh good22:17
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jasondotstartrying to figure out how to hand the ansible playbook a list of projects that require renaming22:18
jasondotstardo the things that only need to be done once, then iterate of the list to perform the renaming and deletion of hosts (if required)22:19
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib image command tests
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add node command tests
clarkbI think that will fix the race that I hit22:19
Clintjasondotstar: ok, is there a WIP in gerrit somewhere?22:19
jasondotstarClint: I'm working through the best way to go about it, but that's the goal AFAICT22:19
jasondotstarClint: we want to improve what's here:
Clintjasondotstar: ok, thanks22:20
jasondotstarClint: np.22:20
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fungiRockyg: okay, so i think i see part of the problem... mordred added a feature to support assuming that the push url could be the gerrit remote. i need to look back at the code but i think this should only come into play if there is no .gitreview hostname/port22:21
openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for the ovs mechanism driver with native mode
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fungiRockyg: can you put the results of `cat .gitreview` on
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fungiRockyg: weird. i wonder if something is causing git-review not to read that. looking in the source code for it now for potential causes22:25
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anteayaRockyg: I can't seem to find tristanC or tonyb online at the moment, but the point of using the git repo was not to exclude candidates22:29
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anteayaRockyg: be sure to email both of them with your candidate statement well before the deadline with an explaination of the issue and a link to this channel log22:29
RockygHey, story of my life.  If it's a computer and has software, it will break for me ;-)22:30
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anteayai hear ya22:30
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anteayabut the point is to be clear about intentions22:30
RockygAnd thank you anteaya.  I'll send off some emails.22:30
anteayaso be clear about your intentions to the electoral officials before the deadline22:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable alphabetical ordering check for zuul/layout.yaml
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anteayathen come back and we will continue to help but I don't want you to feel pressured about the dealine22:31
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Rockyganteaya, I've shot them an email with the file.  I'm going to post to dev and keep an eye out here.22:36
anteayaRockyg: cover all your bases22:37
anteayatristanC is probably done for the day and hopefully tonyb should be online soon22:37
tonybReading scrollback ....22:39
tristanCRockyg: Greeting sir22:40
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* fungi feels like he's stepped into a peanuts comic strip22:40
anteayatristanC: tonyb oh great22:40
tonybfungi: :)22:40
tonybfungi: good greif ;p22:40
anteayatristanC: Rockyg is a woman22:40
anteayaand is having an issue with ssh keys and the election repo, which we are trying to help with22:41
anteayabut the point is her candidacy22:41
anteayaI didn't want her to miss the deadline on a technical issue22:41
tonybfungi: is there *any* change that that error is related to not havign signed the ICA (or whatever it's called)22:41
anteayatonyb: ICLA22:42
anteayanot that we have seen22:42
fungitonyb: nope, i've checked that22:42
anteayaseems to be ssh key related, permissions issue22:42
fungior a git/git-review configuration problem, or a bug in git-review (possibly only exposed under whatever platform she's running)22:43
anteayatristanC: I'm looking on the original etherpad for the git repo workflow:
RockygYeah.  Hate my platform.  Win7 with lots of stuff added by the internal IT group22:44
anteayaI had thought I put a provision in there about someone having the option to email their candidacy to an election official who could post to the repo for them22:44
anteayabut I can't seem to find that written down22:44
anteayaRockyg: woooooo22:44
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jeblairmordred, jhesketh: in why is the 'ipv6-preferred' option necessary?22:45
jeblairRockyg: do you know if jerry zhao is on irc?22:45
RockygI need to exit this for a short bit to get the emails out, (can't email from outside corporate; can't IRC inside corporate) but I'll be back!22:45
tristanCRockyg: apologize, I meant Madam :)  Did you send election officials your candidacy ?22:45
tonybanteaya: I havn't talked that over with tristanC but I'd be happy to s=do that with a review comment and Rockyg's +122:45
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pleia2so, general mailing list creation question, how much of gatekeepers should we be WRT creation of new lists? seems like this should just be a topic on -dev like everything else, but I'm not sure about our role here
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anteayatonyb tristanC talk amongst yourselves, just sharing thoughts, the decision is yours to make22:46
jeblairpleia2: we should push back a bit22:46
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pleia2jeblair: ok22:46
tristanCtonyb: agreed22:46
jeblairfungi, clarkb: you also reviewed ... do you know why the ipv6-preferred option is there?22:47
anteayasounds like she may have had to leave irc to send the emails22:47
fungijeblair: he's jerryz when he does pop in here22:48
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jeblairfungi: thx22:48
anteayathanks for understanding tristanC and tonyb :)22:48
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* anteaya goes to cut kindling, time for a fire22:48
clarkbjeblair jerryz had an ipv6 only cloud22:48
clarkbthat was an easy way to support the use case22:49
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, so i mean, why is ipv6 not always preferred for everyone?22:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Output failing lines when dib-lint finds wrong indents
fungijeblair: clarkb: well, a cloud where the only _global_ addressing was ipv6 but there were still non-globally-routable ipv4 addresses on the instances22:49
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clarkbjeblair the way the db schema is set up would be hard to always support22:49
jeblairclarkb: er, change the schema?22:50
Rockygok, I'm back.  I think I got the messages posted to tonyb, tristanC and the dev mailing list.22:50
fungiand i'd be in favor of an "if there's an ipv6 address use it" default behavior change in nodepool22:50
jeblairfungi: yeah, i mean, that's kind of what every ipv6 program should do, right?22:50
clarkbjeblair sure but thats hard because no one will review mordreds change to support migrations22:50
fungithat's what _i_ do, and i guess i'm sort of an ipv6 program22:50
tonybRockyg: We'll post a revoew for you to +1 pretty soon, are you going to be around for a bit?22:50
tristanCRockyg: can you +1 your candidacy here:
fungithat was fast!22:50
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* anteaya goes outside now22:51
clarkbjeblair its not perfect but the changes yo make it better languish22:51
clarkbI think the migration change even came with tests not sure what statr it is in now22:51
jeblairclarkb: okay, that doesn't mean we have to limp along...  if we can't merge that change, then just change the schema.  to date nodepool schema changes are "drop the relevant table"; that's not so hard.22:51
fungii'd still like to dig into the git-review error a bit, and at least get a bug report opened with the salient details, though i have a sinking suspicion i'll be unable to reproduce that behavior without windows 722:52
RockygDone.  I tried to add my IRC handle to the commit message, but you guys will have to.22:52
jeblairi mean, i'm looking at how to fix mordred's shade change, and i'm running into code from that that clearly wasn't designed for the long haul22:52
RockygThanks anteaya!22:52
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so anyway, what i haven't heard is "this option is necessary because..."22:53
* Rockyg waves to a retreating anteaya enrobed in the light of the setting sun22:53
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fungijeblair: i think it was "this option is necessary to avoid a default behavior change" but i agree it seems like a good default behavior, so i'm in favor of just having it change22:53
jeblairclarkb, fungi: so would assuming ipv6 is preferred always work?22:53
jeblairfungi: ya, sounds like you think so22:53
RockygtristanC, tonyb Done!22:54
fungii think it solves the use case described to us before, and in much simpler to implement ways22:54
fungi(no additional knobs required)22:54
fungithough i could be convinced of a prefer-ipv4 option for people with broken environments (if someone steps forward with a compelling reason/patch)22:55
clarkbyes would be fine22:55
tonybRockyg: great.  I'll get it merged ASAP.22:56
clarkbbut it would be double plus good to get migrations in before a new schema since we have the change written22:56
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fungitristanC: tonyb: i'm putting together the requested magnum election rolls now. should have it ready shortly22:57
jeblairclarkb: yeah.  it's been in merge conflict since march22:57
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tonybfungi: Thanks.22:57
reedif  I want to see which security group is applied to an instance, using shade, is there a special API call?22:57
tristanCfungi: awesome!22:57
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: the ipv6 change is broken as-is -- it does not handle periodic connectivity checks :(22:58
mtreinishreed: the security groups for a server should be in the response from nova, it should still be there when using shade22:59
jeblairclarkb, fungi: oh, wait, it will because of the db field override22:59
jeblairoverload rather22:59
asselin jeblair, when you get a chance could you re-review this patch? it's a rebase since your last +2:
Rockygjeblair, I don't see him, but I can ping his phone if you need him..22:59
jeblairRockyg: i think i have what i need, thanks23:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Add acceptance tests for puppet-elasticsearch.
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
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reedmtreinish, yeah, indeed... I was doublechecking if there is a specific call like there is in libcloud23:09
jeblairclarkb: ^23:10
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jeblairclarkb: i did not implement the ipv6 changes, i just made it work with what we have now for "simplicity" :)23:10
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mnaserblank page?23:12
* anteaya pulls her robe of the setting sun a little closer23:12
anteayathanks Rockyg23:12
mnaserin that case, broken URL on :)23:13
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib image command tests
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add node command tests
jeblairmnaser: yeah, cgit would probably be better for that23:14
pleia2mnaser: do you want to submit the patch to openstack-infra/system-config to fix that up?23:14
jeblairclarkb: ps18 fixes a lot of the tests; i'm working on the leak test now23:14
mnasersure ill do it in a sec, pleia223:14
clarkbjeblair: ok23:14
clarkbI have a stack of independent test changes that should give us even more coverage23:15
clarkbgranted its for things less likely to be affected by shade23:15
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix project URL for Nodepool
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jeblairmnaser: thanks! :)23:20
mnasernp.. trying to figure out a way to automate our image builds, it's become quite hectic23:20
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jeblairmnaser: oh interesting -- thinking of using nodepool for the side effect of scheduled image builds, but not actually for the node provisioning?23:21
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timrcI really wish Gerrit allowed you to configure how to review a patch or at least made it easier to navigate files.  A Gertty diff makes it a little better, but not much.23:21
anteayamorning jhesketh23:22
mnaseryes jeblair, we already use diskimage-builder to build the images, but it's not ideal.. seems like nodepool has the whole build-it-and-test-it process nailed down23:22
anteayatimrc: have you tried gertty?23:22
mnaserdon't need to provision nodes but the building part is what's ideal23:22
timrcanteaya, Indeed.23:22
jeblairmnaser: it doesn't do acceptance tests on the images yet, but i think yolanda has been working on a spec for that23:22
anteayatimrc: does it make it easier for you to navigate files?23:22
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release jobs to the octavia project
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jeblairtimrc: i would happily accept a gertty patch which was "skip to the next/prev file in diff" :)23:23
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jeblairtimrc: if that's the sort of thing you're talking about23:23
mnaserjeblair: i see, just still scouting out different solutions... just checking if it boots and becomes pingable should be enough23:23
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zarotimrc: have you used a review system that does it in a better way?23:24
timrcjeblair, Well that's cool and all, but I actually thing alphabetical ordering is arbitrary and mostly not an intuitive ordering.23:24
fungitristanC: tonyb: oops, i forgot to attach to my first e-mail. another is on the way23:25
timrczaro, No.  But it's a persistent pain point.23:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for all OpenStack interactions
zarojeblair: wasn't there a shortcut for that?23:25
timrcI'd almost like it if the reviewer could offer a "recommended" way of reviewing the change that I could opt for.23:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change Solum meeting time
mmedvedejhesketh: good morning. Can you please look at, we are using zuul swift upload in our CI, and that would help.23:25
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jheskethmmedvede: will do23:26
mmedvedejhesketh: thank you. Let me know if I am going the wrong way about it23:27
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timrczaro, I'm not sure if enforcing ordering is a good thing or not or what opinions are better than others.  For example, maybe things that appear tests should be ordered before any implementation code?  For me, at least, that's usually a good starting point for me.23:27
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timrcappear to be tests*23:28
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add dib image command tests
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add node command tests
clarkbnow with fewer bugs23:32
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anteayayay fewer bugs23:32
mmmporki have a general infra question.. do we use a particular unit test library in python in our infra code?23:33
mmmporki've been doing some digging but haven't found anything specific23:33
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mmmporkif one was going to write unit tests, so far i've seen the practice is to manually error and then report the errors23:33
mmmporkbut i haven't looked too deeply23:33
clarkbmmmpork: we use testtools23:33
mmmporkclarkb: awesome, thanks23:34
clarkbas it comes along with subunit which is required for testr23:34
mmmporkok, pleia2 had pointed me at testr but we weren't sure about infra specific stuff23:34
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clarkbmmmpork: well its not infra specific23:34
clarkbbut we use it23:34
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clarkbmmmpork: zuul and nodepool have python unittest suites23:34
clarkbmay serve as examples23:35
mmmporki'm working on some tests for the project-config script we're writing23:35
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timrcmmmpork, We also use mock in places inside of our unit tests.23:36
mmmporktimrc: that's right i'm remember that from the nodepool tests now i think23:36
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mmmporkmy brain feels so tiny hahaha23:36
mmmporkand infra is sooo big :D23:36
jeblairtimrc: git has the idea of an orderFile, but it's a local repository option.  so you could check an orderfile in, but you'd need to set diff.orderFile in your local repo in order to use it.23:36
jeblairtimrc: gerrit would not know to use it23:36
jeblairtimrc: however, it would be possible to add that as a project config option in gerrit23:37
timrcjeblair, Hm.  Interesting23:37
jeblairtimrc: and it would be possible to have gertty obey that too (though it might actually obey diff.orderFile today, i haven't checked)23:37
anteayaand everyone could make their own orderfile?23:37
anteayabecause I can't see folks agreeing on order of files23:38
jeblairanteaya: either way -- you can make your own right now, if you want to check one in and suggest other people use it, you can do that too.23:38
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal on doc changes
anteayajeblair: ah great23:38
timrcjeblair, I might just play around with that an see if gertty does the Right Thing with its diff file.23:39
jeblairanteaya: there is no current mechanism to "force" or even suggest that gerrit or gertty use it; that's what i've suggested timrc could implement, though i would hope such implementations would be user customizable (they certainly would in gertty, hopefully in gerrit)23:39
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jeblairtimrc: it does23:39
jeblairtimrc: i just checked23:39
anteayaah it would be interesting23:40
waynrcan anyone point me to documentation or tell me of a sweet command to easily create my own local JJB package for use as described here:
clarkbwe have more quota now \o/23:40
clarkbmordred: jeblair fungi pleia2 jhesketh et al23:40
fungiclarkb: w00t!23:40
timrcI'm curious to know how other people feel about this.  I feel  certain level of frustration conforming to the default.  I always think to myself "Why am I reviewing this patch like this" and then I end up jumping around.23:40
timrcAnd losing context.23:40
* fungi changes into his w00t suit23:40
waynrbasically I am working on tooling that needs to consume JJB as a dependency23:40
jeblairtimrc: i think the fastest way to happiness for you is to create ~timrc/.git-order-file, and then set "git config --global diff.orderFile ~timrc/.git-order-file"23:41
jeblairtimrc: then all of your git repos would obey rules like "tests first" or whatever using standard diff tools (including gertty)23:41
anteayamore quota23:41
anteayaclarkb: do we know how much?23:41
clarkbanteaya: yes 30 more instances and 128GB more ram23:42
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clarkbwaynr: you can pip install the git path23:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Make apply test more configurable
fungitimrc: i also jump around a lot in the diff when reviewing and often resort to checking out (c in gertty) the change so i can inspect things differently on larger changes. a couple features i've been thinking of submitting that might help are expand/collapse files with macros for expand/collapse all (and maybe a default preference option), and also keyword searching in the diff view23:44
clarkbwaynr: pip has docs but its something like pip install -e git+
waynrsounds promising, I will try that out--thanks clarkb!23:45
fungitimrc: though i haven't spent much time in the diff presentation layer to see how painful it's going to be to implement those23:46
fungier, much time looking at the code for the diff presentation23:47
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timrcfungi, keyword searching would be huge...23:50
timrcI do feel like if we default to a linear progression that ordering changes by subject would be better.  So: commit message, docs, testing, implementation would be more intuitive to me because presumably this progression attempts to maximize understanding.23:54
timrcI think this could largely be achieved with regex.23:55
timrcBut dunno that sounds awfully opinionated :)23:55
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